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Black History Month (BHM) is also referred to as African American
History Month. It is an annual observance and celebration
in the United States and Canada to celebrate the history,
achievements, and contributions of African Americans and Canadians to society.
February is Black History Month and it is to commemorate the birth of Abraham
Lincoln and Frederick Douglass, two important figures in the history of African
Americans. Black History Month was officially recognized by the United States
government in 1976. The reason for Black History Month is to increase awareness
and understanding of the important role that African Americans have played in
shaping American history, culture, and society. It is a time for reflection, education,
and celebration of the significant contributions and achievements of African
Americans throughout history. It provides us with an excellent opportunity for
people of all races and ethnicities to come together to reflect on the significant
impact that African Americans have had on American history, from the Civil Rights
Movement to the arts and sciences. Black History Month is celebrated in schools
and in communities, across the country. It also provides a platform for African
Americans to share their experiences and perspectives on the ongoing struggle for
equality and justice. Overall, Black History Month is a fantastic opportunity to
celebrate the contributions of African Americans, to honor their legacy and to
inspire our future generations to continue to strive for equality and social justice.
1. Read the passage about Black History Month
2. Underline each word or sentence that you could not read or understand
3. Answer the questions.
Black History Month
©https://worksheetplace.com Clipart: https://scrappindoodles.ca
1. Black History Month is also referred to as:
a. BHM
b. African American History Month
c. All of above
2. Black History Month is an annual observance to celebrate:
a. Martin Luther King
b. history, achievements and contributions
c. American History
3. Black History Month was officially recognized in ____ in
the US:
a. 1976
b. 1986
c. 1996
4. Black History Month is a time for reflection, education and
celebration of:
a. Martin Luther King
b. significant contributions and achievements of African
c. Arts and Culture
5. Black History Month is always celebrated during this
a. February
b. September
c. January
Answer according to the reading passage:
Black History Month
©https://worksheetplace.com Clipart: https://scrappindoodles.ca
1. Black History Month is also referred to as:
a. BHM
b. African American History Month
c. All of above
2. Black History Month is an annual observance to celebrate:
a. Martin Luther King
b. history, achievements and contributions
c. American History
3. Black History Month was officially recognized in ____ in
the US:
a. 1976
b. 1986
c. 1996
4. Black History Month is a time for reflection, education and
celebration of:
a. Martin Luther King
b. significant contributions and achievements of African
c. Arts and Culture
5. Black History Month is always celebrated during this
a. February
b. September
c. January
Answer according to the reading passage:
Black History Month