Printed in Canada
January 20, 2020
Connecting Direct Read Cable to Reel
For further information contact: Solinst Canada Ltd.
Fax: +1 (905) 873-1992; (800) 516-9081 Tel: +1 (905) 873-2255; (800) 661-2023
35 Todd Road, Georgetown, Ontario Canada L7G 4R8
Web Site: E-mail: [email protected]
Model 3001
Solinst is a registered trademark of Solinst Canada Ltd.
Tools and Materials Needed
1. 3001 SC1000 MKII Direct
Read Cable Reel (#109752)
2. Direct Read Cable Assembly
(pt# depends on length)
3. Phillips Screwdriver
4. 3/16" Allen Key
1. Place the reel on a flat surface with the faceplate up.
2. Unscrew and remove the faceplate from the reel.
5. Put the o-ring back into the retaining ring. Thread the
Optical Connector through the opening in the front of
the faceplate and screw the retaining ring back onto the
6. Thread the Optical Connector through the opening in the
reel hub, from the inside outwards.
Black Plastic Bridge
9. Place the faceplate back on the reel and secure with the
three screws.
10. Slowly wind the Direct Read Cable onto the reel, holding to
ensure no slack.
3001 SC1000 MKII Direct
Read Cable Reel (#109752)
4. Thread the Optical Connector (Levelogger connection)
through the front of the retaining ring, then slide the o-ring
over the Optical Connector.
3. From the back of the faceplate, unscrew the retaining ring.
Remove the o-ring from the retaining ring.
Retaining Ring
7. Feed the entire length of Direct Read Cable through the
faceplate and reel hub until the Surface Connector seats in
the retaining ring.
8. Unscrew the black plastic bridge from the inside of the
hub. Position the cable inside the hub with the black plastic
bridge over top (the notch allowing the cable to run through
the bridge facing downward) and refasten the two screws to
secure the cable in the hub.
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