Per Diem, Travel, and Transportation Allowance Committee (PDTATAC)
PDTATAC - AP-1610-01
Explanatory material for completing a TDY order on DD Form 1610
follows. For distribution, refer to the
DTMO website on “Travel Orders.” If additional space is needed for any item, use the space in item 16 or
add a continuation sheet.
1. Date of Request
Enter today’s date in the format YYYYMMDD.
2. Name Enter the traveler’s last name, first name, and middle initial.
3. Social Security Number.
Enter the traveler’s full Social Security number. The last four digits
are not sufficient for the purposes of this request and authorization.
4. Position Title and Grade or
This information is not required if the travel approving or directing
official determines that inclusion of this information may endanger
the traveler.
5. Location of Permanent Duty
Station (PDS)
Enter the city and state or country of the traveler’s PDS.
6. Organizational Element Enter the division, branch, or unit to which the traveler is assigned.
7. Duty Phone Number
Enter the telephone number of the duty station including area code.
8. Authorization Type
Enter the authorization type requested. For example, TDY,
emergency visitation travel (EVT), confirmatory, amendment,
extension, blanket, or group.
9. TDY Purpose
One of the applicable travel purpose identifiers specified in
Title 41, Chapter 301, Appendix C: Standard Data Elements for
Federal Travel is required.
10. a. Approximate Number of
TDY Days (Including Travel
Enter the estimated number of days required for the TDY
assignment. The assignment, including travel time, may be
exceeded by 100 percent or 7 days, whichever is less, without
requiring an order amendment.
10. b. Departure Date
Enter the date that the official travel is expected to begin in
YYYYMMDD format. Official travel may begin as many as 7 days
before or 7 days after the provided departure date.
11. Itinerary
List all authorized travel locations, including the starting location,
departure point, arrival point, destination location, departure point,
and return location. If the TDY is to a military installation, specify
the installation name. Only mark an “X” in the box preceding
“Variation Authorized” if the traveler has a high probability of
needing to change the itinerary while traveling.
12. Transportation Mode
Mark only those transportation modes that the AO authorizes. If the
Transportation Officer determines the mode, mark the box and
provide an explanation. If travel by privately owned vehicle (POV) is
authorized, state the appropriate TDY mileage rate in the space
provided and mark one of the following:
POV travel is advantageous to the Government.
Mileage reimbursement and per diem is limited.
13. Per Diem
Note: For FEML & R&R,
leave boxes 13a and 13b
blank, since per diem is not
a. When per diem is authorized using the Lodging Plus
computation method, check “Per Diem Authorized in accordance
with JTR” and make no further entry.
b. When a different per diem rate is specified or authorized,
check “Other Rate of Per Diem (Specify)” and enter the appropriate
rate information. For example, if there is a reduced per diem rate,
Per Diem, Travel, and Transportation Allowance Committee (PDTATAC)
PDTATAC - AP-1610-01
check box 13b and enter “reduced rate” and the amount of the lower
per diem rate. Indicate the authority in item 16 from the designated
office for the other rate.
14. Estimated Cost
Enter the estimated cost of per diem, travel, and other expenses.
The total automatically updates in item 14d.
15. Advance Authorized
The requester should leave this blank. If a travel advance is
authorized from a Government finance office in accordance with
Service finance policy, the AO should enter the authorized amount
in item 15. Do not enter an ATM advance against the Government
Travel Charge Card (GTCC) in item 15; indicate that amount in item
16. Remarks
(Mandatory Statements)
In addition to the type of information suggested in item 28, include
the following mandatory statements:
“If the order conflicts with the JTR, the JTR prevails (CBCA
2143-RELO, January 11, 2011).”
“Alternate means, such as secure video-teleconference or other
web-based communication, are insufficient to accomplish travel
State which of the following purchase methods is authorized for
transportation tickets:
o GTCC individually billed account.
o Centrally billed account.
o Otherwise personally purchased.
16. Remarks
(Information to Include)
When appropriate to the official travel, the following information
should be included:
Excess Accompanied Baggage. Indicate the number of
pieces or pounds of excess accompanied baggage authorized
and whether the traveler must pay the fee subject to
reimbursement or whether the fee is authorized as specified in
the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR).
ATM Advance. Indicate the amount authorized for an ATM
advance against the GTCC.
Fly America Act. When use of a commercial foreign flag
airplane or ship is authorized for travel to a foreign location or
back to the United States, include the statement required by the
JTR applicable to the Fly America Act. The statement on the
travel order must be made in accordance with Service
regulations. It must include the traveler’s full name, the foreign
flag air carrier or ship used, the flight or ship identification
number, the origin, destination, and en route points, the travel
dates, a justification, and the AO’s title, organization, and
Conference Registration Fee. If a registration fee is
authorized, indicate whether meals and lodging are included in
the registration fee. If meals are included in the registration fee
include the number of meals and the applicable dates.
POV Restrictions. When the traveler’s POV travel is not to the
Government’s advantage, include any limits to other allowable
POV costs or the constructed commercial transportation cost.
GTCC. Refer to DoDI 5154.31, Vol. 4, GTCC Regulations
, for
exemptions from mandatory use of the GTCC. Include a
statement explaining the applicable situation.
Per Diem, Travel, and Transportation Allowance Committee (PDTATAC)
PDTATAC - AP-1610-01
Leave En Route. Indicate the number of annual leave days
authorized if delay en route for personal reasons is authorized.
Special Requirements. Include any special requirements of
the TDY. Instructions about special requirements are for the
traveler and do not carry any reimbursement authority.
Accompanied Traveler. Indicate if the traveler accompanies or
is accompanied by another person in an official travel status. If
a POV is used, provide the accompanying person’s name and
status (for example, military, traveler). Include a citation to the
applicable JTR paragraph when the traveler is an attendant or
escort for a Service member’s dependent or if the traveler is a
civilian family member accompanying a seriously ill or injured
Service member.
Costs not Fully Covered by Non-Federal Source. When it is
determined in advance of travel that payment from a non-
Federal source covers some, but not all, of the allowable travel
and subsistence expenses, indicate whether the traveler will be
reimbursed for the difference between the full Government
allowances and the payment from the non-Federal source.
Refer to DoD 5500.7-R
, “Joint Ethics Regulation (JER).” Follow
the standard travel and transportation rules for per diem as
specified in the JTR, Section 0203.
16. Remarks
(Statements to Include)
When appropriate to the official travel, the following statements
should be included:
Transportation Mode. Include a statement justifying
reimbursement based on the transportation mode authorized by
the AO on the travel order instead of the constructed cost of the
transportation mode otherwise apparently to the Government’s
advantage. The traveler must have used the authorized
transportation mode. For example, “Air transportation is
medically precluded and must not be used for this traveler. Rail
transportation authorized.”
Commercial Transportation Tickets. “If the trip itinerary is
canceled or changed after tickets or transportation requests are
issued to the traveler, the traveler is liable for their value until all
ticket coupons have been used for official travel and all unused
tickets or coupons are properly accounted for in connection with
the travel reimbursement voucher.” If this statement is not in
item 16, it must be included or attached to the order, ticket, or
transportation request.
Premium-Class Accommodations Authority. “The use of
first-class (or business-class) accommodations is authorized by
[title, name, rank, office symbol] in [cite the memorandum, letter,
or message reference and date]. Travel has been justified and
approved based on the JTR, paragraph [insert the JTR
paragraph number]. The cost difference between the first-class
(or business-class) accommodations and the economy or coach
accommodations is [insert dollar amount].” The JTR specifies
who can authorize or approve premium-class accommodations.
Pet Transportation. Include the following statement, if
applicable: “A traveler transporting an exotic pet is required by
U.S. law to have a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
certification before transporting the pet to a foreign location or
back to the United States. A traveler returning to the United
Per Diem, Travel, and Transportation Allowance Committee (PDTATAC)
PDTATAC - AP-1610-01
States with an exotic pet should contact the FWS before
transporting the pet.
Emergency Visitation Travel (EVT). If EVT transportation is
authorized for a dependent traveling with a civilian employee,
include the following statement: “EVT transportation is
authorized for a dependent, [dependent’s name], under JTR,
par. 040301.” If a dependent is traveling without a civilian
employee an invitational travel authorization is used for EVT
17. Travel-Requesting Official
Include the travel-requesting official’s full name, title, and signature.*
The name and title must be legible. The travel-requesting official
must not be either of the officials signing in items 18 and 20 when a
traveler is permitted to be a travel-requesting official for a personal
18. Travel-Approving or
Directing Official
Include the travel-approving or directing official’s full name, title, and
signature.* The name and title must be legible. The official must not
be the official signing in item 17.
19. Accounting Citation
Include the following:
The fiscal data in accordance with Service regulations.
The location or address of the travel computation unit to which
travel vouchers must be faxed or mailed.
The signature* of the fund-approving official certifying the
availability of funds.
The fund-approving official’s full name and title. The name and
title must be legible.
20. Authorizing/Order-Issuing
Include the authorizing or order-issuing official’s full name, title, and
signature. The name and title must be legible. The official must not
be the official signing in item 17. Include the order-issuing
organization and address.
21. Date Issued
Enter the date the travel order was issued in in the format
22. Travel Authorization
Enter the identifying number or symbol assigned by the issuing
*If the required signatures for items 17, 18, and 19 are on another official document available to the AO,
then signatures are not required for those items. The AO must keep that other document on file for audit
purposes. The AO’s signature may be transmitted electronically or by fax after signature. Refer to the
DTMO website in the “Travel Order” document for information on authorization by seal or signature.