Author's Name Title
The Book Thief(Classroom DVD)
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (Classroom DVD)
Celexon portable screen
Gifted Hands (Classroom DVD)
Great Expectations (Classroom DVD)
The Help (Classroom DVD)
The Hunger Games (Classroom DVD)
The Life of Pi (Classroom DVD)
Onn Dvd Player
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom DVD)
A Raisin in the Sun (Classroom DVD)
Their Eyes Were Watching God (Classroom DVD)
To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom DVD)
001 GUT Gutnik, Martin J.
The science of classification : finding order among living
and nonliving objects
001.4 Boo Booth, Wayne C. The craft of research
Baron, Alvin, Ph.D
Bud's Easy Research Paper Computer Manual for IBM
001.4 Cef Cefrey, Holly. Researching people, places, and events
McCuen, Gary E. Human experimentation : when research is evil
Adler, Mortimer Jerome, How to speak, how to listen
001.9 REA The World's last mysteries.
001.9 Rea The World's last mysteries.
Dniken, Erich von,
Gods from outer space; : return to the stars, or evidence
for the impossible.
001.94 Jef Jeffrey, Gary. The Loch Ness monster and other lake mysteries
Mysterious places
004 CAR Careers in focus.
004 COM Computers.
004 DUB Dublin, Peter. Macmillan computer
004 Rea
Reader's digest how to do just about anything on a
004 REE Reeves, Diane Lindsey, Career ideas for teens in information technology
004 SWE Swedin, Eric Gottfrid. Computers : the life story of a technology
Freedman, Jeri. Careers in computer support
Lewis, Daniel, Computers, communications & the arts
Isaacson, Walter,
The innovators : how a group of hackers, geniuses, and
geeks created the digital revolution
White, Ron. How computers work
004.6 EDD Eddings, Joshua. How the Internet works
Currie, Stephen, How is the internet eroding privacy rights?
005.1 Gon Gonzales, Andrea, Girl code : gaming, going viral, and getting it done
Redding, Anna Crowley, Google it : a history of Google
006.3 McP McPherson, Stephanie Sammartino, Artificial intelligence : building smarter machines
006.3 WHI Whitby, Blay, Artificial intelligence
006.7 NAK Nakaya, Andrea C., Thinking critically : social networking.
Books of the Century
Porterfield, Jason. Conducting basic and advanced searches
Porterfield, Jason. Julian Assange and Wikileaks
High/low handbook : books, materials and services for
the teenage problem reader
028.8 Jac Jacobs, Alan, The pleasures of reading in an age of distraction
31 Guinness world records, 2004.
031 Col
All there is to know : readings from the illustrious
eleventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica
031 How How to do just about anything.
031 New Newman, Stanley, 10,000 answers : the ultimate trivia encyclopedia
031 REA Reader's Digest book of facts
031 REA Stories behind everyday things
031 Smi Knowledge encyclopedia.
031.02 Pic Pick me up : stuff you need to know...
Symons, Mitchell. That book : --of perfectly useless information
Symons, Mitchell. This book-- of more perfectly useless information
Taggart, Caroline, I used to know that : stuff you forgot from school
The Bathroom Readers' Institute Uncle John's Great Big Bathroom Reader
070 Spe Sperber, A. M. Murrow, his life and times
070.1 Gar Garner, Joe.
We interrupt this broadcast : the events that stopped
our lives-- : from the Hindenburg explosion to the
attacks of September 11
Garner, Joe
And the Crowd Goes Wild : Relive the Most Celebrated
Sporting Events Ever Broadcast
070.4 Rok Roker, Al,
Been there, done that : family wisdom for modern
Ryan, Peter K. Careers in electronic publishing
070.92 Bly Noyes, Deborah.
Ten days a madwoman : the daring life and turbulent
times of the original girl" reporter
Davis, Belva,
Never in my wildest dreams : a black woman's life in
McCully, Emily Arnold,
Ida M. Tarbell : the woman who challenged big business-
-and won!
081 Pau Paulos, John Allen. A mathematician reads the newspaper
081 Tho Thomas, Lewis.
Late night thoughts on listening to Mahler's Ninth
082 Byr
1,911 best things anybody ever said : many amusingly
illuminated by antique etchings and line cuts
92 AAR Aaron, Hank, I had a hammer : the Hank Aaron story
92 AAR Rennert, Richard Scott, Henry Aaron
92 Ada Adams, Henry. The education of Henry Adams : an autobiography
92 ADA Diggins, John P. John Adams
92 Ada Gherman, Beverly.
Ansel Adams : America's photographer ; a biography for
young people
92 ADA McCullough, David G. John Adams
92 ADA Osborne, Angela. Abigail Adams
92 Ada Puls, Mark, Samuel Adams : father of the American Revolution
92 ADA Remini, Robert Vincent, John Quincy Adams
92 AGO Agosin, Marjorie. The alphabet in my hands : a writing life
92 AIK Rosenblatt, Richard. Troy Aikman
92 AKH Thomas, Susanna. Akhenaten and Tutankhamen : the religious revolution
92 ALB Byman, Jeremy, Madam Secretary : the story of Madeleine Albright
92 Alc Meigs, Cornelia,
Invincible Louisa : the story of the author of Little
92 Alc Silverthorne, Elizabeth, Louisa May Alcott
92 ALD Casil, Amy Sterling. Buzz Aldrin : the pilot of the first Moon landing
92 ALI Myers, Walter Dean. The greatest : Muhammad Ali
92 ALI Remnick, David.
King of the world : Muhammad Ali and the rise of an
American hero
92 ALI Rummel, Jack. Muhammad Ali
92 ALL Allen, Tim I'm Not Really Here
92 ALL Klots, Steve.
Richard Allen : founder of the African Methodist
Episcopal Church
92 All McNeese, Tim. Isabel Allende
92 ALV Alvord, Lori Arviso. The scalpel and the silver bear
92 And Anderson, Marian, My Lord, what a morning : an autobiography
92 And Anderson, Terry A. Den of lions
92 Ang Agins, Donna Brown. Maya Angelou : diversity makes for a rich tapestry""
92 Ang Angelou, Maya. The heart of a woman
92 ANG Lisandrelli, Elaine Slivinski. Maya Angelou : more than a poet
92 ANG Lisandrelli, Elaine Slivinski. Maya Angelou : more than a poet
92 ANN Goodhue, Thomas W.
Curious bones : Mary Anning and the birth of
92 ARA Arana, Maria. American chica : two worlds, one childhood
92 ARM Eaton, Jeanette. Trumpeter's Tale
92 Arm Schuman, Michael. Louis Armstrong : Jazz is played from the heart""
92 Arm Teachout, Terry. Pops : a life of Louis Armstrong
92 ASH Ashe, Arthur. Days of grace : a memoir
92 ASH Weissberg, Ted. Arthur Ashe : tennis great
92 Aud Rhodes, Richard. John James Audubon : the making of an American
92 Aus Locke, Juliane, England's Jane: the story of Jane Austen
92 Aus Reef, Catherine. Jane Austen : a life revealed
92 AYL Burgess, Alan. The small woman.
92 BAC Bacall, Lauren, Lauren Bacall by myself.
92 BAC Getzinger, Donna. Johann Sebastian Bach and the art of baroque music
92 BAC Getzinger, Donna. Johann Sebastian Bach and the art of baroque music
92 BAC Wolff, Christoph. Johann Sebastian Bach : the learned musician
92 BAK Baker, Russell, Growing up
92 BAK Bohannon, Lisa Frederiksen.
Freedom cannot rest : Ella Baker and the civil rights
92 BAK Schroeder, Alan. Josephine Baker
92 BAL Rosset, Lisa. James Baldwin
92 BAN Conley, Kevin. Benjamin Banneker
92 BAN Levin, Pamela, Tyra Banks
92 BAR Fleming, Candace.
The great and only Barnum : the tremendous,
stupendous life of showman P.T. Barnum
92 Bar Needham, Tom. Tiki Barber : all-pro on and off the field
92 Bas Fretz, Eric. Jean-Michel Basquiat : a biography
92 BAS Kliment, Bud. Count Basie
92 BEA Beah, Ishmael, A long way gone : memoirs of a boy soldier
92 BEA Beah, Ishmael, A long way gone : memoirs of a boy soldier
92 BEA Brown, Kevin, Romare Bearden
92 Bec Dolan, Sean. James Beckwourth
92 Bec Hilliam, David. Thomas Becket : English saint and martyr
92 BEE Beethoven: impressions by his contemporaries.
92 BEE Beethoven, Ludwig van,
Beethoven, the man and the artist, as revealed in his
own words.
92 BEG Amdur, Richard. Menachem Begin
92 Ber Bergreen, Laurence. As thousands cheer : the life of Irving Berlin
92 BER Furstinger, Nancy. Say it with music : the story of Irving Berlin
92 Ber Johnson, Melissa Ewey. Halle Berry : a biography
92 BET Halasa, Malu. Mary McLeod Bethune
92 Bey Waters, Rosa, Beyonce
92 Bin Mockaitis, Thomas R., Osama bin Laden : a biography
92 BIR Newman, Matthew. Larry Bird
92 BLA Ackroyd, Peter, Blake
92 Bli Brown, Terrell, Mary J. Blige
92 BOG Bogues, Tyrone, In the land of giants : my life in basketball
92 Boh Spangenburg, Ray, Niels Bohr : atomic theorist
92 Bon Heuston, Kimberley. Napoleon : emperor and conqueror
92 Bon Kootnikoff, David. Bono : a biography
92 BOO Faragher, John Mack,
Daniel Boone : the life and legend of an American
92 Boo Morgan, Robert, Boone : a biography
92 BOU Greenberg, Jan, Runaway girl : the artist Louise Bourgeois
92 BRA Boerst, William J. Tycho Brahe : mapping the heavens
92 BRA Bragg, Rick All Over but the Shoutin'
92 BRA Getzinger, Donna. Johannes Brahms : and the twilight of Romanticism
92 Bra MacDonald, Malcolm, Brahms
92 BRE Navazelskis, Ina L. Leonid Brezhnev
92 BRO Brown, Claude, Manchild in the promised land.
92 BRO Gordon, Lyndall. Charlotte BrontÎ: a passionate life
92 BRO Rhynes, Martha E., Gwendolyn Brooks : poet from Chicago
92 BRO Woolf, Virginia, Flush : a biography
92 BRU Bruchac, Joseph, Bowman's store : a journey to myself
92 BRY Wukovits, John F., Kobe Bryant
92 BUC Buck, Pearl S. My several worlds, : a personal record.
92 BUC Buckingham, Nash, Mr. Buck : the autobiography of Nash Buckingham
92 BUR Fitzhugh, Robert Tyson,
Robert Burns: the man and the poet; : a round,
unvarnished account
92 BUR Parmet, Herbert S. Aaron Burr; portrait of an ambitious man,
92 Bus Bush, George W. Decision points
92 BUS Naftali, Timothy J. George H. W. Bush
92 Cae Freeman, Philip, Julius Caesar
92 CAE Isenberg, Irwin. Caesar,
92 Cae Rinaldo, Denise. Julius Caesar : dictator for life
92 CAR Adair, Gene. George Washington Carver
92 CAR Carson, Ben Gifted hands : the Ben Carson story
92 CAR Carson, Ben. Gifted hands
92 Car Harness, Cheryl.
The groundbreaking, chance-taking life of George
Washington Carver and science & invention in America
92 Car Nelson, Marilyn, Carver, a life in poems
92 CAR Whitelaw, Nancy. Jimmy Carter : president and peacemaker
92 CAS Cash, Johnny. Man in black
92 CAS Wren, Christopher S.
Winners got scars too; : the life and legends of Johnny
92 Cat Massie, Robert K., Catherine the Great : portrait of a woman
92 CAT McGuire, Leslie. Catherine the Great
92 CAT Somervill, Barbara A. Votes for women! : the story of Carrie Chapman Catt
92 CAT Whitelaw, Nancy. Catherine de' Medici and the Protestant Reformation
92 CAT Whitelaw, Nancy. Catherine the Great and the Enlightenment in Russia
92 CEZ Murphy, Richard W. The world of CÈzanne, 1839-1906,
92 CHA Chute, Marchette Gaylord, Geoffrey Chaucer of England,
92 CHA Chute, Marchette Gaylord, Geoffrey Chaucer of England,
92 CHA Duggleby, John, Uh huh! : the story of Ray Charles
92 Cha Ford, Carin T. Ray Charles : I was born with music inside me""
92 CHA Halliday, F. E. Chaucer and his world,
92 CHA Rodriguez, Consuelo. Cesar Chavez
92 CHA Vaughan, Hal, Sleeping with the enemy : Coco Chanel's secret war
92 Che Thompson, Cliff. Charles Chesnutt
92 CHU Churchill, Randolph S. Winston S. Churchill
92 CHU Churchill, Randolph S. Winston S. Churchill
92 CIS Brackett, Virginia. A home in the heart : the story of Sandra Cisneros
92 Cle Darraj, Susan Muaddi. Roberto Clemente
92 CLE Hoobler, Dorothy. Cleopatra
92 Cle Schiff, Stacy. Cleopatra : a life
92 Cli Blumenthal, Karen, Hillary Rodham Clinton : a woman living history
92 CLI Collins, David R.
William Jefferson Clinton : 42nd President of the United
92 CLO Clooney, Rosemary. Girl singer : an autobiography
92 COL Feinstein, Stephen. Columbus : opening up the new world
92 COL Hoose, Phillip M., Claudette Colvin : twice toward justice
92 Coo Watson, Stephanie, Anderson Cooper : profile of a TV journalist
92 COP Goble, Todd,
Nicholas Copernicus and the founding of modern
92 COS Kimble-Ellis, Sonya. Bill Cosby : entertainer and activist
92 COX Cox, Lynne,
Swimming to Antarctica : tales of a long-distance
92 CRA Davis, Linda H. Badge of courage : the life of Stephen Crane
92 CRA Freedman, Russell. The life and death of Crazy Horse
92 CRA Sandoz, Mari,
Crazy Horse, the strange man of the Oglalas : a
92 Cru Cruz, Victor, Out of the blue
92 CUR Curie, Eve, Madame Curie.
92 Cur Yannuzzi, Della A. New elements : the story of Marie Curie
92 CUS Caras, Roger A. The Custer wolf : biography of an American renegade
92 Dal McNeese, Tim. Salvador Dali
92 DAR Heiligman, Deborah. Charles and Emma : the Darwins' leap of faith
92 DAR Nardo, Don, Charles Darwin
92 DAR Stefoff, Rebecca, Charles Darwin and the evolution revolution
92 DAV Canfield, Cass, The iron will of Jefferson Davis
92 DAV Frankl, Ron. Miles Davis
92 DEL Prideaux, Tom. The world of Delacroix, 1798-1863,
92 Dep Blitz, Michael. Johnny Depp : a biography
92 DeP DePrince, Michaela. Taking flight : from war orphan to star ballerina
92 DIC Caravantes, Peggy, Best of times : the story of Charles Dickens
92 Dic Dailey, Donna. Charles Dickens
92 Dic Meltzer, Milton, Emily Dickinson : a biography
92 DIC Olsen, Victoria. Emily Dickinson
92 DIC Smith, Grahame. Charles Dickens : a literary life
92 Dil Dillard, Annie. An American childhood
92 Dil Dillard, Annie. An American childhood
92 DIM Allen, Maury,
Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? : The story of
America's last hero
92 DIS Schickel, Richard.
The Disney version; the life, times, art, and commerce
of Walt Disney.
92 DOL Anderson, Dale, Elizabeth Dole
92 DOO Dooley, Thomas A. Doctor Tom Dooley : my story
92 DOU Douglass, Frederick, Autobiographies
92 DOU Russell, Sharman Apt. Frederick Douglass
92 DRE Mahone-Lonesome, Robyn. Charles Drew
92 DU Hinman, Bonnie.
A stranger in my own house : the story of W.E.B. Du
92 DU Stafford, Mark. W.E.B. Du Bois : scholar and activist
92 Dub Dubus, Andre, Townie : a memoir
92 DUB Stafford, Mark. W.E.B. DuBois
92 DUC Tomkins, Calvin, The world of Marcel Duchamp, 1887-
92 DUN Dominy, Jeannine. Katherine Dunham
92 Dun Dunn, Winfield. From a standing start : my Tennessee political odyssey
92 DUN Gentry, Tony. Paul Laurence Dunbar
92 DUN Gentry, Tony. Paul Laurence Dunbar
92 Dun Roselius, J. Chris. Tim Duncan : champion on and off the court
92 EDD Koestler-Grack, Rachel A., Mary Baker Eddy
92 Edw Crompton, Samuel Willard. Jonathan Edwards
92 Ein Isaacson, Walter. Einstein : his life and universe
92 Ein Wishinsky, Frieda. Albert Einstein
92 Eis Brendon, Piers. Ike : his life and times
92 EIS Wicker, Tom. Dwight D. Eisenhower
92 ELE Hilliam, David.
Eleanor of Aquitaine : the richest queen in Medieval
92 ELI Ackroyd, Peter, T.S. Eliot : a life
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Elie Wiesel Night (Classroom Edition)
92 ELI Fisher, Graham. Monarch : a biography of Elizabeth II
92 ELI Halasa, Malu. Elijah Muhammad
92 Eli Hibbert, Christopher, The virgin queen : Elizabeth I, genius of the Golden Age
92 ELI Sapet, Kerrily, Elizabeth I of England
92 Eli Smith, Sally Bedell, Elizabeth the Queen : the life of a modern monarch
92 ELI Strachy, Lytton. Elizabeth and Essex : a tragic history
92 ELI Thomas, Jane Resh. Behind the mask : the life of Queen Elizabeth I
92 ELL Bishop, Jack, Ralph Ellison
92 Ell Ford, Carin T. Duke Ellington : I live with music""
92 ELL Frankl, Ron. Duke Ellington
92 Eme Caravantes, Peggy, Self reliance : the story of Ralph Waldo Emerson
92 EME Rusk, Ralph L. The Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson
92 ERV Wilker, Josh. Julius Erving
92 ESC Byers, Ann. Jaime Escalante : sensational teacher
92 Eve Evers, Medgar Wiley,
The autobiography of Medgar Evers : a hero's life and
legacy revealed through his writings, letters, and
92 FAR De Angelis, Therese. Louis Farrakhan
92 FAR Sklansky, Jeff. James Farmer
92 FAV Mooney, Martin J. Brett Favre
92 Fer Abrams, Dennis, America Ferrera
92 FER Ferber, Edna, A peculiar treasure
92 FEY Ottaviani, Jim. Feynman
92 FIT Kliment, Bud. Ella Fitzgerald
92 Fit Stone, Tanya Lee. Up close: Ella Fitzgerald : a twentieth-century life
92 FIT Weisbrod, Eva. A student's guide to F. Scott Fitzgerald
92 FLE Fleischman, Sid, The abracadabra kid : a writer's life
92 FON Fonteyn, Margot, Margot Fonteyn : autobiography.
92 FOR Brinkley, Douglas. Gerald R. Ford
92 FOR Ford, Betty, The times of my life
92 FOR Ford, Gerald R., A time to heal : the autobiography of Gerald R. Ford.
92 FOR Hurst, Jack. Nathan Bedford Forrest : a biography
92 Ford Mitchell, Don, Driven : a photobiography of Henry Ford
92 FOX Kozar, Richard. Michael J. Fox
92 FOX Todd, Anne M. Jamie Foxx, entertainer
92 FRA Daugherty, James Henry, Poor Richard
92 FRA Daugherty, James Henry, Poor Richard
92 FRA Frank, Anne, The diary of a young girl : the definitive edition
92 FRA Frank, Anne, The diary of a young girl : the definitive edition
92 FRA Franklin, Benjamin, The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
92 FRA Franklin, Benjamin, The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
92 Fra Freedman, Russell,
Becoming Ben Franklin : how a candle-maker's son
helped light the flame of liberty
92 FRA Isaacson, Walter. Benjamin Franklin : an American life
92 FRA Jewett, Sophie. God's troubadour : the story of Saint Francis of Assisi
92 FRA Rol, Ruud van der.
Anne Frank, beyond the diary : a photographic
92 FRA Wagner, Heather Lehr. Aretha Franklin : singer
92 FRE Muckenhoupt, Margaret. Sigmund Freud
92 FRE Wilds, Mary,
Mumbet : the life and times of Elizabeth Freeman : the
true story of a slave who won her freedom
92 FRI Bohannon, Lisa Frederiksen. Woman's work : the story of Betty Friedan
92 FRO Bober, Natalie. A restless spirit : the story of Robert Frost
92 Fro Caravantes, Peggy, Deep woods : the story of Robert Frost
92 FRO Gould, Jean, Robert Frost; : the aim was song.
92 FUL Fulghum, Robert.
All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten :
uncommon thoughts on common things
92 Gag Johanson, Paula. Lady Gaga : a biography
92 Gai Abrams, Dennis, Ernest J. Gaines
92 GAI Leonard, Jonathan Norton, The world of Gainsborough, 1727-1788.
92 GAL Boerst, William J. Galileo Galilei and the science of motion
92 GAL Galarza, Ernesto, Barrio boy
92 GAN Gantos, Jack. Hole in my life
92 GAN Gantos, Jack. Hole in my life
92 GAN Mehta, Ved, Mahatma Gandhi and his apostles
92 GAN Todd, Anne M. Mohandas Gandhi
92 Gar Darraj, Susan Muaddi. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
92 Gar Edmondson, Jacqueline, Jerry Garcia : a biography
92 GAR Lawler, Mary. Marcus Garvey
92 Gar Roselius, J. Chris. Kevin Garnett : all-star on and off the court
92 Gat Aronson, Marc. Up close : Bill Gates
92 GAT Boyd, Aaron, Smart money : the story of Bill Gates
92 GEH Robinson, Ray, Iron horse : Lou Gehrig in his time
92 GEN Rice, Earle. Empire in the east : the story of Genghis Khan
92 GER Reef, Catherine. George Gershwin : American composer
92 GER Schwarz, Melissa. Geronimo : Apache warrior
92 GER Shorto, Russell. Geronimo and the struggle for Apache freedom
92 GET Lenzner, Robert.
The great Getty : the life and loves of J. Paul Getty,
richest man in the world
92 GIA Gaff, Jackie. Alberto Giacometti
92 GIB Biracree, Tom, Althea Gibson
92 GIB Holway, John. Josh Gibson
92 GIL Gentry, Tony. Dizzy Gillespie
92 GIL Gilbreth, Frank B. Belles on their toes
92 GIL Gilbreth, Frank B. Cheaper by the dozen
92 GIN Bayer, Linda N. Ruth Bader Ginsburg
92 GIO Eimerl, Sarel. The world of Giotto, c. 1267-1337,
92 GLO Glover, Savion. Savion! : my life in tap
92 GOL Goldman, Jami. Up and running : the Jami Goldman story
92 GOO Goodwin, Doris Kearns. Wait till next year : a memoir
92 GOR Butson, Thomas G. Mikhail Gorbachev
92 GOT Gottlieb, Lori. Stick figure : a diary of my former self
92 GRA Bruns, Roger. Billy Graham : a biography
92 GRA Bunting, Josiah, Ulysses S. Grant
92 GRA Freedman, Russell. Martha Graham, a dancer's life
92 GRA Graham, Robin Lee. Dove
92 GRA Grant, Ulysses S.
Mr. Lincoln's general, U.S. Grant : an illustrated
92 Gra Montgomery, Sy.
Temple Grandin : how the girl who loved cows
embraced autism and changed the world
92 GRA Rice, Earle. Ulysses S. Grant : defender of the Union
92 GRA Wellman, Sam. Billy Graham : the great evangelist
92 GRE Burger, Nash K. Confederate spy: Rose O'Neale Greenhow,
92 GRI Griffin, John Howard, Black like me
92 GRI Nicholson, Lois, Ken Griffey, Jr.
92 Gue Abrams, Dennis, Ernesto Che" Guevara"
92 GUE Jacobson, Sidney. Che : a graphic biography
92 GUN Gunther, John, Death be not proud; : a memoir.
92 Hal Potter, E. B. Bull Halsey
92 HAL Shirley, David, Alex Haley : author
92 HAM Bortz, Alfred B.
Beyond Jupiter : the story of planetary astronomer Heidi
92 HAM Rubel, David. Fannie Lou Hamer : from sharecropping to politics
92 Han Abrams, Dennis, Lemony Snicket (Daniel Handler)
92 HAN Getzinger, Donna. George Frideric Handel and music for voices
92 HAN McKissack, Pat,
Young, Black, and determined : a biography of Lorraine
92 Han Nemiroff, Robert.
To be young, gifted, and black; : Lorraine Hansberry in
her own words.
92 HAR Hart, Elva Trevi±o. Barefoot heart : stories of a migrant child
92 HAU Hautzig, Esther Rudomin. The endless steppe : growing up in Siberia
92 HAW Hawking, S. W. Black holes and baby universes and other essays
92 HAW McDaniel, Melissa. Stephen Hawking : revolutionary physicist
92 Haw Meltzer, Milton, Nathaniel Hawthorne : a biography
92 HAY Hayslip, Le Ly.
When heaven and earth changed places : a Vietnamese
woman's journey from war to peace
92 HAY Kittredge, Mary, Helen Hayes
92 HEM Baker, Carlos, Ernest Hemingway; a life story,
92 HEM Hemingway, Ernest, A moveable feast
92 HEM Sanford, Marcelline Hemingway. At the Hemingways : a family portrait
92 HEN Gelfand, Dale Evva, Jimi Hendrix : musician
92 HEN Gilman, Michael. Matthew Henson
92 HEN Willison, George Findlay, Patrick Henry and his world,
92 HEP Latham, Caroline. Katharine Hepburn
92 Her Hernandez, Daniel, They call me a hero : a memoir of my youth
92 Her Herriot, James. All creatures great and small
92 HER Herriot, James. All things bright and beautiful
92 HER Herriot, James. All things wise and wonderful
92 HER Herriot, James. Every living thing
92 HER Herriot, James. The Lord God made them all
92 HIC Hickam, Homer H., Rocket boys : a memoir
92 HIM Wilson, M. L. Chester Himes
92 HIN DeAngelis, Gina. Gregory Hines
92 HIT Adolf Hitler
92 Hit Giblin, James. The life and death of Adolf Hitler
92 HIT Spoto, Donald, The dark side of genius : the life of Alfred Hitchcock
92 HOC Halberstam, David. Ho.
92 Hol Greene, Meg. Billie Holiday : a biography
92 HOL Kliment, Bud. Billie Holiday
92 HOM Flexner, James Thomas, The world of Winslow Homer, 1836-1910,
92 Hoo Geary, Rick. J. Edgar Hoover : a graphic biography
92 HOO Gentry, Curt, J. Edgar Hoover : the man and the secrets
92 Hoo Hooks, Benjamin L. The march for civil rights : the Benjamin Hooks story
92 Hoo Hooks, Benjamin L. The march for civil rights : the Benjamin Hooks story
92 HOO Leuchtenburg, William Edward, Herbert Hoover
92 HOR Palmer, Leslie. Lena Horne
92 Hou Fleischman, Sid, Escape! : the story of the great Houdini
92 HUD Hudson, Peter. A leaf in the wind : travels in Africa
92 HUG Hill, Christine M. Langston Hughes : poet of the Harlem Renaissance
92 Hug Leach, Laurie F. Langston Hughes : a biography
92 HUG Rummel, Jack. Langston Hughes
92 HUR Calvert, Roz Zora Neale Hurston, Storyteller of the South
92 Hur Litwin, Laura Baskes. Zora Neale Hurston : I have been in sorrow's kitchen""
92 Hur Sapet, Kerrily, Rhythm and folklore : the story of Zora Neale Hurston
92 IAC Iacocca, Lee A. Iacocca : an autobiography
92 ISA Whitelaw, Nancy. Queen Isabella and the unification of Spain
92 IVE Thornley, Stew. Allen Iverson : star guard
92 JAC Brager, Bruce L., There he stands : the story of Stonewall Jackson
92 JAC Dils, Tracey E. Samuel L. Jackson
92 JAC Dyson, Cindy. Janet Jackson
92 JAC Jackson, Livia Bitton.
I have lived a thousand years : growing up in the
92 JAC Jackson, Livia Bitton.
I have lived a thousand years : growing up in the
92 JAC Jakoubek, Robert E. Jesse Jackson
92 JAC Meacham, Jon. American lion : Andrew Jackson in the White House
92 Jac O'Keefe, Sherry. Spin : the story of Michael Jackson
92 Jac Pratt, Mary K. Michael Jackson : king of pop
92 JAC Robertson, James I. Stonewall Jackson : the man, the soldier, the legend
92 JAC Taraborrelli, J. Randy. Michael Jackson : the magic and the madness
92 JAC Wilentz, Sean. Andrew Jackson
92 JAC Wolfe, Charles K. Mahalia Jackson
92 JAK Wellman, Sam. T.D. Jakes
92 JAM James, LeBron. LeBron's dream team : how five friends made history
92 JAM Super, Neil. Daniel Chappie" James"
92 JEF Appleby, Joyce Oldham. Thomas Jefferson
92 Jet Robinson, Tom. Derek Jeter : captain on and off the field
92 JIA Jiang, Ji-li. Red scarf girl : a memoir of the Cultural Revolution
92 JOA Brooks, Polly Schoyer. Beyond the myth : the story of Joan of Arc
92 Job Blumenthal, Karen.
Steve Jobs : the man who thought different : a
92 JOB Isaacson, Walter. Steve Jobs
92 JOH Caro, Robert A. The years of Lyndon Johnson.
92 JOH Dolan, Sean. Magic Johnson
92 JOH Eskow, Dennis. Lyndon Baines Johnson
92 Joh Greene, Meg. Pope John Paul II : a biography
92 JOH Jakoubek, Robert E. Jack Johnson
92 JOH Tolbert-Rouchaleau, Jane. James Weldon Johnson
92 Jon Jones, Grandpa. Everybody's grandpa : fifty years behind the mike
92 Jon Robinson, Tom. Andruw Jones : all-star on and off the field
92 JOP Angel, Ann, Janis Joplin : rise up singing
92 JOP Preston, Katherine K. Scott Joplin
92 JOR Blue, Rose. Barbara Jordan
92 JOR Dolan, Sean. Michael Jordan
92 JOR Porter, David L., Michael Jordan : a biography
92 Jos Gunther, Vanessa Ann. Chief Joseph : a biography
92 JOY Harrington, Geri. Jackie Joyner-Kersee : champion athlete
92 Kah Morrison, John (John F.) Frida Kahlo
92 KAR Karr, Mary. The liar's club : a memoir
92 Kec Keckley, Elizabeth,
Behind the scenes, or, Thirty years a slave, and four
years in the White House
92 KEL Keller, Helen, The story of my life
92 Kel Keller, Helen, The story of my life
92 KEL Waite, Helen Elmira.
Valiant companions : Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan
92 KEL Wepman, Dennis. Helen Keller
92 KEN Kennedy, Rose Fitzgerald, Times to remember.
92 KEN Newfield, Jack. Robert Kennedy; a memoir.
92 Ken Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, Historic conversations on life with John F. Kennedy
92 KEN Salinger, Pierre. With Kennedy
92 KEN Sorensen, Theodore C. Kennedy
92 KEP Boerst, William J.
Johannes Kepler : discovering the laws of celestial
92 KER Kercheval, Jesse Lee. Space : a memoir
92 KIM Kimmel, Haven,
A girl named Zippy : growing up small in Mooreland,
92 KIN Martin Luther King, Jr.
92 KIN Jakoubek, Robert E. Martin Luther King, Jr.
92 KIN Jakoubek, Robert E. Martin Luther King, Jr. : civil rights leader
92 KIN Kincaid, Jamaica. My brother
92 KIN King, Stephen, On writing : a memoir of the craft
92 Kin Lambert, Kathy Kristensen. Martin Luther King, Jr.
92 KIN Rhodes, Lisa Renee. Coretta Scott King
92 KIN Valens, Evans G.
The other side of the mountain : the story of Jill
92 KIS Israel, Fred L. Henry Kissinger
92 LAN Howard, Margo, Eppie : the story of Ann Landers
92 LAN Lane, Rose Wilder, Rose Wilder Lane : her story
92 LAT Norman, Winifred Latimer. Lewis Latimer
92 Lat Snyder, Gail. Queen Latifah
92 LAW Thomas, Lowell, With Lawrence in Arabia,
92 LAZ Perl, Lila. Four perfect pebbles : a Holocaust story
92 LEE Abrams, Dennis, Spike Lee, director
92 Lee Madden, Kerry. Harper Lee : a twentieth-century life
92 LEE Rice, Earle. Robert E. Lee : first soldier of the Confederacy
92 LEE Stern, Philip Van Doren,
Robert E. Lee, : the man and the soldier; a pictorial
92 LEE Thomas, Emory M., Robert E. Lee : a biography
92 Len Edmondson, Jacqueline, John Lennon : a biography
92 Len Partridge, Elizabeth.
John Lennon : all I want is the truth : a photographic
92 LEO Wallace, Robert, The world of Leonardo, 1452-1519,
92 Lev Levin, Jack E.
Malice Toward None: Abraham Lincoln's Second
Inaugural Address
92 Lev Levin, Jack E.
Malice Toward None: Abraham Lincoln's Second
Inaugural Address
92 Lew Hamilton, Janet. C.S. Lewis : twentieth century pilgrim
92 LEW Klots, Steve. Carl Lewis
92 LIN Donald, David Herbert, Lincoln
92 LIN Lindbergh, Anne (Morrow)
Hour of gold, hour of lead; : diaries and letters of Anne
Morrow Lindbergh, 1929-1932.
92 LIN McGovern, George S. Abraham Lincoln
92 LIN Randall, Ruth Painter. Mary Lincoln; biography of a marriage.
92 LIN Sandburg, Carl, Abraham Lincoln : the prairie years and the war years
92 LIN Sandburg, Carl, Abraham Lincoln : the prairie years and the war years
92 LIN Sandburg, Carl, Abraham Lincoln; : the war years,
92 LIN Sandburg, Carl, Abraham Lincoln; : the war years,
92 LIN Sandburg, Carl, Abraham Lincoln; : the war years,
92 LIN Sandburg, Carl, Abraham Lincoln; : the war years,
92 LOB Lobel, Anita. No pretty pictures : a child of war
92 LON Dyer, Daniel Jack London : a biography
92 Lop Woog, Adam, Jennifer Lopez
92 LOU Jakoubek, Robert E. Joe Louis : heavyweight champion
92 Lud Scott, Celicia, Ludacris
92 LUT Bainton, Roland Herbert, Here I stand : a life of Martin Luther
92 LUT Crompton, Samuel Willard. Martin Luther
92 Ma Whiting, Jim, Yo-Yo Ma : a biography
92 MAC Rice, Earle. Douglas MacArthur
92 Mad Fritz, Jean. The great little Madison
92 MAD Weatherly, Myra. Dolley Madison : America's First Lady
92 MAH Mah, Adeline Yen,
Chinese Cinderella : the true story of an unwanted
92 Mal Helfer, Andrew. Malcolm X : a graphic biography
92 MAL Rummel, Jack. Malcolm X
92 Mal Rummel, Jack. Malcolm X
92 MAN Hoobler, Dorothy. Mandela : the man, the struggle, the triumph
92 MAN Mandela, Nelson,
Long walk to freedom : the autobiography of Nelson
92 MAN Schneider, Pierre. The world of Manet, 1832-1883,
92 MAN Weinstein, Howard. Mickey Mantle
92 MAO Carter, Peter. Mao
92 MAR Aldred, Lisa. Thurgood Marshall
92 MAR Aldred, Lisa. Thurgood Marshall
92 Mar Crowe, Chris. Thurgood Marshall : a twentieth-century life
92 MAR Gimpel, Lee,
Fighting wars, planning for peace : the story of George
C. Marshall
92 MAR Lotz, Nancy, Marie Antoinette and the decline of French monarchy
92 MAR Medina, Tony. I and I : Bob Marley
92 Mar Paprocki, Sherry. Bob Marley
92 MAT Russell, John, The world of Matisse, 1869-1954,
92 MAY Mays, Willie, Say hey : the autobiography of Willie Mays
92 McC Giblin, James. The rise and fall of Senator Joe McCarthy
92 MCC McCall, Nathan. Makes me wanna holler : a young Black man in America
92 MCC McCourt, Frank. Angela's ashes : a memoir
92 McC Sounes, Howard, Fab : an intimate life of Paul McCartney
92 MCC Trachtenberg, Martha. Anne McCaffrey : science fiction storyteller
92 MCG Gower, Herschel.
Pen and sword : the life and journals of Randal W.
92 MCN Naden, Corinne J. Ronald McNair
92 Mcn Robinson, Tom. Donovan McNabb : leader on and off the field
92 MEA Mead, Margaret, Blackberry winter; my earlier years.
92 MEI Barron, Rachel. Lise Meitner : discoverer of nuclear fission
92 MEI Meir, Golda, A land of our own: an oral autobiography,
92 MEI Meir, Golda, My life
92 Mey Baptiste, Tracey. Stephenie Meyer
92 MIC Coughlan, Robert, The world of Michelangelo, 1475-1564,
92 MIL Daffron, Carolyn. Edna St. Vincent Millay
92 Mil Milford, Nancy. Savage beauty : the life of Edna St. Vincent Millay
92 MOF Trimble, William F., Admiral William A. Moffett, architect of naval aviation
92 Mon Taraborrelli, J. Randy. The secret life of Marilyn Monroe
92 MOR Century, Douglas. Toni Morrison
92 MOR Morris, Willie. My cat Spit McGee
92 MOR Morris, Willie. My dog Skip
92 MUI Muir, John, Nature writings
92 MUI Stewart, John, Winds in the woods : the story of John Muir
92 Mui Worster, Donald, A passion for nature : the life of John Muir
92 Mur Marcovitz, Hal. Eddie Murphy : actor
92 Mur Murray, Liz,
Breaking night : a memoir of forgiveness, survival, and
my journey from homeless to Harvard
92 Mye Myers, Walter Dean Bad boy : a memoir
92 Mye Sickels, Amy. Walter Dean Myers
92 Nas Basen, Ryan. Steve Nash : leader on and off the court
92 Nel
Alexander, Thomas B. (Thomas
Thomas A. R. Nelson of East Tennessee
92 NEL Lee, Nell Moore.
Patriot above profit : a portrait of Thomas Nelson, Jr.,
who supported the American Revolution with his purse
and sword
92 NEL Warner, Oliver, Nelson and the age of fighting sail,
92 NEW Boerst, William J. Isaac Newton : organizing the universe
92 Nix Drew, Elizabeth. Richard M. Nixon
92 NIX Larsen, Rebecca. Richard Nixon : rise and fall of a president
92 NOO Darraj, Susan Muaddi. Queen Noor
92 NOS Ward, Charles A. Oracles of Nostradamus
92 OBA Colbert, David. Michelle Obama : an American story
92 OBA Davis, William, Barack Obama : the politics of hope
92 OBA Obama, Barack. Dreams from my father : a story of race and inheritance
92 Oba Schuman, Michael. Barack Obama : we are one people""
92 Oba Schuman, Michael. Barack Obama : we are one people""
92 OCH Paige, Joy. Ellen Ochoa : the first Hispanic woman in space
92 OCO Huber, Peter W. Sandra Day O'Connor
92 OHE Lewis, Michael The blind side : evolution of a game
92 OKE Berry, Michael Georgia O'Keeffe
92 OLA McMane, Fred. Hakeem Olajuwon
92 ONA Evans, Peter, Ari : the life and times of Aristotle Socrates Onassis
92 One Nelson, Murry R. Shaquille O'Neal : a biography
92 One Robinson, Tom. Shaquille O'Neal : giant on and off the court
92 OPD Opdyke, Irene Gut, In my hands : memories of a Holocaust rescuer
92 OPD Opdyke, Irene Gut, In my hands : memories of a Holocaust rescuer
92 Owe Burlingame, Jeff. Jesse Owens : I always loved running""
92 OWE Nuwer, Hank. The legend of Jesse Owens
92 Pai Marrin, Albert.
Thomas Paine : crusader for liberty : how one man's
ideas helped form a new nation
92 PAI Shirley, David, Satchel Paige
92 Pao Bankston, John, Christopher Paolini
92 Par Brinkley, Douglas. Rosa Parks
92 PAR Frankl, Ron. Charlie Parker
92 PAR Parks, Rosa, Rosa Parks: my story
92 Par Schraff, Anne. Rosa Parks : tired of giving in""
92 PAS Ackerman, Jane, Louis Pasteur and the founding of microbiology
92 PAT Rice, Earle. George S. Patton
92 PAU Hager, Thomas. Linus Pauling and the chemistry of life
92 PAU Pausch, Randy. The last lecture
92 PAY Payton, Walter, Never die easy : the autobiography of Walter Payton
92 PAY Pearlman, Jeff. Sweetness : the enigmatic life of Walter Payton
92 Pdi Wittmann, Kelly. Sean Diddy" Combs"
92 PEC Peck, Richard, Anonymously yours
92 PEC Sommers, Michael A., Richard Peck
92 PEL Pelzer, David J.
The lost boy : a foster child's search for the love of a
92 PEL Pelzer, David J. A man named Dave : a story of triumph and forgiveness
92 PEP Pepys, Samuel, The diary of Samuel Pepys
92 PEP Pepys, Samuel.
Everybody's Pepys : the Diary of Samuel Pepys, 1660-
92 PET Peterson, Brenda, Build me an ark : a life with animals
92 PIC Wertenbaker, Lael Tucker, The world of Picasso (1881- )
92 PIR Pirsig, Robert M.
Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance : an inquiry
into values
92 POC Woodward, Grace Steele. Pocahontas.
92 Poe Meltzer, Milton, Edgar Allan Poe : a biography
92 POE Schoell, William. Mystery and terror : the story of Edgar Allan Poe
92 POI Bergman, Carol. Sidney Poitier
92 POL Lomask, Milton. This slender reed : a life of James K. Polk
92 Pow Brown, Warren, Colin Powell
92 POW Jakoubek, Robert E. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
92 Pow Powell, Colin L. My American journey
92 POW Powers, Francis Gary,
Operation Overflight: the U-2 spy pilot tells his story for
the first time
92 PRE Daily, Robert. Elvis Presley : the king of rock 'n' roll
92 PRE Gentry, Tony. Elvis Presley
92 Pre Guralnick, Peter. Careless love : the unmaking of Elvis Presley
92 Pre Guralnick, Peter. Last train to Memphis : the rise of Elvis Presley
92 Puj Needham, Tom. Albert Pujols : MVP on and off the field
92 QAD Kyle, Benjamin. Muammar el-Qaddafi
92 RAD Radner, Gilda. It's always something
92 RAL Lacey, Robert. Sir Walter Ralegh.
92 RAN Miller, Calvin Craig,
A. Philip Randolph and the African American labor
92 REA Larsen, Rebecca. Ronald Reagan
92 Rea Sutherland, James, Ronald Reagan : a twentieth-century life
92 REE Finn, Margaret L. Christopher Reeve : actor & activist
92 REM Wallace, Robert, The world of Rembrandt, 1606-1669,
92 REV Forbes, Esther. Paul Revere and the world he lived in
92 REV Ford, Barbara, Paul Revere : American patriot
92 RHO Rhodes-Courter, Ashley, Three little words : a memoir
92 Rho Rhodes-Courter, Ashley, Three more words
92 RIC Blakely, Gloria. Condoleezza Rice
92 RIC Rickenbacker, Eddie, Rickenbacker
92 RID Macy, Sue. Sally Ride : life on a mission
92 RIP Campbell, Jim, Cal Ripken, Jr.
92 RIV Cockcroft, James D. Diego Rivera
92 Riv Foard, Sheila Wood. Diego Rivera
92 RIV Rivera, Jenni. Unbreakable : my story, my way : a memoir
92 Rob Ford, Carin T. Paul Robeson : I want to make freedom ring""
92 ROB Holmes, Burnham, Paul Robeson : a voice of struggle
92 Rob Linge, Mary Kay. Jackie Robinson : a biography
92 Rob Robertson, Jase, Good call : reflections on faith, family, and fowl
92 Rob Robertson, Phil,
Happy, happy, happy : my life and legacy as the Duck
92 ROB Scott, Richard, Jackie Robinson
92 ROB Scott, Richard, Jackie Robinson
92 ROC Walton, Donald. A Rockwell portrait : an intimate biography
92 ROD Covert, Kim. Alex Rodriguez
92 ROD Hale, William Harlan, The world of Rodin, 1840-1917,
92 ROG Ketchum, Richard M., Will Rogers, his life and times,
92 ROG Richards, Kenneth G., Will Rogers,
92 ROO Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
92 ROO Auchincloss, Louis. Theodore Roosevelt
92 Roo Cooper, Michael L. Theodore Roosevelt.
92 Roo Fleming, Candace.
Our Eleanor : a scrapbook look at Eleanor Roosevelt's
remarkable life
92 ROO Freedman, Russell. Eleanor Roosevelt : a life of discovery
92 Roo Freedman, Russell. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
92 Roo Harness, Cheryl.
The remarkable, rough-riding life of Theodore Roosevelt
and the rise of empire America
92 ROO Jenkins, Roy, Franklin Delano Roosevelt
92 ROO Roosevelt, Eleanor. On my own
92 Roo Roosevelt, Theodore Theodore Roosevelt's Words of Wit and Wisdom
92 Roo Smith, Jean Edward. FDR
92 Row Kirk, Connie Ann. J.K. Rowling : a biography
92 Row Sickels, Amy. Mythmaker : the story of J.K. Rowling
92 RUB Wedgwood, C. V. The world of Rubens, 1577-1640,
92 RUD Schraff, Anne E. Wilma Rudolph : the greatest woman sprinter in history
92 RUS Miller, Calvin Craig,
No easy answers : Bayard Rustin and the civil rights
92 RUS Miller, Calvin Craig,
No easy answers : Bayard Rustin and the civil rights
92 RUS Shapiro, Miles. Bill Russell
92 Rut Hampton, Wilborn. Babe Ruth : a twentieth-century life
92 RUT Richards, Kenneth G., Babe Ruth,
92 SAB Kronstadt, Janet. Florence Sabin
92 SAG Sage, Lorna. Bad blood
92 SAN Haas, Joseph, Carl Sandburg; : a pictorial biography,
92 SAN Neri, Greg. Yummy : the last days of a Southside shorty
92 San O'Brien, Steven. Antoniopez de Santa Anna
92 SAN Sandburg, Carl, Always the young strangers
92 SAN Sandburg, Carl, Prairie-town boy
92 San Slavicek, Louise Chipley. Carlos Santana
92 SCH Albom, Mitch,
Tuesdays with Morrie : an old man, a young man, and
life's greatest lesson
92 SCH Albom, Mitch,
Tuesdays with Morrie : an old man, a young man, and
life's greatest lesson
92 Sch Albom, Mitch,
Tuesdays with Morrie : an old man, a young man, and
life's greatest lesson
92 SCH McNeese, Tim. H. Norman Schwarzkopf
92 SCH Reich, Susanna. Clara Schumann : piano virtuoso
92 SCH Schweitzer, Albert, Out of my life and thought : an autobiography
92 SHA Chute, Marchette Gaylord, Shakespeare of London.
92 Sha Greenblatt, Stephen,
Will in the world : how Shakespeare became
92 SHA Horrigan, Kevin.
The right kind of heroes : Coach Bob Shannon and the
East St. Louis Flyers
92 Sha Marcovitz, Hal. Tupac
92 Sha Nettleton, Pamela Hill. William Shakespeare : playwright and poet
92 SHA Rosen, Michael, Shakespeare : his work & his world
92 SHE Miller, Calvin Craig, Spirit like a storm : the story of Mary Shelley
92 SHE Orr, Tamra. Alan Shepard : the first American in space
92 SIL Sills, Beverly. Beverly : an autobiography
92 SIT Marrin, Albert. Tatan'ka Iyota'ke : Sitting Bull and his world
92 SIT St. George, Judith, To see with the heart : the life of Sitting Bull
92 Sma Lang, Holly. The Notorious B.I.G. : a biography
92 SMA Small, David, Stitches : a memoir--
92 SMI Smith, Emmitt, The Emmitt zone
92 SMI Todd, Anne M. Will Smith : actor
92 Sno Berne, Emma Carlson. Snoop Dogg
92 Sot Greene, Meg. Sonia Sotomayor : a biography
92 Sot Sotomayor, Sonia, My beloved world
92 Spi Jackson, Kathi, Steven Spielberg : a biography
92 STE Kiernan, Thomas. The intricate music : a biography of John Steinbeck
92 STI Reef, Catherine. William Grant Still : African-American composer
92 STO Jakoubek, Robert E. Harriet Beecher Stowe
92 STO Whitelaw, Nancy. Bram Stoker : author of Dracula
92 STU Clarke, Mary Washington. Jesse Stuart's Kentucky.
92 STU Stuart, Jesse, Beyond dark hills, : a personal story.
92 STU Stuart, Jesse, The thread that runs so true.
92 Sum Summitt, Pat Head,
Sum it up : 1,098 victories, a couple of irrelevant losses,
and a life in perspective
92 TEN Ten Boom, Corrie. The hiding place,
92 TEN Worth, Richard. Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso)
92 Ter Greene, Meg. Mother Teresa : a biography
92 TER Wellman, Sam. Mother Teresa : missionary of charity
92 TES Aldrich, Lisa J., Nikola Tesla and the taming of electricity
92 THO Duggan, Alfred Leo,
The falcon and the dove; : a life of Thomas Becket of
92 THO Macht, Norman L. Clarence Thomas
92 THO Winston, Richard. Thomas Becket.
92 THU Bernstein, Burton. Thurber : a biography
92 TIL Krakauer, Jon. Where men win glory : the odyssey of Pat Tillman
92 TIT Williams, Jay, The world of Titian, c. 1488-1576,
92 TOL Carpenter, Humphrey. Tolkien : a biography
92 TOL Heims, Neil. J. R. R. Tolkien
92 Tom Ellenport, Craig. LaDainian Tomlinson : all-pro on and off the field
92 Tru Carser, A. R. Donald Trump : 45th US president
92 TRU Dallek, Robert. Harry S. Truman
92 TRU Foley, Michael, Harry S. Truman
92 TRU Krass, Peter. Sojourner Truth
92 TRU Truman, Margaret, Harry S. Truman.
92 Tub McGowan, James A. Harriet Tubman : a biography
92 TUB Taylor, Marian Harriet Tubman : antislavery activist
92 TUB Taylor, Marian. Harriet Tubman
92 TUR Bisson, Terry. Nat Turner
92 Tur Henderson, Harry,
Alan Turing : computing genius and wartime code
92 TUR Hirsh, Diana. The world of Turner, 1775-1851,
92 Tur Turner, Tina. I, Tina
92 Twa Caravantes, Peggy, A great and sublime fool : the story of Mark Twain
92 Ush Lord, Raymond. Usher
92 VEL Velmans-Van Hessen, Edith, Edith's story
92 VER Koning, Hans, The world of Vermeer, 1632-1675,
92 VES Edwards, Lillie J. Denmark Vesey
92 VIC Shearman, Deirdre. Queen Victoria
92 VIC Whitelaw, Nancy. Queen Victoria and the British Empire
92 Vil Quintana, Alejandro, Pancho Villa : a biography
92 VIV Getzinger, Donna. Antonio Vivaldi and the Baroque tradition
92 VOL Sokolove, Michael Y.
Drama high : the incredible true story of a brilliant
teacher, a struggling town, and the magic of theater
92 Von Spangenburg, Ray, Wernher von Braun : rocket visionary
92 WAG Getzinger, Donna. Richard Wagner and German opera
92 Wai Waite, Terry. Taken on trust
92 WAL Bundles, A'Lelia Perry. Madam C.J. Walker
92 WAL Gentry, Tony. Alice Walker
92 WAL Remstein, Henna, Barbara Walters
92 WAL Walls, Jeannette. The glass castle : a memoir
92 WAR Greenberg, Jan, Andy Warhol : prince of pop
92 WAS Burns, James MacGregor. George Washington
92 WAS Hill, Anne E., Denzel Washington
92 WAS Irving, Washington, George Washington : a biography
92 WAS Marrin, Albert. George Washington & the founding of a nation
92 WAS Schroeder, Alan. Booker T. Washington
92 WAS Washington, Booker T., Up from slavery : an autobiography
92 WAS Washington, Booker T., Up from slavery : an autobiography
92 WAT Schneider, Pierre. The world of Watteau, 1684-1721,
92 Web Webb, Spud. Flying high
92 WEL Klots, Steve. Ida Wells-Barnett
92 WES Bergman, Carol. Mae West
92 WES Lee, Umphrey. The Lords Horseman : John Wesley the man
92 Wes Simons, Rae, Kanye West
92 WES Westbrook, Peter. Harnessing anger : the way of an American fencer
92 WHA Leach, William, Edith Wharton
92 WHE Richmond, M. A. Phillis Wheatley
92 WHI Fraser, Jane. Walter White
92 Whi Meltzer, Milton, Walt Whitman : a biography
92 WHI Sims, Michael.
The story of Charlotte's Web : E. B. White's eccentric
life in nature and the birth of an American classic
92 WHI Stoutenburg, Adrien. Listen, America; : a life of Walt Whitman
92 Wie Wiesel, Elie, All rivers run to the sea : memoirs
92 Wie Wiesel, Elie, Night
92 WIE Wiesel, Elie, Night
92 WIE Wiesel, Elie, Night
92 WIE Wiesel, Elie, Night
92 Wie Wiesel, Elie, Night
92 Wie Wiesel, Elie, Night
92 Wil Auchincloss, Louis. Woodrow Wilson
92 WIL Hall, Trevor Born to be King : Prince William of Wales
92 WIL McCormack, Shaun. Ted Williams
92 Wil Price, Joann F. Prince William : a biography
92 WIN Garson, Helen S. Oprah Winfrey : a biography
92 WIN Nicholson, Lois, Oprah Winfrey
92 Win Westen, Robin. Oprah Winfrey : I don't believe in failure""
92 WIN Windsor, Edward, A king's story; : the memoirs of the Duke of Windsor.
92 WOL Miller, Calvin Craig, Mary Wollstonecraft and the rights of women
92 Won Brown, Jeremy K. Stevie Wonder : musician
92 WOO Tiger Woods/The Making of a Champion
92 WOO Bell, Quentin. Virginia Woolf : a biography
92 WOO Durbin, William, Tiger Woods
92 WOO Hasday, Judy L., Tiger Woods : athlete
92 WOO Mills, Cliff, Virginia Woolf
92 Woo Woodson, Jacqueline. Brown girl dreaming
92 Wri Levy, Debbie. Richard Wright
92 WRI Urban, Joan, Richard Wright
92 WRI Urban, Joan, Richard Wright
92 WRI Wright, Richard, Black boy.
92 X Aretha, David. A time for martyrs : the life of Malcolm X
92 X X, Malcolm, The autobiography of Malcolm X
92 YEA Yeager, Chuck, Yeager, an autobiography
92 YEL Ayer, Eleanor H. Boris Yeltsin : man of the people
92 YOU Gardner, Carl, Andrew Young : a biography
92 You Yousafzai, Malala We Are Displaced
92 ZAH Freedman, Russell. Babe Didrikson Zaharias : the making of a champion
100 FEI Feibleman, James Kern, Understanding philosophy; : a popular history of ideas
128 SAG Sagan, Carl, Broca's brain : reflections on the romance of science
129 Ale Alexander, Eben.
Proof of heaven : a neurosurgeon's journey into the
133.1 Tei Teitelbaum, Michael.
Ghosts and real-life ghost hunters : WARNING: do ghost
stories give you the creeps? Do strange noises keep you
up at night? If so, be warned. The stories in this book
are true. Read at your own risk!
West, David. Ghosts and poltergeists : stories of the supernatural
133.1 Win Windham, Kathryn Tucker. Jeffrey's favorite 13 ghost stories
133.3 Nos Nostradamus, Nostradamus and his prophecies
Doeden, Matt. Nostradamus
Aronson, Marc. Witch-hunt : mysteries of the Salem witch trials
133.4 RIC Rice, Earle. The Salem witch trials
133.4 Sch Schanzer, Rosalyn. Witches! : the absolutely true tale of disaster in Salem
133.4 Ste Stewart, Gail B. The Salem witch trials
133.9 EAD Eadie, Betty J. Embraced by the light
Burpo, Todd.
Heaven is for real : a little boy's astounding story of his
trip to heaven and back
137 CAR Carnegie, Dale, How to win friends and influence people
150 KEY
Keys to happiness : A Reader's Digest Guide to
successful living
153 PIN Pinker, Steven, How the mind works
153.1 Foe Foer, Joshua.
Moonwalking with Einstein : the art and science of
remembering everything
153.1 Par Parkinson, Judy.
I before E (except after C) : old-school ways to
remember stuff
153.4 GLA Gladwell, Malcolm, Blink : the power of thinking without thinking
Navarro, Joe,
What every body is saying : an ex-FBI agent's guide to
speed-reading people
154.6 KAL Kallen, Stuart A., Dreams
154.6 Kal Kallen, Stuart A., Dreams
155 END Enduring issues in psychology : opposing viewpoints
155 ITA Itard, Jean Marc Gaspard, The wild boy of Aveyron.
Johnson, Spencer.
Who moved my cheese? : an amazing way to deal with
change in your work and in your life
Johnson, Spencer.
Who moved my cheese? : an amazing way to deal with
change in your work and in your life
Rosen, Michael J., Just my type : understanding personality profiles
Montessori, Maria, The absorbent mind.
155.5 Bic Bickerstaff, Linda. Stress
Maloney, Michael, Straight talk about anxiety and depression
Roosevelt, Eleanor. Your Teens and Mine
155.9 Han Hanson-Harding, Alexandra.
When a friend or loved one dies: grieving, mourning,
and healing
155.9 KUB K¸bler-Ross, Elisabeth. Questions and answers on death and dying
157 ABN Stone, Alan A. The abnormal personality through literature,
158 GRA Graham, Billy,
The secret of happiness; : Jesus' teaching on happiness
as expressed in the Beatitudes.
158 JAM Jamiolkowski, Raymond M. Coping with an emotionally distant father
158 JOR Jordan, Michael,
I can't accept not trying : Michael Jordan on the pursuit
of excellence
158 PEL Pelzer, David J.
Help yourself for teens : real-life advice for real-life
158 Rub Rubin, Gretchen Craft.
The happiness project : or why I spent a year trying to
sing in the morning, clean my closets, fight right, read
Aristotle, and generally have more fun
158.1 Bro Brown, Les, Live your dreams
158.1 Can
Canfield, Jack, Hansen Mark Victor,
and McNamara, Heather
Chicken Soup for the Unsinkable Soul: 101 Inspirational
Stories of Overcoming Life's Challenges
158.1 CHI
Chicken soup for the cat & dog lover's soul : celebrating
pets as family with stories about cats, dogs, and other
158.1 CHI
Chicken soup for the teen soul : real-life stories by real
158.1 Chi
Chicken soup for the teenage soul : 101 stories of life,
love, and learning
158.1 Chi
Chicken soup for the teenage soul : 101 stories of life,
love, and learning
158.1 Chi
Chicken soup for the teenage soul III : more stories of
life, love, and learning
158.1 Chi Chicken soup for the teenage soul on love & friendship
158.1 CHI
Chicken soup for the teenage soul on tough stuff :
stories of tough times and lessons learned
Moore, Thomas,
Care of the soul : a guide for cultivating depth and
sacredness in everyday life
158.1 Zan Zander, Rosamund Stone, The art of possibility
Chicken soup for the soul cookbook : 101 stories with
recipes from the heart
170 BRO Brooks, David, The road to character
174 Alt Altman, Linda Jacobs. Bioethics : who lives, who dies, and who decides?
174 BIO Biomedical ethics : opposing viewpoints
174 BIO Bender, David L. Biomedical ethics
174 CLO Cloning : science & society
174 FIN Finn, Jeffrey. Medical ethics
174 GOR
Drawing the Line : Life, Death, and Ethical Choices in an
American Hospital
174 LAN Landau, Elaine. The right to die
174 LEV Levine, Aaron D. Cloning
174 MAB Mabie, Margot C. J. Bioethics & the new medical technology
174 MAN McCuen, Gary E. Manipulating life : debating the genetic revolution
174 MOR Morris, Jonathan, The ethics of biotechnology
174.2 Fri Friedman, Lauri S. Is stem cell research necessary?
174.2 Usc Uschan, Michael V.,
Forty years of medical racism : The Tuskegee
Rockliff, Mara. Get real : [what kind of world are you buying?]
Wittenstein, Vicki O.,
For the good of mankind? : the shameful history of
human medical experimentation
176 HI- Hi-tech babies
176 MCC Pornography and sexual violence
179 ANI Animal experimentation : opposing viewpoints
179 DOC Doctor assisted suicide and the euthanasia movement
179 GAY Gay, Kathlyn. The right to die : public controversy, private matter
179 HIL Hile, Kevin. Animal rights
179 Per Perdew, Laura. Animal rights movement
179 RIG The rights of animals
179 SIN Singer, Peter.
Rethinking life & death : the collapse of our traditional
179 YOU Yount, Lisa. Animal rights
Genetic engineering : opposing viewpoints
179.4 Szu Szumski, Bonnie, Is animal experimentation ethical?
Marzilli, Alan. Physician-assisted suicide
182 FER Ferguson, Kitty.
The music of Pythagoras : how an ancient brotherhood
cracked the code of the universe and lit the path from
antiquity to outer space
184 Pla Plato.
Great dialogues of Plato : complete text of The republic,
The apology, Crito, Phaedo, Ion, Meno, Symposium
190 DUR Durant, Will,
The story of philosophy; : the lives and opinions of the
greater philosophers,
190 KEL Kelly, Eugene, The basics of western philosophy
190 Rus Russell, Bertrand, A history of western philosophy
200 REL Religion in America : opposing viewpoints
Prothero, Stephen R.
Religious literacy : what every American needs to know--
and doesn't
Marcovitz, Hal. Teens, religion & values
Currie, Stephen, The African American religious experience
200.9 RIC Rice, Edward. The five great religions.
204 Tom Toms, Justine Willis. Small pleasures : finding grace in a chaotic world
204 Zal The best American spiritual writing 2004
220 ABC ABC's of the Bible.
220.1 DIX Dixon, Jeane. The call to glory; : Jeane Dixon speaks of Jesus.
220.6 Rea
Mysteries of the Bible : the enduring questions of the
Taylor, Mark D. Bible basics
220.8 FAR Farb, Peter. The land, wildlife, and peoples of the Bible.
220.8 JES Meye, Robert P.
Jesus and the Twelve; : discipleship and revelation in
Mark's Gospel,
220.8 JES Meye, Robert P.
Jesus and the Twelve; : discipleship and revelation in
Mark's Gospel,
Vander Velde, Frances. Women of the Bible
220.9 KEL Keller, Werner,
The Bible as history; : a confirmation of the Book of
220.9 Rea Who's who in the Bible
Comfort, Philip Wesley. The complete book of who's who in the Bible
Women of the Bible : heroines and the lessons they can
still teach us
221.4 WIL Wilson, Edmund, The Dead Sea scrolls, 1947-1969.
221.9 DEL De la Mare, Walter, Stories from the Bible
221.9 HEA Heaton, E.W. Everyday life in Old Testament times
Oursler, Fulton, The greatest book ever written
222 Bar Barberet, Denise-RenÈe. Abraham and Sarah
222 Bar Barberet, Denise-RenÈe. Samson
222 FEI Feiler, Bruce S. Abraham : a journey to the heart of three faiths
222 Hoa Hoak, Benjamin T. Jacob
222 Hoa Hoak, Benjamin T. Joseph
222 Kav Kavanaugh, Dorothy, Moses
222 Pad Paden, Cheryl A. Daniel
222 Tay Taylor, Ross. David
222 Van Vance, Jennifer. Solomon
222 Woo Woodruff, Stephen B. Esther
222 Woo Woodruff, Stephen B. Noah
Zediker, Rose Ross. Wealth in biblical times
223 BIB Bible. Old Testament. Psalms. Songs of joy from the Book of Psalms
223 CHA Chase, Mary Ellen, The Psalms for the common reader.
Davis, Cameron Christine. Job
225.5 Bib Bible. New Testament. The New English Bible: the New Testament.
Oursler, Fulton,
The greatest faith ever known; : the story of the men
who first spread the religion of Jesus and of the
momentous times in which they lived,
226.3 THR The Three Gospels
232.9 Jon Jones, Laurie Beth.
Jesus in blue jeans : a practical guide to everyday
Maus, Cynthia Pearl Christ and the fine arts
Oursler, Fulton,
The greatest story ever told; : a tale of the greatest life
ever lived.
Bible. New Testament. Selections.
The Christmas story : from the Gospels of Matthew &
242 God God's little devotional book for moms.
242 Kin Kingsbury, Karen. Miracles : a 52-week devotional
Turner, Josh, Man stuff : thoughts on faith, family, and fatherhood
244 ROG Rogers, Dale Evans. Angel unaware.
244 ROG Rogers, Dale Evans. To My Son
246 DRU Drury, John,
Painting the word : Christian pictures and their
248 LEW Lewis, C. S.
The screwtape letters ; with, Screwtape proposes a
Kendall, Alan, Medieval pilgrims.
248.4 Ter Teresa In my own words
Sowers, John, Fatherless generation : redeeming the story
248.8 WIL Wilkinson, Bruce. The prayer of Jabez for teens
248.8 WIL Wilkinson, Bruce. Secrets of the vine for teens
252 Ame
American sermons : the pilgrims to Martin Luther King,
259 FRE Fremon, Celeste.
Father Greg & the homeboys : the extraordinary journey
of Father Greg Boyle and his work with the Latino gangs
of East L.A.
262 LO Lo Bello, Nino.
The incredible book of Vatican facts and papal
curiosities : a treasury of trivia
270 HOR Bainton, Roland Herbert, The Horizon history of Christianity,
270 OXF The Oxford illustrated history of Christianity
272 STE Stewart, Gail, Life during the Spanish Inquisition
277.3 Har Hartzler, Aaron. Rapture practice : a true story
Worth, Richard, Pope Francis : the people's pope
290 LIF The world's great religions,
291 OCC Occhiogrosso, Peter.
The joy of sects : a spirited guide to the world's
religious traditions
291 Smi Smith, Huston.
The illustrated world's religions : a guide to our wisdom
Campbell, Joseph, The power of myth
291.1 CLA Clayton, Peter. Great Figures of Mythology
291.1 FRA Frazer, James George, The Golden Bough
Goodrich, Norma Lorre. The medieval myths.
291.1 LEE Leeming, David Adams Mythology : The Voyage of the Hero
291.1 LEE Leeming, David Adams, The world of myth
291.1 LEE Leeming, David Adams, The world of myth
Roberts, Timothy R.
Mythology : Tales of Ancient Civilizations : tales of
ancient civilizations
Snodgrass, Mary Ellen. Voyages in classical mythology
291.1 WIL Wilkinson, Philip
Illustrated Dictionary of Mythology : Heroes, heroines,
gods, and goddesses from around the world
Hamilton, Edith, Mythology
Hamilton, Edith, Mythology
Hamilton, Edith, Mythology
Native American myths and legends
291.9 POR Porterfield, Kay Marie. Straight talk about cults
292 ALL Allan, Tony.
Titans and Olympians : Greek and Roman Mythology :
Greek & Roman myth
292 PIN Pinsent, John, Greek mythology
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, Tanglewood tales
292.1 Sho Shone, Rob. Greek myths
West, David. Roman myths
O'Brian, Pliny, Myths of the ancient Greeks
O'Brian, Pliny. Myths of the ancient Romans
292.2 Nar Nardo, Don, Creation stories in Greek mythology
292.2 Nar Nardo, Don, Gods and goddesses in Greek mythology
293 CRO Crossley-Holland, Kevin. The Norse myths
297 ARM Armstrong, Karen, Islam : a short history
297 OXF The Oxford History of Islam
297 Wil Williams, Julie. Islam : understanding the history, beliefs, and culture
299 Daw Dawson, Patricia Myths of the ancient Egyptians
299 FLE Fleming, Fergus. The way to eternity : Egyptian Myth : Egyptian myth
299.6 Jef Jeffrey, Gary. African myths
West, David. Mesoamerican myths
Ruiz, Miguel,
The four agreements : a practical guide to personal
301 JAR Jary, David. The HarperCollins dictionary of sociology
301 MEA Mead, Margaret, People and places.
301.2 TOF Toffler, Alvin. Future shock.
Kasson, John F.,
Amusing the million : Coney Island at the turn of the
Foxfire 2: ghost stories, spring wild plant foods,
spinning and weaving, midwifing, burial customs, corn
shuckin's, wagon making and more affairs of plain
Foxfire 3 : animal care, banjos and dulcimers, hide
tanning, summer and fall wild plant foods, butter
churns, ginseng, and still more affairs of plain living
The Foxfire book: hog dressing; log cabin building;
mountain crafts and foods; planting by the signs; snake
lore, hunting tales, faith healing; moonshining; and
other affairs of plain living.
Thorndike, Joseph Jacobs, The very rich : a history of wealth
302 GLA Gladwell, Malcolm, Outliers : the story of success
302 Gla Gladwell, Malcolm, Outliers : the story of success
302 GLA Gladwell, Malcolm,
The tipping point : how little things can make a big
302 MUS Muschert, Glenn W. Deviance and crime
302 Per Perdew, Laura. Information literacy in the digital age
Borus, Audrey. Volunteering : a how-to guide
302.2 Don Donovan, Sandra,
Communication smarts : how to express yourself best in
conversations, texts, e-mails, and more
Franklin, Sharon. Essentials of Speech Communication.
Day, Felicia, You're never weird on the Internet (almost) : a memoir
King, Stephen, Stephen King's danse macabre.
Censorship, opposing viewpoints
302.3 DiP DiPiazza, Francesca,
Friend me! : six hundred years of social networking in
Rawl, Paige.
Positive : surviving my bullies, finding hope, and living to
change the world
Rawl, Paige.
Positive : surviving my bullies, finding hope, and living to
change the world
302.3 Szu Szumski, Bonnie, Is social networking beneficial to society?
Leavitt, Amie Jane, Combatting toxic online communities
Hamilton, Tracy Brown, Combatting internet shaming
Meyer, Susan, Combatting slut shaming
Sakugawa, Yumi. I think I am in friend-love with you
Parks, Peggy J., Cyberbullying
Vicious : true stories by teens about bullying
303.3 KAR Karnes, Frances A. Leadership for students : a guide for young leaders
303.4 DIA Diamond, Jared M. Guns, germs, and steel : the fates of human societies
Extremist groups : opposing viewpoints
Friedman, Thomas L.
The world is flat : a brief history of the twenty-first
The information revolution : opposing viewpoints
The Internet : opposing viewpoints
Mooney, Carla, Thinking critically : cell phones.
Netzley, Patricia D. How does cell phone use impact teenagers?
21st century earth : opposing viewpoints
303.6 BIO Biological terrorism & weapons of mass destruction
303.6 CAS Casil, Amy Sterling. Coping with terrorism
303.6 EBR Ebrahim, Zak, The terrorist's son : a story of choice
303.6 VIO Violence : opposing viewpoints
303.6 Vio Violence in film and television
Doeden, Matt.
Conflict resolution smarts : how to communicate,
negotiate, compromise, and more
304.6 Bir Birth control
304.8 PHI Phillips, Kimberley L. Daily life during African American migrations
Powell, John. Immigration
305 INE Inequality : opposing viewpoints in social problems
305.2 GIN Ginott, Haim G. Between parent and teenager,
305.23 Ali Alifirenka, Caitlin,
I will always write back : how one letter changed two
Canada, Geoffrey.
Fist, stick, knife, gun : a personal history of violence in
Lewis, Sydney, A totally alien life-form : teenagers
Nazario, Sonia. Enrique's journey
305.23 PIP Pipher, Mary Bray. Reviving Ophelia : saving the selves of adolescent girls
Voices from the fields : children of migrant
farmworkers tell their stories
Ellis, Deborah, Looks like daylight : voices of indigenous kids
Cornell, Betty. Betty Cornell's teen-age popularity guide
Freedom Writers.
The Freedom Writers diary : how a teacher and 150
teens used writing to change themselves and the world
around them
Hersch, Patricia.
A tribe apart : a journey into the heart of American
Van Wagenen, Maya. Popular : a memoir : vintage wisdom for a modern geek
Van Wagenen, Maya. Popular : a memoir : vintage wisdom for a modern geek
An aging population : opposing viewpoints
Conley, Dalton, Honky
The Elderly : opposing viewpoints
Male/female roles : opposing viewpoints
Prince, Liz. Tomboy
305.4 GIE Gies, Frances. Women in the Middle Ages
Women's America : refocusing the past
Women's lives in medieval Europe : a sourcebook
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi, We should all be feminists
Anderson, Jennifer Joline, Women's rights movement
Feminism : opposing viewpoints
305.42 Git Gitlin, Marty,
Combatting discrimination against women in the gamer
Goldsmith, Barbara.
Other powers : the age of suffrage, spiritualism, and
the scandalous Victoria Woodhull
Higgins, Nadia Abushanab. Feminism : reinventing the f-word
Sasson, Jean P.
Princess : a true story of life behind the veil in Saudi
Sasson, Jean P.
Princess : a true story of life behind the veil in Saudi
Sasson, Jean P.
Princess : a true story of life behind the veil in Saudi
Sasson, Jean P. Princess Sultana's circle
Sasson, Jean P. Princess Sultana's daughters
Rodriguez, Deborah.
Kabul Beauty School : an American woman goes behind
the veil
305.5 Tra Tracy, Kathleen.
Superstars of the 21st century : pop favorites of
America's teens
Ehrenreich, Barbara. Nickel and dimed :
305.8 Coa Coates, Ta-Nehisi, Between the world and me
305.8 MIL The militia movement and hate groups in America
305.8 Mil Miller, Calvin Craig, Backlash : race riots in the Jim Crow Era
305.8 Mix Mixed heritage
305.8 RAC Race relations : opposing viewpoints
305.8 RID Ridgeway, James,
Blood in the face : the Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nations, Nazi
skinheads, and the rise of a new white culture
Saedi, Sara, Americanized : rebel without a green card
Fajors, Nique, 1967-
Cultural & economic revitalization : a five-step
reference for overcoming Black failure
Fajors, Nique, 1967-
Cultural & economic revitalization : a five-step
reference for overcoming Black failure
Kidder, Tracy. Strength in what remains
Osborne, Linda Barrett,
Miles to go for freedom : segregation & civil rights in
the Jim Crow years
904 Har
Hartfield, Claire, A few red drops : the Chicago Race Riot of 1919
305.9 PIP Pipher, Mary Bray.
The middle of everywhere : the world's refugees come
to our town
306 CUL Culture wars : opposing viewpoints
306 HUG Hughes, Kristine.
The writer's guide to everyday life in Regency and
Victorian England
306 HUG Hughes, Kristine.
The writer's guide to everyday life in Regency and
Victorian England
306 Pra Prager, Sarah.
Queer, there, and everywhere : 23 people who changed
the world
306.3 Bap Baptist, Edward E.,
The half has never been told : slavery and the making of
American capitalism
306.3 BEC Becker, Gary Stanley,
The economics of life : from baseball to affirmative
action to immigration, how real-world issues affect our
everyday life
306.3 Nor Northup, Solomon, Twelve years a slave
306.3 Sla Slavery
306.3 THO Thomas, Velma Maia.
Lest we forget : the passage from Africa to slavery and
306.4 Orr Orr, Tamra, Combatting body shaming
306.4 WIT Witmer, Scott. Sports and society
Lepore, Jill,
A is for American : letters and other characters in the
newly United States
306.7 FOR Forward, Susan. Men who hate women & the women who love them
306.7 HOL Holbrook, Sabra. Fighting back : the struggle for gay rights
306.7 SEX Sex : opposing viewpoints
306.7 TEE Teenage sexuality : opposing viewpoints
Baish, Vanessa. Frequently asked questions about dating
Beckman, Wendy Hart.
Dating, relationships, and sexuality : what teens should
Sundquist, Josh.
We should hang out sometime : embarrassingly, a true
Kuhn, Betsy.
Gay power! : the Stonewall Riots and the gay rights
movement, 1969
306.76 Pel Pelleschi, Andrea, Transgender rights and issues
306.8 BAI Bailey, Marilyn. Single-parent families
306.8 HAL Hales, Dianne R., The family
306.8 LAZ Lazo, Caroline Evensen. Divorce
Andryszewski, Tricia,
Same-sex marriage : granting equal rights or damaging
the status of marriage?
Bode, Janet. Kids still having kids : people talk about teen pregnancy
The Family in America : opposing viewpoints
Gravelle, Karen. Teenage fathers
Simpson, Carolyn. Coping with teenage motherhood
Worth, Richard. Frequently asked questions about teen fatherhood
Las mamis : favorite Latino authors remember their
Teen pregnancy
Peterman, Rosie L. Divorce and stepfamilies
307.2 Har Harris, Laurie Lanzen. The great migration north, 1910-1970
307.7 Jac Jackson, Kenneth T.
Crabgrass frontier : the suburbanization of the United
307.76 Cic Cicero, Nuria. A visual history of houses and cities around the world
Caudill, Rebecca, My Appalachia : a reminiscence
Dennett, John Richard, The South as it is: 1865-1866.
320 HEN Hennessey, Jonathan, The United States Constitution : a graphic adaptation
320 Hid Hidalgo, Silvia. How to Be American : a field guide to citizenship
320 Per Perritano, John. Political parties
320.3 POL Political systems, structures, and functions
Doeden, Matt. A marked man : the assassination of Malcolm X
Saslow, Eli,
Rising out of hatred : the awakening of a former white
Russia : opposing viewpoints
Perritano, John. Foundations
Tocqueville, Alexis de, Democracy in America
323 Bau Bausum, Ann.
Marching to the mountaintop : how poverty, labor
fights, and civil rights set the stage for Martin Luther
King, Jr.'s final hours
323 Bri Brimner, Larry Dane,
Blacklisted! : Hollywood, the Cold War, and the First
323 HAN Hansen, Drew W.
The dream : Martin Luther King, Jr., and the speech that
inspired a nation
323 HUM Human rights : opposing viewpoints
323 HUM Human rights : opposing viewpoints
323 Kin King, Martin Luther,
I have a dream : writings and speeches that changed
the world
323 LYN Lynd, Staughton, Nonviolence in America; : a documentary history.
323 MIT Mitchell, Don, The freedom summer murders
Hooks, Benjamin L. The march for civil rights : the Benjamin Hooks story
Bolden, Tonya. M.L.K. : journey of a King
Swanson, James L.,
Chasing King's killer : the hunt for Martin Luther King,
Jr.'s assassin
Kootz, Russell. Understanding your civil rights
323.1 KIN King, Mary
Freedom song : a personal story of the 1960s civil rights
323.1 LEV
Documentary history of the modern civil rights
323.1 Lew Lewis, John, March : Book One
Lewis, John, March : Book Two.
Tweedle, John,
A lasting impression : a collection of photographs of
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Bowers, Rick,
Spies of Mississippi : the true story of the spy network
that tried to destroy the civil rights movement
Levinson, Cynthia.
We've got a job : the 1963 Birmingham Children's
Lewis, John, March : Book Three.
Lowery, Lynda Blackmon,
Turning 15 on the road to freedom : my story of the
1965 Selma Voting Rights March
Marsico, Katie,
The Montgomery bus boycott : milestone of the civil
rights movement
NAACP : celebrating a century : 100 years in pictures
323.3 Gor Gordon, Minette. Understanding women's rights
323.4 KIN King, Martin Luther, Why we can't wait.
Henderson, Harry. Privacy in the information age
Hentoff, Nat.
The first freedom : the tumultuous history of free
speech in America
January, Brendan, Information insecurity : privacy under siege
Miller, Michael Fake News: Spearating Truth From Fiction
Ganchy, Sally. Understanding your right to free speech
323.5 WHI White, Theodore H. The making of the President : 1964
323.6 Jon Jones, Jeffrey Owen. The pledge : a history of the Pledge of Allegiance
Morin, Isobel V., Impeaching the president
324.6 QUI Quinn, Barbara, Understanding your right to vote
324.6 YEL
Yellin, Carol Lynn The Perfect 36 : Tennessee Delivers Woman Suffrage
325 Har Hartmann, Edward George, American immigration
325 Smi Smith, Bonnie G., Imperialism : a history in documents
Marcovitz, Hal. How should America respond to illegal immigration?
Douglass, Frederick,
Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass : an American
327 POW Powers, Francis Gary,
Operation Overflight: the U-2 spy pilot tells his story for
the first time
327.1 CAR Carter, Jimmy, Talking peace : a vision for the next generation
327.1 COL Cole, Leonard A.,
The eleventh plague : the politics of biological and
chemical warfare
Woodward, Bob. Veil : the secret wars of the CIA, 1981-1987
Ellis, Rafaela. The Central Intelligence Agency
Melton, H. Keith The ultimate spy book
Lang, Patrick, Intelligence: the human factor
Herring, George C.,
From colony to superpower : U.S. foreign relations since
Janeczko, Paul B. The dark game : true spy stories
Telhami, Shibley.
The stakes : America and the Middle East : the
consequences of power and the choice for peace
91 Cap
Capek, Michael. US-Cuba relations
328.1 De De Vries, Mary A. The new Robert's Rules of order
328.73 Jor Raatma, Lucia. Barbara Jordan
Perritano, John. Congress
Ritchie, Donald A., The Senate
329 WHI White, Theodore Harold, The making of the President 1968
330 DER De Rooy, Jacob.
Economic literacy : what everyone needs to know about
money and markets
330 HEA Heath, Julia A. Microeconomics
330 SMI Smith, William. Entrepreneurship
330 SOW Sowell, Thomas, Basic economics : a citizens guide to the economy
330 WHE Wheelan, Charles J. Naked economics : undressing the dismal science
Davis, William,
The language of money; : an irreverent dictionary of
business & finance.
DeVos, Rich.
Compassionate capitalism : people helping people help
Schutz, Eric A.,
Markets and power : the 21st century command
330.9 KAL Kallen, Stuart A., The Great Recession
Bair, Sheila.
The Bullies of Wall St : this is how greed messed up our
Galbraith, John Kenneth, The affluent society.
Katz, William Loren. An album of the Great Depression
Lowenstein, Roger. Origins of the crash : the great bubble and its undoing
Meltzer, Milton,
Brother, can you spare a dime; : the Great Depression,
Terry, Roger,
Economic insanity : how growth-driven capitalism is
devouring the American dream
331 Ree Reeves, Diane Lindsey,
Career ideas for teens in business, management, &
Affirmative action
331.2 Ter Terkel, Studs
Working : people talk about what they do all day and
how they feel about what they do
331.2592 Morkes, Andrew Careers in the building tades: apprenticeships
Gourley, Catherine.
Good girl work : factories, sweatshops, and how women
changed their role in the American workforce
331.3 MEL Meltzer, Milton, Cheap raw material
331.5 VAL Valle, Isabel. Fields of toil : a migrant family's journey
331.6 AGE Agee, James, Let us now praise famous men; : three tenant families
331.702 Morkes, Andrew Careers in the building tades: roofer
331.702 Morkes, Andrew
Careers in the building trades: heating and cooling
331.702 Morkes, Andrew Careers in the building trades: plumber
Apel, Melanie Ann.
Cool careers without college for film and television
Christen, Carol.
What color is your parachute? for teens : discovering
yourself, defining your future
Marcovitz, Hal. Teens & career choices
Morgan, Genevieve.
Undecided : navigating life and learning after high
Phifer, Paul. Great careers in 2 years : the associate degree option
Phifer, Paul. Great careers in 2 years : the associate degree option
331.87 Int 100 Years of teamsters history.
332 DRE Dreyfus, Jack, The lion of Wall Street : the two lives of Jack Dreyfus
Debt information for teens : tips for a successful
financial life, including facts about the economy and
personal finances, money management, interest rates,
loans, credit cards, predatory lending practices, and
resolving debt-related problems
Heath, Julia A. Decision making and budgeting
Peterson, Judy Monroe. First budget smarts
332.4 GAL Galbraith, John Kenneth, Money, whence it came, where it went
332.6 FRE Freedman, Jeri. First bank account and first investments smarts
Graham, Benjamin The Intelligent Investor
Blumenthal, Karen. Six days in October : the stock market crash of 1929
332.64 Lit Little, Jeffrey B. Wall Street--how it works
332.7 BYE Byers, Ann. First credit cards and credit smarts
333.7 GLO Global resources : opposing viewpoints
Dell, Pamela. Protecting the planet : environmental activism
The politics of saving the environment
Energy alternatives : opposing viewpoints
Gordon, Sherri Mabry. Out of gas : using up fossil fuels
Rau, Dana Meachen, Alternative energy : beyond fossil fuels
Yount, Lisa. Energy supply
Newton, David E. Nuclear power
333.9 Hig Higgins, Melissa, Wind energy
333.91 Fei Feinstein, Stephen. Drying up : running out of water
Leahy, Stephen,
Your water footprint : the shocking facts about how
much water we use to make everyday products
Hand, Carol, Biomass energy
333.95 SPI Spicer, John I. Biodiversity
334 ELL Ellis, Clyde Taylor. A giant step
334.5 Gal Gallant, Frank K. Local lights : America's electric cooperatives
335 M More, Thomas, Utopia
335 MOR More, Thomas, Utopia
335 MOR More, Thomas, Utopia
Hoover, J. Edgar
Masters of deceit; : the story of communism in America
and how to fight it.
Hoover, J. Edgar A study of communism
Bornstein, Jerry.
The wall came tumbling down : the Berlin Wall and the
fall of communism
338 CAH Cahn, William,
Out of the cracker barrel; : the Nabisco story, from
animal crackers to zuzus.
338 Wyl Wyly, Sam. 1,000 dollars and an idea : entrepreneur to billionaire
338.1 Gay Gay, Kathlyn. Food : the new gold
338.1023 Lewis, Daniel, Agriculture, food & natural resources
338.2 YER Yergin, Daniel. The prize : the epic quest for oil, money, and power
338.4 Gas Gasoline
338.4 MIL Miller, Chris,
Chip war : the fight for the world's most critical
23 Lew
Lewis, Daniel, Hospitality & human services
Weiss, Ann E., Money game$ : the business of sports
338.5 GAL Galbraith, John Kenneth, The great crash, 1929.
338.7 Bri Brezina, Corona. Sergey Brin, Larry Page, Eric Schmidt, and Google
338.7 For Long, David Henry Ford : industrialist
338.7 KAT Katz, Jon. Geeks : how two lost boys rode the Internet out of Idaho
338.7 WHI White, Trey. The story of Death Row Records
Economics in America : opposing viewpoints
Galbraith, John Kenneth, The new industrial state.
340 CAR Careers in focus.
341.4 COL
Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc.
CBS News.
Trial at Nuremberg
341.6 Ken Kenney, Karen Latchana.
Korematsu v. the United States : World War II Japanese-
American internment camps
341.6 Nar Nardo, Don, Nazi war criminals
Bowen, Catherine Drinker,
Miracle at Philadelphia; : the story of the Constitutional
Convention, May to September, 1787.
Fernandez, Justin.
High crimes and misdemeanors : the impeachment
Freedman, Russell.
In defense of liberty : the story of America's Bill of
Gottfried, Ted. Privacy : individual right v. social needs
Heppermann, Christine.
Bush v. Gore : the Florida recounts of the 2000
presidential election
Kranz, Rachel. Affirmative action
Roots of the Bill of Rights
Rossiter, Clinton Lawrence, 1787: the grand convention
Wittekind, Erika,
The United States v. Nixon : the Watergate scandal and
limits to US presidential power
Levinson, Cynthia,
Fault lines in the Constitution : the framers, their fights,
and the flaws that affect us today
Cates, David,
Plessy v. Ferguson : segregation and the separate but
equal policy
Civil liberties : opposing viewpoints
Currie, Stephen, Online privacy
Hagler, Gina Understanding freedom of the press
Hinds, Maurene J.
You have the right to know your rights : what teens
should know
MacDonald, Joan Vos. Religion and free speech today : a pro/con debate
Tischauser, Leslie Vincent, Jim Crow laws
Van Zee, Amy.
Dred Scott v. Sandford : slavery and freedom before the
American civil war
343.73 LIE Lieberman, Marc R.
Your rights as a consumer : legal tips for savvy
purchases of goods, services and credit
Discipline and punishment
Health care legislation
Gold, Susan Dudley,
Son of Sam case : Simon and Schuster v. Members of
United States Crime Victims Board
Cohen, Adam
Imbeciles : the Supreme Court, American eugenics, and
the sterilization of Carrie Buck
Cross, Nathaniel, Understanding your right to bear arms
Aaseng, Nathan. You are the juror
Goldstein, Margaret J., Legalizing marijuana : promises and pitfalls
Higgins, Melissa, Roe v. Wade : abortion and a woman's right to privacy
Holmes, Nancy, Understanding the rights of the accused
Lewis, Anthony, Gideon's trumpet
McLaurin, Melton Alonza. Celia, a slave
The Patriot Act
The Patriot Act : opposing viewpoints
Vander Hook, Sue,
Miranda v. Arizona : an individual's rights when under
Miller, Sarah Elizabeth,
The Borden murders : Lizzie Borden & the trial of the
346.73 Aff The Affordable Care Act
347 Mae Maestro, Betsy. A more perfect union : the story of our Constitution
Friedman, Leon. The Supreme Court
Perritano, John. Supreme Court
347.9 Har Harrell, Mary Ann.
Equal justice under law : the Supreme Court in
American life
Careers in focus.
351.9 BER Bernstein, Carl, All the President's men
Perritano, John. Office of the president
Israel, Fred L. The FBI
Van Fleet, Alanson A. The Tennessee Valley Authority
Osborne, John, The first two years of the Nixon watch.
355 CON Connolly, Peter. Greece and Rome at war
355 CON Conrad, James Lee. The young lions : Confederate cadets at war
355 Ede Eden, Steven. Military blunders II : the twentieth century
355 EDG Edgerton, Robert B., Hidden heroism : Black soldiers in America's wars
355 NAT National security : opposing viewpoints
355 STA Stanley, Sandra Carson. Women in the military
Forrest, Glen C., The illustrated timeline of military history
3 Lew
Lewis, Daniel, Armed forces
355.0076 ASVAB prep plus 2018-2019
355.0076 ASVAB prep plus 2018-2019
Duran, Terry L.
Barron's ASVAB : Armed Services Vocational Aptitude
Fisch, Arnold G. The Department of the Army
355.02 Kyi Kyi, Tanya Lloyd,
Extreme battlefields : when war meets the forces of
Nardo, Don, Medieval warfare
Collier, Peter,
Medal of Honor : portraits of valor beyond the call of
355.3 BLU Blumenson, Martin. The Patton papers
Manchester, William Raymond, American Caesar, Douglas MacArthur, 1880-1964
355.7 TOY Toy, Sidney. Castles : their construction and history
Neufeld, Michael J.,
The rocket and the reich : Peenem¸nde and the coming
of the ballistic missile era
356 DUN Dunnigan, James F.
The perfect soldier : special operations, commandos,
and the future of U.S. warfare
356 Mor Moreno de la Fuente, Alberto. A visual history of soldiers and armies around the world
358 BIO Biological and chemical weapons
358 BIO Biological warfare : opposing viewpoints
358 DAV Davis, Mary Byrd. Weapons of mass destruction
358 LEV Levine, Herbert M. Chemical & biological weapons in our times
358.4 DAV Davis, Benjamin O. Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., American : an autobiography.
73 Fre
Freedman, Jeri. Your career in the Air Force
Gregory, Josh. Aircraft pilot
3 Orr
Orr, Tamra. Your career in the Navy
Greitens, Eric,
The warrior's heart : becoming a man of compassion
and courage
359.9 Cla Clancy, Tom, Battle ready
73 Coo
Cook, Colleen Ryckert. Your career in the Marines
Webb, Brandon,
The making of a Navy SEAL : my story of surviving the
toughest challenge and training the best
Graham, Amy. Choosing a community service career : a how-to guide
361.1 SOC Social justice : opposing viewpoints
361.2 Tho Thompson, Laurie Ann.
Be a changemaker : how to start something that
361.3 CAR Careers in focus.
Burlingame, Jeff. Government entitlements
Addams, Jane,
Twenty years at Hull-House : with autobiographical
362.1 Ear Earl, Esther,
This star won't go out : the life and words of Esther
Grace Earl
362.1 HEA Health care in America : opposing viewpoints
362.1 HEA Health care.
Health care and human values
362.1 SHE Sherrow, Victoria.
The U.S. health care crisis : the fight over access,
quality, and cost
362.1 Sto Stokke, Regine, Regine's book : a teen girl's last words
Johanson, Paula. HIV and AIDS
Estess, Jenifer. Tales from the bed : on living, dying, and having it all
Patchett, Ann. Truth & beauty : a friendship
Gelletly, LeeAnne. AIDS and health issues in Africa
362.2 FRE Freeman, Sally. Drugs & civilization
Mental illness : opposing viewpoints
362.28 Fin Fine, Carla.
No time to say goodbye : surviving the suicide of a loved
Teen suicide
Addiction : opposing viewpoints
Addiction : opposing viewpoints
Bjornlund, Lydia, How dangerous are performance-enhancing drugs?
Bjornlund, Lydia, Marijuana
Chemical dependency : opposing viewpoints
362.29 Etl Etler, Cyndy, The dead inside : a true story
Kranz, Rachel. Straight talk about smoking
Krosoczka, Jarrett, Hey, kiddo
Marcovitz, Hal. How serious a problem is drug use in sports?
362.29 S Stewart, Gail, Drugs and sports
Hooked : when addiction hits home
Taylor, Clark The house that crack built
Tobacco and smoking : opposing viewpoints
92 Kro
Krosoczka, Jarrett, Hey, kiddo
Alcohol : opposing viewpoints
Currie-McGhee, L. K. Teenage alcoholism
Solomon, Andrew,
Far from the tree : how children and their parents learn
to accept one another...our differences unite us
362.41 Sul Sullivan, George, Helen Keller
The homeless : opposing viewpoints
Adoption : opposing viewpoints
362.7 CHE Check, William A. Child abuse
362.7 CHI Child abuse : opposing viewpoints
362.7 CHI Child welfare : opposing viewpoints
Cooney, Judith. Coping with sexual abuse
362.7 LIN Lindsay, Jeanne Warren.
Pregnant? Adoption is an option : making an adoption
plan for a child
362.7 MIL Miller, Deborah A. Coping with incest
Eberts, Marjorie. Careers in child care
Adoption : opposing viewpoints
Teens at risk : opposing viewpoints
Tough, Paul.
Whatever it takes : Geoffrey Canada's quest to change
Harlem and America
Gordon, Sherri Mabry. Beyond bruises : the truth about teens and abuse
Hall, Shyima. Hidden girl : the true story of a modern-day child slave
362.8 PAR Parrot, Andrea. Coping with date rape & acquaintance rape
Crimes of gender : violence against women
Domestic violence
Jamiolkowski, Raymond M. Coping in a dysfunctional family
Violence against women
Simons, Rae,
Gender danger : survivors of rape, human trafficking,
and honor killings
363.1 CAR Careers in focus.
Lewis, Daniel, Public safety & law
Aronson, Marc.
Trapped : how the world rescued 33 miners from 2,000
feet below the Chilean desert
363.12 DE De Angelis, Gina. The Hindenburg
Grolleau, Fabien,
Guardian of Fukushima : the true story of a farmer who
fought to save the nuclear zone's animals
Pampel, Fred C. Threats to food safety
363.2 Aro Aronson, Marc.
Master of deceit : J. Edgar Hoover and America in the
age of lies
363.2 LAN Lang, Alan R. Alcohol, teenage drinking
363.2 POL Police brutality
Given-Wilson, Rachel, Your future as a police officer
Burns, Jan. Kidnapping
Heos, Bridget,
Blood, bullets, and bones : the story of forensic science
from Sherlock Holmes to DNA
363.25 Jef Jeffrey, Gary. Solving crimes with trace evidence
Murray, Elizabeth A.
Forensic identification : putting a name and face on
Newton, David E. Forensic chemistry
Owen, David. Profiling : the psychology of catching killers
Stewart, Gail B. Identity theft
373 Orr
Orr, Tamra. Your career in the Coast Guard
Seiple, Samantha,
Lincoln's spymaster : Allan Pinkerton, America's first
private eye
363.3 Doe Doeden, Matt.
Gun control : preventing violence or crushing
constitutional rights?
363.3 Gun Gun control
Gun violence : opposing viewpoints
Guns and violence
363.3 HUL Hull, Mary. Censorship in America : a reference handbook
Dando, Malcolm. Bioterror and biowarfare
Theoharis, Athan G.
Abuse of power : how Cold War surveillance and secrecy
policy shaped the response to 9/11
Weinberg, Leonard, Global terrorism
Henderson, Harry. Gun control
Blohm, Craig E., Catastrophic events of the 2000s
Kowalski, Kathiann M.
A pro/con look at homeland security : safety vs. liberty
after 9/11
Miller, Debra A. Hurricane Katrina : devastation on the Gulf Coast
363.4 Cur Currie, Stephen, Prohibition
Guernsey, JoAnn Bren. Abortion : understanding the controversy
363.4 JON Jonnes, Jill,
Hep-cats, narcs, and pipe dreams : a history of
America's romance with illegal drugs
363.4 LEG Legalized gambling
363.4 POR Pornography : opposing viewpoints
Glenny, Misha, Nemesis : one man and the battle for Rio
Abortion : opposing viewpoints
363.7 Car Carson, Rachel, Silent spring
363.7 EHR Ehrlich, Paul R.
Betrayal of science and reason : how anti-
environmental rhetoric threatens our future
363.7 ENV The environment : opposing viewpoints
363.7 Fle Fleischman, Paul.
Eyes wide open : going behind the environmental
Gore, Albert, Earth in the balance : ecology and the human spirit
363.7 JON Jones, Van,
The green-collar economy : how one solution can fix our
two biggest problems
363.72 Kal Kallen, Stuart A., Trashing the planet : examining our global garbage glut
Bullard, Robert D.
Dumping in Dixie : race, class, and environmental
Gay, Kathlyn. Buried : too much garbage
Global warming : opposing viewpoints
Braasch, Gary.
Earth under fire : how global warming is changing the
Cunningham, Anne C. Climate change : a threat to all life on earth
Hanel, Rachael. Climate fever : stopping global warming
Marcovitz, Hal. How serious a threat is climate change?
363.8 Wro Wroble, Lisa A. Starving : can we feed everyone?
Newton, David E. Overpopulation : 7 billion people and counting
363.9 Wit Wittenstein, Vicki O., Reproductive rights : who decides?
364 CRI Crime & criminals, opposing viewpoints
364.1 ASI Asinof, Eliot, Eight men out : the Black Sox and the 1919 World Series
364.1 BAR Barnes, Margaret Anne. Murder in Coweta County
364.1 BEN Bennett, William John,
Body count : moral poverty-- and how to win America's
war against crime and drugs
364.1 CAP Capote, Truman,
In cold blood : a true account of a multiple murder and
its consequences
364.1 CRI Crimes of passion.
Gage, Nicholas. The Mafia is not an equal opportunity employer.
Gangs : opposing viewpoints
364.1 HAT Hate crimes
364.1 HAT Hate groups : opposing viewpoints
364.1 Hen Henderson, Jeff. Cooked : My journey from the streets to the stove.
364.1 Lev Leveritt, Mara. Devil's knot : the true story of the West Memphis Three
364.1 SEX Sexual violence : opposing viewpoints
364.1 TEE Teen gangs : a global view
Bascomb, Neal,
The Nazi hunters : how a team of spies and survivors
captured the world's most notorious Nazi
Byers, Ann. Sexual assault and abuse
Geary, Rick.
The Lindbergh child : the atrocious kidnapping and
murder of the infant son of America's hero, Col. Charles
A. Lindbergh / written and illustrated by Rick Geary.
364.15 Kal Kallen, Stuart A., The John F. Kennedy assassination
Netzley, Patricia D. How serious a threat are online predators?
364.15 Sla Slater, Dashka, The 57 bus
Faryon, Cynthia J.,
Sentenced to life at seventeen : the story of David
Geary, Rick.
The case of Madeleine Smith : a true account of the
respectable young Glasgow lady brought to trial for the
murder by poison of her secret paramour
Geary, Rick.
Famous players : the mysterious death of Wiliam
Desmond Taylor
Geary, Rick. The mystery of Mary Rogers
Geary, Rick.
The saga of the Bloody Benders : the infamous
homicidal family of Labette County, Kansas
Larson, Erik.
The devil in the white city : murder, magic, and
madness at the fair that changed America
Larson, Erik. Thunderstruck
Rule, Ann. Heart full of lies : a true story of desire and death
Mooney, Carla, Online security
Covaleski, John. Hacking
Humes, Edward.
No matter how loud I shout : a year in the life of
Juvenile Court
Hobbs, Jeff,
Children of the state : stories of survival and hope in the
juvenile justice system
Juvenile crime : opposing viewpoints
Mooney, Carla, Teen violence : Teenage problems.
364.6 PRE Prejean, Helen.
Dead man walking : an eyewitness account of the death
penalty in the United States
Jones, Patrick, Teen incarceration : from cell bars to ankle bracelets
Echols, Damien. Life after death
Burrough, Bryan,
Public enemies : America's greatest crime wave and the
birth of the FBI, 1933-34
Kanefield, Teri,
Guilty? : crime, punishment, and the changing face of
criminal justice
Webber, Diane Shot And Framed: Photographers at the Crime Scene
365 Bur Burlingame, Jeff. Prisons
365 FER Ferro, Jeffrey. Prisons
370 EDU Education in America : opposing viewpoints
370.15 PIE Piaget, Jean, Science of education and the psychology of the child.
Beals, Melba.
Warriors don't cry : a searing memoir of the battle to
integrate Little Rock's Central High
Hirsch, E. D. Cultural literacy : what every American needs to know
370.9 Edu Education
Kozol, Jonathan. Savage inequalities : children in America's schools
371.1 Dan Danza, Tony.
I'd like to apologize to every teacher I ever had : my year
as a rookie teacher at Northeast High
Given-Wilson, Rachel, Your future as a teacher
Clark, Ron,
The essential 55 : an award-winning educator's rules for
discovering the successful student in every child
Henneberg, Susan. Internship smarts
371.5 Win Winkler, Kathleen.
Bullying : how to deal with taunting, teasing, and
371.7 SCH School violence
371.8 You Yousafzai, Malala,
I am Malala : the girl who stood up for education and
was shot by the Taliban
Mortenson, Greg.
Three cups of tea : one man's mission to promote peace-
-one school at a time
Mortenson, Greg.
Stones into schools : promoting peace with books, not
bombs, in Afghanistan and Pakistan
Mortenson, Greg.
Stones into schools : promoting peace with books, not
bombs, in Afghanistan and Pakistan
Nielsen, Kim E.
Beyond the miracle worker : the remarkable life of Anne
Sullivan Macy and her extraordinary friendship with
Helen Keller
Roy, Jennifer Rozines, Sharpen your good grammar skills
373.1 LAT Latrobe, Kathy Howard.
Social studies readers theatre for young adults : scripts
and script development
Braithwaite, Edward Ricardo. To Sir, with love.
373.52 FEI Feiler, Bruce S.
Learning to bow : an American teacher in a Japanese
Bloom, Allan David,
The closing of the American mind : how higher
education has failed democracy and impoverished the
souls of today's students
378.1 ACT
ACT strategies for super busy students : 15 simple steps
(for students who don't want to spend their whole lives
preparing for the test).
378.1 Bon Bondy, Halley,
77 things you absolutely have to do before you finish
378.1 BRA Bradbury-Haehl, Nora.
The freshman survival guide : soulful advice for
studying, socializing, and everything in between
Shapiro, Michael.
Rock the SAT : trick your brain into learning the new
vocab while listening to slamming music!
378.1 Mor Morkes, Andrew.
They teach that in college!? : a resource guide to more
than 100 interesting college majors
378.1 PAU Paul, Bill, Getting in : inside the college admissions process
378.1 STE Steinberg, Jacques.
The gatekeepers : inside the admissions process of a
premier college
Fiske, Edward B. Fiske guide to getting into the right college
3 Rel
Religion in schools
381 CAR Careers in focus. Retail.
3 Gla
Glaser, Jason. Careers in online retailing
384.3 Orr Orr, Tamra.
Top 10 tips for safe and responsible digital
384.6 Lap Lapsley, Phil.
Exploding the phone : the untold story of the teenagers
and outlaws who hacked Ma Bell
Grinapol, Corinne. Reed Hastings and Netflix
385 AMB Ambrose, Stephen E.
Nothing like it in the world : the men who built the
transcontinental railroad, 1863-1869
385 Law Laws, Bill. Fifty railroads that changed the course of history
The complete history of railroads : trade, transport, and
Sandler, Martin W.
Iron rails, iron men, and the race to link the nation : the
story of the transcontinental railroad
386 DRA Drago, Harry Sinclair,
Canal days in America; : the history and romance of old
towpaths and waterways.
Lyon, Jane D. Clipper ships and captains,
Gann, Ernest Kellogg, Fate is the hunter.
388 CAR Careers in focus. Transportation.
Lewis, Daniel, Transportation & manufacturing
Nardo, Don, Roman roads and aqueducts
388.4 San Sandler, Martin W.
Secret subway : the fascinating tale of an amazing feat
of engineering
391 BRO Brooke, Iris.
Western European costume and its relation to the
391 SCO Scott, Margaret,
Medieval clothing and costumes : displaying wealth and
class in medieval times
391 SIC Sichel, Marion. History of women's costume
391 WIL Wilcox, R. Turner. Folk and festival costume of the world
Sichel, Marion. Costume of the classical world
Gorsline, Douglas W.,
What people wore; : a visual history of dress from
ancient times to twentieth-century America,
391.5 Ash Ashe, Bert. Twisted : my dreadlock chronicles
Banks, Ingrid,
Hair matters : beauty, power, and Black women's
391.6 Saw Sawyer, Sarah.
Body piercing and tattooing : the hidden dangers of
body art
392.3 Fla Flanders, Judith,
The making of home : the 500-year story of how our
houses became our homes
393 C Colman, Penny. Corpses, coffins, and crypts : a history of burial
393 COF Coffin, Margaret.
Death in early America : the history and folklore of
customs and superstitions of early medicine, funerals,
burials, and mourning
393 MIT Mitford, Jessica, The American way of death
394.1 Kal Kallen, Stuart A., Medieval food and customs
394.1 SCH Schlosser, Eric.
Fast food nation : the dark side of the all-American
394.2 IDE The Ideals Christmas treasury
Williams, Colleen Madonna Flood. The festivals of Mexico
395 POS Post, Emily, Emily Post's Etiquette
395.5 Mar Marlowe, Christie.
Presenting yourself : business manners, personality, and
398 Aes The Aesop for children
398 ARA The Arabian nights
398 ARA Arabian Nights Entertainments
398 BOT
A Treasury of Southern folklore : stories, ballads,
traditions, and folkways of the people of the South
398 BUL Bulfinch, Thomas, Legends of Charlemagne
398.2 AES Aesop's fables
398.2 ASB Asbjornsen, P.C. East of the sun and west of the moon and other tales
398.2 BOT
A Treasury of American folklore : stories, ballads, and
traditions of the people
398.2 BUL Bulfinch, Thomas, Bulfinch's mythology
398.2 BUL Bulfinch, Thomas, Bulfinch's mythology
398.2 BUL Bulfinch, Thomas, Bulfinch's mythology
398.2 CHA Chase, Richard, Grandfather tales; : American-English folk tales.
The complete Grimm's fairy tales
Courlander, Harold,
A treasury of African folklore : the oral literature,
traditions, myths, legends, epics, tales, recollections,
wisdom, sayings, and humor of Africa
398.2 Cur Currie, Stephen, Mayan mythology
398.2 Day Day, David, Tolkien's ring
398.2 F
Fearless girls, wise women, and beloved sisters :
heroines in folktales from around the world
398.2 For Forests of the vampire : Slavic myth.
398.2 GRI Fairy tales
398.2 HAR Harris, Christie. Once upon a totem.
398.2 HEN Henderson, Gertrude. The Ring of the Nibelung
398.2 Hol Holt, David and Mooney, Bill The Exploding Toilet: Modern Urban Legends
398.2 HOL Holt, David. Spiders in the hairdo : modern urban legends
Hibbert, Christopher, The search for King Arthur.
398.2 HOS Hosford, Dorothy. By his own might : The battles of Beowulf
398.2 Hou Houle, Michelle M. Gods and goddesses in greek mythology rock!
398.2 M McKinley, Robin. Beauty : a retelling of the story of Beauty & the beast
Malory, Thomas, King Arthur
398.2 Mal Pollard, Alfred W.
The romance of King Arthur and his knights of the
Round Table
McKinley, Robin. Beauty : a retelling of the story of Beauty & the beast
398.2 Nar Nardo, Don, Heroes in Greek mythology
398.2 Nar Nardo, Don, Monsters in Greek mythology
398.2 Pea Pearce, Q. L. Native American mythology
398.2 PYL Pyle, Howard,
The merry adventures of Robin Hood of great renown in
398.2 PYL Pyle, Howard, The story of Sir Launcelot and his companions,
398.2 Rea
Read all about it! : great read-aloud stories, poems, and
newspaper pieces for preteens and teens
Untermeyer, Louis.
The world's great stories : fifty-five legends that live
398.2 WIL Irving, Washington The Alhambra : palace of mystery and splendor
398.2 Wor Myths and legends of Africa.
398.2 Wor Myths and legends of Africa.
398.2 Wor Myths and legends of ancient Britain and Ireland.
398.2 Wor Myths and legends of ancient Britain and Ireland.
398.2 Wor Myths and legends of ancient Egypt.
398.2 Wor Myths and legends of ancient Egypt.
398.2 Wor Myths and legends of ancient Greece.
398.2 Wor Myths and legends of ancient Greece.
398.2 Wor Myths and legends of ancient Rome.
398.2 Wor Myths and legends of ancient Rome.
398.2 Wor
Myths and legends of Australia, New Zealand, and
Pacific islands.
398.2 Wor
Myths and legends of Australia, New Zealand, and
Pacific islands.
398.2 Wor Myths and Legends of Central and South America.
398.2 Wor Myths and Legends of Central and South America.
398.2 Wor Myths and legends of China.
398.2 Wor Myths and legends of China.
398.2 Wor
Myths and Legends of North America : Canada and the
Northern United States.
398.2 Wor
Myths and Legends of North America : Canada and the
Northern United States.
398.2 Wor
Myths and Legends of North America : Southwestern
United States and Mexico.
398.2 Wor
Myths and Legends of North America : Southwestern
United States and Mexico.
398.2 Wor Myths and legends of Scandinavia.
398.2 Wor Myths and legends of Scandinavia.
398.2 Wor Myths and legends of South Asia and Southeast Asia.
398.2 Wor Myths and legends of South Asia and Southeast Asia.
The annotated African American folktales
Nardo, Don, Natural phenomena in Greek mythology
Chase, Richard, Grandfather tales : American-English folk tales
Felton, Harold W. John Henry and his hammer
McHargue, Georgess.
The beasts of never; : a history natural & un-natural of
monsters mythical & magical.
The annotated Mother Goose, nursery rhymes old and
new, arr. and explained by William S. Baring-Gould &
Ceil Baring-Gould.
399 Tun Tunis, Edwin, Weapons : a pictorial history
401 LUN Lunge-Larsen, Lise.
Gifts from the gods : ancient words & wisdom from
Greek & Roman mythology
420 Rod Rodriguez, Richard.
Hunger of memory : the education of Richard Rodriguez
: an autobiography
422 FUN Funk, Charles Earle, Heavens to Betsy! and other curious sayings
422 FUN Funk, Charles Earle, Horsefeathers and other curious words
422 FUN Funk, Charles Earle, Thereby hangs a tale : stories of curious word origins
422 VAN Vanoni, Marvin.
Great expressions : how our favorite words and phrases
have come to mean what they mean
422 Win Winokur, Jon.
Je ne sais what? : a guide to de rigueur Frenglish for
readers, writers, and speakers
423 Ult Ultimate visual dictionary.
Winchester, Simon.
The professor and the madman : a tale of murder,
insanity, and the making of the Oxford English
425 Gre Grenon, Rachel. Grammar : the structure of language
English in the southern United States
Funk, Charles Earle, A hog on ice and other curious expressions
428.2 Cap Cappon, RenÈ J. The Associated Press guide to punctuation
428.2 Nor Norris, Mary Between you & me : confessions of a Comma Queen
O'Conner, Patricia T.
Woe is I : the grammarphobe's guide to better English
in plain English
428.2 Tag Taggart, Caroline,
My grammar and I-- or should that be me"? : how to
speak and write it right"
428.2 TRU Truss, Lynne.
Eats, shoots & leaves : the zero tolerance approach to
Killgallon, Don.
Grammar for college writing : a sentence-composing
approach : a student worktext
440 BRE BrÈe, Germaine,
Twentieth century French literature; : an anthology of
prose & poetry,
440 DEN Denoeu, FranÁois. Lectures LittÈraires Pour CommenÁants
440 DUR Duras, Marguerite. Le Square
440 GOS Goscinny, Rene. Les Aventures Du Petit Nicolas
440 GRA Grant, Elliott Mansfield, French poetry of the nineteenth century,
468 RIV Rivera, Tom‚as,
--y no se lo trag‚o la tierra = : --And the earth did not
devour him
478.3 Tra Traupman, John C. Conversational Latin for oral proficiency
500 Bry Bryson, Bill. A short history of nearly everything
500 Hig Highfield, Roger. The science of Harry Potter : how magic really works
500 Ker 1000 questions & answers factfile
500 SCI Science Encyclopedia
500 SCI Science Explained: The World of Science in Everyday Life
500 Sci Scientists and inventors of the Renaissance
Brooks, Maurice, The Appalachians,
500.9 Ols Olson, Sigurd F. Reflections from the North Country
501 GAR Gardner, Robert,
Math in science and nature : finding patterns in the
world around us
503 KIN The Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia
507 DUT Dutton, Judy.
Science fair season : twelve kids, a robot named Scorch--
and what it takes to win
507 GAR Gardner, Robert, Ideas for science projects
507 GAR Gardner, Robert, More ideas for science projects
507.8 Cha Challoner, Jack,
Maker lab : 28 super cool projects : build, invent, create,
507.8 San Sandvold, Lynnette Brent. Time for kids super science book
508 Aud Plain, Nancy.
This strange wilderness : the life and art of John James
Heart of the land : essays on last great places
Lopez, Barry Holstun,
Arctic dreams : imagination and desire in a northern
509 ASI Asimov, Isaac, Asimov's chronology of science and discovery
509 Dol Dolnick, Edward,
The clockwork universe : Isaac Newton, the Royal
Society, and the birth of the modern world
509 HAK Hakim, Joy. Einstein adds a new dimension
509 Her Hern·ndez, Alberto A visual history of science and technology
509 HOR Horvitz, Leslie Alan.
Eureka! : scientific breakthroughs that changed the
509 Tim
Timelines of science : the ultimate visual guide to the
discoveries that shaped the world
509.04 PIE Piel, Gerard.
The age of science : what scientists learned in the 20th
509.2 Cul Cullen, Katherine E.
Science, technology, and society : the people behind the
509.2 For Fortey, Jacqueline. Great scientists
Meadows, Arthur Jack
The Great Scientists : The Story of Science Told Through
the Lives of Twelve Landmark Figures
510 BOR Borowski, E. J. The HarperCollins dictionary of mathematics
510 Buc Buchan, Jamie,
Easy as pi : the countless ways we use numbers every
510 CHA Chandra, Punit Raja Surya. Math strategies.
510 Pau Paulos, John Allen.
Innumeracy : mathematical illiteracy and its
510.9 Mat Mathematics : an illustrated history of numbers
510.9 Roo Rooney, Anne. The history of mathematics
Bradley, Michael J. The birth of mathematics : ancient times to 1300
Bradley, Michael J. The foundations of mathematics : 1800 to 1900
Bradley, Michael J. Mathematics frontiers : 1950 to the present
Bradley, Michael J. Modern mathematics : 1900 to 1950
Lee Shetterly, Margot.
Hidden figures : the American dream and the untold
story of the Black women mathematicians who helped
win the space race
Lee Shetterly, Margot.
Hidden figures : the American dream and the untold
story of the Black women mathematicians who helped
win the space race
Pappas, Theoni. Mathematical scandals
Ottaviani, Jim. The imitation game : Alan Turing decoded
512 SIN Singh, Simon.
Fermat's enigma : the quest to solve the world's
greatest mathematical problem
513 KOG Kogelman, Stanley. The only math book you'll ever need
Adams, Colin Conrad. How to ace calculus : the streetwise guide
516.2 LIV Livio, Mario,
The golden ratio : the story of phi, the world's most
astonishing number
520 COU Couper, Heather How the Universe Works
520 Dic Dickinson, Terence. NightWatch : a practical guide to viewing the universe
520 Gre
Astronomical observations : astronomy and the study of
deep space
520 HOW
How mathematical models, computer simulations, and
exploration can be used to study the universe : an
anthology of current thought
520 KID Kidger, Mark R.
Astronomical enigmas : life on Mars, the Star of
Bethlehem, & other Milky Way mysteries
520 LEV Levy, David H., Skywatching
520 Mur Murray, Stuart. Mars.
McCutcheon, Scott. Space and astronomy : the people behind the science
520.92 Pio Pioneers in astronomy and space exploration
522 Tas Taschek, Karen,
Death stars, weird galaxies, and a quasar-spangled
universe : the discoveries of the Very Large Array
Newton, David E. Chemistry of space
523.1 DIC Dickinson, Terence. The universe and beyond
523.1 FER Ferris, Timothy. The whole shebang : a state-of-the-universe(s) report
523.1 FLE Fleisher, Paul. The big bang
Hawking, Stephen, The illustrated A brief history of time
523.1 Mil Miller, Ron,
Recentering the universe : the radical theories of
Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo
523.1 SCI
Scientific information about the universe and the
scientific theories of the evolution of the universe : an
anthology of current thought
Smoot, George. Wrinkles in time
How life on earth is affected by earth's unique
placement and orientation in our solar system : an
anthology of current thought
523.2 SIZ
The size, composition, and surface features of the
planets orbiting the sun : an anthology of current
523.2 SOB Sobel, Dava. The planets
523.7 ROL
The role of the sun in our solar system : an anthology of
current thought
523.7 Sol Solar storms
523.8 CHA
The characteristics and the life cycle of stars : an
anthology of current thought
525 Ear Earth and its moon
526 SOB Sobel, Dava. The illustrated longitude
Sobel, Dava.
Longitude : the true story of a lone genius who solved
the greatest scientific problem of his time
529 Har Hart-Davis, Adam.
The book of time : the secret of time, how it works and
how we measure it
530 Cro Cropper, William H.
Great physicists : the life and times of leading physicists
from Galileo to Hawking
530 Cul Cullen, Katherine E. Physics : the people behind the science
530 FEY Feynman, Richard Phillips.
Six easy pieces : essentials of physics, explained by its
most brilliant teacher
530 Mul Muller, R.
Physics for future presidents : the science behind the
Kakalios, James, The physics of superheroes
530.1 Gui Guillen, Michael.
Five equations that changed the world : the power and
poetry of mathematics
Herbst, Judith. Relativity
Hawking, S. W. The universe in a nutshell
Kakalios, James,
The amazing story of quantum mechanics : a math-free
exploration of the science that made our world
530.8 FAN Fandel, Jennifer. The metric system
531 KIR Kirkland, Kyle. Force and motion
535 KIR Kirkland, Kyle. Light and optics
536 KIR Kirkland, Kyle. Time and thermodynamics
537 FAI Fairley, Peter, Electricity and magnetism
537 KIR Kirkland, Kyle. Electricity and magnetism
539.7 KIR Kirkland, Kyle. Atoms and materials
539.7 KIR Kirkland, Kyle. Particles and the universe
Manning, Phillip, Atoms, molecules, and compounds
Conkling, Winifred,
Radioactive! : how Irene Curie & Lise Meitner
revolutionized science and changed the world
540 Str Strathern, Paul, Mendeleyev's dream : the quest for the elements
540 VAN Vancleave, Janice Pratt.
Janice Vancleave's A+ projects in chemistry : winning
experiments for science fairs and extra credit.
546 SAU Saunders, N. Fluorine and the halogens
546 SAU Saunders, N. Nitrogen and the elements of group 15
546 SAU Saunders, N. Sodium and the alkali metals
546 WES West, Krista. The basics of metals and metalloids
547 Clo Clowes, Martin, The basics of organic chemistry
547 KIR Kirkland, Kyle. The basics of biochemistry
549 MIN Minerals
549 Pou Pough, Frederick H. A field guide to rocks and minerals
549 POU Pough, Frederick H. A field guide to rocks and minerals.
550 CAR Careers in focus.
550 ERI Erickson, Jon, Quakes, eruptions, and other geologic cataclysms
550 ERI Erickson, Jon, Quakes, eruptions, and other geologic cataclysms
550.92 Cul Cullen, Katherine E. Earth science : the people behind the science
551.2 AYE Aylesworth, Thomas G. The Mount St. Helens disaster : what we've learned
Grace, Catherine O'Neill,
Forces of nature : the awesome power of volcanoes,
earthquakes, and tornadoes
551.2 HER Herbert, Don. Kilauea: case history of a volcano
551.21 Sil Silverstein, Alvin. Volcanoes : the science behind fiery eruptions
Winchester, Simon. Krakatoa : the day the world exploded, August 27, 1883
Shone, Rob. Earthquakes
551.22 Sil Silverstein, Alvin.
Earthquakes : the science behind seismic shocks and
551.4 CAR Carson, Rachel, The sea around us
551.46 Cul Cullen, Katherine E. Marine science : the people behind the science
Day, Trevor. Oceans
Ocean : the definitive visual guide
551.48 Sil Silverstein, Alvin.
Floods : the science behind raging waters and
Holmes, Hannah,
The secret life of dust : from the cosmos to the kitchen
counter, the big consequences of little things
Allaby, Michael. Tornadoes
551.55 Jef Jeffrey, Gary. Tornadoes & superstorms
551.55 Sil Silverstein, Alvin. Hurricanes : the science behind killer storms
551.55 Sil Silverstein, Alvin. Tornadoes : the science behind terrible twisters
Swanson, Jennifer.
Geoengineering Earth's climate : resetting the
551.7 SMI Smith, Norman F.
Millions and billions of years ago : dating our Earth and
its life
553.2 Mar Marrin, Albert. Black gold : the story of oil in our lives
553.4 LIP Lipscomb, H. Alan. On gold
Saunders, N. Hydrogen
567.9 Gar Gardom, Tim. The Natural History Museum book of dinosaurs
567.9 Sva Svarney, Thomas E. The handy dinosaur answer book
Fastovsky, David E. The evolution and extinction of the dinosaurs
570.1 Lew Lewis, Mark J. Classification of living organisms
570.92 Cul Cullen, Katherine E. Biology : the people behind the science
Jahren, Hope, Lab girl
Roach, Mary. Packing for Mars : the curious science of life in the void
571.6 PAN Panno, Joseph. The cell : evolution of the first organism
571.6 STE Stewart, Melissa. Cell biology
Stephens, Nicholas. Plant cells and tissues
571.8 CLO Cloning
571.8 Hop Hopkins, William G. Plant development
571.8 Ken Kenney, Karen Latchana, Extreme longevity : discovering Earth's oldest organisms
Wiedenhoeft, Alex C. Plant nutrition
Hopkins, William G. Photosynthesis and respiration
572.8 BAT Batiza, Ann.
Bioinformatics, genomics, and proteomics : getting the
big picture
572.8 Wat Watson, James D., The annotated and illustrated double helix
The Cambridge encyclopedia of human evolution
574 DUR Durrell, Gerald Malcolm, The amateur naturalist
574 HOA Hoagland, Mahlon B. The way life works
574 VAN VanCleave, Janice Pratt.
Janice VanCleave's A+ projects in biology : winning
experiments for science fairs and extra credit.
574.5 COL Collard, Sneed B. Alien invaders : the continuing threat of exotic species
574.5 KRI Kricher, John C. A field guide to eastern forests, North America
Watson, James D.,
The double helix : a personal account of the discovery of
the structure of DNA
574.9 ATL The Atlas of the living world
Moorehead, Alan, Darwin and the Beagle.
574.9 THO Thoreau, Henry David,
America the beautiful in the words of Henry David
Carson, Rachel, The edge of the sea
Cousteau, Jacques Yves. Jacques Cousteau : the ocean world
Cousteau, Jacques Yves. The silent world,
576 HEN Henig, Robin Marantz.
A dancing matrix : how science confronts emerging
576.5 Gut Genetics : the code of life
576.5 JOH Johnson, Rebecca L. Genetics
576.5 JOH Johnson, Rebecca L. Genetics
576.5 SCI The Science times book of genetics
The basics of genetics
Wexler, Barbara. Genetics and genetic engineering
Spangenburg, Ray, Barbara McClintock : pioneering geneticist
576.8 ALV Alvarez, Walter, T. rex and the crater of doom
576.8 FOR Fortey, Richard A.
Life: a Natural History of the first four Billion years of
Life on Earth
576.8 HEC Hecht, Jeff. Vanishing life : the mystery of mass extinctions
Johnson, Sylvia A.
Shaking the foundation : Charles Darwin and the theory
of evolution
Andryszewski, Tricia, Mass extinction : examining the current crisis
577 CRI Crick, Francis, Of molecules and men,
577 ECO Ecology.
577 Gro Grossman, Mary Louise. Our vanishing wilderness
577.3 ALL Allaby, Michael. Temperate forests
Moore, Peter D. Tropical forests
Moore, Peter D. Tundra
Allaby, Michael. Deserts
Moore, Peter D. Wetlands
577.7 COL Collard, Sneed B.
Lizard Island : science and scientists on Australia's
Great Barrier Reef
Van Dover, Cindy.
The octopus's garden : hydrothermal vents and other
mysteries of the deep sea
Stewart, Melissa. Classification of life
Marent, Thomas. Rainforest
Montgomery, Sy, The Great White shark scientist
Walker, Pam, The continental shelf
Walker, Pam, The open ocean
Sherrow, Victoria. Jonas Salk : beyond the microscope
579.3 FAV Favor, Lesli J. Bacteria
579.3 Rog Bacteria and viruses
580 Gib Gibson, J. Phil. Plant diversity
Tornqvist, Carl-Erik. Plant genetics
581.6 PET Peterson, Lee.
A field guide to edible wild plants of Eastern and
Central North America
Young, Kim J. Ethnobotany
581.7 Gib Gibson, J. Phil. Plant ecology
582 Hor Horn, Dennis,
Wildflowers of Tennessee, the Ohio Valley, and the
Southern Appalachians : the official field guide of the
Tennessee Native Plant Society
582 NIE Niering, William A.
The Audubon Society field guide to North American
wildflowers, eastern region
582 PET Peterson, Roger Tory,
A field guide to wildflowers of Northeastern and North-
Central North America;
582 PET Petrides, George A.,
A field guide to trees and shrubs : field marks of all
trees, shrubs, and woody vines that grow wild in the
northeastern and north-central United States and in
southeastern and south-central Canada
Brockman, C. Frank
Trees of North America; : a field guide to the major
native and introduced species north of Mexico,
Little, Elbert Luther,
The Audubon Society field guide to North American
Petrides, George A.
A field guide to eastern trees : eastern United States
and Canada
590 Bur Burnie, David. The Kingfisher illustrated animal encyclopedia
590 HOL Holland, Jennifer S.
Unlikely friendships : 47 remarkable stories from the
animal kingdom
590.3 Ani Animals : a children's encyclopedia.
Goodall, Jane, Reason for hope : a spiritual journey
591 ACK Ackerman, Diane.
The moon by whale light : and other adventures among
bats, penguins, crocodilians, and whales
Wanjie, Anne. The basics of reproduction
591.4 Vis The visual dictionary of the skeleton.
Fantastic animals : the marvels of animal behavior
Meinkoth, Norman August,
The Audubon Society field guide to North American
seashore creatures
595.4 PRE Preston-Mafham, Rod. Spiders of the world
Borror, Donald Joyce, A field guide to insects : America north of Mexico
595.7 KLO Klots, Alexander Barrett,
A field guide to the butterflies of North America, east of
the Great Plains.
Opler, Paul A. A field guide to eastern butterflies
Venable, Rita. Butterflies of Tennessee
596 Van Vanishing species
597 WHE Wheeler, Alwyne C. Fishes of the world : an illustrated dictionary
597.3 STE Steel, Rodney. Sharks of the world
Conant, Roger,
A field guide to reptiles and amphibians : eastern and
central North America
597.9 Fir Firefly encyclopedia of reptiles and amphibians
Spotila, James R.,
Sea turtles : a complete guide to their biology, behavior,
and conservation
Mattison, Chris. Snakes of the world
Mattison, Christopher. Snake
598 BUR Burger, Joanna. Birds : a visual guide
598 Har Harrison, Colin. Birds of the world
598 Mon Montgomery, Sy.
Birdology : adventures with a pack of hens, a peck of
pigeons, cantankerous crows, fierce falcons, hip hop
parrots, baby hummingbirds, and one murderously big
living dinosaur
598 Tek Tekiela, Stan Birds of Tennessee : Field guide
598 WET Wetmore, Alexander, Song and garden birds of North America,
Vedder, Lee A.,
John James Audubon and The birds of America : a
visionary achievement in ornithological illustration
National Geographic complete birds of North America
National Geographic complete birds of North America
598.2 Har Harrison, Hal H.
A field guide to the birds' nests : United States east of
the Mississippi River
Bull, John L.
The National Audubon Society field guide to North
American birds.
Robbins, Chandler S. Birds of North America : a guide to field identification
599 MCH McHugh, Tom, The time of the buffalo
Burt, William Henry,
A field guide to the mammals : field marks of all North
American species found north of Mexico
599.1 Bis Bishop, Nic Marsupials
599.1 Bis Bishop, Nic Marsupials
Bonner, Nigel. Whales of the world
Anthony, Lawrence.
The elephant whisperer : my life with the herd in the
African wild
Downer, Ann.
Elephant talk : the surprising science of elephant
Alderton, David. Wild cats of the world
Alderton, David. Foxes, wolves, and wild dogs of the world
McAllister, Ian., The last wild wolves : ghosts of the rain forest
Ward, Paul. Bears of the world
Mulvaney, Kieran.
The great white bear : a natural and unnatural history of
the polar bear
599.8 OTT Ottaviani, Jim.
Primates : the fearless science of Jane Goodall, Dian
Fossey, and BiruGaldikas
Mowat, Farley.
Woman in the mists : the story of Dian Fossey and the
mountain gorillas of Africa
Goodall, Jane, In the shadow of man
599.9 Dee Deem, James M.
Faces from the past : forgotten people of North
599.9 Yan Yancey, Diane. Body farms
Henderson, Harry, The Leakey family : unearthing human ancestors
600 BIS Biskup, Agnieszka.
Batman science : the real-world science behind
Batman's gear
600 HOW How in the world?
600 VOL Voltz, Stephen.
How to build a hovercraft : air cannons, magnet motors,
and 25 other amazing DIY science projects
600 Wri Wright, R. Thomas. Exploring design, technology & engineering
602 CAR Careers in focus. Technicians.
602 ROW Rowh, Mark. Opportunities in installation and repair careers
608 COO Cooper, Margaret. The inventions of Leonardo da Vinci
609 KAM Kamkwamba, William,
The boy who harnessed the wind : creating currents of
electricity and hope
609 WIL Williams, Trevor Illtyd. A history of invention : from stone axes to silicon chips
609.2 Pio
Pioneers of the Industrial Age : breakthroughs in
610 KEN Kennett, Frances. Folk medicine, fact and fiction
610 SNO Snook, I. Donald. Opportunities in health and medical careers
Abramovitz, Melissa, A career in biomedical engineering
610.28 Lat Latta, Sara L., Body 2.0 : the engineering revolution in medicine
Careers in focus.
Lewis, Daniel, Health care & science
Careers in focus.
Careers in focus. Nursing.
Cunningham, Kevin, Nurse
Preparing for a Career in Nursing : What Can I Do Now?
Freedman, Jeri, Jump-starting a career in nursing
69 Sim
Simon, Samantha. Physician assistants
Andraka, Jack,
Breakthrough : how one teen innovator is changing the
610.92 Kid Kidder, Tracy.
Mountains beyond mountains : the quest of Dr. Paul
Farmer, a man who would cure the world
Allman, Toney. Medieval medicine and disease
611 BAL Balkwill, Fran. The incredible human body
611 Bal Ballen, Karen Gunnison.
Decoding our DNA : Craig Venter vs. the Human
Genome Project
611 HAY Haywood, Karen. Skeletal system
611 HEO Heos, Bridget. The human genome
611 ROA Roach, Mary. Stiff : the curious lives of human cadavers
612 Hir Hirsch, Rebecca E.,
The human microbiome : the germs that keep you
612 KIT Kittredge, Mary, The respiratory system
612 Tan Tanaka, Etsuro. The manga guide to physiology
612 WAL Walker, Richard. Encyclopedia of the human body
612 Wan The basics of the human body
612.1 AVR Avraham, Regina. The circulatory system
612.1 BJO Bjorklund, Ruth. Circulatory system
612.3 HOF Hoffmann, Gretchen. Digestive system
612.4 KLO Klosterman, Lorrie. Endocrine system
612.4 LIT Little, Marjorie. The endocrine system
612.6 AVR Avraham, Regina. The reproductive system
612.6 KRO Krohmer, Randolph W. The reproductive system
612.6 PAN Panno, Joseph. Aging : theories and potential therapies
612.7 KLO Klosterman, Lorrie. Skin
612.8 PES Peskin, Sara Manning,
A molecule away from madness : tales of the hijacked
Zimmer, Marc, Lighting up the brain : the science of optogenetics
613 COM
Complementary and alternative medicine information
for teens : health tips about diverse medical and
wellness systems, including facts about chiropractic
medicine and other manipulative practices, movement
and massage therapies, yoga and other mind-body
therapies, acupuncture and other forms of energy
medicine, creative arts therapies, and more
613 Esh Esherick, Joan.
Dead on their feet : teen sleep deprivation and its
613 GOR Gordon, James S. Holistic medicine
613 HEA Health and fitness
613.2 EAT
Eat better, live better : a commonsense guide to
nutrition and good health
613.2 Fig
Fight back with food : use nutrition to heal what ails
613.2 Kes Kessler, David A.,
Your food is fooling you : how your brain is hijacked by
sugar, fat, and salt
Nardo, Don, Vitamins and minerals
613.2 Pol Polunin, Miriam. Healing foods
613.6 GRE Greenbank, Anthony.
The book of survival; : everyman's guide to staying alive
and handling emergencies in the city, the suburbs, and
the wild lands beyond.
613.69 Piv Piven, Joshua. The worst-case scenario survival handbook
613.7 Hov Hovius, Christopher.
The best you can be : a teen's guide to fitness and
Why a curveball curves : the incredible science of sports
Lewis, Daniel. Fitness, personal care services & education
Hovius, Christopher. Fitness & nutrition
Pagano, Joan, Strength training : exercises for women
613.8 Reb Rebman, Renee C.,
Addictions and risky behaviors : cutting, bingeing,
snorting, and other dangers
613.8 Wei Weinberg, Bennett Alan.
The world of caffeine : the science and culture of the
world's most popular drug
613.9 SEX Sex education
614 BAS Bass, William M.,
Death's acre : inside the legendary forensic lab the Body
Farm where the dead do tell tales
614 EVA Evans, Colin,
The casebook of forensic detection : how science solved
100 of the world's most baffling crimes
614 JAR Jarrow, Gail. Fatal fever : tracking down Typhoid Mary
614 Nar Nardo, Don, DNA evidence
614 WAL Walker, Sally M.
Written in bone : buried lives of Jamestown and
Colonial Maryland
614 Yan Yancey, Diane. The forensic anthropologist
614.4 EPI Epidemics : opposing viewpoints
614.4 GIB Giblin, James. When plague strikes : the Black Death, smallpox, AIDS
614.4 Ris Rissman, Rebecca. The vaccination debate
Murphy, Jim,
An American plague : the true and terrifying story of the
yellow fever epidemic of 1793
614.5 Zah Zahler, Diane. The Black Death
Barbour, Scott, Is the world prepared for a deadly influenza pandemic?
Rosaler, Maxine. Measles
Kumar, P. Dileep, Rabies
Preston, Richard, The hot zone
Jarrow, Gail, Bubonic panic : when plague invaded America
Goldsmith, Connie, The ebola epidemic : the fight, the future
Denton, Michelle, The Zika virus
615 CHA Chaitow, Leon. The acupuncture treatment of pain
615 GIL Gilbert, Richard M. Caffeine, the most popular stimulant
615 SCH Schacter, Bernice Zeldin,
Biotechnology and your health : pharmaceutical
615 Vac Vaccines
Newton, David E. Chemistry of drugs
615.8 PAN Panno, Joseph. Gene therapy : treating disease by repairing genes
Given-Wilson, Rachel, Your future as a physical therapist
3 Hun
Hunsaker, Jennifer, Respiratory therapists
616 BET Better homes and gardens new family medical guide
616 BRY Brynie, Faith Hickman. Genetics & human health : a journey within
616 GEN Gene therapy
616 NEW Newton, David E. Stem cell research
616 PAN Panno, Joseph.
Stem cell research : medical applications and ethical
616 PAR Parson, Ann B.
The Proteus effect : stem cells and their promise for
616 Ros Rosenfeld, Isadore.
Power to the patient : the treatments to insist on when
you're sick
616 Skl Skloot, Rebecca, The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks(Classroom Set)
Dudley, William, Thinking critically : stem cell research
First aid manual
616.02 LIP
Lipman, Marvin M., MD The Best of Health
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Skloot, Rebecca, The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks(Classroom Set)
Brown, Theresa, The shift : one nurse, twelve hours, four patients' lives
Klosterman, Lorrie. Immune system
616.1 BES Beshore, George. Sickle cell anemia
616.1 CPR
CPR, AED and first aid : emergency response for the
home, community and workplace.
616.1 Jon Jones, Phill, Sickle cell disease
616.1 Raa Raabe, Michelle. Hemophilia
DeSilva, Regis. Heart disease
616.2 For Ford, Jean. Breathe easy! : a teen's guide to allergies and asthma
616.2 Kel Kelly, Evelyn B.
Investigating influenza and bird flu : real facts for real
616.2 Smi Smith, Terry L. Asthma
Guilfoile, Patrick. Whooping cough
Derkins, Susie. Legionnaire's disease
616.3 Har Harmon, Daniel E. Obesity
616.3 Jar Jarrow, Gail.
Red madness : how a medical mystery changed what
we eat
Marcovitz, Hal. Hepatitis
616.4 All Allman, Toney. Diabetes
Ambrose, Marylou. Investigating diabetes : real facts for real lives
616.4 Lev Levin, Judith Frequently asked questions about diabetes
Abramovitz, Melissa, Fibromyalgia
Abramovitz, Melissa, Muscular dystrophy
616.8 Bur Burton, Robert, The anatomy of melancholy
616.8 Gol Goldstein, Natalie. Parkinson's disease
616.8 Kel Kelly, Evelyn B. Alzheimer's disease
616.8 Law Lawrence, David M., Huntington's disease
Rhodes, Richard.
Deadly feasts : tracking the secrets of a terrifying new
Abramovitz, Melissa, Meningitis
Sheen, Barbara. Cerebral palsy
616.839 Lou Gehrig's disease
Ambrose, Marylou.
Investigating eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, and
binge eating) : real facts for real lives
Dunkle, Clare B.,
Hope and other luxuries : a mother's life with a
daughter's anorexia
Dunkle, Elena, Elena vanishing : a memoir
Eating disorders
Esherick, Joan.
The silent cry : a teen's guide to escaping self-injury and
Latta, Sara L.
Scared stiff : everything you need to know about 50
famous phobias
Nydegger, Rudy V., Suicide and mental health
Parks, Peggy J., Online addiction
The Suicidal Mind
Self-image and eating disorders
Latta, Sara L.
Scared stiff : everything you need to know about 50
famous phobias
Parks, Peggy J., Epilepsy
2 Mil
Miller, Petra, Down syndrome
Meisel, Abigail.
Investigating depression and bipolar disorder : real facts
for real lives
616.9 Edw Edwards, Sue Bradford, The Zika virus
616.9 FAR Farrell, Jeanette. Invisible enemies : stories of infectious disease
616.9 Gon Gonzalez, Lissette, Frequently asked questions about human papillomavirus
616.9 HER Herbst, Judith. Germ theory
616.9 Kel Kelly, Evelyn B.
Investigating tuberculosis and superbugs : real facts for
real lives
616.9 Kow Kowalski, Kathiann M.
Attack of the superbugs : the crisis of drug-resistant
616.9 SAL Salyers, Abigail A.
Revenge of the microbes : how bacterial resistance is
undermining the antibiotic miracle
Miller, Petra, Ebola
Preston, Richard, The demon in the freezer
Guilfoile, Patrick. Chicken pox
616.9246 Lyme disease
Cefrey, Holly. Yellow fever
Margulies, Phillip, Diphtheria
Ambrose, Marylou.
Investigating STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) : real
facts for real lives
Nielsen, Jerri.
Ice bound : a doctor's incredible battle for survival at the
South Pole
Panno, Joseph. Cancer : the role of genes, lifestyle, and environment
Yount, Lisa. Cancer
617 Car Carson, Ben. The big picture.
Foran, Racquel, Organ transplants
Evans-Martin, F. Fay. Down syndrome
Freedman, Jeri. Tay-Sachs disease
Gay, Kathlyn. Am I fat? : the obesity issue for teens
Juettner Fernandes, Bonnie. Childhood obesity
620 CAR Careers in focus.
Newton, David E. Chemistry of new materials
620.8 Pol Polson, Nicholas G., AIQ : how people and machines are smarter together
621.3 ADV Advanced wiring
Szumski, Bonnie, A career in electrical engineering
Mix, Floyd M., House wiring simplified : tells and shows you how
Pence, Richard.
The Next Greatest Thing : 50 years of rural
electrification in America
621.319 Morkes, Andrew Careers in the building trades: electrician
023 Giv
Given-Wilson, Rachel, Your future as an electrician
Careers in focus.
Kallen, Stuart A., A career in computer engineering
Van Riper, A. Bowdoin. Rockets and missiles : the life story of a technology
Zuchora-Walske, Christine. Solar energy
621.48 SIL Silverstein, Ken.
The radioactive boy scout : the frightening true story of
a whiz kid and his homemade nuclear reactor
Lusted, Marcia Amidon. Nuclear energy
621.8 CAR Careers in focus. Mechanics.
Chaline, Eric. Fifty machines that changed the course of history
621.9 BLA Blackburn, Graham,
The illustrated encyclopedia of woodworking handtools,
instruments & devices : containing a full description of
the tools used by carpenters, joiners and cabinet makers
Currie-McGhee, L. K. A career in mechanical engineering
623.4 BRY Bryant, Will. Great American Guns and Frontier Fighters
623.4 COL Colby, C.B.
Fighting gear of World War II : equipment and weapons
of the American G.I.
Conant, Jennet.
109 East Palace : Robert Oppenheimer and the secret
city of Los Alamos
623.4 She Sheinkin, Steve.
Bomb : the race to build and steal the world's most
dangerous weapon
623.7 COL Colby, C.B. Bomber parade : headliners in bomber plane history
Gunston, Bill. History of military aviation
623.8 RUT Rutland, Jonathan. Ships
The complete history of ships and boats : from sails and
oars to nuclear-powered vessels
Moreno de la Fuente, Alberto. A visual history of ships and navigation
Roland, James, A career in civil engineering
627.1 DUF Duffus, R. The Valley ands Its People
Kallen, Stuart A., A career in environmental engineering
Newton, David E. Chemistry of the environment
629.04 Dit Dittmer, Lori. The future of transportation
The complete history of wheeled transportation : from
cars and trucks to buses and bikes
American Heritage. History of Flight
Boyne, Walter J. The Smithsonian Book of Flight
629.13 Ful Fulbright, Jim. The aviation history of Tennessee
Gibson, Karen Bush.
Women aviators : 26 stories of pioneer flights, daring
missions, and record-setting journeys / Karen Bush
Kinney, Jeremy R. Airplanes : the life story of a technology
Lightbody, Andy. The great book of fighter planes : The world's warbirds
Lindbergh, Charles A. The Spirit of St. Louis.
Lopez, Donald S., Aviation : a Smithsonian guide
Rabinowitz, Harold. Conquer the sky : great moments in aviation
Nader, Ralph.
Unsafe at any speed; : the designed-in dangers of the
American automobile.
Willson, Quentin. The ultimate classic car book
Careers in focus.
Harmon, Daniel E. First car smarts
Wilson, Hugo. Encyclopedia of the motorcycle
Felsen, Henry Gregor. To my son : the teen-age driver
Gravelle, Karen.
The driving book : everything new drivers need to know
but don't know to ask
Popular mechanics complete car care manual
23 Giv
Given-Wilson, Rachel, Your future as an auto mechanic
629.4 GAT Gatland, Kenneth William 1924- The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Space Technology
629.4 KNI Knight, David C.,
American astronauts and spacecraft; : a pictorial history
from Project Mercury through Apollo 13.
629.4 Wol Wolfe, Tom. The right stuff
Holt, Nathalia,
Rise of the rocket girls : the women who propelled us,
from missiles to the moon to Mars
Farmer, Gene.
First on the moon : a voyage with Neil Armstrong,
Michael Collins, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr.
French, Francis.
In the shadow of the moon : a challenging journey to
Tranquility, 1965-1969
629.45 HIL Hill, Robert White, What Colonel Glenn did all day.
Pyle, Rod.
Destination moon : the Apollo missions in the
astronauts' own words
Reynolds, David West. Kennedy Space Center : gateway to space
630 CAR Careers in focus. Agriculture.
630 CAS Casper, Julie Kerr. Agriculture : the food we grow and animals we raise
630 Hop Hopkins, William G. Plant biotechnology
MacDonald, Betty Bard. The egg and I
630.23 Syr Syrewicz, Connor, Farmer : feeding the world
630.9 LEO Leonard, Jonathan Norton, The first farmers,
631.5 Han Hand, Carol, Sustainable agriculture
631.5 Owi Owings, Lisa. Sustainable agriculture
632 GRA Graham, Frank, Since Silent spring.
634.9 Rav Raven, Catherine, Forestry
634.9 Sil Silverstein, Alvin. Wildfires : the science behind raging infernos
635 Com The complete garden guide
635 Lan Lang, Gail M. Horticulture
635 TRE
Treasury of gardening : Annuals, perennials &
vegetables and herbs, landscape design, specialty
Careers in focus.
635.9 BET Flower arranging for every day and special occasions.
The Complete book of houseplants & indoor gardening
McHoy, Peter.
The ultimate garden planner : the definitive guide to
designing and planting a beautiful garden.
635.9 Rot Roth, Susan A. Complete guide to flower gardening
Way, Marjorie Scott, Essential forms for flower arrangement.
636 Rab Rabbits
Laks, Ellie.
My Gentle Barn : creating a sanctuary where animals
heal and children learn to hope
2 Som
Somervill, Barbara A., Veterinarian
Anderson, C.W.
C.W. Anderson's Complete book of horses and
Coggins, Jack. The horseman's bible
636.1 Har Harris, Susan E.
Grooming to win : how to groom, trim, braid, and
prepare your horse for show
Morris, Desmond. Horsewatching
Bauer, Nona Kilgore.
Dog heroes of September 11th : a tribute to America's
search and rescue dogs
636.7 COP Coppinger, Raymond.
Dogs : a startling new understanding of canine origin,
behavior, and evolution
636.7 DIB Dibra, Bashkim.
Dogspeak : how to learn it, speak it, and use it to have a
happy, healthy, well-behaved dog
Fogle, Bruce. ASPCA complete dog care manual
Fogle, Bruce. The encyclopedia of the dog : the definitive visual guide
636.7 Fry Frydenborg, Kay, A dog in the cave : the wolves who made us human
636.7 Her Herriot, James. James Herriot's cat stories
636.7 LUD Ludington, Mary, The nature of dogs : photographs
636.7 MIL Millan, Cesar.
Be the pack leader : use Cesar's way to transform your
dog-- and your life
Morris, Desmond. Dogs : the ultimate dictionary of over 1,000 dog breeds
Woof! : writers on dogs
023 Mar
Marlowe, Christie, Dog groomer : beautifying man's best friend
Grogan, John, Marley & me : life and love with the world's worst dog
636.8 CRO Crockett, Alexandra. Metal cats
Myron, Vicki.
Dewey : the small-town library cat who touched the
McBride, Anne. Ferrets
639.2 Han Hand, Carol, Dead zones : why earth's waters are losing oxygen
McKissack, Pat,
Black hands, white sails : the story of African-American
639.3 Axe Axelrod, Herbert R. Handbook of tropical aquarium fishes
Wilson, Diane,
An unreasonable woman : a true story of shrimpers,
politicos, polluters, and the fight for Seadrift, Texas
640 Fag Fagerstrom, Derek.
More show me how : everything we couldn't fit in the
first book : instructions for life from the everyday to the
640 Fag Fagerstrom, Derek.
Show me how : 500 things you should know,
instructions for life from the everyday to the exotic
640 Raa Raatma, Lucia. Green living : no action too small
640 TEN 10,001 hints & tips for the home
Greenberger, Robert.
Cool careers without college for people who love to
organize, manage, and plan
Hardage, Rachel. Real simple 869 new uses for old things
Perl, Lila.
Junk food, fast food, health food : what America eats
and why
641.3 ENC Clevely, Andi The Encyclopedia of Herbs and Spices
641.3 Fry Frydenborg, Kay,
Chocolate : sweet science and dark secrets of the
world's favorite treat
641.3 Giv Given-Wilson, Rachel, Your future as a chef
Menzel, Peter, What the world eats
Wasserman, Pauline. Don't ask your waiter
641.5 BED Bedell, J. M.
So, you want to be a chef? : how to get started in the
world of culinary arts
641.5 BET Better homes and gardens good food & fitness
641.5 Bet Better homes and gardens new cook book.
Campbell's Collection : 3 cookbooks in 1
Complete Grilling Cookbook
Cooking with the Campus Cafe
641.5 Cor Coronado, Rosa.
Cooking the Mexican way : revised and expanded to
include new low-fat and vegetarian recipes
641.5 Cro Crocker, Betty. Betty Crocker's good and easy cookbook.
641.5 DIA Diabetic cook book.
641.5 Ess The essential pasta cookbook
641.5 Fra France, Christine.
The low fat low cholesterol cookbook : over 130 healthy,
low fat recipes for all the family in step-by-step color
641.5 GRE The Great American Cookie Cookbook
641.5 Hin Hinton, Kerry. Cool careers without college for people who love food
New dieter's cookbook : eat well, feel great, lose
weight /[editor, Kristi Fuller].
Rombauer, Irma von Starkloff, Joy of cooking
The Southern heritage company's coming! cookbook.
641.5 Tas Most requested recipes
641.5 Wal Waldee, Lynne Marie. Cooking the French way
Rauf, Don, Emeril Lagasse
Rauf, Don, Rachael Ray
Samuelsson, Marcus. Make it messy : my perfectly imperfect life
Ingram, Christine
The Complete Encyclopedia of Vegetables and
Vegetarian Cooking
641.7 CRO Crocker, Betty.
Betty Crocker's best of baking : more than 350 of
America's favorite recipes.
641.8 Bes Best-ever cookies.
641.8 FAR Farm journal's best-ever pies
Taste of home big book of heartwarming soups.
643 BYE Byers, Ann. First apartment smarts
643 New New fix-it-yourself manual.
643 Owe Owen, David,
The walls around us : the thinking person's guide to how
a house works
Alth, Max, The handbook of do-it-yourself materials
646.2 HUT Hutton, Jessie. Singer sewing book
Barker, Linda
Simply fabric : 50 creative ideas for improving your
646.4 Til Tilton, Marcy. Easy guide to sewing tops and t-shirts, skirts, and pants
Abner, Allison, Finding our way : the teen girls' survival guide
646.7 Bro Brown, Bobbi.
Beauty rules : fabulous looks, beauty essentials, and life
lessons for loving your teens and twenties
Brown, Bobbi. Bobbi Brown teenage beauty
646.7 CAR Carmindy. Bloom : a girl's guide to growing up gorgeous
646.7 COE Coefield, Sasha.
DIY braids : from crowns to fishtails, easy, step-by-step
hair braiding instructions
646.7 GIL Gilbert, Stacy M. Black is beautiful : a guide to loving your God-given hair
646.7 Sim Simons, Rae. For all to see : a teen's guide to healthy skin
Given-Wilson, Rachel, Your future as a cosmetologist
Butcher, Christina.
Braids, buns, and twists! : step-by-step tutorials for 82
fabulous hairstyles
Lee, Hannah Cool nail art
Careers in focus.
649 HRA
Beating the Odds : Raising Academically Successful
African American Males
649 JOL Jolly, Hugh. Book of child care
649 KAP Kappelman, Murray M., What your child is all about
649.1 Kur Kurcinka, Mary Sheedy,
Raising your spirited child : a guide for parents whose
child is more intense, sensitive, perceptive, persistent,
649.1 Sto Stoppard, Miriam. Complete baby and childcare
650 BLO Bloch, Deborah Perlmutter. How to write a winning resume
Lewis, Daniel, Sales, marketing & finance
650.1 HAR Harmon, Daniel E. First job smarts
652 BLA Blackwood, Gary L. Mysterious messages : a history of codes and ciphers
652.8 LAF Laffin, John. Codes and ciphers : secret writing through the ages
655 MCM McMurtrie, Douglas C. The book : the story of printing & bookmaking
655.2 CHI Chicago. University. Press.
A manual of style : containing typographical and other
rules for authors, printers, and publishers
657.7 ISA
Isaacs, Florence
Business Notes : Writing Personal Notes that Build
Professional Relationships
658 COL The Portable MBA
658.3 Bra Bramson, Robert M Coping with difficult people
658.4 CAR Careers in focus.
658.4 Dep De Pree, Max. Leadership is an art
658.7 San Santos, Edson.
Cool careers without college for people who love to buy
Calloway, Joe.
Indispensable : how to become the company that your
customers can't live without
659.1 Pac Packard, Vance Oakley, The hidden persuaders.
Genetic engineering : opposing viewpoints
660.6 PAN Panno, Joseph. Animal cloning : the science of nuclear transfer
664 New Newton, David E. Food chemistry
664 SHM Shmaefsky, Brian.
Biotechnology on the farm and in the factory :
agricultural and industrial applications
Aronson, Marc.
Sugar changed the world : a story of magic, spice,
slavery, freedom, and science
666 JON Jones, Billy M. Magic with sand : a history of AFG industries
Walker, John R., Arc welding
684.1 DEC DeCristoforo, R. J. Modern power tool woodworking
688.7 Sto Stone, Tanya Lee.
The good, the bad, and the Barbie : a doll's history and
her impact on us
Ross, Stewart. Sports technology
690 MAC Macaulay, David. Pyramid
690 Mac Mackay, Donald A. The building of Manhattan
690 Woo Woolf, Alex, Buildings
Lewis, Daniel, Construction and trades
690.076 Morkes, Andrew
Careers in the building trades: construction and building
690.16 Morkes, Andrew Careers in the building trades flooring installer
690.2 Morkes, Andrew
Careers in the building trades: working in green
693 TIM Time-Life Books. Masonry
693.1 Morkes, Andrew Careers in the building trades: masonry worker
694 Wag Wagner, Willis H.
Modern carpentry : building construction details in easy-
to-understand form
Given-Wilson, Rachel, Your future as a carpenter
694.2 Morkes, Andrew Careers in the building trades: carpenter
Given-Wilson, Rachel, Your future as a plumber
700 ART The arts : a history of expression in the 20th century
700 CHI
Children of promise : African-American literature and
art for young people
700 Ger Gerlings, Charlotte. Great artists
700 HUG Huggins, Nathan Irvin, Harlem renaissance.
700 IMP Impelluso, Lucia Gods and Heroes in Art
700 JAN Janson, H. W. A history of art and music
700 Syr Syrewicz, Connor. The arts : dance, music, theater, and fine art
Ruland, Patty J.
From painted scrolls to anime: literature and the arts of
Moore, Janet Gaylord.
The many ways of seeing; : an introduction to the
pleasures of art.
703 Pra
The Praeger picture encyclopedia of art : a
comprehensive survey of painting, sculpture,
architecture and crafts, their methods, styles and
technical terms, from the earliest times to the present
Johnson, Michael, Arts & crafts of the Native American tribes
704.9 GIO Giorgi, Rosa Saints in Art
704.9 WIL Wildlife art
704.9 WRI Wright, Susan. The Bible in art
Goetz, Hermann. The Art of India
709 BEC Beckett, Wendy.
My favorite things : 75 works of art from around the
709 Bra Bradbury, Kirsten, Essential Michelangelo
709 BRU Bruschini, Enrico. Masterpieces of the Vatican
709 KAI Kainz, Luise C.,
Understanding art; : people, things, and ideas from
ancient Egypt to Chagall & Picasso
709 MAL Malpas, James. Realism
709 MUR Murray, Linda.
The high Renaissance and Mannerism : Italy, the North
and Spain, 1500-1600
709 OXF The Oxford history of classical art
709 REM Remer, Abby.
Pioneering spirits : the lives and times of remarkable
women artists in Western history
Great treasures of Pompeii & Herculaneum
Richter, Gisela Marie Augusta, A handbook of Greek art
709.4 BEC Beckett, Wendy.
Sister Wendy's grand tour : discovering Europe's great
709.4 VAI Vaizey, Marina. 100 famous paintings
Halliday, F. E. An illustrated cultural history of England
Costantino, Maria. Leonardo
711 ART
Art of the first cities : the third millennium B.C. from
the Mediterranean to the Indus
720 Asc Ascher, Kate. The heights : anatomy of a skyscraper
720 GLA Glancey, Jonathan. The story of architecture
720 Lin Rubin, Susan Goldman. Maya Lin : thinking with her hands
720 MAC Macaulay, David. Building big
720 STE Stevenson, Neil. Architecture
Vanderbilt, Cornelius,
The living past of America; : pictorial treasury of our
historic houses and villages that have been preserved
and restored.
721 ADA Adam, Robert. Buildings : how they work
725 All Allen, William C.
In the greatest solemn dignity : the Capitol's four
725 WOO Woog, Adam, The Eiffel Tower
725 WOO Woog, Adam, The World Trade Center
726 Clu Clucas, Philip. Churches and cathedrals of England
726 MAC Macaulay, David. Cathedral: the story of its construction.
726 MAC Macaulay, David. Cathedral: the story of its construction.
726 Nar Nardo, Don, The Parthenon of ancient Greece
726.5 CAL Calkins, Robert G.
Medieval architecture in Western Europe : from A.D.
300 to 1500
726.6 ICH Icher, FranÁois. Building the great cathedrals
726.6 KIN King, Ross,
Brunelleschi's dome : how a Renaissance genius
reinvented architecture
726.6 SCH Schutz, Bernhard Great Cathedrals
728 ROB Robinson, Thomas. Your Own House
728 UNS Unstead, R. J. British castles
728 VAN Vanderbilt, Cornelius,
The living past of America; : pictorial treasury of our
historic houses and villages that have been preserved
and restored.
728.3 Ryb Rybczynski, Witold. The most beautiful house in the world
Macaulay, David. Castle
729 BLA Blackwell, William, Geometry in architecture
Stearns, Monroe. Michelangelo.
736 AYT Ayt¸re-Scheele, Z¸lal. Beautiful origami
736 HEA Heaps, Willard Allison, Birthstones,
Coleman, Benjamin John. Origami 101 : look, learn, create
Ganz, David L. The world of coins and coin collecting
Cheng, Andrea.
Etched in clay : the life of Dave, enslaved potter and
739.7 NIC Nickel, Helmut.
Warriors and worthies; : arms and armor through the
740 KID Kidd, Chip. Go : a Kidd's guide to graphic design
741 Duf Duffy, Damian, Kindred : a graphic novel adaptation
741.2 Dub DuBosque, Doug Draw really cool stuff
741.2 Edw Edwards, Betty,
Drawing on the right side of the brain : a course in
enhancing creativity and artistic confidence
741.2 Fiv 501 things to draw
741.5 Aba Abadzis, Nick. Laika
Ahmed, Saladin. Black Bolt.
741.5 AKI Aki, The Angel of Elhamburg
741.5 And Anderson, Laurie Halse, Speak : the graphic novel
741.5 Bag Bagieu, PÈnÈlope, Brazen : rebel ladies who rocked the world
741.5 Bel Bellstorf, Arne.
Baby's in black : Astrid Kirchherr, Stuart Sutcliffe, and
the Beatles
Bowen, Carl. Jules Verne's 20,000 leagues under the sea
Brosgol, Vera. Anya's ghost
741.5 CAR Carroll, Emily. Through the woods
741.5 Cha Chanani, Nidhi, Pashmina
741.5 Chw Chwast, Seymour. Dante's Divine comedy
741.5 Cos Costa, Ben,
Rickety Stitch and the gelatinous goo : the Middle-Route
741.5 DEF DeFilippis, Nunzio. The curious case of Benjamin Button : a graphic novel
741.5 Del Delliquanti, Blue and Ho, Soleil Meal
741.5 Fin Findakly, Brigitte, Poppies of Iraq
Gownley, Jimmy. The dumbest idea ever!
741.5 HIN Hinds, Gareth, Beowulf
741.5 HIN Hino, Matsuri. Vampire knight vol. 1.
741.5 HIN Hino, Matsuri. Vampire knight vol. 2.
741.5 HIN Hino, Matsuri. Vampire knight vol. 3.
741.5 HIN Hino, Matsuri. Vampire knight vol. 4.
741.5 HIN Hino, Matsuri. Vampire knight.
741.5 HIN Hino, Matsuri. Vampire knight.
741.5 HIN Hino, Matsuri. Vampire knight.
741.5 Hos QuinRose Alice in the country of hearts
741.5 ISH Ishinomori, Shotaro, The legend of Zelda : a Link to the past
741.5 Jab Jablonski, Carla. Resistance
741.5 Kin Kindt, Matt, Red handed : the fine art of strange crimes
741.5 KUB Kubo, Tite. Bleach.
741.5 KUB Kubo, Tite. Bleach.
741.5 KYE Kye, Sung-hui. Daniel X.
741.5 KYE Kye, Sung-hui. Daniel X.
741.5 KYE Kye, Sung-hui. Daniel X.
741.5 Lee Lee, NaRae. Maximum Ride : [the manga.
741.5 Lee Lee, NaRae. Maximum Ride, the manga 2.
741.5 LEE Lee, Tony, The chronicles of Vladimir Tod : a graphic novel.
741.5 Lem Lemke, Donald B. Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's travels
741.5 Loc Locatelli-Kournwsky, LoÔc, Persephone
741.5 Lon Long, Mark,
The silence of our friends : [the civil rights struggle was
never black and white]
741.5 LOV Love, Jeremy. Bayou.
741.5 Mar
Comics confidential : thirteen graphic novelists talk
story, craft, and life outside the box
741.5 McE McElroy, Clint, The adventure zone.
Morishige, Takuma, My neighbor Seki Vol. 1 = : Tonari no Seki-kun.
Morishige, Takuma, My neighbor Seki Vol. 2 = : Tonari no Seki-kun.
Morishige, Takuma, My neighbor Seki Vol. 3 = : Tonari no Seki-kun.
Morishige, Takuma, My neighbor Seki Vol. 4 = : Tonari no Seki-kun.
741.5 Mor Morishige, Takuma, My neighbor Seki Vol. 5. = : Tonari no Seki-kun.
741.5 Mor Morishige, Takuma, My neighbor Seki Vol. 6 = : Tonari no Seki-kun.
741.5 Mor Morishige, Takuma, My neighbor Seki Vol. 7 = : Tonari no Seki-kun.
741.5 Mor Morishige, Takuma, My neighbor Seki Vol. 8. = : Tonari no Seki-kun.
741.5 NIF Niffenegger, Audrey. The Night Bookmobile
741.5 Nis Nishida, Masaki, Drawing manga martial arts figures
741.5 Nis Nishida, Masaki, Drawing manga medieval castles and knights
741.5 Nis Nishida, Masaki, Drawing manga vehicles
741.5 Nov Novgorodoff, Danica. Refresh, refresh : a graphic novel
O'Donnell, Liam Ramp Rats: A Graphic Guide Adventure
741.5 Oco O'Connor, Tara, The altered history of Willow Sparks
741.5 Osb Osborne, Melissa Jane, The Wendy project
741.5 Pai Paige, Danielle Mera: Tidebreaker
741.5 Pan Panetta, Kevin Bloom
741.5 Pat Lee, NaRae. Maximum Ride, the manga 3.
741.5 Pha Pham, Thien, Sumo
741.5 SAT Satrapi, Marjane, The complete Persepolis
741.5 SHI Shimizu, Eiichi, Ultraman.
741.5 Shi Shinn, Sharon, Shattered warrior
741.5 SHO Shouoto, Aya, The demon prince of Momochi House Vol. 1.
741.5 SHO Shouoto, Aya, The demon prince of Momochi House Vol. 2.
741.5 Sho Shouoto, Aya, The demon prince of Momochi House Vol. 3.
741.5 Sho Shouoto, Aya, The demon prince of Momochi House Vol. 4.
741.5 Sho Shouoto, Aya, The demon prince of Momochi House Vol. 5.
741.5 Sho Shouoto, Aya, The demon prince of Momochi House Vol. 6.
741.5 Sho Shouoto, Aya, The demon prince of Momochi House Vol. 7.
741.5 Sho Shouoto, Aya, The demon prince of Momochi House Vol. 8.
741.5 Sho Shouoto, Aya, The demon prince of Momochi House Vol. 9.
741.5 Sho Shouoto, Aya, The demon prince of Momochi House Vol. 10.
741.5 STE Stevenson, Noelle. Nimona
741.5 Syk Sykes, Sam, Brave Chef Brianna
741.5 Tak Takahashi, Rumiko, Inu Yasha 11.
741.5 Tak Takahashi, Rumiko, Inu Yasha 14.
741.5 TAK Takahashi, Rumiko, Inu Yasha.
741.5 TAK Takahashi, Rumiko, Inu Yasha.
741.5 TAK Takahashi, Rumiko, InuYasha ani-manga vol. 1.
741.5 TAK Takahashi, Rumiko, InuYasha ani-manga vol. 2.
741.5 TAK Takahashi, Rumiko, InuYasha ani-manga vol. 5.
741.5 TAK Takahashi, Rumiko, InuYasha ani-manga vol. 6.
741.5 TAK Takahashi, Rumiko, InuYasha ani-manga vol. 7.
741.5 TAK Takahashi, Rumiko, InuYasha ani-manga vol. 8.
741.5 TAK Takahashi, Rumiko, InuYasha ani-manga vol. 9.
741.5 TAK Takahashi, Rumiko, InuYasha ani-manga vol. 10.
Tamaki, Mariko. This one summer
741.5 TOR Toriyama, Akira, Dragon Ball Z.
741.5 TOR Toriyama, Akira, Dragon Ball Z.
741.5 Uka Ukazu, Ngozi, Check, please!.
741.5 Wal Walden, Tillie, On a sunbeam
Wang, Jen, The prince and the dressmaker
741.5 Wat Watterson, Bill. The Calvin and Hobbes tenth anniversary book
741.5 Wat Watterson, Bill.
Scientific progress goes boink" : a Calvin and Hobbes
741.5 WEI Weing, Drew. Set to sea : illustrated
741.5 Wei Weir, Ivy Noelle, Archival quality
Westerfeld, Scott. Spill Zone.
741.5 Yan Yang, Gene Luen, Boxers
741.5 Yan Yang, Gene Luen, Saints
741.5 YAN Yang, Gene Luen. American born Chinese
741.5 YAN Yang, Gene Luen. The shadow hero
Glass, Sherri.
Cool careers without college for people who love
manga, comics, and cartoons
McLachlan, Brian.
Draw out the story : ten secrets to creating your own
Thurber, James, Thurber & company.
Tamaki, Mariko. Skim
Knisley, Lucy, Relish : my life in the kitchen
Lee, NaRae. Maximum Ride, the manga 1.
Lee, NaRae. Maximum Ride, the manga 4
Liu, Marjorie M., Monstress.
Liu, Marjorie M., Monstress.
Liu, Marjorie M., Monstress. Volume three, haven
Lyga, Barry. Manga man
Mechner, Jordan. Templar
Meyer, Marissa, Wires and nerve.
Patterson, James, Witch & wizard : the manga,
Patterson, James, Witch & wizard : the Manga.
Reed, M. K. Americus
Gordon, Barbara,
Opportunities in commercial art and graphic design
745 ENC Allen, Leslie The Encyclopedia of Two-Hour Craft Projects
745 Rog Rogers, Barbara Radcliffe. Country : classic and contemporary ideas for living
745 THO Thompson, Paul Richard, The work of William Morris
745.2 Bay Bayley, Stephen. Design : intelligence made visible
Malcolm, Dorothea C. Design: elements and principles
D'Amato, Janet. American Indian craft inspirations,
745.5 Fie Fields, Stella. Lazy crafternoon
Maletsky, Sophie. Sticky fingers : DIY duct tape projects
745.5 Tay Taylor, Terry,
Altered art : techniques for creating altered books,
boxes, cards & more
Nimocks, Patricia E. Decoupage
MÈriel Bussy, Yves. Repoussage: the embossing of metal.
Rothenberg, Polly. Metal enameling.
Bearnson, Lisa. The joy of scrapbooking
Strse, Susanne. Candle-making,
Holiday inspirations : [food, decorating, craft]
McNeill, Suzanne.
Friendship bracelets all grown up : hemp, floss, and
other boho chic designs to make
Traditional Christmas cooking, crafts & gifts.
Traditional Christmas two.
745.6 Adk Adkins, Jan. Letterbox : the art & history of letters
Simms, George Otto, Exploring the Book of Kells
Cutler, Katherine N. From petals to pinecones; : a nature art and craft book
746 RAI Rainey, Sarita R. Wall hangings: designing with fabric and thread
746.3 DEN Denny, Norman,
The Bayeux tapestry; : the story of the Norman
Conquest: 1066
Mahler, Celine Blanchard. Once upon a quilt; : patchwork design & technique.
746.4 WIL Wilson, Erica. Fun with crewel embroidery
746.4 ZIM Zimmermann, Elizabeth.
Knitting without tears; : basic techniques and easy-to-
follow directions for garments to fit all sizes.
Montgomerie, Claire.
Knitting vintage : 30 knitting projects inspired by period
746.43 Sin Singer, Amy R.
Knit wit : 30 easy and hip projects : a hands-free step-by-
step guide
Wenger, Jennifer. Teen knitting club : chill out and knit
Better Homes and Gardens 2001 cross stitch designs :
the essential reference book
Ireys, Katharine. The encyclopedia of canvas embroidery stitch patterns
Lewis, Joan.
501 quilt blocks : a treasury of patterns for patchwork &
746.6 BEL Belfer, Nancy. Designing in batik and tie dye.
746.9 CAR Careers in focus. Fashion.
746.9 CAS Cassin-Scott, Jack. The stage costume sourcebook
746.9 KEN Kenney, Karen Latchana. Boho fashion
746.9 KEN Kenney, Karen Latchana. Hipster fashion
746.9 KEN Kenney, Karen Latchana. Preppy fashion
746.9 STJ StJohn, Amanda, Edgy fashion
Watson, Stephanie, Streetwear fashion
Wooster, Patricia.
So, you want to work in fashion? : how to break into the
world of fashion and design
Frankel, Karen. American Life and Fashion from Jeans to Jeggings
Rubin, Susan Goldman, Hot pink : the life & fashions of Elsa Schiaparelli
747 Bro Brookes, John. The indoor garden book
747 COH Cohen, Sacha
Paint Effects Masterclass : The Ultimate Source Book
for Creating Beautiful, easy-to-achieve Interiors
747 Lam Lam, Kam Chuen.
Feng Shui handbook : how to create a healthier living
and working environment
747 Nil Niles, Bo. Homeplan
747 War Ward, Lauri.
Use what you have decorating : transform your home in
one hour with ten simple design principles using ...
747 You Young, Mary Ann. The complete idiot's guide to decorating your home
750 CUM Cumming, Robert, Annotated art
750 UND
Understanding paintings : themes in art explored and
Ganter, Chris. Graffiti school : a student guide with teacher's manual
755 ZUF Zuffi, Stefano Gospel Figures in Art
759 BEC Beckett, Wendy. Sister Wendy's 1000 masterpieces
759 BEC Beckett, Wendy. The story of painting
759 CHA Chase, Alice Elizabeth. Famous paintings : an introduction to art
759 KEN Kent, Rockwell, World-famous paintings,
759.03 Pai Painters of the Renaissance
Beckett, Wendy. Sister Wendy's Impressionist masterpieces
Salvi, Francesco. The impressionists : the origin of modern painting
Beckett, Wendy. Sister Wendy's American masterpieces
Goodrich, Lloyd, Three centuries of American art.
Time-Life Books. American painting, 1900-1970,
Welton, Jude. Impressionism
759.5 Kin King, Ross, Leonardo and the Last supper
759.5 REB Rebman, Renee C. The Sistine Chapel
Heiligman, Deborah. Vincent and Theo : the Van Gogh brothers
760 SCH Schattschneider, Doris.
Visions of symmetry : notebooks, periodic drawings, and
related work of M.C. Escher
769 CUR
Currier and Ives' America : a panorama of the mid-
nineteenth century scene
770 HIL Hillson, Peter J. Photography; : a study in versatility
770 SAN Sandler, Martin W. Photography : an illustrated history
770.9 THO Thomson, Ruth.
Photos framed : a fresh look at the world's most
memorable photographs
Aronson, Marc.
Eyes of the world : Robert Capa, Gerda Taro, and the
invention of modern photojournalism
775 Ang Ang, Tom. Digital photographer's handbook
Encyclopedia of photography
779 Par Parker, Kate T.
Strong is the new pretty : a celebration of girls being
780 BAC Backus, John. The acoustical foundations of music.
780 HAR Harman, Alec.
Man and His Music : Mediaeval and Early Renaissance
780 NOY Noyes, Frank.
Anthology of Musical Examples for Instrumental
780 ONG Ongaro, Giulio Maria. Music of the Renaissance
780 Sch Schumann, Robert, On music and musicians.
780 SHA Shaw, Arnold. The jazz age : popular music in the 1920's
780 SON Sonneck, Oscar George Theodore, The Star spangled banner.""
780.9 HAR Harman, Alec. Man and his music
780.9 HAR Harman, Alec. Man and his music
Anderson, M. T.
Symphony for the city of the dead : Dmitri Shostakovich
and the siege of Leningrad
Steen, Michael. The lives and times of the great composers
Viegas, Jennifer. Beethoven's world
781 Bro Brower, Steven,
Satchmo : the wonderful world and art of Louis
781 HIN
Hindemith, Paul. The craft of musical composition
781 HIN
Hindemith, Paul. The craft of musical composition
781 LEV Levitin, Daniel J.
This is your brain on music : the science of a human
781 MIE Mies, Paul,
Beethoven's sketches : an analysis of his style based on
a study of his sketch-books
Waugh, Alexander. Classical music : a new way of listening
Kaplan, Arie.
American pop : hit makers, superstars, and dance
Doeden, Matt.
American Latin music : rumba rhythms, bossa nova, and
the salsa sound
3 Mus
Mussari, Mark.
American life and music : from Elvis Presley to Lady
Sachs, Lloyd.
American country : bluegrass, honky-tonk, and crossover
Wolff, Kurt. Country music : the rough guide
Ramblin' on my mind : new perspectives on the blues
Sonnier, Austin M.
A guide to the blues : history, who's who, research
Wald, Elijah.
Escaping the delta : Robert Johnson and the invention of
the blues
Stout, William, Legends of the blues
Mendelson, Aaron.
American R & B : Gospel grooves, funky drummers, and
soul power
Carlin, Richard. Jazz
Hentoff, Nat.
Listen to the stories : Nat Hentoff on jazz and country
Bergamini, Andrea. The history of rock music
Farseth, Erik. American rock : guitar heroes, punks, and metalheads
Woog, Adam. The history of rock and roll
Hillstrom, Kevin, Woodstock
781.7 HAS Haskins, James, Black music in America : a history through its people
782 CRO Cross, Milton. The new complete stories of the great operas
782 Gro Grosvenor, Charles,
Hit me with your pet shark : misheard lyrics of the
782 KRE Krehbiel, Henry Edward,
A book of operas, their histories, their plots, and their
782.1 Bro Brockes, Emma. What would Barbra do? : how musicals changed by life
782.1 CRO Cross, Milton, Stories of the great operas.
782.1 OXF The Oxford history of opera
782.1 SCH Scherer, Barrymore Laurence. Bravo! : a guide to opera for the perplexed
Freedman, Russell.
The voice that challenged a nation : Marian Anderson
and the struggle for equal rights
Lowinger, Kathy.
Give Me Wings : How a Choir of Former Slaves Took on
the World.
Crossingham, John, Learn to speak music
Micklos, John. Jennifer Hudson : a biography of an American music idol
092 Ade
Doeden, Matt. Adele : soul music's magical voice
092 Rih
092 Win
Aretha, David. Amy Winehouse : R&B, jazz, & soul musician
9 Ell
Ellis, Carol, Landmark hip-hop hits
9 Jay
9 Pit
9 Sac
Sacks, Nathan, American hip-hop : rappers, DJs, and hard beats
Spitz, Bob. The Beatles : the biography
782.8 GRE Green, Stanley.
The world of musical comedy; : the story of the
American musical stage as told through the careers of
its foremost composers and lyricists.
784 COL Collier, James Lincoln,
Practical music theory; : how music is put together from
Bach to rock.
Garson, Eugenia. The Laura Ingalls Wilder Songbook
784.4 HAY Haywood, Charles, Folk songs of the world,
American ballads and folk songs
784.4 SAN The American songbag
784.5 Eva Evans, David, Big road blues : tradition and creativity in the folk blues
785 BRA Brahms, Johannes. Complete Symphonies in Full Orchestral Score
785 MAI Maitland, J.A. Fuller. The Fitzwilliam Virginial Book
785 MAI Maitland, J.A. Fuller. The Fitzwilliam Virginial Book
785 MOZ Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Complete String Quartets
785 MOZ Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Later Symphonies
785 WAG Wagner, Richard. Tristan und Isolde : Complete Orchestral Score
Berlioz, Hector, Evenings with the orchestra.
Headington, Christopher. The orchestra and its instruments.
Grove, George, Beethoven and his nine symphonies.
American Musicians II : Seventy-one Portraits in Jazz
785.7 BEE Beethoven, Ludwig Van. Complete String Quartets and Grosse Fuge
785.7 BRA Brahms, Johannes.
Complete Chamber Music for Strings and Clarinet
785.7 SCH Schubert, Franz. Complete Chamber Music for Pianoforte and Strings
786 MEH Mehegan, John. Contemporary Piano Styles : Jazz Improvisation IV
786 MEH Mehegan, John.
Jazz Rythm and the Improvised Line : Jazz Improvisation
786 MEH Mehegan, John.
Swing and Early Progressive Piano Styles : Jazz
Improvisation III
787 GRU Grunfeld, Frederic V.
The art and times of the guitar; : an illustrated history
of guitars and guitarists
790.1 Hin Hines-Stephens, Sarah.
Show off : how to do absolutely everything one step at a
791.3 Har Harris, Neil, Humbug : the art of P.T. Barnum
791.3 HEL Helfer, Ralph.
Modoc : the true story of the greatest elephant that
ever lived
McVicar, Wes.
Clown act omnibus : everything you need to know about
clowning plus over 200 clown stunts
Bogle, Donald.
Blacks in American films and television : an
Cohen, Daniel. Encyclopedia of movie stars
Dougall, Alastair. Bond girls
Dougall, Alastair. Bond villains
Dougall, Alastair. The book of Bond
Niven, David, Bring on the empty horses
Ross, Edward Filmish : a graphic journey through film
Gitlin, Marty. Tyler Perry : a biography of a movie mogul
Schuman, Michael. Will Smith : a biography of a rapper turned movie star
Dolan, Edward F. History of the movies
Smith, Ian Haydn,
Movie star chronicles : a visual history of the world's
greatest movie stars
3 Ben
Benjamin, Daniel.
American life and movies from The Ten
Commandments to Twilight
Leong, Tim,
Star Wars super graphic : a visual guide to a galaxy far,
far away
Reynolds, David West. Star Wars : the complete visual dictionary
Krauss, Lawrence Maxwell. The physics of Star Trek
Marks, Craig.
I want my MTV : the uncensored story of the music
video revolution
Powers, Ron.
The beast, the eunuch, and the glass-eyed child :
television in the '80s
Marschall, Rick. The history of television
092 Man
Manzano, Sonia. Becoming Maria : love and chaos in the South Bronx
3 Mus
Mussari, Mark.
American life and television : from I Love Lucy to Mad
Henson, Jim. It's not easy being green : and other things to consider
792 CAS Cassell companion to theater.
792 CHI Chilver, Peter. Staging a school play.
792 COL Colyer, Carlton.
The art of acting : from basic exercises to
multidimensional performances
792 COR Corson, Richard. Stage makeup.
792 Eva Evans, Robert C. Literature and the theater in Shakespeare's day
792 GIL Gillette, A. S. Stage scenery: its construction and rigging.
792 HOD Hodges, C. Walter Shakespeare's theatre,
792 HOD Hodges, C. Walter Shakespeare's theatre,
792 Jac Jackson, Sheila.
Costumes for the stage : a complete handbook for every
kind of play
792 Lee Lee, Robert L.
Everything about theatre! : the guidebook of theatre
792 Pap Papp, Joseph. Shakespeare alive!
792 ROB Robson, David, Shakespeare's Globe Theater
792 So
So you think you're funny? : a students' guide to improv
792 STE Stell, W. Joseph. The theatre student : scenery
792 WAR Warre, Michael. Designing and making stage scenery.
Belli, Mary Lou. Acting for young actors : the ultimate teen guide
Blum, Daniel C. A pictorial history of the American theatre, 1860-1970,
Smith, Irwin,
Shakespeare's Globe Playhouse; : a modern
reconstruction in text and scale drawings,
792.3 KIP Kipnis, Claude. The mime book.
Hofstetter, Steve, Ginger kid : mostly true tales from a former nerd
Novak, Elaine Adams. Staging Shakespearean theatre
793 Man Mandelberg, Robert.
Tricks with dollar bills : another way to make your
money disappear
793 Ngu Nguyen, Duy,
Origami with dollar bills : another way to impress
people with your money
793 Ngu Nguyen, Duy, Paper airplanes with dollar bills
793.7 MIR Mira, Julio A. Mathematical teasers
Goldberg, Elkhonon
Brain Games Collection #5 : Lower your brain age in
minutes a day.
Goldberg, Elkhonon
Brain Games Collection #6 : Lower your brain age in
minutes a day.
Knapp, Andrew,
Find Momo coast to coast : my dog is taking a road trip:
Can you find him?
Knapp, Andrew.
Find Momo : my dog is hiding in this book. Can you find
Fortman, Janis L., Houdini and other masters of magic
794.1 Cha Chandler, Murray. Chess for children
794.1 HEY Heyken, Enno. Beginner's chess course
Lawrence, Al.
Playing computer chess : getting the most out of your
794.1 PAN Pandolfini, Bruce.
Chess target practice : battle tactics for every square on
the board
794.1 PHI Phillips, Alan, The chess teacher
794.8 Net Netzley, Patricia D. How does video game violence affect society?
Croce, Nicholas.
Cool careers without college for people who love video
Root, William S. The ABC's of bridge
796 BLU Blumenthal, Karen.
Let me play : the story of Title IX, the law that changed
the future of girls in America
796 HOL Holmes, A. Lawrance, More than a game
796 Hun Hunter, Nick, Money in sports
796 Jac Jacobs, Timothy. 100 athletes who shaped sports history
796 LEI Leibs, Andrew. Sports and games of the Renaissance
796 MAT Mattern, Joanne,
So, you want to work in sports? : the ultimate guide to
exploring the sports industry
796 NAG Nagle, Jeanne M. Careers in coaching
796 SPO Sports in America : opposing viewpoints
796 Zuc Zuckerman, Gregory. Rising above : inspiring women in sports
Levy, Joel.
All the right angles : from gear ratios to calculating
odds : mathematics in the world of sports
Professional sports
Lindop, Edmund. White House sportsmen
Heeley, Mark.
1st in-line : Roll up to Get Ahead with this Street-Wise
Instruction Manual on In-Line Skating : roll up to get
ahead with this street-wise instruction manual on in-
line skating
Werner, Doug,
Skateboarder's start-up : a beginner's guide to
Allen, James, Basketball : play like a pro
Barkley, Charles, I may be wrong but I doubt it
Berkow, Ira. Court vision : unexpected views on the lure of basketball
The Britannica guide to basketball
Canfield, Jack,
Chicken soup for the soul : inside basketball : 101 great
hoop stories from players, coaches, and fans.
Doeden, Matt. The Final Four : the pursuit of college basketball glory
Anniss, Matt. Kevin Durant in the community
Frey, Darcy. The last shot : city streets, basketball dreams
Jackson, Phil. Sacred hoops : spiritual lessons of a hardwood warrior
Bodden, Valerie. LeBron James : champion basketball star
Kalb, Elliott.
Who's better, who's best in basketball? : Mr. Stats sets
the record straight on the top 50 NBA players of all time
Miller, Faye Young. Winning basketball for girls
Pluto, Terry, Falling from grace : can pro basketball be saved?
2 Wal
Maraniss, Andrew,
Strong inside : the true story of how Perry Wallace
broke college basketball's color line
Bulman, George. Volleyball
Kilkenny, Bernard. Volleyball rules
Zartman, Sharkie. Youth volleyball : the guide for coaches & parents
Allen, John, Soccer for Americans.
Bissinger , H.G. Friday Night Lights : A Town, A Team, and a Dream
Goldblatt, David. The Soccer book
796.33 PLI Plimpton, George. Paper Lion.
Frederick, Shane. Football : the math of the game
Hill, Jody 38 : the Chucky Mullins effect
Leonetti, Mike, Football now!
Martirano, Ron. Book of football stuff
McClafferty, Carla Killough,
Fourth down and inches : concussions and football's
make-or-break moment
McIntosh, J. S. Football
Namath, Joe Willie, A matter of style
Maki, Allan. Football's greatest stars
Stanmyre, Jackie F. Cam Newton : trying to win them all
Nichols, Greg,
Striking gridiron : a town's pride and a team's shot at
glory during the biggest strike in American history
Gordon, Stephen G. Tim Tebow : quarterback with conviction
Toma, J. Douglas.
Football U. : spectator sports in the life of the American
Wilkinson, Bud, Sports illustrated football : winning defense
Wilkinson, Bud, Sports illustrated football : winning offense
Bauer, Gerhard, Soccer techniques, tactics & teamwork
Bauer, Gerhard, Soccer techniques, tactics & teamwork
Carr, Tony.
Youth soccer coaching : a complete guide to building a
successful team
Goldman, Ken. Soccer
Goldman, Ken. Soccer rules
Hornby, Hugh. Soccer
Longman, Jere.
The girls of summer : the U.S. women's soccer team
and how it changed the world
Simon, Eddy, PelÈ, the king of soccer
Radnedge, Keir Get in the game : soccer
St. John, Warren.
Outcasts united : the story of a refugee soccer team
that changed a town
St. John, Warren.
Outcasts united : the story of a refugee soccer team
that changed a town
2 Pel
Freedman, Lew. PelÈ : a biography
2 Sol
Solo, Hope, Solo : memoir of Hope
2 Tor
Torres, John Albert. Lionel Messi : top-scoring soccer star
King, Billie Jean. Tennis to win
Laver, Rodney George. The education of a tennis player,
Newcombe, Barry. Tennis rules
Singleton, Skip.
The junior tennis handbook : a complete guide to tennis
for juniors, parents, and coaches
Boehme, Gerry. Serena Williams : setting new standards
Snead, Sam. Sam Snead on golf
Bradbeer, Richard. The Ultimate Golfer
Elliott, Bill.
This sporting life : Golf ; the story of the men and
women who made the game what it is today
Lumb, Nick. A beginner's guide to golf
Newell, Steve. Golf rules
Newell, Steve.
How to play golf : a complete step-by-step course from
starting out to advanced techniques
Plimpton, George. The bogey man.
Aaron, Hank, Hitting the Hank Aaron way
Maraniss, David. Clemente : the passion and grace of baseball's last hero
Fimrite, Ron. The World Series : a history of baseball's fall classic
Gutman, Dan. The way baseball works
Kendall, Jason,
Throwback : a big-league catcher tells how the game is
really played
Kennedy, Kostya. 56 : Joe DiMaggio and the last magic number in sports
Kortemeier, Todd, Make me the best baseball player
Lewis, Michael Moneyball : the art of winning an unfair game
Margolies, Jacob. The Negro leagues : the story of Black baseball
Mitchell, Jerry. The amazing Mets.
Owens, Tom, Great catchers
The glory of their times : the story of the early days of
baseball told by the men who played it
Ritter, Lawrence S.
The glory of their times; : the story of the early days of
baseball told by the men who played it
Rivera, Mariano, The closer : my story
Hillstrom, Laurie Collier, Jackie Robinson and the integration of baseball
Smyth, Ian. Baseball and softball rules
2 Gre
Sommer, Shelley. Hammerin' Hank Greenberg : baseball pioneer
796.4 KIE Kieran, John. The Story of the Olympic Games
Maraniss, Andrew,
Games of deception : the true story of the first U.S.
Olympic basketball team at the 1936 Olympics in
Hitler's Germany
796.5 HER Herzog, Maurice. Annapurna
Rowen, Lilian. Speedwalking : the exercise alternative
MacWelch, Tim. Hunting & gathering survival manual
Drake, Peter G.
Walking & orienteering : how to cross hills, back country
and rough terrain in safety and confidence : a
professional manual for hikers, paddlers, horse trekkers
and extreme cyclists
Hart, John,
Walking softly in the wilderness : the Sierra Club guide
to backpacking
Santella, Chris.
Fifty places to hike before you die : outdoor experts
share the world's greatest destinations
Krakauer, Jon.
Into thin air : a personal account of the Mount Everest
Beard, Daniel Carter, Shelters, shacks, and shanties
796.7 PRI Pritchard, Anthony. Grand Prix championship, 1950-70.
Blackwood, Gary L.
The Great Race : the amazing round-the-world auto
race of 1908
Shoup, Kate, Danica Patrick : breaking speed barriers
796.8 COR Corcoran, John, Martial arts : traditions, history, people
796.8 GOL Goldman, John.
Guide to martial arts : a step-by-step introduction to
Taekwondo, Judo, Ju-jitsu, Karate & Kung Fu
Goodman, Fay.
A handbook of martial arts : tae kwondo, karate, aikido,
ju-jitsu, judo, kung fu, tai chi, kendo, iaido, shinto ryu : a
step-by-step practical guide
Gutman, Bill Sumo Wrestling
796.8 HEL Hellickson, Russ. An instructional guide to amateur wrestling
796.8 SIE Sieh, Ron. Martial arts for beginners
Brown, Box. Andre the Giant : life and legend
Polly, Matthew.
American Shaolin : flying kicks, Buddhist monks, and the
legend of iron crotch : an odyssey in the new China
Walden, Tillie, Spinning
Mone, Gregory.
The boys in the boat : the true story of an American
team's epic journey to win gold at the 1936 Olympics
798 RIC Ricci, A. James. Understanding and training horses
798.2 PHI Phillips, Mark,
Captain Mark Phillips on riding : a complete guide for
798.2 SWI Swift, Sally, Centered riding
Harris, Moira C. Riding
798.4 Hil Hillenbrand, Laura. Seabiscuit : an American legend
799.1 EVA Evanoff, Vlad. The fresh-water fisherman's bible
799.2 Rob Robertson, Willie,
The Duck Commander family : how faith, family, and
ducks created a dynasty
Petzal, David E. Field & stream the total gun manual
801 Bar Barry, Peter,
Beginning theory : an introduction to literary and
cultural theory
803 BEN BenÈt's reader's encyclopedia.
803 BEN BenÈt, William Rose, The reader's encyclopedia.
803 BRE Brewer's dictionary of phrase and fable.
803 BRE Brewer's dictionary of phrase and fable.
808 BER Berthoff, Warner.
The ferment of realism; : American literature, 1884-
808 Coo The Norton sampler : short essays for composition
808 KAY Kay, Andrea. Resumes that will get you the job you want
808 MEL Melton, David.
You can improve your students' writing skills
immediately! : a revolutionary, no-nonsense, two-brain
approach for teaching your students how to write better
and enjoy it more
808 Nor The Norton reader : an anthology of nonfiction
808 Pol Policoff, Stephen Phillip.
Real toads in imaginary gardens : suggestions and
starting points for young creative writers
808 STR Strunk, William, The elements of style
808 STR Strunk, William, The elements of style.
808 STR Strunk, William, The elements of style.
808 STR Strunk, William, The elements of style.
808 WRI Write Better, Speak Better
808 ZIN Zinsser, William Knowlton. On writing well : an informal guide to writing nonfiction
Myers, Walter Dean, Just write : here's how
Brooks, Cleanth, Modern rhetoric
Sorenson, Sharon. Webster's new world student writing handbook
Bullock, Richard H. The Norton field guide to writing
Burnett, Rebecca E., Technical communication
Brooks, Cleanth, Understanding poetry
808.1 FER Fergusson, Francis. Dante.
808.1 KOC Koch, Kenneth,
Sleeping on the wing : an anthology of modern poetry,
with essays on reading and writing
808.1 One
One hundred and one famous poems : with a prose
supplement : an anthology
808.2 AUS Austell, Jan. What's in a play?
Hamlett, Christina.
Screenwriting for teens : the 100 principles of
scriptwriting every budding writer must know
808.3 CHI Chiarella, Tom. Writing dialogue
DeMarinis, Rick. The art & craft of the short story
808.3 HIL Hills, L. Rust.
Writing in general and the short story in particular : an
informal textbook
808.3 Ker Kercheval, Jesse Lee. Building fiction : how to develop plot and structure
808.3 PER Perrine, Laurence. Story and structure.
Hudson, Virginia Cary. O ye jigs & juleps!
808.5 CHU Churchill, Winston. Onwards to Victory
808.5 LAT Latrobe, Kathy Howard.
Readers theatre for young adults : scripts and script
808.6 EAG Eaglefield-Hull, A. Beethoven's Letters
Maggio, Rosalie.
How to say it : choice words, phrases, sentences, and
paragraphs for every situation
808.7 MIL Milburn, Daniel Judson. The age of wit, 1650-1750
808.8 Arb Arbuthnot, May Hill, The Arbuthnot anthology of children's literature
The book of virtues : a treasury of great moral stories
808.8 FIF Fifty years
Gagliardo, Ruth, Let's read aloud; : stories and poems.
808.8 HAR The Harlem Renaissance
808.8 JOH Johnson, Edna, Anthology of children's literature
808.8 KAZ Writers at work; : the Paris review interviews.
808.8 Nor The Norton introduction to literature
808.8 UDE Uden, Grant.
Anecdotes from history; : being a collection of 1,000
anecdotes, epigrams, and episodes illustrative of
English and world history.
Adoff, Arnold, City in all directions; an anthology of modern poems.
The Harper anthology of poetry
Jeffers, Robinson. Roan Stallion Tamar : and other poems
Mackay, David,
A flock of words; : an anthology of poetry for children
and others.
Plotz, Helen, The earth is the Lord's; : poems of the spirit.
The anthology : poems for Poetry Out Loud : national
recitation contest
The anthology : poems for Poetry Out Loud : national
recitation contest
The Teacher's Selection ; Anthology of Poetry
War and the pity of war
Block, Haskell M., Masters of modern drama.
Laurie, Rona, One hundred speeches from the theater,
Richards, Stanley, Best short plays of the world theatre 1958-1967.
Thirty Famous One Act Plays Thirty Famous One Act Plays
Tucker, Samuel Marion, Twenty-five modern plays.
Essays : Classic and Contemporary
The Art of the personal essay : an anthology from the
classical era to the present
Peterson, Houston,
A treasury of the world's great speeches. : Each speech
prefaced with its dramatic and biographical setting and
placed in its full historical perspective.
Schuster, Max Lincoln,
A treasury of the world's great letters from ancient days
to our own time, : containing the characteristic and
crucial communications, and intimate exchanges and
cycles of correspondence, of many of the outstanding
figures of world history, and some notable
Untermeyer, Louis,
Treasury of great humor; : including wit, whimsy and
satire from the remote past to the present.
Guinagh, Kevin, Dictionary of foreign phrases and abbreviations.
Palacio, R. J. 365 days of wonder : Mr. Browne's book of precepts
809 Aut Authors of the 19th century
809 BIR Bird, Betsy. Wild things! : acts of mischief in children's literature
809 MAC Macy, John. The Story of the World's Literature
809 TOB Tobias, Richard C. The art of James Thurber
809 Wel Welty, Eudora. The eye of the story : selected essays and reviews
809 WRI
Writers at work : the Paris review interviews, seventh
809.1 Joh Johanson, Paula. World poetry : evidence of life""
810.3 OXF Hart, James D. The Oxford companion to American literature
810.3 REA The reader's encyclopedia of American literature
810.8 33
33 things every girl should know : stories, songs, poems,
and smart talk by 33 extraordinary women
Emanuel, James A., Dark symphony: Negro literature in America,
810.8 Guy Guys write for guys read
810.8 HIS Hispanic American literature : an anthology
810.8 Mas
The Real war will never get in the books : selections
from writers during the Civil War
810.8 OXF
Oxford Book of the American South : Testimony,
memory, and fiction
810.8 RIS Rising voices : writings of young Native Americans
810.8 TRE
A Treasury of American writers; : from Harper's
Wachner, Clarence W. The Early Years of American Literature
American modernism
American realism
American romanticism
810.9 BLA
Black American poets and dramatists : before the
Harlem Renaissance
810.9 BLA
Black American poets and dramatists of the Harlem
Brooks, Van Wyck, The flowering of New England.
Brooks, Van Wyck, New England: Indian summer.
Brooks, Van Wyck, The times of Melville and Whitman.
Downs, Robert Bingham, Books that changed America
Emerson, Everett H., Major writers of early American literature.
810.9 HAR Harlem Renaissance
810.9 Hil Hillstrom, Kevin, The Harlem Renaissance
810.9 MAJ
Major Black American writers through the Harlem
When I was your age : original stories about growing up
811 Ale Alexander, Elizabeth, Crave radiance : new and selected poems, 1990-2010
811 ALE Alexie, Sherman, Face
811 AME
American poetry : the nineteenth century. Volume one,
Philip Freneau to Walt Whitman.
811 AME
American poetry : the nineteenth century. Volume two,
Herman Melville to Trumbull Stickney, American Indian
poetry, folk songs and spirituals.
811 AME American poetry.
811 AME American poetry.
811 AME Bontemps, Arna Wendell, American Negro poetry.
811 Ang Angelou, Maya. The complete collected poems of Maya Angelou.
811 ANG Angelou, Maya. Maya Angelou : poems
811 ANG Angelou, Maya. Maya Angelou : poems.
811 ANG Angelou, Maya. Maya Angelou : poems.
811 BEN Benet, Stephen Vincent, John Brown's body
811 BEN Benet, Stephen Vincent, Western star
811 BES Felleman, Hazel, The best loved poems of the American people.
811 BLA The Black poets
811 BLA The Black poets
811 BRO Brooks, Gwendolyn, In the Mecca; : poems.
811 CON Strand, Mark,
The contemporary American poets; : American poetry
since 1940.
811 CRA Crane, Hart, Complete poems and selected letters
811 CRA Crane, Stephen, Poems.
811 CRI Crisler, Curtis L. Tough boy sonatas
811 CUL Cullen, Countee,
On these I stand; : an anthology of the best poems of
Countee Cullen.
811 DIC Emily Dickinson Collected Poems
811 DIC Dickinson, Emily, Complete poems
811 DIC Dickinson, Emily, Final harvest : Emily Dickinson's poems
811 DOU Douglas, Mitchell L. H., \blak\ \al-fe bet\ : poems
811 DUN Dunbar, Paul Laurence,
The complete poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar, : with
the introduction to Lyrics of lowly life
811 EMA Emanuel, James A. Langston Hughes,
811 Eng Engle, Margarita Soaring Earth: A compaion memoir to Enchanted Air
811 ENG Engle, Margarita. The firefly letters : a suffragette's journey to Cuba
811 FER Ferlazzo, Paul J. Emily Dickinson
811 FIF
Fifty years of American poetry : anniversary volume for
the Academy of American Poets
811 FRO Frost, Robert, In the clearing.
811 FRO Frost, Robert,
The poetry of Robert Frost : the collected poems,
complete and unabridged
811 FRO Frost, Robert, You come too; : favorite poems for young readers.
811 Fro Frost, Robert. Selected poems
811 GIO Giovanni, Nikki. The collected poetry of Nikki Giovanni, 1968-1998
811 Goo Good poems
811 Gri Grimes, Nikki. One last word : wisdom from the Harlem Renaissance
811 HUG Hughes, Langston, The collected poems of Langston Hughes
811 HUG Hughes, Langston, The dream keeper and other poems
811 HUG Hughes, Langston,
The dream keeper and other poems : including seven
additional poems
811 HUG Hughes, Langston, The panther & the lash : poems of our times
811 Jan Janeczko, Paul B. Requiem : poems of the TerezÌn ghetto
811 JOH Johnson, James Weldon, God's trombones : seven Negro sermons in verse
811 Lla Llanas, Sheila Griffin, Contemporary American poetry-not the end
811 LON Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, The song of Hiawatha.
811 LON Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Favorite Poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
811 LON Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Favorite Poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
811 LON Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. The poems of Longfellow
811 MAC MacLeish, Archibald. The collected poems of Archibald MacLeish
811 MAS Masters, Edgar Lee, Spoon River anthology
811 MCG McGinley, Phyllis. Times three
811 MIL Millay, Edna St. Vincent, Collected poems.
811 NAS Nash, Ogden, Everybody ought to know;
811 NAS Nash, Ogden, There's always another windmill.
811 NEL Nelson, Marilyn, How I discovered poetry
811 NEW The New Oxford book of American verse
811 NOM
No more masks! : an anthology of twentieth-century
American women poets, newly revised and expanded
811 OPE The Open boat : poems from Asian America
811 OXF The Oxford book of American light verse
811 Oxf The Oxford book of American light verse
811 Poe 2001 : a poetic Odyssey
811 POE Poets of World War II
811 POE Poe, Edgar Allan, Complete poems
811 PRE Prelutsky, Jack. A pizza the size of the sun : poems
811 ROB Robinson, Edwin Arlington, Robinson : poems
811 RYL Rylant, Cynthia. Soda jerk
811 SAN Sandburg, Carl, The complete poems of Carl Sandburg.
811 SAN Sandburg, Carl, Early moon
811 SAN Sandburg, Carl, Honey and salt.
811 SAN Sandburg, Carl, Honey and salt.
811 SAN Sandburg, Carl, The people, yes
811 SON Sones, Sonya.
Stop pretending : what happened when my big sister
went crazy
811 STE Stetson, Erlene,
Black sister : poetry by black American women, 1746-
811 TUR Turner, Ann Warren. A lion's hunger : poems of first love
811 VIN The Vintage book of contemporary American poetry
811 VOI
The Voice that is great within us : American poetry of
the twentieth century
811 WAY Wayland, April Halprin. Girl coming in for a landing : a novel in poems
811 WHI Whitman, Walt, Leaves of grass
811 WHI Whitman, Walt, Leaves of grass
811 WRI Wright, Richard, Haiku : this other world
Adoff, Arnold,
I am the darker brother; : an anthology of modern
poems by Negro Americans.
The Columbia anthology of American poetry
The Mentor book of major American poets
Bontemps, Arna Wendell,
Golden slippers, : an anthology of Negro poetry for
young readers,
The Treasury of American poetry
Untermeyer, Louis,
An anthology of the New England poets from colonial
times to the present day;
Allen, Gay Wilson, A reader's guide to Walt Whitman.
Bohner, Charles H. Robert Penn Warren
Brittin, Norman A. Edna St. Vincent Millay,
Tate, Allen, T. S. Eliot: the man and his work;
Buckwalter, Stephanie. Early American poetry, beauty in words""
Frost, Robert, The road not taken, and other poems
811.52 Pri Pritchard, William H. Frost : a literary life reconsidered
Teasdale, Sara, Mirror of the heart : poems of Sara Teasdale
Bernier-Grand, Carmen T. CÈsar : sÌ, se puede! = yes, we can!
El coro : a chorus of Latino and Latina poetry
Engle, Margarita.
The surrender tree : poems of Cuba's struggle for
Jewel, A night without armor : poems
811.54 Sil Silverstein, Shel, Falling up : poems and drawings
811.54 Sil Silverstein, Shel. A light in the attic
811.54 Sil Silverstein, Shel.
Where the sidewalk ends : the poems & drawings of
Shel Silverstein.
811.6 Gra Grady, Cynthia. I lay my stitches down : poems of American slavery
811.6 Gra Grandits, John. Blue lipstick : concrete poems
Hemphill, Stephanie. Your own, Sylvia : a verse portrait of Sylvia Plath
811.6 Nye Nye, Naomi Shihab, Voices in the air : poems for listeners
812 BEN BenÈt, Stephen Vincent, The devil and Daniel Webster
812 BER
One-act plays for acting students : an anthology of short
one-act plays for one, two, or three actors
812 CEN
Center stage : one-act plays for teenage readers and
812 FAU Faulkner, William, Requiem for a nun.
812 GIB The miracle worker; : a play for television.
812 Gib Gibson, William The Miracle Worker: A Play By William Gibson
812 Gib Gibson, William The Miracle Worker: A Play By William Gibson
812 GOL Goldman, James. The lion in winter.
812 HAN Hansberry, Lorraine, A raisin in the sun; : a drama in three acts.
812 Kre Krell-Oishi, Mary
More Scenes that Happen: Real-life Snapshots of
Teenage Lives
812 LAW Lawrence, Jerome, Inherit the wind
812 LER Camelot; : a new musical.
812 LER My fair lady; : a musical play in two acts,
812 LIN The sound of music; : a new musical play.
812 MAC MacLeish, Archibald, J. B."; : a play in verse."
812 MAC MacLeish, Archibald, J. B."; : a play in verse."
812 MAJ Majeski, Bill.
50 great monologs for student actors : a workbook of
comedy characterizations for students
812 MAN Mandel, Loring. Advise and consent : a play
812 MIL Miller, Arthur, The crucible : a play in four acts
812 Mil Miller, Arthur, The crucible : a play in four acts
812 MIL Miller, Arthur,
Death of a salesman; : certain private conversations in
two acts and a requiem.
812 MIL Miller, Arthur,
Death of a salesman; : certain private conversations in
two acts and a requiem.
812 MIL Miller, Arthur, Incident at Vichy; : a play.
812 NEM Nemiroff, Robert.
To be young, gifted, and Black : Lorraine Hansberry in
her own words
812 NOB Noble's Comparative Classics. Macbeth, The Emperor Jones
812 ONE O'Neill, Eugene, Long day's journey into night.
812 ONE O'Neill, Eugene, The Plays of Eugene O'Neill.
812 ONE O'Neill, Eugene, The Plays of Eugene O'Neill.
812 ONE O'Neill, Eugene, The Plays of Eugene O'Neill.
812 REA Readings on Eugene O'Neill
812 ROD Rodgers, Richard, 6 plays,
812 SCH Schary, Dore. Sunrise at Campobello; : a play in three acts.
812 VID Vidal, Gore, Visit to a small planet, and other television plays.
812 WIL Wilder, Thornton Niven, Three plays...with a preface
812 WIL Williams, Tennessee, The glass menagerie, : a play.
812 WIT
With their eyes : September 11th : the view from a high
school at ground zero
812 ZIN Zindel, Paul.
The effect of gamma rays on man-in-the-moon
marigolds; : a drama in two acts.
Best plays of the modern American theatre.
Gassner, John. Best American plays : 4th series--1951-1957
812.08 SIX Sixteen American Plays
Falk, Signi Lenea. Tennessee Williams.
812.5 WIL Williams, Tennessee, Cat on a hot tin roof
812.5 WIL Williams, Tennessee, The glass menagerie;
Hansberry, Lorraine, A raisin in the sun
Rose, Reginald. Twelve angry men
813 BAB Babb, Valerie Melissa. Ernest Gaines
813 BAY Baym, Nina. The scarlet letter : a reading
813 Cla
A Collection of classic southern humor : fiction and
occasional fact
813 EBL Eble, Kenneth Eugene. F. Scott Fitzgerald
813 FRE French, Warren G., John Steinbeck.
813 GRE Grebstein, Sheldon Norman. Sinclair Lewis.
813 HEM Hemingway, Ernest, Ernest Hemingway, selected letters, 1917-1961
813 Hey Heyward, DuBose,
The country bunny and the little gold shoes : as told to
813 HOF Hoffman, Frederick John. William Faulkner.
813 HOW Howarth, William L., Poe's tales; : a collection of critical essays.
813 HOW Howarth, William L., Poe's tales; : a collection of critical essays.
813 HUC Twain, Mark, Huck Finn and his critics
813 KIN King, Stephen, Stephen King goes to the movies
813 Lla Llanas, Sheila Griffin, Modern American poetry, echoes and shadows""
813 LON London, Jack, Novels and social writings
813 MAR Martin, Terence. Nathaniel Hawthorne.
813 MAT Matthews, John T. The sound and the fury : Faulkner and the lost cause
813 MOA Moates, Marianne M. A bridge of childhood : Truman Capote's southern years
813 Nat
Nathaniel Hawthorne's The scarlet letter : a
contemporary literary views book
813 RED Redfield, James The Celestine Prophecy
813 SAM Samuels, Wilfred D. Toni Morrison
813 Von Vonnegut, Kurt. Kurt Vonnegut : letters
813 Web Weber, Kenneth J.
Five-minute mysteries : more than 100 cases of murder
and mayhem for you to solve
813 WIN Winchell, Donna Haisty. Alice Walker
813 ZOR Zora Neale Hurston
Schulberg, Budd. Writers in America : the four seasons of success
Skurnick, Lizzie. Shelf discovery : teen classics we never stopped reading
Cady, Edwin Harrison. Stephen Crane.
Campbell, Harry Modean. William Faulkner: a critical appraisal,
Chase, Richard Volney, Melville.
Garcia, Eugene Current. O Henry
Day, A. Grove James A. Michener,
Dooley, D. J. The art of Sinclair Lewis,
Doyle, Paul A. Pearl S. Buck,
Six American novelists of the nineteenth century; : an
Gaston, Edwin W. Conrad Richter,
Hendrick, George. Katharine Anne Porter
Martin, Terence. Nathaniel Hawthorne.
Miller, James Edwin, A reader's guide to Herman Melville.
Smith, Henry Nash, Mark Twain; : a collection of critical essays.
Vande Kieft, Ruth M. Eudora Welty.
813.5 Coo Cook, Richard M. Carson McCullers
813.5 FIT The collected short prose of James Agee
Hurston, Zora Neale. Novels and stories
Porter, Katherine Anne, Collected stories and other writings
Garlow, James L. Cracking Da Vinci's code
O'Connor, Flannery.
Collected works: Wise blood ; A good man is hard to
find ; The violent bear it away ; Everything that rises
must converge ; Stories and occassional prose ; Letters
813.54 Sci Scieszka, Jon.
Knucklehead : tall tales and mostly true stories of
growing up Scieszka
Stern, D. A. The Blair Witch Project
813.6 Bur Burroughs, Augusten. A wolf at the table : a memoir of my father
813.6 Sto Stockett, Kathryn. The help
813.6 Sto Stockett, Kathryn. The help
813.6 Sto Stockett, Kathryn. The help
813.6 Sto Stockett, Kathryn. The help
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813.6 Sto Stockett, Kathryn. The help
814 Bal Baldwin, James, Collected essays
814 EME Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Essays & lectures
814 FUL Fulghum, Robert. It was on fire when I lay down on it
814 HOL Holmes, Oliver Wendell. The autocrat of the breakfast table...
814 RAL Ralph Waldo Emerson
814 ROO Rooney, Andrew A. A few minutes with Andy Rooney
814 WHI White, E.B.
The points of my compass : letters from the East, the
West, the North, the South
814 YAN Yannella, Donald. Ralph Waldo Emerson
814.1 Fra Franklin, Benjamin,
Silence Dogood, the Busy-Body, and early writings :
Boston and London, 1722-1726, Philadelphia, 1726-
1757, London, 1757-1775
Bragg, Rick,
My Southern journey : true stories from the heart of the
815 DOU Douglass, Frederick,
The mind and heart of Frederick Douglass; : excerpts
from speeches of the great Negro orator.
817 IRV Irving, Washington,
Sketch book : the classic artist's edition of 1863 ; with a
foreword by Philip McFarland.
817 PET Peter, Laurence J. The Peter principle,
817 THU Thurber, James, Lanterns & lances
817 THU Thurber, James, The Thurber carnival,
Cerf, Bennett, The sound of laughter
818 AND Anderson, David D. Abraham Lincoln,
818 BEN Benet, Stephen Vincent, Selected works of Stephen Vincent BenÈt.
818 BLA
Black American prose writers : before the Harlem
818 BLA
Black American prose writers of the Harlem
818 BRO Brooks, Max.
The zombie survival guide : complete protection from
the living dead
818 BUR Buranelli, Vincent. Edgar Allan Poe
818 DAY Day, Clarence,
The best of Clarence Day, : including God and my father,
Life with father, Life with mother, This simian world,
and selections from Thoughts without words.
818 DON Donovan, Frank.
The Autobiography : and other Writings of Benjamin
818 EMA Emanuel, James A. Langston Hughes,
818 FRA Franklin, Benjamin, Poor Richard : the almanacks for the years, 1733-1758
818 GAI Gaines, Ernest J., Mozart and Leadbelly : stories and essays
818 HAY Hayes, Helen, A gift of joy
818 Hin Hinds, Gareth, Poe : stories and poems : a graphic novel adaptation
818 LIN Lindbergh, Anne (Morrow) Earth shine.
818 LIN Lindbergh, Anne (Morrow) Gift from the sea.
818 POE Poe, Edgar Allan, The collected tales and poems of Edgar Allan Poe.
818 POE Poe, Edgar Allan, Poetry and tales
818 SAN Sandburg, Carl,
The Sandburg treasury; : prose and poetry for young
818 Sar Saroyan, William,
He flies through the air with the greatest of ease : a
William Saroyan reader
818 SHI Shivers, Alfred S. Jessamyn West,
818 STA Staebler, Warren. Ralph Waldo Emerson.
818 THO Thoreau, Henry David, Collected essays and poems
818 THO Thoreau, Henry David, The Maine woods
818 THO Thoreau, Henry David, Walden, and other writings.
818 THO Thoreau, Henry David,
A week on the Concord and Merrimack rivers ; : Walden,
or, Life in the woods ; The Maine woods ; Cape Cod
818 THU Thurber, James, Writings and drawings
818 Twa Twain, Mark, Life on the Mississippi
818 VOL Volpe, Edmond Loris. A reader's guide to William Faulkner,
818 WAL Waldhorn, Arthur, A reader's guide to Ernest Hemingway.
818 Whi Sweet, Melissa, Some writer! : the story of E.B. White
818 WHI White, E. B. One man's meat.
818 WIL Wilson, Lauren.
The art of eating through the zombie apocalypse : a
cookbook and culinary survival guide
Twain, Mark, The innocents abroad ; Roughing it
Twain, Mark, A tramp abroad ; : Following the equator ; Other travels
Twain, Mark,
Collected tales, sketches, speeches & essays Collected
tales, sketches, speeches, and essays.
Twain, Mark,
Collected tales, sketches, speeches & essays Collected
tales, sketches, speeches, and essays.
Johnson, James Weldon, Writings
Stein, Gertrude, Writings, 1903-1932
818.6 Per Open mic : riffs on life between cultures in ten voices
820 NOR The Norton anthology of English literature.
Grohskopf, Bernice.
From age to age; : life and literature in Anglo-Saxon
820.9 Dai Daiches, David, Literary landscapes of the British Isles : a narrative atlas
820.9 Hol Holt, James Clarke. Robin Hood
820.9 Naf Nafisi, Azar. Reading Lolita in Tehran : a memoir in books
Pool, Daniel.
What Jane Austen ate and Charles Dickens knew : from
fox hunting to whist : the facts of daily life in nineteenth-
century England
Quennell, Peter, A history of English literature.
820.9 VIC Victorian literature
821 AUD Auden, W. H. City without walls, : and other poems
821 BLA Blake, William, The poems of William Blake;
821 BOO Stallworthy, Jon, A book of love poetry.
821 BRO Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, Sonnets from the Portuguese
821 BRO Browning, Robert, The poems of Robert Browning.
821 BYR Byron, Lord. Byronic Thoughts
821 CAR Carroll, Lewis. The humorous verse of Lewis Carroll
821 CEL
Celtic dreams : visions of a past : an anthology of Irish
821 Cla Classic poetry : an illustrated collection
821 COL Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, Poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
821 ELI Eliot, T. S. Poems written in early youth,
821 FAR Farjeon, Eleanor. Tales from Chaucer
821 HEA Headings, Philip Ray, T.S. Eliot
821 HOU Housman, A.E. The collected poems of A. E. Houseman
821 HUG Hughes, Ted, Under the North Star
821 KEA Keats, John. Complete Poetical Works of Keats
821 KIP Kipling, Rudyard, Kipling : poems
821 LAW Lawrence, D. H. Selected poems
821 MAT Matz, Robert. The world of Shakespeare's sonnets : an introduction
821 MIL Miller, David M. John Milton : poetry
821 MIL Milton, John, The complete poetry of John Milton;
821 MIL Milton, John, Paradise lost.
821 MIL Milton, John.
Paradise Regained, The Minor Poems And Samson
821 New New Oxford Book of Eighteenth Century Verse
821 NEW The new Oxford book of English verse, 1250-1950
821 NOR The Norton book of light verse
821 OXF The Oxford Companion to Twentieth-Century Poetry
821 POE Poems of Alfred, Lord Tennyson
821 SHA Shakespeare, William, Love poems and sonnets.
821 SHE Shelley, Percy Bysshe, Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley.
821 TEN Tennyson, Alfred Lord. The charge of the Light Brigade
821 TEN Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, Idylls of the King
821 WIL Williams, Marcia, Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
821 WOR Wordsworth, William, Poems of William Wordsworth
821 WOR Wordsworth, William, Selected poems
Causley, Charles, Modern ballads and story poems.
The classic hundred : all-time favorite poems
Twentieth century poetry: American and British (1900-
1970); : an American-British anthology.
Johanson, Paula. Early British poetry, words that burn""
The Atlantic Book of British and American Poetry
Peck, Richard, Mindscapes; : poems for the real world.
The New Oxford Book of English Verse
Quiller-Couch, Arthur. The Oxford book of ballads
Peck, Richard, Sounds and silences.
Stevenson, Burton Egbert,
The home book of modern verse; : an extension of The
home book of verse, being a selection from American
and English poetry of the twentieth century.
Stevenson, Burton Egbert, The home book of verse
Blake, William, The book of Urizen.
Hussey, Maurice. Chaucer's world: a pictorial companion;
Noyes, Russell, William Wordsworth.
Trueblood, Paul Graham. Lord Byron,
Houle, Michelle M. Modern British poetry : The world is never the same""
Auden, W. H.
The English Auden : poems, essays, and dramatic
writings, 1927-1939
Eliot, T. S. Collected poems, 1909-1962.
822 BAR Barrie, James Matthew, Representative plays
822 BES Besier, Rudolf. Barrets of Wimpole Street : a comedy in five acts
822 BOL Bolt, Robert. A man for all seasons; : a play in two acts.
822 CHR Christie, Agatha, The mousetrap, & other plays
822 DRY Dryden, John. Modern English drama
822 Eli Elizabethan dramatists
822 ELI Eliot, T. S. Murder in the cathedral,
822 KEY Keyes, Rowena Keith,
Comparative comedies, present and past: She stoops to
conquer, by Oliver Goldsmith; The rivals, by Richard
Brinsley Sheridan; The goose hangs high, by Lewis
Beach; Holiday, by Philip Barry.
822 MAR Marlowe, Christopher, Doctor Faustus.
822 SCE
The Scenebook for actors : great monologs & dialogs
from contemporary & classical theatre
822 SHA Shaw, Bernard. Pygmalion : a romance in five acts
822 SHA Shaw, Bernard.
Pygmalion : and Other Plays: The Devil's Disciple Caesar
and Cleopatra
822 SHA Shaw, George Bernard. Pygmalion : a romance in five acts
822 SHE Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, The rivals.
822 SHE Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, The school for scandal
William Shakespeare : his world, his work, his influence
William Shakespeare : his world, his work, his influence
William Shakespeare : his world, his work, his influence
822.3 BEC Beckerman, Bernard. Shakespeare at the Globe.
822.3 Bry Bryson, Bill Shakespeare : the world as stage
822.3 CHU Chute, Marchette Gaylord, Stories from Shakespeare
822.3 COL Cole, Douglas,
Twentieth century interpretations of Romeo and Juliet; :
a collection of critical essays.
822.3 EAS Eastman, A.M. Shakespeare's Critics
822.3 FRY Frye, Roland Mushat. Shakespeare's life and times: a pictorial record.
822.3 HIN Hinds, Gareth, Macbeth
822.3 Hin Hinds, Gareth,
The most excellent and lamentable tragedy of Romeo &
822.3 HIN Hinds, Gareth,
The most excellent and lamentable tragedy of Romeo &
Shakespeare's England,
Shakespeare's England,
822.3 KER Kerr, Jessica. Shakespeare's flowers.
822.3 KER Kerr, Jessica. Shakespeare's flowers.
822.3 KOZ Disputed plays of William Shakespeare
822.3 LUD Ludowyk, E. F. C. Understanding Shakespeare.
MacCary, W. Thomas. Hamlet : a guide to the play
Quennell, Peter, Who's who in Shakespeare
822.3 REA Readings on the histories
822.3 REA Readings on the histories
822.3 RIB Ribner. Julius Caesar (Outlined-Guide)
822.3 ROS Ross, Stewart. Shakespeare and Macbeth : the story behind the play
822.3 SCH Schoenbaum, S. Shakespeare's lives
822.3 Sha Foster, Brett, Shakespeare's life
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William,
Comedies II. : With biographical illus. and pictures of
the setting of the plays,
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William,
Comedies II. : With biographical illus. and pictures of
the setting of the plays,
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William, Hamlet
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William, Hamlet
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William,
Hamlet : an authoritative text, intellectual backgrounds,
extracts from the sources, essays in criticism
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William, Hamlet.
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William, Hamlet.
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William, Macbeth
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William, Macbeth
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William, A midsummer night's dream
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William, Romeo and Juliet
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William, Romeo and Juliet
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William, The tempest
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William,
Tragedies II: Romeo and Juliet, Othello, King Lear. :
With biographical illus. and pictures of the setting of
the plays,
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William, The tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William,
The tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark : with new
and updated critical essays and a revised bibliography
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William, The tragedy of Julius Caesar
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William, The tragedy of Macbeth
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William, The tragedy of Macbeth
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William, The tragedy of Othello : the Moor of Venice
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William, The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William, The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William, The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William. A casebook on Othello
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William.
Eight plays, selected sonnets : An introduction to
822.3 SHA Shakespeare, William. Five plays from Shakespeare
822.3 WIL William Shakespeare's Hamlet
Brown, Ivor John Carnegie, Shakespeare in his time
822.33 Kui The comedies of William Shakespeare
822.33 Kui The history plays and poems of William Shakespeare
822.33 Kui The life and times of William Shakespeare
822.33 Kui The tragedies of William Shakespeare
Shakespeare, William, Bartlett's Shakespeare quotations
Thorne, Jack, Harry Potter and the cursed child.
823 Con Conrad, Joseph,
Heart of darkness : authoritative text, backgrounds and
contexts, criticism
823 Con Conrad, Joseph,
Heart of darkness : authoritative text, backgrounds and
contexts, criticism
823 FIS Fisher, John, The magic of Lewis Carroll,
823 REA Readings on A tale of two cities
823 REA Readings on Frankenstein
823 REA Readings on Silas Marner
823 UST Ustinov, Peter. The disinformer : two novellas
Lane, Calvin Warren, Evelyn Waugh
Price, Martin, Dickens; : a collection of critical essays.
Rogers, Deborah Webster. J.R.R. Tolkien
Sherry, Norman. Charlotte and Emily Bronte
823.7 She Reef, Catherine,
Mary Shelley : the strange, true tale of Frankenstein's
823.9 Ste Stewart, Mary, The hollow hills
Christie, Agatha, Double sin and other stories
824 BAC Bacon, Francis, Essays and New Atlantis.
Bacon, Rancis.
Essays, Civil and moral : and the New Atlantis;
Areopagitica and Tractate on education by John Milton
826 LEW Lewis, C. S. Letters of C. S. Lewis.
828 CAR Carroll, Lewis The complete works of Lewis Carroll
828 COL Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, The portable Coleridge;
828 REA Ready, William Bernard, The Tolkien relation; : a personal inquiry
828 SHA Shahane, Vasant Anant, Rudyard Kipling: activist and artist
828 TYL Tyler, J. E. A. The Tolkien companion
828 WIL Wilde, Oscar.
The best known works of Oscar Wilde : Including the
poems, novels, plays, essays and fairy tales
829 BEO Beowulf : a new verse translation
829 REA Readings on Beowulf
Hammarskjld, Dag, Markings.
839.8 IBS Ibsen, Henrik, Four major plays.
Ibsen, Henrik, Four great plays
840 LAG Lagarde, Andre. Collection Literaire : Vol. III
840 LAG Lagarde, Andre. Collection Literaire : Vol. V
840 LAG Lagarde, Andre. Collection Literaire : Vol. VI
840 REP
Representative French lyrics of the nineteenth century :
Revised edition
840.8 WIL Wilson, Angus. Emile Zola : An Introductory Study of his novels
841 SMI Smith, William Jay, Poems from France.
Selections from French Poetry
842 Ano Anouilh, Jean, Becket or The honor of God
842 MOL Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin. Plays
842 MOL Moliere, Jean-Baptiste. Tartuffe : and other plays
Camus, Albert,
The plague ; : The fall ; Exile and the kingdom ; and
selected essays
851 CHI Chiarenza, Marguerite Mills. The divine comedy : tracing God's art
860 LAD GalerÌa hispnica
860.9 TRE
The tree is older than you are : a bilingual gathering of
poems & stories from Mexico with paintings by Mexican
Nagle, Jeanne. Pablo Neruda : Nobel Prize-winning poet
Bishop, Morris, A classical storybook,
Hamilton, Edith, The Greek way
883 CHU Church, Alfred John, The Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer,
883 COL Colum, Padraic. The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy
883 Hin Hinds, Gareth, The odyssey : a graphic novel
883 HOM Homer. The Odyssey
883 HOM Homer. The Odyssey of Homer
883 THA Thalmann, William G., The Odyssey : an epic of return
883 VIV Vivante, Paolo. The Iliad : action as poetry
891.2 SEE Seeger, Elizabeth, The Ramayana,
891.5 KHA Omar Khayyam.
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam as rendered into English
verse by Edward FitzGerald.
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, Five plays
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, Selected stories
SolzheniÎtÏsyn, Aleksandr Isaevich, Cancer ward
895 BEH Behn, Harry, Cricket songs; Japanese haiku.
895.6 Con
Contemporary Japanese literature : an anthology of
fiction, film, and other writing since 1945
895.6 SAT
From the country of eight islands : an anthology of
Japanese poetry
Gay, Peter, Age of enlightenment,
902 HOW How Did It Really Happen?/ : Reader's Digest
909 Cah Cahill, Thomas. Sailing the wine-dark sea : why the Greeks matter
909 De De Waal, Edmund.
The hare with amber eyes : a family's century of art and
909 Def D'Efilippo, Valentina, The infographic history of the world
909 DEN Denby, David.
Great books : my adventures with Homer, Rousseau,
Woolf, and other indestructible writers of the Western
909 GLU Glubb, John Bagot, A short history of the Arab peoples
909 Har Harari, Yuval N. Sapiens : a brief history of humankind
909 HER Heritage of Western civilization
909 HER Heritage of Western civilization
909 Her Hern·ndez, Alberto A visual history of the great civilizations
909 NOM National Geographic Society (U.S.). Nomads of the world.
909 QUE Quest for the past.
909 Que Quest for the past..
909 Rea
Reader's Digest Association (Great
The last two million years.
909 VAN Van Loon, Hendrik Willem, The story of mankind
909 WEL Wells, H. G.
The outline of history : being a plain history of life and
909 WEL Wells, H. G.
The outline of history : being a plain history of life and
909 WES The Western world
909 WOR World History Encyclopedia
909.07 BIL Billings, Malcolm. The cross & the crescent : a history of the Crusades
Hanawalt, Barbara The Middle Ages : An Illustrated History
Kenyon, Sherrilyn. Everyday life in the Middle Ages
Kenyon, Sherrilyn. Everyday life in the Middle Ages
Foster, Genevieve, The world of Captain John Smith, 1580-1631,
The Reformation
909.7 FOS Foster, Genevieve, George Washington's world,
Foster, Genevieve, Abraham Lincoln's world, 1809-1865,
The 20th century year by year : includes all the major
stories from the first to the last days of the century
ITV visual history of the twentieth century
Chronicle of the 20th century
Cronkite, Walter. Eye on the World
Jennings, Peter. The century for young people
909.82 Lif
The Life millennium : the 100 most important events &
people of the past 1,000 years
909.82 Lif Life, our century in pictures : for young people
National Geographic eyewitness to the 20th century
Oxford History of the Twentieth Century
Time Annual : 1969 The Year in Review
910 Enc Encyclopedia of world geography
910 FLE Fleming, Fergus, Barrow's boys
910 HAL Halliburton, Richard, Richard Halliburton's Complete book of marvels
910 HAL Halliburton, Richard, The royal road to romance.
910 HAL Halliburton, Richard. ...The glorious adventure
910 HAL Halliburton, Richard. The Glorious Adventure
910 HAL Halliburton, Richard. Glorious Adventure
910 HAL Halliburton, Richard. New worlds to conquer
910 HAL Halliburton, Richard. Seven League Boots
910 HEY Heyerdahl, Thor. Kon-Tiki : across the Pacific by raft
910 Nat Exploring your world : the adventure of geography
910 Wil Williams, R Scott.
The forgotten adventures of Richard Halliburton : a high
flying life from Tennessee to Timbuktu
Payment, Simone.
Cool careers without college for people who love to
Milner, Greg.
Pinpoint : how GPS is changing technology, culture, and
our minds
Arnold, Pauline. How we named our States,
910.4 ALE Alexander, Caroline,
The Endurance : Shackleton's legendary Antarctic
Pirates of the Spanish main,
910.4 BEA Beach, Edward Latimer, The wreck of the Memphis,
Cousteau, Jacques Yves, Captain Cousteau's underwater treasury,
Dana, Richard Henry, Two years before the mast
Dana, Richard Henry, Two years before the mast
910.4 Foe Foer, Joshua.
Atlas Obscura : an explorer's guide to the world's
hidden wonders
910.4 Gil Gilbert, Elizabeth,
Eat, pray, love : one woman's search for everything
across Italy, India, and Indonesia
910.4 GIL Gilkerson, William. A thousand years of pirates
910.4 Jef Jeffrey, Gary. Spectacular shipwrecks
910.4 LOR Lord, Walter, A night to remember.
910.4 SAI Saint-Exupery, Antoine de, Wind, sand, and stars.
910.4 San Sandler, Martin W. The Whydah : a pirate ship feared, wrecked, and found
Macintyre, Donald G. F. W. The privateers
910.9 CHU Chubb, Thomas Caldecot, Prince Henry the Navigator and the highways of the sea.
910.9 HAL Hale, J. R. Age of exploration,
Hopkinson, Deborah. Titanic : voices from the disaster
McPherson, Stephanie Sammartino. Iceberg, right ahead! : the tragedy of the Titanic
Tougias, Mike,
A storm too soon : a remarkable true survival story in 80-
foot seas
Parry, Richard
Trial by Ice: The True Story of Murder and Survival on
the 1871 Polaris Expedition
Biographies of the New World : Leif Eriksson, Henry
Hudson, Charles Darwin, and more
Explorers in the 20th and 21st centuries : from Auguste
Piccard to James Cameron
Explorers of the Late Renaissance and the
Enlightenment : from Sir Francis Drake to Mungo Park
Explorers of the Renaissance
Nineteenth-century explorers : from Lewis and Clark to
David Livingstone
912 Wri Wright, Ian
Brilliant maps for curious minds : 100 new ways to see
the world
913 Hur
Hurdman, Charlotte ; Fiona
Macdonald ; Philip Steele ; Richard
The Encyclopedia of Ancient History
Marcus, Rebecca B. Prehistoric cave paintings,
Kramer, Samuel Noah, Cradle of civilization,
Greece and Rome/Builders of our World
913.7 STU Stuart, George E. Discovering man's past in the Americas,
914 CAI Cairns, Trevor. Barbarians, Christians, and Muslims
914 CAI Cairns, Trevor. The Middle Ages.
914 ROW Rowling, Marjorie. Everyday life of medieval travellers.
914 TWA Twain, Mark, A tramp abroad
Hindley, Geoffrey. The medieval establishment, 1200-1500.
Gerard-Sharp, Lisa. Portrait of Ireland
914.2 ASH Ashleym, Maurice. Life in Stuart England
914.2 AVE Avery, Gillian, Victorian people; in life and in literature
Brown, Ivor. Dr. Johnson and his world
914.2 BUE Buehr, Walter.
When towns had walls; : life in a medieval English
914.2 For Forbes, Esther, Johnny Tremain
914.2 HAR Hart, Roger, English life in Chaucer's day.
914.2 NAT National Geographic Society (U.S.) This England.
Rowse, A. L. The Elizabethan Renaissance.
914.2 TAY Taylor, Duncan. Living in England; Chaucer's England
Unstead, R.J. Freedom and revolution : a pictorial history, 1763-1815
Wedgwood, C. V. Milton and his world
914.2 WHI White, R.J. Life in Regency England
914.2 WIL Williams, Penry. Life in Tudor England.
Hart, Roger, English life in the eighteenth century.
914.4 Fra France
914.4 KIM Kimbrough, Emily, Floating island.
914.4 Tra Travel + Leisure's unexpected France
MacLean, Rory, Stalin's nose : travels around the bloc
Eichar, Donnie,
Dead Mountain : the untold true story of the Dyatlov
Pass incident
Levy, Patricia Switzerland
915 BRO Brown, J. D. Digging to China : down and out in the Middle Kingdom
915 MCQ McQueen, Ian. Japan : A Travel Survival Kit
915.1 BUC Buck, Pearl S. China past and present
Feinstein, Stephen. Marco Polo : amazing adventures in China
Harrer, Heinrich, Seven years in Tibet;
Yoo, Yushin. The Making of modern Korea
915.2 BEN Benedict, Ruth,
The chrysanthemum and the sword; : patterns of
Japanese culture,
915.4 Arn Arnett, Robert. India unveiled
Landon, Margaret, Anna and the King of Siam
Landon, Margaret, Anna and the King of Siam
Sheehan, Neil. After the war was over : Hanoi and Saigon
917 Ols Olson, Sigurd F. Runes of the North
917.2 CLA Clarke, A. B.
Travels in Mexico and California : comprising a journal
of a tour from Brazos Santiago, through central Mexico,
by way of Monterey, Chihuahua, the country of the
Apaches, and the River Gila, to the mining districts of
917.2 Mex Mexico
Great historic places,
Brown, Ralph A., Impressions of America,
Brown, Ralph A., Impressions of America,
917.3 CHA Chamberlain, Samuel, Fair is our land,
917.3 CLE Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, Life on the Mississippi.
917.3 GLU Earle, Alice Morse, Home and Child life in colonial days.
917.3 JEN Jenkins, Peter, The walk west : A walk across America 2
917.3 KRY Krythe, Maymie Richardson.
What so proudly we hail; : all about our American flag,
monuments, and symbols
917.3 NAT National Geographic Book Service.
America's wonderlands; : the scenic national parks and
monuments of the United States.
917.3 NAT Windsor, Merrill, America's sunset coast
917.3 STE Steinbeck, John, America and Americans.
917.3 STE Steinbeck, John, Travels with Charley : in search of America
917.3 STE Steinbeck, John, Travels with Charley; : in search of America.
917.3 Tho Thomas, Andrew
The national parks of the United States : a photographic
Tunis, Edwin, Frontier living.
Luong, QT.
Treasured lands : a photographic odyssey through
America's national parks
Tunis, Edwin, Colonial living.
917.5 BAR Bartram, William, Travels, and other writings
917.5 DYK Dykeman, Wilma.
The Border States: Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee,
Virginia, West Virginia,
Hannum, Alberta, Look back with love; : a recollection of the Blue Ridge.
The White House : an historic guide
Gurney, Gene. Monticello
Gurney, Gene. Mount Vernon,
917.6 KIN Kincaid, Robert. Wilderness road
917.6 MCI McIlwaine, Shields. ...Memphis down in Dixie
917.68 Cal Caldwell, Mary French. Tennessee, the Volunteer State
Tennessee Writers' Project. Tennessee; a guide to the state,
Tennessee Writers' Project. Tennessee; a guide to the state,
Forbes, Suzi. Tennessee : a photographic journey
Netherton, John. Tennessee : a bicentennial celebration
917.7 CAR Carter, Hodding, Man and the river: the Mississippi.
Harris, Eddy L. Mississippi solo : a river quest
Smith, Frank Ellis, Land Between the Lakes; : experiment in recreation,
917.8 BJO Bjorklund, Lorence F. Faces of the frontier,
917.8 TIM Time-Life Books. The trailblazers,
American Heritage Cowboys and cattle country,
Parkman, Francis,
The Oregon Trail : an illustrated edition of Francis
Parkman's Western adventure
Wilhelm, Walt, Last rig to Battle Mountain.
Wheeler, Sara. Travels in a thin country : a journey through Chile
919.4 BER Bergamini, David, The land and wildlife of Australia,
Bryson, Bill. In a sunburned country
919.7 HEY Heyerdahl, Thor. Aku-Aku, : the secret of Easter Island.
Flowers, Pam.
Alone across the Arctic : one woman's epic journey by
dog team
Niven, Jennifer. The ice master : the doomed 1913 voyage of the Karluk
Where next, Columbus? : the future of space
920 100 100 most important women of the 20th century
920 AAS Aaseng, Nathan. Black inventors
920 Amb Ambrose, Stephen E.
Undaunted courage : Meriwether Lewis, Thomas
Jefferson, and the opening of the American West
920 AME
The American Heritage Pictorial History of the
Presidents of the United States
920 AME Weisberger, Bernard A., Captains of industry,
920 ARO Aronson, Virginia. Ann Landers and Abigail Van Buren
920 ASS Associated Press. Triumph and tragedy; : the story of the Kennedys,
920 BAK Baker, Rosalie F. Ancient Egyptians : people of the pyramids
920 BEN Bentley, Phyllis Eleanor, The BrontÎs and their world,
920 Bio
Biographies of colonial America : Sir Walter Raleigh,
Powhatan, Phillis Wheatley, and more
920 Bio
Biographies of the new American nation : George
Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Frederick Douglass, and
920 BOR Bortz, Alfred B.
To the young scientist : reflections on doing and living
920 BOW Bowen, Catherine Drinker, Family portrait.
920 Bra Bragg, Georgia.
How they croaked : the awful ends of the awfully
920 Bra Bragg, Georgia.
How they croaked : the awful ends of the awfully
920 BRO Brooks, Philip, Extraordinary Jewish Americans
920 BUC Buck, Pearl S. The Kennedy Women
920 Car Caroli, Betty Boyd.
First ladies : from Martha Washington to Michelle
920 Civ Civil rights leaders
920 DAV Davis, Michael D.,
Black American women in Olympic track and field : a
complete illustrated reference
920 Dav Davis, Sampson.
The pact : three young men make a promise and fulfill a
920 Dav Davis, Sampson.
The pact : three young men make a promise and fulfill a
920 DAV Davis, Sampson.
We beat the street : how a friendship pact helped us
920 DEK De Kruif, Paul, Microbe hunters
920 DEL Delany, Sarah Louise, Having our say : the Delany sisters' first 100 years
920 DUB Dubovoy, Sina. Civil rights leaders
920 DUN Dunn, Jane. Elizabeth and Mary : cousins, rivals, queens
920 ELL Ellis, Joseph J. Founding brothers : the revolutionary generation
920 EVE Everything we had : an oral history of the Vietnam War
920 Fle Fleming, Candace. The Lincolns : a scrapbook look at Abraham and Mary
920 FRA Black leaders of the twentieth century
920 GAI Gaines, Ann.
Female stars of physical fitness : featuring profiles of
Christie Brinkley, Denise Austin, Claudia Schiffer, and
Tyra Banks
920 GAT Gates, Henry Louis.
The African-American century : how Black Americans
have shaped our country
920 GOO Goodwin, Doris Kearns.
No ordinary time : Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt : the
home front in World War II
920 GRE Greenfeld, Howard. After the Holocaust
920 HAB Haber, Louis. Black pioneers of science and invention
920 HAR Hart, Michael H.
The 100 : a ranking of the most influential persons in
920 HAS Haskins, James, One more river to cross
920 HUN Hunt, Harrison.
Men of War / : Great military figures of the 20th
920 KAN Kanin, Garson, Tracy and Hepburn; : an intimate memoir.
920 KEN Kennedy, John F. Profiles in courage.
920 KEN Kennedy, John F.
Profiles in courage; : young readers memorial edition,
abridged. Special memorial foreword by Robert F.
920 Key Keyes, Allison J., and Gloria Blakely. Great African Americans.
920 LAM Lamb, Beatrice Pitney. The Nehrus of India : three generations of leadership
920 LAN Lanier, Shannon. Jefferson's children : the story of one American family
920 LAR Larkin, Tonya.
Jacques Marquette and Louis Jolliet : explorers of the
920 LEA Leamer, Laurence. The Kennedy women : the saga of an American family
920 LER Lerner, Gerda,
The GrimkÈsisters from South Carolina; : rebels against
920 LUC Lucas, Eileen. Contemporary human rights activists
920 MAN Manchester, William Raymond, The arms of Krupp, 1587-1968,
920 MAS Massie, Robert K., Nicholas and Alexandra
920 MCG Durrell, Gerald Malcolm, Birds, beasts, and relatives
920 MCG McGrayne, Sharon Bertsch.
Nobel Prize women in science : their lives, struggles,
and momentous discoveries
920 MCK McKellar, Kenneth. Tennessee Senators
920 MEI Meier, Matt S. Notable Latino Americans : a biographical dictionary
920 MUR Murphy, Kelly
Historical heartthrobs : 50 timeless crushes--from
Cleopatra to Camus
920 Nem Nemec, David.
100 years of major league baseball : American and
National Leagues, 1901-2000
920 O'B O'Brien, Cormac.
Secret lives of the first ladies : what your teachers never
told you about the women of the White House / by
Cormac O'Brien ; portraits by Monika Suteski.
920 PRO
Profiles of African Americans in Tennessee
920 Ree Reef, Catherine, Frida & Diego : art, love, life
920 REE Reef, Catherine. Black explorers
920 Ree Reef, Catherine.
The Bronte sisters : the brief lives of Charlotte, Emily
and Anne
920 REG Regan, Geoffrey. Elizabethan England
920 Rob Roberts, Jeremy, The Beatles : music revolutionaries
920 SCH Schaffner, Nicholas, The boys from Liverpool : John, Paul, George, Ringo
920 SCH Schonberg, Harold C. The great conductors
920 SLA Slave narratives.
920 Sma Smallwood, David. Profiles of great African Americans
920 STA Staeger, Rob. Ancient mathematicians
920 STE Steffens, Bradley. Cartoonists
920 STO Stone, Tanya Lee. Almost astronauts : 13 women who dared to dream
920 TRA Tracey, Patrick Austin. Military leaders of the Civil War
920 TRA Trapp, Maria Augusta. The story of the Trapp Family Singers.
920 VEN Venkatraman, Padma. Women mathematicians
920 VID Great American families
920 Wal Waller, Maureen.
Sovereign ladies : sex, sacrifice, and power--the six
reigning queens of England
920 WEA
We are witnesses : five diaries of teenagers who died in
the Holocaust
920 WHI White, Ralphe M. The royal family; : a personal portrait,
920 Wil Edmondson, Jacqueline. Venus and Serena Williams : a biography
920 WOO Woo, Ilyon,
Master slave husband wife : an epic journey from
slavery to freedom
920 WOO Woog, Adam. Magicians and illusionists
920 YOU Yount, Lisa. Black scientists
Biographies of the new world power : Rutherford B.
Hayes, Thomas Alva Edison, Margaret Sanger, and more
Shaping a State : The Legacy of Tennessee Women
Shaping a State : The Legacy of Tennessee Women
929 GAL Galford, Ellen.
The genealogy handbook : the complete guide to tracing
your family tree
929 WES Westin, Jeane Eddy.
Finding your roots : how every American can trace his
ancestors, at home and abroad
Brooke-Little, J. P. An heraldic alphabet
Our flag
Quaife, Milo Milton,
The history of the United States flag, : from the
Revolution to the present, including a guide to its use
and display,
Furlong, William Rea, So proudly we hail : the history of the United States flag
930 BRO Lancaster Brown, Peter, Megaliths and masterminds
930 EMP Empires besieged : time frame--AD 200-600
930 FEL Feldman, Mark, Archaeology for everyone
930 SOA A Soaring spirit : timeFrame, 600-400 BC
930 WOO Wood, Michael, Legacy : the search for ancient cultures
930.1 Fag Fagan, Brian M.
New treasures of the past : fresh finds that deepen our
understanding of the archaeology of man
Rubalcaba, Jill.
Every bone tells a story : Hominin discoveries,
deductions, and debates
930.1 Sor Soriano Campos, Joan.
A visual history of archaeological discoveries around the
930.1 Sor Soriano Campos, Joan. A visual history of the world's enduring mysteries
932 ANC Ancient Egyptian culture.
932 Cas Casson, Lionel. Ancient Egypt
932 DEE Dee, Jonathan. Chronicles of ancient Egypt
932 Des Desroches-Noblecourt, Christiane, Tutankhamen : life and death of a pharaoh
932 Fre Freed, Rita E. Ramesses the Great
932 Mac MacQuitty, William. Tutankhamun : the last journey.
932 Ste Steele, Philip, Ancient Egypt
932 Tre Treasures of Tutankhamun.
Brackman, Arnold C. The search for the gold of Tutankhamen
Lace, William W. King Tut's curse
936.2 CUR Currie, Stephen, Stonehenge
937 ADK Adkins, Lesley. Introduction to the Romans
937 ASI Asimov, Isaac, The Roman Empire.
937 CAR Carcopino, rÙme,
Daily life in ancient Rome; : the people and the city at
the height of the empire,
937 DUG Duggan, Alfred. The Romans
937 DUR Durant, Will. Caesar and Christ
937 GIB Gibbon, Edward, The decline and fall of the Roman Empire.
937 HAD Hadas, Moses, Imperial Rome,
937 HAD Hadas, Moses, Imperial Rome,
937 LAS Lassieur, Allison. The ancient Romans
937 Ste Steele, Philip. The Roman Empire
937 Wel Welch, Kathryn. The Romans
938 LAS Lassieur, Allison. The ancient Greeks
938 Tam Tames, Richard. Ancient Greece
939 PEL Pellegrino, Charles R. Unearthing Atlantis : an archaeological odyssey
940 DAV Davies, Norman. Europe : a history
940.1 BIS Bishop, Morris, The Horizon book of the Middle Ages,
Boardman, Fon W. Castles
Brooke, Christopher Nugent
The twelfth century renaissance
940.1 DAV Davis, William Stearns.
Life on a mediaeval barony : a picture of a typical feudal
community in the thirteenth century
Nardo, Don. The medieval castle
940.1 SIM Simons, Gerald. Barbarian Europe,
Wedgwood, C. V. (Cicely Veronica),
A coffin for King Charles : the trial and execution of
Charles I
940.1 WIL Williams, Jay, Knights of the crusades,
Woog, Adam, The early Middle Ages
Woog, Adam, The late Middle Ages
Nardo, Don, Medieval knights and chivalry
940.2 BAR Barzun, Jacques,
From dawn to decadence : 500 years of western cultural
life, 1500 to the present
940.2 CAI Cairns, Trevor. The birth of modern Europe
940.2 CHA Chamberlin, E. R. Everyday life in Renaissance times
940.2 Cur Currie, Stephen, The Renaissance
940.2 HAL Hale, J. R. Renaissance,
940.2 SIM Simon, Edith, The Reformation,
Langley, Andrew. Leonardo & his times
Marshall, S. L. A. The American heritage history of World War I,
940.3 B Bosco, Peter I. World War I
940.3 Fre Freedman, Russell. The war to end all wars : World War I
940.3 Fre Freedman, Russell. The war to end all wars : World War I
940.3 Fre Freedman, Russell. The war to end all wars : World War I
940.3 GIL Gilbert, Martin, First World War atlas.
940.3 JOI Fighting aircraft of World Wars One and Two
940.3 PAR Parkinson, Roger. The origins of World War One.
940.3 TUC Tuchman, Barbara Wertheim. The guns of August.
Welsh, Douglas. The USA in World War 1
The Experience of World War I
World War I : opposing viewpoints
Bausum, Ann.
Unraveling freedom : the battle for democracy on the
home front during World War I
940.4 Bar Barton, Chris. Dazzle ships : World War I and the art of confusion
940.4 Oac Oachs, Emily Rose. World War I weapons
940.4 Wei Weintraub, Stanley,
Silent night : the story of the World War I Christmas
940.5 PAU Paul, Elliot. The last time I saw Paris
940.53 All Allen, John, Hitler's final solution
940.53 All Allen, John, Holocaust survivors
Ambrose, Stephen E. The good fight : how World War II was won
Auerbacher, Inge, I am a star : child of the Holocaust
Bachrach, Susan D., Tell them we remember : the story of the Holocaust
Bauer, Yehuda. A history of the Holocaust
Blohm, Craig E., Holocaust camps and killing centers
Blohm, Craig E., Holocaust rescue and liberation
Blohm, Craig E., Holocaust resistance
Boyle, David. World War II : a photographic history
Deem, James M. Kristallnacht : the Nazi terror that began the Holocaust
Edsel, Robert M.
The monuments men : Allied heros, Nazi thieves, and
the greatest treasure hunt in history
Farago, Ladislas. The last days of Patton
940.53 Fol Folman, Ari, Anne Frank's diary : the graphic adaptation
Frank, Anne, The diary of a young girl
Frank, Anne, The diary of a young girl
Herzstein, Robert Edwin. The Nazis
Hoose, Phillip M.,
The boys who challenged Hitler : Knud Pedersen and the
Churchill Club
Kustanowitz, Esther.
The hidden children of the Holocaust : teens who hid
from the Nazis
Macdonald, Fiona,
World War II : life on the home front : a primary source
MacKay, Jenny, Children of the Holocaust
Matanle, Ivor World War II.
Nardo, Don, Life in a Nazi concentration camp
Overy, R. J. Why the allies won
Rappaport, Doreen.
Beyond courage : the untold story of Jewish resistance
during the Holocaust.
Reiss, Johanna. The upstairs room.
Reynolds, Clark. America at War 1941-1945 : The Home Front
Robson, David, The internment of Japanese Americans
940.53 SPI Spiegelman, Art. Maus. : a survivor's tale
940.53 Tit Tito, E. Tina,
Liberation : teens in the concentration camps and the
teen soldiers who liberated them
Borden, Louise.
His name was Raoul Wallenberg : courage, rescue, and
mystery during World War II
The World War II Album
Mullenbach, Cheryl,
Double victory : how African American women broke
race and gender barriers to help win World War II
Mosley, Leonard,
Backs to the wall; : the heroic story of the people of
London during World War II.
Bascomb, Neal, Sabotage : the mission to destroy Hitler's atomic bomb
Bradley, Omar Nelson, A soldier's story
Brickhill, Paul. The great escape
The Greatest Generation
Brown, Anthony Cave. Bodyguard of lies
Conroy, Robert. The Battle of Bataan : America's greatest defeat
Cornioley, Pearl Witherington,
Code name Pauline : memoirs of a World War II special
Deighton, Len, Blitzkrieg : from the rise of Hitler to the fall of Dunkirk
Gorman, Jacqueline Laks, Pearl Harbor : a primary source history
Hersey, John, Hiroshima
940.54 Hil Hillstrom, Laurie Collier, The attack on Pearl Harbor
Homan, Lynn M. Black knights : the story of the Tuskegee airmen
Kurson, Robert.
Shadow divers : the true adventure of two Americans
who risked everything to solve one of the last mysteries
of World War II
Kurzman, Dan. Day of the bomb : countdown to Hiroshima
Montagu, Ewen, The man who never was
Moye, J. Todd. Freedom flyers : the Tuskegee Airmen of World War II
Nardo, Don. The trial of Socrates
O'Donnell, James P. The bunker : the history of the Reich Chancellery group
940.54 Phi Steichen at war
Prange, Gordon William, At dawn we slept : the untold story of Pearl Harbor
940.54 Pri Price, Alfred The bomber in World War II
Reid, P. R. The Colditz story.
Rickenbacker, Eddie, Seven came through; : Rickenbacker's full story,
Ringstad, Arnold, World War II weapons
Scott, Robert L. God is My Co-Pilot
Shaw, John, Red Army resurgent
Sheinkin, Steve.
The Port Chicago 50 : disaster, mutiny, and the fight for
civil rights
940.54 SPI Spick, Mike.
Allied fighter aces : the air combat tactics and
techniques of World War II
Steiner, Jean FranÁois, Treblinka.
Stone, Tanya Lee.
Courage has no color : the true story of the Triple
Nickles : America's first Black paratroopers
940.54 Str Stratton, Donald,
All the gallant men : an American sailor's firsthand
account of Pearl Harbor
Terkel, Studs, The good war" : an oral history of World War Two"
The Time-Life history of the Second World War
Westwood, John.
Strategy and tactics of the great commanders of World
War II and their battles
Wisniewski, Richard A.
Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona memorial : a pictorial
Hillenbrand, Laura.
Unbroken : an Olympian's journey from airman to
castaway to captive
Delmer, Sefton, The counterfeit spy.
941 FUL Fuller, Barbara Britain
Victorian England
Reef, Catherine. Victoria : portrait of a queen
Morton, Andrew, Diana : her true story
2 Dia
Owings, Lisa. Diana : the People's Princess
Mackie, J. D. A history of Scotland
941.5 LEV Levy, Patricia Marjorie Ireland
Newland, Sonya The Magic and Mystery of Ireland
942 CHU
Churchill, Winston,
History of the English speaking peoples: based on the
text of 'A history of the English-speaking peoples' by Sir
Winston Churchill;
942 Chu
Churchill, Winston,
History of the English speaking peoples: based on the
text of 'A history of the English-speaking peoples' by Sir
Winston Churchill;
942 CHU
Churchill, Winston,
History of the English speaking peoples: based on the
text of 'A history of the English-speaking peoples' by Sir
Winston Churchill;
942 CHU
Churchill, Winston, A history of the English-speaking peoples.
942 CHU
Churchill, Winston,
History of the English speaking peoples: based on the
text of 'A history of the English-speaking peoples' by Sir
Winston Churchill;
942 HAL Halliday, F. E.
A concise history of England from Stonehenge to the
atomic age
942 UNS Unstead, R. J. Emerging empire: a pictorial history 1689-1763
942 UNS Unstead, R. J. Struggle for power: a pictorial history, 1485-1689,
Costain, Thomas B. The magnificent century
Costain, Thomas Bertram, The conquering family.
Hodges, C. Walter Magna carta,
Singman, Jeffrey L. Daily life in Chaucer's England
Lace, William W. The little princes in the Tower
Emerson, Kathy Lynn
The writer's guide to everyday life in Renaissance
Evans, Robert C. Culture and society in Shakespeare's day
Kallen, Stuart A., Elizabethan England
Singman, Jeffrey L. Daily life in Elizabethan England
Williams, Jay, The Spanish Armada,
942.1 WIL Wilson, Derek. The tower of London
Baker, Timothy. Medieval London.
943 FUL Fuller, Barbara Germany
Anflick, Charles.
Resistance : teen partisans and resisters who fought
Nazi tyranny
Davidson, Eugene, The making of Adolf Hitler
Freedman, Russell.
We will not be silent : the White Rose student
resistance movement that defied Adolf Hitler
Friedlnder, Saul,
Prelude to downfall; : Hitler and the United States, 1939-
Speer, Albert Inside the Third Reich
943.6 SHE Sheehan, Sean Austria
943.8 HEA Heale, Jay Poland
943.9 ESB Esbenshade, Richard S. Hungary
943.9 MIC Michener, James A. The bridge at Andau.
944 GOF Gofen, Ethel Caro France
944 TUC Tuchman, Barbara Wertheim. A distant mirror : the calamitous 14th century
What life was like during the Age of Reason: France, AD
Grab, Walter.
The French Revolution : the beginning of modern
Horizon Magazine. The French Revolution
944.9 May Mayle, Peter.
Encore Provence : new adventures in the south of
944.9 May Mayle, Peter. Toujours Provence
945 Dur Durant, Will, The story of civilization : The Renaissance.
945 Mar Marcovitz, Hal. Life during the Renaissance
945 OXF The Oxford Illustrated History of Italy
945 STA Italy: monuments past and present
945 WIN Winter, Jane Kohen Italy
945.6 LAC Lace, William W. The Vatican
McDowell, Bart. Inside the Vatican
Woog, Adam, The Roman Colosseum
946 KOH Kohen, Elizabeth, Spain
946 MCK McKendrick, Melveena. Ferdinand and Isabella.
946 SHU Shubert, Adrian, The land and people of Spain
946 Spa Spain
946.9 HEA Heale, Jay Portugal
947 Fad Fader, Kim Brown, Russia
947 HOS Hosking, Geoffrey A. Russia : people and empire, 1552-1917
947 TOR Torchinsky, Oleg Russia
947.08 Fle Fleming, Candace.
The family Romanov : murder, rebellion, & the fall of
imperial Russia
The Bolshevik revolution
E.M.Halliday Russia in revolution
The breakup of the Soviet Union : opposing viewpoints
Seven days that shook the world
948 DON Donovan, Frank Robert, The Vikings.
948.1 KAG Kagda, Sakina, Norway
Fun, Delice Gan Cheng Sweden
948.9 PAT Pateman, Robert Denmark
Seward, Pat Netherlands
DuBois, Jill Greece
Filipovi‚c, Zlata. Zlata's diary : a child's life in Sarajevo
949.8 SHE Sheehan, Sean Romania
951 FER Ferroa, Peggy Grace, China
951 FIE Field, Catherine. China
951 LEV Levy, Patricia, Tibet
Chang, Iris.
The rape of Nanking : the forgotten holocaust of World
War II
DuBois, Jill, Korea
951.9 FOR Forty, George. At war in Korea
Kaufman, Burton Ira. The Korean conflict
Lee, Sungju.
Every falling star : the true story of how I survived and
escaped North Korea
952 GRE Green, Jen. Japan
952 Tur Turner, Pamela S. Samurai rising : the epic life of Minamoto Yoshitsune
Terasaki, Gwen, Bridge to the sun.
Meyer, Carolyn. A voice from Japan : an outsider looks in
953.3 Ebo Eboch, Chris. Yemen
Miller, Debra A. United Arab Emirates
953.8 JAN Janin, Hunt, Saudi Arabia
953.8 Kea Keating, Susan Katz, Saudi Arabia
Doeden, Matt.
Darkness everywhere : the assassination of Mohandas
Ebine, Kazuki Gandhi : a manga biography
Aykroyd, Clarissa, Pakistan
955 Hab Habeeb, William Mark, Iran
955 RAJ Rajendra, Vijeya, Iran
956 DAY Dayan, DaÚvid. Strike first! : A battle history of Israel's Six-Day War.
The Middle East : opposing viewpoints
The Middle East
Marsico, Katie, ISIS
956.1 Har Harmon, Daniel E., Turkey
956.1 SHE Sheehan, Sean, Turkey
Gelletly, LeeAnne, The Kurds
956.7 HAS Hassig, Susan M., Iraq
956.7 Tho Thompson, William, Iraq
956.7 War The war in Iraq
956.7043 Desert Storm : the war in the Persian Gulf
Finkel, David, The good soldiers
Yetiv, Steven A. The Persian Gulf crisis
South, Colman Syria
956.91 Sul Sullivan, Anne Marie, Syria
Brown, Don, The unwanted : stories of the Syrian refugees
McDaniel, Jan, Lebanon
Sheehan, Sean, Lebanon
Carew-Miller, Anna, The Palestinians
DuBois, Jill, Israel
Garfinkle, Adam M., Israel
Barakat, Ibtisam. Balcony on the moon : coming of age in Palestine
Carew-Miller, Anna, Jordan
South, Coleman, Jordan
958.1 ALI Ali, Sharifah Enayat, Afghanistan
958.1 Whi Whitehead, Kim, Afghanistan
Goodman, Jim. Thailand
Ung, Loung.
First they killed my father : a daughter of Cambodia
Ung, Loung.
First they killed my father : a daughter of Cambodia
959.7 Mur Murray, Stuart, Vietnam War
Atwood, Kathryn J.
Courageous Women of the Vietnam War : Medics,
Journalists, Survivors, and More
Butler, David.
The fall of Saigon : scenes from the sudden end of a
long war
Dougan, Clark. The American experience in Vietnam
McNamara, Robert S., In retrospect : the tragedy and lessons of Vietnam
Melson, Charles D. U.S. Marine rifleman in Vietnam, 1965-1973
Pendergast, Tom. The Vietnam War
Sheehan, Neil.
A bright shining lie : John Paul Vann and America in
Sheinkin, Steve.
Most dangerous : Daniel Ellsberg and the secret history
of the Vietnam War
The Vietnam war : opposing viewpoints
The Vietnam war : opposing viewpoints
962 Ayk Aykroyd, Clarissa, Egypt
962 Egy Egypt
962 PAT Pateman, Robert Egypt
962.4 Nno Nnoromele, Salome. Sudan
963 GIS Gish, Steven, Ethiopia
964 SEW Seward, Pat Morocco
965 KAG Kagda, Falaq. Algeria
966.7 LEV Levy, Patricia, Ghana
Oppong, Joseph R. Rwanda
Uwiringiyimana, Sandra, How dare the sun rise : memoirs of a war child
967.6 DIN Dinesen, Isak, Out of Africa ; and, Shadows on the grass
967.6 DIN Dinesen, Isak, Out of Africa ; and, Shadows on the grass
968 GRE Green, Jen. South Africa
968 NOM
No more strangers now : young voices from a new
South Africa
968 NOM
No more strangers now : young voices from a new
South Africa
968 ROS Rosmarin, Ike, South Africa
Kr¸ger, Kobie. The wilderness family : at home with Africa's wildlife
970 Kui Pre-Columbian America : empires of the New World
Encounters in the New World : a history in documents
Native Americans : opposing viewpoints
Through Indian eyes : the untold story of Native
American peoples.
Bergreen, Laurence. Columbus : the four voyages
Òez Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar,
Castaways : the narrative of Alvar N˙Òez Cabeza de
Mysteries of the ancient Americas : the New World
before Columbus.
Van Sertima, Ivan. They came before Columbus
Marks, Paula Mitchell, Precious dust : the American gold rush era, 1848-1900
Brown, Dee Alexander.
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee; : an Indian history of
the American West,
971 PAN Pang, Guek-Cheng Canada
#NotYourPrincess : voices of Native American Women
972 Bau Baumgart, Brian. Teens in Mexico
972 BLA Blacker, Irwin R. Cortes and the Aztec conquest.
972 GLU Glubok, Shirley. The fall of the Aztecs
972 Mac Macdonald, Fiona, The Aztec and Mayan worlds
972 Mex Mexico
972 REI Reilly, Mary-Jo, Mexico
Sheehan, Sean Guatemala
Miller, Debra A. Belize
McGaffey, Leta Honduras
Foley, Erin, El Salvador
972.84 Fol Foley, Erin. El Salvador
Kott, Jennifer, Nicaragua
Kott, Jennifer. Nicaragua
Miller, Debra A. Nicaragua
Miller, Debra A. Costa Rica
Hassig, Susan M., Panama
Sheehan, Sean, Cuba
Sheehan, Sean. Cuba
Calcines, Eduardo F. Leaving Glorytown : one boy's struggle under Castro
Sheehan, Sean, Jamaica
Foley, Erin, Dominican Republic
972.93 Fol Foley, Erin. Dominican Republic
Cheong-Lum, Roseline Ng, Haiti
972.94 Ng Ng Cheong-Lum, Roseline Haiti
Levy, Patricia Marjorie, Puerto Rico
973 Ada Adams, James Truslow,
The march of democracy; : a history of the United
973 Ada Adams, James Truslow,
The march of democracy; : a history of the United
973 Ada Adams, James Truslow,
The march of democracy; : a history of the United
973 Ada Adams, James Truslow,
The march of democracy; : a history of the United
973 Ada Adams, James Truslow,
The march of democracy; : a history of the United
973 Ada Adams, James Truslow,
The march of democracy; : a history of the United
973 AME American Heritage The American heritage book of great historic places,
973 AME American Heritage The American heritage book of the pioneer spirit,
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritagae Magazine : April 1969 v.20 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritagae Magazine : April 1969 v.20 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritagae Magazine : Dec. 1968 v.20 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritagae Magazine : Dec. 1968 v.20 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritagae Magazine : Dec. 1968 v.20 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritagae Magazine : Feb. 1969 v.20 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritagae Magazine : Feb. 1969 v.20 no.2
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritagae Magazine : Feb. 1969 v.20 no.2
973 AME American Heritage Magazine.
The American Heritage Magazine : Apr./May 1978 v.29
973 AME American Heritage Magazine.
The American Heritage Magazine : Apr./May 1979 v.30
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : April 1955 v.6 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : April 1957 v.8 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : April 1958 v.9 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : April 1959 v.10 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : April 1960 v.11 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : April 1961 v.12 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : April 1962 v.13 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : April 1964 v.15 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : April 1964 v.15 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : April 1964 v.15 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : April 1965 v.16 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : April 1966 v.18 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : April 1967 v.18 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : April 1968 v.19 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : April 1969 v.20 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : April 1970 v.21 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : April 1971 v.22 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : April 1972 v.23 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : April 1972 v.23 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : April 1973 v.24 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : April 1975 v.26 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : April 1977 v.28 no.3
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1955 v.6 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1957 v.8 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1958 v.9 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1959 v.10 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1960 v.11 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1961 v.12 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1962 v.13 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1963 v.14 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1964 v.15 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1964 v.15 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1964 v.15 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1965 v.16 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1966 v.18 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1967 v.18 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1968 v.19 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1969 v.20 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1969 v.20 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1969 v.20 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1969 v.20 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1970 v.21 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1971 v.22 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1972 v.23 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1972 v.23 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1973 v.24 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1973 v.24 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1975 v.26 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1976 v.7 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1976 v.27 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Aug. 1976 v.27 no.5
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Dec. 1954 v.6 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Dec. 1955 v.7 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Dec. 1956 v.8 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Dec. 1956 v.8 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Dec. 1957 v.9 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Dec. 1958 v.10 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Dec. 1961 v.13 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Dec. 1962 v.14 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Dec. 1963 v.15 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Dec. 1964 v.16 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Dec. 1964 v.16 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Dec. 1965 v.18 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Dec. 1965 v.18 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Dec. 1966 v.18 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Dec. 1967 v.19 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Dec. 1968 v.20 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Dec. 1969 v.21 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Dec. 1970 v.22 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Dec. 1971 v.23 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Dec. 1972 v.24 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Dec. 1973 v.25 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Dec. 1973 v.25 no.1
973 AME American Heritage Magazine.
The American Heritage Magazine : December 1974 v.26
973 AME American Heritage Magazine.
The American Heritage Magazine : December 1978 v.30
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Feb. 1955 v.6 no.2
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Feb. 1956 v.7 no.2
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Feb. 1957 v.8 no.2
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Feb. 1958 v.9 no.2
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Feb. 1960 v.11 no.2
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Feb. 1962 v.13 no.2
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Feb. 1964 v.15 no.2
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Feb. 1965 v.16 no.2
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Feb. 1966 v.18 no.2
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Feb. 1967 v.18 no.2
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Feb. 1968 v.19 no.2
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Feb. 1969 v.20 no.2
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Feb. 1970 v.21 no.2
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Feb. 1972 v.22 no.2
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Feb. 1972 v.23 no.2
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Feb. 1973 v.24 no.2
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Feb. 1974 v.25 no.2
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Feb. 1975 v.26 no.2
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Feb. 1976 v.27 no.2
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Feb. 1977 v.28 no.2
973 AME American Heritage Magazine.
The American Heritage Magazine : Feb./Mar. 1978 v.29
973 AME American Heritage Magazine.
The American Heritage Magazine : Feb./March 1979
v.30 no.2
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : June 1955 v.6 no.4
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : June 1957 v.8 no.4
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : June 1958 v.9 no.4
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : June 1960 v.11 no.4
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : June 1961 v.12 no.4
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : June 1962 v.13 no.4
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : June 1962 v.14 no.4
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : June 1964 v.15 no.4
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : June 1964 v.15 no.4
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : June 1965 v.16 no.4
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : June 1966 v.17 no.4
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : June 1967 v.18 no.4
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : June 1968 v.19 no.4
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : June 1969 v.20 no.4
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : June 1969 v.20 no.4
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : June 1969 v.20 no.4
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : June 1970 v.21 no.4
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : June 1972 v.23 no.4
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : June 1972 v.23 no.4
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : June 1973 v.24 no.4
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : June 1975 v.26 no.4
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : June 1976 v.7 no.4
973 AME American Heritage Magazine.
The American Heritage Magazine : June/July 1978 v.29
973 AME American Heritage Magazine.
The American Heritage Magazine : June/July 1979 v.30
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1955 v.6 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1956 v.7 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1957 v.8 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1958 v.9 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1959 v.10 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1960 v.11 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1961 v.12 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1962 v.13 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1963 v.14 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1964 v.15 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1965 v.16 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1966 v.17 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1967 v.18 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1968 v.20 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1968 v.20 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1968 v.20 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1968 v.20 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1969 v.20 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1970 v.21 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1971 v.22 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1971 v.22 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1972 v.23 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1973 v.24 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1973 v.24 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1974 v.25 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct. 1975 v.26 no.6
973 AME American Heritage Magazine.
The American Heritage Magazine : Oct./Nov. 1978 v.29
973 AME American Heritage Magazine.
The American Heritage Magazine : Oct./Nov. 1979 v.30
973 AME American Heritage Magazine. The American Heritage Magazine : Oct/ 1977 v.28 no.6
973 BEN Bennett, Lerone, Wade in the water : great moments in black history
973 BIC
The Bicentennial almanac : 200 years of America 1776-
973 BLA
The Black Americans : a history in their own words,
973 Coo Cooke, Alistair, Alistair Cooke's America.
973 Dav Davis, Kenneth C. American history
973 DAV Davis, Mike, Magical urbanism : Latinos reinvent the US city
973 Dic Dickens, Charles, American notes for general circulation
973 DU Du Bois, W. E. B. Writings
973 DuB Du Bois, W. E. B. The souls of Black folk
973 FRA Franklin, John Hope,
From slavery to freedom : a history of African
973 Fry Fryd, Hallie,
Scandalous! : 50 shocking events you should know about
(so you can impress your friends)
973 GLU Glusker, Irwin,
American testament; : fifty great documents of
American history.
973 Hen Nelson, Scott Reynolds.
Ain't nothing but a man : my quest to find the real John
973 Hoo Hoobler, Dorothy. The African American family album
973 KRA Krawczynski, Keith. Daily life in the colonial city
973 LIF
The Life history of the United States.
973 LIF
The Life history of the United States.
973 LIF
The Life history of the United States.
973 LIF
The Life history of the United States.
973 LIF
The Life history of the United States.
973 LIF
The Life history of the United States.
973 LIF
The Life history of the United States.
973 LIF
The Life history of the United States.
973 LIF
The Life history of the United States.
973 MCK McKissack, Pat,
The Civil Rights Movement in America from 1865 to the
973 NAT National Geographic Book Service. We Americans
973 Nel Nelson, Kadir.
Heart and soul : the story of America and African
973 NOR
Norris, Sharon Haywood County Tennessee
973 Pin Pinkney, Andrea Davis. Hand in hand : ten Black men who changed America
973 TIM Time-Life Books. This fabulous century.
973 TIM Time-Life Books. This fabulous century.
973 TIM Time-Life Books. This fabulous century.
973 TIM Time-Life Books. This fabulous century.
973 TIM Time-Life Books. This fabulous century.
973 TIM Time-Life Books. This fabulous century.
973 TIM Time-Life Books. This fabulous century.
973 TUN Tunis, Edwin,
The young United States, 1783-1830: a time of change
and growth; a time of learning democracy; a time of
new ways of living, thinking, and doing.
973 WHA What are you? : voices of mixed-race young people
973 Wor
The World turned upside down : Indian voices from
early America
Kaplan, Sidney,
The Black presence in the era of the American
Utley, Robert Marshall, American Heritage history of the Indian wars
Weisbrot, Robert.
Marching toward freedom, 1957-1965 : from the
founding of the Southern Christian Leadership
Conference to the assassination of Malcom X
973.2 DOL Dolan, J. R. The Yankee peddlers of early America,
973.2 Fra Franklin, Benjamin,
Autobiography, Poor Richard, and later writings : letters
from London, 1757-1775, Paris, 1776-1785,
Philadelphia, 1785-1790, Poor Richard's almanack, 1733-
1758, the autobiography
Robson, David, Colonial America
973.2 SPE Speare, Elizabeth George. Life in Colonial America
973.2 Tay Taylor, Dale, The writer's guide to everyday life in Colonial America
Loewen, James W.
Lies my teacher told me : everything your American
history textbook got wrong
973.3 Dec
Declaring independence : the origin and influence of
America's founding document : featuring the Albert H.
Small Declaration of Independence Collection
973.3 Ell Ellis, Joseph J.
American creation : triumphs and tragedies at the
founding of the republic
973.3 Ell Ellis, Joseph J.
Revolutionary summer : the birth of American
973.3 FLE Fleming, Thomas J. The battle of Yorktown,
Grayson, Robert, Revolutionary War
973.3 JEF Jefferson, Thomas. Writings
973.3 Kor Kornfeld, Eve.
Creating an American culture, 1775-1800 : a brief
history with documents
973.3 LAN Lancaster, Bruce American Heritage Book of the Revolution
973.3 McC McCullough, David 1776
973.3 McC McCullough, David G., 1776
973.3 MID Middlekauff, Robert.
The glorious cause : the American Revolution, 1763-
Nardo, Don,
The Declaration of Independence : a model for
individual rights
Neumann, George C.
Collector's illustrated encyclopedia of the American
973.3 RAK Rakove, Jack N.,
Revolutionaries : a new history of the invention of
Welsh, Douglas. The Revolutionary War
973.3 WIL Wilbur, C. Keith, Picture book of the Continental soldier,
Fradin, Dennis B.
The signers : the fifty-six stories behind the Declaration
of Independence
Davis, Burke,
The campaign that won America; : the story of
Andrist, Ralph K. To the Pacific with Lewis and Clark,
973.4 DOS Dos Passos, John, The men who made the Nation.
973.4 LAN Lanier, Shannon. Jefferson's children : the story of one American family
973.4 MEL Melton, Buckner F. Aaron Burr : conspiracy to treason
973.4 StG St. George, Judith,
The duel : the parallel lives of Alexander Hamilton &
Aaron Burr
973.4 STJ St. John, Jeffrey.
Forge of union, anvil of liberty : a correspondent's report
on the first federal elections, the first federal Congress,
and the Bill of Rights
Wood, Gordon S.
Empire of liberty : a history of the early Republic, 1789-
Brockenbrough, Martha, Alexander Hamilton, revolutionary
Bui, Thi. The best we could do : an illustrated memoir
973.5 MIL Miller, William Lee.
Arguing about slavery : the great battle in the United
States Congress
973.5 SCH Schlesinger Arthur M. The age of Jackson
973.6 TRA Time-Life Books. The gunfighters
Catton, Bruce, The Battle of Gettysburg,
Arms and Equipment of the Confederacy
973.7 BIS Bishop, Jim, The day Lincoln was shot.
973.7 BLO The Bloody struggle : the Civil War in the East, 1862
973.7 Boo Boothe, F. Norton. Great Generals of the Civil War and Their Battles.
973.7 CAR Caravantes, Peggy, Petticoat spies : six women spies of the civil war
973.7 CAT Catton, Bruce,
Bruce Catton's America : selections from his greatest
973.7 CAT Catton, Bruce, Gettysburg: the final fury.
973.7 CAT Catton, Bruce, Reflections on the Civil War
973.7 CAT Catton, Bruce, A stillness at Appomattox.
973.7 Cat Catton, Bruce. The American heritage new history of the Civil War
973.7 CAT
Catton, Bruce,
The coming fury / : The Centennial History of the Civil
973.7 CAT
Catton, Bruce,
Terrible Swift Sword : The Centennial History of the Civil
973.7 CAT
Bruce Catton
Never Call Retreat : The Centennial History of the Civil
973.7 Den Denenberg, Barry. Lincoln shot! : a president's life remembered
973.7 Foo Foote, Shelby. The Civil War, a narrative
973.7 Foo Foote, Shelby.
The Civil War, a narrative : Volume Three : Red River to
973.7 Fre Freedman, Russell.
Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass : the story
behind an American friendship
973.7 FRE
Freeman, Douglas Southall. R.E. Lee : a biography
973.7 FRE
Freeman, Douglas Southall. R.E. Lee : a biography
973.7 FRE
Freeman, Douglas Southall. R.E. Lee : a biography
973.7 FRE
Freeman, Douglas Southall. R.E. Lee : a biography
973.7 GEA Geary, Rick.
The murder of Abraham Lincoln : a chronicle of 62 days
in the life of the American Republic, March 4-May 4,
Groom, Winston,
Shrouds of glory : from Atlanta to Nashville--the last
great campaign of the Civil War
973.7 Ill Illustrated atlas of the Civil War
973.7 KAT Katcher, Philip R. N. The Civil War source book
973.7 LON Long, Richard A. Black writers and the American Civil War
973.7 Mar Marrin, Albert,
A volcano beneath the snow : John Brown's war against
Marrin, Albert. Commander in Chief Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War
973.7 Mel Lincoln, in his own words
Murphy, Jim, The long road to Gettysburg
973.7 Nee Neely, Mark E. The fate of liberty : Abraham Lincoln and civil liberties
973.7 Rot Roth, David E. The Civil War, 1861-1865
973.7 STR Street, James. The struggle for Tennessee : Tupelo to Stones River
Sword, Wiley.
Mountains touched with fire : Chattanooga besieged,
973.7 Wal Walker, Sally M.
Sinking the Sultana : a Civil War story of imprisonment,
greed, and a doomed journey home
Ward, Geoffrey C. The Civil War : an illustrated history
Ward, Geoffrey C. The Civil War : an illustrated history
973.7 War Ward, Geoffrey C. The Civil War : an illustrated history
Swanson, James L., Chasing Lincoln's killer
Buhk, Tobin T
True crime in the Civil War : cases of murder, treason,
counterfeiting, massacre, plunder, & abuse
Horwitz, Tony,
Midnight rising : John Brown and the raid that sparked
the Civil War
Smith, Graham Civil War weapons
Russell, Francis, The American heritage history of the confident years
973.8 ASI Asimov, Isaac, The golden door : the United States from 1865 to 1918
973.8 CAS Castel, Albert E. The Presidency of Andrew Johnson
973.8 Gre Greenwood, Janette Thomas. The Gilded Age : a history in documents
973.8 Hil Hillstrom, Laurie Collier, Reconstruction
The American heritage history of the 20's & 30's,
973.9 COL Collier, Peter. The Rockefellers : an American dynasty
Hoover, J. Edgar
Masters of deceit; : the story of communism in America
and how to fight it.
973.9 LOR Lord, Walter, The good years: from 1900 to the First World War.
Burg, David F. The Great Depression : an eyewitness history
Kennedy, David M.
Freedom from fear : the American people in depression
and war, 1929-1945
The roaring twenties
George, Linda. The Great Depression
Appelt, Kathi,
Down Cut Shin Creek : the packhorse librarians of
Marrin, Albert, FDR and the American crisis
Hillstrom, Kevin, McCarthyism and the communist threat
Eggers, Dave. A heartbreaking work of staggering genius
Manchester, William,
The death of a president, : November 20-November 25,
O'Reilly, Bill.
Kennedy's last days : the assassination that defined a
Patterson, James T. Grand expectations : the United States, 1945-1974
Patterson, James T.
Restless giant : the United States from Watergate to
Bush v. Gore
Gibbs, Nancy,
The presidents club : inside the world's most exclusive
Halberstam, David. The best and the brightest.
Hill, Clint. Five days in November
Hillstrom, Laurie Collier, The Cuban Missile Crisis
Kennedy, Robert F., Thirteen days; : a memoir of the Cuban missile crisis.
Schlesinger, Arthur Meier, A thousand days; : John F. Kennedy in the White House
Swanson, James L.,
The president has been shot!" : the assassination of
John F. Kennedy"
Lyndon Baines Johnson; late a president of the United
States : memorial servies in the Congress of the United
Kissinger, Henry, Years of upheaval
Miller, Marvin, The breaking of a President, : the Nixon connection.
The End of a Presidency
Woodward, Bob. The final days
Sidey, Hugh. Portrait of a President
Shoup, Laurence H.
The Carter Presidency, and beyond : power and politics
in the 1980s
The 1990s
9-11 : a tribute.
The American spirit : meeting the challenge of
September 11.
The American spirit : meeting the challenge of
September 11.
The attack on America : September 11, 2001
Bruni, Frank.
Ambling into history : the unlikely odyssey of George W.
Jacobson, Sid. The 9/11 report : a graphic adaptation
Margulies, Phillip. Al Qaeda : Osama bin Laden's army of terrorists
The war on terrorism
Obama, Barack.
The audacity of hope : thoughts on reclaiming the
American dream
Obama, Barack.
The audacity of hope : thoughts on reclaiming the
American dream
Thomas, Garen Eileen Yes we can : a biography of Barack Obama
Savory, Tanya A dream fulfilled : the story of Barack Obama
974.4 BRA Bradford, William, Of Plymouth Plantation, 1620-1647;
974.4 JAC Jackson, Shirley, The witchcraft of Salem village
Gard, Carolyn.
The attacks on the World Trade Center : February 26,
1993, and September 11, 2001
974.7 IRV Irving, Washington, Knickerbocker's History of New York;
Murphy, Jim, Blizzard! : the storm that changed America
Stanton, Brandon. Humans of New York
Seifert, Christine,
The factory girls : a kaleidoscopic account of the
Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire
975 LAN Land of the South
975.3 Bol Bolden, Tonya.
Capital days : Michael Shiner's journal and the growth
of our nation's capital
Wolff, Perry. A tour of the White House with Mrs. John F. Kennedy
975.5 COL Colt, Margaretta Barton. Defend the valley : a Shenandoah family in the Civil War
975.5 FIS Fishwick, Marshall William. Jamestown: first English colony,
975.7 BAL Ball, Edward, Slaves in the family
975.7 ROS Rosengarten, Theodore. Tombee : portrait of a cotton planter
976 SKI Skinner, Constance Lindsay,
Pioneers of the old Southwest : a chronicle of the dark
and bloody ground
Green, Richard Chickasaw lives
976.2 CRU Crutchfield, James Andrew, The Natchez Trace : a pictorial history
976.2 Wal Walton, Anthony, Mississippi : an American journey
Campbell, Will D. Providence
Brown, Don, Drowned city : Hurricane Katrina & New Orleans
976.4 HAL Hall, Ron, Same kind of different as me
The Waco standoff
Tennessee women of vision and courage
Dickinson, W. Calvin, and Jennie Ivey
Soldiers, Spies & Spartans : Civil War Stories from
Haywood County, Tennessee, Pictorial
Hinton, Kem G.
A long path : the search for a Tennessee bicentennial
Hopson, Cynthia A. Bond, ed.
The women of Haywood : their lives -- our legacy :
professional African American women in Haywood
County, Tennessee
The courage to make a difference: The Sundquist years
976.8 ALD Alderson, William T. Landmarks of TN history
976.8 CAL Caldwell, Mary French. Tennessee, the Volunteer State
976.8 Cru Crutchfield, James A. Historic Tennessee
976.8 Dav Davis, Louise Littleton. More tales of Tennessee
976.8 DYK Dykeman, Wilma. Tennessee : a bicentennial history
976.8 EWI Ewing, James, A treasury of Tennessee tales
976.8 FOL Folmsbee, Stanley John, History of Tennessee,
976.8 FOL Folmsbee, Stanley John, History of Tennessee,
976.8 FOL Folmsbee, Stanley John, History of Tennessee,
976.8 ITH It happened in Tennessee
976.8 Ive Ivey, Jennie. Tennessee tales the textbooks don't tell
976.8 Kin King, Billy Big Black Creek vol. 1
976.8 Kin King, Billy Big Black Creek vol. 1
976.8 LOC Lockmiller, David A. This, That, and the Other
976.8 LON Longwith, John
Light Upon a Hill : The University of Chattanooga, 1886-
Hunt, Keel,
Coup : the day the Democrats ousted their governor, put
Republican Lamar Alexander in office early, and stopped
a pardon scandal
977 KEA Keating, Bern. The mighty Mississippi.
978 AME American Heritage Cowboys and cattle country,
978 AME American Heritage. Westward on the Oregon Trail
978 DAV Davis, William C.,
The American frontier : pioneers, settlers & cowboys,
978 DEA De Angelis, Gina The Black Cowboys
978 LAV Lavender. David The American heritage history of the great West,
978 MAR Marrin, Albert.
Cowboys, Indians, and gunfighters : the story of the
cattle kingdom
978 McK McKissack, Pat, Best shot in the West : the adventures of Nat Love
978 Mil Miller, Brandon Marie,
Women of the frontier : 16 tales of trailblazing
homesteaders, entrepreneurs, and rabble-rousers
978 PAR Parkman, Francis,
The Oregon Trail : sketches of prairie and Rocky-
Mountain life
978 WAR Ward, Geoffrey C. The West : an illustrated history
978 WES
The West : From Lewis and Clark to Wounded Knee:The
Turbulent Story of the Settling of Frontier America
978 WES The West that was
978 WIL The Wild West
The story of the West : a history of the American West
and its people
Morgan, Robert,
Lions of the West : heroes and villains of the westward
Fleming, Candace,
Presenting Buffalo Bill : the man who invented the Wild
Brown, Don, The great American Dust Bowl
978.9 BRY Bryan, Howard.
Robbers, rogues, and ruffians : true tales of the Wild
West in New Mexico
979 GOO Goodwin, Grenville, The Apache diaries : a father-son journey
Leach, Mike,
Geronimo : leadership strategies of an American
Morris, John Miller.
From Coronado to Escalante : the explorers of the
Spanish Southwest
Andrist, Ralph K. The California gold rush,
979.4 CAL Calabro, Marian. The perilous journey of the Donner party
980.1 BAL Baldwin, Gordon Cortis, Pyramids of the New World,
980.3 GLU Glubok, Shirley. The fall of the Incas.
981 RIC Richard, Christopher, Brazil
982 GOF Gofen, Ethel, Argentina
983 Win Winter, Jane Kohen, Chile
984 PAT Pateman, Robert Bolivia
985 FAL Falconer, Kieren Peru
Adams, Mark,
Turn right at Machu Picchu : rediscovering the lost city
one step at a time
DuBois, Jill, Colombia
986.6 FOL Foley, Erin L. Ecuador
987 WIN Winter, Jane Kohen, Venezuela
988.1 JER Jermyn, Leslie. Guyana
989.2 JER Jermyn, Leslie Paraguay
989.5 JER Jermyn, Leslie Uruguay
994 DAR Darlington, Robert. Australia
NgCheong-Lum, Roseline, Fiji
ALV Alvarez, Julia In the Time of the Butterflies (Classroom Set)
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Aud 296.7
Albom, Mitch, Have a little faith : a true story
Kids & bullying : audiobooks for conversation.
Aud 780 Mozart : musical masterpieces
National poetry recitation contest : performing poetry
an audio guide.
Aud 812
Koch, Howard. War of the worlds
Aud 822.3
Shakespeare, William, Macbeth
Aud 822.3
Shakespeare, William, Romeo and Juliet
Aud 829
Aud 973
Voices of Black America : historical recordings of
speeches, poetry, humor & drama, 1908-1947.
Aud F
Adams, Douglas, The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy : live in concert
Aud F Col Collins, Suzanne. The hunger games
Aud F SAC Sachar, Louis, Holes
B CHA Chapela, Andrea, The visible unseen : essays
B HSU Hsu, Hua, Stay true : a memoir
B PUT Weiss, Andrew S., Accidental czar : the life and lies of Vladimir Putin
BHAT Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
BHAT Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
BHAT Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
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BHAT Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
BHAT Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BOY John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
BRA Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CAR Ben Carson Gifted Hands(CLASSROOM EDITION)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CHOB Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Classroom Set)
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
CUL Jim Cullen The American Dream
Del Dell, Pamela Man on the Moon(CLASSROOM SET)
Del Dell, Pamela Man on the Moon(CLASSROOM SET)
Del Dell, Pamela Man on the Moon(CLASSROOM SET)
Del Dell, Pamela Man on the Moon(CLASSROOM SET)
Del Dell, Pamela Man on the Moon(CLASSROOM SET)
Del Dell, Pamela Man on the Moon(CLASSROOM SET)
Del Dell, Pamela Man on the Moon(CLASSROOM SET)
Del Dell, Pamela Man on the Moon(CLASSROOM SET)
Del Dell, Pamela Man on the Moon(CLASSROOM SET)
Del Dell, Pamela Man on the Moon(CLASSROOM SET)
DICKENS Charles Dickens Great Expectations(CLASSROOM EDITION)
DICKENS Charles Dickens Great Expectations(CLASSROOM EDITION)
DICKENS Charles Dickens Great Expectations(CLASSROOM EDITION)
DICKENS Charles Dickens Great Expectations(CLASSROOM EDITION)
DICKENS Charles Dickens Great Expectations(CLASSROOM EDITION)
DICKENS Charles Dickens Great Expectations(CLASSROOM EDITION)
DICKENS Charles Dickens Great Expectations(CLASSROOM EDITION)
DICKENS Charles Dickens Great Expectations(CLASSROOM EDITION)
DICKENS Charles Dickens Great Expectations(CLASSROOM EDITION)
DICKENS Charles Dickens Great Expectations(CLASSROOM EDITION)
DICKENS Charles Dickens Great Expectations(CLASSROOM EDITION)
DICKENS Charles Dickens Great Expectations(CLASSROOM EDITION)
DICKENS Charles Dickens Great Expectations(CLASSROOM EDITION)
DICKENS Charles Dickens Great Expectations(CLASSROOM EDITION)
DICKENS Charles Dickens Great Expectations(CLASSROOM EDITION)
DICKENS Charles Dickens Great Expectations(CLASSROOM EDITION)
DICKENS Charles Dickens Great Expectations(CLASSROOM EDITION)
DICKENS Charles Dickens Great Expectations(CLASSROOM EDITION)
DICKENS Charles Dickens Great Expectations(CLASSROOM EDITION)
DICKENS Charles Dickens Great Expectations(CLASSROOM EDITION)
DVD 332 In Plain English : making Sense of the Federal Reserve
DVD F MY My fair lady
DVD Hot Hotel Rwanda
DVD Hun The Hunger Games
DVD Sel Selma
DVD Tenn The Early Black Press: Tennessee Voices Lifted
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
Dwe Dweck, Dr. Carol S. Mindset:The New Psychology of Success(Classroom Set)
E Jam James, Eric. Santa's sleigh is on its way to Tennessee
E Lio Lionni, Leo, Tico and the golden wings
E Rya Ryan, Pam Mu±oz.
When Marian sang : the true recital of Marian Anderson
: the voice of a century
EB 302.3
Guillain, Charlotte. Coping with bullying
EB 305.8
Wright, Simeon,
Simeon's story : an eyewitness account of the
kidnapping of Emmett Till
EB 332.4
Simons, Rae,
All about money : the history, culture, and meaning of
modern finance
EB 333.79
Flath, Camden,
Careers in green energy : fueling the world with
renewable resources
EB 333.79
Heinrichs, Ann. Sustaining Earth's energy resources
EB 616.07
Murray, Elizabeth A. Death : corpses, cadavers, and other grave matters
EB 808
Heath, Marilyn. MLA made easy : citation basics for beginners
EB 932
Fletcher, J. Exploring the life, myth, and art of ancient Egypt
EB 973.7
Gourley, Catherine,
The horrors of Andersonville : life and death inside a
Civil War prison
EB 973.8
Gitlin, Marty. Wounded Knee Massacre
EB F BOG Bognanni, Peter. The house of tomorrow
EB F COL Collins, Suzanne. Catching fire
EB F COL Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games
EB F COL Collins, Suzanne. Mockingjay
EB F LAI Laird, Elizabeth. The betrayal of Maggie Blair
EB F STO Stork, Francisco X. Marcelo in the real world
EB F WYN Wynne-Jones, Tim. Blink & Caution
EB Fic
Dogar, Sharon. Annexed
EB Fic
Marchetta, Melina, Finnikin of the rock
EB Fic Sti Stiefvater, Maggie, Shiver
EQ Apple
USB Drive
Apple Apple USB SuperDrive
EQ C S Bretford rolling cart with lockable cabinet
EQ C S Bretford rolling cart with lockable cabinet
EQ Cas Spectra Karaoke Machine tape player with tape recorder
EQ DC Elmo TT-02s document camera
EQ DC Elmo TT-02s document camera
EQ DC S Epson Document Camera DC-10s
EQ DC S Epson Document Camera DC-10s
EQ DC S Epson Document Camera DC-10s
EQ Del Dell digital projector 1210S
EQ DLP ViewSonic DLP Projector
EQ DLP ViewSonic DLP Projector
EQ DLP ViewSonic DLP Projector
EQ DLP ViewSonic DLP Projector
EQ DP InFocus DLP projector
EQ DP Eps Epson EX3220 Digital Projector
EQ DP S Epson PowerLite S7 Digital Projector
EQ DP S Epson PowerLite S7 Digital Projector
EQ DP S Epson PowerLite S7 Digital Projector
EQ DVD KLH Digital DVD player
EQ DVD Magnavox DVD/VCR player
EQ Nook Nook
EQ Nook Nook Simple Touch
EQ Nook Nook Simple Touch
EQ Nook Nook Simple Touch
EQ OHP 3M Overhead projector
EQ OHP 3M Overhead Projector
EQ OHP 3M Overhead Projector
EQ OHP 3M Overhead Projector
EQ OHP 3M Overhead Projector
EQ OHP 3M Overhead Projector
EQ OHP 3M Overhead Projector
EQ OHP Bell & Howell Overhead Projector
EQ OHP Eiki Overhead Projector
EQ OHP Elmo HP-L14 Overhead Projector
EQ Okl Oklahoma Sound Lectern with sound system
EQ Sp Logitech Logitech Speakers
EQ Sp Logitech Logitech Speakers
EQ Sp Logitech Logitech Speakers
EQ Tec Red Star Tec Powerpoint Clicker PR-819
EQ TV Emerson 25 TV"
EQ TV RCA 20 flat screen TV"
EQ TV Sanyo 25 TV"
EQ TV Zenith color TV model H32D46DT
EQ TV Zenith color TV model H32D46DT
EQ TV Zenith color TV model H32D46DT
F ABB Abbott, Edwin Abbott, Flatland : a romance of many dimensions
F ABB Abbott, Ellen Jensen. Watersmeet
F ABE Abelove, Joan. Go and come back : a novel
F ABE Abelove, Joan. Saying it out loud
F ACH Achebe, Chinua Things Fall Apart
F ADA Adams, Douglas, The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
F ADA Adams, Douglas, Life, the universe, and everything
F ADA Adams, Douglas, The long dark tea-time of the soul
F ADA Adams, Douglas, Mostly harmless
F ADA Adams, Douglas, The restaurant at the end of the universe
F ADA Adams, Douglas, So long, and thanks for all the fish
F ADL Adlington, L. J. The diary of Pelly D
F ADO Adoff, Jaime. Names will never hurt me
F AGE Agee, James, A death in the family
F AGE Agee, James, A death in the family
F AGE Agee, James, A death in the family
F AGE Agee, James, A death in the family
F AGE Agee, James, A death in the family
F AIK Aiken, Joan, Is underground
F ALB Albertalli, Becky. Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens agenda
F ALB Albom, Mitch, The five people you meet in heaven
F ALB Albom, Mitch, The five people you meet in heaven
F ALB Albom, Mitch, The five people you meet in heaven
F ALB Albom, Mitch, The five people you meet in heaven
F ALB Albom, Mitch, The five people you meet in heaven
F Alc Alcott, Louisa May, The inheritance
F ALC Alcott, Louisa May, Jack and Jill : a village story
F ALC Alcott, Louisa May, Little men
F ALC Alcott, Louisa May, Little women
F ALC Alcott, Louisa May, A long fatal love chase
F ALC Alcott, Louisa May, Under the lilacs
F ALE Alexander, Kwame. The crossover
F ALE Alexander, Lloyd. The Black Cauldron
F ALE Alexander, Lloyd. The book of three
F ALE Alexander, Lloyd. The castle of Llyr
F ALE Alexander, Lloyd. The high king
F ALE Alexander, Lloyd. Taran Wanderer
F ALE Alexie, Sherman, The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian
F ALE Alexie, Sherman, The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian
F ALL Allende, Isabel. Daughter of fortune : a novel
F ALM Almond, David, Counting stars
F ALM Almond, David, Kit's wilderness
F ALP Alphin, Elaine Marie. Counterfeit son
F ALP Alphin, Elaine Marie. The perfect shot
F ALV Alvarez, Julia. How the GarcÌa girls lost their accents
F ALV Alvarez, Julia. In the time of the butterflies
F ANA Anaya, Rudolfo A. Bless me, Ultima
F ANA Anaya, Rudolfo A. Heart of Aztlan : a novel
F AND Anderson, Laurie Halse. Fever, 1793
F AND Anderson, Laurie Halse. Prom
F And Anderson, Laurie Halse. Speak
F AND Anderson, Laurie Halse. Wintergirls
F AND Anderson, Laurie Halse. Wintergirls
F AND Anderson, M. T. Burger Wuss
F AND Anderson, M. T. Feed
F AND Anderson, M. T. The kingdom on the waves
F AND Anderson, M. T. The Pox party
F AND Anderson, Poul, Harvest the fire
F AND Andrews, V. C. Flowers in the attic
F AND Andrews, V. C. Garden of shadows
F AND Andrews, V. C. If there be thorns
F AND Andrews, V. C. My sweet Audrina
F AND Andrews, V. C. Rain
F AND Andrews, V. C. Twisted roots
F AND Andrews, V.C. Seeds of yesterday
F ANT Anthony, Piers. Man from Mundania
F ANT Anthony, Piers. On a pale horse
F ARM Armentrout, Jennifer L. Don't look back
F ARN Arnold, David, Mosquitoland
F ASI Asimov, Isaac, Forward the foundation
F ASI Asimov, Isaac, Foundation
F ASI Asimov, Isaac, Foundation
F ASI Asimov, Isaac, Foundation and earth
F ASI Asimov, Isaac, Foundation and empire
F ASI Asimov, Isaac, Foundation and empire
F ASI Asimov, Isaac, Foundation's edge
F ASI Asimov, Isaac, Foundation's edge
F ASI Asimov, Isaac, I, robot
F ASI Asimov, Isaac, The robots of dawn
F ATW Atwood, Margaret Cat's Eye
F ATW Atwood, Margaret Eleanor, The blind assassin
F ATW Atwood, Margaret Eleanor, The handmaid's tale
F AUC Auch, Mary Jane. Ashes of roses
F AUS Austen, Jane, Emma
F AUS Austen, Jane, Emma
F AUS Austen, Jane, Northanger Abbey
F AUS Austen, Jane, Persuasion
F AUS Austen, Jane, Pride and prejudice
F AUS Austen, Jane, Pride and prejudice
F AUS Austen, Jane, Sense and sensibility
F AVI Avi,
Beyond the western sea : book one : the escape from
F AVI Avi, Blue heron
F AVI Avi, Nothing but the truth : a documentary novel
F BAG Bagdasarian, Adam. Forgotten fire
F BAG Bagnold, Enid. National Velvet""
F BAK Bakker, Robert T. Raptor red
F BAL Baldacci, David The Camel Club
F BAL Baldacci, David Total Control
F BAL Baldacci, David. Wish you well
F BAL Baldwin, James, Early novels and stories
F BAL Baldwin, James, Go tell it on the mountain
F BAL Balzac, Honore De Pere Goriot and Eugenie Grandet
F Bar Barbieri, Heather Doran, The lace makers of Glenmara : a novel
F BAR Bardugo, Leigh. Ruin and rising
F BAR Bardugo, Leigh. Shadow and bone
F BAR Bardugo, Leigh. Siege and storm
F BAR Barnes, John,
Tales of the Madman Underground : an historical
romance 1973
F BAR Barr, Gladys H. The Bell witch at Adams,
F BAR Barrett, Tracy, Anna of Byzantium
F Bar Barrett, Tracy, King of Ithaka
F BAR Barrett, William Edmund, The lilies of the field.
F BAR Barron, T. A. The fires of Merlin
F BAR Barron, T. A. The lost years
F BAR Barron, T. A. The lost years
F BAR Barron, T. A. The mirror of Merlin
F BAR Barron, T. A. The seven songs of Merlin
F BAR Barron, T. A. The wings of Merlin
F BEA Beam, Cris. I am J
F BEA Beaudoin, Sean. Fade to Blue : a novel
F BEA Beaudoin, Sean. You killed Wesley Payne
F BEA Beaufrand, Mary Jane. The river
F Bei Beil, Michael D. The red blazer girls : the ring of Rocamadour
F BEL Bell, Cathleen Davitt. Little blog on the prairie
F BEN Bencastro, Mario. A shot in the cathedral
F BEN Bennett, Cherie. Life in the fat lane
F BEN Bennett, Veronica, Angelmonster
F BEN BenÈt, Stephen Vincent, The devil and Daniel Webster
F BER Berry, James. Ajeemah and his son
F BHU Bhuiyan, Tashie, A show for two
F BIC Bick, Ilsa J. Monsters
F BIL Billingsley, Franny, Chime
F BIN Binchy, Maeve Tara Road
F BIN Bingham, Kelly L., Shark girl
F BIR Birdsall, Jeanne. The Penderwicks at Point Mouette
F Bir Birdsall, Jeanne. The Penderwicks on Gardam Street
F Bla Black, Holly. White cat
F BLA Blackmore, R. D. Lorna Doone.
F BLA Blackwood, Gary L. The Shakespeare stealer
F BLO Block, Francesca Lia. Psyche in a dress
F BLO Block, Francesca Lia. Weetzie Bat
F BLO Block, Francesca Lia. Witch baby
F BLO Bloor, Edward, Tangerine
F BLU Blume, Judy Then Again, Maybe I Won't:
F BLU Blundell, Judy. Strings attached
F BLU Blundell, Judy. What I saw and how I lied
F Blu Folan, Karyn Langhorne. Breaking point
F Blu Folan, Karyn Langhorne. Pretty ugly
F Blu Kern, Peggy. No way out
F Blu Kern, Peggy. No way out
F Blu Kern, Peggy. No way out
F Blu Kern, Peggy. The test
F Blu Langan, John. Search for safety
F Blu Langan, John. Search for safety
F Blu Langan, John. Search for safety
F Blu Langan, Paul, Blood is thicker
F Blu Langan, Paul, Blood is thicker
F Blu Langan, Paul, Blood is thicker
F Blu Langan, Paul, Brothers in arms
F Blu Langan, Paul, The fallen
F Blu Langan, Paul, The fallen
F Blu Langan, Paul, The fallen
F Blu Langan, Paul, Payback
F Blu Langan, Paul, Schooled
F Blu Langan, Paul, Schooled
F Blu Langan, Paul, Schooled
F Blu Langan, Paul, Shattered
F Blu Langan, Paul, Shattered
F Blu Langan, Paul, Summer of secrets
F Blu Langan, Paul, Summer of secrets
F Blu Langan, Paul. Promises to keep
F Blu Langan, Paul. Survivor
F Blu Schraff, Anne E. Lost and found
F Blu Schraff, Anne E. A matter of trust
F Blu Schraff, Anne E. A matter of trust
F Blu Schraff, Anne E. Someone to love me
F Blu Schraff, Anne E. Someone to love me
F Blu Schraff, Anne E. Someone to love me
F Blu Schraff, Anne E. Until we meet again
F Blu Schraff, Anne E. Until we meet again
F BOD Bodeen, S. A. The compound
F BON Bondoux, Anne-Laure. A time of miracles
F BOS Bosse, Malcolm J. The examination
F BOU Boulle, Pierre, The bridge over the River Kwai.
F BOX Box, C. J. Open season
F BOY Boylan, James, Getting in : a novel
F BRA Bradbury, Jennifer. Shift
F BRA Bradbury, Ray, I sing the body electric! : Stories.
F BRA Bradbury, Ray, The illustrated man.
F BRA Bradbury, Ray, The Martian chronicles.
F BRA Bradbury, Ray, Quicker than the eye
F BRA Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451
F BRA Bradley, Marion Zimmer. Heartlight
F BRA Bradley, Marion Zimmer. The mists of Avalon
F BRA Brande, Robin. Evolution, me & other freaks of nature
F BRA Brashares, Ann. The here and now
F BRA Brashares, Ann. The sisterhood of the traveling pants
F BRA Braun, Lilian Jackson The Cat Who Talked Turkey
F BRA Braun, Lilian Jackson. The cat who could read backwards
F BRA Braun, Lilian Jackson. The cat who knew Shakespeare
F BRA Braun, Lilian Jackson. The cat who played Brahms
F BRA Bray, Libba. Beauty queens
F BRA Bray, Libba. Going bovine
F BRA Bray, Libba. A great and terrible beauty
F BRA Bray, Libba. Rebel angels
F BRA Bray, Libba. The sweet far thing
F BRE Breslin, Theresa. Remembrance
F BRE Brewer, Heather. The chronicles of Vladimir Tod : eighth grade bites
F BRE Brewer, Heather. The chronicles of Vladimir Tod : ninth grade slays
F Bre Brewer, Heather. Eleventh grade burns
F Bre Brewer, Heather. Eleventh grade burns
F BRE Brewer, Heather. First kill
F BRE Brewer, Heather. Third strike
F Bre Brewer, Heather. Twelfth grade kills
F BRI Brindley, John, The rule of claw
F BRO Bront‚, Charlotte, Emma
F BRO BrontÎ, Charlotte, Jane Eyre
F BRO BrontÎ, Emily, Wuthering Heights
F BRO BrontÎ, Emily, Wuthering Heights : a Kaplan SAT score-raising classic
F BRO Brooke, Lauren One Day You'll Know
F BRO Brooks, Bruce. All that remains
F BRO Brooks, Bruce. The moves make the man : a novel
F BRO Brooks, Geraldine. Year of wonders : a novel of the plague
F BRO Brooks, Kevin. Being
F BRO Brooks, Kevin. Lucas
F BRO Brooks, Kevin. The road of the dead
F BRO Brooks, Martha, Bone dance
F BRO Brooks, Max. World War Z : an oral history of the zombie war
F Bro Brown, Dan The Da Vinci code : a novel
F BRO Brown, Dan, Angels & demons
F BRO Brown, Dan, Digital fortress
F BRO Brown, Dan, The lost symbol : a novel
F BRO Brown, Jennifer, Torn away
F BRO Brown, Mary, Pigs don't fly
F BRU Bruchac, Joseph,
Code Talker : a novel about the Navajo Marines of
World War Two
F BRU Bruchac, Joseph, Jim Thorpe : original All-American
F BRU Bruchac, Joseph, Wabi : a hero's tale
F Buc Buck, Pearl S. The good earth
F BUC Buckley, Michael, Undertow
F BUN Bunce, Elizabeth C. A curse dark as gold
F BUN Bunting, Eve, Face at the edge of the world
F BUN Bunting, Eve, SOS Titanic
F BUN Bunyan, John, The pilgrim's progress
F BUN Bunyan, John, The pilgrim's progress
F BUR Burgess, Melvin. Sara's face
F BUR Burgess, Melvin. Smack
F BUR Burks, Brian. Runs With Horses
F BUR Burnford, Sheila Every. The incredible journey.
F BUR Burns, Olive Ann. Cold Sassy tree
F BUT Butler, Octavia E. Parable of the sower
F CAB Cabot, Meg. All-American girl
F CAD Cadnum, Michael. The book of the lion
F CAD Cadnum, Michael. Rundown
F CAL Caldwell, Ian, The rule of four
F CAL Caldwell, Taylor, Great lion of God.
F CAL Caletti, Deb. The nature of Jade
F CAL Caletti, Deb. Stay
F CAM Cameron, Rita, The house party : a novel
F CAM Camus, Albert, Exile and the kingdom
F CAM Camus, Albert, The first man
F CAP Capote, Truman, Selected writings.
F CAR Card, Orson Scott. Ender in exile
F CAR Card, Orson Scott. Ender's shadow
F CAR Card, Orson Scott. Ender's shadow
F Car Card, Orson Scott. Pathfinder
F CAR Card, Orson Scott. Sarah
F CAR Card, Orson Scott. Shadow of the Hegemon
F CAR Carey, Anna. Eve
F CAR Carriger, Gail. Soulless
F CAR Carroll, Lewis The complete works of Lewis Carroll
F CAR Carroll, Lewis,
The annotated Alice : Alice's adventures in Wonderland
& Through the looking glass
F CAR Carson, Rae. Walk on Earth a stranger
F CAR Carter, Ally. All fall down
F Car Carter, Ally. Heist society
F CAR Carter, Ally. Perfect scoundrels
F CAR Carter, Ally. Uncommon criminals : a Heist society novel
F CAS Cashore, Kristin. Graceling
F CAS Cass, Kiera. The heir
F CAS Cast, P. C. Betrayed : a house of night novel
F CAS Cast, P. C. Chosen : a house of night novel
F CAS Cast, P. C. Marked
F CAS Cast, P. C. Untamed : a house of night novel
F CAT Cather, Willa, Death comes for the archbishop
F CAT Cather, Willa, My ¡ntonia
F CAT Cather, Willa, My ¡ntonia
F CAT Cather, Willa, O pioneers!
F CER Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, Don Quixote
F CHA Chabon, Michael. The amazing adventures of Kavalier & Clay : a novel
F CHA Chambers, Aidan. Postcards from no man's land
F CHA Charbonneau, Joelle. The Testing
F Cha Chayil, Eishes. Hush
F CHB Chbosky, Stephen. The perks of being a wallflower
F CHE Chevalier, Tracy. Falling angels
F CHE Chevalier, Tracy. Girl with a pearl earring
F CHI Childress, Mark. One Mississippi : a novel
F CHI Chima, Cinda Williams. The Demon King
F CHO Chotjewitz, David. Daniel half human and the good Nazi
F CHR Christie, Agatha, And then there were none
F CHR Christie, Agatha, Death on the Nile
F CHR Christie, Agatha, Murder in Mesopotamia
F CHR Christie, Agatha, The murder of Roger Ackroyd
F CHR Christie, Agatha, Murder on the Orient Express
F CHR Christie, Agatha. Murder in the Mews
F CHR Christie, Agatha. The witness for the prosecution : and other stories
F CHR Christopher, Lucy. Stolen
F CIS Cisneros, Sandra. The house on Mango Street
F CLA Clancy, Tom, Clear and present danger
F CLA Clancy, Tom, The hunt for Red October
F CLA Clancy, Tom, Red rabbit
F CLA Clapp, Patricia. The tamarack tree : a novel of the siege of Vicksburg
F CLA Clare, Cassandra. City of ashes
F CLA Clare, Cassandra. City of bones
F CLA Clare, Cassandra. City of fallen angels
F CLA Clare, Cassandra. City of glass
F CLA Clare, Cassandra. Clockwork angel
F CLA Clark, Catherine, The Alison Rules
F CLA Clarke, Arthur Charles, 2010 : odyssey two
F CLA Clarke, Judith, Kalpana's dream
F CLA Clarke, Judith, One whole and perfect day
F CLA Clarke, Susanna. Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
F CLA Clavell, James. Shogun : a novel of Japan
F CLE Cleaver, Vera. Where the lilies bloom
F CLE Clement-Davies, David, Fire bringer
F CLI Clinch, Jon. Finn : a novel
F CLI Cline, Ernest. Armada : a novel
F CLI Cline, Ernest. Ready player one
F COA Coates, Jan, Rocket man
F COE Coetzee, J. M., Disgrace
F COL Coleman, Evelyn, Born in sin
F COL Collins, Suzanne. Catching fire
F COL Collins, Suzanne. Catching fire
F COL Collins, Suzanne. The hunger games
F COL Collins, Suzanne. The hunger games
F COL Collins, Suzanne. The hunger games
F COL Collins, Suzanne. The hunger games
F COL Collins, Suzanne. The hunger games
F COL Collins, Suzanne. The hunger games
F COL Collins, Suzanne. The hunger games
F COL Collins, Suzanne. The hunger games
F COL Collins, Suzanne. The hunger games
F COL Collins, Suzanne. The hunger games
F COL Collins, Suzanne. The hunger games
F COL Collins, Suzanne. The hunger games
F Col Collins, Suzanne. Mockingjay
F Col Collins, Suzanne. Mockingjay
F COM Coman, Carolyn. Many stones
F CON Condie, Allyson Braithwaite. Atlantia : a novel
F CON Condie, Allyson Braithwaite. Crossed
F CON Condie, Allyson Braithwaite. Matched
F CON Conrad, Joseph, Lord Jim : a tale
F CON Conrad, Joseph. Joseph Conrad's Heart of darkness and the Secret sharer
F CON Conrad, Joseph. Typhoon : and other tales of the sea
F COO Cooney, Caroline B. Driver's Ed
F COO Cooney, Caroline B. The face on the milk carton
F COO Cooney, Caroline B. Hush little baby
F Coo Cooney, Caroline B. Three black swans
F COO Cooney, Caroline B. Whatever happened to Janie?
F COR Cormier, Robert. Beyond the chocolate war : a novel
F COR Cormier, Robert. The chocolate war; : a novel.
F COR Cormier, Robert. Heroes : a novel
F COR Cormier, Robert. The rag and bone shop : a novel
F COR Cormier, Robert. Tenderness : a novel
F COR Cornwell, Bernard. The archer's tale
F Cor Corrigan, Eireann, Accomplice
F COS Costain, Thomas Bertram, The silver Chalice, : a novel.
F COT Cottonwood, Joe. Quake! : a novel
F COV Coville, Bruce. Fortune's journey
F CRA Craven, Margaret. I heard the owl call my name
F CRI Crichton, Michael, Jurassic Park : a novel
F CRI Crichton, Michael, The lost world : a novel
F CRI Crist-Evans, Craig. Amaryllis
F CRO Cronin, A. J. The keys of the kingdom
F CRO Cronin, A.J. The citadel
F CRO Cross, Gillian. Tightrope
F CRO Crossley-Holland, Kevin. The seeing stone
F CRU Crutcher, Chris. Ironman : a novel
F CRU Crutcher, Chris. Stotan!
F CRU Crutcher, Chris. Whale talk
F CUM Cummings, E. E. The enormous room
F Cur Curley, Marianne. The dark
F CUR Curley, Marianne. The Named
F CUR Curtis, Christopher Paul. Bucking the Sarge
F CUR Curtis, Christopher Paul. Bud, not Buddy
F CUR Curtis, Christopher Paul. The Watsons go to Birmingham--1963 : a novel
F CUS Cushman, Karen. Catherine, called Birdy
F CUS Cushman, Karen. The midwife's apprentice
F DAH Dahl, Roald. Charlie and the chocolate factory
F DAI Dai, Sijie, Balzac and the little Chinese seamstress
F DAS Dashner, James, The game of lives
F DAS Dashner, James, The maze runner
F Das Dashner, James, The Scorch Trials
F DAV Davis, Tanita S. A la carte
F DAV Davis, Tanita S. Mare's war
F DEF Defoe, Daniel, A journal of the plague year,
F DEF Defoe, Daniel, Moll Flanders
F DEF Defoe, Daniel, Robinson Crusoe
F DEF Defoe, Daniel, Robinson Crusoe
F DEJ De Jong, Meindert, The wheel on the school.
F DEL DeLillo, Don. Falling man : a novel
F DEM Demetrios, Heather. Something real
F DEN Dennard, Susan, The Luminaries
F DER Derting, Kimberly. The body finder
F DES Desai Hidier, Tanuja. Bombay blues
F DES Desai Hidier, Tanuja. Born confused
F DES Dessen, Sarah. Keeping the moon
F DES Dessen, Sarah. Someone like you
F DES Dessen, Sarah. That summer
F DEU Deuker, Carl. Night hoops
F DEU Deuker, Carl. Painting the black
F DEU Deuker, Carl. Swagger
F DEX Dexter, Catherine Mazemaker
F DEX Dexter, Pete, Spooner
F DIA Diamant, Anita. The red tent / Anita Diamant.
F DIC Dickens, Charles, A Christmas carol.
F DIC Dickens, Charles, A Christmas carol.
F DIC Dickens, Charles, A Christmas carol.
F DIC Dickens, Charles, Christmas stories.
F DIC Dickens, Charles, Hard times
F DIC Dickens, Charles, Hard times
F DIC Dickens, Charles, Oliver Twist
F DIC Dickens, Charles, A tale of two cities
F DIC Dickens, Charles, A tale of two cities
F DIC Dickens, Charles, A tale of two cities
F DIE Dietrich, William, Napoleon's pyramids : a novel
F DIN Dinesen, Isak, Shadows on the grass
F Dio Dionne, Erin, The total tragedy of a girl named Hamlet
F DOC Doctorow, Cory. Little brother
F DOC Doctorow, E. L., Ragtime
F DOC Doctorow, E. L., World's fair
F DOD Dodge, Mary Mapes, Hans Brinker, or The silver skates
F DOE Doerr, Anthony, All the light we cannot see : a novel
F DON Donnelly, Jennifer. A northern light
F DOR Dorris, Michael. A yellow raft in blue water
F DOS Dos Passos, John, U.S.A.
F DOS Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, The brothers Karamazov
F DOS Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, Crime and punishment
F DOS Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, The idiot
F DOY Doyle, Arthur Conan, The lost world
F DOY Doyle, Arthur Conan, The White Company
F DRA Drake, Robert What Will You Do for an Encore? and other stories
F DRA Draper, Sharon M. The battle of Jericho
F DRA Draper, Sharon M. Darkness before dawn
F DRA Draper, Sharon M. Forged by fire
F DRA Draper, Sharon M. November blues
F DRA Draper, Sharon M. Romiette and Julio
F DRA Draper, Sharon M. Tears of a tiger
F DRE Dreiser, Theodore, An American tragedy
F DRE Dreiser, Theodore, Sister Carrie
F DU Du Maurier, Daphne, Rebecca
F DUB Du Bois, William PËne, The twenty-one balloons,
F DUB Dubus, Andre, House of sand and fog
F DUM Du Maurier, Daphne, The house on the strand.
F DUM Dumas, Alexandre, The Count of Monte Cristo
F DUM Dumas, Alexandre, The man in the iron mask
F DUM Dumas, Alexandre, The three musketeers
F DUN Duncan, Alexandra. Salvage
F DUN Duncan, Alexandra. Sound
F DUN Duncan, Lois, Don't look behind you
F DUN Duncan, Lois, Gallows Hill
F DYG Dygard, Thomas J. Backfield package
F DYG Dygard, Thomas J. Outside shooter
F DYG Dygard, Thomas J. The rookie arrives
F DYG Dygard, Thomas J. Soccer duel
F DYK Dykeman, Wilma. The Tall Woman
F EAR Earley, Tony, Jim the boy : a novel
F EDD Eddings, David. Castle of Wizardry
F EDD Eddings, David. Enchanters' end game
F EDD Eddings, David. Magician's gambit
F EDD Eddings, David. Pawn of prophecy
F EDD Eddings, David. Queen of sorcery
F EDM Edmonds, Walter Dumaux, Drums along the Mohawk,
F EFA Efaw, Amy. After
F EGG Eggers, Dave.
What is the what : the autobiography of Valentino
Achak Deng : a novel
F ELI Eliot, George, Adam Bede
F ELI Eliot, George, Adam Bede
F ELI Eliot, George, The mill on the Floss
F ELI Eliot, George, The mill on the Floss
F ELI Eliot, George, Silas Marner
F ELL Ellison, Ralph. Invisible man
F ELS Elston, Ashley. The rules for disappearing
F ENG Eng, Tan Twan. The gift of rain
F ENZ Enzensberger, Hans Magnus. The number devil : a mathematical adventure
F EPP Epps, Omar, The awakening
F ERI Erickson, Carolly, The hidden diary of Marie Antoinette
F ERS Erskine, Kathryn. Quaking
F ESC Esckilsen, Erik. The last mall rat
F ESQ Esquivel, Laura,
Like water for chocolate : a novel in monthly
installments, with recipes, romances, and home
F EST Estes, Eleanor, The Moffats
F Eug Eugenides, Jeffrey. Middlesex
F EVA Evanovich, Janet. One for the money
F EVA Evans, Richard Paul. Michael Vey : battle of the Ampere
F EVA Evans, Richard Paul. Michael Vey : rise of the Elgen
F EVA Evans, Richard Paul. Michael Vey : the prisoner of cell 25
F EVA Evans, Richard Paul. Michael Vey. : hunt for Jade Dragon
F EWI Ewing, Lynne. The final eclipse
F Ewi Ewing, Lynne. Into the cold fire
F EWI Ewing, Lynne. The lost one
F EWI Ewing, Lynne. Moon demon
F EWI Ewing, Lynne. Night shade
F EWI Ewing, Lynne. Possession
F EWI Ewing, Lynne. The secret scroll
F EWI Ewing, Lynne. The talisman
F FAL Falla, Jack, Saved
F FAN Fantaskey, Beth. Buzz kill
F FAR Farizan, Sara. Tell me again how a crush should feel
F FAR Farley, Walter, The black stallion;
F Far Farmer, Nancy, The Sea of Trolls
F FAR Farmer, Nancy. The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm : a novel
F FAR Farmer, Philip Jo‚se. The fabulous riverboat; : a science fiction novel.
F FAU Faulkner, William, Absalom, Absalom! : the corrected text
F FAU Faulkner, William, Intruder in the dust
F FAU Faulkner, William, Light in August : the corrected text
F FAU Faulkner, William, The sound and the fury
F FEI Feinstein, John. Foul trouble
F FER Ferber, Edna, Giant.
F FER Ferber, Edna, Show boat : a novel
F FIE Field, Rachel. All this and heaven too
F FIE Fielding, Henry, The history of Tom Jones, a foundling
F Fif 50 Cent Playground
F FIN Finney, Ernest J. Winterchill
F FIS Fisher, Catherine, Incarceron
F Fis Fisher, Catherine, Sapphique
F FIT Fitzgerald, F. Scott The Fitzgerald reader.
F FIT Fitzgerald, F. Scott The great Gatsby
F FIT Fitzgerald, F. Scott The great Gatsby
F FIT Fitzgerald, F. Scott Tender is the night
F FIT Fitzpatrick, Becca. Black ice
F FLA Flake, Sharon. Bang!
F FLA Flaubert, Gustave,
Madame Bovary. : Backgrounds and sources; essays in
F FLE Fleischman, Paul. A fate totally worse than death
F FLE Fleischman, Paul. Mind's eye
F FLE Fleischman, Paul. Saturnalia
F FLE Fleischman, Paul. Seek
F FLE Fleischman, Paul. Whirligig
F FLE Fleischman, Paul. Whirligig
F FLE Fleischman, Paul. Whirligig
F FLE Fleischman, Sid. By the Great Horn Spoon!
F FLE Fletcher, Susan, Shadow spinner
F FLI Flinn, Alex. Beastly
F FLI Flinn, Alex. Breathing underwater
F FOL Foley, Jessie Ann. The carnival at Bray
F FOM Fombelle, TimothÈe de, Vango : between sky and earth
F FOR Ford, Peter Shann. The keeper of dreams
F FOR Forester, C. S. The African queen,
F FOR Forman, Gayle. I was here
F FOR Forman, Gayle. If I stay : a novel
F FOR Forman, Gayle. Just one year
F FOR Forster, E. M. A passage to India
F FOX Fox, John, The little shepherd of Kingdom Come
F FOX Fox, Paula. The eagle kite : a novel
F FOX Fox, Paula. The slave dancer; : a novel.
F FRA Frank, E. R. America : a novel
F FRA Fraustino, Lisa Rowe. Ash : a novel
F FRA Frazier, Charles, Cold mountain
F FRE French, Gillian, Sugaring off
F Fre Frey, James, A million little pieces
F FRI Friesen, Gayle. Janey's girl
F FUQ Fuqua, Jonathon Scott. The reappearance of Sam Webber
F GAA Gaarder, Jostein, Sophie's world : a novel about the history of philosophy
F GAG Gagnon, Michelle, Don't let go
F GAI Gaiman, Neil. Anansi boys
F GAI Gaiman, Neil. Neverwhere
F GAI Gaiman, Neil. Stardust
F GAI Gaines, Ernest J., The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman
F GAI Gaines, Ernest J., The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman
F GAI Gaines, Ernest J., The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman
F GAI Gaines, Ernest J., Catherine Carmier : a novel
F GAI Gaines, Ernest J., A gathering of old men
F GAI Gaines, Ernest J., In my father's house
F GAI Gaines, Ernest J., A lesson before dying
F GAL Gallico, Paul, Mrs. 'Arris goes to Paris
F GAL Gallico, Paul, The snow goose,
F GAL Galsworthy, John, The Forsyte saga
F GAR Garcia Marquez, Gabriel Love in the Time of Cholera
F GAR Garcia, Kami. Dangerous creatures
F GAR Garcia, Kami. Unbreakable
F GAR Garcia, Kami. Unmarked
F GAR GarcÌa Marquez, Gabriel, One hundred years of solitude
F GAR Gardner, John, Grendel
F GAV Gavin, Jamila. Coram boy
F GEN Gensler, Sonia. The revenant
F GEO George, Jean Craighead, Julie of the wolves.
F GEO George, Jean Craighead, Julie of the wolves.
F GEO George, Madeleine. Looks
F GER Geras, Adele. Troy
F GID Gideon, Melanie, Pucker
F GIL Giles, Gail. Girls like us
F GIL Giles, L. R. Fake ID
F GIL Giles, Lamar, The getaway
F GIL Gilmore, Kate. The exchange student
F GLA Glancy, Diane. Stone heart : a novel of Sacajawea
F GOD Godbersen, Anna. The luxe
F GOD Godden, Rumer, An episode of sparrows, : a novel.
F GOD Godden, Rumer, The kitchen Madonna.
F GOD Godden, Rumer, The peacock spring
F GOD Godden, Rumer, The river.
F Gol Golden, Arthur, Memoirs of a geisha : a novel
F GON Gong, Chloe, Foul Lady Fortune
F GRA Grahame, Kenneth, The wind in the willows
F GRA Graver, Elizabeth, The honey thief : a novel
F GRA Gray, Elizabeth Janet Adam of the road
F GRA Gray, Elizabeth Janet. I will adventure
F GRE Green, John, An abundance of Katherines
F GRE Green, John, The fault in our stars
F GRE Green, John, Paper towns
F GRE Green, John, Will Grayson, Will Grayson
F GRE Green, John, Will Grayson, Will Grayson
F GRE Green, John. Looking for Alaska : a novel
F GRE Greene, Graham, The power and the glory
F GRE Greene, Graham, The power and the glory
F GRE Grey, Zane, 1872-1939. Under the Tonto Rim
F GRI Griffin, Adele. Amandine
F GRI Griffin, Adele. The other Shepards
F GRI Griffin, Adele. Where I want to be
F GRI Grimes, Nikki. Bronx masquerade
F GRI Grisham, John The Brethren
F GRI Grisham, John The King of Torts
F GRI Grisham, John The Street Lawyer
F GRI Grisham, John The Summons
F GRI Grisham, John The Testament
F GRI Grisham, John. Bleachers
F GRI Grisham, John. Bleachers
F GRI Grisham, John. The chamber
F GRI Grisham, John. The client
F GRI Grisham, John. The firm
F GRI Grisham, John. The last juror
F GRI Grisham, John. A painted house : a novel
F GRI Grisham, John. The partner
F GRI Grisham, John. The rainmaker
F GRI Grisham, John. The runaway jury
F GRI Grisham, John. Theodore Boone : kid lawyer
F Gru Gruen, Sara Water for elephants : a novel
F GUE Guest, Jacqueline. Lightning rider
F GUE Guest, Judith. Ordinary people
F HAD Haddix, Margaret Peterson. Among the hidden
F HAD Haddix, Margaret Peterson. Just Ella
F HAD Haddix, Margaret Peterson. Leaving Fishers
F HAD Haddon, Mark. The curious incident of the dog in the night-time
F HAH Hahn, Mary Downing. Look for me by moonlight
F HAL Halam, Ann. Dr. Franklin's island
F HAL Halpin, Brendan, How ya like me now
F HAM Hamilton, Virginia. M. C. Higgins, the great.
F HAR Hardinge, Frances, Unraveller
F HAR Hardman, Ric Lynden. Sunshine rider : the first vegetarian western
F HAR Hardy, Thomas, Far from the madding crowd
F HAR Hardy, Thomas, Far from the madding crowd
F HAR Hardy, Thomas, Jude the obscure
F HAR Hardy, Thomas, The mayor of Casterbridge
F HAR Hardy, Thomas, The return of the native
F HAR Hardy, Thomas, Tess of the D'Urbervilles
F HAR Harmetz, Aljean. Off the face of the earth
F HAR Hart, John, The king of lies
F HAR Haruf, Kent. Plainsong
F HAU Hautman, Pete, Godless
F HAU Hautman, Pete, Sweetblood
F HAW Hawthorne, Nathaniel, The house of the seven gables
F HAW Hawthorne, Nathaniel, Novels
F HAW Hawthorne, Nathaniel, The scarlet letter : a Kaplan score-raising classic
F HAY Haydon, Elizabeth. Prophecy : child of earth
F HAY Hayes, Daniel. Flyers
F HEA Hearn, Julie, Ivy : a novel
F HEA Hearn, Julie, The minister's daughter
F HEI Heinlein, Robert A. Citizen of the galaxy
F HEI Heinlein, Robert A. Have space suit--will travel.
F HEI Heinlein, Robert A. Job, a comedy of justice
F HEI Heinlein, Robert A. Orphans of the sky, : a novel.
F HEI Heinlein, Robert A. Starman Jones;
F HEI Heinlein, Robert A. Stranger in a strange land
F HEL Heller, Joseph. Catch-22, : a novel.
F HEM Hemingway, Ernest, For whom the bell tolls
F HEM Hemingway, Ernest, The old man and the sea
F HEM Hemingway, Ernest, The sun also rises
F HEN Henry, April. Girl, stolen
F HEN Henry, Marguerite, Misty of Chincoteague;
F HER Herbert, Brian. Dune. The battle of Corrin.
F HER Herbert, Brian. Dune. The Butlerian Jihad.
F HER Herbert, Brian. Hunters of Dune
F HER Herbert, Frank. Children of Dune
F HER Herbert, Frank. Dune
F HER Herbert, Frank. Dune messiah
F HER Herbert, Frank. God Emperor of Dune
F HER Herlong, Madaline. The great wide sea
F HER Hersey, John, A bell for Adano
F HER Hersey, John, A bell for Adano
F HER Hersey, John, A single pebble.
F HER Hersey, John, The wall.
F HES Hesse, Hermann, Siddhartha
F HES Hesser, Terry Spencer. Kissing doorknobs
F Hia Hiaasen, Carl. Scat
F HIC Hicks, Robert, The widow of the south
F HIG Higgins, M. G. I'm just me
F HIL Hill, Ernest, A life for a life : a novel
F HIL Hillerman, Tony. Talking God
F HIL Hilton, James, Lost horizon
F HIN Hinton, S. E. Rumble fish
F HIN Hinton, S. E. Rumble fish
F HIN Hinton, S. E. Tex
F HIN Hinton, S. E. That was then, this is now
F HIT Hite, Sid. It's nothing to a mountain
F HOB Hobbs, Valerie.
Letting go of Bobby James, or, How I found myself of
F HOB Hobbs, Valerie. Tender
F HOB Hobbs, Will. Downriver
F HOB Hobbs, Will. Jason's gold
F HOB Hobbs, Will. The maze
F HOO Hoobler, Dorothy. The ghost in the Tokaido Inn
F HOP Hope, Anthony, The prisoner of Zenda
F HOP Hopkins, Ellen. Crank
F HOP Hopkins, Ellen. Glass
F HOP Hopkins, Ellen. Identical
F HOR Horvath, Polly. The canning season
F HOS Hosseini, Khaled. The kite runner
F HOS Hosseini, Khaled. The kite runner
F HOS Hosseini, Khaled. A thousand splendid suns
F HOT Hotze, Sollace. A circle unbroken
F HOU Houston, Julian. New boy
F HOW Howe, James, 1946- The watcher
F HOW Howe, Katherine, Conversion
F HOW Howe, Norma. The adventures of blue avenger
F HOW Howe, Norma. The adventures of Blue Avenger : a novel
F HOW Howe, Norma. Blue Avenger cracks the code
F HOW Howells, William Dean, The rise of Silas Lapham
F HUD Hudson, W. H. Green mansions : a romance of the tropical forest
F HUG Hughes, Dean, Soldier boys
F HUG Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown's School Days
F HUG Hugo, Victor, The hunchback of Notre-Dame
F Hug Hugo, Victor, Les misÈrables
F HUN Hunt, Irene. Across five Aprils
F Hun Hunter, Travis, At the crossroads
F HUN Huntley, Amy. The everafter
F HUX Huxley, Aldous. Eyeless in Gaza
F ING Ingold, Jeanette. Mountain solo
F IRV Irving, Washington, The legend of Sleepy Hollow
F ISH Ishiguro, Kazuo, Never let me go
F JAC Jackson, Helen Hunt. Ramona
F JAC Jackson, Shirley, The haunting of Hill House.
F JAC Jackson, Shirley, The lottery
F JAC Jackson, Tiffany D., The weight of blood
F JAC Jacques, Brian.
The angel's command : a tale from the castaways of
the Flying Dutchman
F JAC Jacques, Brian. The Bellmaker
F JAC Jacques, Brian. The legend of Luke
F JAM James, Henry, The portrait of a lady.
F JAM James, Henry, The turn of the screw
F JAM James, Henry, Washington Square
F JAM James, Henry. What Masie Knew; In the Cage; The Pupil
F JEN Jenkins, A. M. Repossessed
F JIM JimÈnez, Francisco, The circuit : stories from the life of a migrant child
F JIN Jinks, Catherine. The reformed vampire support group
F JOB Jobling, Curtis. Nest of serpents
F JOB Jobling, Curtis. Rage of lions
F JOB Jobling, Curtis. Shadow of the Hawk
F JOB Jobling, Curtis. Storm of sharks
F JOB Jobling, Curtis. War of the Werelords
F JOB Jobling, Curtis. Wereworld : rise of the wolf
F JOH John, Antony. Five flavors of Dumb
F JOH Johnson, Angela, The first part last
F JOH Johnson, Angela, Sweet, hereafter
F JOH Johnson, Maureen, 13 little blue envelopes
F JOH Johnson, Maureen, Nine liars
F JOH Johnston, E. K. The story of Owen : dragon slayer of Trondheim
F JOL Jolin, Paula. In the name of God
F JON Jones, Diana Wynne. Castle in the air
F Jon Jones, Diana Wynne. The chronicles of Chrestomanci : volume 1.
F Jon Jones, Diana Wynne. The chronicles of Chrestomanci : volume 2.
F Jon Jones, Diana Wynne. The chronicles of Chrestomanci.
F JON Jones, Diana Wynne. Dark Lord of Derkholm
F JON Jones, Diana Wynne. Year of the griffin
F JON Jones, Jasmine. Coach Carter
F JON Jones, Tayari. Silver sparrow : a novel
F JOR Jordan, Robert, Crossroads of twilight
F JOR Jordan, Robert, A crown of swords
F JOR Jordan, Robert, The eye of the world
F JOR Jordan, Robert, The fires of heaven
F JOR Jordan, Robert, The gathering storm
F JOR Jordan, Robert, Knife of dreams
F JOR Jordan, Robert, The path of daggers
F JOR Jordan, Robert, Towers of midnight
F JOR Jordan, Robert, Winter's heart
F JOR Jordan, Robert. The dragon reborn
F JOR Jordan, Robert. The great hunt
F JOR Jordan, Robert. Lord of chaos
F JOR Jordan, Robert. The shadow rising
F JOR Jordan, Sherryl. The raging quiet
F JOY Joyce, James, A portrait of the artist as a young man
F JOY Joyce, James, A portrait of the artist as a young man.
F JUS Juster, Norton, The Phantom Tollbooth
F KAD Kadohata, Cynthia. Kira-kira
F KAN Kantor, MacKinlay, Voice of Bugle Ann
F KAN Kantor, Melissa. The breakup bible : a novel
F KAP Kaplow, Robert. Me and Orson Welles : a novel
F KAR Karon, Jan Shepherds Abiding
F KAR Karon, Jan, Home to Holly Springs
F KAS Kass, Pnina. Real time : a novel
F KAT Katcher, Brian. Playing with matches
F KAU Kaufman, Bel. Up the down staircase.
F KEL Kellogg, Marjorie. Tell me that you love me, Junie Moon
F KEL Kelly, Eric Philbrook, The trumpeter of Krakow
F KER Kerr, M. E. Slap your sides : a novel
F KES Kesey, Ken. One flew over the cuckoo's nest, : a novel.
F KEY Key, Alexander, Escape to Witch Mountain.
F KEY Keyes, Frances Parkinson, Dinner at Antoine's
F KHO Khoury, Jessica, Vitro
F Kid Kidd, Ronald. Monkey town : the summer of the Scopes trial
F KID Kidd, Ronald. On Beale Street
F KID Kidd, Sue Monk. The mermaid chair
F KID Kidd, Sue Monk. The secret life of bees
F KID Kidd, Sue Monk. The secret life of bees
F Kim Hallway diaries
F Kim Hallway diaries
F Kim Bryant, Simone. Fabulous
F Kim Byrd, A. J. Chasing Romeo : a BFF novel
F Kim Cross, Cecil R. First semester
F Kim Cross, Cecil R. Next semester
F Kim Davis, Joyce Can't stop the shine
F Kim Duck, Phillip Thomas. Dirty Jersey
F Kim Duck, Phillip Thomas. Dirty Jersey
F Kim Duck, Phillip Thomas. Dirty south
F Kim Duck, Phillip Thomas. Dirty south
F Kim Hayden, A matter of attitude
F KIM Kim, Helen S. The long season of rain
F Kim McKayhan, Monica. Deal with it
F Kim McKayhan, Monica. Indigo summer
F Kim McKayhan, Monica. Jaded
F Kim McKayhan, Monica. The pact : an Indigo novel
F Kim McKayhan, Monica. Trouble follows : an Indigo novel
F Kim Sarkar, Dona. How to salsa in a sari
F Kim Sarkar, Dona. How to salsa in a sari
F Kim Sarkar, Dona. Shrink to fit
F Kim Sarkar, Dona. Shrink to fit
F Kim Schraff, Anne E. Facing it
F Kim Sewell, Earl. Decision time
F Kim Sewell, Earl. Keysha's drama
F Kim Taylor, Chandra Sparks. The pledge
F Kim Taylor, Chandra Sparks. The pledge
F KIN King, A. S. Please ignore Vera Dietz
F KIN King, A. S. Reality Boy
F KIN King, Laurie R.
The beekeeper's apprentice, or on the segregation of
the queen
F KIN King, Stephen, Bag of bones
F KIN King, Stephen, Black house
F KIN King, Stephen, Cell : a novel
F KIN King, Stephen, The Dark Tower
F KIN King, Stephen, Desperation
F KIN King, Stephen, Doctor Sleep : a novel
F KIN King, Stephen, The drawing of the three
F KIN King, Stephen, Dreamcatcher
F KIN King, Stephen, Duma Key
F KIN King, Stephen, The eyes of the dragon : a story
F KIN King, Stephen, Four past midnight
F KIN King, Stephen, The green mile : the complete serial novel
F KIN King, Stephen, The gunslinger
F KIN King, Stephen, Needful things
F KIN King, Stephen, Song of Susannah
F KIN King, Stephen, The talisman : a novel
F KIN King, Stephen, The waste lands
F KIN King, Stephen, Wizard and glass
F KIN King, Stephen, Wolves of the Calla
F KIN Kingsley, Charles.
Westward ho! : or, the Voyages and adventures of Sir
Amyas Leigh...
F KIN Kingsolver, Barbara. The poisonwood Bible : a novel
F KIN Kingsolver, Barbara. Prodigal summer : [a novel]
F Kip Kipling, Rudyard, The jungle book
F KIP Kipling, Rudyard, Puck of Pook's Hill
F KIP Kipling, Rudyard. The light that failed
F KLA Klass, David. Danger zone
F KLA Klass, David. Screen test
F KLA Klass, David. Second impact
F KLA Klause, Annette Curtis. Blood and chocolate
F KLE Kleier, Glenn. The last day
F KLU Kluger, Steve. Last days of summer : a novel
F KLU Kluger, Steve.
My most excellent year : a novel of love, Mary Poppins,
& Fenway Park
F KNE Kneale, Matthew, English passengers
F KNO Knowles, John, Peace breaks out
F KNO Knowles, John, A separate peace; : a novel.
F KNO Knowles, John, A separate peace; : a novel.
F KOE Koertge, Ronald. Coaltown Jesus
F KOE Koertge, Ronald. The Harmony Arms
F KOJ Koja, Kathe. The blue mirror
F KOJ Koja, Kathe. Kissing the bee
F KON Konigsburg, E. L. From the mixed-up files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler,
F KON Konigsburg, E. L. Silent to the bone
F KOO Koontz, Dean R. Cold fire
F KOO Koontz, Dean R. Lightning
F KOO Koontz, Dean R. Midnight
F KOR Koryta, Michael. Those who wish me dead
F KOS Kostick, Conor, Edda
F KOS Kostick, Conor, Saga
F KOS Kostick, Conor. Epic
F KRE Krech, Bob. Rebound
F KRU Krumgold, Joseph, ... and now Miguel.
F KRU Krumgold, Joseph, Onion John.
F KWA Kwasney, Michelle D., Baby Blue
F LAL Lalami, Laila, Hope & other dangerous pursuits
F LAM L'Amour, Louis, Jubal Sackett
F LAM L'Amour, Louis, The Sackett brand
F LAM L'Amour, Louis, Sackett.
F LAM Lamb, Wally. I know this much is true
F LAN Lane, Rose Wilder, Let the hurricane roar,
F LAN Lane, Rose Wilder, Young pioneers
F LAN Lange, Erin Jade. Butter
F LAS Lasky, Kathryn. Beyond the burning time
F LAS Lasky, Kathryn. True north : a novel of the underground railroad
F LAV Lavender, William.
Just Jane : a daughter of England caught in the struggle
of the American Revolution
F LAW Lawrence, D. H. Sons and lovers
F LAW Lawrence, Iain, B for Buster
F LAW Lawrence, Iain, Ghost boy
F LAW Lawrence, Iain, The wreckers
F LAW Lawrence, Michael. A crack in the line
F LAX Laxalt, Robert, Dust devils
F LAY Laybourne, Emmy. Savage drift
F LAY Laymon, Kiese. Long division : a novel
F LED Lederer, William J., The ugly American
F Lee Lee, Harper. To kill a mockingbird
F Lee Lee, Harper. To kill a mockingbird
F LEE Lee, Kristen R., Sun keep rising
F LEE Lee, Tanith. Wolf Tower
F LEG Le Guin, Ursula K., The tombs of Atuan
F LEH Lehane, Dennis. Mystic river
F LEN L'Engle, Madeleine. The arm of the starfish.
F LEN L'Engle, Madeleine. Many waters
F LEN L'Engle, Madeleine. A swiftly tilting planet
F Len L'Engle, Madeleine. A wind in the door.
F Len L'Engle, Madeleine. A wrinkle in time
F LES Les Becquets, Diane. Love, Cajun style
F LEV Levine, James, Bingo's run : a novel
F LEV Levine, Kristin The lions of Little Rock
F LEV Levithan, David. Another day
F LEV Levithan, David.
Hold me closer : the Tiny Cooper story : a musical in
novel form (or, a novel in musical form)
F LEW Lewis, C. S. The lion, the witch, and the wardrobe
F LEW Lewis, C. S. Till we have faces; : a myth retold.
F LEW Lewis, R. C. Stitching Snow
F Lew Lewis, Richard, The killing sea
F LEW Lewis, Sinclair, Babbitt
F LEW Lewis, Sinclair, Main street
F LIN Lindelauf, Benny, Nine Open Arms
F LIP Lipsyte, Robert. The brave
F LIP Lipsyte, Robert. Raiders night
F LIT Littke, Lael. Lake of secrets
F LLO Lloyd, Saci. The carbon diaries 2015
F LLO Lloyd, Saci. The carbon diaries 2017
F LO Lo, Malinda. Ash
F LOC Lockhart, E.
The disreputable history of Frankie Landau-Banks : a
F LOC Lockhart, E. We were liars
F LOG Logue, Mary. Dancing with an alien
F LON London, Jack, Burning Daylight.
F LON London, Jack, White Fang
F LON London, Jack. The sea wolf
F LOR Lore, Pittacus. I am number four
F LOR Lore, Pittacus. The power of Six
F LOR Lore, Pittacus. The revenge of seven
F LOW Lowry, Lois. Gathering blue
F LOW Lowry, Lois. The giver
F LOW Lowry, Lois. The giver
F LOW Lowry, Lois. Messenger
F LUB Lubar, David. Sleeping freshmen never lie
F LUP Lupica, Mike. Heat
F LUR Lurie, April. The latent powers of Dylan Fontaine
F LUS Lustig, ArnoÈst. Lovely green eyes : a novel
F LYG Lyga, Barry. The astonishing adventures of Fanboy & Goth Girl
F LYG Lyga, Barry. Blood of my blood
F LYG Lyga, Barry. Game
F LYG Lyga, Barry. I hunt killers
F LYN Lynch, Chris. Inexcusable
F LYN Lynch, Chris. Slot machine
F MAA Maalouf, Amin. Balthasar's odyssey
F MAC MacDonald, George, At the back of the North Wind.
F MAC MacGregor, Rob. Hawk moon
F MAC Maclean, Norman, A river runs through it
F MAD Madigan, L. K. Flash burnout : a novel
F MAG Magoon, Kekla. The rock and the river
F MAG Maguire, Gregory. Confessions of an ugly stepsister
F MAG Maguire, Gregory.
Wicked : the life and times of the wicked witch of the
West : a novel
F MAH Mahy, Margaret. Alchemy
F MAL Malamud, Bernard. A new life.
F MAR Marchetta, Melina, Jellicoe Road
F MAR Marchetta, Melina, Looking for Alibrandi
F MAR Marchetta, Melina, Saving Francesca
F MAR Marillier, Juliet. Child of the prophecy
F MAR Marillier, Juliet. Daughter of the forest
F MAR Marillier, Juliet. Son of the shadows
F MAR Marillier, Juliet. Wolfskin
F MAR Markandaya, Kamala, Nectar in a sieve
F MAR Marks, Graham, Missing in Tokyo : a novel
F MAR Marshall, Catherine, Christy
F MAR Marshall, Kate Alice, These fleeting shadows
F MAR Martel, Yann. Life of Pi : a novel
F MAR Martel, Yann. Life of Pi : a novel
F MAR Martinez, Victor, Parrot in the oven : mi vida : a novel
F MAS Mason, Bobbie Ann. An atomic romance : a novel
F MAS Mason, Bobbie Ann. In country : a novel
F MAT Matar, Hisham, In the country of men
F MAT Matheson, Richard, I am legend
F MAT Matheson, Richard, What dreams may come : a novel
F MAT Mathieu, Jennifer. The truth about Alice
F MAU Maugham, W. Somerset Of human bondage
F MAU Maurois, Andre The weigher of souls; : & The earth dwellers.
F May Mayle, Peter. A good year
F MAZ Mazer, Norma Fox, After the rain
F MAZ Mazer, Norma Fox, Out of control
F MAZ Mazer, Norma Fox, When she was good
F MCB McBride, Lish. Hold me closer, necromancer
F MCC McCabe, Pat, Emerald germs of Ireland
F McC McCaffrey, Anne. All the Weyrs of Pern
F MCC McCaffrey, Anne. Dragondrums
F MCC McCaffrey, Anne. The dragonriders of Pern
F MCC McCaffrey, Anne. Dragonsinger
F MCC McCaffrey, Anne. Dragonsong
F MCC McCaffrey, Anne. Moreta, dragonlady of Pern
F McC McCall Smith, Alexander, The miracle at Speedy Motors
F MCC McCall Smith, Alexander, The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency
F MCC McCall Smith, Alexander, Tears of the giraffe
F MCC McCarthy, Cormac, All the pretty horses
F MCC McCarthy, Cormac, The road
F MCC McCarthy, Maureen, Rose by any other name
F MCC McCaughrean, Geraldine. The pirate's son
F MCC McCormick, Patricia, Sold
F MCC McCullers, Carson, The heart is a lonely hunter
F MCC McCullers, Carson, The member of the wedding
F MCC McCullers, Carson, The member of the wedding
F MCD McDonald, Joyce. Swallowing stones
F McE McEwan, Ian. Atonement : a novel
F MCG McGhee, Alison, All rivers flow to the sea
F MCK McKinley, Robin. Deerskin
F MCM McMann, Lisa. Wake
F McM McMorris, Kristina. Letters from home
F MCM McMurtry, Larry. Boone's Lick : a novel
F MCM McMurtry, Larry. Comanche moon : a novel
F MCM McMurtry, Larry. Lonesome Dove : a novel
F MCN McNamee, Graham. Acceleration
F MCN McNeal, Laura. Crooked
F MCN McNeal, Laura. Crushed
F MED Medvei, Cornelius, Mr. Thundermug
F MEH Mehrotra, Rati, Night of the raven, dawn of the dove
F MEL Meldrum, Christina. Madapple
F MEL Melville, Herman, Moby Dick, or, The whale
F MEL Melville, Herman,
Redburn, his first voyage ; White-jacket, or, The world in
a man-of-war ; Moby-Dick, or, The whale
F MEL Melville, Herman,
Typee : a peep at Polynesian life ; Omoo : a narrative of
adventures in the South Seas ; Mardi, and a voyage
F MEY Meyer, Carolyn. Mary, Bloody Mary
F MEY Meyer, Marissa. Winter
F MEY Meyer, Stephenie, Breaking dawn
F MEY Meyer, Stephenie, Eclipse
F Mey Meyer, Stephenie, The host : a novel
F MEY Meyer, Stephenie, New moon
F MEY Meyer, Stephenie, Twilight
F MEY Meyer, Stephenie, Twilight
F MIC Michener, James A. Mexico
F MIK Mikaelsen, Ben, Ghost of Spirit Bear
F MIK Mikaelsen, Ben, Petey
F MIK Mikaelsen, Ben, Touching Spirit Bear
F MIN Minato, Kanae, Confessions : a novel
F MIN Minnicks, Jamila, Moonrise over New Jessup : a novel
F MIT Mitchard, Jacquelyn. All we know of heaven : a novel
F MIT Mitchard, Jacquelyn. The deep end of the ocean
F Mit Mitchell, Margaret, Gone with the wind
F MIY Miyazaki, Hayao, Shuna's journey
F MOE Moers, Walter,
The 13 1/2 lives of Captain Bluebear : being the
demibiography of a seagoing bear, with numerous
illustrations and excerpts from the Encyclopaedia of the
marvels, life froms and other phenomena of Zamonia
and its environs by Professor Abdullah Nightingale
F MOE Moers, Walter,
Rumo & his miraculous adventures : a novel in two
F MOH Mohammad, Deena, Shubeik lubeik
F MOR Morey, Walt. Gentle Ben,
F MOR Morgenroth, Kate. Jude
F MOR Mori, Kyoko. Shizuko's daughter
F MOR Morley, Christopher, Parnassus on wheels;
F MOR Morpurgo, Michael. Private Peaceful
F MOR Morpurgo, Michael. The war of Jenkins' ear
F MOR Morrison, Toni. Beloved : a novel
F MOR Morrison, Toni. The bluest eye; : a novel.
F MOR Morrison, Toni. Jazz
F MOR Morrison, Toni. Paradise
F Mor Morrison, Toni. Paradise
F MOR Morrison, Toni. Sula.
F MOR Morrison, Toni. Tar baby
F MOR Morson, Ian. Falconer and the great beast
F Mow Mowll, Joshua. Operation Red Jericho
F MUL Mullin, Mike. Ashen winter
F MUL Mullin, Mike. Ashfall
F MUL Mullin, Mike. Sunrise
F MUR Murakami, Haruki,
Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and his years of pilgrimage : a
F MUR Murdock, Catherine Gilbert. Dairy queen
F MUR Murdock, Catherine Gilbert. Front and center
F MUR Murdock, Catherine Gilbert. The off season
F MUR Murphy, Rita. Harmony
F MYE Myers, Walter Dean, Autobiography of my dead brother
F MYE Myers, Walter Dean, Crystal
F MYE Myers, Walter Dean, Fallen angels
F MYE Myers, Walter Dean, Game
F MYE Myers, Walter Dean, The Glory Field
F MYE Myers, Walter Dean, Hoops : a novel
F MYE Myers, Walter Dean, Lockdown
F MYE Myers, Walter Dean, Monster
F MYE Myers, Walter Dean, The outside shot
F MYE Myers, Walter Dean, The righteous revenge of Artemis Bonner
F MYE Myers, Walter Dean, Slam!
F MYE Myers, Walter Dean, Somewhere in the darkness
F MYE Myers, Walter Dean, The young landlords
F MYR Myracle, Lauren, Shine
F NAB Nabokov, Vladimir Bend Sinister
F NAI Naidoo, Beverley. The other side of truth
F NAM Namioka, Lensey. An ocean apart, a world away : a novel
F NAM Namioka, Lensey. Ties that bind, ties that break : a novel
F NAP Napoli, Donna Jo, Breath
F NAP Napoli, Donna Jo, Sirena
F NAS Naslund, Sena Jeter. Ahab's wife, or, The star-gazer : a novel
F NAY Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. Faith, hope, and Ivy June
F NEL Nelson, Antonya. Living to tell : a novel
F NEL Nelson, Blake, Prom anonymous
F NEL Nelson, Blake, Recovery Road
F NEL Nelson, Jandy. The sky is everywhere
F NES Ness, Patrick, The Ask and the Answer
F NES Ness, Patrick, The Ask and the Answer
F NES Ness, Patrick, The knife of never letting go
F NES Ness, Patrick, The knife of never letting go
F NES Ness, Patrick, Monsters of men
F NES Ness, Patrick, Monsters of men
F NEU Neumeier, Rachel. The Floating Islands
F NG Ng, Celeste. Everything I never told you
F NIV Niven, Jennifer. All the bright places
F Nix Nix, Garth. Abhorsen
F NIX Nix, Garth. Lirael : daughter of the Clayr
F NIX Nix, Garth. Sabriel
F NIX Nixon, Joan Lowery. Don't scream
F NIX Nixon, Joan Lowery. Shadowmaker
F NIX Nixon, Joan Lowery. Who are you?
F NOL Nolan, Han. Dancing on the edge
F NOL Nolan, Han. A face in every window
F NYE Nye, Naomi Shihab. Habibi
F NYE Nye, Robert. The late Mr. Shakespeare
F O G Guilin, Peadar. The inferior
F OAT Oates, Joyce Carol, Black water
F OBR O'Brian, Patrick, H.M.S. Surprise
F OBR O'Brian, Patrick, Master and commander
F OBR O'Brian, Patrick, Post captain
F Obr O'Brien, Tim, The things they carried : a work of fiction
F ODE O'Dell, Scott, Island of the Blue Dolphins.
F OKO Okorafor-Mbachu, Nnedi. Akata witch
F OKO Okorafor-Mbachu, Nnedi. Zahrah the Windseeker
F OLI Oliver, Lauren, Before I fall
F ONO OnomÈ, Louisa, Twice as perfect
F OPP Oppel, Kenneth. Airborn
F ORC Orczy, Emmuska Orczy, The Scarlet Pimpernel
F ORW Orwell, George, Animal farm
F ORW Orwell, George, Nineteen eighty-four, : a novel.
F Owe Owen, James A. Here, there be dragons
F Owe Owen, James A. The indigo king
F Owe Owen, James A. The search for the Red Dragon
F OYE Oyeyemi, Helen. The Icarus girl
F PAD Padua, Sydney. The thrilling adventures of Lovelace and Babbage
F PAL Palahniuk, Chuck. Fight Club : a novel
F PAN Panitch, Amanda. Damage done
F Pao Paolini, Christopher Inheritance : or the vault of souls
F PAO Paolini, Christopher.
Brisingr, or, The seven promises of Eragon Shadeslayer
and Saphira Bjartskular
F PAO Paolini, Christopher. Eldest
F PAO Paolini, Christopher. Eragon
F Par Park, Linda Sue. A long walk to water : a novel
F Pat Patneaude, David. Epitaph Road
F PAT Patterson, James, The angel experiment
F PAT Patterson, James, Saving the world and other extreme sports
F PAT Patton, Frances Gray. Good morning, Miss Dove;
F PAU Paulsen, Gary. Brian's winter
F PAU Paulsen, Gary. Canyons
F PAU Paulsen, Gary. The car
F PAU Paulsen, Gary. The river
F PAU Paulsen, Gary. Sarny, a life remembered
F PAU Paulsen, Gary. Soldier's heart : a novel of the Civil War
F PEA Pearson, Mary The adoration of Jenna Fox
F PEA Pearson, Mary A room on Lorelei Street
F PEC Peck, Richard, Amanda Miranda
F PEC Peck, Richard, A long way from Chicago : a novel in stories
F PEC Peck, Richard, The river between us
F PEC Peck, Robert Newton. A day no pigs would die.
F Pen de la PeÒa, Matt. The living
F PEN Penman, Sharon Kay. The reckoning
F PEN Pennebaker, Ruth. Don't think twice
F PEN PeÒa, Matt de la. Mexican whiteboy
F PER Perera, Anna. Guantanamo boy
F Per Perkins, Lynne Rae. As easy as falling off the face of the earth
F PFE Pfeffer, Susan Beth, This world we live in
F Phi Philbrick, W. R. The last book in the universe
F Pic Picoult, Jodi, Change of heart : a novel
F PIC Picoult, Jodi, My sister's keeper : a novel
F PIC Picoult, Jodi, Nineteen minutes : a novel
F Pic Picoult, Jodi, Sing you home : a novel
F Pic Picoult, Jodi, The tenth circle
F PIE Pierce, Meredith Ann. The Darkangel
F PIE Pierce, Meredith Ann. A gathering of Gargoyles
F PIK Pike, Christopher, Alosha
F PIN Pink, Randi, We are the scribes
F PLA Plath, Sylvia. The bell jar.
F PLA Plath, Sylvia. The bell jar.
F PLA Plath, Sylvia. The bell jar.
F PLA Platt, Randall Beth, The likes of me
F PLU Plum-Ucci, Carol, The body of Christopher Creed
F POR Porter, Tracey. Lark
F POR Portis, Charles. True grit; : a novel.
F POT Potok, Chaim. The chosen; : a novel.
F POW Powell, Randy. Tribute to another dead rock star
F POW Powell, Randy. The whistling toilets
F PRA Pratchett, Terry. The illustrated Wee Free Men : a story of discworld
F PRA Pratchett, Terry. Nation
F PRE Preus, Margi.
Heart of a samurai : based on the true story of
Nakahama Manjiro
F PRI Price, Charlie. Lizard people
F PRO Prose, Francine, After
F PRO Provoost, Anne, In the shadow of the ark
F QUI Quick, Matthew, Boy 21
F QUI Quick, Matthew, Forgive me, Leonard Peacock
F RAC Racculia, Kate. Bellweather rhapsody
F RAI Rainfield, C. A. Scars
F RAL Rallison, Janette, It's a mall world after all
F RAN Rand, Ayn. Anthem
F RAN Rand, Ayn. Atlas shrugged.
F RAN Rand, Ayn. The fountainhead
F RAN Randle, Kristen D. Breaking rank
F RAP Rapp, Adam. Punkzilla
F RAS Raskin, Ellen. The Westing game
F RAV Ravel, Edeet. Held
F RAW Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, The yearling
F RAW Rawls, Wilson.
Where the red fern grows : the story of two dogs and a
F REA Reade, Charles, The cloister and the hearth.
F REE Reed, Kit. Thinner than thou
F REE Reedy, Trent. If you're reading this
F REI Reinhardt, Dana. How to build a house : a novel
F Rei Reinhardt, Dana. The things a brother knows
F REM Remarque, Erich Maria, All quiet on the western front
F REN Renault, Mary, Fire from heaven.
F REN Renault, Mary, The king must die.
F RES Resau, Laura. Red glass
F RET Rettig, Liz. My desperate love diary
F RIC Rice, Anne, Christ the Lord : out of Egypt : a novel
F RIC Rice, Anne, Christ the Lord : the road to Cana : a novel
F RIC Rice, Anne, Memnoch the devil
F Ric Rice, Anne, The vampire Lestat
F RIC Richards, Jame. Three rivers rising : a novel of the Johnstown flood
F RIC Richardson, Samuel, Pamela
F RIC Richardson, Samuel, Pamela
F RIG Riggs, Ransom.
Hollow City : the second novel of Miss Peregrine's
Peculiar Children
F RIG Riggs, Ransom. Library of souls
F RIG Riggs, Ransom. Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
F RIN Rinaldi, Ann.
A break with charity : a story about the Salem witch
F RIN Rinaldi, Ann.
Hang a thousand trees with ribbons : the story of Phillis
F RIN Rinaldi, Ann. In my father's house
F RIN Rinaldi, Ann. Wolf by the ears
F RIO Riordan, Rick. The battle of the Labyrinth
F RIO Riordan, Rick. The blood of Olympus
F RIO Riordan, Rick. The lightning thief
F RIO Riordan, Rick. Percy Jackson's Greek gods
F RIO Riordan, Rick. The sea of monsters
F RIO Riordan, Rick. The son of Neptune
F RIO Riordan, Rick. The sword of summer
F ROB Roberts, Willo Davis. Twisted summer
F ROD Rodgers, Mary, Freaky Friday
F ROL Rolvaag, Ole Edvart. Giants in the earth : a saga of the prairie
F ROS Rosoff, Meg. How I live now
F ROT Roth, Philip. The human stain
F ROT Roth, Veronica. Allegiant
F ROT Roth, Veronica. Four : a Divergent collection
F ROT Rothfuss, Pat The name of the wind
F Rot Rothfuss, Patrick, The wise man's fear : the Kingkiller Chronicle, day two
F ROT Rottman, S. L. Hero
F ROW Rowell, Rainbow. Carry on : the rise and fall of Simon Snow
F ROW Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
F ROW Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
F ROW Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the deathly hallows
F ROW Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the deathly hallows
F ROW Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the goblet of fire
F ROW Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
F ROW Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone
F ROW Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone
F ROW Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
F ROZ Rozan, S. J. Winter and night
F RUB Rubens, Mike. Sons of the 613
F RUB Ruby, Laura. Bone Gap
F RUT Rutkoski, Marie. The winner's curse
F RYA Ryan, Carrie. The dark and hollow places
F RYA Ryan, Carrie. The dead-tossed waves
F RYA Ryan, Pam MuÒoz. Echo
F RYA Ryan, Patrick, Saints of Augustine
F SAB Sabatini, Rafael, Captain Blood.
F SAB Sabatini, Rafael, Scaramouche : a romance of the French Revolution
F SAC Sachar, Louis Holes
F Sac Sachar, Louis, The cardturner
F SAC Sachar, Louis, Holes
F SAE Saedi, Sara, I miss you, I hate this
F SAI Saint-ExupÈry, Antoine de, The little prince
F SAL Salinger, J. D. The catcher in the rye.
F SAL Salinger, J. D. Franny and Zooey.
F SAL Salinger, J. D.
Raise high the roof beam, carpenters, : and Seymour--
an introduction.
F SAL Salten, Felix, Bambi
F SAN Sanderson, Brandon. Firefight
F SAN Sanderson, Brandon. The Rithmatist
F SAN Sandford, John, Uncaged
F SAN Sandler, Karen. Rebellion
F SAN Sandler, Karen. Tankborn
F SAP Sapphire, Precious
F SAV Savage, Deborah. Summer hawk
F SAY Sayers, Dorothy Whose Body?
F SCA Scalzi, John, Lock in
F SCH Schaefer, Jack, Shane;
F Sch Schlitz, Laura Amy. The night fairy
F SCH Schmidt, Gary D. Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster boy
F SCH Schmidt, Gary D. Orbiting Jupiter
F SCH Schraff, Anne E. A boy called twister
F SCH Schraff, Anne E. Don't think about tomorrow
F SCH Schraff, Anne E. The Fairest
F SCH Schraff, Anne E. If you were mine
F SCH Schraff, Anne E. Like a broken doll
F SCH Schraff, Anne E. The one for me
F SCH Schraff, Anne E. Out of love for you
F SCH Schraff, Anne E. The outcasts
F SCH Schraff, Anne E. Outrunning the darkness
F SCH Schraff, Anne E. The quality of mercy
F SCH Schraff, Anne E. The rescuers
F SCH Schraff, Anne E. Second chances
F SCH Schraff, Anne E. See no evil
F SCH Schraff, Anne E. Shadows of guilt
F Sch Schraff, Anne E. To be a man
F SCH Schraff, Anne E. A walk in the park
F SCH Schraff, Anne E. Wildflower
F SCH Schrefer, Eliot, Threatened
F SCH Schumacher, Julie, Black box : a novel
F SCH Schwartz, Delmore, In dreams begin responsibilities and other stories
F SCH Schwartz, Virginia Frances. Messenger
F SCI Scieszka, Jon. Math curse
F Sco Scott, Michael, The necromancer
F SCO Scott, Walter, Ivanhoe
F SCO Scott, Walter, Kenilworth : a romance
F SCO Scott, Walter, Quentin Durward
F SCO Scott, Walter, The talisman.
F SEB Alice Sebold The Lovely Bones
F SEB Sebold, Alice. The lovely bones : a novel
F SED Sedgwick, Marcus. Revolver
F SEL Selznick, Brian.
The invention of Hugo Cabret : a novel in words and
F SEL Selznick, Brian. Wonderstruck : a novel in words and pictures
F SEN Senna, Danzy. Caucasia
F SEN Sensel, Joni, The humming of numbers
F SEP Sepetys, Ruta. Between shades of gray
F SEP Sepetys, Ruta. Out of the Easy
F SHA Shaara, Jeff, Gods and generals
F SHA Shaara, Jeff, The last full measure
F Sha Shaara, Michael. The killer angels
F SHA Shamsie, Kamila, Kartography
F SHA Shan, Darren. Cirque du freak : a living nightmare
F SHA Shan, Darren. Cirque du freak : hunters of the dusk
F SHA Shan, Darren. Cirque du freak : killers of the dawn
F SHA Shan, Darren. Cirque du freak : sons of destiny
F SHA Shan, Darren. Cirque du freak : the Vampire Prince
F SHA Shan, Darren. Cirque du freak : the vampire's assistant
F SHA Shan, Darren. Cirque du freak : trials of death
F SHA Shan, Darren. Cirque du freak : tunnels of blood
F SHA Shan, Darren. Cirque du freak : Vampire Mountain
F Sha Shan, Darren. Cirque du Freak: Allies of the night
F Sha Shan, Darren. Cirque du Freak: Lord of the shadows
F Sha Shan, Darren. Cirque du Freak: The Lake of Souls
F SHE Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, Frankenstein
F SHE Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, Frankenstein : a Kaplan SAT score-raising classic
F SHE Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, Frankenstein or The modern Prometheus
F SHE Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, Frankenstein or The modern Prometheus
F SHE Shepard, Sara, Flawless : a pretty little liars novel
F SHE Shepard, Sara, Heartless : a pretty little liars novel
F SHE Shepard, Sara, Killer : a pretty little liars novel
F SHE Shepard, Sara, Unbelievable : a pretty little liars novel
F SHE Shepard, Sara, Wanted : a pretty little liars novel
F SHE Shepard, Sara, Wicked : a pretty little liars novel
F SHI Shinn, Sharon. Jenna Starborn
F Shu Shulman, Mark, Scrawl : a novel
F SHU Shusterman, Neal. Bruiser
F SHU Shusterman, Neal. Challenger deep
F SHU Shusterman, Neal. The dark side of nowhere : a novel
F SHU Shusterman, Neal. Downsiders : a novel
F SHU Shusterman, Neal. Full tilt : a novel
F SHU Shusterman, Neal. The Schwa was here
F SHU Shute, Nevil, On the beach
F SIE Sienkiewicz, Henryk, Quo vadis
F SIH Sihachakr, Sourya, Talli, daughter of the moon.
F SIN Sinclair, Upton, The jungle
F SIT Sitomer, Alan Lawrence. Caged warrior
F SKU Skurzynski, Gloria. Spider's voice
F SLO Sloan, Holly Goldberg, I'll be there : a novel
F SMI Smith, Andrew 100 sideways miles
F SMI Smith, Andrew The Alex crow
F SMI Smith, Andrew Stand off
F SMI Smith, Andrew Winger
F SMI Smith, Betty, Maggie-now
F SMI Smith, Diane. Letters from Yellowstone
F SMI Smith, L. J. Night world no. 2
F SMI Smith, Lee, Family linen
F SMI Smith, Roland, Elephant run
F SNE Sneider, Vern J. The Teahouse of the August Moon
F SNI Snicket, Lemony. The austere academy
F SNI Snicket, Lemony. The bad beginning
F Sni Snicket, Lemony. The carnivorous carnival
F Sni Snicket, Lemony. The end
F SNI Snicket, Lemony. The ersatz elevator
F Sni Snicket, Lemony. The grim grotto
F SNI Snicket, Lemony. The hostile hospital
F SNI Snicket, Lemony. The miserable mill
F Sni Snicket, Lemony. The penultimate peril
F SNI Snicket, Lemony. The reptile room
F SNI Snicket, Lemony. The reptile room
F Sni Snicket, Lemony. The slippery slope
F SNI Snicket, Lemony. The vile village
F SNI Snicket, Lemony. The wide window
F SOL SolzheniÎtÏsyn, Aleksandr Isaevich, One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich
F SOL SolzheniÎtÏsyn, Aleksandr Isaevich, One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich.
F SON Sones, Sonya. One of those hideous books where the mother dies
F SON Sones, Sonya.
Stop pretending : what happened when my big sister
went crazy
F Son Sonnenblick, Jordan. After ever after
F SON Sonnenblick, Jordan. Notes from the midnight driver
F SON Sonnenblick, Jordan. Zen and the art of faking it
F SPA Sparks, Christine. The elephant man
F SPA Sparks, Nicholas. The last song
F SPA Sparks, Nicholas. The lucky one
F SPA Sparks, Nicholas. Message in a bottle
F Spa Sparks, Nicholas. Nights in Rodanthe
F SPA Sparks, Nicholas. Safe haven
F SPA Sparks, Nicholas. A walk to remember
F SPI Spinner, Stephanie. Quiver
F SPR Springer, Nancy. Toughing it
F STA Stahl, Ben. Blackbeard's Ghost
F STA Stahler, David. Doppelganger
F STE Stead, Christina, The man who loved children
F STE Stead, Rebecca. When you reach me
F STE Steinbeck, John, East of Eden.
F STE Steinbeck, John, The grapes of wrath
F STE Steinbeck, John, The short novels of John Steinbeck.
F STE Steinbeck, John, The wayward bus
F STE Steinbeck, John, The winter of our discontent.
F STE Stevenson, Robert Louis, The black arrow.
F STE Stevenson, Robert Louis,
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde : a Kaplan SAT score-raising
F STE Stevenson, Robert Louis, Kidnapped.
F STE Stevenson, Robert Louis, Treasure Island
F STE Stewart, Mary. The moon-spinners
F STI Stiefvater, Maggie, Blue Llly, Lily Blue
F STI Stiefvater, Maggie, Forever
F STI Stiefvater, Maggie, The Scorpio Races
F STI Stiefvater, Maggie, Sinner
F STI Stine, R. L. Call waiting
F STI Stine, R. L. Camp Nowhere
F STI Stine, R. L. Dangerous girls : a novel
F STI Stine, R. L. Don't forget me
F STI Stine, R. L. The New Year's party
F STI Stine, R. L. Silent night
F STI Stine, R. L. Silent night 3
F STI Stine, R. L. Trapped
F STI Stine, R. L. Who killed the homecoming queen?
F STI Stine, R. L. Wicked
F Sto Stockett, Kathryn. The help
F Sto Stockett, Kathryn. The help
F STO Stoker, Bram, Dracula
F STO Stoker, Bram, The illustrated Dracula
F STO Stolz, Mary, Cezanne Pinto : a memoir
F STO Stork, Francisco X. Marcelo in the real world
F Sto Stowe, Harriet Beecher,
Uncle Tom's cabin, or, Life among the lowly ; The
minister's wooing ; Oldtown folks
F STO Stowe, Harriet Beecher, Uncle Tom's cabin.
F STR Strasser, Todd. Wish you were dead
F STR Stratton, Allan. Chanda's secrets
F STR Stratton-Porter, Gene, Freckles
F STR Streatfeild, Noel. Ballet shoes
F STR Streatfeild, Noel. Dancing shoes
F STR Streatfeild, Noel. Party shoes
F STR Streatfeild, Noel. Theater shoes
F STR Struther, Jan, Mrs. Miniver
F STU Stuart, Jesse, Hie to the hunters.
F STY Styron, William, The confessions of Nat Turner
F STY Styron, William, Sophie's choice
F SUP Supplee, Suzanne. Somebody everybody listens to
F Sur Fontes, Justine. Benito runs
F Sur Korman, Susan. Bad deal
F Sur Simon, Charnan. Plan B
F Sur Simon, Charnan. Shattered star
F Sur Weyn, Suzanne. Recruited
F Sut Sutcliff, Rosemary. The eagle of the Ninth
F SUT Sutcliff, Rosemary. The shield ring.
F Sut Sutcliff, Rosemary. The silver branch
F SWA Swanson, Julie A. Going for the record
F SWI Swift, Jonathan, Gulliver's travels
F TAI Taibo, Paco Ignacio, Just passing through
F TAN Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club
F TAN Tan, Amy. Saving fish from drowning
F TAS Tashjian, Janet. The gospel according to Larry
F TAY Taylor, Laini. Daughter of smoke & bone
F TAY Taylor, Laini. Days of blood & starlight
F TAY Taylor, Mildred D. Let the circle be unbroken
F TAY Taylor, Mildred D. The road to Memphis
F TAY Taylor, Mildred D. Roll of thunder, hear my cry
F TAY Taylor, Mildred D. Roll of thunder, hear my cry
F TAY Taylor, Mildred D. Roll of thunder, hear my cry
F TAY Taylor, Peter Hillsman, In the Tennessee country
F Tea Teague, Mark. The doom machine : a novel
F TEL Teller, Janne, Nothing
F THA Thackeray, William Makepeace, The history of Henry Esmond
F THA Thackeray, William Makepeace, Vanity fair : a novel without a hero
F THA Tharp, Tim, Knights of the hill country
F THA Tharp, Tim, The spectacular now
F THO Thomas, Rob. Doing time : notes from the undergrad
F THO Thomson, Sarah L. The dragon's son
F THU Thurber, James, The secret life of Walter Mitty
F THU Thurber, James. White deer
F TIE Tiernan, Cate. Eternally yours
F TIE Tiernan, Cate. Immortal beloved
F TOC Tocher, Timothy. Chief Sunrise, John McGraw, and me
F TOL Tolkien, J. R. R.
The fellowship of the ring : being the first part of The
lord of the rings
F TOL Tolkien, J. R. R. The hobbit
F TOL Tolkien, J. R. R. The hobbit, or, There and back again
F TOL Tolkien, J. R. R. The hobbit; : or, There and back again,
F TOL Tolkien, J. R. R.
The return of the king : being the third part of The lord
of the rings
F TOL Tolkien, J. R. R.
The two towers : being the second part of The lord of
the rings
F TOL Tolstoy, Leo, War and peace
F TOR Toro, Guillermo del, Trollhunters
F TOW Townsend, Sue. The Adrian Mole diaries
F TRE Trevi±o, Elizabeth Borton de, I, Juan de Pareja
F TRI Triana, Gaby. Backstage pass
F TRO Trollope, Anthony, Barchester Towers
F Twa Twain, Mark The prince and the pauper : and other stories
F Twa Twain, Mark,
The adventures of Huckleberry Finn. : With 16 full-page
illus., descriptive captions and introductory remarks
F Twa Twain, Mark, The adventures of Tom Sawyer
F Twa Twain, Mark, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court,
F Twa Twain, Mark,
The prince and the pauper : a tale for young people of
all ages
F UEH Uehashi, Nahoko. Moribito II : Guardian of the Darkness
F UHL Uhlig, Richard. Last dance at the Frosty Queen
F URI Uris, Leon, QB VII
F URI Uris, Leon, Trinity
F V V, Ram, The many deaths of Laila Starr
F VAL Valente, Catherynne M.,
The girl who circumnavigated Fairyland in a ship of her
own making
F VAL Valentine, Jenny. Me, the missing, and the dead
F VAN Vande Velde, Vivian. Companions of the night
F VAN Vande Velde, Vivian. Never trust a dead man
F VAN Vande Velde, Vivian. Never trust a dead man
F VER Verdelle, A. J., The good Negress
F VER Verne, Jules, Around the world in eighty days;
F VER Verne, Jules, From the earth to the moon, : and Round the moon.
F VER Verne, Jules, From the earth to the moon, : and Round the moon.
F VER Verne, Jules, A journey to the centre of the earth.
F VER Verne, Jules, Michael Strogoff : a courier of the Czar
F VER Verne, Jules, Twenty thousand leagues under the sea
F VER Verne, Jules, Twenty thousand leagues under the sea
F VER Verne, Jules. Dr. Ox's Experiment
F VIV Vivian, Siobhan. A little friendly advice
F VLA Vlahos, Len. The Scar Boys : a novel
F Voe Voelkel, Jon. Middleworld (The Jaguar Stones ; bk. 1)
F VOI Voigt, Cynthia. Elske
F VOI Voigt, Cynthia. When she hollers
F Vol Volponi, Paul. Rikers High
F VOL Volponi, Paul. Rooftop
F VOL Volponi, Paul. Rucker Park setup
F VOL Voltaire, Candide, or, Optimism
F VON Von Ziegesar, Cecily. It had to be you : the Gossip Girl prequel
F VRE Vreeland, Susan. The passion of Artemisia
F WAH Wahl, Mats, The invisible
F WAK Wakeman, Frederic. The Hucksters
F WAL Walden, Tillie, Clementine.
F WAL Waldorf, Heather. Fighting the current
F WAL Walker, Alice, The color purple
F Wal Walker, Alice, The color purple
F WAL Wallace, Lew, Ben-Hur
F WAL Wallace, Rich. One good punch
F WAL Walls, Jeannette. Half broke horses : a true-life novel
F WAL Walton, Leslye J. The strange & beautiful sorrows of Ava Lavender
F WAL Walton, Leslye J. The strange & beautiful sorrows of Ava Lavender
F WAL Walton, Leslye J. The strange & beautiful sorrows of Ava Lavender
F WAR Warren, Robert Penn, All the king's men
F Wat Watson, Geoff, Edison's gold
F WAU Waugh, Alec,
Island in the sun; : a story of the 1950's set in the West
F WAU Waugh, Evelyn, The loved one : an Anglo-American tragedy
F WAU Waugh, Evelyn, Vile bodies
F WEA Weaver, Will. Full service
F WEI Wein, Elizabeth. The lion hunter
F WEI Wein, Elizabeth. Rose under fire
F WEI Weir, Andy. The Martian : a novel
F Wei Weisberger, Lauren, Everyone worth knowing
F WEL Wells, H. G. The first men in the moon
F WEL Wells, H. G. The invisible man
F WEL Wells, H. G. The time machine
F WEL Wells, H. G. The war of the worlds
F WEL Wells, H. G.
The war of the worlds : a Kaplan SAT score-raising
F WEL Welter, John, I want to buy a vowel : a novel of illegal alienation
F WEL Welty, Eudora, Complete novels
F WEL Welty, Eudora, Losing battles.
F WEL Welty, Eudora, The optimist's daughter
F WEL Welty, Eudora. The Golden Apples
F WER Werfel, Franz, The song of Bernadette
F WER Werlin, Nancy. Double helix
F WER Werlin, Nancy. Double helix
F Wer Werlin, Nancy. Extraordinary
F WER Werlin, Nancy. Impossible
F WER Wersba, Barbara. Whistle me home
F WES West, Jessamyn.
Except for me and thee; : a companion to The friendly
F WES West, Jessamyn. The friendly persuasion
F WES West, Jessamyn. A matter of time
F WES West, Nathanael The Day of the Locust
F WES Westerfeld, Scott. Extras
F WES Westerfeld, Scott. Leviathan
F WES Westerfeld, Scott. Peeps : a novel
F WES Westerfeld, Scott. Pretties
F WES Westerfeld, Scott. The secret hour
F WES Westerfeld, Scott. So yesterday : a novel
F WES Westerfeld, Scott. Specials
F WES Westerfeld, Scott. Uglies
F WEY Weymouth, Laura E., A consuming fire
F WHA Whaley, John Corey. Noggin
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F WHI White, E. B. Stuart Little
F WHI White, E. B. The trumpet of the swan
F WHI White, T. H.
The book of Merlyn : the unpublished conclusion to The
once and future king
F WHI White, T. H. The once and future king.
F Whi Whitney, Daisy. The Mockingbirds
F WHI Whitney, Kim Ablon. See you down the road
F WIB Wibberley, Leonard, The mouse that roared.
F WIE Wiesel, Elie, A beggar in Jerusalem, : a novel,
F WIL Wilde, Oscar, The picture of Dorian Gray
F WIL Wilder, Thornton, The bridge of San Luis Rey
F WIL Wilder, Thornton, The ides of March.
F WIL Wiles, Deborah. Countdown
F WIL Wiles, Deborah. Revolution
F WIL Williams, Carol Lynch. The chosen one
F WIL Williams, Joy. The quick and the dead
F WIL Williams, Lori Aurelia. Shayla's double brown baby blues
F WIL Williams, Lori Aurelia. When Kambia Elaine flew in from Neptune
F WIL Williams-Garcia, Rita. Blue tights
F WIL Williams-Garcia, Rita. Jumped
F WIL Williams-Garcia, Rita. Like sisters on the homefront
F Wil Williams-Garcia, Rita. One crazy summer
F WIL Wilson, Diane L. Firehorse
F WIL Wilson, Diane L. I rode a horse of milk white jade
F WIL Wilson, Kevin, Now is not the time to panic : a novel
F WIL Wilson, Martin, What they always tell us
F WIN Winspear, Jacqueline, Maisie Dobbs : a novel
F WIN Winters, Julian, As you walk on by
F WIS Wister, Owen, The Virginian.
F WIT Wittlinger, Ellen. Razzle
F WIT Wittlinger, Ellen. Sandpiper
F WIT Wittlinger, Ellen. What's in a name?
F WOD Wodehouse, P.G. Nothing But Wodehouse
F WOJ Wojciechowska, Maia, Shadow of a bull.
F WOL Wolfe, Gene. The knight
F WOL Wolfe, Thomas, Look homeward, angel : a story of the buried life
F WOL Wolfe, Thomas,
Of time and the river; : a legend of man's hunger in his
F WOL Wolff, Tobias, Old school : a novel
F WOL Wolff, Virginia Euwer. True believer
F WOL Wolitzer, Meg. Belzhar : a novel
F WOO Wood, Maryrose. My life the musical
F WOO Woodrell, Daniel. Winter's bone : a novel
F WOO Woodson, Jacqueline. After Tupac & D Foster
F WOO Woodson, Jacqueline. Behind you
F WOO Woodson, Jacqueline. From the notebooks of Melanin Sun
F WOO Woodson, Jacqueline. I hadn't meant to tell you this
F WOO Woodson, Jacqueline. If you come softly
F WOO Woolf, Virginia, Mrs. Dalloway
F WOO Woolf, Virginia, To the lighthouse
F WOO Woolston, Blythe. The freak observer
F WOO Woon, Yvonne, My flawless life
F WOU Wouk, Herman, The Caine mutiny, : a novel of World War II.
F WRE Wrede, Patricia C., Dealing with dragons
F WRE Wrede, Patricia C., Searching for dragons
F WRI Wright, Betty Ren. Wuthering Heights
F WRI Wright, Harold Bell, The calling of Dan Matthews
F WRI Wright, Richard, Later works : Black boy (American hunger), The outsider
F WRI Wright, Richard, Native son.
F WYN Wynne-Jones, Tim. The boy in the burning house
F WYN Wynne-Jones, Tim. A thief in the house of memory
F WYS Wyss, Johann David, The Swiss family Robinson
F Yan Yancey, Richard. The curse of the Wendigo
F YAN Yancey, Richard. The infinite sea
F YAN Yancey, Richard. The Isle of Blood
F Yan Yancey, Richard. The monstrumologist : William James Henry
F YAN Yansky, Brian. My road trip to the pretty girl capital of the world
F YOL Yolen, Jane. Armageddon summer
F ZAB Zabus, Vincent, Sophie's world.
F ZAD Zadoff, Allen. Boy Nobody
F ZAD Zadoff, Allen. I am the mission
F ZAD Zadoff, Allen. I am the traitor
F ZAR Zarr, Sara.
Roomies : a novel about friendship, first loves, and
random room assignments
F ZAR Zarr, Sara. Sweethearts : a novel
F ZEM Zemser, Amy Bronwen. Beyond the mango tree
F ZEV Zevin, Gabrielle, Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow
F ZIE Ziegler, Jennifer, How not to be popular
F ZIN Zindel, Paul. The pigman; : a novel.
Fic 813.52
L'Amour, Louis, The lonesome gods : a novel
Fic Abd Abdel-Fattah, Randa, The lines we cross
Fic Aca Acampora, Paul. I kill the mockingbird
Fic Ace Acevedo, Elizabeth, The poet X
Fic Ace Acevedo, Elizabeth, With the fire on high
Fic Ada Adams, Richard, Watership Down
Fic Ahd Ahdieh, RenÈe, The rose & the dagger
Fic Ahd Ahdieh, RenÈe. Flame in the mist
Fic Ahd Ahdieh, RenÈe. The wrath & the dawn
Fic Aik Aiken, Joan,
The serial garden : the complete Armitage family
Fic Alb Albertalli, Becky, What if it's us
Fic Alb Albertalli, Becky, What if it's us
Fic Alc Alcott, Louisa May, Little women ; Little men ; Jo's boys
Fic Ale Alexander, Kwame. Booked
Fic Ale Alexander, Kwame. He said, she said : a novel
Fic Ale Alexander, Kwame. He said, she said : a novel
Fic Ale Alexander, Kwame. Solo
Fic Ali Ali, S. K. Saints and misfits
Fic All Allred, Alexandra Powe. The code
Fic And Anderson, Jodi Lynn, Midnight at the Electric
Fic And Anderson, Laurie Halse, Ashes
Fic And Anderson, Laurie Halse. Chains
Fic And Anderson, Laurie Halse. Chains
Fic And Anderson, Laurie Halse. The impossible knife of memory
Fic And Anderson, Laurie Halse. Twisted
Fic And Anderson, M. T.
The astonishing life of Octavian Nothing, traitor to the
Fic And Anderson, Natalie C., City of saints and thieves
Fic And Andreu, Maria E., The secret side of empty
Fic And Andrews, Jesse. The Haters
Fic And Andrews, Jesse. Me and Earl and the dying girl : a novel
Fic And Andrews, V. C. Flowers in the attic
Fic Ara Arakawa, Jeanette. The little exile
Fic Arc Arcos, Carrie, We are all that's left
Fic Arn Arnold, David, Kids of appetite
Fic Arn Arntson, Steven, The wrap-up list
Fic Ash Asher, Jay, What light
Fic Asi Asimov, Isaac, Fantastic voyage : a novel
Fic Asi Asimov, Isaac, Pebble in the sky
Fic Aus Austen, Jane Emma (Everyman's Library)
Fic Aus Austen, Jane, Sense and sensibility
Fic Aux Auxier, Jonathan. Peter Nimble and his fantastic eyes : a story
Fic Ava Avasthi, Swati. Chasing shadows
Fic Ave Aveyard, Victoria, Red queen
Fic Ave Aveyard, Victoria. Glass sword
Fic Ave Aveyard, Victoria. King's cage
Fic Bac Bacigalupi, Paolo, Tool of war
Fic Bac Bacigalupi, Paolo. The drowned cities
Fic Bac Bacigalupi, Paolo. Ship breaker
Fic Bag Baggott, Julianna. Pure
Fic Bai Bailey, Em. The special ones
Fic Bai Bain, Donald,
Margaret Truman's Experiment in murder : a capital
crimes novel
Fic Bal Baldwin, James, Later novels
Fic Bal Ballard, Alexandra, What I lost
Fic Bal Balog, Cyn, Unnatural deeds
Fic Ban Bantock, Nick.
The golden mean : in which the extraordinary
correspondence of Griffin & Sabine concludes
Fic Ban Bantock, Nick. Griffin & Sabine : an extraordinary correspondence
Fic Ban Bantock, Nick.
The morning star : in which the extraordinary
correspondence of Griffin & Sabine is illuminated
Fic Ban Bantock, Nick.
Sabine's notebook : in which the extraordinary
correspondence of Griffin & Sabine continues
Fic Bar Bardugo, Leigh. Crooked kingdom
Fic Bar Bardugo, Leigh.
The language of thorns : midnight tales and dangerous
Fic Bar Bardugo, Leigh. Six of crows
Fic Bar Bardugo, Leigh. Wonder Woman : Warbringer
Fic Bar Barrows, Annie. The truth according to us : a novel
Fic Bar Barry, Max, Lexicon
Fic Bar Barter, Catherine, Troublemakers
Fic Bau Bauer, Joan, Rules of the road
Fic Bau Baum, L. Frank The wizard of Oz
Fic Bea Beatty, Robert, Serafina and the black cloak
Fic Bel Bell, Alden. The reapers are the angels : a novel
Fic Ben Benaron, Naomi, Running the rift : a novel
Fic Ben Bender, Aimee. The particular sadness of lemon cake : a novel
Fic Ben Benjamin, Melanie, The aviator's wife : a novel
Fic Ben Benoit, Charles, Cold calls
Fic Ben Benway, Robin, Far from the tree
Fic Ber Berry, Julie Lovely War
Fic Ber Berry, Julie, The passion of Dolssa : a novel
Fic Ber Berry, Wendell, Jayber Crow : a novel
Fic Bha Bhathena, Tanaz The Beauty of the Moment
Fic Bic Bick, Ilsa J. Ashes
Fic Bic Bick, Ilsa J. Shadows
Fic Bir Birdsell, Sandra, The Russlander
Fic Bla Black, Holly. The bronze key
Fic Bla Black, Holly. The copper gauntlet
Fic Bla Black, Holly. The iron trial
Fic Bla Blackman, Malorie. Black & white
Fic Bla Blackman, Malorie. Knife edge
Fic Bla Blackstock, Terri Never Again Good-Bye
Fic Bla Blackstock, Terri when Dreams Cross
Fic Bla Blake, Kendare, Three dark crowns
Fic Bla Blake, Kendare. Anna dressed in blood
Fic Bla Blake, Kendare. Girl of nightmares
Fic Blo Block, Francesca Lia. The waters & the wild
Fic Blo Blount, Patty, Someone I used to know
Fic Bly Blythe, Carolita. Revenge of a not-so-pretty girl
Fic Bod Bodeen, S. A. The raft
Fic Bod Bodger, Holly, 5 to 1 : a novel
Fic Boe Boecker, Virginia, An assassin's guide to love & treason
Fic Bol Bolden, Tonya. Crossing Ebenezer Creek
Fic Boo Booth, Coe, Tyrell
Fic Boo Booth, Coe. Bronxwood
Fic Bow Bowman, Akemi Dawn. Starfish
Fic Box Box, C. J. Trophy Hunt
Fic Box Box, C. J. Trophy Hunt
Fic Boy Boyne, John, The boy in the striped pajamas : a fable
Fic Bra Bray, Libba, Before the devil breaks you : a Diviners novel
Fic Bra Bray, Libba. The diviners
Fic Bra Bray, Libba. Lair of dreams : a Diviners novel
Fic Bre Brennan, Herbie. Faerie wars
Fic Bre Brewer, Heather. Second chance
Fic Bre Brewer, Heather. Tenth grade bleeds
Fic Bri Brink, Carol Ryrie, Caddie Woodlawn
Fic Bro Bronte, Emily Wuthering Heights
Fic Bro Bronte, Emily Wuthering Heights
Fic Bro Brooks, Kevin. iBoy
Fic Bro Brooks, Terry The sword of Shannara
Fic Bro Brooks, Terry. The Elfstones of Shannara
Fic Bro Brooks, Terry. The wishsong of Shannara
Fic Bro Brown, Dan, Inferno : a novel
Fic Bro Brown, Jennifer, Shade me
Fic Bru Bruchac, Joseph, Eagle song
Fic Bru Brunt, Carol Rifka. Tell the wolves I'm home : a novel
Fic Bud Budhos, Marina Tamar, Watched
Fic Bur Burg, Shana. Laugh with the moon
Fic Bur Burke, Jan Flight : a novel of suspense
Fic Bur Burnett, Frances Hodgson, The secret garden
Fic Bux Buxbaum, Julie, Tell me three things
Fic Cag Cagan, Kayla, Piper Perish
Fic Cal Calame, Don Swim The Fly
Fic Cal Calame, Don Swim The Fly
Fic Cam Cameron, Sharon, The Forgetting
Fic Cam Cameron, W. Bruce. A dog's purpose
Fic Cam Camus, Albert, The stranger
Fic Can Cantor, Jillian. Margot
Fic Cap Capetta, Amy Rose, The brilliant death
Fic Cap Capote, Truman, Breakfast at Tiffany's : a short novel and three stories
Fic Car Card, Orson Scott. Ender's game
Fic Car Carey, Anna. Once
Fic Car Carey, Anna. Rise
Fic Car Carleson, J. C. The tyrant's daughter
Fic Car Carson, Rae. The girl of fire and thorns
Fic Car Carter, Ally, See how they run
Fic Cas Cashore, Kristin. Bitterblue
Fic Cas Cashore, Kristin. Fire
Fic Cas Cass, Kiera, Happily ever after
Fic Cas Cass, Kiera, The one
Fic Cas Cass, Kiera, The siren
Fic Cas Cass, Kiera. The crown
Fic Cas Cass, Kiera. The Selection
Fic Cas Cass, Kiera. The Selection
Fic Cas Cast, P. C. Awakened
Fic Cas Cast, P. C. Burned
Fic Cas Cast, P. C. Hidden
Fic Cas Cast, P. C. Hunted : a house of night novel
Fic Cas Cast, P. C. Redeemed
Fic Cas Cast, P. C. Revealed
Fic Cas Cast, P. C. Tempted
Fic Cec Cechini, Annie Laurie. Liberty
Fic Cha Chainani, Soman. The School for Good and Evil
Fic Cha Chainani, Soman. The School for Good and Evil : a world without princes
Fic Cha Chainani, Soman. The School for Good and Evil : the last ever after
Fic Cha Chao, Gloria, American panda
Fic Cha Chapman, Elsie, Caster
Fic Che Chee, Traci, The reader : sea of ink and gold
Fic Che Cheever, John. Oh, what a paradise it seems
Fic Chi Chibbaro, Julie, Into the dangerous world
Fic Chi Chima, Cinda Williams. The Crimson Crown : a Seven Realms novel
Fic Chi Chima, Cinda Williams. The exiled queen
Fic Chi Chima, Cinda Williams. Flamecaster
Fic Chi Chima, Cinda Williams. The gray wolf throne
Fic Chi Chima, Cinda Williams. Shadowcaster
Fic Cla Clancy, Tom, Debt of honor
Fic Cla Clancy, Tom, Rainbow Six
Fic Cla Clare, Cassandra. City of heavenly fire
Fic Cla Clare, Cassandra. City of lost souls
Fic Cla Clare, Cassandra. Clockwork prince
Fic Cla Clare, Cassandra. Clockwork princess
Fic Cla Clare, Cassandra. Lady midnight
Fic Cla Clare, Cassandra. Lord of shadows
Fic Cla Clark, Mary Higgins Daddy's little girl
Fic Cla Clarke, Arthur C. 2001: a space odyssey
Fic Cob Coben, Harlan Six Years
Fic Coc Cochrane, Mick. Fitz.
Fic Coh Cohen, Joshua, Leverage
Fic Col Colbert, Brandy, Finding Yvonne
Fic Col Colbert, Brandy, Little & Lion
Fic Col Colfer, Eoin Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony
Fic Col Colfer, Eoin Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception
Fic Col Colfer, Eoin Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception
Fic Col Colfer, Eoin. Artemis Fowl : the time paradox
Fic Col Collins, Suzanne. Mockingjay
Fic Col Collins, Suzanne. Mockingjay
Fic Col Collins, Wilkie, The moonstone
Fic Col Collins, Wilkie, The woman in white
Fic Com Combs, Sarah. Breakfast served anytime
Fic Con Condie, Allyson Braithwaite. Reached
Fic Con Conklin, Tara. The house girl
Fic Con Conrad, Joseph, Lord Jim
Fic Con Conrad, Joseph, The secret agent : a simple tale
Fic Coo Cook, Kristi Eternal
Fic Coo Cook, Kristi Eternal
Fic Coo Cooney,Caroline B. The Voice on the Radio
Fic Coo Cooney,Caroline B. What Janie Found
Fic Coo Cooper, James Fenimore, The deerslayer, or, The first war-path
Fic Coo Cooper, James Fenimore, The leatherstocking tales I
Fic Coo Cooper, James Fenimore, The spy : a tale of the neutral ground
Fic Coo Cooper, Susan, The dark is rising : the complete sequence
Fic Coy Coy, John, Box out
Fic Cra Crane, Stephen,
The red badge of courage : an episode of the American
Civil War
Fic Cro Crowder, Melanie, Audacity
Fic Cul Cullen, Lynn, Mrs. Poe
fic Cum Cummings, Priscilla Red Kayak
fic Cum Cummings, Priscilla Red Kayak
Fic Cur Curley, Marianne. The key
Fic Cus Cusick, John Girl parts
Fic CÛr CÛrdova, Zoraida, Labyrinth lost
Fic Dah Dahl, Roald. The BFG
Fic Dah Dahl, Roald. The wonderful story of Henry Sugar, and six more
Fic Dal Dalby, Rob. A Piggly Wiggly wedding
Fic Das Dashner, James, The death cure
Fic Das Dashner, James, The eye of minds
Fic Das Dashner, James, The fever code
Fic Das Dashner, James, The kill order
Fic Das Dashner, James, The maze runner
Fic Das Dashner, James, The rule of thoughts
Fic Dav Davies, Jacqueline, Lost
Fic Dav Davis, Tanita S. Happy families
Fic DeA DeAngelis, Camille Bones & all
Fic DEF Defoe, Daniel, A journal of the plague year,
Fic Del Dellaira, Ava, In search of us
Fic Der Deracine, Anat, Driving by starlight
Fic Der Derting, Kimberly. Desires of the dead
Fic Der Derting, Kimberly. The last echo
Fic Des Dessen, Sarah, Once and for all : a novel
Fic Des Dessen, Sarah. Just listen : a novel
Fic Des Dessen, Sarah. Lock and key : a novel
Fic Des Dessen, Sarah. Saint Anything : a novel
Fic Des Dessen, Sarah. The truth about forever
Fic Des Dessen, Sarah. What happened to goodbye
Fic Des Destiny, A., Sunset Ranch
Fic Deu Deuker, Carl. Gym candy
Fic DeW DeWoskin, Rachel, Blind
Fic Dic Dickens, Charles, Bleak House.
Fic Dic Dickens, Charles, David Copperfield
Fic Dic Dickens, Charles, Great expectations
Fic Dic Dickens, Charles, Oliver Twist
Fic Die Diederich, Phillippe, Playing for the Devil's fire
Fic Din Dinan, Kurt. Don't get caught
Fic DiS DiSclafani, Anton. The Yonahlossee Riding Camp for girls
Fic Doc Doctorow, Cory. For the win
Fic Doc Doctorow, Cory. Pirate cinema
Fic Don Donoghue, Emma, Room : a novel
Fic Doy Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Fic Doy Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, The case book of Sherlock Holmes
Fic Doy Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, His last bow; a reminiscence of Sherlock Holmes
Fic Doy Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, The hound of the Baskervilles
Fic Doy Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
Fic Doy Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, The return of Sherlock Holmes
Fic Doy Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, The sign of the four
Fic Doy Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, A study in scarlet
Fic Doy Doyle, Brian. Pure Spring
Fic Doy Doyle, Conan Arthur The Hound of the Baskervilles
Fic Dra Draper, Sharon M. Copper sun
Fic Dra Draper, Sharon M. Fire from the rock
Fic Dun Dunlap, Susanne Emily. The musician's daughter
Fic Eas Easton, Tom Girls can't hit
Fic Ech Echols, Jennifer. Dirty little secret
Fic Edi Edinger, Monica, Africa is my home : a child of the Amistad
Fic Ehr Ehrenhaft, Daniel. The last dog on Earth
Fic Ell Ellen, Tom. A totally awkward love story
Fic Ell Ellis, Deborah, Jackal in the garden : an encounter with Bihzad
Fic Eng Enger, Leif. Peace like a river
Fic Erd Erdrich, Louise. Love medicine
Fic Erd Erdrich, Louise. The round house
Fic Eva Evanovich, Janet The rocky road to romance
Fic Eva Evanovich, Janet. Wicked business
Fic Eva Evans, Richard Paul. Michael Vey : Fall of Hades : book six of seven
Fic Eva Evans, Richard Paul. Michael Vey : The final spark.
Fic Eva Evans, Richard Paul. Michael Vey. : storm of lightning
Fic Eva Evans, Richard Paul. The walk
Fic Eve Everett, Sarah No One Here Is Lonely
Fic Ext Extence, Gavin, The universe versus Alex Woods
Fic Fan Fantaskey, Beth Jessica Rules the Dark Side
Fic Fan Fantaskey, Beth Jessica Rules the Dark Side
Fic Far Farmer, Nancy, The lord of Opium
Fic Far Farmer, Nancy, The lord of Opium
Fic Far Farmer, Nancy. The house of the scorpion
Fic Fau Faulkner, William, Novels, 1926-1929
Fic Fau Faulkner, William, Novels, 1930-1935
Fic Fau Faulkner, William, Novels, 1936-1940
Fic Fau Faulkner, William,
Novels, 1942-1954: Go down, Moses ; Intruder in the
dust ; Requiem for a nun ; A fable
Fic Fau Faulkner, William,
Novels, 1957-1962 : the town ; The mansion ; The
Fic Fed Federle, Tim. The great American whatever
Fic Fei Feinstein, John, The DH
Fic Fei Feinstein, John. Change-up : mystery at the World Series
Fic Fei Feinstein, John. The sixth man
Fic Fei Feinstein, John. The walk on
Fic Ffo Fforde, Jasper. Thursday Next in First among sequels : a novel
Fic Fie Fielding, Helen. Bridget Jones's diary: a novel
Fic Fin Finneyfrock, Karen. The sweet revenge of Celia Door
Fic Fit Fitzgerald, F. Scott The Great Gatsby
Fic Fit Fitzpatrick, Becca. Crescendo
Fic Fit Fitzpatrick, Becca. Finale
Fic Fit Fitzpatrick, Becca. Hush, hush
Fic Fit Fitzpatrick, Becca. Silence
Fic Fle Fletcher, Ralph Also Known As Rowan Pohi
Fic Fle Fletcher, Ralph Also Known As Rowan Pohi
Fic Fom Fombelle, Timothee de, A prince without a kingdom
Fic For Ford, John C. The cipher
Fic For Forman, Gayle. Just one day
Fic For Forman, Gayle. Where she went
Fic For Forster, E. M. A passage to India
Fic Fow Fowler, Christopher, Seventy-seven clocks : a Peculiar Crimes Unit mystery
Fic Fow Fowler, Christopher, The water room
Fic Fow Fowler, Connie May. Before women had wings
Fic Fow Fowler, Karen Joy. We are all completely beside ourselves
Fic Fow Fowley-Doyle, Moira. The accident season
Fic Fra Franklin, Emily. Last night at the Circle Cinema
Fic Fre Fresh ink
Fic Fre Fredericks, Mariah. Season of the witch
Fic Fro Frost, Mark, Alliance
Fic Fro Frost, Mark, The Paladin prophecy.
Fic Fro Frost, Mark, Rogue
Fic Fuq Fuqua, Jonathon Scott. Darby
Fic Gag Gagnon, Michelle, Don't look now
Fic Gag Gagnon, Michelle, Strangelets
Fic Gai Gaiman, Neil,
Good omens : the nice and accurate prophecies of
Agnes Nutter, witch
Fic Gai Gaiman, Neil, The ocean at the end of the lane
Fic Gai Gaines, Ernest J., Bloodline
Fic Gai Gaines, Ernest J., The tragedy of Brady Sims
Fic Gan Gansworth, Eric L., Give me some truth : a novel with paintings
Fic Gan Gantos, Jack, From Norvelt to nowhere
Fic Gan Gantos, Jack, The trouble in me
Fic Gan Gantos, Jack. Dead end in Norvelt
Fic Gar Garcia, Kami. Beautiful chaos
Fic Gar Garcia, Kami. Beautiful creatures
Fic Gar Garcia, Kami. Beautiful redemption
Fic Gar Garvin, Jeff. Symptoms of being human
Fic Gat Gattis, Ryan. Air
Fic Gen Genova, Lisa, Still Alice : a novel
Fic Ges Gessner, Marina. The distance from me to you
Fic Gil Gilbert, Kelly Loy, Conviction
Fic Gil Gilbert, Kelly Loy, Picture us in the light
Fic Gil Giles, Amy That night
Fic Gil Giles, Amy That night
Fic Gil Giles, L. R. Spin
Fic Gla Glasgow, Kathleen, Girl in pieces
Fic Go Go ask Alice
Fic Gol Golding, William, Lord of the flies : a novel
Fic Goo Goo, Maurene, The way you make me feel
Fic Goo Goodwin, Daisy. Victoria
Fic Gra Grant, Helen, The vanishing of Katharina Linden : a novel
Fic Gra Grant, Michael, Eve & Adam
Fic Gra Grant, Michael, Front lines
Fic Gra Gratz, Alan, Code of honor
Fic Gra Gratz, Alan, Prisoner B-3087
Fic Gra Gratz, Alan, Refugee
Fic Gra Gratz, Alan, Something rotten : a Horatio Wilkes mystery
Fic Gra Gratz, Alan, Something wicked : a Horatio Wilkes mystery
Fic Gra Graudin, Ryan, Wolf by wolf
Fic Gra Gray, Claudia. A thousand pieces of you
Fic Gre Grecian, Alex. The Black Country
Fic Gre Green, John, The fault in our stars
Fic Gre Green, John, Turtles all the way down
Fic Gre Green, John, Will Grayson, Will Grayson
Fic Gre Green, John. Looking for Alaska : a novel
Fic Gre Green, Risa. The secret society of the pink crystal ball
Fic Gri Griffin, Adele, Be true to me
Fic Gri Griffin, Adele. All you never wanted
Fic Gri Griffin, Emily Ziff. Light years
Fic Gri Grimes, Nikki. Bronx masquerade
Fic Gri Grisham, John Bleachers
Fic Gri Grisham, John The broker
Fic Gri Grisham, John The Fugitive
Fic Gri Grisham, John Playing for Pizza
Fic Gri Grisham, John Playing for Pizza
Fic Gri Grisham, John Skipping Christmas
Fic Gri Grisham, John. Calico Joe
Fic Gri Grisham, John. The pelican brief
Fic Gri Grissom, Kathleen. The kitchen house
Fic Gya Gyasi, Yaa, Homegoing
Fic Had Haddix, Margaret Peterson Among the Impostors
Fic Had Haddix, Margaret Peterson Among the Impostors
Fic Had Haddix, Margaret Peterson. Found
Fic Had Haddix, Margaret Peterson. Full ride
Fic Had Haddix, Margaret Peterson. Sabotaged
Fic Had Haddix, Margaret Peterson. Sent
Fic Hag Hagen, Bethany. Landry Park
Fic Hah Hahn, Mary Downing Where I Belong
Fic Hah Hahn, Mary Downing Where I Belong
Fic Ham Hamilton, Steve, The lock artist
Fic Ham Hammett, Dashiell, Complete novels
Fic Han Han, Jenny, P.S.I still love you
Fic Han Han, Jenny, To all the boys I've loved before
Fic Han Han, Jenny.
Always and forever, lara jean : To All the Boys I've Loved
Before Series, Book 3.
Fic Han Handler, Daniel. Why we broke up
Fic Han Hanks, Tom. Uncommon type : some stories
Fic Har Harmon, Michael B. Under the bridge
Fic Har Hartman, Rachel. Seraphina
Fic Hat Hattemer, Kate. The vigilante poets of Selwyn Academy
Fic Hat Hattrup, Karen. Frannie and Tru
Fic Haw Hawthorne, Nathaniel,
The scarlet letter : an authoritative text, essays in
criticism and scholarship
Fic Hay Haydu, Corey Ann, Making pretty
Fic Hea Heathfield, Lisa, Paper butterflies
Fic Hei Heilig, Heidi, For a muse of fire
Fic Hem Hemingway, Ernest, A farewell to arms
Fic Hem Hemingway, Ernest, Islands in the stream
Fic Hem Hemphill, Stephanie. Sisters of glass
Fic Hen Henry, April, The body in the woods
Fic Hen Henry, April. Blood will tell
Fic Hen Henry, April. The girl I used to be
Fic Hen Henson, S. F. Devils within
Fic Her Herbach, Geoff. Stupid fast
Fic Her Herman, Christine Lynn, The devouring Gray
Fic Hes Hesse, Monica. Girl in the blue coat
Fic Hij Hijuelos, Oscar, Dark Dude
Fic Hil Hilton, James. Goodbye Mr. Chips
Fic Hin Hinton, S. E. The outsiders
Fic Hit Hitchcock, Bonnie-Sue. The smell of other people's houses
Fic Hod Hodgins, Eric, Mr. Blandings builds his dream house
Fic Hol Holder, Amy The Lipstick Laws
Fic Hol Holt, Kimberly Willis. When Zachary Beaver came to town
Fic Hop
Hope nation : YA authors share personal moments of
Fic Hop Hopkins, Ellen, Traffick
Fic Hop Hopkins, Ellen. Fallout
Fic Hop Hopkins, Ellen. Smoke
Fic Hor Horowitz, Anthony, The house of silk : a Sherlock Holmes novel
Fic Hor Horowitz, Anthony, The word is murder : a novel
Fic Hos Hosseini, Khaled. And the mountains echoed
Fic Hou Houck, Colleen. Tiger's curse
Fic Hou Houck, Colleen. Tiger's destiny
Fic Hou Houck, Colleen. Tiger's quest
Fic Hou Houck, Colleen. Tiger's voyage
Fic How Howey, Hugh. Wool omnibus
Fic Hoy Hoyle, McCall. Meet the sky
Fic Hug Hughes, Mark Peter. A crack in the sky
Fic Hun Hunter, Travis, Two the hard way
Fic Hur Hurley, Tonya Ghostgirl: Homecoming
Fic Hut Hutchinson, Shaun David, We are the ants
Fic Hux Huxley, Aldous, Brave new world : and, Brave new world revisited /
Fic Ing Ingold, Jeanette. Hitch
Fic Itu Iturbe, Antonio, The librarian of Auschwitz
Fic Jac Jackson, Shirley, We have always lived in the castle
Fic Jam James, P. D Death comes to Pemberley
Fic Jar Jarzab, Anna, Tether
Fic Jar Jarzab, Anna. The opposite of hallelujah
Fic Jar Jarzab, Anna. Tandem
Fic Jen Jenkins, Beverly, Belle
Fic Joh Johnson, Abigail, Even if I fall
Fic Joh Johnson, Alaya Dawn, Love is the drug
Fic Joh Johnson, Alaya Dawn, The summer prince
Fic Joh Johnson, Jaleigh. The mark of the dragonfly
Fic Joh Johnson, Julia Claiborne. Be Frank with me
Fic Joh Johnson, Maureen, The madness underneath
Fic Joh Johnson, Maureen, The name of the star
Fic Joh Johnson, Maureen, The shadow cabinet
Fic Joh Johnston, E. K. A thousand nights
Fic Joh Johnston, E. K., That inevitable Victorian thing
Fic Jon Jones, Jenny B., I'm so sure
Fic Jon Jones, Jenny B., So not happening : a charmed life novel
Fic Jor Jordan, Robert, A memory of light
Fic Jor Jordan, Robert, A memory of light
Fic Kaf Kafka, Franz, The metamorphosis
Fic Kag Kagawa, Julie, The iron warrior
Fic Kag Kagawa, Julie. The iron daughter
Fic Kag Kagawa, Julie. The iron king
Fic Kag Kagawa, Julie. The iron knight
Fic Kag Kagawa, Julie. The iron queen
Fic Kan Kang, Lydia, Toxic
Fic Kan Kantor, MacKinlay, Andersonville
Fic Kan Kantor, Melissa. The breakup bible : a novel
Fic Kan Kantor, Melissa. The breakup bible : a novel
Fic Kar Karon, Jan, Come rain or come shine : a Mitford novel
Fic Kar Karon, Jan, A common life : the wedding story
Fic Kar Karon, Jan, In the company of others
Fic Kar Karr, Kathleen. Fortune's fool
Fic Kat Kate, Lauren. Fallen
Fic Kat Kate, Lauren. Passion : a Fallen novel
Fic Kat Kate, Lauren. Rapture
Fic Kat Kate, Lauren. Torment
Fic Kat Kate, Lauren. Torment
Fic Kea Keaton, Kelly The Wicked Within
Fic Kea Keaton, Kelly The Wicked Within
Fic Keh Kehoe, Stasia Ward The sound of letting go
Fic Kei Keil, Melissa, The incredible adventures of cinnamon girl
Fic Kei Keillor, Garrison. Lake Wobegon days
Fic Kel Keller, Sophie Chen, The luster of lost things
Fic Kel Kelly, Jacqueline. The evolution of Calpurnia Tate
Fic Kel Kelly, Martha Hall, Lilac girls : a novel
Fic Kep Kephart, Beth, This is the story of you
Fic Ker Kern, Peggy, Little peach
Fic Kew Kew, Trevor. Playing favourites
Fic Key Keyes, Daniel. Flowers for Algernon
Fic Kha Khan, Sabina The Love & Lies of Rukhsana Ali
Fic Kho Khoury, Jessica, Origin
Fic Kid Kidd, Ronald, Night on fire
Fic Kid Kidd, Sue Monk. The invention of wings
Fic Kim Byrd, Adrianne. Losing Romeo
Fic Kim Davis, Joyce Can't stop the shine
Fic Kin Kincaid, S. J. The empress
Fic Kin Kincaid, S. J. Insignia
Fic Kin Kincaid, S. J., The Diabolic
Fic Kin King, A. S. Ask the passengers : a novel
Fic Kin King, A. S. Glory O'Brien's history of the future : a novel
Fic Kin King, A. S. I crawl through it : a novel
Fic Kin King, A. S. Still life with tornado
Fic Kin King, Stephen, Bag of bones
Fic Kin King, Stephen, Christine
Fic Kin King, Stephen, It : a novel
Fic Kin Kingsbury, Karen Just Beyond the Clouds
Fic Kin Kingsbury, Karen Like Dandelion Dust
Fic Kin Kingsbury, Karen Oceans Apart
Fic Kin Kingsbury, Karen A Thousand Tomorrows
Fic Kin Kingsbury, Karen A Thousand Tomorrows
Fic Kin Kingsbury, Karen A Time to Dance: A Story of Reconciliation
Fic Kin Kingsolver, Barbara. Pigs in heaven : a novel
Fic Kip Kipling, Rudyard, Captains courageous
Fic Kip Kipling, Rudyard, Kim
Fic Kir Kirby, Matthew J., The clockwork three
Fic Kla Klages, Ellen, White sands, red menace
Fic Knu Knudsen, Michelle, Evil librarian
Fic Kon Konigsberg, Bill. The porcupine of truth
Fic Koo Koontz, Dean R. Cold fire
Fic Kor Korman, Gordon. Born to rock
Fic Kor Korman, Gordon. Schooled
Fic Kor Korman, Gordon. Son of the mob
Fic Kor Kornher-Stace, Nicole. Archivist Wasp : a novel
Fic Kos Kostova, Elizabeth. The swan thieves : a novel
Fic Kot Kotecki, Nathan The Suburban Strange
Fic Kot Kotecki, Nathan The Suburban Strange
Fic Kra Kraus, Daniel, The death and life of Zebulon Finch.
Fic Kul Kulper, Kendall, Drift & dagger
Fic Kul Kulper, Kendall, Salt & Storm
Fic Kur Kurti, Richard. Monkey wars
Fic L'A L'Amour, Louis Last Stand at Papago Wells
Fic L'A L'Amour, Louis To Tame a Land
Fic L'A L'Amour, Louis Where the Long Grass Blows
Fic L'En L'Engle, Madeleine. An acceptable time
Fic LaC LaCour, Nina, Everything leads to you
Fic LaC LaCour, Nina. We are okay : a novel
Fic Lah Lahiri, Jhumpa. The namesake
Fic Lak Lake, Nick, There will be lies
Fic Lak Lake, Nick. In darkness
Fic LaM LaMarche, Una, Don't fail me now
Fic LaM LaMarche, Una, Like no other
Fic LaM LaMarche, Una, You in five acts
Fic Lan Lanagan, Margo, Tender morsels
Fic Lar Larbalestier, Justine, My sister Rosa
Fic Lat Latham, Jennifer. Dreamland burning
Fic Law Lawson, Richard All we can do is wait : a novel
Fic Lay Laybourne, Emmy. Monument 14
Fic Lay Laybourne, Emmy. Monument 14 : sky on fire
Fic Lea Leavitt, Lindsey. Going vintage
Fic Lea Leavitt, Martine, Calvin : a novel
Fic Lee Lee, Harper, Go set a watchman : a novel
Fic Lee Lee, Mackenzi. The gentleman's guide to vice and virtue
Fic LeG Le Guin, Ursula K., The farthest shore
Fic LeG Le Guin, Ursula K., The other wind
Fic LeG Le Guin, Ursula K., Tehanu
Fic LeG Le Guin, Ursula K., A wizard of Earthsea
Fic Let Let it snow : three holiday romances
Fic Lev Leveen, Tom. Zero
Fic Lev Levine, Gail Carson. Fairest
Fic Lev Levithan, David, Someday
Fic Lev Levithan, David. Every day
Fic Lev Levithan, David. The realm of possibility
Fic Lew Lewis, C. S. The chronicles of Narnia
Fic Lew Lewis, C. S. the Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Fic Lew Lewis, C.S. the Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Fic Lew Lewis, C.S. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Last Battle
Fic Lew Lewis, C.S.
The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch and the
Fic Lew Lewis, C.S.
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn
Fic Lew Lewis, C.S.
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn
Fic Lew Lewis, C.S.
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn
Fic Lew Lewis, C.S.
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn
Fic Lew Lewis, C.S.
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn
Fic Lew Lewis, R. C. Spinning starlight
Fic Lew Lewis, Sinclair, Arrowsmith ; Elmer Gantry ; Dodsworth
Fic Lin Lindstrom, Eric, Not if I see you first
Fic Lis Lisle, Janet Taylor. Black duck
Fic Lo Lo, Malinda. Huntress
Fic Loc Lockhart, E.
The boy book : a study of habits and behaviors, plus
techniques for taming them
Fic Lon London, Jack, The call of the wild
Fic Lon London, Jack, The call of the wild
Fic Lor Lore, Pittacus, The fall of five
Fic Lor Lore, Pittacus, The fate of Ten : book six of the Lorien Legacies
Fic Lor Lore, Pittacus. The rise of nine
Fic Lor Lore, Pittacus. United as one
Fic Low Lowry, Lois. The giver
Fic Low Lowry, Lois. Son
Fic Lu Lu, Marie, The midnight star
Fic Lu Lu, Marie, The Rose Society
Fic Lu Lu, Marie, Warcross
Fic Lu Lu, Marie, The Young Elites
Fic Luc Lucas, Rachael, The state of Grace
Fic Luu Luurtsema, Nat, Goldfish
Fic Lyg Lyga, Barry. Goth Girl rising
Fic Maa Maas, Sarah J. A court of mist and fury
Fic Maa Maas, Sarah J. A court of thorns and roses
Fic Maa Maas, Sarah J. A court of thorns and roses
Fic Maa Maas, Sarah J. A court of wings and ruin
Fic Maa Maas, Sarah J. Crown of midnight : a Throne of glass novel
Fic Maa Maas, Sarah J. Heir of fire : a Throne of Glass novel
Fic Maa Maas, Sarah J. Queen of shadows
Fic Maa Maas, Sarah J. Throne of glass
Fic Maa Maas, Sarah J., Empire of storms
Fic Maa Maas, Sarah J., Kingdom of ash
Fic Mac Mac, Carrie, 10 things I can see from here
Fic Mac Mackall, Dandi Daley My Boyfriends' Dogs
Fic Mac Mackel, Kathy. Boost
Fic Mad Madigan, L. K. Flash burnout
Fic Mad Madison, Bennett, September girls
Fic Maf Mafi, Tahereh, A very large expanse of sea
Fic Mag Magoon, Kekla, How it went down
Fic Mag Magoon, Kekla. Fire in the streets
Fic Mar Marcantonio, Patricia Santos. Red ridin' in the hood : and other cuentos
Fic Mar Marillier, Juliet. Shadowfell
Fic Mar Marinello, Lorelle. Salting roses
Fic Mar Marr, Melissa. Graveminder
Fic Mar Marr, Melissa. Wicked lovely
Fic Mar Marsden, John Tomorrow, When the War Began
Fic Mar Martel, Yann, The high mountains of Portugal : a novel
Fic Mar Martinez, Jessica, Kiss kill vanish
Fic Mas Mason, Lizzy, The art of losing
Fic Mas Massey, David Taken
Fic Mat Mathieu, Jennifer, Moxie : a novel
Fic Mat Matson, Morgan. Amy & Roger's epic detour
Fic Mat Matson, Morgan. The unexpected everything
Fic McB McBride, Lish. Necromancing the stone
Fic McC McCahan, Erin. Love and other foreign words
Fic McC McCall Smith, Alexander, Friends, lovers, chocolate
Fic McC McCall Smith, Alexander, The Minor Adjustment Beauty Salon
Fic McC McCall, Guadalupe Garcia. Summer of the mariposas
Fic McC McCall, Guadalupe Garcia. Under the mesquite
Fic McC McCarthy, Andrew, Just fly away
Fic McC McCreight, Kimberly, Reconstructing Amelia : a novel
Fic McI McInnes, Nicole, 100 days
Fic McI McIntyre, Vonda N The moon and the sun
Fic McK McKinney, L. L. A blade so black
Fic McL McLain, Paula, Circling the sun : a novel
Fic McL McLemore, Anna-Marie, Blanca & Roja
Fic McL McLemore, Anna-Marie, The weight of feathers
Fic Mcl Mclemore, Anna-Marie. When the moon was ours : a novel
Fic McL McLemore, Anna-Marie. Wild beauty
Fic McM McManus, Karen M. One of us is lying
Fic McN McNally, Janet The looking glass
Fic McN McNeal, Tom. Far far away
Fic Mea Mead, Richelle. Bloodlines
Fic Med Medina, Meg, Burn baby burn
Fic Med Medina, Meg. Yaqui Delgado wants to kick your ass
Fic Mel Meloy, Colin. Under Wildwood
Fic Mel Meloy, Colin. Wildwood
Fic Mel Melville, Herman, Billy Budd, sailor and selected tales
Fic Mel Melville, Herman, The complete shorter fiction
Fic Mel Melville, Herman, Israel Potter : his fifty years of exile
Fic Men Mendez, Matt Barely Missing Everything
Fic Men Menon, Sandhya. When Dimple met Rishi
Fic Mey Meyer, Marissa, Cress
Fic Mey Meyer, Marissa, Heartless
Fic Mey Meyer, Marissa, Stars above : a Lunar Chronicles collection
Fic Mey Meyer, Marissa. Cinder
Fic Mey Meyer, Marissa. Scarlet
Fic Mey Meyer, Stephenie Eclipse
Fic Mey Meyer, Stephenie Twilight
Fic Mey Meyer, Stephenie The Twilight Saga New Moon
Fic Mey Meyer, Stephenie, The short second life of Bree Tanner : an Eclipse novella
Fic Mil Miller, Ashley Edward. Colin Fischer
Fic Mil Mills, Emma Famous in a Small Town
Fic Mil Mills, Tricia Winter Longing
Fic Mil Mills, Tricia Winter Longing
Fic Mim Mimms, Cory Wheeler. Trailing Tennessee : a novel
Fic Mit Mitchard, Jacquelyn. The deep end of the ocean
Fic Mit Mitchell, Saundra The Elementals
Fic Mit Mitchell, Todd The Secret to Lying
Fic Mol Moldavsky, Goldy, Kill the boy band
Fic Mon Montgomery, R. A. Behind the Wheel
Fic Moo Moore, Wes, This way home
Fic Mor Morgenstern, Erin. The night circus : a novel
Fic Mor Morpurgo, Michael. War horse
Fic Mor Morrison, Toni. Sula.
Fic Moy Moyes, Jojo, Me before you
Fic Mur Murakami, Haruki,
Hard-boiled wonderland and the end of the world : a
Fic Mur Murphy, J. J.
A friendly game of murder : an Algonquin Round Table
Fic Mur Murphy, J. J.
Murder your darlings : an Algonquin Round Table
Fic Mur Murphy, J. J.
You might as well die : an Algonquin Round Table
Fic Mur Murphy, Julie, Dumplin'
Fic Mur Murphy, Julie, Ramona Blue
Fic Mur Murphy, Pat, The wild girls
Fic Mye Myers, Walter Dean, Darius & Twig
Fic Mye Myers, Walter Dean, Fallen angels
Fic Mye Myers, Walter Dean, Street love
Fic Mye Myers, Walter Dean, Sunrise over Fallujah
Fic Nay Naylor, Gloria. The women of Brewster Place
Fic Nel Nelson, Blake, The prince of Venice Beach
Fic Nel Nelson, Jandy. I'll give you the sun
Fic Nel Nelson, Vaunda Micheaux.
No crystal stair : a documentary novel of the life and
work of Lewis Michaus
Fic Nes Ness, Patrick, A monster calls
Fic Ng Ng, Celeste, Little fires everywhere : a novel
Fic Nga Ngan, Natasha, Girls of paper and fire
Fic Nie Nielsen, Jennifer A., The traitor's game : book one
Fic Nij Unbroken : 13 stories starring disabled teens
Fic Nij Nijkamp, Marieke. This is where it ends
Fic Nor Nordhoff, Charles, Mutiny on the Bounty
Fic Nwa Nwaubani, Adaobi, Buried beneath the baobab tree
Fic Nye Nye, Naomi Shihab. There is no long distance now : very short stories
Fic O'Ha O'Hara, John, Appointment in Samarra
Fic Oak Oaks, J. Adams Why I fight : a novel
Fic Oko Okorafor, Nnedi. Akata warrior
Fic Old Older, Daniel Jose, Shadowshaper
Fic Old Older, Daniel JosÈ, Shadowhouse fall
Fic Ony Onyebuchi, Tochi, War girls
Fic Orw Orwell, George, Nineteen eighty-four
Fic Osb Osborne, Mary Pope. Tales from the Odyssey : part one
Fic Ose Oseman, Alice, Radio silence
Fic Ost Ostrom, Melissa, The beloved wild
Fic OSu O'Sullivan, Joanne. Between two skies
Fic Owe Owen, James A. The dragon's apprentice
Fic Owe Owen, James A. The dragons of winter
Fic Owe Owen, James A. The shadow dragons
Fic Pal Palacio, R. J. Wonder
Fic Pal Palacio, R. J. Wonder
Fic Par Park, Jessica, 180 seconds : a novel
Fic Par Parker, Amy Christine. Gated
Fic Pat Paterson, Katherine. Bridge to Terabithia
Fic Pat Patterson, James, 10th anniversary
Fic Pat Patterson, James, The big bad wolf
Fic Pat Patterson, James, I, Michael Bennett
Fic Pat Patterson, James, Kill Alex Cross
Fic Pat Patterson, James, Maximum Ride : the angel experiment
Fic Pat Patterson, James, Nevermore : the final Maximum Ride adventure
Fic Pat Patterson, James, Private games
Fic Pat Pattou, Edith. East
Fic Pau Pauley, Kimberly, Cat Girl's day off
Fic Pau Paulsen, Gary. Brian's return
Fic Pau Paulsen, Gary. Hatchet
Fic Pen de la Pena, Matt, The hunted
Fic Pen de la PeÒa, Matt. Ball don't lie
Fic Pen Penman, Sharon Kay. Here be dragons
Fic Pen Penny, Louise.
The beautiful mystery : a Chief Inspector Gamache
Fic Pen Penny, Louise. Bury your dead
Fic Pen Penny, Louise. How the light gets in
Fic Pen Penny, Louise. The nature of the beast
Fic Pen Penny, Louise. A trick of the light
Fic Per Percy, Walker, The thanatos syndrome
Fic Per Perez, Ashley Hope, Out of darkness
Fic Per Perkins, Mitali, You bring the distant near
Fic Per Perkins, Mitali. Bamboo people : a novel
Fic Per Perkins, Stephanie. Isla and the happily ever after
Fic Per Perry, Anne. Buckingham Palace gardens : a novel
Fic Per Perry, Anne. Seven Dials
Fic Per Perry, Anne. The shifting tide
Fic Per Perry, Anne. Southampton Row
Fic Pet Peters, Julie Anne. Keeping you a secret : a novel
Fic Pet Petroff, Shani. My new crush gave to me
Fic Pfe Pfeffer, Susan Beth, The dead & the gone
Fic Pfe Pfeffer, Susan Beth, Life as we knew it
Fic Pfe Pfeffer, Susan Beth, The shade of the moon
Fic Pie Pierson, D. C. The boy who couldn't sleep and never had to : a novel
Fic Pie Pierson, D. C. Crap kingdom
Fic Pit Pitcher, Annabel. Ketchup clouds : a novel
Fic Plu Plum-Ucci, Carol Following Christopher Creed
Fic Pol Polak, Monique, Straight punch
Fic Pon Pon, Cindy, Want
Fic Pow Powell, Patricia Hruby,
Loving vs. Virginia : a documentary novel of the
landmark civil rights case
Fic Pra Prasad, Chandra, Damselfly : a novel
Fic Pra Pratchett, Terry. Dodger
Fic Pre Pressfield, Steven. The legend of Bagger Vance : golf and the game of life
Fic Pre Preston, Natasha. The cabin
Fic Pri Price, Lissa. Starters
Fic Pri Priest, Cherie, The agony house
Fic Pri Priest, Cherie. I am Princess X
Fic Pri Prinz, Yvonne. If you're lucky
Fic Pul Pullman, Philip, La Belle Sauvage
Fic Puz Puzo, Mario, The godfather
Fic Qui Quick, Matthew, Every exquisite thing
Fic Qui Quick, Matthew, Sorta like a rock star : a novel
Fic Qui Quinn, Kate Karyus, Not hungry
Fic Qui Quintero, Isabel, Gabi, a girl in pieces
Fic Rab Rabb, Margo, Kissing in America
Fic Red Redgate, Riley, Final draft
Fic Rei Reichs, Brendan. Nemesis
Fic Rei Reinhardt, Dana, Tell us something true
Fic Rei Reinhardt, Dana, We are the Goldens
Fic Rev Revis, Beth The body electric
Fic Rev Revis, Beth. A million suns
Fic Rev Revis, Beth. Shades of Earth : an Across the universe novel
Fic Rey Reyl, Hilary. Kids like us
Fic Rey Reynolds, Jason, All American boys
Fic Rey Reynolds, Jason, Boy in the black suit
Fic Rey Reynolds, Jason. Ghost
Fic Rey Reynolds, Jason. Long way down
Fic Rey Reynolds, Jason. Patina
Fic Rey Reynolds, Jason. Sunny
Fic Rey Reynolds, Jason. When I was the greatest
Fic Rey Reynolds, Justin A., Opposite of always
Fic Rio Riordan, Rick, The hammer of Thor
Fic Rio Riordan, Rick, The hidden oracle
Fic Rio Riordan, Rick, The house of Hades
Fic Rio Riordan, Rick. The dark prophecy
Fic Rio Riordan, Rick. The last Olympian
Fic Rio Riordan, Rick. The lost hero
Fic Rio Riordan, Rick. The mark of Athena
Fic Rio Riordan, Rick. The sea of monsters
Fic Rio Riordan, Rick. The Ship of the Dead
Fic Rio Riordan, Rick. The Titan's curse
Fic Rio Riordan, Rick. The Titan's curse
Fic Rob Roberts, Nora. Blood brothers
Fic Rob Roberts, Nora. The Hollow
Fic Rob Roberts, Nora. The pagan stone
Fic Roe Roe, Robin. A list of cages
Fic Ros Rosoff, Meg. Picture me gone
Fic Rot Roth, Veronica, Carve the mark
Fic Rot Roth, Veronica. Divergent
Fic Rot Roth, Veronica. Insurgent
Fic Row Rowell, Rainbow. Eleanor & Park
Fic Row Rowell, Rainbow. Fangirl
Fic Row Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Fic Row Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the goblet of fire
Fic Row Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the half-blood prince
Fic Row Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Fic Row Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Fic Row Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban
Fic Row Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban
Fic Row Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone
Fic Row Rowling, J. K. The tales of Beedle the Bard
Fic Row Scamander, Newt. Fantastic beasts & where to find them
Fic Row Whisp, Kennilworthy, Quidditch through the ages
Fic Ruc Ruckdeschel, Liz. What if-- all your dreams came true
Fic Rud Rud, Jeff, Paralyzed
Fic Rud Rudetsky, Seth. My awesome/awful popularity plan
Fic Rus Russell, Krista. The other side of free
Fic Rus Russell, Rachel RenÈe. Tales from a not-so-dorky drama queen
Fic Rus Russo, Meredith, If I was your girl
Fic Rut Rutkoski, Marie. The winner's crime
Fic Rut Rutkoski, Marie. The winner's kiss
Fic Rya Ryan, Carrie. The Forest of Hands and Teeth
Fic Saf Safi, Aminah Mae, Not the girls you're looking for
Fic San Sanderson, Brandon, Calamity
Fic San Sanderson, Brandon. Steelheart
Fic San Sandford, John, Outrage
Fic San Sandford, John, Rampage
Fic San Sandler, Karen. Awakening : a Tankborn novel
Fic San S·nchez, Erika L. I am not your perfect Mexican daughter
Fic Sau Saunders, George, The very persistent gappers of Frip
Fic Sch Schlitz, Laura Amy, The hired girl
Fic Sch Schmidt, Tiffany, Hold me like a breath
Fic Sch Schneider, Robyn, The beginning of everything
Fic Sch Schrefer, Eliot, Endangered
Fic Sch Schrefer, Eliot, Rescued
Fic Sco Scott, Michael, The alchemyst
Fic Sco Scott, Michael, The enchantress
Fic Sco Scott, Michael, The magician
Fic Sco Scott, Michael, The sorceress
Fic Sco Scott, Michael,
The warlock (The secrets of the immortal Nicholas
Fic Sco Scott, Sir Walter Ivanhoe
Fic Sed Sedgwick, Marcus, Blood red snow white
Fic Sep Sepetys, Ruta, Salt to the sea : a novel
Fic Ser Serle, Rebecca The Edge of Falling
Fic Sew Sewell, Anna Black Beauty
Fic Sew Sewell, Anna Black Beauty
Fic Sha Shabazz, Ilyasah, X : a novel
Fic Sha Shaffer, Mary Ann. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
Fic Sha Shah, London, The light at the bottom of the world
Fic She Sheinmel, Alyssa B. The stone girl
Fic She Shepard, Sara, Stunning
Fic Shu Shusterman, Neal, Scythe
Fic Shu Shusterman, Neal, UnBound : Unwind dystology
Fic Shu Shusterman, Neal. Thunderhead
Fic Sid Siddons, Anne Rivers, The girls of August
Fic Sil Silvera, Adam, History is all you left me
Fic Sil Silvera, Adam, More happy than not : a novel
Fic Sil Silvera, Adam, They both die at the end
Fic Sit Sittenfeld, Curtis. The man of my dreams : a novel
Fic Ski Skinner, Gard Game Slaves
Fic Skr Skrutskie, Emily, The abyss surrounds us
Fic Slo Sloan, Robin, Mr. Penumbra's 24-hour bookstore
Fic Smi Smiley, Jane. The Georges and the Jewels
Fic Smi Smith, Alexander Gordon, The Fury
Fic Smi Smith, Amber, The way I used to be
Fic Smi Smith, Andrew Grasshopper jungle : a history
Fic Smi Smith, Betty, A tree grows in Brooklyn
Fic Smi Smith, Hilary T. Wild awake
Fic Smi Smith, Jennifer E., The geography of you and me
Fic Smi Smith, Jennifer E., This is what happy looks like
Fic Smi Smith, L. J. Night world no. 1
Fic Smi Smith, L. J. Night world no. 3
Fic Smi Smith, Lindsay, Sekret
Fic Smi Smith, Lindsay, Skandal : my mind is mine alone
Fic Son Sonnenblick, Jordan, Are you experienced?
Fic Spa Sparks, Nicholas. The best of me
Fic Spa Sparks, Nicholas. The notebook
Fic Spi Spinelli, Jerry Stargirl
Fic Sta Starmer, Aaron, The riverman
Fic Sta Starmer, Aaron, Spontaneous
Fic Sta Starmer, Aaron, The whisper
Fic Ste Steinbeck, John, The grapes of wrath and other writings, 1936-1941
Fic Ste Stevenson, robert Louis Treasure Island
Fic Ste Stevenson, Robert Louis Treasure Island
Fic Ste Stewart, Mary The Crystal Cave
Fic Ste Stewart, Mary The Wicked Day
Fic Ste Stewart, Trenton Lee. The mysterious Benedict Society
Fic Sti Stiefvater, Maggie, The dream thieves
Fic Sti Stiefvater, Maggie, Linger
Fic Sti Stiefvater, Maggie, The Raven Boys
Fic Sti Stiefvater, Maggie, The raven king
Fic Sti Stiefvater, Maggie, Shiver
Fic Sto Stohl, Margaret. Royce rolls
Fic Sto Stone, Irving,
The agony and the ecstasy : a biographical novel of
Fic Sto Stone, Nic. Dear Martin
Fic Sto Stone, Nic. Dear Martin
Fic Sto Stone, Peter The perfect candidate
Fic Sto Stork, Francisco X., The memory of light
Fic Str Streeter, Edward Father of the bride
Fic Str Strohm, Stephanie Kate, Love la mode
Fic Str Strong, JJ. Us kids know
Fic Sul Sullivan, Tara. Golden boy
Fic Sum Suma, Nova Ren, The walls around us
Fic Sur Fontes, Justine. Deadly drive
Fic Sur Goodman, Gabriel. The alliance
Fic Sur Karre, Elizabeth. The fight
Fic Sur Korman, Susan. Overexposed
Fic Sur Simon, Charnan. Dance team
Fic Sur Weyn, Suzanne. Full impact
Fic Sut Sutcliff, Rosemary. Black ships before Troy : the story of the Iliad
Fice S·enz, Benjamin Alire, The inexplicable logic of my life : a novel
Fice S·enz, Benjamin Alire. Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe
Fic Tak Takoudes, Greg. When we wuz famous
Fic Tam Tamani, Liara. Calling my name
Fic Tar Tarkington, Booth, Alice Adams
Fic Tar Tarkington, Booth, The magnificent Ambersons
Fic Tau Taub, Melinda. Still star-crossed
Fic Tay Taylor, Janet, Into the Dim
Fic Tay Taylor, Janet, Sparks of light
Fic Tay Taylor, Laini, Strange the dreamer
Fic Tay Taylor, Laini. Dreams of gods & monsters
Fic Tho Thomas, Angie, On the come up
Fic Tho Thomas, Angie. The hate u give
Fic Tho Thomas, Leah, Because you'll never meet me
Fic Tho Thompson, Alicia, Psych major syndrome
Fic Tho Thorne, Bella, Autumn's kiss : an Autumn Falls novel
Fic Tie Tiernan, Cate. Darkness falls
Fic Tol Tolkien, J. R. R. The fellowship of the ring
Fic Tol Tolkien, J. R. R. The return of the king
Fic Tol Tolkien, J. R. R. The two towers
Fic Tol Tolkien, J.R.R. The Lord of the Rings Part Two: The Two Towers
Fic Tol Tolstoy, Leo, Anna Karenina
Fic Tot Toten, Teresa, The unlikely hero of room 13B
Fic Tri Tripp, Ben,
The accidental highwayman : being the tale of Kit
Bristol, his horse Midnight, a mysterious princess, and
sundry magical persons besides
Fic Tru Truman, Margaret, Monument to murder : a capital crimes novel
Fic Tur Turetsky, Bianca. The time-traveling fashionista : a novel
Fic Twa Twain, Mark, The adventures of Tom Sawyer
Fic Twa Twain, Mark, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn
Fic Umm Umminger, Alison, American girls
Fic Upd Updike, John. Rabbit Angstrom : a tetralogy
Fic Val Valente, Catherynne M.,
The girl who fell beneath Fairyland and led the revels
Fic Val Valente, Catherynne M.,
The girl who soared over Fairyland and cut the moon in
Fic Val Valentine, Jenny, Fire color one
Fic Van
The chronicles of Harris Burdick : 14 amazing authors
tell the tales
Fic Van Van Allsburg, Chris. The mysteries of Harris Burdick
Fic Van Van Diepen, Allison, On the edge
Fic Van Van Diepen, Allison. Takedown
Fic Van Van Draanen, Wendelin. The running dream
Fic Van Vanderpool, Clare. Navigating Early
Fic Vaw Vawter, Vince. Paperboy
Fic Vel Velde, Vivian Vande Deadly Pink
Fic Vel Velde, Vivian Vande Deadly Pink
Fic Ven Ventresca, Yvonne. Pandemic
Fic Ver Verne, Jules 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Fic Ver Verne, Jules Around the World in Eighty Days
Fic Ver Verne, Jules Journey to the Center fo the Earth
Fic Ver Verne, Jules, The mysterious island
Fic Vin Vink, Amanda, And we call it love
Fic Viz Vizzini, Ned, The Other Normals
Fic Vol Volponi, Paul. Hurricane song
Fic Vol Volponi, Paul. Hurricane song
Fic Von Von Ziegesar, Cecily. All I want is everything : a Gossip Girl novel
Fic Von Vonnegut, Kurt. Cat's cradle
Fic Von Vonnegut, Kurt. Novels & stories, 1963-1973
Fic Von Vonnegut, Kurt.
Slaughterhouse-five; or, The childrenís crusade: a duty-
dance with death.
Fic Wal Walker, Martin
The children return : a mystery of the French
Fic Wal Walker, Martin J., Bruno, chief of police
Fic Wal Walker, Martin J.,
The crowded grave : a mystery of the French
Fic Wal Walker, Martin, Black diamond
Fic Wal Walker, Martin, The dark vineyard
Fic Wal Walker, Martin, The devil's cave : a mystery of the French countryside
Fic Wal Walker, Martin, The Patriarch : a Bruno, chief of police novel
Fic Wal Wallach, Tommy, We all looked up
Fic Wal Wallach, Tommy. Thanks for the trouble
Fic Wal Wallenfels, Stephen, Deadfall
Fic Wal Waller, Robert James, The bridges of Madison County
Fic Wal Waller, Robert James, Slow waltz in Cedar Bend
Fic Wal Walls, Jeannette. The silver star : a novel
Fic Wal Waltman, Kevin. Next
Fic Wan Wang, Corrie, The takedown
Fic War Ward, Kaitlin, Where she fell
Fic War Warren, Robert Penn, A place to come to : a novel
Fic Was Wasserman, Robin. The book of blood and shadow
Fic Wat Watson, Renee What Momma Left Me
Fic Wat Watson, RenÈe, Piecing me together
Fic Wei Wein, Elizabeth, The pearl thief
Fic Wei Wein, Elizabeth. Code name Verity
Fic Wel Welch, Jenna Evans. Love & gelato
Fic Wel Wells, Dan, Bluescreen
Fic Wer Werlin, Nancy. Unthinkable
Fic Wes Westerfeld, Scott, Swarm
Fic Wes Westerfeld, Scott. Afterworlds
Fic Wes Westerfeld, Scott. Behemoth
Fic Wes Westerfeld, Scott. Blue noon
Fic Wes Westerfeld, Scott. Goliath
Fic Wes Westerfeld, Scott. Touching darkness
Fic Wey Weymouth, Laura E., The light between worlds
Fic Wha Whaley, John Corey, Highly illogical behavior
Fic Wha Wharton, Edith, Ethan Frome
Fic Wha Wharton, Edith, The house of mirth
Fic Whi White, E. B. Charlotte's web
Fic Whi White, Kiersten, And I darken
Fic Whi White, Kiersten. Now I rise
Fic Whi White, Robb Deathwatch
Fic Whi White, Robb Deathwatch
Fic Whi White, T. H. The once and future king
Fic Wig Wiggin, Kate Douglas Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
Fic Wig Wiggins, Bethany, Cured
Fic Wig Wiggins, Bethany. Stung
Fic Wil Wilder, Laura Ingalls Little House on the Prairie
Fic Wil Wilder, Laura Ingalls, The Little house books
Fic Wil Wilder, Laura Ingalls, The Little house books.
Fic Wil Wilke, Daria, Playing a part
Fic Wil Williams, Carol Lynch, Messenger
Fic Wil Williams-Garcia, Rita. Jumped
Fic Wil Wills, Aurelia. Someone I wanted to be
Fic Wil Wilson, Diane L. Black storm comin'
Fic Wil Wilson, Susan, Hawke's Cove
Fic Win Winters, Cat. In the shadow of blackbirds : a novel
Fic Wol Wolf, Allan.
Who killed Christopher Goodman? : based on a true
Fic Wol Wolf, Ryan, Watches and warnings
Fic Wol Wolk, Lauren, Wolf Hollow : a novel
Fic Wol Woltz, Anna, A hundred hours of night
Fic Woo Wood, Fiona Six impossible things
Fic Woo Woodson, Jacqueline. Beneath a meth moon : an elegy
Fic Wri Wright, Bil. When the black girl sings
Fic Yan Yancey, Richard. The 5th Wave
Fic Yan Yancey, Richard. The final descent
Fic Yan Yancey, Richard. The last star
Fic Yol Yolen, Jane, Mapping the bones
Fic Yoo Yoon, Nicola, The sun is also a star
Fic Yoo Yoon, Nicola. Everything, everything
Fic Yov Yovanoff, Brenna. Paper valentine
Fic Zar Zarr, Sara Once was Lost
Fic Zar Zarr, Sara. How to save a life
Fic Zar Zarr, Sara. The Lucy variations
Fic Zen Zentner, Jeff. The serpent king : a novel
Fic Zev Zevin, Gabrielle, In the age of love and chocolate
Fic Zev Zevin, Gabrielle, In the age of love and chocolate
Fic Zev Zevin, Gabrielle. All these things I've done
Fic Zev Zevin, Gabrielle. Because it is my blood
Fic Zim Zimmerman, David. Caring is creepy : a novel
Fic Zim Zimmerman, Virginia, The rosemary spell
Fic Zus Zusak, Markus, Bridge of Clay
Fic Zus Zusak, Markus. The book thief
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
FITZ F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein,
Russel Durst
They Say/ I Say (Classroom Set)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GOL William Goldman The Princess Bride (CLASSROOM EDITION)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
GORD Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HANS Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun (CLASSROOM EDITION)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
HAW Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (Classroom Edition)
Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
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Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Joh John Boyne The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
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Jon Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
Jon Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
Jon Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
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Jon Jon Gordon The Energy Bus (Classroom Set)
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Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
Jon Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
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Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
Jos Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Classroom Set)
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Joy Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
Joy Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
Joy Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
Joy Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
Joy Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
Joy Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
Joy Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
Joy Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
Joy Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
Joy Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
Joy Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
Joy Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
Joy Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
Joy Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
Joy Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
Joy Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
Joy Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
Joy Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
Joy Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
Joy Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
Joy Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
Joy Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
Joy Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya The Watch
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KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
KING Stephen King The Institute (Classroom Set)
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KOL Gina Kalota Mercies in Disguise
KOL Gina Kalota Mercies in Disguise
KOL Gina Kalota Mercies in Disguise
KOL Gina Kalota Mercies in Disguise
KOL Gina Kalota Mercies in Disguise
KOL Gina Kalota Mercies in Disguise
KOL Gina Kalota Mercies in Disguise
KOL Gina Kalota Mercies in Disguise
KOL Gina Kalota Mercies in Disguise
KOL Gina Kalota Mercies in Disguise
KOL Gina Kalota Mercies in Disguise
KOL Gina Kalota Mercies in Disguise
KOL Gina Kalota Mercies in Disguise
KOL Gina Kalota Mercies in Disguise
KOL Gina Kalota Mercies in Disguise
KOL Gina Kalota Mercies in Disguise
KOL Gina Kalota Mercies in Disguise
KOL Gina Kalota Mercies in Disguise
KOL Gina Kalota Mercies in Disguise
KOL Gina Kalota Mercies in Disguise
KOL Gina Kalota Mercies in Disguise
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
L'E L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time(Classroom Set)
LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
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LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
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LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
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LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
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LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
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LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
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LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
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LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
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LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
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LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
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LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
LEE Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird (Classroom Edition)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
McManus McManus, Karen M. One of Us is Lying(Classroom Set)
MNO Seth Mnookin The Panic Virus
MNO Seth Mnookin The Panic Virus
MNO Seth Mnookin The Panic Virus
MNO Seth Mnookin The Panic Virus
MNO Seth Mnookin The Panic Virus
MNO Seth Mnookin The Panic Virus
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MNO Seth Mnookin The Panic Virus
MNO Seth Mnookin The Panic Virus
MNO Seth Mnookin The Panic Virus
MNO Seth Mnookin The Panic Virus
Mye Myers, Walter Dean Monster(Classroom Set)
Mye Myers, Walter Dean Monster(Classroom Set)
Mye Myers, Walter Dean Monster(Classroom Set)
Mye Myers, Walter Dean Monster(Classroom Set)
Mye Myers, Walter Dean Monster(Classroom Set)
Mye Myers, Walter Dean Monster(Classroom Set)
Mye Myers, Walter Dean Monster(Classroom Set)
Mye Myers, Walter Dean Monster(Classroom Set)
Mye Myers, Walter Dean Monster(Classroom Set)
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Mye Myers, Walter Dean Monster(Classroom Set)
Mye Myers, Walter Dean Monster(Classroom Set)
Mye Myers, Walter Dean Monster(Classroom Set)
Mye Myers, Walter Dean Monster(Classroom Set)
Mye Myers, Walter Dean Monster(Classroom Set)
Mye Myers, Walter Dean Monster(Classroom Set)
Mye Myers, Walter Dean Monster(Classroom Set)
Mye Myers, Walter Dean Monster(Classroom Set)
Mye Myers, Walter Dean Monster(Classroom Set)
Mye Myers, Walter Dean Monster(Classroom Set)
Nar Nardo, Don Ground Zero(CLASSROOM SET)
Nar Nardo, Don Ground Zero(CLASSROOM SET)
Nar Nardo, Don Ground Zero(CLASSROOM SET)
Nar Nardo, Don Ground Zero(CLASSROOM SET)
Nar Nardo, Don Ground Zero(CLASSROOM SET)
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Nar Nardo, Don Ground Zero(CLASSROOM SET)
Nar Nardo, Don Ground Zero(CLASSROOM SET)
Nar Nardo, Don Ground Zero(CLASSROOM SET)
Nar Nardo, Don Ground Zero(CLASSROOM SET)
Nar Nardo, Don Migrant Mother(CLASSROOM SET)
Nar Nardo, Don Migrant Mother(CLASSROOM SET)
Nar Nardo, Don Migrant Mother(CLASSROOM SET)
Nar Nardo, Don Migrant Mother(CLASSROOM SET)
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Nar Nardo, Don Migrant Mother(CLASSROOM SET)
Nar Nardo, Don Migrant Mother(CLASSROOM SET)
Nar Nardo, Don Migrant Mother(CLASSROOM SET)
O 291.1
Press, Petra. Great heroes of mythology
P 004.67
Using google and google tools in the classroom
York, Sherry,
Children's and young adult literature by Latino writers :
a guide for librarians, teachers, parents, and students
P 025.4
Dewey, Melvil,
Abridged Dewey decimal classification and relative
P 025.4
Sears, Minnie Earl, Sears list of subject headings.
P 027.62
Welch, Rollie James, The guy-friendly YA library : serving male teens
P 300 PAR Partin, Ronald L.
The social studies teacher's book of lists : with ready-to-
use teaching ideas & activities
P 370 Cai Caine, Renate Nummela. Education on the edge of possibility
P 370
The Governance of Curriculum
P 370 LEA Learning With Technology
P 370 PRE Preparing Our Schools for the 21st Century
P 370 RET Rethinking Educational Change With Heart and Mind
P 370.11
Democratic schools
P 370.15
Design as a catalyst for learning
P 370.15
Jensen, Eric. Teaching with the brain in mind
P 370.15
Mamchur, Carolyn Marie,
A teacher's guide to cognitive type theory & learning
P 370.15
Promoting social and emotional learning : guidelines for
P 370.152
Roberts, Terry,
Teaching critical thinking : using seminars for 21st
century literacy
P 370.71
Podsen, India, Coaching & mentoring first-year and student teachers
P 370.71
Zepeda, Sally J.,
Staff development : practices that promote leadership
in learning communities
P 370.78
Shagoury, Ruth,
The art of classroom inquiry : a handbook for teacher-
P 371.102
Breaux, Annette L.
Making good teaching great : everyday strategies for
teaching with impact
P 371.102
Glasgow, Neal A.
What successful teachers do : 101 research-based
classroom strategies for new and veteran teachers
P 371.102
Jennings, Patricia A.
Mindfulness for teachers : simple skills for peace and
productivity in the classroom
P 371.102
Lemov, Doug,
Teach like a champion field guide : a practical resource
to make the 49 techniques your own
P 371.102
Saphier, Jon. The skillful teacher : building your teaching skills
P 371.102
Sitomer, Alan Lawrence.
Teaching teens & reaping results* : stories, strategies,
tools & tips from a three-time Teacher of the Year
Award winner
P 371.102
Stronge, James H. Qualities of effective teachers
P 371.102
Zemelman, Steven.
Best practice : today's standards for teaching and
learning in America's schools
P 371.102
Zemelman, Steven.
Best practice : today's standards for teaching and
learning in America's schools
Mamchak, P. Susan,
Teacher's time management survival kit : ready-to-use
techniques and materials
P 371.12
Cleary, Barbara A., Tools and techniques to inspire classroom learning
P 371.14
Farber, Katy
Why great teachers quit : and how we might stop the
P 371.2
Guthrie, Larry F. How to coordinate services for students and families
P 371.2
Lambert, Linda, Building leadership capacity in schools
P 371.2
Schmoker, Michael J.
Total quality education : profiles of schools that
demonstrate the power of Deming's management
P 371.2
Sommers, William A. Living on a tightrope : a survival handbook for principals
3 Gre
Green, Reginald Leon.
Practicing the art of leadership : a problem-based
approach to implementing the ISLLC standards
P 371.26 Portfolios : process and product
P 371.26
Blau, Herman
Improving student test scores : winning the game
without losing your soul
P 371.26
Cole, Ardith Davis
Right-answer writing : an all-in-one resource to help
students craft better responses
Kruger, Susan Woodcock
S O A R study skills : a simple and efficient system for
earning better grades in less time
P 371.36
Boss, Suzie.
Reinventing project-based learning : your field guide to
real-world projects in the digital age / Suzie Boss, Jane
P 371.39
Tomlinson, Carol A.
The differentiated classroom : responding to the needs
of all learners
P 371.5
Johnson, David W., Reducing school violence through conflict resolution
P 371.5
Kohn, Alfie. Beyond discipline : from compliance to community
P 371.58
DeSena, Laura Hennessey, Preventing plagiarism : tips and techniques
1 Som
Somoza, David,
Writing to explore : discovering adventure in the
research paper, 3-8
P 372.47
Frey, Nancy,
Rigorous reading : 5 access points for comprehending
complex texts
P 372.623
Bernabei, Gretchen S.
Crunchtime : lessons to help students blow the roof off
writing tests--and become better writers in the process
P 373.12
Breaking ranks II : strategies for leading high school
P 373.12
Koehler, Mike,
Department head's survival guide : ready-to-use
techniques and materials for effective leadership
P 373.73
Sizer, Theodore R. Horace's school : redesigning the American high school
P 375 Ken Kendall, John S.
Content knowledge : a compendium of standards and
benchmarks for K-12 education
Moreillon, Judi.
Coteaching reading comprehension strategies in
secondary school libraries : maximizing your impact
P 378.1
Nilson, Linda Burzotta
The graphic syllabus and the outcomes map :
communicating your course
P 379.2
Nord, Warren A. Taking religion seriously across the curriculum
P 428 Gol Golub, Jeffrey N., Activities for an interactive classroom
P 428
Romano, Tom. Writing with passion : life stories, multiple genres
Reflective teaching, reflective learning : how to develop
critically engaged readers, writers, and speakers
Fisher, Douglas,
Text-dependent questions, grades 6-12 : pathways to
close and critical reading
Ryan, Susan
Common core standards for high school English
language arts
Ryan, Susan
Common core standards for middle school English
language arts
P 428.4
Gallagher, Kelly,
Readicide : how schools are killing reading and what
you can do about it
P 428.4
Serravallo, Jennifer,
The reading strategies book : your everything guide to
developing skilled readers
P 507.8
Brisk, Marion A. 1,001 ideas for science projects
P 612.8
Sylwester, Robert.
A celebration of neurons : an educator's guide to the
human brain
P 640 TIM
Time management for teachers : techniques and skills
that give you more time to teach
P 784.9
Roe, Paul F. Choral music education
P 791.43
Costanzo, William V.
Reading the Movies : Twelve Great Films on Video and
How To Teach Them
P 807.1
Showalter, Elaine Teaching literature
p 808 Gil Gilmore, Barry
Is it done yet?" : teaching adolescents the art of
P 808 Led Ledbetter, Mary Ellen
The writing teacher's activity-a-day : 180+ reproducible
prompts and quick-writes for the secondary classroom
P 808
Mahoney, Jim.
Power & poetry : best practices for high school
P 808 Wre
The English classroom in the computer age : thirty
lesson plans
Putz, Melinda.
A teacher's guide to the multigenre research project :
everything you need to get started
P 808.042
Programs and practices : writing across the secondary
school curriculum
P 808.042
The Journal book
P 808.042
Zinsser, William, Writing to learn
Lesson plans for teaching writing
12 Bac
Backman, Brian.
Persuasion points : 82 strategic exercises for writing
high-scoring persuasive essays
12 Lar
Larson, Mark.
Moe's cafÈ : 48 decidedly different creative writing
P 808.1
Weiss, Jen.
Brave new voices : the Youth Speaks guide to teaching
spoken-word poetry
P 808.3
Moore, Richard O. Welty and the craft of writing
P 822.3
Teaching A midsummer night's dream, Romeo and
Juliet, Macbeth
P 822.3
Teaching Twelfth night, Othello
P Arm Armstrong, Thomas. Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom
P Bal Ballare, Antonia.
The classroom organizer : 201 ready-to-use forms for K-
8 teachers and administrators
P Cai Caine, Karen
Writing to persuade : minilessons to help students plan,
draft, and revise, grades 3-8
P Dan Danielson, Charlotte. An Introduction to Using Portfolios in the Classroom
P Fic Cus Cushman, Karen. The loud silence of Francine Green
P Fic Rio Riordan, Rick, The lightning thief : Teacher's edition
P Fis Fisher, Douglas, Text complexity : stretching readers with texts and tasks
P Gra Portfolio portraits
P Hye Hyerle, David. Visual Tools for Constructing Knowledge
P Lem Lemov, Doug,
Teach like a champion : 49 techniques that put students
on the path to college
P Lew Lewin, Larry.
Great Performances : Creating Classroom-Based
Assessment Tasks
P Nat
National Council of Teachers of
English, Urbana, IL.
Portfolios in the Writing Classroom : An Introduction
P Roo Root, Robert L.,
Those Who Do, Can : Teachers Writing, Writers
Teaching. A Sourcebook
P Tor Torp, Linda.
Problems as Possibilities : Problem-Based Learning for K-
12 Education
PB 92
Bragg, Janet Harmon.
Soaring above setbacks : The Autobiography of Janet
Harmon Bragg : the autobiography of Janet Harmon
Bragg, African American aviator
PB 92 KEA Murry, John Middleton, Keats.
PB 158
Covey,Stephen R. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
PB 158
Covey,Stephen R. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
PB 270.6
Bainton, Roland Herbert, The Reformation of the sixteenth century.
PB 500
Sagan, Carl,
Billions and billions : thoughts on life and death at the
brink of the millennium
PB 811
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Favorite Poems
PB 822 ELI Eliot, T.S. The family reunion
PB 822
Stoppard, Tom. Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are dead.
PB 880.9
Hamilton, Edith, The Greek way
PB 910.2
American journeys : an anthology of travel in the United
PB 952
Runkle, Scott F. An introduction to Japanese history
PB 952
Runkle, Scott F. An introduction to Japanese history
PB 952
Runkle, Scott F. An introduction to Japanese history
Scruggs, Jan C., ed. The War and the Wall : Service, Sacrifice and Honor
Scruggs, Jan C., ed. The War and the Wall : Service, Sacrifice and Honor
PB F ASI Asimov, Isaac, Prelude to Foundation
PB F FOR Forbes, Esther. Johnny Tremain : a novel for old & young
PB F HER Herbert, Frank. Chapterhouse, Dune
PB F ORW Orwell, George, Down and out in Paris and London.
PB F PAT Paton, Alan.
Cry, the beloved country: a story of comfort in
PB F TAN Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club
PB F WAU Waugh, Evelyn, Brideshead revisited
PB F Whi White, E. B. Charlotte's web
PB R 413
Makkai, Adam A Dictionary of American Idioms
NEW v.1
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians
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Arms and Equipment of The Confederacy : Illustrated
History of the Civil War
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the Civil War
973.7 ILL
Illustrated Atlas of the Civil War : Illustrated History of
the Civil War
Anderson, Sherwood, The Portable Sherwood Anderson
London, Jack,
Short stories of Jack London : authorized one-volume
New stories from the South : the year's best, 1987
New Stories from the South: the Year's Best 1988
PB SC OXF Oxford Book of Japanese Short Stories
Welty, Eudora, A curtain of green, and other stories
PB SC WIL Wilson, Taylor. Backwater : Briars and other things I've stepped in
Whitaker, Todd
Dealing with Difficult Parents: (and with parents in
difficult situations)
Adamson, Lynda G.
World historical fiction : an annotated guide to novels
for adults and young adults
Adamson, Lynda G.
American historical fiction : an annotated guide to
novels for adults and young adults
028.1 KAY
Kaywell, Joan F.
Adolescents at risk : a guide to fiction and nonfiction for
young adults, parents, and professionals
371.9 CRE
Creating an inclusive school
Qui Quintero, Isabel & Zeke Pena Photographic: The life of Graciela Iturbide
Qui Quintero, Isabel & Zeke Pena Photographic: The life of Graciela Iturbide
Qui Quintero, Isabel & Zeke Pena Photographic: The life of Graciela Iturbide
Qui Quintero, Isabel & Zeke Pena Photographic: The life of Graciela Iturbide
Qui Quintero, Isabel & Zeke Pena Photographic: The life of Graciela Iturbide
Qui Quintero, Isabel & Zeke Pena Photographic: The life of Graciela Iturbide
Qui Quintero, Isabel & Zeke Pena Photographic: The life of Graciela Iturbide
Qui Quintero, Isabel & Zeke Pena Photographic: The life of Graciela Iturbide
Qui Quintero, Isabel & Zeke Pena Photographic: The life of Graciela Iturbide
Qui Quintero, Isabel & Zeke Pena Photographic: The life of Graciela Iturbide
R 001.4
Baron, Alvin, Ph.D
Bud's Easy Research Paper Computer Manual for IBM
R 001.56
Sternberg, Martin L. A. American sign language dictionary
R 025.17
The Presidency of Thomas Jefferson : 1801-1809
R 030 TIM The Time almanac, 1999
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The World Book encyclopedia.
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The World Book encyclopedia.
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R 031.02
Encyclopaedia Britannica Almanac 2003
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R 031.02
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R 031.02
The world almanac and book of facts, 2007
R 031.02
The world almanac and book of facts, 2010
R 031.02
The world almanac and book of facts, 2011
R 050
American Heritage 35-Year Cumulative Index
R 050
American Heritage 40-Year Cumulative Index
R 050
American Heritage American Heritage 50-year Cumulative Index
R 050
American Heritage.
A Chronological Guide to American Heritage Magazine :
Volumes VI-XVII, December 1954-October 1966
R 050
American Heritage.
A Chronological Guide to American Heritage Magazine :
Volumes VI-XVII, December 1954-October 1966
R 050
American Heritage.
A Chronological Guide to American Heritage Magazine :
Volumes VI-XVII, December 1954-October 1966
R 050
American Heritage.
A Chronological Guide to American Heritage Magazine :
Volumes VI-XVII, December 1954-October 1966
R 050
American Heritage.
A Chronological Guide to American Heritage Magazine :
Volumes VI-XVII, December 1954-October 1966
R 050
American Heritage.
A Chronological Guide to American Heritage Magazine :
Volumes VI-XVII, December 1954-October 1966
R 050
American Heritage.
A Chronological Guide to American Heritage Magazine :
Volumes VI-XVII, December 1954-October 1966
R 050
American Heritage.
A Chronological Guide to American Heritage Magazine :
Volumes VI-XVII, December 1954-October 1966
R 050
American Heritage.
A Chronological Guide to American Heritage Magazine :
Volumes VI-XVII, December 1954-October 1966
R 050
American Heritage.
A Chronological Guide to American Heritage Magazine :
Volumes VI-XVII, December 1954-October 1966
R 050
American Heritage.
A Chronological Guide to American Heritage Magazine :
Volumes VI-XVII, December 1954-October 1966
R 050
American Heritage.
A Chronological Guide to American Heritage Magazine :
Volumes VI-XVII, December 1954-October 1966
R 050
American Heritage.
A Chronological Subject Guide to American Heritage :
(December 1954-December 1984)
R 060.4
Robert, Henry Martyn. Robert's Rules of order
R 070.9
Page one : major events, 1920-1976, as presented in the
New York times.
R 080 Gre Adam Smith.
R 080 Gre Aeschylus / Sophocles / Euripides / Aristophanes
R 080 Gre American state papers / The Federalist / J.S. Mill
R 080 Gre Aristotle I.
R 080 Gre Aristotle II.
R 080 Gre Augustine.
R 080 Gre Boswell.
R 080 Gre Cervantes.
R 080 Gre Chaucer.
R 080 Gre Dante.
R 080 Gre Darwin.
R 080 Gre Descartes / Spinoza.
R 080 Gre Dostoevsky.
R 080 Gre Euclid / Archimedes / Apollonius of Perga / Nicomachus
R 080 Gre Fielding.
R 080 Gre Francis Bacon.
R 080 Gre Gibbon I.
R 080 Gre Gibbon II.
R 080 Gre Gilbert / Galileo / Harvey.
R 080 Gre Goethe.
R 080
The great conversation : The substance of a liberal
R 080 Gre The great ideas : A synopticon I : angel to love
R 080 Gre The great ideas : A synopticon II : man to world
R 080 Gre Hegel.
R 080 Gre Herodotus / Thucydides.
R 080 Gre Hippocrates / Galen.
R 080 Gre The Iliad of Homer / The Odyssey
R 080 Gre Kant.
R 080 Gre Lavoisier / Fourier / Faraday.
R 080 Gre Locke / Berkeley / Hume.
R 080 Gre Lucretius / Epictetus / Marcus Aurelius.
R 080 Gre Machiavelli / Hobbes.
R 080 Gre Marx.
R 080 Gre Melville.
R 080 Gre Milton.
R 080 Gre Montaigne.
R 080 Gre Montesquieu / Rousseau.
R 080 Gre Newton / Huygens.
R 080 Gre Pascal
R 080 Gre Plato.
R 080 Gre Plotinus.
R 080 Gre Ptolemy / Copernicus / Kepler.
R 080 Gre Rabelais.
R 080 Gre Shakespeare I.
R 080 Gre Shakespeare II.
R 080 Gre Swift / Sterne.
R 080 Gre Thomas Aquinas I.
R 080 Gre Thomas Aquinas II.
R 080 Gre Tolstoy.
R 080 Gre Virgil.
R 080 Gre William James.
R 080 Har Harvard Classics
R 080 Har Harvard Classics
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R 080 Har Harvard Classics
R 080 Har Harvard Classics
R 080 Har Harvard Classics
R 080 Har Harvard Classics / : Lectures on the Harvard Classics.
R 080 Har
Harvard Classics / : The Editor's introduction ; reader's
guide ; index.
R 080 Har Harvard Classics / : [Aeneis. English
R 080 Har Harvard Classics / : [Arabian nights. English. Selections.
R 080 Har Harvard Classics / : [Arabian nights. English. Selections.
R 080 Har Harvard Classics / : [Don Quixote. English
R 080 Har Harvard Classics / : [Don Quixote. English
R 080 Har Harvard Classics / : [Imitatio Christi. English.
R 080 Har Harvard Classics / : [Promessi sposi. English.
R 080 Har P.F. Collier & Son Corporation The Harvard classics, : the reading guide.
R 081
The American reader : words that moved a nation
R 081
The New York Public Library book of twentieth-century
American quotations
R 103 BLA Blackburn, Simon. The Oxford dictionary of philosophy
R 128 OXF The Oxford companion to the mind
R 150.3
Magill's encyclopedia of social science : psychology
R 150.3
Magill's encyclopedia of social science : psychology
R 150.3
Magill's encyclopedia of social science : psychology
R 150.3
Magill's encyclopedia of social science : psychology
R 170 BEC Encyclopedia of ethics
R 170 BEC Encyclopedia of ethics
R 190
Great thinkers of the Western world : the major ideas
and classic works of more than 100 outstanding
Western philosophers, physical and social scientists,
psychologists, religious writers, and theologians
R 200
The Continuum dictionary of religion
R 200 OXF The Oxford dictionary of the Christian Church,
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The encyclopedia of world religions
R 203 REL
Religious celebrations : an encyclopedia of holidays,
festivals, solemn observances, and spiritual
R 203 REL
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festivals, solemn observances, and spiritual
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Anderson, Ken, Where to find it in the Bible
R 220.3
Harper's Bible dictionary
R 220.3
The Oxford companion to the Bible
R 282.03
New Catholic encyclopedia.
R 282.03
New Catholic encyclopedia.
R 282.03
New Catholic encyclopedia.
R 282.03
New Catholic encyclopedia.
R 282.03
New Catholic encyclopedia.
R 282.03
New Catholic encyclopedia.
R 282.03
New Catholic encyclopedia.
R 282.03
New Catholic encyclopedia.
R 282.03
New Catholic encyclopedia.
R 282.03
New Catholic encyclopedia.
R 282.03
New Catholic encyclopedia.
R 282.03
New Catholic encyclopedia.
R 282.03
New Catholic encyclopedia.
R 282.03
New Catholic encyclopedia.
R 282.03
New Catholic encyclopedia.
R 282.03
New Catholic encyclopedia.
R 291.1
New Larousse encyclopedia of mythology.
R 291.1
Mercatante, Anthony S.
The Facts on File encyclopedia of world mythology and
R 292
Murray, A. S.
Who's who in mythology : classic guide to the ancient
R 292.1
Roman, Luke. Encyclopedia of Greek and Roman mythology
R 297 Kor The meaning of the glorious Koran
R 300.7
The CQ researcher.
R 300.7
The CQ researcher.
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R 301 JAR Jary, David. The HarperCollins dictionary of sociology
R 301 SOC Social issues
R 303.6
Violence in America : an encyclopedia.
R 303.6
Violence in America : an encyclopedia.
R 303.6
Violence in America : an encyclopedia.
R 304.2
Peoples and cultures
R 305 OLE O'Leary, Timothy J. North America
R 305.231
Child development
R 305.4
ENC v.1
Encyclopedia of women in American history.
R 305.4
ENC v.2
Encyclopedia of women in American history.
R 305.4
ENC v.3
Encyclopedia of women in American history.
R 305.4
Greenspan, Karen.
The timetables of women's history : a chronology of the
most important people and events in women's history
R 305.4
Trager, James.
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prehistory to the present
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WOM v.1
Women in the Middle Ages: An Encyclopedia
R 305.4
WOM v.2
Women in the Middle Ages: An Encyclopedia
R 305.42
Our mothers before us : women and democracy, 1789-
1920 : an educational resource.
R 305.48
Black women in America.
R 305.48
Black women in America.
R 305.48
Black women in America.
R 305.48
Black women in America.
R 305.48
Black women in America.
R 305.48
Black women in America.
R 305.8
Cultures of the world
R 305.868
Kanellos, Nicolas Hispanic Firsts/500 Years of Extraordinary Achievement
R 305.896
Volume I
Encyclopedia of free Blacks and people of color in the
R 305.896
Volume II
Encyclopedia of free Blacks and people of color in the
R 305.896
Encyclopedia of African-American civil rights : from
emancipation to the present
R 306 BAT Batchelor, Bob. The 1980s
R 306 BAT Batchelor, Bob. The 2000s
R 306
Drowne, Kathleen Morgan. The 1920s
R 306
Oxoby, Marc. The 1990s
R 306 RIE Rielly, Edward J. The 1960s
R 306
Sagert, Kelly Boyer. The 1970s
R 306 SIC Sickels, Robert J. The 1940s
R 306
Young, William H., The 1930s
R 306
Young, William H., The 1950s
R 307
Human settlement
R 317.3
The world almanac and book of facts
R 317.3
The world almanac and book of facts
R 317.3
The world almanac and book of facts 2008
R 317.3
The world almanac and book of facts, 2009
R 317.3
The World almanac and book of facts.
R 317.3
The World almanac and book of facts.
R 317.3
The World almanac and book of facts.
R 317.3
The World almanac and book of facts.
R 317.3
The World almanac and book of facts.
R 317.3
The World almanac and book of facts.
R 320.3
World government
R 320.9
United States. The CIA world factbook
R 324.6
Tarr, Dave. Elections A to Z
R 327.730
American statesmen : secretaries of state from John Jay
to Colin Powell
R 330
Survey of social science.
R 330
Survey of social science.
R 330
Survey of social science.
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Survey of social science.
R 330
Survey of social science.
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R 330.9
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the principal movements and ideas
R 330.9
Encyclopedia of American economic history : studies of
the principal movements and ideas
R 330.9
Encyclopedia of American economic history : studies of
the principal movements and ideas
R 330.9
Resources and industry
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World economy
R 331.7
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the Occupational outlook handbook.
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Career information center.
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Career information center.
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Career information center.
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Career information center.
R 331.7
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Encyclopedia of careers and vocational guidance.
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Enhanced occupational outlook handbook
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EZ occupational outlook handbook : based on
information from the U.S. Department of Labor
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Farr, J. Michael. 300 best jobs without a four-year degree
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Farr, J. Michael.
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degree : detailed information on 190 good jobs in all
major fields and industries
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Occupational outlook handbook
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Occupational outlook handbook.
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Phifer, Paul. Quick prep careers : good jobs in 1 year or less
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Specialty Occupational Outlook : Professions
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VGM's careers encyclopedia
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Farr, J. Michael. Enhanced occupational outlook handbook
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Nature's last strongholds
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Business and industry
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BUS V.10
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BUS V.11
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Business and industry
R 340
Walker, David M. The Oxford companion to law
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The Bill of Rights
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The Oxford companion to the Supreme Court of the
United States
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Schwartz, Bernard A History of the Supreme Court
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World book of America's presidents.
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Social issues in America : an encyclopedia
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Social issues in America : an encyclopedia
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From high school to work : 150 great tech prep careers.
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Joint Committee of the American
Association of School Librarians and
the Department of Audiovisual
Instruction of the National Education
Standards for school media programs,
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College Handbook 2000
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USA in space
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Festivals and Holidays
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Holidays, festivals, and celebrations of the world
dictionary : detailing more than 3,000 observances from
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Webster's new world dictionary with student handbook,
young people's edition.
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Webster's new world dictionary with student handbook,
young people's edition.
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Hendrickson, Robert.
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Manser, Martin H.
The Facts on File dictionary of foreign words and
R 423
The American Heritage college thesaurus.
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Random House Webster's college dictionary.
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Random House Webster's Unabridged dictionary.
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Roget's II : the new thesaurus
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Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus With United States
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Webster's II new Riverside university dictionary.
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Webster's new collegiate dictionary.
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Webster's ninth new collegiate dictionary.
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Webster's third new international dictionary of the
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De Sola, Ralph,
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Espy, Willard R. Words to rhyme with : for poets and song writers
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Roget's international thesaurus.
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Bollard, John K. Scholastic student thesaurus
R 424
Roget's international thesaurus.
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A concise dictionary of slang and unconventional English
: from the work of Eric Partridge
R 443 Bar
French-English pocket dictionary = : Dictionnaire de
poche Fran∞cais-Anglais.
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poche Fran∞cais-Anglais.
R 443 Bar
French-English pocket dictionary = : Dictionnaire de
poche Fran∞cais-Anglais.
R 443 CAS
The New Cassell's French dictionary: French-English,
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Arthur, Christine. French English visual bilingual dictionary
R 463 Bar
Spanish-English pocket dictionary = : Diccionario de
bolsillo espa±ol-inglÈs.
R 463 Bar
Spanish-English pocket dictionary = : Diccionario de
bolsillo espa±ol-inglÈs.
R 463 CAS
Cassell's Spanish dictionary : Spanish-English, English-
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R 473 WIL Wilson, Alastair. Latin dictionary
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Russian-English Dictionary : under the direction of
Professor A. I. Smirnitsky
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Merriam-Webster's Arabic-English Dictionary
R 500
Bunch, Bryan H.
The Henry Holt handbook of current science &
technology : a sourcebook of facts and analysis covering
the most important events in science and technology
R 500
Mount, Ellis.
Milestones in science and technology : the ready
reference guide to discoveries, inventions, and facts
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The American Heritage Science
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McGraw-Hill dictionary of scientific and technical terms
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important people and events in the history of science
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Scientists: Their Lives and Works
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Scientists: Their Lives and Works
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Scientists: Their Lives and Works
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The Great scientists
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The Great scientists
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The Great scientists
R 510
Borowski, E. J. The HarperCollins dictionary of mathematics
R 510 Ros The Rosen comprehensive dictionary of math
R 510
Newman, James Roy,
The world of mathematics; : a small library of the
literature of mathematics from A∞h-mosthe scribe to
Albert Einstein,
R 510
Newman, James Roy,
The world of mathematics; : a small library of the
literature of mathematics from A∞h-mosthe scribe to
Albert Einstein,
R 510
Newman, James Roy,
The world of mathematics; : a small library of the
literature of mathematics from A∞h-mosthe scribe to
Albert Einstein,
R 510
Newman, James Roy,
The world of mathematics; : a small library of the
literature of mathematics from A∞h-mosthe scribe to
Albert Einstein,
R 525
World Book Inc. The planet earth : the World book of science
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Macmillan encyclopedia of physics
R 530
Macmillan encyclopedia of physics
R 530
Macmillan encyclopedia of physics
R 530
Macmillan encyclopedia of physics
R 530
The World of physics : a small library of the literature of
physics from antiquity to the present
R 530
The World of physics : a small library of the literature of
physics from antiquity to the present
R 530
The World of physics : a small library of the literature of
physics from antiquity to the present
R 530.03
The Rosen comprehensive dictionary of physics
R 540
Harrison, Percy. The Cassell dictionary of chemistry
R 540.3
The Rosen comprehensive dictionary of chemistry.
R 546 FAC The Facts On File dictionary of inorganic chemistry
R 546
Newton, David E. Chemical elements. : from carbon to krypton
R 546
Newton, David E. Chemical elements. : from carbon to krypton
R 547 FAC The Facts on File dictionary of organic chemistry
R 551.2
Ritchie, David, The encyclopedia of earthquakes and volcanoes
R 551.2
Ritchie, David, The encyclopedia of earthquakes and volcanoes
R 567.9
Parker, Steve, Dinosaurus : the complete guide to Dinosaurs
R 570
Camenson, Blythe. Great jobs for biology majors
R 570 ENC
Encyclopedia of life sciences
R 570 ENC
Encyclopedia of life sciences
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Encyclopedia of life sciences
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Cul V. 1
Cullen, Katherine E. Encyclopedia of life science
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Cul V. 2
Cullen, Katherine E. Encyclopedia of life science
R 570.3
The Rosen comprehensive dictionary of biology.
R 574
Margulis, Lynn,
Five kingdoms : an illustrated guide to the phyla of life
on earth
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Synopsis and classification of living organisms
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Synopsis and classification of living organisms
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Encyclopedia of life sciences
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Borell, Merriley. The biological sciences in the twentieth century
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De Duve, Christian. A guided tour of the living cell
R 574.87
De Duve, Christian. A guided tour of the living cell
R 577 FAC
The Facts on File dictionary of ecology and the
R 578.703
Rice, Stanley A., Encyclopedia of biodiversity
R 579.03
Maczulak, Anne E. Encyclopedia of microbiology
R 580
World Book Inc. The plant world : The World Book of Science
R 581.9
Plant life
R 590 Whi
The Simon & Schuster encyclopedia of animals : a visual
who's who of the world's creatures
R 590
World Book, Inc. The Animal world : The world book of science
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The Kingfisher illustrated encyclopedia of animals :
from aardvark to zorille - and 2,000 other animals
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Animal life
R 598.297
Alsop III, Fred J.
Smithsonian Birds of North America : Smithsonian
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Morris, Pat. World of animals.
R 599
Morris, Pat. World of animals.
R 599
Morris, Pat. World of animals.
R 599
Morris, Pat. World of animals.
R 599
Morris, Pat. World of animals.
R 599
Morris, Pat. World of animals.
R 599
Morris, Pat. World of animals.
R 599
Morris, Pat. World of animals.
R 599
Morris, Pat. World of animals.
R 599
Morris, Pat. World of animals.
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Exploring tech careers : real people tell you what you
need to know
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need to know
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World of Invention
R 609 INV
Inventions and Inventors
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Inventions and Inventors
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R 610
The Harvard Medical School family health guide
R 610
The medical advisor : the complete guide to alternative
& conventional treatments
R 610 OXF The Oxford companion to medicine
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R 610
World Book, Inc. The human body : The world book of science
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Magill's medical guide
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Magill's medical guide
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Exploring health care careers : real people tell you what
you need to know. Volume 1
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Mayo Clinic family health book
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The Columbia encyclopedia of nutrition
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Drugs and controlled substances : information for
R 615
The drug & natural medicine advisor : the complete
guide to alternative & conventional medications
R 616
The American Medical Association family medical guide
R 616 HEA
Health and Wellness Handbook
R 616 HEA
Health and Wellness Handbook
R 616
Merck Manual of Medical Information
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American College of Physicians Complete Home Medical
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Macmillan encyclopedia of energy.
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The complete encyclopedia of arms & weapons : the
most comprehensive reference work ever published on
arms and armor
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Great events from history II.
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Great events from history II.
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LIV v.1
Lives & Works in the Arts: from the Renaissance to the
20th Century
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20th Century
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20th Century
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20th Century
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20th Century
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20th Century
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Lives & Works in the Arts: from the Renaissance to the
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The Dictionary of Art The Dictionary of Art
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The Dictionary of Art The Dictionary of Art
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The Dictionary of Art The Dictionary of Art
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The Dictionary of Art The Dictionary of Art
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R 703 ENC Encyclopedia of world art.
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R 703 ENC Encyclopedia of world art.
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R 703 ENC Encyclopedia of world art.
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Encyclopedia of comparative iconography. : themes
depicted in works of art
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Encyclopedia of comparative iconography. : themes
depicted in works of art
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Murray, Peter
Oxford companion to Christian Art and Architecture :
Explore the Christian Tradition in western art
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The beginner's guide to art
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Encyclopedia of Italian Renaissance and Mannerist Art :
Grove Encyclopedias of European Art
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Encyclopedia of Italian Renaissance and Mannerist Art :
Grove Encyclopedias of European Art
R 709 HOL
Hollingsworth, Mary. Art in world history
R 709 HOL
Hollingsworth, Mary. Art in world history
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Irwin, David G. Neoclassicism
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R 709 OXF The Oxford history of Western art
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UND v.1
Understanding Art
R 709
UND v.2
Understanding Art
R 720
Curl, James Stevens, A dictionary of architecture
R 743 BRI Bridgman, George Brant,
Bridgman's complete guide to drawing from life : with
drawings and text
R 750
Welton, Jude Looking at Paintings : Eyewitness Art
R 780
The Cambridge music guide
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R 780
MUS v.1
Music in the 20th Century
R 780
MUS v.2
Music in the 20th Century
R 780
MUS v.3
Music in the 20th Century
R 780
The New Oxford companion to music
R 780
The New Oxford companion to music
R 780 OXF The Oxford dictionary of musical terms
R 780 SCH Schonberg, Harold C. The lives of the great composers
R 780
WOM v.1
Women and Music in America since 1900: an
R 780
WOM v.2
Women and Music in America since 1900: an
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Grove, George, Grove's dictionary of music and musicians.
R 780.3
Grove, George, Grove's dictionary of music and musicians.
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Grove, George, Grove's dictionary of music and musicians.
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Grove, George, Grove's dictionary of music and musicians.
R 780.3
Grove, George, Grove's dictionary of music and musicians.
R 780.3
Grove, George, Grove's dictionary of music and musicians.
R 780.3
Grove, George, Grove's dictionary of music and musicians.
R 780.3
Grove, George, Grove's dictionary of music and musicians.
R 780.3
Kennedy, Michael, The Oxford dictionary of music
R 780.973
Carlin, Richard, American popular music.
R 780.973
Hill, Brad, American popular music.
R 780.973
Hoffmann, Frank W., American popular music.
R 780.973
Morrison, Craig, American popular music.
R 780.973
Weissman, Dick. American popular music.
R 781 ENC
The Encyclopedia of Popular Music
R 781 ENC
The Encyclopedia of Popular Music
R 781 ENC
The Encyclopedia of Popular Music
R 781 ENC
The Encyclopedia of Popular Music
R 781 ENC
The Encyclopedia of Popular Music
R 781 ENC
The Encyclopedia of Popular Music
R 781 ENC
The Encyclopedia of Popular Music
R 781 ENC
The Encyclopedia of Popular Music
R 781.64
Gammond, Peter. The Oxford companion to popular music
R 781.65
The new Grove dictionary of jazz.
R 781.65
The new Grove dictionary of jazz.
R 781.65
The new Grove dictionary of jazz.
R 781.65
Yanow, Scott. Classic jazz
R 781.66
The Rolling stone encyclopedia of rock & roll
R 782.1
Bordman, Gerald Martin. American musical theatre : a chronicle
R 782.1
The New Grove book of operas
R 784.5
Ewen, David,
American songwriters : an H.W. Wilson biographical
R 791.43
Cinema year by year, 1894-2004
R 792.03
The Cambridge guide to world theatre
R 792.03
The Oxford companion to the theatre
R 792.09
Bordman, Gerald Martin. The Oxford companion to American theatre
R 792.09
Bordman, Gerald Martin. The Oxford companion to American theatre
R 793.8
Waters, T. A. The encyclopedia of magic and magicians
R 796 POL Pollak, Mark,
Sports leagues and teams : an encyclopedia, 1871
through 1996
R 796
Rooney, John F. Atlas of American sport
R 796 RUL
Rules of the game : the complete illustrated
encyclopedia of all the sports of the world
R 796.323
The Official NBA basketball encyclopedia
R 796.332
Vols Sports history : Tennessee Volunteer Football, 1996
R 801
The New Moulton's library of literary criticism
R 801
The New Moulton's library of literary criticism
R 801
Twentieth -Century Literary Criticism
R 803
Grote, David.
Common knowledge : a reader's guide to literary
R 803 OXF
The Oxford Companion to Twentieth-Century Literature
in English
R 803 SCO Scott, A.F.
Current literary terms : a concise dictionary of their
origin and use
R 803
Webber, Elizabeth. Merriam-Webster's dictionary of allusions
R 808 GIB Gibaldi, Joseph, MLA handbook for writers of research papers
R 808 Gre Plutarch.
R 808 Gre Tacitus.
R 808
MLA handbook for writers of research papers.
R 808.02
MLA handbook.
R 808.027
The Chicago manual of style.
R 808.81
Granger, Edith. Granger's index to poetry.
R 808.81
Granger, Edith. Granger's index to poetry.
R 808.81
The World's best poetry
R 808.81
The World's best poetry
R 808.81
The World's best poetry
R 808.81
The World's best poetry
R 808.81
The World's best poetry
R 808.81
The World's best poetry
R 808.81
The World's best poetry
R 808.81
The World's best poetry
R 808.81
The World's best poetry
R 808.81
The World's best poetry
R 808.81
The World's best poetry
R 808.81
The World's best poetry
R 808.88
The Viking book of aphorisms : a personal selection
R 808.88
Bartlett, John,
Bartlett's familiar quotations : a collection of passages,
phrases, and Proverbs traced to their sources in ancient
and modern literature
R 808.88
Bartlett, John,
Familiar quotations : a collection of passages, phrases,
and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and
modern literature
R 808.88
Bartlett, John,
Familiar quotations : a collection of passages, phrases,
and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and
modern literature
R 808.88
Bartlett, John,
Familiar quotations; : a collection of passages, phrases,
and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and
modern literature.
R 808.88
Home book of American quotations
R 808.88
Evans, Bergen, Dictionary of quotations,
R 808.88
The Executive's Book of Quotations
R 808.88
The Oxford Dictonary of Modern Quotations
R 809 BLO Bloom, Harold. The Western canon : the books and school of the ages
R 809
Burt, Daniel S.
The literary 100 : a ranking of the most influential
novelists, playwrights, and poets of all time
R 809 CYC
Cyclopedia of Literary Characters
R 809 CYC
Cyclopedia of Literary Places
R 809 CYC
Cyclopedia of Literary Characters
R 809 CYC
Cyclopedia of Literary Places
R 809 CYC
Cyclopedia of Literary Characters
R 809 CYC
Cyclopedia of Literary Places
R 809 CYC
Cyclopedia of Literary Characters
R 809 CYC
Cyclopedia of Literary Characters
R 809 ENC Encyclopedia of Holocaust literature
R 809 Fau 101 authors
R 809 LIT
Literary Lifelines
R 809 LIT
Literary Lifelines
R 809 LIT
Literary Lifelines
R 809 LIT
Literary Lifelines
R 809 LIT
Literary Lifelines
R 809 LIT
Literary Lifelines
R 809 LIT
Literary Lifelines
R 809 LIT
Literary Lifelines
R 809 LIT
Literary Lifelines
R 809 LIT
Literary Lifelines
R 809
Mag V. 1
Magill's survey of world literature
R 809
Mag V. 2
Magill's survey of world literature
R 809
Mag V. 3
Magill's survey of world literature
R 809
Mag V. 4
Magill's survey of world literature
R 809
Mag V. 5
Magill's survey of world literature
R 809
Mag V. 6
Magill's survey of world literature
R 809
Masterpieces of world literature
R 809 SEY Seymour-Smith, Martin. Who's who in twentieth-century literature
R 809 STA European writers.
R 809 STA European writers.
R 809 STA European writers.
R 809
WOR v.1
World Authors 1900-1950
R 809
WOR v.2
World Authors 1900-1950
R 809
WOR v.3
World Authors 1900-1950
R 809
WOR v.4
World Authors 1900-1950
R 809.1
Masterplots II.
R 809.1
Masterplots II.
R 809.1
Masterplots II.
R 809.1
Masterplots II.
R 809.1
Masterplots II.
R 809.1
Masterplots II.
R 809.2
Fletcher, Steve. The book of 1000 plays
R 809.3
Critical survey of short fiction
R 809.3
Critical survey of short fiction
R 809.3
Critical survey of short fiction
R 809.3
Critical survey of short fiction
R 809.3
Critical survey of short fiction
R 809.3
Critical survey of short fiction
R 809.3
Critical survey of short fiction
R 809.3
Masterplots II.
R 809.3
Masterplots II.
R 809.3
Masterplots II.
R 809.3
Masterplots II.
R 809.3
Masterplots II.
R 809.3
Masterplots II.
R 809.3
Masterplots II.
R 809.3
Masterplots II.
R 809.3
Masterplots II.
R 809.3
Masterplots II.
R 809.3
Masterplots II.
R 809.3
Masterplots II.
R 809.3
Masterplots II.
R 809.3
Masterplots II.
R 809.3
Masterplots II.
R 809.3
Masterplots II.
R 810
The Cambridge handbook of American literature
R 810 OXF Ehrlich, Eugene H.
The Oxford illustrated literary guide to the United
R 810.3
Hart, James D. The Oxford companion to American literature
R 810.8
The Norton anthology of African American literature
R 810.8
Oxford Companion to African American Literature
R 810.9
American women writers : a critical reference guide :
from colonial times to the present.
R 810.9
American women writers : a critical reference guide :
from colonial times to the present.
R 810.9
American women writers : a critical reference guide :
from colonial times to the present.
R 810.9
American women writers : a critical reference guide :
from colonial times to the present.
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
American writers. : a collection of literary biographies
R 810.9
The companion to Southern literature : themes, genres,
places, people, movements, and motifs
R 810.9
Magill's survey of American literature.
R 810.9
Magill's survey of American literature.
R 810.9
Magill's survey of American literature.
R 810.9
Magill's survey of American literature.
R 810.9
Magill's survey of American literature.
R 810.9
Magill's survey of American literature.
R 810.9
Magill's survey of American literature
R 810.9
Magill's survey of American literature
R 810.9
Magill's survey of American literature
R 810.9
Magill's survey of American literature
R 810.9
Masterplots II.
R 810.9
Masterplots II.
R 810.9
Masterplots II.
R 810.9
Merriam-Webster's dictionary of American writers.
R 810.9
Modern American women writers
R 810.9
WOM v.1
Women memoirists, volume one
R 810.9
WOM v.2
Women memoirists, volume two
Drew, Bernard A.
100 more popular young adult authors : biographical
sketches and bibliographies
R 811
American poets since World War II.
R 813
American short-story writers, 1880-1910
R 813 FAC
The Facts on File companion to the American short
R 813 TAT Tate, Mary Jo.
F. Scott Fitzgerald A to Z : the essential reference to his
life and work
R 813.009
Major characters in American fiction
R 818
Sova, Dawn B.
Edgar Allan Poe A to Z : the essential reference to his
life and work
R 820.3
Drabble, Margaret, The Oxford companion to English literature
R 820.3
Drabble, Margaret, The Oxford companion to English literature
R 820.9
British writers.
R 820.9
British writers.
R 820.9
British writers.
R 820.9
British writers.
R 820.9
British writers.
R 820.9
British writers.
R 820.9
British writers
R 820.9
British writers
R 820.9
British writers
R 820.9
British writers
R 820.9
British writers
R 820.9
British writers
R 820.9
British writers
R 820.9
British writers
R 820.9
British writers
R 820.9
British writers
R 820.9
British writers
R 820.9
British writers
R 820.9
British writers
R 820.9
British writers
R 820.9
The Cambridge guide to literature in English
R 820.9
The Oxford Illustrated Literary Guide to Great Britain
and Ireland
R 821 BRI British romantic poets, 1789-1832.
R 821
The Norton anthology of modern poetry
R 821.009
Critical survey of poetry.
R 821.009
Critical survey of poetry.
R 821.009
Critical survey of poetry.
R 821.009
Critical survey of poetry.
R 821.009
Critical survey of poetry.
R 821.009
Critical survey of poetry.
R 821.009
Critical survey of poetry.
R 821.009
Critical survey of poetry.
R 821.1
Rossignol, Rosalyn.
Chaucer A to Z : the essential reference to his life and
R 822.009
Critical survey of drama
R 822.009
Critical survey of drama
R 822.009
Critical survey of drama
R 822.009
Critical survey of drama
R 822.009
Critical survey of drama
R 822.009
Critical survey of drama
R 822.009
Critical survey of drama
R 822.3
Boyce, Charles.
Shakespeare A to Z : the essential reference to his
plays, his poems, his life and times, and more
R 822.3
Olsen, Kirstin.
All things Shakespeare. : an encyclopedia of
Shakespeare's world
R 822.3
Olsen, Kirstin.
All things Shakespeare. : an encyclopedia of
Shakespeare's world
R 822.3
Olsen, Kirstin.
All things Shakespeare. : an encyclopedia of
Shakespeare's world
R 822.3
Olsen, Kirstin.
All things Shakespeare. : an encyclopedia of
Shakespeare's world
R 822.3
The Oxford Companion to Shakespeare
R 822.3
Shakespeare's romances
R 822.3
Spurgeon, Caroline. Shakespeare's imagery and what it tells us
R 822.3
Stokes, Francis Griffin. Who's who in Shakespeare
R 822.33
Bak V. 1
Baker, William,
The Facts on File companion to Shakespeare : Volume I -
- Background essays and poems
R 822.33
Bak V. 2
Baker, William,
The Facts on File companion to Shakespeare : Volume II
- All's Well That Ends Well to Henry IV, Part 2
R 822.33
Bak V. 3
Baker, William,
The Facts on File companion to Shakespeare : Volume
III - Henry V to Macbeth
R 822.33
Bak V. 4
Baker, William,
The Facts on File companion to Shakespeare : Volume
IV - Measure for Measure to Richard III
R 822.33
Bak V. 5
Baker, William,
The Facts on File companion to Shakespeare : Volume V
- Romeo and Juliet to The Winter's Tale
R 822.33
Shakespeare, William, The Norton Shakespeare
R 823 BRI
British women fiction writers, 1900-1960 / : volume one
R 823 BRI
British women fiction writers, 1900-1960 : volume two
R 823
MAS v.1
Masterplots II: British and Commonwealth Fiction
R 823
MAS v.2
Masterplots II: British and Commonwealth Fiction
R 823
MAS v.3
Masterplots II: British and Commonwealth Fiction
R 823
MAS v.4
Masterplots II: British and Commonwealth Fiction
R 823 OXF Oxford reader's companion to Dickens
R 823.009
Critical survey of long fiction.
R 823.009
Critical survey of long fiction.
R 823.009
Critical survey of long fiction.
R 823.009
Critical survey of long fiction.
R 823.009
Critical survey of long fiction.
R 823.009
Critical survey of long fiction.
R 823.009
Critical survey of long fiction.
R 823.009
Critical survey of long fiction.
87 BRI
British women fiction writers of the 19th century
R 824.008
The Oxford book of essays
R 860.9
Latin American writers
R 860.9
Latin American writers
R 860.9
Latin American writers
R 880
Ancient writers : Greece and Rome
R 880
Ancient writers : Greece and Rome
R 880
Howatson, M. C. The Oxford companion to classical literature.
R 900
Great ages of man : A history of the World's culture
series, v.1 Age of faith
R 900
Great ages of man : A history of the World's culture
series, v.2 Imperial Rome
R 900
Great ages of man : A history of the World's culture
series, v.3 Renaissance
R 900
Great ages of man : A history of the World's culture
series, v.4 Age of enlightment
R 900
Great ages of man : A history of the World's culture
series, v.5 Classical Greece
R 902
Grun, Bernard,
The timetables of history : a horizontal linkage of
people and events, based on Werner Stein's
R 903 Enc Encyclopedia of world history
R 903 Enc Encyclopedia of world history
R 903 Enc Encyclopedia of world history
R 903 Enc Encyclopedia of world history
R 903 Enc Encyclopedia of world history
R 903 Enc Encyclopedia of world history
R 903 Enc Encyclopedia of world history
R 904 BIS Battles of the 20th century
R 909 BLA Black firsts : 2,000 years of extraordinary achievement
R 909
Durant, Will, The story of civilization.
R 909 JUD Judge, Harry. World History : v.3
R 909 JUD Judge, Harry. World History : v.4
R 909 Kir Kirby, John T. World eras : Volume 3 : Roman Republic and Empire
R 909 Kir Kirby, John T. World eras : Volume 6 : classical Greek civilization
R 909 Kir Mvuyekure, Pierre-Damien World eras : Volume 10 : West African kingdoms
R 909
Magill, Frank Northen, Great events from history.
R 909
Magill, Frank Northen, Great events from history.
R 909
Magill, Frank Northen, Great events from history.
R 909
National Geographic visual atlas of the world.
R 909 Roo Forces of faith
R 909 Roo The roots of Western civilization : Body and mind.
R 909 Roo The roots of Western civilization : Centers of invention.
R 909 Roo The roots of Western civilization : Crafts and trade.
R 909 Roo The roots of Western civilization : Games and sports.
R 909 Roo The roots of Western civilization : In search of novelty.
R 909 Roo The roots of Western civilization : Man on the move.
R 909 Roo The roots of Western civilization : Popular culture.
R 909 Roo The roots of Western civilization : Rural landscapes.
R 909 Roo The roots of Western civilization : Seats of power.
R 909 Roo The roots of Western civilization : Towns and cities.
R 909 Roo
The roots of Western civilization : Two thousand years
of warfare.
R 909
Today in History : a day-by-day review of world events
R 909.07
The Middle Ages
R 909.07
The Middle Ages
R 909.07
The Middle Ages
R 909.07
The Middle Ages
R 909.08
Larousse encyclopedia of modern history from 1500 to
the present day;
R 909.1
Grant, Michael, Dawn of the Middle Ages
R 909.5
Great events from history.
R 909.5
Great lives from history.
R 909.5
Great events from history.
R 909.5
Great lives from history.
R 909.6
GRE v.1
Great Events from History : the 17th century, 1601-1700
R 909.6
GRE v.2
Great Events from History : the 17th century, 1601-1700
R 909.7
Great events from history.
R 909.7
Great events from history.
R 909.81
Great events from history.
R 909.81
Great events from history.
R 909.81
Great events from history.
R 909.81
Great events from history.
R 909.82
The twentieth century
R 909.82
The twentieth century
R 909.82
The twentieth century
R 909.82
The twentieth century
R 909.82
The twentieth century
R 909.82
The twentieth century
R 909.82
Great events from history.
R 909.82
Great events from history.
R 909.82
Great events from history.
R 909.82
Great events from history.
R 909.82
Great events from history.
R 909.82
Great events from history.
R 909.82
Great events from history.
R 909.82
Great events from history. : The 20th century, 1941-
R 909.82
Great events from history.
R 909.82
Great events from history. : The 20th century, 1941-
R 909.82
Great events from history.
R 909.82
Great events from history. : The 20th century, 1941-
R 909.82
Great events from history.
R 909.82
Great events from history. : The 20th century, 1941-
R 909.82
Great events from history.
R 909.82
Great events from history. : The 20th century, 1941-
R 909.82
Great events from history.
R 909.82
Great events from history. : The 20th century, 1941-
R 910.02
The Earth's natural forces
R 910.3
The encyclopedia of world geography : a country by
country guide.
R 910.3
What's In a Name?
R 911
COM v.1
The Complete Atlas of World History : Prehistory and
the Ancient World
R 911
COM v.2
The Complete Atlas of World History : Prehistory and
the Ancient World
R 911
COM v.3
The Complete Atlas of World History : Prehistory and
the Ancient World
R 911 HIS National Geographic Society (U.S.) Historical atlas of the United States.
R 912
Hammond Incorporated. Hammond atlas of the world.
R 912
Hammond World Atlas Corporation. Hammond world atlas.
R 912 OXF Atlas of the world.
R 912 OXF Oxford Atlas of the World
R 920 AFR African American lives
R 920 ALT Altman, Susan.
Extraordinary Black Americans from colonial to
contemporary times
R 920
AME v.1
American women fiction writers, 1900-1960 : volume
R 920
AME v.2
American women fiction writers, 1900-1960 : volume
R 920
AME v.3
American women fiction writers, 1900-1960 : volume
R 920 BAK
Baker's biographical dictionary of popular musicians
since 1990.
R 920 BAK
Baker's biographical dictionary of popular musicians
since 1990.
R 920 BIO The Biographical dictionary of scientists.
R 920 BIO The Biographical dictionary of scientists.
R 920 BIO The Biographical dictionary of scientists.
R 920 BIO The Biographical dictionary of scientists.
R 920 BIO The Biographical dictionary of scientists.
R 920 BIO The Biographical dictionary of scientists.
R 920 BLA Black women in America.
R 920 BLA
Black writers : a selection of sketches from
contemporary authors
R 920 BLO The Bloomsbury guide to women's literature
R 920 BRI British writers.
R 920 BRI British writers.
R 920
Cambridge biographical dictionary
R 920 CAR Carey, Charles W. African-American political leaders
R 920 COL Collinson, DianÈ, Fifty major philosophers : a reference guide
R 920
Contemporary artists
R 920 Cur Current biography 2008 : with index 2001-2008.
R 920
Current biography : cumulated index, 1940-2000.
R 920
Current biography : cumulated index, 1940-2000.
R 920
Current biography international yearbook, 2004
R 920
Current biography international yearbook, 2005
R 920
Current biography international yearbook, 2006
R 920
Current biography yearbook, 2004
R 920
Current biography yearbook, 2005
R 920
Current biography yearbook, 2006
R 920 Cur Current biography yearbook, 2011
R 920 Curr Current biography 2009 : With index 2001-2009.
R 920 DIC The American renaissance in New England
R 920 DIC Dictionary of Hispanic Biography
R 920 DIC
Dictionary of Literary Biography : v.86, American Short
Story Writers, 1910-1945
R 920 ENC Encyclopedia of world biography. 1, A-Barbosa.
R 920 ENC Encyclopedia of world biography. 2, Bardeen-Briand.
R 920 ENC Encyclopedia of world biography. 3, Brice-Ch'i Pai-Shih.
R 920 ENC
Encyclopedia of world biography. 4, Chippendale-
R 920 ENC Encyclopedia of world biography. 5, Diderot-Forbes.
R 920 ENC Encyclopedia of world biography. 6, Ford-Grilliparzer.
R 920 ENC Encyclopedia of world biography. 7, Grimke-Howells.
R 920 ENC Encyclopedia of world biography. 8, Hoxha-Kierkegaard.
R 920 ENC Encyclopedia of world biography. 9, Kilpatrick-Louis.
R 920 ENC Encyclopedia of world biography. 10, Love-Micah.
R 920 ENC Encyclopedia of world biography. 11, Michael-Orleans.
R 920 ENC Encyclopedia of world biography. 12, Orozco-Radisson.
R 920 ENC Encyclopedia of world biography. 13, Raffles-Schelling.
R 920 ENC Encyclopedia of world biography. 14, Schiele-Stuart.
R 920 ENC Encyclopedia of world biography. 15, Studi-Visser.
R 920 ENC Encyclopedia of world biography. 16, Vitoria-Zworykin.
R 920 ENC Encyclopedia of world biography. 17, Index.
R 920
Grant, Michael, Greek and Latin authors, 800 B.C.-A.D. 1000
R 920
Great lives from history
R 920
Great lives from history.
R 920
Great lives from history.
R 920
Great lives from history.
R 920
Great lives from history.
R 920
Great lives from history.
R 920
Great lives from history.
R 920
Great lives from history.
R 920
Great lives from history.
R 920
Great lives from history.
R 920
Great lives from history.
R 920
Great lives from history.
R 920
Great lives from history.
R 920
Great lives from history.
R 920
Great lives from history.
R 920
Great lives from history.
R 920
Great lives from history.
R 920
Great lives from history.
R 920
Great lives from history.
R 920
Great lives from history.
R 920
GRO v.1
The Grolier Library of Science Biographies
R 920
GRO v.10
The Grolier Library of Science Biographies
R 920
GRO v.2
The Grolier Library of Science Biographies
R 920
GRO v.3
The Grolier Library of Science Biographies
R 920
GRO v.4
The Grolier Library of Science Biographies
R 920
GRO v.5
The Grolier Library of Science Biographies
R 920
GRO v.6
The Grolier Library of Science Biographies
R 920
GRO v.7
The Grolier Library of Science Biographies
R 920
GRO v.8
The Grolier Library of Science Biographies
R 920
GRO v.9
The Grolier Library of Science Biographies
R 920 JAC Jackson-Laufer, Guida M. Women who ruled
R 920 Jun Fifth book of junior authors and illustrators
R 920 Jun Fourth book of junior authors & illustrators
R 920 Jun The ninth book of junior authors and illustrators
R 920 Jun Seventh book of junior authors and illustrators
R 920 Jun Sixth book of junior authors and illustrators
R 920 Jun De Montreville, Doris. Third book of junior authors.
R 920 Jun Fuller, Muriel, More junior authors.
R 920 Jun Kunitz, Stanley, The junior book of authors,
R 920 KIN Kings and Queens
R 920 KRA Kranz, Rachel. African-American business leaders and entrepreneurs
R 920
Kunitz, Stanley,
American authors, 1600-1900; : a biographical
dictionary of American literature,
R 920
Kunitz, Stanley,
Twentieth century authors : a biographical dictionary of
modern literature. First supplement
R 920 LAT Latino Americans
R 920 LEV Levine, Michael, The address book : how to reach anyone who's anyone
R 920 LEV Levine, Michael,
The kid's address book : over 3,000 addresses of
celebrities, athletes, entertainers, and more-- just for
R 920 LIT
The Literary Almanac : The Best of the Printed Word
1900 to the Present
R 920
MacNee, Marie J.
Outlaws, mobsters & crooks : from the Old West to the
R 920
MacNee, Marie J.
Outlaws, mobsters & crooks : from the Old West to the
R 920
MacNee, Marie J.
Outlaws, mobsters & crooks : from the Old West to the
R 920
Major 20th-century writers : a selection of sketches
from Contemporary authors
R 920
Major 20th-century writers : a selection of sketches
from Contemporary authors
R 920
Major 20th-century writers : a selection of sketches
from Contemporary authors
R 920
Major 20th-century writers : a selection of sketches
from Contemporary authors
R 920
Notable Black American men
R 920
Notable Black American women
R 920
Notable Hispanic American women
R 920
Notable mathematicians : from ancient times to the
R 920
Notable women scientists
R 920 SCR The Scribner encyclopedia of American lives.
R 920 SCR The Scribner encyclopedia of American lives.
R 920 SCR The Scribner encyclopedia of American lives.
R 920 SLO Slonimsky, Nicolas, Baker's biographical dictionary of musicians
R 920 TAR Taragano, Martin,
Basketball biographies : 434 U.S. players, coaches, and
contributors to the game, 1891-1990
R 920 VIC The vice presidents : a biographical dictionary
R 920
Who's who among African Americans
R 920 WIL Index to the Wilson authors series
R 920
World Authors 1990-1995
R 920
World authors, 1970-1975
R 920
World authors, 1975-1980
R 920
World authors, 1980-1985
R 920
World authors, 1985-1990
R 920
World authors, 1995-2000
R 920
World authors, 2000 - 2005
R 920
World poets.
R 920
World poets.
R 920
World poets.
R 920
World Book.
Portraits of the Presidents : (Washington through
Reagan); World Book of America's Presidents
R 920
Writers for Young Adults
R 920
Writers for Young Adults
R 920
Writers for Young Adults
R 920 YEL Yellin, Carol Lynn The Perfect 36: Tennessee Delivers Woman Suffrage
R 920.009
Great lives from history.
R 920.009
Great lives from history.
R 920.009
Great lives from history. : 17th century, 1601-1700
R 920.009
Great lives from history.
R 920.009
Great lives from history.
R 920.009
Great lives from history. : 17th century, 1601-1700
R 920.009
Great lives from history.
R 920.009
Great lives from history.
R 920.02
DIC v.1
Dictionary of World Biography
R 920.02
DIC v.10
Dictionary of World Biography
R 920.02
DIC v.2
Dictionary of World Biography
R 920.02
DIC v.3
Dictionary of World Biography
R 920.02
DIC v.4
Dictionary of World Biography
R 920.02
DIC v.5
Dictionary of World Biography
R 920.02
DIC v.6
Dictionary of World Biography
R 920.02
DIC v.7
Dictionary of World Biography
R 920.02
DIC v.8
Dictionary of World Biography
R 920.02
DIC v.9
Dictionary of World Biography
R 920.02
Historic World Leaders
R 920.02
Historic World Leaders
R 920.02
Historic World Leaders
R 920.02
Historic World Leaders
R 920.02
Historic World Leaders
R 920.03
Current biography : cumulated index, 1940-2005
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook 1971.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current biography yearbook.
R 920.03
Current Biography Yearbook Current Biography Yearbook :
R 920.03
Current Biography Yearbook Current Biography Yearbook :
R 920.03
Current Biography Yearbook Current Biography Yearbook :
R 920.03
Current Biography Yearbook Current Biography Yearbook :
R 920.03
Dictionary of American biography : complete through
supplement ten.
R 920.03
Dictionary of American biography : complete through
supplement ten.
R 920.03
Dictionary of American biography : complete through
supplement ten.
R 920.03
Dictionary of American biography : complete through
supplement ten.
R 920.03
Dictionary of American biography : complete through
supplement ten.
R 920.03
Dictionary of American biography : complete through
supplement ten.
R 920.03
Dictionary of American biography : complete through
supplement ten.
R 920.03
Dictionary of American biography : complete through
supplement ten.
R 920.03
Dictionary of American biography : complete through
supplement ten.
R 920.03
Dictionary of American biography : complete through
supplement ten.
R 920.03
Dictionary of American biography : complete through
supplement ten.
R 920.03
Dictionary of American biography : complete through
supplement ten.
R 920.03
Dictionary of American biography : complete through
supplement ten.
R 920.03
Dictionary of American biography : complete through
supplement ten.
R 920.03
Dictionary of American biography : complete through
supplement ten.
R 920.03
Dictionary of American biography : complete through
supplement ten.
R 920.03
Dictionary of American biography : complete through
supplement ten.
R 920.03
Dictionary of American biography : complete through
supplement ten.
R 920.03
Dictionary of American biography : complete through
supplement ten.
R 920.03
Dictionary of American biography : complete through
supplement ten.
R 920.03
DIC s.1 &
Dictionary of American biography : complete through
supplement ten.
R 920.03
Cyclopedia of world authors
R 920.03
Magill, Frank Northen, Cyclopedia of world authors.
R 920.03
Magill, Frank Northen, Cyclopedia of world authors.
R 920.073
Delano, Marfe Ferguson. American heroes
R 920.073
SCR v.1
Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives
R 920.073
SCR v.2
Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives
R 920.073
SCR v.3
Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives
R 920.073
SCR v.4
Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives
R 920.073
SCR v.5
Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives
Sic V. 1
100 entertainers who changed America : an
encyclopedia of pop culture luminaries
Sic V. 2
100 entertainers who changed America : an
encyclopedia of pop culture luminaries
R 920.72
The 100 most influential women of all time
R 920.72
Notable American women : the modern period : a
biographical dictionary
R 929.4
Stewart, George Rippey
American Given Names : Their Origin and History in the
Context of the EnglishLanguage
R 929.6
Foster, Joseph,
The dictionary of heraldry : feudal coats of arms and
R 929.9
Smith, Whitney. The flag book of the United States.
R 929.9
Ultimate Pocket Flags of the World
R 930
The Ancient City : Life in Classical Athens & Rome
R 930 ENC
Encyclopedia of the Ancient World
R 930 ENC
Encyclopedia of the Ancient World
R 930 ENC
Encyclopedia of the Ancient World
R 930 HIS History of the ancient & medieval world.
R 930 HIS History of the ancient & medieval world.
R 930 HIS History of the ancient & medieval world.
R 930 HIS History of the ancient & medieval world.
R 930 HIS History of the ancient & medieval world.
R 930 HIS History of the ancient & medieval world.
R 930 HIS History of the ancient & medieval world.
R 930 HIS History of the ancient & medieval world.
R 930 HIS History of the ancient & medieval world.
R 930
Mellersh, H. E. L. Chronology of the ancient world, 10,000 B.C. to A.D. 799
R 937 BAK Baker, Rosalie F. Ancient Romans : Expanding the Classical Tradition
R 937
The World of the Romans
R 938 BAK Baker, Rosalie F. Ancient Greeks
R 938
Who was who in the Greek world : 776 BC-30 BC
R 938
Civilization of the ancient Mediterranean : Greece and
R 938
Civilization of the ancient Mediterranean : Greece and
R 938
Civilization of the ancient Mediterranean : Greece and
R 938 OXF The Oxford classical dictionary
R 938 SAC Sacks, David. Encyclopedia of the ancient Greek world
R 940.1
Bunson, Matthew. Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages
R 940.1
The Oxford Illustrated History of Medieval Europe
R 940.1
World eras : Volume 4 : Medieval Europe.
R 940.2
Bergin, Thomas Goddard, Encyclopedia of the Renaissance
R 940.2
Campbell, Gordon, The Oxford dictionary of the Renaissance
R 940.2
Encyclopedia of the Renaissance.
R 940.2
Encyclopedia of the Renaissance.
R 940.2
Encyclopedia of the Renaissance.
R 940.2
Encyclopedia of the Renaissance.
R 940.2
Encyclopedia of the Renaissance.
R 940.2
Encyclopedia of the Renaissance.
R 940.2
Ritchie, Robert. Historical atlas of the Renaissance
R 940.2
World eras : Volume 1 : European Renaissance and
R 940.53
World War II : primary sources
R 940.53
Feldman, George World War II : almanac Volume 1
R 940.53
Feldman, George World War II : almanac Volume 2
R 940.53
Howes, Kelly King World War II : biographies
R 940.53
Slovey, Christine World War II : cumulative index
R 940.53
Slovey, Christine World War II : cumulative index
R 941
Cannon, John Ashton. The Oxford illustrated history of the British monarchy
R 941 COL The Columbia companion to British history
R 941 OXF The Oxford illustrated history of Britain
R 942.05
Wagner, John A.,
Historical dictionary of the Elizabethan world : Britain,
Ireland, Europe, and America
R 942.2
The Oxford Illustrated History of Tudor & Stuart Britain
R 950.4
WOR v.1
World Conflicts : Asia and the Middle East
R 950.4
WOR v.2
World Conflicts : Asia and the Middle East
R 951.904
Benson, Sonia. Korean War.
R 951.904
Summers, Harry G. Korean War almanac
R 959.704
Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War
R 959.704
The Vietnam War.
R 959.704
The Vietnam War.
R 959.704
The Vietnam War.
R 959.704
The Vietnam War.
R 959.704
The Vietnam War.
R 959.704
The Vietnam War.
R 959.704
The Vietnam War.
R 959.704
The Vietnam War.
R 959.704
The Vietnam War.
R 959.704
The Vietnam War.
R 959.704
The Vietnam War.
R 959.704
The Vietnam War.
R 970.004
Johnson, Michael, Encyclopedia of native tribes of North America
R 970.004
Waldman, Carl. Encyclopedia of Native American tribes
Yenne, Bill,
The encyclopedia of North American Indian tribes : a
comprehensive study of tribes from the Abitibi to the
R 973 AFR The African Americans
R 973
Americans at war. : society, culture, and the homefront
R 973
Americans at war. : society, culture, and the homefront
R 973
Americans at war. : society, culture, and the homefront
R 973
Americans at war. : society, culture, and the homefront
R 973
Concise dictionary of American history.
R 973 ENC
Encyclopedia of African-American culture and history / :
Vol. 1 AAR-CIT.
R 973 ENC
Encyclopedia of African-American culture and history / :
Vol. 2 CIV-GYM.
R 973 ENC
Encyclopedia of African-American culture and history / :
Vol. 3 HAC-MEX.
R 973 ENC
Encyclopedia of African-American culture and history / :
Vol. 4 MIA-RYD.
R 973 ENC
Encyclopedia of African-American culture and history / :
Vol. 5 SAA-ZYD.
R 973 ENC
Encyclopedia of African-American culture and history/ :
A-Z cumulative index.
R 973 ENC Encyclopedia of American history.
R 973 ENC Encyclopedia of American history.
R 973 ENC Encyclopedia of American history.
R 973 ENC Encyclopedia of American history.
R 973 ENC Encyclopedia of American history.
R 973 ENC Encyclopedia of American history.
R 973 ENC Encyclopedia of American history.
R 973 ENC Encyclopedia of American history.
R 973 ENC Encyclopedia of American history.
R 973 ENC Encyclopedia of American history.
R 973 ENC Encyclopedia of American history.
R 973 FRA Franklin, John Hope,
From slavery to freedom : a history of African
R 973 HIR Hirsch, E. D. The dictionary of cultural literacy
R 973 HIS
A history of the African American people : the history,
traditions & culture of African Americans
R 973 LEA Leadership
R 973
Monuments and Historic Places of America
R 973 PER Perseverance
R 973 REF Reference library of Black America.
R 973 REF Reference library of Black America.
R 973 REF Reference library of Black America.
R 973 REF Reference library of Black America.
R 973 REF Reference library of Black America.
R 973.01
Encyclopedia of Black America
R 973.03
Holt, Sol Dictionary of American history.
R 973.03
Holt, Sol Dictionary of American history.
R 973.03
Holt, Sol Dictionary of American history.
R 973.03
Holt, Sol Dictionary of American history.
R 973.03
Holt, Sol Dictionary of American history.
R 973.03
Holt, Sol Dictionary of American history.
R 973.03
Holt, Sol Dictionary of American history.
R 973.03
Holt, Sol Dictionary of American history.
R 973.03
Holt, Sol Dictionary of American history.
R 973.03
Holt, Sol Dictionary of American history.
R 973.09
American First Ladies
R 973.09
American reformers : an H.W. Wilson biographical
R 973.09
Vice presidents : a biographical dictionary
R 973.09
The World Book of America's presidents : portraits of
the presidents
R 973.09
The World Book of America's presidents : portraits of
the presidents
R 973.09
The World Book of America's presidents : the
president's world
R 973.09
The World Book of America's presidents : the
president's world
R 973.099
Hamilton, Neil A., Presidents : a biographical dictionary
R 973.099
Schneider, Dorothy. First ladies : a biographical dictionary
R 973.1
American eras.
R 973.2
American eras.
R 973.2
Colonial America : an encyclopedia of social, political,
cultural, and economic history
R 973.2
Colonial America : an encyclopedia of social, political,
cultural, and economic history
R 973.2
Colonial America : an encyclopedia of social, political,
cultural, and economic history
R 973.2
Colonial America : an encyclopedia of social, political,
cultural, and economic history
R 973.2
Colonial America : an encyclopedia of social, political,
cultural, and economic history
R 973.2
Purvis, Thomas L., Colonial America to 1763
R 973.3
American eras.
R 973.3
Purvis, Thomas L., Revolutionary America, 1763 to 1800
R 973.4
American eras.
R 973.5
American eras.
R 973.7
American eras.
R 973.7
Catton, Bruce, The American heritage picture history of the Civil War
R 973.7
Encyclopedia of the Civil War.
R 973.8
American eras.
R 973.8
Encyclopedia of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era
R 973.8
Encyclopedia of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era
R 973.8
Encyclopedia of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era
R 973.9
America: an illustrated diary of its most exciting years.
R 973.9
America: an illustrated diary of its most exciting years.
R 973.9
America: an illustrated diary of its most exciting years.
R 973.9
America: an illustrated diary of its most exciting years.
R 973.9
America: an illustrated diary of its most exciting years.
R 973.9
America: an illustrated diary of its most exciting years.
R 973.9
America: an illustrated diary of its most exciting years.
R 973.9
America: an illustrated diary of its most exciting years.
R 973.9
America: an illustrated diary of its most exciting years.
R 973.9
America: an illustrated diary of its most exciting years.
R 973.9
America: an illustrated diary of its most exciting years.
R 973.9
America: an illustrated diary of its most exciting years.
R 973.9
America: an illustrated diary of its most exciting years.
R 973.9
America: an illustrated diary of its most exciting years.
R 973.9
America: an illustrated diary of its most exciting years.
R 973.9
America: an illustrated diary of its most exciting years.
R 973.9
America: an illustrated diary of its most exciting years.
R 973.9
America: an illustrated diary of its most exciting years.
R 973.9
America: an illustrated diary of its most exciting years.
R 973.9
America: an illustrated diary of its most exciting years.
R 973.91
Streissguth, Thomas, The roaring twenties
R 973.916
Encyclopedia of the Great Depression
R 973.916
Encyclopedia of the Great Depression
R 973.917
Pederson, William D., The FDR years
R 973.92
The fifties in America
R 973.92
The fifties in America
R 973.92
The fifties in America
R 973.92
The sixties in America
R 973.92
The sixties in America
R 973.92
The sixties in America
R 973.921
Mayer, Michael S. The Eisenhower years
R 973.924
SEV v.1
The Seventies in America
R 973.924
SEV v.2
The Seventies in America
R 973.924
SEV v.3
The Seventies in America
2 Gre
Greene, John Robert, The Nixon-Ford years
R 974 Enc Encyclopedia of Appalachia
R 975 ENC Encyclopedia of Southern culture
R 976.768
Connelly, Thomas Lawrence. Civil War Tennessee : battles and leaders
R 976.768
Egerton, John.
Visions of utopia : Nashoba, Rugby, Ruskin, and the new
communities" in Tennessee's past"
R 976.768
Harris, Bill Tennessee : The Volunteer State
R 976.768
Luther, Edward T. Our restless earth : the geologic regions of Tennessee
R 976.768
Norton, Herman Albert. Religion in Tennessee, 1777-1945
R 976.768
Satz, Ronald N.
Tennessee's Indian peoples : from white contact to
removal, 1540-1840
R 976.768
Satz, Ronald N.
Tennessee's Indian peoples : from white contact to
removal, 1540-1840
R 976.768
Tennessee blue book 2013-2014.
R 976.768
Tennessee blue book 2015-2016.
R 976.768
Tennessee blue book 2017-2018.
R 976.768
Williams, Frank Broyles, Tennessee's presidents
R 976.768
Young, Thomas Daniel, Tennessee writers
R 976.8
Bergeron, Paul H., Paths of the past : Tennessee, 1770-1970
R 976.8
Couch, Ernie, Tennessee trivia
R 976.8
Lamon, Lester C., Blacks in Tennessee, 1791-1970
R 976.8
The Tennessee Encyclopedia of History and Culture
R 978
American eras.
R 978 OXF The Oxford history of the American West
R 980.003
Latin America, history and culture : an encyclopedia for
students. Volume 1
R 980.003
Latin America, history and culture : an encyclopedia for
students. Volume 2
R 980.003
Latin America, history and culture : an encyclopedia for
students. Volume 3
R 980.003
Latin America, history and culture : an encyclopedia for
students. Volume 4
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
Ray Ray Bradbury Farenheit 451 (Classroom Edition)
San Sandler, Martin A. Photograpy:An Illustrated History(CLASSROOM SET)
San Sandler, Martin A. Photograpy:An Illustrated History(CLASSROOM SET)
San Sandler, Martin A. Photograpy:An Illustrated History(CLASSROOM SET)
San Sandler, Martin A. Photograpy:An Illustrated History(CLASSROOM SET)
San Sandler, Martin A. Photograpy:An Illustrated History(CLASSROOM SET)
San Sandler, Martin A. Photograpy:An Illustrated History(CLASSROOM SET)
San Sandler, Martin A. Photograpy:An Illustrated History(CLASSROOM SET)
San Sandler, Martin A. Photograpy:An Illustrated History(CLASSROOM SET)
San Sandler, Martin A. Photograpy:An Illustrated History(CLASSROOM SET)
San Sandler, Martin A. Photograpy:An Illustrated History(CLASSROOM SET)
SC ABR Abrahams, William Miller,
Fifty years of the American short story; : from the O.
Henry awards, 1919-1970.
SC ABR Abrahams, William Miller,
Fifty years of the American short story; : from the O.
Henry awards, 1919-1970.
SC ABR Abrahams, William Miller,
Fifty years of the American short story; : from the O.
Henry awards, 1919-1970.
SC ABR Abrahams, William Miller,
Fifty years of the American short story; : from the O.
Henry awards, 1919-1970.
SC ADO Adoff, Arnold,
Brothers and sisters; : modern stories by Black
SC AKP Akpan, Uwem. Say you're one of them
SC AM Am I blue? : coming out from the silence
SC ARC Archer, Jeffrey, A twist in the tale
SC ASI Asimov, Isaac, The Bicentennial man and other stories
SC BAU Bauer, Marion Dane. Killing Miss Kitty and other sins
SC BEL Bellow, Saul Dangling Man; The Victim; Seize the Day
SC Bit
Bites : scary stories to sink your teeth into / Bones :
terrifying tales to haunt your dreams.
SC BLO Block, Francesca Lia. Girl Goddess #9 : nine stories
SC Blo Block, Francesca Lia. Girl Goddess #9 : nine stories
SC BRA Bradbury, Ray, R is for rocket.
SC BRA Bradbury, Ray, The stories of Ray Bradbury
Breaking up is hard to do : stories about falling out of
love by four incredible authors
SC BUC Buck, Pearl S. Fourteen stories
SC BUC Buck, Pearl S.
The good deed, : and other stories of Asia, past and
SC Car Carver, Raymond. Collected stories
SC CAT Cather, Willa, Collected short fiction, 1892-1912.
SC CHA Chaon, Dan. Among the missing
SC CHE Cheever, John. The stories of John Cheever.
SC CHE Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich,
The image of Chekhov; : forty stories in the order in
which they were written.
SC CHI Chickamauga, and other Civil War stories
SC CHO Chopin, Kate, The awakening and selected short stories
SC COL The color of absence : 12 stories about loss and hope
SC COL Collier, John Fancies and Goodnights
SC CRA Crane, Stephen.
The Complete Short Stories and Sketches of Stephen
SC Del Snow in love : four stories
SC DIC Dickinson, Peter, The lion tamer's daughter and other stories
SC DOY Doyle, Arthur Conan, The adventures of Sherlock Holmes
SC DOY Doyle, Arthur Conan, The memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
SC DOY Doyle, Arthur Conan, Tales of Sherlock Holmes
SC Doz The Year's best science fiction, third annual collection
SC FAU Faulkner, William, Big woods.
SC Fau Faulkner, William, Collected stories of William Faulkner
SC FAU Faulkner, William, Selected short stories of William Faulkner.
SC FLE Flex Text : An Anthology of Literature
SC FOU Fourteen for now; : a collection of contemporary stories.
SC GRE Great American short stories,
SC GRE Great ghost stories
SC GRE Great ghost stories
SC GRE Greene, Graham,
Collected stories, including May we borrow your
husband? : A sense of reality, Twenty-one stories.
SC Gri Grisham, John. Ford County : stories
SC GRO Growing up Latino : memoirs and stories
SC HAG Haggard, H. Rider King Solomon's mines
SC HAR Harte, Bret, The luck of Roaring Camp : & three other stories.
SC HAW Hawthorne, Nathaniel, The great stone face, & two other stories.
SC Haw Hawthorne, Nathaniel, Selected tales and sketches
SC HAW Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Hawthorne's Short Stories
SC HEL Help wanted : short stories about young people working
SC Hem Hemingway, Ernest, The complete short stories of Ernest Hemingway.
SC HEM Hemingway, Ernest. The fifth column and the first forty-nine stories
SC HEN Henry, O. The four million
SC HEN Henry, O. The gift of the magi : and five other stories
SC JAC Jackson, Shirley, The lottery and other stories
SC KIP Kipling, Rudyard, The jungle book
SC KIP Kipling, Rudyard, Just so stories
SC KIP Kipling, Rudyard, Kipling stories; twenty-eight exciting tales.
SC KIP Kipling, Rudyard, The second jungle book
SC L'Am L'Amour, Louis, The collected short stories of Louis L'Amour
SC LAN Lanagan, Margo, Red spikes
SC LAR Lardner, Ring, The best short stories of Ring Lardner.
SC LED Lederer, William J., The ugly American
Legends : short novels by the masters of modern
Legends : short novels by the masters of modern
SC LON London, Jack, The call of the wild and other stories
SC Lon London, Jack, To build a fire
SC MAN Mansfield, Katherine, The short stories of Katherine Mansfield.
SC MAU Maupassant, Guy de, The diamond necklace, and four other stories.
SC MAU Maupassant, Guy de, The odd number; : thirteen tales,
SC MUR Murakami, Haruki, After the quake : stories
SC My My true love gave to me : twelve holiday stories
SC MYE Myers, Walter Dean, 145th Street : short stories
SC MYE Myers, Walter Dean, 145th Street : short stories
SC NEW New stories from the South : the year's best, 1993
SC NEW New stories from the South : the year's best, 1994
SC NEW New stories from the South : the year's best, 1995
SC NEW New stories from the South : the year's best, 1998
SC NEW New stories from the South : the year's best, 2001
SC OCO O'Connor, Flannery. Everything that rises must converge
SC Off Off the beaten path : stories of place
SC ORT Ortiz Cofer, Judith, An island like you : stories of the barrio
SC OXF The Oxford Book of Adventure Stories
SC OXF The Oxford book of American short stories
SC OXF The Oxford Book of American Short Stories
SC OXF The Oxford Book of Australian Short Stories
SC OXF The Oxford Book of English Detective Stories
SC OXF The Oxford Book of Fantasy Stories
SC OXF The Oxford Book of Hebrew Short Stories
SC OXF The Oxford Book of Historical Stories
SC OXF Oxford Book of Latin American Short Stories
SC OXF The Oxford Book of Modern Women's Stories
SC OXF The Oxford Book of Scottish Short Stories
SC OXF The Oxford Book of Short Stories
SC OXF The Oxford Book of Short Stories
SC OXF The Oxford Book of Spy Stories
SC PAC Packer, ZZ. Drinking coffee elsewhere
SC POE Poe, Edgar Allan,
The tales of Edgar Allan Poe : a Kaplan SAT score-
raising classic.
SC POR Porter, Katherine Anne, The collected stories of Katherine Anne Porter.
SC POT Potok, Chaim. Zebra and other stories
SC Run Runyon, Damon, Dream street : stories
SC SAK Saki, The short stories of Saki (H.H. Munro)
SC SAL Salinger, J. D. Nine stories.
SC SAL Salisbury, Graham. Island boyz : short stories
SC SAL Salisbury, Graham. Island boyz : short stories
SC SAN Sandburg, Carl, Rootabaga stories
SC Sin Singer, Isaac Bashevis, Collected stories : A friend of Kafka to Passions
SC STE Stevenson, Robert Louis,
The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and other
famous tales
SC STE Stevenson, Robert Louis,
The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and other
famous tales
SC STU Stuart, Jesse, Come back to the farm.
SC STU Stuart, Jesse, Plowshare in heaven : stories
SC STU Stuart, Jesse. A Jesse Stuart Harvest
SC STU Stuart, Jesse. Save every lamb
SC TAY Taylor, Laini. Lips touch : three times
SC TOM Tomorrowland : 10 stories about the future
SC TRE Treasury of American horror stories
SC TRI Trial and Error : An Oxford Anthology of Legal Stories
SC TWA Twain, Mark,
The complete short stories of Mark Twain now collected
for the first time.
SC VAC Vacations from hell
SC VAN Vande Velde, Vivian. Curses, Inc. : and other stories
SC Voi Voices of the Holocaust
SC Wau Waugh, Evelyn, The complete short stories and selected drawings
SC Wel Wells, Dean Faulkner.
The ghosts of Rowan Oak : William Faulkner's ghost
stories for children
SC WEL Welty, Eudora, The collected stories of Eudora Welty.
SC WIN Windham, Kathryn Tucker. Thirteen Tennessee ghosts and Jeffrey
SC WIZ A wizard's dozen : stories of the fantastic
SC WOD Wodehouse, P. G. Selected stories.
SC YOU Young Oxford Book of Aliens
SC ZOM Zombies vs. unicorns
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
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Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
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Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
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Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
Sea Seamus Haney Beowulf(Classroom Edition)
SEB Sebold, Alice The Lovely Bones(Classroom Set)
SEB Sebold, Alice The Lovely Bones(Classroom Set)
SEB Sebold, Alice The Lovely Bones(Classroom Set)
SEB Sebold, Alice The Lovely Bones(Classroom Set)
SEB Sebold, Alice The Lovely Bones(Classroom Set)
SEB Sebold, Alice The Lovely Bones(Classroom Set)
SEB Sebold, Alice The Lovely Bones(Classroom Set)
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SEB Sebold, Alice The Lovely Bones(Classroom Set)
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SEB Sebold, Alice The Lovely Bones(Classroom Set)
SEB Sebold, Alice The Lovely Bones(Classroom Set)
SEB Sebold, Alice The Lovely Bones(Classroom Set)
SEB Sebold, Alice The Lovely Bones(Classroom Set)
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SMI Ali Smith The Story of Antigone
SMI Ali Smith The Story of Antigone
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SMI Ali Smith The Story of Antigone
SMI Ali Smith The Story of Antigone
SMI Ali Smith The Story of Antigone
SMI Ali Smith The Story of Antigone
SMI Ali Smith The Story of Antigone
SMI Ali Smith The Story of Antigone
SMI Ali Smith The Story of Antigone
SMI Ali Smith The Story of Antigone
SMI Ali Smith The Story of Antigone
SMI Ali Smith The Story of Antigone
SMI Ali Smith The Story of Antigone
SMI Ali Smith The Story of Antigone
SMI Ali Smith The Story of Antigone
SMI Ali Smith The Story of Antigone
SMI Ali Smith The Story of Antigone
Sp 347
Maestro, Betsy.
Una uniÛn mas perfecta : La historia de nuestra
SP 371
Serrn-Pagn, GinÈs.
GED en espol : examen de equivalencia de la escuela
Sp 811.54
Bernier-Grand, Carmen T. CÈsar : sÌ, se puede!
Sp F Sha Shaara, Michael. ¡ngeles asesinos
STEIN John Steinbeck Of Mice and Men (CLASSROOM EDITION)
STEIN John Steinbeck Of Mice and Men (CLASSROOM EDITION)
STEIN John Steinbeck Of Mice and Men (CLASSROOM EDITION)
STEIN John Steinbeck Of Mice and Men (CLASSROOM EDITION)
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STEIN John Steinbeck Of Mice and Men (CLASSROOM EDITION)
STEIN John Steinbeck Of Mice and Men (CLASSROOM EDITION)
STEIN John Steinbeck Of Mice and Men (CLASSROOM EDITION)
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SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
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SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
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SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
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SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
SWI Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels (Classroom Copies)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
T.H T.H.White The Once and Future King (Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tho Thomas, Angie The Hate You Give(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tok Toksvig, Sandi Hitler's Canary(Classroom Set)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
Tou Tougas, Shelley Birmingham 1963(CLASSROOM SET)
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
TWAIN Mark Twain
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Classroom
Whi Fic Whitcomb, Laura Under the Light
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil Wilkerson, Isabel The Warmth of Other Suns(Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Hamlet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Macbeth (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Wil William Shakespeare Romeo And Juliet (Classroom Set)
Yan Yann Martel Life of Pi (Classroom Set)
Yan Yann Martel Life of Pi (Classroom Set)
Yan Yann Martel Life of Pi (Classroom Set)
Yan Yann Martel Life of Pi (Classroom Set)
Yan Yann Martel Life of Pi (Classroom Set)
Yan Yann Martel Life of Pi (Classroom Set)
Yan Yann Martel Life of Pi (Classroom Set)
Yan Yann Martel Life of Pi (Classroom Set)
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Yan Yann Martel Life of Pi (Classroom Set)
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Yan Yann Martel Life of Pi (Classroom Set)
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
ZUS Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
Zus Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
Zus Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
Zus Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
Zus Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
Zus Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
Zus Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
Zus Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
Zus Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
Zus Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
Zus Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
Zus Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
Zus Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief
Zus Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief