2021 STAAR Grade 8 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
1 Option A is correct In paragraph 23, Lucy shifts her focus away from herself to the project, which helps to resolve her
conflict. Her “embarrassment [begins] to dissipate” as she listens to what the other students are
discussing and realizes that the footage of her fall is useful.
Option B is incorrect Lucy watches Alicia’s film clip transform her stairway disaster into drama,” but this reveals a change
in Lucy’s perception of her fall, rather than a change in how the students treat her.
Option C is incorrect Lucy does get physically closer to join the group, but this is to brainstorm ideas and does not
necessarily imply that she will become close friends with the group members.
Option D is incorrect There is no indication of Lucy’s level of experience in film creation as compared to that of the other
group members. The resolution of the conflict is also not influenced by her ability to create a film.
2 Option H is correct
meaning of the word
potential as is used in paragraph 20 is “an existing possibility.” Rodney tells
Lucy that her name, Lucy Falls, provides possibility for the main character in their film because of the
play on words that it provides.
Option F is incorrect Although Rodney is excited about the possibility of using the name Lucy Falls, he does not have a
specific plan” yet, so this is not the meaning of the word potential.
G is incorrect Rodney wants to use the name Lucy Falls because it offers a possibility for a play on words, not
because it is “unexpected.”
Option J is incorrect Lucy’s last name may be unusual, but the characters are not in a strange situation” in this
paragraph, so this is not the meaning of the word potential.
Texas Education Agency
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August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 8 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
3 Option C is correct In paragraph 21, Lucy smiles as she reacts to Rodney and his encouraging words in paragraph 20,
which “definitely [make] her first day less terrible.” She begins to feel accepted at her new school
even though she has had a rough start to her first day.
Option A is incorrect In paragraph 20, Rodney tells Lucy why he is happy to have her in his group, so in paragraph 21,
Lucy is not “unsure about Rodney’s motivation for speaking to her.”
Option B is incorrect Lucy is not “critical of herself” in this paragraph; she is instead expressing optimism that the day is
not so bad.
Option D is incorrect Lucy’s feelings in the current moment are the focus of this paragraph; Lucy is not thinking about
what Rodney might do in the future.
4 Option J is correct The events in paragraphs 1 and 2 are important to the plot because they affect Lucy’s attitude at the
beginning of the day. Lucy is frustrated, frazzled, and nervous, which influences her perception of
how others are responding to her throughout the morning.
Option F is incorrect Lucy does not regret registering at the new school; she only questions the midyear timing.
Option G is incorrect The problems described in the first two paragraphs are included to establish a reason for Lucy’s
negative attitude, not to suggest that she dislikes the school in general.
Option H is incorrect Lucy is frustrated by the early morning events, but she is not confused.
5 Option A is correct Point of view refers to the perspective from which the events in the story are told. In this selection,
the narrator’s third-person point of view is limited to the thoughts and feelings of Lucy. This allows
the author to emphasize Lucy’s feelings about what happens when she transfers to a new school.
Option B is incorrect The narrator is only able to describe the other students’ reactions as Lucy sees them. The thoughts
and feelings behind these reactions are not revealed by the narrator’s limited point of view.
Option C is incorrect The narrator’s point of view is limited to Lucy, so the author is not able to convey Rodney’s initial
impression of Lucy based on the video.
Option D is incorrect The narrator’s point of view is limited to Lucy, so the cinema teacher’s thoughts are not emphasized.
Texas Education Agency
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August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 8 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
6 Option J is correct The best summary of the selection is presented in these sentences. The conflict and resolution are
described, key events are included, and minor details are omitted.
Option F is incorrect The resolution of the conflict is not included in this summary, making it incomplete.
Option G is incorrect Irrelevant details are included in this summary, and the resolution is omitted, so this is not the best
summary of the selection.
Option H is incorrect Neither Lucy’s main conflict nor the resolution are mentioned in this summary, making it incomplete.
7 Option C is correct A turning point is the point of highest tension in a story; also known as the climax. When Lucy first
enters her second period class in paragraph 10, her face is hot with embarrassment. After Rodney
talks to her in paragraph 15, her discomfort begins to disappear, and she becomes more optimistic.
Option A is incorrect Lucy does question her choice to transfer schools in paragraph 1 and again in paragraph 19, but her
doubt does not signal a turning point in the selection.
Option B is incorrect Although first period is uneventful, and Lucy tries to forget about her fall, this is not a turning point
because her embarrassment returns as soon as she enters her second period class.
Option D is incorrect In paragraph 17, Lucy’s embarrassment continues as a result of being ignored, so this is not a
turning point in the selection.
8 Option J is correct Lucy’s negative experience of falling down the stairs provides an opportunity for the positive outcome
of her being welcomed and included by new classmates.
Option F is incorrect There is no mention of Lucy’s academic grades and/or success, so this is not the theme explored in
this selection.
Option G is incorrect Although the group works together to achieve a goal, the theme of the selection is focused on Lucy’s
negative experience as the cause of a positive outcome.
Option H is incorrect Lucy must adjust to her new school, but this selection does not take place over “a long period of
time,” so this is not the theme explored in this selection.
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August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 8 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
9 Option A is correct Based on these paragraphs, the reader can conclude that identifying a new species requires careful
analysis of an animal, because the scientists analyze the “characteristics that set [this octopod] apart
from other octopods.”
Option B is incorrect The scientists are analyzing an animal found by accident, not searching for an unknown animal.
Option C is incorrect Land animals are not mentioned in these paragraphs.
Option D is incorrect The scientists work for a government agency, but this is detailed in paragraph 3. There is nothing to
suggest government agencies conduct most animal research.
10 Option H is correct The photograph of the octopod is included most likely to help the reader better understand why
scientists named the octopod after a cartoon character. In paragraph 6, the author explains that the
octopod was named Casper “because of [its] ghostlike appearance.” In the photograph, the stark
contrast between the dark ocean and the ghostly white octopod is shown.
Option F is incorrect The octopod is shown on the ocean floor in the photograph, but this does not explain why it lives
Option G is incorrect The octopod may or may not have been moving when the image was taken, but a still photograph
cannot show movement.
Option J is incorrect The octopod is not grasping any objects in this photograph, so this is not the reason for its inclusion.
Texas Education Agency
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August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 8 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
11 Option C is correct The best summary of the selection is presented in these sentences. The introduction is restated and
key details are explained, including when and where the octopod was discovered, why it is considered
a new species, and why its discovery is important.
Option A is incorrect These sentences are focused only on the video of the “ghostlike” octopod and what the scientists
named it. The importance of the discovery of a new species is omitted, making the summary
Option B is incorrect This summary includes minor details from the selection and omits key ideas, such as the discovery of
a brand new species of octopod. These omissions make this summary incomplete.
Option D is incorrect Although the discovery of the octopod is mentioned in this summary, there is no explanation that the
octopod is a new species, which is a key point in the selection. Additionally, the last two sentences of
this option are details rather than key ideas.
12 Option J is correct The idea that the octopod was found near the Hawaiian Islands best explains why this map is
included. The map is of the Hawaiian Islands with an arrow pointing to the island near where the
octopod was found.
Option F is incorrect Only a small part of the Pacific Ocean is shown on the map, so the map is not included to show that
octopods are found in oceans worldwide.
Option G is incorrect It is not known whether the new species is common only near Hawaii, nor does the map include this
Option H is incorrect This particular octopod was found near an island, but there is nothing in the map to indicate where
most octopods are found.
Texas Education Agency
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August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 8 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
13 Option B is correct From Michael Vecchione’s comments, the reader can conclude that Vecchione is fascinated by the
discovery of a new species. In paragraph 2 he states “‘I was really excited . . .’” in reference to
discovering the ghostly octopod, and in other paragraphs he talks about how unique and unusual the
discovery is.
Option A is incorrect Vecchione says that it would not be a “‘productive’” use of time to look for another specimen but does
not say he is not interested.
Option C is incorrect Vecchione is the scientist who was interviewed about the discovery, but this does not mean he was
the coordinator for the project.
Option D is incorrect Vecchione appears to understand the significance of this discovery, as noted in paragraph 8, but he
does not claim to be the first to do so.
14 Option H is correct
3 best matches the meaning of the word
screening as used in paragraph 1. The scientists
are examining the leaves carefully for the purpose of finding tiny frogs.
Option F is incorrect The scientists want to find the frogs within the leaves; they are not trying to shelter them.
Option G is incorrect Although the scientists are being careful because the frogs are tiny, they are trying to examine the
frogs, not guard them.
Option J is incorrect The scientists are trying to uncover the frogs, not shield them from view.
Texas Education Agency
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August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 8 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
15 Option C is correct In paragraph 1 the author explains that the frogs are very tiny, so scientists must look carefully to
find them. In paragraph 3 the author explains why “locating the frogs is extremely difficult” and
begins paragraph 5 with “countless challenges . . .” in reference to finding the frogs.
Option A is incorrect Only the mountains of Brazil are mentioned in paragraph 2; there is nothing to suggest tiny frogs are
being found worldwide.
Option B is incorrect The tiny frogs in Brazil are brightly colored, but the frogs in New Guinea are brownish green, making
them hard to find.
Option D is incorrect Only the Brazilian tiny frogs’ poisonous skin is mentioned, and only in paragraph 2, so this idea is not
highlighted throughout the selection.
16 Option J is correct The reader can conclude that the Brazilian frogs have adaptations that protect them from danger. The
frogs’ poisonous skin, described in paragraph 2, and their ability to detect vibrations, explained in
paragraph 3, are adaptations that keep the frogs safe.
Option F is incorrect In paragraph 2, the author states that the Brazilian frogs “live in ‘leaf litter,’ or piles of dead leaves,”
so they do not “make their homes in treetops.”
Option G is incorrect Even with their bright colors, it is difficult for the scientists to find the frogs hidden among the leaves.
Option H is incorrect The frogs live in the leaves, but there is no suggestion that they eat the leaves.
17 Option C is correct The author includes the photograph after paragraph 3 to “emphasize how small the frog is by
comparing it to a familiar object.” The reader can see how small the frog is compared to a coin.
Option A is incorrect The frog is being compared to coins, not to other frogs, so the photograph is not included to prove
the frogs are the smallest ever discovered.
Option B is incorrect The frog is pictured with coins, which would not be present in its habitat, so the photograph is not
included to demonstrate the frog’s natural camouflage.
Option D is incorrect The sound of the frog’s call cannot be expressed in a photograph.
Texas Education Agency
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August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 8 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
18 Option F is correct The difference between the two scientists’ work is that Vecchione uses high-tech equipment (a
remotely operated vehicle that takes live videos) to observe animals, but Pie does not. Pie searches
on foot and by sorting through leaves with his hands.
Option G is incorrect The ghostly octopod and the tiny frogs are both difficult to find, so this is a similarity between the
selections, not a difference.
Option H is incorrect Pie’s employer is not described, and Vecchione works for a government agency, so this is incorrect.
Option J is incorrect In paragraph 2 of A Ghostly New Creature,” Vecchione is described as a zoologist, a kind of scientist
who studies many animals, and the extent of Pie’s research is not mentioned, so this is not a
difference between the men’s work.
19 Option C is correct Both scientists conduct their work in remote areas. The scientists in A Ghostly New Creature” map
the ocean from a ship (paragraph 1) and the scientists in Tiptoeing Scientists” search for frogs in the
“mountains of Brazil” (paragraph 2).
Option A is incorrect Only the scientists in A Ghostly New Creature” study animals that live in the ocean, so this is not a
Option B is incorrect Scientists in Tiptoeing Scientists” find frogs in Brazil by listening for their singing, but scientists in A
Ghostly New Creature” do not indicate that octopods make sounds.
Option D is incorrect Scientists in Tiptoeing Scientists” capture the tiny frogs, but in A Ghostly New Creature,” scientists
only have a video of the octopod; they have not been able to capture one.
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2021 STAAR Grade 8 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
20 Option G is correct Moore is unlike Vecchione because Moore knows he will likely observe the frog species more than
once. Vecchione expresses doubts that he will ever see another ghostly octopod: “‘The likelihood of
encountering another one of these octopods is very small.’”
Option F is incorrect Both Moore and Vecchione studied the animals in their natural habitats, so this is not how Moore is
unlike Vecchione.
Option H is incorrect Moore found a new species of frog in Papua, New Guinea, but there is nothing to suggest he is
searching in other places.
Option J is incorrect Moore found a brand-new species, not one “commonly found throughout the world,” and the same is
true of Vecchione.
21 Option D is correct These sentences are both used to explain the significance of discovering a new species and are used
to convey a similar idea that there are more species to discover.
Option A is incorrect This sentence is used to describe how scientists find tiny frogs, which is unrelated to the idea that
there are more species to be discovered.
Option B is incorrect This sentence is used to describe how small the frogs are, which is unrelated to the possibility of
finding other new species.
Option C is incorrect This sentence is used to describe the difficulty of catching tiny, jumping frogs, not to express
excitement about undiscovered species.
Texas Education Agency
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August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 8 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
22 Option F is correct Moore’s frogs in Tiptoeing Scientists” differ from the octopod in that the frogs’ bodies have coloration
that protects the frogs by camouflaging them within the leaves (paragraph 4), while the octopod in A
Ghostly New Creature,” does not have coloration for protection (paragraph 4).
Option G is incorrect The frogs are found in Brazil and Papua, New Guinea, and the octopod was sighted near an island in
Option H is incorrect The frog’s size is smaller than frogs typically seen, and the ghostly octopod’s size relative to other
octopi is not mentioned.
Option J is incorrect The octopod also has adaptations, which are described in paragraphs 4 and 5 of A Ghostly New
Creature,” so this is not how they differ.
23 Option D is correct In stanza 2, the reader can tell that the speaker feels relieved that she is going to a familiar place
where there will be less conflict. At least we’re finally/on our way” (lines 7 and 8) expresses relief,
and “I won’t have to struggle” (line 10) indicates there will be less conflict.
Option A is incorrect The speaker expresses relief that the conflict regarding communication will soon be over, rather than
irritation that it exists.
Option B is incorrect The speaker says in this stanza she will be around animals more than people, so she is no longer
concerned about talking to people who speak different languages.
Option C is incorrect The speaker is expressing relief, not confidence, about the change in her situation.
24 Option G is correct A simile is a figure of speech in which two objects are compared using the word “like” or “as.” The
speaker uses the simile “as divided/as the gaps between/languages” in stanza 1 to show she feels
torn between two different worlds that have little in common because they speak different languages.
Option F is incorrect There is nothing in this simile that suggests the speaker’s desire to learn a new language.
Option H is incorrect There is nothing in this simile that suggests the speaker wants to go home again.
Option J is incorrect The feeling of being torn between two worlds, and not annoyance at having to listen to others, is
expressed in the simile.
Texas Education Agency
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2021 STAAR Grade 8 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
25 Option D is correct The poet hopes to convey the message that one’s sense of identity is often linked to a meaningful
location in one’s past.” The speaker feels that her “other self has been here/all along” (lines 28–29),
and she
expresses that a part of her has “never left this island.”
Option A is
incorrect The speaker does not mention growing older, so the message that memories become more
meaningful with age is not conveyed.
Option B is incorrect The speaker is visiting the island for the summer, not “[m]oving to a new place.”
Option C is incorrect The speaker is focused on her connection with a place rather than a person.
26 Option F is correct The speaker’s conflict is best identified in lines 1 through 3 of the poem. She lives in California but
feels a closer connection with Cuba. She is caught between two worlds where people speak two
different languages, which makes her feel “divided.”
Option G is incorrect In these lines the speaker suggests a relief from the conflict, but the lines do not identify the
conflict’s source.
Option H is incorrect The speaker is simply making observations in these lines. The source of her conflict is not identified.
Option J is incorrect In these lines the speaker is describing how the island looks, not discussing her conflict.
27 Option A is correct The two-word sentences in lines 19–21 (“R
ed soil./Green hills./White cows.”) are used to emphasize
the distinct contrast in colors found on the farm. The color of a different element is described in each
Option B
is incorrect The speaker is observing the farm in the present time while they “bump along a muddy track”
(line 13). It is not a memory that is being described.
Option C is incorrect The size of the farm is not detailed in these lines.
Option D is incorrect Only cows are mentioned in these lines, so “types” of farm animals are not revealed.
Texas Education Agency
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2021 STAAR Grade 8 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
28 Option G is correct By referring to the speaker’s “invisible twin,” the poet is suggesting the speaker feels a strong bond
with the land of Cuba and believes it will always be home. The speaker does not live in Cuba but feels
more connected to this island than to California.
Option F is incorrect The speaker does not literally mean she has a twin sister; she is talking about a part of herself that
feels connected to the island.
Option H is incorrect The speaker feels at home on the island, not lonely. Her family is there to share the experience with
her, as evidenced by the reference to riding in her uncle’s jeep in line 14.
Option J is incorrect The speaker does not mention her friends in the poem; she is referring to herself in these lines.
29 Option C is correct The author most likely includes the information in these paragraphs to emphasize that “forests must
be managed well to be successful.” It takes time, money, and effort to manage and protect food
forests so that they produce enough food to make them worthwhile.
Option A is incorrect Pests are briefly mentioned, but the focus of these paragraphs is on what a successful food forest
needs, not that most food forests are unsuccessful.
Option B is incorrect Grants are only mentioned in paragraph 17, and the emphasis there is on the lack of funding rather
than where the funding comes from.
Option D is incorrect The time it takes for crops to grow is mentioned in paragraph 17 only to support the idea that food
forests must be managed properly in order to be successful.
Texas Education Agency
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2021 STAAR Grade 8 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
30 Option F is correct The author most likely includes paragraphs 12 through 14 to explain the food forest concept and
design model. The land and labor for food forests is discussed in paragraph 12 and the ideal design
for food forests is discussed in paragraph 13. Reasons for this approach are presented in
paragraph 14.
Option G is incorrect Volunteers are mentioned to explain who does the work in a food forest, not to encourage nonprofit
groups to look for help from volunteers.
Option H is incorrect The information in these paragraphs is about the concept of food forests in general, not about
existing food forests.
Option J is incorrect Maximizing sustainable agricultural production is only part of the food forest concept and design
discussed in these paragraphs.
31 Option A is correct The best summary of the selection is presented in these sentences. The main idea, including the
concept and purpose of food forests, is restated, and examples of food forests are provided.
Option B is incorrect The focus of this summary is the challenges pertaining to food forests. The concept and purpose of
food forests are missing, making this summary incomplete.
Option C is incorrect The concept and purpose of a food forest is omitted from this summary, and minor details are
included, so it is not the best summary.
Option D is incorrect The focus of this summary is Carol LeResche rather than the concept and purpose of food forests, so
it is not the best summary.
Texas Education Agency
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August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 8 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
32 Option H is correct People might assume food forests are a spin-off” of community gardens because, despite their
differences, which are explained in these paragraphs, they both offer residents public areas to
harvest food in a community setting.
Option F is incorrect In paragraph 7 the author states that residents “must devote the labor required to maintain their
plots,” so the crops in community gardens do need maintenance.
Option G is incorrect Food banks are only mentioned in paragraph 15, not paragraphs 7 through 9, and only in reference to
food forests.
Option J is incorrect Food forests are funded by grants; they do not “require residents to make a monetary investment.”
33 Option B is correct The author highlights the idea that food forests are an “asset to communities around the country” by
explaining the benefits of successful food forests and giving examples of those in Wyoming,
California, North Carolina, Oregon, and Washington.
Option A is incorrect The author presents some of the benefits of food forests over community gardens but does not say
that “people prefer food forests.”
Option C is incorrect The author emphasizes that the purpose of food forests is practical because they provide fresh
produce to the community.
Option D is incorrect Volunteers maintain food forests, and this detail is included only in paragraph 7, so it is not
highlighted throughout the selection.
Texas Education Agency
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August 2021
2021 STAAR Grade 8 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
34 Option H is correct The author most likely wrote this selection to detail the growing popularity of an alternative
agricultural practice. The author teaches the reader about food forests by explaining their purpose,
citing real examples of them, and explaining the requirements for food forests to succeed.
Option F is incorrect Food forests do involve the community, but this is a detail, not the author’s overall purpose in writing
the selection.
Option G is incorrect The purpose of the selection is to provide information about food forests; the author does not urge
leaders to establish food forests.
Option J is incorrect Although some problems with food forests are briefly discussed, the author focuses more on their
benefits and growing popularity.
35 Option A is correct This sentence explains why the food forest in Thorne-Rider Park was planted. In this quotation, the
food forest coordinator at Thorne-Rider Park, Carol LeResche, explains that public space should be
used to provide a food resource for the public.
Option B is incorrect LeResche describes the reason her community started a food forest; she does not describe a general
level of interest in food forests.
Option C is incorrect LeResche is not reflecting critics’ doubts about the effectiveness of food forests; she is expressing an
opinion about the use of public space.
Option D is incorrect This quotation is about a food forest called Thorne-Rider Park, not a community garden.
Texas Education Agency
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2021 STAAR Grade 8 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
36 Option J is correct The author most likely contrasts food forests with community gardens to highlight distinctions
between the two in costs, labor, and featured plants. The author explains that funding for forests
comes from grants and the labor comes from volunteers, not from residents, and the forests’ plants
are perennials rather than annuals.
Option F is incorrect The “amount of time it takes for community gardens to produce crops” is not mentioned in these
Option G is incorrect The author does not explain why food forests contain more perennial plants than community gardens
do; the reader must infer that it is because perennial plants require less work over time.
Option H is incorrect The author notes that food forests are free but does not object to the fees residents must pay for the
use of community garden plots.
37 Option A is correct
The author develops the thesis of the selection mainly by alternating descriptions and specific
examples of food forests (paragraphs 1–6, 11–13, 15) with more general information about the
reasons for creating them (paragraphs 7–10, 14, 16–20).
B is incorrect The author
does not describe LeResche’s day, and funding is only a detail the author uses to develop
the thesis.
Option C is incorrect The author mentions some locations, but the importance of having knowledgeable volunteers is not
key to the development of the thesis.
Option D is incorrect A few food forest locations are given, but there is no list of requirements, so this does not represent
the overall development of the thesis.
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2021 STAAR Grade 8 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
38 Option J is correct In line 17, the word ultimately means
“in the end.” Samantha’s mother is telling her that, in the end,
it is her choice to continue orchestra or to try something new.
Option F
is incorrect Samantha has been wanting to try something new all summer, so “all of a sudden” is not the
meaning of ultimately.
Option G is incorrect Samantha has thought carefully about her decision, but her mother is telling her that, in the end,
Samantha can’t let someone else make the decision for her.
Option H is incorrect Choosing to leave orchestra is not just “for the most part” Samantha’s decision; it is entirely her own
39 Option B is correct Figurative language is language that uses words that mean something different than their literal
interpretation. The playwright uses figurative language in these sentences to show that Alyssa
believes Samantha has chosen the newspaper over their friendship. When Alyssa says, “I’m still
playing second fiddle,” she feels she’s not as important to Samantha as the newspaper.
Option A is incorrect Alyssa is expressing her own feelings of abandonment; she is not talking about “Samantha
abandoning the orchestra.”
Option C is incorrect Alyssa is expressing doubts about her importance to Samantha in these lines; she is not referring to
doubts Samantha might have.
Option D is incorrect Alyssa misses Samantha because Samantha is writing for the newspaper; Alyssa is not thinking about
her friend missing the violin.
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2021 STAAR Grade 8 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
40 Option J is correct Foreshadowing is a literary element that offers a warning or indication of future events. In scene 2,
the author foreshadows Samantha’s determination to be honest with Alyssa. Samantha is
discouraged because Alyssa won’t listen to her, but after a talk with her mother about making her
own choice, she says she’s made her decision.
Option F is incorrect Alyssa indicates that she and Samantha shared a motto “orchestra for life,” which suggests that
Samantha has enjoyed orchestra class.
Option G is incorrect There is no indication in scene 2 that Samantha may want to write for the newspaper, only that she
wants to try something different.
Option H is incorrect Samantha appears concerned about preserving her friendship with Alyssa, which does not suggest
she wants other friends.
41 Option C is correct The best summary of scene 2 is presented in this sentence because the conflict (Samantha’s
conversation with Alyssa) and its resolution (Samantha deciding she is sure of her choice) are
Option A is incorrect Samantha’s admission that she did not tell Alyssa the news and her final decision to do so are
missing, so this summary is incomplete.
Option B is incorrect The summary does not include any mention of Alyssa, who is the source of Samantha’s conflict, so
this summary is incomplete.
Option D is incorrect This summary is incomplete. The conflict stemming from Samantha’s conversation with Alyssa is not
mentioned in this summary, nor is Samantha’s decision to stick to her plan.
Texas Education Agency
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2021 STAAR Grade 8 Reading Rationales
Item# Rationale
42 Option F is correct In scene 4 the playwright shows that Alyssa has matured by revealing her “decision to try robotics.”
In line 35 Alyssa says that she is coping in a positive way with missing Samantha by focusing on
something new.
Option G is incorrect Alyssa is not reluctant to complain about her hurt feelings to Samantha, so Alyssa is still overreacting
to Samantha’s decision, which reveals her immaturity.
Option H is incorrect Alyssa’s excitement about orchestra comes before the conflict with Samantha arises, so she has not
yet had a need to mature.
Option J is incorrect In scene 1, Alyssa says that Samantha’s playing is “great as usual,” so she has always accepted
Samantha’s talent.
43 Option C is correct In scene 4, though the girls pursue different activities, they smile and hug, supporting the inference
that they are still friends.
Option A is incorrect The girls have realized that they do not need to share an interest in order to be friends.
Option B is incorrect Although she does enjoy robotics, there is no indication that Alyssa will “quit the orchestra.”
Option D is incorrect Samantha is happy with what she is doing and does not suggest she wants to participate in future
orchestra competitions.
44 Option G is correct A metaphor is a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two things that are unrelated but
share common characteristics. With the metaphor “king of the hill,” the playwright suggests that
Samantha has proved herself to be a leading violinist in the orchestra.
Option F is incorrect The playwright uses this metaphor to describe Samantha’s position in the orchestra rather than the
length of her time with the orchestra.
Option H is incorrect The playwright uses this metaphor to describe Samantha’s position in the orchestra rather than the
amount of time she spends practicing.
Option J is incorrect Samantha’s talent may be envied by other players, but in this line, Alyssa praises her for her position
as first violin.
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Student Assessment Division
August 2021