MAPS Bulletin Special Edition
Boom Festival: The Kosmicare Project
Held in Portugal every other year since 1997, the Boom Festival focuses on
sustainability, knowledge, spirituality, psychedelic arts, music, and culture. Boom at-
tracts people from around the world—43,000 people attended from 152 countries in
2014—on the shores of a magnicent lake. Due to Portugal’s forward-thinking 2001
decriminalization law, Boom has been developing an unique harm reduction and risk
Spring 2015
Humans possess the capacity to create a culture of caring and
concern for people in distress. Helping people in crisis is intrinsic
to the nurturing side of human character.”
—Ho & Adamowski (1998)
minimization project since 2002.
Portugal is a country with a vast history of intercontinental
discovery, Inquisition, earthquakes, the birth of Brazil, national
bankruptcies, beautiful beaches, great surng, and a laid-back
way of life. In 2001, against all odds and strong internal criticism,
a progressive drug decriminalization law was announced. It was
the last attempt to solve a national epidemic of drug addiction
during the 1980s and 1990s; a Eurobarometer survey conducted
in 1997 showed that the Portuguese considered drug-related
issues related to be the most important social problem in the
MAPS Bulletin Special Edition
country. It has been estimated that 0.7% of the Portuguese
population has used heroin at least once (the second highest rate
in Europe), and HIV cases have skyrocketed.
The 2001 law decriminalized possession of all drugs for
consumption as the most eective way to limit consumption
and reduce the number of addicts. It encouraged and promoted
prevention and education projects, including harm reduction,
treatment programs, and activities that helped at-risk groups or
drug users to restore their connections with family, work, and
society. It was in this context that Boom Festival began develop-
ing our own harm reduction—Kosmicare (formerly CosmiKiva
Sanctuary)—back in 2002.
The idea of a drug-free society is an illusion that will never
come true. The same goes for festivals. Drug users report using
drugs (alcohol included) for a large number of reasons: to ad-
dress personal problems, recreation, pleasure, spiritual growth,
transcendence, potentiating personal insights, getting in touch
with their inner world, increasing creativity, and more.
There were two phases of harm reduction and risk mini-
mization at Boom. The rst ran from 2002 to 2008, focused on
drug use at the festival itself. The second phase, which began in
2010, focuses not only on intervention at the festival but also
with the scientic discovery and validation of harm reduction
methods. It is also in 2010 that pivotal partnerships started tak-
ing place, showing how progressive laws in Portugal could help
festival participants. In that year, Boom Festival signed a unique
protocol that involved the Institute for Drugs and Drug Addic-
tion (IDT), part of the Portuguese Ministry of Health and the
Catholic University of Porto. The protocol’s objectives were to
improve intervention at the festival by maximizing resources
and more eective liaisons with osite health services. There
was also a special eort to conduct scientic investigations in
association with the University with the goal to transform Kos-
micare into an evidence-based intervention model that could
be disseminated to similar settings and populations.
Kosmicare now consists of a team of 40 people (psychia-
trists, therapists, psychologists, homeopaths, therapists, and vol-
unteers) working at the festival site in a central area with tipis,
yurts, and a seating area. It has a drug testing service nearby one
of the music areas where festival attendees can learn about the
substances they have used or are considering using. The service
also provides public alerts if necessary. The project also works in
collaboration with the festival’s in-house medical services (doc-
tors, medics and nurses), with osite health services (hospitals or
health centers in the region) and security stewards.
Decriminalization in Portugal created a legal framework
for the implementation of harm reduction policies, and the so-
cial reintegration and de-stigmatization of drugs and drug use.
For consumers, decriminalization eliminates the fear of testing
their substances and undergoing treatment. This approach is
humanistic (i.e., a sick or in-crisis person needs help) and prag-
matic (i.e., repressive measures have been ineective in limiting
consumption). Our experience at Boom Festival has been very
positive in that we have been successful in not only helping
people avoid or process traumatic experiences, but also produc-
ing empirical data that can be used by any event organizer.
References by Maria do Carmo Carvalho, Catholic University of
Porto, Boom Festival Team, and Kosmicare Manager.
Avilés, C. (2014). El regimen internacional de control de
drogas: formación, evolución, y interacción con las políticas na-
cionales: el caso de la política de drogas en España. (investigação
recente sobre a história da lei das drogas). CF ANEXOS
Quintas, J. (2011). Regulação legal do consumo de drogas:
impactos da experiência portuguesa da descriminalização. (revi-
sion of legal models, emphasizing decriminalization regulations)
Boaz & Lynch (2009). The war on drugs. Cato Handbook
for Policy makers.
pdf (North American perspective)
Rosmarin & Eastwood (2012). A quiet revolution: drug
decriminalization polices in practice across the globe. http://
Quintas, J. (2011). Regulação legal do consumo de drogas:
impactos da experiência portuguesa da descriminalização. (Eval-
uation of the decriminalization law in Portugal after 10 years, its
impact and results: psychologic and criminal perspective.)
Costa (2009). Descriminalização do consumo de estupe-
facientes em Portugal: análise preliminar. (Evaluation of Por-
tuguese law, judicial perspective.)
Domostawski (2011). Política das Drogas em Portugal: os
benefícios da descriminalização do consumo de drogas. (Law
evaluation, international perspective.) http://www.confemel.
Domostawski (2011). http://www.opensocietyfounda-
ing-drug-use (in English).
Greenwald (2009). Drug decriminalization in Portugal.
Lessons for creating fair and successful drug policies. (Evaluation
of the Portuguese, law international perspective) http://www.
Costa (2001). Redução de Danos: preconceitos, obstáculos,
justicações. (Critical analysis about common perspectives on
HRRM before and right after the begin of the decriminal-
Spring 2015
ization law.)
Barbosa, J. (2009). A emergência da redução de danos em
Portugal: da clandestinidade à legitimação política. http://
EMCDDA (2012). Harm Reduction: evidence, impacts
and challenges.
Hoof, L., A., & Adamowski, K. (1998). Creating excellence
in crisis care: A guide to eective training and program designs. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass
Lomba et al (2011). Jovens portugueses que frequentam
ambientes recreativos noturnos. Quem são e que comporta-
mentos adotam. (Research in some cities in Portugal under-
lining the relevance of HRRM.) http://novellos.blogspot.
Parker, Williams & Aldridge (2002). The normalization
of sensible recreational drug use. (UK research justifying the
relevance of HRRM in festivals.)
The Manual of Psychedelic Support.
Carvalho et al (2014). Current Drug Abuse Reviews http://
Puente (2009). Kosmicare y Boom Festival 2008: atendi-
endo emergências psiquedelicas en la línea de frente. (History of
Kosmicare/Kosmikiva at Boom Festival and drug testing.)
Artur Soares da Silva was born in Lisboa, Portugal. He is a member
of Boom Festival, a social psychologist, and is pursuing his MA in cul-
ture management. Artur’s love for music led him to be active on many
fronts on the electronic music scene in Portugal since the mid 1990s.
He has been involved with Boom since the early days as party goer and
production sta. He has worked on communication for magazines, web-
sites and TV; has written and produced documentaries; organized music
events; and studied the importance of music for the reduction of racism
on poor neighbourhoods on the outskirts of Lisboa. His main intention
as Boom team member is to support the Great Transition. He can be
reached at
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