The Bride and Groom
Plan the wedding service with the officiant. If the bride and
groom are going to write their own vows or are going to
incorporate some personal touches into their service, they
need to discuss them at this time with the officiant.
Ask the minister for advice on wedding music, and get a
copy of the wedding service to read together.
Ask the minister if photographs may be taken during the
ceremony and if a video or tape recording may be made
of the wedding.
Interview photographers and videographers, selecting the
photographer that you feel will do the best job for the
wedding experience you have in mind. Come to a clear
understanding of how much photography will cost and
how you want it handled.
Prepare a guest list with both sets of parents.
Send out invitations if bride’s parents are not announcing
the wedding.
Register for gifts.
The Bride
Chooses her attendants.
Buys groom’s wedding ring.
Organizes decoration of church and reception with the
help of a florist, wedding planner, her mother, the groom,
sister or close friend.
Chooses bridesmaids’, flower girl’s, ring bearer’s and her own
wedding attire. Selects a going-away outfit.
Helps organize the reception with her mother or host.
The Bride’s Parents
Pay for wedding invitations.
Pay for flowers in the church, and the music.
Plan and pay for the reception, flowers, food, drink and
wedding cake.
Organize and pay for the car or cars taking the bride and
her immediate family from the house to the church, and
from the church to the reception.
The Bride’s Mother
Helps bride with all wedding arrangements, including
consulting the groom’s family about invitations, keeping
a checklist of replies.
Helps the bride choose her wedding dress as well as the
attendants’ outfits.
Consults the groom’s mother about her choice of wedding
outfit when choosing her own wedding clothes.
On the wedding day, leaves the house just before the bride,
usually with the attendants. She is the last person to be
seated at the ceremony and the first to be greeted in the
receiving line at the reception.
The Bride’s Father
On the wedding day, is the last to leave the house and
escorts the bride to church.
Walks down the aisle with the bride on his right arm and,
at the chancel steps, stands on her left.
Takes his seat after the vows.
The Bridesmaids
Follow the bride up the aisle, and following the ceremony
helpher with her train.
Can be young teen-agers or pre-teens and are called
junior bridesmaids.
Adult bridesmaids should be unmarried. If they are married,
they are called matrons of honor.
The Maid of Honor
Waits at the back of the church for the bride’s arrival and
looks after younger attendants.
Helps the bride with her train and holds her bouquet during
the ceremony, returning it to her in the vestry.
Helps the bride to change after the reception and takes
charge of the wedding dress following the reception.
The Bride’s Family Pays For:
Press announcements
Bride’s dress
Flowers for the church and reception
Photographer’s fees
Reception costs
Wedding stationery
Bridesmaids’ gifts
Bride’s Checklist
Bride’s Checklist