LITERASI Vol. 1 No. 2, December 2022 • p-ISSN: 2339-2193
Hani Gustiya Ningsih,
Indra Tjahyadi
Fakultas Sastra dan Filsafat
Universitas Panca Marga
Probolinggo, Indonesia
Abstract: This research aims to find out about Korean traditional culture that is becoming
popular culture in Korea today in BTS "Idol" video music. This research is qualitative -
descriptive by using Stuart Hall's representation theory with cultural studies approach. The
method of data collection used is literary research. The results of this study are; (1) Horangi
(tiger), considered a holy creature that brings good luck and as a symbol of courage and
strength, (2) Hanbook, modified traditional Korean clothes to become modern, (3) Paljak-
jiboong, Korean traditional pavilion still in use for house roof design, (4) 'eolssu', Pansori and
ggwaeng-gwari, traditional arts and musical instruments that are combined with the flow of
modern music in the current Kpop song, (5) the habit of Yangban, a mild cough that indicates
its existence still applied until now.
Key words: music video, representation, Korean pop culture.
Popular culture is generally recognized by members of a society as a set of the
practices, beliefs, and objects that are dominant or ubiquitous in a society at a given point
in time. Popular culture also encompasses the activities and feelings produced as a result
of interaction with these dominant objects. Heavily influenced in modern times by mass
media, this collection of ideas permeates the everyday lives of people in a given society.
Therefore, popular culture has a way of influencing an individual's attitudes towards
certain topics. However, there are various ways to define pop culture.
Popular culture is consideredan empty conceptual category, or something that can
be defined in a variety of conflicting ways by different people across different contexts. It
is generally defined in contrast to other forms of culture such as folk culture, working-
class culture, or high culture, and also through different theoretical perspectives such as
psychoanalysis, structuralism, postmodernism, and more. The most common pop-culture
categories are entertainment (such amovies, music, television, and video games), sports,
news (as in people/places in the news), politics, fashion/clothes, technology, and
slang(McGaha, 2015:32-37).
LITERASI Vol. 1 No. 2, December 2022 • p-ISSN: 2339-2193
Popular culture initially developed in Europe, more often assumed by the culture
attached to the lower social class which distinguishes it from the high culture of the elite
class. Popular culture is also often brought closer to the term 'mass culture' or mass
culture, which is mass produced and consumed in bulk. So, local culture is a product of a
cultural nature that is manufacturer, which is everywhere and does not require effort to
consume it (Subaktio and Ida, 2012: 4).
Music Video (MV) is a short film that integrates a song with imagery, and is
produced for promotional or artistic purposes (Moller, 2011: 1).Music video containing the
power of images to give the sensation of a spectacle that had the power of personal touch
and memorable. In this imaging, someone can be made to experience what they see
themselves, by remembering an ongoing event.
Music videos use a wide range of styles and contemporary video-making
techniques, including animation, live action, documentary, and non-narrative approaches
such as abstract film. Some music videos combine different styles with the music, such as
animation and live action. Combining these styles and techniques has become more
popular because of the variety for the audience. Many music videos interpret images and
scenes from the song's lyrics, while others take a more thematic approach. Other music
videos may not have any concept, being merely a filmed version of the song's live concert
performance (Cutietta, 1985:47-49).
The advantage of K-Pop's entertainment world is that besides the stunning
stage.The idols offer a variety of concepts such as dark concepts, humor, and sexy, full
color to artistic. Here are the most popular MVs of all time. EXO "Universe", MV with
various retro nuances and symbolic scenes such as breaking threads that are tangled and
some stunning dance. MV Shinee"Our Page” is a representation of their lives full of anxiety,
struggle, hard work, longing and loss. BTS "Idol", the symbolic scene also found in this MV
is the scene when the members are dancing in a small box, then the giant members appear.
Septyarti (2011:16), said that Hallyu is a term popularized by Chinese media to refer to
Korean pop culture and entertainment, including films, drama series, music, and fashion
that have succeeded in influencing other countries. South Korean pop culture referred to
as Hallyuin Korean refers to the wave in international view of South Korean culture being
a successful export to South Korea. Phenomena Hallyu is also referred to as the Korean
wave. In the late 90s, Korea exported its drama series to several Asian countries.
Boy band is loosely defined as a vocal group consisting of young male singers,
usually in their teenage years or in their twenties at the time of formation, singing love
songs marketed towards young women. Being vocal groups, most boy band members do
LITERASI Vol. 1 No. 2, December 2022 • p-ISSN: 2339-2193
not play musical instruments, either in recording sessions or on stage, making the term
something of a misnomer. However, exceptions do exist. Many boy bands dance as well as
sing, usually giving highly choreographed performances (Walt, 2014: 21).
BangTanSeonyeondan (BTS), also known as the Bangtan Boys, is a seven-member
South Korean boy band formed by Big Hit Entertainment. Seven members of the BTS
included Rap Monster as leader and rapper, Jeon Jung Kook as vocal, Suga as rapper, Kim
Tae Hyung as vocal, Park Jimin as vocal, J-hope as rapper and Kim Seok Jin as vocals. The
name subsequently became an acronym for Beyond the Scene(Chloe, 2013: 2).
BTS is known as a k-pop group with all its members having special skills, both in creating
songs, writing lyrics and in delivering their own music or songs. The involvement of each
BTS member in the process of making their album succeeded in bringing BTS albums to
great success and praise from many parties and gaining many awards from various events
both in Korea and internationally (Fatmala, 2018:5)
IDOL is a BTS song that combines modern and traditional concepts. In terms of
melody, BTS uses EDM and TRAP GROOVE and is interspersed with traditional Korean
instruments. In some parts, BTS slips traditional Korean elements. Chu-Imsae is part of
traditional Korean music such as samulnori (Korean percussion music). Like the sound of
dung-gi-duk-koong-du-ru-ru creating the typical rhythm of samulnori.
BTS also inserted traditional Korean dances between their modern dances. In this MV, BTS
also uses Korean traditional clothing "Hanbook" as a manifestation of their love for the
native culture of the ginseng country. This explains that BTS although popular globally still
shows their identity as Koreans.
The song title "IDOL" is described as based on the South African dance style, and
features a mixture of traditional and modern. Music videos for "IDOL" also feature
traditional culture, displaying elements of Korean heritage in their costumes and video
images and settings. "IDOL" is now the fastest Korean MV group to reach 10 million views,
breaking the record of 4 hours and 56 minutes previously achieved by BTS with "Fake
Love". The MV "IDOL" already has more than 2.6 million "likes" on YouTube.
This research is qualitative - descriptive by using Stuart Hall's representation
theory with cultural studies approach.This study is design to obtain the answers about
BangTanSeonyeondan (BTS) Music video “Idol” as Korean Pop Culture.Qualitative research
is loosely defined category of research designs or models, all of which elicit verbal, visual,
LITERASI Vol. 1 No. 2, December 2022 • p-ISSN: 2339-2193
tactile, olfactory and gustatory data in the form of descriptive narrative like field notes,
recordings or other transcriptions from audio and videotapes and other written record
and pictures and films (Tjahyadi, Andayani, & Wafa, 2020). Primary data is a main data in
this research. The primary data of this research takes from the BTS Idol music video.
Primary of the data source here was comprised all movement, gesture, facial expression
and lyrics with represented K-Pop culture representation.
Secondary data source is obtainable from some source from literature research
(library research) such as; articles, books and thesis, by studying and reviewing the
literature related to the problem under study to support the assumption of a theoretical
basis for the subject matter covered. Another source from internet, as the other source to
complete this thesis. This research uses a collection method to get the data. This data of
this study are movement, gesture, facial expression, costume and the lyrics quitted from
the music video. They have been collected based on purpose of the study. In brief, the
author had to select carefully the data needed in BTS “Idol” music video and the notes used
by the author for analysis.
Beginning with the album 'Love Your Self: Her' then 'Love Your Self: Tear', finally
BTS closed the series with 'Love Your Self: Answer'. The latest BTS album was officially
released Friday, August 24, 2018. 'Love Your Self: Answer' is a repackage album from the
previous two albums. So this repackage version of the album will contain songs from 'Love
Your Self: Her' and also 'Love Your Self: Tear' plus 7 new songs. Among the many new songs
on the album 'Love Your Self: Answer', IDOL was chosen as the title song to be promoted.
BTS's achievements this time have proven them as one of the K-Pop band groups that have
already gone international. So it is no doubt that BTS is one of the K-Pop groups whose
videos have even become trending in the world and surpassing other musicians. The work
of BTS does not need to be doubted. Not only did it break the record as the most watched
video clip for 24 hours, "IDOL" also occupied number 1 on YouTube.
MV BTS is famous for extraordinary theories. Likewise, the MV IDOL has bright
colors like the MV DNA. This is a cheerful message, love and happiness for fans. This album
is Love Your Self.
This study discusses BTS video music "idol" which became a popular culture in
Korea. There are many interesting things to know from this music video. Not only the good
looks of the members, but their talents and skills in making this music video so that it can
LITERASI Vol. 1 No. 2, December 2022 • p-ISSN: 2339-2193
be liked by many people and even teenagers follow the trends in this music video. The
diversity of traditional and modern culture in this music video has become a spotlight for
teenagers to follow, ranging from clothing, snap chat features to even covering their
choreo dance. This video music became popular even the day after its release.
In this "idol" BTS music video, there are some interesting things that make this
music video known and liked by many people and teenagers so that making this music
video becomes a popular culture in Korea. BTS "idol" video music has become a popular
culture in Korea because there are many interesting things that are copied by many
people, especially teenagers in Korea. Starting from traditional culture to a modern thing
in music this video is liked by many people. Korean traditional culture which is hardly
known by teenagers now is more familiar with this music video, as well as the current
modern trends that are not well known by people now many people who follow modern
trends are like the snap chat feature which is now widely applied by many people. Even
for songs and choreo dancing there are also many people who cover or re-display.
Social Media as Representation of Korean Pop Culture
Through the media all messages are presented even constructed. The media
presents a new culture which is full of symbolic consumerism. Through various aspects of
the media contribute to the continuity of various beliefs and values through persuasive
ways of teasing.
Popular culture was born because of the hegemony of mass media in public
cultural spaces. Popular cultural ideas are born from all lines of culture, both from high
and low cultures. Cultural ideology is channeled through mass media and other supporting
devices. The object of the study of popular culture is thus not culture in a narrow sense but
in a broader sense. Popular culture deals with everyday problems that can be enjoyed by
everyone or certain people such as celebrities, personal vehicles, fashion, home models,
body care, and so on. Popular culture also appears in various forms, from what we
consume to the needs of our bodies; what we watch; we listen; we use, and so on. Popular
culture does not exist just like that, popular culture exists because something that is
initially ordinary becomes a popular phenomenon, and the media contribute to the
Social media is the fastest media in deployments such as Twitter, Facebook,
Instagram, WhatsApp, Telegram, Snapchat, etc. those who overuse social media actively
upload photos (visuals), experiencing an increase in narcissism. The level of narcissism
experienced by participants, experienced growth along with the use of social media from
LITERASI Vol. 1 No. 2, December 2022 • p-ISSN: 2339-2193
time to time. Narcissism is a personality characteristic that involves excessive showing off,
the desire to get rights, and often exploiting other people (Widyaningrum, 2018). The
word in general is often directed at people who like to take pictures of themselves in an
ordinary style to use eccentric styles.
South Korean Traditional Culture in Korean Pop Culture
Traditional culture as pop culture
Picture 1
Tigers are often featured as guardian
deities in funerary art and as the
spirit of the mountain god in
Buddhist and folk art.
Picture 2
The Tiger in music video
BTS “idol”
The visual showing the tiger who
was running with a background of
traditional Korean paintings
combined with a touch of glitch art
became the opening teaser.
Picture 3
Hanbook is a South Korean act for
traditional Korean clothing.
Picture 4
Durumagi is a kind of long jacket
worn by adult men in the Joseon era
when they left home.
Picture 5
Korean Traditional
Korean-style architecture is similar
in some respects to Japanese
architecture, because many early
Japanese Buddhist architectures
came to Japan from China through
Korea, but they developed slightly
differently over time, including open
LITERASI Vol. 1 No. 2, December 2022 • p-ISSN: 2339-2193
Picture 6
Paljak-jiboong is a traditional Korean
roof style consisting of a dark
wooden frame and tile.
Picture 7
Pansori is Korean traditional music
from the Jeon dynasty which features
a singer (sorikkun) and drummer
Picture 8
The small gong is called a
ggwaenggwariwho is played by the
band leader to the rhythmic cycle or
Picture 9
Changgeuk is a modern version of
Picture 10
Percussion instruments like
these are vital in traditional
Korean music, especially folk
music, where the essential
feature is rhythm.
Picture 11
In addition, coughing can
mean a sign of a Yangban
being disturbed by the chatter
of people around him, such as,
"I'm here. Stop talking about
me. "
LITERASI Vol. 1 No. 2, December 2022 • p-ISSN: 2339-2193
In picture 1 looks a tiger that is Horangi. A tiger plays a prominent role in the myth
of Dangun, which depicts the birth of the Korean civilization.In Korean art, the ferocious
roar of the tiger is never depicted; instead, tigers are shown with a stern expression, or
perhaps even a mirthful grin. This style reflects not only the Confucian values of virtue and
benevolence, but also the cheerful and optimistic spirit of the Korean people.
Picture 2 shows the tiger in music video BTS idol”. MV IDOL's teaser begins with a
scene of a tiger running. For South Koreans, tigers are considered as protectors who drive
away evil spirits. In addition, tigers are also considered as sacred creatures that bring
good luck and as a symbol of courage and strength.
Picture 3 Hanbook is a South Korean act for traditional Korean clothing. Hanbok
generally has bright colors with simple lines and does not have a pocket. Hanbok refers to
the Joseon Dynasty style clothes which are usually used for formal or formal occasions in
traditional festivals. Hanbok is only used when there are certain events or ceremonies
such as Chuseok celebrations or Chinese New Year celebrations and even then some
people wear it.
Picture 4 In the MV IDOL teaser, BTS members were seen using one part of the
hanbok namely durumagi. Durumagi is a kind of long jacket worn by adult men in the
Joseon era when they left home. BTS uses a hanbok by a famous South Korean hanbok
designer named Baek Oak Soo. The designer uses simple black cloth coated with gold,
without including the goreum (tape attached to the jacket).
Picture 5 Laying out and constructing such a roof is very complicated. All the
joinery has to be cut in advance, and involves a number of compound angles. In addition,
the curved roof surface adds another layer of difficulty. Fortunately, there are traditional
techniques for laying out all of the angles using the Japanese Framing Square, or sashigane,
and also methods of laying out everything on the floor to figure out the curves and make
patterns for the various parts.
Picture 6 The BTS members are in a place like a pavilion with yellow poles and
roofs that resemble "Giwa", a traditional Korean architectural style. "Giwa" is a traditional
Korean roof style consisting of a dark wooden frame and tile. But the pavilion has a
distinctive Korean style. The style of the pavilion roof can only be found in Korea and it is
called paljak-jiboong. In one teaser ,. It is a very traditional Korean architectural style.
Korean people are not too interested in historical places like this, with this music video
BTS intends for Koreans to be more familiar with their traditional culture. Many foreign
tourists are attracted to this place in Korea because they consider this place beautiful and
LITERASI Vol. 1 No. 2, December 2022 • p-ISSN: 2339-2193
Picture 7 Pansori is Korean traditional music from the Jeon dynasty which features
a singer (sorikkun) and drummer (gosu) (Sadari, 2018). There are several beats in Pansori
/ in all traditional kor music when it involves drum or cymbals. Every Korean learns this
during elementary or in kindergarten. The beat that was used in the teaser is the
basicbeat. There was the sound of one BTS member singing or imitating the sound of
"dung-gi-duk-koong-deo-reo-reok" which is a traditional drum beat used in traditional
Korean percussion music, including pansoriand samulnori. the sound of "dung-gi-duk-
koong-deo-reo-reok" created the typical rhythm of samulnori.
Picture 8 Ggwaeng-gwari is one of the traditional Korean musical instruments that
belongs to the type of percussion. The small gong is called a ggwaenggwariwho is played
by the band leader to the rhythmic cycle or pattern. The ggwaenggwari is played by the
left hand, with the music fingers held against the back of the sound and struck with a
wooden stick in the right hand. The resulting sound is clear, sharp and high pitched.
Interestingly, it is thought that both of these gongs are onomatopoeic.
Picture 9 Changgeuk is a modern version of Pansori. The most prominent change is
the emergence of a new form of vocal art performance that is no longer played by one
person, but by more than 2 sorikkun people (Kang, 2016). Although the changgeuk artist
has gradually increased and has succeeded in developing as a composite art through more
realistic performances on the Western-style Theater, he still has not been able to find his
vitality due to various causes such as the active creation of creative works, and so on.
Picture 10 At a traditional Korean show at the Powerhouse Museum, to coincide
with the opening of the Spirit of the inmates: the treasure of the Korean metal craft
exhibition.Percussion instruments like these are vital in traditional Korean music,
especially folk music, where the essential feature is rhythm. Reports of dating tothe Joseon
Dynasty describe how they were used in the rural areas to cheer and encourage workers
in the fields, especially during the weedingseason.
Picture 11 The Yangban were part of the traditional ruling class or gentry of
dynastic Korea during the Joseon Dynasty. At the end of the teaser video, Jungkook's cough
turned out to have its own meaning in Korean culture. That could be interpreted as the
habit of "Yangban" namely a noble or upper class society of the Joseon Dynasty. Instead of
talking loudly, a Yangban will make a coughing sound to tell people of his presence. In
addition, coughing can mean a sign of a Yangban being disturbed by the chatter of people
around him, such as, "I'm here. Stop talking about me".
A lot of hidden meanings and messages from BTS to the fans in this music video.
BTS emphasizes us to love ourselves more without listening to other people's words. Don't
LITERASI Vol. 1 No. 2, December 2022 • p-ISSN: 2339-2193
judge other people from appearance or status, because we are all the same in a situation or
our situation is a normal person like the others.
The reason BTS includes concepts like this is to make us aware of ourselves. we
don't need to sacrifice for the people to sacrifice ourselves, sacrifice our happiness for the
happiness of others, which ultimately all harm us. Helping others to be happy is good, but
don't let ourselves become unhappy or suffering. BTS makes them for example. they help
people by entertaining people, making songs that can motivate people, without changing
themselves. That is, they can still be themselves, even though on the one hand they
become public figures.
BTS has become a worldwide boy band with millions of fans in various countries.
No wonder if when BTS released a new song the song became famous. The previous BTS
song became famous shortly after it was released even though the fans were impatient a
teaser was released. Likewise with the bts song "Idol" which became famous when
released. Some of the scenes in this music video look similar to previous BTS video music.
Like many dance scenes with people who are similar to Fire music videos, the scene of the
members who are sitting in the seats is the same as the scene in Just Oe Day music videos
and the Idol video music is very colorful which is also seen in the DNA video music.
In this music video, BTS advised everyone to love themselves more. Don't disturb
or interfere with other people's lives. They live their lives the way they want. No need to
see class or status, because on the other hand we are all ordinary people. Helping another
people is a good deed, but it helps to make us happy too. There's no need to help someone
by sacrificing happiness even with our lives. Love ourselves by doing something that can
make us happy. That's how the BTS message delivered in this music video.
BTS "Idol" video music became famous and became a popular culture in Korea. The
combination of traditional and modern elements is the main reason. Traditional Korean
clothing (Hanbook), Pendopo which are used as background settings, pansori and
ggwaeng-gwari rhythms that are combined with EDM and TRAP GROOVE. Said "Eolssu"
and also coughed JungKook who was known from the past from the past. BTS wears
traditional clothing in its music video and the clothes are displayed at the Hanbok
exhibition as part of Gangnam Festival. The features or filters that RapMon uses are also
popular among teenagers today. And also the song lyrics that give a deep message to the
fans and listeners which means we have to love ourselves first.
LITERASI Vol. 1 No. 2, December 2022 • p-ISSN: 2339-2193
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