March 2021
Workday Glossary
Table of Contents
Cross Application
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Time Tracking
Cross Application
Cross Application
Advanced Report
You can create 3 types of custom reports: simple, advanced, and matrix. An advanced report provides all the features of a
simple report, plus more advanced ones such as accessing related business objects and producing multiple levels of
headings and subtotals. Advanced reports also enable the use of sub
-filters, run time prompts, charts, worklets, and report
sharing, and provide the ability to expose the report as a web service.
Aggregation Security Group
An aggregation security group is one whose members are other security groups. Workers associated with any included
security group are granted access through an aggregation security group.
Designated participants in a business process, with a defined responsibility in this type of event, indicate they approve the
proposed action. (The business process can proceed to the next step.)
Assignable Roles
You can assign positions to organization roles. Depending on your staffing model, a position may or may not necessarily
have a worker specified.
Business Object
Workday stores your data as business objects
organizations, workers, positions, and so onwhich can be thought of as
database tables or worksheets in Excel. Just as a database table or worksheet has columns and rows, a Workday business
object has fields and instances. A business object is composed of a set of related fields, similar to how a table or
spreadsheet is composed of a set of related columns. Instances of a business object in Workday are like rows in a table or
spreadsheet, with each instance representing a unique occurrence of that type of object such as an organization or worker.
A business object can have no instances, one instance, or many instances. Workday automatically links related business
objects together. For example, purchase order lines are linked to a purchase order header, the purchase order header is
linked to a supplier, the supplier is linked to a company, and so on.
Business Process Definition
The set of tasks that need to be completed for an event to occur, the order in which they must be done, and who must do
them. Workday includes a number of predefined business processes for different purposes. You can edit the default
definitions for your organization. You can also create different versions of the same business process for different
Business Process Instance
A business process that the initiator has started. For example, the Hire Employee for Organization X business process
definition becomes an instance when the initiator uses it to hire a particular applicant.
Business Process Security
A business process security policy secures the initiation step, step actions and process
-wide actions including view,
rescind, cancel and correct. It specifies which security groups that have access to each action.
Cancel (business process)
Canceling a business process stops the workflow in progress and reverses any changes made to Workday data. It is also a
securable action in a business process security policy.
Cross Application
Conditions are one or more logical matches that are resolved to True or False and used to decide if some action should be
taken. For example, you can add conditions to steps in a business process to determine if the step should run.
Contextual Custom Report
A contextual custom report is a custom report created by selecting Reporting > Create Custom Report from Here from the
related actions menu of a Workday object . It simplifies the selection of data and fields by limiting choices to those relate
to the context of the object.
Correct (business process)
Correcting a business process changes a specification or data in the workflow while in progress. It is also a securable
action in a business process security policy
Custom Objects
Ability to extend Workday business objects by creating custom object definitions based on the business object and adding
custom fields. Custom objects enable you to record additional data for which there’s no Workday
-delivered field.
Business objects are used to store data in Workday (such as organizations or workers). A business object has fields and
instances, which are analogous to rows and columns in a spreadsheet.
Custom Organization Worktag
Definable worktags that you can associate with people or financial transactions. You can: (1) Automatically populate a
custom organization as a worktag into transactions that involve a worker by making the worker a member of the custom
organization. (2) Use custom organizations as worktags to route transactions to specific people based on role.
Custom Report
Custom reports are designed and built by customers using the Workday Report Writer. They can be created new or as a
copy of another standard or custom report.
Custom Worktags
15 delivered worktags with configurable names and values. Each custom worktag associates the
Worktag Usage with
financial, human resource, payroll, or time tracking transactions or data. Optimal when all you need is a simple tag for
financial transactions that do not require any capabilities around roll
-ups, security assignment, or assigning to workers.
Note: custom worktags cannot be used for payroll costing allocations and accounting adjustments.
Dashboard Landing Pages
Several dashboards are delivered with a number of worklets pre
configured that are specific to a functional area, like Talent
Management or Workforce Planning. Since these worklets are built with the report writer and report
-specific calculated
fields, you can copy and modify them if you have unique requirements. You can add additional custom worklets to these
dashboards using the report writer.
Data Source
A data source defines a particular set of business object instances for reporting purposes. A data source is similar to a
database view, except it is more flexible in two key areas. First, a database view always returns a flattened out tabular dat
structure, whereas a data source can return hierarchical data structures. Second, a database view requires that technical
staff manually join related tables together, while a data source automatically allows reportable access to all business
objects related to those in the data source.
Cross Application
Designated participants in business processes, with a defined responsibility in this type of event, indicate that they deny the
proposed action The business process is not authorized to proceed to the next step. In some cases, the entire business
process may be terminated, and all Workday data is restored to its state before the business process started.
Derived Roles
Roles can be assigned to a user when he is given a responsibility within a functional area, such as HR partner or
compensation partner for a particular organization.
You can have different roles in relationship to different organizations. For example, you could be a compensation partner
for one organization and an HR business partner for another organization.
Some aspect of or perspective on data that you want to use as the basis for analysis. For example, for financial accounting,
you can analyze revenue by customer, by channel, or by marketing campaign. For expenses, you can analyze costs by cost
center or by project. All of these are dimensions. Dimensions are usually created with worktags.
A domain is a collection of related securable items such as actions, reports, report data, report data sources, or custom
report fields. Each domain is secured by a domain security policy.
Domain Security Policy
A domain security policy is a collection of related securable elements of different types and user
-specified security groups
that have access to elements of each type.
Matrix reports enable you to drill down to see underlying data. When you click on a drillable element (such as a drillable
field in the table view or a column, line, or pie segment in the chart view), a context menu appears that enables you to select
a new View By field. If the Enable Drilldown to Detail Data check box is selected on the Advanced tab of the report
definition, you can also select Details associated with the selected report element.
A transaction that occurs within your organization, such as hiring or terminating an employee.
Field (reporting)
In a Report Writer report, a field contains data related to a particular primary or related business object.
Sorts out undesired data, used when creating reports with Report Writer.
Functional Area
A functional area is a collection of domain or business process security policies that are related to the same set of product
features, for example, Benefits or Compensation.
Get (permission)
Get is an integration action that retrieves Workday data. It is a permission that can be granted in a domain security policy.
Intersection Security Group
An intersection security group is one whose members are other security groups. Workers associated with all included
security groups are granted access through an intersection security group.
Initiation Step
An initiation step is the first step of a business process.
An instance refers to one unique occurrence of a business object, for example, your Executive Management organization,
or John Doe, the worker.
Cross Application
Job-Based Security Group
A job
-based security group includes one or more job-related attributes or objects including job profile, job family, job
category, management level, or exempt/non
-exempt status.
Landing Page
Landing pages display a collection of different worklets to enable you to quickly view data and perform tasks. There are
different landing pages and display formats (grid or wheel) to support different functions. Some common landing pages
are My Workday, My Workday 2.0, All About Me, and My Team. There are other specialized landing pages, such as
dashboard landing pages.
Location Membership Security
A location membership security group is one whose members are any workers assigned to that location.
Matrix Report
You can create 3 types of custom reports: simple, advanced, and matrix. A matrix report forms the foundation for custom
analytics. It summarizes data by one or two fields that contain repeating values. The resulting matrix is displayed as either
a table or chart that users can drill through to see the associated details. You control the specific detail data users shoul
see when they drill down by selecting the desired fields when defining the report. Matrix reports also provide features such
as filtering, run time prompts, worklets and report sharing.
Modify (permission)
Modify is an action through the Workday user interface that can be permitted on securable items in a domain security
policy. It includes view permission.
My Workday
The My Workday landing page displays a grid of worklets such as Inbox and My Requests. You should enable My Workday
only for administrator and professional roles, not for Employee Self Service or Manager Self Service. Workday recommends
that you keep the number of worklets on My Workday to a minimum. The number of worklets on My Workday affects
display performance.
My Workday 2.0
The My Workday 2.0 landing page is home to the Workfeed worklet. It is designed to optimize performance, and therefore
is limited to displaying the Workfeed plus 4 additional worklets. This limit ensures that users cannot place a large number
of worklets (some of which may be computationally intensive) on a page that is frequently accessed. It is recommended
that you use the Dashboard landing pages for additional analytical worklets that users might need.
Organization Security Group
An organization security group is one whose members are any workers assigned to that organization.
Primary Business Object
When defining a report, the primary business object is the business object returned by the data source.
Predefined security Group
Workers are assigned to the predefined security groups through a business process. These groups cannot be changed
except by reversing the business process or executing a new business process, such as applying for a position, or being
hired. Examples include: Employee, Contingent Worker, and Applicant.
Cross Application
Prompt (reporting)
A Report Writer report can be defined so that it prompts the user for filtering criteria when they run the report. Report
prompts can also be "built in" to a data source.
Put (permission)
Put is an integration action that adds or changes Workday data. It is a permission that can be granted in a domain security
Related Business Object
When defining a report, fields that return objects related to the primary business object are said to contain related business
objects. These related objects may have their own set of fields that can be included in the report as well.
Report Data Sources
Predefined groups of logically related fields, used when creating reports with Report Writer, which define the data in the
report row. For example, the report data source “Employees” contains contact information, personal data, and identification
information. Report data sources also include which roles have access to see the report data.
Rescind (business process)
Rescinding a business process operates on completed business processes. It completely reverses all changes made to
Workday data. It is also a securable action in a business process security policy.
Role-Based Security Group
A role
-based security group specifies one organization role and includes workers in job positions defined for that
organization role.
Roles define a group of people with specific responsibilities and permissions. When a business process runs, the role for
each step includes all of the workers in that role in the business process target organization.
Securable Item
A securable item is an action, report, or data that is part of a security policy. You can secure access by defining the secur
policy to restrict access to the item to specified security groups. Related securable items are grouped into domains. Also,
-process-related actions are securable items.
Security Group
A security group is a collection of users, or a collection of objects that are related to users. Allowing a security group
access to a securable item in a security policy grants access to the users associated with the security group.
A security segment is a grouping of related securable items, such as pay components, that can be secured together using a
-based security group for that segment.
Shared Report
A custom report that can be used by users other than the user who created the report. Can be shared by user, group or
security role. Reports must be shared to use are worklets
Simple Report
You can create 3 types of custom reports: simple, advanced, and matrix. A simple report provides straightforward design
options for the beginning or occasional user to create reports quickly and easily.
Cross Application
Standard Report
Standard reports are reports that come delivered with Workday. They are developed by Workday and are delivered to all
Workday customers. Depending on the reporting requirements, standard reports may be defined using the Workday Report
Writer or in
XpressO (Workday's internal development tool). Standard reports that were designed using the Report Writer
can be copied to create a custom report and then modified according to your requirements.
Subfields are additional details about a field, like a master/detail relationship. Subfields are used when creating reports
using Report Writer.
The object that a business process operates on. For example, for business processes that deal with an employee record,
the target is the employee. For business processes that deal with a financial object, such as an accounting journal, the
accounting journal is the target. Since the target determines the organization, it controls which business process custom
definition Workday uses.
A business process step that you must complete. For example, task alert notifications are triggered by steps in a business
Temporary Report
You have the option to make any custom report temporary. When creating or copying simple report types, you can select
the Temporary option when creating the report, resulting in automatic deletion of the report after 7 days. Similarly, for
advanced and matrix report types, you can set the Temporary option when creating the report, and by default the report will
be deleted automatically after 7 days. You change the default deletion date on the Advanced tab of the report definition.
-Dos are reminders to do something outside of the Workday system. They can be part of business processes, and have
to be marked complete before the workflow will go to the next step.
User-Based Security Group
A user
-based security group has workers as members. When used in a security policy, it grants access to the securable
items to all members of the group.
View (business process)
Viewing a business process means seeing its status and reporting on it. This is a securable item in a business process
security policy.
View (permission)
View is the ability to see objects or data through the Workday user interface, when permitted in a domain security policy.
Cross Application
Workday provides a special
Workfeed worklet modeled on the idea of an activity stream (like activity streams in Facebook
and Twitter and many other modern applications). The
Workfeed presents an actionable view of content items of interest
to you, arranged chronologically. This enables you to see and act on pertinent tasks and content items, from a combination
of sources, all presented in a simple time
-line view. The Workfeed should be configured as a required worklet on the My
Workday 2.0 landing page.
Workflow defines who can perfrom each task in a business process and provides a routing mechanism to move the task
from one user to another
A compact report displayed as a "tile" on the My Workday page, providing easy access to tasks and information you use on
a regular basis. Examples are My Leadership Roles, Open Positions, Anniversaries, and so on.
A named attribute that you can assign to events and objects to indicate their business purpose. For example, you can
create a Customer worktag, whose values are the names of your customers. You can use the worktag to assign a customer
to an expense in an expense report or a product sales event.
Account Summary (Ledger
Account Summary)
A grouping of ledger accounts. For example, you can group all assets that are considered current assets to easily
reference them. Individual accounts can appear in multiple account summaries.
Account Translation Rule Set
A set of rules that dictate how monetary amounts in individual accounts are translated into a different currency.
Translation rule sets are defined at an account
-set level and apply to each account in that account set.
Base Currency
Also know as default currency. The primary currency in which a company does business and reporting. For financial
accounting, a company must have a base currency defined.
Budget Structure
Criteria for building budget or forecast budgets. Types of budget structures include financial, staffing and position. Budget
structures can be configured to require approval, organized by dimension type (such as cost center or region), and updated
with amendments.
Usually represents a legal entity, and is the primary entity for recorded business transactions and financial reports. A
Workday company equates to a single tax ID within an enterprise. A company is a type of Workday organization.
Currency Rate Type
Allows you to establish more than one conversion rate for the same currency pair during the same time frame. For
example, one rate type can apply to the daily rate used in operational transactions, and then average and historical rate
types can be used for financial reporting. The default rate type is used in all operational activity. You can define names fo
currency rate types; typical names are Period Average, Daily, End of Day Daily, and Historical.
Current Asset
An asset on the balance sheet that is expected to be sold or otherwise used up in the near future; usually within one year or
one business cycle (whichever is longer). Typical current assets include cash, cash equivalents, accounts receivable,
inventory, the portion of prepaid accounts that will be used within a year, and short
-term investments. On the balance
sheet, assets are typically classified into current assets and long
-term assets.
Customer Invoice Adjustment
A change to the amount a customer owes, and can be an increase or a decrease in the amount due.
Credit Memo
In Workday, a credit memo is a customer invoice adjustment that decreases the amount due. A credit memo for suppliers
is a supplier invoice adjustment that decreases the amount owed.
Debit Memo
In Workday, a debit memo is a customer invoice adjustment that increases the amount due. A debit memo for suppliers is
a supplier invoice adjustment that increases the amount owed.
Depreciation Profile
Determines how a resource will be depreciated, and specifies the depreciation method and depreciation start date. Each
resource category is assigned one depreciation profile, and each resource depreciation profile is defaulted by its resource
Independent Contingent Worker
An independent contingent worker (ICW) not represented by a supplier, and accounted for as a 1099 supplier. You issue
purchase orders to, create receipts for, and pay ICWs just as you do suppliers.
Companies use a base currency for transactions and reporting. Each company in a tenant can have its own base currency.
When a transaction currency is different than the company base currency, the transaction is recorded in the transaction
currency and automatically converted to the base currency. You can also define default currencies for customers and
Open Item
Supplier and customer invoices that have an amount owing or due. For expense reports, a line item to be paid or
Pay Group
An organization type that groups workers and the rules controlling pay calculations. Each worker receiving pay through
Workday payroll must be a member of one, and only one, pay group.
Payment Category
The classification of a payment; for example, supplier payments, expense payments, and payroll payments.
Payment Election
Allows workers to designate how they want to receive payroll and expense payments. For electronic payments, the worker
can set up one or more bank accounts. The payment election specifies the currency, pay types (such as check or direct
deposit), and payment allocation amounts for each worker bank account. Workers can set up payment elections for payroll
(or payroll interface) and expense payments.
Payment Group
Created as the result of a settlement run. Payments are grouped by payment category (supplier, expense, payroll, ad hoc
supplier), bank, bank account, payment type (check, EFT), maximum payments in file, and integration system. Payments
are also grouped by company, currency, and country.
Payment Type
A valid form of payment you use to pay invoices, payment elections, and other payments. Payment types are user
configured, and each payment type is mapped to a payment method, whose values are delivered by Workday. For example,
a credit card payment method could be mapped to the payment types such as Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.
Pay Run Group
A group of one or more pay group/run category combinations that share the same period schedule. In the Run Pay
Calculation task, you can start a payroll processing run for multiple pay groups as a single action when they are part of the
same pay run group.
Position Budget
An annual budget for planned compensation for a position. Spend and projected spend for the position can be tracked
against the budget.
Prenotifications (Prenotes)
Optional live or zero
-dollar entries that are sent through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) to a financial institution to
verify account and related information before sending or receiving actual direct deposits. If the prenote amount is not zero,
cash is transferred to the account.
Public Requisition Template
These templates are specific to a company and can be used by all authorized workers. Only buyers and service
coordinators can create or edit public templates. To provision new workers automatically, a template must be public.
Requisition Template
A collection of goods and services that makes the requisition process simpler, faster, and more manageable.
Any item you want to track, from company vehicles to software licenses and access cards. For capital resources, you can
capture the acquisition cost and record depreciation based on the depletion schedule attributes. You can also track
resource custodianship.
Resource Category
When you set up expense items and purchase items, you assign a resource category. It is a classification in procurement
and resource management that provides a logical grouping to search and report on acquired items and services. It can
also be used to drive different accounting behavior as it is a dimension in account posting rule types used in procurement
and resource management.
Revenue Category
When you set up sales items, you assign a revenue category. It is a classification in customer contracts and billing that
provides a logical grouping to search and report on items and services you sell. It can also be used to drive different
accounting behavior as it is a dimension in account posting rule types used in customer contracts, billing, and accounts
Settlement Run
A group of items to be paid (such as supplier invoices and expense reports), and payments (paychecks and ad hoc
supplier payments) that is treated as one unit when selecting and settling payments.
Supplier Invoice Adjustment
A change to the amount a supplier owes and can be an increase or a decrease in the amount due.
Translation Method
Identifies the translation type (average, current, custom, or historic) to translate currencies using fiscal year criteria.
Translation Type
Workday provided translation types are preconfigured translation methods used to fill in the rate type. They do not provide
default or allow rate types, because rate types are tenanted. The custom translation type provides full control over setting
up the translation method.
Human Capital
Management (HCM)
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Defines how much time off employees can accrue, the timing of the accrual, and other rules. Can define eligibility rules, a
frequency, and limits that differ from the time off plan.
Annualization Factor
The multiplier, which you set, used to calculate an annual amount of compensation for compensation plans. Each
compensation plan has a frequency of payment, and each frequency has an annualization factor.
Base Pay Element
The compensation components that will be included in the calculation of base pay for the purposes of determining the
-ratio and target penetration.
For example, you can choose to include both base pay and bonuses in the base pay for purposes of determining the
Benefit Coverage Type
A type of benefits coverage. For example, you can define Medical, Dental, Vision, Group Term Life, Long Term Disability,
and Short Term Disability benefit coverage types. Each type can contain one or more specific benefit plans.
You can set rules for benefit elections at the benefit coverage type level. For example, you can restrict an employee to
selecting only one plan of a specific coverage type. You can also specify which coverage types are available for employee
election during which benefit events.
Benefit Defaulting Rule
Identifies the benefit plans, coverage targets, and coverage amounts that employees receive by default when they do not
complete an enrollment event.
Benefit Event
An event in the employee's life that gives the employee the opportunity to change benefit elections. These include staffing
changes (for example, getting hired or promoted) but also "life events," for example, getting married or having a new child.
Benefit Event Rules
These rules specify coverage increase limits, EOI requirements, waiting periods, and other rules and conditions of
enrollment for benefits enrollment events.
Benefit Event Type
Identifies the events that trigger benefit enrollment, for example, open enrollment, new hires, or the birth of a child. It a
identify the coverage types to make available to employees for when an event of this type occurs.
Benefit Group
Identifies workers who qualify for similar benefit plans and elections. Workday builds benefit groups dynamically based on
eligibility rules that control group membership; all workers who meet the criteria specified in a group's eligibility rules a
automatically assigned to that group. For example, you can create benefit groups by defining eligibility rules that assign
executive management staff to one group, salaried employees to a second group, and hourly employees to a third group.
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Benefit Plan
Defines the following:
The coverage levels or amounts available to employees enrolling in an insurance, health care, defined contribution, or
spending account plan.
The target populations for a plan (for example, employee, employee + spouse, or employee + children).
Eligibility for benefits, including which benefit groups are eligible for the plan.
Restrictions on the age of covered dependents.
Plan rates and costs.
Benefit Validation
Restricts the coverage options available to workers under a specific benefit plan. For example, you can restrict the
maximum age of dependents covered under a plan or the maximum and minimum coverage amounts.
Bonus Process
A sequence of one or more tasks related to defining, targeting, and awarding a bonus to employees. In this process, a
compensation administrator creates the bonus plan definition. The administrator or manager assigns the bonus plan to
employees through one of various means. Assignment of the plan determines eligibility for the bonus event. The
administrator sets up the bonus process, which funds the bonus pool, and then launches the process on the specified
event date. Workday creates bonus events for employees based on their organization. Managers review the target bonus
for their employees and submit bonus proposals for review. Once approved, the employees receive their bonus.
Business Site Location
A worker's work location. This value influences many processes, including compensation and staffing.
Carryover Limit
The maximum amount of time off employees can carry over from one balance period to another.
Company Insider Type
Enables you to track which employees are considered company insiders for reasons of stock purchasing. You can track
company insider status on job profiles and, by extension, each worker with that job profile.
Company Performance
Lists and weights each criterion used to evaluate company performance. You can use scorecards to track company
performance as standalone information or to influence funding up
-front for a particular bonus plan.
Compensation Basis
A user
-defined grouping of compensation components; such as the sum of salary, allowance, commission, bonus, future
payment, stock and retirement savings plans. Workday enables you to specify which compensation plans should be
included in the compensation basis calculation. This calculation can be used to view employee compensation in Workday
and in the bonus process to provide target pools and individual target amounts.
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Compensation Component
The umbrella term for compensation packages, grades, grade profiles, and plans.
Compensation Defaulting Rule
Establishes the criteria for how compensation components default to worker compensation during staffing transactions
(hire, promote, demote, transfer). Compensation defaulting rules ease data entry by automatically defaulting compensation
components (packages, grades, grade profiles, and plans) to worker compensation for employees who meet the rule's
eligibility requirements.
Compensation Element
The smallest unit of compensation for a worker in a specific position. Workday uses compensation elements to determine
the amount, currency, frequency, and other attributes of a worker’s compensation. Compensation elements are linked to
compensation plans. For example, Base Pay, Car Allowance, and Commission can be mapped to any compensation plan,
but not to merit plans. Payroll earning codes linked to a compensation element allow Workday Payroll and Payroll Interface
to include the applicable compensation in payroll. A Compensation Element Group is a collection of compensation
elements. For example, the group Standard Base Pay can be comprised of multiple compensation elements.
Compensation elements do not need to be grouped, and groups are optional.
Compensation Matrix
Defines the bonus,merit and stock increase range based on employees' overall performance rating, retention rating,
eligibility rule, or their salary range quartile. You can use a compensation matrix to generate a bonus,merit or stock pool,
giving you the basic cost forecasting necessary to pay for performance (bottom
-up budgeting), or you can use the
compensation matrix as reference guidelines only but have a separate pools (top
-down budgeting).
Compensation Package
A grouping of compensation guidelines (grades, grade profiles, and their associated steps) and plans that you can assign
to workers as a set. Packages provide a quick view the eligible plans for a particular job or group of employees.
Compensation Plan
A component of pay that you use to assign monetary amounts to a worker's pay. For example, a salary, an allowance, or a
bonus. Some compensation plans, for example, a commission, are discretionary. You are not paid from these
compensation plans in every paycheck. By contrast, other plans, like a salary plan, are included in every paycheck.
Compensation Rule
Guidelines for determining which workers are eligible for which components of compensation.
Compensation Step
A specific monetary amount within a grade or grade profile. Steps defined on a grade profile override any steps defined on
the grade.
Compensation Structure
The arrangement of compensation grades, grade profiles, plans, and packages you create to best fit your company's
compensation needs. Administrators, partners, and managers can use these compensation components and
compensation eligibility rules to assign and update a worker's compensation plans.
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Compensation Target Rule
Used to segment your employee population for assignment of compensation plans:
Specify one or multiple target populations within a bonus or merit plan, defaulting compensation differently for each
Roll out compensation plans (allowance, bonus, commission, merit) to a target population of employees, or remove
Compensation Waiting Period
A rule that defines when employees become eligible for a merit or bonus plan. You base the rule on a single value, such a
hire date.
A functional or technical ability that is needed to perform a job. In Workday, you can associate competencies with job
families, management levels, job profiles, and positions.
Contingent Worker
A worker who is not an employee. You can use contingent worker types, such as contractor or consultant, to categorize
and track contingent workers in your organization.
Coordinated Time Off
See Intermittent Leave.
Country Region
Political entities (such as states, provinces, cities, or other legislative entities) where specific laws and regulations req
companies to track and report on unique kinds of worker and job information.
Coverage Target
Defines whether a specific health care plan or insurance plan can be used by only the employee or also by the employee's
dependents, entire family, spouse, and so on.
Cross Plan Dependency
Limits the coverage options available to workers during an enrollment event based on their choice of other benefit plans
and coverage amounts.
For example, you can limit coverage in a specific plan to a percentage of the total coverage in one or more other benefit
Defined Contribution Plans
A type of benefit plan where employees make contributions to 401k and 403b accounts. You can establish defined
contribution plans and add these plans to benefits programs. Your employees can make or change defined contribution
elections at any time, and those changes are sent to payroll for the periods in which the elections are effective.
Eligibility Rule
Specify one or more criteria that categorizes workers into a group that is used to qualify them for participation in an HR
related task. For example: Benefit Plan, Compensation Plan, Employee Review.
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Employee Type
A user
-defined type that you assign to each employee when the employee is hired. For the most part this designation is
informational only; you can search or filter employees by their employee type. However, you can designate a type as Fixed
Term Employees, and employees of that type have fixed end dates of employment.
Enrollment Event
Any event that results in a gain or loss of benefits coverage. This encompasses both open enrollment and benefit events,
such as a new hire, a termination, the birth of a child, and a job change. For each event, you must specify the benefit plans
and elections that become available or are lost to employees as the result of that event. For example, you can make
medical, dental, basic life, supplemental life, and visions plans available to new hires; by contrast, for the birth of a chi
you might make only basic life, supplemental life, and medical coverage available to affected employees.
Enrollment Event Rule
Defines coverage start and end dates, waiting periods, coverage increase limits, Evidence of Insurability requirements, and
other coverage rules and conditions. This ensures that the benefits process presents only the options for which each
employee is eligible based on the event type. Defined at the benefit group, enrollment event, and benefit type levels.
Used in compensation and payroll to help calculate worker compensation and pay.
Full Time Equivalent (FTE) %
The ratio of a worker's scheduled weekly hours to the business site's weekly hours. If a worker works 20 hours a week and
the business site's weekly hours are 40, then the worker's FTE is 50 percent.
Future Payment Plan
A type of bonus plan that can be paid out over multiple bonus plans, one
time payment plans, or both. Any remaining target
amount can be paid in a final true up payment.
Grade Profile
A breakdown of a compensation grade by functional task, geographical region, or other categorization your business
requires. A profile allows you to assign more granular compensation ranges to workers.
The number of workers in an organization.
Headcount Group
The basic unit of the headcount management staffing model. You can create one or many headcount groups for an
organization, each with its own definition and hiring restrictions. You specify a fixed number of positions to fill in the
headcount group, and hiring can continue until all positions are filled.
Headcount Management
Staffing Model
One of the three staffing models available to use in your organization. It allows you to create one set of hiring restriction
that applies to all positions in the headcount group. As a result, headcount management does not provide the same level
of control over individual positions that you have with position management. This model is particularly useful for
organizations that hire large numbers of workers into the same or similar jobs with the same or similar requirements and
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Headcount Plan
A headcount plan forecasts the number of workers necessary to achieve business goals in a specified period of time. This
is a foundational component of workforce planning. You can create headcount plans with different statistic types,
dimensions, and time frames; link to financial budgets; and pre
populate headcount plan data. Headcount plan reports help
you understand whether organizations are hiring to plan, headcount is allocated correctly, and you have the right workforce
to support your goals.
Health Care Classification
The user
-defined type of provider organizations for a health care plan, such as PPO, EPO, HMO, and DHMO. It is
informational only.
Hiring/Position Restrictions
Use hiring restrictions to define rules and conditions for holding jobs and positions in a position management, headcount
management, or job management organization. Hiring restrictions enable you to:
Limit staffing to specific job families and job profiles.
Restrict the business sites where a job or position can be filled.
Define the required qualifications, experience, and skill levels of workers hired into a job or position (position
management organizations only).
Limit staffing for a job or position to a specific worker type (employees or contingent workers).
Limit staffing for a job or position to a specific time type (full or part-time workers).
Used in China, a hukou is a type of residency permit used to grant eligibility and rights. Workers with a local hukou are
entitled to the full spectrum of social rights and welfare benefits. Without a local hukou, workers can hold only a temporary
residency certificate. Temporary residence certificate holders are referred to as non
Individual Target
Either an individual target assigned to a worker in worker compensation (different from the plan target) or the target for
each employee calculated by Workday during the bonus or merit process, based on configuration options.
Intermittent Leave
A single leave of absence taken as separate blocks of time. To facilitate tracking, you can coordinate time offs with leaves
of absence. Validation rules and supporting data for coordinated leaves and time offs can reference combined balances.
For example, eligibility and validation rules can check to see if an employee has a sufficient balance across coordinated
leave types and time offs to take all days in a leave of absence or time off request.
Job Catalog
The collection of user
defined job family groups, which each contain job families, which each contain job families, available
for use in hiring and other staffing transactions.
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Job Category
Attached to a job profile, user
-defined job categories allow you to track additional job information. You can define any job
category that fits your business, for example, whether specific workers, jobs, or positions are "Direct Labor" or "Indirect
Labor." The job category is displayed on the position
based on that position's job profile's job categorywhich facilitates
reporting at the position level.
Job Classification (Group)
Job classifications are required for many kinds of job
-related regulatory reporting and can be used to categorize job
profiles. A job classification group is the means by which you group and maintain individual job classifications.
Job Family (Group)
A grouping of job profiles, which in turn may be assigned to a job family group, so you can organize job profiles according
to how your organization works.
Job Level (Hierarchy)
Categorizes job profiles (and their associated jobs and positions) based on compensable factors such as the level of
education, experience, or training required to perform a job. Job profiles are assigned job levels, and those job levels are
organized into a hierarchy.
Job Management Staffing
One of the three staffing models available to use in your organization. It provides the least control over the definition of
individual positions: the hiring restrictions you define apply to all jobs in the supervisory organization, and you can defin
only one set of hiring restrictions per organization. In addition, with job management, you don't set specific limits on the
number of jobs that can be filled. This model is particularly useful for organizations that prefer to define broad job
requirements and rely on staffing workflows and approvals to control the number of workers in a supervisory organization.
Job Profile
Defines generic features and characteristics
such as company insider type, pay rate type, and competencies and
of a job and of a position that uses that profile. The more specifically defined a job profile is, the more
specifically defined those jobs and positions will be, by default. Job profiles are the most specific element in the job
catalog: job profiles make up job families, which make up job family groups.
Leave Family
A set of similar leave of absence types. For example, a company
-specific family might include disability leave and
bereavement leave, while a separate regulatory family might include jury duty, family medical leave act (FMLA), and similar
leaves. Workday displays the leave family name as a category of leave types for requesters to select from when entering
leave requests.
Leave of Absence Rule
Can be used to define worker eligibility for leaves of absence and to define validations that prevent users from submitting
invalid leave requests.
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Leave Type
Defines rules that apply to a specific type of leave of absence, such as jury duty or FMLA. Identifies the leave of absence
family and unit of time for leave requests. It can also identify employee eligibility rules for requesting a leave, validatio
rules for preventing invalid requests, whether to track entitlement balances, and other options.
Life Event
A kind of benefit event that occurs in the employee's personal life, for example, getting married or having a child.
Management Level (Hierarchy)
Categorizes job profiles (and their associated jobs and positions) based on the management level to which they belong.
For example, a particular job or position may belong to the Supervisor, Manager, or Individual Contributor management
level. Job profiles are assigned management levels, and those management levels are organized into a hierarchy.
Merit Process
A sequence of one or more tasks related to defining, targeting, and awarding merit pay to employees. In this process, a
compensation administrator creates the merit plan definition. The administrator or manager assigns the merit plan to
employees through one of various means. Assignment of the plan determines eligibility for the merit compensation event.
The administrator sets up the merit process, which funds the merit pool, and then launches the process on the specified
event date. Workday creates merit compensation events for employees based on their organization. Managers review the
target merit increases for their employees and submit merit increase proposals for review. Once approved, the employees
receive their merit increases.
Multiplier-Based Coverage
Insurance coverage based on multiples of salary, for example, 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, or 6x salary.
Open Enrollment Event
A type of enrollment event; the other is a benefit event. This event controls the benefits open enrollment process. Unlike
benefit event enrollment, which is triggered by an event in a specific employee's life or work, an open enrollment event
applies to an entire, chosen employee population.
An organization refers to a grouping used to organize people, resources, workers, and other organizations. Organizations
provide management, visibility into, and reporting (roll
-up) structures for resource allocation. Organizations can be defined
for application uses like defining departmental hierarchies, project teams, etc. They can also be used to define cost centers
and geographic or regional reporting structures.
Passive Event
Events that result from the passage of time rather than from a specific change to employee data. For example, you can set
up a passive event to track and manage benefit eligibility for employees who reach the age of 65 (retirement age). Based
on the event rules, Workday automatically searches for employees turning 65 and generates an enrollment event to record
any benefit gains or losses.
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Performance Review Process
A process by which an employee receives formal feedback on their performance in a given period of time. This includes a
performance evaluation.
Period Schedule
Defines the accrual frequency for a time off plan, such as annual or monthly (unless the plan has a custom frequency), and
the start and end date of each reporting period. The period controls reporting of both accruals and time off requests.
Position Management Staffing
One of the three staffing models available to use in your organization. It provides the tightest control over hiring, as you
can specify different staffing rules and restrictions for each position.
Position Requirements
Used in job requisitions to define rules and conditions for holding positions in a supervisory organization using position
management as its staffing model. Position requirements enable you to:
Limit staffing to specific job families and job profiles.
Restrict the business sites where a position can be filled.
Define the required qualifications, experience, and skill levels of workers hired into a position.
Limit staffing for a position to a specific worker type (employees or contingent workers).
Limit staffing for a position to a specific time type (full or part-time workers).
An undertaking that encompasses a set of tasks or activities having a definable starting point and well defined objectives.
Usually each task has a planned completion data (due date) and assigned resources.
Reference Pay Range
A range of pay deemed appropriate for a compensation grade or grade profile. During compensation transactions, if
proposed compensation for an employee extends beyond the limits of the range for the employee's grade or grade profile,
Workday issues a warning yet still permits submission of the proposed compensation.
Review Category
Workday supplies four employee review categories:
Development Plan
Disciplinary Action
Personal Improvement Plan
Performance Review
The business process definitions for employee reviews are specific to the review categories. This allows you to define
unique processes for each category. Note that the review "types" you define in each category are used by name when
defining review templates and starting employee reviews.
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Review Template
A collection of instructions, sections, and questions that can be used when you start an employee review. A template is
specific to a review type. Workday supplies several sections (for example, Responsibilities and Competencies) from which
you can select the appropriate ones for the specific template.
Review Type
You define specific types of each Workday
-supplied review category. For example, in the Performance Review category,
you could define the Annual Review type and the Ad Hoc Performance Review type. When you start a review or define
review templates, you choose a review type, not a review category.
An ability that is acquired through job experience. In Workday, skills are a quick and easy way to tag employees with
particular abilities that make them stand out.
Staffing Event
Any event that changes an employee's position or job, for example, a hire, transfer, or promotion. Staffing events usually
trigger an opportunity to change benefits elections.
Staffing Model
Defines how jobs and positions are created and filled in a supervisory organization. Workday supports three kinds of
staffing models:
Job Management
Headcount Management
Position Management
Stock Process
A sequence of one or more tasks related to defining, targeting, and awarding stock grants to employees. In this process, a
compensation administrator creates the stock plan definition. The administrator or manager assigns the stock plan to
employees through one of various means. Assignment of the plan determines eligibility for the stock event. The
administrator sets up the stock process, which funds the stock pool, and then launches the process on the specified event
date. Workday creates stock events for employees based on their organization. Managers review the target amounts for
their employees and submit proposals for review. Once approved, the employees receive their stock grants.
Supplemental Earning
Any compensation paid in addition to an employee's regular wages that includes, but is not limited to, severance or
dismissal pay, vacation pay, back pay, bonuses, moving expenses, overtime, taxable fringe benefits, and commissions. In
Workday, only supplemental earnings can be grossed
Time Off
Defines the rules that apply to a specific type of time off. Identifies the time off type, whether adjustments are allowed, and
validation rules that prevent users from entering invalid requests. Can also define eligibility rules and limits that differ
the time off plan.
Human Capital Management (HCM)
Time Off Plan
Defines rules for entering and tracking one or more related time offs. Identifies the unit of time (hours or days), eligibili
requirements, whether to track balances, and if time offs are position
-based or worker-based. Time off plans that track
balances also specify the balance period (plan year), accruals that add to the plan balance, carryover limits, and other
balance tracking rules.
Time Off Type
Names a type of time off users can request, such as Sick Time or Vacation. This is the name users see when entering a
time off request. A time off type can be associated with more than one time off.
Time Proration Rule
Prorates employees' target compensation in a bonus or merit increase compensation event according to time
criteria such as leave of absence or time since hire.
Time Type
A characteristic of a job profile that categorizes the amount of time required for the job or position, such as full time or
time. In Workday, the time type is specified in the Create Position, Create Headcount, or Set Hiring Restrictions tasks. The
value defaults to the value defined on the job profile by the manager, HR Partner, or other authorized role.
A French word meaning a portion or slice of a bonus distributed to an employee over several payments.
True Up
To pay the outstanding balance for one or more bonus plans in order to meet the bonus target.
Validation Rules
Rules that prevent the entry of invalid time off requests or that trigger an error or warning message upon submission of an
invalid leave of absence request. For example, a validation rule can prevent the entry of unpaid time off or requests of less
than 4 hours. A validation rule for a leave of absence can ensure that an employee does not exceed the maximum number
of leave days allowed each year.
A person who is either an employee hired by a company or a contingent worker contracted by a company.
Worker Type
Employee or Contingent Worker. There can also be several user
-defined types of contingent workers. Compensation,
benefits, and staffing events are tied to the worker type.
Cloud Connect for Benefits
A collection of pre
-built integrations to benefit providers across a range of categories, including medical, dental, vision,
COBRA, life and AD&D insurance, flexible spending accounts, and retirement savings plans.
Enterprise Interface
The process of exporting data out of Workday to an external system or importing data into Workday from an external
system. An Enterprise Interface consists of an integration system, an integration data source, an integration
transformation, and an integration transport protocol.
Enterprise Interface Builder
An integration tool that allows you to create simple, secure, and customizable integrations with Workday.
Field Overrides
A tool that lets you customize integration systems that are based on a packaged integration template. Field overrides are
managed through an integration service. They use calculated fields or class report fields (CRFs) to supply values to an
integration system. Examples include member IDs in benefit provider integrations and criteria for selecting positions to
send to Lumesse TalentLink.
Integration Attribute
An integration component that specifies the tenanted value of a data element in Workday. For example, Master Policy
Number is a type of attribute in benefit provider integrations.
Integration Cloud Connect
A catalog of packaged integrations, partner integrations, and connectors to common applications and service providers
that extend Workday's functionality. The integrations span the entire range of Workday applications, including Benefits,
Human Capital Management, Payroll, Financial Management, and Spend Management. All Cloud Connect integrations are
hosted and maintained by Workday.
Integration Connector
A set of one or more integration templates that provides a framework for building integrations in a particular functional
area. For example, Workday Payroll Interface is an integration connector. Unlike packaged integrations, an integration
connector does not have a named endpoint.
Integration Data Source
Indicates the type of data that Workday will receive from or export to an external system and its location. Workday
supports five types of data sources including attachments, external files, standard reports, custom reports, and REST
Integration Event
The record of an integration process. Every integration
current or past, involving the import or export of data, successful
or not
gets recorded as an integration event. The integration event contains all the information about the integration
process, including its status.
Integration Map
An integration component that specifies how values in Workday map to values in an external system. For example, Pay
Rate Frequency is a type of map in third
-party payroll integrations.
Integration Service
A group of related integration attributes, maps, and XSLT that provides a framework to transform Workday data into the
format required by an external system.
Integration System
A tenanted definition of an integration between Workday and an external system, based on a template that provides the
methodology needed to communicate data.
Integration Template
A collection of integration services that enables communication between Workday and an external system. Workday
provides integration templates in categories such as Benefits, Financials, HCM, Payroll, Payroll Interface, Procurement,
Recruiting, Security, and Settlement. Many of the delivered templates contain default values for attributes, as well as
prompt values for attributes and maps, to further define the integration.
Integration Transformation
Converts data into a format that Workday or a receiving external system can understand. Workday provides some delivered
transformations, and you can also create custom transformations.
Integration Transport Protocol
Controls how Workday exports data to an external system or imports the data from an external system. Workday supports
several types of transport protocols, including email, FTP and SFTP, HTTP/SSL, WebDAV, Workday attachments, and
Workday Web Services.
Packaged Integration
A pre
-built integration to a specific third-party application or service. Packaged integrations are available in each product
network and are configured to a named endpoint. Examples of packaged integrations include, SafeGuard
World International, and StepStone TalentLink.
Reference ID
A unique identifier for a specific instance of a business object in Workday. Reference IDs are used to look up data for
integration purposes.
System User
An account associated with and required to launch an integration. Workday's delivered integrations and custom
integrations require a system user account for authentication and web service calls. EIB integrations are secured through
the user’s login credentials and do not require a system user account.
Workday Payroll Interface
A suite of tools, or connector, that provides a framework for building an integration to a third
-party payroll provider.
Workday Studio
An Eclipse
-based development environment that allows you to build more complex integrations with Workday.
Workday Web Services
Workday’s public API. Based on open standards, Workday Web Services (WWS) provide the core method for integration
with Workday.
Additional Payment
An off
-cycle payment made in addition to a worker's scheduled on-
cycle payment. You can process additional payments as
part of a manual payment or on demand payment.
Balance Period
The period of time, such as current period, month
-to-date, quarter-to-date, or year-to-date, over which Workday calculates a
pay component value.
Compensation Element
The smallest unit of compensation for a worker in a specific position. Workday uses compensation elements to
determine the amount, currency, frequency, and other attributes of a worker’s compensation.
Compensation elements are linked to compensation plans. For example, Base Pay, Car Allowance, and Commission can
be mapped to any compensation plan, but not to merit plans.
A Compensation Element Group is a collection of compensation elements. For example, the group Standard Base Pay
can be composed of multiple compensation elements. Compensation elements do not need to be grouped, and groups
are optional.
Payroll earning codes linked to a compensation element allow Workday Payroll and Payroll Interface to include the
applicable compensation in payroll. See the Compensation Element tab on Create Earning.
Forward Accrual
Estimates payroll payments to be made in a future payroll period that spans two financial reporting periods.
Manual Payment
An off
-cycle calculation that records check or cash payments made outside Workday Payroll.
Nonactive Worker
A worker with a status of Terminated or On Leave for payroll processing purposes. A run category can define rules for
processing nonactive workers.
No Processing Prior To Date
The earliest date that Workday can process supported retroactive changes for a worker.
An unscheduled payroll run, such as manual, on demand, or reversal. Enables you to issue additional or replacement
A scheduled payroll run.
On Demand Payment
An off
-cycle payment that replaces, or is issued in addition to, a worker's on-cycle pay.
Pay Accumulation
Returns values used in gross to net pay calculations. Sums (can add and subtract) the value of a group of earnings,
deductions, pay component
-related calculations (PCRCs), pay component groups, and other pay accumulations. Workday
delivers several predefined pay accumulations, such as Federal Taxable Wages by Company and Local Withholding
Subject Wages by Company.
Pay Component
An earning (such as base salary or bonus) or deduction (such as federal withholding taxes or medical) that applies to a
worker's gross
-to-net pay calculation or tax liability.
Pay Component Group
A collection or combination of related earnings, deductions, or pay component related calculations that are combined to
simplify payroll calculations. Workday provides several pay component groups, such as Employer
-Paid Benefits, Pre-Tax
Deductions, and Federal Taxable Wages which you can modify, and you can create your own tenanted pay component
groups, such as 401(k) Eligible Wages.
Pay Component Related
A related calculation that is used in the definition of an earning or deduction. For example, the earning, Hourly Pay, uses a
calculation of Hours (un
-prorated) x Rate. Assigning the related calculations of Hours (un-prorated) and Rate to the
earning, forms two new pay component related calculations.
Pay Group
A group of workers defined to have their pay calculated and processed together. Workers in a pay group must share the
same period schedule.
Payment Elections
Control how to pay workers for each type of pay that they receive, such as regular payments and bonus payments. They
also control how to handle expense reimbursements for workers. Payment elections designate the payment type (check or
direct deposit), account information for direct deposits, payment order, and the distribution of balance for split payments.
Payroll Effect
An option available in Workday Absence Management to stop paying workers while on leave. You can configure a run
category to pay workers on certain leave types when the Payroll Effect option is enabled for the leave type.
Payroll Input
Rates, units, amounts, or other values that you enter manually or load into Workday Payroll for a worker's on
-cycle or off-
cycle run. Sometimes referred to as worker input.
Pay Rate Type
Defines whether the worker is paid a salary or a certain amount per unit of time, for example, hourly or weekly. Defined by
country and associated with job profiles and, by extension, with employees in that job profile.
Pay Run Group
A convenience feature used to process multiple pay groups with the same period schedule at the same time. When adding
a pay group to a pay run group, you select which of the pay group’s run categories to include. The selected run categories
must share the same schedule.
Payroll Reporting Code
Codes assigned to workers to capture information for quarterly state tax filing or new hire reporting. For example, unit
codes for Minnesota or branch codes for California.
Online or printed summary of an employee's gross
-to-net earnings. Also referred to as a pay stub.
See pay component related calculation.
Period Schedule
Defines when and how often to process payroll. Defines payment dates and forward accruals, using a Period Start Date,
Period End Date and Payroll Payment Date. You can associate period schedules with any run category or pay group with
the same payment frequency.
Used to create sub
-periods when there is a change in the workers compensation mid-period. Proration is set up on the
Calculation Details tab of Create Earning or Create Deduction and the Compensation Element tab of Create Earning. Can be
based on calendar days on days worked (work shift).
Related Calculation
A calculation that returns a value, such as hours, rate, or percent, that can be used to resolve earnings and deductions, to
display on pay results, or for other calculation purposes. [See also: pay component related calculation.]
Replacement Payment
An off
-cycle payment that replaces a worker's on-cycle payment in a period that is in progress or not yet started. You can
process replacement payments as part of a manual payment or on demand payment.
An off
-cycle calculation that reverses the results of a completed pay calculation for a worker.
Run Category
Defines a type of payroll run, such as regular or bonus. Specifies criteria for processing employees by status (Active,
Terminated, On Leave), components to calculate automatically for on
-cycle and off-cycle runs, whether a supplemental tax
rate applies and other details. Run categories are assigned to pay groups.
Subject Wages
All of a worker's wages subject to a particular tax, including those for exempt positions and those that exceed a wage cap.
See Taxable Wages.
Created when there is a change in a worker's compensation mid
-period. Payments are prorated over each sub-period
according to the change in compensation and the settings on the Compensation Element tab of Create Earning.
Supplemental Earning
Any compensation paid in addition to an employee's regular wages that includes, but is not limited to, severance or
dismissal pay, vacation pay, back pay, bonuses, moving expenses, overtime, taxable fringe benefits, and commissions. In
Workday, only supplemental earnings can be grossed
Supported Retro Transaction
A type of transaction entered for a prior period, such as a retroactive compensation change, for which the Retro Pay
Calculation process can automatically recalculate employee earnings and deductions.
Taxable Wages
All of a worker's wages subject to a particular tax, excluding those for exempt positions and those that exceed a wage cap.
For example, in the U.S., OASDI has a wage limit of 110,100 for 2012. An employee with 2 positions and total wages of
200,000 (60,000 of which is for a position that is exempt from FICA) has subject wages of 200,000 and taxable wages of
Unsupported Retro Transaction
A type of transaction entered for a prior period, for which Workday cannot automatically recalculate employee earnings and
deductions. Workday identifies these transactions for you, so that you can manually enter the necessary adjustments.
Worker Eligibility
Used to identify whether, for whom, and what conditions to resolve an earning or deduction. On the Criteria tab of Create
Earning and Create Deduction.
Worker Tax Elections
A worker's marital status, number of elections, exemption status, and other information, as specified through the Add
Worker Tax Elections task.
Time Tracking
Time Tracking
A time entry method that copies time blocks from a worker's schedule or from a previous week onto the current week on
the time entry calendar.
Calculated Time
Result of applying time calculations to a worker's reported time. Automates application of company or regulatory rules.
Calculation Priority
Calculation priorities specify the order in which time calculations execute.
Conditional Calculation
Time calculation that tags time blocks that meet certain conditions.
Day Breaker
The time of day on which a worker's workday and work week begins. Defines the 24
-hour period over which daily time
calculations execute and the 168
hour period over which weekly time calculations execute. Unless otherwise specified, the
default day breaker is 12am.
Eligibility Rules
Eligibility rules define rules and criteria workers must meet in order to use specific time entry templates, time entry codes
time calculations, and period schedules.
The ability to edit existing time blocks or add time blocks directly to a day by double
-clicking on the time entry calendar.
Period Schedule
See Time Period Schedule.
Quick Add
A time entry method that enables you to create a time block and copy it to multiple days in a week.
Reported Time
A worker's time that has been entered onto the time entry calendar but has not had any time calculations applied.
Time Block
A time block carries information about a portion of time, such as the number of hours worked or in/out times. Time blocks
can be reported or calculated, but only calculated time blocks are pulled into Workday Payroll.
Time Calculation
A set of rules to apply time calculation tags to calculated time blocks for Payroll or other purposes. For example, you could
create a time calculation to automatically convert regular hours into overtime hours if a worker works more than 40 hours
in a week.
Time Calculation Tag
Workday applies calculation tags to time blocks during time calculations. The tags map to payroll earnings to drive how
time blocks are paid and can be included in time off and accrual calculations. You can also use them to display time and
time off totals on the time entry calendar.
Time Clock Event
A time clock event describes a worker's actions, such as a check
-in or check-out, on the web time clock or an external
collection system. Workday matches time clock events to form time blocks, which workers can edit and submit using the
time entry calendar.
Time Code Group
The primary use of time code groups is to determine which time entry codes a worker is eligible for. Time code groups are
assigned to a worker or to a position via eligibility rules.
Time Tracking
Time Entry Calendar
A set of self
-service pages that workers use to enter, edit, and view time.
Time Entry Template
A template defines how a worker's time entry calendar is configured. Workers are matched to time entry templates through
eligibility rules.
Time Entry Code
A time entry code describes the type of time a worker enters, such as worked time or meal allowance. In order to use time
entry codes, you must attach them to time code groups, with the exception of the default time entry code assigned to a
time entry template.
Time Entry Validation
Errors or warnings that prevent users from entering invalid time. Critical validations prevent a user from submitting time.
Warnings appear on the time entry calendar but don't prevent the user from submitting time.
Time Off
Reported time that is not worked. Common types of Time Off include sick leave, jury duty, and vacation.
Time Period Schedule
A time period schedule defines which dates are available for entry at a given time and defines which dates will be paid in
which pay periods. They can line up with pay periods, or, in more complex scenarios, they can be paid on a lag.
Time Shift
A grouping of consecutive time blocks that you can use in standard overtime calculations, time block conditional
calculations, and validations.
Time Type
Describes the time a worker enters onto his or her time entry calendar. They can include time entry codes, projects, and
time off.
See Time Entry Validation.
Work Week
A seven
-day period defined by a worker's start day of week and day breaker. By default, begins on Sunday at midnight and
ends on the following Saturday at 11:59 PM; however, this can be configured for a group of workers through the use of
work schedule calendars. Used for time entry and time calculations.
Work Schedule Calendar
In Time Tracking, you have the option of defining standard work patterns for workers, such as Monday through Friday 8:00
AM to 5:00 PM. Work schedule calendars are used for a variety of purposes throughout Time Tracking.