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Version 1 | February 2020
Version 1 | February 2020 1 of 5
1 Purpose .................................................................................................................................... 2
2 Scope ........................................................................................................................................ 2
3 General requirements ............................................................................................................ 2
4 Specific requirements ............................................................................................................. 3
4.1 Food chain category C – Food Manufacturing ......................................................................... 3
4.2 Food chain category DIIa – Production of Pet Food ................................................................ 4
4.3 Food chain category K - Production of (bio) Chemicals ........................................................... 5
Version 1 | February 2020 2 of 5
This Annex describes the rules for the scope statements on the FSSC Development Program
conformity statements. There are general rules for all categories, and specific rules for individual
categories including examples.
The food chain categories and related supply chain sectors that fall within the scope of the FSSC
Development Program are defined in Part II of the Program documents.
The conformity scope statement shall:
1) Be within the scope of the Program;
2) Clearly and unambiguously describe the process/activities, product types and/or services
that are supplied by the conforming organization and that have been assessed by the CAB.
The report shall contain evidence of all activities in the scope statement;
3) Not include promotional statements or claims. Claims being any message or
representation, which is not mandatory under legislation and which suggests that the food
or service has particular characteristics. Examples are health claims, nutritional claims,
origin claims, free-from claims (e.g. allergen free claims), organic, quality claims). Where
an organization makes such claims, they shall be investigated when they are part of the
FSS but may not appear in scope statement;
4) Brand names are not allowed as this might suggest product certification;
5) Be in English, but another language may be added (e.g. the native language of the country
of the conforming organization);
6) Not mention subcontracted or outsourced processes outside the organisation’s legal
7) Shall not include activities such as trading, broking;
8) Not include reference to products, processes or services related to non-food/feed (e.g.
shall not refer to pharmaceutical and self-medication products, tobacco, cosmetics,
household and personal care, ink);
9) Not contain exclusions for activities, processes, products or services when those activities,
processes, products or services can have an influence on the food safety of the end
products as defined in the scope of assessment (ISO/TS 22003:2013 9.1.1); Where
permitted exclusions apply, this shall be motivated in the report and the conformity
statement shall contain the text “Exclusions apply”.
10) Not contain Development and Design as separate activity. These activities are only allowed
when part of a processing or manufacturing activity covered by the Program scope of
conformity and part of the same legal entity.
Version 1 | February 2020 3 of 5
The food chain categories and related supply chain sectors that fall within the scope of The FSSC
Development Program are defined in Part II of the Program documents.
1) The FSSC Development Program is based on the Food Safety System assessment and not a
product approval. Therefore, listing all individual products the organization produces shall be
2) Applied technologies that impact food safety shall be mentioned (e.g. sterilization,
pasteurization, fermentation, drying) but it is strongly advised not to put all individual process
steps in the scope statement (e.g. receiving raw materials, storing raw materials, mixing,
proofing, baking, packaging in plastic, storage – is not preferred).
3) The type of packaging shall be mentioned when it has a vital function in food safety (e.g.
vacuum packaging, MAP packaging) and/or when there is a potential impact on food safety
(e.g. glass).
4) Where products are intended for specific vulnerable consumer groups, this shall be indicated
in scope statement (e.g. food for baby’s, hospitals etc.).
5) Storage, warehousing & distribution, delivery, supply and dispatch operations (on or off site),
may only be added to the manufacturing scope statement in cases where these are:
a. dedicated to the company's own production;
b. included within the assessed food safety system;
c. part of the same legal entity (i.e. owned by the organization).
Where 3
party Logistic Services are provided, category G is applicable and not included in
the scope of this Program.
6) The word “sales” is not allowed: A manufacturer will always have sales activities, as they will
need to sell their products (primary reason for being in business). However, there are no
provisions or specific requirements in the food manufacturing standard for the sales process,
therefore cannot be assessed and cannot appear in the scope statement. The same
requirement applies to words equivalent or similar to sales such as marketing, exporting and
or importing.
7) By products for animal feed can be included under CIV provided they are mentioned in scope
statement with the addition “for use in the feed industry” or equivalent wording.
Version 1 | February 2020 4 of 5
Conformity scope statement Acceptable Comments and recommendations
Production of Eggs Yes However, better is do describe the actual
activities like sorting and packing of eggs.
Production and packing of
vegetable oil.
Yes/No For a company that really produces oil
(pressing, extraction) this might fit,
however for a company that only mixes
and fills oil into bottles the term
production as such may be misleading
and incorrect.
Production (pressing,
filtering and filling) of olive oil.
Yes In this case it is clear what is meant by
production, and although generally not
recommended here it is necessary to add
processing steps.
Development and design of ready-
to eat meals
No Development and design is not allowed
as separate activity. Such activities are
only allowed in addition to a processing
or manufacturing activity covered by the
FSSC 22000 scope of conformity and part
of the same legal entity.
Production of bakery products
(plain croissants, croissants with
chocolate filling, croissants with
marmalade filling, white bread
rolls with or without sesame seed,
whole grain bread rolls with or
without sesame seed, fruit cake,
bread with raisins and nuts, bread
with raisins, brioche).
Yes/No It is not desirable to include all individual
Production of non-alcoholic
beverages packed in PET, and the
production of carbon dioxide as an
ingredient for such beverages.
Yes Scope statement correctly describing
two types of manufacturing activities.
All requirements as described under 4.2 (Food Manufacturing) apply with following additional
The type of pet food shall be mentioned (e.g. dry, wet, treats)
The target animal group shall be mentioned (only dogs, cats )
Version 1 | February 2020 5 of 5
Conformity scope statement Acceptable Comments and recommendations
Production of pet food. No Missing is the type of food and target
animal group(s).
Production and transport of dry
feed mixtures for cattle.
Yes Allowed if the transport process is owned
by the company.
Manufacturing of dry pet food for
The scope statement shall make a reference that these products are to be used in the food/feed
Conformity scope statement Acceptable Comments and recommendations
Production of food-grade gas
mixtures in cylinders CO
, N
, O
Air used as food ingredient.
Production of food-grade solid CO
(Dry Ice).
The manufacturing of liquid
flavours and dry “mineral and salt
blend” concentrate ingredients for
beverage use.
Manufacturing of cleaning agents
to be used in CIP systems in the
food industry.
No Cleaning agents are not within the scope
of FSSC Development Program.
Production of food gases Nitrogen,
Oxygen, Argon, Nitrogen Dioxide,
Carbon Dioxide, Hydrogen and gas
mixtures for use as food ingredient
or processing aid.