BIND 9 Security
(Part 3 - eBPF - extended Berkeley Packet Filter)
Carsten Strotmann and the ISC Team
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Welcome to part three of our BIND 9 security webinar
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In this Webinar
The Berkeley Packet Filter
eBPF Architecture
Instrumenting the Linux Network Stack
Instrumenting BIND 9
Packet Filtering with eBPF
Hands-On lab
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The Berkeley Packet Filter
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What is BPF/eBPF?
eBPF is the extended Berkeley Packet Filter
infrastructure inside the Linux kernel
eBPF is a further development of the Berkeley Packet
Filter technology
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The eBPF idea
eBPF allows the administrator to execute sandbox
programs inside the operating system kernel
eBPF is used to extend the capabilities of the kernel safely,
securely and efficiently without modifying the kernel source code
or loading kernel modules
eBPF can monitor and manipulate network packets as well as
other data inside Linux kernel
eBPF programs are not kernel modules, you don't need to be a
Kernel developer to work with eBPF
but some C programming knowledge is helpful
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eBPF use cases
Use cases for eBPF
Network security (advanced firewall functions)
Host security
Fault diagnosis
Performance measurements
eBPF is available on modern Linux systems (Kernel
3.18+) and is currently being ported to the Windows
operating systems ported by Microsoft
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Origins of BPF
The original BSD Packet Filter (BPF) has been
designed by Steven McCanne and Van Jacobson at
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
( )
BPF has been ported to almost all Unix/Linux and some non-Unix
operating systems
BPF is the base technology for some well known network sniffing
tools such as tcpdump and Wireshark
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BPF operation using tcpdump as an example
When using a BPF-enabled tool, the filter code is
compiled into bytecode for the BPF in-kernel VM and
loaded into the kernel
The operating system kernel will execute the filter program for
every network packet that traverses the network stack
Only packets that match the filter expression will be forwarded to
the userspace tool, tcpdump in this example
BPF helps limiting the amount of data that needs to be sent
between kernel and user space
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BPF operation using tcpdump as an example
tcpdump can be instructed to emit the source code
for a tcpdump filter expression
# tcpdump -d port 53 and host
Warning: assuming Ethernet
(000) ldh [12]
(001) jeq #0x86dd jt 19 jf 2
(002) jeq #0x800 jt 3 jf 19
(003) ldb [23]
(004) jeq #0x84 jt 7 jf 5
(005) jeq #0x6 jt 7 jf 6
(006) jeq #0x11 jt 7 jf 19
(007) ldh [20]
(008) jset #0x1fff jt 19 jf 9
(009) ldxb 4*([14]&0xf)
(010) ldh [x + 14]
(011) jeq #0x35 jt 14 jf 12
(012) ldh [x + 16]
(013) jeq #0x35 jt 14 jf 19
(014) ld [26]
(015) jeq #0x1010101 jt 18 jf 16
(016) ld [30]
(017) jeq #0x1010101 jt 18 jf 19
(018) ret #262144
(019) ret #0
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eBPF vs. BPF
While BPF (or now called cBPF = classic BPF) filters
network packets inside the operating system kernel,
eBPF does also filter on
Kernel systemcalls
Kernel tracepoints
Kernel functions
Userspace tracepoints
Userspace functions
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eBPF and the Linux kernel
The basic eBPF was introduced into the Linux kernel
in version 3.18
since then, most new kernel release implemented new eBPF
Linux distributions might have backported eBPF functions into
older LTS kernel (Red Hat/Canonical/Suse)
Overview of eBPF functions by Linux kernel version:
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The eBPF Architecture
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eBPF programs are compiled for a virtual CPU
The code is loaded and verified in the Linux kernel
On main architectures, the eBPF code is re-compiled
into native code (Just in time compiler)
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XDP - express data path
The express data path (XDP) inside the Linux-Kernel is
an infrastructure to gain low level control over network
side-stepping the normal kernel network stack flow
eBPF programs can be loaded into the eXpress Data Path (XDP)
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XDP / eBPF hardware offloading
XDP eBPF can be loaded into different level of the
Linux kernel network stack
Offload XDP: directly into the network hardware (ASIC/FPGA,
needs support by the network hardware, for example Netronome
Native XDP: into the network driver (low level Linux kernel code,
requires support by the driver)
Generic XDP: into the Linux kernel network stack (less
performance, but universally available)
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XDP / eBPF execution environments
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XDP functions
XDP programs can
read network packets and collect statistics
modify the content of network packets
drop selected traffic (firewall)
redirect packets to the same or other network interfaces
pass the network packet to the Linux TCP/IP stack for normal
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XDP vs DDoS attack
XDP can discard unwanted traffic very early in the
network stack, defending against DDoS attacks
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eBPF/XDP support in DNS software
(see Webinar
) can directly
rate limit or block DNS traffic through eBPF and XDP
The Knot resolver (since version 5.2.0) can bypass the
Linux TCP/IP stack and send DNS traffic direct to the
user space process (
DNSdist Practical BIND 9 Management -
Session 3: Load-balancing with dnsdist
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Using eBPF
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eBPF tooling
eBPF programs can be written in many ways
Low level eBPF assembly code
High Level compiler (using LLVM): C / GO / Rust / Lua / Python …
Special "scripting" languages: bpftrace
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BCC is the BPF compiler collection
BCC compiles C or Python code into eBPF programs and loads
them into the Linux kernel
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BCC tools
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BCC Tool examples (1/2)
Count syscalls from the BIND 9 process with
# syscount-bpfcc -p `pgrep named` -i 10
Tracing syscalls, printing top 10... Ctrl+C to quit.
futex 547
getpid 121
sendto 113
read 56
write 31
epoll_wait 31
openat 23
close 20
epoll_ctl 20
recvmsg 20
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BCC Tool examples (2/2)
Tracing Linux capability checks
# capable-bpfcc | grep named
07:36:17 0 29378 (named) 24 CAP_SYS_RESOURCE 1
07:36:17 0 29378 (named) 24 CAP_SYS_RESOURCE 1
07:36:17 0 29378 (named) 12 CAP_NET_ADMIN 1
07:36:17 0 29378 (named) 21 CAP_SYS_ADMIN 1
07:36:17 0 29378 named 6 CAP_SETGID 1
07:36:17 0 29378 named 6 CAP_SETGID 1
07:36:17 0 29378 named 7 CAP_SETUID 1
07:36:17 109 29378 named 24 CAP_SYS_RESOURCE 1
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bpftrace is a little language similar to awk or
bpftrace programs subscribe to eBPF probes and
executes a function whenever an event occurs
(systemcall, function-call)
bpftrace comes with many helper functions to
handle eBPF data structures
bpftrace allows one to write eBPF programs in a
more concise way compared to BCC
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Instrumenting the Linux Network Stack
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BCC and bpftrace tools
Literally hundreds of little eBPF programs exists to
look deep into the Linux network stack
The BCC example tools
The bpftrace examples
Examples from eBPF books
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The BCC tool gethostlatency measures the latency
of client DNS name resolution through function calls
such as getaddrinfo or gethostbyname
# gethostlatency-bpfcc
10:21:58 19183 ping 143.22
10:22:18 19184 ssh 0.03
10:22:18 19184 ssh 60.59
10:22:35 19185 ping 23.44
10:22:49 19186 ping 4459.72
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netqtop - Summarize PPS, BPS, average size of
packets and packet counts ordered by packet sizes on
each queue of a network interface.
# netqtop-bpfcc -n eth0 -i 10
Mon Nov 15 07:43:29 2021
QueueID avg_size [0, 64) [64, 512) [512, 2K) [2K, 16K) [16K, 64K)
0 297.82 2 48 1 4 0
Total 297.82 2 48 1 4 0
QueueID avg_size [0, 64) [64, 512) [512, 2K) [2K, 16K) [16K, 64K)
0 70.95 43 34 0 0 0
Total 70.95 43 34 0 0 0
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Tracing TCP connections showing source and
destination addresses and ports and the TCP state
(accept, connect, close)
# tcptracer-bpfcc -p $(pgrep named)
Tracing TCP established connections. Ctrl-C to end.
C 29404 isc-net-0000 4 41555 953
A 29378 isc-socket-0 4 953 41555
X 29404 isc-socket-0 4 41555 953
X 29378 isc-socket-0 4 953 41555
C 29378 isc-net-0000 4 43555 53
C 29378 isc-net-0000 4 33751 53
X 29378 isc-socket-0 4 43555 53
X 29378 isc-socket-0 4 33751 53
C 29378 isc-net-0000 4 38145 53
C 29378 isc-net-0000 4 40905 53
X 29378 isc-socket-0 4 38145 53
X 29378 isc-socket-0 4 40905 53
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Display the connection latency for outgoing TCP
based DNS queries from a BIND 9 resolver (in this
example a query for txt, which is
too large for 1232 byte UDP)
isc-net-0000 is the internal name of a BIND 9 thread
# tcpconnlat-bpfcc
29378 isc-net-0000 4 53 37.50
29378 isc-net-0000 4 53 14.01
29378 isc-net-0000 4 53 8.48
29378 isc-net-0000 4 53 1.90
29378 isc-net-0000 4 53 14.27
29378 isc-net-0000 4 53 19.21
29378 isc-net-0000 4 53 7.66
29378 isc-net-0000 4 53 7.97
29396 isc-net-0000 4 53 0.06
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A bpftrace script to trace UDP session lifespans
(DNS round trip time) with connection detail (by
Brendan Gregg, see link collection)
Attaching 8 probes...
29378 isc-net-00 0 16503 48 420 268
29378 isc-net-00 0 81 49 43 13
29378 isc-net-00 0 16452 48 408 24
29378 isc-net-00 0 81 44 10 9
29378 isc-net-00 0 32891 64 30 273
29378 isc-net-00 0 32891 64 46 266
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Server agnostic DNS augmentation using eBPF
A master thesis by Tom Carpay (supported by NLnet
eBPF Query-Name rewriting
In-Kernel DNS server agnostic response rate limiting (RRL)
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Instrumenting BIND 9
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Use case -> Forward logging
A BIND 9 DNS resolver has forward zones configured:
The BIND 9 logging subsystem, while very powerful,
does not support the logging of forwarding decisions
Goal: Create a bpftrace script that writes out BIND 9
forwarding decisions
zone "" {
type forward;
forwarders {;; };
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Step 1 - Use the force source
The BIND 9 source code is public, available on the ISC
gitlab service
A search through the source for forwarding finds the
function dns_fwdtable_find in
/lib/dns/forward.c. This sounds promising:
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Step 2 - A proof of concept test
The function dns_fwdtable_find takes a domain
name and returns 0 if the name must be resolved
through forwarding, and a value greater than 0 if not
A quick bpftrace one-liner will validate that this indeed works:
bpftrace -e 'uretprobe:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ { print(retval)
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Step 2 - A proof of concept test
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Step 3 - Planning the probe script
Now we are certain that we have a function to work
with, we write a bpftrace script
The script will
Store the domain name requested from dns_fwdtable_find
when the function is called
Check the return code (retval) of the function when it returns,
and print the domain name when the return value is zero (0), do
nothing otherwise
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Challenge - Wrangling with structs
The domain name to check for forwarding is given to
the function as a struct of type dns_name_t
It's not a simple pointer to a string that we can print
A search through the
reveals the structure of dns_name_t.
The 2nd field is unsigned char * ndata, which
looks like the domain name
ISC BIND 9 source code
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Challenge - Wrangling with structs
The definition of dns_name_t can be found in
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Challenge - Wrangling with structs
bpftrace uses a syntax similar to the C programming
language, we can import the struct from the BIND 9
source code into the script
we don't need the linked list and the isc_buffer_t fields for our
script, and these are not native types, so we comment these lines
struct dns_name {
unsigned int magic;
unsigned char *ndata;
unsigned int length;
unsigned int labels;
unsigned int attributes;
unsigned char *offsets;
// isc_buffer_t *buffer;
// ISC_LINK(dns_name_t) link;
// ISC_LIST(dns_rdataset_t) list;
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Printing a message at probe start
The BEGIN pseudo-probe fires at the start of the script
and prints a message, informing the user that the
script has been started
print("Waiting for forward decision...\n");
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Probing the function call
This probe fires when the function is called
it's a uprobe (User-Space probe)
the function to be probed is dns_fwdtable_find in the dynamic
library /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdns-9.16.22-
The 2nd argument to the call (arg1) is cast into a struct
dns_name, and then the field ndata is referenced
This data is stored into the variable @dns_name[tid] indexed by
the thread ID (tid) of the running thread
@dns_name[tid] = ((struct dns_name *)arg1)->ndata
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Probing the function exit
The 3rd probe is firing at function exit (uretprobe - User-space
function return probe)
Same library and function as before
If the return value of the function is zero 0 (domain name needs to be
forwarded), the stored data in @dns_name[tid] is converted into a
string and printed out
The variable @dns_name[tid] is deleted as it's not needed any
if (retval == 0) {
printf("Forwarded domain name: %s\n", str(@dns_name[tid]));
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The final script
struct dns_name {
unsigned int magic;
unsigned char *ndata;
unsigned int length;
unsigned int labels;
unsigned int attributes;
unsigned char *offsets;
// isc_buffer_t *buffer;
// ISC_LINK(dns_name_t) link;
// ISC_LIST(dns_rdataset_t) list;
print("Waiting for forward decision...\n");
@dns_name[tid] = ((struct dns_name *)arg1)->ndata
if (retval == 0) {
printf("Forwarded domain name: %s\n", str(@dns_name[tid]));
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The script in operation
The script fires whenever a domain name is to be
In this example, all queries for the domain are
forwarded, but not
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Packet Filtering with eBPF
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eBPF as a network firewall
eBPF can be a very efficient firewall
It can stop network packets before they enter the Linux TCP/IP
stack or the userspace application
As eBPF runs full programs, the firewall can work on complex
DNS query names
DNSSEC data in answers
Source IP of nameserver
EDNS data (prioritize DNS messages with DNS cookies)
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Example: Block-Non-DNS
In the Hands-On part of this training, we show a
simple eBPF network filter
Block all UDP traffic towards a network interface except DNS (Port
Helps in non-DNS DDoS attacks against an authoritative DNS
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Example: XDP Firewall
The XDP Firewall is a new project to create a firewall
tool leveraging XDP
Example rule-set to block all DNS traffic on Port 53
interface = "eth0";
updatetime = 15;
filters = (
enabled = true,
action = 0,
udp_enabled = true,
udp_dport = 53
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Literature and Links
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Book: Linux Observability with BPF
By David Calavera, Lorenzo Fontana (November
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Book: Systems Performance (2nd ed.)
By Brendan Gregg (December 2020)
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Book: BPF Performance Tools
By Brendan Gregg (December 2019)
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For the webinar we have a extensive list of links that
can be found at
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Next webinars
December 15 - DNS Fragmentation: Real-World
measurements, impact and mitigation
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Questions and Answers
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We have prepared a VM machine for every participant
Find the instructions at
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