Short Paper: Superhacks
Exploring and Preventing Vulnerabilities in Browser Binding Code
Fraser Brown
Stanford University
In this paper, we analyze security vulnerabilities in the binding
layer of browser code, and propose a research agenda to
prevent these weaknesses with
static bug checkers and
new embedded domain specific languages (EDSLs). Browser
vulnerabilities may leak browsing data and sometimes allow
attackers to completely compromise users’ systems. Some of
these security holes result from programmers’ difficulties with
managing multiple tightly-coupled runtime systems—typically
JavaScript and C++. In this paper, we survey the vulnerabilities
in code that connects C++ and JavaScript, and explain how
they result from differences in the two languages’ type systems,
memory models, and control flow constructs. With this data, we
design a research plan for using static checkers to catch bugs
in existing binding code and for designing EDSLs that make
writing new, bug-free binding code easier.
1. Introduction
Browsers are notoriously difficult to secure—vendors like
Google and Mozilla invest millions of dollars and hundreds
of engineers to fortify them. Google’s Vulnerability Rewards
Program, which pays bounties for bugs in products like the
Chrome browser, has awarded over six million dollars since its
inception [
]. But, as both dangerous security breaches and
more benign hacking contests such as Pwn2Own demonstrate,
browsers are still rife with exploitable bugs.
While many factors contribute to browser insecurity, from
ill defined security policies to bugs in JavaScript engines and
sandboxing mechanisms, this paper focuses on bugs in the
browser engine binding layer. Bindings allow code written in
one language to communicate with code written in another.
For example, Chrome’s browser engine Blink uses C++ for
performance-critical components like the HTML parser while
choosing JavaScript for application-specific functionality; bind-
ing code connects the two layers. This allows browser devel-
opers to take advantage of JavaScript for safety and usability,
transitioning to C++ when they need the low-level control that
JavaScript lacks.
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Browser binding code is different from—and more com-
plicated than—other multi-language systems such as foreign
function interfaces (FFIs). This difference arises for three main
reasons. First, browser binding code must reconcile different
runtimes instead of making simple library calls. Second, since
the binding layer sits between JavaScript application code and
the rest of the browser, browsers often rely on binding-layer
code to implement the same-origin policy [
]. For example,
binding code must enforce isolation between the JavaScript
running in a page and any cross-origin iframes the page may
embed. Finally, the binding layer must defend against poten-
tially malicious code, since the JavaScript running in browsers
comes from many disparate parties.
A buggy binding layer introduces browser vulnerabilities.
Even with existing sandboxing mechanisms, binding layer bugs
might allow a third-party ad to: crash the user’s tab; read
sensitive data like cookies, local storage, or HTTP headers; and
perform authenticated requests to other sites on the user’s behalf.
A binding-layer vulnerability could even allow an attacker to
inject arbitrary code into a cross-origin page. Binding code must
be extremely defensive to prevent these sorts of vulnerabilities.
For example, it must validate arguments when handling a down-
call from JavaScript into C++, and grant access to an object
only if this access is permitted by the same origin policy [2].
Preventing exploitable bugs in binding code is especially
difficult because of the impedance mismatch between C++ and
JavaScript language abstractions; C++ and JavaScript’s memory
models, control flow constructs, and types are different enough
that incorrectly managing their interactions introduces bugs. For
example, because JavaScript is garbage collected and C++ is
not, developers may fail to free C++ objects when their reflected
JavaScript objects are collected, creating memory leaks which
can ultimately lead to crashes. On the other hand, they may free
C++ objects when references to those objects still exist in either
C++ or JavaScript, introducing use-after-free vulnerabilities
that may lead to memory disclosures.
Unfortunately, the existing binding layer APIs actively work
against developers tackling security challenges; Figure 1, taken
from a core Chrome developer’s presentation [
], refers to
binding code as “super hacks.” Rethinking and understanding
the binding layer is crucial for users’ security; it is also timely,
as companies experiment with new security-focused layout
engines like Servo, as more developers depend on related
platforms like Node.js, and as engineers explore the Internet of
Things by exposing hardware to JavaScript applications.
Figure 1:
Slide from [
] illustrating the state of memory management
code between JavaScript and C++ in Blink.
In this paper, we study the kinds of security vulnerabilities
that appear in today’s browser binding code (Section 2), an area
that has received very little attention from the academic commu-
nity. In response to these vulnerabilities, we propose a research
agenda (Section 3) to address some challenges of writing secure
binding code by
developing light-weight, browser-specific,
multi-language static bug checkers and
designing new em-
bedded domain specific languages that address the impedance
mismatch between JavaScript and C++.
2. Understanding binding layer CVEs
We sieved through a list of Chrome Common Vulnerabilities
and Exposures (CVEs) to discover buggy patterns that checkers
can recognize and that EDSLs can disrupt [
This section
categorizes and distills the binding-specific buggy patterns
that we found. We ignore traditional bugs, like C++ buffer
overflows, and focus instead on binding bugs for two reasons.
First, traditional checkers can detect traditional C++ bugs—the
problem is checker adoption. Binding layer bugs, on the other
hand, are checker-less; there are no checkers for anyone to adopt.
Second, since new browsers components, like Servo, forgo C++
altogether, C++-specific checkers and language designs are
useless to them; any tools for these browsers must depend on
less language specific insights.
2.1 How to incorrectly expose an object to JavaScript
Most of the CVEs we surveyed fit into one of three categories:
memory (mis-)management, type (mis-)representation, and
(invalid) control flow. In this section, we illustrate how easy
it is to introduce these vulnerabilities by exposing FileAPI-
objects [
] to JavaScript.
s should efficiently
represent the binary data that we use to communicate with a
Although we focus on the binding layer in Chrome’s Blink rendering engine
in this paper, we do not mean to single them out unfairly; binding layers in
other browsers are at least as complex and struggle with similar issues. For
instance, see [33] for comments on the complexity of Mozilla’s XPConnect.
server, so we want to implement them in better-performing C++.
The WebIDL [44] interface describing Blob is:
[Constructor(DOMString[] blobParts)]
interface Blob {
readonly attribute unsigned long size;
boolean equals(Blob other);
Blob slice(optional unsigned long start,
optional unsigned long end)
Chrome can expose this interface to JavaScript by using V8’s
function to set the
property on the global object.
This allows users to create
s from an array of strings:
new Blob(["S", "H"])
. It also allows code to check the
byte-size of a
), compare two
s’ con-
tents (
), and extract
Whenever someone calls the JavaScript
the V8 JavaScript engine creates a reflector object, a JavaScript
wrapper for the C++ object. Think of a reflector as a JavaScript
facade; each time someone knocks on the door—makes a
JavaScript call—they produce actions in the building itself—
the underlying C++ object. When calling the
from JavaScript, V8 creates the reflector and calls the underly-
ing C++ binding constructor code on it. The constructor con-
verts the
JavaScript strings to raw C++ strings
and creates a
C++ object to encapsulate them. Then, us-
ing the V8 binding API, it stores a pointer to the C++ object
in a hidden internal field of the reflector object and returns that
object to JavaScript.
Invoking the
method—or any method—on a re-
object kicks off a V8 call to a C++ binding-layer
function. This function extracts the C++
pointers from
the hidden fields of the JavaScript receiver (
) and
argument. Then, it calls the C++ method
returns its boolean result, casted to a v8::Value.
This process is difficult to explain in prose and even more
difficult to execute. In the next three paragraphs, we outline
how memory, type, and control flow related bugs arise in
binding code.
Avoiding memory leaks means destroying C++
jects each time their reflected JavaScript objects are collected.
We do this, in binding code, by registering the correct call-
back with V8’s garbage collector; this function should remove
the C++
whenever its reflector is collected. Calling the
wrong callback (or nothing at all) introduces a memory leak.
To prevent out-of-bounds vulnerabilities we must ensure
function is called with valid bounds;
though this process seems simple at first, we must cast cor-
rectly from JavaScript
s to C++
unsigned long
Furthermore, since JavaScript allows methods to be called on
arbitrary objects (e.g.{})
), we must
make sure that
C++ binding functions check that they are
called on valid receivers. Otherwise, extracting a raw pointer
from an internal hidden field and casting it to a
lead to an invalid memory access (or code execution, depending
on the receiver).
Unfortunately, avoiding type-related problems is not enough;
we must also make sure that C++ and JavaScript’s interac-
tion does not introduce unexpected and buggy control flow.
For example, when using the V8 API to raise a JavaScript
in the binding implementation of
, we
must ensure that the exceptional code follows JavaScript’s con-
trol flow discipline and not that of C++. Otherwise we might
execute unintentional, potentially dangerous code [40].
These memory, type, and control flow issues (even for simple
objects like
) are far from exhaustive; in the next sections,
we present real-world CVEs that exploit more complicated
2.2 CVEs in the wild
To estimate the impact of binding bugs on Chrome’s security,
we surveyed the most recently publicly available bountied CVE
reports—March, April, and May of 2016. During this time,
binding code was responsible for ten high severity security
vulnerabilities out of thirty-two total high severity security vul-
This number may be low. A few reports are still
closed, since Google’s fourteen-week view-restriction on is-
sue reports is a minimum, not a guarantee. Furthermore, some
reports are so complicated—they touch so many parts of the
Chrome codebase—that it is difficult for non-Chrome engineers
to determine their origin. Therefore, we counted binding code
vulnerabilities conservatively. Even so, binding code-related
CVEs clearly make an impact on Chrome’s security. We illus-
trate the contents of some especially interesting CVEs from
2009 to Spring 2016 in the next sections.
CVEs caused by memory mis-management
The memory-
related CVEs in this section appear in Google’s rendering
engine Blink, which creates a visual representation of a web-
page from a URL. Blink must store Document Objects Model
(DOM) objects in order to render them on screen. To allow
application code to modify page content and structure, these
objects are also exposed to JavaScript, much like our
The binding code for the DOM and other web APIs, how-
ever, is mostly generated: a WebIDL compiler takes WebIDL
specifications and C++ templates as input and turns them into
binding code [
], automating some of work we described when
explaining Blobs.
Despite using generated code, Blink has struggled to handle
the differences between memory management on the Blink
(reference counted) and V8 (garbage collected) sides of the
binding; at one point, ten percent of their tests were leaking
memory, and “almost all” of their crashes were due to use-after-
free errors [
]. Not all of these issues were a result of binding
code—some were due to the inherent challenges of reference
counting itself—but binding troubles certainly contributed to
their 2012 decision to create Oilpan, a garbage collector for
By reporting period: 4/9, 1/3, 2/4, 1/2, 1/3, 0/3, 1/8
Information from
Oilpan did not land until December 2015; in the meantime,
CVE-2014-1713, a use-after-free vulnerability in Blink’s bind-
ing code, contributed to a full execution-outside-sandbox ex-
ploit with a 100,000 dollar bounty [
]. The source of this
bug was Blink’s C++ template code for attribute setters [11]:
234 {{cpp_class}}
proxyImp =
235 {{attribute.idl_type}}
imp =
. . .
247 {{attribute.v8_value_to_local_cpp_value}};
. . .
251 ASSERT(imp);
The WebIDL compiler backend fills in the template variables
, creating a normal C++ file. After code
generation, line 234 creates
, an object of the type
specified by the WebIDL file. In this CVE,
is a
object. On line 235, the
s location
attribute is assigned to the raw pointer
. Unfortunately,
the code on line 247 may perform an up-call (e.g. a call to a
function). Malicious JavaScript
can remove any references to the reflected attribute object
during this call and force V8 to GC. Since Blink registers
GC callbacks to clean up the C++ objects backing reflected
objects, this will result in
being freed—to the callback
code, it appears as if there are no live references to the object.
Thereafter (line 251), using
will result in a use-after-free
crash. Making
—as opposed to a raw pointer—
fixes this problem, since the GC callback will only decrement
the refcount of the
, instead of freeing blindly. Now,
is not freed until both its JavaScript and C++ references
are dead.
The use-after-free problem is pervasive in binding code.
CVE-2015-6789 (high severity, fixed in 47.0.2526.80) is simi-
lar to the bug we just outlined. This vulnerability takes place
in the
private con-
structor, which keeps track of which
are observing (and reacting to) changes in the same DOM
objects. The interest group tracks related observers using a
hash map of raw pointers to
s. Pre-
dictably, these observers may be touched and garbage collected
by JavaScript, leading to more use-after-free vulnerabilities. The
fix, again, is to use owning
s instead of
s, with appropriate V8 GC callbacks, allow liveness
information to pass between V8’s collection and Blink’s ref-
erence counting; garbage collection becomes a layer over a
general reference counting scheme. One developer even sug-
gested “hold[ing]
s to all objects in bindings code,
but the change was deemed far too expensive. Instead, Blink is
transitioning to garbage collection—consistent with V8—and,
while this addresses many issues, it will be interesting to see
what bugs the transition may introduce.
CVEs caused by incorrect types
The vulnerabilities in this
section all involve V8 code that either incorrectly casts to
JavaScript types or uses JavaScript objects of the wrong
type. JavaScript values at the binding layer are exposed as
s. Later code must cast these
s to other
types (like
); incorrect casts, like casts to
s when
s are not functions, cause crashes.
The JavaScript to C++ translation process can also yield
more serious and unexpected errors. The code for CVE-2015-
1217 [14, 15] highlights one such case:
134 String listenerSource = // code from m_source url
135 String code = "function () { ... return function(" +
m_eventParameterName + ") {" + listenerSource +
136 v8::Handle<v8::String> codeExternalString =
v8String(isolate(), code);,
137 v8::Local<v8::Value> result = V8ScriptRunner::
compileAndRunInternalScript (codeExternalString,
isolate(), m_sourceURL, m_position);
138 ASSERT(result->IsFunction());
139 v8::Local<v8::Function> intermediateFunction =
140 v8::Local<v8::Value> innerValue =
(intermediateFunction, thisObject, 0, 0,
This code snippet comes from
a function that creates a JavaScript reflector for an inline
event listener. In the first line, the JavaScript source code that
defines the listener is saved as
—this is
the listener that the function is supposed to prepare and wrap.
might appear as an event listener of an
anchor element:
<a href="#" onclick="alert(’clicked!’);">button</a>
This code, which defines a listener that waits for a button
click to produce a pop-up saying “clicked!”, is saved as
. In the second line of the bug snippet,
is concatenated into a string that forms
a JavaScript function. After the next two lines, the string is
compiled and run, and its return value is saved as the V8 value
. Note that
should be a function, since
defines a function that returns another function. In fact, for the
inline event listener above,
s code is equivalent to:
function() { alert("clicked!"); }.
To be safe, the authors
is truly a
function (line 138). Then, they cast the
to a JavaScript
function type, and run the casted
to (hopefully) receive the event listener that the function is sup-
posed to prepare. Unfortunately, asserts are turned off in release
builds, so
will be “called” regardless of whether it is
a JavaScript function on not. Since inline event listeners are
simply strings that the above code wrapped in a function body,
a well crafted string can terminate the wrapping function block
and return an arbitrary JavaScript value. Unsurprisingly, this
will cause
to crash the browser.
This bug was fixed as a high security vulnerability in Chrome
Type mishandling like this led to a number of Chrome
vulnerabilities over the past two years. Bad casts, for example,
caused both CVE-2015-1230 and CVE-2014-3199, high and
low severity vulnerabilities respectively [
]. In CVE-2015-
1230, the function
is supposed
to wrap an event listener in order to expose it to JavaScript.
The object to be wrapped is passed as a
. Before
wrapping the object, the function calls
see if the object is already wrapped.
to extract wrapper contents from the object; if successful, the
object is already wrapped and can be cast to an event listener.
extracts wrapper contents, though, by doing
a lookup using the name of the wrapped object—in the case
of event listeners, “listener. Sadly,
s and
s are both named “listener,” and so wrapped
s get cast to
s, causing
similar crashes [
]. This bug took eleven days to track down
and fix.
Finally, calling functions on the wrong receivers is a peren-
nial problem in binding code. CVE-2009-2935 (high severity,
fixed in Chrome allowed potentially sensitive, cross-
origin information to be exposed to calling JavaScript code [
In the CVE, the V8 function
invokes a function on a
receiver. Unfortunately, if this function is called on the docu-
ment object (e.g.
), V8 sets the receiver to
the global object. The receiver is not supposed to be the global
object; rather, functions on the global object should be called on
the global proxy object (formerly
), which
safely proxies set/gets to the actual global object [
]. Nor-
mally, developers could use type systems to prevent such bugs,
making the
a special
object—but in C++ code, there is no enforcement for JavaScript
This CVE was not an isolated incident: CVE-2016-1612 also
results from receivers of incompatible types [
]. Finally, the
fix for CVE-2015-6775 adds V8 Signatures to PDFium code
to prevent vulnerabilities related to incompatible receivers [
Signatures “specify which receivers are valid to a function” [
They reduce wrong-receiver-type bugs, since they enforce type
signatures for JavaScript functions in C++, but they are both
expensive (they require prototype chasing) [
] and difficult
to understand. Moreover, they do not prevent bugs due to bad
CVEs caused by control flow
The vulnerabilities in this section
all involve V8 code that either incorrectly handles JavaScript
control flow or fails due to JavaScript code violating C++ con-
trol flow invariants. CVE-2015-6764 is a high severity vulner-
ability fixed in Chrome 47.0.2526.73 [
]. The buggy code,
given below, is in the SerializeJSArray function [18]:
430 BasicJsonStringifier::Result
(Handle<JSArray> object) {
431 uint32_t length = 0;
432 CHECK(object->length()->ToArrayLength(&length));
433 ...
434 Handle<FixedArray>
435 for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
436 Result result = SerializeElement(isolate_,
Handle<Object>(elements->get(i), isolate_), i);,
437 }
438 }
This function turns a JavaScript array (
) into its
JSON string representation. First, it initializes variable
to the array’s length in lines 431 and 432. Then, starting on line
434, it creates a
out of the elements in
and iterates through that array from zero to
, calling
elements->get(i) with each iteration.
JavaScript arrays are objects and therefore the
line 436 may call a user-defined getter function. Since the getter
can execute arbitrary code, it can reduces the array’s length
before returning to C++. Unfortunately, the C++
loop still
continues to iterate based on the cached
value from
line 432, causing an out-of-bounds memory access (OOB).
This array iteration bug is not an anomaly; reasoning about
when JavaScript objects in C++ code can call back into users’
JavaScript functions means reasoning about the entire call
chain. CVE-2016-1646 is very similar to the first bug in this
section; user code may change the length of an array during
iteration [
]. CVE-2014-3188 may invoke getters and setters
(containing potentially arbitrary JavaScript code) after caching
the object type, which is used in a later switch statement [
Since the getters and setters may alter the type of the object
before entering the switch block, this can, for example, lead the
C++ code corrupting or disclosing memory. Finally, in some
cases, arbitrary code is called at program points where it should
not be, causing same-origin bypass. CVE-2015-6769 and CVE-
2016-1679 both fall into this latter category [19, 23].
These vulnerabilities highlight two challenges related to con-
trol flow in binding code. The first and most obvious is that
code in one language must take changes from the other into
account (e.g. a JavaScript getter altering the length of an array
that the C++ code may have cached). The second challenge
is more subtle. Since different languages have different “col-
loquial” approaches to common tasks like iterating through
a loop, translating these tasks from one language to another
can introduce errors. In the case of the array bugs, a natural
JavaScript iteration technique uses a
loop, while the
C++ version uses a
loop. A
loop is resilient to
changes in length; a
loop is not. Both of these challenges,
reasoning about complicated call chains and translating oper-
ations from one language into another, introduce subtle errors
that are hard to avoid without some sort of safety net.
3. Finding and eliminating binding code bugs
To better secure browsers, we propose both statically checking
binding code and devising new programming models that make
it easier to write safe binding code.
3.1 Finding bugs
In Section 2, we profiled CVEs to determine whether they fol-
low common patterns. Many of them do: for example, one class
of bug results from casting values without checking their types.
This kind of pattern is a static checker’s sweet spot; checkers
search for buggy patterns in source code and produce warnings
when they encounter those patterns. Moreover, static checkers
may complement Chrome’s existing testing infrastructure by
giving developers more information about crash reports (e.g. by
CloudFuzzer or ASan [
]), allowing them to fix bugs in days
instead of weeks.
The challenge of static checking for binding code is that
checkers are
often limited to one language and
not quick
and easy to prototype. To effectively identify the types of errors
considered in this paper, checkers must understand C++, V8 and
Blink C++ colloquialisms, and IDL template code. Furthermore,
information about which JavaScript code touches which C++
code can enhance analyses and suppress false reports.
Binding code checkers are not quick and easy to prototype
because checker creators do not know which properties to
check. Similarly, most people who write binding code are not
familiar enough with static checking systems to write their own
system-specific checkers easily or accurately. As a result, to the
best of our knowledge, there are no static checkers specifically
designed for browser binding code.
We believe that the micro grammar approach of [
] addresses
both of these concerns: it supports flexible, cross-language
checkers with very little developer overhead. Checkers in this
system are often under fifty lines long, and adapting a checker
from one language to another is possible in five to fifty more
lines—far fewer than a traditional system requires.
3.2 Eliminating bugs
New programming models can eliminate classes of bugs by
construction. We propose designing a collection of secure
binding APIs that
prevent buggy, unintended behavior,
make cross-language information explicit, and
are flexible
enough to adjust. Finally, we hope to design EDSLs with
static checking in mind, so that they are easier to check than
the original C++ code that they replace. This way, checkers
can shoulder some of the EDSLs’ burdens: they can provide
warnings against buggy patterns that are too hard to prevent by
First, while low-level binding APIs may be necessarily un-
safe, we can build safe programming abstractions, like EDSLs,
on top of them. Blink and V8 have already transitioned to using
EDSLs in C++. For example, to address the memory leaks and
use-after-free bug in Chrome, the Blink team recently replaced
pointers with
pointers which are man-
aged by the Oilpan C++ garbage collector [
]. Similarly, they
types to make it easier to write safe code
in the presence of JavaScript exceptions [
]. We imagine
a more through redesign: an API could provide constructs for
explicitly defining reflected objects and methods on them (e.g.
atop V8 Signatures), abstracting away raw C++ pointers and
making the relationship between such stored pointers and other
code explicit.
Second, we think that binding APIs, while enforcing safety,
should also make it easier to determine which language is
doing what. One EDSL could provide safe C++ iterators over
JavaScript arrays (and other objects) by making the runtime-
dependency of loop invariants explicit. Another could provide
safe constructs for managing JavaScript control flow in C++,
for example, by using
types [
] to make errors
explicit and thus force C++ code to abide by JavaScript control
flow. This not only prevents low-level control flow confusions,
for example, but also allows programmers to reason more
soundly about their systems, sidestepping higher-level logic
Finally, we believe that EDSLs must have a flexible language
design, since they should change to support ever-evolving
browser components. Furthermore, pliant languages can adapt
to developers’ needs; a successful EDSL is one that people use.
4. Related Work
4.1 Finding bugs in multi-language systems
Memory management bugs
Li and Tan present a static analysis
tool that detects reference counting bugs in Python/C interface
code [
]. Their results show that static checkers can help
secure cross-language code. Still, their technique is not directly
applicable to browsers’ binding code, since porting checkers
from one language to another takes a surprising amount of
overhead [
]. Furthermore, checkers for browser binding code
should be flexible enough to understand C++, V8, template
code, and JavaScript, which we discuss in Section 3.1.
Type safety bugs
Tan and Croft find type safety bugs that result
when developers expose C pointers to Java as integers [
Their work illustrates that static checkers can find type safety
bugs in practice, as we suggest in Section 3.1. Exposed pointer
errors, however, are unlikely in Chrome binding code, since V8
provides hidden fields for C code to store raw pointers cross
context. Still, since these errors would be catastrophic, it may be
worthwhile to implement Tan and Croft’s technique for browser
binding code.
More broadly, Furr and Foster [
] present a multi-
language type inference systems for the OCaml and Java FFIs.
Since JavaScript is dynamically typed, using type-inference
approaches like these is difficult—but a similar analysis could
help ensure that binding layer dynamic type checks are correct.
Moreover, they would be applicable to other JavaScript runtimes
(e.g. Node.js) where type checks are not generated and are,
instead, implemented manually.
Control flow bugs
Kondoh, Tan, and Li present different static
analysis techniques for finding bugs caused by mishandled ex-
ceptions in Java JNI code [
]. Safer binding-layer APIs
would address some of the issues these works tackle. For exam-
ple, the recent V8 API addresses similar memory management
and exception-catching concerns by construction [
]. Still,
we believe that static exception analysis might find bugs in
binding code where exceptions are raised in native code.
More generally, it is possible to translate multi-language
programs into an intermediate language and apply off-the-shelf
analysis tools to their translation [
]. For large
codebases like Chrome, this approach is as feasible as the
analysis approach is scalable.
Jinn [
] generates dynamic bug checkers for arbitrary
languages from state machine descriptions of FFI rules. In doing
so, Jinn finds bugs in both the JNI and Python/C code. While
running similar checkers in production is probably prohibitively
expensive, this kind of system would complement existing
browser debug-runtime checks.
4.2 Writing secure binding code by construction
Formal models
Several projects develop formal models for
multi-language systems and FFIs [
]. These works
not only help developers understand multi-language interaction
but also allow developers to formally reason about tools for
multi-language systems (like static checkers and binding layer
EDSLs). We envision developing a similar formalization for
JavaScript, perhaps based on S5 [48].
New language designs
Janet [
] and Jeannie [
] are language
designs that allow users to combine Java and C code in a
single file, therefore building multi-language systems more
safely. SafeJNI [
] provides a safe Java/C interface by using
CCured [
] to retrofit C code to a subset that abides by Java’s
memory and type safety. While these language designs are
well-suited for isolated browser features, it is unclear how
these approaches would scale in a full browser engine. For
browsers, we believe that EDSLs scale better (because they
do not require as many dynamic checks), while providing
similar safety guarantees. But, of course, new EDSLs require
refactoring existing FFI code.
4.3 Mitigating the effects of binding bugs
Fault isolation
Running different languages’ runtimes in iso-
lated environments addresses many security bugs in FFI code.
Klinkoff et al. [
] present an isolation approach for the .NET
framework: they run native, unmanaged code in a separate sand-
boxed process mediated according to the high-level .NET secu-
rity policy. Robusta [
] takes a similar approach for Java, but,
to improve performance, uses software fault isolation (SFI) [
These techniques are complimentary to our agenda.
Browser redesigns
Redesigning the browser to run iframes in
separate processes would address many of the vulnerabilities
that lead to SOP bypasses. Unfortunately, as illustrated by
Chrome’s ongoing efforts [
] and several research browsers
(e.g., Gazelle [
], IBOS [
], and Quark [
]) this is not an
easy task. Re-designs often break compatibility and have huge
performance costs. Still, we believe that re-design efforts are
complimentary to our agenda.
Deian Stefan should be an author on this paper, but the SIG-
PLAN rules disallow chairs from submitting papers to confer-
ences they are chairing. We thank the PLAS reviewers for their
helpful comments. Thanks to Dawson Engler, Andres N
and Diana Young. This research was supported in part by Intel
award 1505728 and NSF award 120750.
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