Contact Center
© 2023 Cisco and/or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Product overview
Features and benefits
Data security and data privacy
Global availability
System requirements
Ordering information
Cisco Collaboration Flex Plan
Technical support services
Cisco and partner services
Cisco environmental sustainability
Cisco Capital
For more information
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Product overview
Webex® Contact Center is a next-generation cloud contact center solution inspired by customers and architected
for business.
Designed and built from its foundation as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) cloud solution, Webex Contact Center’s
best-of-breed platform architecture brings your business the innovation, exibility, scalability, and agility of the cloud
without sacricing security (Figure 1). As a cloud-based subscription, Webex Contact Center enables rapid time to
market and time to new revenue while minimizing upfront capital investment.
Figure 1. Webex Contact Center’s native cloud architecture—agile and secure
Bring security and
unlimited visibility, exibility,
and scalability to Webex
Contact Center
Speed to deploy new
functionality drastically
reduced compared
to premise-based
contact centers
Reduce complexity
and expense
Enhance productivity
and lower the total
cost of ownership
Contact Center
Datasheet 3
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Digital-first customer experiences:
When they want, how they want it
With support for text / SMS, social media, chat,
email, and calling contact options, customers can
connect through the channel (or channels) of their
choice. Voice and chat AI-powered Virtual Agents
give customers options for natural, fast, and easy
24/7 self-service.
Intuitive agent experiences and
AI-powered agent assistance
An extensible, intuitive agent desktop provides an
ideal central command center for agents to provide
the best possible customer experiences. Its fresh,
modern, widget-based design allows administrators
to provide all the tools an agent might need in a single
Optional integrated Webex Workforce Optimization
provides tools for workforce management, quality
management, and workforce analytics.
The result: Increased rst-call resolution, agent
satisfaction, and retention.
Next-generation, fully customizable platform
A micro services-based, cloud-provider-agnostic
platform provides enterprise-grade horizontal
scalability and rapid feature innovation and deployment.
Business user-focused tools such as a drag-and-drop
ow control builder empower exibility and management
without burdening IT resources.
Integration with business applications such as
Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, and Zendesk
reduce context switching. Cloud data analytics power
real-time and historical reporting and dashboards for
business optimization.
The result: Accelerated feature delivery, reduced IT
support overhead, and improved security
and compliance.
Complete collaboration portfolio from a
single, security-focused market leader
Contact center agents can rely on the support of
cross-department, cross-functional subject matter
experts—all with a common goal of providing delightful
customer experiences—the rst time, every time. With
available Webex collaboration tools for messaging,
calling, meetings, and even headsets and phones,
agents benet from a common user experience.
Organizations and administrators benet from ease
of management of contact center and collaboration
tools and users through the single Webex Control Hub.
Whether you’re a new business creating your rst
contact center, a medium-size business looking to
improve contact center operations, or a large enterprise
needing visibility and control over multiple contact center
sites, Webex Contact Center empowers you to deliver
the future of customer experiences.
A path to cloud at your pace with the
Collaboration Flex Plan
Webex Contact Center is available as part of the
Cisco Collaboration Flex Plan, which provides an
intelligent and practical path for migrating from an
on-premises to cloud contact center and collaboration
solutions at your own pace, with an award-winning
user experience at every step.
For real-time feature updates and release dates,
see the What’s New in Webex Contact Center
article on help.webex.com.
Datasheet 4
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Features and benets
Routing and queue management
Webex Contact Center intelligently distributes
calls across:
Teams and agents in multiple sites
Remote agents
Routing strategies can be created to leverage skill
assignments at the team or agent level.
Agent availability and skill sets are accurately matched
with customer priority, value, and needs. Agents are
more productive, and customers are better served.
From a simple, user-friendly interface, supervisors can
change routing strategies without knowing complex
scripting languages. This allows customer
organizations to maximize resources and respond
quickly to changing conditions.
Modications to routing strategies take eect
immediately and can be applied to current calls in
With Webex Contact Center, calls are queued in the
cloud network, not on-premises based equipment.
This approach provides substantial savings in telecom
hardware, toll charges, and bandwidth. The ability to
centrally manage contact center resources on a global
level eliminates variances in queue times among sites
and lowers administration expenses.
Routing type options
Webex Contact Center oers a full range routing options
to serve a variety of contact center needs.
Webex Contact Center supports routing strategies that
take into account the real-time nature of channels such
as voice and chat. This allows administrators to dene
the number of simultaneous real-time interactions an
agent, team, or site should be tasked with handling at
any given time. Alternatively, agents, teams, or sites may
be set to an “exclusive” routing status, whereby they are
only accountable for one conversation at any time.
Routing options include:
Skills-based routing: This helps contact centers manage
agent skill sets at a granular level to optimize call routing
strategies. Agents can be assigned multiple skills and
skill types based on their prociencies. Agents’ skills can
be dened as:
A prociency score of 1 to 10
A “true” or “false” value
A predened value
Free-form text
Longest available agent routing: Incoming contacts
get directed to the agent who has been available for
the longest time.
Capacity-based team routing: Allows routing of calls to
phone numbers, without requiring agents to sign on to
the system. This is eective when the people taking the
call are not traditional call center agents or the calls may
be answered by voicemail, answering machines, or
hunt groups.
The capacity-based team does not have specic agents
assigned to it, and the agents do not use the Webex
Contact Center agent desktop. A capacity-based team
might be used to represent a voice mailbox or an agent
group that is not managed by the Webex Contact Center
system. The capacity of such teams is determined by the
capacity setting, which can be overwritten by team
capacity strategies dened in the routing
strategy module.
Global routing overrides can be applied to one or more
entry points.
Call distribution
Call distribution conguration, management, and
reporting is managed through the web-based Webex
Contact Center ow builder. Access rights are restricted
by user login, so customer administrators or supervisors
can only manage the sites for which they are responsible.
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Call distribution (Continued)
Callers are provided with queue positions and expected
wait times based on average speed of answer via
a standard, complementary professional services-
provided script.
Webex Contact Center oers the ability to prioritize call
distribution based on agent skill set. The routing module
in the dashboard allows users the ability to designate
how calls are distributed to agents.
Call queues can cascade through groups made up of a
single team or multiple teams and can include specic
skill requirements. There is no hard limit to the number
of skills that can be assigned to an agent.
Agents can be made automatically available after a call,
go unavailable, or have a set break between calls.
Agents can be congured to have manual wrap-up time
or auto wrap-up time:
In manual wrap-up, the agent receives a period of
time determined by the administrator to complete
their after-call wrap-up. This can be extended by the
agent if the administrator enables this capability.
In auto wrap-up, the agent will be immediately
available after the call. If the agent needs to go
oine for a meeting, training, or lunch break, the
agent can change his/her status to an idle state.
No communications are routed to the agent in the
idle state.
If an agent, for whatever reason, fails to answer a call
routed to them, the call is immediately taken back
and rerouted to another available agent (“Redirect on
No Answer”, or RONA). To avoid sending additional
calls to a non-responsive agent, the non-responding
agent is put into an unavailable state and must toggle
their status back to an active state to resume
taking calls.
Flow builder
The Webex Contact Center ow builder provides a drag-
and-drop interface that allows business users to build
custom voice contact ows on top of system-generated
events (such as agent answer, transfer, hang up) as well
as external third-party variables, allowing contacts to be
handled with precise workows and routing.
An intuitive drag-and-drop UI allows users to create,
edit, and validate ows before publication.
The ow builder also supports Virtual Agent inclusion in
the ow sequence to deect routine or low complexity
inquiries from live agents and route escalation based on
understood caller intent.
Build ows dynamically using variables and our all-new
expression tester, as well as pull in third-party data
using the HTTP request activity.
Flow builder provides the ability to congure and use Call
Associated Data (CAD) variables, transfer activity, and
courtesy callbacks based on Place In Queue (PIQ) and
Estimated Wait Time (EWT), while the caller hears music.
Enable common custom ow requests, including playing
prompts, Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) / touchtone
menus, digit collection, and courtesy callbacks based on
Place In Queue (PIQ) and Estimated Wait Time (EWT),
screen pops, music in queue, and triggers for feedback
collection with experience management.
Allow transfer activity in ow control to enable opt out of
queue by transferring a call to a Directory Number (DN),
with or without voicemail congured.
Provide agents with context upon answer with the ability
to initiate screen pops from events.
The GoTo activity, ow chaining, allows for termination of
a current ow and hand o a voice call to an entry point
or another ow.
Call prioritization allows administrators to assign priority
to inbound calls in a queue.
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Disposition codes (wrap-up codes)
Administrators can create disposition codes (wrap-up
codes) that can track the reason for a call’s end and the
reason for agent inactivity (idle codes).
The idle reason codes can be for any non-contact-
related agent activity. They allow supervisors to track
agent availability in detail.
There are specic reports—called auxiliary code
reports—that track idle codes and wrap-up codes.
Callback options
Webex Contact Center oers callback from queue
functionality. When the queue reaches a specic
predetermined point, callers can be oered the option
to leave their phone number for a callback rather than
waiting in queue.
Courtesy callback allows an organization’s administrator
to congure a path for the caller by making them aware
of the Estimated Wait Time (EWT) and opt for a call
back, retaining their position in queue.
Agent desktop
Webex Contact Center features provide agents
with an experience-focused, extensible agent desktop.
The following features optimize agent eciency
and productivity:
Agent state timer and connected timer: The agent
state timer displays the time that has elapsed since the
agent is in the current state. If an agent is in an Idle state
and switches between any other idle states, the timer
displays the time spent in the current state, and the total
time spent in all the idle states together. After the agent
accepts a request, the connected timer displays the time
that has elapsed since the request was accepted.
Admins can congure Call Associated Data (CAD)
variables and their order in which they are displayed
on the Desktop for agents.
Multiple agents can edit and save Call Associated
Data (CAD) variables with real-time updates.
Agents can make outbound calls when they are in
the available state.
Agents can search by availability state.
Support for voice, email, social, and chat channels via an
omnichannel task pane with state timers.
A badge in the task list pane indicates the number of
unread chat and social messaging conversations.
Incoming requests appear either in the task list pane
or in a popover ash for a few seconds before the
agent state is changed to Redirect On No
Answer (RONA).
Incoming call requests will not be delivered to
agents in case of phone, device, or network failure.
Incoming call requests are returned to the queue,
and the agent state is changed to RONA. New
requests will not be delivered to an agent who is
in the RONA state.
The task pane allows agents to select to accept
all tasks across multiple channels (chat, email, and
social) at the same time, as well as allowing the
agent to view unread digital channel messages and
prioritize those for reply.
Identify agents for consult or transfer call: In the transfer
request and consult request dialog boxes, a drop-down
list displays the enterprise address book including
names and phone numbers to more accurately select
the appropriate contact.
Channel capacity: Agents can view the number of
contacts that can be handled on each media channel
at a given time.
Agent interaction history provides the ability for agents
to view previous communications with a customer
across all channels (voice, email, chat, and social).
Virtual Agent: A voice transcript widget is available for
an agent to see previous chat bot interactions (optional).
Campaign call: Agents can review the customer’s
contact information before making an outbound preview
campaign call.
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Agent desktop (Continued)
Notication settings: Agents can enable or disable
desktop, silent, or sound notications and can use a
slider to adjust volume.
Toaster notications: The agent desktop supports
browser toaster notications.
Screen-pop: The browser pops up on the agent desktop
when an agent accepts the incoming call. The agent
can view screen-pop details, either in a new tab or the
screen pop tab of the Auxiliary Information pane, based
on the screen-pop display settings.
Pause and resume recording: Agents can pause and
resume recording of a call.
Desktop layout reset: Agents can reset a customized
layout to the default desktop layout. Agents can also
maximize and restore widgets to suit their
personal preferences.
Sub-layout feature: Administrators can dene nested
desktop layouts, with ner control over widget
placement and sizing.
Prole picture: Agents or administrators can add and
update prole picture in user proles.
Keyboard shortcuts: Agents can use keyboard shortcuts
for specic desktop functionalities.
Switch to dark mode: Agents can enable or disable the
dark background theme of the agent desktop.
Error report downloads: Agents can download error logs
for administrators to use in troubleshooting
Agent sign out: Agents are notied when the supervisor
signs out an agent from the agent desktop.
Install as an application: Agents can install the agent
desktop as a desktop application.
Accessibility: The agent desktop supports features
that improve accessibility for low-vision and
vision-impaired users.
Agent performance statistics are available for agents to
assess performance during the course of the day.
Administrator desktop layout and customization options.
Administrators can customize the agent desktop
layout and assign it to a team. There are two types
of desktop layouts:
Default layout: This system-generated desktop
layout is available for all the teams.
Custom layout: Administrators can create layouts
based on the requirements of specic teams and
assign to one or more teams.
The custom layout allows an administrator to customize
the following elements:
Title and logo
Third-party applications via iframe or web
component-based desktop widgets
Drag-and-drop and widget resizing
Notication timer and maximum notication count
Icons, tabs, header, pages, page-level widgets, and
custom widgets
Widgets, which can be dened to be persistent and
be displayed on all pages of the agent desktop
When an agent signs in to the agent desktop, the
desktop layout associated with the agents team is
available to the agent. The agent can customize the
desktop layout by using the drag-and-drop and
resize features.
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The agent desktop, management portal, and Analyzer
user interfaces support localization in the following
languages: Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (China), Chinese
(Taiwan), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English,
Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese,
Korean, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese,
Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish,
Swedish, and Turkish.
Remote agent support
Webex Contact Center uses existing endpoints for call
delivery. These endpoints can be:
PSTN phones
Cell phones
With Webex Contact Center, all agents are essentially
remote agents, and have the exact same capabilities
regardless of endpoints. All Automatic Call Distribution
(ACD) features work the same for all agents, whether
they are local or remote and regardless of the telephony
endpoint. Supervisors can monitor and record calls
handled by agents, whether remote or in oce. The
only equipment required is:
A PC with a broadband connection
A supported browser
An addressable phone number
Built-in disaster recovery
Businesses can seamlessly redirect call center trac
during unexpected emergencies such as natural
disasters, transport facility outages, or other power
A phone, computer, and Internet connectivity are all
the equipment agents need to be productive anywhere.
Single Sign-On (SSO)
The solution simplies login and password manage-
ment for agents and supervisors and allows them to
log in just one time for access to all Webex Contact
Center applications.
All Webex Contact Center applications are integrated
with the default Webex Control Hub identity service. This
allows partners and customer to SSO into any contact
center application using their Control Hub credentials.
In addition to using the built-in identity service of Control
Hub, a customer can redirect the authentication request
to their organization’s common identity provider (IdP).
This feature requires the IdP to conrm to Security
Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 with certain
additional conguration requirements. A list of tested
SSO IdPs and high-level steps to validate other IdP
services is provided here.
Webex Control Hub
Webex Contact Center is integrated with
Webex Control Hub to:
Provide a unied administration experience for all
Webex collaboration services, including Meetings,
Calling, Messaging, and Contact Center
Allows a simplied user onboarding experience for
one or many Webex collaboration services through
a single interface
Control entitlements, security, and compliance
For customer administrators, Webex Control Hub
provides a web-based interface for:
Managing your organization
Managing your users
Assigning services
Onboarding and provisioning Webex Contact Center
AI portfolio services
Managing connectors for services such as
CRM integrations
Managing system connectivity to text / SMS and
social channels
A service-specic administrator role allows users to
restrict partner, external, and customer administrator
access to contact center-specic administration
actions only.
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Webex Control Hub (Continued)
Flexible PSTN options (Cisco PSTN, Cisco Cloud
Connected PSTN (CCP) or local gateway (LGW) can be
easily added and provisioned via Webex Control Hub.
For partner administrators, Webex Control Hub is the
central point for all provisioning and ordering services
for end customers. In Webex Control Hub, you can:
Add new customer organizations as managed
organizations for your partner organization
View all your customer organizations
Access customer organizations for
administrative activities
The Service Details section available in the contact
center settings in Webex Control Hub allows
administrators to quickly identify platform-level
congurations applicable to the customer organizations
including country of operation, platform details,
digital and voice channels, and telephony options
Webex Control Hub cross-launches into the Webex
Contact Center Management Portal, providing ease of
use through a single login.
Management Portal
The Webex Contact Center Management Portal provides
administrators and supervisors with web-based tools for
real-time, end-to-end management and administration
of their contact centers. Users can:
Set up exible routing strategies and call ows
Assign multi-skilled agent to queues
Set a Default Outdial ANI (Automatic Number
Identication) for the contact center organization at
the tenant level
Monitor performance in real time via dashboards and
call monitoring
Access historical reporting and analytics to track
customer trends
Agent state dashboard allows administrators and
supervisors to log out inactive agents
Supervisory features
(call monitoring, coaching, and barge-in)
Supervisory features, including monitoring, coaching,
and barge-in, are Premium Agent license features.
Supervisors can use the real-time dashboard to view the
latest contact and agent states.
A web-based dashboard provides a centralized point
to manage and monitor calls and multimedia contacts.
Supervisors have a real-time view of call volumes
and agent activity across all sites, networks, and
technologies. Call center managers have the tools and
information to measure and manage distributed contact
center operations in real time.
Queue status and contacts waiting in the queue are
displayed on the supervisor interface in real time.
The call monitoring feature allows supervisors to access
calls for the teams they manage and to listen in on
conversations, either from the corporate network or
through a remote dial-in connection. This can be done
without the caller or agent knowing. The supervisor can
coach or barge into the call at any time. If required, the
supervisor can coach the agent on the conversation
privately or create a three-way conference to join an
ongoing conversation.
The call monitoring application supports several
exible options to provide the exibility that
supervisors need. Monitoring can be done on a
continuous, one-time, or scheduled basis.
A combination of one or more queues, sites, teams,
and agents can be provided to create a monitoring
schedule or supervisors can choose to monitor a
session in real time.
Supervisors also can change an agent’s skill prole in
real time. This capability gives supervisors tactical tools
to manage their agent teams and support contact center
management objectives.
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Call recording
The call recording module enables authorized users to
record calls and create recording schedules.
The call recording application allows supervisors or
administrators to decide the recording schedule for
each queue.
Recording can be restricted at the site, team, and
agent level and includes the exibility of deciding
whether all or only a percentage of total calls will
be recorded.
The recording schedule also provides an option
to allow agents to pause recording for a specic
duration when sensitive information is to be shared.
The recording management feature is a jukebox-
like application that allows supervisors access to call
recordings that can be ltered by queues, sites, teams,
and agents.
This application also allows call recording to
be tagged using business-specic labels that
signicantly reduces access times.
The application has an advanced search option that
allows search of call recordings for CAD variables,
call attributes such as Dialed Number Identication
Service (DNIS), Automatic Number Identication
(ANI), session ID, recording duration, and
custom attributes.
Agent updates are persisted to CAD variable values.
Users can choose between two dierent audio
recording options: compliance call logging or
percentage call recording.
Compliance call logging records all calls that are served
by a given queue. This setting is useful for customers
who require 100% recording for compliance purposes.
Percentage call recording enables customers to record
a subset of their calls. This allows administrators to
spot check call quality across the enterprise or perform
targeted quality monitoring of certain agents, teams, or
call center sites. Calls to be recorded can be:
Selected randomly by the system on a
percentage basis.
Scheduled by time and/or day.
Based upon criteria such as the site, team, or agent
to whom the call is routed.
Recordings are stored on the recordings portal that
provides archival and retrieval of call recordings.
Call recordings may be stitched to a single le.
Administrators and supervisors can download
recordings using an API.
Music on hold
Music and messaging are recorded and saved as a
.wav le. This le is then uploaded to Webex Contact
Center and is available for use in any queue congured
on the platform.
New recordings can be uploaded from the web-based
dashboard at any time and made available to callers in
near-real time.
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Digital Channels
Digital channels in Webex Contact Center including
email, chat, SMS, and social messaging come with:
Business logic orchestration – the ow builder helps
create extensive self-help and pre-treatment of
contacts. Dozens of nodes oer capabilities like CRM
integration, logic crunching and decision making,
generic HTTP requests, screen pop and many more.
Bot Builder – a Natural Language Processing (NLP)/
Natural Language Understanding (NLU)-based bot
building tool which integrates into business logic via a
Q&A bot or a Task Bot.
Google Dialogow integration into the ow builder is
also supported.
Queueing and routing – the ow builder allows for
granular queuing of contacts.
Routing capabilities range from simple Longest Available
Agent to more complex Skills Based Routing with skill
Webex Contact Center agent desktop – contact handling
by agent in a true blended fashion. Allows multiple
digital contacts to be handled in parallel. Additionally,
they can leverage productivity improvement tools
such as predened response templates with variable
replacement capability and trigger workow, and Screen
Pop to present customer pages.
Email channel capabilities
The subject line of emails is scanned for business-
specic keywords to decide the skill group or queue
to which they need to be routed. Initial pre-treatment
ows can also determine routing based on information
obtained from integrated business systems such as
Once they are placed inside a queue, the work
distribution engine assigns them to available agents
based on the queuing algorithm selected in the system.
Upon accepting an email, a rich text editor opens up
for agent to compose a response, or an agent can
also simply send a quick plain text response.
Emails have reply, reply-to, or forward functionality to
allow agents to engage other internal supporting teams.
Agent can transfer email messages to other queues
(for instance upon misclassication or to a review
The agents can respond to emails with a standard
email response template with full visibility on the
past interactions of that customer.
Organizations can mask Payment Card Information
(PCI) and related information per the Payment Card
Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
For email we oer integration with any email system.
Emails can be preprocessed for various queuing
options like key words in subject/body or some CRM
dip. Once an email contact is routed to an agent, it
opens a rich text editor for the agent to compose a
response. An agent can handle up to 5 emails – reply,
reply all, forward; edit the To/CC elds etc. Attachments
are supported. There is an option to send a plain text
quick response.
PCI service helps mask body text or drop attachments
which contain sensitive card holder information as per
the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards
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Email channel capabilities (Continued)
Webex Contact Center email capabilities include:
Pulling emails from multiple email accounts
via dierent ingress points
Predened response templates with greetings
and signatures
Response templates can be locked
(not modiable by agent) or unlocked
Has the facility to auto-replace
parameters from the contact
Routing emails based on subject line
keyword analysis
An email editor with rich text capabilities
Reply/Reply All/Forward
Editable To, CC elds
Email requeue (transfer to another or
same email queue)
Support for attachments with
congurable limits
Multi-session support for email
contacts (up to 5)
Reporting on emails in Analyzer
Providing conversation groupings for
agentsto see history
Wrap-up codes
Audible indicators for new email arrival
Text / SMS and social media
channel capabilities
Webex Contact Center supports text / SMS and social
media as a customer engagement channels. For social
messaging apps, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp
are available rst, with future plans to expand to other
social media platforms.
Supports multiple numbers for text / SMS, allowing cust-
omers to oer dierent numbers for support of dierent
languages. SMS is currently available in select countries.
Webex Contact Center text and social media
messaging capabilities include:
Secure interactions
Transfer to agent or queue and conferencing with
another agent
Multi-session social contacts, which applies across
all social channels
Reporting on text/social interactions in Analyzer
Wrap-up code post contact handling
Audible indicator for new contacts
Customer interaction history for a specic
social channel
Chat channel capabilities
Customers may connect with an agent via a chat bubble
on the customer website.
A chat history with Virtual Agents is provided in
the same interface as the chat with a live agent for
consistency of contact transfer.
Customers can ll out a form to provide initial information
and a purpose or problem statement just after initiating
the chat. This helps in queueing and routing decisions.
Chat interactions are assigned to an agent based on
the congured routing strategy, for instance “longest
available agent.
Chats may be transferred to queues or other agents.
An agent can create a group chat (conference) with a
second agent and a customer.
Datasheet 13
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Chat channel capabilities (Continued)
Webex Contact Center web chat capabilities include:
Secure chat
Routing treatment based on chat reasons and
queue position
Self-serve chat template creation using an
intuitive wizard
Branding of the chat bubble
Integration with Virtual Agent: Chat (bots) using the
Webex native Bot Builder or Google Dialogow,
including use of intent from the bot for further routing
to live agents and a transcription of interactions with
the bot in the agent interface prior to transfer. This
integration is via the ow builder.
Support for transfer of attachments and URLs in chat
Responding with congurable canned responses
Transfer to another agent or queue and
conferencing with another agent
Customers can have the chat transcript emailed
to them
An agent can participate in multi-session chat
(up to 5)
Reporting on chats in Analyzer
Wrap-up code for chats
Audible indicator for new chat
Customer interaction history
If needed, an agent can transfer a chat to another
representative or subject matter expert by using the
transfer button on the chat page. The agent is presented
with a list of queues and can select an available agent
within the queue for transfer. The new agent will receive
all the previous chat information as well as any internal
notes left by the rst agent.
Virtual Agent: Chat
Provides 24/7 intuitive, online self-service experience
with a bot for simple, less complex inquiries, reducing
the number of inquiries to agents and leading to improved
agent productivity and better customer experiences.
Improves customer experience and agent experience.
Improves call containment with fewer calls escalating to
agents, leading to cost savings.
Automate a wider set of business transactions
using self-service.
Agents are relieved of repetitive and mundane tasks.
Bots can be created via Webex Connect native Bot
Builder or via Google Dialogow integration.
Bot Builder allows simple Question & Answer (Q&A)
Bot or more complex Task Bot which can enter into a
conversation to gather information or determine intent.
Both are NLU powered.
Virtual Agent: Voice
Provides natural conversational IVR self-service
experience over the phone.
Reduces the average handle time and time spent in
the IVR, leading to improved customer experience and
a reduced number of calls to agents by automating
business transactions handled via self-service.
Improves customer experience and agent experience.
Improves call containment with fewer calls escalating to
agents, leading to cost savings.
Automate a wider set of business transactions
using self-service.
Oer the same self-service experience across channels.
Agents are relieved of repetitive and mundane tasks.
Datasheet 14
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Table 1. Virtual agent Voice types for Webex Contact Center
VAV (Essentials)
Dialogow ES or Essential is an integration of Dialogow ES for conversational IVR capability.
The integration described above is accessible through the “Virtual Agent” (VA) activity in Flow
Builder and the “Dialogow” element in Call Studio. Integration of the capability is advised for
transactional use cases in which context is not required to be supplied across.
VAV (Customer
Dialogow CX or (Customer Experience) is Google’s integration of Dialogow CX that enables
sophisticated conversational IVR features by allowing multiple bot agents to be dened and
mapped under a single Project id. The “Virtual Agent Voice” activity in Flow Builder and “Virtual
Agent Voice” element under Call Studio makes the above integration possible. Above integration
is advised for complex use cases where context needs to be passed between dierent
application nodes.
Self-service Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
Webex Contact Center oers both touch-tone
(dual-tone multi-frequency, or DTMF) and
speech-enabled IVR (optional add-on) for inbound
and outbound calls and callbacks.
Customers can use voice commands to retrieve
information without ever speaking with an agent,
or to quickly navigate to the correct department or
agent to best assist them.
The IVR comes with a web-based, easy-to-use,
drag-and-drop call ow builder that makes it easy
for business users to congure and/or maintain
IVR call ows.
Touch-tone (DTMF) IVR
A nimble touch-tone IVR solution provides intelligent
call routing and basic self-service.
The feature set includes:
Touch-tone (DTMF) caller inputs
Audio prompts
Text To Speech (TTS)
Third-party integrations
Screen-pop data collected in IVR passed to agents
Historical reports available in Analyzer
Browser-based, drag-and-drop call ow
builderSpeech-enabled IVR
Speech-enabled IVR is a sophisticated customer
engagement solution powered by Text-To-Speech (TTS),
speech recognition, and Natural Language Understanding
(NLU). It enables automation of complex end user tasks
while providing an intuitive conversational experience.
This feature includes:
Virtual Agent Voice (via Google Dialogow; can be
Cisco provided or customer-owned)
Touch-tone (DTMF) caller inputs
Multilingual Automated Speech Recognition (ASR)
Open-ended speech responses
Multilingual Text-To-Speech (TTS)
Third-party integrations
Virtual Agent transcript and data collected in IVR
passed to agents
Historical reports
Managed with a browser-based, drag-and-drop
ow builder
Datasheet 15
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Both touch-tone IVR and speech-enabled IVR are
cloud-based and integrated into Webex Contact Center.
The speech-enabled IVR can be invoked from within
the touch-tone IVR, so in some use cases it may be
most economical to split the application between the
two solutions.
CRM integrations
Webex Contact Center has pre-built connectors for
integration with several industry-leading CRM systems,
including Salesforce, Zendesk, ServiceNow, Freshdesk
and Microsoft Dynamics.
Additionally, the Cisco Professional Services team can
help deliver integration with other CRM applications as a
custom paid professional services engagement.
As part of the integration, data about the customer and
the context of the call is delivered to the agent in an
automatic screen pop.
Webex Contact Center also logs the interaction within
the CRM application to capture the inbound call. The
integration enables click-to-dial from within the CRM
applications, where the agent can click on a phone
number to dial out to the customer. The out-dialed call is
automatically logged against the record whose number
has been dialed out.
The CRM connectors provide CTI integration between
the Webex Contact Center ACD and the customer’s
CRM tool. The toolset allows for:
Agent state control
Call control
Click to dial
Screen pop on Automatic Number ID (ANI)
or call variables
Receiving inbound and placing outbound
(click-to-dial) calls from the CRM
Automatic customer record screen pop in the CRM
Automatic call activity logging in CRM
Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)
Webex Contact Center simplies the deployment and
management of multiple sites and agent locations,
enabling companies to reduce the cost, complexity, and
limitations of traditional contact center solutions.
The core infrastructure delivers the following data to the
desktop client:
Automatic Number Identication (ANI)
Dialed Number Identication Service (DNIS)
Prompt selection Customer-Entered Digits (CED)
Site, team, or agent selection
All of this is delivered to any agent connected to
the application, anywhere in the world, without the
deployment of any technology footprint in the enterprise.
Datasheet 16
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Reporting and dashboards (Analyzer)
Data for historical and real-time reports in Webex
Contact Center’s Analyzer feature is supplied by a
sophisticated cloud data platform, a big data stream
processing platform that provides high data availability,
processing real-time call and agent data in 3 to 5
seconds, and historical data within 30 minutes from
the time of occurrence of an event. It oers a secure
data platform across all channels supported by Webex
Contact Center and reliable data across real-time and
historical reports, ensuring data integrity.
Analyzer brings data together from your Webex
Contact Center Automated Call Distributor (ACD) and
interactive voice response (IVR) so that you can analyze,
understand, and manage your contact center and
optimize for operational eciency in new and
innovative ways.
Analyzer supports 13 months of data to be available
via UI and the API. For any additional data storage
needs customers can leverage the API to periodically
pull data and store it for their longer term business and
compliance needs.
This feature is available with Premium Agent seats only.
Data is presented via Analyzer as:
Real-time and historical operational dashboards
that can be used to monitor operations throughout
the day to make operational changes that maximize
performance and productivity.
Scheduled performance reports that automate
creation of daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly
reports previously created manually.
Exploratory and trend analyses that capture, organize,
and interactively explore and cross-analyze customer
interactions and agent activity with business and
nancial results to nd optimization opportunities
Details of the types of information provided in
Analyzer may be seen in Figure 2.
Wait and handle times
Calls, emails, chats in queue
and in progress
Interactions by channel,
team, site region
Agents by current state
Real-time operational
dashboards and reports
Interactions by channel
Agent performance
Performance against SLAs
Slice and dice by sites, queue,
team or agent
Contact state transitions
Historical operational
dashboards and reports
Schedule reports as one time,
periodic or recurring
Excel and CSV output formats
Delivery via email
performance reporting
Webex CC
Webex CC
Customer interaction records Agent activity records
Data Ingestion
Figure 2. Analyzer reporting and dashboards
Datasheet 17
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Reporting and dashboards
(Analyzer) (Continued)
At the core of the Analyzer is a cloud data service (the
data repository), which stores customer interaction and
agent activity records from Webex Contact Center. The
repository can be updated on a real-time or periodic
basis, depending on customer needs.
Gathering data from Webex Contact Center Automatic
Call Distributor (ACD) and Interactive Voice Response
(IVR) contact center applications on a real-time or
periodic basis, Analyzer creates integrated customer
interaction and agent activity records for each customer
engagement to provide operational metrics and
business insights.
Analyzer can be used to segment, prole, and
visualize data in contact center systems and identify
key variables that aect contact center eciency and
agent productivity.
With these reporting tools customers can:
Create custom measures. Create new business
metrics calculated using elds and measures from
the Webex Contact Center IVR and ACD.
Determine what impacts business outcomes.
Identify key variables that impact operational
eciency. Statistically pinpoint high-performing
agent teams
Determine what and who delivers results. Analyze
operational metrics and agent productivity and
discover how to best optimize for performance.
Categorize performance data by:
Entry points
With an intuitive drag-and-drop user interface, users
can segment, prole, table, and graph data into historical
or real-time dashboards, performance reports, and
derive insights.
Data from Webex Contact Center ACD, IVR, chat, email,
and social interactions appear in a left-side panel. That
data can then be dragged and dropped into a central
canvas to create insights and visualizations in interactive
tables, bar charts, line graphs, pie charts, and time
motion charts.
Users can create ad-hoc reports by selecting
the following:
Report elements on which they would like to report—
teams, queues, sites, or entry points
Graph and table parameters to display
Specic timeframe for the data
Real-time reporting
Summary views provide a snapshot of real-time contact
volumes, service levels, and abandon rates at each
site and across the enterprise. This is available for all
supported channels
Data parameters racked in real-time reports include:
Connected contacts, which are the current number
of contacts that have been accepted by a remote site
and have not terminated.
Queued contacts, which are the current number of
contacts that have been connected to the Webex
Contact Center service and are waiting to
be answered.
This information allows for more ecient call
routing and call distribution management. From this
centralized management system, contact center
managers have real-time control and visibility into
call queuing and routing strategies and
real-time monitoring.
This powerful dashboard can be customized to
display customer-dened information for each site.
This enables the customer to manage, monitor, and
enforce service-level adherence for each site and for
the enterprise. User-level privileges dene access
for multi-party management of the specic sites
and teams.
Datasheet 18
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Reporting and dashboards
(Analyzer) (Continued)
The following data is available for display in real-time
interval reports and in historical reports for all supported
channels, including voice, chat, email, and social platforms:
Queue: the virtual team to which the data belongs.
Time: a period of time in 30-minute intervals, for
which call activity is displayed.
Incoming calls: total number of calls received during
the report interval.
Agent activity: total time an agent spends in each
agent state.
Answered calls: number of calls accepted by a
remote site.
Queued contacts per hour: number of contacts
queued during the report interval.
Abandoned contacts: number of contacts
abandoned during the report interval.
Completed contacts: total number of contacts in the
system during the report interval; includes answered
and abandoned calls.
Disconnected calls: total number of calls
answered, then disconnected within the lost call
threshold period.
Short calls: total number of calls terminated within
the short call threshold without being distributed to a
remote site (this metric is only for voice contacts).
Answer time: cumulative time between when
contacts arrive at the Webex Contact Center service
and when they were answered.
Talk / connected time: cumulative talk/
connected time.
Queue time: cumulative time that contacts were
queued, waiting to be routed to a remote site.
Abandoned time: cumulative amount of time
contacts were in the system for longer than the short
contacts threshold time, but terminated before being
answered by an agent.
IVR time: cumulative amount of time calls were in the
IVR system, waiting to be handled.
Percentage of answered contacts: number of
answered contacts divided by the number of
contacts that arrived, minus short calls (in case of
voice), multiplied by 100. An answered contact is
one that is accepted by a remote site and either
disconnected within the lost call threshold, answered
by an agent, or queued at the remote site during the
report interval.
Average handle time: average handle time,
calculated by dividing total connected time by the
total number of contacts terminated during the
report interval.
Average queued time: total amount of time that
contacts were in queue waiting to be sent to a
remote site, divided by the total number of contacts
that were queued.
Average abandoned time: total amount of time
that contacts were in the system before being
abandoned, divided by the total number of
contacts abandoned.
Average speed of answer: total answer time divided
by total number of answered calls.
Service level: percentage of contacts answered
within the predened service level threshold
provisioned for the virtual team.
Historical reports.
Historical call reports provide an omnichannel view of:
Weekly volume summaries
Default and user-dened reports
Call detail record views at dierent levels
Queue reports
Customizable graphs
Download capability
Contact call details are displayed for all calls and all
legs of the call. The call detail record represents the
complete life cycle of a caller. It tracks the history of the
call from the time it arrived at the entry point, either as a
new, external call or as a call transferred from another
Datasheet 19
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Reporting and dashboards
(Analyzer) (Continued)
entry point or queue, until the call is terminated. When
an agent transfers a call to another agent, a segment
detail record is created for each leg of the call.
Historical agent reports provide:
Site, team, and agent reports
Performance summaries
Wrap-up and idle code reports
Integrations and open APIs
Webex Contact Center is based on an open platform
surrounded by several APIs and interfaces. This allows it
to easily integrate with other in-house and o-the-shelf
applications to leverage existing systems
and investments.
This open platform also allows Webex Contact Center
to integrate with other applications in the marketplace
to create unique end-to-end solutions for customers.
Webex Contact Center APIs allow third parties to
develop software to leverage and extend Webex
Contact Center capabilities.
Visit the Webex Contact Center Developer Portal for
additional details on APIs for the Webex Contact Center,
SDK, guides, sample code and use cases and
developer support.
Webex Contact Center offers the following REST,
gRPC, GraphQL, Webhooks and WebSocket APIs
and SDKs for different services including:
Agent and Supervisor Desktop
Articial Intelligence (AI)
Customer journey Data
Examples of integration options include:
CTI integration with CRM applications
Webex Contact Center supports CTI functionality,
including screen pops and record retrieval. Webex
solutions are open and based on industry standards,
not proprietary integrations and protocols. With this
approach, customers can integrate with a
number of dierent CRM applications.
Workforce management (WFM) integration
Allows customers to integrate their existing
WFM systems with Webex Contact Center.
Provides historic agent activity data for agent
scheduling within a third-party WFM.
Provides real-time, event-driven agent activity
notication for adherence computation.
Datasheet 20
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Microsoft Teams Integration:
Webex Contact Center integration for Microsoft Teams
oers a powerful solution that combines Contact
Center capabilities with the Microsoft phone system.
With this integration, Contact Center agents and larger
organization can collaborate quickly and eectively.
Here are some of the key features of this integration:
Skill-based inbound call routing from the Microsoft
phone system to contact center agents.
Support for both Microsoft PSTN and third-party
direct routing providers.
Call handling for agents directly from the Microsoft
Teams interface.
Many enterprises rely on Microsoft Teams as the primary
platform for messaging, meetings, and collaboration
in their organizations. With this integration, agents can
receive voice interactions in Webex Contact Center
through the Microsoft phone system.
They can also conference and transfer voice contacts
from the agent desktop to other users registered on the
Microsoft phone system. If you are using the Microsoft
phone system, you can connect to the Public Switched
Telephone Network (PSTN) with a certied Session
Border Controller (SBC), such as the Cisco Unied
Border Element (CUBE). This integration provides a
seamless experience for your agents and ensures that
organizations can deliver high-quality customer service.
In addition to the core features provided with Webex
Contact Center, Webex provides a number of optional
add-on features, and partners with select vendors to
provide other best-in-class functionality specically
tested and optimized to integrate with Webex Contact
Add-on feature options
Webex Calling integration
Webex Contact Center supports several easy-to-
provision telephony options, including integration with
Webex Calling.
When used with Webex Calling, Webex Contact Center
includes support for use of a common cloud-connected
PSTN provider (Cisco CCP), as well as additional
benets such as on-net transfers between agents and
Webex Calling extensions and Webex endpoint support
(including soft phones).
Additional benets of Webex Contact Center and Webex
Calling integration include:
Single pane of glass provisioning and administration
within Webex Control Hub for both telephony and the
contact center
On-net call routing to avoid PSTN charges for the
agent portion of the call
Webex Calling endpoint support to enable agents
to easily take calls from anywhere
Superior voice quality
Choice of certied Cloud Connected PSTN
(Cisco CCP) options
Capabilities to transfer to a Directory Number (DN)
or voicemail
Outdial Automatic Number Identication
(ANI) masking
Local gateway support
PSTN services
U.S. customers can choose to buy PSTN services
through Cisco as a Cisco PSTN bundle, with Cisco
sourcing the PSTN telephony from a CPaaS vendor.
Customers can congure a mix of toll and toll-free
numbers when using Cisco PSTN for contact center.
License usage reports provide customers metrics of
the daily observed concurrent toll-free calls, including
historical usage for up to the last thirty-six months.
Noise reduction
Enable noise reduction to reduce background noise
within Webex Contact Center, making calls from your
customers clearer and easier to understand.
Datasheet 21
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Webex Workforce Optimization (Webex WFO)
Webex Contact Center has an optional workforce
optimization suite (Webex WFO) that provides three
core functions:
See the Webex WFO data sheet for complete detail
on the solution.
Analyze speech and desktop actions to
gain insights
Correlate agent performance to NPS scores
Measure agent eciency and performance
through tailored evaluation forms
Boost morale via gamication, agent
Schedule sta and manage adherence
to schedules
Forecast trends to prevent over- or
Webex WFO Workforce Management (WFM)
The workforce management solution oers contact
center supervisors, agents, and stang analysts
the ability to dynamically manage agent schedules,
forecast and plan stang based on trends, and ensure
adherence to schedules.
Key features include:
Dynamic scheduling: allows agents, supervisors,
and stang analysts to collaborate in creating a
schedule that meets everyone’s needs.
Dynamic intra-day scheduling: enables last-minute
scheduling changes.
Automated agent approval: for exceptions,
time o, schedule oer/trade, and mentoring.
Provides set workows to automate approval,
denial, wait listing, and manual handling.
Agent-initiated peer mentoring: when an agent
submits a request and the peer accepts, there is
an automated supervisor approval, and both agents’
schedules are updated.
Strategic planning and forecasting: allow users
to forecast stang needs based on trends.
Vacation and holiday planning.
Datasheet 22
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Webex WFO Quality Management (QM)
Quality management helps customers measure
agent eciency and performance using tailored
evaluation forms.
Key features include:
Multichannel quality evaluation: evaluate call, email,
and chat interactions.
Targeted evaluations: nd interactions of interest
with pinpoint precision using a combination of
transaction data, customer data, speech energy, and
other business-related metadata.
Library of customized evaluation forms: percentage
or points-based.
Pinpoint evaluation commenting: add comments to a
call and search for comments by questions, section,
form, or duration.
Gamication of agent KPIs: agents earn badges for
quality scores and adherence.
Evaluation calibration: supervisors, managers,
and agents can comment on an evaluation for a
collaborative approach to quality.
Automated contact queue: contacts are routed to a
contact queue according to workow conguration.
Post-call survey data integration with call data
makes playback easily accessible during evaluations.
Export calls: use for training or within
e-learning platforms.
Webex WFO Analytics
Webex WFO Analytics helps organizations gain
data-driven insights to improve the customer experience
and to drive revenue with every customer interaction.
Companies can analyze interactions and make valuable
discoveries about your customers, employees, and
business. With sophisticated speech, desktop and
text analytics, organizations can unlock a gold mine of
intelligence buried in the contact center.
Key features include:
Speech analytics (phonetics)
Speech-to-text transcribed audio to full-text transcripts
Text analytics for channels, including email, chat,
text, social media, and surveys
Desktop analytics to track desktop activity, facilitate
compliance, and create automated workows with
activity triggers
Sentiment analysis, which translates all call
interactions into a score of positive, neutral, or
negative automatically
Powerful, easy-to-use dashboards with
drill-down capabilities
Datasheet 23
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Webex WFO Analytics (Continued)
Predictive quality evaluation scores
Predictive Net Promoter Scores (NPS) using NPS
survey data and speech data to automatically
evaluate 100 percent of your customer interactions
Language packs to help you understand customers,
regardless of linguistics
XM speech search
Out-of-the-box and easy-to-use features
Dynamic reporting options with rich data visualizations
like phrase clouds and interactive charts
Advanced customization dashboard capabilities
Widget-based dashboards and intuitive interface
Outbound voice option
This option, with its combination of outbound dialing
modes, complements the powerful inbound call-handling
capability of Webex Contact Center.
Allocate agents to handle only inbound, only outbound,
or both inbound and outbound contacts, oering an
eective way to increase resource use.
Outbound campaigns
The outbound campaigns option improves agent
productivity and the overall business performance of a
contact center by letting agents spend more time talking
to customers and less time trying to reach them.
The outbound campaigns add-on feature provides:
Outbound campaign management, including
campaign chaining
Contact list management
Advanced contact strategies across multiple
contact numbers
Automation with preview dialing
Compliance tools
List and campaign management capabilities:
The outbound campaigns add-on provides powerful,
yet exible contact list and campaign management
capabilities. This allows contact center managers
to focus on their customer engagement strategy
instead of spending time maintaining lists.
There are exible options to upload outbound calling
lists into the campaign manager. This can be done
by uploading at les or integrating with customer
databases or third-party data sources.
These imported outbound lists can then be
segmented using business rules-driven lters to
be consumed by various outbound campaigns.
Administrators can make real-time adjustments to
the lists based on campaign performance or a shift in
business strategy.
At the contact level, businesses can prioritize the
sequence of phone numbers to be dialed for a
contact based on their individual preference.
Campaign runtime strategies: the campaign manager
feature supports dierent management strategies for
outbound campaigns, including:
Dialing rules
Schedule-based campaign runtime automation
Ability to switch across contact points based
on outcome
Contact-specic retry strategy
Telephony dialing modes: The outbound campaign
function supports preview dialing mode, whereby,
at the end of a call, agents see the next call in the list.
They review the contact record and decide when to
make the call or skip to the next name on the list. This
is ideal for sales where the agent needs to conduct
research between calls to increase the chance of a
successful sale.
Datasheet 24
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Outbound campaigns (Continued)
Figure 3 illustrates the telephony preview dialing mode.
Contact success ratio by campaign
Campaign target achieved
Calls dialed for the week by mode
Historical reports include:
Campaign summary
Do Not Call blocked
Contact attempt
Abandon percentage
Agent attempt
Disposition by campaign, all with
user-specied lters
Key features of outbound reports include:
Automatic campaign runtime conguration based on
date range and specic days
Contact data uploads via seamless database
integrations or via at les
Partial update of date for timely data refreshment
Contact selection algorithm congurable by
market strategy
Contact selection lters driven by business outcomes
Sharing contact lists across multiple campaigns
Conguring multiple business outcomes
per campaign
Campaign chaining, with the option to copy and
move campaigns
Conguring dial plans and recalls for each business
outcome to maintain contact life cycle
Compliance ltering for Do-Not-Call (DNC) lists at
the federal, global, and campaign levels
Scrubbing of contact lists against DNC lists
Contact list segmentation by time zone
Adherence to state specic and global calling times,
rules, and regulations
Multiple calling numbers per contact in a
single campaign
Conguring global retries across all numbers
provided for a contact in a single campaign
Figure 3. Preview dialing
Accept record,
dial contact
Request work
Reject record
contact record
Compliance tools: The outbound campaigns feature
provides tools to ensure that outbound campaigns stay
compliant with industry regulations.
For the United States, it has superior Telephone
Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) compliance
tools, which include checking do-not-call lists at
the federal, enterprise, and/or campaign level and
manual dial-out options to contacts who have not
provided prior express written consent (PEWC).
It also maintains compliance with state laws around
calling, such as time-zone-specic calling windows.
In the United Kingdom, the compliance tool
helps ensure adherence to Ofcoms (the UK’s
communications regulator) outbound calling rules.
The tools allow administrators to set communication
thresholds and retry strategies for each
contact number.
Outbound reports: The outbound campaigns feature
includes real-time and historical reports, allowing you to
review the status of your campaign as it occurs, and
look back to see what worked and what didn’t across
past campaigns.
Real-time reports include:
Contact versus agent availability
Contact status
Datasheet 25
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Data security and data privacy
Certifications and attestations
CATO compliant (Cisco InfoSec standard)
HIPAA compliance
GDPR compliance
Webex Contact Center is PCI-DSS Level 1 certied by a
third-party Attestation Of Compliance (AOC) audit. AOC
is reviewed annually, unless otherwise required by a
business or based on industry security changes that are
applicable to Webex Contact Center.
The security safeguards implemented for Webex
Contact Center services meet the policy and control
requirements as set forth in Webex Contact Center’s
Security Framework and are aligned with the Cisco
Security and Trust Organization (STO).
Review cycle
Webex Contact Center manages its information security
policy using a security lifecycle management process.
This process includes the following components
focusing on policy:
Policy lifecycle management
Ratication, approval, and implementation
Annual review, updates (as necessary),
and recertication
Annual communication and awareness training
Exceptions management
Management commitment
Management is responsible for oversight and
governance to the policy lifecycle process ensuring that
Webex Contact Center’s security posture, policies, and
practices are implemented, updated, and communicated
to sta and other parties as appropriate.
Cisco operations and engineering teams are responsible
to deploy IT systems, services, and processes consistent
with these policies.
The Cisco STO will communicate recommended policy
changes to management and relevant members and
parties as business needs dictate, or at least annually.
An employee found to have violated this policy may
be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including
termination of employment.
For more information see the
Webex Contact Center Privacy data sheet
or visit the Cisco Trust Center online.
Global availability
Webex Contact Center is available globally.
For country-level ordering availability, reference
the Collaboration Flex Plan Contact Center Oer
For Webex Contact Center data locality, reference
the Webex Help Center article Data Locality in Webex
Contact Center.
Datasheet 26
© 2023 Cisco and/or its aliates. All rights reserved.
System requirements
Supported browsers:
Microsoft Windows 10:
Chrome V76.0.3809 and higher
Firefox ESR 68 and higher ESRs
Microsoft Edge V42.17134 and higher
Mac OS X:
Chrome V76.0.3809 and higher
Firefox ESR 68 and higher ESRs
Chromium v73 and higher
Chrome V76.0.3809 and higher
Webex Contact Center is a cloud service available in
either a Concurrent Agent or Named Agent buying
model. See the Webex Contact Center ordering guide
for additional details.
Webex Contact Center is also available under
Cisco’s Collaboration Flex Plan. Refer to the Cisco
Collaboration Flex Plan Contact Center data sheet
and the Cisco Collaboration Flex Plan Contact Center
ordering guide for more information on purchasing as
part of this plan.
Webex Contact Center supports usage-based overages.
Overage SKUs will automatically be added to each order.
Cloud usage will be reported monthly and billed as the
committed portion, and any usage above the committed
levels will be billed as overage.
Upon reasonable request from Cisco, you will assist
and make information available to Cisco to facilitate
verication of the number of SaaS or software licenses
that you have installed, accessed, deployed, or activated.
A Contact Center user is a user who logs into the contact
center system as part of the job duties performed on the
customers behalf.
Concurrent Agent is the maximum quantity of Contact
Center users who are simultaneously logged in to use
Webex Contact Center software or services.
Named Agent is a unique Contact Center user who logs
in in any given month to use the Webex Contact Center
software or services.
Datasheet 27
© 2023 Cisco and/or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Agent types
Webex Contact Center is available in two agent types that can be combined per the selected agent model.
Table 1 explains the types.
Table 1. Available agent types for Webex Contact Center
Standard Agent
Standard Agent provides core contact center functionality including a browser-based
agent desktop, agent-assisted chat and email channels, inbound and outbound voice,
call recording, touch-tone IVR, web and voice callbacks, and standard CRM connectors.
Premium Agent
Premium Agent includes all Standard Agent features and adds additional digital communication
channels such as text / SMS, social, multi-channel reporting and analytics, and supervisor
monitoring and barge-in for all types of agents.
Features and benefits by agent types
Your agent type selection entitles you to receive a bundle of Webex Contact Center features. Table 4 describes the
included features and additional options available based on the agent type selections.
Table 2. Webex Contact Center features by agent type
Inbound and outbound voice Included Included
Intelligent skills-based routing and queuing Included Included
Browser-based agent desktop Included Included
Touch-tone IVR Included Included
Voice callback¹ Included Included
Web callback¹ Included Included
Basic outbound (preview dialing)² Included Included
Call recording (with one month of storage) Included Included
Standard CRM connectors Available Available
Standard and customizable reporting Not included Included
Real-time and historical reports data storage Included Included
Multi-channel reporting and analytics (Analyzer) Not included Included
Chat and email (agent assisted) Included Included
Datasheet 28
© 2023 Cisco and/or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Table 2. (continued) Webex Contact Center features by agent type
Webex Connect (self-service channels) Included Included
SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger (agent assisted) Not included Included
Email and web chat media Included Included
Supervisor privileges
(monitoring, barge-in, and coaching of all agents)
Not included Included
Additional recording storage Optional Optional
Campaign management (outbound campaigns) Optional Optional
Workforce optimization Quality Management (QM) Optional Optional
Workforce management (WFM) Optional Optional
Workforce optimization (WFO) analytics³ Optional Optional
Workforce optimization (WFO) analytics with transcription³ Optional Optional
Workforce optimization (WFO) bundle Optional Optional
Workforce optimization (WFO) storage Optional Optional
Workforce optimization (WFO) call recording Optional Optional
Note: Workforce optimization services will be billed for all Webex Contact Center Named Agents.
¹ May require services
² May require campaign management software
³ WFO analytics and WFO analytics with transcription cannot be ordered together
⁴ WFO bundle cannot be mixed with a-la-carte quality management, workforce management, WFO analytics, and WFO analytics with transcription
Datasheet 29
© 2023 Cisco and/or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Ordering information
To place an order, contact your local Cisco certied
partner or Cisco sales agent. If you need help nding a
partner in your area, use the Partner Locator tool. Your
partner or Cisco sales agent can also assist with any
modications to your subscription after your initial order
is placed.
Refer to the Cisco Collaboration Flex Plan Contact
Center ordering guide for complete ordering details.
The Collaboration Flex Plan oers several
important benets:
Full collaboration suite: Access to a full-stack,
enterprise-grade cloud collaboration bundle that
includes everything a business needs—cloud calling,
meetings, team collaboration, contact center, and a
broad portfolio of integrated devices.
Single OpEx subscription: Remove the need for hefty
upfront capital investments and replace them with
predictable monthly fees. Consolidate technology road-
maps and vendor relationships (license management,
billing, support).
Secure and reliable cloud service and implementation,
supported by certied Cisco enterprise channel partners.
Flexibility to support a mix of on-premises and cloud
system deployments, with nancial protection for future
migration of any included Cisco on-premises licenses.
Built to support multisite and global multi-national
networking requirements.
Intelligent user experience that integrates customer
collaboration applications and devices with other cloud
applications you depend on, so you can streamline
workows and support a more intuitive way to work.
Cisco Collaboration Flex Plan
Flex up on the cloud momentum
If your business needs a more intuitive way to work and
a more predictable nancial path to the cloud, talk to
your Cisco representative about the Cisco Collaboration
Flex Plan. For additional information, visit:
The Cisco Collaboration Flex Plan gives businesses an
intelligent and practical path for taking their business
from on-premises to cloud communications and
collaboration at their own pace, with an award-winning
user experience at every step.
You can buy meeting, team collaboration, calling, and
contact center services for all employees, or simply
purchase what you need today and grow at your own
pace. With the Flex Plan, one agreement includes
software, upgrades, and support.
Datasheet 30
© 2023 Cisco and/or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Figure 5. Cisco support levels and what they include
24x7 TAC Phone Support
with 1-hour response time
Knowledge base access
Software update and upgrade
Self-Service Adoption
Basic included
24x7 TAC Phone Support
with 30-minute response time
Conguration Support
Technical Adoption Support
Analytics/Proactive Notications
Learning and Training
Enhanced included
24x7 TAC Phone Support
with 15-minute response time
Designated Service Management
Business Review
Advanced Customer Success
Advanced Analytics
Technical support services
Cisco oers technical support services covering the areas of problem resolution, customer success and adoption,
and designated support management in three service tiers: Basic, Enhanced, and Premium (Figure 4). Basic
Support is included with any Cisco Collaboration Flex Plan subscription at no additional cost for the duration of your
subscription. For more information about Basic, Enhanced, and Premium Support, read the services description for
Cisco Software Support Services.
Refer to the Cisco Collaboration Flex Plan Contact Center ordering guide for complete ordering details.
Cisco and partner services
Adapt to market changes while increasing productivity, improving competitive advantage, and delivering a rich media
experience across any workspace. The combined strengths of Cisco and our partners provide a portfolio of services
that can help you prepare your infrastructure for future changes aligning to long-term business goals. Together, we
create innovative, network-centric architecture solutions resulting in a scalable and responsive foundation that can
help you realize the full value of your IT and communication investment.
For more information, visit Cisco Contact Center Services.
Datasheet 31
© 2023 Cisco and/or its aliates. All rights reserved.
Cisco environmental sustainability
Information about Cisco’s environmental sustainability policies and initiatives for our products, solutions,
operations, and extended operations or supply chain is provided in the “Environment Sustainability” section
of Cisco’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report.
Reference links to information about key environmental sustainability topics (mentioned in the
“Environment Sustainability” section of the CSR Report) are provided in Table 5.
Datasheet 32
© 2023 Cisco and/or its aliates. All rights reserved. Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of
Cisco and/or its aliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: https://www.cisco.
com/go/trademarks. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word
partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R)
For more information
Please visit webex.com/contact-center.html
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Table 5. Environmental sustainability
Information on product material content laws and regulations
Information on electronic waste laws and regulations, including
products, batteries, and packaging
WEEE compliance