U.S. Department
of Transportation
Federal Aviation
Subject: Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Date: 6/21/16 AC No: 107-2
Initiated by: AFS-800 Change:
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is amending its regulations to adopt specific rules
for the operation of small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) in the National Airspace System
(NAS) through a final rule. These changes address the classification of sUAS, certification of
sUAS remote pilots, and sUAS operational limitations. This advisory circular (AC) provides
guidance for conducting sUAS operations in the NAS in accordance with Title 14 of the Code of
Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 107.
John S. Duncan
Director, Flight Standards Service
6/21/16 AC 107-2
Paragraph Page
Chapter 1. General ...................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Purpose .......................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Request for Information ................................................................................................ 1-1
Chapter 2. References ................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.1 Related Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts ....................................................... 2-1
2.2 Notices to Airmen (NOTAM) ....................................................................................... 2-1
2.3 Related Reference Material ........................................................................................... 2-1
Chapter 3. Background ............................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 PL 112-95, Title III, Subtitle B ..................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Part 107—A Regulatory First Step ............................................................................... 3-1
Chapter 4. Part 107 Subpart A, General ..................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Applicability.................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Definitions ..................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.3 Abbreviations/Acronyms Used in the Advisory Circular ............................................. 4-2
4.4 Falsification, Reproduction, or Alteration .................................................................... 4-3
4.5 Accident Reporting ....................................................................................................... 4-3
Chapter 5. Part 107 Subpart B, Operating Limitations for Small Unmanned Aircraft
Systems (sUAS) ........................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Applicability.................................................................................................................. 5-1
5.2 Aircraft Operation ......................................................................................................... 5-1
5.3 Aeronautical Decision-Making (ADM) and Crew Resource Management (CRM) ..... 5-2
5.4 Aircraft Registration ..................................................................................................... 5-2
5.5 sUAS Maintenance, Inspections, and Condition for Safe Operation ............................ 5-3
5.6 Medical Condition......................................................................................................... 5-3
5.7 VLOS Aircraft Operation.............................................................................................. 5-4
5.8 Operation Near Airports; in Certain Airspace; in Prohibited or Restricted Areas;
or in the Proximity of Certain Areas Designated by a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) ... 5-5
5.9 Preflight Familiarization, Inspection, and Actions for Aircraft Operation ................... 5-7
5.10 Operating Limitations for Small UA ........................................................................... 5-8
5.11 Prohibited Operation Over Persons ........................................................................... 5-10
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5.12 Remaining Clear of Other Aircraft ............................................................................ 5-10
5.13 Operations from Moving Vehicles ............................................................................ 5-10
5.14 Transportation of Property ........................................................................................ 5-11
5.15 Operations while Impaired ........................................................................................ 5-12
5.16 Daylight Operations .................................................................................................. 5-12
5.17 In-Flight Emergency .................................................................................................. 5-12
5.18 Careless or Reckless Operation ................................................................................. 5-13
5.19 CoW ........................................................................................................................... 5-13
5.20 Supplemental Operational Information ..................................................................... 5-14
Chapter 6. Part 107 Subpart C, Remote Pilot Certification ........................................................ 6-1
6.1 Applicability.................................................................................................................. 6-1
6.2 Remote Pilot Certification ............................................................................................ 6-1
6.3 Eligibility ...................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.4 Application Process....................................................................................................... 6-1
6.5 Security Disqualification............................................................................................... 6-4
6.6 Aeronautical Knowledge Tests (Initial and Recurrent) ................................................ 6-4
6.7 Aeronautical Knowledge Training Course (Initial and Recurrent) ............................... 6-6
Chapter 7. sUAS Maintenance and Inspection ........................................................................... 7-1
7.1 Applicability.................................................................................................................. 7-1
7.2 Maintenance .................................................................................................................. 7-1
7.3 Preflight Inspection ....................................................................................................... 7-2
Appendix A. Risk Assessment Tools ....................................................................................... A-1
Appendix B. Supplemental Operational Information ................................................................B-1
Appendix C. sUAS Maintenance and Inspection Best Practices ...............................................C-1
List of Figures
Figure 4-1. FAA Regional Operations Centers Telephone List .................................................. 4-4
Figure 6-1. Recurrent Test Cycle Examples ................................................................................ 6-5
Figure 6-2. Recurrent Training Course Cycle Examples ............................................................. 6-7
Figure A-1. Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Process Chart ..................................... A-3
Figure A-2. Safety Risk Matrix Examples .................................................................................. A-5
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List of Tables
Table A-1. Sample Severity and Likelihood Criteria ................................................................. A-4
Table A-2. Safety Risk Matrix—Example 1............................................................................... A-6
Table C-1. sUAS Condition Chart .............................................................................................. C-1
6/21/16 AC 107-2
1.1 Purpose. This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance in the areas of airman
(remote pilot) certification, aircraft registration and marking, aircraft airworthiness, and
the operation of small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) in the National Airspace
System (NAS) to promote compliance with the requirements of Title 14 of the Code of
Federal Regulations (14 CFR) Part 107, Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems. It does not
provide, nor is it intended to provide, a legal interpretation of the regulations. Remote
pilots are encouraged to use this information as best practice methods for developing
operational programs scaled to specific small unmanned aircraft (UA), associated system
equipment, and operations. Use of this AC is intended to assist the remote pilot in
meeting the requirements of applicable 14 CFR regulations.
1.1.1 Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC). This AC uses mandatory terms, such as
“must,” only in the sense of ensuring applicability of these particular methods of
compliance when using the AMC described herein. This AC is not mandatory and does
not constitute a regulation. This AC does not change, add to, or delete regulatory
requirements or authorize deviations from regulatory requirements.
1.1.2 Part 107 Provisions. This AC is not intended to cover every provision of part 107. Rather,
this AC is intended to provide guidance on those provisions of part 107 where additional
information may be helpful. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) emphasizes,
however, that persons subject to part 107 are responsible for complying with every
applicable provision of part 107, regardless of whether the provision is discussed in this
1.1.3 Privacy-Related Laws. Part 107 operators should be aware that state and local authorities
may enact privacy-related laws specific to Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) operations.
The FAA encourages sUAS operators to review those laws prior to operating their UAS.
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has also
published the Voluntary Best Practices for UAS Privacy, Transparency, and
Accountability (https://www.ntia.doc.gov/files/ntia/publications/voluntary_best_
practices_for_uas_privacy_transparency_and_accountability_0.pdf). This document
outlines and describes voluntary best practices that UAS operators could take to advance
UAS privacy, transparency, and accountability for the private and commercial use of
1.2 Request for Information. Direct comments and suggestions for improving this
publication to:
Federal Aviation Administration
General Aviation and Commercial Division (AFS-800)
55 M Street SE, 8
Floor, Zone 1
Washington, DC 20003
6/21/16 AC 107-2
2.1 Related Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts. The following regulations and parts
can be found at http://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/faa_regulations/.
Title 14 CFR Part 1, Definitions and Abbreviations.
Title 14 CFR Part 48, Registration and Marking Requirements for Small Unmanned
Title 14 CFR Part 71, Designation of Class A, B, C, D, and E Airspace Areas;
Air Traffic Service Routes; and Reporting Points.
Title 14 CFR Part 73, Special Use Airspace.
Title 14 CFR Part 91, General Operating and Flight Rules.
Title 14 CFR Part 93, Special Air Traffic Rules.
Title 14 CFR Part 101, Moored Balloons, Kites, Amateur Rockets and Unmanned
Free Balloons.
Title 14 CFR Part 107, Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
Title 47 CFR Part 87, Aviation Services.
2.2 Notices to Airmen (NOTAM). Information on how to obtain NOTAMs can be found at
2.3 Related Reference Material. The following listed reference materials contain additional
information necessary to ensure safe operations in the NAS. An sUAS operator may want
to consider seeking out additional publications to supplement the lists below.
2.3.1 FAA ACs, Notices, and Orders (current editions). You can find the current editions of the
following publications on the FAA Web sites:
http://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/advisory_circulars/ and
AC 00-6, Aviation Weather.
AC 00-45, Aviation Weather Services.
AC 60-28, FAA English Language Skill Standards Required by 14 CFR Parts 61, 63,
and 65.
AC 120-92, Safety Management Systems for Aviation Service Providers.
FAA Order JO 7110.10, Flight Services.
FAA Order JO 7110.65, Air Traffic Control.
FAA Order JO 7210.3, Facility Operation and Administration.
FAA Order JO 7400.9, Airspace Designations and Reporting Points.
6/21/16 AC 107-2
FAA Order 8130.34, Airworthiness Certification of Unmanned Aircraft Systems and
Optionally Piloted Aircraft.
FAA Order 8900.1, Flight Standards Information Management System (FSIMS).
2.3.2 Additional FAA Online/Mobile Sources.
UAS Web site: https://www.faa.gov/uas/.
UAS Registration Web site: https://registermyuas.faa.gov/.
B4UFLY mobile app.
2.3.3 FAA Handbooks, Manuals, and Other Publications. You can find the following
handbooks, manuals, and other publications on the FAA Web site at
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM):
Aeronautical Charts (Hardcopy): http://faacharts.faa.gov/.
Aeronautical Charts (Digital):
Pilot/Controller Glossary: http://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/.
Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge:
General Aviation Pilot’s Guide to Preflight Weather Planning, Weather
Self-Briefings, and Weather Decision Making:
Risk Management Handbook:
FAA Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Airman Certification Standards: (TBD).
2.3.4 RTCA, Inc. Documents (current editions). Copies of the current editions of the following
RTCA, Inc. documents are available for purchase online at http://www.rtca.org.
DO-178, Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification.
DO-304, Guidance Material and Considerations for Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
2.3.5 Public Law (PL). PL 112-95, Title III, Subtitle BUnmanned Aircraft Systems.
6/21/16 AC 107-2
3.1 PL 112-95, Title III, Subtitle B. In 2012, Congress passed the FAA Modernization and
Reform Act of 2012 (PL 112-95). PL 112-95, Section 333 directed the Secretary of
Transportation to determine whether UAS operations posing the least amount of public
risk and no threat to national security could safely be operated in the NAS and, if so, to
establish requirements for the safe operation of these systems in the NAS, prior to
completion of the UAS comprehensive plan and rulemakings required by PL 112-95,
Section 332. On February 23, 2015, as part of its ongoing efforts to integrate UAS
operations in the NAS and in accordance with PL 112-95, Section 333, the FAA issued a
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) proposing to amend its regulations to adopt
specific rules for the operation of sUAS in the NAS. Over 4,600 public comments were
submitted in response to the NPRM. In consideration of the public comments, the FAA
issued a final rule adding part 107, integrating civil sUAS into the NAS. Part 107 allows
sUAS operations for many different non-hobby and nonrecreational purposes without
requiring airworthiness certification, exemption, or a Certificate of Waiver or
Authorization (COA). In addition, part 107 also applies to sUAS used for hobby or
recreation that are not flown in accordance with part 101 subpart E (see paragraph 4.1).
3.2 Part 107—A Regulatory First Step. The FAA addresses aviation safety in three key
areas: personnel, equipment, and operations. The FAA assesses each of these areas both
independently to meet current regulations and standards, as well as collectively to ensure
no conflicts exist overall that would create an unsafe condition. This approach allows the
FAA to be flexible in responding to the needs of the aviation community while still being
able to establish standards for future growth and development. To that end, part 107
contains subparts that focus on each of these key aviation safety areas specific to sUAS,
and the chapters in this AC are organized in the same manner.
6/21/16 AC 107-2
4.1 Applicability. This chapter provides guidance regarding the applicability of part 107 to
civil small UA operations conducted within the NAS. However, part 107 does not apply
to the following:
1. Model aircraft that are operated in accordance with Part 101 Subpart E, Model
Aircraft), which applies to model aircraft meeting all of the following criteria:
The aircraft is flown strictly for hobby or recreational use;
The aircraft is operated in accordance with a community-based set of safety
guidelines and within the programming of a nationwide community-based
The aircraft is limited to not more than 55 pounds unless otherwise certified
through a design, construction, inspection, flight test, and operational safety
program administered by a community-based organization;
The aircraft is operated in a manner that does not interfere with and gives way to
any manned aircraft;
When flown within 5 miles of an airport, the operator of the aircraft provides the
airport operator and the airport air traffic control (ATC) tower (when an air traffic
facility is located at the airport) with prior notice of the operation;
The aircraft is capable of sustained flight in the atmosphere; and
The aircraft is flown within Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) of the person operating
the aircraft.
2. Operations conducted outside the United States;
3. Amateur rockets;
4. Moored balloons;
5. Unmanned free balloons;
6. Kites;
7. Public aircraft operations; and
8. Air carrier operations.
4.2 Definitions. The following defined terms are used throughout this AC:
4.2.1 Control Station (CS). An interface used by the remote pilot or the person manipulating
the controls to control the flight path of the small UA.
4.2.2 Corrective Lenses. Spectacles or contact lenses.
6/21/16 AC 107-2
4.2.3 Model Aircraft. A UA that is:
Capable of sustained flight in the atmosphere;
Flown within VLOS of the person operating the aircraft; and
Flown for hobby or recreational purposes.
4.2.4 Person Manipulating the Controls. A person other than the remote pilot in command
(PIC) who is controlling the flight of an sUAS under the supervision of the remote PIC.
4.2.5 Remote Pilot in Command (Remote PIC or Remote Pilot). A person who holds a remote
pilot certificate with an sUAS rating and has the final authority and responsibility for the
operation and safety of an sUAS operation conducted under part 107.
4.2.6 Small Unmanned Aircraft (UA). A UA weighing less than 55 pounds, including
everything that is onboard or otherwise attached to the aircraft, and can be flown without
the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the aircraft.
4.2.7 Small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS). A small UA and its associated elements
(including communication links and the components that control the small UA) that are
required for the safe and efficient operation of the small UA in the NAS.
4.2.8 Unmanned Aircraft (UA). An aircraft operated without the possibility of direct human
intervention from within or on the aircraft.
4.2.9 Visual Observer (VO). A person acting as a flightcrew member who assists the small UA
remote PIC and the person manipulating the controls to see and avoid other air traffic or
objects aloft or on the ground.
4.3 Abbreviations/Acronyms Used in the Advisory Circular.
1. AC: Advisory Circular.
2. ACR: Airman Certification Representative.
3. AGL: Above Ground Level.
4. ATC: Air Traffic Control.
5. CFI: Certificated Flight Instructor.
6. CFR: Code of Federal Regulations.
7. DPE: Designated Pilot Examiner.
8. FAA: Federal Aviation Administration.
9. FSDO: Flight Standards District Office.
10. GPS: Global Positioning System.
11. IACRA: Integrated Airmen Certification and/or Rating Application.
12. KTC: Knowledge Testing Center.
6/21/16 AC 107-2
13. MSL: Mean Sea Level.
14. NOTAM: Notice to Airmen.
15. NAS: National Airspace System.
16. PIC: Pilot in Command.
17. UA: Unmanned Aircraft.
18. UAS: Unmanned Aircraft System.
19. U.S.C.: United States Code.
20. VO: Visual Observer.
4.4 Falsification, Reproduction, or Alteration. The FAA relies on information provided by
owners and remote pilots of sUAS when it authorizes operations or when it has to make a
compliance determination. Accordingly, the FAA may take appropriate action against an
sUAS owner, operator, remote PIC, or anyone else who fraudulently or knowingly
provides false records or reports, or otherwise reproduces or alters any records, reports, or
other information for fraudulent purposes. Such action could include civil sanctions and
the suspension or revocation of a certificate or waiver.
4.5 Accident Reporting. The remote PIC of the sUAS is required to report an accident to the
FAA within 10 days if it meets any of the following thresholds:
1. At least serious injury to any person or any loss of consciousness. A serious
injury is an injury that qualifies as Level 3 or higher on the Abbreviated Injury
Scale (AIS) of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine
(AAAM). The AIS is an anatomical scoring system that provides a means of
ranking the severity of an injury and is widely used by emergency medical
personnel. Within the AIS system, injuries are ranked on a scale of 1 to 6,
with Level 1 being a minor injury, Level 2 is moderate, Level 3 is serious,
Level 4 is severe, Level 5 is critical, and Level 6 is a nonsurvivable injury.
The FAA currently uses serious injury (AIS Level 3) as an injury threshold in
other FAA regulations.
Note: It would be considered a “serious injury” if a person requires
hospitalization, but the injury is fully reversible (including, but not limited to,
head trauma, broken bone(s), or laceration(s) to the skin that requires suturing).
2. Damage to any property, other than the small UA, if the cost is greater than
$500 to repair or replace the property (whichever is lower).
Note: For example, a small UA damages a property whose fair market value is
$200, and it would cost $600 to repair the damage. Because the fair market
value is below $500, this accident is not required to be reported. Similarly, if
the aircraft causes $200 worth of damage to property whose fair market value
is $600, that accident is also not required to be reported because the repair cost
is below $500.
6/21/16 AC 107-2
4.5.1 Submitting the Report. The accident report must be made within 10 calendar-days of the
operation that created the injury or damage. The report may be submitted to the
appropriate FAA Regional Operations Center (ROC) electronically or by telephone.
Electronic reporting can be completed at www.faa.gov/uas/. To make a report by phone,
see Figure 4-1, FAA Regional Operations Centers Telephone List. Reports may also be
made to the nearest jurisdictional FSDO
(http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/field_offices/fsdo/). The report should include the
following information:
1. sUAS remote PIC’s name and contact information;
2. sUAS remote PIC’s FAA airman certificate number;
3. sUAS registration number issued to the aircraft, if required (FAA registration
4. Location of the accident;
5. Date of the accident;
6. Time of the accident;
7. Person(s) injured and extent of injury, if any or known;
8. Property damaged and extent of damage, if any or known; and
9. Description of what happened.
Figure 4-1. FAA Regional Operations Centers Telephone List
DC, DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA, WV, and VA
and VT
AK, AS, AZ, CA, CO, GU, HI, ID, MP, MT, NV, OR, UT, WA, and WY
and WI
4.5.2 National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Reporting. In addition to the report
submitted to the ROC, and in accordance with the criteria established by the NTSB,
certain sUAS accidents must also be reported to the NTSB. For more information, visit
6/21/16 AC 107-2
5.1 Applicability. This chapter provides guidance regarding sUAS operating limitations and
the responsibilities of the remote pilot in command (PIC), person manipulating the
controls, visual observer (VO), and anyone else that may be directly participating in the
sUAS operation. A person is also a direct participant in the sUAS operation if his or her
involvement is necessary for the safe operation of the sUAS.
5.2 Aircraft Operation. Just like a manned-aircraft PIC, the remote PIC of an sUAS is
directly responsible for, and is the final authority as to, the operation of that UAS. The
remote PIC will have final authority over the flight. Additionally, a person manipulating
the controls can participate in flight operations under certain conditions. It is important to
note that a person may not operate or act as a remote PIC or VO in the operation of more
than one UA at the same time. The following items describe the requirements for both a
remote PIC and a person manipulating the controls:
5.2.1 Remote PIC. A person acting as a remote PIC of an sUAS in the National Airspace
System (NAS) under part 107 must obtain a remote pilot certificate with an sUAS rating
issued by the FAA prior to sUAS operation. The remote PIC must have this certificate
easily accessible during flight operations. Guidance regarding remote pilot certification is
found in Chapter 6, Part 107 Subpart C, Remote Pilot Certification. Again, the remote
PIC will have the final authority and responsibility for the operation and safety of an
sUAS operation conducted under part 107. Additionally, part 107 permits transfer of control of an sUAS between
certificated remote pilots. Two or more certificated remote pilots transferring
operational control (i.e., the remote PIC designation) to each other may do so
only if they are both capable of maintaining Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) of
the UA and without loss of control (LOC). For example, one remote pilot may
be designated the remote PIC at the beginning of the operation, and then at
some point in the operation another remote pilot may take over as remote PIC
by positively communicating that he or she is doing so. As the person
responsible for the safe operation of the UAS, any remote pilot who will
assume remote PIC duties should meet all of the requirements of part 107,
including awareness of factors that could affect the flight.
5.2.2 Person Manipulating the Flight Controls. A person who does not hold a remote pilot
certificate or a remote pilot that that has not met the recurrent testing/training
requirements of part 107 may operate the sUAS under part 107, as long as he or she is
directly supervised by a remote PIC and the remote PIC has the ability to immediately
take direct control of the sUAS. This ability is necessary to ensure that the remote PIC
can quickly address any hazardous situation before an accident occurs. The ability for the
remote PIC to immediately take over the flight controls could be achieved by using a
number of different methods. For example, the operation could involve a “buddy box”
type system that uses two control stations (CS): one for the person manipulating the flight
controls and one for the remote PIC that allows the remote PIC to override the other CS
6/21/16 AC 107-2
and immediately take direct control of the small UA. Another method could involve the
remote PIC standing close enough to the person manipulating the flight controls so as to
be able to physically take over the CS from the other person. A third method could
employ the use of an automation system whereby the remote PIC could immediately
engage that system to put the small UA in a pre-programmed “safe” mode (such as in a
hover, in a holding pattern, or “return home”).
5.2.3 Autonomous Operations. An autonomous operation is generally considered an operation
in which the remote pilot inputs a flight plan into the CS, which sends it to the autopilot
onboard the small UA. During automated flight, flight control inputs are made by
components onboard the aircraft, not from a CS. Thus, the remote PIC could lose the
control link to the small UA and the aircraft would still continue to fly the programmed
mission/return home to land. During automated flight, the remote PIC also must have the
ability to change routing/altitude or command the aircraft to land immediately. The
ability to direct the small UA may be through manual manipulation of the flight controls
or through commands using automation. The remote PIC must retain the ability to direct the small UA to ensure
compliance with the requirements of part 107. There are a number of different
methods that a remote PIC may utilize to direct the small UA to ensure
compliance with part 107. For example, the remote pilot may transmit a
command for the autonomous aircraft to climb, descend, land now, proceed to
a new waypoint, enter an orbit pattern, or return to home. Any of these
methods may be used to satisfactorily avoid a hazard or give right of way. The use of automation does not allow a person to simultaneously operate more
than one small UA.
5.3 Aeronautical Decision-Making (ADM) and Crew Resource Management (CRM).
ADM is a systematic approach to the mental process used by pilots to consistently
determine the best course of action in response to a given set of circumstances. A remote
PIC uses many different resources to safely operate an sUAS and needs to be able to
manage these resources effectively. CRM is a component of ADM, where the pilot of
sUAS makes effective use of all available resources: human resources, hardware, and
information. Many remote pilots operating under part 107 may use a VO, oversee other
persons manipulating the controls of the small UA, or any other person who the remote
PIC may interact with to ensure safe operations. Therefore, a remote PIC must be able to
function in a team environment and maximize team performance. This skill set includes
situational awareness, proper allocation of tasks to individuals, avoidance of work
overloads in self and in others, and effectively communicating with other members of the
crew, such as VOs and persons manipulating the controls of an sUAS. Appendix A, Risk
Assessment Tools, contains expanded information on ADM and CRM, as well as sample
risk assessment tools to aid in identifying hazards and mitigating risks.
5.4 Aircraft Registration. A small UA must be registered, as provided for in 14 CFR part 47
or part 48 prior to operating under part 107. Part 48 is the regulation that establishes the
streamlined online registration option for sUAS that will be operated only within the
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territorial limits of the United States. The online registration Web address is
http://www.faa.gov/uas/registration/. Guidance regarding sUAS registration and marking
may be found at http://www.faa.gov/licenses_certificates/aircraft_certification/
aircraft_registry/. Alternatively, sUAS can elect to register under part 47 in the same
manner as manned aircraft.
5.4.1 Registration of Foreign-Owned and Operated sUAS. If sUAS operations involve the use
of foreign civil aircraft, the operator would need to obtain a Foreign Aircraft Permit
pursuant to 14 CFR part 375, § 375.41 before conducting any commercial air operations
under this authority. Foreign civil aircraft means, a) an aircraft of foreign registry that is
not part of the armed forces of a foreign nation, or b) a U.S.-registered aircraft owned,
controlled, or operated by persons who are not citizens or permanent residents of the
United States. Application instructions are specified in § 375.43. Applications should be
submitted by electronic mail to the Department of Transportation (DOT) Office of
International Aviation, Foreign Air Carrier Licensing Division. Additional information
can be obtained at https://cms.dot.gov/policy/aviation-policy/licensing/foreign-carriers.
5.5 sUAS Maintenance, Inspections, and Condition for Safe Operation. An sUAS must
be maintained in a condition for safe operation. Prior to flight, the remote PIC is
responsible for conducting a check of the sUAS and verifying that it is actually in a
condition for safe operation. Guidance regarding how to determine that an sUAS is in a
condition for safe operation is found in Chapter 7, sUAS Maintenance and Inspection.
5.6 Medical Condition. Being able to safely operate the sUAS relies on, among other things,
the physical and mental capabilities of the remote PIC, person manipulating the controls,
VO, and any other direct participant in the sUAS operation. Though the person
manipulating the controls of an sUAS and VO are not required to obtain an airman
medical certificate, they may not participate in the operation of an sUAS if they know or
have reason to know that they have a physical or mental condition that could interfere
with the safe operation of the sUAS.
5.6.1 Physical or Mental Incapacitations. Obvious examples of physical or mental
incapacitations that could render a remote PIC, person manipulating the controls, or VO
incapable of performing their sUAS operational duties include, but are not limited to,
such things as:
1. The temporary or permanent loss of the dexterity necessary to operate the CS
to safely control the small UA.
2. The inability to maintain the required “see and avoid” vigilance due to blurred
3. The inability to maintain proper situational awareness of the small UA
operations due to illness and/or medication(s), such as after taking
medications with cautions not to drive or operate heavy machinery.
4. A debilitating physical condition, such as a migraine headache or moderate or
severe body ache(s) or pain(s) that would render the remote PIC, person
manipulating the controls, or VO unable to perform sUAS operational duties.
6/21/16 AC 107-2
5. A hearing or speaking impairment that would inhibit the remote PIC, person
manipulating the controls, and VO from effectively communicating with each
other. In a situation such as this, the remote PIC must ensure that an
alternative means of effective communication is implemented. For example, a
person who is hearing impaired may be able to effectively use sign language
to communicate.
5.7 VLOS Aircraft Operation. The remote PIC and person manipulating the controls must
be able to see the small UA at all times during flight. Therefore, the small UA must be
operated closely enough to the CS to ensure visibility requirements are met during
small UA operations. This requirement also applies to the VO, if used during the aircraft
operation. However, the person maintaining VLOS may have brief moments in which he
or she is not looking directly at or cannot see the small UA, but still retains the capability
to see the UA or quickly maneuver it back to VLOS. These moments can be for the safety
of the operation (e.g., looking at the controller to see battery life remaining) or for
operational necessity. For operational necessity, the remote PIC or person manipulating
the controls may intentionally maneuver the UA so that he or she loses sight of it for brief
periods of time. Should the remote PIC or person manipulating the controls lose VLOS of
the small UA, he or she must regain VLOS as soon as practicable. For example, a remote
PIC stationed on the ground utilizing a small UA to inspect a rooftop may lose sight of
the aircraft for brief periods while inspecting the farthest point of the roof. As another
example, a remote PIC conducting a search operation around a fire scene with a
small UA may briefly lose sight of the aircraft while it is temporarily behind a dense
column of smoke. However, it must be emphasized that even though the remote PIC may
briefly lose sight of the small UA, he or she always has the see-and-avoid responsibilities
set out in part 107, §§ 107.31 and 107.37. The circumstances of what would prevent a
remote PIC from fulfilling those responsibilities will vary, depending on factors such as
the type of UAS, the operational environment, and distance between the remote PIC and
the UA. For this reason, there is no specific time interval that interruption of VLOS is
permissible, as it would have the effect of potentially allowing a hazardous interruption
or prohibiting a reasonable one. If VLOS cannot be regained, the remote PIC or person
manipulating the controls should follow pre-determined procedures for a loss of VLOS.
These procedures are determined by the capabilities of the sUAS and may include
immediately landing the UA, entering hover mode, or returning to home sequence. Thus,
the VLOS requirement would not prohibit actions such as scanning the airspace or briefly
looking down at the small UA CS.
5.7.1 Unaided Vision. VLOS must be accomplished and maintained by unaided vision, except
vision that is corrected by the use of eyeglasses (spectacles) or contact lenses. Vision
aids, such as binoculars, may be used only momentarily to enhance situational awareness.
For example, the remote PIC, person manipulating the controls, or VO may use vision
aids to avoid flying over persons or conflicting with other aircraft. Similarly, first person
view devices may be used during operations, but do not satisfy the VLOS requirement.
While the rule does not set specific vision standards, the FAA recommends that remote
PICs, persons manipulating the controls, and VOs maintain 20/20 distant vision acuity
(corrected) and normal field of vision.
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5.7.2 VO. The use of a VO is optional. The remote PIC may choose to use a VO to supplement
situational awareness and VLOS. Although the remote PIC and person manipulating the
controls must maintain the capability to see the UA, using one or more VOs allows the
remote PIC and person manipulating the controls to conduct other mission-critical duties
(such as checking displays) while still ensuring situational awareness of the UA. The VO
must be able to effectively communicate:
The small UA location, attitude, altitude, and direction of flight;
The position of other aircraft or hazards in the airspace; and
The determination that the UA does not endanger the life or property of another. To ensure that the VO can carry out his or her duties, the remote PIC must
ensure that the VO is positioned in a location where he or she is able to see the
small UA sufficiently to maintain VLOS. The remote PIC can do this by
specifying the location of the VO. The FAA also requires that the remote PIC
and VO coordinate to 1) scan the airspace where the small UA is operating for
any potential collision hazard, and 2) maintain awareness of the position of
the small UA through direct visual observation. This would be accomplished
by the VO maintaining visual contact with the small UA and the surrounding
airspace, and then communicating to the remote PIC and person manipulating
the controls the flight status of the small UA and any hazards which may enter
the area of operation, so that the remote PIC or person manipulating the
controls can take appropriate action. To make this communication possible, the remote PIC, person manipulating
the controls, and VO must work out a method of effective communication,
which does not create a distraction and allows them to understand each other.
The communication method must be determined prior to operation. This
effective communication requirement would permit the use of
communication-assisting devices, such as a hand-held radio, to facilitate
communication from a distance.
5.8 Operation Near Airports; in Certain Airspace; in Prohibited or Restricted Areas; or
in the Proximity of Certain Areas Designated by a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM).
Though many sUAS operations will occur in uncontrolled airspace, there are some that
may need to operate in controlled airspace. Operations in Class B, Class C, or Class D
airspace, or within the lateral boundaries of the surface area of Class E airspace
designated for an airport, are not allowed unless that person has prior authorization from
air traffic control (ATC). The link to the current authorization process can be found at
www.faa.gov/uas/. The sUAS remote PIC must understand airspace classifications and
requirements. Failure to do so would be in violation of the part 107 regulations and may
potentially have an adverse safety effect. Although sUAS will not be subject to part 91,
the equipage and communications requirements outlined in part 91 were designed to
provide safety and efficiency in controlled airspace. Accordingly, while sUAS operating
under part 107 are not subject to part 91, as a practical matter, ATC authorization or
clearance may depend on operational parameters similar to those found in part 91. The
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FAA has the authority to approve or deny aircraft operations based on traffic density,
controller workload, communication issues, or any other type of operations that could
potentially impact the safe and expeditious flow of air traffic in that airspace. Those
planning sUAS operations in controlled airspace are encouraged to contact the FAA as
early as possible. (For suggested references, please see paragraph 2.3.)
5.8.1 Small UA Operations Near an Airport—Notification and Permissions. Unless the flight is
conducted within controlled airspace, no notification or authorization is necessary to
operate at or near an airport. When operating in the vicinity of an airport, the remote PIC
must be aware of all traffic patterns and approach corridors to runways and landing areas.
The remote PIC must avoid operating anywhere that the presence of the sUAS may
interfere with operations at the airport, such as approach corridors, taxiways, runways, or
helipads. Furthermore, the remote PIC must yield right-of-way to all other aircraft,
including aircraft operating on the surface of the airport. Remote PICs are prohibited from operating their small UA in a manner that
interferes with operations and traffic patterns at airports, heliports, and
seaplane bases. While a small UA must always yield right-of-way to a
manned aircraft, a manned aircraft may alter its flightpath, delay its landing,
or take off in order to avoid an sUAS that may present a potential conflict or
otherwise affect the safe outcome of the flight. For example, a UA hovering
200 feet above a runway may cause a manned aircraft holding short of the
runway to delay takeoff, or a manned aircraft on the downwind leg of the
pattern to delay landing. While the UA in this scenario would not pose an
immediate traffic conflict to the aircraft on the downwind leg of the traffic
pattern or to the aircraft intending to take off, nor would it violate the
right-of-way provision of § 107.37(a), the small UA would have interfered
with the operations of the traffic pattern at an airport. In order to avoid interfering with operations in a traffic pattern, remote PICs
should avoid operating in the traffic pattern or published approach corridors
used by manned aircraft. When operational necessity requires the remote PIC
to operate at an airport in uncontrolled airspace, the remote PIC should
operate the small UA in such a way that the manned aircraft pilot does not
need to alter his or her flightpath in the traffic pattern or on a published
instrument approach in order to avoid a potential collision. Because remote
PICs have an obligation to yield right-of-way to all other aircraft and avoid
interfering in traffic pattern operations, the FAA expects that most remote
PICs will avoid operating in the vicinity of airports because their aircraft
generally do not require airport infrastructure, and the concentration of other
aircraft increases in the vicinity of airports.
5.8.2 Air Traffic Organization (ATO). The ATO does not have the authority to deny sUAS
operations on the basis of equipage that exceeds the part 107 requirements. Because
additional equipage and technologies, such as geo-fencing, have not been certificated by
the FAA, they need to be examined on a case-by-case basis in order for the FAA to
determine their reliability and functionality. Additionally, requiring ATC to review
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equipage would place a burden on ATC and detract from other duties. Instead, a remote
pilot who wishes to operate in controlled airspace because he or she can demonstrate
mitigations through equipage may do so by applying for a waiver (see paragraph 5.19).
5.8.3 Recurring or Long-Term Operations. For recurring or long-term operations in a given
volume of controlled airspace, prior authorization could perhaps include a letter of
agreement (LOA) to identify shortfalls and establish operating procedures for sUAS.
This LOA will outline the ability to integrate into the existing air traffic operation and
may improve the likelihood of access to the airspace where operations are proposed. This
agreement will ensure all parties involved are aware of limitations and conditions and
will enable the safe flow of aircraft operations in that airspace. For short-term or
short-notice operations proposed in controlled airport airspace, a LOA may not be
feasible. Prior authorization is required in all cases.
5.8.4 Temporary Flight Restrictions. Certain temporary flight restrictions
(http://tfr.faa.gov/tfr2/list.html) may be imposed by way of a NOTAM
(https://pilotweb.nas.faa.gov/PilotWeb/). Therefore, it is necessary for the sUAS remote
PIC to check for NOTAMs before each flight to determine if there are any applicable
airspace restrictions.
5.8.5 Type of Airspace. It is important that sUAS remote PICs also be aware of the type of
airspace in which they will be operating their small UA. Referring to the B4UFly app or a
current aeronautical chart (http://faacharts.faa.gov/) of the intended operating area will
aid the sUAS remote PIC’s decisionmaking regarding operations in the NAS.
5.9 Preflight Familiarization, Inspection, and Actions for Aircraft Operation. The
remote PIC must complete a preflight familiarization, inspection, and other actions, such
as crewmember briefings, prior to beginning flight operations. The FAA has produced
many publications providing in-depth information on topics such as aviation weather,
aircraft loading and performance, emergency procedures, ADM, and airspace, which
should all be considered prior to operations (see paragraph 5.20). Additionally, all remote
pilots are encouraged to review FAA publications (see paragraph 2.3).
5.9.1 Prior to Flight. The remote PIC must:
1. Conduct an assessment of the operating environment. The assessment must
include at least the following:
Local weather conditions,
Local airspace and any flight restrictions,
The location of persons and property on the surface, and
Other ground hazards.
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2. Ensure that all persons directly participating in the small UA operation are
informed about the following:
Operating conditions,
Emergency procedures,
Contingency procedures,
Roles and responsibilities of each person involved in the operation, and
Potential hazards.
3. Ensure that all control links between the CS and the small UA are working
properly. For example, before each flight, the remote PIC must determine that
the small UA flight control surfaces necessary for the safety of flight are
moving correctly through the manipulation of the small UA CS. If the remote
PIC observes that one or more of the control surfaces are not responding
correctly to CS inputs, then the remote PIC may not conduct flight operations
until correct movement of all flight control surface(s) is established.
4. Ensure there is sufficient power to continue controlled flight operations to a
normal landing. One of the ways that this could be done is by following the
sUAS manufacturer’s operating manual power consumption tables. Another
method would be to include a system on the sUAS that detects power levels
and alerts the remote pilot when remaining aircraft power is diminishing to a
level that is inadequate for continued flight operation.
5. Ensure that any object attached or carried by the small UA is secure and does
not adversely affect the flight characteristics or controllability of the aircraft.
6. Ensure that all necessary documentation is available for inspection, including
the remote PIC’s remote pilot certificate, aircraft registration (if required), and
Certificate of Waiver (CoW) (if applicable).
5.9.2 Safety Risk Assessment. These preflight familiarizations, inspections, and actions can be
accomplished as part of an overall safety risk assessment. The FAA encourages the
remote PIC to conduct the overall safety risk assessment as a method of compliance with
the prohibition on operations over certain persons and the requirement to remain clear of
other aircraft, which are discussed in paragraphs 5.11 and 5.12. Appendix A provides
additional guidance on how to conduct an overall safety risk assessment.
5.10 Operating Limitations for Small UA. The small UA must be operated in accordance
with the following limitations:
Cannot be flown faster than a groundspeed of 87 knots (100 miles per hour);
Cannot be flown higher than 400 feet above ground level (AGL), unless flown within
a 400-foot radius of a structure and does not fly higher than 400 feet above the
structure’s immediate uppermost limit;
Minimum visibility, as observed from the location of the CS, may not be less than
3 statute miles (sm); and
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Minimum distance from clouds being no less than 500 feet below a cloud and no less
than 2000 feet horizontally from the cloud.
Note: These operating limitations are intended, among other things, to support
the remote pilot’s ability to identify hazardous conditions relating to
encroaching aircraft or persons on the ground, and to take the appropriate
actions to maintain safety.
5.10.1 Determining Groundspeed. There are many different types of sUAS and different ways to
determine groundspeed. Therefore, this guidance will only touch on some of the possible
ways for the remote PIC to ensure that the small UA does not exceed a groundspeed of
87 knots during flight operations. Some of the possible ways to ensure that 87 knots is
not exceeded are as follows:
Installing a Global Positioning System (GPS) device on the small UA that reports
groundspeed information to the remote pilot, wherein the remote pilot takes into
account the wind direction and speed and calculates the small UA airspeed for a given
direction of flight, or
Timing the groundspeed of the small UA when it is flown between two or more fixed
points, taking into account wind speed and direction between each point, then noting
the power settings of the small UA to operate at or less than 87 knots groundspeed, or
Using the small UA’s manufacturer design limitations (e.g., installed groundspeed
5.10.2 Determining Altitude. In order to comply with the maximum altitude requirements of
part 107, as with determining groundspeed, there are multiple ways to determine a
small UA’s altitude above the ground or structure. Some possible ways for a remote pilot
to determine altitude are as follows:
Installing a calibrated altitude reporting device on the small UA that reports the
small UA altitude above mean sea level (MSL) to the remote pilot, wherein the
remote pilot subtracts the MSL elevation of the CS from the small UA reported MSL
altitude to determine the small UA AGL altitude above the terrain or structure;
Installing a GPS device on the small UA that also has the capability of reporting MSL
altitude to the remote pilot;
With the small UA on the ground, have the remote pilot and VO pace off 400 feet
from the small UA to get a visual perspective of the small UA at that distance,
wherein the remote pilot and VO maintain that visual perspective or closer while the
small UA is in flight; or
Using the known height of local rising terrain and/or structures as a reference.
5.10.3 Visibility and Distance from Clouds. Once the remote PIC and VO have been able to
reliably establish the small UA AGL altitude, it is incumbent on the remote PIC to
determine that visibility from the CS is at least 3 sm and that the small UA is kept at least
500 feet below a cloud and at least 2,000 feet horizontally from a cloud. One of the ways
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to ensure adherence to the minimum visibility and cloud clearance requirements is to
obtain local aviation weather reports that include current and forecast weather conditions.
If there is more than one local aviation reporting station near the operating area, the
remote PIC should choose the closest one that is also the most representative of the
terrain surrounding the operating area. If local aviation weather reports are not available,
then the remote PIC may not operate the small UA if he or she is not able to determine
the required visibility and cloud clearances by other reliable means. It is imperative that
the UA not be operated above any cloud, and that there are no obstructions to visibility,
such as smoke or a cloud, between the UA and the remote PIC.
5.11 Prohibited Operation Over Persons. Part 107 prohibits a person from flying a small
UA directly over a person who is not under a safe cover, such as a protective structure or
a stationary vehicle. However, a small UA may be flown over a person who is directly
participating in the operation of the sUAS, such as the remote PIC, other person
manipulating the controls, a VO, or crewmembers necessary for the safety of the sUAS
operation, as assigned and briefed by the remote PIC. There are several ways that the
sUAS remote PIC can comply with these requirements, such as:
Selecting an operational area (site) that is clearly unpopulated/uninhabited. If
selecting a site that is populated/inhabited, have a plan of action which ensures
persons remain clear of the operating area, remain indoors, or remain under safe
cover until such time that the small UA flight has ended. Safe cover is a structure or
stationary vehicle that would protect a person from harm if the small UA were to
crash into that structure or vehicle;
Establishing an operational area in which the remote PIC has taken reasonable
precautions to keep free of persons not directly participating in the operation of the
Choosing an operating area that is sparsely populated, or, ideally, clear of persons if
operating a small UA from a moving vehicle;
Having a plan of action that ensures the small UA remains clear of persons who may
enter the operating area.
Adopt an appropriate operating distance from persons not directly participating in the
operation of the sUAS.
5.12 Remaining Clear of Other Aircraft. A remote PIC has a responsibility to operate the
small UA so it remains clear of and yields to all other aircraft. This is traditionally
referred to as “see and avoid.” To satisfy this responsibility, the remote PIC must know
the location and flight path of his or her small UA at all times. The remote PIC must be
aware of other aircraft, persons, and property in the vicinity of the operating area, and
maneuver the small UA to avoid a collision, as well as prevent other aircraft from having
to take action to avoid the small UA.
5.13 Operations from Moving Vehicles. Part 107 permits operation of an sUAS from a
moving land or water-borne vehicle over a sparsely-populated area. However, operation
from a moving aircraft is prohibited. Additionally, small UA transporting another
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person’s property for compensation or hire may not be operated from any moving
5.13.1 Waiving the Sparsely-Populated Area Provision. Although the regulation states that
operations from a moving vehicle may only be conducted over a sparsely-populated area,
this provision may be waived (see paragraph 5.19). The operation is subject to the same
restrictions that apply to all other part 107 operations. For instance, the remote PIC
operating from a moving vehicle is still required to maintain VLOS and operations are
still prohibited over persons not directly involved in the operation of the sUAS unless
under safe cover. The remote PIC is also responsible for ensuring that no person is
subject to undue risk as a result of LOC of the small UA for any reason. If a VO is not
located in the same vehicle as the remote PIC, the VO and remote PIC must still maintain
effective communication.
5.13.2 Careless or Reckless Operation of sUAS. Part 107 also prohibits careless or reckless
operation of an sUAS. Flying an sUAS while driving a moving vehicle is considered to
be careless or reckless because the person’s attention would be hazardously divided.
Therefore, the remote PIC or person manipulating the flight controls cannot operate an
sUAS and drive a moving vehicle in a safe manner and remain in compliance with
part 107.
5.13.3 Applicable Laws. Other laws, such as state and local traffic laws, may also apply to the
conduct of a person driving a vehicle. Many states currently prohibit distracted driving
and state or local laws may also be amended in the future to impose restrictions on how
cars and public roads may be used with regard to an sUAS operation. The FAA
emphasizes that people involved in an sUAS operation are responsible for complying
with all applicable laws and not just the FAA’s regulations.
5.14 Transportation of Property. Part 107 permits transportation of property by sUAS for
compensation or hire. These operations must be conducted within a confined area and in
compliance with the operating restrictions of part 107. When conducting the
transportation of property, the transport must occur wholly within the bounds of a state.
It may not involve transport between, 1) Hawaii and another place in Hawaii through
airspace outside Hawaii, 2) the District of Columbia (DC) and another place in DC, or
3) a territory or possession of the United States and another place in the same territory or
possession, as this is defined by statute as interstate air transportation.
5.14.1 Limitations. As with other operations in part 107, sUAS operations involving the
transport of property must be conducted within VLOS of the remote pilot. While the
VLOS limitation can be waived for some operations under the rule, it cannot for
transportation of property. Additionally, part 107 does not allow the operation of an
sUAS from a moving vehicle or aircraft if the small UA is being used to transport
property for compensation or hire. This limitation cannot be waived. The maximum total
weight of the small UA (including any property being transported) is limited to under
55 pounds. Additionally, other provisions of part 107 require the remote pilot to know the
UA’s location; to determine the UA’s attitude, altitude, and direction; to yield the
right-of-way to other aircraft; and to maintain the ability to see and avoid other aircraft.
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5.14.2 Hazardous Materials. Part 107 does not allow the carriage of hazardous materials because
the carriage of hazardous materials poses a higher level of risk.
5.15 Operations while Impaired. Part 107 does not allow operation of an sUAS if the remote
PIC, person manipulating the controls, or VO is unable to safely carry out his or her
responsibilities. It is the remote PIC’s responsibility to ensure all crewmembers are not
participating in the operation while impaired. While drug and alcohol use are known to
impair judgment, certain over-the-counter medications and medical conditions could also
affect the ability to safely operate a small UA. For example, certain antihistamines and
decongestants may cause drowsiness. We also emphasize that part 107 prohibits a person
from serving as a remote PIC, person manipulating the controls, VO, or other
crewmember if he or she:
Consumed any alcoholic beverage within the preceding 8 hours;
Is under the influence of alcohol;
Has a blood alcohol concentration of .04 percent or greater; and/or
Is using a drug that affects the person’s mental or physical capabilities.
5.15.1 Medical Conditions. Certain medical conditions, such as epilepsy, may also create a risk
to operations. It is the remote PIC’s responsibility to determine that their medical
condition is under control and they can safely conduct a UAS operation.
5.16 Daylight Operations. Part 107 prohibits operation of an sUAS at night, which is defined
in part 1 as the time between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of
morning civil twilight, as published in The Air Almanac, converted to local time. In the
continental United States (CONUS), evening civil twilight is the period of sunset until
30 minutes after sunset and morning civil twilight is the period of 30 minutes prior to
sunrise until sunrise. In Alaska, the definition of civil twilight differs and is described in
The Air Almanac. The Air Almanac provides tables which are used to determine sunrise
and sunset at various latitudes. These tables can also be downloaded from the Naval
Observatory and customized for your location. The link for the Naval Observatory is
5.16.1 Civil Twilight Operations. When sUAS operations are conducted during civil twilight,
the small UA must be equipped with anticollision lights that are capable of being visible
for at least 3 sm. However, the remote PIC may reduce the visible distance of the lighting
less than 3 sm during a given flight if he or she has determined that it would be in the
interest of safety to do so, for example if it impacts his or her night vision. sUAS not
operated during civil twilight are not required to be equipped with anti-collision lighting.
5.17 In-Flight Emergency. An in-flight emergency is an unexpected and unforeseen serious
occurrence or situation that requires urgent, prompt action. In case of an in-flight
emergency, the remote PIC is permitted to deviate from any rule of part 107 to the extent
necessary to respond to that emergency. A remote PIC who exercises this emergency
power to deviate from the rules of part 107 is required, upon FAA request, to send a
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written report to the FAA explaining the deviation. Emergency action should be taken in
such a way as to minimize injury or damage to property.
5.18 Careless or Reckless Operation. As with manned aircraft, remote PICs are prohibited
from engaging in a careless or reckless operation. We also note that because sUAS have
additional operating considerations that are not present in manned aircraft operations,
there may be additional activity that would be careless or reckless if conducted using
an sUAS. For example, failure to consider weather conditions near structures, trees, or
rolling terrain when operating in a densely populated area could be determined as
careless or reckless operation.
5.19 Certificate of Waiver. Part 107 includes the option to apply for a Certificate of Waiver
(CoW). This CoW will allow an sUAS operation to deviate from certain provisions of
part 107 if the Administrator finds that the proposed operation can be safely conducted
under the terms of that CoW. A list of the waivable sections of part 107 can be found in
§ 107.205 and are listed below:
Section 107.25, Operation from a moving vehicle or aircraft. However, no waiver of
this provision will be issued to allow the carriage of property of another by aircraft
for compensation or hire.
Section 107.29, Daylight operation.
Section 107.31, Visual line of sight aircraft operation. However, no waiver of this
provision will be issued to allow the carriage of property of another by aircraft for
compensation or hire.
Section 107.33, Visual observer.
Section 107.35, Operation of multiple small unmanned aircraft systems.
Section 107.37(a), Yielding the right of way.
Section 107.39, Operation over people.
Section 107.41, Operation in certain airspace.
Section 107.51, Operating limitations for small unmanned aircraft.
5.19.1 Applying for a CoW. To apply for a CoW under § 107.200, an applicant must go to
www.faa.gov/uas/ and follow the instructions.
5.19.2 Application Process. The application must contain a complete description of the proposed
operation and a justification, including supporting data and documentation (as necessary),
that establishes that the proposed operation can safely be conducted under the terms of a
CoW. Although not required by part 107, the FAA encourages applicants to submit their
application at least 90 days prior to the start of the proposed operation. The FAA will
strive to complete review and adjudication of waivers within 90 days; however, the time
required for the FAA to make a determination regarding waiver requests will vary based
on the complexity of the request. The amount of data and analysis required as part of the
application will be proportional to the specific relief that is requested. For example, a
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request to waive several sections of part 107 for an operation that takes place in a
congested metropolitan area with heavy air traffic will likely require significantly more
data and analysis than a request to waive a single section for an operation that takes place
in a sparsely-populated area with minimal air traffic. If a CoW is granted, that certificate
may include specific special provisions designed to ensure that the sUAS operation may
be conducted as safely as one conducted under the provisions of part 107. A listing of
standard special provisions for part 107 waivers will be available on the FAA’s Web site
at http://www.faa.gov/uas/.
5.20 Supplemental Operational Information. Appendix B, Supplemental Operational
Information, contains expanded information regarding operational topics that should be
considered prior to operations.
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6.1 Applicability. This chapter provides guidance regarding the airman certification
requirements and procedures for persons acting as remote pilot in command (PIC) of a
small UA operated in the National Airspace System (NAS). In the aviation context, the
FAA typically refers to “licensing” as “certification.”
6.2 Remote Pilot Certification. A person exercising the authority of PIC in compliance with
part 107 is considered a “remote pilot in command” (remote PIC). As such, prior to
acting as remote PIC, he or she must obtain a remote pilot certificate with an sUAS
6.3 Eligibility. A person applying for a remote pilot certificate with an sUAS rating must
meet and maintain the following eligibility requirements, as applicable:
Be at least 16 years of age.
Be able to read, speak, write, and understand the English language. However, the
FAA may make an exception if the person is unable to meet one of these
requirements due to medical reasons, such as a hearing impairment.
Be in a physical and mental condition that would not interfere with the safe operation
of an sUAS.
Pass the initial aeronautical knowledge test at an FAA-approved knowledge testing
center (KTC). However, a person who already holds a pilot certificate issued under
14 CFR part 61, except a student pilot certificate, and has successfully completed a
flight review in accordance with part 61 within the previous 24 calendar-months is
only required to successfully complete a part 107 online training course, found at
www.faasafety.gov. For more information concerning aeronautical knowledge tests
and training, see paragraph 6.6.
6.4 Application Process. This paragraph provides guidance on how a person can apply for a
remote pilot certificate.
6.4.1 Applicants Without Part 61 Certificates. A person who does not have a part 61 pilot
certificate or a part 61 certificate holder who has not completed a part 61 flight review in
the previous 24 calendar-months must use the following process. A part 61 pilot who has
completed a flight review within the previous 24 calendar-months may elect to use this
1. Pass an initial aeronautical knowledge test administered at a KTC (see
paragraph 6.6).
2. Complete the Remote Pilot Certificate and/or Rating Application for a remote
pilot certificate (FAA Form 8710-13).
Option 1 (Online Form): This is the fastest and simplest method. The
FAA Form 8710-13 application should be completed online using the electronic
FAA Integrated Airmen Certificate and/or Rating Application (IACRA) system
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(https://iacra.faa.gov/iacra/). The applicant must have already passed an initial
aeronautical knowledge test. Once registered with IACRA, he or she will login
with their username and password. Click on “Start New Application” and,
1) Application Type “Pilot”, 2) Certifications “Remote Pilot,” 3) “Other Path
Information,” and 4) Start Application.” Continue through the application
process and, when prompted, the applicant will enter the 17-digit Knowledge Test
Exam ID from the knowledge test in IACRA. It may take up to 48 hours from the
test date for the knowledge test to appear in IACRA. The KTC test proctor will be
the one that verified the identity of the applicant. Once the applicant completes
the online application in IACRA, he or she will sign the application electronically
and submit it to the Airman Registry for processing. No FAA representative will
be required to sign the application if the applicant was able to self-certify.
Note: When the applicant uses this online option, the application will be
transmitted electronically from the applicant to the Airman Registry. The
only electronic signature that will be reflected on the IACRA application
will be the applicant’s. The applicant will then receive a confirmation
email once his or her application has completed the Transportation
Security Administration (TSA) vetting process. The email will provide
information that will allow the applicant to log into the IACRA system
and print a copy of the temporary certificate.
Option 2 (Paper Application): An applicant could also submit a paper
application. If the applicant chooses the paper method, the original initial
aeronautical knowledge test report must be mailed with the application to the
following address:
Airmen Certification Branch (AFS-760)
P.O. Box 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125
Note: A temporary airman certificate will not be provided to the remote
pilot applicant if they do not hold a part 61 certificate. For this reason, it
would be of the applicant’s best interest to utilize Option 1 (IACRA
system) instead of the paper method, in order to receive a temporary
airman certificate once the application has completed the TSA vetting
3. Receive permanent remote pilot certificate once all other FAA internal
processing is complete.
6.4.2 Applicants with Part 61 Certificates. Instead of the process described above, a person
who holds a part 61 pilot certificate, except a student pilot certificate, and has completed
a flight review within the previous 24 calendar-months may elect to apply using the
following process:
6/21/16 AC 107-2
1. Complete the online course (Part 107 small Unmanned Aircraft Systems
(sUAS), ALC-451) located within the FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam)
Web site (www.faasafety.gov) and receive a completion certificate.
2. Complete the Remote Pilot Certificate and/or Rating Application for a remote
pilot certificate (FAA Form 8710-13).
Option 1 (Online Application): In almost all cases, the application should be
completed online using the electronic FAA IACRA system
(https://iacra.faa.gov/iacra/). The applicant must include verification that he or she
completed the online course or passed an initial aeronautical knowledge test. The
applicable official document(s) must be uploaded into IACRA either by the
applicant or the certifying officer.
Option 2 (Paper): The application may be completed on paper. Using this
method, the certificate of completion for the online course or original initial
aeronautical knowledge test report must be included with the application. Please
note that the processing time will be increased if a paper application is used.
3. Contact a FSDO, an FAA DPE, an ACR, or an FAA CFI to make an
appointment to validate the applicant’s identification. The applicant must
present the completed FAA Form 8710-13 along with the online course
completion certificate or knowledge test report (as applicable) and proof of a
current flight review. The FAA Form 8710-13 application will be signed by
the applicant after the FSDO, DPE, ACR, or CFI examines the applicant’s
photo identification and verifies the applicant’s identity. The FAA
representative will then sign the application. The identification presented must
include a photograph of the applicant, the applicant’s signature, and the
applicant’s actual residential address (if different from the mailing address).
This information may be presented in more than one form of identification.
Acceptable methods of identification include, but are not limited to
U.S. drivers’ licenses, government identification cards, passports, and military
identification cards (refer to AC 61-65). If using paper or IACRA method, an
appropriate FSDO representative, a DPE, or an ACR will issue the applicant a
temporary airman certificate.
Note: A CFI is not authorized to issue a temporary certificate. They can
process applications for applicants who do not need a temporary certificate. If
using IACRA and the applicant is utilizing a CFI as the FAA representative,
the applicant can print their own temporary airman certificate after receiving an
email from the FAA notifying them that it is available. If using the paper
method and the applicant is utilizing a CFI as the FAA representative, the
applicant will not be issued a temporary airman certificate. Once the FSDO has
signed and approved the application, it will be mailed to the Registry for the
issuance of the permanent certificate.
4. Receive permanent remote pilot certificate once all other FAA internal
processing is complete.
6/21/16 AC 107-2
6.5 Security Disqualification. After the FAA receives the application, the TSA will
automatically conduct a background security screening of the applicant prior to issuance
of a remote pilot certificate. If the security screening is successful, the FAA will issue a
permanent remote pilot certificate. If the security screening is not successful, the
applicant will be disqualified and a temporary pilot certificate will not be issued.
Individuals who believe that they improperly failed a security threat assessment may
appeal the decision to the TSA.
6.6 Aeronautical Knowledge Tests (Initial and Recurrent). It is important to have and
retain the knowledge necessary to operate a small UA in the NAS. This aeronautical
knowledge can be obtained through self-study, taking an online training course, taking an
in-person training course, or any combination thereof. The FAA has published the
Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Airman Certification Standard
(https://www.faa.gov/training_testing/testing/acs/) that provides the necessary reference
Note: The below information regarding initial and recurrent knowledge tests
apply to persons who do not hold a current part 61 airman certificate.
6.6.1 Initial Test. As described in paragraph 6.4, a person applying for remote pilot certificate
with an sUAS rating must pass an initial aeronautical knowledge test given by an
FAA-approved KTC. The initial knowledge test will cover the aeronautical knowledge
areas listed below:
1. Applicable regulations relating to sUAS rating privileges, limitations, and
flight operation;
2. Airspace classification and operating requirements, and flight restrictions
affecting small UA operation;
3. Aviation weather sources and effects of weather on small UA performance;
4. Small UA loading and performance;
5. Emergency procedures;
6. Crew Resource Management (CRM);
7. Radio communication procedures;
8. Determining the performance of small UA;
9. Physiological effects of drugs and alcohol;
10. Aeronautical decision-making (ADM) and judgment;
11. Airport operations; and
12. Maintenance and preflight inspection procedures. A part 61 certificate holder who has completed a flight review within the
previous 24 calendar-months may complete an initial online training course
instead of taking the knowledge test (see paragraph 6.7).
6/21/16 AC 107-2
6-5 Additional information on some of the knowledge areas listed above can be
found in Appendix B.
6.6.2 Recurrent Test. After a person receives a remote pilot certificate with an sUAS rating,
that person must retain and periodically update the required aeronautical knowledge to
continue to operate a small UA in the NAS. To continue exercising the privileges of a
remote pilot certificate, the certificate holder must pass a recurrent aeronautical
knowledge test within 24 calendar-months of passing either an initial or recurrent
aeronautical knowledge test. A part 61 pilot certificate holder who has completed a flight
review within the previous 24 calendar-months may complete a recurrent online training
course instead of taking the knowledge test. Figure 6-1, Recurrent Test Cycle Examples, illustrates an individual’s
possible renewal cycles.
Figure 6-1. Recurrent Test Cycle Examples
Person passes an initial aeronautical
knowledge test on
September 13, 2016.
Recurrent knowledge test must be
passed no later than
September 30, 2018, which does not
exceed 24 calendar-months.
Person does not pass recurrent
knowledge test until
October 5, 2018.
Person may not exercise the privileges
of the remote pilot certificate between
October 1, 2018, and October 5, 2018,
when the test is passed. The next
recurrent knowledge test must be passed
no later than October 31, 2020, which
does not exceed 24 calendar-months.
Person elects to take recurrent
knowledge test prior to
October 2020. The recurrent
knowledge test is taken and passed
on July 15, 2020.
The next recurrent knowledge test must
be passed no later than July 31, 2022,
which does not exceed
24 calendar-months. The recurrent aeronautical knowledge test areas are as follows:
1. Applicable regulations relating to sUAS rating privileges,
limitations, and flight operation;
2. Airspace classification and operating requirements and flight
restrictions affecting small UA operation;
3. Emergency procedures;
4. CRM;
5. ADM and judgment;
6/21/16 AC 107-2
6. Airport operations; and
7. Maintenance and preflight inspection procedures.
6.6.3 Test Providers. KTCs will administer initial and recurrent examinations provided by the
FAA. In order to take an aeronautical knowledge test, an applicant will be required to
schedule an appointment with the KTC providing proper government-issued photo
identification to the KTC on the day of scheduled testing. The location of the closest
KTC can be found at http://www.faa.gov/training_testing/testing/media/test_centers.pdf.
6.7 Aeronautical Knowledge Training Course (Initial and Recurrent). This section is
applicable only to persons who hold a part 61 airman certificate, other than a student pilot
certificate, and have a current flight review.
6.7.1 Initial Training Course. As described in paragraph 6.4, a pilot applying for a remote pilot
certificate may complete an initial training course instead of the knowledge test. The
training course can be taken online at www.faasafety.gov. The initial training course will
cover the aeronautical knowledge areas listed below:
1. Applicable regulations relating to sUAS rating privileges, limitations, and
flight operation;
2. Effects of weather on small UA performance;
3. Small UA loading and performance;
4. Emergency procedures;
5. CRM;
6. Determining the performance of small UA; and
7. Maintenance and preflight inspection procedures.
Note: Additional information on some of the knowledge areas listed above can
be found in Appendix B.
6.7.2 Recurrent Training Course. After a pilot receives a remote pilot certificate with an sUAS
rating, that person must retain and periodically update the required aeronautical
knowledge to continue to operate a small UA in the NAS. As a renewal process, the
remote pilot must complete either a recurrent training course or a recurrent knowledge
test within 24 calendar-months of passing either an initial or recurrent aeronautical
knowledge test. Figure 6-2, Recurrent Training Course Cycle Examples, illustrates an
individual’s possible renewal cycles.
6/21/16 AC 107-2
Figure 6-2. Recurrent Training Course Cycle Examples
Person passes an initial aeronautical
knowledge test on
September 13, 2016.
Recurrent training course must be
completed no later than
September 30, 2018, which does not
exceed 24 calendar-months.
Person does not complete recurrent
training course until
October 5, 2018.
Person may not exercise the privileges
of the remote pilot certificate between
October 1, 2018, and October 5, 2018,
when the course is completed. The next
recurrent training course must be
completed no later than
October 31, 2020, which does not
exceed 24 calendar-months.
Person elects to complete recurrent
training course prior to
October 2020. The recurrent
training course is taken and
completed on July 15, 2020.
The next recurrent training course must
be completed no later than
July 31, 2022, which does not exceed
24 calendar-months. The recurrent training course areas are as follows:
1. Applicable regulations relating to sUAS rating privileges,
limitations, and flight operation;
2. Emergency procedures;
3. CRM; and
4. Maintenance and preflight inspection procedures.
6/21/16 AC 107-2
7.1 Applicability. Section 107.15 requires the remote PIC to perform checks of the UA prior
to each flight to determine if the sUAS is in a condition for safe operation. This chapter
provides guidance on how to inspect and maintain an sUAS. Additionally, Appendix C,
sUAS Maintenance and Inspection Best Practices, contains expanded information and
best practices for sUAS maintenance and inspection.
7.2 Maintenance. sUAS maintenance includes scheduled and unscheduled overhaul, repair,
inspection, modification, replacement, and system software upgrades of the sUAS and its
components necessary for flight. Whenever possible, the operator should maintain the
sUAS and its components in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. The aircraft
manufacturer may provide the maintenance program, or, if one is not provided, the
applicant may choose to develop one. See paragraph 7.3.5 for suggested benefits of
7.2.1 Scheduled Maintenance. The sUAS manufacturer may provide documentation for
scheduled maintenance of the entire UA and associated system equipment. There may be
components of the sUAS that are identified by the manufacturer to undergo scheduled
periodic maintenance or replacement based on time-in-service limits (such as flight
hours, cycles, and/or the calendar-days). All manufacturer scheduled maintenance
instructions should be followed in the interest of achieving the longest and safest service
life of the sUAS. If there are no scheduled maintenance instructions provided by the sUAS
manufacturer or component manufacturer, the operator should establish a
scheduled maintenance protocol. This could be done by documenting any
repair, modification, overhaul, or replacement of a system component
resulting from normal flight operations, and recording the time-in-service for
that component at the time of the maintenance procedure. Over time, the
operator should then be able to establish a reliable maintenance schedule for
the sUAS and its components.
7.2.2 Unscheduled Maintenance. During the course of a preflight inspection, the remote PIC
may discover that an sUAS component is in need of servicing (such as lubrication),
repair, modification, overhaul, or replacement outside of the scheduled maintenance
period as a result of normal flight operations or resulting from a mishap. In addition, the
sUAS manufacturer or component manufacture may require an unscheduled system
software update to correct a problem. In the event such a condition is found, the remote
PIC should not conduct flight operations until the discrepancy is corrected.
7.2.3 Performing Maintenance. In some instances, the sUAS or component manufacturer may
require certain maintenance tasks be performed by the manufacturer or by a person or
facility (personnel) specified by the manufacturer. It is highly recommended that the
maintenance be performed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. However,
if the operator decides not to use the manufacturer or personnel recommended by the
manufacturer and is unable to perform the required maintenance, the operator should
6/21/16 AC 107-2
consider the expertise of maintenance personnel familiar with the specific sUAS and its
components. In addition, though not required, the use of certificated maintenance
providers are encouraged, which may include repair stations, holders of mechanic and
repairman certificates, and persons working under the supervision of these mechanics and
repairman. If the operator or other maintenance personnel are unable to repair, modify, or
overhaul an sUAS or component back to its safe operational specification,
then it is advisable to replace the sUAS or component with one that is in a
condition for safe operation. It is important that all required maintenance be
completed before each flight, and preferably in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions or, in lieu of that, within known industry best
7.3 Preflight Inspection. Before each flight, the remote PIC must inspect the sUAS to
ensure that it is in a condition for safe operation, such as inspecting for equipment
damage or malfunction(s). The preflight inspection should be conducted in accordance
with the sUAS manufacturer’s inspection procedures when available (usually found in
the manufacturer’s owner or maintenance manual) and/or an inspection procedure
developed by the sUAS owner or operator.
7.3.1 Creating an Inspection Program. As an option, the sUAS owner or operator may wish to
create an inspection program for their UAS. The person creating an inspection program
for a specific sUAS may find sufficient details to assist in the development of a suitable
inspection program tailored to a specific sUAS in a variety of industry programs.
7.3.2 Scalable Preflight Inspection. The preflight check as part of the inspection program
should include an appropriate UAS preflight inspection that is scalable to the UAS,
program, and operation to be performed prior to each flight. An appropriate preflight
inspection should encompass the entire system in order to determine a continued
condition for safe operation prior to flight.
7.3.3 Title 14 CFR Part 43 Appendix D Guidelines. Another option and best practice may
include the applicable portions of part 43 appendix D as an inspection guideline
correlating to the UA only. System-related equipment, such as, but not limited to, the CS,
data link, payload, or support equipment, are not included in the list in appendix D.
Therefore, these items should be included in a comprehensive inspection program for the
7.3.4 Preflight Inspection Items. Even if the sUAS manufacturer has a written preflight
inspection procedure, it is recommended that the remote PIC ensure that the following
inspection items are incorporated into the preflight inspection procedure required by
part 107 to help the remote PIC determine that the sUAS is in a condition for safe
operation. The preflight inspection should include a visual or functional check of the
following items:
6/21/16 AC 107-2
1. Visual condition inspection of the UAS components;
2. Airframe structure (including undercarriage), all flight control surfaces, and
3. Registration markings, for proper display and legibility;
4. Moveable control surface(s), including airframe attachment point(s);
5. Servo motor(s), including attachment point(s);
6. Propulsion system, including powerplant(s), propeller(s), rotor(s), ducted
fan(s), etc.;
7. Verify all systems (e.g., aircraft and control unit) have an adequate energy
supply for the intended operation and are functioning properly;
8. Avionics, including control link transceiver, communication/navigation
equipment, and antenna(s);
9. Calibrate UAS compass prior to any flight;
10. Control link transceiver, communication/navigation data link transceiver, and
11. Display panel, if used, is functioning properly;
12. Check ground support equipment, including takeoff and landing systems, for
proper operation;
13. Check that control link correct functionality is established between the aircraft
and the CS;
14. Check for correct movement of control surfaces using the CS;
15. Check onboard navigation and communication data links;
16. Check flight termination system, if installed;
17. Check fuel for correct type and quantity;
18. Check battery levels for the aircraft and CS;
19. Check that any equipment, such as a camera, is securely attached;
20. Verify communication with UAS and that the UAS has acquired GPS location
from at least four satellites;
21. Start the UAS propellers to inspect for any imbalance or irregular operation;
22. Verify all controller operation for heading and altitude;
23. If required by flight path walk through, verify any noted obstructions that may
interfere with the UAS; and
24. At a controlled low altitude, fly within range of any interference and recheck
all controls and stability.
6/21/16 AC 107-2
7.3.5 Benefits of Recordkeeping. sUAS owners and operators may find recordkeeping to be
beneficial. This could be done by documenting any repair, modification, overhaul, or
replacement of a system component resulting from normal flight operations, and
recording the time-in-service for that component at the time of the maintenance
procedure. Over time, the operator should then be able to establish a reliable maintenance
schedule for the sUAS and its components. Recordkeeping that includes a record of all
periodic inspections, maintenance, preventative maintenance, repairs, and alterations
performed on the sUAS could be retrievable from either hardcopy and/or electronic
logbook format for future reference. This includes all components of the sUAS,
including: small UA, CS, launch and recovery equipment, C2 link equipment, payload,
and any other components required to safely operate the sUAS. Recordkeeping of
documented maintenance and inspection events reinforces owner/operator responsibilities
for airworthiness through systematic condition for safe flight determinations.
Maintenance and inspection recordkeeping provides retrievable empirical evidence of
vital safety assessment data defining the condition of safety-critical systems and
components supporting the decision to launch. Recordkeeping of an sUAS may provide
essential safety support for commercial operators that may experience rapidly
accumulated flight operational hours/cycles. Methodical maintenance and inspection data
collection can prove to be very helpful in the tracking of sUAS component service life, as
well as systemic component, equipage, and structural failure events.
6/21/16 AC 107-2
Appendix A
A.1 Purpose of this Appendix. The information in this appendix is a presentation of
aeronautical decision-making (ADM), Crew Resource Management (CRM), and an
example of a viable risk assessment process. This process is used to identify hazards and
classify the potential risk that those hazards could present in an operation. It also provides
examples of potential criteria for the severity of consequences and likelihood of
occurrence that may be used by an sUAS remote pilot in command (PIC).
A.2 Aeronautical Decision-Making (ADM). The ADM process addresses all aspects of
decisionmaking in a solo or crew environment and identifies the steps involved in good
decisionmaking. These steps for good decisionmaking are as follows:
A.2.1 Identifying Personal Attitudes Hazardous to Safe Flight. Hazardous attitudes can affect
unmanned operations if the remote PIC is not aware of the hazards, leading to such things
as: getting behind the aircraft/situation, operating without adequate fuel/battery reserve,
loss of positional or situational awareness, operating outside the envelope, and failure to
complete all flight planning tasks, preflight inspections, and checklists. Operational
pressure is a contributor to becoming subject to these pit-falls.
A.2.2 Learning Behavior Modification Techniques. Continuing to utilize risk assessment
procedures for the operation will assist in identifying risk associated with the operation.
Conducting an attitude assessment will identify situations where a hazardous attitude may
be present.
A.2.3 Learning How to Recognize and Cope with Stress. Stress is ever present in our lives and
you may already be familiar with situations that create stress in aviation. However, UAS
operations may create stressors that differ from manned aviation. Such examples may
include: working with an inexperienced crewmember, lack of standard crewmember
training, interacting with the public and city officials, and understanding new regulatory
requirements. Proper planning for the operation can reduce or eliminate stress, allowing
you to focus more clearly on the operation.
A.2.4 Developing Risk Assessment Skills. As with any aviation operation, identifying
associated hazards is the first step. Analyzing the likelihood and severity of the hazards
occurring establishes the probability of risk. In most cases, steps can be taken to mitigate,
even eliminate, those risks. Actions such as using visual observers (VO), completing a
thorough preflight inspection, planning for weather, familiarity with the airspace, proper
aircraft loading, and performance planning can mitigate identified risks. Figure A-1,
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Process Chart, is an example of a risk
assessment tool. Others are also available for use.
A.2.5 Using All Available Resources with More Than One Crewmember (CRM). A
characteristic of CRM is creating an environment where open communication is
encouraged and expected, and involves the entire crew to maximize team performance.
Many of the same resources that are available to manned aircraft operations are available
to UAS operations. For example, remote PICs can take advantage of traditional CRM
6/21/16 AC 107-2
Appendix A
techniques by utilizing additional crewmembers, such as VOs and other ground crew.
These crewmembers can provide information about traffic, airspace, weather, equipment,
and aircraft loading and performance. Examples of good CRM include:
A.2.5.1 Communication Procedures. One way to accomplish this is to have the VO
maintain visual contact with the small UA and maintain awareness of the
surrounding airspace, and then communicate flight status and any hazards to
the remote PIC and person manipulating the controls so that appropriate
action can be taken. Then, as conditions change, the remote PIC should brief
the crew on the changes and any needed adjustments to ensure a safe outcome
of the operation.
A.2.5.2 Communication Methods. The remote PIC, person manipulating the
controls, and VO must work out a method of communication, such as the use
of a hand-held radio or other effective means, that would not create a
distraction and allows them to understand each other. The remote PIC should
evaluate which method is most appropriate for the operation and should be
determined prior to flight.
A.2.5.3 Task Management. Tasks very depending on the complexity of the
operation. Depending upon the area of the operations, additional
crewmembers may be needed to safely operate. Enough crewmembers should
be utilized to ensure no one on the team becomes overloaded. Once a member
of the team becomes over worked, there’s a greater possibility of an
A.2.5.4 Other Resources. Take advantage of information from a weather briefing,
air traffic control (ATC), the FAA, local pilots, and landowners. Technology
can aid in decisionmaking and improve situational awareness. Being able to
collect the information from these resources and manage the information is
key to situational awareness and could have a positive effect on your
A.2.6 Evaluating the Effectiveness of One’s ADM Skills. Successful decisionmaking is
measured by a pilot’s consistent ability to keep himself or herself, any persons involved
in the operation, and the aircraft in good condition regardless of the conditions of any
given flight. As with manned operations, complacency and overconfidence can be risks,
and so there are several checklists and models to assist in the decisionmaking process.
Use the IMSAFE checklist to ensure you are mentally and physically prepared for the
flight. Use the DECIDE model to help you continually evaluate each operation for
hazards and analyze risk. Paragraph A.5.5 and the current edition of AC 60-22,
Aeronautical Decision Making, can provide additional information on these models and
A.3 Hazard Identification. Hazards in the sUAS and its operating environment must be
identified, documented, and controlled. The analysis process used to define hazards needs
to consider all components of the system, based on the equipment being used and the
6/21/16 AC 107-2
Appendix A
environment it is being operated in. The key question to ask during analysis of the sUAS
and its operation is, “what if?” sUAS remote PICs are expected to exercise due diligence
in identifying significant and reasonably foreseeable hazards related to their operations.
Figure A-1. Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Process Chart
A.4 Risk Analysis and Assessment. The risk assessment should use a conventional
breakdown of risk by its two components: likelihood of occurrence and severity.
A.5 Severity and Likelihood Criteria. There are several tools which could be utilized in
determining severity and likelihood when evaluating a hazard. One tool is a risk matrix.
Several examples of these are presented in Figure A-2, Safety Risk Matrix Examples.
The definitions and construction of the matrix is left to the sUAS remote PIC to design.
The definitions of each level of severity and likelihood need to be defined in terms that
are realistic for the operational environment. This ensures each remote PIC’s decision
tools are relevant to their operations and operational environment, recognizing the
extensive diversity which exists. An example of severity and likelihood definitions is
shown in Table A-1, Sample Severity and Likelihood Criteria.
6/21/16 AC 107-2
Appendix A
Table A-1. Sample Severity and Likelihood Criteria
Severity of Consequences
Likelihood of Occurrence
Equipment destroyed,
multiple deaths.
Likely to occur many
Large reduction in
safety margins,
physical distress, or a
workload such that
crewmembers cannot
be relied upon to
perform their tasks
accurately or
completely. Serious
injury or death. Major
equipment damage.
Likely to occur
Significant reduction in
safety margins,
reduction in the ability
of crewmembers to
cope with adverse
operating conditions as
a result of an increase
in workload, or as
result of conditions
impairing their
efficiency. Serious
incident. Injury to
Unlikely, but possible to
Nuisance. Operating
limitations. Use of
emergency procedures.
Minor incident.
Very unlikely to occur
Little consequence.
Almost inconceivable
that the event will occur
A.5.1 Risk Acceptance. In the development of risk assessment criteria, sUAS remote PICs are
expected to develop risk acceptance procedures, including acceptance criteria and
designation of authority and responsibility for risk management decisionmaking. The
acceptability of risk can be evaluated using a risk matrix, such as those illustrated in
Figure A-2. Table A-2, Safety Risk MatrixExample shows three areas of acceptability.
6/21/16 AC 107-2
Appendix A
Risk matrices may be color coded; unacceptable (red), acceptable (green), and acceptable
with mitigation (yellow).
A.5.1.1 Unacceptable (Red). Where combinations of severity and likelihood cause
risk to fall into the red area, the risk would be assessed as unacceptable and
further work would be required to design an intervention to eliminate that
associated hazard or to control the factors that lead to higher risk likelihood or
A.5.1.2 Acceptable (Green). Where the assessed risk falls into the green area, it may
be accepted without further action. The objective in risk management should
always be to reduce risk to as low as practicable regardless of whether or not
the assessment shows that it can be accepted as is.
A.5.1.3 Acceptable with Mitigation (Yellow). Where the risk assessment falls into
the yellow area, the risk may be accepted under defined conditions of
mitigation. An example of this situation would be an assessment of the impact
of an sUAS operation near a school yard. Scheduling the operation to take
place when school is not in session could be one mitigation to prevent undue
risk to the children that study and play there. Another mitigation could be
restricting people from the area of operations by placing cones or security
personnel to prevent unauthorized access during the sUAS flight operation.
Figure A-2. Safety Risk Matrix Examples
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Appendix A
Table A-2. Safety Risk Matrix—Example
Risk Severity
Frequent 5 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E
Occasional 4 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E
Remote 3 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E
Improbable 2 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E
1 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E
Note: The direction of higher/lower and more/less scales on a matrix is at the
discretion of the remote PIC.
A.5.2 Other Risk Assessment Tools for Flight and Operational Risk Management. Other tools
can also be used for flight or operational risk assessments and can be developed by the
remote PICs themselves. The key thing is to ensure that all potential hazards and risks are
identified and appropriate actions are taken to reduce the risk to persons and property not
associated with the operations.
A.5.3 Reducing Risk. Risk analyses should concentrate not only on assigning levels of severity
and likelihood, but on determining why these particular levels were selected. This is
referred to as root cause analysis, and is the first step in developing effective controls to
reduce risk to lower levels. In many cases, simple brainstorming sessions among
crewmembers is the most effective and affordable method of finding ways to reduce risk.
This also has the advantage of involving people who will ultimately be required to
implement the controls developed.
A.5.3.1 It is also very easy to get quite bogged down in trying to identify all hazards
and risks. That is not the purpose of a risk assessment. The focus should be
upon those hazards which pose the greatest risks. As stated earlier, by
documenting and compiling these processes, a remote PIC can build an
arsenal of safety practices that will add to the safety and success of future
6/21/16 AC 107-2
Appendix A
A.5.4 Sample Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment.
A.5.4.1 Example. I am the remote PIC of an sUAS in the proximity of an accident
scene shooting aerial footage. Much like pilots in manned aircraft must adhere
to preflight action (part 91, § 91.103), I must adhere to preflight
familiarization, inspection, and aircraft operations (§ 107.49). Let’s say that
there is an obvious takeoff and landing site that I intend to use. What if, while
I am operating a manned aircraft (emergency medical services (EMS)
helicopter) requires use of the same area and I am not left with a suitable
landing site? Furthermore, I am running low on power. If I consider this
situation prior to flight, I can use the Basic Hazard Identification and
Mitigation Process. Through this process, I might determine that an acceptable
level of risk can be achieved by also having an alternate landing site and
possibly additional sites at which I can sacrifice the UA to avoid imposing
risk to people on the ground or to manned aircraft operations. It is really a
simple process: I must consider the hazards presented during this particular
operation, determine the risk severity, and then develop a plan to lessen (or
mitigate) the risk to an acceptable level. By documenting and compiling these
processes, I can build an arsenal of safety practices that will add to the safety
and success of future operations. The following are some proven methods that
can help a new remote PIC along the way:
A.5.4.2 Hazard Identification. Using the Personal Minimums (PAVE) Checklist for
Risk Management, I will set personal minimums based upon my specific
flight experience, health habits, and tolerance for stress, just to name a few.
After identifying hazards, I will then input them into the Hazard Identification
and Risk Management Process Chart (Figure A-1).
1. Personal: Am I healthy for flight and what are my personal
minimums based upon my experience operating this sUAS?
During this step, I will often use the IMSAFE checklist in order to
perform a more in-depth evaluation:
Illness Am I suffering from any illness or symptom of an illness
which might affect me in flight?
Medication – Am I currently taking any drugs (prescription or
Stress Am I experiencing any psychological or emotional factors
which might affect my performance?
Alcohol – Have I consumed alcohol within the last 8 to 24 hours?
Fatigue Have I received sufficient sleep and rest in the recent past?
Eating Am I sufficiently nourished?
2. Aircraft: Have I conducted a preflight check of my sUAS (aircraft,
control station (CS), takeoff and landing equipment, etc.) and
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Appendix A
determined it to be in a condition for safe operation? Is the filming
equipment properly secured to the aircraft prior to flight?
3. EnViroment: What is the weather like? Am I comfortable and
experienced enough to fly in the forecast weather conditions? Have
I considered all of my options and left myself an “out?” Have I
determined alternative landing spots in case of an emergency?
4. External Pressures: Am I stressed or anxious? Is this a flight that
will cause me to be stressed or anxious? Is there pressure to
complete the flight operation quickly? Am I dealing with an
unhealthy safety culture? Am I being honest with myself and
others about my personal operational abilities and limitations?
A.5.5 Controlling Risk. After hazards and risks are fully understood through the preceding
steps, risk controls must be designed and implemented. These may be additional or
changed procedures, additional or modified equipment, the addition of VOs, or any of a
number of other changes.
A.5.6 Residual and Substitute Risk. Residual risk is the risk remaining after mitigation has been
completed. Often, this is a multistep process, continuing until risk has been mitigated
down to an acceptable level necessary to begin or continue operation. After these controls
are designed but before the operation begins or continues, an assessment must be made of
whether the controls are likely to be effective and/or if they introduce new hazards to the
operation. The latter condition, introduction of new hazards, is referred to as substitute
risk, a situation where the cure is worse than the disease. The loop seen in Figure A-1 that
returns back to the top of the diagram depicts the use of the preceding hazard
identification, risk analysis, and risk assessment processes to determine if the modified
operation is acceptable.
A.5.7 Starting the Operation. Once appropriate risk controls are developed and implemented,
then the operation can begin.
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Appendix B
B.1 Determining Operational Performance. The manufacturer may provide operational and
performance information that contains the operational performance data for the aircraft
such as data pertaining to takeoff, climb, range, endurance, descent, and landing. To be
able to make practical use of the aircraft’s capabilities and limitations, it is essential to
understand the significance of the operational data. The use of this data in flying
operations is essential for safe and efficient operation. It should be emphasized that the
manufacturers’ information regarding performance data is not standardized. If
manufacturer-published performance data is unavailable, it is advisable to seek out
performance data that may have already been determined and published by other users of
the same sUAS manufacturer model and use that data as a starting point.
B.2 sUAS Loading and Its Effects on Performance.
B.2.1 Weight and Balance (W&B). Before any flight, the remote PIC should verify the aircraft
is correctly loaded by determining the W&B condition of the aircraft. An aircraft’s W&B
restrictions established by the manufacturer or the builder should be closely followed.
Compliance with the manufacturer’s W&B limits is critical to flight safety. The remote
PIC must consider the consequences of an overweight aircraft if an emergency condition
Although a maximum gross takeoff weight may be specified, the aircraft may not
always safely take off with this load under all conditions. Conditions that affect
takeoff and climb performance, such as high elevations, high air temperatures,
and high humidity (high density altitudes) may require a reduction in weight
before flight is attempted. Other factors to consider prior to takeoff are
runway/launch area length, surface, slope, surface wind, and the presence of
obstacles. These factors may require a reduction in weight prior to flight.
Weight changes during flight also have a direct effect on aircraft performance.
Fuel burn is the most common weight change that takes place during flight. As
fuel is used, the aircraft becomes lighter and performance is improved, but this
could have a negative effect on balance. In UAS operations, weight change during
flight may occur when expendable items are used on board (e.g., a jettisonable
B.2.2 Balance, Stability, and Center of Gravity (CG). Adverse balance conditions (i.e., weight
distribution) may affect flight characteristics in much the same manner as those
mentioned for an excess weight condition. Limits for the location of the CG may be
established by the manufacturer. The CG is not a fixed point marked on the aircraft; its
location depends on the distribution of aircraft weight. As variable load items are shifted
or expended, there may be a resultant shift in CG location. The remote PIC should
determine how the CG will shift and the resultant effects on the aircraft. If the CG is not
within the allowable limits after loading or do not remain within the allowable limits for
safe flight, it will be necessary to relocate or shed some weight before flight is attempted.
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Appendix B
B.3 Sources of Weather Information for Small UA Operations. Remote PICs are
encouraged to obtain weather information prior to flight from Flight Service by using the
Web site www.1800wxbrief.com. Remote PICs can create a free account in order to use
the briefing service. While Flight Service does offer a telephone-based service, it is
intended for manned aircraft pilots only.
B.3.1 National Weather Service (NWS). Remote PICs are also encouraged to visit the NWS’s
Aviation Weather Center (AWC) at www.aviationweather.gov. This free, Web-based
service does not require registration and offers all of the weather products important to a
remote PIC, such as Aviation Routine Weather Reports (METAR) and Terminal
Aerodrome Forecast (TAF). While reviewing the weather for your intended operation, it
is also critical that the remote PIC review any temporary flight restrictions (TFR) at the
FAA’s TFR Web site, which can be found at http://tfr.faa.gov.
B.4 Weather and the Effects on Performance. Weather is an important factor that
influences aircraft performance and flying safety. Atmospheric pressure and density,
wind, and uneven surface heating are factors that affect sUAS performance and must be
considered prior to flight.
B.4.1 Wind. Wind speed and direction are important as they affect takeoff, landing, and cruise
of flight operations. Geological features, trees, structures, and other anomalies can affect
the wind direction and speed close to the ground. In particular, ground topography, trees,
and buildings can break up the flow of the wind and create wind gusts that change rapidly
in direction and speed. The remote PIC should be vigilant when operating UAS near
large buildings or other man-made structures and natural obstructions, such as mountains,
bluffs, or canyons. The intensity of the turbulence associated with ground obstructions
depends on the size of the obstacle and the primary velocity of the wind. This same
condition is even more noticeable when flying in mountainous regions. While the wind
flows smoothly up the windward side of the mountain and the upward currents help to
carry an aircraft over the peak of the mountain, the wind on the leeward side does not act
in a similar manner. As the air flows down the leeward side of the mountain, the air
follows the contour of the terrain and is increasingly turbulent. This tends to push an
aircraft into the side of a mountain. The stronger the wind, the greater the downward
pressure and turbulence become. Due to the effect terrain has on the wind in valleys or
canyons, downdrafts can be severe.
B.4.2 Surface Heat. Different surfaces radiate heat in varying amounts. Plowed ground, rocks,
sand, and barren land give off a larger amount of heat, whereas water, trees, and other
areas of vegetation tend to absorb and retain heat. The resulting uneven heating of the air
creates small areas of local circulation called convective currents, which creates bumpy,
turbulent air. Convective currents, with their rising and sinking air can adversely affect
the controllability of the small UA.
B.5 Battery Fires. Lithium-based batteries are highly flammable and capable of ignition.
A battery fire could cause an in-flight emergency by causing a LOC of the small UA.
Lithium battery fires can be caused when a battery short circuits, is improperly charged,
is heated to extreme temperatures, is damaged as a result of a crash, is mishandled, or is
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Appendix B
simply defective. The remote PIC should consider following the manufacturer’s
recommendations, when available, to help ensure safe battery handling and usage.
B.6 sUAS Frequency Utilization. An sUAS typically uses radio frequencies (RF) for the
communication link between the CS and the small UA.
B.6.1 Frequency spectrum (RF) Basics. The 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz systems are the unlicensed
band RFs that most sUAS use for the connection between the CS and the small UA. Note
the frequencies are also used for computer wireless networks and the interference can
cause problems when operating a UA in an area (e.g., dense housing and office buildings)
that has many wireless signals. LOC and flyaways are some of the reported problems
with sUAS frequency implications.
To avoid frequency interference, many modern sUAS operate using a 5.8 GHz
system to control the small UA and a 2.4 GHz system to transmit video and
photos to the ground. Consult the sUAS operating manual and manufacturers
recommended procedures before conducting sUAS operations.
It should be noted that both RF bands (2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz) are considered line
of sight and the command and control link between the CS and the small UA will
not work properly when barriers are between the CS and the UA. Part 107
requires the remote PIC or person manipulating the controls to be able to see the
UA at all times, which should also help prevent obstructions from interfering with
the line of sight frequency spectrum.
B.6.2 Spectrum Authorization. Frequency spectrum used for small UA operations are regulated
by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Radio transmissions, such as those
used to control a UA and to downlink real-time video, must use frequency bands that are
approved for use by the operating agency. The FCC authorizes civil operations. Some
operating frequencies are unlicensed and can be used freely (e.g., 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz, and
5.8 GHz) without FCC approval. All other frequencies require a user-specific license for
all civil users, except federal agencies, to be obtained from the FCC. For further
information, visit https://www.fcc.gov/licensing-databases/licensing.
6/21/16 AC 107-2
Appendix C
C.1 In the interest of assisting varying background levels of sUAS knowledge and skill,
below is a chart offering conditions that, if noticed during a preflight inspection or check,
may support a determination that the UAS is not in a condition for safe operation. Further
inspection to identify the scope of damage and extent of possible repair needed to remedy
the unsafe condition may be necessary prior to flight.
Table C-1. sUAS Condition Chart
Conditions that may be found may include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Structural or skin cracking
Further inspect to determine scope of damage
and existence of possible hidden damage that
may compromise structural integrity. Assess
the need and extent of repairs that may be
needed for continued safe flight operations.
2. Delamination of bonded surfaces
Further inspect to determine scope of damage
and existence of possible hidden damage that
may compromise structural integrity. Assess
the need and extent of repairs that may be
needed for continued safe flight operations.
3. Liquid or gel leakage
Further inspect to determine source of the
leakage. This condition may pose a risk of fire
resulting in extreme heat negatively impacting
aircraft structures, aircraft performance
characteristics, and flight duration. Assess the
need and extent of repairs that may be needed
for continued safe flight operations.
4. Strong fuel smell
Further inspect to determine source of the
smell. Leakage exiting the aircraft may be
present and/or accumulating within a sealed
compartment. This condition may pose a risk
of fire resulting in extreme heat negatively
impacting aircraft structures, aircraft
performance characteristics, and flight
duration. Assess the need and extent of repairs
that may be needed for continued safe flight
5. Smell of electrical burning or arcing
Further inspect to determine source of the
possible electrical malfunction. An electrical
hazard may pose a risk of fire or extreme heat
negatively impacting aircraft structures,
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Appendix C
aircraft performance characteristics, and flight
duration. Assess the need and extent of repairs
that may be needed for continued safe flight
6. Visual indications of electrical burning
or arcing (black soot tracings, sparking)
Further inspect to determine source of the
possible electrical malfunction. An electrical
hazard may pose a risk of fire or extreme heat
negatively impacting aircraft structures,
aircraft performance characteristics, and flight
duration. Assess the need and extent of repairs
that may be needed for continued safe flight
7. Noticeable sound (decibel) change
during operation by the propulsion system
Further inspect entire aircraft with emphasis on
the propulsion system components (i.e.,
and propellers) for damage and/or diminished
performance. Assess the need and extent of
repairs that may be needed for continued safe
flight operations.
8. Control inputs not synchronized or
Discontinue flight and/or avoid further flight
operations until further inspection and testing
of the control link between the ground control
unit and the aircraft. Ensure accurate control
communications are established and reliable
prior to further flight to circumvent possible
loss of control resulting in the risk of a
collision or flyaway. Assess the need and
extent of repairs that may be needed for
continued safe flight operations.
9. Battery casing distorted (bulging)
Further inspect to determine integrity of the
battery as a reliable power source. Distorted
battery casings may indicate impending failure
resulting in abrupt power loss and/or
explosion. An electrical hazard may be
present, posing a risk of fire or extreme heat
negatively impacting aircraft structures,
aircraft performance characteristics, and flight
duration. Assess the need and extent of repairs
that may be needed for continued safe flight
10. Diminishing flight time capability
(electric powered propulsion systems)
Further inspect to determine integrity of the
battery as a reliable power source.
battery capacity may indicate impending
failure due to exhausted service life, internal,
or external damage. An electrical hazard may
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Appendix C
be present, posing a risk of fire or extreme heat
negatively impacting aircraft structures,
aircraft performance characteristics, and flight
duration. Assess the need and extent of repairs
that may be needed for continued safe flight
11. Loose or missing hardware/fasteners
Further inspect to determine structural integrity
of the aircraft and/or components with loose or
missing hardware/fasteners. Loose or missing
hardware/fasteners may pose a risk of
negatively impacting flight characteristics,
structural failure of the aircraft, dropped
objects, loss of the aircraft, and risk to persons
and property on the grounds. For continued
safe flight operations, secure loose
hardware/fasteners. Replace loose
hardware/fasteners that cannot be secured.
Replace missing hardware/fasteners.
Advisory Circular Feedback Form
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