Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-1
In this unit
This unit covers:
The substantial improvement rule – how to regulate major additions and other
improvements to buildings in the floodplain.
The substantial damage rule – how to regulate reconstruction and repairs to buildings
that have been severely damaged.
Exceptions to the basic rules for some special cases.
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-2
A. SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT...........................................................................8-4
Projects Affected....................................................................................................8-4
Post-FIRM buildings.................................................................................................................... 8-5
The Formula...........................................................................................................8-5
Project cost..................................................................................................................................8-6
Market value................................................................................................................................8-6
Substantial Improvement Examples.....................................................................8-10
Example 1. Minor rehabilitation.................................................................................................8-10
Example 2. Substantial rehabilitation........................................................................................8-11
Example 3. Lateral addition—residential ..................................................................................8-12
Example 4. Lateral addition—nonresidential ............................................................................8-13
Example 5. Vertical addition—residential .................................................................................8-14
Example 6. Vertical addition—nonresidential ...........................................................................8-15
Example 7. Post-FIRM building—minor addition...................................................................... 8-16
Example 8. Post-FIRM building—substantial improvement...................................................... 8-17
B. SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGE....................................................................................8-18
Cost to Repair......................................................................................................8-18
Substantial Damage Examples............................................................................8-20
Example 1. Reconstruction of a destroyed building..................................................................8-20
Example 2. Substantially damaged structure............................................................................8-21
Substantial Damage Software..............................................................................8-22
Increased Cost of Compliance.............................................................................8-22
C. SPECIAL SITUATIONS .......................................................................................8-25
Exempt Costs.......................................................................................................8-25
Historic Structures................................................................................................8-25
Corrections of Code Violations.............................................................................8-26
Example .................................................................................................................................... 8-27
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-3
In previous units we focused on the rules and regulations that prevent or reduce damage from
floods to new buildings. But what happens when the owner wishes to make an improvement,
such as an addition, to an existing building? What if a building is damaged by a fire, flood or
other cause?
Basic rule: If the cost of improvements or the cost to repair the damage exceeds 50 percent of the
market value of the building, it must be brought up to current floodplain management standards.
That means an existing building must meet the requirements for new construction.
People who own existing buildings that are being substantially improved will be required to
make a major investment in them in order to bring them into compliance with the law. They will
not be happy. If the buildings have just been damaged, they will be financially strapped and your
elected officials will want to help them, not make life harder for them.
For these reasons, it is easy to see that this basic rule can be difficult to administer. It is also
the one time when your regulatory program can reduce flood damage to existing buildings.
That’s why this course devotes this unit to administering the substantial improvements and
substantial damage regulations.
In this reference guide, the term “building” is the same as the term “structure” in the NFIP
regulations. Your ordinance may use either term. The terms are reviewed in more detail in Unit 5,
Section E.
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-4
44 CFR 59.1. Definitions: “Substantial improvement” means any reconstruction, rehabilitation,
addition or other improvement to a structure, the total cost of which equals or exceeds 50 percent of
the market value of the structure before the start of construction of the improvement.
This section provides information on determining whether a building has been substantially
improved and on what NFIP requirements apply.
All building improvement projects worthy of a permit must be considered. These include:
Remodeling projects.
Rehabilitation projects.
Building additions.
Repair and reconstruction projects (these are addressed in more detail in Section B on
substantial damage)
If your community does not require permits for, say, reroofing, minor maintenance or
projects under a certain dollar amount, then such projects are not subject to the substantial
improvement requirements. However, if you have a larger project that includes reroofing, etc.,
then it must include the entire cost of the project.
One problem you may face is a builder trying to avoid the requirement by applying for a
permit for only part of the job and then later applying for another permit to finish the work. If
both applications are together worth more than 50% of the value of the building, the combined
project should be considered a substantial improvement and subject to the rules.
FEMA requires that the entire improvement project be counted as one. In order to help you
enforce this, you may want to count all applications submitted over, say, one year as one project.
Check with your attorney on whether your ordinance clearly gives you the authority to do this
and be sure to spell it out in the permit papers given to the applicant.
Some communities require that improvements be calculated cumulatively over several years.
All improvement and repair projects undertaken over a period of five years, 10 years or the life
of the structure are added up. When they total 50 percent, the building must be brought into
compliance as if it were new construction.
The Community Rating System credits keeping track of improvements
to enforce a cumulative substantial improvement requirement. It also
credits using a lower threshold than 50 percent. These credits are found
under Activity 430, Section 431.c and d in the CRS Coordinator’s Manual
and the CRS Application. See also CRS Credit for Higher Regulatory
Standards for example regulatory language.
Post-FIRM buildings
The rules do not address only pre-FIRM buildings—they cover all buildings, post-FIRM
ones included.
In most cases, a post-FIRM building will be properly elevated or otherwise compliant with
regulations for new construction. However, sometimes a map change results in a higher BFE or
change in FIRM zone. A substantial improvement to a post-FIRM building may require that the
building be elevated to protect it from the new, higher, regulatory BFE.
It should be remembered that all additions to a post-FIRM building must be elevated at least
as high as the BFE in effect when the building was built. (You can’t allow a compliant building
to become noncompliant by allowing additions at grade.) If a new, higher BFE has been adopted
since the building was built, additions that are substantial improvements must be elevated to the
new BFE.
A project is a substantial improvement if:
Cost of improvement project > 50 percent
Market value of the building
For example, if a proposed improvement project will cost $30,000 and the value of the
building is $50,000:
$30,000 = 0.6 (60 percent)
The cost of the project exceeds 50 percent of the building’s value, so it is a substantial
improvement. The floodplain regulations for new construction apply and the building must meet
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-5
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-6
the post-FIRM construction requirements. If the project is an addition, only the addition has to
be elevated (see the examples later in this section).
The formula is based on the cost of the project and the value of the building. These two
numbers must be reviewed in detail.
Project cost
The cost of the project means all structural costs, including
all materials
built-in appliances
repairs made to damaged parts of the building worked on at the same time
A more detailed list is included in Figure 8-1.
To determine substantial improvement, you need a detailed cost estimate for the project,
prepared by a licensed general contractor, professional construction estimator or your office.
Your office must review the estimate submitted by the permit applicant. To verify it, you can
use your professional judgment and knowledge of local and regional construction costs, or you
can use building code valuation tables published by the major building code groups. These
tables can be used for determining estimates for particular replacement items if the type of
structure in question is listed in the tables.
There are two possible exemptions you should be aware of: 1) improvements to correct code
violations do not have to be included in the cost of an improvement or repair project and 2)
historic buildings can be exempted from substantial improvement requirements. These are
explained in more detail later on.
Market value
In common parlance, market value is the price a willing buyer and seller agree upon. The
market value of a structure reflects its original quality, subsequent improvements, physical age
of building components and current condition.
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-7
However, market value for property can be different than that of the building itself. Market
value of developed property varies widely due to the desirability of its location. For example,
two houses of similar size, quality and condition will have far different prices if one is on the
coast, or in the best school district, or closer to town than the other—but the value of the
building materials and labor that went into both houses will be nearly the same.
For the purposes of determining substantial improvement, market value pertains only to the
structure in question. It does not pertain to the land, landscaping or detached accessory structures
on the property. Any value resulting from the location of the property should be attributed to the
value of the land, not the building.
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-8
Items to be included
All structural elements, including:
Spread or continuous foundation footings and pilings
Monolithic or other types of concrete slabs
Bearing walls, tie beams and trusses
Floors and ceilings
Attached decks and porches
Interior partition walls
Exterior wall finishes (brick, stucco, siding) including painting and moldings
Windows and doors
Reshingling or retiling a roof
All interior finishing elements, including:
Tiling, linoleum, stone, or carpet over subflooring
Bathroom tiling and fixtures
Wall finishes (drywall, painting, stucco, plaster, paneling, marble, etc.)
Kitchen, utility and bathroom cabinets
Built-in bookcases, cabinets, and furniture
All utility and service equipment, including:
HVAC equipment
Plumbing and electrical services
Light fixtures and ceiling fans
Security systems
Built-in kitchen appliances
Central vacuum systems
Water filtration, conditioning, or recirculation systems
Cost to demolish storm-damaged building components
--- Labor and other costs associated with moving or altering undamaged building
components to accommodate improvements or additions
--- Overhead and profits
Items to be excluded
Plans and specifications
Survey costs
Permit fees
Post-storm debris removal and clean up
Outside improvements, including:
Yard lights
Swimming pools
Screened pool enclosures
Detached structures (including garages, sheds and gazebos)
Landscape irrigation systems
Figure 8-1. Items included in calculating cost of the project
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-9
Acceptable estimates of market value can be obtained from these sources:
An independent appraisal by a professional appraiser. The appraisal must exclude the
value of the land and not use the “income capitalization approach” which bases value
on the use of the property, not the structure.
Detailed estimates of the structure’s actual cash value— the replacement cost for a
building, minus a depreciation percentage based on age and condition. For most
situations, the building’s actual cash value should approximate its market value. Your
community may prefer to use actual cash value as a substitute for market value,
especially where there is not sufficient data or enough comparable sales.
Property values used for tax assessment purposes with an adjustment recommended
by the tax appraiser to reflect current market conditions (adjusted assessed value).
The value of buildings taken from NFIP claims data (usually actual cash value).
Qualified estimates based on sound professional judgment made by the staff of the
local building department or tax assessor’s office.
Some market value estimates are often used only as screening tools (i.e., NFIP claims data
and property appraisals for tax assessment purposes) to identify those structures where the
substantial improvement ratios are obviously less than or greater than 50 percent (i.e., less than
40 percent or greater than 60 percent). For structures that fall in the 40 percent to 60 percent
range, more precise market value estimates are sometimes necessary.
Example 1. Minor rehabilitation
A rehabilitation is defined as an improvement made to an existing structure which does not
affect the external dimensions of the structure.
If the cost of the rehabilitation is less than 50 percent of the structure’s market value, the
building does not have to be elevated or otherwise protected. However, it is advisable to
incorporate methods to reduce flood damage, such as use of flood-resistant materials and
installation of electrical, heating and air conditioning units above the BFE.
Figure 8-2 shows a building that had a small rehabilitation project. Central air conditioning
was installed and the electrical system was upgraded. The value of the building before the
project was $60,000. The value of the project was $12,000:
$12,000 = 0.2 (20 percent) The project costs less than 50 percent of the
$60,000 building, so this is not a substantial improvement.
Figure 8-2. Minor rehabilitations use flood-resistant methods and materials
Neither structure would benefit from post-FIRM flood insurance
rates because they are not elevated.
Note: To gauge what happens to flood insurance premiums if a substantially improved
building is not brought up to post-FIRM standards, see Figures 7-7 through 7-12.
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-10
Example 2. Substantial rehabilitation
If the rehab costs more than 50 percent of the value of the building, your ordinance requires
that an existing structure be elevated and/or the basement filled to meet the elevation standard.
Figure 8-3 shows a building that has been allowed to run down. It’s market value is $35,000.
To rehab it will require gutting the interior and replacing all wallboard, built-in cabinets,
bathroom fixtures and furnace. The interior doors and flooring will be repaired. The house will
get new siding and a new roof. The cost of this rehab will be $25,000:
$25,000 = 71.4 percent Because total cost of the project is greater
$35,000 than 50 %the rehab is a substantial improvement
Figure 8-3. substantially rehabilitated building elevated above the BFE.
In A Zones, elevation may be on fill, crawlspace, columns, etc. In V Zones, only pilings, columns or
other open foundations are allowed. The new structure would benefit from post-FIRM flood insurance
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-11
Example 3. Lateral addition—residential
Additions are improvements that increase the square footage of a structure. Commonly, this
includes the structural attachment of a bedroom, den, recreational room garage or other type of
addition to an existing structure. Note that if one building is attached to another through a
covered breezeway or similar connection, it is a separate building and not an addition.
When an addition is a substantial improvement, the addition must be elevated or
floodproofed, providing that improvements to the existing structure are minimal. Figures 8-4
and 8-5 illustrate lateral additions that are compliant.
Depending on the flood zone and details of the project, the existing building may not have to
be elevated. The determining factors are the common wall and what improvements are made to
the existing structure. If the common wall is demolished as part of the project, then the entire
structure must be elevated. If only a doorway is knocked through it and only minimal finishing is
done, then only the addition has to be elevated.
In A Zones only, if significant improvements are made to the existing structure (such as a
kitchen makeover), both it and the addition must be elevated and otherwise brought into
compliance. Some states and many communities require that both the existing structure and
lateral additions be elevated in all cases.
In V Zones, the existing structure always has to be elevated, placed on an engineered
foundation system, etc., when an addition is proposed that constitutes a substantial improvement.
This is due to the “free-of obstruction” standard whereby the lower existing structure would
obstruct the storm surge, causing damage to the addition.
Figure 8-4. Lateral additions to a residential building in an A Zone.
In V Zones, the entire building must be elevated on pilings, columns or other open foundations. The
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-12
structure on the left would not benefit from post-FIRM flood insurance rates because it was not elevated.
Example 4. Lateral addition—nonresidential
A substantial improvement addition to a nonresidential building may be either elevated or
floodproofed. Otherwise, all the criteria for residential buildings reviewed in Example 3 must be
If floodproofing is used, the builder must ensure that the wall between the addition and the
original building is floodproofed. Floodproofing is not allowed as a construction measure in V
Figure 8-5. Lateral addition to a nonresidential building in an A Zone.
This approach is not allowed in V Zones. The structure would not benefit from post-FIRM flood
insurance rates because the original building was not elevated or flood-proofed.
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-13
Example 5. Vertical addition—residential
When the proposed substantial improvement is a full or partial second floor, the entire
structure must be elevated (Figure 8-6). In this instance, the existing building provides the
foundation for the addition. Failure of the existing building would result in failure of the
addition, too.
Figure 8-6. Vertical addition to a residential building in a V Zone.
The new structure would benefit from post-FIRM flood insurance rates.
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-14
Example 6. Vertical addition—nonresidential
When the proposed substantial improvement is a full or partial second floor, the entire
structure must be elevated or floodproofed (Figure 8-7).
The owner could obtain post-FIRM rates on the building if it is floodproofed to one foot
above the BFE and he has a floodproofing certificate signed by a registered engineer. An
optional approach is to elevate the entire building and obtain an elevation certificate.
Figure 8-7. Vertical addition to a nonresidential building in an A Zone.
The new floodproofed structure would benefit from post-FIRM flood insurance rates.
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-15
Example 7. Post-FIRM building—minor addition
All additions to post-FIRM buildings are defined as new construction and must meet the
requirements of your floodplain management ordinance regardless of the size or cost of the
addition (Figure 8-8). A small addition to a residential structure that is not a substantial
improvement must be elevated at least as high as the BFE in effect when the building was built.
Minor additions to nonresidential structures can be floodproofed to the BFE.
If a map revision has taken place and the BFE has increased, only additions that are
substantial improvements have to be elevated to the new BFE or flood-proofed (nonresidential
buildings only).
Figure 8-8. Small additions to post-FIRM buildings must be elevated.
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-16
Example 8. Post-FIRM building—substantial improvement
Substantial improvements made to a post-FIRM structure must meet the requirements of the
current ordinance. Figure 8-9 shows a lateral addition made after a map revision took place and
the BFE was increased.
Figure 8-9. Substantial improvements to post-FIRM buildings must be elevated above the
new BFE. Nonresidential buildings may be floodproofed
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-17
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-18
44 CFR 59.1. Definitions: "Substantial damage" means damage of any origin sustained by a
structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its before damaged condition would equal or
exceed 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred.
Two key points:
The damage can be from any cause—flood, fire, earthquake, wind, rain, or other
natural or human-induced hazard.
The substantial damage rule applies to all buildings in a flood hazard area, regardless
of whether the building was covered by flood insurance.
The formula is essentially the same as for substantial improvements:
Cost to repair > 50 percent
Market value of the building
Market value is calculated in the same way as for substantial improvements. Use the pre-
damage market value.
Notice that the formula uses “cost to repair,” not “cost of repairs.” The cost to repair the
structure must be calculated for full repair to the building’s before-damage condition, even if the
owner elects to do less. It must also include the cost of any improvements that the owner has
opted to include during the repair project.
The total cost to repair includes the same items listed in Figure 8-1. As shown in Example 2
below, properly repairing a flooded building can be more expensive than people realize. The
owner may opt not to pay for all of the items needed. The owner may:
Do some of the work, such as removing and discarding wallboard.
Obtain some of the materials free.
Have a volunteer organization, such as the Mennonites, do some of the work.
Decide not to do some repairs, such as choosing to nail down warped flooring rather
than replace it.
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-19
Basic rule: Substantial damage is determined regardless of the actual cost to the owner. You must
figure the true cost of bringing the building back to its pre-damage condition using qualified labor and
materials obtained at market prices.
The permit office and the owner may have serious disagreements over the total list of needed
repairs and their cost, as the owner has a great incentive to show less damage than actually
occurred in order to avoid the cost of bringing the building into compliance. Here are four things
that can help you:
Get the cost to repair from an objective third-party or undebatable source, such as:
- A licensed general contractor.
- A professional construction estimator.
- Insurance adjustment papers (exclude damage to contents).
- Damage assessment field surveys conducted by building inspection,
emergency management or tax assessment agencies after a disaster.
- Your office.
Even if your office does not prepare the cost estimate, it needs to review the estimate
submitted by the permit applicant. You can use your professional judgment and
knowledge of local and regional construction costs. Or, you can use building code
valuation tables published by the major building code groups.
Use an objective system that does not rely on varying estimates of market value or
different opinions of what needs to be repaired. The Substantial Damage Estimator
Program discussed later in this section will do this.
Publicize the need for the regulations and the benefits of protecting buildings from
future flooding. A well-educated public won’t argue as much as one that sees no need
for the requirement.
Help the owner find financial assistance to meet the extra cost of complying with the
code. If there was a disaster declaration, there may be sources of financial assistance
as discussed in the next unit. If the owner had flood insurance and the building was
substantially damaged by a flood, the new Increased Cost of Compliance coverage
will help (see next section).
Example 1. Reconstruction of a destroyed building
Reconstructions are cases where an entire structure is destroyed, damaged, purposefully
demolished or razed, and a new structure is built on the old foundation or slab. The term also
applies when an existing structure is moved to a new site.
Reconstructions are, quite simply, “new construction.” They must be treated as new
Razed or “totaled” building Reconstruction on
with remaining foundation existing foundation
Figure 8-10. A reconstructed house is new construction.
This example is for A Zones only. A new building in the V Zone must be elevated on piles or columns.
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-20
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-21
Example 2. Substantially damaged structure
To determine if a damaged structure meets the threshold for substantial damage, the cost of
repairing the structure to its before-damaged condition is compared to the market value of the
structure prior to the damage. The estimated cost of the repairs must include all costs necessary
to fully repair the structure to its before-damaged condition.
If equal to or greater than 50 percent of that structure’s market value before damage, then the
structure must be elevated (or floodproofed if it is nonresidential) to or above the level of the
base flood, and meet other applicable local ordinance requirements. This is the basic requirement
for substantial damage.
Figure 8-11 graphically illustrates the amount of damage that can occur to a building flooded
only four feet deep. Even though the structure appears sound and there are no cracks or breaks in
the foundation, the total cost of repair can be significant.
The cost of repair after a flood that simply soaked the building will typically include the
following structural items:
Remove all wallboard and insulation.
Install new wallboard and insulation.
Tape and paint.
Remove carpeting and vinyl flooring.
Dry floor, replace warped flooring.
Replace cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom.
Replace built-in appliances.
Replace hollow-core interior doors.
Replace furnace and water heater.
Clean and disinfect duct work.
Repair porch flooring and front steps.
Clean and test plumbing (licensed plumber may be required).
Replace outlets and switches, clean and test wiring (licensed electrician may be
Note: See also Figures 7-7 through 7-12 for what happens to flood insurance premiums if a
substantially damaged building is granted a variance and is not brought up to post-FIRM
Figure 8-11. Even slow moving floodwater can cause substantial damage.
FEMA has developed a software program to help local officials make substantial damage
determinations. The software is based on Microsoft Access, but is self-contained and does not
require any software in addition to a Windows operating system.
The software comes with a manual, Guide on Estimating Substantial Damage Using the
NFIP Residential Substantial Damage Estimator, FEMA 311. This includes a user’s manual and
worksheets that allow the calculations to be done manually.
Contact your FEMA Regional Office for a copy of the software package and help in using it.
Following a major disaster declaration, training sessions and technical assistance may be
On June 1, 1997, the NFIP began offering additional coverage to all holders of structural
flood insurance policies. This coverage is called Increased Cost of Compliance or ICC.
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-22
The name refers to cases where the local floodplain management ordinance requires
elevation or retrofitting of a substantially damaged building. Under ICC, the flood insurance
policy will not only pay for repairs to the flooded building, it will pay up to $30,000 to help
cover the additional cost of complying with the ordinance. This is available for any flood
insurance claim and, therefore, is not dependent on the community receiving a disaster
There are some limitations to ICC:
It’s only available if there was a flood insurance policy on the building before the
It covers only damage caused by a flood.
Claims are limited to $30,000 per structure.
Claims must be accompanied by a substantial damage determination by the
floodplain ordinance administrator.
It should also be mentioned that a portion of the rest of the claim payment may help meet the
cost of bringing the building up to code. For example, if there was foundation damage, the
regular claim will pay for the cost of repairing or replacing the foundation. The ICC funds would
only be needed for the extra costs of raising the foundation higher than it was before.
An ICC claim cannot be paid unless the community has determined the building to be
substantially damaged and requires that the building comply with local ordinance requirements.
For further information on how ICC coverage works and how you can help policyholders in your
community qualify for the coverage, refer to National Flood Insurance Program’s Increased
Cost of Compliance Coverage: Guidance for State and Local Officials, FEMA 301.
In certain cases, an ICC claim can be filed if the building is repetitively flooded, and has had
two or more claims averaging 25% or more of building value within a ten-year period, provided
the community has language in the flood damage ordinance that implements the substantial
damage rule in these cases.
Figure 8-12 has example ordinance language. This language exceeds the minimum NFIP
requirements, but would be needed if you wanted to trigger the ICC provision for repetitively
damaged buildings.
The Community Rating System credits keeping track of improvements
to enforce a cumulative substantial improvement requirement. The 1999
CRS Coordinator’s Manual credits the ordinance language in Figure 8-12.
These credits are found under Activity 430, Section 431.c in the CRS
Coordinator’s Manual and the CRS Application.
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-23
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-24
Option 1
A. Adopt the Following Definition:
“Repetitive Loss” means flood-related damage sustained by a structure on two separate
occasions during a 10-year period for which the cost of repairs at the time of each such flood
event, on the average, equals or exceeds 25 percent of the market value of the structure before
the damage occurred.
B. And modify the “substantial improvement” definition as follows:
“Substantial Improvement” means any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other
improvement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value
of the structure before the “start of construction” of the improvement. This term includes
structures which have incurred “repetitive loss” or “substantial damage”, regardless of the actual
repair work performed.
Option 2
Modify the substantial damage definition as follows:
“Substantial Damage” means damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of
restoring the structure to its before damaged condition would equal or exceed 50 percent of the
market value of the structure before the dam-age occurred. Substantial damage also means
flood-related damage sustained by a structure on two separate occasions during a 10-year
period for which the cost of repairs at the time of each such flood event, on the average, equals
or exceeds 25 percent of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred.
NOTE 1: Communities need to make sure that these definitions are tied to the floodplain
management requirements for new construction and substantial improvements and to any other
requirements of the ordinance, such as the permit requirements, in order to enforce this
NOTE 2: An ICC Claim Payment is ONLY made for flood-related damage. The substantial
damage part of the definition must still include “damage of any origin” to be compliant with the
minimum NFIP Floodplain Management Regulations.
Figure 8-12. Sample ordinance language for ICC repetitive loss definitions
Source: -- Increased Cost of Compliance Coverage: Guidance for State and Local
Officials, FEMA-301, September 2003. This language is only needed to trigger an ICC
payment for a repetitive loss. No ordinance changes are needed for the ICC coverage
for substantial damage.
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-25
As explained in previous sections, the substantial improvement and substantial damage
requirements affect all buildings regardless of the reason for the improvement or the cause of the
damage. There are three special situations you should be aware of: exempt costs, historic
buildings and corrections of code violations.
Certain costs related to making improvements or repairing damaged buildings do not have to
be counted toward the cost of the improvement or repairs. These include:
Plans and specifications.
Surveying costs.
Permit fees.
Demolition or emergency repairs made for health or safety reasons or to prevent
further damage to the building.
Improvements or repairs to items outside the building, such as the driveway, fencing,
landscaping and detached structures.
Historic structures are exempted from the substantial improvement requirements subject to
the criteria listed below. The exemption can be granted administratively if the current NFIP
definitions of substantial improvement and historic structure are included in your ordinance, or
they can be granted through a variance procedure.
In either case, they are usually granted subject to conditions.
If the improvements to a historic structure meet the following three criteria and are approved
by the community, the building will not have to be elevated or floodproofed. It can also retain its
pre-FIRM flood insurance rating status.
1. The building must be a bona fide “historic structure.” Figure 7-13 has the definition
that must be followed.
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-26
2. The project must maintain the historic status of the structure. If the proposed
improvements to the structure will result in it being removed from or ineligible for the National
Register or federally-certified state or local inventory, then the proposal cannot be granted an
exemption from the substantial improvement rule.
The best way to make such determinations is to seek written review and approval of
proposed plans by the local historic preservation board, if it is federally-certified, or by the state
historic preservation office. If the plans are approved, you can grant the exemption. If not, no
exemption can be permitted.
3. Take all possible flood damage reduction measures. Even though the exemption to the
substantial improvement rule means the building does not have to be elevated to or above BFE,
or be renovated with flood-resistant materials that are not historically sensitive, many things can
and should be done to reduce the flood damage potential. Examples include:
Locating mechanical and electrical equipment above the BFE or flood-proofing it.
Elevating the lowest floor of an addition to or above the BFE with the change in floor
elevation disguised externally.
The NFIP definition of substantial improvement includes another exemption:
44 CFR 59.1 Definitions: "Substantial improvement" means …. The term does not, however,
include … Any project for improvement of a structure to correct existing violations of state or local
health, sanitary, or safety code specifications which have been identified by the local code
enforcement official and which are the minimum necessary to assure safe living conditions
Note the key words in this exemption: correct existing violations, identified by the local
official, and minimum necessary to assure safe conditions. This language was included in order
to avoid penalizing property owners who had no choice but to make improvements to their
buildings or face condemnation or revocation of a business license.
This exemption was intended for involuntary improvements or violations that existed before
the improvement permit was applied for or before the damage occurred—for example, a
restaurant owner who must upgrade the wiring in his kitchen in order to meet current local and
state health and safety codes.
You can only exempt the items specifically required by code. For example, if a single stair
tread was defective and had to be replaced, do not exempt the cost of rebuilding the entire
stairway. Similarly, count only replacement in like kind and what is minimally necessary. If the
Substantial Improvement/Damage 8-27
owner chooses to upgrade the quality of a code-required item, the extra cost is not exempt from
the formula—it’s added to the true cost of the improvement or repairs.
Unfortunately, many property owners and builders pressure local building official to exclude
“code violation corrections” from their voluntary improvement proposals. There are “code
violations” in all structures built before the current code was enacted. In many cases, those
elements must be brought up to code as part of an improvement project.
This is very different from a code violation citation that forces a property owner to correct
those violations and make improvements that were otherwise not planned. The building official
must know about and document the violations before or at the time the permit is issued.
A small business in a 40-year old building was damaged by a fire. The building’s pre-fire
market value was $100,000. The insurance adjuster and the permit office concluded that the total
cost to repair would be $45,000.
However, the community’s building code states that whenever an applicant applies for a
permit to modify or improve a building, the building must be brought up to code. This building
would need the following additional work:
Replace unsafe electrical wiring.
Install missing fire exit signs, smoke detectors and emergency lighting.
Widen the front door and install a ramp to make the business accessible to
handicapped and mobility-impaired people.
The total cost of these code requirements would be $8,000. However, since these were
required by the code before the fire occurred, they would not have to be counted toward the cost
to repair. Based on the basic formula:
$45,000 = 0.45 or 45% The building is not declared
$100,000 substantially damaged
In this example, the building can be repaired without elevating or floodproofing. However,
the permit office should strongly recommend incorporating flood protection measures and flood
resistant materials in the repair project (as in the example in Figure 8-2).