Passenger Travel Frequently Asked Questions
Entitlements can and do change! Yes, you may have done an action in the past, however, the
guidance may have changed! TMO will be happy to assist with your particular situation, but
these are our most common questions.
1. I am going TDY to Base X. I want to take leave-en-route to my hometown. Can I just
pay the difference?
TMO (or DTS) can only book you to the official duty location(s). The use of government fares
to/from a “leave” location is prohibited! You have 2 options:
1. TMO will issue your official travel (if DTS, have your DTS Admin push through the
authorization for ticketing). Once your ticket has been issued, you can contact TMO’s
Travel Agent or you can contact the airline directly to “exchange” your ticket to your
desired location. You will pay the Travel Agent or the Airline directly with the price
difference (if any).
2. AIR FORCE ONLY: You can purchase your own tickets (,,
calling the airline direct, use ITT, etc.). TMO will give you a letter stating what your
authorized costs are, and you will be reimbursed up to official costs.
ALL OTHER BRANCHES: You can purchase your own tickets, but it MUST
be from the Information Tickets and Tours (ITT) office on base. If you buy your
tickets from another source, it will not be reimbursed!
2. I am PCS’ing/going TDY to Base X overseas. Do I have to take the Rotator (Patriot
Express, Freedom Bird, etc.)? Why can’t I fly commercial.
The DoD has established an “Order of Precedence” when it comes to air travel. The first option
always has to be the Patriot Express. If there is a Patriot Express flight to your next duty
location, you will be booked on the Patriot Express. Personal preferences will not be used as a
reason for not using the Patriot Express. If a Patriot Express flight is not available to meet the
MISSION, then the next option is the use of a commercial aircraft (Delta, United, etc.). TMO
will view the travel request to verify if the Patriot Express meets the mission.
3. Do I need orders to make my flight reservations?
No! Reservations can be made without orders. For ticket issuance, TMO will need orders, but
reservations can be made without orders.
4. I don’t have a Government Travel Card (GTC) or my GTC is expired. What do I do?
IAW DoD Mandate, all travelers (Military and Civilian) are required to have a GTC. There is an
automatic exemption list, and if you fall under this list, TMO will pay for your travel out of our
Centrally Billed Account (CBA). If you are going to use the CBA, your orders must reflect this.
TMO can issue a ticket on the CBA on a case by case basis, however, this will rarely be
approved. Each unit has a GTC Monitor, work with your unit to get issued a GTC!
5. If I need to make changes to my travel in DTS, who do I contact?
Great question! Your first point of contact is your DTS Administrator. Each unit has a DTS
Admin, and they are your POC. 2
Option is Finance. Finance actually owns DTS, and has the
ability to assist. If you are already in Travel Status (you are at the TDY location), you can call
the Travel Agent direct to assist in changing your flights.
6. I am traveling with my pet(s). Do you book pets? Is pet travel funded?
TMO will book your pets on the Patriot Express portion of your travel. Your Port Call Sheet
lists the required information. For all commercial travel (United, Delta, etc.), you will need to
call the airline directly to make arrangements for Pets. Unfortunately, all pet travel will be at
your expense, there is no entitlement for funded travel for our furry friends. There is a
stipulation for reimbursement of quarantine fees when the location you travel to requires a
quarantine period.