1. General Provisions ................................................................................................................................ 710:1-1
3. Public Policy ............................................................................................................................................ 710:1-3
5. Practice and Procedure .................................................................................................................. 710:1-5
8. Tax Amnesty Program [EXPIRED] ........................................................................................... 710:1-8
9. Oklahoma Voluntary Compliance Initiative [EXPIRED] .......................................... 710-1-9
11. Retailer Compliance Initiative [EXPIRED] ........................................................................ 710-1-11
13. Consumer Compliance Initiative.......................................................................................... 710-1-13
15. Oklahoma Voluntary Compliance Initiative 2015 [EXPIRED] ......................... 710:1-15
17. Oklahoma Voluntary Disclosure Initiative [EXPIRED] ........................................... 710:1-17
Appendix A. Schedule of Fees
[Authority: 68 O.S. §§118(B), 203, 205(C)(7), 205.2(H), 212, 216.3, 216.4, 218(A),
219.1(H), 221.1, 236, 1406.1, and 1407.4(D); 75 O.S. §§302, 305, 307]
[Source: Codified 12-30-91]
SUBCHAPTER 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS ...................................................................................................................... 1
710:1-1-1. Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
710:1-1-2. General description of the Oklahoma Tax Commission ............................................................. 1
710:1-1-3. Statutory citation ....................................................................................................................................... 3
SUBCHAPTER 3. PUBLIC POLICY ....................................................................................................................................... 3
PART 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 3
710:1-3-1. Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
710:1-3-2. Required forms and where available ................................................................................................ 3
PART 3. TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION .............................................................................................................................. 4
710:1-3-5. Intent of rule ................................................................................................................................................ 4
710:1-3-6. Use of Federal Employer Identification Numbers and other identification numbers
mandatory ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4
710:1-3-7. Checks made payable to the Oklahoma Tax Commission; use of Federal Employer
Identification Numbers, Social Security Numbers mandatory [REVOKED] .............................................. 4
710:1-3-8. Confidentiality of records....................................................................................................................... 4
710:1-3-9. [RESERVED] ................................................................................................................................................. 4
710:1-3-10. [RESERVED] ............................................................................................................................................... 4
710:1-3-11. [RESERVED] ................................................................................................................................................. 4
710:1-3-12. [RESERVED] ................................................................................................................................................ 5
710:1-3-13. [RESERVED] ................................................................................................................................................ 5
710:1-3-14. [RESERVED] ................................................................................................................................................ 5
710:1-3-15. Use of driver license number; exception ......................................................................................... 5
PART 5. FILING AND MAILING OF DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................ 5
710:1-3-30. Timely filing ............................................................................................................................................... 5
710:1-3-31. Sender assumes risk of untimeliness of mail ................................................................................ 6
710:1-3-32. Documentation to avoid risk of untimeliness ............................................................................. 6
710:1-3-33. Designated delivery service ................................................................................................................ 6
PART 7. TAXPAYER PAYMENTS ........................................................................................................................................ 7
710:1-3-40. Allocation of voluntary payments to delinquent tax, penalty, interest [REVOKED] ... 7
710:1-3-41. Taxpayer may request particular allocation [REVOKED] ....................................................... 7
710:1-3-42. Interest [REVOKED] ................................................................................................................................ 7
710:1-3-43. Effective date of this Part [REVOKED] ............................................................................................ 7
710:1-3-44. Payment of tax, penalty and interest under protest [REVOKED] ........................................ 7
710:1-3-45. Definitions .................................................................................................................................................. 8
710:1-3-46. Partial payment of tax liabilities; allocation to taxes, penalties, interest, service
charges, and fees ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
710:1-3-47. Payment under protest ......................................................................................................................... 9
710:1-3-48. Payment of taxes by credit card ....................................................................................................... 9
PART 9. EXECUTION OF TAX WARRANTS .................................................................................................................. 10
710:1-3-50. Purpose ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
710:1-3-51. Execution on tax warrant and collection of sheriff's penalty .............................................. 10
710:1-3-52. Execution and collection duty; return of voucher .................................................................... 11
710:1-3-53. County sheriff Collection duty ......................................................................................................... 11
710:1-3-54. Release of tax warrants ..................................................................................................................... 11
710:1-3-55. Procedures for remittance and deposit of collections; apportionment; recordkeeping
.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
710:1-3-56. Collection fee attaches to tax warrant ........................................................................................ 12
710:1-3-57. Collection fee subject to audit ......................................................................................................... 12
710:1-3-58. Time limit for collection and return of warrant ........................................................................ 12
710:1-3-59. Taxpayer bankruptcy .......................................................................................................................... 12
710:1-3-60. Verification of discrepancies ........................................................................................................... 12
710:1-3-61. Validity of tax warrant ........................................................................................................................ 12
710:1-3-62. Instructional material available to sheriffs ............................................................................... 12
PART 11. PUBLIC RECORDS ................................................................................................................................................ 13
710:1-3-70. Records in general ................................................................................................................................ 13
710:1-3-71. Rules of the Oklahoma Tax Commission ...................................................................................... 14
710:1-3-72. Decisions of the Oklahoma Tax Commission ............................................................................. 14
710:1-3-73. Opinions and letter rulings ................................................................................................................ 15
710:1-3-74. Public records available under other provisions of law [REVOKED] ................................ 16
710:1-3-75. Fees for copying, retrieval, reproduction, and certification of public documents
[REVOKED] ....................................................................................................................................................................... 16
PART 13. OTHER POLICY PROVISIONS ........................................................................................................................... 16
710:1-3-80. Procedures for partial release of tax warrant or lien ............................................................. 16
710:1-3-81. Irrevocable letter of credit in lieu of bond [REVOKED] ............................................................ 17
710:1-3-82. Calculation of amount of nonresident contractor bond to be posted ................................ 17
710:1-3-83. Increases in amount of nonresident contractor bond to be posted ................................. 18
SUBCHAPTER 5. PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................ 18
PART 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 18
710:1-5-1. Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................... 18
PART 3. DESCRIPTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW AND HEARINGS .............................................................. 19
710:1-5-10. Tax protests and claims for refund ................................................................................................... 19
710:1-5-11. Petitions for abatement ...................................................................................................................... 21
710:1-5-12. Petitions for waiver of interest or penalty (or both) ................................................................. 21
710:1-5-13. Settlement of claims or protests ..................................................................................................... 21
710:1-5-14. Criminal tax prosecution and referral .............................................................................................. 22
710:1-5-15. Requests for rulemaking action ...................................................................................................... 22
710:1-5-16. Rulemaking procedure and hearings ............................................................................................ 23
710:1-5-17. Petitions for declaratory rulings ...................................................................................................... 25
PART 5. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDINGS RELATED TO TAX PROTESTS .......................................................... 27
710:1-5-20. Purpose and general overview of taxpayer protest procedure [REVOKED] ................. 27
710:1-5-21. Intent, scope and construction of rules ......................................................................................... 27
710:1-5-22. Commencement and numbering of a protest ........................................................................... 27
710:1-5-23. Protests in writing and timely filed; applications for hearings .......................................... 28
710:1-5-24. Protests to denials of claims for refunds ..................................................................................... 28
710:1-5-25. Content of protests and applications for hearing ................................................................... 28
710:1-5-26. Pleadings to be on 8 ½ " x 11" paper ............................................................................................... 28
710:1-5-27. Representation and participation in administrative proceedings ...................................... 29
710:1-5-28. Pre-hearing conference ...................................................................................................................... 29
710:1-5-29. Notice of hearing ................................................................................................................................... 30
710:1-5-30. Continuances or extensions ............................................................................................................. 30
710:1-5-31. Administrative law judge to hear case ......................................................................................... 30
710:1-5-32. Conduct of hearing ............................................................................................................................... 31
710:1-5-33. Discovery .................................................................................................................................................. 31
710:1-5-34. Rules of evidence ................................................................................................................................... 32
710:1-5-35. Oral evidence, witnesses and penalty for false statements ................................................ 33
710:1-5-36. Evidence by official notice ................................................................................................................ 33
710:1-5-37. Transcript of oral hearings; request for certified court reporter ............................................ 33
710:1-5-38. Submission of case on briefs ............................................................................................................ 33
710:1-5-38.1 Motion for summary disposition ................................................................................................... 34
710:1-5-39. Findings, conclusions and recommendations ............................................................................. 35
710:1-5-40. Options available to parties after action by Administrative Law Judge ........................... 35
710:1-5-41. Decision and order of the Oklahoma Tax Commission ............................................................. 37
710:1-5-42. Appeals from orders of the Oklahoma Tax Commission ......................................................... 38
710:1-5-43. Exceptions to the requirement for exhausting administrative remedies ......................... 38
710:1-5-44. Computation of time ............................................................................................................................. 38
710:1-5-45. Service of documents ............................................................................................................................ 39
710:1-5-46. Dismissal of case .................................................................................................................................... 39
710:1-5-47. Burden of proof ........................................................................................................................................ 40
710:1-5-48. Effective date of the Part ..................................................................................................................... 40
710:1-5-49. Survival and abatement of protests ................................................................................................ 40
PART 7. ABATEMENT OF ERRONEOUS TAX ASSESSMENT .................................................................................... 41
710:1-5-70. Purpose ...................................................................................................................................................... 41
710:1-5-71, When an assessment becomes final ................................................................................................ 41
710:1-5-72. Request for adjustment or abatement ........................................................................................... 42
710:1-5-73. Initial review, determination of abatement request ................................................................. 42
710:1-5-74. Notification of initial disposition of abatement request; procedure upon denial by
Division .............................................................................................................................................................................. 42
710:1-5-75. Docketing of abatement request ..................................................................................................... 43
710:1-5-76. Presentation of abatement request to Commission ................................................................. 43
710:1-5-77. "Preponderance of the evidence" and "clearly erroneous" defined; burden of proof for
tax abatement purposes ............................................................................................................................................ 43
710:1-5-78. No appeal; no stay of collection proceedings as a result of abatement request ........ 44
PART 8. SETTLEMENT OF TAX LIABILITY ....................................................................................................................... 44
710:1-5-80. Purpose ...................................................................................................................................................... 44
710:1-5-81. Definitions .................................................................................................................................................. 44
710:1-5-82. Grounds for settlement ........................................................................................................................ 45
710:1-5-83. Eligibility requirements for settlement .......................................................................................... 45
710:1-5-84. Application for a Settlement Agreement ...................................................................................... 46
710:1-5-85. Effect of Offer in Compromise by the Internal Revenue Service ............................................ 46
710:1-5-86. Review by Commission ........................................................................................................................ 47
710:1-5-87. Disclosure .................................................................................................................................................. 48
710:1-5-88. Effect of a Settlement Agreement ................................................................................................... 48
710:1-5-89. Payment .................................................................................................................................................... 49
710:1-5-90. If the proposed Settlement Agreement is declined ................................................................... 50
710:1-5-91. Return of Settlement Agreement Application............................................................................ 50
710:1-5-92. Exclusivity of request for settlement of tax liability .................................................................. 50
710:1-5-93. Officials ineligible for Settlement Agreement ............................................................................. 51
PART 9. PROCEEDINGS RELATED TO PERMITS AND LICENSES ............................................................................ 51
710:1-5-100. Show cause hearings .......................................................................................................................... 51
PART 10. BUSINESS COMPLIANCE PROCEEDINGS .................................................................................................. 51
710:1-5-110. Definitions ............................................................................................................................................... 51
710:1-5-111. Noncompliant taxpayer determination and advisory notice .............................................. 51
710:1-5-112. Commencement of twenty-four (24) month period and examples .................................. 52
710:1-5-113. Pending business closure notice ..................................................................................................... 52
710:1-5-114. Closure Order .......................................................................................................................................... 53
710:1-5-115. Installment payment agreements ................................................................................................. 53
710:1-5-116. Interest and penalty waiver requests ........................................................................................... 54
710:1-5-117. Hearing request by noncompliant taxpayer ............................................................................. 54
710:1-5-118. Timely filing of protest and applications for hearing ............................................................. 55
710:1-5-119. Defenses to business closure ............................................................................................................ 55
710:1-5-120. Hearing procedures governing hearing requests to pending business closure notice
.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 55
710:1-5-121. Hearing officer decisions ................................................................................................................... 55
710:1-5-122. Business closure ................................................................................................................................... 56
710:1-5-123. District Court injunctions .................................................................................................................. 56
TAX COMMISSION ............................................................................................................................................................... 56
710:1-5-200. Disqualification procedure .............................................................................................................. 56
SUBCHAPTER 8. TAX AMNESTY PROGRAM [EXPIRED] ............................................................................................. 57
710:1-8-1. General provisions [EXPIRED] ............................................................................................................... 57
710:1-8-2. Definitions [EXPIRED] .............................................................................................................................. 57
710:1-8-3. Eligible tax liabilities to which tax amnesty may apply [EXPIRED] ....................................... 57
710:1-8-4. Qualification for amnesty program [EXPIRED] .............................................................................. 58
710:1-8-5. Application procedures [EXPIRED] .................................................................................................... 58
710:1-8-6. Verification and review [EXPIRED] ..................................................................................................... 58
710:1-8-7. Disclosure [EXPIRED] ............................................................................................................................... 58
710:1-8-8. Special circumstances [EXPIRED] ...................................................................................................... 58
SUBCHAPTER 9. OKLAHOMA VOLUNTARY COMPLIANCE INITIATIVE [EXPIRED] .......................................... 58
710:1-9-1. General provisions [EXPIRED] ............................................................................................................... 58
710:1-9-2. Definitions [EXPIRED].............................................................................................................................. 58
710:1-9-3. Eligible tax liabilities to which Voluntary Compliance Initiative may apply [EXPIRED]
.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 58
710:1-9-4. Qualification for Voluntary Compliance Initiative [EXPIRED] ................................................ 58
710:1-9-5. Application procedures [EXPIRED] .................................................................................................... 58
710:1-9-6. Verification and review [EXPIRED] .................................................................................................... 58
710:1-9-7. Disclosure [EXPIRED] ............................................................................................................................... 58
710:1-9-8. Nonpayment penalty [EXPIRED] ....................................................................................................... 58
710:1-9-9. Special circumstances [EXPIRED] ..................................................................................................... 59
710:1-9-10. Payment plan guidelines [EXPIRED] .............................................................................................. 59
SUBCHAPTER 11. RETAILER COMPLIANCE INITIATIVE [EXPIRED] ...................................................................... 59
710:1-11-1. Purpose [EXPIRED] .................................................................................................................................. 59
710:1-11-2. [RESERVED] ............................................................................................................................................... 59
710:1-11-3. Definitions [EXPIRED] ............................................................................................................................ 59
710:1-11-4. [RESERVED] ............................................................................................................................................... 59
710:1-11-5. Retailer Compliance Initiative [EXPIRED] .................................................................................... 59
SUBCHAPTER 13. CONSUMER COMPLIANCE INITIATIVE ....................................................................................... 59
710:1-13-1. Purpose ....................................................................................................................................................... 59
710:1-13-2. [RESERVED] .............................................................................................................................................. 59
710:1-13-3. Consumer Compliance Initiative .................................................................................................... 59
710:1-15-1. General provisions [EXPIRED]............................................................................................................. 60
710:1-15-2. Definitions [EXPIRED] ........................................................................................................................... 60
710:1-15-3. Eligible tax liabilities to which Voluntary Compliance Initiative may apply
[EXPIRED] ........................................................................................................................................................................ 60
710:1-15-4. Qualification for Voluntary Compliance Initiative [EXPIRED].............................................. 60
710:1-15-5. Payments [EXPIRED] ............................................................................................................................. 60
710:1-15-6. Verification and review [EXPIRED] .................................................................................................. 60
710:1-15-7. Disclosure [EXPIRED]............................................................................................................................. 60
710:1-15-8. Special circumstances [EXPIRED] ................................................................................................... 61
710:1-15-9. Payment plan guidelines [EXPIRED]............................................................................................... 61
SUBCHAPTER 17. OKLAHOMA VOLUNTARY DISCLOSURE INITIATIVE [EXPIRED] .......................................... 61
710:1-17-1. General provisions [EXPIRED] ............................................................................................................. 61
710:1-17-2. Definitions [EXPIRED] ........................................................................................................................... 61
710:1-17-3. Voluntary Disclosure Initiative [EXPIRED] .................................................................................... 61
710:1-17-4. Eligible tax liabilities to which Voluntary Disclosure Initiative may apply [EXPIRED]
.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 61
710:1-17-5. Eligible taxpayers [EXPIRED] ............................................................................................................ 61
710:1-17-6. Modified Voluntary Disclosure Agreement [EXPIRED] ............................................................ 61
710:1-17-7. Verification and review [EXPIRED] .................................................................................................. 61
710:1-17-8. Disclosure [EXPIRED] ............................................................................................................................ 61
710:1-17-9. Payment plan guidelines [EXPIRED] .............................................................................................. 61
APPENDIX A. SCHEDULE OF FEES ................................................................................................................................ 62
710:1-1-1. Purpose
(a) The provisions of this Chapter have been adopted for the purpose of
compliance with the Oklahoma Administrative Procedures Act, 75 O.S. §§250.1 et
seq., and to facilitate the administration, enforcement, and collection of taxes
and other levies enacted by the Oklahoma Legislature for the general
maintenance and welfare of the State of Oklahoma.
(b) In particular, the purpose of Subchapter 1 is to set out a general description of
the Oklahoma Tax Commission, review the functions performed by the
Commission, and briefly present an overview of the statutory role of the
Commission, its organization and structure.
(c) Any and all provisions in Title 710 of the Oklahoma Administrative Code
which require actions to be taken by the Commission shall be contingent on
availability of funding and should there be a reduction or elimination thereof,
the Commission may reduce or suspend performance of the obligation until
such time as funding is provided or secured.
[Source: Amended at 38 Ok Reg 1502, eff 9-1-21]
710:1-1-2. General description of the Oklahoma Tax Commission
(a) History. The Oklahoma Tax Commission, from its inception in 1931, has been
responsible for the collection and administration of various tax sources and the
apportionment of these revenues to state funds which provide monies for
education, transportation, recreation, social welfare, and the myriad of other
services provided for the citizens of Oklahoma.
(b) Composition. The Tax Commission is comprised of three members
(Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary-Member) who are appointed by the
Governor with the advice and consent of the State Senate and serve terms of six
years each. The Commission appoints an administrator who is the
administrative officer of the Tax Commission and manages the activities of its
employees. The title of the administrative officer shall be Executive Director.
(c) Duties. It is the Commission's responsibility to supervise the administration
and enforcement of state tax laws and the collection of a majority of all state-
levied taxes and fees. The Commission directs the collection and distribution of
the tax and license sources under its administration and, by statute, is
responsible for apportioning such tax revenues to the various state funds. In
addition, the Oklahoma Tax Commission allocates directly to local units of
government certain state-collected levies earmarked to counties, school districts
and municipalities. On a contract basis with individual municipalities and
counties, the Tax Commission is involved with the administration, collection and
distribution of city and county sales taxes and use taxes.
(d) Areas of administration. The public may make submissions and requests to
the Commission in the following areas of taxation and licensing:
(1) Admission Tax
(2) Aircraft Excise Tax
(3) Aircraft License Fee
(4) Alcoholic Beverage Tax
(5) Amateur Radio Operators License Plate
(6) Bingo Tax
(7) Charity Games Tax
(8) Cigarette Tax & License
(9) Coin Device Decals and Distributor Permits
(10) Compressed Natural Gas
(11) Computer Enhancement Fund
(12) Controlled Dangerous Substances Tax Stamps
(13) County Clerk Fees
(14) Diesel Fuel Excise Tax
(15) Documentary Stamp Tax
(16) Driving Record Fee
(17) Energy Resources Assessment
(18) Farm Implement Tax Stamp
(19) Franchise Tax
(20) Freight Car Tax
(21) Gasoline Excise Tax
(22) Gross Production Tax
(23) Horsetrack Gaming Fees
(24) Income Tax
(25) Income Tax Check-Offs
(26) Liquefied Natural Gas
(27) Medical Marijuana Excise Tax
(28) Mixed Beverage Gross Receipts Tax
(29) Motor Vehicle Collections
(30) Motor Vehicle Rental Tax
(31) Multiple Injury Trust Fund
(32) Nascar License Plates
(33) 911 Wireless Telephone Fee
(34) Occupational Health & Safety Tax
(35) Oklahoma Tax Commission Reimbursement
(36) Organ Donor Program
(37) Pari-Mutuel Tax
(38) Petroleum Excise Tax
(39) Pick Six/Seven Tax
(40) Printing and Revolving Account
(41) Professional Sporting Event Ticket Fees
(42) Public Services Penalties
(43) Registered Agents Fee
(44) Rural Electric Co-op Tax & License
(45) Sales Tax
(46) Sales Tax Permits
(47) Sales Tax Vendor's Lists
(48) Special Fuel Decals
(49) Special Fuel Use Tax
(50) Special License Plates
(51) Special Printing Account
(52) Storage Leakage Fund
(53) Sustaining Energy Resources Fee
(54) Telecommunications for the Hearing-Impaired Surcharge
(55) Tobacco Products Tax & License
(56) Transport & Reclaimer License Fees
(57) Tribal Cigarette & Tobacco Payments
(58) Unclassified Receipts
(59) Use Tax
(60) Used Tire Recycling Fee
(61) Vehicle Revenue Tax Stamps
(62) Warrant Release Filing Fee
(63) Wire Transmittal Fee
(64) Workers' Compensation Insurance Premium Tax
(65) Workers' Compensation Self-Insurance Guaranty Fund
(e) Main offices. The main offices of the Oklahoma Tax Commission are
located at 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102 (405)521-
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99; Amended at 24 Ok Reg 1688, eff 6-11-07;
Amended at 29 Ok Reg 685, eff 5-25-12; Amended at 38 Ok Reg 1502, eff 9-1-21]
710:1-1-3. Statutory citation
Citations to statutes in this Title refer to the last codification of the statute,
unless such reference results in a clearly erroneous construction, or where a
provision expressly designates otherwise. Statutory references contained in
emergency rules and in rules which are not yet finally adopted, but are currently
within the promulgation process, will generally refer to the most recent
710:1-3-1. Purpose
The provisions of Subchapter 3 are intended to describe general, uniform
policies which are applicable to all tax types, except where other policy is clearly
indicated by statute, controlling case law, or separate, specific Code provision.
710:1-3-2. Required forms and where available
(a) The Oklahoma Tax Commission utilizes a wide variety of forms in the
administration of the tax laws. Oklahoma tax forms may be accessed through
the Tax Commission website at www.tax.ok.gov.
(b) The Tax Commission may require any person filing a report or return required
by the provisions of any state tax law to file the report or return by electronic
means or may allow, upon a written request, a taxpayer to file a return on paper
that is required to be filed electronically. [68 O.S. § 203]
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99; Amended at 24 Ok Reg 1688, eff 6-11-07]
710:1-3-5. Intent of rule
The inclusion of Federal Employer's Identification or Social Security Account
Numbers (or both) on filings with the Commission is solely for identification
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-3-6. Use of Federal Employer Identification Numbers and other
identification numbers mandatory
All returns, applications, and forms required to be filed with the Oklahoma
Tax Commission (Commission) in the administration of this State's tax laws
shall bear the Federal Employer's Identification Number(s), the Taxpayer
Identification Number, and/or other government issued identification number
of the person, firm, or corporation filing the item and of all persons required by
law or agency rule to be named or listed.
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99; Amended at 26 Ok Reg 2320, eff 6-25-09;
Amended at 27 Ok Reg 127, eff 10-1-09 (emergency); Amended at 27 Ok Reg 2272, eff 7-11-10;
Amended at 32 Ok Reg 1330, eff 8-27-15]
710:1-3-7. Checks made payable to the Oklahoma Tax Commission; use of
Federal Employer Identification Numbers, Social Security Numbers
mandatory [REVOKED]
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99; Revoked at 32 Ok Reg 1330, eff 8-27-15]
710:1-3-8. Confidentiality of records
All Federal Employer's Identification and/or Social Security Account Numbers
are deemed to be included in the confidential records of the Commission.
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-3-9. [RESERVED]
710:1-3-10. [RESERVED]
710:1-3-11. [RESERVED]
710:1-3-12. [RESERVED]
710:1-3-13. [RESERVED]
710:1-3-14. [RESERVED]
710:1-3-15. Use of driver license number; exception
(a) All returns, applications, and forms required by the Oklahoma Vehicle
Licensing and Registration Act shall bear the driver license number of the person
submitting the return, application, or form.
(b) All checks made payable to the Oklahoma Tax Commission for fees
required under the Oklahoma Vehicle Licensing and Registration Act shall bear
the driver license number of the person issuing or drawing the check, or of the
person on whose behalf the check is written.
(c) Other current and valid identifier, acceptable by the receiving authority,
may be submitted on the return, application, form, or check described in
subsections (a) and (b) of this Section, if the person has no driver license. [See:
47 O.S. §1144]
710:1-3-30. Timely filing
(a) General definition. When the last date for filing any document or
performing any act required by the Oklahoma Tax Commission falls on a day
when the offices are not open for business, the filing of the document or
performance of the act shall be considered timely if it is performed by the end of
the next business day.
(b) When filing is by mail, timely filing shall be defined as follows. If any
claim, statement, or other document required by law or agency rule to be filed
within a prescribed period, or on or before a prescribed date, is delivered after
the prescribed period or date by the United States Postal Service or other
delivery service designated by OAC 710:1-3-33 to the Oklahoma Tax Commission,
at 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, the date of the United
States postmark, stamped on the cover in which the claim, statement, or other
document is mailed or the date recorded pursuant to OAC 710:1-3-33 by a
designated delivery service shall be considered to be the date of delivery.
(c) Application. This provision shall apply:
(1) Determined with regard to any extension of time granted for the filing;
(2) Only if the postmark date or date recorded by a designated delivery
service falls within the prescribed period, or on or before the prescribed date
for filing the claim, statement, or other document; and,
(3) Only if the claim, statement, or other document was, within the
prescribed time, deposited in the mail in the United States or placed with a
designated delivery service, in an envelope or other appropriate wrapper,
postage prepaid, properly addressed to the agency, office, or officer with
which the claim, statement, or other document is required to be filed.
[Source: Amended at 22 Ok Reg 1514, eff 6-11-05]
710:1-3-31. Sender assumes risk of untimeliness of mail
(a) The sender who relies upon the applicability of the definition of timely
filing in 710:1-3-30 by mailing a claim, statement, or other document, assumes
the risk that the postmark will bear a date, on or before the last date or day, of
the period prescribed for filing the document.
(b) If the postmark on the envelope or wrapper is not legible or the envelope is
unavailable, the person who is required to file the document has the burden of
proving when the postmark was made or when the claim, statement, or other
document was placed for delivery with a designated delivery service. [See: OAC
[Source: Amended at 22 Ok Reg 1514, eff 6-11-05]
710:1-3-32. Documentation to avoid risk of untimeliness
(a) If a document is sent by United States Registered Mail or by a delivery
service designated in OAC 710:1-3-33, the date of registration of the document
shall be treated as the postmark date.
(b) If a document is sent by United States Certified Mail or by a delivery service
designated in OAC 710:1-3-33, and the sender's receipt is dated by the service's
employee, the date on the receipt shall be treated as the postmark date of the
[Source: Amended at 22 Ok Reg 1514, eff 6-11-05]
710:1-3-33. Designated delivery service
(a) For purposes of filing any document or performing any act required by the
Oklahoma Tax Commission, in addition to the United States Postal Service
(USPS), the Commission may designate delivery services that are substantially
equivalent to USPS registered or certified mail.
(b) To qualify as a designated delivery service, the service must:
(1) Be available to the general public;
(2) Be as timely and reliable, on a regular basis, as the USPS; and,
(3) Record electronically to its data base, kept in the regular course of
business, the date on which the item was given to the service for delivery; or,
(4) Mark on the cover of the item to be delivered, the date on which the
item was given to the service for delivery.
(c) The private delivery services set out in this subsection have been designated
by the Tax Commission as meeting the required standards prescribed in (b) of
this Section.
(1) Airborne Express (Airborne)
(A) Overnight Air Express Service
(B) Next Afternoon Service
(C) Second Day Service
(2) DHL Worldwide Express
(A) DHL "Same Day" Service
(B) DHL USA Overnight
(3) Federal Express (FedEx)
(A) FedEx Priority Overnight
(B) FedEx Standard Overnight
(C) FedEx 2 Day
(D) FedEx International Priority
(E) FedEx International First
(4) United Parcel Service (UPS)
(A) UPS Next Day Air
(B) UPS Next Day Air Saver
(C) UPS 2nd Day Air
(D) UPS 2nd Day Air A.M.
(d) Only the designated private delivery services and the types of services listed
in (c) of this Section qualify for consideration under the "timely filing" provision in
68 O.S. § 221.1. The designated private delivery services listed in this Section are
effective until the Commission amends the list.
(e) The "timely filing" rule, OAC 710:1-3-30, does not apply if a taxpayer uses a
business that contracts with a designated delivery service, but the business is not
itself a designated delivery service.
[Source: Added at 22 Ok Reg 1514, eff 6-11-05]
710:1-3-40. Allocation of voluntary payments to delinquent tax, penalty,
interest [REVOKED]
[Source: Revoked at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93]
710:1-3-41. Taxpayer may request particular allocation [REVOKED]
[Source: Revoked at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93]
710:1-3-42. Interest [REVOKED]
[Source: Revoked at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93]
710:1-3-43. Effective date of this Part [REVOKED]
[Source: Revoked at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93]
710:1-3-44. Payment of tax, penalty and interest under protest [REVOKED]
[Source: Revoked at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93]
710:1-3-45. Definitions
The following words and terms, when used in this Part, shall have the
following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Involuntary payment" means any payment received by the Commission as a
result of or in connection with any distraint, levy, seizure, attachment or
garnishment, or any other legal proceeding or administrative action wherein the
Commission seeks to collect or enforce the collection of a tax liability or to file a
claim therefor. Such proceedings and actions include, but are not limited to,
bankruptcy proceedings, the filing and forwarding of tax warrants directing the
levy and sale of property, and any administrative action or proceeding wherein
the Commission proposes to revoke, cancel, suspend or deny any license, permit
or privilege because of an outstanding tax liability. Payments made pursuant to
an installment or "payout" agreement entered into as a result of or subsequent
to the institution of any of the above collection measures are deemed
involuntary payments.
"Liability period" means the reporting period of a delinquent tax or tax
liability, or, in the case of tax liabilities determined as a deficiency, all reporting
periods included in the assessment of such deficiency. For purposes of
determining the earlier of two or more liability periods, the beginning date of
each liability period is used.
"Partial payment" means any payment to or receipt by the Commission of an
amount less than sufficient to pay in full all tax liabilities of the taxpayer.
"Tax liability" means delinquent taxes and tax amounts determined as a
deficiency, and includes all penalties, interest, service charges and fees accrued
and accruing in relation thereto.
"Voluntary payment" means a payment made prior to or in the absence of
any legal proceeding or administrative action in or by which the Commission
seeks to collect or enforce the collection of a tax liability. Payments made
pursuant to an agreement voluntarily entered into between the taxpayer and
the Commission prior to such legal proceeding or administrative action will
continue to be deemed as voluntary payments only so long as the taxpayer
remains in full compliance with the terms of such agreement.
[Source: Added at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93]
710:1-3-46. Partial payment of tax liabilities; allocation to taxes, penalties,
interest, service charges, and fees
(a) Voluntary payments. Voluntary partial payments of tax liabilities will be
applied to such liabilities in the manner designated by the taxpayer, where the
taxpayer provides specific written instructions for the application of such
payments. If the taxpayer fails to give specific written instructions for the
application of a voluntary partial payment, the Commission will allocate and
apply such payment in the same manner as provided for involuntary payments.
(b) Involuntary payments. The taxpayer has no right to direct or designate the
allocation or application of an involuntary payment. In all instances, the
Commission will allocate and apply involuntary partial payments in the manner
which, in the discretion of the Commission, will best serve the interests of the
State. Generally, unless the Commission determines that a different allocation
will better serve the State's interests, involuntary partial payments will be
allocated and applied in the following manner:
(1) First, to the tax portion of non-trust fund tax liabilities, beginning with the
earliest such liability period, and then to the tax portion of each succeeding
liability period until all non-trust fund taxes are paid;
(2) Next, to the tax portion of all trust fund tax liabilities, beginning with the
earliest such liability period, and then to the tax portion of each succeeding
liability period until all trust fund taxes are paid;
(3) Next, to the interest, penalties, service charges, and fees, in that order,
associated with non-trust fund tax liabilities, beginning with the earliest such
liability period, and then in the same order for each succeeding liability
period(s) until all interest, penalties, service charges, and fees associated with
non-trust fund tax liabilities have been paid;
(4) Next, to the interest, penalties, service charges, and fees, in that order,
associated with trust fund tax liabilities, beginning with the earliest such
liability period, and then in the same order for each succeeding liability
period(s) until all interest, penalties, service charges, and fees associated with
trust fund tax liabilities have been paid.
[Source: Added at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93; Amended at 12 Ok Reg 139, eff 9-29-94
(emergency); Amended at 12 Ok Reg 2923, eff 7-14-95; Amended at 22 Ok Reg 1515, eff 6-11-05]
710:1-3-47. Payment under protest
In any case where a taxpayer files a written protest to a proposed assessment
as provided by 68 O.S. §221, the taxpayer may pay the tax amounts proposed to
be assessed and designate such payment as being made under protest. Such
payment will stop the accrual of interest on the amounts so paid. If the
Commission sustains the protest, in whole or in part, the amount determined by
the Commission not to be due shall be refunded to the taxpayer, without
interest, except as otherwise provided by law.
[Source: Added at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93]
710:1-3-48. Payment of taxes by credit card
(a) "Nationally recognized" credit card means any instrument or device,
whether known as a credit card, credit plate, charge plate or by any other name,
issued with or without fee by an issuer for the use of the cardholder in obtaining
goods, services or anything else of value on credit which is accepted by over one
thousand merchants in this state. The Oklahoma Tax Commission shall
determine which nationally recognized credit cards will be accepted for
payment of taxes. Currently Discover, American Express, Visa and MasterCard
are accepted.
(b) Implementation of payment by credit card will be phased in over a period
of time as determined by the Commission.
(1) Initially, payment of taxes by credit card will only be allowed at the
current designated receiving points or by designated agents.
(2) When tax return forms are modified to include credit card information in
a designated area on the form, payment by this method will be accepted
when the tax return document is submitted.
(c) The Tax Commission will verify that sufficient credit is available before
acceptance of credit card to insure that no loss of state revenue will occur by the
use of such card.
(1) If a taxpayer is at a designated receiving point and credit is not available,
the taxpayer then has the opportunity to pay by other methods accepted by
the Commission.
(2) If the taxpayer mails the credit card information with their return and
credit is not available, the return will be handled as a document with no
remittance and a bill will be forthcoming.
(d) The Tax Commission may add an amount equal to the amount of the
service charge incurred, not to exceed four percent (4%) of the amount of such
payment as a service charge for the acceptance of such credit card.
(e) Credit card payments should not be mixed with other type payments, i.e.
checks, cash.
(f) The Commission will contract a third party to process credit card
transactions who will place monies received into the Commission's account with
the State Treasurers Office and report such payments to the Commission.
(g) Taxpayers wishing to pay by credit cards must be willing to submit
normally required credit card information to the Commission. This includes, but
is not limited to: card type (VISA, etc.), card number, card expiration date, and
card holder name as shown. The Commission assumes no liability for
unauthorized use of this information.
[Source: Reserved at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93; Added at 11 Ok Reg 3465, eff 6-26-94]
710:1-3-50. Purpose
The intent of this Part is to provide an efficient system for the collection of
taxes evidenced by tax warrants and to provide for the prompt disbursement to
sheriffs of fees and expenses authorized by law. [See: 68 O.S. §231.1]
710:1-3-51. Execution on tax warrant and collection of sheriff's penalty
The Sheriff shall execute all warrants as provided by law. All monies so
collected shall be made payable to the Oklahoma Tax Commission. The Sheriff's
office is entitled under the law to an amount of money equal to an additional
penalty of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00), or an amount equal to Ten Percent of the total
amount of tax, penalty, and interest collected in the execution of a tax warrant,
whichever amount is greater, but not to exceed $200.00, to be paid to the
County Sheriff's Office after collection of the amounts due by the Sheriff,
Undersheriff, or Deputy Sheriff.
(1) The penalty imposed shall not be assessed or collected more than once
for the execution of a tax warrant in each county.
(2) The penalties paid to the sheriff are to be used by the sheriff's department
to increase efforts to locate tax debtors and their property, to execute upon
tax warrants, and to collect delinquent taxes.
[Source: Amended at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93; Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-3-52. Execution and collection duty; return of voucher
Tax warrants for delinquent tax, penalty and interest will be issued by the
Oklahoma Tax Commission. Once issued by the Commission, the warrants will
be filed by the county clerk and forwarded to the county sheriff. The sheriff is to
actively pursue collection of each warrant delivered.
710:1-3-53. County sheriff Collection duty
In execution of tax warrants, and to qualify for collection fee disbursement
pursuant to this Rule, the county sheriff's activity shall include, but not be limited
to: phone contacts, letters, and personal visits. The sheriff must be able to
document the date and type of contact made for each tax warrant for which the
sheriff is claiming a fee.
710:1-3-54. Release of tax warrants
A tax warrant issued by the Oklahoma Tax Commission shall only be released
by the Commission, after a determination by the Income Tax Accounts Division
of the Oklahoma Tax Commission that:
(1) The tax, penalty and interest to date has been paid in full.
(2) The penalty imposed by law and all other fees authorized by law have
been paid in full.
(3) Such release shall be processed under Commission procedures, after
clearance by the Income Tax Accounts Division.
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-3-55. Procedures for remittance and deposit of collections;
apportionment; recordkeeping
(a) All tax warrants collected upon by a county sheriff must be returned
monthly, attached to a tax warrant summary sheet. Each tax warrant collection
summary sheet must have a check attached for the total collected, including
collection fee.
(b) All collections shall be deposited within 48 hours of collection to a separate
account in the county, maintained by each sheriff and used exclusively for these
(c) Each month, the sheriff will forward a check, attached to a collection
summary sheet, to the Commission.
(d) The Commission shall process, account for and disburse the funds as
provided by law. The checks transferred to the Commission shall be deposited
in the Oklahoma Tax Commission Fund.
(e) The sheriff's fee shall be apportioned and returned to the sheriff as soon as
practicable after deposit and verification that payment of tax, penalty, interest
and fees has been made in full.
(f) Sheriffs shall maintain records of deposits made to the Oklahoma Tax
Commission fund. Such records shall be kept on forms prescribed by the
Commission and be submitted in the manner specified by the Commission for
verification of disbursements.
710:1-3-56. Collection fee attaches to tax warrant
A sheriff's collection fee will attach to the tax warrants and accrue for
payment on a case-by-case basis. If the taxpayer remits the face amount of the
warrant directly to the Commission, the Commission will determine whether the
collection fee has attached and either release the warrant, or request the sheriff
to pursue additional collection efforts to collect the fee. Any discrepancy shall
be resolved by the Commission, and will be final and binding on the sheriff and
the taxpayer. If a sheriff is aggrieved, the sheriff may ask the Commission to
adjust its determination.
710:1-3-57. Collection fee subject to audit
All sheriff's collection fees are subject to audit.
710:1-3-58. Time limit for collection and return of warrant
Sheriffs shall collect and return warrants assigned to them within 60 days
after filing of the warrant.
710:1-3-59. Taxpayer bankruptcy
If a sheriff, during execution of a warrant, learns that the taxpayer has filed
bankruptcy and has not yet been discharged, the sheriff shall write the
bankruptcy case number on the warrant and return it to the Commission.
710:1-3-60. Verification of discrepancies
In some cases, the amount to be collected on a warrant will be less than the
amount shown on the face of the warrant, due to partial payment or an
intercepted refund claim. In these cases, the sheriff shall verify the correct
amount due with the Warrant Office.
710:1-3-61. Validity of tax warrant
Any questions about the validity of a tax warrant, (i.e. wrong name, wrong
business, incorrect address, etc.) should be referred to the Income Tax Accounts
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-3-62. Instructional material available to sheriffs
Each sheriff's office will be provided with a detailed instruction packet and
forms approved and distributed by the Commission.
710:1-3-70. Records in general
(a) Confidentiality of records. Generally, the law provides that the records and
files of the Oklahoma Tax Commission are confidential except as specifically
provided otherwise by statute. [See: 68 O.S. § 205]
(b) Classes of exceptions to the general rule of non-disclosure. Certain
documents are available to the public by specific exception to the general law
set out in (a) of this Section. In addition, some documents are considered public
in nature, pursuant to the Open Records Act. [See: 68 O.S. §§ 205, 205.2, 205.5
and 205.6; 51 O.S. § 24A.4]
(c) Records available under specific provisions of law. By specific statutory
mandate and by exceptions to the general rule of confidentiality set out in 68
O.S. § 205, there are a number of sources of information available to the public
and maintained by the Commission.
(1) List of income tax filers. A list of persons who filed Oklahoma income tax
returns is prepared annually and made available for inspection at the
Taxpayer Resource Center, 300 N. Broadway Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73102,
during normal business hours.
(2) Register of tax warrants filed. A register of current outstanding tax
warrants issued is updated monthly and made available for inspection at the
Taxpayer Resource Center, 300 N. Broadway Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73102,
during normal business hours.
(3) Oklahoma aircraft registry. A list of aircraft registered with the state is
maintained and available for public inspection at the Taxpayer Resource
Center, 300 N. Broadway Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73102, during normal
business hours.
(4) Decedents' list. A list of decedents within the state, county of probate,
and probate number is maintained and available for public inspection at the
Audit Services Division, 300 N. Broadway Ave, Oklahoma City, 73102 OK
during normal business hours.
(5) Permits, licenses, exemptions. Information regarding the issuance or
revocation of licenses and permits and documents evidencing exemption are
available for most applicable tax types. The elements or items of information
available regarding permits, licenses and exemptions may vary by tax type. In
addition, the format in which a particular record is available may be limited
to that normally used by the agency. Items of permit-related information
may include permit number, permittee name, name of business, and
business address. Inquiries should be made to the Business Tax Services
(d) Limited disclosure in some instances. Some records and information from
records maintained by the Commission may be accessible only by certain
persons, or for certain limited uses. In these instances, the release of information
must be one permissible by statute. The Commission may require that the
request be written and may require supporting documentation or identification,
if the release of information sought is one statutorily limited in scope.
(e) Requesting records; fees. Where a person desires the Commission to make
photocopies of public records, the request should be made in writing, specifying
the record requested. The Commission may collect a fee for the copying of
records, as well as other fees required by statute, and may structure the manner
of response to requests so as to protect the normal business of the agency from
undue disruption or delay. [For specific fee information, see Appendix A of this
Chapter, Schedule of Fees.]
[Source: Amended at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93; Amended at 12 Ok Reg 2923, eff 7-14-95;
Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-3-71. Rules of the Oklahoma Tax Commission
(a) Rules described. "Rules" of the Oklahoma Tax Commission are formal
statements of policy which set out procedures to be followed in the
administration of various tax levies and fees. Rules describe broad
interpretations of the tax laws, often prescribe forms, and may set out informal
and formal procedures for filing, remitting, registering and objecting to the
various taxing provisions. Rules may also prescribe procedures for the granting,
denial, suspension, renewal, or revocation of various permits and licenses
administered by the Commission. Rules are subject to the provisions of Article I
of the Oklahoma Administrative Procedures Act (APA), in Title 75 of the
Oklahoma Statutes and must be promulgated under the terms of the APA
before they are considered effective. Rules which have been promulgated have
the full force and effect of law and continue in effect until amended or revoked
under APA provisions.
(b) Availability. Current rules, both permanent and emergency, of the
Oklahoma Tax Commission are available on the Oklahoma Tax Commission
website at www.tax.ok.gov or from the Taxpayer Resource Center, 300 N.
Broadway Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73102, during normal business hours.
[Source: Amended at 22 Ok Reg 1515, eff 6-11-05]
710:1-3-72. Decisions of the Oklahoma Tax Commission
(a) Decision defined. A "decision" of the Oklahoma Tax Commission means a
final determination in an adversarial hearing on an individual tax protest or
claim, including a Commission order in writing which is made, entered, and
mailed to a taxpayer pursuant to the provisions of the Uniform Tax Procedure
Code (68 O.S. § 201, et seq.). Decisions initially rendered from individual tax
hearings are considered confidential records. However, decisions from individual
tax hearings are available to the public under the grant of authority set out in 68
O.S. § 221 and the mandate of Section 302(A)(4) of Title 75 of the Oklahoma
Statutes (Administrative Procedures Act).
(b) Confidentiality. To protect the identity of individuals, the decisions of the
Oklahoma Tax Commission available for examination by the public utilize
fictitious names or have had names and identifying features removed, leaving
intact the factual statement, the statement of applicable law, the findings of the
Commission, and the disposition of the protest or claim.
(c) Applicability. Decisions of the Oklahoma Tax Commission may be broadly
categorized into two groups: Precedential and Non-precedential. A Precedential
decision is one in which the findings are applicable to a broad spectrum of
taxpayers and in which the interpretation of law embodied in the holding may
appropriately be relied upon prospectively by the Commission and by the
public. A Non-precedential decision is generally one in which the rule of law
expressed is unique to the fact situation of the particular case.
(d) Availability. Decisions are available from the Administrative Proceedings
Section, 3700 North Classen Boulevard, Suite 260, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,
during normal business hours and may be accessed through the Tax
Commission website at Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.www.tax.ok.gov.
[Source: Amended at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93; Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99;
Amended at 22 Ok Reg 1515, eff 6-11-05; Amended at 24 Ok Reg 1688, eff 6-11-07]
710:1-3-73. Opinions and letter rulings
(a) Opinions not issued by the Commission. An "opinion" is a formal document,
generally prepared by legal counsel, expressing conclusions that interpret or
apply the law to a set of assumed facts. As so defined, the Oklahoma Tax
Commission does not issue opinions. However, legal counsel may prepare such
a document to advise the Commission or a taxing Division within the
(b) "Opinion" defined. Thus, an "opinion," with respect to the Oklahoma Tax
Commission, means a written communication embodying formal legal advice,
upon which the Commission may base, in whole or in part, administrative
decisions, decisions in individual tax proceedings, or prospective policy decisions.
Opinions, being advisory to the Commission, do not constitute authority by any
party for challenging any matter pending before the Commission.
(c) Opinion may impact policy, rulemaking. To the degree that a policy of the
Commission, based upon such a legal opinion, impacts broad segments of
taxpayers and is to be given future effect by the Commission, such policy may be
promulgated as a rule of the Commission.
(d) Availability of opinions. Such opinions as may be made available to the
public, pursuant to the provisions of Section 302(A)(4) of Title 75, as further
defined and limited by the terms of Section 24A.1, et seq. of Title 51, will be
limited to those which are, or will be embodied in policy of the Commission.
(e) "Letter ruling" described. The Tax Policy and Research Division and the
Office of the General Counsel may draft and issue letter rulings, which are
informal written statements of policy or treatment of specific fact situations
under Oklahoma tax law. Such a letter ruling may generally be relied upon only
by the taxpayer to whom it is issued, provided that all facts have been accurately
and completely stated, and that there has been no change in applicable law.
(f) Requests for letter rulings. Requests by individuals or groups of taxpayers for
letter rulings will be honored by the Commission, at its discretion, and in
consideration of the time and resources available to respond to such requests.
Requests for letter rulings should be made to the Tax Policy and Research
Division, Oklahoma Tax Commission, Oklahoma City, OK 73194.
(g) Letter ruling may initiate rulemaking. To the degree that a letter ruling
impacts broad segments of taxpayers and is to be given future effect by the
Commission, such letter ruling may become the basis for a rule of the
(h) Availability of letter rulings. Letter rulings may be viewed at the Taxpayer
Resource Center, 300 N. Broadway Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73102, during
normal business hours.
[Source: Amended at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93; Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99;
Amended at 26 Ok Reg 2320, eff 6-25-09]
710:1-3-74. Public records available under other provisions of law [REVOKED]
[Source: Revoked at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93]
710:1-3-75. Fees for copying, retrieval, reproduction, and certification of public
documents [REVOKED]
[Source: Revoked at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93]
710:1-3-80. Procedures for partial release of tax warrant or lien
(a) Partial Release of a Tax Warrant or Lien may be issued under the following
(1) Where there is a short sale and the lien of an outstanding Tax Warrant is
unenforceable or uncollectible due to the existence of a prior lien(s) held on
the parcel of realty, and the amount of the outstanding prior lien(s) exceeds
the amount such property would bring at a sale of the property for fair
market value;
(2) Where the lien of an outstanding Tax Warrant is unenforceable or
uncollectible due to the existence of a prior outstanding mortgage lien(s)
held by the requesting party on the parcel of realty, and the amount of the
outstanding mortgage lien(s) exceeds the amount such property would bring
at a foreclosure sale;
(3) Where a mortgage lien(s) has been foreclosed in an action in a District
Court but where there has been a failure to name the State of Oklahoma ex
rel, Oklahoma Tax Commission as a party defendant in the foreclosure action
and there exists no likelihood of collection or enforceability of a Tax Warrant
against a particular parcel of realty;
(4) Where the holder of a mortgage lien(s) has taken a deed in lieu of
foreclosure and there exists no likelihood of collection or enforceability of a
Tax Warrant against a particular parcel of realty;
(5) Where the applicant is not the taxpayer named in the Tax Warrant and
acquired a parcel of realty encumbered by an Oklahoma Tax Commission
tax lien, whether it be at a County Tax Resale or any other situation where
title was passed from the taxpayer named in the Tax Warrant to the
applicant without properly extinguishing the Tax Warrant;
(6) Where there exists no likelihood of collection or enforceability of a Tax
Warrant against a particular parcel of realty because the applicant does not
have enough equity in the property to satisfy the Tax Warrant in full; or
(7) Where the denial of the Partial Release would result in an undue
expense or hardship on the requesting party.
(b) For purposes of this Section, under the situations described in (a) of this
Section, "adequate consideration" for a Partial Release is defined as follows:
(1) In a situation described in (a)(1), (a)(2) or (a)(3) of this Section, payment of ten
percent (10%) of the Tax Warrant inclusive of interest and penalty, provided
such an amount is not less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00).
(2) In a situation described in (a)(4) of this Section, payment of the principal
tax liability on the Tax Warrant, provided such an amount is not less than Five
Hundred Dollars ($500.00).
(3) In a situation described in (a)(5) of this Section, payment of all of the net
proceeds from the sale.
(4) Pursuant to 68 O.S. Section 214, a Tax Warrant may be released without
the payment of any consideration only when the Tax Commission determines
that the warrant, certificate or judgment is clouding the title of such property
by reason of error in the description of properties or similarity of names.
(5) In any case where the Commission shall determine that the amount
prescribed by (1) through (4) of this subsection shall be excessive or
inadequate, then adequate consideration shall be such amount as the
Commission shall prescribe.
[Source: Amended at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93; Amended at 36 Ok Reg 1197, eff 8-11-19]
710:1-3-81. Irrevocable letter of credit in lieu of bond [REVOKED]
[Source: Revoked at 13 Ok Reg 3091, eff 7-11-96]
710:1-3-82. Calculation of amount of nonresident contractor bond to be
(a) Along with the notice of contract and a bond in the penal sum of three
times the tax liability incurred or to be incurred by a nonresident contractor with
a contract in excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00), an
estimation for the tax liabilities incurred or to be incurred is to be filed on a form
or in a format as required by the Oklahoma Tax Commission, setting out the tax
base and the estimated tax liability, to include, but not be limited to the
following taxes, as applicable:
(1) Ad valorem taxes
(2) Aircraft excise taxes and registration fees
(3) Employment security tax
(4) Employee withholding tax
(5) Franchise tax
(6) Income tax
(7) Motor fuel tax
(8) Motor vehicle excise taxes and registration fees
(9) Sales and use tax
(10) Payments for worker's compensation coverage
(b) In the absence of the filing of the estimation of tax liability required above,
it will be presumed that the bond required to be filed will be ten percent (10%)
of the amount of the contract less the amount of any bonds posted by any
subcontractors who are also nonresident contractors.
[Source: Added at 12 Ok Reg 2923, eff 7-14-95; Amended at 22 Ok Reg 1516, eff 6-11-05]
710:1-3-83. Increases in amount of nonresident contractor bond to be posted
If a nonresident contractor who has posted a bond in accordance with Rule
710:01-03-82, enters into other contracts to perform services or duties in this
state, or if in the judgment of the Oklahoma Tax Commission the amount of tax
liability incurred or to be incurred has increased from the amount used to
compute the amount of the original bond, the bond shall be increased so that
the total bond shall be equal to three times the increased tax liability. In the
case of the nonresident contractor entering into one or more contracts
subsequent to the posting of the original bond, but prior to the sending of a
Notice of Completion of the original contract, the bond required shall be in an
amount equal to three times the sum of the estimated tax liabilities for all
contracts on which a Notice of Completion has not been filed.
[Source: Added at 12 Ok Reg 2923, eff 7-14-95]
710:1-5-1. Purpose
The provisions of Subchapter 5 have been promulgated for the purpose of
compliance with the Oklahoma Administrative Procedures Act, 75 O.S. §§302,
305, and 307. The various procedural processes, both formal and informal, by
which a party aggrieved by any action of the Commission in the performance of
its functions may seek a remedy are described in Subchapter 5.
(1) The provisions of Part 3 are intended to describe the various procedures,
both formal and informal, by which a taxpayer may seek redress of a
grievance or seek to have a particular suggestion or complaint considered by
the Commission, pursuant to the various remedial avenues provided by
(2) The provisions of Part 5 of this Subchapter prescribe the formal Rules of
Practice and Procedure before the Office of the Administrative Law Judges,
particularly with respect to protests of tax assessments and protests of
denials of claims for refunds of taxes paid.
(3) The provisions of Part 7 govern the procedures for the consideration and
disposition of a request for an abatement or adjustment of an alleged
erroneous tax assessment.
(4) Finally, Part 9 of this Subchapter addresses procedures which govern the
administrative proceedings dealing with the granting, suspension, and
revocation of various permits and licenses which fall within the administrative
purview of the Commission.
[Source: Amended at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93]
710:1-5-10. Tax protests and claims for refund
(a) A protest may be described as a formal, written challenge to a proposed
tax assessment or to the denial of a claim for refund of taxes paid. The statutory
requirements for perfecting a protest or claim for refund are governed, generally,
by the provisions of the Uniform Tax Procedure Code (68 O.S. §§ 201 et seq.),
except in the areas of Income Tax (Article 23 of Title 68 of the Oklahoma
Statutes) and Estate Tax (Article 8 of Title 68 of the Oklahoma Statutes) which
have additional, and in some instances, superseding, statutory requirements.
(b) There are several routes available, both formal and informal, to a taxpayer in
objecting to an assessment. Prior to the filing of a protest, the issues may be
resolved by further discussion with the assessing tax division. Challenged
assessments or audits may be amended or adjusted by the tax Division involved,
upon reasoned grounds and adequate documentation. Should issues remain
unresolved after consulting with the assessing division, the taxpayer may file
written protest with the taxing division. A protest must be "timely filed." That is,
it must be filed on, or before, the statutory time provided for filing protests, to
insure that the protestant-taxpayer preserves his legal rights to a full hearing of
the matter and a route for appeal if the disposition of the protest is not resolved
in his favor. In the absence of a formal written extension of time within which to
file a protest, proposed assessments which are not protested within the time
prescribed by statute are considered final. Any finally assessed tax in such a
case which is paid to or collected by the Tax Commission is not subject to a
claim for refund or hearing thereon, to the extent provided in 68 O.S. § 227(f).
Thus, a taxpayer who receives a notice of proposed assessment of tax from the
Tax Commission should not assume that it can be challenged later by way of a
claim for refund, if a protest of the proposed assessment is not timely filed and
the proposed assessment then becomes final. However, a taxpayer who fails to
file a timely protest may, within one (1) year of the date the assessment becomes
final, request the Tax Commission to adjust or abate the assessment pursuant to
68 O.S. § 221(e) and the provisions of Part 7 of this Subchapter.
(c) The following is a brief description of a typical protest that would take place
within the framework of the Oklahoma Tax Commission administrative
proceedings process.
(1) Initially, an audit is conducted by one of the various taxing Divisions of
the Oklahoma Tax Commission pursuant to 68 O.S. § 221(a). Thereafter, a
proposed assessment is issued to the taxpayer. If, in fact, the taxpayer
disagrees with the proposed assessment, a protest may be filed, generally
within sixty (60) days of the date of the assessment, pursuant to the
provisions of 68 O.S. § 221(c).
(2) Except for the initial filing of a protest, which may be made with the
taxing division, with the Office of the General Counsel, or with the office of the
Administrative Law Judges, the office of the Administrative Law Judges serves
as the "Court Clerk" for the administrative hearing process. The
Administrative Law Judges are appointed by the Commissioners of the
Oklahoma Tax Commission and act independently of the taxing Divisions
and the Office of the General Counsel.
(3) Once a protest is received by the taxing Division, the Division will
generally review the proposed assessment to determine whether further
adjustments are appropriate. Additional discussion between the taxpayer
and the Division may be requested in this regard. If issues still remain
unresolved at the conclusion of this process, the protest is forwarded to the
Administrative Law Judges' Office, where the protest is docketed and a Pre-
Hearing Conference is scheduled between the taxpayer, the General
Counsel's Office attorney who represents the taxing Division and an
Administrative Law Judge.
(4) At this time, a case may be resolved through discussion and negotiation
with the staff attorney and the protest or claim is formally withdrawn from
the docket, at the request of the parties. This informal resolution may be
described as either a withdrawn assessment or a withdrawn protest,
depending upon the manner in which the issues were resolved.
(5) Generally, the manner in which a case is to be submitted is decided by
the parties at the Pre-Hearing Conference. Other matters decided at this
conference are the legal issues of the case and the manner of evidence or
witnesses (or both) to be presented at any hearing. Taxpayers are urged to
respond to letters; appear or make alternate arrangements at scheduled pre-
hearing conferences and hearings; file required briefs or position letters in a
timely fashion; and in all respects pursue their legal rights diligently.
(6) Following the Pre-Hearing Conference, and assuming the case is not
resolved, it is set for hearing. The Administrative Law Judge will preside at the
hearing, wherein testimony and exhibits are received and a record is made.
After consideration of the merits, the Administrative Law Judge will issue
Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations.
(7) Following the issuance of the Findings by the Administrative Law Judge,
the Commissioners may either adopt the Finding, or modify it, in part, or in
whole. If the taxpayer has requested an en banc hearing, the Commission
may grant it at this time. Once the Order of the Commission is issued, the
Taxpayer has thirty (30) days within which to file an appeal with the
Oklahoma Supreme Court.
(8) Detailed procedural rules governing a tax protest may be found in 710:1-
5-21 through 710:1-5-49, which set out rules of Practice and Procedure before
the Office of the Administrative Law Judges.
[Source: Amended at 9 Ok Reg 3015, eff 7-13-92; Amended at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93;
Amended at 12 Ok Reg 2923, eff 7-14-95; Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99; Amended at 20
Ok Reg 2580, eff 7-11-03; Amended at 26 Ok Reg 2320, eff 6-25-09]
710:1-5-11. Petitions for abatement
(a) A petition or request for abatement or adjustment of a tax assessment is a
procedure by which a taxpayer may request relief from an assessment which has
become final, but which the taxpayer may show, by a preponderance of the
evidence, that the assessment contested was clearly erroneous. The
determination of such a petition or request is within the sole discretion of the
Commission pursuant to the provisions of 68 O.S. § 221(e) and is not subject to
(b) The procedures for the filing, consideration, and disposition of petitions for
abatement or adjustment of a tax assessment are set out in 710:1-5-70 through
(c) Procedures governing an abatement or adjustment request are exclusive and
must be clearly distinguished from the procedures required for filing a timely
protest of a proposed tax assessment or a protest of a denial of a claim for refund
of taxes. Tax protest procedure is governed by the provisions of 710:1-5-21
through 710:1-5-49, which set out general rules of Practice and Procedure before
the Office of the Administrative Law Judges.
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-5-12. Petitions for waiver of interest or penalty (or both)
Waiver of interest or penalty associated with a tax assessment or failure to file
a return or report is within the discretionary authority of the Commission
pursuant to the provisions of 68 O.S. § 220. Requests for waiver of penalty or
interest should be in writing, and addressed to the division which originated the
tax assessment or liability notification.
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-5-13. Settlement of claims or protests
Settlement of disputed, unliquidated tax claims or assessments is within the
discretionary authority of the Oklahoma Tax Commission pursuant to the
provisions of 68 O.S. § 219. Request for settlement or offer of settlement proposal
should be made to the taxing division which initiated the disputed assessment.
Settlements of final liabilities pursuant to 68 O.S. § 219.1 are governed by the
provisions of Part 8 of this Subchapter.
[Source: Amended at 20 Ok Reg 2580, eff 7-11-03]
710:1-5-14. Criminal tax prosecution and referral
The Tax Commission has the authority to pursue criminal prosecution in
appropriate cases pursuant to the provisions of 68 O.S. § 105. The General
Counsel or the district attorney is required to initiate criminal actions for
violations of the tax laws of this state. The attorneys for the Tax Commission
may prosecute such criminal actions or may, upon request of a district
attorney, appear and assist in the prosecution of such actions initiated by the
district attorney. 68 O.S. § 105(B). As used herein, the term "tax laws of this
state" means any law of the State of Oklahoma which levies, imposes, provides
for administration of, or in any way relates to a tax, fee, or revenue raising
property which is collected by or required to be deposited with the
Commission. 68 O.S. § 105(C).
[Source: Revoked at 33 Ok Reg 1060, eff 8-25-16; Added at 36 Ok Reg 1197, eff 8-11-19]
710:1-5-15. Requests for rulemaking action
(a) Any interested person may petition the Commission, requesting the
adoption, amendment, or revocation of an existing rule of the Oklahoma Tax
Commission. Such a request need not take any particular form, but must be
written and include the following information:
(1) The full text, or identifiable portion thereof, of a proposed rule or rules;
(2) The identification and the full text, or identifiable portion thereof, of an
existing rule or rules, as proposed to be amended, clearly indicating proposed
(3) The identification of the rule or rules for which repeal is sought;
(4) A statement in support of the proposal made. This statement shall make
reference to the statutory basis for the proposal, including, when appropriate,
judicial and administrative interpretations of the statute or statutes in
question. The supporting statement should include specific objections to
existing rules, practices, or interpretations, and set forth the policy
considerations which support adoption of the proposal; and,
(5) A statement describing in detail the interest of the petitioner in making
the proposal. This description shall include a statement as to whether the
proposal is intended to affect the tax consequences of any transaction or
transactions entered into or contemplated by the petitioner, its vendors,
customers, clients, or any person upon whose request or upon whose behalf
the proposal is made, the taxability of which are known by the petitioner to
be the subject of an inquiry, audit, refund, or assessment proceeding by the
Commission and shall contain an explanation of the circumstances
surrounding the inquiry, audit, refund, or assessment proceeding, if any.
(b) The Commission shall consider each request for rulemaking action which is
filed in conformity with this Section and, at its discretion, direct that rulemaking
proceedings be initiated in response thereto or deny the request. The
Commission may also, at its discretion and with a view to agency resources,
direct the rulemaking action be deferred until the next regularly scheduled
rulemaking proceedings are commenced. If the rulemaking request is denied,
the Commission shall timely so notify the requesting party, in writing, stating the
reason(s) for denial. The determination of rulemaking requests shall be solely
within the province of the Commission, and no individual proceeding shall be
afforded any party in conjunction therewith.
(c) Pursuant to the terms of Section 305 of Title 75 (The Oklahoma
Administrative Procedures Act, "APA") any petition for which rulemaking action
has not commenced within 30 calendar days is deemed to be denied.
(d) Requests may be made to the Tax Policy and Research Division, at Oklahoma
Tax Commission, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73194.
[Source: Amended at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93; Amended at 12 Ok Reg 2923, eff 7-14-95;
Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-5-16. Rulemaking procedure and hearings
(a) "Hearing" for rulemaking purposes defined. Rulemaking hearings of the
Oklahoma Tax Commission are a forum in which interested parties may express
views, make suggestions, and generally have input into the process by which the
Commission formulates policy set out in proposed rules. The "hearing" in a
rulemaking action consists of:
(1) a period for public comment, during which written submissions are
accepted (will be "heard") by the Commission for the rulemaking actions
previously announced; and,
(2) a meeting at which interested persons may attend and express opinions,
give views, make suggestions, or argue orally.
(b) Who may appear. Any persons interested in or affected by proposed
rulemaking actions may appear at a rulemaking hearing. An appearance may
be made individually, or by a representative.
(c) Commencement of rulemaking.
(1) The Commission may commence action to promulgate, amend, or revoke
a rule at any time on its own initiative.
(2) The Commission may commence action to promulgate, amend, or revoke
a rule pursuant to a Request or Petition for Rulemaking action described in
(3) The Commission may commence action to promulgate, amend, or revoke
a rule pursuant to applicable judicial or statutory mandate.
(d) Applicable procedures. Rulemaking procedure, as it applies to the
Commission, is set out in general by the terms of the Oklahoma Administrative
Procedures Act ("APA"), 75 O.S. §§ 250.1, et seq. Rulemaking hearings required by
the APA will substantially conform to the provisions thereof. The following
general provisions will apply to rulemaking hearings held by the Oklahoma Tax
(1) Unless expressly stated otherwise in a Notice of Rulemaking Intent,
rulemaking hearings will be held at the Oklahoma Tax Commission, 123
Robert S. Kerr Ave, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102.
(2) Unless expressly stated otherwise in a Notice of Rulemaking Intent,
persons wishing to present views orally should notify the Commission in
advance of the hearing. To assure efficient use of the forum, the Commission,
in its discretion, may limit the amount of time available to each speaker.
(3) All written submissions and requests to be placed on the agenda to make
oral submission shall be directed to the Oklahoma Tax Commission, Tax
Policy and Research Division, Oklahoma City, OK 73194.
(4) All persons in attendance at a rulemaking hearing, whether offering input
or not, will be requested to identify themselves for the rulemaking record.
(5) All persons in attendance at a rulemaking hearing who desire to make
oral comment will be requested to provide a name and mailing address for
the rulemaking record.
(6) All persons in attendance at a rulemaking hearing will limit oral
comments to the merits of the proposed rules for which the hearing is
commenced, as announced by the applicable Notice of Rulemaking Intent.
(7) A rulemaking hearing being non-adversarial in nature, all persons in
attendance at such hearing will offer input in such a fashion as to comport
with the purpose of gathering effective and meaningful information for the
guidance of the Commission in formulating policy.
(8) Summaries or audio recordings (or both) will be made of rulemaking
hearings and maintained as a part of the rulemaking record. No transcript of
the rulemaking hearing will be prepared. Should an interested party desire a
transcription or recording of a rulemaking hearing, the taxpayer is directed to
contact a certified court reporter, and make the necessary arrangements for
the presence of the reporter at the hearing, and the cost thereof. The cost of
transcribing will be borne by the party seeking such transcript, who must
furnish the original of the transcript to the Commission.
(9) All records required to be kept pertaining to rulemaking will be
maintained and may be viewed at the Oklahoma Tax Commission, Tax Policy
and Research Division, 300 N. Broadway Ave, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
73102, during normal business hours (7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). Interested
persons may obtain copies of both current and proposed rules of the
Commission from this source.
(10) Interested persons may request individual notice of proposed
rulemaking intent by a written request to the Oklahoma Tax Commission, Tax
Policy and Research Division, Rulemaking Liaison, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,
73194. Requests for individual notice should specify the area of tax or
procedure for which notice is desired and must be renewed annually.
(e) Attendance by Commission representatives; Commission review. To
ensure that public input will receive a meaningful hearing, all rulemaking
hearings will be attended by a representative from the taxing Division of the
Commission initiating the proposed rules. All submissions or summaries thereof,
both written and oral, will be reviewed and considered by the Commission prior
to the adoption or promulgation of any proposed rules.
[Source: Amended at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93; Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-5-17. Petitions for declaratory rulings
(a) General provisions. The Commission or its duly authorized agent may issue
declaratory rulings, as to the applicability of any rule or principle of law
embodied in a precedential decision of the Commission, which is requested by
or on behalf of a person directly affected thereby, subject to the terms and
conditions set forth in this Section.
(b) Form of petition; where to file. A declaratory ruling petition must be made
in writing and sent in duplicate to the Secretary-Member, Oklahoma Tax
Commission, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73194.
(c) Contents of a petition for a declaratory ruling. A declaratory ruling petition
must specifically state:
(1) That a "declaratory ruling is requested pursuant to 710:1-5-17";
(2) The petitioner's
(A) Name (the name of the person, partnership, corporation or entity to
whom the facts presented in the petition apply);
(B) Address and phone number;
(C) Federal identification number, if applicable; and
(D) Appropriate OTC license, registration or identification number, where
(3) The type of tax, fee, bond, registration, license, or permit at issue;
(4) The issue(s) on which a declaratory ruling is requested, stated clearly and
(5) A complete, clear and concise statement of all relevant facts on which the
declaratory ruling is requested;
(6) The petitioner's desired result and the legal basis for that result, including
reference to the applicable statutes, rules, regulations, and case law;
(7) Whether the issue, as it regards the petitioner, is presently under
investigation or audit by the Commission or any of its agents. The term
investigation or audit includes, but is not limited to, an inquiry, audit, refund,
assessment, suspension or revocation proceeding by the Commission; and
(8) Whether the petitioner is presently pursuing any protest, litigation or
negotiation on the issue with the Commission or any of its Divisions, as well as
the name of any other person, partnership, corporation or entity whom the
petitioner or a duly authorized representative knows is involved with the
identical issue pending before or with the Commission.
(d) Petition must bear authorized signature. A petition for a declaratory ruling
must be signed by the petitioner or an authorized agent of the petitioner.
(e) Proposed draft may be offered. The petitioner may provide a draft ruling for
the Commission's consideration.
(f) Commission may require additional information. The Commission or its
authorized representative may request additional information from the
petitioner as deemed necessary to issue a declaratory ruling. Failure to provide
the requested information shall result in denial of the petition to issue the
declaratory ruling.
(g) Effect of a declaratory ruling. A declaratory ruling shall have the following
(1) The declaratory ruling shall apply only to the particular fact situation
stated in the declaratory ruling petition;
(2) The declaratory ruling shall apply only to the petitioner;
(3) The declaratory ruling shall bind the Commission, its duly authorized
agents and their successors only prospectively;
(4) The declaratory ruling shall bind the Commission, its duly authorized
agents and their successors as to transactions of the petitioner that occur
within three (3) years after the date of the issuance of the declaratory ruling;
(5) The declaratory ruling may be revoked, altered, or amended by the
Commission at any time.
(h) Exceptions to binding effect of declaratory ruling. The declaratory ruling
shall cease to be binding if:
(1) A pertinent change is made in the applicable law by the Legislature;
(2) A pertinent change is made in the Commission's rules;
(3) A pertinent change in the interpretation of the law is made by a court of
law or by an administrative tribunal; or
(4) The actual facts are determined to be materially different from the facts
set out in the petitioner's declaratory ruling petition.
(i) Issuance of a declaratory ruling. The Commission will make a good faith
effort to issue a declaratory ruling within ninety (90) days from date of receipt of
a complete and proper petition unless, in the Commission's discretion, the issue
is of such complexity or novelty that additional time is required.
(j) Contents of a declaratory ruling. A written response from the Commission or
from any employee or agent of the Commission to an inquiry from a taxpayer
may not be construed to be a declaratory ruling unless made in conformity with
this Subsection. A declaratory ruling must contain:
(1) A statement that: "This is a declaratory ruling issued by the Oklahoma Tax
Commission pursuant to 75 O.S. § 307;" and
(2) The signature of the Commission or any person duly authorized to issue
declaratory rulings on its behalf.
(k) Denial of a petition for declaratory ruling. The Commission, in its discretion,
may deny a petition for declaratory ruling for good cause. In this instance, the
Commission, in a letter, will indicate the reason(s) for refusing to issue the
declaratory ruling. Good cause includes, but is not limited to, the following:
(1) The petition does not substantially comply with the information required
by this Section;
(2) The petition involves hypothetical situations or alternative plans;
(3) The petitioner requests the Commission to interpret or apply a statute, or
requests a determination as to whether a statute is constitutional under the
Oklahoma Constitution or the United States Constitution;
(4) The facts or issue(s) presented in the petition are unclear, overbroad,
insufficient or otherwise inappropriate as a basis upon which to issue the
declaratory ruling;
(5) The issue about which the declaratory ruling is requested is primarily one
of fact;
(6) The issue is presently being considered in a rulemaking proceeding,
protest proceeding or other agency or judicial proceeding that may
definitively resolve the issue;
(7) The issue cannot be reasonably resolved prior to the issuance of rules;
(8) The petitioner is under investigation or audit relating to that issue, or the
issue is the subject of investigation, audit, administrative proceeding or
(9) The issue relates to the application of the law to members of a business,
trade, professional or industrial association or other similar group(s); or
(10) The petitioner is not identified or is anonymous.
(l) Withdrawal of a petition for declaratory ruling. The petitioner may
withdraw the petition for a declaratory ruling, in writing, prior to the issuance of
the declaratory ruling.
(m) Response when declaratory ruling inappropriate. When a declaratory
ruling petition requests the Commission to interpret or apply a statute or case
law to a specific set of facts, the Commission will issue a letter ruling, as
described in OAC 710:1-3-73, instead of a declaratory ruling.
[Source: Amended at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93; Amended at 12 Ok Reg 2923, eff 7-14-95;
Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99; Amended at 22 Ok Reg 1516, eff 6-11-05; Amended at 32
Ok Reg 1330, eff 8-27-15]
710:1-5-20. Purpose and general overview of taxpayer protest procedure
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99; Revoked at 38 Ok Reg 1502, eff 9-1-21]
710:1-5-21. Intent, scope and construction of rules
The Rules of Practice and Procedure before the Office of the Administrative
Law Judges set out in this Part shall govern all contested proceedings before the
Oklahoma Tax Commission or its delegated Administrative Law Judge. These
Rules shall be given the most reasonable meaning, taken in their total context,
and will be construed to secure due process in the proper resolution of every
controversy. They shall not be construed to limit legal rights or obligations of any
710:1-5-22. Commencement and numbering of a protest
(a) Protests must be commenced by filing a timely written protest with the
office of any Commissioner, the director of the division out of which the
controversy arose, the office of the Administrative Law Judges, or the office of the
General Counsel. In order for a protest to be considered timely, it must be filed,
pursuant to Oklahoma Statutes, within sixty (60) days after the date of the
mailing of the assessment, unless an extension is granted within the sixty (60)
day period.
(b) The Administrative Law Judges' Office assigns a case number of a protest of
proposed assessment or protest to denial of claim for refund (both called
"protest" herein), creates a court file, assigns a Judge and sets a day for a pre-
hearing conference between the parties and the Administrative Law Judge.
[Source: Amended at 20 Ok Reg 2580, eff 7-11-03]
710:1-5-23. Protests in writing and timely filed; applications for hearings
All tax protests must be in writing and must be timely filed according to the
applicable statute. If an oral hearing is desired, an application or request
therefor must be made in writing. No protest hearing will be set without a
written application or request therefor.
710:1-5-24. Protests to denials of claims for refunds
A claim for refund has to be denied by the tax division before a taxpayer can
file a protest. Once a claim is denied and the taxpayer files a protest with the Tax
Commission, the Administrative Law Judge shall set a hearing within sixty (60)
days after the filing of the protest. The taxpayer shall be duly notified of time of
the hearing. Protests to denials of claims for refund have priority status and shall
be set for hearing at the earliest practicable date.
710:1-5-25. Content of protests and applications for hearing
Protests and applications for hearing shall be filed and signed by the taxpayer,
or an authorized representative, and shall set out therein:
(1) The name, address and employer's identification number, if applicable;
(2) A statement of the amount of the deficiency as determined by the
Division in the proposed assessment, the nature of the tax and the amount
thereof in controversy;
(3) A clear and concise assignment of each error alleged to have been
(4) The argument and legal authority upon which each assignment of error is
made; provided, that the applicant shall not be bound or restricted in such
hearing, or on appeal, to the arguments and legal authorities contained and
cited in said applications;
(5) A statement of the relief sought by the taxpayer;
(6) A verification by the taxpayer or his duly authorized agent that the
statements and facts contained therein are true; and
(7) In a refund claim, an assertion as to whether the basis for the claim
request is due to a mistake of law or a mistake of fact with a brief statement
of the mistake.
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99; Amended at 32 Ok Reg 1330, eff 8-27-15]
710:1-5-26. Pleadings to be on 8 ½ " x 11" paper
All pleadings filed with the Oklahoma Tax Commission shall be duplicated on
letter size, 8 ½ " x 11" paper.
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-5-27. Representation and participation in administrative proceedings
(a) Representation. In an administrative proceeding the taxpayer may represent
himself at any stage of the proceeding or may be represented by:
(1) an attorney;
(2) an accountant;
(3) an enrolled agent; or
(4) a representative who has been approved by the Commission to represent
the taxpayer.
(b) Proper showing may be required. If a taxpayer wants to be represented by
someone other than himself, an attorney, an accountant, or an enrolled agent,
the Administrative Law Judge may require that such person, before being
recognized as a representative of the taxpayer, make a proper showing that he
or she is of good character and in good repute and possessed with necessary
qualifications to enable the representative to render such services to the
taxpayer. Upon such showing by the representative, the Administrative Law
Judge will certify the representative.
(c) Proof of authority. Any person representing a taxpayer in any matter may be
required at any time to show written proof, in a form satisfactory to the
Commission, of his or her authority to represent such taxpayer in that matter.
(d) Confidentiality of proceedings; participation of others. Proceedings are
not open to the public unless confidentiality has been waived by the taxpayer or
his representative. Any person who is not a party, not employed by a party, or
not called as a witness, must obtain the permission of the Administrative Law
Judge before observing or participating during any stage of the proceeding.
Under provisions of Title 68 O.S. § 205, the taxpayer has the right to enforce the
confidentiality of the proceedings.
(e) Ex parte communication. Communication with the office of the assigned
Administrative Law Judge regarding scheduling and procedural matters is
permitted. The taxpayer(s) and/or their representative(s), the taxing division
and their attorney(s) shall have no ex parte communication on the substance
of a pending case with the assigned Administrative Law Judge.
[Source: Amended at 11 Ok Reg 3465, eff 6-26-94; Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99;
Amended at 19 Ok Reg 2027, eff 7-1-08; Amended at 26 Ok Reg 2320, eff 6-25-09; Amended at 30
Ok Reg 1850, eff 7-11-13]
710:1-5-28. Pre-hearing conference
(a) General provisions. A pre-hearing conference notice is sent to the parties,
usually within sixty (60) days of the filing of the protest. The purpose of the pre-
hearing conference is to get the parties together before the Administrative Law
Judge to attempt to resolve the case or parts of it, early in the progression of the
case, to discuss the facts, identify the legal issues, present discovery requests,
make all appropriate stipulations, and to propose a procedural schedule.
However, the pre-hearing conference should not serve as the parties
introduction to the case. Rather, the parties are to make contact and discuss the
merits of the case prior to the scheduled pre-hearing conference.
(b) Rulings; pre-hearing conference order. During the pre-hearing conference,
the Administrative Law Judge makes all necessary rulings. After the pre-hearing
conference, the Administrative Law Judge issues a pre-hearing conference order
which reduces to writing the agreements reached at the pre-hearing
(c) Failure to appear. If a party fails to appear at the scheduled pre-hearing
conference or to timely respond to the notice of pre-hearing conference, but has
previously submitted a written request for a hearing on the protest, then a
hearing will be set. If a hearing has not been requested, then the Division will be
directed by the Administrative Law Judge to file a response to the protest,
verified by the Division and signed by the attorney representing the Division. If a
party files a reply to the Division's Verified Response, and requests a hearing
therein, then the Administrative Law Judge may set the matter for hearing on
the merits of the protest, and thereafter, enter recommendations to the
Commission in accordance with the findings. If a party files a reply to the
Verified Response and does not request a hearing, then the Administrative Law
Judge will consider the reply in making a recommendation to the Commission.
If a party fails to file a reply to the Verified Response, then the Administrative Law
Judge will issue Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations. Any party
aggrieved by the recommendation may proceed pursuant to 710:1-5-40.
[Source: Amended at 11 Ok Reg 3465, eff 6-26-94; Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-5-29. Notice of hearing
If a case is not fully resolved at the pre-hearing conference, the case is set for
formal hearing before the Administrative Law Judge. Notice of the time, date
and location of the hearing is sent to the parties. The parties are directed to file
briefs or position letters (or both) in support of their positions.
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-5-30. Continuances or extensions
A party seeking an extension or continuance shall direct the request to the
Administrative Law Judge, with notice to opposing party, and for good cause
shown, a continuance or extension will be granted.
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-5-31. Administrative law judge to hear case
Hearings will be conducted by an Administrative Law Judge, who must be a
licensed attorney at law, who has been appointed by the Oklahoma Tax
Commission. The Administrative Law Judge shall have authority to conduct
hearings, to examine witnesses, to rule upon motions, to rule upon the
admissibility of evidence, to continue or recess any hearing, to control the record,
and to make recommendations to the Oklahoma Tax Commission. If for any
reason an Administrative Law Judge cannot continue on a case, the
Commissioners shall designate another Administrative Law Judge with the
above qualifications, who will become familiar with the record and perform any
function remaining to be performed without the necessity of repeating any
previous proceedings.
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-5-32. Conduct of hearing
Administrative proceedings are conducted by the Oklahoma Tax Commission
pursuant to the following procedures:
(1) Appearances; motions; preliminary matters; oaths. The burden of proof
is generally on the taxpayer. The hearing will be convened by the
Administrative Law Judge, appearances noted, and any motions or
preliminary matters will be considered. The Administrative Law Judge shall
administer oaths or affirmations to the witnesses.
(2) Argument; witnesses; evidence. Each party shall have the opportunity to
present its case, to make opening statements, to call and examine witnesses,
to offer documentary evidence into the record and to make closing
arguments. Each party shall also have the opportunity to cross-examine
opposing witnesses on matters covered in direct examination and, in the
discretion of the Administrative Law Judge, upon matters relevant to the
issues even though not covered in direct examination. Any objection to
testimony or evidentiary offers should be made, and the basis of the objection
stated on the record.
(3) Discretion of Administrative Law Judge in certain matters. The
Administrative Law Judge may question any party or any witness. The
Administrative Law Judge shall establish the order of proceeding, but
regardless of the order, the taxpayer is entitled to open and conclude in
arguments. The Administrative Law Judge is responsible for closing the
record, and may hold it open for stated purposes. Parties may submit
proposed Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations at any time after
notice of the hearing, but prior to closing of the record. Parties may request
that the record be held open for this or other purposes.
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-5-33. Discovery
Discovery in administrative proceedings before the Commission shall comply
with the following:
(1) Authority of Administrative Law Judge. The Administrative Law Judge
may, upon his or her own motion or on the motion of either party:
(A) Subpoena any person to appear and testify and to produce certain
documents or other tangible items at an oral hearing;
(B) Require either party to complete interrogatories;
(C) Commission the taking of an oral deposition and require production of
certain documents or other tangible items at the time of the deposition;
(D) Order any party to allow entry of a Tax Commission employee upon
property under his control for the purpose of doing any act or making any
inspection which is reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of
evidence material to the contested case.
(2) Subpoenas; costs; fees; service. When a witness is required to appear or
to produce documentary evidence, a subpoena shall be issued under the seal
of the Secretary of the Tax Commission. The party requesting the subpoena
shall fill it in before issuance. The subpoena may be served by certified mail
with return receipt requested or it may be hand delivered. The party
requesting the subpoena shall bear the cost of serving it. Fees of a non-party
witness who is subpoenaed to appear before the Tax Commission shall be
the same as those allowed to witnesses appearing before the district courts
of this State. Party witnesses are not entitled to witness fees.
(3) Confidentiality. Any and all information obtained through the discovery
proceedings shall be deemed confidential, shall be used only for matters
pending in the case in which they were discovered, and shall be accorded the
same degree of confidentiality as any other document or paper required by
law to be filed with the Oklahoma Tax Commission.
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-5-34. Rules of evidence
(a) Rules governing; admissibility; objections. The rules of evidence as
applied in non-jury, civil cases in the district courts of this State shall be followed
in administrative proceedings related to tax protests except when it is necessary
to ascertain facts not reasonably susceptible of proof under those rules. In that
event, evidence not admissible under the Rules of Evidence may be admitted, if
it is of a type commonly relied on by reasonably prudent persons in the conduct
of their affairs. The Administrative Law Judge shall give effect to the rules of
privilege recognized by law. Objections to evidentiary offers may be made and
shall be noted in the record. Subject to these requirements, part or all of the
evidence may be received in written form if the hearing will be expedited and
the interest of the parties will not be substantially prejudiced.
(b) Certification of issues. A party to the proceedings who objects to a ruling
of the Administrative Law Judge may request and obtain certification of the
issue to the Commission for a decision prior to the issuance of Findings,
Conclusions and Recommendations by the Administrative Law Judge. The
signatures of the taxpayer's representative, the tax division attorney and the
Administrative Law Judge must be upon the certification.
[Source: Amended at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93]
710:1-5-35. Oral evidence, witnesses and penalty for false statements
An Administrative Law Judge may require the parties to an administrative
proceeding to identify the persons they expect to call as witnesses. The
testimony of witnesses shall be made under oath or affirmation, and the making
of false statements may subject a person to the penalties of perjury.
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-5-36. Evidence by official notice
(a) The Administrative Law Judge in an administrative proceeding may,
regardless of whether requested by the parties, take official notice of matters
which the judges of district courts of Oklahoma can judicially notice and of facts
within the scope of personal knowledge or within the specialized knowledge of
the Tax Commission. Such official notice must be stated on the record, and the
parties must have an opportunity to contest the material noticed. A party
requesting the official notice must state upon the record sufficient information
to enable the Administrative Law Judge to comply with the request.
(b) If an Administrative Law Judge receives any document or other evidence
from a party in connection with an administrative proceeding which has not
been provided to the other party, the Administrative Law Judge shall give notice
of such receipt to the party not receiving the document or other evidence and
advise such party of its right to receive a copy of the document or other
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99; Amended at 30 Ok Reg 1850, eff 7-11-13]
710:1-5-37. Transcript of oral hearings; request for certified court reporter
Testimony offered under oath, comments of counsel and the Administrative
Law Judge, offers of documentary evidence and rulings made during the course
of an oral hearing shall be recorded by electronic media which can be
transcribed by the Administrative Law Judge's Office. A copy of the transcript of
the hearing will be furnished to any party to the proceeding upon written
request to the Administrative Law Judge and payment of a reasonable fee
established by the Tax Commission. Upon request to the Administrative Law
Judge by either party, the hearing will be recorded and transcribed by a certified
court reporter. If a certified court reporter is requested, necessary arrangements
for the presence of a reporter at a hearing, the cost thereof, and cost of
transcribing will be borne by the requesting party who must furnish the
Administrative Law Judge's Office with an original and the attorney for the
Commission with a copy, of such transcript.
[Source: Amended at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93; Amended at 13 Ok Reg 3091, eff 7-11-96;
Amended at 26 Ok Reg 2320, eff 6-25-09]
710:1-5-38. Submission of case on briefs
When a taxpayer in an administrative proceeding does not request an oral
hearing, or the parties agree that an oral hearing is not needed, the
Administrative Law Judge will base the Findings, Conclusions and
Recommendations on the position letters and briefs submitted by the parties.
The Administrative Law Judge will mail notice of a date certain for each party
to submit a position letter or brief setting out therein the statement of facts,
issues to be determined, contentions and statutory and case law relied upon to
support his contentions. The Administrative Law Judge may schedule a
conference between the parties if it is deemed necessary to clarify the
positions of the parties.
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99; Amended at 26 Ok Reg 2320, eff 6-25-09;
Amended at 30 Ok Reg 1850, eff 7-11-13]
710:1-5-38.1 Motion for summary disposition
A party may file a motion for summary disposition on any or all issues on
the ground that there is no substantial controversy as to any material fact. The
procedures for such motion are as follows:
(1) The motion for summary disposition shall be accompanied by a concise
written statement of the material facts as to which the movant contends no
genuine issue exists and a statement of argument and authority
demonstrating that summary disposition of any or all issues should be
granted. The moving party shall verify the facts to which such party
contends no genuine controversy exists with affidavits and evidentiary
material attached to the statement of material facts.
(2) If the protest has been set for hearing, the motion shall be served at
least twenty (20) days before the hearing date unless an applicable
scheduling order issued by the Administrative Law Judge establishes an
earlier deadline. The motion shall be served on all parties and filed with the
Office of the Administrative Law Judge.
(3) Any party opposing summary disposition of issues shall file with the
Administrative Law Judge within fifteen (15) days after service of the motion
a concise written statement of the material facts as to which a genuine
issue exists and the reasons for denying the motion. The adverse party shall
attach to the statement evidentiary material justifying the opposition to the
motion, but may incorporate by reference material attached to the papers
of the moving party. All material facts set forth in the statement of the
movant which are supported by acceptable evidentiary material shall be
deemed admitted for the purpose of summary disposition unless
specifically controverted by the statement of the adverse party which is
supported by acceptable evidentiary material.
(4) The affidavits that are filed by either party shall be made on personal
knowledge, shall show that the affiant is competent to testify as to the
matters stated therein, and shall set forth matters that would be admissible
in evidence at a hearing. A party challenging the admissibility of any
evidentiary material submitted by another party may raise the issue
expressly by written objection or motion to strike such material.
(5) If the taxpayer has requested a hearing, the Administrative Law Judge
will issue a notice to the parties scheduling the motion for a hearing limited
to oral argument. If the taxpayer has not requested a hearing, the
Administrative Law Judge will rule on the motion based on the submission
of the parties, including the motion, opposition to the motion, and
attachments thereto.
(6) If the Administrative Law Judge finds that there is no substantial
controversy as to the material facts and that one of the parties is entitled to
a decision in its favor as a matter of law, the Judge will grant summary
disposition by issuing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and
Recommendations. Such Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and
Recommendations are subject to review by the Commission pursuant to
OAC 710:1-5-10, 710:1-5-40 and 710:1-5-41. If a motion for summary
disposition is denied, the Administrative Law Judge will issue an order
denying such motion.
(7) If the Administrative Law Judge finds that there is no substantial
controversy as to certain facts or issues, the Judge may grant partial
summary disposition by issuing an order which specifies the facts or issues
which are not in controversy and directing that the action proceed for a
determination of the remaining facts or issues. If a hearing of factual issues
is required, evidentiary rulings in the context of the summary procedure
shall be treated as rulings in limine. Any ruling on partial summary
disposition shall be incorporated into the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of
Law, and Recommendations issued at the conclusion of the proceedings
before the Administrative Law Judge.
[Source: Added at 30 Ok Reg 1850, eff 7-11-13]
710:1-5-39. Findings, conclusions and recommendations
(a) Issuance. When the record in an administrative proceeding is closed and
submitted, the Administrative Law Judge will issue Findings, Conclusions and
Recommendations to the Tax Commission for its consideration. The Findings,
Conclusions and Recommendations will include a statement of facts, the issues
and contentions, conclusions based on the findings of fact and applicable law,
and recommendation to the Tax Commission. The parties to the proceeding will
be mailed copies of the Administrative Law Judge's Findings, Conclusions and
(b) No appeal. No appeal may be based upon the Findings, Conclusions and
Recommendations issued by the Administrative Law Judge, since only the Tax
Commission may issue the final order from which an appeal may be brought.
[Source: Amended at 11 Ok Reg 3465, eff 6-26-94; Amended at 12 Ok Reg 2923, eff 7-14-95;
Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-5-40. Options available to parties after action by Administrative Law
The following options are available to parties to an administrative proceeding
related to a tax protest after issuance of an unfavorable recommendation:
(1) Motion for rehearing or motion for reconsideration; content; replies;
time limitations. Within fifteen (15) days following mailing of the Findings of
Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendations of the Administrative Law
Judge, any party to the proceedings may file a motion for rehearing or a
motion for reconsideration with the Administrative Law Judge. The opposing
party may reply to a motion for rehearing or a motion for reconsideration
within fifteen (15) days after mailing of the motion for rehearing or motion for
reconsideration. A party's request shall be reviewed on the basis of the
content presented therein and not solely on the style of the party's motion.
(2) Rehearing procedure. If a party elects to file a motion for rehearing, that
party will be precluded upon rehearing, should the motion be granted, from
raising as error any issue not set forth in the motion. If a motion for rehearing
is granted, the proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and
Recommendations of the Administrative Law Judge are vacated pending
rehearing. If the motion is overruled, the original proposed Findings of Fact,
Conclusions of Law and Recommendations of the Administrative Law Judge
shall be deemed issued on the date the motion is overruled. If a rehearing is
granted, notice will be issued to the parties setting out the date, time and
place of the hearing.
(3) Reconsideration procedure. A motion for reconsideration must specify
each ground upon which the party alleges the findings to be erroneous. If a
motion for reconsideration is granted, the original proposed Findings of Fact,
Conclusions of Law and Recommendations of the Administrative Law Judge
are vacated. If the motion is overruled, the original proposed Findings of Fact,
Conclusions of Law and Recommendations of the Administrative Law Judge
shall be deemed issued on the date the motion is overruled.
(4) Grounds for granting motion for rehearing. A motion for rehearing may
be granted on any of the following, although such list is illustrative and not
(A) Newly-discovered evidence which could not, with reasonable
diligence, have been discovered and produced at the hearing on the
(B) Need for additional evidence to develop the facts essential to proper
(C) Additional evidence necessary to address conclusions of law not
contemplated prior to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and
Recommendations of the Administrative Law Judge being issued.
(5) Grounds for granting motion for reconsideration. A motion for
reconsideration may be granted on any of the following, although such list is
illustrative and not exclusive:
(A) Need for further consideration of the issues and the evidence.
(B) A showing that issues not previously considered ought to be examined
in order to properly dispose of the matter.
(C) Need for application of statute, rule or caselaw to the facts.
(6) Application for en banc hearing before Commission. If a motion for
rehearing or reconsideration is denied, the aggrieved party may, within fifteen
(15) days following mailing of such denial, file an application for oral
argument before the Tax Commission en banc. If a motion for hearing en
banc is granted, the case will be heard by the Commissioners sitting together
as a decision making body.
(7) En banc hearing procedure. Any party may apply for a hearing en banc
before the Commissioners whether or not he/she moved for rehearing or
reconsideration before the Administrative Law Judge. If a motion for
rehearing or reconsideration before the Administrative Law Judge is not filed,
any party requesting a direct appeal to the Commission en banc, must file
said motion for a hearing en banc within fifteen (15) days of the mailing of the
Administrative Law Judge's findings. The application must specify each
ground upon which the party alleges the Findings, Conclusions and
Recommendations to be erroneous. The opposing party may reply to a
motion for hearing en banc within fifteen (15) days after mailing of the motion
for hearing en banc. Should the application be granted, the moving party
will be precluded from raising as error any issue not set forth in the
application for a hearing en banc.
(8) Granting of hearing en banc; filing of briefs; time limitations. If such
application for oral argument is granted, the Commissioners will set a date,
time and place for the hearing and notice will be given to each side by mail
at least twenty (20) days in advance of the hearing. Typewritten briefs must
be submitted to the Commissioners at least fourteen (14) days prior to such
hearing, or as otherwise directed by the Commission. Time limits for oral
arguments will be set by the Commissioners at the time of the hearing.
(9) Exhaustion of administrative remedies. Although taxpayers must
exhaust all administrative remedies before appealing to the Oklahoma
Supreme Court, or if appropriate to a Federal court, it is not necessary to
move for reconsideration or rehearing or to apply for a hearing en banc to
exhaust administrative remedies. All that is necessary for exhaustion is to
pursue a protest until the Commissioners issue a final decision in the form of
an order.
(10) Commission decision commences appeal time. Neither a motion for
rehearing or reconsideration nor an application for a hearing en banc will be
granted after a final decision has been made and an order issued. Therefore, a
motion for rehearing or reconsideration or an application for a hearing en
banc will not serve to stay the time to appeal to the Supreme Court.
[Source: Amended at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93; Amended at 11 Ok Reg 3465, eff 6-26-94;
Amended at 12 Ok Reg 2923, eff 7-14-95; Amended at 13 Ok Reg 3091, eff 7-11-96; Amended at 16
Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99; Amended at 19 Ok Reg 2027, eff 7-1-08; Amended at 28 Ok Reg 929, eff
710:1-5-41. Decision and order of the Oklahoma Tax Commission
The Tax Commission will issue a written order in each case whether or not
application for oral argument is made. The Tax Commission may, in its
discretion, vacate, modify, or affirm, in part or whole, the recommendations of
the Administrative Law Judge.
[Source: Amended at 12 Ok Reg 2923, eff 7-14-95; Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-5-42. Appeals from orders of the Oklahoma Tax Commission
(a) If a taxpayer is aggrieved by any order, ruling, or finding of the Tax
Commission, the taxpayer may appeal therefrom directly to the Oklahoma
Supreme Court. The appeal must be perfected within thirty (30) days of the
mailing of the order by filing a petition in error with the clerk of the Supreme
Court of the State of Oklahoma and by filing a designation of the record with the
Secretary of the Tax Commission at the same time the petition in error is filed.
(b) In lieu of an appeal to the Supreme Court, any taxpayer aggrieved by a final
order of the Tax Commission assessing a tax or an additional tax or denial of a
claim for refund may opt to file an appeal for a trial de novo in the district court
of Oklahoma County or the county in which the taxpayer resides. An appeal
for trial de novo in district court must be filed in the district court within thirty
(30) days of the mailing of the Tax Commission order. A district court order
resulting from such a trial shall be appealable directly to the Supreme Court of
Oklahoma by either the taxpayer or the Tax Commission. Such appeal shall be
taken in the manner and time provided by law for appeal to the Supreme
Court from the district court in civil actions. The provisions of this subsection
shall be applicable for tax periods beginning after January 1, 2014. Provided, if
the order applies to multiple tax periods which begin before and after January
1, 2014, the appeal provided by this subsection shall be available to the
aggrieved taxpayer.
[Source: Amended at 12 Ok Reg 2923, eff 7-14-95; Amended at 24 Ok Reg 1688, eff 6-11-07;
Amended at 32 Ok Reg 1330, eff 8-27-15]
710:1-5-43. Exceptions to the requirement for exhausting administrative
The taxpayer must exhaust the administrative remedies prescribed by law
prior to appealing to the Supreme Court from an order of the Tax Commission,
except in cases involving Constitutional issues as outlined in Title 68 O.S. § 226(c).
(See, Cimarron Industries, Inc. v. Oklahoma Tax Commission, 621 P.2d 539
(Okla. 1980).)
[Source: Amended at 12 Ok Reg 2923, eff 7-14-95; Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-5-44. Computation of time
When filing documents in an administrative proceeding related to a tax
protest, the following provisions apply:
(1) General provisions. In computing any period of time, begin on the day
after the act, event, or default and conclude on the last day of the computed
period, unless it be a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, in which event the
period runs until the end of the next day which is neither a Saturday,
Sunday nor legal holiday.
(2) Filing; evidence of filing. Documents required to be filed are considered
filed on the date of personal service of such documents or upon the date of
the postmark showing date mailed on the envelope containing such
documents and must show a date on or before the last day of filing as
defined hereinabove.
(3) Use of certified or registered mail. If the document is sent by United
States registered mail, the date of registration of the document shall be
treated as the postmarked date. If the document is sent by United States
certified mail and the sender's receipt is postmarked by the postal employee,
the date of the United States postmark on such receipt shall be treated as
the postmark date of the document. Thus, the risk that the document will
not be postmarked on the day that it is deposited in the mail may be
overcome by the use of registered mail or certified mail.
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-5-45. Service of documents
Service of any document in an administrative proceeding may be
accomplished by personal delivery or by mailing such document addressed to
the party or his authorized representative at the last known address, postage
prepaid. The document shall indicate on its face by Certificate of Service or of
Mailing that copies have been served on parties of record.
710:1-5-46. Dismissal of case
(a) Voluntary dismissal. A protestant may dismiss his or her protest, or the tax
division whose action or proposed action has been protested may withdraw its
action or proposed action, without a motion therefor, at any time prior to the
entry of a final order by the Commission.
(b) Dismissal for mootness. "Moot", for purposes of this Subchapter means
that a case presents no actual controversy or that the issues have ceased to exist.
A protest that is or has become moot may be dismissed by the Commission or
by the Administrative Law Judge on their own motion or on the motion of a
party. At least fifteen (15) days' notice of the motion or intent to dismiss shall be
given to all parties, who shall have the opportunity to respond and show cause
why the protest should not be dismissed. A dismissal by the Administrative Law
Judge is appealable to the Commission in the same manner as appeals from
other rulings by the ALJ.
(c) Dismissal for lack of jurisdiction. The Tax Commission is without
jurisdiction to consider a protest that is not filed within the time provided by
statute. The question of the Commission's jurisdiction to consider a protest may
be raised at any time, by a party, the Administrative Law Judge, or the
Commission itself. Questions as to the authority, propriety, or timeliness of the
tax division's action or proposed action shall not be raised by a motion to
dismiss, but shall be raised as defenses to such action or proposed action, as a
part of or addition to the protest.
(d) Motion to dismiss. A motion filed by a party to dismiss a protest for lack of
jurisdiction, or a notice by the Administrative Law Judge or the Commission of
intent to dismiss a protest on jurisdictional grounds, shall state the reasons
therefore, shall be filed in the case, and shall be mailed to all parties or their
authorized representatives. The motion or notice of intent to dismiss shall be set
for hearing, which shall not be less than fifteen (15) days after the filing of such
motion or notice of intent, at which time any party opposing such motion or
notice of intent may appear and show cause why the protest should not be
dismissed. Notice of the date, time and place of the hearing shall be mailed to
the parties or their representatives along with the motion or notice of intent to
[Source: Amended at 11 Ok Reg 3465, eff 6-26-94; Amended at 12 Ok Reg 2923, eff 7-14-95;
Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99; Amended at 22 Ok Reg 1517, eff 6-11-05]
710:1-5-47. Burden of proof
In all administrative proceedings, unless otherwise provided by law, the
burden of proof shall be upon the protestant to show in what respect the action
or proposed action of the Tax Commission is incorrect. If, upon hearing, the
protestant fails to prove a prima facie case, the Administrative Law Judge may
recommend that the Commission deny the protest solely upon the grounds of
failure to prove sufficient facts which would entitle the protestant to the
requested relief.
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-5-48. Effective date of the Part
The provisions of this Part govern all proceedings and cases commenced after
they take effect, and also all further proceedings in cases then pending, except
to the extent that in the opinion of the Commission or the Administrative Law
Judge, their application in a pending case would not be feasible or would work
an injustice.
710:1-5-49. Survival and abatement of protests
No protest pending before the Tax Commission shall abate by the death of
the protestant. Consideration of such a protest shall proceed according to the
(1) Death of protestant where no hearing has been requested. If a
taxpayer dies subsequent to the filing of a protest and no oral hearing has
been requested, the Commission shall proceed without further notice to
examine the merits of the protest and enter an order in accordance with its
(2) Death of protestant prior to hearing. If a taxpayer has requested a
hearing as provided by law but dies before such hearing, and the
Commission is apprised of such death, notice of the proceedings and any
upcoming hearing shall be mailed to taxpayer's address as last given in
connection with the protest proceeding, and addressed to taxpayer,
taxpayer's estate, or taxpayer's personal representative. Taxpayer's personal
representative or persons who demonstrate a legal interest in taxpayer's
estate shall be given a opportunity to appear and to be heard in connection
with the protest proceedings. If, after such notice, there is no appearance or
substitution by such persons in the protest proceedings, the protest shall not
be dismissed or decided as by default, but the merits of the protest shall be
examined and an order confirming, modifying, or vacating the prior action or
proposed action shall be entered, as in a case where no hearing has been
(3) Death of protestant after hearing or submission of case. If a taxpayer
dies after a requested hearing or after the matter has been submitted for
decision, findings, conclusions and a recommendation as to the final
disposition of taxpayer's protest may be entered by the Administrative Law
Judge, and a final order may be entered by the Commission, although the
personal representative of the taxpayer or other person has not been
substituted as a party to the proceeding. Notice of the findings, conclusions
and recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge and of the
Commission's final order shall be given to the taxpayer's personal
representative or other such person who has demonstrated a legal interest in
the estate of the deceased taxpayer and who has requested such notice.
(4) Substitution of personal representative. Taxpayer's personal
representative may be substituted for the taxpayer on motion of a party with
notice to the representative, and shall be substituted for the taxpayer upon
application by the representative. [See: OTC Order No. 96-02-13-017]
[Source: Added at 22 Ok Reg 1518, eff 6-11-05]
710:1-5-70. Purpose
The provisions of this Part are provided to taxpayers who wish to request
adjustment or abatement of an assessment of the Oklahoma Tax Commission
which has already become final. [See: 68 O.S. § 221(e)]
[Source: Amended at 20 Ok Reg 2580, eff 7-11-03]
710:1-5-71, When an assessment becomes final
(a) In the event the person to whom a proposed assessment is issued
acquiesces in the changes reflected on the proposed assessment, or fails to file a
written protest within the sixty (60) days after the mailing of the proposed
assessment (or any extensions allowable by Statute that have been granted by
the Division), the proposed assessment becomes final.
(b) In cases in which an extension has been granted for filing a protest, the
proposed assessment becomes final at the expiration of the period as extended
by the Division if no protest is filed.
[Source: Amended at 20 Ok Reg 2580, eff 7-11-03]
710:1-5-72. Request for adjustment or abatement
(a) Untimely "protest" construed as request for abatement. Every written
statement "protesting" a proposed assessment which is received after the
expiration of sixty (60) days from the mailing of the proposed assessment, or
after the expiration of any extension granted by the Division, shall be treated as a
request for an adjustment or abatement of the assessment.
(b) Manner in which timeliness determined. Timeliness of the filing of a
request for adjustment or abatement of the assessment shall be determined by
the date of the first filing with the Director of the Division out of which the
controversy arose, the office of the Administrative Law Judges, the office of the
General Counsel, or the Commission.
(c) Abatement request does not extend period in which proposed
assessment may be timely protested. A request for adjustment or abatement
of an assessment does not extend the time in which a written protest can be
timely filed. No request for adjustment or abatement of an assessment filed
after a proposed assessment becomes final will be construed as amending the
time in which a protest can be filed and a request for hearing submitted.
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99; Amended at 20 Ok Reg 2580, eff 7-11-03]
710:1-5-73. Initial review, determination of abatement request
(a) Division to review. All requests for adjustment or abatement of an
assessment shall be forwarded to the Division which issued the proposed
assessment to determine whether the request was timely filed. Should it be
determined that the request was timely filed, the Division will determine
whether the assessment is clearly erroneous.
(b) Division may adjust or abate clearly erroneous assessment. If the Division
determines that the assessment, or some portion thereof, is clearly erroneous,
the Division shall issue a document, signed by the Division Director, or a
designee, adjusting or abating the assessment, a copy of which shall be mailed
to the applicant.
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-5-74. Notification of initial disposition of abatement request; procedure
upon denial by Division
Should the Division not agree that the evidence presented demonstrates that
the assessment, or some portion thereof, is clearly erroneous, the Division shall
notify the taxpayer of its determination. The notification letter shall state
prominently that should taxpayer disagree with the Division's determination,
taxpayer must make written request for a review of the determination, to the
General Counsel's office within thirty days of the mailing of the Division
notification. Failure of taxpayer to seek review within thirty days of the mailing of
the Division's notification shall constitute abandonment of the request.
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-5-75. Docketing of abatement request
The General Counsel's office assigns a case number to a request for
adjustment or abatement of a proposed assessment which has become final,
creates a file, assigns an attorney, and notifies the taxpayer of the assignment.
710:1-5-76. Presentation of abatement request to Commission
(a) Once docketed, the assigned attorney shall review the evidence submitted in
support of taxpayer's request, prepare a fact sheet for presentation to the
Commission at a regularly scheduled meeting, and notify the taxpayer of the day
said request will be presented. The taxpayer may appear before the
Commission and present documentary evidence and testimony in the form of
(b) No hearing other than the appearance of taxpayer at a regularly scheduled
meeting of the Commission will be held. No transcript of the appearance before
the Commission will be prepared.
(c) Should taxpayer desire a transcript or record of taxpayer's appearance before
the Commission, the taxpayer will need to contact a certified court reporter, and
make the necessary arrangements for the presence of the reporter at the
Commission meeting, and the cost thereof. The cost of transcribing will be
borne by the taxpayer who must furnish the original of the transcript to the
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-5-77. "Preponderance of the evidence" and "clearly erroneous" defined;
burden of proof for tax abatement purposes
(a) In order to have the assessment adjusted or abated, the taxpayer must
demonstrate, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the assessment or some
portion thereof is clearly erroneous.
(b) For purposes of Section 221(e) of Title 68 of the Oklahoma Statutes and Part 7
of this Subchapter, "preponderance of the evidence" means the evidence which
is of greater weight or more convincing than the evidence which is offered in
opposition to it; evidence which as a whole shows that the fact sought to be
proved is more probable than not.
(c) For purposes of Section 221(e) of Title 68 of the Oklahoma Statutes and Part 7
of this Subchapter, "clearly erroneous" means unsupported by substantial
evidence; contrary to clear weight of evidence or induced by erroneous view of
the law.
(d) In order to sustain the burden of demonstrating that the assessment or some
portion thereof is clearly erroneous, taxpayer must show evidence that the
assessment deviates from the law and is therefore invalid or is unsupported by
the evidence, or both.
[Source: Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-5-78. No appeal; no stay of collection proceedings as a result of
abatement request
No appeal to the Supreme Court of the State of Oklahoma may be taken
from an Order denying taxpayer's request to adjust or abate an assessment.
Furthermore, collection actions instituted by the Commission to collect a tax
liability will not be stayed or continued as a result of the filing of a request for
adjustment or abatement.
[Source: Amended at 9 Ok Reg 3015, eff 7-13-92; Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-5-80. Purpose
The provisions of this Part are provided to taxpayers who wish to request
settlement of all or any portion of an Oklahoma tax liability and interest and
penalties which have already become final for less than the outstanding
amount. [See: 68 O.S. §219.1]
[Source: Added at 20 Ok Reg 748, eff 3-17-03 (emergency); Added at 20 Ok Reg 2580, eff 7-11-03]
710:1-5-81. Definitions
The following words and terms, when used in this Part, shall have the
following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Commission" means the Oklahoma Tax Commission.
"Final liability" means:
(A) The tax, penalty and interest due after the expiration of the statutory
prescribed time within which to file a protest to a proposed assessment;
(B) The amount due after the exhaustion of administrative remedies
without appeal to the Supreme Court;
(C) A tax amount admitted to be due by a taxpayer's report;
(D) The amount found due after a final court decision concerning the
existence or amount of the liability; or,
(E) Other cases of liabilities where further administrative or judicial review is
not available and the only consideration is collectibility.
"Insolvency" means:
(A) The inability to pay debts as they fall due in the usual course of business;
(B) Having liabilities in excess of the reasonable market value of assets held.
"Person" means any individual, partnership, corporation, limited liability
company, association, or public or private organization of any character.
"Settlement Agreement" means a written agreement between a taxpayer
and the Commission whereby the Commission agrees to abate all or a portion of
an outstanding tax liability, including the interest or penalties accruing thereto,
and the taxpayer agrees to pay the remainder of such liability, if any, as provided
"Tax Liability" means and includes the total amount of Oklahoma tax,
penalty, or interest due.
"Taxpayer" means:
(A) Any person subject to or liable for any Oklahoma tax; or,
(B) Any person required to file a return, or to pay or withhold and remit any
tax required by the provisions of any Oklahoma tax law that is administered
by the Commission.
"Trust fund tax" means Oklahoma Sales Tax levied pursuant to 68 O.S. §§ 1350
et seq., Oklahoma Gross Receipts Tax (AKA Mixed Beverage Tax) pursuant to
37A §§ 5-105-5-107, Oklahoma Income Tax withholding levied pursuant to 68
O.S. §§ 2385.2-2385.28, or Oklahoma Motor Fuel taxes levied pursuant to 68 O.S.
§§ 500.1 et seq.
[Source: Added at 20 Ok Reg 748, eff 3-17-03 (emergency); Added at 20 Ok Reg 2580, eff 7-11-03;
Amended at 39 Ok Reg 2237, eff 9-11-22]
710:1-5-82. Grounds for settlement
(a) General provisions. Except for a trust fund tax, the Commission may settle
an Oklahoma tax liability for any of the following reasons:
(1) Collection of the tax with interest and penalties would reasonably result
in the taxpayer declaring bankruptcy;
(2) The tax liability is uncollectible due to the insolvency of the taxpayer
resulting from factors beyond the control of the taxpayer or other similar
factors; or,
(3) The tax liability is the result of actions of a person other than the taxpayer
and to hold taxpayer liable for the tax liability would be inequitable.
(b) Uncollected trust fund taxes. If the tax liability for which settlement is
sought is a "trust fund tax", the applicant must show:
(1) That the tax was not collected; and,
(2) That applicant had a good faith belief that collection of the tax was not
(c) Unremitted trust fund taxes. Trust fund taxes collected, but not remitted
to the Commission, may not be abated.
[Source: Added at 20 Ok Reg 748, eff 3-17-03 (emergency); Added at 20 Ok Reg 2580, eff 7-11-03]
710:1-5-83. Eligibility requirements for settlement
(a) General requirements. Before a taxpayer becomes eligible for settlement
pursuant to this program, the following general requirements must be met:
(1) Tax liability must be final.
(2) All administrative remedies and appeals must have been exhausted.
(3) Taxpayer must be current with all returns filed or required to be filed
with the Commission.
(4) Taxpayer must not be currently the subject of an open bankruptcy
(5) Taxpayer must not be currently the subject of a State tax-related criminal
investigation or criminal prosecution.
(b) Bankruptcy or insolvency. If settlement is sought on the grounds of
bankruptcy or insolvency:
(1) Taxpayer must demonstrate that the ability to make payment in full any
time in the foreseeable future is unlikely.
(2) Taxpayer must be without sufficient resources or unable to apply present
or future resources to paying the outstanding tax liability.
(3) Taxpayer must be reasonably unable to dispose of assets or borrow
against assets to pay the tax liability.
(4) Taxpayer must demonstrate that monthly income is insufficient to fully
pay the tax liability through reasonable installment payments.
[Source: Added at 20 Ok Reg 748, eff 3-17-03 (emergency); Added at 20 Ok Reg 2580, eff 7-11-03]
710:1-5-84. Application for a Settlement Agreement
(a) Application. The forms necessary to make application for a Settlement
Agreement are available online at www.tax.ok.gov.
(b) When a Power of Attorney is required. Applications being tendered on
behalf of a taxpayer by an attorney, CPA, or other person, must be accompanied
by a properly acknowledged Power of Attorney Form, signed by the taxpayer,
authorizing the person to act on behalf of the taxpayer.
(c) Additional information. The Income Tax Accounts Division may request
additional financial or other information deemed necessary to supplement the
Settlement Agreement Application.
(d) Presentation of the application. The Income Tax Accounts Division shall
present a completed application to the Commission during a regularly
scheduled meeting of the Commission.
(e) Notice of the determination of the application. The Income Tax Accounts
Division shall notify the applicant in writing of the decision of the Commission
and make any required adjustments to the applicant's account.
(f) Withdrawal of application. An application for a Settlement Agreement
may be withdrawn by the taxpayer at any time prior to its acceptance.
[Source: Added at 20 Ok Reg 748, eff 3-17-03 (emergency); Added at 20 Ok Reg 2580, eff 7-11-03]
710:1-5-85. Effect of Offer in Compromise by the Internal Revenue Service
(a) Acceptance of an Offer in Compromise by the Internal Revenue Service
does not automatically guarantee acceptance by the State. An application for a
Settlement Agreement tendered to the Commission will be reviewed and
evaluated on its own merits.
(b) The federal "Offer in Compromise" form cannot be substituted for the
Oklahoma Settlement Agreement Application. However, other documents such
as the current financial statements included in a compromise offer submitted to
the Internal Revenue Service may also be submitted to the State in support of an
application for a Settlement Agreement.
[Source: Added at 20 Ok Reg 748, eff 3-17-03 (emergency); Added at 20 Ok Reg 2580, eff 7-11-03]
710:1-5-86. Review by Commission
(a) Unanimous vote required. A unanimous vote of the members of the
Commission is required for approval of a Settlement Agreement.
(b) Discretionary act. The determination of settlement is within the sole
discretion of the Commission.
(c) Facts and other considerations. In making its decision, the Commission will
consider, but not be limited to, the following matters:
(1) The likelihood of collection of the debt;
(2) The amount of the debt;
(3) Efforts made by the Applicant to pay a part of the debt prior to filing an
application for settlement;
(4) The taxpaying record of the Applicant;
(5) Applicant's current and possible future earning capacity;
(6) The portion of the tax itself which would be paid under the terms of the
proposed Settlement Agreement;
(7) The composition of the balance of tax, penalty, and interest due;
(8) The percentage of the tax debt proposed to be settled;
(9) The Applicant's age and health;
(10) The Applicant's net worth;
(11) The acceptance by the Internal Revenue Service of an Offer in
Compromise and the amount;
(12) The age of the debt;
(13) The existence of liens;
(14) Current operating status of any business;
(15) Bankruptcy status;
(16) The amount determined to be collectible. This amount is generally based
upon the Commission's evaluation of the reasonable collection potential of
the taxpayer's assets and revenue. The collectible amount is one factor used
to determine if an offer is reasonable.
(17) Other liable parties;
(18) Whether tax debt due is a trust tax collected by Applicant but not
remitted to the Commission;
(19) What other persons are liable;
(20) Whether the Applicant is located within Oklahoma or not;
(21) The accuracy and veracity of the Applicant's representations to the
(22) The recommendations of the Income Tax Accounts Division; and
(23) The expense and time expended in future collection efforts by the
Commission on the Applicant's debt.
(d) Other circumstances which may be considered. In addition to the factors
set out in (c) of this Section, the Commission may consider any other aggravating
or mitigating circumstances contributing to the request for settlement,
including, but not limited to:
(1) Good faith efforts made by taxpayer to comply with the tax laws of this
(2) Benefit received by taxpayer from nonpayment of the tax.
(3) Involvement of taxpayer in economic activity which gave rise to tax
(e) No appeal of denial. The decision by the Commission to decline a proposed
Settlement Agreement is final and is not appealable.
(f) Court approval required. If the amount of the tax liability to be abated
exceeds Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00), the Settlement Agreement
requires the approval of a judge of the district court of Oklahoma County.
(g) Resubmission of application. If a taxpayer has previously submitted an
application for a Settlement Agreement and that application was not accepted,
the taxpayer may apply at a later date if financial conditions have changed, or to
submit additional information not previously provided for review by the
[Source: Added at 20 Ok Reg 748, eff 3-17-03 (emergency); Added at 20 Ok Reg 2580, eff 7-11-03;
Amended at 23 Ok Reg 2802, eff 6-25-06; Amended at 36 Ok Reg 1197, eff 8-11-19]
710:1-5-87. Disclosure
No return or document filed with the Commission pursuant to the Settlement
of Tax Liability program will be subject to disclosure except as provided by 68
O.S. § 205.
[Source: Added at 20 Ok Reg 748, eff 3-17-03 (emergency); Added at 20 Ok Reg 2580, eff 7-11-03]
710:1-5-88. Effect of a Settlement Agreement
(a) Effect of pending Settlement Agreement.
(1) Filing an application for settlement does not constitute the filing of a
protest of a proposed assessment, or extend the time to protest a proposed
assessment. Filing an application for settlement does not constitute the
taking of an appeal to the Oklahoma Supreme Court, nor extend the time to
take an appeal to the Supreme Court. Filing an application for settlement
does not place a taxpayer in compliance for purposes of renewing a
professional license.
(2) If taxpayer is on an existing repayment plan, the taxpayer must continue to
make payments until the application for a Settlement Agreement is either
accepted or denied. Payments made pursuant to an existing repayment plan
will not be considered a part of the amount offered in the agreement.
(3) Collection activities may continue during the review process, however, the
Commission may suspend its collection efforts if the interests of the State will
not be compromised. If there is any indication that the taxpayer filed the
settlement offer simply to delay collection of the tax or that the delay would
interfere with collecting the tax, the Commission will immediately resume
collection efforts.
(4) Interest and penalty will continue to accrue on any unpaid tax debt while
the settlement is being considered.
(b) Effect of accepted Settlement Agreement.
(1) A Settlement Agreement relates to the entire liability of the taxpayer and
all questions of such liability are conclusively settled thereby.
(2) Neither the Commission nor the taxpayer shall, upon acceptance of the
proposed Settlement Agreement, be permitted to revise the agreement
except by reason of the following:
(A) Falsification or concealment of facts or assets by the taxpayer; or
(B) Mutual mistake of a material fact concerning the basis for a Settlement
Agreement; or
(C) Assets were fraudulently transferred prior to the agreement or were
liquidated during the review process; or
(D) Taxpayer failed to comply with the terms of the agreement.
(3) Settlement of a civil liability does not constitute a settlement of a criminal
liability concerning the tax period in question.
(4) Tax liens will be released only after an application for a Settlement
Agreement is accepted and the amount offered is paid in full. If the amount
of the tax liability to be abated exceeds Twenty-five Thousand Dollars
($25,000.00), the taxpayer is also required to provide to the Commission a
certified copy of Oklahoma County District Court approval of the Settlement
Agreement before tax liens will be released.
[Source: Added at 20 Ok Reg 748, eff 3-17-03 (emergency); Added at 20 Ok Reg 2580, eff 7-11-03;
Amended at 24 Ok Reg 1688, eff 6-11-07; Amended at 36 Ok Reg 1197, eff 8-11-19]
710:1-5-89. Payment
(a) No payment is required to be paid when the Settlement Agreement
Application is submitted to the Commission.
(b) Full payment of the amount offered in settlement of the tax liability must be
made within thirty (30) days from date of notification that the proposed
Settlement Agreement has been accepted. Payment of the accepted
settlement amount by cash, cashier's check, money order, or charged to an
approved credit card must be made by the payment due date indicated on the
acceptance notice.
(c) Any payment made with the application will not be returned to Applicant,
even if the Settlement Agreement is declined or withdrawn. The retained
payment will be applied to Applicant's outstanding tax liability in accordance
with Section 710:1-3-46 of this Chapter.
(d) In appropriate circumstances, the Commission may consider proposed
Settlement Agreements that provide for payments to be made over a period of
time based on future income.
(e) The Settlement Agreement becomes void if taxpayer defaults on payment
under the agreement.
(f) The Settlement Agreement becomes void if the agreement was obtained by
fraud or misrepresentation of a material fact.
[Source: Added at 20 Ok Reg 748, eff 3-17-03 (emergency); Added at 20 Ok Reg 2580, eff 7-11-03;
Amended at 24 Ok Reg 1688, eff 6-11-07]
710:1-5-90. If the proposed Settlement Agreement is declined
(a) If the application for a Settlement Agreement is declined, the taxpayer will
be notified by the Income Tax Accounts Division in writing.
(b) Taxpayer should immediately contact the Commission to arrange payment
of the entire liability. If immediate payment of the entire liability is not possible,
the taxpayer may request payment through the regular collection procedures.
[Source: Added at 20 Ok Reg 748, eff 3-17-03 (emergency); Added at 20 Ok Reg 2580, eff 7-11-03]
710:1-5-91. Return of Settlement Agreement Application
The Commission may reject the Settlement Agreement Application as not
processible for any of the following reasons:
(1) The applicant is not adequately identified (name, address, ID#, etc.) or
required signatures are not provided.
(2) The settlement offer includes an amount already collected or subject to
(3) The tax liability is not adequately identified.
(4) The Settlement Agreement Application does not show a reason or a
statement supporting the reason for the settlement offer has not been
(5) Financial statements or other documentation have not been included,
or are incomplete or do not present a complete and accurate
representation of the taxpayer's financial condition.
(6) The Commission's records indicate noncompliance with filing of
required returns.
(7) The applicant is currently under bankruptcy court jurisdiction.
(8) Power of Attorney Form (if indicated) has not been included.
[Source: Added at 20 Ok Reg 748, eff 3-17-03 (emergency); Added at 20 Ok Reg 2580, eff 7-11-03;
Amended at 24 Ok Reg 1688, eff 6-11-07]
710:1-5-92. Exclusivity of request for settlement of tax liability
Procedures governing settlement of final tax liabilities, pursuant to this Part,
are exclusive and must be clearly distinguished from procedures required for the
filing of a timely protest of a proposed tax assessment or a protest of a denial of
a claim for refund of taxes as set out in 710:1-5-21 through 710:1-5-49. The
procedures for the filing, consideration, and disposition of petitions for
abatement or adjustment of a tax assessment pursuant to the provisions of 68
O.S. § 221(e) are set out in 710:1-5-70 through 710:1-5-78. Procedures for
settlement of disputed, unliquidated tax claims or assessments are set out in
[Source: Added at 20 Ok Reg 748, eff 3-17-03 (emergency); Added at 20 Ok Reg 2580, eff 7-11-03]
710:1-5-93. Officials ineligible for Settlement Agreement
No appointed or elected officials may apply for settlement pursuant to this
[Source: Added at 20 Ok Reg 748, eff 3-17-03 (emergency); Added at 20 Ok Reg 2580, eff 7-11-03]
710:1-5-100. Show cause hearings
When a Tax Division contests the taxpayer's compliance with State tax laws or
Commission Rules, the Division may cause notice to be issued to the taxpayer
requiring him to appear before the Administrative Law Judge or an
Administrative Hearing Officer to show why his license or permit should not be
cancelled. The notice shall contain a date certain for the hearing. Failure to
appear at the hearing may result in the cancellation of license or permit. The
taxpayer may represent himself or be represented by an attorney, an accountant
or other representative approved by the Commission. The taxpayer is to bring all
reports and payments for delinquent taxes, penalty and interest to the hearing.
Evidence and testimony of witnesses may be presented at the hearing.
[Source: Amended at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93; Amended at 12 Ok Reg 3474, eff 7-21-95
(emergency); Amended at 13 Ok Reg 3091, eff 7-11-96; Amended at 16 Ok Reg 2628, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-5-110. Definitions
The following words and terms, when used in this Part, shall have the
following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Business day" means a day on which State offices are open for regular
"Noncompliant taxpayer" means any taxpayer operating under a sales tax
permit who, within any consecutive twenty-four-month period, has failed to
file two (2) reports or remit tax due for any two (2) months, as required under
the provisions of any tax law. Provided, a taxpayer shall not be deemed
noncompliant for nonpayment of income taxes.
[Source: Added at 30 Ok Reg 1850, eff 7-11-13; Amended at 35 Ok Reg 2032, eff 9-14-18]
710:1-5-111. Noncompliant taxpayer determination and advisory notice
Should a taxpayer fail to file two (2) reports or remit tax due for two (2)
months within a twenty-four-month period, the taxpayer is deemed to be
noncompliant and will be issued an advisory notice that a third delinquency in
reporting or remitting taxes occurring prior to payment of identified tax
delinquencies within the twenty-four-month period will result in closure of
taxpayer's business. The advisory notice provided pursuant to this Section will
be sent certified by the U.S. postal service to the taxpayer's last-known address
or will be hand delivered to the taxpayer's business address.
[Source: Added at 30 Ok Reg 1850, eff 7-11-13; Amended at 35 Ok Reg 2032, eff 9-14-18]
710:1-5-112. Commencement of twenty-four (24) month period and examples
(a) Commencement of twenty-four (24) month period. A taxpayer's initial tax
delinquency begins commencement of the twenty-four (24) month period for
purposes of the business compliance proceedings.
(b) Examples. The following examples illustrate the application of the twenty-
four (24) month period.
(1) A taxpayer is delinquent for July and August of 2017, but does not incur
another delinquency until September 2019; no pending business closure
notice will be issued. Taxpayer's September 2019, delinquency begins
commencement of a new twenty-four (24) month period.
(2) A taxpayer is delinquent for July and August of 2017 and pays the tax,
interest, penalty and fees due before incurring an additional delinquency in
January 2018. A pending business closure notice will not be issued. The
January 2018 delinquency begins a new twenty-four (24) month period.
[Source: Added at 30 Ok Reg 1850, eff 7-11-13; Amended at 35 Ok Reg 2032, eff 9-14-18]
710:1-5-113. Pending business closure notice
(a) Applicability. When a taxpayer deemed noncompliant fails to report or pay
tax for a third month within a twenty-four-month period, a Pending Business
Closure Notice will be issued.
(b) Contents of pending business closure notice. The notice will outline the
outstanding reports and tax payments and will advise the noncompliant
taxpayer that the business will be closed unless taxpayer within five (5)
business days from the delivery or attempted delivery of the notice exercises
one of the following options:
(1) Provides proof to the satisfaction of the Tax Commission that the
delinquent tax reports and/or tax payments have been previously filed
and/or paid.
(2) Files all outstanding tax reports and remits the delinquent tax including
any accrued interest, penalty and fees.
(3) Pursuant to the terms outlined in Section 710:1-5-115, enters into an
installment payment agreement approved by the Tax Commission to satisfy
the delinquent tax, interest, penalty and fees due.
(4) Objects to the business closure by filing a written protest and request for
an administrative hearing, pursuant to the terms outlined in Section 710:1-5-
(c) Notice requirements. Pending Business Closure Notices will be sent
certified by the U.S. postal service to the taxpayer's last-known address or hand
delivered to the taxpayer's business address.
[Source: Added at 30 Ok Reg 1850, eff 7-11-13; Amended at 35 Ok Reg 2032, eff 9-14-18]
710:1-5-114. Closure Order
If a noncompliant taxpayer fails to timely and fully exercise one of the
options to avoid business closure outlined in paragraphs (1) through (4) of
subsection (b) of Section 710:1-5-113, or to comply with the terms of an
installment payment agreement pursuant to Section 710:1-5-115, the Tax
Commission will issue a Closure Order.
[Source: Added at 30 Ok Reg 1850, eff 7-11-13]
710:1-5-115. Installment payment agreements
(a) Eligibility and terms of installment payment agreements. Noncompliant
taxpayers owing tax delinquencies of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or less
are not eligible for an installment payment agreement. Installment Payment
Agreements (IPA) for tax delinquencies over Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00)
require a down payment equal to or greater than one-fourth (1/4) of the tax,
interest, penalty and fees owed. The agreement shall not exceed twelve (12)
months. A tax warrant for the delinquent tax, interest, penalty and fees will be
filed by the Tax Commission to protect the State's interest.
(b) Installment payment agreement conditions.
(1) Taxpayer must file all delinquent tax returns prior to entering into an
installment payment agreement.
(2) Taxpayer must make installment payments when due by cashier's check,
money order, or credit card accepted by the Tax Commission.
(3) Taxpayer must remain in compliance, filing all tax returns and paying in
full all taxes that come due during the term of the installment payment
(c) Execution and form of installment payment agreement. The installment
payment agreement must be in writing and signed by both the taxpayer and a
Tax Commission representative.
(d) Default. Taxpayers failing to abide by the requirements set out in
subsection (b) of this Section will be considered in default. Once in default, a
Closure Order will be served immediately without further notice to the
defaulting taxpayer and a placard will be affixed to all entrances to the
business pursuant to Section 710:1-5-122.
(e) Exceptions to terms of and eligibility for installment payment
agreements. A taxpayer may request an installment payment agreement
outside the parameters of subsection (a) of this Section. Requests by taxpayers
with hearings scheduled pursuant to Section 710:1-5-117 may be made to the
Hearing Officer. Otherwise, such requests should be made to the Executive
Director of the Oklahoma Tax Commission. In the event the request for an
extended installment agreement is denied by the Hearing Officer or Executive
Director the taxpayer may make the request at a regularly scheduled meeting
of the Tax Commissioners.
[Source: Added at 30 Ok Reg 1850, eff 7-11-13; Amended at 35 Ok Reg 2032, eff 9-14-18]
710:1-5-116. Interest and penalty waiver requests
(a) Waiver requests. In the event, a taxpayer prior to business closure by
affixing of a placard as provided in Section 710:1-5-122, pays the delinquent tax
in full and requests, in writing, a waiver of interest and penalty, the waiver
request will be treated as a stay to the business closure and a hearing will be
scheduled in the same manner as hearings to business closures in Section
(b) Consideration of the request. Before the scheduled hearing date, the
waiver request must be considered by the applicable Division or Tax
Commissioners, dependent upon the amount requested to be waived, and the
taxpayer advised regarding approval/disapproval of the request.
(c) Applicability of waiver request. If the waiver request is approved, the
hearing will be stricken from the docket and the taxpayer will be deemed
compliant for purposes of the business closure proceedings. If the waiver
request is not approved or only partially approved, the taxpayer will be
afforded the opportunity, prior to or at the hearing, to pay in full the
outstanding interest, penalties and fees or enter into an installment agreement
to pay the outstanding amounts subject to the provisions of Section 710:1-5-115.
[Source: Added at 30 Ok Reg 1850, eff 7-11-13; Amended at 35 Ok Reg 2032, eff 9-14-18]
710:1-5-117. Hearing request by noncompliant taxpayer
(a) Contents and form of protest and request for hearing. The protest and
request for hearing must be made in writing, signed by the taxpayer or an
authorized representative, and should outline therein:
(1) Taxpayer's name, address and social security number or employer's
identification number;
(2) Taxpayer's sales tax permit or other identification number issued by the
Tax Commission;
(3) The tax reporting periods at issue; and
(4) That an administrative hearing is requested including the manner in
which the taxpayer desires the hearing to be held whether in person, by
telephone, upon written documents furnished by the noncompliant
taxpayer, or upon written documents and evidence produced by the
noncompliant taxpayer at hearing.
(b) Rule applicability. The tax protest procedure outlined in 710:1-5-21 through
710:1-5-48 is not applicable to the business closure protest proceedings which
are solely governed by the provisions of 710:1-5-117 through 710:1-5-121.
[Source: Added at 30 Ok Reg 1850, eff 7-11-13; Amended at 32 Ok Reg 1330, eff 8-27-15; Amended
at 35 Ok Reg 2032, eff 9-14-18]
710:1-5-118. Timely filing of protest and applications for hearing
In order for the hearing request to be considered timely it must be filed
within five (5) business days after the date of delivery or attempted delivery of
the pending business closure notice.
[Source: Added at 30 Ok Reg 1850, eff 7-11-13]
710:1-5-119. Defenses to business closure
The only defenses to business closure are proof that the noncompliant
(1) Filed all delinquent returns and paid the delinquent tax due including
interest, penalty and fees; or
(2) Has entered into a payment agreement pursuant to Section 710:1-5-115 to
satisfy the tax due including interest, penalty and fees.
[Source: Added at 30 Ok Reg 1850, eff 7-11-13; Amended at 35 Ok Reg 2032, eff 9-14-18]
710:1-5-120. Hearing procedures governing hearing requests to pending
business closure notice
(a) Hearing schedule. The date, time, and place for the hearing will be set by
the hearing officer and provided to the noncompliant taxpayer by mail at least
five (5) days in advance of the hearing.
(b) Administrative hearing. The administrative hearing will be conducted by
a hearing officer appointed by the Tax Commission. The administrative
hearing will be held within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt by the Tax
Commission of the noncompliant taxpayer's request for hearing. Subject to
the approval of the hearing officer, the administrative hearing may be held in
person, by telephone, upon written documents furnished by the noncompliant
taxpayer, or upon written documents and any evidence produced by the
noncompliant taxpayer at an administrative hearing. A noncompliant taxpayer
who requests an administrative hearing based upon written documents is not
entitled to any other administrative hearing regarding the matter prior to the
date a decision is rendered by the hearing officer. The noncompliant taxpayer
may be represented by an authorized representative who may present
evidence in support of the position of the noncompliant taxpayer.
[Source: Added at 30 Ok Reg 1850, eff 7-11-13]
710:1-5-121. Hearing officer decisions
The decision of the hearing officer to affirm or deny the business closure
must be rendered in writing and a decision to affirm the business closure shall
constitute a Closure Order with copies delivered to the noncompliant taxpayer
by the U.S. postal service or by hand delivery.
[Source: Added at 30 Ok Reg 1850, eff 7-11-13]
710:1-5-122. Business closure
If a noncompliant taxpayer fails to fully exercise one of the options to avoid
business closure outlined in paragraphs (1) through (4) of subsection (b) of
Section 710:1-5-113, or to comply with the terms of an installment payment
agreement pursuant to Section 710:1-5-115, or if the business closure decision is
affirmed after administrative or judicial review, the Tax Commission shall
provide notice of business closure by affixing a placard to all entrances of the
business that:
(1) Identifies the business as being subject to a Closure Order; and
(2) States that the business is prohibited from further operation.
[Source: Added at 30 Ok Reg 1850, eff 7-11-13]
710:1-5-123. District Court injunctions
After being served with a Closure Order, it shall be unlawful for any person
to continue to operate the business. If a person continues or threatens to
continue the unlawful operation of the business after having received a Closure
Order, the Tax Commission may seek an injunction in District Court to enjoin
the taxpayer from further operating or conducting the unlawful business. In all
cases where injunction proceedings are brought under this Section, the Tax
Commission shall not be required to furnish bond. Where notice of closure has
been given in accordance with the provisions of Section 710:1-5-122, no further
notice shall be required before the issuance of a temporary restraining order.
[Source: Added at 30 Ok Reg 1850, eff 7-11-13]
710:1-5-200. Disqualification procedure
(a) General provisions. Any person shown to be in violation of the provisions of
Section 236 of Title 68 of the Oklahoma Statutes, may, after notice and an
opportunity for hearing, be disqualified from practice before the Oklahoma Tax
(b) Complaint and initial investigation. The Commission may, upon its own
initiative, or upon receiving a written complaint filed with the Secretary-Member,
cause the complaint to be investigated and a determination made as to
whether good cause exists for initiating a disqualification proceeding. If it is
determined that no violation has occurred, or if there is insufficient evidence to
support the allegation, the investigation will be terminated. If a determination is
made that good cause exists for initiating a disqualification proceeding, such
proceeding will be promptly commenced.
(c) Commencement of proceeding. Upon the initiation of a disqualification
proceeding, the matter shall be set for hearing before a hearing examiner or an
Administrative Law Judge assigned by the Commission. The respondent who is
the subject of the proceeding, and the Office of the General Counsel who shall
prosecute the matter, shall be provided notice of the hearing, at least thirty (30)
days prior to the hearing date.
(d) Notice. Notice to respondent shall be made by certified mail, return receipt
requested, postage prepaid, to the last known address, and shall contain a
summary of the complaint, the name of the Administrative Law Judge or
hearing examiner assigned to the matter, and the time and date of the hearing.
(e) Conduct of hearing. The hearing shall be public except where prohibited by
confidentiality imposed by law, and shall be conducted in conformity with the
Rules of Practice and Procedure before the Office of the Administrative Law
Judges (OAC 710:1-5-20 through 710:1-5-49).
(f) Burden of proof. The Office of the General Counsel shall have the burden of
establishing, by a preponderance of the evidence, that a violation of Section 236
has occurred such that respondent should be disqualified from practice before
the Commission. Notice of the final disposition of the disqualification
proceedings will be provided respondent.
(g) Scope of action. The respondent may be found qualified to practice and the
proceeding dismissed on the merits; or the respondent may be disqualified from
practice before the Commission for a stated period of time, or indefinitely. The
Commission may provide notice of the determination of the disqualification
proceeding to other agencies, boards, or Commissions who exercise jurisdiction
or regulatory authority over the respondent or the activities involved in the
violation. Nothing in this Section shall preclude the Commission from seeking
any other remedies or legal proceedings available at law to enforce its orders,
rules, or the provisions of 68 O.S. § 236.
[Source: Added at 16 Ok Reg 2642, eff 6-25-99]
710:1-8-1. General provisions [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 19 Ok Reg 3023, eff 8-14-02 through 7-14-03 (emergency)]
710:1-8-2. Definitions [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 19 Ok Reg 3023, eff 8-14-02 through 7-14-03 (emergency)]
710:1-8-3. Eligible tax liabilities to which tax amnesty may apply [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 19 Ok Reg 3023, eff 8-14-02 through 7-14-03 (emergency)]
710:1-8-4. Qualification for amnesty program [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 19 Ok Reg 3023, eff 8-14-02 through 7-14-03 (emergency)]
710:1-8-5. Application procedures [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 19 Ok Reg 3023, eff 8-14-02 through 7-14-03 (emergency)]
710:1-8-6. Verification and review [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 19 Ok Reg 3023, eff 8-14-02 through 7-14-03 (emergency)]
710:1-8-7. Disclosure [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 19 Ok Reg 3023, eff 8-14-02 through 7-14-03 (emergency)]
710:1-8-8. Special circumstances [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 19 Ok Reg 3023, eff 8-14-02 through 7-14-03 (emergency)]
710:1-9-1. General provisions [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 26 Ok Reg 17, eff 8-8-08 through 7-14-09 (emergency)]
710:1-9-2. Definitions [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 26 Ok Reg 17, eff 8-8-08 through 7-14-09 (emergency)]
710:1-9-3. Eligible tax liabilities to which Voluntary Compliance Initiative
may apply [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 26 Ok Reg 17, eff 8-8-08 through 7-14-09 (emergency)]
710:1-9-4. Qualification for Voluntary Compliance Initiative [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 26 Ok Reg 17, eff 8-8-08 through 7-14-09 (emergency)]
710:1-9-5. Application procedures [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 26 Ok Reg 17, eff 8-8-08 through 7-14-09 (emergency)]
710:1-9-6. Verification and review [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 26 Ok Reg 17, eff 8-8-08 through 7-14-09 (emergency)]
710:1-9-7. Disclosure [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 26 Ok Reg 17, eff 8-8-08 through 7-14-09 (emergency)]
710:1-9-8. Nonpayment penalty [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 26 Ok Reg 17, eff 8-8-08 through 7-14-09 (emergency)]
710:1-9-9. Special circumstances [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 26 Ok Reg 17, eff 8-8-08 through 7-14-09 (emergency)]
710:1-9-10. Payment plan guidelines [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 26 Ok Reg 17, eff 8-8-08 through 7-14-09 (emergency)]
710:1-11-1. Purpose [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 28 Ok Reg 461, eff 12-27-10 through 7-14-11 (emergency)]
710:1-11-2. [RESERVED]
[Source: Added at 28 Ok Reg 461, eff 12-27-10 through 7-14-11 (emergency)]
710:1-11-3. Definitions [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 28 Ok Reg 461, eff 12-27-10 through 7-14-11 (emergency)]
710:1-11-4. [RESERVED]
[Source: Added at 28 Ok Reg 461, eff 12-27-10 through 7-14-11 (emergency)]
710:1-11-5. Retailer Compliance Initiative [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 28 Ok Reg 461, eff 12-27-10 through 7-14-11 (emergency)]
710:1-13-1. Purpose
In order to encourage the voluntary disclosure and payment of use taxes
owed to the State, the Legislature has authorized the Tax Commission to
establish a Consumer Compliance Initiative.
[Source: Added at 28 Ok Reg 929, eff 6-1-11]
710:1-13-2. [RESERVED]
710:1-13-3. Consumer Compliance Initiative
Relief granted under Initiative. Taxpayers who qualify under the Initiative
will be granted a waiver of penalty, interest and other collection fees and the
Tax Commission will refrain from assessing use tax for more than one year prior
to the date the taxpayer registers to pay consumer use tax.
(1) Eligibility. Only businesses that make regular purchases of tangible
personal property outside the State of Oklahoma for their own use, storage
or consumption in this state are eligible for the relief granted under the
(2) Qualification. To qualify for the relief granted under the Initiative the
taxpayer must:
(A) Voluntarily file delinquent use tax returns and pay the delinquent
consumer use taxes reflected thereon; and
(B) Apply with the Oklahoma Tax Commission for an Oklahoma
consumer use tax account to report and remit use tax on a monthly
(i) Complete the business registration application online at
(ii) No fee is required to obtain the account.
(iii) Upon receipt and review of the application by the Tax
Commission, a consumer use tax account will be assigned.
(3) Exceptions. The relief provided under the Initiative is not available to a
taxpayer with respect to:
(A) Any matter or matters for which the consumer received notice of
the commencement of an audit and which the audit is not yet finally
resolved including any related administrative and judicial processes; and
(B) Use taxes already paid or remitted to the state.
(4) Applicability. The relief provided pursuant to the Initiative applies only
to use taxes due from a taxpayer in its capacity as a buyer not to use taxes
due from a taxpayer in its capacity as a seller.
[Source: Added at 28 Ok Reg 929, eff 6-1-11]
710:1-15-1. General provisions [EXPIRED]
710:1-15-2. Definitions [EXPIRED]
710:1-15-3. Eligible tax liabilities to which Voluntary Compliance Initiative
may apply [EXPIRED]
710:1-15-4. Qualification for Voluntary Compliance Initiative [EXPIRED]
710:1-15-5. Payments [EXPIRED]
710:1-15-6. Verification and review [EXPIRED]
710:1-15-7. Disclosure [EXPIRED]
710:1-15-8. Special circumstances [EXPIRED]
710:1-15-9. Payment plan guidelines [EXPIRED]
710:1-17-1. General provisions [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 35 Ok Reg 53, eff 8-28-17 through 9-14-18 (emergency)]
710:1-17-2. Definitions [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 35 Ok Reg 53, eff 8-28-17 through 9-14-18 (emergency)]
710:1-17-3. Voluntary Disclosure Initiative [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 35 Ok Reg 53, eff 8-28-17 through 9-14-18 (emergency)]
710:1-17-4. Eligible tax liabilities to which Voluntary Disclosure Initiative may
apply [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 35 Ok Reg 53, eff 8-28-17 through 9-14-18 (emergency)]
710:1-17-5. Eligible taxpayers [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 35 Ok Reg 53, eff 8-28-17 through 9-14-18 (emergency)]
710:1-17-6. Modified Voluntary Disclosure Agreement [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 35 Ok Reg 53, eff 8-28-17 through 9-14-18 (emergency)]
710:1-17-7. Verification and review [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 35 Ok Reg 53, eff 8-28-17 through 9-14-18 (emergency)]
710:1-17-8. Disclosure [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 35 Ok Reg 53, eff 8-28-17 through 9-14-18 (emergency)]
710:1-17-9. Payment plan guidelines [EXPIRED]
[Source: Added at 35 Ok Reg 53, eff 8-28-17 through 9-14-18 (emergency)]
Prior Notice of
Meetings of the
Oklahoma Tax
25 O.S. Supp. 1992,
$18.00 year (Annual Renewal
Certification of
68 O.S. 1991, §108 $2.00 each
Authentication of
68 O.S. 1991, §204 $1.00 each
Hearing transcripts 68 O.S. 1991, §108 $2.50 per page
(One original + 2 copies)
Copies of Exhibits 68 O.S. 1991, §108 $0.25 per page
68 O.S. 1991, §221(g)
$0.25 per page
Decisions from
Individual Tax
68 O.S. 1991, §221(g)
$0.25 per page
General Document
Copying Fee
75 O.S. 1991, §302 $0.25 per page
Prior Years' Returns
and Accompanying
51 O.S. Supp. 1992,
$0.25 per page
FAX Documents 68 O.S. 1991, §108 $1.00 per
document plus
$0.25 per page
Certificate of
Compliance with
Franchise Tax Code
68 O.S. 1991, §1213 $1.00
Search Fee: Data
Search, Retrieval
and Compilation of
Certain Information
Pertaining to
Plugged Wells,
Leases, Unit
Numbers, Volume of
Production, and
Well Classification
68 O.S. Supp. 1992,
$20.00 first hour
$10.00 each
additional half-
[Source: Added at 10 Ok Reg 3819, eff 7-12-93; Amended at 11 Ok Reg 3465, eff 6-26-94; Revoked
and reenacted at 13 Ok Reg 3933, eff 9-3-96 (emergency); Revoked and reenacted at 14 Ok Reg
2667, eff 6-26-97; Revoked and reenacted at 18 Ok Reg 2325, eff 5-7-01 (emergency); Revoked
and reenacted at 19 Ok Reg 2429. eff 6-27-02]