The High School Rocket League Open tournament format (Round Robin, Single/Double Elimination, etc.)
will be determined based on the number of teams competing. Further information will be forwarded
out closer to the event. The tournament will be held at the Southern New Hampshire University
campus in the Esports Arena located in the Green Center building on Saturday, April 13 2024. The
bracket will e
event. The tournament will be livestreamed with commentary at . At the
venue we will have space available to view the matches and we encourage co
they are knocked out of the tournament. Food and drink can be purchased in the
cafeteria on campus in the dining hall.
Compe�tors will be expected to bring their own controllers and USB cords for the event and will also
be expected to have their own valid account login to Rocket League. All compe�tor In-Game Names
must not include problema�c, derogatory, or vulgar themes.
Tournament Rules and Structure
�on of Common Terms
Game: A single game in a series
Series/Match: Synonymous terms for a set of games played by two teams.
Bo5: 5 
3 games) wins the
Round Robin: A round in which teams will play one match against each opponent in their group.
Single Elimina�on: Match losses result in the team no longer moving forward in the tournament.
ment Overview
Matches will take place once all teams arrive on site and a Tournament Rules Overview has been
announced. Teams will be placed into a d to their equipment setup 
Following a tech and warmup  matches will be played out with 
has been found.
bby Crea�on
Game lobbies will be created by the designated captain of the “Home” team. They should follow the
lobby owner will
provide the opposing team with the lobby name 
Default Arena: DFH Stadium
Team Size: 3v3 unless otherwise specified per event
Bot Difficulty: No Bots
Mutators: None
Match Time: 5 Minutes
Platform: All Platforms
All matches will be played on the US-East server.
All match scores will be reported to the Tournament Organizer upon conclusion of the match. The
tournament organizer will be 
Players may take one (1) tech pause during a game to address technology issues. This pause will only be
resumed h teams are ready. If a technology issue
persists, it is the responsibility of the tournament administrator to determine severity and further
ame. 
between games from a team coach if they have one. However, c. SNHU
Esports 
coaching v
 - Warnings issued to the player and the coach. This warning persists through the season in
which it is issued.
 - Player receives a game loss
 - Player and coach are 
the series has begun.
heering vs Coaching
Nondescript statements such as “Let’s go!”, “Come on!, “You’ve got 
wrong players are to play out the game as selected.
Player Conduct
To compete in the tournament
The use of profane or discriminatory language towards other players, coaches, teams, or other personnel while on
stream or during a match is strictly prohibited in the league. We 
coaches, and teams to feel welcome and accepted under all 
 in any sort of way is unacceptable and will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Some examples of
Exploi�ng - using any known in-game bug to seek an advantage.
Hacking - 
Chea�ng Device - 
such as controllers with post-manufacture programmable features or controllers with the ability to host macros.
Inten�onal Disconnec�on - 
Collusion - g players.
- Any agreement among two or more players to not damage, impede or otherwise play to a reasonable
Sending or receiving signals, electronic or ot
layer Behavior
We mes. We expect all players to behave in
or abusive behavior while on stream will not be tolerated at any point. No obscene, foul, vulgar, ins
In-f the game-start taunt), crouch spamming, etc. and banter or
will face repercussions. To avoid
issues, as a rule of thumb- if you don’t know that the other team is okay with such behavior, don’t do it.
Disrup�ve Behavior
busive Behavior
Abuse of any player, coach,  
recurring, including but not limited to touching another players computer, body or property, will result in
Gambling on any game, tournament, or match, is 
performance is strictly prohibited.
Player/Team Equipment
rovided Equipment
All set-ups will be organized, examined, and approved by tournament administrators prior to use in tournaments
and events.
layer or Team-Owned
Any kind of personal or team-owned equipment at the event must be approved on-site by a tournament
point of the tournament. If equipment doesn’t meet the requirements of the tournament administrator, the
equipment will be banned from use in the tournament.
If caught using restricted equipment, The player will be disqualified from the rest of the tournament. Any
subsequent offense will result in the player not being allowed to connue compeng while a full review is
conducted by the Tournament Organizer.
 equipment. There must either be a
pause put on the match or the change must occur between games for the replacement to take place. If a referee or
administrator catches an illegal or unapproved replacement taking place, the match will be forfeited by the team
tournament, all athletes and coaches have given full consent for some of their personal
  on is limited
IGN (In-Game Name)