Manual for
Schools and Managers
School and Managers
Manual and Forms
Terms and Conditions....................................................................................................................................................................1-4
Competing School Information
Important Deadlines and Dates School Information ..........................................................................................................................5
Game Summaries .........................................................................................................................................................................6-11
Appeals Form...................................................................................................................................................................................12
Duplicate Awards Form for Schools ...........................................................................................................................................13-14
General Information
Do What’s Right! Sportsmanship Criteria ........................................................................................................................................15
Emergency Action Plan...............................................................................................................................................................16-17
Licensed Vendor Information...........................................................................................................................................................18
Manager Information
State Series Hosting Needs ........................................................................................................................................................19-20
Managers Checklist..........................................................................................................................................................................21
Sectional Draws Instructions......................................................................................................................................................22-23
Sectional Brackets ......................................................................................................................................................................24-27
Sectional Winner Report ..................................................................................................................................................................28
Awards Delivery Information............................................................................................................................................................29
Duplicate Awards Form for Managers..............................................................................................................................................30
Financial Report ...............................................................................................................................................................................31
Revision History
Mar. 1 Revised Game Summaries
In accordance with Section 1.450 of the
IHSA Constitution, the Board of Directors has
approved the Terms and Conditions governing
the 2022-23 IHSA esports Tournament Series.
Competition in the IHSA esports
Tournament Series will be a one class tourna-
A. Individual Tournament Series Dates
and Sites:
1. The sectional tournament shall be
on Saturday of Week 42 in the IHSA
Standardized Calendar. In the event that the
number of entries in a given game requires pre-
liminary rounds to be played, those shall be
played during Weeks 41 and 42 in the IHSA
Standardized Calendar based on a schedule
determined by the IHSA Office. Tournament
sites and school assignments will be posted
2. The state final shall be held on
Saturday of Week 43 in the IHSA Standardized
The policy for Original Entry Deadlines,
Late Entries and Late Withdrawals shall be the
policies and procedures regarding entry for all
IHSA-sponsored sport/activities included in the
2022-23 Entry Policies and Procedures.
A. Online Entries
All member schools must enter their
school into the state series competition
through the IHSA School Center on the IHSA
Website at www.ihsa.org. The deadline for
entry is February 1, 2023. The 2022-23 Entry
Policies and Procedures outlining the online
entry procedures for all IHSA-sponsored tour-
naments can be found in the Schools Center on
the IHSA website.
B. Late Entries
Any attempt to enter a sport or activity
online after the established deadlines will be
denied. Schools that wish to enter after the
deadline will be considered late. To be consid-
ered for late entry, the Principal/Official
Representative must contact the IHSA adminis-
trative officer in charge of that sport or activity.
The penalty for late entry shall be a payment of
$100.00 for that sport/activity by the school.
C. Breach of Contract By-law 6.041
(Withdrawal Procedure)
To withdraw without penalty, the Principal
must notify the IHSA Office, in writing, of the
school’s withdrawal from esports prior to the
seeding meeting date and/or the date the List of
Participants is due for that sport. If a school
withdraws after the seeding meeting date/List
of Participants due date and/or does not show
up for competition, the school will be charged
a $100 penalty. If applicable, the school may be
charged for any additional financial loss sus-
tained by the offended school(s) or the
Association as a result of such breach.
D. Eligibility
All member schools in good standing may
enter an individual(s) or a team under the pro-
visions of IHSA By-law 4.071. The principal is
the official representative of his/her school in
all interscholastic activities, and the responsi-
bility for seeing that all students from his/her
school entered in esports contests are eligible
under the rules shall rest with the principal. All
correspondence with the IHSA Office must be
conducted through the principal or official rep-
resentative of the school.
In each contest in which a school is repre-
sented, the principal shall have an adult pres-
ent, preferably a member of the faculty, who
shall supervise and be responsible for the con-
duct of the participants and other persons from
the school. A school’s failure to comply with
this provision shall result in disqualifications of
its students.
E. On-Line List of Participants
List of Participants
Deadline: Each school
must complete the On-Line
List of Participants
by the deadline date of March 31st. The entry
is submitted online at IHSA.org through the
Schools Center. A school’s online entries will
be released to the Sectional Managers at least
one week prior to the Sectional Contest. It is
recommended that each school print a copy of
its online entry to bring to the sectional site. If
a school does not submit the On-line
List of
by the deadline, coaches/advisers
and/or participants from the school are subject
to penalties that could include, but are not lim-
ited to, being ruled ineligible to compete in the
State Series and/or charged $100.00. Schools
shall be permitted to enter a student in only one
contest/game. A school can receive confirma-
tion of receipt of Online List of Participants by
logging into their School Center site on the
IHSA website and going to the Activity Tracker.
The Activity Tracker will show “Completed”, if
the school checked the button indicating the
report is finished. If the submitter doesn’t indi-
cate “Completed”, then the school must go
back into the
List of Participants
and check the
button on the Online List of Participants indi-
cating completion.
A. Sectional Host Allowance
Sectional hosts shall pay all local expens-
es and shall receive a guarantee of $200.00.
B. Admission Fees
In the State Tournament Series, ticket
prices have been established by the IHSA
Board of Directors. If ticketed, all state series
esports events shall follow the established tick-
eting procedures outlined by IHSA Policy.
C. Rights Fees for TV and Radio
See the IHSA web site (www.ihsa.org) for
the fees to be charged by Local Managers
and/or the IHSA for television and cable broad-
casts and radio originations. The Policy regard-
ing media requirements for each Local
Manager is contained in these Terms and
Schools will be assigned geographically
to one of eight (8) IHSA sectional tournaments.
These assignments will appear online after the
February entry deadline. Assignments are
made according to the IHSA Grouping Policy
#18. The number of competing schools, travel
distance, geographical location and the number
of entries shall be primary factors in the deter-
mination of number and boundary lines for
these sectionals.
A. Events Dependent upon Entries
1. Competition in all games shall be
held at the Sectional contests in all events in
which there are at least two entries.
2022-23 Esports Series Terms and Conditions
2. At State Final contests there shall
be competition in all games which have quali-
fiers from the Sectional Tournaments.
3. All tournament brackets will be
double-elimination and created according to
templates provided by the IHSA.
B. Contest Management
1. Designation of manager: At all
state series events, the IHSA shall designate an
event/contest manager who shall assume
entire responsibility for the event/contest.
2. Sectional Contest Managers
Meeting: The IHSA Office shall conduct a meet-
ing for Sectional contest managers. Specific
instructions for event/contest management
shall be the subject of the meeting. Dates and
times of the meeting will be sent to Sectional
3. Authority of Contest Manager and
Contest personnel:
a. Sectional Contests: The
Contest Manager shall be authorized to con-
duct the contest under the provisions of these
Terms and Conditions. If a situation develops in
which there is an apparent unfairness to a con-
testant, and which is determined to be the
result of an administrative or judge’s error, the
manager shall consult with Contest personnel
and determine the manner in which the situa-
tion shall be resolved. However, managers shall
not have the authority to advance students
affected by unfairness to the succeeding con-
test. Resolution of such matters must be within
the framework of each individual contest. In
addition, the manager shall be responsible to
resolve questions of rules interpretation, to
arbitrate disputes and to apply penalties for
violations of contest rules. In all cases, the
manager shall consult with Contest personnel
prior to making a decision in any such matter.
Decisions of the contest manager in all cases
herein described shall be final. The authority
and responsibility of the contest manager and
Contest personnel shall end when results are
announced at the contest awards assembly.
Any question relative to contest rules or any
aspect of the contest, which arises following
the announcement of results, shall be referred
directly by the principal of the school involved
to the IHSA Office. The IHSA Office will give
consideration to questions relative to adminis-
trative and/or clerical matters only and will do
so only through the end of the first Monday fol-
lowing the completion of the contest involved.
In compliance with IHSA By-law 6.033,
protests or challenges relative to the decision
of any judge will not be considered.
b. State Final Contest. The State
Final Contest personnel shall be authorized to
conduct the contest under the provisions of
these Terms and Conditions. If a situation
develops in which there is an apparent unfair-
ness to a contestant, and which is determined
to be the result of an administrative or judge’s
error, the State Final Contest personnel shall
determine the manner in which the situation
shall be resolved. In addition, the State Final
Contest personnel shall be responsible to
resolve questions of rules interpretation, to
arbitrate disputes and to apply penalties for
violations of contest rules. Decisions of the
State Final Contest Manager in all cases herein
described shall be final.
C. Time Schedules
1. Sectional Tournaments:
Sectional time schedules will be determined by
the local event/contest manager and shall be
communicated to assigned schools. The local
manager shall also monitor the early rounds of
any game that requires preliminary rounds to
be played online in advance of the sectional
2. State Final: The state final shall
be a one-day event using the following sched-
8-8:30 a.m. Registration/Check-in
8:30-8:45 a.m. Coaches Meeting
8:45-9:00 a.m. Final instructions to teams by
9:00 a.m. Preliminary round competi-
tion in Individual and Small
Group Games begins
LUNCH BREAK (determined by manager;
break will follow completion
of semi-final round)
Competition Finals begins after Lunch
Individual Game (championship match)
Small Group Game #1 (championship
Small Group Game #2 (championship
Team Game (championship match)
Awards after conclusion of final champi-
onship match
NOTE: any changes to the state final
schedule shall be communicated by the IHSA
Office to all participating schools.
A. Sectional to State Finals
1. Team Game: A team game shall
be any game played involving more than three
students from one school playing against
another school. In team games, the first and
second place finishers from each sectional
shall advance to the state finals.
2. Individual/Small Group Game: an
individual or small group game shall be any
game played involving three or less students
from one school playing against student(s)
from another school. In individual/small group
games, the first and second place finishers
from each sectional shall advance to the state
A. Events
Schools may enter participants in the fol-
lowing contests:
1. Team Game: one team compris-
ing of more than three (3) students
a. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: one
four-person team (roster maximum:
seven [7])
b. Super Smash Bros. Crew
Battle: one five-person team (roster
maximum: nine [9])
2. Individual Game: two individual
a. NBA2K
3. Small Group Games: a minimum of
one entry for each competition
offered; additional entries may be
allowed based on specific game
guidelines developed by the advisory
a. Rocket League: one three-
person team
b. Super Smash Bros: two (2)
individual student entries
B. Student Entries
A student may only be entered in one
competition for the state series. No duplicate
entries allowed.
C. Game Rules
Specific rules for each selected game can
be found in the Game Summary for each game.
Game Summaries are found at the end of the
Terms and Conditions.
D. Uniforms
School uniforms must be worn during
competition. School uniforms can only have
the school name and/or logo and the student’s
name on them. Any sponsorship the school
has secured cannot be displayed on the uni-
E. Protests
Any coach may challenge a participant’s
compliance with the rules by filing a protest in
writing by using the “IHSA Protest Form” and
submitting the written protest to the tourna-
ment manager. Only coaches may file such a
protest or challenge. Any question relative to
contest rules or any aspect of the contest
which arises following the announcement of
results shall be referred directly by the princi-
pal/IHSA official representative of the school(s)
involved to the IHSA office. The IHSA office will
give consideration to questions relative to
administrative and/or clerical matters only and
will do so only through the end of the first
Monday following the completion of the con-
test involved. In compliance with IHSA By-law
6.033, protests or challenges relative to the
decision of a tournament manager will not be
considered. The Report of Winners will be
completed by the Sectional Managers and shall
be considered the official qualifiers for the state
finals. If applicable, entry fees for qualifiers
shall be paid upon arrival at the Sectional and
State Final sites. Qualifiers for whom fees are
not paid as prescribed shall not be permitted to
F. Late Discovery of Violations
If a violation is discovered after the close
of the contest in which the violation occurred,
the following procedure shall be followed:
1. The contestant(s) or school shall
be disqualified and advancement to the next
succeeding contest shall be denied if the viola-
tion is reported to the IHSA office prior to the
next contest. If the violation is not reported
until after the next contest, no action shall be
taken, and the matter shall be considered
2. If the violation is reported to the
IHSA office prior to the next succeeding con-
test, and the contestants(s) are disqualified,
the rankings of the other contestants in the
event shall be revised upwards. The revised
contestants(s) shall be advanced on the basis
of the revised rankings.
3. If the disqualified contestant(s)
or school has won any awards, such awards
shall be returned to the IHSA office. Awards
shall be redistributed on the basis of the
revised rankings.
G. Advancement of Next Qualifier
In the event a qualified student is unable
to advance to the succeeding contest the next
qualifier shall advance. The highest-placing
contestant from the qualifier’s last qualifying
contest in the same event that has not yet been
offered the opportunity to advance shall be
designated as the next qualifier to advance. It is
the responsibility of the principal/IHSA official
representative or coach to notify the IHSA
office no later than the Wednesday preceding
the state finals. After that date, no additional
qualifier will be considered. The IHSA office will
officially inform the school’s
administration/coach that they will replace a
1. In the event a qualified student(s)
is unable to advance to the succeeding contest
their school’s principal/IHSA official represen-
tative must notify the IHSA of the student(s)
withdrawal. If their coach contacts the contest
manager of the withdrawal, the contest manag-
er shall direct them to have their principal/IHSA
official representative notify the IHSA, and the
IHSA will begin the process of contacting the
next qualifier eligible to advance.
2. Any advancing qualifier(s) due to
a withdrawal shall be treated from that point
forward as qualified contestants, and if they
are, for any reason, unable to advance to the
succeeding contest, the process shall be
repeated with the next highest-placing contest-
ant(s) until an alternate qualifier who is able to
advance is found.
H. Unsportsmanlike Conduct
Managers and officials have the strictest
instructions to disqualify any participant, coach
and/or other person guilty or profane or inde-
cent language or of gross unsportsmanlike
conduct. IHSA By-laws 2.040, 3.141, 6.011
and 6.012 give the Board of Directors complete
authority to penalize a school for any unsports-
manlike conduct on the part of the principal,
the coach, athletes, or any member of the fac-
ulty or Board of Education or any other official
representative of any participating school.
A. State Final Passes
Each school will receive passes for all
qualifiers and up to 4 passes for coaches. Only
people with passes will be allowed in the com-
petition area.
B. Damage to Property or Equipment
If contestants or people from any school
entered in a state series are found guilty of
carelessness or maliciously breaking, damag-
ing or destroying property or equipment
belonging to the host site, such school shall be
held responsible for costs incurred in replacing
or repairing such property or equipment.
C. Media Requirements
1. Provide Space:
Space shall be set aside to provide for
news media representatives covering the state
series whether they are from newspapers,
internet sites, radio stations, commercial televi-
sion stations and/or cable television stations,
according to the IHSA Policies regarding News
Media credentials and working assignments for
IHSA state series.
2. Radio and TV:
It is the responsibility of the Local
Manager to accept applications, approve
requests to originate, collect proper rights fees
payment (where required) and make cancella-
tion refund for television and/or radio play-
byplay originations, according to the IHSA
Television and/or IHSA Radio Broadcast Policy.
a. Television Rights Fees for all
levels of competition below the State Final level
shall be paid to the host school and shall
become part of the revenue to be shared by the
member school(s) and the Association accord-
ing to the financial terms stipulated in these
Terms and Conditions.
b. Radio Broadcast Rights Fees
are not required for any level of competition in
this series (except State Final). Local Managers
shall permit radio play-by-play originations of
the competition.
c. Television and/or Radio
Stations which do not apply in advance, or
which do not pay required rights fees prior to
the start of competition in each respective level
in this state series shall not be given creden-
tials nor allowed access to the facility to origi-
nate. Sponsors of the originations for television
and radio shall be only those so stipulated in
the respective IHSA Television and Broadcast
3. Administrative Detail:
Reporting information to the news media
and/or the IHSA Office, as stipulated in instruc-
tions to Local Managers shall be the responsi-
bility of each Local Manager and is required.
D. Tobacco/Liquid Nicotine Products
The use of tobacco or liquid nicotine prod-
ucts in any competition area, either during a
practice or while a contest is in progress, or
affiliated property of any IHSA state series con-
test by any coach, player, any other person
connected with a team, or fan shall be prohib-
ited. State series hosts are required to make all
state series contest sites and any affiliated
property, including parking lots, fan accommo-
dation areas, and other school or event venue
property, tobacco/liquid nicotine free zones on
the date or dates of any IHSA event being held
at the site.
E. Use of Inhalers
A student with asthma may possess and
use his/her medication during an IHSA compe-
tition, while under the supervision of school
personnel, provided the school meets the out-
lined procedures of self-administration in the
Illinois School Code.
F. Alcoholic Beverages and IHSA State
Series Events
The possession, distribution, sale and/or
consumption of alcoholic beverages are pro-
hibited at the site and on any affiliated property
of any IHSA state series contest. State series
hosts are required to make all state series con-
test sites and any affiliated property, including
parking lots, fan accommodation areas, and
other school or event venue property, alcohol
free zones on the date or dates of any IHSA
event being held at the site. Violation of this
policy by an event host will subject the host to
a penalty for violation of IHSA By-law 2.020.
Such penalty may include but not necessarily
be limited to prohibition against subsequent
event hosting assignments. Violation of this
policy by a non-hosting member school will
subject the school to penalty for violation of
IHSA By-law 2.020. Patrons of any IHSA state
series contest determined to be in violation of
this policy will be removed from the premise,
and law enforcement officials will be called as
warranted. No ticket refunds will be granted in
such cases.
G. Prayer at IHSA State Series Contests
Prayer at an IHSA state series contest that
takes place over the public address system is
H. Special Report Forms and SAWA
Special report forms have been developed
to facilitate schools reporting any matter con-
cerning high school programs that merit the
attention of the high school principal. These
forms can be used for reporting any incidents
or problems with a competitor, coach, director
or spectator. The forms may also be used to
report errors in applying rules or any phase of
judging in which a judge should immediately
attempt to improve. The SAWA Report form
should be used for reporting any instances
where a coach, director, participant, judge or
spectator has done an exemplary job of
Sporting A Winning Attitude. These forms can
be found on the IHSA Web Site at
Host schools must have an AED available and
on site at all IHSA post-season contests.
A. Sectional Tournament
1. Team Game: Medals will be
awarded to the first, second, third, and fourth
place teams. A plaque will be awarded to the
school winner in the Sectional Team Game.
2. Individual/Small Group Games:
Medals will be awarded to the first, second,
third, and fourth place finishers in each individ-
ual/small group game.
B. State Finals Tournament
1. Team Game: Medals will be
awarded to the first, second, third, and fourth
place teams. A plaque will be awarded to the
school winner in the State Finals Team Game.
2. Individual/Small Group Games:
Medals will be awarded to the first, second,
third, and fourth place finishers in each individ-
ual/small group game. A plaque will be award-
ed to the school winner in each state finals indi-
vidual/small group game.
C. Awards Ceremonies
At all tournaments when participants are
receiving awards, they shall wear their school’s
official uniform. No extra clothing, hats, caps,
signs, or other adornment shall be worn or car-
ried at the awards ceremony. If a contestant
fails to wear his/her official school warm-up or
uniform, he/she shall not be allowed to partici-
pate in the awards ceremony.
A. Games Committee
Each tournament manager shall appoint a
committee of at least five individuals, one of
which shall be the manager, who shall serve as
a Games Committee for each sectional and
state final tournaments. The Games Committee
has the authority to resolve any situation that
arises during the tournament that is not specif-
ically covered in these Terms and Conditions.
The decision of the Games Committee shall be
2022-23 esports STATE TOURNAMENT
April 3 Managers Mail any necessary pre-tournament information to all schools assigned to Sectional
April 22 Sectional Tournament
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.* · Make sure all contestants are present
(approximately) · Conduct pre-tournament coaches meeting
· Present Awards following completion of event
· Enter Results on the IHSA Winner Report on the IHSA Website
*Sectional managers will announce the specific tournament time to assigned schools
April 29 State Final Tournament
A meeting for all State Final Coaches will be conducted prior to the start of the state finals on Saturday, April 29, 2023.
State Final: The state final shall be a one-day event using the following schedule:
8-8:30 a.m. Registration/Check-in
8:30-8:45 a.m. Coaches Meeting
8:45-9:00 a.m. Final instructions to teams by coaches
9:00 a.m. Preliminary round competition in Individual and Small Group Games begins
LUNCH BREAK (determined by manager; break will follow completion of semi-final round)
Competition Finals begins after Lunch Break
Individual Game (championship match)
Small Group Game #1 (championship match)
Small Group Game #2 (championship match)
Team Game (championship match)
Awards after conclusion of final championship match
2022-23 Esports Game Summaries
In accordance with Section 1.450 of the IHSA
Constitution, the IHSA Board of Directors has
approved the Terms and Conditions governing
the 2022-2023 IHSA Esports State Series. This
document outlines the competitive events;
however, it does not replace the Terms and
Conditions, which are the rules governing
interscholastic esports competition.
Event questions can be directed to the appro-
priate tournament manager or the IHSA Office.
Event 1 - Rocket League
IHSA Supported Platforms
While Cross-Play is supported, all Sectional
Tournaments and the State Finals will be limit-
ed to PC only and will require players to have
PC Rocket League accounts. Players will log in
through their Epic accounts.
Series Length
At both the sectional and state finals tourna-
ments, matches will be conducted in a Best of
3 format until six (6) teams remain in each
tournament. Once six (6) teams remain, a Best
of 5 format will be used for the remainder of
each event.
Soccer meets driving in Rocket League, a game
of rocket-powered acrobatic cars. Two teams
of three choose from a variety of high-flying
vehicles equipped with huge rocket boosters to
score aerial goals and pull-off game-changing
Rocket League gives students an opportunity
to act as a Small Group “Team” while using and
developing communication skills, analyzing
gameplay, and formulating strategies.
Additionally metacognitive skills and post-
game match analysis skills will be developed
through the playing of this game.
Private Match settings
Team 1 and Team 2 will be randomly
selected by coin flip
Team 1 is responsible for creating the
lobby, using the Host School Name
and the game number on the official
tournament bracket Example:
Danville game 1
Game Mode: Soccer
Arena: DFH Stadium unless both par-
ties agree to a different arena
Team Size: 3v3 (roster maximum 5)
Bot Difficulty: No Bots
Team Settings
Primary and accent colors should be
set to school colors
In case of two schools with the same
primary colors, “Team 1” will use
home colors, and “Team 2” will use
the school’s secondary color as the
“Primary Color” and its primary color
as the “Accent Color”
Players are permitted to enable “force
team default colors” in the options
Teams will use their school name and
nickname as their name during play.
Example: Danville Vikings
Mutator Settings
Preset Settings: Custom
Match Length: 5 minutes
Max Score: Unlimited
Overtime: Unlimited
Series Length: 3 games (5 games
beginning when 6 teams remain)
Game Speed: Default
Ball Max Speed: Default
Ball Type: Default
Ball Physics: Default
Ball Size: Default
Ball Bounciness: Default
Boost Amount: Default
Rumble: None
Boost Strength: 1x
Gravity: Default
Demolish: Default
Respawn Time: 3 seconds
US-East will be used.
Joinable By
In the event that an incorrect ruleset is used,
the match should be stopped and reset.
Previously played stages with incorrect format
will not count towards the series.
Any bodies, decals, wheels, rocket boosts, top-
pers, antennae, goal explosions, trails, or
engine audios that are currently disabled in
competitive 3v3 queues are not permitted for
use in official matches.
Students may bring their own peripherals, lim-
ited to officially licensed first-party gamepads,
(Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo), keyboard,
mouse, and necessary cable(s). Mouse and
Keyboards will be provided at the State Finals.
Use of additional tools/programs (including
BakkesMod) during matches is prohibited.
Coach Involvement
Coaches are prohibited from communicating
with players, whether verbally or nonverbally
during match play. Coaches are excluded from
the stage while matches are being played.
Breaks: Breaks no longer than 10 minutes will
occur after every two (2) matches in any match
played in a Best of 5 or greater format. During
breaks, coaches can meet with players to ana-
lyze film, discuss, and substitute/coach play-
Event 2 - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles
Definition: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (SSBU)
is an established competitive solo and duo
game in which players pick a character and
face off in a fighting match. To achieve victory,
players must use their character’s specific abil-
ities to weaken their opponents and knock
them out of the arena.
Purpose: SSBU will provide students from all
backgrounds an opportunity to represent their
school in competition.
General Tournament Rules
All state series games will be played
using the latest SSBU edition on the
Nintendo Switch.
Any character released within fourteen
days of the Sectional tournament is
prohibited from all state series play.
The character, Steve (from the
Minecraft series), is banned from
competition due to an exploitable
bug/tech that gives him an unfair com-
petitive advantage against other char-
The tournament is played with the lat-
est SSBU update.
The game must be using the current
patch and rosters as of the Wednesday
before the Sectional tournament, and
then again before the Wednesday of
the State Final tournament.
For ease of access, tournament staff
recommends the use of the Nintendo
Gamecube controller. However, the
Switch Pro controller and Joy Cons
(and third-party equivalents) are all
permitted control options. All third-
party controllers that have
turbo/macro options are banned.
Series Length
All matches for SSBU Singles shall be
Best of 3 format until the quarterfinals
(8 remaining teams) when matches
shall be Best of 5 format.
Up to two players per school - no sub-
Singles Game
All games will be 1v1. No player substitutions
may be made at any point during the match.
The first player to eliminate all stocks from
their opponent is considered the game winner.
The first player to win the majority of possible
match games is considered the match winner.
Game Rules
Game Settings
n Stock and time are set to 3 stock and
8 minutes
n Final Smash Meter: Off
n Spirits: Off
n Damage Handicap: Off
n Stage Selection: Anyone
n Items: Off and None
n First to: 1 Win
n Stage Morph: Off
n Stage Hazards: Off
n Launch Rate: 1.0x
n Underdog Boost: Off
n Pausing: Off
n Score Display: Off
n % Show Damage: Yes
n Custom Balance: Off
n Mii Fighters: All moveset combina-
tions are legal
In the event that an incorrect ruleset is used,
the match should be stopped and reset.
Previously played stages with incorrect format
will not count towards the series.
Match Procedure: Player, Character, & Stage
Pre-Match Procedure:
IHSA SSBU Solo Battle
Match Card
1. Record match participants
Match Procedure: Opening Game
2. Perform a double blind character
3. Reveal double blind character selec-
4. Strike stages as detailed in STAGE
5. Start 1v1
Match Procedure: Subsequent Game
6. Winner of previous game selects char-
7. Loser of previous game selects char-
8. Strike stages as detailed in STAGE
9. Start 1v1
Post-Match Procedure:
IHSA SSBU Solo Battle
Match Card
10.Record winner and initial results
11.Winning player turns in completed
Player & Character Conditions
Players who use Mii fighter during a
game must inform their opponent of
their chosen Mii’s moveset prior to the
game, listed in the format ####. Any
combination of moves may be used,
but any movesets that any player may
want to use during a match must be
created before their initial match
begins and cannot be changed
between games.
Stage Striking & Selection Procedure
Strike: When a team eliminates a possible
stage from the prescribed stage list before each
Start of Match Stage Selection
1. Player 1 (P1) and 2 (P2) will be deter-
mined by Rock, Paper, Scissors. Both
players will stand back to back and
throw on three. The winning player
can choose to be P1 or P2.
3. Strike Order: P1-P2-P2-P1
4. Stage selection: After strikes have con-
cluded P2 chooses from remaining
During Match Stage Selection
Player 1 (P1) and 2 (P2) will be deter-
mined by the results of the previous
game. P1 will be the winner of the
previous game and P2 will be the loser
of the previous game..
Strike Order: P1-P1
Stage selection: After strikes have con-
cluded P2 chooses from remaining
Starting Stage List
Final Destination*
Small battlefield
Pokémon Stadium 2
Hollow bastion
Full Stage List
Final Destination*
Small battlefield
Pokémon Stadium 2
Hollow bastion
Kalos Pokémon League
Town & City
*Battlefield and Omega variations of the stages
are allowed when a player chooses either
Battlefield or Final Destination respectively. The
only exception is stages that force a 2D-flatten-
ing (Dream Land GB, Duck Hunt, Flatzone X,
Hanebow, Mario Maker, Mute City SNES & Pac-
Coaching Rules
Coaches are prohibited from coaching
players, whether verbally or nonver-
bally during game play.
Spectators are prohibited from coach-
ing players, whether verbally or non-
verbally during game play.
Players have up to 2 minutes between
games to strategize with coach(es)
and/or teammate(s) before play
Cheering Rules
Sportsmanlike cheering is encouraged
and allowed
Nondescript statements such as “Let’s
go!”, “you got this!”, “bounce back!”,
or “3-2-1..,” are not coaching viola-
Miscellaneous Rules
event a game ends due to a self-
destruct move, the results screen will
determine the winner of the game.
The winner does not lose a stock for
the self-destruct finish.
OVERTIME: In the event the clock runs
out and an overtime is initiated, the
player who has the highest number of
stocks will be declared the winner of
the game. If both players had the same
amount of stocks, the player with the
lower percentage will be declared the
winner of the game. If both players
had the same amount of stocks and
the same percentage, a overtime game
using the following settings will be
Stock: 1
Stock & Time: 3 minutes
AMIIBO: All amiibo figures are prohib-
ited from use in official matches
STOPPAGE OF PLAY: Players unplug-
ging their controller at any time, acci-
dentally or intentionally, will result in a
forfeiture of the game. Any controller
malfunctions are the player’s responsi-
bility, and as such the IHSA will not
force a game/match restart should a
player’s controller malfunction during
a game.
Event 3 - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Crew
Definition: SSBU Crew Battle is a form of com-
petition between two opposing teams of SSBU
players, known generically as “crews.” To
achieve victory a crew must eliminate all stocks
from the opposing crew. Victory will require
crews to leverage individual skills, team strate-
gies, effective communication, and game syn-
SSBU Crew Battle gives students an
opportunity to participate within a team frame-
work while using and developing communica-
tion, analytic, and strategic skills. Additionally
metacognitive skills and post-game match
analysis skills will be developed through the
playing of this game.
General Tournament Rules
All state series games will be played
using the latest SSBU edition on the
Nintendo Switch.
Any character released within fourteen
days of the Sectional tournament is
prohibited from all state series play.
The character, Steve (from the
Minecraft series), is banned from
competition due to an exploitable
bug/tech that gives him an unfair com-
petitive advantage against other char-
acters. The tournament
is played with the latest SSBU update.
The game must be using the current
patch and rosters as of the Wednesday
before the Sectional tournament, and
then again before the Wednesday of
the State Final tournament.
For ease of access, tournament staff
recommends the use of the Nintendo
Gamecube controller. However, the
Switch Pro controller and Joy Cons
(and third-party equivalents) are all
permitted control options. All third-
party controllers that have
turbo/macro options are banned
Series Length
All matches for SSBU Crew Battle will be Best
of 1 format.
Must have at least five players.
Can have up to four additional substi-
tute players.
Match Procedure
1. A crew battle is played by elimination.
2. All games will be 1v1.
3. The first player to eliminate their oppo-
nent goes up against the next player
aka new challenger
) on the opposing
4. At the start of the next game, the
returning player (
aka survivor
) must
self-destruct (SD) until their starting
stocks are equal to the number of
stocks they ended the previous game
1. No damage may be inflicted by
either player until the SDs have
been completed.
2. Players waiting on SDs may not
use that time to charge specials
or make any other move that will
provide advantage.
5. Play resumes when:
1. The invincibility wears off on the
final entrance of the surviving
a. Players are in original start-
ing position
b. “3…2…1…start” cadence
is initiated by either
player(s), captain(s), or
6. The match continues in this pattern
until all members of one crew have
been eliminated. The surviving player
and crew is considered the winner.
Game Rules
n Stock and time are set to 3 stock and
5 minutes
n Final Smash Meter: Off
n Spirits: Off
n Damage Handicap: Off
n Stage Selection: Anyone
n Items: Off and None
n First to: 1 Win
n Stage Morph: Off
n Stage Hazards: Off
n Launch Rate: 1.0x
n Underdog Boost: Off
n Pausing: Off
n Score Display: Off
n % Show Damage: Yes
n Custom Balance: Off
n Mii Fighters: All moveset combina-
tions are legal
Match Procedure: Player, Character, & Stage
Pre-Match Procedure:
IHSA SSBU Crew Battle
Match Card
1. Record match participants on match
Match Procedure: Opening Game
1. Perform a double blind first player and
character selection
2. Strike stages as detailed in STAGE
DURE section below
3. Reveal double blind first player and
character selected
4. Start 1v1
Match Procedure: Subsequent Game
1. Strike stages as detailed in STAGE
DURE section below
2. Surviving player selects same charac-
3. Reveal
challenger and character
4. Start 1v1
Post-Match Procedure:
IHSA SSBU Crew Battle
Match Card
1. Record winner, results, and initials
from both team captains
Winning crew turns in completed card
*Each crew will nominate a captain and/or have
a coach communicate selections and results
Player & Character Conditions
Challengers are not bound to a specific
Challengers must pick a character pre-
viously not chosen by their team
n Mii fighter and all variations can
only be picked once per team per
Players who use Mii fighter during a
game must inform their opponent of
their chosen Mii’s moveset prior to the
game, listed in the format ####. Any
combination of moves may be used,
but any movesets that any player may
want to use during a match must be
created before their initial match
begins and cannot be changed
between games.
Stage Striking & Selection Procedure
Definition of Strike: When a team eliminates a
possible stage from the prescribed stage list
before each game.
Start of Match Stage Selection
1. Team 1 (T1) and 2 (T2) will be deter-
mined by Rock, Paper, Scissors. Both
teams will elect a captain that will
stand back to back and throw on three.
The captains’ coaches will determine
the winner. The winning team can
choose to be T1 or T2.
2. STARTING STAGE LIST is used at the
start of the match.
3. Strike Order: T1-T2-T2-T1
4. Stage selection: After strikes have con-
cluded T2 chooses from remaining
During Match Stage Selection
1. Team 1 (T1) and 2 (T2) will be deter-
mined by the previous game. T1 will
be the surviving player of the previous
game and T2 will be the new chal-
lenger (entering player).
2. FULL STAGE LIST is used between
games of a match.
3. Strike Order: T1-T1
4. Stage selection: After strikes have con-
cluded T2 chooses from remaining
Final Destination*
Small battlefield
Pokémon Stadium 2
Hollow bastion
Final Destination*
Small battlefield
Pokémon Stadium 2
Hollow bastion
Kalos Pokémon Stadium
Town & City
* Battlefield and Omega variations of the
stages are allowed when a player chooses
either Battlefield or Final Destination respec-
tively. The only exception is stages that force a
2D-flattening (Dream Land GB, Duck Hunt,
Flatzone X, Hanebow, Mario Maker, Mute City
SNES & Pac-Land).
Coaching Rules
Coaches are prohibited from coaching
players, whether verbally or nonver-
bally during game play.
Crews are prohibited from coaching
players, whether verbally or nonver-
bally during game play.
Coaches and crew have up to 2 min-
utes between games to strategize
before play resumes.
Cheering Rules
Sportsmanlike cheering is encouraged
and allowed
Nondescript statements such as “Let’s
go!”, “you got this!”, “bounce back!”,
or “3-2-1..,” are not coaching viola-
Miscellaneous Rules
event a game ends due to a self-
destruct move, the results screen will
determine the winner of the game.
The winner does not lose a stock for
the self-destruct finish.
OVERTIME: In the event the clock runs
out and an overtime is initiated, the
player who has the highest number of
stocks will be declared the winner of
the game. If both players had the same
amount of stocks, the player with the
lower percentage will be declared the
winner of the game. If both players
had the same amount of stocks and
the same percentage, a overtime game
using the following settings will be
Stock: 1
Stock & Time: 3 minutes
DOUBLE KNOCK-OUT: In the event
that both players are knocked-out at
the same time the game is over.
1. Both crews select a new chal-
2. Use
Start of Match Stage
to continue play
AMIIBO: All amiibo figures are prohib-
ited from use in official matches
STOPPAGE OF PLAY: Players unplug-
ging their controller at any time, acci-
dentally or intentionally, will result in a
forfeiture of the game. Any controller
malfunctions are the player’s responsi-
bility, and as such the IHSA will not
force a game/match restart should a
player’s controller malfunction during
a game.
Event 4 -
NBA 2K is a series of basketball sports
simulation video games developed and
released annually since 1999. The
premise of each game in the series is
to emulate the sport of basketball,
more specifically, the National
Basketball Association, and present
improvements over the previous
installments. The series was originally
published by Sega Sports and is now
published by 2K Sports.
This competition will be a 1v1
Schools may enter up to 2 individuals
into the sectional tournament.
NBA 2K offers students a chance to compete in
one of the more popular and accessible sports
General Tournament Rules
All games will be played using the lat-
est NBA 2K edition. The games in the
2021-22 state series will be played on
a PS4 console.
The console will be selected by the
Esports Advisory Committee 1 year
prior to the season.
Only current NBA teams are allowed.
Retro, Fantasy and/or All-Star Teams
are prohibited.
All state series tournaments will be
played using the latest NBA 2K update.
The game must be using the current
patch and rosters as of Wednesday
before Sectional tournaments and the
Wednesday before the State Final tour-
Players are permitted to change teams
during the tournament.
Players can also change plays and
coaches’ settings during the tourna-
A coinflip will determine which player
picks his/her team first.
It is permissible for two competing
players to play with the same team in
the same game.
All equipment will be provided by the
host school. Players are allowed to
bring and use their own approved con-
Game Settings
All Settings and Camera Views are
DEFAULT. Skill level is HALL OF FAME.
The length of playing time will be 3
minutes per quarter, except for the
Championship Game, which will be 5
minutes per quarter.
Substitutions, Time Outs, and Late
Game Fouling are allowed but must be
pre-set before the start of the game.
No manual substitution can be made
via START button. Substitutions are
only allowed in-game via D-Pad and
during called Time Outs.
Players can not block their opponent’s
Touching the game console is prohib-
Only current NBA teams are allowed.
Retro, Fantasy and/or All-Star Teams
are prohibited.
Team starting roster adjustments must
be made before going into the game.
No trash talking is allowed and will be
subject to penalty determined by the
Games Committee.
Injuries/Player Fatigue will be on.
If you pause the game using the
START button you must burn a time-
out as a penalty. If you have no time-
outs left, the player will be required to
forfeit the game.
The game may only be paused during
a timeout. Pausing the game using the
START button in any other manner will
result in a player forfeiting the game.
If the game goes into overtime, the
competing individuals will be allowed
to compete given the allocated time.
The individual with the highest score
at the end of overtime wins the game.
In the event of an extreme scenario
that has a big impact on the game like
outage of power, accidental unplug-
ging or some other event not in either
player’s control that would not allow
the participants to finish the game, the
game will be completely restarted.
Coach Interactions
Coaches are not allowed to contact
players unless during the following
specified times:
° Before a game begins
° Halftime
° After the 4th quarter if Overtime
is needed
° After the match is completed
Penalty Rules
If you receive a penalty, you must burn
a timeout.
If you have no timeouts left, you will
be required to take a penalty (for
offense, out of bounds for defense foul
Multiple penalties and potential rule
violations will be considered by the
Games Committee. If the committee
feels there is a rule violation, the com-
petitor who violated the rule will be
disqualified from the tournament.
Decisions made by the Games
Committee with regards to penalties
and rule violations are final.
Glitch Rules
Should this happen, players must pause the
game immediately and call for an IHSA official
or tournament host to come and review the
play. DO NOT take the liberty of reviewing the
play before contacting an IHSA official or tour-
nament host.
Players shall refrain from using “in-your-face”
foul language. Also, players shall be respectful
of all other players. The referee or tournament
officials have final say over what is “respect-
ful”, and a player may be disqualified from the
tournament if he/she does not cooperate.
No sideline coaching is allowed during
actual game play
If a player is more than 5 minutes late
to a game’s posted time, he/she will
forfeit that game.
If a player purposely turns off a game
while it is in progress, that player will
forfeit that game.
No verbal or physical threats of vio-
lence to other tournament participants
will be allowed. Any such conduct as
determined by the tournament’s
Games Committee will result in a play-
er’s immediate disqualification from
the tournament.
Event 5 - FIFA
FIFA is a series of association football
(soccer) video games developed and
released annually since 1993. The
premise of each game in the series is
to emulate the sport of football (soc-
cer), using league and club football
(soccer) teams from around the world.
The series has been published by EA
This competition will be a 1v1
Schools may enter up to 2 individuals
into the sectional tournament.
FIFA offers students a chance to com-
pete in one of the more popular and
accessible sports games.
General Rules
All games will be played using the lat-
est FIFA edition. The games in the
2022-2023 state series will be played
on the PS4 console.
All state series tournaments will be
played using the latest FIFA update.
The game must be using the current
patch and rosters as of Wednesday
before Sectional tournaments and the
Wednesday before the State Final tour-
Only current league and club teams
are allowed.
Team starting roster adjustments must
be made before going into the game.
Substitutions are only allowed via
Quick Substitutes during stoppages in
Players are permitted to change teams
during the tournament.
A coinflip will determine which player
picks his/her team first.
It is permissible for two competing
players to play with the same team in
the same game.
Players are allowed to bring and use
their own approved controllers.
Controllers must be standard first-
party controllers unless accommoda-
tions are necessary.
If there is no winner at the end of reg-
ulation, the game will continue until a
winner is determined.
Game Settings
The length of playing time will be 6
minutes per half, except for the
Championship Game, which will be 8
minutes per half.
Difficulty level is LEGENDARY.
All other Settings and Camera Views
are outlined below. Any setting not
listed below will be set to the DEFAULT
game setting.
NORMAL Game Speed
Quick Substitutes ON
Competitor Mode: On
Injuries: On
Booking: On
Offsides: On
Handball: On
Net Tension: Default
Net Shape: Default
Net Meshing: Default
Attributes: Default
Multiplayer Camera: Default
HUD: Player Name Bar &
Player Indicator: Player Name
Player Indicator Size: Default
Player Indicator Fade: On
Hold to Skip: Off
Time/Score Display: On
Score Clock Dropdown: On
Input Overlay: Off
Commentary Volume: 0
Players shall refrain from using “in-
your-face” foul language and “trash
talking.” Players shall be respectful of
all other players. Tournament officials
have final discretion over what is
“respectful”, and a player may be dis-
qualified from the tournament if
he/she does not cooperate or may be
subject to penalty determined by the
Games Committee.
No verbal or physical threats of vio-
lence to other tournament participants
will be allowed. Any such conduct as
determined by the tournament’s
Games Committee will result in a play-
er’s immediate disqualification from
the tournament.
Players can not block their opponent’s
Touching the game console is prohib-
The game may only be paused upon
agreement from both players to call
for a tournament official. Pausing the
game in the middle of gameplay in any
other manner will result in that player
forfeiting the game.
No sideline coaching is allowed during
actual game play
If a player is more than 5 minutes late
to a game’s posted time, he/she will
forfeit that game.
If a player purposely turns off a game
while it is in progress, that player will
forfeit that game.
Multiple penalties and potential rule
violations will be considered by the
Games Committee. If the committee
feels there is a rule violation, the com-
petitor who violated the rule will be
disqualified from the tournament.
Decisions made by the Games
Committee with regards to penalties
and rule violations are final.
Coach Interactions
Coaches are not allowed to contact
players unless during the following
specified times:
° Before a game begins
° Halftime
° After the 2
half if extra time is
° After the match is completed
Glitch Rules
Should this happen, players must
pause the game immediately and call
for an IHSA official or tournament host
to come and review the play. DO NOT
take the liberty of reviewing the play
before contacting an IHSA official or
tournament host.
In the event of an extreme scenario
that has a big impact on the game like
outage of power, accidental unplug-
ging or some other event not in either
player’s control that would not allow
the participants to finish the game, the
game will be completely restarted.
Event 6 – Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is a racing game developed
and published by Nintendo. It retains
series game mechanics, where players
franchise characters in kart rac-
ing, collecting a variety of items to hinder
opponents or gain advantages in the race.
Mario Kart 8
introduces anti-gravity driving on
walls or ceilings and allows players to bump
into each other for a short boost.
Mario Kart gives students an opportunity to act
as a Small Group “Team” while using and
developing communication skills, analyzing
gameplay, and formulating strategies.
Additionally, metacognitive skills and
postgame match analysis skills will be devel-
oped through the playing of this game.
Series Length
At both the sectional and state finals tourna-
ments, a series between two (2) schools will
consist of 4 races until six (6) teams remain in
the tournament. Once six (6) teams remain,
there will be six (6) races in a series between
two (2) for the remainder of the tournament.
Matches are played 4v4, meaning that
four (4) players will participate in the
game for each team.
Teams may roster up to seven (7)
players and substitute after each
round of a tournament.
Substitutions may only be made after
each round of the tournament. No
substitutions will be allowed in the
middle of a 4-game or 6-game race
Each team should designate a captain.
The captain’s responsibilities will be to
relay course selection to the other
team and keep score on a scorecard
after every race. Captains from both
teams verify scores during the series
and will initial the scorecard at the end
of each series.
General Rules
Players’ names must be appropriate
for public viewing.
After each race of the series, scores
must be recorded on the match score-
At the end of each series, captains
must verify scores on the match
scorecard and initial the scorecard
before submitting the scorecard to the
tournament official.
Set Up
The 4v4 format will require four Nintendo
Switch consoles, four monitors, and four
copies of the game for each series. Two (2)
players from the same team will play on one of
the four Nintendo Switch consoles.
Match Settings
Mode - Team VS Race
Class - 150cc
Teams - On
Items - Normal
CPU - Off
Grand Prix - 4 Races (6 Races when 6
teams remain)
zSmart Steering - Off
Auto-accelerate - Off
Motion Controls - Player Choice
DLC characters may not be selected.
You may use any other characters
(including Miis) and vehicle parts that
are not currently disabled for official
DLC tracks may not be selected.
The first track for all series is Mt.
Wario (Star Cup).
If there is a tie after a full series, the
tiebreaker track will be Rainbow Road
(Special Cup).
Tracks cannot be repeated in a series.
Character and Track Selection
1. Each player selects their character and
kart modifications.
2. The first track is Mt. Wario (Star Cup).
3. The team with fewer total points after
the race will select the next track. If the
teams are tied in total points after a
race, the team that did not make the
last track selection will select the next
a. Mt. Wario (Star Cup) and
Rainbow Road (Special Cup) may
not be selected since they are
reserved for the opening track
and tiebreaker.
4. Every player will select the chosen
track, and captains will select last.
a. Each captain should ensure that
every player has chosen the cor-
rect track.
5. Record scores after each race on the
match scorecard.
6. Characters and kart modification will
be locked for the duration of a series
but can be changed between rounds of
the tournament.
7. Repeat steps 3-4 until a game winner
is determined.
8. If the wrong course is selected, the
lobby will have to be remade, and the
previous scores will still be counted
towards the race series total. *****
scorecard for track selected and total
A single Joycon will be provided.
Dual Joycon will not operate under
wireless play due to software limita-
Wireless controllers are allowed (Joy
Cons, Pro Controllers, etc).
(Note: Make sure you disconnect your
wireless controller after every set to
prevent interference for other players).
You may use your own controller as
long as it meets the following require-
° No extra or programmable but-
tons permitted.
° Turbo buttons and functions are
Coaches are not allowed to contact
players unless during the specified
° Before a race
° Between races
° After a race
Penalty Rules
If an incorrect race is selected by a
team, a warning will be issued.
A second infraction results in a dis-
qualification of the player’s team.
IHSA Esports
Appeals Form
School making appeal ______________________________________________________
Individual completing form __________________________________________________
School being reported ______________________________________________________
Terms and Condition violation ________________________________________________
Description of Violation
Date ____________________________________________________________________
Person Receiving Form _____________________________________________________
2022-2023 IHSA Replacement Pricing and Order Form
For Additional State Series Awards
TOURNAMENT HOSTS: DO NOT USE THIS FORM. An order form for STATE SERIES TIES is provided in the Manual for
Schools for each sport.
1.) Please print and complete this form with Official Representative Signature.
2.) Please fax or email completed form to Cheryl Lowery @ 309-663-7479 (clowery@ihsa.org).
3.) From this form, an invoice will be generated and emailed back to the school email address supplied
This form is to be used only if the school is purchasing awards for one of the following reasons (check one):
Team Roster Exceeds the number allowed in the T&C’s Coop School
Dual Campus Lost-Replacement
Broken-Replacement State Awards: Music Sweepstakes
Sport or Activity: _________________________________ Year: ______________ Qty.: ____________ Place: ________
Gender: Girls Boys Co-Ed
1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A No Classification
A AA MUSIC SWEEPSTAKES ONLY (Indicate Classification: AA, A, B, C, D)
Level of Competition: Regional Sectional Super-Sectional State
1-5 ($6.00) 6-12 ($9.00) 13-24 ($12.00) 25-above ($14.00)
Type of Award:
Team Plaque Badminton Gold Shuttlecock and/or Riser
Team Trophy Replacement Trophy Plate w/lasering
Medal/Medallion Replacement Trophy Plate w/o lasering
Sweepstakes Medallion Bat, Tennis, Golf Club Replacement
Ind. Event Medals (indicate Event name): ___________________________________________________________
(ie: Pole Vault, Long Jump, Diving, 100-yd. Butterfly, Single, Doubles, 102lb.,
Speech: IE, etc.)
Ordered By (Print): ___________________________________________________________________________________
Job Title: Principal A.D. Off. Rep. Coach
School Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________
School Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________
City, Zip: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Official Representative Name (Printed): __________________________________________________________________
Official Representative Signature: _______________________________________________________________________
2022-2023 IHSA Replacement Pricing and Order Form
For Additional State Series Awards
TOURNAMENT HOSTS: DO NOT USE THIS FORM. An order form for STATE SERIES TIES is provided in the Manual for
Schools for each sport.
Once this form is completed and returned to the IHSA, an invoice attached will be provided to the email provided.
Invoice must accompany payment! The awards company refers to the invoice to process IHSA approved orders.
Duplicate/Replacement Awards will only be shipped to the school.
Duplicate Awards Orders must be approved by the School’s Official Representative
Trophy Letters & Figurine Replacement: Schools who need replacement letters or figurine(s) for older model trophies,
please contact A & M Products direct at 815-875-2667.
Contact A&M direct for pricing and availability: 2008-2017 Figure and Plate Replacement Pricing:
Gold State Champion-top figure (#1)
Gold State Champion-side figure (#1)
Gold State Runner-up-top figure (#1)
Gold State Runner-up-side figure (#1)
Gold State 3rd/4th Place-top figure (#1)
State 3
Place Gold-side figure (#2)
Gold Girls Soccer-side figure 3
Gold Music Lyreside figure 3rd (#3)
Pricing for Schools (INCLUDING MUSIC SWEEPSTAKES) Shipping not included:
Finish State Medallion Reg./Sect Medal
Goldtone (1
) $4.40 $3.60
Nickel Silver (2
) $4.40 $3.60
Copper (3
& 4th) $4.40 $3.60
State Medallions and Reg./Sect. Medal Shipping Costs:
1-5 = $6.00
6-12 = $9.00
13-24 = $12.00
25-above = $14.00
Plaque/Trophy Pricing for Schools (Shipping included):
Regional Champion Plaque (AM-260) $ 75.00
Sectional and Super-Sectional Champion Plaque (AM-261) $ 95.00
Third/Fourth place trophy (AM-558) $195.00
Champion/Runner-Up (AM-557/AM-557-1) $200.00
Plate Replacement Pricing:
Replacement Trophy Plate w/ lasering names $30.00, plus $10.00 shipping
Replacement Black Plate for SF Trophy w/o lasering $12.00, plus $10.00 shipping
Bat, Tennis, Golf Club Replacement for All Figurines $16.00, plus $10.00 shipping
Do What’s Right!
Represent your school and community favorably through positive interaction with opposing fans and players
before, during, and after the competition.
Use positive yells, chants, songs or gestures.
Display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat.
Respect and acknowledge the integrity and judgment of officials.
Exhibit positive behavior in both personal interaction and social media comments.
Acceptable Behavior...
During the National Anthem, students, participants and fans should remove any hats, face the flag, not talk, place
the right hand on the heart, and remain still until the end of the anthem.
Applause during introduction of players, coaches and officials.
Players shaking hands with opponents while both sets of fans recognize player’s performance with applause.
Accept all decisions of the game officials.
Spirit Participants lead fans in positive support.
Handshakes between participants and coaches at the end of contests, regardless of the outcome.
Treat competition as a game, not a war.
Coaches/players search out opposing participants to recognize them for
outstanding performance or coaching.
Applause at the end of the contest for performance of all participants.
Everyone showing concern for an injured player, regardless of the team.
Encourage surrounding people to display sportsmanlike conduct.
Unacceptable Behavior...
Disrespectful or derogatory yells, chants, songs or gestures.
Booing or heckling an official’s decision.
Criticizing officials in any way; displays of temper with an official’s call.
Yells that antagonize opponents.
Refusing to shake hands or give recognition for good performances.
Blaming the loss of the game on officials, coaches or participants.
Laughing or name calling to distract an opponent.
Use of profanity or displays of anger that draw attention away from the
Doing own yells instead of following the lead of spirit participants.
Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
In accordance with By-law 2.150, a school shall have on file for each student that participates (including practice) in inter-
scholastic athletics a certificate of physical fitness issued by a licensed physician, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner
as set forth in the Illinois State Statues not more than 395 days preceding any date of participation in any such practice,
contest or activity. As this By-law addresses pre-participation certification only, there is not a guideline or By-law in place
to address release to interscholastic activity following an injury, with the exception of head injury/concussion. With the
understanding that schools throughout the state have different needs and services available to them, this document was
produced to provide guidelines on an athlete’s return to activity following an injury.
Each school should have a written Emergency Action Plan (EAP) in place to address medical emergencies among athletes,
staff, officials, and spectators, regardless of severity, occurring during a practice or competition. The plan should also
address sever weather, fire, electrical failure, bomb threat, criminal behavior, or other possible emergencies. This plan
should be developed to address the unique needs of the individual sport and venue.
EAP’s should consist of the following components:
Emergency Medical Care
Player Medical Information
Game-day Responsibilities (includes appropriate sideline preparedness)
Catastrophic Incident Plan
While each school’s sports medicine/medical service needs and availability are different, guidelines should also be devel-
oped to assist the coaching staff on what injuries should be allowed to return to competition without a medical release. It
is not practical to identify every situation or injury; however the following guidelines should assist the school/coaching staff
on determining if the athlete should be allowed to return to activity without a release.
1. No swelling or deformity.
2. No headache, nausea, blurred vision, tingling, numbness or sensory changes.
3. Symmetrical (equal to the other side) joint range on motion and strength.
4. Ability to bear weight, without a limp, if injury occurs to the lower body.
5. Ability to complete full functional sporting activities without compensation.
Please remember that the majority of high school athletes are a minor. If there is a question as to their injury and ability to
participate, the parents/guardian should be consulted.
Athletes that are unable to meet the above criteria should be encouraged to seek medical treatment prior to return to inter-
scholastic activity. Those athletes that seek medical treatment should be required to provide a written medical release indi-
cating their ability to participate. Without obtaining this release, the school may assume legal liability if the athlete is allowed
to participate in activities not permitted by their medical provider.
A proper plan establishes accountability, should be comprehensive, yet flexible, practical, and easily understood. The writ-
ten EAP must be revised, approved, distributed, and should be rehearsed regularly prior to every athletic season. The ath-
letic department, administration, and sports medicine team share the responsibility to establish, practice, and execute the
A sample venue-specific is included as a part of this document, which was developed from portions of the third and fourth
editions of National Federation of State High School Associations Sports Medicine Handbook.
Illinois High School Association
2715 McGraw Dr., Bloomington, IL 61704
Phone: 309-663-6377
Fax: 309-663-7479
Venue-Specific Action Plan
Emergency Personnel
Emergency Equipment Location On-Site
Access to on-call emergency medical personnel:
Access to 911:
Role of First on the Scene:
1. Control scene (gain access to athlete)
2. Initial assessment (to determine breathing, consciousness, pulse status)
3. Detailed assessment (to determine extent of injury/illness)
4. Send designated coach to summon help if needed:
a. EMS: Call 911
b. Athletic Trainer: Call Athletic Training Room or Cell:
5. Initiate immediate care to the sick or injured athlete
EMS Access:
If EMS is called provide directions/access to scene
Directions to site/location:
Open access gates
Designate individual to meet EMS at entrance
Nearest AED:
First Aid Kit:
Items for proper care of blood-borne pathogens:
Ice or chemical ice packs, water and towels:
Player Medical Information:
Other equipment as deemed necessary by local
circumstances and qualifications of available personnel:
Click to download and save typeable form:
School Information:
Please read the entire Trademark Use and Royalty Policy for full disclosures.
By virtue of membership, schools are granted a license to use the IHSA Trademarks on or in connection with IHSA State Series Events. Member
schools may produce their own programs or merchandise in accordance with the terms of the Trademark Use and Royalty Policy.
Any writing or merchandise produced in connection with IHSA State Series Events must conspicuously display the IHSA name and at least one logo.
Member schools contracting with an outside vendor to have programs or merchandise produced in connection with IHSA State Series Events are
required to use IHSA licensed vendors.
Member schools advancing to an IHSA State Final and choosing to have merchandise produced in connection with that event, must use Minerva
Sportswear. The IHSA has a contract with this company to be the exclusive IHSA State Final Merchandise Vendor.
A member school may use any IHSA Licensed Vendor. To see the approved list, visit the IHSA website at
Vendor Information:
Please read the entire Trademark Use and Royalty Policy for full disclosures.
Any printed material or merchandise produced in connection with IHSA State Series Events, must conspicuously display the IHSA name and at least
one logo.
IHSA marks and logos can only be utilized by those who are granted a license by the IHSA.
Member schools contracting with an outside vendor to have programs or merchandise produced in connection with IHSA State Series Events must
use an approved IHSA licensed vendor.
IHSA licensed vendors can sell licensed material to any IHSA member school.
IHSA licensed vendors cannot produce merchandise in conjunction with an IHSA State Final. The IHSA has an exclusive State Final Merchandise
Vendor contract.
Licensed publication vendors pay the IHSA a 5% royalty of gross advertising sales, and licensed merchandise vendors pay the IHSA an 8% royalty
of gross merchandise sales (based on sale of the finished product) - Royalty Report.
For unlimited events, vendors can be licensed by the IHSA and utilize the IHSA name and logos for an entire year for a $500 annual fee; or
For limited events, vendors can be licensed by the IHSA and can utilize the IHSA name and logos for a single event, up to three events in a year, for
$50 per event or $100 for three events.
Applying to be an IHSA Licensed Vendor (unlimited events):
1. Submit a completed Licensed Vendor Application for approval;
2. Once approved, sign the IHSA Vendor License Agreement; and
3. Pay the annual licensing fee of $500.
Applying to be an IHSA Licensed Vendor (limited events):
1. Contact the IHSA office for approval;
2. Once approved, sign the IHSA Limited Use Vendor License Agreement; and
3. Pay the single event fee of $50 or $100 for three events.
For additional information regarding Licensing and Royalty, contact Tammy Craig at 309-663-6377, or visit the IHSA website at
Royalty Report: For a downloadable pdf of the Royalty Report go to
IHSA Licensed Vendor
• www.ihsa.org • Phone: 309-663-6377 • Fax: 309-663-7479 •
2023 IHSA State Series Hosting Needs
This technology assessment to host a sectional tournament is based on 20-24 schools assigned to each sectional tournament.
Sectional Venues
Available areas needed
• Check-in/Registration
• Welcome/Awards Ceremony
• Coaches Meeting/Hospitality Room
• Game Rooms (at least 3: PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4)
• Scorekeeper’s Area/Tournament Central
• Player’s Area When Not Competing
Necessary hardware/equipment (and specs if necessary) to provide (hosts may request assistance from participating schools):
PCs (Game: Rocket League - 6 PCs required per match)
m Minimum of 14 PCs (12 for game play and 2 for back-up)
m Recommended 20 PCs (18 for game play and 2 for back-up)
m Standard keyboard and mouse for each computer
m Computer Specifications
n Minimum
• OS ................................Windows 7 (64 bit) or Newer (64 bit) Windows OS
• Processor.....................2.5 GHz Dual core
• Memory........................4GB
• Storage.........................20GB
• Direct X ........................DirectoX 11
• Graphics.......................NVDIA GEForce 760, AMD Radeon R7 270Xm
n Recommended
• OS ................................Window 7 (64 bit) or Newer (64 bit) Windows OS
• Processor.....................3.0+ GHz Quad core
• Memory........................8GB
• Storage.........................20GB
• Direct X ........................DirectX 11
• Graphics.......................NVDIA GeForce GTX 1050, AMD Radeon RX 470,
Nintendo Switch (Games: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Crew Battle, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe)
m NOTE: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe requires 4 consoles and monitors per match
m Minimum of 10 consoles with assistance from participating schools as needed (8 for game play and 2 for back up)
m Schools participating in only Mario Kart may be asked to provide 2 consoles with copies of the game, docks, and all cables
m Schools participating in only SSBU Singles may be asked to provide 1 console with a copy of the game and DLC
m Schools participating in only SSBU Crew Battle may be asked to provide 1 console with a copy of the game
m Schools participating in Mario Kart and either or both SSBU games may be asked to provide 2 consoles with copies of the games and
corresponding content
m Schools unable to provide consoles as requested must inform the sectional host
PS4s (NBA2K and FIFA – 1 console required per match)
m Minimum of 6 consoles with assistance from participating schools as needed (4 for game play and 2 for back up)
m Schools participating in NBA2K may be asked to provide 1 console with a copy of the game and most recent updates
m Schools participating in FIFA may be asked to provide 1 console with a copy of the game and most recent updates
m Schools participating in both NBA2K and FIFA may be asked to provide 1 console with copies of both games and most recent updates
m Schools unable to provide consoles as requested must inform the sectional host
• Controllers and connectors
m To be brought by participants
m Controllers must meet rules for each game to be legal for use
• Monitors
m To be determined by host site according to the number of consoles to be set up
Sectional Schedule
Per Article VI-C of the IHSA Esports Terms & Conditions, Sectional time schedules will be determined by the local event/contest manager and shall
be communicated to assigned schools. The local manager shall also monitor the early rounds of any game that requires preliminary rounds to be
played online in advance of the sectional date.
Article II-A: In the event that the number of entries in a given game requires preliminary rounds to be played, those shall be played during Weeks 41
and 42 in the IHSA Standardized Calendar based on a schedule determined by the IHSA Office. (Week 41 is the week of April 10
; Week 42 is the
week of April 17
It is recommended to keep game play continuous throughout the day and utilize consoles as they become available to begin competition in another
event. For example, begin competition on the Nintendo Switch begins with SSBU Singles. After the SSBU Singles field is cut in half, begin SSBU
Crew Battle competition with the available consoles. See table below. Sectional hosts may also choose to conduct games simultaneously if rooms
and consoles are available.
PC Rocket League
Nintendo Switch SSBU Singles SSBU Crew Battle Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
State Finals Venue
• 16 players or teams for each game
Available areas needed
• Check-in/Registration
• Welcome/Awards Ceremony
• Coaches Meeting/Hospitality Room
• Game Rooms (at least 3: PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4)
• Scorekeeper’s Area/Tournament Central
• Player’s Area When Not Competing
Necessary hardware/equipment (and specs if necessary) to provide
• Similar hardware/equipment listed for sectional tournaments
• State finals host may request assistance from participating schools
Managers Checklist 2023
Before the event
Day of the event
Immediately following the event
Prepare and mail out information sheet for sectional tournament.
Secure help for check in.
Secure help to run game rooms (preferably a minimum of 2 people per game)
Secure necessary equipment for each game room (refer to “Equipment Requirements” document)
Make sure to collect contact information (cell phone #’s and email addresses) from participating coaches.
When available at IHSA.org, print out copy of List of Participants.
Print out brackets and bracket instructions for each game.
Determine location of game rooms and area for teams to gather when not playing.
From list of assigned schools, identify at least 4 coaches to serve on Games Committee
Ensure awards have arrived from IHSA and make sure they are displayed on site before play begins.
Secure an AED for your site.
Remind all participants prior to play about the need to display appropriate sportsmanship.
Remind all coaches and participants of the day’s schedule and post copies around the venue.
Review rules with all coaches and contestants. For coaches, plan to conduct a pre-tournament meeting.
For contestants, room managers can review rules and other requirements before play.
Make sure room managers have necessary contestant and bracket information for play. Remind room
managers to follow instructions on the bracket sheets to properly set up brackets for each game.
Identify individuals who can float during the day to provide additional support as needed to each game
Distribute any information given to you by IHSA to schools qualifying for the state finals.
Sectional managers will need to complete the winner report located on the IHSA website and enter the
results of your sectional as soon as you can after the tournament is completed.
Complete Financial Report Form in the IHSA Schools Center.
In accordance with the IHSA esports Terms and Conditions, these instructions shall be used to create the brackets for each state series esports
event. All brackets will be double-elimination, and competitors in each event will be placed on the bracket by the sectional manager based on a ran-
dom draw of names. Any event that contains more than one entrant per school will create the bracket for that event to ensure that the students
from the same school are in opposite halves of the bracket. After reviewing the number of entries for each event, Sectional Managers will use one
of the following brackets to set up each event:
16 or fewer entries
17-32 entries
33 or greater entries
Refer to the appropriate bracket when reviewing the instructions below.
16 Entry bracket
For IHSA Sectional Tournaments no team/individual will be seeded, all placements on the draw will be done randomly. The Sectional Manager will
draw names randomly to be placed on the draw sheet in the order listed below. Before names are drawn, the Sectional Manager will place in the
proper number of byes in the draw. The number of byes will be determined by the number of entrants into the Sectional.
16 teams/players = 0 byes
15 teams/players = 1 bye (Line 2)
14 teams/players = 2 byes (Lines 2 and 15)
13 teams/players = 3 byes (Lines 2, 15, and 11)
12 teams/players = 4 byes (Lines 2, 15, 11, and 6)
11 teams/players = 5 byes (Lines 2, 15, 11, 6, and 4)
10 teams/players = 6 byes (Lines 2, 15, 11, 6, 4, and 13)
9 teams/players = 7 byes (Lines 2, 15, 11, 6, 4, 13, and 9)
The bye becomes the loser of the game and goes on the appropriate line in the “losers” bracket. For example, if there is a bye in line 2 of the draw,
the bye is loser of game 1 and goes into the “losers” bracket on line L1
The first name pulled will go on line 1, second name pulled goes on line 2 if no bye and line 3 if there is a bye. The next names randomly drawn
will go on the next open line until the draw is complete.
17-32 entries
If an event has more than one entry from a school in an event this size, each entry must be on opposite halves of the draw. This means 1 player
will randomly be drawn between lines 1-16 and the other player from the same school will randomly be drawn between line 17-32.
The Sectional Manager will determine the number of byes that need to be placed in the draw before randomly drawing names. Byes will go as fol-
lowed based on the number of entries.
32 players = 0 byes
31 players =1 bye (Line 2)
30 players = 2 byes (Lines 2 and 31)
29 players = 3 byes (Lines 2, 31, and 23)
28 players = 4 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, and 10)
27 players = 5 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, 10, and 14)
26 players = 6 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, 10, 14, and 19)
25 players = 7 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, 10, 14, 19, and 6)
24 players = 8 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, 10, 14, 19, 6, and 27)
23 players = 9 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, 10, 14, 19, 6, 27, and 4)
22 players = 10 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, 10, 14, 19, 6, 27, 4, and 29)
21 players = 11 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, 10, 14, 19, 6, 27, 4, 29, and 21)
20 players = 12 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, 10, 14, 19, 6, 27, 4, 29, 21, and 12)
19 players =13 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, 10, 14, 19, 6, 27, 4, 29, 21, 12, and 8)
18 players =14 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, 10, 14, 19, 6, 27, 4, 29, 21, 12, 8, and 25)
17 players =15 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, 10, 14, 19, 6, 27, 4, 29, 21, 12, 8, 25, and 17)
Once the proper number of byes are placed on the bracket the Sectional Manager will begin to draw names randomly to be placed on the draw. The
first name drawn will go on line 1. The next name drawn will go on the next open line (line without a bye) line 2 or 3. If a name randomly drawn is
from the same school as a player already drawn, the name must go on the first open line on the bottom half of the draw (lines 17-32). For exam-
ple, if the player on line 1 is from the same school as the player drawn 6
, the player drawn 6
should go to line 17 if it is open.
33 Entry or Greater
If an event has more than one entry from a school in an event this size, each entry must be on opposite halves of the draw. This means 1 player
will randomly be drawn to line 1-16 or 33-40 in the top (left) half, and the other player from the same school will randomly be drawn between line
17-32 or 41-48 in the bottom (right) half.
The Sectional Manager will again determine the number of byes that need to be placed in the draw before randomly drawing names. The number of
byes will be based on the number of entries in the event as described below. The bracket already has 16 byes (lines 33-48) built in. The byes
listed below are in addition to those 16 byes.
33 players = 15 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, 10, 14, 19, 6, 27, 4, 29, 21, 12, 8, 25, and 17)
34 players = 14 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, 10, 14, 19, 6, 27, 4, 29, 21, 12, 8, and 25)
35 players = 13 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, 10, 14, 19, 6, 27, 4, 29, 21, 12, and 8)
36 players = 12 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, 10, 14, 19, 6, 27, 4, 29, 21, and 12)
37 players = 11 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, 10, 14, 19, 6, 27, 4, 29, and 21)
38 players = 10 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, 10, 14, 19, 6, 27, 4, and 29)
39 players = 9 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, 10, 14, 19, 6, 27, and 4)
40 players = 8 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, 10, 14, 19, 6, and 27)
41 players = 7 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, 10, 14, 19, and 6)
42 players = 6 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, 10, 14, and 19)
43 players = 5 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, 10, and 14)
44 players = 4 byes (Lines 2, 31, 23, and 10)
45 players = 3 byes (Lines 2, 31, and 23)
46 players = 2 byes (Lines 2 and 31)
47 players = 1 bye (Line 2)
48 players = 0 Byes
Once the proper number of byes are placed on the bracket the Sectional Manager will begin to draw names randomly to be placed on the draw. The
first name drawn will go on line 1. The next name drawn will go on the next open line (line without a bye) line 2 or 3. If a name randomly drawn is
from the same school as a player already drawn, the name must go on the first open line on the bottom half of the draw (lines 25-48). For exam-
ple, if the player on line 1 is from the same school as the player drawn 6
, the player drawn 6
should go to line 25 if it is open.
L30 If First Loss
IHSA Esports Bracket
16 Entry Double Elimination Bracket
If Necessary
IHSA Esports Bracket
17-32 Entry Double Elimination Bracket
W92 V L91
Losers Bracket Final
IHSA Esports Bracket
33 Entry or Greater Double Elimination Bracket—Consolation
W92 V L91
Losers Bracket Final
IHSA Esports Bracket
33 Entry or Greater Double Elimination Bracket—Consolation
Managers are required to complete the Sectional WINNER REPORT
Host sectional managers can use their user ID and Password to sign into the IHSA Schools Center to enter the results from
their sectional.
To enter the results:
Log on to www.ihsa.org and click on the Schools Center Login.
Enter your ID number and password.
Go to the “IHSA State Series Hosting & ScoreZone” link.
Follow the instructions shown on the screen as you fill in the necessary information.
Additionally, please confirm that all the information (records, year in school and spelling of names) is correct.
If you experience any problems, please call the IHSA Office (309-663-6377) and ask for Dan Le or Emma Carstens.
Awards Delivery Information
To Managers of All IHSA Tournaments:
In an effort to better serve our tournament sites and the suppliers of our awards, we would like to have you read this bulletin
carefully and then do what you can to expedite the instructions:
1. Be advised that at Regional and Sectional Tournaments, medals and plaques may be shipped separately and may not
arrive at your tournament site on the same day. Please open boxes immediately to check contents, as medals CAN
in plaque boxes. NOTE: There are no medals given at Regional and/or Sectional levels in the team sports of baseball,
basketball, competitive cheerleading, football, soccer, softball and volleyball, and in the activities of Drama/Group
Interpretation and Scholastic Bowl.
Our awards supplier, A and M Products of Princeton, IL, often ships Regional and/or Sectional medals in the
At State Final Tournaments, medallions and trophies may be shipped separately and may not arrive at your tournament
site on the same day. Please open boxes immediately to check contents, as medallions can
be in trophy boxes.
2. Awards will be shipped to the school sites directly from A & M Products via United Parcel Service.
3. Please inform whoever receives your United Parcel deliveries to expect awards to arrive up to two weeks prior to the
tournament, and ask them to deliver the packages directly to you when they arrive.
4. It is very likely that some awards (particularly trophies) will arrive in two or more boxes. They may not arrive on the
same day, but should be opened as they arrive.
5. Please check all trophies, plaques, etc., to see that they are in good condition and not damaged in any way. You should
note that they are engraved with the proper sport/activity, tournament level, year, etc.
If, after doing all of this, a problem develops, please contact Cheryl Lowery at the IHSA office at (309) 663-6377.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Kraig Garber
Asst. Executive Director
Manager Awards Order Form for Ties
TOURNAMENT MANAGERS: This form must be completed to order tie awards earned during your
Regional or Sectional Tournament. Immediately following the Regional and/or Sectional tournament,
please fax this completed order form to A & M Products (815) 879-0400. Upon receipt, A&M
Products will mail orders for “Ties” directly to the School(s) indicated below.
Please return unused medals to A & M Products, 575 Elm Place, Princeton, IL 61356.
Tournament Location:____________________________ Competition Level: ____Reg ____Sect
Sport/Activity: ________________________________ Gender: __ Girls __ Boys ____ Co-ed
Tournament Manager’s Name: _________________________________________________________
Tournament Manager’s Phone Number: _________________________________________________
Tournament Manager’s Email address: __________________________________________________
Classification (circle one): 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A Unclassified
Recipient Town/School (Must supply both): ________________________________________
Name of Recipient: _________________________________________ Place: ______________
Individual Event Medal Tie Requests
(*Pole Vault, Discus, Diving, 100 yd. Butterfly, Singles, Doubles, 102 lb.; Speech: IE, etc.)
Recipient Town & School: ______________________________________________________
Name of Recipient: _________________________________________ Place: ______________
Event Name* ______________________________________________________________________
Recipient Town & School: ______________________________________________________
Name of Recipient: _________________________________________ Place: ______________
Event Name* ______________________________________________________________________
Recipient Town & School: ______________________________________________________
Name of Recipient: _________________________________________ Place: ______________
Event Name* ______________________________________________________________________
Recipient Town & School: ______________________________________________________
Name of Recipient: _________________________________________ Place: ______________
Event Name* ______________________________________________________________________
Financial Reports Must Be Filed Online
The final phase of your hosting responsibilities is to file a financial report with
the IHSA. The financial report forms are available in the password-protected
Schools Center area of the IHSA Web site.
Log in to the Schools Center with your school ID and an administrator pass-
word. On the Schools Center home page, Select the H-IHSA State Series
Hosting & ScoreZone. Next select the Financial Report link. Please fill out the
one-page form and press the submit button to file your report.