Texas Driver’s License, Texas Personal Idencaon Number
or Elecon Idencaon Cercate Number issued by the
Department of Public Safety (NOT your voter registraon VUID#)
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
If you do not have a Texas Driver’s License, Texas Personal
Idencaon Number or a Texas Elecon Idencaon Cercate
Number, give the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number
X X X - X X -
___ ___ ___ ___
I have not been issued a Texas Driver’s License/Texas Personal
Idencaon Number/Texas Elecon Idencaon Cercate or
Social Security Number
Applicaon for a Ballot by Mail
If someone helps you complete this form or mails, emails or faxes this form for you, that person must complete the Witness/Assistant Box 6 below. If you email or fax this form to the
Early Vong Clerk, you must also send the original hardcopy to the Early Vong Clerk. If you are faxing or emailing this form on or near the deadline to apply for a Ballot by Mail, you must
send the original hardcopy so that the Clerk receives it no later than the fourth business day aer the day the Clerk received your email or fax. Original signatures are required on both the
fax or email image and the physical hard copy. Electronic signatures are not permitted. THE HARDCOPY OF THIS APPLICATION MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE EARLY VOTING CLERK AND
MEET ALL LEGALLY REQUIRED DEADLINES. Please read the instructions on the back of this form completely. If you have any questions, please call the Tarrant County Elections office
at 817-831-8683, Texas Secretary of State at at 1-800-252-8683, or email votebymail@tarrantcountytx.gov.
1. Voter Informaon: Please print all informaon clearly and legibly YOU MUST PROVIDE ONE of the following numbers
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Last, First, Middle Sux (Jr., Sr.)
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Street Apt. # (if any) City State Zip Code
Oponal Informaon: Providing this informaon is helpful to the Early Vong Clerk to clarify any informaon on this applicaon and/or
your voted mail ballot.
Residence Address as shown on your Voter Registraon Cercate
Date of Birth: _______ /_______ /_________ VUID #: ____________________________________ Pct #: ____________________
Email: ____________________________________________________________ Tel. #: ___________________________________
2. Mail my Ballot to:
My Residence Address (as listed on my Voter Registraon Cercate)
Other Address - You may use the Other Address line only if the other address ts one of the categories below.
Address Apt. # (if any) City State Zip Code
My Other Address is: (Check one)
The mailing address listed on my Voter Registraon Cercate
Address Outside the County (voters absent from the county)
Hospital, Nursing Home, Long-Term Care Facility, Rerement or Assisted Living Center or a Relave _______________________________________________________________ (Indicate Relaonship)
Address of the Jail/Civil Commitment Facility or a Relave
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ (Indicate Relaonship)
Annual Applicaon
Send me a ballot for all Elecons in this vong year (January December) Annual Applicaons
only available for voters 65 and older and voters with disabilies. You must select a party if you
wish to vote in a primary. Select only one partys primary and its resulng runo.
(Voters who are absent from the county or conned in jail/civilly commied may only apply for
one elecon and its resulng runo.)
Uniform Elecon Dates
November Elecon May Elecon (not a primary runo)
Any Resulng Runo Other Special Elecon: __________________________________
(Name or Date of Special Elecon, if known)
Primary Elecon (even numbered years only)
Democrac Primary Any Resulng Runo
Republican Primary Any Resulng Runo
Democrac Primary Any Resulng Runo
Republican Primary Any Resulng Runo
Do Not Send me a Primary Ballot
Primary Elecon (even numbered years only)
3. Reason For Vong by Mail:
65 Years of Age or Older
Disability (as dened in Texas Elecon Code 82.002(a), see instrucons on reverse) By checking this box, I arm that, “I have a sickness or physical condion that prevents me from appearing at the polling
place on elecon day without a likelihood of needing personal assistance or injuring my health.
Expected to give birth within three weeks before or aer Elecon Day
Expected Absence from the County (You may apply for a ballot for one elecon and its resulng runo, if your dates of absence from the county include both elecons)
Date you can begin to receive mail at your out of county address: ____________ /____________ /_____________ Date of return to residence address: ____________ /____________ /_____________
Conned in Jail or Involuntary Civil Commitment (You may only apply for a ballot for one elecon and any resulng runo)
4. Send me a Ballot for the Following Elecons:
5. Sign Here:
“I cerfy that the informaon given in this applicaon is true, and I understand that giving false informaon in this applicaon is a crime.
on given in this applicaon is true,
X________________________________________________________________ Date:
____________ /____________ /_____________
If applicant is unable to sign or make a mark (in the presence of a witness), the witness must complete the witness poron in Box 6 below. The signature or mark of the voter in the blank above must be an original
signature made with a pen and ink. Electronic signatures are not permied.
6. If someone helps you complete this form or mails, emails or faxes the form for you, that person must complete the secon below.
Instrucons for Witnesses and Assistants: See back of this form for the denions of Witness and Assistant.
Check one or both boxes below if you served as a Witness, an Assistant or both. All informaon below must be completed!
If the applicant is unable to make a mark, you must check this box and complete all informaon below. Do not sign for the voter in Box 5.
Witness – If you are acng as a Witness to the applicant’s signature or mark or signing on the applicants behalf, you must state your relaonship to the applicant here: ______________________________
(Indicate Relaonship)
Assistant If you assisted the applicant in compleng this applicaon in the applicant’s presence or mailed/emailed/faxed the applicaon on behalf of the applicant.
Failure to complete this secon is a Class A Misdemeanor if applicant’s signature was witnessed or applicant was assisted in compleng this applicaon.
X______________________________________ ___________________________________________
Signature of Witness/Assistant Printed Name of Witness/Assistant
Street Address Apt. # (if any) City State Zip Code
Este formulario está disponible en Español. Para conseguir la versión en Español favor llamar la officina de Elecciones del Condado de Tarrant al 817-831-8683 o www.tarrantcountytx.gov.
:X 1OB
sexu sy anedluc ind anarrtsige Rreto Veh t todedivor psa wt is aeam nllu fruo yevi gesaelP e:maN
.IIr I, o.r, S.re Jkil
nommo ceva hsreto vneh wytned ienimrete do tlufple hs it itu btnemeriuqe r ato N:htriBf oe taD
.etacre Cnoartsiger Retor Vuo yn onwohs ss aserdde acnedis
el rlur fuoe yvi G:sresddA
,t iedivor pya muo y,rebmu ntcnicer Pro/dn aDIU Vruo ywon kuo yf I:erbmuN tcnicerP nda DUIV
.tnemeriuqet a ros nt it iub
deriuqe rto ns iliam edn arebmu nenohpele truo ygnidivor Ps:serddAl iamEd nar ebmuNe nohP
noacilppas iht no noamrofniy nay firalco tk relCg noVy lraEe hto tl ufplehy lemertxes it ub
.tollal bia mdetor vuor yo/dna
saxTe :srembun gwinollof het fo neo edivorp TUSM ouY :nomarofIn lanosreP deiruqeR
rebmuNe tacreC noacnedI nocelEr or ebmuN noacnedIl anosrePs axeT, rebmuNe sneciLs revirD
stigid4 t sale hte divorpt sumu oy, srebmun denoneme vobae htf oe noe vaht ono d uoyf I. )#DIUVr uoyT ON(
tahtx obe htk cehc, srebmun deriuqere htf oy na deussi neebt one vah uoyf I. rebmuNy tiruceSl aicoSr uoyf o
deriuqere htf oe no deussi neebe vah uoyf I. srebmund eriuqere htf oe no deussi neebt one vah uoyt ahts yas
otr artsigerl acolr uoyt catnoce saelp, drocer noartsigerr etovr uoyh tiwd etaicossat ons it it ub, srebmun
.droce rnoartsiger retor vuoo ys trebmu nderiuqee rhf te ond odo aw tot huobe ariuqni
X 2:OB
detsi lsserdd agnilia meh tr oeto vo tderetsige rer auo yereh wsserdd aeh to tdelia me btsu mtolla bruoY
.etacre Cnoartsige Rreto Vruo yno tolla bruo yeva ho tuo ywoll atah tsnopecx eemo ser aerehT
.noacot lnereio a dd teliam
ot deliame bn act ollabr uoYy tilibasida e vahr o5 6e rau oye suacebl iamy bg nove rau oyf I
.evaler a ry otilicag fnivi ldetsissr at onemere, rytilicae fram cret-gno, lemog hnisru, nlatipsoa h
.ytnuoe che tdistus oserdd ano a tdeliae mt bsut mollar buo– Yy tnuoe chm tort fnesbe aru aof yI
eh to tdelia me bna ctolla bruo Y deimmoc ylilvic yilratnulovin ro ilja in dnenoc era ouy fI
.evalee rsolr a cy otilicat fnemtimmoc/liae jhf ts oserdda
:X 3OB
.ya Dnocel Enahr tetao l5 n 6nrut tsu muo, ye sooh cuof yI redlr Oe ogf As orae5 Y6
ni debircseds ay tilibasida f o noinede htt eemt sumy tilibasidr uoy, e soohcu oyf I ytilib
.edo Cnocels Eaxee Thf t) oa(200.2 8noceS
re ar oerofe bskee weerh tnihti whtri bevi go ttcepx euo y,e soohc uoyf I htrbidlihC rfo temennnoC
.ya DnocelE
n oytnuo ceh tmor ftnesb ae bo ttcepx etsu muo y,e soohc uoyf I ytnuoC eht mfro censebA edtcepxE
ehtf or edniamere htr oe cnaraeppal anosrepy bg novy lraef os ruohe htg
nirud dnay aD nocelE
sserdda nao t deliame bt sumt ollabe hT. noacilppar uoyt imbusu oyr ea doirepg novy lrae
.ytnuoe chm tort fnesbe al bliu wot yahs tetae dhe tdivort psu muo ydny atnuoe che tdistuo
e soohcu oyf I htlaeHe htf o1 48r etpahCr ednutnemtimmoC ilviC yratnulovnI/ilaJ in dnenoC
gno vylra eruo yemeh tt A.lia My bgn
o Vylra Ero felbigil eyllage le btsu muo y,edoCy tefaSd na
ro fecnetne sronaemedsi m agnivre slia jn idenno c) (1rehti eer auo y,deimbu ss inoacilpp atollab
nidne plia btuohti w)3 (;lia bf olaine dre alair tgnidne p)2 (;ya Dnocel Ere ar on osdn etah tmre ta
n oesaele rhcih wro fesne oelbalia b an olaepp ar olair tgni
dne p)4 (;nocivno cynole f af olaepp ana
.deimmoy clliviy cliratnulovne iru ao) y5r (y olekilns uy ia Dnocele Erofel biab
:X 4OB
.gniylppe ar auoh ycihr wo) fs(nocele eht tcelee ssaelP
ro fylpp ao telbigil eer aytilibasi d aeva hoh wr oredl or o5 6er aoh wsreto vyln OnoalicppA launnA
snocele ehl tlr aot follah a bti wuoe ydivorl plil wiay mt bollal baunn An. Aliay mt bollal baunn Ana
ot dedrawrofe by am noacilppAl aunnAr uoY. elbigilee ra uoy hcihwr ofr aeyr adnelaca ni
yamu oyt ahts naems ihT. etovo te lbigilee rau oy hcihw nis noceleg nidlohs ener ehto
siht htiw detseuqer uoyt ollabe hto t noidda nis noceler ehtoe sohtr oft ollaba e viecer
nad eredisnoce bl liw noacilppar uoy, 4x oBn is noceley nat celest ono du oyf I. noacilppa
.ytilibasir Dr oedlr Oe ogf As orae5 Ys 6al wiay mg bnor von fosaer ruof yn ioacilppl AaunnA
:X 5OB
roy tilibasidl acisyhpa f oe suacebn giso te lbanue ra uoyf I. noacilppar uoye tad dna ngiS
nie bt sums sentiwe hT. 6x oBn is sentiwa y b uoyr of dengise by amn oacilppae ht, ycaretilli
.ssentis a wt aco ar tedrn or ietoe vhf te ocnesere pht
:X 6OB
Witness must erew uoyg nacidnix oBs sentiWe htn ik ramkcehca e calps sentiwe hT
ehtf I. uoyo tp ihsnoalerr ehr os ihe tatss sentiwe hT. kramr uoye kamo te lbanu t sum
ssenti weh T.dedivor peni leh tn otah tetat s ssenti weh te,vale r ato ns issentiw tsmutsmu
ronaemedsi M Bssal C as it I.sserdd aecnedise rdn aema ndetnir pre hr osi hedivor pdn angis
rofs sentiwa s at car o noceleh cae nin oacilppae no nahte romr ofs sentiwa s at cao t
.raer yadnela a cn inoacilppl aiay mt bollal baunne An onahe trom
mea she tt aeto vo tderetsige rnosre pr oevale reosl c anah trheto (nosre p af It natsissA
noacilpp asih tsliam er oseax f,slia mr o;noacilpp asih tgnelpmo cn iuo ystsiss a)sserdda
si hedivor pdn angi stsu mtnatsiss aeh T. 6x Boetelpmo ct natsissae ht, flahebr uoy no tsmu
f ironaemedsi M Assal C astimmo ctnatsiss an A.sserdd aecnedise rdn aema ndetnir pre hro
.x 6o Bn ideriuqe rnoamrofne ihg tnidivort puohtie wcnatsisss aedivore phr se oh
yad ht11e ht nahtr etalt onk relCg noVy lraEe hty bd eviecere bt sumn oacilppar uoY
ehto ts evome nildaede hty adilohr o dnekeewa n os llafe nildaede htf I. yaD nocelEe rofeb
raeyr adnelace ht nie myna deimbuse by am noacilppan A. yads senisubg nidecerpt sr
. etovo t hsiwu oy hcihwn i nocelee htr ofy adh t11e ht nahtr etalt ont ub snoalicppA launnA
htiws retov dnar edlo dna5 6s retovr ofe lbaliavay lno(n oacilppAl aunnA nat imbus uoyf I-
ruoy, raeyr adnelacg niwollofe htn ie calps ekatt ahtn ocelen af os yad0 6 nihtiw), seilibasid
seilpp aelu rya d0 6sih T.rae yradnela cgniwollo feh tn isnocel ell aro fdil vae blli wnoacilppa
ehte tade htf os yad0 6 nihtiw nocele nas ie reht nehwy lnod nas noacilppAl aunnAo ty lno
.raeg ynidecere ph tnk irelg Cnoy Vlrae Ehy td bevieces ran woacilppl AaunnA
xobe ht nik ramkcehca e calP. liamy bg novr ofn osaera e divorp uoyt ahts eriuqers axeTf oe tatSe hT
.liay mg bnor vo fnosaer ruos yebircset dset baht
:sdohteg mniwolloe fhf te ony od beimbue st bsu mnoacilppe ahT
gnoVy lraEe hto t noacilppa nwor ehr os iht imbusy amt nacilppae hty lnO noserP-In
.ecivrel Satso. PS.e Uha tid veimbue sy ba mnoacilppe ahTl iay MB
tor pro
f,edano b aai vdeimbu se bya mnoacilpp aeh T erirraC tacrtnoC ro nmomoC
xa fro fetat Sf oyraterce Seh tr okrel Cgno Vylra Eruo ytcatno cesael P nosisimsnarT xaF
gnoVy lraEr uoyt catnoce saelP. liamea iv deimbuse by amn oacilppae hT ilmae yB
.sesserddl aiamr eoe ftatf Sy oratercee Shr tk orelC
ssenisu braluge rf oesol ceh tnah treta lo nec oskrel Cgno Vylra Eeh thcae rtsu mliam er oxa fehT
.yan Docele Erofey bah dte 11hn tr oetas lr ievehcih w,noo0 n0:2r 1o
y Mailor Ballot bon faor Applictrucons fIns
____________________________________OM: FR
PO BOX 961011
FORT WORTH TX 76161-0011