AMPS OIM User Troubleshoong Guide Ver 3.3.pdf -1 of 3- Property of U.S. Government. February, 2018
AMPS: Troubleshoong Guide
Brief Guide to AMPS
What AMPS is...
AMPS is an account provisioning system that can set
up your access to computer applicaon resources or
provide informaon to a provisioner for manual setup.
Access is based on the approval of your request for one
or more applicaon roles (see AMPS Terms, p. 2).
Applicaon users, both internal (civilians, military, and
contractors) and external (vendors, public), can have
AMPS accounts that enable them to submit requests
for these roles. When a role is approved, the user has
access to the applicaon resource.
What AMPS is NOT...
AMPS is NOT a portal to any applicaon. Having an
account in AMPS enables you to request an applicaon
role, submit and track the request, and receive a
nocaon when the request is granted.
Access to any requested applicaon is provided
through the applicaon itself or through the portal
provided by the sponsoring organizaon.
Topics and Quesons Answers
Access to AMPS
What is AMPS and how can I get access to it ?
AMPS stands for Account Management and Provisioning System. AMPS helps you set
up accounts on the computer systems you will use in your job. (See What AMPS is at
To launch AMPS, type the following URL into your Internet browser:
Access to AMPS: Browser Problem
Help! I entered the correct URL but AMPS
wont open!
Are you seeing "This page cant be displayed" or other error in screen display?
Intermient DLA network issues can cause users to get this message when aempng
to launch AMPS. To resolve the error, try these acons:
Aer this message or anything similar, close your browser and repeat your eort
to open AMPS.
If this message connues to appear, call the EHD and listen to the list of outages
to ensure AMPS is not on the list.
If AMPS is not on the outage list, and restarng and relaunching AMPS doesnt
resolve the access issue, please call the EHD and report the issue.
How to Delete Browser History in Internet
Do you need to clear your browser cache?
Follow these instrucons.
If you do not get the results you need,
report the problem to the Enterprise Help
Follow these steps to delete the browsing history:
1. In Internet Explorer, click the Tools command on the main menu.
2. Click the Delete browsing history opon in the Tools menu.
3. In the Delete Browsing History dialog, ensure that the following two opons are checked:
Temporary Internet les and website les
Cookies and website data
4. Click the Delete buon.
5. Click the close icon in the banner to dismiss the message.
6. Close the browser and reopen it to connue work.
How to Refresh Stored Pages in Internet
Do you need to refresh all stored pages in
Internet Explorer?
Either of the two instrucon sets ensure that
Internet Explorer refreshes the selected page
each me you reopen it.
At the end of the instrucons, close the
browser and reopen it to connue work.
To instruct Internet Explorer to refresh the stored pages each me you open them, follow these
steps :
1. In Internet Explorer, click the Tools command on the main menu.
2. Click Internet opons in the Tools menu.
3. In the Internet Opons dialog, click the Sengs buon.
4. In the Website Data Sengs dialog, click the radio buon for this opon: Every me I visit
the webpage.
5. Click the OK buon.
6. In the Internet Opons dialog, click OK to close the dialog.
As an alternave method, follow these instrucons:
1. With Internet Explorer opened, click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the browser
2. Click Internet Opons in the drop-down menu.
3. In the Internet Opons dialog, locate the Browsing History secon and click the Sengs
4. In the Website Data Sengs dialog, click the radio buon for this opon: Every me I visit
the webpage.
5. Click the OK buon.
6. In the Internet Opons dialog, click OK to close the dialog.
Geng help with AMPS
Contact the Enterprise Help Desk (EHD) to report
AMPS issues or quesons:
Toll-free telephone: 855-352-0001
Email: [email protected]
EHD Online: hps://
Have this informaon ready . . .
What is your telephone number?
What is your email address?
When did the problem start?
Have you had this problem before?
Is anyone around you having the same problem?
Is this problem an applicaon access-related
Is this problem related to a SAAR? If so, do you
know the SAAR number?
Is this issue related to a role request or a role
expiraon or extension request?
AMPS OIM User Troubleshoong Guide Ver 3.3.pdf -2 of 3- Property of U.S. Government. February, 2018
AMPS: Troubleshoong Guide
Brief Guide to AMPS
Topics and Quesons Answers
Role Request: Date of Birth (DOB) and
Social Security Number (SSN)
Why does the Role Request process require
me to enter my Date of Birth?
Why do I need to add a Social Security
All role requestors must enter a DOB for security check purposes. If you are an
external user who logs in with a user name and password, you must also enter an
The Security Ocer who reviews your request needs a DOB to verify that you have
the correct clearance for your request. If an EDIPI is not entered in your AMPS
prole, the system displays elds that require you to enter and conrm your SSN
when you request a role. Your DOB and SSN are displayed only to the Security
Ocer during the approval process, and then discarded. An SSN is required for
certain external user types and only if no EDIPI is on record for the user. AMPS
does not save the DOB or SSN in the users prole. All informaon in AMPS is
protected under the Privacy Act. For more informaon, call the EHD.
Role Request: Selecon
Which role should I select for access to a
certain applicaon?
Your best opon is to see your supervisor for guidance in selecng the appropriate
role or roles for your job. Help Desk sta do not maintain lists of roles for dierent
users. Your team resources and supervisor provide the most reliable and accurate
Role Request: Approval Process
How much me does the AMPS approval
process take?
The amount of me varies according to each approvers approach. Each approver
has 20 days from the date of receiving the SAAR nocaon to act on the approval
request. Because the SAAR approval process requires sta interacon, an approval
can take as lile as one day or as long as several weeks to be completed. Ask your
supervisor for further guidance on this process.
Role Request: Error
I submied a role request, but AMPS displayed an
error message without a SAAR number assigned.
How can I correct the error?
A problem in the roles setup in AMPS could cause an error. Follow these steps to
get the problem resolved:
Note the date and approximate me of the request submission, and the role
you requested.
Nofy the Enterprise Help Desk and report the error message.
Role Request: Sent to the Wrong
I submied a SAAR to a person who is no longer
my supervisor. I then changed the supervisor name
in my prole. Will this change redirect my SAAR to
the correct supervisor?
Yes, you no longer need to cancel SAARs in progress if you submit them to the
wrong Supervisor.
To redirect each pending SAAR, update your Supervisor, follow these steps:
From the AMPS main menu, go to My Prole > My Informaon > User
Informaon, and click the Update Supervisor link.
Aer you make the change, AMPS moves the pending SAAR to the new
Supervisors Inbox and noes the new Supervisor about pending SAARs.
Role Request: How to Cancel a Request
I submied a role request in error or just need to
cancel the request and resubmit it. Can I cancel a
role request aer Ive submied it?
Yes. Current role requests are listed as SAARs in the Pending Requests secon of
the Applicaons & Roles tab page.
Click My Informaon in the AMPS main menu and select the Applicaons & Roles
tab. Locate the Pending Requests secon, select the SAAR you want to cancel, and
click the Cancel Request buon. If the SAAR is not in a TICKETED status, this acon
terminates the SAAR. If the SAAR status is TICKETED, please call the Enterprise Help
Desk to terminate the SAAR.
Access to AMPS: Internal Users
Aer you are issued an account in AMPS, you can
request roles and perform various maintenance
funcons. Internal users get access to AMPS by logging
in with a CAC or other accepted authencaon.
Internal users see secons in prole screens for
maintaining passwords and challenge quesons.
Because internal users dont need passwords or
challenge quesons, they can disregard these secons.
Problems with Access to AMPS
Occasional problems with CAC cercate registraon
can interfere with access to AMPS. If you cannot
open AMPS or other secured (hps) Web sites,
contact the EHD for assistance with CAC registraon,
browser proxy sengs, and other issues.
AMPS Terms
Account: a system enty that provides access to
that system, along with permissions to perform tasks
or see certain data in the system.
Approvers: users who approve or deny user requests
for roles. Approvers include Supervisors, Security
Ocers, Data Owners, and Informaon Assurance
Ocers (IAOs). IAO approvals are not required for
DLA users.
Provisioners: administrave system users who
provide access for users to their systems aer all role
approvals are complete. Provisioning may be
automac or manual.
Resource: anything a user may have access to, such
as an email account, database access account, or
Role: a set of permissions and a resource. Assigning a
role in AMPS provides informaon necessary to set up
a users account in a resource.
AMPS Training
The following documentaon is available through the
AMPS Documentaon link on the Home page:
AMPS User Guide: for all users and approvers.
Snapshots: quick references for specic procedures.
AMPS Release Training Guide: training for newly
released features.
AMPS OIM User Troubleshoong Guide Ver 3.3.pdf -3 of 3- Property of U.S. Government. February, 2018
AMPS: Troubleshoong Guide
Brief Guide to AMPS
Access to AMPS: External Users
. . . Authencaon with an ID and password:
Aer you register for an AMPS account, the system
provides you with an account ID. Use this ID along
with the password you dened during registraon to
log in to AMPS.
. . . Authencaon with a CAC or PIV:
When you register for an account, you can insert a
CAC or PIV in a card reader. AMPS captures and stores
the correct cercates, enabling you to authencate
without an ID and password.
Aer you log in, you can request roles and perform
various account maintenance funcons.
External users see secons in prole screens for
maintaining passwords and security quesons. As an
external user, you can manage this informaon for
your login authencaon credenals.
Problems with Access to AMPS
Occasional problems with CAC cercate registraon
can interfere with access to AMPS. If you cannot
open AMPS or other secured (hps) Web sites,
contact the EHD for assistance with CAC registraon,
browser proxy sengs, and other issues.
Topics and Quesons Answers
Supervisor: Change a Supervisor in AMPS
How can I update my supervisor in AMPS?
You have two opons for changing your AMPS supervisor informaon:
Open My Informaon from the AMPS main menu. In the User Informaon tab
page, locate the Supervisor secon, and click the search icon to open a ulity for
locang and selecng the correct supervisor.
On the User Informaon screen during the role request procedure, click the
Update Supervisor command. Search for and select the name of the correct
supervisor. AMPS saves this change to your prole aer you submit the request.
Supervisor: Role Error
My supervisor does not have the correct role in AMPS to
approve my role request or annual revalidaon. What can
I do?
If your supervisor does not have the correct AMPS Supervisor role, he or she cannot
approve any role requests. During an approval procedure, AMPS tells the supervisor
to suspend the approval temporarily and request the AMPS Supervisor role.
Aer receiving the correct role, the supervisor can complete the approval.
Cant See Roles due to Incorrect User Type
I registered for a Public account, but I cannot see the roles I
need to request. I am told I should have registered as a
Civilian for User Type. How can I change my User Type?
If you have completed a registraon for the wrong user type, such as Public or
Vendor, you cannot see the correct roles to request, and you cannot change your
user type aer registraon is complete. Ask the Help Desk to disable the incorrect
account; this change enables you to re-register as a Federal Agency User or
Contractor. Aer you complete the new registraon, use the My Informaon page to
select a User Type, as needed, and ll in any required informaon.
Role Expiraon and Extension
My role is about to expire. What can I do?
AMPS noes you by email message when a role is about to expire.
Follow the instrucons in the email message to request an extension of the role
assignment or to expedite a role expiraon request.
My Prole: Supervisors Direct Reports
Im a supervisor. Where can I nd a list of my direct reports
in AMPS?
Users with the Supervisor role in AMPS have a Direct Reports tab page in their My
Informaon screens. This tab page lists all direct reports and provides read-only
access to each persons User Informaon, Applicaons & Roles, and if applicable,
their Direct Reports. To view this data, click the User ID entry for any direct report.
AMPS displays a Details screen containing the direct reports User Informaon and
Applicaons & Roles. A Supervisor can request a role, remove a role, update
addional aributes, and cancel a request for a subordinate.
My Prole: Direct Reports Role Informaon
Im a supervisor, and I need to know which roles are
assigned to one of my direct reports. Where is this
informaon available?
Users with the Supervisor role in AMPS have a Direct Reports tab page in their My
Informaon screens. To view role informaon for a direct report, select the name of
a direct report; AMPS displays the users Current Roles, Pending Requests, and SAAR
My Prole: User Contact Informaon
How do I enter my telephone number, APO, or other
contact informaon in AMPS?
How can I change my email address?
Click My Informaon on the Home page, locate the Contact Informaon secon, and
make changes as needed.
Your ocial email address is modied automacally in AMPS if it changes in your
Acve Directory (AD) lisng. To inquire about an email change or name change,
contact the Enterprise Help Desk.
My Prole: Name Change in AMPS
My name is about to change. Should I request a name
change in AMPS?
No; your name comes from your lisng in the Acve Directory (AD). Aer it is
changed in AD, the change is propagated to AMPS and other AD-related systems.
External Approvers
External approvers can approve or deny external user
requests for roles. External approvers include External
Supervisors, External Security Ocers, and External
Authorizing Ocials, all of which are idened by
the external user during the registraon process.
Applicaon Data Owners and Informaon Assurance
Ocers (IAOs) also approve requests for external
Provisioners are administrave system users who
provide access for external and internal users to
systems aer all role approvals are complete.
Provisioning may be automac or manual.
Resource: anything a user may have access to, such
as an email account, database access account, or