Title stata.com
import delimited Import and export delimited text data
Description Quick start Menu
Syntax Options for import delimited Options for export delimited
Remarks and examples Stored results Also see
import delimited reads into memory a text file in which there is one observation per line and
the values are separated by commas, tabs, or some other delimiter. The two most common types of
text data to import are comma-separated values (.csv) text files and tab-separated text files, often
.txt files. Similarly, export delimited writes Stata’s data to a text file.
Stata has other commands for importing data. If you are not sure that import delimited will
do what you are looking for, see [D] import and [U] 22 Entering and importing data.
Quick start
Load comma-delimited mydata.csv with the variable names on the first row
import delimited mydata
Same as above, but with variable names in row 5 and an ignorable header in the first 4 rows
import delimited mydata, varnames(5)
Load only columns 2 to 300 and the first 1,000 rows with variable names in row 1
import delimited mydata, colrange(2:300) rowrange(:1000)
Load tab-delimited data from mydata.txt
import delimited mydata.txt, delimiters(tab)
Load semicolon-delimited data from mydata.txt
import delimited mydata.txt, delimiters(";")
Force columns 2 to 6 to be read as string to preserve leading zeros
import delimited mydata, stringcols(2/6)
Load comma-delimited mydata2.csv without variable names in row 1 and with two variables to be
named v1 and v2
import delimited v1 v2 using mydata
Export data in memory to mydata.csv
export delimited mydata
Same as above, but export only v1 and v2
export delimited v1 v2 using mydata
Same as above, but output numeric values for variables with value labels
export delimited v1 v2 using mydata, nolabel
2 import delimited Import and export delimited text data
import delimited
File > Import > Text data (delimited, *.csv, ...)
export delimited
File > Export > Text data (delimited, *.csv, ...)
Load a delimited text file
import delimited
, import delimited options
Rename specified variables from a delimited text file
import delimited extvarlist using filename
, import delimited options
Save data in memory to a delimited text file
export delimited
, export delimited options
Save subset of variables in memory to a delimited text file
export delimited
using filename
, export delimited options
If filename is specified without an extension, .csv is assumed for both import delimited and
export delimited. If filename contains embedded spaces, enclose it in double quotes.
extvarlist specifies variable names of imported columns.
import delimited Import and export delimited text data 3
import delimited options Description
, collapse | asstring
) use chars as delimiters
varnames(# | nonames) treat row # of data as variable names or the
data do not have variable names
case(preserve | lower | upper) preserve the case or read variable names as
lowercase (the default) or uppercase
asfloat import all floating-point data as floats
asdouble import all floating-point data as doubles
encoding(encoding) specify the encoding of the text file being
emptylines(skip | include) specify how to handle empty lines in data;
default is emptylines(skip)
stripquotes(yes | no | default) remove or keep double quotes in data
bindquotes(loose | strict | nobind) specify how to handle double quotes in data
maxquotedrows(# | unlimited) number of rows of data allowed inside a quoted
string when bindquote(strict) is specified
) row range of data to load
) column range of data to load
parselocale(locale) specify the locale to use for interpreting
numbers in the text file being imported
decimalseparator(character) character to use for the decimal separator when
parsing numbers
groupseparator(character) character to use for the grouping separator when
parsing numbers
numericcols(numlist | all) force specified columns to be numeric
stringcols(numlist | all) force specified columns to be string
clear replace data in memory
favorstrfixed favor storing string variables as str# rather
than strL
collect is allowed with import delimited; see [U] 11.1.10 Prefix commands.
favorstrfixed does not appear in the dialog box.
export delimited options Description
delimiter("char" | tab) use char as delimiter
novarnames do not write variable names on the first line
nolabel output numeric values (not labels) of labeled
datafmt use the variables’ display format upon export
quote always enclose strings in double quotes
replace overwrite existing filename
4 import delimited Import and export delimited text data
Options for import delimited
, collapse | asstring
) allows you to specify other separation characters.
For instance, if values in the file are separated by a semicolon, specify delimiters(";"). By
default, import delimited will check if the file is delimited by tabs or commas based on
the first line of data. Specify delimiters("\t") to use a tab character, or specify delim-
iters("whitespace") to use whitespace as a delimiter.
collapse forces import delimited to treat multiple consecutive delimiters as just one delimiter.
asstring forces import delimited to treat chars as one delimiter. By default, each character
in chars is treated as an individual delimiter.
varnames(# | nonames) specifies where or whether variable names are in the data. By default, import
delimited tries to determine whether the file includes variable names. import delimited
translates the names in the file to valid Stata variable names. The original names from the file are
stored unmodified as variable labels.
varnames(#) specifies that the variable names are in row # of the data; any data before row #
should not be imported.
varnames(nonames) specifies that the variable names are not in the data.
case(preserve | lower | upper) specifies the case of the variable names after import. The default
is case(lowercase).
asfloat imports floating-point data as type float. The default storage type of the imported variables
is determined by set type.
asdouble imports floating-point data as type double. The default storage type of the imported
variables is determined by set type.
encoding(encoding) specifies the encoding of the text file to be read. If encoding() is not specified,
the file will be scanned to try to automatically determine the correct encoding. import delimited
uses encodings available in Java, a list of which can be found at https://www.oracle.com/java/
Option charset() is a synonym for encoding().
emptylines(skip | include) specifies how import delimited handles empty lines in data. skip
(the default) specifies that empty lines to be processed as observations should be skipped. include
specifies that empty lines to be processed as observations should be included. The resulting
observations in Stata will simply contain missing values.
stripquotes(yes | no | default) tells import delimited how to handle double quotes. yes
causes all double quotes to be stripped. no leaves double quotes in the data unchanged. default
automatically strips quotes that can be identified as binding quotes. default also will identify
two adjacent double quotes as a single double quote because some software encodes double quotes
that way.
bindquotes(loose | strict | nobind) specifies how import delimited handles double quotes
in data. Specifying loose (the default) tells import delimited that it must have a matching
open and closed double quote on the same line of data. strict tells import delimited that
once it finds one double quote on a line of data, it should keep searching through the data for
the matching double quote even if that double quote is on another line. Specifying nobind tells
import delimited to ignore double quotes for binding.
import delimited Import and export delimited text data 5
maxquotedrows(# | unlimited) specifies the number of rows allowed inside a quoted string when
parsing the file to import. The default is maxquotedrows(20). If this option is specified without
bindquote(strict), then maxquotedrows() will be ignored.
Option maxquotedrows(0) is a synonym for maxquotedrows(unlimited).
) specifies a range of rows within the data to load. start and end are
integer row numbers.
) specifies a range of variables within the data to load. start and end are
integer column numbers.
parselocale(locale) specifies the locale to use for interpreting numbers in the text file being
imported. This option invokes an alternative parsing method and can result in slightly different
behavior than not specifying this option. The default is to not use a locale when parsing numbers
where the behavior is to treat . as the decimal separator. A list of available locales can be found
at https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/java8locales-2095355.html.
decimalseparator(character) specifies the character to use for interpreting the decimal separator
when parsing numbers. This option implicitly invokes option parselocale() with your system’s
default locale. parselocale(locale) can be specified to override the default system locale.
groupseparator(character) specifies the character to use for interpreting the grouping separator
when parsing numbers. This option implicitly invokes option parselocale() with your system’s
default locale. parselocale(locale) can be specified to override the default system locale.
numericcols(numlist | all) forces the data type of the column numbers in numlist to be numeric.
Specifying all will import all data as numeric.
stringcols(numlist | all) forces the data type of the column numbers in numlist to be string.
Specifying all will import all data as strings.
clear specifies that it is okay to replace the data in memory, even though the current data have not
been saved to disk.
The following option is available with import delimited but is not shown in the dialog box:
favorstrfixed forces import delimited to favor storing strings as a str#.
By default, import delimited will attempt to save space by importing string data as a strL if
doing so will save space. The favorstrfixed option prevents the space-saving calculation from
occurring, causing strings to be stored as a str# unless the string is larger than a str# can hold.
In that case, strL must be used. See [R] Limits for details about the maximum size of a str#.
Options for export delimited
delimiter("char" | tab) allows you to specify other separation characters. For instance, if you
want the values in the file to be separated by a semicolon, specify delimiter(";"). The default
delimiter is a comma.
delimiter(tab) specifies that a tab character be used as the delimiter.
novarnames specifies that variable names not be written in the first line of the file; the file is to
contain data values only.
nolabel specifies that the numeric values of labeled variables be written into the file rather than the
label associated with each value.
6 import delimited Import and export delimited text data
datafmt specifies that all variables be exported using their display format. For example, the number
1000 with a display format of %4.2f would export as 1000.00, not 1000. The default is to use
the raw, unformatted value when exporting.
quote specifies that string variables always be enclosed in double quotes. The default is to only
double quote strings that contain spaces or the delimiter.
replace specifies that filename be replaced if it already exists.
Remarks and examples stata.com
Remarks are presented under the following headings:
Importing a text file
Using other delimiters
Specifying variable types
Exporting to a text file
Video example
import delimited reads into memory a text file in which there is one observation per line and
the values are separated by commas, tabs, or some other delimiter. The two most common types of
text data to import are comma-separated values (.csv) text files and tab-separated text files, often
.txt files. import delimited will automatically detect either a comma or a tab as the delimiter.
Similarly, export delimited writes Stata data to a text file. By default, export delimited
uses a comma as the delimiter, but you may specify another delimiter.
Imported string data containing ASCII or UTF-8 will always display correctly in the Data Editor and
Results window. Imported string data containing extended ASCII may not display correctly unless you
specify the character encoding using the encoding() option to convert the extended ASCII to UTF-8.
Exported text files are UTF-8 encoded.
If you are not sure that import delimited will do what you are looking for, see [D] import and
[U] 22 Entering and importing data for information about Stata’s other commands for importing
Importing a text file
Suppose we have a .csv data file such as the following auto.csv, which contains variable names
and data for different cars.
. copy https://www.stata.com/examples/auto.csv auto.csv
. type auto.csv
"AMC Concord",4099,22,3,"Domestic"
"AMC Pacer",4749,17,3,"Domestic"
"AMC Spirit",3799,22,,"Domestic"
"Buick Century",4816,20,3,"Domestic"
"Buick Electra",7827,15,4,"Domestic"
"Buick LeSabre",5788,18,3,"Domestic"
"Buick Opel",4453,26,,"Domestic"
"Buick Regal",5189,20,3,"Domestic"
"Buick Riviera",10372,16,3,"Domestic"
"Buick Skylark",4082,19,3,"Domestic"
We would like to import these data into Stata for subsequent analysis.
import delimited — Import and export delimited text data 7
Example 1: Importing all data
To import the complete dataset, we need to specify only the filename. import delimited assumes
an extension of .csv. If our data were stored in a .txt file instead, we would need to specify the
file extension. Here we enclose auto in double quotes (" "). We do this to remind you to use quotes
for filenames with spaces, but it is not necessary here.
. import delimited "auto"
(encoding automatically selected: ISO-8859-1)
(5 vars, 10 obs)
We can verify that our data loaded correctly by using list or browse.
. list
make price mpg rep78 foreign
1. AMC Concord 4099 22 3 Domestic
2. AMC Pacer 4749 17 3 Domestic
3. AMC Spirit 3799 22 . Domestic
4. Buick Century 4816 20 3 Domestic
5. Buick Electra 7827 15 4 Domestic
6. Buick LeSabre 5788 18 3 Domestic
7. Buick Opel 4453 26 . Domestic
8. Buick Regal 5189 20 3 Domestic
9. Buick Riviera 10372 16 3 Domestic
10. Buick Skylark 4082 19 3 Domestic
Notice that import delimited automatically assigned the variable names such as make and
price based on the first row of the data. If the variable names were located on, for example, line 3,
we would have specified varnames(3), and import delimited would have ignored the first two
rows. If our file did not contain any variable names, we would have specified varnames(nonames).
Example 2: Importing a subset of the data
import delimited also allows you to import a subset of the text data by using the rowrange()
and colrange() options. Use rowrange() to specify which observations you want to import and
colrange() to specify which variables you want to import.
Suppose that we want only cars that were manufactured by AMC. We can use the drop command
to drop the cars manufactured by Buick after we import the data. If we know the rows in which AMC
cars are located, we can also restrict our import to just those rows. Because foreign is constant,
we also want to skip the last column.
To import rows 1 through 3 of the data in auto.csv, we need to specify rowrange(2:4) because
the first row of the file contains the variable names. To import the first four columns, we need to
also specify colrange(1:4).
. clear
. import delimited "auto", rowrange(2:4) colrange(1:4)
(encoding automatically selected: ISO-8859-1)
(4 vars, 3 obs)
8 import delimited — Import and export delimited text data
. list
make price mpg rep78
1. AMC Concord 4099 22 3
2. AMC Pacer 4749 17 3
3. AMC Spirit 3799 22 .
import delimited still used the first line of the file to obtain the variable names even though
we did not start our rowrange() specification with 1. rowrange() controls only which rows are
read as data to be imported into Stata.
Using other delimiters
Many delimited files use commas or tabs; other common delimiters are semicolons and whitespace.
import delimited detects commas and tabs by default but can handle other characters. Suppose
that you had the auto.txt file, which contains the following data.
"AMC Concord" 4099 22 3 "Domestic"
"AMC Pacer" 4749 17 3 "Domestic"
"AMC Spirit" 3799 22 NA "Domestic"
"Buick Century" 4816 20 3 "Domestic"
"Buick Electra" 7827 15 4 "Domestic"
"Buick LeSabre" 5788 18 3 "Domestic"
"Buick Opel" 4453 26 NA "Domestic"
"Buick Regal" 5189 20 3 "Domestic"
"Buick Riviera" 10372 16 3 "Domestic"
"Buick Skylark" 4082 19 3 "Domestic"
These data are whitespace delimited. If you use import delimited without any options, you
will not get the results you expect.
. clear
. import delimited "auto.txt"
(encoding automatically selected: ISO-8859-1)
(1 var, 10 obs)
When import delimited tries to read data that have no tabs or commas, it is fooled into thinking
that the data contain just one variable.
Example 3: Changing the delimiter
We can use the delimiters() option to import the data correctly. delimiters(" ") tells import
delimited to use spaces (“ ”) as the delimiter. Adding the collapse suboption will treat multiple
consecutive space delimiters as one delimiter.
. clear
. import delimited "auto.txt", delimiters(" ", collapse)
(encoding automatically selected: ISO-8859-1)
(5 vars, 10 obs)
import delimited Import and export delimited text data 9
. describe
Contains data
Observations: 10
Variables: 5
Variable Storage Display Value
name type format label Variable label
v1 str13 %13s
v2 int %8.0g
v3 byte %8.0g
v4 str2 %9s
v5 str8 %9s
Sorted by:
Note: Dataset has changed since last saved.
The data that were imported now contain the correct number of variables and observations.
Because import delimited did not find variable names in the first row of auto.txt, Stata
assigned default names of v# to the imported variables. If we wanted to specify our own names, we
could have instead submitted
. clear
. import delimited make price mpg rep78 foreign using auto.txt,
> delimiters(" ", collapse)
(encoding automatically selected: ISO-8859-1)
(5 vars, 10 obs)
Specifying variable types
The data in a file may contain a combination of string and numeric variables. import delimited
will generally determine the correct data type for each variable. However, you may want to force
a different data type by using the numericcols() or stringcols() option. For example, string
values may be used to indicate missing values in a numeric variable, or you may want to import
numeric values as strings to preserve leading zeros.
Another common case where you want to control the import type is when your data contain
identifiers or other large numeric values. In this case, you should specify the asdouble option to
avoid introducing duplicate values or losing values after the import.
10 import delimited Import and export delimited text data
Example 4: Specify the storage type
Continuing with example 3, we know that the fourth variable, rep78, should be a numeric variable.
But it was imported as a string because the value NA was used for missing values.
. list
make price mpg rep78 foreign
1. AMC Concord 4099 22 3 Domestic
2. AMC Pacer 4749 17 3 Domestic
3. AMC Spirit 3799 22 NA Domestic
4. Buick Century 4816 20 3 Domestic
5. Buick Electra 7827 15 4 Domestic
6. Buick LeSabre 5788 18 3 Domestic
7. Buick Opel 4453 26 NA Domestic
8. Buick Regal 5189 20 3 Domestic
9. Buick Riviera 10372 16 3 Domestic
10. Buick Skylark 4082 19 3 Domestic
To force rep78 to have a numeric storage type, we can use the numericcols(4) option.
. clear
. import delimited make price mpg rep78 foreign using "auto.txt",
> delimiters(" ", collapse) numericcols(4)
(encoding automatically selected: ISO-8859-1)
(5 vars, 10 obs)
. describe
Contains data
Observations: 10
Variables: 5
Variable Storage Display Value
name type format label Variable label
make str13 %13s
price int %8.0g
mpg byte %8.0g
rep78 int %8.0g
foreign str8 %9s
Sorted by:
Note: Dataset has changed since last saved.
. list
make price mpg rep78 foreign
1. AMC Concord 4099 22 3 Domestic
2. AMC Pacer 4749 17 3 Domestic
3. AMC Spirit 3799 22 . Domestic
4. Buick Century 4816 20 3 Domestic
5. Buick Electra 7827 15 4 Domestic
6. Buick LeSabre 5788 18 3 Domestic
7. Buick Opel 4453 26 . Domestic
8. Buick Regal 5189 20 3 Domestic
9. Buick Riviera 10372 16 3 Domestic
10. Buick Skylark 4082 19 3 Domestic
import delimited Import and export delimited text data 11
rep78 is now stored as an int variable, and the NA values are replaced by ., the system missing
value for numeric variables.
Exporting to a text file
export delimited creates text files from the Stata dataset in memory. A comma-separated .csv
file is created by default, but you can change the delimiter by specifying the delimiter() option
and the file extension by specifying it with the filename.
Example 5: Export all data
We want to export the data from example 4 to myauto.csv. We can use the type command to
see the contents of the file.
. export delimited "myauto"
file saved
. type "myauto.csv"
AMC Concord,4099,22,3,Domestic
AMC Pacer,4749,17,3,Domestic
AMC Spirit,3799,22,,Domestic
Buick Century,4816,20,3,Domestic
Buick Electra,7827,15,4,Domestic
Buick LeSabre,5788,18,3,Domestic
Buick Opel,4453,26,,Domestic
Buick Regal,5189,20,3,Domestic
Buick Riviera,10372,16,3,Domestic
Buick Skylark,4082,19,3,Domestic
Example 6: Export a subset of the data
You can also export a subset of the data in memory by typing a variable list, specifying an if
condition, specifying a range with an in condition, or a combination of the three. For example, here
we export only the first 5 observations of the make, mpg, and rep78 variables.
. export delimited make mpg rep78 in 1/5 using "myauto", replace
file saved
If you open myauto.csv, you will see that only the 5 observations shown in example 5 appear
in the file. We specified the replace option because we previously exported data to myauto.csv.
If we had not specified replace, we would have received an error message.
Video example
Importing delimited data
12 import delimited Import and export delimited text data
Stored results
import delimited stores the following in r():
r(N) number of observations imported
r(k) number of variables imported
r(delimiter) delimiters used when importing the file
r(encoding) encoding used when importing the file
Also see
[D] export Overview of exporting data from Stata
[D] import Overview of importing data into Stata
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