Dengue outbreak amongst travellers returning from Cuba—
GeoSentinel surveillance network, January–September 2022
Marta Díaz-Menéndez, MD, PhD
, Kristina M. Angelo, DO, MPH&TM
, Rosa de Miguel
Buckley, MD, PhD
, Emmanuel Bottieau, MD, PhD, DTMH
, Ralph Huits, MD, PhD
, Martin
P. Grobusch, MD, PhD, FRCP
, Federico Giovanni Gobbi, MD, PhD, DTM&H
, Hilmir
Asgeirsson, MD
, Alexandre Duvignaud, MD
, Francesca F. Norman, MD
, Emilie Javelle,
, Loïc Epelboin, MD, PhD
, Camilla Rothe, MD
, Francois Chappuis, MD, PhD,
, Gabriela Equihua Martinez, MScPH
, Corneliu Popescu, MD, PhD
, Daniel
Camprubí-Ferrer, MD
, Israel Molina, PhD
, Silvia Odolini, MD, PhD
, Sapha Barkati, MD,
, Susan Kuhn, MD
, Stephen Vaughan, MD
, Anne McCarthy, MD
, Mar Lago, MD
Michael D. Libman, MD
, Davidson H. Hamer, MD
Tropical Medicine Department, Hospital Universitario La Paz Carlos III, CIBERINFECT, Pso de la
Castellana, 261, 28046 Madrid, Spain
Division of Global Migration and Quarantine, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600
Clifton Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30329, USA
Department of Clinical Sciences, Institute of Tropical Medicine, 155 Nationalestraat, Antwerp
2000, Belgium
Department of Infectious Tropical Diseases and Microbiology, IRCCS Sacro Cuore Don Calabria
Hospital, Via don A. Sempreboni, 5, 37024 Negrar, Verona, Italy
Center of Tropical Medicine and Travel Medicine, Department of Infectious Diseases, Amsterdam
University Medical Center, AMC, Amsterdam Infection & Immunity, Amsterdam Public Health,
Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Infectious Diseases, Karolinska University Hospital, 14186 Stockholm, Sweden
Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine Huddinge, Karolinska Institutet, 14186
Stockholm, Sweden
Department of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine, Hôpital Pellegrin, CHU Bordeaux,
Place Amélie Raba Léon, 33076 Bordeaux, France
To whom correspondence should be addressed. [email protected].
Author contributions
All authors contributed substantially to the study design, analysis, interpretation, reporting and manuscript writing. The authors also
played a significant role in manuscript revisions and approved the final version of the paper.
Case contribution: M.D.M., R.M.B., E.B., M.P.G., F.G.G., H.A., A.D., F.F.N., E.J., C.R., F.C., G.E.M., C.P., D.C.F., I.M., S.O., S.B.,
S.K., S.V., A.M., M.L., M.D.L.
Data analysis: K.M.A., R.H.
Drafting manuscript: M.D.M., K.M.A.
Providing significant contribution to manuscript content and editing: M.D.M., K.M.A., R.M.B., E.B., R.H., M.P.G., F.G.G., H.A.,
A.D., F.F.N., E.J., L.E., C.R., F.C., G.E.M., C.P., D.C.F., I.M., S.O., S.B., S.K., S.V., A.M., R.M., M.L., D.H.H.
The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention.
HHS Public Access
Author manuscript
J Travel Med
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2024 April 05.
Published in final edited form as:
J Travel Med
. 2023 April 05; 30(2): . doi:10.1093/jtm/taac139.
Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript
Unidad de Medicina Tropical—Servicio de Enfermedades Infecciosas—Hospital Ramon y Cajal,
C’tra de Calmenar Km. 9,1, Madrid 08001, Spain
IHU—Méditerranée Infection, 19-21 Boulevard Jean Moulin, Marseille 13005, France
Centre Hospitalier Andree Rosemon, Av des flamboyants, Cayenne 97036, France
Department of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
München, Leopoldstrasse 5, 80802 Munich, Germany
Division of Tropical and Humanitarian Medicine, Geneva University Hospitals, 6 rue Gabrielle
Perret Gentil, Geneva 1205, Switzerland
Institute of Tropical Medicine and International Health—Charité—Universitätsmedizin Berlin,
Spandauer Damm 130, Berlin 10117, Germany
Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Dionisie Lupu St., 37, Sector 2, Bucharest
050474, Romania
Dr Victor Babes Clinical Hospital and Infectious Diseases, Strada Gheorghe Adam 13,
Timişoara 300310, Romania
ISGlobal, Hospital Clinic Universitat de Barcelona, Roselló, 132, 08036 Barcelona, Spain
Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, P° Vall d’Hebron 119, Barcelona 08035, Spain
University Division of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, University of Brescia and ASST Spedali
Civili Hospital, Brescia 25123, Italy
J.D. MacLean Centre for Tropical Diseases, McGill University Health Centre, 1001 boul Decarie,
Montreal, QC H4A 3J1, Canada
Alberta Children’s Hospital, 2888 Shaganappi Trail NW, Calgary, AB T3B 6A8, Canada
The Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus, 501 Smyth Road, Ottawa, ON K1H 8L6, Canada
Department of Global Health, Boston University School of Public Health; Section of Infectious
Diseases, Boston University School of Medicine; Center for Infectious Disease Policy and
Research, Boston University; and National Emerging Infectious Disease Laboratory, Crosstown
308, 801 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, MA 02118, USA
Increasing numbers of travellers returning from Cuba with dengue virus infection were reported to
the GeoSentinel Network from June to September 2022, reflecting an ongoing local outbreak. This
report demonstrates the importance of travellers as sentinels of arboviral outbreaks and highlights
the need for early identification of travel-related dengue.
In summer 2022, GeoSentinel Surveillance Network sites noticed an increase in patients
with dengue virus (DENV) who had recently travelled to Cuba. In July 2022, the Cuban
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Ministry of Health issued an alert describing the largest outbreak of dengue reported in Cuba
in the last 15 years, with evidence of the co-circulation of four DENV serotypes.
We describe travellers from Cuba with travel-related DENV infection diagnosed from 1
January to 20 September 2022 seen at GeoSentinel sites.
GeoSentinel is a collaboration between the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
and the International Society of Travel Medicine that comprises 71 clinical sites globally and
monitors infectious diseases in international travellers and migrants.
We included cases of confirmed and probable travel-related complicated and uncomplicated
dengue acquired in Cuba from 1 January to 20 September 2022 reported to GeoSentinel.
Confirmed cases were defined as a compatible clinical illness and appropriate exposure
history according to expert assessment (recent travel to Cuba) with either DENV isolation,
a positive DENV nucleic acid test, positive NS-1 antigen detection or seroconversion with a
4-fold rise in IgG anti-dengue antibody titres. Probable cases were defined as a compatible
clinical illness and appropriate exposure history with either a single positive dengue IgM
or high positive dengue IgG. ‘Complicated’ dengue was defined as a case with evidence
of clinically significant plasma leakage or bleeding, organ failure or shock (i.e. severe
dengue per World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines), or patients with warning signs
(i.e. dengue with warning signs per defined in WHO guidelines).
Uncomplicated dengue
was defined as a compatible clinical illness and no evidence of complications. Data were
analysed using SAS v9.4 (Cary, North Carolina).
In total, 83 travellers from Cuba with DENV infection (73 confirmed and 10 probable) were
identified (Figure 1); most infections occurred from June to August. The median age was 34
years (range: 13–65 years); 44.6% were female (Table 1). Patients were seen after returning
from Cuba at 18 GeoSentinel sites in 10 countries (most frequently Spain; 61.5%). The
median time between travel and presentation to a GeoSentinel site was 5 days (interquartile
range: 3–7 days). Most patients travelled to Cuba for tourism (79.3%); 19.5% were born
in Cuba and were visiting friends and relatives. Destinations visited in Cuba were available
for 35 patients; 28 (80.0%) reported visiting Havana or Varadero as well as Cayo Coco,
Cienfuegos, Holguín, Pinar del Río, Playa Giron, Playa Larga, Santa Clara, Santo Espiritu,
Trinidad and Viñales. The median trip duration was 15 days (range: 5–226; interquartile
range: 12–22). Of 74 patients with information available, only 23.0% reported a pre-travel
The most frequently reported symptoms were fever, chills and sweats (82; 98.8%) (Table
2). Three patients (3.6%) were co-infected with DENV and SARS-CoV-2 including one
who was admitted to the intensive care unit due to severe dengue. Seven patients (8.4%)
had complicated dengue; of these, four had warning signs, one had severe dengue and two
had missing details. Of the seven patients with complicated dengue, five had data available
to classify the dengue episode as primary, based on absent IgG in serum samples during
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the acute phase. Twenty-four patients (28.9%) were hospitalized; one was admitted to the
ICU. DENV serotypes were available for 11 patients; these included DENV-1 (3; 27.3%),
DENV-3 (7; 63.6%) and DENV-4 (1; 9.1%). There were no deaths.
GeoSentinel sites recorded 188 patients with travel-related DENV infections from Cuba
between 2014 and 2022 (Figure 2). When comparing the number of DENV cases in Cuba
reported to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to GeoSentinel patients with
DENV infection by year, peaks occurred in 2019 and 2022.
From 1 January to 20 September 2022, GeoSentinel sites have reported the largest number
of patients with DENV from returning travellers to Cuba since 2014. Cuba has been
particularly affected with more cases in 2022 than in the past 8 years.
Cuba has reported several major DENV outbreaks since 1977, especially in the eastern
provinces and the capital, Havana.
In the past 2 years, vector control measures have
been negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2022, full-scale fumigation was
restricted to homes where there was a person with a fever or who tested positive for DENV.
However, fumigation alone is likely insufficient.
With rainy season in Cuba running from
May to October, it remains unclear whether number of travel-related DENV infections will
continue to rise.
The increase of imported dengue cases by travellers is occurring in a year that has not yet
achieved the volumes of pre-pandemic tourism. Cuba’s Ministry of Tourism expects to reach
2.5 million visitors before the end of 2022,
so early reporting to raise awareness about this
ongoing outbreak in Cuba is imperative to prevent and detect potential infection amongst
international travellers.
In recent years, some European countries with competent local vectors such as
(Croatia, France, Italy and Spain) have identified autochthonous transmission
of DENV from viraemic travellers.
Therefore, early identification of cases through traveller
surveillance with local vector monitoring, and rapid public health response is needed in
areas at risk for local transmission.
Less than a quarter of patients received a pre-travel consultation before travelling to Cuba,
a lost opportunity to receive the appropriate preventive measures information to protect
against mosquito bites.
GeoSentinel sites specialize in travel and tropical medicine; therefore, these data may not be
generalizable to all persons who acquire DENV in Cuba. Comparisons between the number
of dengue cases acquired in Cuba reported to GeoSentinel, the number of tourist arrivals
and the number of dengue cases in Cuba reported by PAHO were made using unequal time
periods due to the availability of data at the time of this report.
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This report highlights the importance of sentinel surveillance of returned travellers to
identify cases and monitor for travel-related DENV infections. GeoSentinel surveillance
data can help alert clinicians, public health officials and international travellers of outbreaks.
This project was funded through a Cooperative Agreement between the US Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention and the International Society of Travel Medicine (Federal Award Number: 1 U01CK000632-01-00).
1. Florida Department of Health. Florida Arboviral Surveillance [cited 12 September 2022]. Available
2. Ministerio de Salud Pública de la República de Cuba. Actualización sobre situación epidemiológica
y programas priorizados [cited 30 August 2022]. Available from:
3. World Health Organization. Dengue guidelines for diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control: new
edition [cited 31 August 2022]. Available from:
4. Pan American Health Organization. PAHO/WHO Data—Reported Cases of Dengue Fever in the
Americas [cited 30 August 2022]. Available from:
5. Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical. Vigilancia de laboratorio de dengue y otros arbovirus
en Cuba, 1970–2017 [cited 31 August 2022]. Available from:
6. Cubanet. Dengue fever alert in Cuba: the largest number of out-breaks in the last fifteen years [cited
31 August 2022]. Available from:
7. Schwartz E, Weld LH, Wilder-Smith A et al. Seasonality, annual trends, and characteristics of
dengue among ill returned travelers, 1997–2006. Emerg Infect Dis 2008; 14:1081–8. 10.3201/
eid1407.071412 PMID: 18598629; PMCID: PMC2600332. [PubMed: 18598629]
8. Agencia Cubana de Noticias. Cuba invita a empresarios mexicanos a ampliar vínculos económicos
(+Fotos) [cited 1 September 2022]. Available from:
9. European Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Autochthonous transmission
of dengue virus in mainland EU/EEA, 2010-present [cited 30 July 2022].
Available from:
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Figure 1.
Number of patients with uncomplicated and complicated dengue acquired in Cuba by month
of illness onset, reported to GeoSentinel, 1 January–20 September 2022 (
= 83)
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Figure 2.
Number of confirmed and probable dengue cases acquired in Cuba reported to GeoSentinel
by year in the context of the annual number of tourist arrivals to Cuba
and reported number
of DENV cases in Cuba reported to PAHO
, 2014–2022. DENV = dengue virus, PAHO
= Pan American Health Organization,
Reported through 20 September 2022,
to the World Bank at:
and Trading Economics,
Reported to PAHO through epidemiological week 26 (26 June–2 July), 2022
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Table 1.
Patient and travel characteristics among patients with confirmed and probable dengue acquired in Cuba reported to GeoSentinel, 1 January–20 September
2022 (
= 83)
Median age, years (range) 34 (13–65)
Female sex 37 44.6
GeoSentinel site country
Spain 51 61.5
Germany 11 13.3
Canada 5 6.0
France 4 4.8
Italy 3 3.6
Belgium 2 2.4
The Netherlands 2 2.4
Romania 2 2.4
Sweden 2 2.4
Switzerland 1 1.2
Travel reason
Tourism (vacation) 65 79.3
Visiting friends and relatives 16 19.5
Missionary/humanitarian/volunteer 1 1.2
Median trip duration, days (range; IQR) 15 (5–226; 12–22)
Had a pretravel consultation
17 23.0
IQR = interquartile range
All patients were residents of the GeoSentinel site country that diagnosed them, except for one patient who was a resident of The Bahamas seen in Germany.
Of 82 with information available.
Of 74 with information available.
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Table 2.
Clinical information for patients with confirmed and probable dengue acquired in Cuba reported to GeoSentinel, 1 January–20 September 2022 (
= 83)
Clinical information
Co-infection with SARS-CoV-2 (confirmed) 3 3.6
Severity of dengue Uncomplicated 76 91.6
Complicated 7 8.4
Fever, sweats, chills 82 98.8
Headache 48 57.8
Acute diarrhoea 35 42.2
Exanthem 34 41.0
Myalgia 32 38.6
Nausea 28 33.7
Fatigue 26 313
Arthralgia 23 27.7
Abdominal pain 15 18.1
Vomiting 13 15.7
Anorexia 8 9.6
Non-exanthematous skin lesion 8 9.6
Eye symptoms 6 7.2
Dizziness 4 4.8
Itching 4 4.8
Cough 3 3.6
Focal musculoskeletal pain 3 3.6
Focal rash 3 3.6
Arthritis 2 2.4
Dysuria 2 2.4
Sore throat 2 2.4
Bloody diarrhoea 1 1.2
Confusion 1 1.2
Dysgeusia 1 1.2
Lymphadenopathy 1 1.2
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Clinical information
Urinary frequency 1 1.2
Syncope 1 1.2
Other, not specified 6 7.2
24 28.9
The three patients with DENV and COVID-19 co-infection reported fever/sweats/chills (
= 3), myalgias (
= 3), arthralgias (
= 2), abdominal pain (
= 1), acute diarrhoea (
= 1), fatigue (
= 1), focal
musculoskeletal pain (
= 1), headache (n = 1) and sore throat (n = 1).
Of 24, 1 (4.2%) was hospitalized in the intensive care unit.
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. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2024 April 05.