Name: Dr.Arul Amuthan
Qualifications: BSMS, MD (Siddha Medicine), MSc.Medical Pharmacology,
MSc.Yoga and Naturopathy, Ph.D. (Ethnopharmacology)
Current position & working experience:
Team Leader Division of Siddha, Center for Integrative Medicine and Research (CIMR),
Manipal University, Since 1 Dec.2015 till now.
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Melaka Manipal Medical College (MMMC),
Manipal University, India, since 21 October 2010 till now.
Other Responsibilities - PhD guide, Human Ethics Committee member
Responsibilities in Govt. of India Syllabus committee, Ministry of AYUSH, Expert in
Traditional Digital Library (TKDL), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.
Role in MMMC:
Teaching, conducting examinations, evaluation, mentorship, research, publication, grant writing.
Role in CIMR:
Team Leader, Integrative Medicine research, Siddha health care, getting grants, getting MoU for
research, transforming the Center into an Institution with courses.
Date of birth: 04 May 1981
Contact Address:
Department of Pharmacology,
Melaka Manipal Medical College,
Manipal Academy of Higher Education,
Manipal, Karnataka state, India 576104.
Mobile: +91-9986353238, +91-7019741509
Email: arul.amuthan@manipal.edu
My interest and area of research other than teaching
Phytochemical standardization and drug discovery form natural products & CAM
Pharmacological and Toxicological evaluation of natural medicines /CAM
Evidence based Integration of CAM with modern medicine
Herbal medicine / food vs. modern drug interactions
Herbal medicine/ diets as a therapy for chronic diseases such as cancer, autoimmune disorders etc.
Institution and location
Field of study
The Tamilnadu Dr.
MGR Medical
University, India
B.S.M.S. 5 ½ year
(Bachelor of Siddha
Medicine and Surgery)
April 2003
Basic medical sciences, clinical
sciences and therapeutics using
Siddha system.
Government Siddha
Medical College
Hospital, Tamil Nadu
state, India.
6 months
Compulsory Internship training in
hospital, which is a part of BSMS.
The Tamilnadu Dr.
MGR Medical
University, India
M.D. 3year
(Doctor of Medicine in
Sept. 2007
Pathology, diagnosis, preventive
Medicine, Western Medicine,
Traditional Medicine
Catalyst Clinical
Services Pvt. Ltd,
PDCR 6months
(Professional Diploma)
July 2009
Clinical Research
Manipal University,
Karnataka state, India.
Certificate course
6 months
June 2010
Epidemiology, Biostatistics and
Research Methodology
Kasturba Medical
College, Manipal
University, Karnataka
state, India
(3 year, Faculty of
Medicine PG course)
General pharmacology, systemic
pharmacology, clinical
pharmacology and experimental
Tamil Nadu Physical
Education and Sports
University, Chennai
MSc.Yoga and
Naturopathy (2 year
Distance education)
May 2016.
Yoga, Naturopathy, Diet therapy
Manipal University,
PhD (Experimental
Pharmacology and drug
May 2014
Nephroprotection studies of
aqueous extract of Vernonia
cinerea (Asteraceae) and its
fractions against cisplatin induced
damage - An experimental
pharmacological approach
Yenepoya University,
Certificate Course
June 2020
Dec 2020
Palliative Care with Emphasis on
Geriatric Care
2005 The Indian Practitioners’ co-operative pharmacy & stores Limited
2011 Central Council for Indian Medicines, Government of India
2011 Indian Pharmacological Society
2012 World Association of Medical Editors
2013 International Society of Ethnobiology
2013 Society for Indian Medical Anthropology
2014 Indian Association for the study of traditional Asian Medicine
2015 Asian Council of Science Editors
2019 The Karnataka Ayurveda and Unani Practitioners Board, Bangalore
Founder and Associate Editor from Jan 2012 to December 2017
International Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Sciences (eISSN: 2278-0068)
Editorial Board Member since July 2015
Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine : www.ayurvedjournal.com
Freelance copyeditor of Manipal University Press since August 2016
Editorial Board Member since January 2017
Journal of AYUSH Research : http://www.ayushresearch.com/
Regular external reviewer for the following science journals
African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
African J of Agricultural Research
African Journal of Plant Science
Journal of Cell and Animal Biology
Journal of Medicinal Plants Research
Scientific Research and Essays
Wudpecker Journal of Medicinal Plants
Global Health Action
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
International Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
International Journal of Advance Agricultural Research
Journal of Ethno pharmacology
Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine
Member (Expert) in
curriculum committee
for BSMS and MD
Siddha System of
Central Council for Indian Medicine,
Govt. of India (Apex body for Indian
Traditional Medicines)
Chairperson for a
scientific session
National Seminar on
Research in Health
Auxilium Research Cell, India
Resource person
To demonstrate burn
wound rat model to
XLIV Annual Conference of Indian
Pharmacological Society, India
Associate editorship
International Journal
Indian Siddha Medical Graduates
of Pharmacology
and Clinical
Association, India
Resource talk
Recent researches in
Traditional Medical
systems for cancer
World Siddha Doctors Meet
organized by Indian Siddha Medical
Graduates Association, India.
Resource talk
Comparative in-vitro
studies of three
anticancer Siddha
World Siddha Doctors Meet
organized by Indian Siddha Medical
Graduates Association, India.
Expert in 23 members
committee of CCIM to
discuss the new Indian
govt. agenda
Suggestions on
functioning of
Medical councils
and steps for
achieving task on
Central Council for Indian Medicine,
New Delhi.
Chairman Scientific
scientific activities
of association
Indian Siddha Medical Graduates
Association, Kanyakumari
Hands-on workshop
on Basic Techniques
of Molecular
Dept. of Pharmacology, KMC and
MMMC, Manipal University.
In a scientific
session of oral
International Conference on
Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and
Traditional Medicine, Colombo.
Key note speaker
In a scientific
International Conference on
Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and
Traditional Medicine, Colombo.
Editorial Board
Journal of
Ayurvedic and
Herbal Medicine -
JSIR Publishing, New Delhi
Invited talk
Recent trends in
used in Management
of Diabetes.
CME on ‘Management of Non
Communicable Diseases’ Organized
by Center for Traditional Medicine &
Research (With Grant in Aid by
Ministry of AYUSH) at Chennai.
Felicitation talk
2nd Interstate Yoga
Championship 2015
at Palaniappa
Avinashi, Tamil
Organized by Gomukeshwara
research institute of yoga &
naturopathy, Coimbatore.
Invited as an expert in
Cancer researcher in
Traditional Medicine to
give inputs
India-US workshop
on Traditional
Medicine (focus on
cancer research)
Organized by Ministry of AYUSH,
Govt. of India, New Delhi
Invited for a guest talk
in National Workshop
on Integrative Healing.
Guest talk on
“Siddha: Instrument
of Healing”
Organized by Sanchi University,
Bhopal, Madya Pradesh
Invited for a guest talk
in International
Conference on
Identifying and
Protecting Indigenous
Knowledge and
Technology in
Endangered Traditions
Talk on “Integrative
approaches to
medicine through
Jointly organized by
The Nilgiris Education and Research
Foundation (The NEAR Foundation),
Nilgiris, India, Vetha Center for
Transdisciplinary Studies, New
Jersey, USA and JSS College of
Pharmacy (JSS University), Nilgiris,
India. Venue: JSS College of
Pharmacy, Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India
Invited for a guest talk
in First Shandong
(Linyi) International
Symposium on the
Innovation &
Development of
Traditional Medicine
On “Introduction to
Siddha Diagnostic
Methods, Drug
Delivery System and
Prospective of
Siddha Medicine in
Public Health”
Organized by The Department of
Science and Technology, Shandong
Province, China
Invited as an expert to
demonstrate our
prototype naadi
Brain storming
session on
digitization of naadi
Organized by Central Council for
Research in Siddha and Center for
Advanced Research & Development,
VELS University, Chennai.
Invited as an Expert to
give inputs in
integrative Healing.
National Workshop
on Integrated
Organized by Sanchi University,
Bhopal, Madya Pradesh
Organized and
delivered two talks in
the National Seminar
cum workshop
Management of
disorders and Cancer -
moving towards an
Integrative (Siddha &
Modern) approach’
Talk 1 -
Introduction to
Talk 2 - Concept of
putru noi (cancer)
and treatment plan
using Traditional
Siddha Medicine
Organized by Central Council for
Research in Siddha (CCRS), Ministry
of AYUSH, Govt. of India and
Center for Integrative Medicine,
Manipal University.
Invited for a guest talk
in AYUSH Sponsored
National Workshop on
Scientific Validation,
Development and
Promotion of Siddha
On “Reverse
pharmacology and
filling the gap using
Traditional Siddha
Organized by AU-KUB Research
Centre, MIT Campus, Anna
University, Chennai during 23-28
March 2017.
Invited for a guest talk
in the CME
On “Creating
Evidence from
Siddha Clinical
Organized by Velumailu Siddha
Medical College and Hospital,
Sriperumbudur, Chennai.
Invited for a guest talk
among Indian
communities at
Minneapolis, Chicago,
New Jersey,
Wahsington, Virginia
of USA
On “Scientific basis
for Traditional
Siddha Medicine”
Organized by Federation of Tamil
Sangams of North America
(FeTNA), Minnesota Tamil Sangam,
Vetha Center for Transdisciplinary
Studies New Jersey, USA
Invited for a guest talk
in conference
On “Role of Siddha
in Integrated cancer
2nd International Cancer Congress at
Invited for a guest talk
in 22
conference on Frontiers
in Yoga Research and its
Siddha Medicine in
Integrative putru-
noi (cancer) care in
Indian scenario
At Prashanti Kutiram (SVYASA Yoga
University), Bengaluru.
Invited for a guest talk
in workshop
Siddha for Stress
Free health
In the Workshop on Stress-The
Modern Epidemic, organized by CIMR
and MMMC, Manipal University.
Invited for a guest talk
in preconference
Workshop on
Integrating AYUSH
into Palliative Care
interventions for
management of
25th Annual Conference of Indian
Association of Palliative Care
(IAPCON 2018)” at AIIMS, New
Invited talk in Webinar
Topic - Self
assessment of health
and balancing three
dhosha (uyir
using dietary
Vetha Center for Transdisciplinary
Studies, New Jersey, USA
Invited for a guest talk
How to publish &
List of good
scientific journal
publishing articles
on medicinal plants
& Research
organizations related
to research in
AYUSH funded one week workshop
on “Research in Gunapadam”, at The
Tamil Nadu Dr.MGR Medical
University, Chennai.
Appointed as Chairman
of the Scientific forum
To develop AYUSH
system globally
International Association of
Coordinated and
resource person for a
Basic techniques in
Histology and
Annual National conference of
Association of Physiologist &
workshop &
Chairperson in the
Conference for a
for Research on
Plant Based Extracts
Pharmacologist of India, held at
Kasturba Medical College, Manipal.
Invited Talk
Traditional Siddha
Medicine in
Oncology (putru-
noi) scope and
International Conference on
Conservation of Natural resources
and Traditional Siddha
Pharmacological Approach for your
future, Organized by William
Research Center, Kanyakumari
Honored with
Academic Excellence
award during
In recognition of
dedicated services
in the teaching,
medicine and social
Awarded by William Research
Center, Kanyakumari
Invited talk on
Integrative medicine for
putru-noi (cancer)
management scopes
and challenges
In a National
Seminar on Strength
of Siddha in Various
Organized by National Institute of
Siddha, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt.
of India, Chennai
Chairman Scientific
Committee for
Conference &
Invited Talk
Cancer Management
2nd International Tradalth
Convention (Dec 18-22, 2018) held
at Cyberjaya University College of
Medical Science, Malaysia
Invited to become the
Expert for validation of
Siddha formulations
of India
Traditional Knowledge Digital
Library, CSIR, Govt. of India, New
Invited as guest speaker
on ‘Interdisciplinary
Approach in
Indian System of
National conference
on Educational
Administration and
Excellence in ISM
Organized by Central council of
Indian Medicine, at IISc Bangalore.
Invited as guest speaker
on Management of
Cancer A Siddha
AYUSH Conclave
Organized by Government of Kerala,
India at Trivandrum
Invited as guest speaker
on Importance of
preclinical Studies on
ASU formulation.
Preparatory methods
of AYSH medicine
towards GMP
standard with SOP
for AUSH
Jointly organized by IMPCOPS-
Chennai and Ministry of AYUSH.
Invited as guest speaker
on Siddha drugs for
National Workshop
on Approaches to
studies in laboratory
Jointly organized by Center for
Cardiovascular Pharmacology and
Melaka Manipal Medical College,
Invited as guest speaker
for UG and PG students
of GSMC, Chennai
‘Mapping post MD
Siddha and Creating
evidence from
Research (thesis)’
for PGs
‘After BSMS
(Mapping the future)
and creating
evidence from
clinical practice
(Case report)’ UGs
Government Siddha Medical College,
Invited as guest speaker
to deliver talk at
event to UG students
Scope and
challenges in
research in Siddha
Government Siddha Medical College,
Honorary Scientist for
two years
To carry out
at Sri Sri Institute for Advanced
Research (SSIAR), Bangalore
Invited as guest
speaker-6 days CME
sponsored by RAV,
Ministry of AYUSH
Talk on patient
documentation and
data handling for the
cases of fistula and
Hands on training on the preparation
and application of kaaranool (Siddha
alkaline thread) for ano rectal
diseases- organized by Kokila Siddha
Hospital land Research Center,
Madurai, Tamil Nadu
Invited as guest speaker
Talk on Addressing
public queries in
online consultation
A Siddha
Organized by Siddha Medical
Association of India (Kerala Chapter)
Invited as guest speaker
Talk on Siddha
Medicine for
Obesity: Holistic &
Herbal Therapies
In 6
International Conference on
Obesity and Chronic Diseases,
organized by United Scientific
Group, USA.
Member of Institutional
Ethics Committee
Member as Basic
Medical Scientist
and Clinician
Santhigiri Scientific Industrial
Research Institute, Trivandrum
Invited as guest speaker
Talk on Side effects
of Siddha drugs
time to disclose for
Organized by Siddha Regional
Research Institute, Trivandrum
Invited as guest speaker
Talk on Mapping the
future of BSMS
Organized by Unit of Siddha
Medicine, Eastern University,
Invited as guest speaker
Talk on Scopes in
Pharmacology for
Student project &
How to guide
students in
gunapadam (Siddha
CME on validation of Siddha
Therapeutics towards Global
Acceptance, Organized by National
Institute of Siddha, Chennai
Invited as guest speaker
Talk on Integrating
Siddha in oncology
Organized by Unit of Siddha
Medicine, Eastern University,
Became Member of
Institutional Ethics
committee of KMC
Nonaffiliated of IEC
of KMC&H,
Became Member of Institutional
Ethics committee of KMC
Invited as plenary
Talk on Pediatric
Siddha drugs - the
potential area in
4th International conference on
Multidisciplinary approach on
conservation of nature for your
Future, at Kanyakumari, organized
by Williams Research Center.
Invited as guest speaker
Talk on ‘Clinical
Toxicology in
Siddha Medicine
practice, What a
Siddha Physician
should know & do’
CME on Recent approaches in
Siddha Toxicology for Doctors,
organized by National Institute of
Siddha, Chennai
Invited as guest speaker
Talk on
Comparative effect
of serankottai nei
and notchi kudineer
on induced
endometriosis in
Sprague Dawley
Sixth National Conference on Siddha
Medicine for All Ages, organized by
Friends of Siddha Medicine at
St.Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai.
Keynote speaker
Talk on ‘Ancient
and Modern Yoga
for Holistic health’
International Conference on Ancient
and Modern Yoga for Holistic
Health, organized by Department of
Yoga, Tamil Nadu Physical
Education and Sports University,
(Faculty of Medicine)
Manipal University, India
excellence in
All India rank for
Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund,
Delhi, India
Best poster
October 2013
Poster titled ‘Tender
coconut water enhances
the activity of
hydrochlorothiazide in
rates: in reducing renal
excretion of calcium and
uric acid’
Symposium on ‘Food as Medicine’
jointly organized with Indo-
Queensland Research Initiative Project
Fund and Department of Pharmacy
Practice, at MCOPS, Manipal
University Oct. 2013
Certificate of
Sept 5, 2014
(On Teachers
day of India)
For my talk ‘Home
Herbal garden: A Live
Manipal Centre for Professional and
Personal Development, Manipal
Position in
April 6-8,
Poster titled “Effect of
aqueous extract of Vitex
negundo on induced
endometriosis in Sprague
Dawley rat”
Student Research Poster Competition
2015, by Manipal University Student’s
Research Forum, Manipal, India.
Best poster
October 2015
Title “Neichitti kashayam
(Vernonia cinerea
aqueous extract) protects
nephrons against cisplatin
induced damage - a pilot
study in African green
monkey kidney (Vero)
cells and mice”
In the conference “Global Summit on
Herbals and Natural Remedies”, at
1 November
Talk on Siddha Medicine
(The Current applicability
of Traditional Indian
Medicines) at
Community Center,
Kenilworth Ave, Oak
Park, Chicago, USA
Organized by Chicago Tamil Anbargal
Best Paper-
IJPCS 2015
14 April 2016
For my article “Effect of
Notchi kudineer (Vitex
negundo aqueous extract)
on surgically induced
Endometriosis in Sprague
Dawley rats
Awarded by Award in International
Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical
Best poster
5 November
Effect of different edible
oils on the serum lipid
Awarded during Mentored Student
Project Poster Presentation, organized
profile in rats
by Melaka Manipal Medical College,
Manipal University.
1 July, 2017
In recognizing my
pioneering efforts in
Siddha Medicine
By Federation of Tamil Sangams of
North America (FeTNA) and
Minnesota Tamil Sangam, at USA.
2-3 July,
Neichitti Kashayam
(Venonia cinerea)
protects cisplatin induced
proximal tubular damage
: an experimental study in
In International Symposium on
Traditional Siddha Medicine at
Minneapolis Convention Center
Minneapolis, USA
Best poster
4 May 2019
To investigate the effects
of black and white and
basic colors on memory
and recall.
Awarded during Mentored Student
Project Poster Presentation, organized
by Melaka Manipal Medical College,
Manipal University.
PhD guideship in Manipal University: Ref.No:2019122, since 23 November 2019
PhD guideship in Career Point University : Ref.No:GRG2020524, since 2020
Status of the guide
Mentored Students
projects for MBBS
Exercise and general wellbeing
amongst employees at Melaka
Manipal Medical College,
Melaka Manipal
Medical College,
Mentored Students
projects for MBBS
Evaluation of Diuretic Effect of
Green Tender coconut Water in
Albino Rats.
Melaka Manipal
Medical College,
Manipal University
Mentored Students
projects for MBBS
Wound healing activity of Shorea
robusta based traditional
ointment in excision wound
Melaka Manipal
Medical College,
Manipal University
Mentored Students
projects for MBBS
Anthropometrical Proportion
Based on Index Finger Breadth
among Student Population
Melaka Manipal
Medical College,
Manipal University
Project for MSc
Wound healing effect of three
traditional Medicated oils
(kayathirumeni ennai, Pungu
thailam and mathan thailam) on
experimentally induced burn
wounds in Wistar rats
Dept. of Pharmacology,
Kasturba Medical
College, Manipal
Project for MSc
Study on effect of oral
Serankottai nei (a Siddha drug)
on induced endometriosis in rats
Dept. of Pharmacology,
Kasturba Medical
College, Manipal
M.Tech Biomedical
Engineering thesis
Acquisition and Analysis of
Naadi Signals (ancient pulse
Manipal Institute of
Technology, Manipal
Mentored Students
projects for MBBS
Influence of different fruit juices
on wound healing in excision
wound model
Melaka Manipal
Medical College,
Manipal University
Mentored Students
projects for MBBS
Effect of different edible oils on
serum lipid profile in rats
Melaka Manipal
Medical College,
Manipal University
Member of Doctoral
Advisory committee
(Subject expert) for
PhD in Siddha
Medicine & Co-PI
For the Phd topic:
Physiochemical characterization
and toxicity assessment karuppu
class of Siddha Medicine
(Reg.No: 130900033)
Dept. of Biotechnology,
Manipal Institute of
Technology, Manipal
Member of Doctoral
Advisory committee
(Subject expert) for
PhD in Siddha
Medicine & Co-PI
For the PhD topic:
Effect of Kadukkai Mathirai
(Siddha herbal preparation) in
experimentally induced liver
disease in rats
Dept. of Pharmacology,
Melaka Manipal
Medical College,
Manipal University
PhD thesis
For the PhD topic:
Evaluation of safety and efficacy
of nandukkal parpam in
kalladaipu (urolithiasis)
The Tamil Nadu
Dr.MGR Medical
University, Chennai
Mentored Students
projects for MBBS
Evaluation of effect of edible oils
on intestinal motility in swiss
albino mice
Melaka Manipal
Medical College,
Manipal University
Member of Doctoral
Advisory committee
(Subject expert) for
PhD in Siddha
Medicine & Co-PI
A study to evaluate and compare
efficacy of Vetpalai thailam and
Sivanar vembu kuzhi thailam in
mouse model of psoriasis like
Dept. of Pharmacology,
Melaka Manipal
Medical College,
Manipal University
PhD thesis
For PhD topic:
Studies on hepatoprotective
activity of Ayurvedic formulation
LIVORAL by in-silico, in-vitro
and in-vivo methods
Anna University,
Mentored Students
projects for MBBS
To investigate the effects of black
and white and basic colors on
memory and recall
Melaka Manipal
Medical College,
Manipal University
Mentored Students
projects for MBBS
Perception on animal experiments
among medical (MMMC)
Melaka Manipal
Medical College,
Manipal University
Bachelor of
Optometry thesis
Effectiveness of alternative
therapies in treating refractive
errors - a systematic review
Manipal College of
Health Professionals
ICMR studentship
Can the ultra-radian rhythm of
nasal cycle (a peripheral
manifestation of alternating
cerebral hemispherical activity)
be used to predict the prognosis
of stroke recovery?
Kasturba Medical
College, Manipal
Clinical outcomes of Siddha
standard of care in psoriasis
patients with HLA-Cw6 allele
Division of Siddha,
Center for Integrative
Medicine and Melaka
Manipal Medical
Co-Guide for PhD
Molecular mechanism of
antipsoriatic drugs, vetpalai
thailam and sivanar vembu kuzhi
thailam and influence of certain
dietary factors on the
development of psoriasis using
imiquimod induced inflammatory
mice model
Division of Siddha,
Center for Integrative
Medicine and Melaka
Manipal Medical
Guide for PhD
Analytical study on personality
and cognitive aspects of yoga
Career Point
University, Rajasthan
1. Application of SPSS and SAS in biostatistics -1month at Dept. of Biostatistics, Manipal
2. Animal House Keeping and animal experiments at Central Animal House, Kasturba Medical
College, Manipal University.
3. Clinical Trial studies -2 months at Manipal-Acunova, Manipal.
4. Workshop on Study Designs for Evaluation of Drugs Acting on Central Nervous System in
Animals at KMC, Mangalore - Aug. 2009.
5. Research Methodology and Biostatistics at KMC, Manipal Sept.2011
6. Refresher course (2 weeks) on Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques organized by Indian
National Science Academy and TIFAC at Manipal Life Science Center, Manipal University,
India Jan.2012
7. ‘Varma therapy – Beginners Training Programme, Stage I (SEEDAN), at Centre for Varma
Medicine and Research, Kanyakumari July 2013.
8. One week Hands-on Workshop on “Human/Cancer cell culture Techniques & MTT Assay”, at
International Center for Stem Cells, Cancer and Biotechnology (ICSCCB), Pune, India Jan.4-
10, 2014.
9. Two day workshop on Copyediting, at Manipal University Press, Manipal 17 to 18 June 2016.
10. Four days Advanced Public Speaking Course, at Manipal Center for Professional and Personal
Development (MCPD), Manipal University October 25,27, November 3,5-2016
11. Two day Workshop on Systematic Reviews, at Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal 29-30
Nov 2016.
12. Three days National workshop on Survey Research and Statistical Analysis, at Manipal Academy
of Higher Education, Manipal September 6-8, 2018.
13. Completed 10 days course on “A Primer to Medical Genetics”, organized by Department of
Medical Genetics, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal. 19-31, august 2019.
14. Completed one week Varmam and external therapies training at Government Siddha Medical
College, Chennai during 23-29 September 2019.
1. Introducing Siddha Medicine to you to Medical Faculties at Melaka Manipal Medical College,
2. Traditional & Complementary Medicine (TCM) to First year medical students of Melaka
Manipal Medical College, 2012.
3. Home Herbal garden : A Live Pharmacy to faculties of Manipal University at Dept. of MCPD,
on 1 June 2013.
4. Siddha Medicine and global perspective to Students of Trincomalee Siddha Medical College,
Trincomalee, Sri Lanka, on 19 December 2014.
5. Siddha Medicine and its current application at Community Center, Kenilworth Ave, Oak Park,
Chicago, USA on 1 November 2015. Organized by Chicago Tamil Anbargal.
6. Biodiversity and its Conservation through insects (entomology) - to Medical Faculties at Melaka
Manipal Medical College, June 2017.
7. Guest talk was delvierd on Traditional Medicine : Past-Present-Future” in Renton Technical
College - Seattle, Vetha Center for Transdisciplinary Studies New Jersey and South Baylo
University Virginea, USA during 3-19 July 2017.
8. Delivered talk on “Environment protection: Let us start from individual - to Medical Faculties at
Melaka Manipal Medical College, June 2018.
9. Delivered 6 webinar talk on “COVID-19-preventie care through Siddha system of Medicinefor
the Indian origin people at USA 26 March 2020, 29 March 2020, 5 April 2020, 11 April 2020, 18
April 2020, 26 April 2020.
10. Delivered webinar talk on “How to convert Day to day clinical practice into a Research – Focus
on Case Reporting” to students of Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai, 17 May
2020. https://youtu.be/YIAnpL26ZIA
11. Delivered a webinar talk “Integrative Management of putru noi (cancer) using Siddha” to
JIGNASA (Association of Ayurveda Practitioners, Kerala) on 18 May 2020.
12. Delivered webinar talk on “What is next after BSMS? - Be prepared” to students of Government
Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai, 23 May 2020. https://youtu.be/iKtqtkZPM2s
13. Delivered webinar talk on “Integrated Medicine for Next Generation: Siddh’s Prespective” to
students of Nandha Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Erode, 19 June 2020.
14. Delivered webinar talk on “Integrative Siddha in Oncology Practice” to students of Sivaraj Siddha
Medical College, Salem, 25 June 2020. https://youtu.be/KJZ2M89o9dk
15. Delivered webinar talk on “Effective presentation in International Conferences” to students of
Sairam Siddha Medical College, Chennai, 08 July 2020.
16. Delivered webinar talk on “Conventional Chemotherapy in Siddha System of Medicine” to
students of Sairam Siddha Medical College, Chennai, 20 July 2020.
1. International Conference on Traditional Medicine at Penang, Malaysia Nov.2011
Topic: Chemical Standardization, acute toxicity study and invitro anticancer activity of Putru
Pathangam, a siddha Metallic anticancer drug.
2. National seminar on “Enhancement of quality in Research Publications and Recent Research in
Water, Alternative energy resources, Materials and Health” at Vellore, Tamilnadu Dec. 2011.
Topic: Effect of soaking of Phyllanthus emblica wood in drinking water for purification.
3. XLIV Annual Conference of Indian Pharmacological society, Manipal Dec 2011.
Topic: Effect of ethanolic extract of the leaf of Plectranthus amboinicus on the healing of burn
wounds in Wistar rats.
4. Malaysian - Scottish Urological Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Nov 2012.
Topic: Effect of tender coconut water on urinary excretion of calcium and uric acid in rats.
5. International Conference on Global public health at Colombo, Sri Lanka Dec. 2012.
Topic: Hepatoprotective activity of Kadukkai maathirai (a Siddha polyherbal formulation)
against carbon tetrachloride induced liver damage in rat
6. 5
International Conference on Medicinal Plants and Herbal Products at Manipal Jan 2013.
Topic 1: Safety profile of kadukkai maathirai (A siddha polyherbal formulation) in Wistar rats.
Topic 2: Anticancer activity of thamira kattu chendooram, a copper based Siddha formulation
against HCT-116.
Topic 3: In-vitro anticancer activity of neeradimuthu vallathy mezhugu a polyherbal Siddha
7. Ramanbhai Foundation 6th International Symposium “Advances in New Drug Discovery
Technologies and Translational Reseach” at Ahmedabad – Feb 2013.
Topic: Anticancer potential of chloroform extract of chitramoola kuligai against human breast
cancer (MCF-7) cell line.
8. National Seminar on Anthropology of Traditional Indian Food, at Mysore March 2013
Topic: Effect of different stage tender coconut water on urine excretion in rats
9. Hong Kong Pharmacy conference 2013, at Hong Kong March 2013.
Topic: Kadukkai Maathirai (A Traditional Indian Polyherbal Formulation) Improves
Haemoglobin, Mean Corpuscular Volume and Serum Ferritin: Open-Label, Single Arm Study in
Anaemia of South India. [Obtained travel grant from ICMR]
10. VIII International Conference on Traditional Asian Medicines, at Sancheong, South Korea
September 2013.
Topic 1: Chemical analysis and evaluation of anticancer activity of thamira kattu
chendooram, a siddha nano-formulation in Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma bearing mice. .
[Obtained travel grant from DST]
Topic 2: Physico-chemical evaluation of pavala silasathu parpam, a marine based Siddha drug
Topic 3: Sub-acute toxicity study of linga pathangam, a mercury based Siddha drug in rats
11. Symposium on Food as Medicine, jointly organized with Indo-Queensland Research Initiative
Project Fund and Department of Pharmacy Practice, at MCOPS, Manipal University Oct. 2013
Topic : Tender coconut water enhances the activity of hydrochlorothiazide in rats: in reducing
renal excretion of calcium and uric acid. [Awarded as Best poster]
12. International Humboldt Kolleg on Bench to Bedside Translational Research : Potential Benefits of
Interdisciplinary Collaboration, at KMC, Manipal Nov.2013.
Title poster: Thamira Kattu Chendooram induces apoptosis by intrinsic pathway in human hepatic
carcinoma cells: Scientific evidence for anticancer activity of traditional Siddha herbo-metal nano
13. 2
International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine, at Institute
of Indigenous Medicine, Colombo, Sri Lanka 16-18 December 2014.
Poster title: Topical Treatment Of Common Warts Using Kaalaanikalimpu (A Siddha Drug): A
14. 47
Annual Conference if the Indian Pharmacological Society (IPSCON Guwahati-2014),
Guwahati, Assam, India 28
December 2014.
Poster title: In-vitro anticancer activity of chloroform extract of nandhi mezugu (A Siddha
anticancer formulation) in different cancer cell lines.
15. International Symposium on Fertility Preservation: From Basic Research to Clinical Applications,
KMC, Manipal University, India 28 Feb to 1 March, 2015.
Poster title: Protective effect of Vernonia cinerea in cisplatin induced testicular damage in mice
a pilot study.
16. Student Research Poster Competition 2015, by Manipal University Student’s Research Forum,
Manipal, India 6-8, April, 2015.
Poster title : Effect of aqueous extract of Vitex negundo on induced endometriosis in Sprague
Dawley rat. [Awarded as second prize].
17. 1
International Seminar on Siddhar Science 2015, at International Institute of Tamil Studies,
Chennai, India 14 April 2015.
Oral presentation: The view of Tirumandiram (the classical Tamil literature) on basic principles of
Siddha Medicine.
18. Global Summit on Herbals and Natural Remedies, at Chicago, USA 26-27 October, 2015.
Topic: Neichitti kashayam (Vernonia cinerea aqueous extract) protects nephrons against
cisplatin induced damage - a pilot study in African green monkey kidney (Vero) cells and
mice. [Awarded as Best poster]
19. I was the co-author in this presentation: 48th Annual Conference of the Indian Pharmacological
Society (IPSCON) - 2015, Saurashtra University, RajkotON-2015, Saurashtra University, Rajkot.
Title of poster : Effect of Kungiliya Vennai on Excision Wound Healing in Albino Wistar Rats.
20. 4
International conference of the Society for Ethnopharmacology, at Uka Tarsadia University,
Gujarat 23-25 February 2017.
Topic for oral: In-vitro cytotoxic activity of Indigofera aspalathoides against human histiocytic
lymphoma (U937) cell lines.
21. 22
Dubai International Pharmaceuticals and Technologies Conference and Exhibition
(DUPHAT)’ at Dubai - 7-9 March 2017.
Topic for poster: Chemical standardization of serankottai nei (a Siddha herbal drug) and its
effect on surgically induced endometriosis in rats
22. International Symposium on Traditional Siddha Medicine at Minneapolis Convention Center
Minneapolis, USA during 2-3 July, 2017.
Topic for oral presentation: Neichitti Kashayam (Venonia cinerea) protects cisplatin induced
proximal tubular damage : an experimental study in mice. [Awarded as Best presentation]
23. National conference on “Trends in Bioactive Natural Products and Health Care” at Chikka
Aluvara, Kodagu, Mangalore University 2 & 7 October 2017.
Topic 1 for oral presentation : Comparative Cytoprotective Activity Of Venonia Cinerea Fractions
On Human Embryonic Kidney (Hek293) Cells, Human Liver Carcinoma (Hepg2) Cell Lines And
Human Cervix Epitheloid Carcinoma (Hela) Cell Lines against Cisplatin Induced Toxicity
Topic 2 For Oral Presentation : Phytochemical Screening And HPTLC finger Printing Analysis Of
Nandhi mezhugu, A Siddha Medicine
Topic 2 For Oral Presentation : Vernonia cinerea Protects Against 5-Fluorouracil Induced
Intestinal Mucositis In Mice.
24. International Academy of Science, Technology, Engineering and Management at Malaysia 20-
21 February 2019.
Topic for oral presentation: Effect of Edible Oils on Intestinal Motility and Body Temperature in
Swiss Albino Mice.
1. Travel grant obtained from Indian Council for Medical Research, India (No. 3/2/TG-
37/HRD-2013, dated 19.2.2013) - To present my research paper on Kadukkai Maathirai
(A Traditional Indian Polyherbal Formulation) Improves Haemoglobin, Mean
Corpuscular Volume and Serum Ferritin: Open-Label, Single Arm Study in Anaemia of
South India” at Hong Kong Pharmacy conference 2013, at Hong Kong – March 2013.
2. Travel grant obtained from Department of Science and Technology, India (SB/ITS-
Y/02789/2013-2014) - To present my research “Chemical analysis and evaluation of
anticancer activity of thamira kattu chendooram, a siddha nano-formulation in Ehrlich
Ascites Carcinoma bearing mice” at 8th International Conference on Traditional Asian
Medicines, at Sancheong, South Korea September 2013.
3. Grant Rs.94,000/- has been obtained from Central Council for Research in Siddha
(CCRS), Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. Of India to organize National Seminar cum
Worksop on Management of Dermatological Disorders and Cancer moving towards an
Integrative (Siddha & Modern) approach (Ref.No:8-14/2015-CCRS/Estt/2768, dated
19.01.2017). The workshop was organized jointly by Divison of Siddha, Center for
Integrative Medicine and Reserch & Dept. of Pharmacology, Melaka Manipal Medical
4. “Development of Pharmacopoeial monographs on single drugs/ compound formulations /
Atlas / Extracts” has been (Rs.10 Lakhs) obtained (Ref: PCIM/6-
10/Tech/EOI/Siddha/2016-17/1013, dated 9-2-17) by Pharmacopoeia Commission for
Indian Medicine & Homoeopathy, Ghaziabad.
5. Discovery of natural special stains for diagnosis of pathological lesions” (Rs.2 Lakhs)
from Health India Foundation, Chennai. 29 February 2019.
6. To setup “Center for Advanced Research in Siddha, Varmam and Integrative Medicine”
at MAHE (Rs.2.2 Crores) from Global Center for Siddha Medicine and Research (Indo
US NGO at North Carolina-USA & Chennai-India)
Scopus Author ID: 35789779800, Orcid.org ID: 0000-0002-6331-1047, ResearcherID: Q-
1. Shanbhag T, Amuthan A, Shenoy S, Shdhakar. Effect of Phyllanthus niruri.Linn on burn wound
in rat. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 2010;3:105-8.
2. Shrestha J, Shanbhag T, Shenoy S, Amuthan A, Prabhu K, Sharma S, et al. Anovulatory and
abortifacient action of Areca catechu nut in female albino rats. Indian J Pharmacology 2010;
3. Shanbhag T, Kodidela S, Shenoy S, Amuthan A, Kurra S. Effect of Michelia champaca petals
on burn wound healing in rats. International journal of pharmaceutical sciences Reviews and
Research 2011;7:112-5.
4. Kafle S, Shanbhag T, Shenoy S, Amuthan A, Prabhu K, Mohan S, et al. Antifertility action of
areca nut in male rats. International journal of pharmaceutical sciences Reviews and Research
5. Amuthan A, Chogtu B, Bairy KL, Sudhakar, Prakash M. Evaluation of diuretic activity of
Amaranthus spinosus Linn. aqueous extract in Wistar rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2012;
140: 242-7
6. Sathish R, Murugesan R, Amuthan A. Chemical Standardization of Mega Sanjeevi Mathirai; a
traditional Siddha drug. International Journal of Pharmacology Research and Review
7. Sathish, Pandian S, Amuthan A. Effect of soaking of Phyllanthus emblica wood in drinking-
water for purification. Int J Pharmacol and Clin Sci 2012;1:19-23.
8. Velayudam, Ilavarasan, Amuthan A. Physico-chemical evaluation of kadukkai maathirai and its
tablet formulation, a Siddha iron preparation used in anaemia. Int J Pharmacol and Clin Sci
9. Shenoy S, Sukesh, Vinod MS, Shruthi, Amberkar M, Amuthan A. Effect of ethanolic extract of
Plectranthus amboinicus leaf on healing of burn wound in Wistar rats. International Journal of
Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology 2012;3:32-5.
10. Sathish R, Madhavan R, Vasanthi RH, Amuthan A. In-vitro alpha-glucosidase inhibitory
activity of abraga chendhooram, a Siddha drug. Int J Pharmacol and Clin Sci 2012;1:74-6.
11. Velayudam, Amuthan A, Ilavarasan. Hepatoprotective activity of kadukkai maathirai (A Siddha
polyherbal formulation) against carbon tetrachloride induced liver damage in Rat. Res J
Pharmaceutical Sci 2012;1:17-21.
12. Amuthan A, Subramaniam BS. 18 Siddhars and Siddha Medicine: The forgotten Indian Saints
and their Medical Knowledge. University News 2013;51:41-44 & 53.
13. Subramaniam BS, Amuthan A, D’ Almeda PM, Arulkumar. Efficacy of Gamat extract in wound
healing in albino Wistar rats. Int J Pharm Sci Rev Res 2013;20:142-5.
14. Velayudam, Ilavarasan, Amuthan A. Acute and 28-day Subchronic Oral Toxicity study of
Kadukkai maathirai, an Iron based Siddha herbal formulation in Wistar albino rats. International
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2013;5:186-91.
15. Mekala S, Kumar NM, Das L, Shetty N, Amuthan A, Vulli V, et al. Evaluation of wound
healing activity of ethanolic extract of Lanrana camara in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats.
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2014;6:631-3
16. Junjaiah VK, Bhimalli S, Shenoy S, Pai A, Amuthan A, Shanbhag TV. A Prospective study of
the drug prescribing rate and pattern and assessment of adverse drug reactions in patinets with
idiopathic Parkinson disease in a tertiary care hospital. American J Phytomedicine and clinical
Therapeutics 2014;2:420-9.
17. Bharat M, Verma DK, Shanbhag V, Rajput RS, Nayak D, Amuthan A. Ethanolic extract of oral
Areca catechu promotes burn wound healing in rats. Int J Phar Sci Rev Res 2014;15:145-8.
18. Sabarianandh JV, Uma VK, Fernandes DL, Amuthan A, Jasphin S, Shanbhug TV, et al. Wound
healing effect of three traditional medicated oils (Kayathirumeni ennai, pungu thailam and
mathan thailam) on experimentally induced burn wounds in Wistar rats. World J of Pharmacy
and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2014;3:1307-13.
19. Sathish R, Devi, Amuthan A. Preparation, chemical analysis and sub-acute toxicity evaluation of
linga pathangam (a mercury based siddha herbo-metallic drug) in rats. International J Pharmacy
and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2014;6:649-53.
20. Bhandarkar AP, Sherkhane RM, Shenoy GK, Aniketana GV, Shetty MS, Amuthan A. Intern’s
knowledge of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics: a retrospective view in light of medical
undergraduate training. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2015;4:1041-56.
21. Thambyayah M, Amuthan A. Infantile Seborrheic Dermatitis: A Paediatric Siddha Medicine
treatise. Clin Dermatol 2015;33:355-61.
22. Amuthan A, Dhas SI, Bhandarkar AP, Devi V. The cost effective cure without scar: three cases
of warts successfully treated with Kaalaani Kalimpu (a Traditional Siddha drug). International
Research Journal of Pharmacy 20156:294-8.
23. Amuthan A, Anandh S, Musharraf S, Agarwal N, Devi V, Shenoy RP, Nayal B. Effect of Notchi
kudineer (Vitex negundo aqueous extract) on surgically induced endometriosis in Sprague
Dawley rats . Int J Pharmacol and Clin Sci. 2015;4(3):35-43.
24. Mekala, Sathish, Amuthan A. Physico-Chemical Evaluation of Pavalasilasathu Parpam, a
Marine based Traditional Siddha Drug used in Leucoderma and Infectious Conditions . Int J
Pharmacol and Clin Sci. 2015;4(3):44-47.
25. Bhat V, Amuthan A, Rosli BBM, Khairuddin NAB, Md. Isa FSB. Effect of Kungiliya vennai
and Kalchunnam thailam on excision wound healing in albino Wistar rats. Int J Pharmacol and
Clin Sci. 2015;4(3):52-57.
26. Senthilvel G, Amuthan A, Kumar KNS. Phytochemical Standardization of Serankottainei (a
Siddha drug from milk extract of Semecarpus Anacardium nuts) and its in-vitro antitubercular
activity against H37Rv strain. Int J Pharmacol and Clin Sci. 2016;5(1):17-24.
27. Senthilvel G, Amuthan A, Jasphin
S. Pediatric liver diseases and its management by herbals: A
Traditional Siddha Medicine treatise. Int J Pharmacol and Clin Sci. 2016;5(1):32-40.
28. Amirthalingam M, Kasinathan N, Amuthan A, Mutalik S, Reddy MS, Nayanabhirama U.
Bioactive PLGA - curcumin microparticle-embedded chitosan scaffold: in vitro and in vivo
evaluation. Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology. 2017;45(2):233-241. (2014 IF-
29. NK, S SS, S B, Amuthan A, NV AK, N B. Physiochemical characterization and cytotoxicity
evaluation of mercury-based formulation for the development of anticancer therapeuticals. PLoS
ONE. 2018;13(4): e0195800.
30. Shetty M, Shenoy S, Devi V, Kumar N, Amuthan A, Shenoy KG, Pavithra P. Protective effect of
Kadukkai Maathirai (Terminalia Chebula based polyherbal Siddha formulation) in ethanol-induced
liver disease in rats. Asian J Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2018;11(11):368-71.
31. Senthilvel G, Amuthan A. Application of Varmam (Physical Manipulation Therapy of Traditional
Siddha Medicine) for Contemporary Health Issues: An Update. Journal of Ayurveda Medical
Sciences. 2019:4(1): 471-474.
32. Amuthan A, Devi V, Shreedhara CS, Rao V, Puri K, Jasphin S. Vernonia Cinerea (Neichitti Keerai)
Regenerates Proximal Tubules In Cisplatin induced Renal Damage In Mice. Asian Journal of
Pharmaceutical Clinical Research. 2019;12(1):332-5.
33. Amuthan A, Devi V, Shreedhara CS, Rao V, Lobo R. Cytoprotective Activity of Neichitti (Vernonia
cinerea) in Human Embryonic Kidney (HEK293) Normal Cells and Human Cervix Epitheloid
Carcinoma (HeLa) Cells against Cisplatin Induced Toxicity: A Comparative Study. Journal of
Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2019;13(2): KC01-KC06.
34. Shaik AB, Shenoy S, Anupama V, Rao KG, Amuthan A. Antidepressants modulate behavioral,
biochemical, and histological alterations induced by chronic aluminum chloride administration in
wistar rats. Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics. 2019;10:16-21.
35. Amuthan A, Santhi M. Cost effective management of chronic psoriasis using safe Siddha herbal
drugs a case report. Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine. 2020:6(1):9-11.
36. Amuthan A, Santhi M. A Case Report on removal of Filiform Warts using Siddha Kaalaani
Kalimpu. Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine. 2020:6(1):12-14.
37. Ramachandran J, Amuthan A. Neerizhivu kudineer (a traditional siddha polyherbal
antidiabetic medicine) inhibits α- amylase enzyme and α-glucosidase enzyme. Journal of
Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine. 2020:6(1):21-25.
38. Shetty M, Shenoy S, Kumar N, Devi V, Amuthan A, Shenoy G, et all. Kadukkai maathirai
(a polyherbal traditional siddha formulation) prevents D-galactosamine induced hepatic
necrosis in rats. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. 2020:19(4):708-713.
39. Shajahan S, Amuthan A. Comparative in-vitro anticancer activity of thanga parpam (siddha
gold drug) in breast, liver, prostate and lung cancer cell lines. Int J Research in Ayurveda and
Pharmacy. 2021;12(1):64-67.
40. Amuthan A, Devi V, Shreedhara CS, Rao V, Jasphin S, Kumar N. Vernonia cinerea
regenerates tubular epithelial cells in cisplatin induced nephrotoxicity in cancer bearing mice
without affecting antitumor activity. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine.
2021(11):279-286. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtcme.2020.08.004.
41. Madhavan M, Amuthan A. Estimating the Impact of Yoga Practices on the Consciousness
and Cognitive Development of People. International Journal of Innovative Research in
Technology. 2021;7(9):64-70.
42. Madhavan M, Amuthan A. Understanding the role of yoga in shaping the personality and
Mental health. GIS Science Journal. 2021;8(3):1713-1722.
43. Madhavan M, Amuthan A. Analyzing the Role of Yoga in Self-Personality Development.
International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology. 2021;8(1):41-44.
44. Madhavan M, Amuthan A. Investigating the results of Yoga with psychological intervention
on student’s personality. Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology.
45. Shenoy G, Shenoy S, Pai SB, Kumar N, Amuthan A, Shetty M, Rao M, Rao BK. Long
term toxicity study of a Siddha formulation Vetpalai thailam (VT) in Rats. Research Journal
of Pharmacy and Technology. 2021; 14(12):6653-8. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2021.01149.
46. Shiva S, Mari S, Amuthan A, Shanmugam. Repurposing Siddha mercurial drug for mild to
moderate COVID-19 - Case series and exploration of its chemical profile. Journal of
Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. 2022:13(2).100469.
47. Chockalingam A, Kumar S, Ferrer MS, Gajagowni S, Isaac M, Karuparthi P, Aggarwal K,
Shunmugam S, Amuthan A, Aggarwale A, Hans CP, Krishnaswamy K, Dorairajan S, Liu Z,
Flaker G. Siddha fasting in obese acute decompensated heart failure may improve hospital
outcomes through empowerment and natural ketosis. Explore 2022:
48. Dyanand ND, Amuthan A, Pai S, Kabbekodu SP, Devi V. Indian Traditional Treatments for
Psoriasis: A Critical Appraisal of Available Evidence Supporting Efficacy. Chinese Journal
of Integrative Medicine. 2022. (Accepted, will be available online by June 2022).
1. Kadukkai Maathirai (A Traditional Indian Polyherbal Formulation) Improves Haemoglobin,
Mean Corpuscular Volume and Serum Ferritin: Open-Label, Single Arm Study in Anaemia
of South India.
2. Chemical standardization, Invitro cytotoxic activity and anticancer activity in EAC mice of
Putru pathangam, a herbometallic anticancer drug. (We have observed nano sized particles
of arsenic and mercury in this formulation).
3. Invitro cytotoxic activity and in-vivo anticancer activity of three selected Traditional Siddha
Medicine formulations (thaamira kattu chendhooram, chitramoola kuligai and neeradi muthu
vallathi mezhugu).
4. Evaluation of diuretic activity of green tender coconut water and its combined effect while
administering with tender coconut water in rats.
5. Evaluation of effect of a Siddha herbal drugs (serankottai nei) in surgically induced
endometriosis rat model
6. Acquisition and Analysis of Naadi Signals: Three New Applications and Heart-rate
7. Natural dyes for histology staining comparative study in normal and cancer tissues.
8. Preparation and physico-chemical analysis of red Rasamani (solidified mercury-copper
alloy), a unique traditional Siddha metal drug
1. Discovery of natural special stains for diagnosis of pathological lesions.
2. Clinical and patient-reported outcomes in patients receiving Siddha standard of care and
allopathic standard of care for psoriasis: A prospective cohort study.
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