Office 365
Applying Sensitivity Labels to Documents
Within Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint, the “Sensitivity” feature is available to apply a sensitivity label to a
document where access should be restricted. This can be beneficial if a document should only be opened/viewed by
specific people, or if a document should be read-only.
Accessing Labels
In Word, Excel and PowerPoint, the Sensitivity icon is located on the Home ribbon:
To view and apply a label, click the Sensitivity icon. The following labels will appear:
Available Labels
General no sensitivity or encryption will be applied. Available if a label is required but no sensitivity needs to
actually be applied.
UMB Custom Confidential this label offers the ability to manually specify level of permission and the
user/group. Once selected, the following options appear:
o Select Permissions Available permissions include Viewer View Only, Reviewer View, Edit, Co-
Author View, Edit, Copy, Print, Co-Owner All Permissions, Only for me.
o Select users, groups, or organizations select appropriate users or groups that should have the
assigned access
o Expire access set if applicable
Once the appropriate selections are made, click Apply.
Office 365
Understanding Labels
Once a label is applied, only the person who assigned the label can remove it. The label will follow the document,
regardless if it is emailed or saved under a different name.
Removing a Sensitivity Label
If a Sensitivity label is no longer required, the owner of the document can remove the label. Permissions can also be
changed instead of removed if necessary. To remove permissions:
Open the document.
Across the top of the document a banner will appear similar to the following:
Click Change Permission.
De-select Restrict permission to this document.
Click OK.