Chargeback Guide
13 December 2018
Summary of Changes, 13 December 2018
The following are changes with the most recent publication of this document.
Description of Change Where to Look
Incorporated the changes announced in “AN
2025—Mastercard Rebranding of the Recurring
Payment Cancellation Service” that included
rebranding the Recurring Payment Cancellation
Service to the Payment Cancellation Service. DE
72 (Data Record Text) was not changed.
Chapter 2—Dual Message System
Incorporated the changes announced in “AN
1674—Dispute Resolution Initiative—Revised
Dispute Processing and Chargeback Rules” that
Remove conditions under chargeback reason
4837 (No Cardholder Authorization), which
had allowed an acquirer to provide brand new
information of merchant name or date as a
potential remedy to this chargeback. This
applies when the merchant information is a
complete mismatch between authorization
and clearing.
Require cardholder letter or email as
supporting documentation in first chargebacks
for chargeback reason code 4863 (Cardholder
Does Not Recognize). Documentation must be
a direct result of cardholder communication.
Expedited Dispute Resolution forms will not be
Summary of Changes, 13 December 2018
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Description of Change Where to Look
Require cardholder letter, email or Expedited
Dispute Form in first chargebacks for
Cardholder Disputes reason codes involving
Digital Goods and Recurring Payment
transactions. For Digital Goods, require
cardholder documentation (cardholder letter,
email, or Expedited Dispute Form) to support
the reason for the dispute. For canceled
Recurring Payments, require documentation
(cardholder letter, email, Expedited Billing
Dispute Form) in the first chargeback even if
there was a previous chargeback with the
same PAN and merchant combination
disputing a canceled recurring payment. The
documentation may be either new
documentation or the documentation provided
in the referenced previous chargeback.
Require cardholder dispute documentation (for
example, cardholder’s final bill/receipt) in the
first chargeback for reason code 4834/4831
Point of Interaction (POI) Error Family—
Incorrect Transaction Amount/Transaction
Amount Differs.
Remove Rule violations for “SecureCode
(outside of a rejected chargeback),”
“Counterfeit Goods,” and “Timeframe
Extension” from pre-compliance and
compliance case filing reasons from Chapter 5
of the Chargeback Guide.
Require pre-compliance prior to escalation as a
compliance case for ALL applicable compliance
filing reasons, cases, products and/or
transaction types (excluding Fee Collection
dispute situations).
Reduce pre-compliance and compliance case
filing timeframes from 180 days to 120 days
from the central site processing date/violation
date or 45 days from the chargeback rejects
date/fee collection date.
Summary of Changes, 13 December 2018
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Description of Change Where to Look
Incorporated the changes announced in “AN
1677—Revised Standards—Questionable
Merchant Activity Chargebacks” that included
removing certain restrictions from chargeback
reason code 4849 that will allow issuers to
exercise their chargeback rights resulting directly
from a Mastercard compliance determination.
Fraud-related Chargebacks > Questionable
Merchant Activity
Chapter 3—Single Message System
Incorporated the changes announced in “AN
2044—Revised Standards—ATM Chip Liability
Shift” that included expanding the domestic and
intraregional ATM chip liability shift to include the
remaining non-participating countries in the Asia/
Pacific Region (excluding China, Japan, and
Taiwan at the domestic level).
Chargeback Reason Codes > Chip Liability Shift >
Issuer Chargeback > Chip Liability Shift Program
for Domestic and Intraregional Transactions
Chapter 5—Compliance Case Filing
Incorporated the changes announced in “AN
1677—Revised Standards—Questionable
Merchant Activity Chargebacks” that included
removing certain restrictions from chargeback
reason code 4849 that will allow issuers to
exercise their chargeback rights resulting directly
from a Mastercard compliance determination.
Time Frames and Requirements > Improper
Identification of a Merchant as Mastercard
Chapter 6—Mastercard Merchant Presented
Incorporated the changes announced in “AN
1708—New Process and Revised Standards—
Mastercard Merchant Presented QR Dispute
Resolution Process for MasterCom Case Filing—
Update” that included:
Incorporated the branding name change from
Masterpass QR to Mastercard Merchant
Presented QR.
Updated the Standards to include Nigeria-
specific time frames within the attached
Revised Standards—Mastercard Merchant
Presented QR Dispute Resolution Process for
MasterCom Case Filing—Update document.
Summary of Changes, 13 December 2018
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Description of Change Where to Look
Appendix F—Transaction Identification
Incorporated the changes announced in “AN
2151—Revised Standards—Guidance for
Customers Regarding Mastercard Biometric Card”
that included information on identifying when
successful biometric cardholder verification
Mastercard Biometric Card Program Transactions
Summary of Changes, 13 December 2018
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Summary of Changes, 13 December 2018.......................................................2
Chapter 1: General Information......................................................................... 20
Single and Dual Message Systems.................................................................................... 21
Definitions....................................................................................................................... 21
Chargeback Cycles and Arbitration Case Filing................................................................. 21
Overview of the Single and Dual Message System Chargeback Cycles and
Arbitration Case Filing................................................................................................. 21
Compliance Case Filing.................................................................................................... 23
Reversals.......................................................................................................................... 24
Rights and Obligations..................................................................................................... 24
Hardship Variances...........................................................................................................24
Related Documentation....................................................................................................25
Chapter 2: Dual Message System Chargebacks..........................................26
Authorization-related Chargeback ...................................................................................30
Required Authorization Not Obtained..................................................................... 31
Expired Chargeback Protection Period..................................................................... 34
Multiple Authorization Requests............................................................................. 35
CAT 3 Device.......................................................................................................... 36
Second Presentment....................................................................................................39
Required Authorization Obtained............................................................................39
Expired Chargeback Protection Period..................................................................... 40
Multiple Authorization Requests............................................................................. 41
One Authorization with Multiple Clearing Records.................................................. 41
CAT 3 Device or In-Flight Transaction Occurring in Taiwan....................................... 42
Credit Previously Issued........................................................................................... 43
Additional Second Presentment Options..................................................................43
Arbitration Chargeback............................................................................................... 44
General Arbitration Chargeback..............................................................................44
Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) Does Not Match or is Invalid................................... 44
Additional Arbitration Chargeback Options.............................................................45
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback ......................................................................................46
Goods or Services Were Either Not as Described or Defective.................................. 48
Goods or Services Not Provided...............................................................................49
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Failed Travel Merchant—Intra-EEA and Domestic European Transactions Only..........53
Digital Goods Purchase of USD 25 or Less............................................................... 55
Credit Not Processed...............................................................................................58
Counterfeit Goods.................................................................................................. 59
Cardholder Dispute of a Recurring Transaction........................................................ 60
Issuer Dispute of a Recurring Transaction.................................................................61
Addendum Dispute.................................................................................................63
“No-Show” Hotel Charge....................................................................................... 64
Transaction Did Not Complete.................................................................................65
Credit Posted as a Purchase.....................................................................................66
Second Presentment....................................................................................................67
General Second Presentment.................................................................................. 67
Failed Travel Merchant—Intra-EEA and Domestic European Transactions Only..........68
Digital Goods Purchase of USD 25 or Less............................................................... 69
Credit Previously Issued........................................................................................... 69
Additional Second Presentment Options..................................................................71
Arbitration Chargeback............................................................................................... 72
General Arbitration Chargeback..............................................................................72
Failed Travel Merchant—Intra-EEA and Domestic European Transactions Only..........74
Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) Does Not Match or is Invalid................................... 75
Additional Arbitration Chargeback Options.............................................................76
Fraud-related Chargebacks...............................................................................................76
No Cardholder Authorization.......................................................................................77
Chargeback............................................................................................................ 79
Second Presentment............................................................................................... 82
Arbitration Chargeback...........................................................................................94
Fraudulent Processing of Transactions.......................................................................... 98
First Chargeback................................................................................................... 100
Second Presentment............................................................................................. 101
Arbitration Chargeback.........................................................................................106
Questionable Merchant Activity ................................................................................ 108
First Chargeback................................................................................................... 109
Second Presentment............................................................................................. 112
Arbitration Chargeback.........................................................................................115
Cardholder Does Not Recognize ............................................................................... 115
First Chargeback................................................................................................... 118
Second Presentment............................................................................................. 119
Arbitration Chargeback.........................................................................................124
Chip Liability Shift......................................................................................................128
Chargeback.......................................................................................................... 133
Second Presentment............................................................................................. 134
Arbitration Chargeback.........................................................................................140
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Chip Liability Shift—Lost/Stolen/Never Received Issue (NRI) Fraud ..............................141
Chargeback.......................................................................................................... 147
Second Presentment............................................................................................. 149
Arbitration Chargeback.........................................................................................155
Point-of-Interaction Error................................................................................................156
Cardholder Debited More than Once for the Same Goods or Services................... 157
Transaction Amount Differs...................................................................................158
ATM Disputes....................................................................................................... 159
Charges for Loss, Theft, or Damages.....................................................................160
Late Presentment.................................................................................................. 162
POI Currency Conversion (Dynamic Currency Conversion)..................................... 163
Merchant Credit Correcting Error Resulting in Cardholder Currency Exchange
Loss...................................................................................................................... 164
Improper Merchant Surcharge (Intra-European and Inter-European transactions
only)..................................................................................................................... 165
Unreasonable Amount—Intra-European Economic Area (EEA) Transactions Only... 166
Second Presentment..................................................................................................166
Cardholder Debited More than Once for the Same Goods or Services................... 166
Cardholder Debited More than Once for the Same Goods or Services—PIN
Transaction........................................................................................................... 167
Transaction Amount Differs...................................................................................168
ATM Disputes....................................................................................................... 168
Charges for Loss, Theft, or Damages.....................................................................169
Late Presentment.................................................................................................. 170
Late Presentment—Corrected Transaction Date.....................................................171
POI Currency Conversion (Dynamic Currency Conversion)..................................... 172
Unreasonable Amount (Intra-EEA Transactions Only)............................................. 172
Credit Previously Issued......................................................................................... 173
Improper Merchant Surcharge (Intra-European and Inter-European transactions
only)..................................................................................................................... 173
Additional Second Presentment Options................................................................175
Arbitration Chargeback............................................................................................. 176
General Arbitration Chargeback............................................................................176
Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) Does Not Match or is Invalid................................. 177
Additional Arbitration Chargeback Options...........................................................178
Cardholder Dispute—Not Elsewhere Classified (U.S. Region Only).................................. 179
Installment Billing Dispute (Participating Countries Only)................................................ 179
Domestic Chargeback Dispute (Europe Region Only)...................................................... 179
Requirements for Issuer’s First Chargeback, Acquirer’s Second Presentment, and
Issuer’s Arbitration Chargeback..................................................................................179
Improper Use of Message Reason Code 4999............................................................179
Arbitration Case Filing............................................................................................... 179
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Additional Processing Notes........................................................................................... 179
Progressive Handling Fees...............................................................................................180
Progressive Handling Fee Overview............................................................................ 180
Issuer Use of Message Reason Code 7622.............................................................180
Acquirer Use of Message Reason Code 7623........................................................ 180
Issuer Use of Message Reason Code 7624.............................................................181
Acquirer Use of Message Reason Code 7627—No MAC Provided......................... 181
Acquirer Use of Message Reason Code 7627—Face-to-Face or CAT Level 2
Transaction........................................................................................................... 181
Required Fields in Fee Collection Messages............................................................182
Intra-European and Inter-European Dispute Administration Fee (Mastercard POS)........... 183
Chargeback Message Reason Codes.............................................................................. 184
First Chargeback: MTI 1442.......................................................................................184
Second Presentment: MTI 1240................................................................................. 184
Technical Return....................................................................................................184
Documentation Return..........................................................................................184
Substance Return..................................................................................................184
Arbitration Chargeback: MTI 1442............................................................................ 185
Technical Return....................................................................................................185
Documentation Return..........................................................................................185
Second Presentment/1240 IPM (Function Codes 205 or 282) Message Reason Code
Arbitration Chargeback/1442 IPM (Function Codes 451 or 454) Message Reason
Code Usage...............................................................................................................190
Chapter 3: Single Message System Chargebacks.................................... 193
Exception Transaction Types............................................................................................195
Supporting Documentation............................................................................................ 196
Acquirer Adjustment Reason Codes............................................................................... 196
Message Reason Code 06—Correction of a Representment.......................................196
Acquirer Correction...............................................................................................196
Issuer Chargeback.................................................................................................197
Message Reason Code 10—Correct a Terminal Malfunction.......................................197
Acquirer Correction...............................................................................................197
Issuer Chargeback.................................................................................................199
Message Reason Code 20—Returned Item (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)..................... 199
Message Reason Code 24—Empty Deposit Envelope (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)...... 199
Message Reason Code 25—Error in Addition (U.S. Shared Deposits Only).................. 199
Message Reason Code 26—Error in Settlement (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)...............199
Message Reason Code 28—Non-Cash Item Deposited (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)....199
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Message Reason Code 29—Foreign/Counterfeit Currency Deposited (U.S. Shared
Deposits Only)........................................................................................................... 199
Message Reason Code 30—Cardholder Disputed Amount (U.S. Shared Deposits
Only)......................................................................................................................... 199
Message Reason Code 85—Adjustment Reversal.......................................................199
Acquirer Adjustment.............................................................................................199
Issuer Chargeback.................................................................................................200
Chargeback Reason Codes.............................................................................................200
Correction of a Chargeback.......................................................................................201
Issuer Correction...................................................................................................201
Acquirer Representment........................................................................................201
Cash Dispute-ATM Only.............................................................................................201
Issuer Chargeback.................................................................................................201
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment)..................................................... 202
Mastercard Automated Reversal............................................................................203
Cardholder Disputed Amount (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)......................................... 204
Defective/Not as Described—Intra-U.S. Region and U.S. Territories Only.....................204
Chip Liability Shift......................................................................................................204
Issuer Chargeback.................................................................................................204
Improper Use for Issuer Chargeback......................................................................211
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment)..................................................... 213
Transaction Amount Differs....................................................................................... 214
Issuer Chargeback.................................................................................................214
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment)..................................................... 214
Mastercard Automated Reversal............................................................................215
Duplicate Transaction.................................................................................................215
Issuer Chargeback.................................................................................................215
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment)..................................................... 216
Mastercard Automated Reversal............................................................................216
No Cardholder Authorization.....................................................................................217
Issuer Chargeback.................................................................................................217
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment)..................................................... 218
Mastercard Automated Reversal............................................................................219
Credit Not Received...................................................................................................219
Issuer Chargeback.................................................................................................219
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment)..................................................... 220
Mastercard Automated Reversal............................................................................221
Goods or Services Not Provided................................................................................. 221
Issuer Chargeback.................................................................................................221
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment)..................................................... 223
Mastercard Automated Reversal............................................................................223
Late Presentment.......................................................................................................224
Issuer Chargeback.................................................................................................224
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment)..................................................... 224
Mastercard Automated Reversal............................................................................225
Invalid Adjustment—Account Closed.........................................................................225
Issuer Chargeback.................................................................................................225
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment)..................................................... 226
Invalid Adjustment—Insufficient Funds...................................................................... 226
Issuer Chargeback.................................................................................................226
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment)..................................................... 226
Chapter 4: Arbitration Case Filing...................................................................227
How to File, and Respond to, an Arbitration Case.......................................................... 228
Time Frames and Requirements......................................................................................229
Mastercard Review Process.............................................................................................232
Fees............................................................................................................................... 233
Intra-European and Inter-European Domestic Disputes....................................................234
Intra-EEA Third Party Processed Disputes........................................................................ 235
Time Frames..............................................................................................................236
How to File an Appeal............................................................................................... 236
Appeal Review Process.............................................................................................. 237
Chapter 5: Compliance Case Filing..................................................................238
How to File, and Respond to, a Compliance Case...........................................................239
Time Frames and Requirements......................................................................................241
Missing, Invalid, or Inaccurate Authorization Data......................................................241
Inaccurate Clearing Data That Restricts Chargeback Cycles........................................ 242
Fee Collection/1740 Message.................................................................................... 243
Failure to Provide the TID........................................................................................... 243
Merchant Not Listed or Improperly Listed on MATCH.................................................244
Unjust Enrichment..................................................................................................... 245
Acquirer Request for Cardholder Statement of Fraud................................................. 246
Issuer Listed in Mastercard Announcement................................................................ 247
MoneySend Payment Transactions............................................................................. 247
All Other Rules Violations.......................................................................................... 248
Mastercard Review Process.............................................................................................248
Fees............................................................................................................................... 249
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Time Frames..............................................................................................................250
How to File an Appeal............................................................................................... 250
Appeal Review Process.............................................................................................. 251
Chapter 6: Mastercard Merchant Presented QR......................................252
How to File, and Respond to, Disputes through the Compliance Case Filing Process....... 253
Dispute Reasons.............................................................................................................255
Goods or Services were Either not as Described or Defective......................................255
Pre-Compliance Case............................................................................................ 255
Compliance Case.................................................................................................. 257
Goods or Services were not Provided......................................................................... 259
Pre-Compliance Case............................................................................................ 259
Compliance Case.................................................................................................. 263
Credit not Processed..................................................................................................266
Pre-Compliance Case............................................................................................ 266
Compliance Case.................................................................................................. 269
Paid by Other Means................................................................................................. 271
Pre-Compliance Case............................................................................................ 271
Compliance Case.................................................................................................. 272
Billed an Incorrect Amount........................................................................................ 274
Pre-Compliance Case............................................................................................ 274
Compliance Case.................................................................................................. 275
Duplicate Transaction.................................................................................................277
Pre-Compliance Case............................................................................................ 277
Compliance Case.................................................................................................. 278
Appendix A: Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM
Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus).......................................280
Clearing......................................................................................................................... 282
Processing Cycles........................................................................................................... 282
Processing Cycle for ATM Transactions....................................................................... 282
Presentment.............................................................................................................. 283
Chargebacks and Second Presentments.....................................................................284
Second Presentment............................................................................................. 284
Intra-European and Inter-European Dispute Administration Fee (ATM)................... 285
Chip Transactions...................................................................................................... 286
Message Reason Codes..................................................................................................286
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Message Reason Code 4804—Multiple Processing.....................................................287
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4804........................................................... 287
Improper Use of Second Presentment....................................................................287
Message Reason Code 4808—Transaction Not Authorized........................................ 287
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4808........................................................... 287
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback.................................................................288
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 288
Message Reason Code 4809—Transaction Not Reconciled.........................................289
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4809........................................................... 289
Improper Use of Acquirer’s Second Presentment....................................................290
Message Reason Code 4811—Stale Transaction........................................................ 290
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4811........................................................... 290
Improper Use of Acquirer’s Second Presentment....................................................290
Message Reason Code 4834—Duplicate Processing of Transaction............................ 290
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4834........................................................... 290
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback.................................................................290
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 291
Message Reason Code 4842—Late Presentment........................................................292
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4842........................................................... 292
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback.................................................................293
Improper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback.............................................................293
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 293
Message Reason Code 4846—Currency Errors...........................................................294
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4846........................................................... 294
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback.................................................................294
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 295
Improper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment.................................................. 295
Proper Use for New Presentments......................................................................... 296
Message Reason Code 4859—ATM Dispute.............................................................. 296
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4859........................................................... 296
Improper Use of Message Reason Code 4859....................................................... 296
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback.................................................................296
Proper Use For Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 296
Message Reason Code 4870—Chip Liability Shift...................................................... 298
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4870........................................................... 298
Improper Use of Message Reason Code 4870....................................................... 299
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback.................................................................300
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 300
Message Reason Code 4880—Late Presentment........................................................302
Proper Use of Intra-European or Inter-European Message Reason Code 4880........302
Improper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback.............................................................302
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 303
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Appendix B: Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions........................304
Exception Item Processing.............................................................................................. 308
Exception Transaction Types....................................................................................... 308
Reversals................................................................................................................... 308
Retrieval Requests......................................................................................................308
Acquirer Requirements..........................................................................................308
Chip Transactions...................................................................................................... 309
Chargebacks............................................................................................................. 309
Chargeback Procedures.........................................................................................309
Supporting Documentation for a Chargeback....................................................... 309
Second Presentment Procedures................................................................................ 310
Supporting Documentation for a Second Presentment.......................................... 310
Message Reason Codes for Interregional Transactions.................................................... 311
Interregional Message Reason Code 4804—Transaction Multiple Processing..............312
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4804....................................... 312
Improper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment.................................................. 312
Interregional Message Reason Code 4809—Transaction Not Reconciled ................... 312
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4809....................................... 312
Improper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment.................................................. 312
Interregional Message Reason Code 4811—Stale Transaction.................................... 312
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4811....................................... 312
Improper Use of Acquirer’s Second Presentment....................................................312
Interregional Message Reason Code 4831—Disputed Amount...................................312
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4831....................................... 312
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback.................................................................313
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 313
Interregional Message Reason Code 4834—Duplicate Transaction ............................ 313
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4834....................................... 313
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback.................................................................313
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 313
Interregional Message Reason Code 4837—No Cardholder Authorization................. 314
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4837....................................... 314
Improper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4837................................... 314
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 315
Interregional Message Reason Code 4855—Goods or Services Not Delivered.............316
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4855....................................... 316
Improper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback.............................................................317
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 317
Interregional Message Reason Code 4860—Credit Not Received............................... 318
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4860....................................... 318
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback.................................................................318
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 318
Interregional Message Reason Code 4870—Chip Liability Shift.................................. 318
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4870....................................... 318
Improper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4870................................... 320
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 320
Interregional Message Reason Code 4880—Late Presentment................................... 322
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4880....................................... 322
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 323
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions...................323
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4808—Transaction Not Authorized................ 324
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4808....................................325
Improper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4808................................325
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback.................................................................325
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 326
Improper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment.................................................. 327
Intra-European and Inter-European Message Reason Code 4831—Disputed Amount.327
Proper Use of Intra-European and Inter-European Message Reason Code 4831..... 327
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback.................................................................328
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 330
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4834—Duplicate Processing of Transaction.....331
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4834....................................331
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback.................................................................331
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 331
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4837—No Cardholder Authorization..............333
Masterpass Transactions........................................................................................333
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4837....................................334
Improper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4837................................334
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback.................................................................335
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 335
Improper Use for Acquirer's Second Presentment.................................................. 337
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4841—Canceled Recurring or Digital Goods
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4841....................................338
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback.................................................................339
Proper Use for Acquirer's Second Presentment...................................................... 342
Improper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment.................................................. 344
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4846—Currency Errors...................................344
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4846....................................344
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback.................................................................344
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 346
Improper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment.................................................. 346
Proper Use for New Presentments......................................................................... 346
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4855—Goods or Services Not Provided.......... 347
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4855....................................347
Improper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback.............................................................350
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 350
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4860—Credit Not Received............................ 352
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4860....................................352
Improper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4860................................353
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback.................................................................353
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 355
Reason Code 4860—Arbitration Case Filing..........................................................357
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4870—Chip Liability Shift...............................358
Proper Use for Intra-European Message Reason Code 4870.................................. 358
Improper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4870................................358
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback.................................................................358
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 359
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4880—Late Presentment................................362
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4880....................................362
Improper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback.............................................................362
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 362
Domestic Chargeback Rules........................................................................................... 362
Additional Rules Applicable to Domestic Transactions in Ireland, Turkey, and France... 363
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4837........................................................... 363
Improper Use of Message Reason Code 4837....................................................... 363
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................... 363
Arbitration Case Filing...........................................................................................363
Appendix C: CVM Limit Amounts....................................................................364
CVM Limit Amounts.......................................................................................................365
Appendix D: Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and
Compliance Case Filing......................................................................................... 366
Participating Countries—Installment Billing Dispute (Reason Code 4850)........................369
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4850................................................................369
Improper Use of Message Reason Code 4850............................................................370
Proper Use of Issuer’s First Chargeback...................................................................... 370
Incorrect Number of Installments...........................................................................371
Incorrect Installment Amount................................................................................371
Premature Processing of Installment...................................................................... 371
Not an Installment Transaction.............................................................................. 372
Invalid Installment Acceleration............................................................................. 372
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Subsequent Installments Charged Back After Chargeback of First Installment for
Message Reason Code 4837................................................................................. 372
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment........................................................... 373
Correct Number of Installments.............................................................................373
Correct Installment Amount..................................................................................373
Installment Not Premature.....................................................................................374
Valid Installment Acceleration............................................................................... 374
Additional Remedies............................................................................................. 375
Arbitration Chargeback............................................................................................. 375
Arbitration Case Filing............................................................................................... 376
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, and Slovenia—Intracountry
Acquirer Domain Mobile Remote Payment Transactions..................................................376
Select Countries in Central and Eastern Europe—Masterpass Transactions......................376
India.............................................................................................................................. 379
South Africa...................................................................................................................379
U.S. Region—Cardholder Dispute—Not Elsewhere Classified (Reason Code 4854)..........379
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4854................................................................379
Improper Use of Message Reason Code 4854............................................................381
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback..................................................................... 381
Disputed Surcharge...............................................................................................382
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment........................................................... 382
Invalid Chargeback............................................................................................... 383
Disputed Surcharge...............................................................................................383
Disputed Surcharge—Incorrect Pro-rated Calculation............................................ 383
Additional Remedies............................................................................................. 384
Arbitration Chargeback............................................................................................. 384
Arbitration Case Filing............................................................................................... 385
Additional Processing Notes.......................................................................................385
U.S. Region—U.S. Shared Deposits.................................................................................386
Returned Item (Reason Code 20)............................................................................... 386
Acquirer Adjustment.............................................................................................386
Issuer Chargeback.................................................................................................387
Empty Deposit Envelope (Reason Code 24)................................................................ 387
Acquirer Adjustment.............................................................................................387
Issuer Chargeback.................................................................................................387
Error in Addition (Reason Code 25)............................................................................387
Acquirer Adjustment.............................................................................................387
Issuer Chargeback.................................................................................................388
Error in Settlement (Reason Code 26)........................................................................ 388
Acquirer Adjustment.............................................................................................388
Issuer Chargeback.................................................................................................388
Customer Keyed Wrong Amount (Reason Code 27)...................................................388
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Acquirer Adjustment.............................................................................................388
Issuer Chargeback.................................................................................................389
Non-Cash Item Deposited (Reason Code 28)..............................................................389
Acquirer Adjustment.............................................................................................389
Issuer Chargeback.................................................................................................390
Foreign/Counterfeit Currency Deposited (Reason Code 29)........................................ 390
Acquirer Adjustment.............................................................................................390
Issuer Chargeback.................................................................................................390
Cardholder Disputed Amount (Reason Code 30)........................................................390
Issuer Chargeback.................................................................................................390
Acquirer Respresentment...................................................................................... 391
Arbitration Case Filing...........................................................................................391
Intra-U.S. Region and U.S. Territories—Defective/Not as Described (Reason Code 53)..... 391
Issuer Chargeback..................................................................................................... 391
General Use.......................................................................................................... 391
Counterfeit Goods................................................................................................ 393
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment)..........................................................394
Arbitration Case Filing............................................................................................... 394
General Use.......................................................................................................... 394
Counterfeit Goods................................................................................................ 395
Appendix E: Lodging Merchant Services..................................................... 397
Guaranteed Reservations................................................................................................398
Advance Resort Deposit................................................................................................. 399
Appendix F: Transaction Identification Requirements.......................... 400
Transaction Date............................................................................................................ 401
Contactless Transactions.................................................................................................401
Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions.............................................................. 403
Contactless-only Transactions.................................................................................... 405
Quick Payment Service Transactions................................................................................407
Payment Transactions.....................................................................................................408
Electronic Commerce Transactions..................................................................................409
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions.................................................................. 410
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions Containing Chip Data........................... 411
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions Containing UCAF Data..........................412
Partial Shipments or Recurring Payments Following Digital Secure Remote Payment
Mastercard Mobile Remote Payment Transactions...........................................................416
Mastercard Biometric Card Program Transactions........................................................... 417
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Appendix G: Forms................................................................................................. 418
Accessing Mastercard Connect.......................................................................................419
Referenced Forms......................................................................................................421
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Chapter 1 General Information
This chapter provides a high level overview of the single and dual message system chargeback
cycles as well as arbitration and compliance.
Single and Dual Message Systems................................................................................................. 21
Definitions.................................................................................................................................... 21
Chargeback Cycles and Arbitration Case Filing..............................................................................21
Overview of the Single and Dual Message System Chargeback Cycles and Arbitration Case
Filing........................................................................................................................................ 21
Compliance Case Filing................................................................................................................. 23
Rights and Obligations.................................................................................................................. 24
Hardship Variances........................................................................................................................24
Related Documentation................................................................................................................ 25
General Information
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Single and Dual Message Systems
The Single Message System (formerly known as the Mastercard
Debit Switch [MDS])
processes authorization, clearing, and settlement in a single message. Refer to the Single
Message System Specifications and the Single Message Transaction Manager User Guide for
detailed information.
The Dual Message System processes authorization messages through the Authorization
Platform and clearing/settlement messages through the Global Clearing Management System
(GCMS). GCMS uses messages in the Integrated Product Messages (IPM) format. Refer to the
Global Clearing Management System Reference Manual for detailed information on how to
process messages, currency conversion, and edits. Refer to the IPM Clearing Formats for
message formats and data requirements.
The terms “Customer” and “Standards” as used in this guide have the meaning set forth in
the Definitions chapter of Mastercard Rules.
Chargeback Cycles and Arbitration Case Filing
The following table provides an overview of the chargeback cycles and arbitration case filing
for the Single and Dual Message Systems. Detailed information can be found in the Single
Message System Chargebacks, Dual Message System Chargebacks, and Arbitration Case Filing
In the European Economic Area (EEA), the chargeback rules apply to all disputed transactions
regardless of the processor. Please refer to your chosen processor’s documentation for
processing instructions and for equivalent data elements to those referenced in this guide.
Overview of the Single and Dual Message System Chargeback Cycles and
Arbitration Case Filing
The first presentment occurs when the acquirer submits transaction data through the
Single or Dual Message System to the issuer for posting to the cardholder’s account.
Single Message
In the Single Message System, this is
a Presentment/0210 message.
Dual Message
In the Dual Message System, this is a First
Presentment/1240 message.
General Information
Single and Dual Message Systems
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The issuer may initiate a chargeback when the circumstances of the transaction meet
the requirement of a chargeback reason code described in the Single Message System
Chargebacks or Dual Message System Chargebacks chapters.
A chargeback may be for the total transaction amount or a lesser amount.
Additionally, one clearing transaction may have multiple chargebacks for partial
amounts. The total amount being charged back must not exceed the total transaction
Upon reissuing a Mastercard, Debit Mastercard, or Maestro card with the same
primary account number (PAN) and a new expiration date, the issuer must include the
expiration date in all chargeback records.
Single Message
In the Single Message System, this is
an Advice Reason Code/0489
Function codes are not used in the
Single Message System, rather the
issuer charges back either the full or
partial amount.
Dual Message
In the Dual Message System, this is a First
Chargeback/1442 message.
When the total transaction amount is being
charged back, DE 24 (Function Code) must
include a value of 450 (Full Amount).
When a partial amount is being charged back,
DE 24 must include a value of 453 (Partial
An acquirer may process a second presentment when the acquirer:
Believes the issuer’s chargeback did not fulfill the requirements of the chargeback
reason code
Can provide information that addresses the original reason for the dispute
A second presentment must be for the total chargeback amount or a lesser amount.
Single Message
This is an Advice Reason Code/0491
Function codes are not used in the
Single Message System, rather the
acquirer represents either the full or
partial amount.
Dual Message
This is a Second Presentment/1240 message.
When the total transaction amount is being
second presented, DE 24 (Function Code) must
include a value of 205 (Full Amount).
When a partial amount is being second
presented, DE 24 must include a value of 282
(Partial Amount).
General Information
Chargeback Cycles and Arbitration Case Filing
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
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An issuer may process an arbitration chargeback when the issuer:
Believes the acquirer’s second presentment did not fulfill the requirements of the
chargeback reason code
Can address the information provided by the acquirer
An arbitration chargeback must be for the total second presentment amount or a
lesser amount.
Single Message
The Single Message System does
not support an Arbitration
Dual Message
In the Dual Message System, this is an
Arbitration Chargeback/1442 message.
Arbitration chargebacks are not supported for
Maestro and Cirrus transactions occurring on
the Dual Message System.
When the total transaction amount is being
charged back, DE 24 (Function Code) must
include a value of 451 (Full Amount).
When a partial amount is being charged back,
DE 24 must include a value of 454 (Partial
Case Filing
After the chargeback cycles have been completed, a dispute may be escalated to an
arbitration case. An arbitration case is filed with Mastercard and Mastercard will
determine responsibility for the dispute.
An arbitration case filing must be for the total second presentment amount or a lesser
Single Message
In the Single Message System, the
issuer may file an arbitration case.
Dual Message
In the Dual Message System, the acquirer may
file an arbitration case.
Compliance Case Filing
A compliance case may be filed by either an issuer or an acquirer when:
A message reason code doesn’t exist to address the dispute
A rule has been violated
A financial loss has been documented as a direct result of the rule violation
Refer to the Compliance Case Filing chapter for detailed information.
General Information
Compliance Case Filing
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In the Single Message System (SMS), a chargeback and a second presentment may be
reversed as described in the Single Message Systems Chargebacks chapter.
In the Dual Message System (DMS), a first chargeback, second presentment, and arbitration
chargeback may be reversed as described in the Global Clearing Management System
Reference Manual.
Rights and Obligations
The following applies in addition to the rights and obligations described in the Standards:
An issuer is limited to one chargeback per presented transaction amount within the time
frame applicable for the chargeback reason code. The transaction amount may be charged
back one time by the issuer, either as a full amount, a partial amount, or multiple partial
amounts not to exceed the original clearing message amount.
An acquirer must not process a new first presentment for the same transaction after
receiving a chargeback with the exception of a “POI Currency Conversion” dispute under
the Dual Message System Point-of-Interaction Error chargeback (message reason code
The “POI Currency Conversion” exception is available when the chargeback is valid and the
acquirer accepts the chargeback. The acquirer may process a new First Presentment/1240
message with the correct transaction currency. The new presentment must be processed
within 30 calendar days of the Central Site Business Date of the first chargeback in order
for the acquirer to be protected from a “Late Presentment” chargeback.
Under no circumstances should the issuer, acquirer, merchant, or cardholder retain funds,
goods, and/or services twice for the same transaction. For example, when an issuer has
billed a transaction to its cardholder’s account for payment and then chooses to exercise a
chargeback right, the issuer must credit the cardholder’s account for the amount of the
chargeback. An issuer must not allow a cardholder to be credited twice because of a
chargeback processed by the issuer and a refund processed by the merchant.
Hardship Variances
A hardship variance is considered when a natural disaster causes severe operational
difficulties. A hardship variance removes the GCMS time frame edits for all message reason
codes, arbitration case filings, and compliance case filings for a specific time period. Removing
the time frame edits means that GCMS will not reject a message solely because the message
was sent after the time frame for the cycle. All other requirements of the reason code,
arbitration case filing, and compliance case filing continue to apply. Refer to the Global
Clearing Management System Reference Manual and IPM Clearing Formats for additional
General Information
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Related Documentation
Refer to the following documents for more information related to the subjects discussed in
this document:
Account Management System User Manual
Authorization Manual
Customer Interface Specification
Global Clearing Management System Reference Manual
IPM Clearing Formats
M/Chip Requirements
Mastercard Consolidated Billing System
Mastercard Rules
MasterCom Pro User Guide
MasterCom Hosted User Guide
Single Message Transaction Manager User Guide
Quick Reference Booklet
Security Rules and Procedures
Settlement Manual
Single Message System Settlement and Reports
Transaction Processing Rules
General Information
Related Documentation
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Chapter 2 Dual Message System Chargebacks
This chapter details the procedures that Customers must follow for each individual message reason
Overview...................................................................................................................................... 30
Authorization-related Chargeback ............................................................................................... 30
Required Authorization Not Obtained.................................................................................. 31
Expired Chargeback Protection Period..................................................................................34
Multiple Authorization Requests.......................................................................................... 35
CAT 3 Device....................................................................................................................... 36
Second Presentment.................................................................................................................39
Required Authorization Obtained.........................................................................................39
Expired Chargeback Protection Period..................................................................................40
Multiple Authorization Requests.......................................................................................... 41
One Authorization with Multiple Clearing Records...............................................................41
CAT 3 Device or In-Flight Transaction Occurring in Taiwan....................................................42
Credit Previously Issued........................................................................................................43
Additional Second Presentment Options.............................................................................. 43
Arbitration Chargeback............................................................................................................ 44
General Arbitration Chargeback.......................................................................................... 44
Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) Does Not Match or is Invalid................................................ 44
Additional Arbitration Chargeback Options..........................................................................45
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback .................................................................................................. 46
Goods or Services Were Either Not as Described or Defective............................................... 48
Goods or Services Not Provided........................................................................................... 49
Failed Travel Merchant—Intra-EEA and Domestic European Transactions Only...................... 53
Digital Goods Purchase of USD 25 or Less............................................................................55
Credit Not Processed............................................................................................................58
Counterfeit Goods...............................................................................................................59
Cardholder Dispute of a Recurring Transaction.....................................................................60
Issuer Dispute of a Recurring Transaction............................................................................. 61
Addendum Dispute..............................................................................................................63
“No-Show” Hotel Charge....................................................................................................64
Transaction Did Not Complete............................................................................................. 65
Timeshares.......................................................................................................................... 66
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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Credit Posted as a Purchase................................................................................................. 66
Second Presentment.................................................................................................................67
General Second Presentment............................................................................................... 67
Failed Travel Merchant—Intra-EEA and Domestic European Transactions Only...................... 68
Digital Goods Purchase of USD 25 or Less............................................................................69
Credit Previously Issued........................................................................................................69
Additional Second Presentment Options.............................................................................. 71
Arbitration Chargeback............................................................................................................ 72
General Arbitration Chargeback.......................................................................................... 72
Failed Travel Merchant—Intra-EEA and Domestic European Transactions Only...................... 74
Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) Does Not Match or is Invalid................................................ 75
Additional Arbitration Chargeback Options..........................................................................76
Fraud-related Chargebacks........................................................................................................... 76
No Cardholder Authorization................................................................................................... 77
Chargeback......................................................................................................................... 79
Second Presentment............................................................................................................ 82
Arbitration Chargeback....................................................................................................... 94
Fraudulent Processing of Transactions.......................................................................................98
First Chargeback................................................................................................................100
Second Presentment.......................................................................................................... 101
Arbitration Chargeback..................................................................................................... 106
Questionable Merchant Activity .............................................................................................108
First Chargeback................................................................................................................109
Second Presentment.......................................................................................................... 112
Arbitration Chargeback..................................................................................................... 115
Cardholder Does Not Recognize ............................................................................................ 115
First Chargeback................................................................................................................118
Second Presentment.......................................................................................................... 119
Arbitration Chargeback..................................................................................................... 124
Chip Liability Shift.................................................................................................................. 128
Chargeback....................................................................................................................... 133
Second Presentment.......................................................................................................... 134
Arbitration Chargeback..................................................................................................... 140
Chip Liability Shift—Lost/Stolen/Never Received Issue (NRI) Fraud ...........................................141
Chargeback....................................................................................................................... 147
Second Presentment.......................................................................................................... 149
Arbitration Chargeback..................................................................................................... 155
Point-of-Interaction Error............................................................................................................ 156
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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Cardholder Debited More than Once for the Same Goods or Services................................ 157
Transaction Amount Differs................................................................................................158
ATM Disputes.................................................................................................................... 159
Charges for Loss, Theft, or Damages..................................................................................160
Late Presentment...............................................................................................................162
POI Currency Conversion (Dynamic Currency Conversion).................................................. 163
Merchant Credit Correcting Error Resulting in Cardholder Currency Exchange Loss............ 164
Improper Merchant Surcharge (Intra-European and Inter-European transactions only).........165
Unreasonable Amount—Intra-European Economic Area (EEA) Transactions Only................ 166
Second Presentment...............................................................................................................166
Cardholder Debited More than Once for the Same Goods or Services................................ 166
Cardholder Debited More than Once for the Same Goods or Services—PIN Transaction..... 167
Transaction Amount Differs................................................................................................168
ATM Disputes.................................................................................................................... 168
Charges for Loss, Theft, or Damages..................................................................................169
Late Presentment...............................................................................................................170
Late Presentment—Corrected Transaction Date..................................................................171
POI Currency Conversion (Dynamic Currency Conversion).................................................. 172
Unreasonable Amount (Intra-EEA Transactions Only).......................................................... 172
Credit Previously Issued......................................................................................................173
Improper Merchant Surcharge (Intra-European and Inter-European transactions only).........173
Additional Second Presentment Options............................................................................ 175
Arbitration Chargeback.......................................................................................................... 176
General Arbitration Chargeback........................................................................................ 176
Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) Does Not Match or is Invalid.............................................. 177
Additional Arbitration Chargeback Options........................................................................178
Cardholder Dispute—Not Elsewhere Classified (U.S. Region Only)............................................... 179
Installment Billing Dispute (Participating Countries Only)............................................................. 179
Domestic Chargeback Dispute (Europe Region Only)................................................................... 179
Requirements for Issuer’s First Chargeback, Acquirer’s Second Presentment, and Issuer’s
Arbitration Chargeback.......................................................................................................... 179
Improper Use of Message Reason Code 4999.........................................................................179
Arbitration Case Filing............................................................................................................ 179
Additional Processing Notes........................................................................................................ 179
Progressive Handling Fees........................................................................................................... 180
Progressive Handling Fee Overview.........................................................................................180
Issuer Use of Message Reason Code 7622......................................................................... 180
Acquirer Use of Message Reason Code 7623..................................................................... 180
Issuer Use of Message Reason Code 7624......................................................................... 181
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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Acquirer Use of Message Reason Code 7627—No MAC Provided...................................... 181
Acquirer Use of Message Reason Code 7627—Face-to-Face or CAT Level 2 Transaction..... 181
Required Fields in Fee Collection Messages........................................................................ 182
Intra-European and Inter-European Dispute Administration Fee (Mastercard POS)........................183
Chargeback Message Reason Codes........................................................................................... 184
First Chargeback: MTI 1442....................................................................................................184
Second Presentment: MTI 1240..............................................................................................184
Technical Return................................................................................................................ 184
Documentation Return...................................................................................................... 184
Substance Return...............................................................................................................184
Arbitration Chargeback: MTI 1442......................................................................................... 185
Technical Return................................................................................................................ 185
Documentation Return...................................................................................................... 185
Second Presentment/1240 IPM (Function Codes 205 or 282) Message Reason Code Usage....186
Arbitration Chargeback/1442 IPM (Function Codes 451 or 454) Message Reason Code
Dual Message System Chargebacks
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Chargebacks fall into four categories:
Cardholder disputes
Point-of-Interaction Error
Authorization-related Chargeback
This section provides information in handling an authorization-related chargeback.
The issuer must attempt to honor the transaction before exercising this chargeback right.
An authorization-related chargeback may be submitted when one of the following occurred:
Authorization was required but not obtained.
The primary account number (PAN) does not exist.
The authorization chargeback protection time period had expired for the presentment
(meaning 7 days for final or undefined authorizations and 30 days for preauthorizations)
and one of the following:
For a transaction occurring at a merchant located in the Europe Region, the account
was permanently closed before the chargeback was processed
For a transaction occurring at a merchant located in any other region, the issuer deemed
the account not to be in good standing (a “statused” account) before filing the
A card-not-present authorization was declined by the issuer and subsequently approved
through Stand-In processing or X-Code with an approval response as specified in the
Authorization Manual with the following exceptions:
The issuer generated a decline response that included a value of 02 (Cannot approve at
this time, try again later) in DE 48 (Additional Data—Private Use), subelement 84
(Merchant Advice Code).
The issuer generated an approval response after previously declining the transaction.
The merchant can prove that the cardholder initiated the authorization request.
An authorization-related chargeback must not be submitted for any of the following:
A properly identified Emergency Cash Advance transaction. A properly identified
Emergency Cash Advance transaction contains a value of “Emergency Cash Advance” in
DE 43 (Card Acceptor Name/Location) of the First Presentment/1240 message.
A properly identified contactless transit aggregated transaction when all of the following
An Authorization Request/0100 message was generated for the transaction.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
The issuer approved the authorization request.
The transaction amount was equal to or less than the contactless transit aggregated
transaction CVM limit amount as published in Appendix C, CVM Limit Amounts.
There were 14 calendar days or less between the date of the first contactless tap and
the date the First Presentment/1240 message was generated.
A magnetic stripe-read in-flight Transaction, including magnetic stripe mode contactless,
whether at an attended POS terminal or a Cardholder-Activated Terminal 4 device (CAT4),
occurring in Taiwan, under the floor limit of TWD 8,000 for Transactions dated before 1
April 2019. Floor limit Standards are provided in Chapter 5 of the Quick Reference Booklet.
Supporting Documents. Supporting Documents must be in English or accompanied by an
English translation unless both the issuer and the acquirer share a common language.
Supporting Documents must provide sufficient detail to enable all parties to understand the
nature of the dispute or rebuttal. Mastercard will determine whether the Supporting
Documents contain sufficient detail.
Supporting Documents must be provided using the MasterCom application.
Although Supporting Documents can be entered into MasterCom at any time before the next
cycle is processed, Supporting Documents must be entered into the MasterCom system within
eight calendar days of generating a chargeback or second presentment requiring Supporting
Documents to avoid liability for the disputed transaction solely for failing to provide
Supporting Documents (codes 2002 or 4901).
The cardholder email, cardholder letter, and/or cardholder message (including through a
password-protected website) must come directly from the cardholder or, in the case of a
commercial card, the corporate entity. A completed Dispute Resolution Form must be the
direct result of a conversation with the cardholder.
The tables in this section detail the conditions under which an authorization-related
chargeback may be processed.
Required Authorization Not Obtained
Chargeback Condition. Both of the following:
Authorization was required
Authorization was not properly obtained.
Time Frame. 90 calendar days
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Authorization-related Chargeback
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
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Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4808 (Authorization-related Chargeback) for Dual Message System transactions
08 (Authorization-related Chargeback) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single
Message System
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, they will eventually be
4807 (Warning Bulletin) and 4812 (Account Number Not on File) for Dual Message System
07 (Warning Bulletin) and 12 (Account Not on File) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on
the Single Message System
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Authorization-related Chargeback
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
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Multiple Authorizations Records. A transaction may have multiple authorization records.
Additionally, several airline ticket transactions may be combined into one authorization record.
Multiple Clearing Records. Multiple clearing records may have been or will be submitted in
connection with a single approved authorization.
10% Tolerance to Accommodate Currency Conversion Rates. This chargeback is not available for
transactions that were converted to a different currency and the cleared transaction amount exceeds
the authorized transaction amount by less than 10%. This tolerance allows for different currency
conversion rates that could have been applicable on the authorization and clearing dates.
15% Tolerance. The 15% tolerance does not apply to any transaction occurring on or after 14
October 2016.
20% Tolerance. The 20% tolerance for gratuities does not apply to the following types of
transactions occurring on or after 14 October 2016:
Chip/PIN transactions
Contactless transactions
Card-not-present transactions (see below for a variation relating to U.S. region domestic restaurant
Transactions for which the authorization was not coded as a pre-authorization
A 20% tolerance for gratuities will continue to apply to any other transaction types.
20% Tolerance. U.S. Region Domestic Card-not-present Restaurant Transactions Occurring on or
after 13 October 2017. A 20% tolerance for gratuities will apply to card-not-present transactions
conducted on or after 13 October 2017 with a U.S. region-issued card at a U.S. region merchant and
identified with either of the following MCCs:
MCC 5812 (Eating Places, Restaurants)
MCC 5814 (Fast Food Restaurants)
20% Tolerances—Partial Approval. This tolerance does not apply when both of the following
The Authorization Request/0100 message contained a value of 1 (Merchant terminal supports
receipt of partial approvals) in DE 48 (Additional Data—Private Use), subelement 61 (POS Data,
Extended Condition Codes), subfield 1 (Partial Approval Terminal Support Indicator).
The Authorization Response/0110 message contained a value of 10 (Partial Approval) in DE 39
(Response Code) and a partial approval amount in DE 6 (Amount, Cardholder Billing).
Contactless Transit Aggregated Transaction. When the transaction amount of a properly identified
contactless transit aggregated transaction exceeds the contactless transit aggregated transaction CVM
limit amount, the issuer may charge back only the difference between the transaction amount and the
contactless transit aggregated transaction CVM limit amount.
Automated Fuel Dispenser (MCC 5542). The issuer cannot charge back an automated fuel
dispenser transaction effected in the U.S. region with:
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Authorization-related Chargeback
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A Mastercard Corporate Card
, Mastercard Corporate Executive Card
, Mastercard Corporate Fleet
, or Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card
for any amount less than or equal to USD 150,
if the transaction was identified in the authorization request with MCC 5542 (Fuel Dispenser,
Automated) and CAT 2, and authorized by the issuer for USD 1.
If the transaction amount exceeds USD 150, the issuer may charge back only the difference
between the transaction amount and USD 150.
Any other Mastercard card for any amount less than or equal to USD 100, if the transaction was
identified in the authorization request with MCC 5542 (Fuel Dispenser, Automated) and CAT 2,
and authorized by the issuer for USD 1.
If the transaction amount exceeds USD 100, the issuer may charge back only the difference
between the transaction amount and USD 100.
Expired Chargeback Protection Period
Chargeback Condition. One of the following:
The transaction occurred at a merchant located in the Europe region and the issuer permanently
closed the account before processing the chargeback.
The transaction occurred at a merchant located in any other region and the issuer deems the
account not to be in good standing (a “statused” account) before processing the chargeback.
And one of the following:
The authorization was identified as a preauthorization (DE 61 [Point-of-Service (POS) Data],
subfield 7 (POS Transaction Status) contains a value of 4 [Preauthorized request]) and the
transaction was presented more than 30 calendar days after the latest authorization approval date.
The authorization was not identified as a preauthorization and the transaction was presented more
than seven calendar days after the authorization approval date.
The above time frames do not apply to properly identified acquirer-financed or merchant-financed
preauthorized installment billing payments or contactless transit aggregated or transit debt recovery
Time Frame. 90 calendar days
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Authorization-related Chargeback
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4808 for Dual Message System transactions
08 for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, they will eventually be
4807 (Warning Bulletin) and 4812 (Account Number Not on File) for Dual Message System
07 (Warning Bulletin) and 12 (Account Not on File) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on
the Single Message System
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. This chargeback is not available for the following transactions:
Properly identified acquirer-financed or merchant-financed preauthorized installment payments.
Properly identified Mastercard contactless transit aggregated or transit debt recovery transactions.
Multiple Authorization Requests
Chargeback Condition. A Card-Not-Present authorization was declined by the issuer and
subsequently approved in Stand-In or X-Code.
Time Frame. 90 calendar days
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4808 for Dual Message System transactions
08 for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, they will eventually be
4807 (Warning Bulletin) and 4812 (Account Number Not on File) for Dual Message System
07 (Warning Bulletin) and 12 (Account Not on File) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on
the Single Message System
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). Optionally: MULTIPLE AUTH REQUESTS
Notes. None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Authorization-related Chargeback
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
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CAT 3 Device
Chargeback Condition. One of the following:
1. The transaction was not identified with one of the following MCCs:
4784—Bridges and Road Fees, Tolls
5499—Miscellaneous Food Stores—Convenience Stores, Markets, Specialty Stores (solely for
Contactless-only Transactions)
7523—Automobile Parking Lots and Garages
7542—Car Washes
2. The transaction was identified with one of the above MCCs and the transaction amount was
greater than one of the following:
a. The CVM Limit as published in Appendix C (CVM Limit Amounts) for contactless-only CAT 3
b. HKD 500 for domestic Hong Kong CAT 3 transactions identified with MCC 7523 (Automobile
Parking Lots and Garages)
c. EUR 50 for CAT 3 transaction occurring in Europe
d. USD 40, or its local currency equivalent, for all other CAT 3 transactions
3. Effective for transactions dated on or after 13 October 2017, the transaction was a magnetic
stripe transaction identified with one of the MCCs listed in bullet 1.
4. The PAN was listed in the applicable Local Stoplist or Electronic Warning Bulletin File on the date
of the transaction.
5. The PAN was expired or not yet valid
6. The transaction occurred in the Europe region with a card that had a service code of X2X (Positive
Online Authorization Required).
Time Frame. 90 calendar days
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4808 for Dual Message System transactions
08 for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, they will eventually be
4807 (Warning Bulletin) and 4812 (Account Number Not on File) for Dual Message System
07 (Warning Bulletin) and 12 (Account Not on File) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on
the Single Message System
Supporting Documents. For batched chargebacks: A list of the ARDs and the amount of each
For all other chargebacks: None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Authorization-related Chargeback
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DE 72 (Data Record). For Local Stoplist or Electronic Warning Bulletin File, one of the following:
For batched chargebacks: CAT 3 MULTIPLE TRANS NNN
For Europe region cards with X2X service code: SC X2X
For all others one of the following:
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Authorization-related Chargeback
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Batching CAT 3 Device Transactions
Multiple disputed transactions may be combined into one chargeback, this is called batching. The
batching option is only available when the PAN, merchant name and acquirer are the same for all
transactions within the batch.
Each individual disputed transaction included in the batch must be within the chargeback time frame.
The chargeback must be processed using an ARD from one of the disputed transaction included the
The chargeback must be processed for the total amount of all the disputed transactions included in
the batch.
Each transaction in the batch must be less than or equal to USD 25 or the local currency equivalent.
The total amount of all transactions in the batch must not exceed USD 250 or the local currency
For CAT 3 MULTIPLE TRANS NNN, replace NNN with the number of transactions in the batch.
Local Stoplist or Electronic Warning Bulletin File
For R X, replace X with the one character Electronic Warning Bulletin Region code in which the PAN is
For S NN, replace NN with the two character subregional code in which the PAN was listed.
Unknown Transaction Date. When the issuer cannot determine the transaction date from DE 12
(Date and Time, Local Transaction), the issuer may assume the transaction date is within 15
calendar days before the Central Site Business Date.
Unknown Face-to-Face Merchant Location. When the issuer cannot determine the merchant
location from DE 43 (Merchant Name/Location), subfield 5 (State, Province, or Region Code), the
issuer may reference any region of the Electronic Warning Bulletin File that listed the PAN on the
date of the transaction in DE 72.
Unknown Non-Face-to-Face and Non-Fixed Merchant Location. For non–face-to-face or non-
fixed merchant location transactions, the issuer may reference any regional Electronic Warning
Bulletin File that listed the PAN on the date of the transaction in DE 72.
Subregional. An issuer must use both the merchant location (DE 43) and the merchant category
code (DE 26 [Merchant Business Code (MCC)]) to determine whether the PAN was listed in the
applicable subregional Electronic Warning Bulletin File.
For information on the Local Stoplist or Electronic Warning Bulletin File refer to the Account
Management System User Manual.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Authorization-related Chargeback
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Second Presentment
The tables in this section detail the conditions under which a second presentment in response
to an authorization-related chargeback may be processed.
PAN Mismatch. The Primary Account Number (PAN) in chargeback supporting
documentation may differ from the PAN included by the acquirer in the clearing record. As a
result, a difference in PANs must not be the sole reason for an acquirer’s second presentment.
Required Authorization Obtained
Second Presentment Condition. The transaction was authorized and presented within the
applicable Chargeback Protection Period.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2008 (Issuer Authorized Transaction) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record)
When offline EMV authorized and DE 55 not previously provided in the First Presentment/1240
message: DE 55 PROVIDED
Replace MMDDYY with the date the issuer authorized the transaction.
Replace NNNNNN with the actual authorization response code provided by the issuer, its agent or
Mastercard On-Behalf for the cleared transaction.
Offline Approved EMV Transaction
When DE 55 was provided in the First Presentment/1240 message respond with IPM Second
Presentment Message Reason Code 2713-Invalid Chargeback.
When DE 55 was not provided in the First Presentment/1240-200 message, DE 55 must be provided in
the Second Presentment Presentment/1240-205 message.
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Expired Chargeback Protection Period
Second Presentment Condition. One of the following:
1. The transaction was properly identified in authorization as a preauthorization (DE 61, subfield 7 =
4), the transaction was presented within 30 calendar days of the preauthorization approval date,
and was not reversed.
2. The transaction was not properly identified in authorization as a preauthorization, the transaction
was presented within seven calendar days of the authorization approval date, and was not
3. The transaction was properly identified in authorization as acquirer-financed or merchant-financed
installment payment.
4. The transaction was properly identified in authorization as a Mastercard Contactless transit
aggregated or transit debt recovery transaction.
5. The transaction occurred at:
a. A Europe region merchant location and the issuer has not permanently closed the account
b. A merchant located in any other region and the issuer has not “statused” the account (that
is, the issuer considered the account to be in good standing at the time of the chargeback)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2713 (Invalid Chargeback) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). One of the following corresponding to the Second Presentment Condition:
5. Either:
Notes. When the transaction authorization was identified as a preauthorization, use PREAUTH.
When the transaction authorization was not identified as a preauthorization, use AUTH.
Replace MMDDYY with the approval date of the disputed transaction.
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Multiple Authorization Requests
Second Presentment Condition.One of the following:
1. The issuer-generated decline response included a value of 02 (Cannot approve at this time, try
again later) in DE 48 (Additional Data—Private Use), subelement 84 (Merchant Advice Code).
2. The issuer generated an approval response after previously declining the transaction.
3. For a card-not-present transaction, the merchant can prove that the cardholder resubmitted the
online order.
Time Frame.Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2008 (Issuer Authorized Transaction) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Supporting Documents. One of the following corresponding to the Second Presentment
1. None
2. None
3. Documentation supporting the merchant’s claim.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
One Authorization with Multiple Clearing Records
Second Presentment Condition. Both of the following:
One of the following indicators was present in DE 25 (Message Reason Code) of the First
Presentment/1240 message
1403 (Previously approved authorization—partial amount, multi-clearing)
1404 (Previously approved authorization—partial amount, final clearing)
The total of all clearing records submitted in connection with the approved authorization did not
exceed the approved amount
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2713 (Invalid Chargeback) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). One of the following, as applicable:
When the transaction authorization was identified as a preauthorization, use PREAUTH.
When the transaction authorization was not identified as a preauthorization, use AUTH.
Replace MMDDYY with the approval date of the disputed transaction.
CAT 3 Device or In-Flight Transaction Occurring in Taiwan
Second Presentment Condition. The PAN was not listed in the applicable Local Stoplist or Electronic
Warning Bulletin File on the date of the transaction and one of the following:
The transaction was properly identified in clearing as a CAT 3 terminal and the transaction amount
was equal to or less than the applicable maximum transaction amount.
The Transaction was properly identified in clearing as an In-Flight Transaction (whether at an
attended POS terminal or a Cardholder-Activated Terminal [CAT] 4 device) occurring in Taiwan and
the Transaction amount is equal to or less than TWD 8,000
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2707 (No authorization request required or attempted) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). Optionally: CAT 3 or In-Flight corresponding to the Second Presentment
Effective for transactions dated on or after 13 October 2017, this second presentment is not available
for any magnetic stripe transaction identified as occurring at a CAT 3 device.
Effective for Transactions occurring in Taiwan dated on or after 1 April 2019, this second presentment
is not available for any magnetic stripe Transaction identified as an In-Flight Transaction (whether at an
attended POS terminal or a Cardholder-Activated Terminal [CAT] 4 device).
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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Credit Previously Issued
Second Presentment Condition. The merchant issued a credit to the cardholder’s account.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2011 (Credit Previously Issued) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Supporting Documents. None
Replace MMDDYY with the date of the credit transaction.
Optionally, replace NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN with the Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) of
the credit transaction.
Additional Second Presentment Options
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Codes and Second Presentment Conditions. One of
the following:
One of the following for Dual Message System transactions:
2001—Invalid Acquirer Reference Data; Documentation was Received or was Not Required
The combination of Primary Account Number and Acquirer Reference Data contained in the
chargeback record does not match the information contained in the first presentment record.
2004—Invalid Acquirer Reference Data on Chargeback; Documentation was Received
The combination of Primary Account Number and Acquirer Reference Data contained in the
chargeback record does not match the information contained in the first presentment record.
2701—Duplicate Chargeback
The issuer processed a first chargeback for the same transaction more than once.
Mastercard recommends that the acquirer provides the processing date and chargeback
reference number of the original chargeback with its second presentment.
2702—Past Chargeback Time Limit
The issuer’s first chargeback is processed past the time frame specified for the chargeback.
2713—Invalid Chargeback
The first chargeback does not meet the prerequisites for the message reason code.
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
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Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. Not available for ATM transactions.
Arbitration Chargeback
The tables in this section detail the conditions under which an arbitration chargeback in
response to an acquirer’s second presentment may be processed.
General Arbitration Chargeback
Arbitration Chargeback Condition. The issuer continues to dispute the transaction.
When the merchant’s explanation remedied the original chargeback condition but that information
allowed the issuer to determine a new chargeback condition exists, then the issuer may continue the
chargeback by processing the arbitration chargeback using the requirements of the new chargeback
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4808 Authorization-related Chargeback
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. Replace 48XX with the valid chargeback message reason code.
Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) Does Not Match or is Invalid
Arbitration Chargeback Condition. One of the following:
1. When the issuer’s first chargeback didn’t include the ARD present in the first presentment, the
issuer must provide the correct ARD.
2. When the issuer’s first chargeback included the ARD present in the first chargeback, the issuer
must provide a copy of the first presentment as Supporting Documentation.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Authorization-related Chargeback
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IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Code. One of the following corresponding to the
Arbitration Chargeback Condition:
1. When the second presentment used message reason code 2001: 4905—Invalid Acquirer
Reference Data; Documentation was Not Received or Not Required
2. When the second presentment used message reason code 2004: 4908—Invalid Acquirer
Reference Data; Documentation Received
Supporting Documents. One of the following corresponding to the Arbitration Chargeback
1. None
2. A copy of the first presentment showing the ARD
Notes. None
Additional Arbitration Chargeback Options
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Codes and Arbitration Chargeback Conditions.
One of the following:
1. 4901—Required Documentation Not Received to Support Second Presentment
Required supporting documentation was not received.
An issuer must wait a minimum of eight calendar days from the second presentment before using
this message reason code.
An issuer can generate an arbitration chargeback with message reason code 4901 nine calendar
days from the second presentment and before the acquirer sends the supporting documentation.
The Mastercard Dispute Resolution staff will find the acquirer responsible when the acquirer files
an arbitration case.
The issuer must accept supporting documentation as long as the issuer has not processed an
arbitration chargeback.
2. 4902—Documentation Received was Illegible
Supporting documentation is illegible. The issuer’s arbitration chargeback will be considered
invalid should the Mastercard Dispute Resolution staff determine that the supporting
documentation is legible during an arbitration case filing.
3. 4903—Scanning error—Unrelated Documents or Partial Scan
Supporting documentation does not correspond to the transaction being charged back (for
example, the documentation concerns a different transaction) or is incomplete.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Authorization-related Chargeback
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback
This section provides information in handling a cardholder dispute chargeback. Use of the
cardholder dispute chargeback requires that the cardholder engaged in the transaction.
A Cardholder Dispute chargeback may be submitted when the cardholder contacted the
issuer alleging one of the following:
Goods or services were either not as described or defective, including shipped merchandise
was received damaged or not suitable for its intended purpose as well as the merchant
didn’t honor the terms and conditions of a contract
Goods or services were not provided
Digital goods were purchased totaling USD 25 or less and did not have adequate purchase
Credit not processed
Counterfeit goods alleged to be authentic were purchased
Recurring transaction canceled prior to billing
Addendum dispute or “no-show” hotel charge was billed
Purchase transaction did not complete
Timeshare agreement or similar service provision was canceled within Mastercard time
frame, regardless of the contractual terms
Credit posted as a purchase
A Cardholder Dispute chargeback must not be submitted for any of the following:
Payment Transactions and MoneySend Payment Transactions
The cash back amount or any portion of the cash back amount.
Mastercard Commercial Payments Account transaction. A Mastercard Commercial
Payments Account transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MAP
(Mastercard Commercial Payments Account) in the First Presentment/1240 message.
Failure to credit shipping or handling charges for buyer’s remorse cancellations or returns.
A retail sale processed as a cash disbursement. Customers must accept these transactions
and collect the difference in the interchange fee and cash directly from the acquirer. When
an issuer’s attempt to collect the difference directly from the acquirer proves unsuccessful,
the issuer should contact Global Customer Service.
Chargebacks are available to the issuer for transactions in which any value is purchased for
gambling, investment or similar purposes. However, issuers have no chargeback rights related
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
to the use of these chips or value, unspent chips, or withdrawal of such value, or on any
winnings, gains or losses resulting from the use of such chips or value.
Staged Digital Wallet. A transaction to fund a Staged Digital Wallet may be charged back if
the funds did not appear in the Staged Digital Wallet. Chargeback rights are not available for
any subsequent purchase of goods or service from a Staged Digital Wallet. Staged Digital
Wallet transactions are identified with a wallet identifier in DE 48 (Additional Data—Private
Use), subelement 26 (Wallet Program Data) Subfield 1—Wallet Identifier and in PDS 0207—
Wallet Identifier of the First Presentment/1240 Message.
Supporting Documents. Supporting Documents must be in English or accompanied by an
English translation unless both the issuer and the acquirer share a common language.
Supporting Documents must provide sufficient detail to enable all parties to understand the
nature of the dispute or rebuttal. Mastercard will determine whether the Supporting
Documents contain sufficient detail.
Supporting Documents must be provided using the MasterCom application.
Although Supporting Documents can be entered into MasterCom at any time before the next
cycle is processed, Supporting Documents must be entered into the MasterCom system within
eight calendar days of generating a chargeback or second presentment requiring Supporting
Documents to avoid liability for the disputed transaction solely for failing to provide
Supporting Documents (codes 2002 or 4901).
The cardholder email, cardholder letter, and/or cardholder message (including through a
password-protected website) must come directly from the cardholder or, in the case of a
commercial card, the corporate entity. A completed Dispute Resolution Form must be the
direct result of a conversation with the cardholder.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
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The tables in this section detail the conditions under which a Cardholder Dispute chargeback
may be processed.
Goods or Services Were Either Not as Described or Defective
Chargeback Condition. The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming all of the following:
The cardholder engaged in the transaction
The cardholder contacted the merchant, or attempted to contact the merchant, to resolve the
Merchant contact is optional when the cardholder is a corporate entity with a contractual
relationship with the merchant and the transaction is for an amount in excess of what is specified
in the contract. In such event the chargeback may be only for the amount of the excessive charge.
The merchant refused to adjust the price, repair or replace the goods or other things of value, or
issue a credit
For disputes involving goods: The cardholder returned the goods or informed the merchant the
goods were available for pickup
And one of the following:
When delivered from the merchant, the goods arrived broken or could not be used for the
intended purpose.
Goods and services did not conform to their description. Examples include, but are not limited to:
The cardholder claims that the quality or workmanship of the product is not as described.
The cardholder claims that the specified color, size, or quantity is not as described.
The merchant did not honor the terms and conditions of the contract with the cardholder
including, but not limited to, 100 percent money back guarantee, written promises, or return
Time Frame. One of the following:
120 days from when the services ceased with a maximum of 540 calendar days from the
transaction settlement date for issues of interruption of ongoing services
Between 15 and 120 calendar dates from the transaction settlement date
Between 15 and 120 calendar dates from the delivery/cancellation date of the goods or services.
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4853 (Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions
53 (Cardholder Dispute—Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed
on the Single Message System
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback
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Supporting Documents. Cardholder email, letter, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form—
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) describing the cardholder’s complaint in sufficient detail
to enable all parties to understand the dispute.
When the cardholder is a corporate entity with a contractual relationship with the merchant and the
transaction is for an amount in excess of what is specified in the contract, the contract must be
provided when the merchant wasn’t contacted in an effort to resolve the dispute.
Optionally, documentation from an expert or professional that supports the cardholder’s dispute about
the level of quality or misrepresentation.
Optionally, documentation that supports the cardholder’s dispute including, but not limited to, the
original receipt, invoice, work order, brochure, contract, or appraisal.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. This chargeback is not available when proper disclosure of the conditions of the goods is made
at the time of the sale, such as when goods are sold in “as is” condition.
Goods or Services Not Provided
Chargeback Condition. One of the following:
The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming both of the following:
The cardholder engaged in the transaction.
The purchased goods or services were not received.
Travel services arranged through an online travel agency or tour operator were not received and
the travel agency or tour operator is no longer in business.
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Time Frame.
In cases involving delayed delivery of goods or services and the delivery or performance date was
not specified by the merchant: the issuer must wait 30 calendar days from the transaction date
before submitting a chargeback and not to exceed 120 calendar days from the transaction
settlement date.
However, the issuer may charge back the transaction immediately (and not wait the 30 calendar
days) upon learning the merchant will not provide the goods or services because, for example, for
the merchant is no longer in business.
In cases involving delayed delivery of goods or services and the delivery or performance date was
specified by the merchant and the latest anticipated delivery or performance date was specified by
the merchant has passed: within 120 calendar days of the latest anticipated delivery or
performance date specified by the merchant.
However, the issuer may charge back the transaction immediately (and not wait until the latest
anticipated delivery or performance date has passed) upon learning the merchant will not provide
the goods or services because, for example, for the merchant is no longer in business.
In cases involving interruption of ongoing services, within 120 calendar days of the date the
cardholder becomes aware that the service ceased. A chargeback must not be processed after 540
calendar days from the Central Site Business Date of the first presentment.
In cases involving the purchase of a merchant-branded prepaid gift card without an expiration date
printed on the card and that merchant subsequently goes out of business, 540 calendar days from
the Central Site Business Date of the first presentment.
In cases involving the purchase of a merchant-branded prepaid gift card with an expiration date
printed on the card and that merchant subsequently goes out of business, 120 calendar days from
the expiration date printed on the card.
In all other cases: 120 calendar days from the transaction settlement date.
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4853 (Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions
53 (Cardholder Dispute—Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed
on the Single Message System
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, they will eventually be
4855 (Goods or Services Not Provided) for Dual Message System transactions
55 (Non-receipt of Merchandise) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single
Message System
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Supporting Documents. Cardholder email, letter, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form—
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) must include both of the following:
A description of the cardholder’s complaint in sufficient detail to enable all parties to understand
the dispute
A reasonably specific description of the goods/services purchased
For disputes involving a transaction performed by an online travel agency or tour operator that is no
longer in business at the time of the chargeback: an email, letter, or completed Dispute Resolution
Form—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) provided by the individual or corporate entity
requesting the travel arrangements from the online travel agency or tour operator that includes all of
the following:
A description of the complaint in sufficient detail to enable all parties to understand the dispute
A reasonably specific description of the goods/services purchased
DE 72 (Data Record). None
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This chargeback applies when the cardholder receives an empty box or a box containing worthless
items, such as a brick or a stack of paper.
Interruption of ongoing services
The issuer must only charge back an amount representing the services not received by the cardholder.
When an end date was not defined, then the issuer must calculate the prorated amount based upon
18 months.
For example, the cardholder purchased a lifetime membership for USD 1,000. The merchant goes out
of business after three months. The amount to be charged back is USD 833 (USD 1,000 divided by 18
months = USD 55 per month. 18 months minus 3 months = 15. USD 55 * 15 = USD 833.)
This chargeback does not apply when:
The cardholder has taken possession of the merchandise from the merchant and subsequently
makes arrangements to have the merchandise shipped by a third party.
The goods are being held in customs for unpaid duty or customs fees. The cardholder is obligated
to pay the appropriate fees.
The merchant delivered the merchandise and the cardholder refused to accept delivery.
The cardholder signed a waiver absolving the merchant from responsibility when the merchandise
is not received.
For example: A cardholder purchases vases and arranges with the merchant to have the vases
shipped to the United States. At the time of purchase, the cardholder signs a waiver form that
never arrive, and the cardholder contacts the merchant. The merchant provides documentation to
show that the merchandise was shipped. By signing the waiver, the cardholder absolved the
merchant of liability for merchandise that the cardholder did not receive.
The cardholder declined insurance.
For example: The merchant provides the cardholder with an opportunity to purchase insurance on
the merchandise to be delivered. Normally, such insurance stipulates that the cardholder must
initiate claims that limit the merchant responsibility to the presenting documentation that verifies
shipment or dispatch. The merchant should provide a signed waiver of liability obtained from the
cardholder when the cardholder declined to purchase insurance, along with documentation that
shows that the merchant shipped the merchandise.
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Failed Travel Merchant—Intra-EEA and Domestic European Transactions Only
Chargeback Condition.
For Intra-EEA and domestic European Transactions, when the cardholder contacted the issuer claiming
a travel service has not, or will not, be provided, and when the merchant is seeking protection from
creditors, insolvent, bankrupt or in liquidation, at least one of the following conditions must be met:
1. The travel service was covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local law,
and one of the following:
The cardholder (or traveler) requested reimbursement from the bonding authority or similar
scheme and did not receive it, or the claim was declined.
For Swedish Domestic Transactions: no additional requirement. The cardholder (or traveler) is
not obligated to request reimbursement from a bonding authority or similar scheme prior to
the issuer raising a chargeback. The cardholder (or traveler) does not need to request
reimbursement from the bonding authority or similar scheme if the merchant, bonding
authority or similar scheme publicly states that the bond is insufficient prior to the chargeback.
2. The travel service was not covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local
law, or neither the issuer nor the cardholder after reasonable effort can determine whether the
travel service was covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local law.
Time Frame. One of the following:
1. Maximum 150 calendar days from the latest expected service date, whether the bonding
authority or similar scheme responded or not. The issuer must wait at least 30 calendar days from
the date the request was sent prior to processing a chargeback, unless a negative response was
received, in which case, the chargeback may be processed upon receipt of the negative reply.
The following exceptions apply:
For German Domestic Transactions: Maximum 240 calendar days from the latest expected
service date, whether the bonding authority or similar scheme responded or not. The issuer
must wait at least 60 calendar days from the date the request was sent prior to processing a
chargeback, unless a negative response was received, in which case, the chargeback may be
processed upon receipt of the negative reply.
For Polish Domestic Transactions: Maximum 540 calendar days from the Central Site Business
Date, whether the bonding authority or similar scheme responded or not. The issuer must wait
at least 60 calendar days from the date the request was sent prior to processing a chargeback,
unless a negative response was received, in which case, the chargeback may be processed
upon receipt of the negative reply.
For Swedish Domestic Transactions: Maximum 120 calendar days from the latest expected
service date.
2. Maximum 120 calendar days after from the expected service date.
In all cases, the issuer does not have to wait for the latest expected service date before processing
the chargeback. A chargeback may be processed immediately upon learning the travel services
will not be provided to the cardholder (or traveler). The issuer is still obliged to meet all other
applicable chargeback requirements, such as a request for reimbursement from the bonding
authority or similar scheme.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Message Reason Code.
4853 (Cardholder Dispute—Defective/Not as Described) for Dual Message System transactions
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, it will eventually be replaced
by 4853:
4855 (Goods or Services Not Provided) for Dual Message System transactions
4859 (German Domestic Rule - Card Acceptor Unwilling or Unable to Render Services) for Dual
Message System transactions
Supporting Documents.
Cardholder email, letter, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form—Cardholder Dispute
Chargeback (Form 1221) must include all of the following:
A description of the cardholder’s complaint in sufficient detail to enable all parties to understand
the dispute.
A reasonably specific description of the travel services purchased. For example, for flights: relevant
airlines, flight numbers, origin/destination details, dates/times, passenger names, ticket/
confirmation numbers, and so on.
If Chargeback Condition 1 is applicable (except Swedish Domestic Transactions): evidence of the
bonding authority or similar scheme’s response to the cardholder’s (or traveler’s) claim, or proof of
bond insufficiency. If the cardholder (or traveler) requested reimbursement and did not receive a
response, then a copy of the request for reimbursement. A detailed cardholder (or traveler)
explanation is permitted if such documentation is not available.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
When the transaction is neither Intra-EEA nor domestic European, the applicable global rules apply,
namely Cardholder Dispute - Services Not Provided (reason code 4853). Bonding authority
requirements do not apply to such chargebacks.
If partial travel services have already been provided, the chargeback amount should be prorated to
reflect only the travel services not provided. If the cardholder (or traveler) has received partial
reimbursement from a bonding authority or similar scheme, the chargeback should also be prorated
to reflect the reimbursement.
If the acquirer provides specific evidence of bond coverage in a second presentment, the issuer must
instruct the cardholder (or traveler) to request reimbursement prior to an arbitration chargeback. The
arbitration chargeback is permitted if the reimbursement claim is declined or there is no
reimbursement after 30 calendar days from the date the request was sent. The reimbursement request
does not extend the arbitration chargeback timeframe, so the issuer should make a good-faith effort
to determine bond coverage prior to the initial chargeback.
For the avoidance of doubt, Mastercard does not consider the following the equivalent of a bonding
authority or similar scheme: 1) reimbursement that an issuer is legally required to provide to their
cardholder, 2) a cardholder’s (or traveler’s) personal or corporate travel insurance policy, and/or 3)
legally required compensation already paid or due to the cardholder (or traveler) by the merchant that
is separate from the purchase price. This list is not exhaustive.
If the travel service was paid for by a travel agency or tour operator as the cardholder, a cardholder (or
traveler) request for reimbursement from a bonding authority or similar scheme is still required if a
bond exists.
Digital Goods Purchase of USD 25 or Less
Digital goods are goods that are stored, delivered, and used in electronic format, such as, by
way of example but not limitation, books, newspapers, magazines, music, games, game
pieces, and software (excludes gift cards).
The delivery of digital goods purchased in a transaction may occur on a one-time or
subscription basis.
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Chargeback Condition. The cardholder contacted the issuer alleging both of the following:
Digital goods were purchased in an e-commerce transaction that was less than or equal to USD 25
(or the local currency equivalent)
The merchant did not offer the cardholder purchase control settings.
In addition, all of the following:
The cardholder's account is not closed
The cardholder's account is in good standing with no associated fraudulent transactions
The issuer must determine, based on a challenge of the cardholder, that prior to the date(s) of the
disputed transaction(s), the cardholder had provided card information to the merchant in order to
establish an account that could be used for future digital goods purchases, but the merchant did
not offer or establish the following minimum purchase controls in connection with the use of that
The option, enabled as a default setting, for the cardholder to disable all digital goods
The time period during which a digital goods purchase can be made on the cardholder’s
account with the merchant (the “account open” period) must not exceed 15 minutes from the
time at which the cardholder enters account authentication credentials; and
Allowing the cardholder to confirm or to cancel the clearly displayed total transaction amount
of each pending digital goods purchase before completion of the transaction.
The issuer is advised to ask the following questions when challenging the cardholder and to educate
the cardholder on the use of purchase control settings:
1. Was the cardholder given the option to disable all digital goods purchases on the account?
2. Did the cardholder agree (such as by checking a box) to permit digital goods purchases to be
made without the entry of a password or other form of authentication?
3. When the cardholder was required to enter authentication credentials to use the account, was the
cardholder prompted to re-enter the credentials after a period of inactivity? When known, did
that period exceed 15 minutes?
4. Did the merchant site afford the cardholder the option to confirm or to cancel each purchase?
5. Did the cardholder receive notification (such as via email, text, or other means) promptly after
each purchase was completed?
Time Frame
Within 120 calendar days of the transaction settlement date
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Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4853 (Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions
53 (Cardholder Dispute—Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed
on the Single Message System
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, they will eventually be
4841 (Canceled Recurring or Digital Goods Transactions) for Dual Message System transactions
41 (Canceled Recurring Transaction) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single
Message System
Supporting Documents. Cardholder email, letter, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form—
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) describing the cardholder’s purchase control complaint in
sufficient detail to enable all parties to understand the dispute.
In addition, for batched chargebacks: A list of the ARDs and the amount of each disputed transaction.
DE 72 (Data Record). DIGITAL GOODS.
For batched chargebacks: DIGITAL GOODS NNN
Notes. Replace NNN with the number of items being charged back.
This chargeback is not available for fraud disputes.
Batching Digital Goods Transactions
Multiple disputed transactions may be combined into one chargeback message, this is called batching.
The batching option is only available when the PAN, merchant name and acquirer are the same for all
of the disputed transactions being included in the batch.
Each individual disputed transaction included in the batch must be within the chargeback time frame.
The chargeback must be processed using an ARD from one of the disputed transaction included the
The chargeback must be processed for the total amount of all the disputed transactions included in
the batch.
Each transaction in the batch must be less than or equal to USD 25 or the local currency equivalent.
The total amount of all transactions in the batch must not exceed USD 250 or the local currency
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
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Credit Not Processed
Chargeback Condition. The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming one of the following:
The merchant failed to disclose its refund policy at the time of the transaction and is unwilling to
accept a return or cancellation of goods or services
The merchant has not responded to the return or the cancellation of goods or services
The merchant posted a credit for a reduced amount without proper disclosure
The merchant failed to issue a Value Added Tax (VAT) credit
Time Frame. One of the following:
120 calendar days from the transaction date for a VAT credit.
Between 15 and 120 calendar days from the date on the credit documentation, or the date the
service was canceled, or the goods were returned.
When waiting the 15 calendar days would cause the issuer to exceed the 120 calendar day time
frame, the issuer may chargeback the transaction earlier than 15 calendar days.
When the credit documentation is dated, the 120-day chargeback time frame counts the date on
the credit documentation as day zero.
When the credit documentation is undated, the 120-day time frame counts the date on the
cardholder letter, email, message, or Dispute Resolution Form—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback
(Form 1221) as day zero.
When the cardholder letter is undated, the chargeback time frame counts the receipt date of the
documentation by the issuer as day zero.
The issuer can immediately charge back the transaction upon receiving one of the following forms
of credit documentation:
A letter from the merchant advising the issuer to obtain credit using a chargeback
Proof of an improperly disclosed in-store credit
A TID voided by the merchant
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4853 (Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions
53 (Cardholder Dispute—Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed
on the Single Message System
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, they will eventually be
4860 (Credit Not Processed) for Dual Message System transactions
60 (Credit Not Processed) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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Supporting Documents. One of the following:
A cardholder letter, email, message, or Dispute Resolution Form—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback
(Form 1221) describing the cardholder’s complaint in sufficient detail to enable all parties to
understand the dispute
Merchant documentation to support a credit is due to the cardholder
Proof of an improperly disclosed in-store credit and cardholder explanation
DE 72 (Data Record). For improperly disclosed partial credit only:
Replace NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN with the Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) of the credit
Proper Disclosure
Merchants that are unwilling to accept buyer’s remorse returns and cancellations or that want to have
special terms including (but not limited to) restocking fees or in-store credits, must disclose these
terms at the time of the transaction. The cardholder must be informed of the refund policy as
described in the Transaction Processing Rules, section 3.11 Specific Terms of Transaction. Failure to
disclose a refund policy will result in the merchant’s requirement to accept the goods for return and
issue a credit.
When the merchant informed the cardholder of its refund policy at the time of purchase, the
cardholder must abide by that policy. For example, the cardholder’s sales slip clearly indicates that the
refund policy is “in-store credit only” or “no refunds.”
Counterfeit Goods
“Counterfeit” means that the goods were not produced by an authorized manufacturer of
the goods and therefore infringe on intellectual property rights.
Chargeback Condition. The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming both of the following:
The cardholder engaged in the transaction.
The cardholder claims that the goods were purported to be genuine, but were counterfeit.
Time Frame. One of the following:
120 calendar days from the Central Site Business
When the transaction involved delayed delivery: 120 calendar days from the date the goods and
services were received
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4853 (Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions
53 (Cardholder Dispute— Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed
on the Single Message System
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Supporting Documents. A cardholder letter, email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form
—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) describing the cardholder’s complaint in sufficient
detail to enable all parties to understand the dispute and the disposition of the goods. Examples of
disposition include but are not limited to:
The goods are in the possession of a governmental agency, such as customs
The goods are in the possession of the cardholder
The cardholder discarded the goods
The cardholder returned the goods to the merchant
DE 72 (Data Record). Optionally: COUNTERFEIT
Notes. None
Cardholder Dispute of a Recurring Transaction
A recurring transaction allows for continuous billing without a specified end date.
Chargeback Condition. The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming one of the following:
The cardholder notified the merchant to cancel the recurring transaction and the merchant
continued to bill the cardholder.
The cardholder was not aware that the cardholder was agreeing to a recurring transaction.
Time Frame. Within 120 calendar days of the transaction settlement date.
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4853 (Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions
53 (Cardholder Dispute—Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed
on the Single Message System
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, they will eventually be
4841 (Canceled Recurring or Digital Goods Transactions) for Dual Message System transactions
41 (Canceled Recurring Transaction) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single
Message System
Supporting Documents. A cardholder letter, email, message, or completed Dispute Resolution Form
—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) describing the cardholder’s complaint in sufficient
detail to enable all parties to understand the dispute.
In addition for batched chargebacks, a list of the ARDs and the amount of each disputed transaction.
Required for batched chargebacks as described below in Notes. The issuer must replace NNN with the
number of items being charged back.
Data record optional for all other chargebacks.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Proper Disclosure of Terms and Conditions
Terms and conditions for recurring transactions must be clearly detailed to the cardholder. Recurring
transaction terms and conditions must be separate and distinct from general terms and conditions of
Batching MCC 4816 or 5967 Transactions
Multiple disputed transactions may be combined into one chargeback message, this is called batching.
The batching option is only available when the PAN, merchant name and acquirer are the same for all
of the disputed transactions being included in the batch.
All of the disputed transactions must be encoded with either MCC 4816 or 5967
Each individual dispute transaction included in the batch must be within the chargeback time frame.
The chargeback must be processed using an ARD from one of the disputed transaction included the
The chargeback must be processed for the total amount of all the disputed transactions included in
the batch.
The issuer must include:
A list of the disputed transactions, including the Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) and amount of
each disputed transaction.
The following text in DE 72: MULTIPLE TRANSACTIONS NNN
The issuer must replace NNN with the number of items being charged back.
Issuer Dispute of a Recurring Transaction
Chargeback Condition. One of the following:
1. The issuer listed the account in the Payment Cancellation Service (PCS) prior to the disputed
transaction occurring.
2. The issuer previously charged back a disputed recurring transaction with the same PAN and
3. The issuer previously notified the merchant or acquirer to cancel the recurring transaction prior to
the disputed transaction occurring.
Time Frame. Within 120 calendar days of the transaction settlement date.
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Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4853 (Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions
53 (Cardholder Dispute—Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed
on the Single Message System
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, they will eventually be
4841 (Canceled Recurring or Digital Goods Transactions) for Dual Message System transactions
41 (Canceled Recurring Transaction) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single
Message System
Supporting Documents. One of the following correspond to the Chargeback Condition:
1. None
2. One of the following:
A new cardholder letter, email, message, or Dispute Resolution Form—Cardholder Dispute
Chargeback (Form 1221) stating that the merchant was notified of the cancellation before the
disputed transaction.
The original cardholder letter, email, message, or Dispute Resolution Form—Cardholder
Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) from the original chargeback disputing a recurring
transaction stating that the merchant was notified of the cancellation before the disputed
3. Issuer certification letter stating that the merchant was notified of the cancellation before the
disputed transaction.
DE 72 (Data Record). One of the following correspond to the Chargeback Condition:
3. None
Notes. One of the following correspond to the Chargeback Condition:
1. Replace MMDDYY with the date the PAN was listed in the Payment Cancellation Service (PCS).
2. Replace MMDDYY with the date of the original chargeback for Cardholder Dispute of a
Recurring Transaction (refer to the previous table) which contained the cardholder’s letter, email,
message or completed Dispute Resolution Form describing the cardholder’s dispute.
Replace XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with the Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) of the
original chargeback for Cardholder Dispute of a Recurring Transaction (refer to the previous table)
which contained the cardholder’s letter, email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form
describing the cardholder’s dispute.
3. None
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Addendum Dispute
An addendum dispute is the dispute of a separate transaction that occurs after a valid
transaction involving the same merchant and the same cardholder.
Chargeback Condition. The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming all of the following:
The cardholder engaged in a valid transaction with the merchant.
A subsequent transaction occurred with that same merchant without the cardholder’s consent.
The cardholder contacted the merchant, or attempted to contact the merchant, to resolve the
Merchant contact is optional when the cardholder is a corporate entity with a contractual
relationship with the merchant and the transaction is for an amount in excess of what is specified
in the contract. In such event the chargeback may be only for the amount of the excessive charge.
Time Frame. 120 calendar days of the Central Site Business Date of the disputed subsequent
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4853 (Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions
53 (Cardholder Dispute—Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed
on the Single Message System
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, they will eventually be
4859 (Addendum, No-show, or ATM Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions
59 (Services Not Rendered) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message
Supporting Documents. A cardholder letter, email, message, or completed Dispute Resolution Form
—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) describing the cardholder’s complaint in sufficient
detail to enable all parties to understand the dispute. “Sufficient detail” includes:
The cardholder engaged in a valid transaction with the merchant.
A subsequent transaction occurred with that same merchant without the cardholder’s consent.
The cardholder contacted the merchant, or attempted to contact the merchant, to resolve the
Merchant contact is optional when the cardholder is a corporate entity with a contractual
relationship with the merchant and the transaction is for an amount in excess of what is specified
in the contract. In such event the chargeback may be only for the amount of the excessive charge.
When the cardholder is a corporate entity with a contractual relationship with the merchant and the
transaction is for an amount in excess of what is specified in the contract, the contract must be
provided when the merchant wasn’t contacted in an effort to resolve the dispute.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
The right to charge back the disputed amount is not dependent on the method of payment for the
original transaction. For example, the cardholder may have paid cash for the accepted transaction, but
the disputed subsequent transaction was applied to the Mastercard card because the cardholder
presented the Mastercard card to the merchant to guarantee the service.
A cardholder is not responsible for a charge representing loss, theft, or damage unless the transaction
was completed as described in the Transaction Processing Rules, section 3.12 Charges for Loss, Theft,
or Damage—Mastercard POS Transactions Only.
Cardholders are responsible for valid addendum charges. Examples include, but are not limited to:
meals that were signed for by the cardholder but not included in the final hotel folio or for parking
tickets/traffic fines issued while the vehicle was in the cardholder’s possession.
“No-Show” Hotel Charge
Chargeback Condition. The cardholder contacted the issuer to dispute a “no-show” hotel charge
from a merchant that participates in the Mastercard Guaranteed Reservations Service (described in
Appendix E, Lodging Merchant Services) and alleged one of the following:
1. The cardholder canceled the reservation
2. The cardholder used the accommodations
3. The merchant provided alternate accommodations. For example, the cardholder arrived at the
hotel and no room was available. Although the hotel arranged for accommodations at another
hotel, the merchant billed the cardholder in error.
4. The “no-show” charge differed from the rate quoted to the cardholder. Under these
circumstances, only the difference between the two charges can be charged back.
5. The merchant did not advise the cardholder that the merchant would charge a “no-show” fee.
Time Frame. 120 calendar days within the Central Site Business Date.
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4853 (Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions
53 (Cardholder Dispute—Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed
on the Single Message System
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, they will eventually be
4859 (Addendum, No-show, or ATM Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions
59 (Services Not Rendered) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
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Supporting Documents. A cardholder letter, email, message, or completed Dispute Resolution Form
—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) and one of the following corresponding to the
Chargeback Condition:
1. When available, cancellation number
2. The issuer must provide the ARD of the transactions that represent the actual use of the
accommodations. When the cardholder used the accommodations but did not use his or her
credit card for payment, the issuer must provide verification of the alternate form of payment,
such as a cash receipt or canceled check.
3. No additional documentation is required
4. No additional documentation is required
5. No additional documentation is required
DE 72 (Data Record). When the “no-show” charge differed from the rate quoted to the cardholder,
one of the following:
When the “no-show” charge differed from the rate quoted to the cardholder, the issuer must:
Replace XXX with the three-digit ISO currency code of the transaction currency in which the rate
was quoted
Replace NNNN with the rate quoted expressed in that currency
Transaction Did Not Complete
Chargeback Condition. The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming all of the following:
The cardholder engaged in the transaction
The cardholder claims the disputed transaction failed to complete
The cardholder did not use the goods or services
Time Frame. 120 calendar days from the transaction settlement date.
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4853 (Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions
53 (Cardholder Dispute—Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed
on the Single Message System
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, they will eventually be
4855 (Goods or Services Not Provided) for Dual Message System transactions
55 (Non-receipt of Merchandise) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single
Message System
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Supporting Documents. Cardholder email, letter, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form-
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) describing the cardholder’s complaint in sufficient detail
to enable all parties to understand the dispute.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Chargeback Condition. The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder canceled
the timeshare or similar provision of services within the Mastercard time frame, regardless of the
contractual terms.
Time Frame. 120 calendar days from the cancellation date.
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4853 (Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions
53 (Cardholder Dispute—Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed
on the Single Message System
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, they will eventually be
4860 (Credit Not Processed) for Dual Message System transactions
60 (Credit Not Processed) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message
Retrieval Request. No
Supporting Documents. A cardholder letter, email, message, or Dispute Resolution Form—
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) is required when the cardholder made a transaction for a
timeshare or any similar provision of services and canceled the agreement within
90 calendar days of the agreement date for intra-European and inter-European transactions
14 calendar days of the agreement date for all other transactions
DE 72 (Data Record). TIMESHARE
Notes. None
Credit Posted as a Purchase
Chargeback Condition. The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder account
has been inaccurately posted with a debit instead of a credit.
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Time Frame. 120 calendar days from the transaction settlement date.
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4853 (Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions
53 (Cardholder Dispute—Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed
on the Single Message System
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, they will eventually be
4860 (Credit Not Processed) for Dual Message System transactions
60 (Credit Not Processed) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. The chargeback amount can be up to twice the original transaction amount to offset the error.
The issuer should then correctly credit the cardholder’s account.
Second Presentment
The tables in this section detail the conditions under which a second presentment in response
to a Cardholder Dispute chargeback may be processed.
PAN Mismatch. The Primary Account Number (PAN) in chargeback supporting
documentation may differ from the PAN included by the acquirer in the clearing record. As a
result, a difference in PANs must not be the sole reason for an acquirer’s second presentment.
General Second Presentment
Second Presentment Condition. The acquirer can provide evidence in response to the cardholder’s
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied) for Dual Message System
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
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Supporting Documents. The merchant’s explanation and documentation.
When the Second Presentment is in response to a First Chargeback for an Addendum Dispute the
acquirer must provide proof the transaction was completed as described in the Transaction Processing
Rules, section 3.12 Charges for Loss, Theft, or Damage—Mastercard POS Transactions Only.
When the Second Presentment is in response to a First Chargeback for Credit Not Processed, the
acquirer must provide documentation that proper disclosure was made in accordance with the
Transaction Processing Rules, section 3.11 Specific Terms of a Transaction.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. A merchant or acquirer statement that the cardholder never contacted the merchant to cancel
the recurring transaction is not a valid second presentment.
Failed Travel Merchant—Intra-EEA and Domestic European Transactions Only
Second Presentment Condition. The acquirer can provide evidence in response to the cardholder’s
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code.
2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied) for Dual Message System
Supporting Documents. One of the following:
Proof that the cardholder (or traveler) received reimbursement from the merchant, a bonding
authority or similar scheme according to local law.
The merchant’s explanation and documentation showing that the travel services paid for will be
provided or were available to the cardholder (or traveler).
The merchant’s explanation and documentation, specifically documenting that the travel services
are covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local law and that the
cardholder (or traveler) has recourse to collect reimbursement. Instructions on how to request
reimbursement must be provided. An acquirer statement that a bonding authority or similar
scheme exists is not sufficient by itself. This remedy is not applicable to Swedish Domestic
DE 72 (Data Record). None.
Notes. A merchant or acquirer statement that the cardholder never contacted the bonding authority
or similar scheme to request reimbursement is not a valid basis for a second presentment.
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Digital Goods Purchase of USD 25 or Less
Second Presentment Condition. The acquirer can substantiate that the merchant offered at least
the following minimum purchase controls at the time of the transaction or transactions (in the case of
multiple transactions charged back in a batch).
The option, enabled as a default setting, for the cardholder to disable all digital goods purchases;
The time period during which a digital goods purchase can be made on the cardholder’s account
with the merchant (the “account open” period) must not exceed 15 minutes from the time at
which the cardholder enters account authentication credentials; and
Allowing the cardholder to confirm or to cancel the clearly displayed total transaction amount of
each pending digital goods purchase before completion of the transaction.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied) for Dual Message System
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Supporting Documents. Documentation to support that the chargeback is remedied or invalid (for
example, website screen images).
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Credit Previously Issued
Second Presentment Condition. The merchant issued a credit to the cardholder’s account.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2011 (Credit Previously Issued) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Supporting Documents. For Intra-European and Inter-European transactions, one of the following:
1. When the credit was processed to the cardholder’s Mastercard account: None
2. When the credit was processed by other means: Compelling evidence showing the credit was
For all other transactions: None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
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DE 72 (Data Record). For Intra-European and Inter-European transactions, one of the following
corresponding to the Supporting Documents:
For all other transactions: MMDDYY ARD
This second presentment is not available for ATM transactions.
Replace MMDDYY with the date of the credit transaction.
Optionally, replace ARD with the Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) of the credit transaction.
Replace XXXXXXXXXXXX with the means by which the credit was processed. Examples include, but
are not limited to: bank transfer, store credit, check.
An Inter-European Transaction is defined as: A Transaction completed using a Card issued in a
country or territory listed in Single European Payments Area (SEPA) at a Terminal located in a country
or territory listed in Non-Single European Payments Area (Non-SEPA) or Transaction completed using a
Card issued in a country or territory listed in Non-Single European Payments Area (Non-SEPA) at a
Terminal located in a country or territory listed in Single European Payments Area (SEPA).
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Additional Second Presentment Options
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Codes and Second Presentment Conditions. One of
the following:
One of the following for Dual Message System transactions:
2001—Invalid Acquirer Reference Data; Documentation was Received or was Not Required
The combination of Primary Account Number and Acquirer Reference Data contained in the
chargeback record does not match the information contained in the first presentment record.
2002—Non-receipt of Required Documentation to Support Chargeback Required supporting
documentation not received.
An acquirer must wait a minimum of eight calendar days from the first chargeback before using
this message reason code. Mastercard will block the Arbitration Chargeback when an acquirer
second presents with message reason code 2002 after eight calendar days from the first
chargeback and before the issuer sends the supporting documentation. The acquirer must
accept supporting documentation as long as the acquirer has not processed a second
2004—Invalid Acquirer Reference Data on Chargeback; Documentation was Received
The combination of Primary Account Number and Acquirer Reference Data contained in the
chargeback record does not match the information contained in the first presentment record.
2701—Duplicate Chargeback
The issuer processed a first chargeback for the same transaction more than once.
Mastercard recommends that the acquirer provides the processing date and chargeback
reference number of the original chargeback with its second presentment.
2702—Past Chargeback Time Limit
The issuer’s first chargeback is processed past the time frame specified for the chargeback.
2704—Invalid Data Record Text
Text required to appear in the first chargeback’s DE 72 (Data Record) is missing or incomplete.
2709—Documentation Received was Illegible Supporting documentation is illegible.
The acquirer’s second presentment will be considered invalid should Mastercard Dispute
Resolution Management staff determine that the supporting documentation is legible during
an arbitration case filing.
2710—Scanning Error—Unrelated Documents or Partial Scan
Supporting documentation does not correspond to the transaction being charged back (for
example, the documentation concerns a different transaction) or is incomplete.
2713—Invalid Chargeback
The first chargeback does not meet the prerequisites for the message reason code.
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
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DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Arbitration Chargeback
The tables in this section detail the conditions under which an arbitration chargeback in
response to a second presentment may be processed.
General Arbitration Chargeback
Arbitration Chargeback Condition. The cardholder continues to dispute the transaction.
When the merchant’s explanation remedied the original chargeback condition but that information
allowed the issuer to determine a new chargeback condition exists, then the issuer may continue the
chargeback by processing the arbitration chargeback using the requirements of the new chargeback
condition. For example, the first chargeback was for merchandise not received, the second
presentment includes proof that delivery occurred after the first chargeback was processed, the
cardholder now claims that the merchandise arrived damaged. The arbitration chargeback must meet
the conditions for Goods or Services were either Not as Described or Defective.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date.
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Code. 4853 (Cardholder Dispute)
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback
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Supporting Documents. A new cardholder letter, email, message, or Dispute Resolution Form—
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) dated after the second presentment and specifically
addressing the Merchant’s explanation.
In addition:
For disputes involving Good or Services were Not as Described or Defective: When not
provided with the first chargeback, documentation from an expert or professional that supports
the cardholder’s dispute about the level of quality or misrepresentation may be required when the
validity of the dispute is challenged by the merchant. Other documentation necessary to support
the validity of the dispute may include, but is not limited to, the original receipt, invoice, work
order, brochure, contract, or appraisal.
For disputes involving Counterfeit: When not provided with the first chargeback, one of the
Documentation provided by a person purporting to be the owner or authorized representative
of the owner of intellectual property rights for the goods purported to be counterfeit (which
documentation may be available from a website) substantiating that the goods purchased are
counterfeit; or
Documentation substantiating that the merchant that sold the purported counterfeit goods
was closed by a governmental agency for selling counterfeit goods now purported by the
cardholder to be counterfeit; or
Documentation from a bona fide expert substantiating that the disputed goods are counterfeit,
which documentation is on the expert’s letterhead or validated by other information
demonstrating that the opinion expressed is that of an expert.
Additionally, Mastercard requests that the issuer report the cardholder’s allegation of an intellectual
property rights infringement with an email to:
For disputes involving Credit Not Processed: When the original cardholder letter, email,
message, or Dispute Resolution Form—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) included in
the first chargeback states that the cardholder returned the merchandise and the merchant denies
receiving the merchandise in the second presentment, the issuer must then obtain proof that the
merchandise was returned to and received by the merchant to accompany the arbitration
For disputes involving Goods or Services Were Not Provided: One of the following:
When the second presentment documentation includes a signed delivery receipt, the new
cardholder letter, email, message, or completed Dispute Resolution Form—Cardholder Dispute
Chargeback (Form 1221) must state the signature on the delivery receipt is not the cardholder’s
signature or the signature of any person authorized by the cardholder.
When the second presentment documentation stated that paper airline tickets were issued, the
new cardholder letter, email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form—Cardholder
Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) must explain the disposition of the paper airline tickets by
clearly stating that the airline tickets are no longer in the cardholder’s possession and how the
airline tickets were disposed (for example, the airline tickets were discarded, destroyed,
returned to the issuer, returned to the travel agency, or disposed in some other manner).
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
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None, when all of the following:
The dispute was not for paper airline tickets
The second presentment documentation included a delivery receipt dated before the
original cardholder letter
The delivery receipt was not signed by the cardholder, or a person authorized by the
For disputes involving a “No-show” Hotel Charge: When the original cardholder letter, email,
message, or completed Dispute Resolution Form—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221)
included in the first chargeback did not include a cancellation number and the acquirer processed
a second presentment that states one the following:
The hotel has a formal Guaranteed Reservation Program that includes the issuance of
confirmation and cancellation numbers.
The hotel has no record of the cancellation. The cardholder must provide proof of merchant
contact within the cancellation time frame required by the Guaranteed Reservation Service
program (such as a copy of a phone bill indicating that a call was made to the merchant before
18:00 [merchant’s local time] on the date of the reservation).
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. The new cardholder letter, email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form—Cardholder
Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) must be dated after the second presentment and must specifically
address the rebuttal provided with the second presentment.
Failed Travel Merchant—Intra-EEA and Domestic European Transactions Only
Arbitration Chargeback Condition. The Cardholder continues to dispute the Transaction
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date.
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Code.
4853 (Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described) for Dual Message System transactions.
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, they will eventually be
replaced by 4853:
4855 (Goods or Services Not Provided) for Dual Message System transactions
4859 (German Domestic Rule - Card Acceptor Unwilling or Unable to Render Services) for Dual
Message System transactions
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback
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Supporting Documents. A new Cardholder letter, email, message, or Dispute Resolution Form—
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) dated after the second presentment and specifically
addressing the Merchant’s explanation.
When the Acquirer fulfilled the requirements for a valid second presentment, in particular by
documenting that the travel services were covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according
to local law, then evidence of the bonding authority or similar scheme’s response to the Cardholder’s
(or traveler’s) claim, or proof of bond insufficiency must be provided. If the Cardholder (or traveler)
requested reimbursement and did not receive a response after 30 calendar days from the date the
request was sent, then a copy of the request for reimbursement must be provided. A detailed
Cardholder (or traveler) explanation is permitted if such documentation is not available.
DE 72 (Data Record). None.
Notes. A request for reimbursement from a bonding authority or similar scheme is not required for
Swedish domestic transactions.
Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) Does Not Match or is Invalid
Arbitration Chargeback Condition. One of the following:
1. When the issuer’s first chargeback didn’t include the ARD present in the first presentment, the
issuer must provide the correct ARD.
2. When the issuer’s first chargeback included the ARD present in the first chargeback, the issuer
must provide a copy of the first presentment as Supporting Documentation.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Code. One of the following corresponding to the
Arbitration Chargeback Condition:
1. When the second presentment used message reason code 2001: 4905—Invalid Acquirer
Reference Data; Documentation was Not Received or Not Required
2. When the second presentment used message reason code 2004: 4908—Invalid Acquirer
Reference Data; Documentation Received
Supporting Documents. One of the following corresponding to the Arbitration Chargeback
1. None
2. A copy of the first presentment showing the ARD
Notes. None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Additional Arbitration Chargeback Options
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Codes and Arbitration Chargeback Conditions.
One of the following:
1. 4901—Required Documentation Not Received to Support Second Presentment Required
supporting documentation was not received.
An issuer must wait a minimum of eight calendar days from the second presentment before using
this message reason code.
An issuer can generate an arbitration chargeback with message reason code 4901 nine calendar
days from the second presentment and before the acquirer sends the supporting documentation.
Mastercard Dispute Resolution Management staff will find the acquirer responsible when the
acquirer files an arbitration case.
The issuer must accept supporting documentation as long as the issuer has not processed an
arbitration chargeback.
2. 4902—Documentation Received was Illegible Supporting documentation is illegible.
The issuer’s arbitration chargeback will be considered invalid should Mastercard Dispute
Resolution Management staff determine that the supporting documentation is legible during an
arbitration case filing.
3. 4903—Scanning error—Unrelated Documents or Partial Scan
Supporting documentation does not correspond to the transaction being charged back (for
example, the documentation concerns a different transaction) or is incomplete.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Fraud-related Chargebacks
For purposes of the chargeback Standards, the following message reason codes are deemed
to be fraud-related.
4837—No Cardholder Authorization
4840—Fraudulent Processing of Transactions
4849—Questionable Merchant Activity
4863—Cardholder Does Not Recognize—Potential Fraud
4870—Chip Liability Shift
4871—Chip Liability Shift—Lost/Stolen/Never Received Issue (NRI) Fraud
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Fraud-related Chargebacks
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
No Cardholder Authorization
This section provides information in handling a dispute when the cardholder states that the
cardholder did not engage in the transaction.
A No Cardholder Authorization chargeback must not be processed for any of the following:
Face-to-face card-read transactions. A face-to-face transaction at an attended terminal
with card-read (not key-entered) account information.
Authorization Approval after the FNS Date. The issuer approved the transaction after
submitting two or more chargebacks involving the same Mastercard card account (for this
purpose, “account” means primary account number [PAN] and expiration date) for any of
the following message reason codes: 4837, 4840, 4870, or 4871. Message reason code
4863 first chargebacks will be included in the FNS count once the FNS fraud chargeback
count is two or greater.
FNS Counter Exceeds 15 Fraud-Related Chargebacks. The issuer submitted more than
15 chargebacks in aggregate involving the same account (as defined above) for message
reason codes 4837, 4840, 4870, or 4871. Message reason code 4863 first chargebacks will
be included in the FNS count once the FNS fraud chargeback count is two or greater.
Emergency cash disbursements or emergency travelers check refunds.
ATM transactions.
Transactions that occurred at a cardholder-activated terminal (CAT) that were
properly identified in the authorization messages and clearing records as CAT Level 1
(where a PIN is required) or when properly identified in the clearing records as CAT Level 3.
Counterfeit card transactions that occurred at a CAT Level 2 where the acquirer
transmitted the full unedited card-read data in the Authorization Request/0100 message
and obtained an authorization approval or valid transaction certificate.
Transactions resulting from an account takeover and subsequently reported to SAFE as
such. An account takeover occurs when the transaction posts to an account that was
fraudulently taken over from the authorized cardholder that opened the account.
Addendum Disputes. An addendum dispute is the dispute of a separate transaction that
occurs after a valid transaction involving the same merchant and the same cardholder. The
issuer must process a chargeback for message reason code 4853—Cardholder Dispute
when the cardholder acknowledges participation in the original transaction.
Properly identified Mastercard SecureCode, Masterpass by Mastercard, and Digital
Secure Remote Payment (DSRP) transactions (including any subsequent transaction
related to the original DSRP transaction, such as a partial shipment or recurring payment)
identified in authorization (DE 48, subelement 42 [Electronic Commerce Indicators],
subfield, 1 (Electronic Commerce Security Level Indicator and UCAF Collection Indicator),
positions 1, 2, and 3) with the values of 211, 212, 215, 221, 222, 225, 241, 242, 245,
911, 912, or 915.
Mastercard Commercial Payments Account. The transaction was a Mastercard
Commercial Payments Account transaction. A Mastercard Commercial Payments Account
transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MAP (Mastercard
Commercial Payments Account) in the First Presentment/1240 message.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Fraud-related Chargebacks
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
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Digital Goods. An e-commerce transaction that was less than or equal to USD 25 (or the
local currency equivalent) for the purchase of digital goods resulted because the merchant
did not offer purchasing control settings to the cardholder when the cardholder created an
account with the merchant.
Digital goods are goods that are stored, delivered, and used in electronic format, such as,
by way of example but not limitation, books, newspapers, magazines, music, games, game
pieces, and software (excludes gift cards).
Refer to Message Reason Code 4853—Cardholder Dispute regarding chargeback
requirements for non-fraud digital goods transactions.
Brazil only—The transaction was a Mastercard Agro Card transaction occurring in Brazil
with a Mastercard Agro Card issued in Brazil. A Mastercard Agro Card transaction occurs
when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MLF (Mastercard Agro Card) in the First
Presentment/1240 message.
Taiwan only—The transaction was chip-initiated domestic transaction occurring at a
cardholder-activated terminal (CAT) that was properly identified as a CAT Level 2 in Taiwan
under one of the below MCCs
4011—Railroads – Freight
4111—Transportation – Suburban and Local Commuter Passenger, including Ferries
4225—Public Warehousing-Farm Products Refrigerated Goods, Household Goods, and
5399—Miscellaneous General Merchandise
5411—Grocery Stores and Supermarkets
5422—Freezer and Locker Meat Provisioners
5542—Automated Fuel Dispensers
5812—Eating Places and Restaurants
5814—Fast Food Restaurants
5999—Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores
7011—Lodging- Hotels, Motels, and Resorts
7210—Laundry, Cleaning, and Garment Services
7278—Buying and Shopping Services and Clubs
7512—Automobile Rental Agency
7523—Parking Lots and Garages
7832—Motion Picture Theaters
9402—Postal Services- Government Only
Bangladesh only—The transaction was a Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card (MCP)
transaction occurring in Bangladesh with a Mastercard MCP card issued in Bangladesh. A
Mastercard MCP card transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was
MCP (Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card) in the First Presentment/1240 message when
the value of the transaction is equal to or greater than BDT 100,000.
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India only—The transaction was a Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card (MCP)
transaction occurring in India with a Mastercard MCP card issued in India. A Mastercard
MCP card transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MCP
(Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card) in the First Presentment/1240 message when the
value of the transaction is equal to or greater than INR 100,000.
Sri Lanka only—The transaction was a Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card (MCP)
transaction occurring in Sri Lanka with a Mastercard MCP card issued in Sri Lanka. A
Mastercard MCP card transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was
MCP (Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card) in the First Presentment/1240 message when
the value of the transaction is equal to or greater than LKR 200,000.
Corporate Purchasing Department Account Program transactions.
Mastercard Biometric Card—The transaction occurred with a Mastercard Biometric Card
and biometric Cardholder authentication was successful. Refer to Appendix F for
Mastercard Biometric Card Program transaction identification information.
Supporting Documents. Supporting Documents must be in English or accompanied by an
English translation unless both the issuer and the acquirer share a common language.
Supporting Documents must provide sufficient detail to enable all parties to understand the
nature of the dispute or rebuttal. Mastercard will determine whether the Supporting
Documents contain sufficient detail.
Supporting Documents must be provided using the MasterCom application. Any action
received in MasterCom must be responded to in MasterCom.
Although Supporting Documents can be entered into MasterCom at any time before the next
cycle is processed, Supporting Documents must be entered into the MasterCom system within
eight calendar days of generating a chargeback or second presentment requiring Supporting
Documents to avoid liability for the disputed transaction solely for failing to provide
Supporting Documents (codes 2002 or 4901).
The cardholder email, cardholder letter, and/or cardholder message (including through a
password-protected website) must come directly from the cardholder or, in the case of a
commercial card, the corporate entity. A completed Dispute Resolution Form must be the
direct result of a conversation with the cardholder.
The tables in this section detail the conditions under which an issuer may process a first
chargeback under the No Cardholder Authorization chargeback.
No Cardholder Authorization
Chargeback Condition. The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder did not
authorize the transaction.
Time Frame. 120 calendar days
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Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4837 (No Cardholder Authorization) for Dual Message System transactions
37 (No Cardholder Authorization) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single
Message System
Supporting Documents. One of the following:
Cardholder email, letter, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 0412) stating
that the cardholder did not authorize the transaction.
Written complaint from a company or government agency representative on behalf of a corporate
card cardholder when the company or government agency no longer employs the authorized
In addition, for batched chargebacks: A list of the ARDs and the amount of each transaction.
DE 72 (Data Record). For batched chargebacks: MULTIPLE TRANSACTIONS NNN
For all other chargebacks: None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Fraud-related Chargebacks
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
SAFE Reporting
The transaction must be reported to SAFE as required in the SAFE Products User Guide.
Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 0412)
The Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 0412) form may only be used when all of the following
occur before processing the chargeback:
The Mastercard card account is closed
The issuer blocked the account on its host
The issuer listed the account number on the Mastercard Stand-in Account File with a “capture
card” response until card expiration
Report the transaction to SAFE
CAT 2 Transactions
This chargeback is not available for counterfeit transactions occurring at a cardholder-activated
terminal (CAT) that was properly identified as a CAT Level 2 in the authorization and clearing
The chargeback is also not available for chip-initiated domestic transactions occurring at a cardholder-
activated terminal (CAT) that was properly identified as a CAT Level 2 in Taiwan under one of the
below MCCs.
4011—Railroads – Freight
4111—Transportation – Suburban and Local Commuter Passenger, including Ferries
4225—Public Warehousing-Farm Products Refrigerated Goods, Household Goods, and Storage
5399—Miscellaneous General Merchandise
5411—Grocery Stores and Supermarkets
5422—Freezer and Locker Meat Provisioners
5542—Automated Fuel Dispensers
5812—Eating Places and Restaurants 5814—Fast Food Restaurants
5999—Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores
7011—Lodging- Hotels, Motels, and Resorts
7210—Laundry, Cleaning, and Garment Services
7278—Buying and Shopping Services and Clubs
7512—Automobile Rental Agency
7523—Parking Lots and Garages
7832—Motion Picture Theaters
9402—Postal Services- Government Only
This chargeback is available for lost, stolen, never received (NRI) contact and contactless transactions
when all of the following occurs:
Before processing the chargeback, the issuer must block the account on its host and list the
primary account number (PAN) on the Mastercard Stand-in Account File with a “capture card”
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Fraud-related Chargebacks
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
response until card expiration or for contactless transactions involving a Mastercard token, the
issuer must deactivate the token.
The cardholder email, letter, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form—Fraud (Form 0412)
alleging that the transaction is fraudulent also must state, or the issuer must otherwise certify by
means of a separate document accompanying the cardholder letter, that the card was lost, stolen,
or never received (NRI) at the time of the transaction.
Aggregated Contactless Transit Transactions
The issuer may only charge back the disputed amount of an Aggregated Contactless Transit
transaction when the Aggregated Contactless Transit transaction cleared for an amount above the
applicable CVM Limit.
Domestic Installment Billing
This chargeback may be used to charge back the first installment submitted under a domestic
installment payment arrangement for a fraud-related reason. In order to keep the integrity of the
Fraud Notification Service chargeback counters, the issuer must use message reason code 4850—
Installment Billing Dispute to charge back any subsequent installment payments.
Batching MCC 4813, 4814, 4816 or 5967 Transactions
Multiple unauthorized, card-activated phone charges (MCC 4813 or 4814), computer network or
information service charges (MCC 4816), or audiotext or videotext charges (MCC 5967) transactions
may be combined into one chargeback message, this is called batching. The batching option is only
available when the PAN, merchant name and acquirer are the same for all of the disputed transactions
being included in the batch.
Each individual disputed transaction included in the batch must be within the chargeback time frame.
The chargeback must be processed using an ARD from one of the disputed transaction included the
The chargeback must be processed for the total amount of all the disputed transactions included in
the batch.
Replace NNN with number of transactions
Second Presentment
The tables in this section detail the conditions under which a second presentment in response
to a No Cardholder Authorization chargeback may be processed.
CAT 3. When the disputed transaction occurred at a CAT 3 device, the terminal must have
been properly identified as a CAT 3 device in the First Presentment/1240 message in order for
the acquirer to second present.
PAN Mismatch. The Primary Account Number (PAN) in chargeback supporting
documentation may differ from the PAN included by the acquirer in the clearing record. As a
result, a difference in PANs must not be the sole reason for an acquirer’s second presentment.
New Information. New information regarding the merchant name and/or transaction date is
not a valid second presentment.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Fraud-related Chargebacks
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Two or More Previous Fraud-related Chargebacks
Second Presentment Condition. The issuer approved the transaction after submitting two or more
chargebacks involving the same Mastercard card account (for this purpose, “account” means primary
account number [PAN], or PAN and expiration date) for message reason codes 4837, 4840, 4870,
and/or 4871.
Message reason code 4863 first chargebacks will be included in the FNS count once the FNS fraud
chargeback count is two or greater.
This condition has been met when PDS 0200 (Fraud Counter), subfield 1 (Fraud NTF Date) of the First
Chargeback/1442 message is present and contains a date value that is earlier than the authorization
approval date of the disputed transaction.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2713 (Invalid Chargeback) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). One of the following:
Notes. The following applies to the use of DE 72 (Data Record):
Use FNS when the authorization approval date of the disputed transaction is later than the date
value provided by the Fraud Notification Service in PDS 0200 (Fraud Counter), subfield 1 (Fraud
NTF Date) of the First Chargeback/1442 message.
Use NN MMDDYY for a previous chargeback by replacing NN with the last two digits of the
message reason code and MMDDYY with the Central Site Business Date of the previous
chargeback. For AUTH MMDDYY, replace MMDDYY with the authorization approval date of the
disputed transaction.
Fraud-related Chargeback Counter Exceeds Threshold
Second Presentment Condition. The issuer submitted more than 15 chargebacks involving the same
card account (for this purpose, “account” means primary account number [PAN], or PAN and
expiration date) for message reason codes 4837, 4840, 4870, and/or 4871.
Message reason code 4863 first chargebacks will be included in the FNS count once the FNS fraud
chargeback count is two or greater.
This condition has been met when PDS 0200 (Fraud Counter), subfield 1 (Fraud NTF Date) of the First
Chargeback/1442 message is present and contains a date value that is earlier than the authorization
approval date of the disputed transaction.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Fraud-related Chargebacks
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IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2713 (Invalid Chargeback) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). FNS COUNT NN
Notes. Replace NN with the chargeback count value provided by the Fraud Notification Service in PDS
0200, subfield 2 of the First Chargeback/1442 message. The chargeback count value must be 16 or
Contactless Transaction Unattended Terminals
Second Presentment Condition. The transaction was a contactless transaction equal to or less than
the applicable CVM limit.
Refer to Appendix C for the CVM limits.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2008 (Issuer Authorized Transaction) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
Replace MMDDYY with the date the transaction was authorized.
Replace NNNNNN with the authorization approval code.
PIN Transaction
Second Presentment Condition. A PIN was present in the Authorization Request/0100 message.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2008 (Issuer Authorized Transaction) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
Supporting Documents. None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Fraud-related Chargebacks
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DE 72 (Data Record). PIN MMDDYY NNNNNN
Replace MMDDYY with the date the transaction was authorized.
Replace NNNNNN with the authorization approval code.
Mastercard SecureCode SL1 (Merchant-only Liability Shift)
Second Presentment Condition. All of the following:
All of the required e-commerce indicators were provided in the Authorization Request/0100
The Authorization Request Response/0110 message reflected the issuer’s approval of the
DE 48 (Additional Data—Private Use), subelement 42 (Electronic Commerce Indicators), subfield, 1
(Electronic Commerce Security Level Indicator and UCAF Collection Indicator), positions 1, 2, and
3) contained any of the following values of 211, 212, 215, 221, 222, 225, 241, 242, 245, 911,
912, or 915.
For intraregional Europe transactions: The UCAF submitted by a Europe region merchant did
not contain the Mastercard-assigned static Accountholder Authentication Value (AAV).
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2008 (Issuer Authorized Transaction) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). AUTH MMDDYY/NNNNNN SL 1
Replace MMDDYY with the date the authorization request message containing a value of 1 in DE48,
subfield 42, position 3 was approved.
Replace NNNNNN with the authorization approval code.
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Mastercard SecureCode SL2 (Global Liability Shift)
Second Presentment Condition. All of the following:
All of the required e-commerce indicators were provided in the Authorization Request/0100
The Authorization Request Response/0110 message reflected the issuer’s approval of the
DE 48 (Additional Data—Private Use), subelement 42 (Electronic Commerce Indicators), subfield, 1
(Electronic Commerce Security Level Indicator and UCAF Collection Indicator), positions 1, 2, and
3) contained any of the following values of 211, 212, 215, 221, 222, 225, 241, 242, 245, 911,
912, or 915.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2008 (Issuer Authorized Transaction) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). AUTH MMDDYY/NNNNNN SL 2
Replace MMDDYY with the date the transaction was authorized.
Replace NNNNNN with the authorization approval code.
This second presentment applies to Mobile Remote Payment transactions. For information about
Mobile Remote Payment transactions, see Chapter 18, Mastercard Mobile Rules of the Mastercard
Account Takeover
Second Presentment Condition. The acquirer can provide evidence that the transaction resulted
from an account takeover.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied) for Dual Message System
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
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Supporting Documents. Documentation proving the transaction resulted from an account takeover.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
The Acquirer Loss File report. For more information, refer to the SAFE Products User Guide.
The SAFE Acquirer Transaction Data report. For more information, refer to the SAFE Products User
A statement from the cardholder confirming that the account was in fact taken over and that
fraud subsequently occurred.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Addendum Charges
Second Presentment Condition. The acquirer can substantiate that the addendum transaction is the
cardholder’s responsibility.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/
Chargeback Remedied) for Dual Message System transactions.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. Documentation substantiating the cardholder has participated in the
original transaction and documentation to establish the cardholder is responsible for the addendum
transaction. For example, the original rental agreement or hotel folio.
When the disputed amount presents charges for loss, theft, or damage: Documentation
substantiating the transaction was completed as described in the Transaction Processing Rules, section
3.12 Charges for Loss, Theft, or Damage—Mastercard POS Transactions Only.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
For example, after the cardholder initially is billed for a vehicle rental, the cardholder is billed for a
separate additional amount that represents unpaid parking tickets. The cardholder claims that he or
she did not authorize the transaction for the parking tickets. The merchant should include, with the
second presentment, information about the violations showing that they were issued during the
period that the vehicle was rented by the cardholder, as well as the rental agreement with proof the
cardholder participated in the original transaction.
Address Verification Service (AVS) Transaction
Second Presentment Condition. Both of the following:
The Authorization Response/0110 message included a positive Address Verification Service (AVS)
response of X or Y
The address to which the merchandise was sent was the same as the AVS-confirmed address.
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IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied) for Dual Message System
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. Both of the following:
Indicate AVS response X or Y
Documentation supporting the merchandise was sent to the AVS-confirmed billing address
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Compelling Evidence for Airline Transactions
Second Presentment Condition. The acquirer can provide specific documentation to support
cardholder participation in the transaction.
This second presentment is limited to non-face-to-face airline transactions.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied) for Dual Message System
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. At least one of the following documents and, when necessary, an
Flight ticket or boarding pass showing the passenger’s name
Flight manifest showing the passenger’s name
Additional transactions connected with the disputed flight, such as upgrades, excess baggage
charges, and in-flight purchases
Passenger identification documentation showing a link to the cardholder
Credits of frequent flyer miles for the flight, showing connection to the cardholder
Proof of receipt of the flight ticket at the cardholder’s billing address
DE 72 (Data Record). COMP EVID
Notes. None
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Compelling Evidence for Recurring Transactions
Second Presentment Condition. The acquirer can provide specific documentation to support
cardholder participation in the transaction.
This second presentment is limited to non–face-to-face recurring transactions.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied) for Dual Message System
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
Supporting Documents. All of the following:
A description of the goods or services being provided
The start date of the original recurring transaction
State which, if any, of the following was used in the original transaction:
Card validation code 2 (CVC 2) and that the Authorization Response/0110 message included a
value of M in DE 48, subelement 87 (Card Validation Code Result)
One of the following:
The transaction was properly identified in both authorization and clearing as a recurring
transaction. Refer to the Customer Interface Specification and IPM Clearing Formats for the
recurring data element values.
Documentation proving that the transaction was recurring. Examples included but are not
limited to: The merchant providing proof that the cardholder had to click to accept the
recurring terms and conditions or the cardholder signed a contract agreeing to the recurring
terms and conditions.
DE 72 (Data Record). COMP EVID
Notes. None
Compelling Evidence for E-commerce and MO/TO Transactions
Second Presentment Condition. The acquirer can provide specific documentation to support
cardholder participation in the transaction.
This second presentment is limited to e-commerce, mail order, and telephone order transactions.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied) for Dual Message System
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. At least one of the following documents and, when necessary, an
A receipt, work order, or other document signed by the cardholder substantiating that the goods
or services were received by the cardholder (commonly referred to as “will call” and “in-store
The cardholder’s written confirmation of registration to receive electronic delivery of goods or
Copies of written correspondence exchanged between the merchant and the cardholder (such as
letter, email, or fax) showing that the cardholder participated in the transaction.
A merchant statement documenting all of the following when, after completing an authenticated
e-commerce transaction, the merchant obtained authorization for a related transaction involving a
partial shipment or the payment of a balance due:
The initial transaction was a Digital Secure Remote Payment (DSRP) transaction, DE 48,
subelement 42 (Electronic Commerce Indicators), subfield 1 (Electronic Commerce Security
Level Indicator and UCAF Collection Indicator), position 3 (UCAF Collection Indicator) is set to 2
in authorization, or was SecureCode-initiated;
Description of the goods or services purchased in the initial transaction;
Date and authorization approval code for the initial transaction; and
The initial transaction was not disputed.
When a merchant requires a cardholder to register prior to completing a purchase, the merchant
must provide documentation confirming the cardholder or authorized user is registered to
purchase goods with a password and must provide one or more of the following documentation:
The cardholder or authorized user completed other undisputed purchases prior to, or after, the
alleged fraudulent transaction
The cardholder or authorized user completed the disputed transaction from a registered device
and IP address
Details of the purchase
Signed proof of delivery
Email addresses to support digital download delivery
The cardholder or authorized user registered the disputed goods or services. For example,
registration for purposes of warranty or future software updates.
The disputed goods or services were used
A fully enabled SecureCode transaction was used to register a PAN for future transactions
DE 72 (Data Record). COMP EVID
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This second presentment right does not apply when the cardholder purchased as a guest.
A merchant’s ability to register a cardholder to make purchases does not, in and of itself, provide a
second presentment right.
A partial shipment may occur when an item ordered by the cardholder was unavailable at the time of
the initial transaction. A balance may be due when the cardholder agrees to pay in installments, or to
pay a deposit upon placing the order and the balance upon delivery of the goods (a “delayed
delivery”). Refer to Appendix F for Digital Secure Remote Payment (DSRP) transaction identification
Guaranteed Reservation Service (“No-show")
Second Presentment Condition. The transaction was the result of a “no show” as described in the
Guaranteed Reservations section of the Lodging Merchant Service appendix of this manual.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied) for Dual Message System
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
Supporting Documents. All of the following:
The primary account number (PAN)
The cardholder’s name present on the card
The confirmation number provided at the time the reservation was made
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Invalid Chargeback
Second Presentment Condition The issuer’s chargeback was invalid. For example, the issuer
submitted documentation that failed to support the chargeback.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2713 (Invalid Chargeback) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). Reason for the second presentment
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Notes. None
Chip Liability Shift
Second Presentment Condition. All of the following:
1. The transaction was between Customers that participate in the appropriate Chip Liability Shift
2. The transaction was face-to-face, occurred at an attended a hybrid terminal with card-read (not
key-entered) account information.
3. The transaction was initiated with a non-EMV chip card.
This is a final remedy.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2870 (Chip Liability Shift) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None.
Replace MMDDYY with the date the transaction was authorized.
Replace NNNNNN with the authorization approval code.
Chip/PIN Liability Shift
Second Presentment Condition. A transaction between Customers that participate in the Global
Chip Liability Shift Program Level 2 and the acquirer can show that the transaction occurred at a
hybrid terminal equipped with a PIN pad, while the card was not PIN-preferring.
This is a final remedy.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2871 (Chip/PIN Liability Shift) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. DE 55 must be provided in the first presentment or authorization record.
DE 72 (Data Record). When applicable, AUTH MMDDYY NNNNNN
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Replace MMDDYY with the date the transaction was authorized.
Replace NNNNNN with the authorization approval code.
Credit Previously Issued
Second Presentment Condition. The merchant issued a credit to the cardholder’s account.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2011 (Credit Previously Issued) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
Replace MMDDYY with the date of the credit transaction.
Optionally, replace NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN with the Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) of
the credit transaction.
Additional Second Presentment Options
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Codes And Second Presentment Conditions. One
of the following:
One of the following for Dual Message System transactions:
2001—Invalid Acquirer Reference Data; Documentation was Received or was Not Required
The combination of Primary Account Number and Acquirer Reference Data contained in the
chargeback record does not match the information contained in the first presentment record.
2004—Invalid Acquirer Reference Data on Chargeback; Documentation was Received
The combination of Primary Account Number and Acquirer Reference Data contained in the
chargeback record does not match the information contained in the first presentment record.
2702—Past Chargeback Time Limit
The issuer’s first chargeback was processed past the time frame specified for the chargeback.
2704—Invalid Data Record Text
Text required to appear in the first chargeback’s DE 72 (Data Record) is missing or incomplete.
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Arbitration Chargeback
This section details the conditions under which an arbitration chargeback in response to a
second presentment may be processed.
New Location Information Provided in the Second Presentment
Arbitration Chargeback Condition. Both of the following:
New information regarding the merchant location was provided in the second presentment
The cardholder continues to claim that the cardholder did not authorize the transaction.
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Code. 4837 (No cardholder authorization)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date.
Supporting Documents. One of the following:
A new cardholder letter, email, or message dated after the second presentment specifically
addressing the new information.
When the Mastercard card account is closed, a completed Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form
0412) form dated after the second presentment and based on a discussion with the cardholder.
A new cardholder letter, email, message or Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 0412) form is not
required when all of the following:
The Mastercard card account is closed
The original cardholder letter, email, message or Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 0412)
form specified the date on which the last legitimate transaction performed by the authorized
cardholder occurred
The disputed transaction was approved after that date
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. Before processing the arbitration chargeback with the Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form
0412) form, the issuer must block the account on its host, list the account number on the Mastercard
Stand-in Account File with a “capture card” response until card expiration, and report the transaction
to SAFE.
New Information. New information regarding the merchant name and/or transaction date is not a
valid second presentment.
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Addendum Disputes
Arbitration Chargeback Condition. One of the following:
When the original transaction was fraudulent: The acquirer did not provide proof of card
presence for the original transaction and the original rental agreement or hotel folio
When the charge is for loss, theft, or damage: The acquirer failed to provide proof of the
transaction was completed as described in the Transaction Processing Rules, section 3.8 Charges
for Loss, Theft, or Damage.
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Code. 4837 (No cardholder authorization)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date.
Supporting Documents. When the original transaction was fraudulent and the acquirer failed to
provide proof of card presence: A new cardholder letter, completed Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud
(Form 0412), email, or message dated after the second presentment and specifically including both of
the following:
Addresses the merchant’s explanation
Identifies that the original transaction also was fraudulent
For charges of loss, theft, or damages where the acquirer failed to provide proof of card presence:
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. When, as a result of information provided in the second presentment, the issuer learns that
the disputed transaction is an Addendum Transaction involving the same merchant, the issuer must
change the message reason code to 4853-Cardholder Dispute Chargeback, Addendum Dispute.
Address Verification Service (AVS) Transaction
Arbitration Chargeback Condition. One of the following:
1. Both of the following:
The cardholder continues to dispute an AVS-confirmed transaction.
The issuer confirmed that the AVS-confirmed address belonged to the legitimate cardholder at
the time of the authorization.
2. The issuer reviewed the AVS information from the second presentment and one of the following:
Denies that a positive AVS was given
Denies the merchandise was sent to the AVS-confirmed address.
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Code 4837 (No cardholder authorization
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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Supporting Documents. One of the following corresponding to the Arbitration Chargeback
1. One of the following:
A new cardholder letter, email message, or Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 0412) dated
after the second presentment in which the cardholder continues to assert that the cardholder
did not authorize the transaction.
A new cardholder letter, email, message, or Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 0412) dated
after the second presentment from a company or government agency representative on behalf
of a corporate card cardholder when the company or government agency no longer employs
the authorized cardholder and the issuer has closed the account.
2. None
DE 72 (Data Record). One of the following corresponding to the Arbitration Chargeback Condition:
Notes. None
Compelling Evidence
Arbitration Chargeback Condition. The cardholder reviewed the information provided in the
second presentment and reasserts fraud.
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Code 4837 (No cardholder authorization)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date.
Supporting Documents. One of the following:
A new cardholder letter, email, or message dated after the second presentment specifically refuting
the documentation received from the merchant in the second presentment.
When the Mastercard card account is closed, a completed Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form
0412) form dated after the second presentment and, based on a discussion with the cardholder,
specifically refuting the documentation received from the merchant in the second presentment.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. An arbitration chargeback is not available when SecureCode was used to initiate the
Guaranteed Reservation Service (“No-show”)
Arbitration Chargeback Condition. The issuer or cardholder continues to dispute a Guaranteed
Reservation Service (“no-show”) transaction.
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Code. 4837 (No cardholder authorization)
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Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date.
Supporting Documents. One of the following:
A statement (or DE 72 text) by the issuer stating that information provided by the merchant is not
accurate and, in particular, which information is not accurate (for example, incorrect cardholder
name or incorrect cardholder address).
A new cardholder letter, email, or message dated after the second presentment, to reconfirm the
cardholder’s dispute.
When the Mastercard card account is closed, a completed Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form
0412) form dated after the second presentment and based on a discussion with the cardholder.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) Does Not Match or is Invalid
Arbitration Chargeback Condition. One of the following:
1. When the issuer’s first chargeback didn’t include the ARD present in the first presentment, the
issuer must provide the correct ARD.
2. When the issuer’s first chargeback included the ARD present in the first chargeback, the issuer
must provide a copy of the first presentment as Supporting Documentation.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Code. One of the following corresponding to the
Arbitration Chargeback Condition:
1. When the second presentment used message reason code 2001: 4905—Invalid Acquirer
Reference Data; Documentation was Not Received or Not Required
2. When the second presentment used message reason code 2004: 4908—Invalid Acquirer
Reference Data; Documentation Received
Supporting Documents. One of the following corresponding to the Arbitration Chargeback
1. None
2. A copy of the first presentment showing the ARD
Notes. None
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Additional Arbitration Chargeback Options
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Codes and Arbitration Chargeback Conditions.
One of the following:
48XX—New valid chargeback reason
When the merchant’s explanation remedied the original chargeback condition but that information
allowed the issuer to determine a new chargeback condition exists, then the issuer may continue
the chargeback by processing the arbitration chargeback using the requirements of the new
chargeback condition.
When the first chargeback was processed as 4837-No Cardholder Authorization, an issuer is
prohibited from processing an arbitration chargeback using 4870-Chip Liability Shift or 4871-Chip
Liability Shift—Lost/Stolen/Never Received Issue (NRI) Fraud .
4901—Required Documentation Not Received to Support Second Presentment
Required supporting documentation was not received.
An issuer must wait a minimum of eight calendar days from the second presentment before using
this message reason code.
An issuer can generate an arbitration chargeback with message reason code 4901 nine calendar
days from the second presentment and before the acquirer sends the supporting documentation.
Mastercard Dispute Resolution Management staff will find the acquirer responsible when the
acquirer files an arbitration case.
The issuer must accept supporting documentation as long as the issuer has not processed an
arbitration chargeback.
4902—Documentation Received was Illegible Supporting documentation is illegible.
The issuer’s arbitration chargeback will be considered invalid should Mastercard Dispute Resolution
Management staff determine that the supporting documentation is legible during an arbitration
case filing.
4903—Scanning error—Unrelated Documents or Partial Scan
Supporting documentation does not correspond to the transaction being charged back (for
example, the documentation concerns a different transaction) or is incomplete.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Fraudulent Processing of Transactions
This section provides information for an issuer and acquirer in handling a dispute regarding
the fraudulent processing of transaction(s).
The issuer may use this chargeback when the cardholder contacted the issuer alleging all of
the following:
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The cardholder was still in possession and control of all valid cards at the time of the
The cardholder admits to at least one legitimate face-to-face transaction
The cardholder denies making one or more additional face-to-face transactions at that
same merchant location
The transactions being denied by the cardholder must have occurred within 15 minutes of the
legitimate face-to-face transaction.
An issuer must not submit a chargeback using this message reason code for any of the
Non–face-to-face Transactions.
Addendum Disputes. An addendum dispute is the dispute of a separate transaction that
occurs after a valid transaction involving the same merchant and the same cardholder. The
issuer must process a chargeback for message reason code 4853—Cardholder Dispute
when the cardholder acknowledges participation in the original transaction.
Mastercard Commercial Payments Account. The transaction was a Mastercard
Commercial Payments Account transaction. A Mastercard Commercial Payments Account
transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MAP (Mastercard
Commercial Payments Account) in the First Presentment/1240 message.
Mastercard Agro CardBrazil only—The transaction was a Mastercard Agro Card
transaction occurring in Brazil with a Mastercard Agro Card issued in Brazil. A Mastercard
Agro Card transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MLF
(Mastercard Agro Card) in the First Presentment/1240 message.
FNS Counter Exceeds 15 Fraud-Related Chargebacks. The issuer submitted more than
15 chargebacks in aggregate involving the same account (as defined above) for message
reason codes 4837, 4840, 4870, or 4871. Message reason code 4863 first chargebacks will
be included in the FNS count once the FNS fraud chargeback count is two or greater.
Authorization Approval after the FNS Date. The issuer approved the transaction after
submitting two or more chargebacks involving the same Mastercard card account (for this
purpose, “account” means primary account number [PAN] and expiration date) for any of
the following message reason codes: 4837, 4840, 4870, or 4871. Message reason code
4863 first chargebacks will be included in the FNS count once the FNS fraud chargeback
count is two or greater.
Bangladesh only—The transaction was a Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card (MCP)
transaction occurring in Bangladesh with a Mastercard MCP card issued in Bangladesh. A
Mastercard MCP card transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was
MCP (Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card) in the First Presentment/1240 message when
the value of the transaction is equal to or greater than BDT 100,000.
India only—The transaction was a Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card (MCP)
transaction occurring in India with a Mastercard MCP card issued in India. A Mastercard
MCP card transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MCP
(Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card) in the First Presentment/1240 message when the
value of the transaction is equal to or greater than INR 100,000.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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Sri Lanka only—The transaction was a Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card (MCP)
transaction occurring in Sri Lanka with a Mastercard MCP card issued in Sri Lanka. A
Mastercard MCP card transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was
MCP (Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card) in the First Presentment/1240 message when
the value of the transaction is equal to or greater than LKR 200,000.
Corporate Purchasing Department Account Program transactions.
Mastercard Biometric Card—The transaction occurred with a Mastercard Biometric Card
and biometric Cardholder authentication was successful. Refer to Appendix F for
Mastercard Biometric Card Program transaction identification information.
Supporting Documents. Supporting Documents must be in English or accompanied by an
English translation unless both the issuer and the acquirer share a common language.
Supporting Documents must provide sufficient detail to enable all parties to understand the
nature of the dispute or rebuttal. Mastercard will determine whether the Supporting
Documents contain sufficient detail.
Supporting Documents are required, the documentation must be provided using the
MasterCom application.
Although Supporting Documents can be entered into MasterCom at any time before the next
cycle is processed, Supporting Documents must be entered into the MasterCom system within
eight calendar days of generating a chargeback or second presentment requiring Supporting
Documents to avoid liability for the disputed transaction solely for failing to provide
Supporting Documents (codes 2002 or 4901).
The cardholder email, cardholder letter, and/or cardholder message (including through a
password-protected website) must come directly from the cardholder or, in the case of a
commercial card, the corporate entity. A completed Dispute Resolution Form must be the
direct result of a conversation with the cardholder.
First Chargeback
The table in this section details the conditions under which an issuer may process a first
chargeback under the Fraudulent Processing of Transactions chargeback.
Fraudulent Processing of a Transaction(s)
Chargeback Condition The cardholder contacted the issuer alleging all of the following:
The cardholder was still in possession and control of all valid cards at the time of the transaction
The cardholder admits to at least one legitimate face-to-face transaction
The cardholder denies making one or more additional face-to-face transactions at that same
merchant location
The transactions being denied by the cardholder must have occurred within 15 minutes of the
legitimate face-to-face transaction.
Time Frame. 120 calendar days
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Fraud-related Chargebacks
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Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4840 (Fraudulent Processing of Transactions) for Dual Message System transactions
40 (Fraudulent Processing of Transactions) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the
Single Message System
Supporting Documents. Cardholder email, letter, message or completed Dispute Resolution Process
Form for Fraud (Form 0412) stating all of the following:
The cardholder was still in possession and control of all valid cards at the time of the transaction
The cardholder admits to at least one legitimate face-to-face transaction
The cardholder denies making one or more additional face-to-face transactions at that same
merchant location
SAFE Reporting
The transaction must be reported to SAFE as required in the SAFE Products User Guide.
Replace NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN with the Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) of the
legitimate face-to-face transaction.
Legitimate Face-to-Face Transaction has not Posted. When the legitimate face-to-face transaction
has not posted to the cardholder’s account, the cardholder’s Supporting Document must state that the
legitimate face-to-face has not posted to the cardholder’s account.
Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 0412). The Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 0412) may
only be used instead of the cardholder email, letter, or message when the card account is closed (for
this purpose, “account” means primary account number [PAN], or PAN and expiration date). Before
processing the chargeback using this form, the issuer must block the account on its host; list the
account number on the Mastercard Stand in Account File with a “capture card” response until card
expiration, and report the transaction to SAFE.
Transactions Processed through Two Different Acquirers. This chargeback may be used when the
transactions involve the same merchant and two different acquirers.
Second Presentment
The tables in this section detail the conditions under which an acquirer may process a second
presentment in response to a Fraudulent Processing of Transactions chargeback.
PAN Mismatch. The Primary Account Number (PAN) in chargeback supporting
documentation may differ from the PAN included by the acquirer in the clearing record. As a
result, a difference in PANs must not be the sole reason for an acquirer’s second presentment.
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Two or More Previous Fraud-related Chargebacks
Second Presentment Condition. The issuer approved the transaction after submitting two or more
chargebacks involving the same Mastercard card account (for this purpose, “account” means primary
account number [PAN], or PAN and expiration date) for message reason codes 4837, 4840, 4870,
and/or 4871.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2713 (Invalid Chargeback) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). One of the following:
The following applies to the use of DE 72 (Data Record):
Use FNS when the authorization approval date of the disputed transaction is later than the date
value provided by the Fraud Notification Service in PDS 0200 (Fraud Counter), subfield 1 (Fraud
NTF Date) of the First Chargeback/1442 message.
Use NN MMDDYY for a previous chargeback by replacing NN with the last two digits of the
message reason code and MMDDYY with the Central Site Business Date of the chargeback. For
AUTH MMDDYY, replace MMDDYY with the authorization approval date of the disputed
Fraud-related Chargeback Counter Exceeds Threshold
Second Presentment Condition. The issuer submitted more than 15 chargebacks involving the same
card account (for this purpose, “account” means primary account number [PAN], or PAN and
expiration date) for message reason codes 4837, 4840,4870, and/or 4871. Message reason code
4863 first chargebacks will be included in the FNS count once the FNS fraud chargeback count is two
or greater. This condition has been met when PDS 0200 (Fraud Counter), subfield 2 (Fraud Notification
Service Chargeback Counter) of the First Chargeback/1442 message is present and contains a
chargeback counter value that exceeds 15 (a value of 16 or more).
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2713 (Invalid Chargeback) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). FNS COUNT NN
Notes. Replace NN with the chargeback count value provided by the Fraud Notification Service in PDS
0200, subfield 2 of the First Chargeback/1442 message. The chargeback count must be 16 or greater.
Two Separate Transactions
Second Presentment Condition. The acquirer can document that two separate, legitimate, face-to-
face transactions occurred.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied) for Dual Message System
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. The TID for both transactions
When the TID does not provide sufficient information to allow the cardholder to identify the
transaction, the merchant must include an explanation to help the cardholder identify the transaction.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
PIN Transactions
Second Presentment Condition. PIN was present in the Authorization Request/0100 message for
one or both transactions.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2008 (Issuer authorized transaction) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. Both of the following:
A merchant explanation
When one of the transactions did not use PIN, the TID for the non-PIN transaction.
DE 72 (Data Record). PIN MMDDYY NNNNNN
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Replace MMDDYY with the authorization date of the valid posted transaction.
Replace NNNNNN with the authorization approval code.
Credit Previously Issued
Second Presentment Condition. The merchant issued a credit to the cardholder’s account.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2011 (Credit previously issued) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
Replace MMDDYY with the date of the credit transaction.
Optionally, replace NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN with the Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) of
the credit transaction.
Duplicate Chargeback
Second Presentment Condition. The issuer processed a first chargeback for the same transaction
more than once.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2701 (Duplicate Chargeback) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Supporting Documents. None
Replace NNNNNNNNNN with the original first chargeback reference number.
Replace MMDDYY with the date of the original first chargeback.
Mastercard recommends that the acquirer provides the processing date and chargeback reference
number of the original chargeback with its second presentment.
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Addendum Transaction
Second Presentment Condition. The acquirer can substantiate that the addendum transaction is the
cardholder’s responsibility.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2700 (See corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied) for Dual Message System
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. Documentation substantiating the cardholder participated in the original
transaction and documentation to establish the cardholder is responsible for the addendum
Suggested documentation is proof of card presence for the original transaction as well as
documentation to support that the addendum transaction is the cardholder’s responsibility.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Additional Second Presentment Options
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Codes And Second Presentment Conditions. One
of the following:
One of the following for Dual Message System transactions:
2001—Invalid Acquirer Reference Data; Documentation was Received or was Not Required
The combination of Primary Account Number and Acquirer Reference Data contained in the
chargeback record does not match the information contained in the first presentment record.
2004—Invalid Acquirer Reference Data on Chargeback; Documentation was Received
The combination of Primary Account Number and Acquirer Reference Data contained in the
chargeback record does not match the information contained in the first presentment record.
2702—Past Chargeback Time Limit
The issuer’s first chargeback was processed past the time frame specified for the chargeback.
2704—Invalid Data Record Text
Text required to appear in the first chargeback’s DE 72 (Data Record) is missing or incomplete.
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). None
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Notes. None
Arbitration Chargeback
The tables in this section detail the conditions under which an issuer may process an
arbitration chargeback in response to an acquirer’s second presentment.
General Arbitration Chargeback
Arbitration Chargeback Condition. The cardholder continues to dispute the transaction.
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Code. 4840 (Fraudulent processing of transactions)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date.
Supporting Documents. One of the following:
A new cardholder letter, email, or message dated after the second presentment specifically
addressing the new information.
When the Mastercard card account is closed, a completed Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form
0412) form dated after the second presentment and based on a discussion with the cardholder.
NOTE: A new cardholder letter, email, or message or Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form
0412) form is not required when all of the following:
The Mastercard card account is closed.
The original cardholder letter, email, message or Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form
0412) form specified the date on which the last legitimate transaction performed by the
authorized cardholder occurred.
The disputed transaction was approved after that date.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. Before processing the arbitration chargeback with the Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form
0412) form, the issuer must block the account on its host, list the account number on the Mastercard
Stand-in Account File with a “capture card” response until card expiration, and report the transaction
to SAFE.
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Additional Arbitration Chargeback Options
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Codes and Arbitration Chargeback Conditions.
One of the following:
48XX—New valid chargeback reason
When the merchant’s explanation remedied the original chargeback condition but that information
allowed the issuer to determine a new chargeback condition exists, then the issuer may continue
the chargeback by processing the arbitration chargeback using the requirements of the new
chargeback condition.
When the first chargeback was processed as 4840-Fraudulent Processing of Transactions, an issuer
is prohibited from processing an arbitration chargeback using 4870-Chip Liability Shift or 4871-
Chip Liability Shift—Lost/Stolen/Never Received Issue (NRI) Fraud.
4901—Required Documentation Not Received to Support Second Presentment Required
supporting documentation was not received.
An issuer must wait a minimum of eight calendar days from the second presentment before using
this message reason code.
An issuer can generate an arbitration chargeback with message reason code 4901 nine calendar
days from the second presentment and before the acquirer sends the supporting documentation.
Mastercard Dispute Resolution Management staff will find the acquirer responsible when the
acquirer files an arbitration case.
The issuer must accept supporting documentation as long as the issuer has not processed an
arbitration chargeback.
4902—Documentation Received was Illegible Supporting documentation is illegible.
The issuer’s arbitration chargeback will be considered invalid should Mastercard Dispute Resolution
Management staff determine that the supporting documentation is legible during an arbitration
case filing.
4903—Scanning error—Unrelated Documents or Partial Scan
Supporting documentation does not correspond to the transaction being charged back (for
example, the documentation concerns a different transaction) or is incomplete.
4908—Invalid Acquirer Reference Data; Documentation Received
The combination of Primary Account Number and Acquirer Reference Data contained in the
chargeback record does not match the information contained in the first presentment record. This
message reason code is limited to a second presentment using message reason code 2004.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
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Questionable Merchant Activity
This section provides information for an issuer and acquirer in handling a dispute when a
merchant is listed in the GMAP or QMAP or liable for coercion claims.
The issuer may use this chargeback when one of the following occurred:
The merchant is listed in a Mastercard Announcement for violating the Global Merchant
Audit Program (GMAP). Refer to section 8.2 of the Security Rules and Procedures manual
for more information about the GMAP.
The merchant is listed in a Mastercard Announcement for violating the Questionable
Merchant Audit Program (QMAP). Refer to section 8.4 of the Security Rules and Procedures
manual for more information about the QMAP.
The merchant is determined by Mastercard as violating Rule 3.7, “Integrity of Brand and
Network”, for claims of coercion.
For purposes of this message reason code, coercion means the cardholder or the
cardholder’s immediate family member is threatened with physical harm or the unlawful
taking of property when the cardholder refuses to complete the transaction.
The issuer may not use this message reason code in the following situations.
The merchant was determined by Mastercard to have not violated Rule 3.7.
The issuer did not receive a noncompliance confirmation letter for a coercive transaction.
The issuer did not properly report the transaction to SAFE within the applicable time frame
in accordance with the SAFE Products User Guide.
The transaction reported to SAFE is not a fraud type eligible for chargeback under the
applicable program.
Under GMAP, issuers may not use message reason code 4849 when the transaction was
reported to SAFE with a fraud type code of Never Received Issue (02), Fraudulent
Application (03), Account Takeover Fraud (05), or Bust-out Collusive Merchant (51).
The transaction was a Mastercard Commercial Payments Account transaction. A
Mastercard Commercial Payments Account transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS
Product Identifier) was MAP (Mastercard Commercial Payments Account) in the First
Presentment/1240 message.
Brazil only—The transaction was a Mastercard Agro Card transaction occurring in Brazil
with a Mastercard Agro Card issued in Brazil. A Mastercard Agro Card transaction occurs
when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MLF (Mastercard Agro Card) in the First
Presentment/1240 message.
Bangladesh only—The transaction was a Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card (MCP)
transaction occurring in Bangladesh with a Mastercard MCP card issued in Bangladesh. A
Mastercard MCP card transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was
MCP (Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card) in the First Presentment/1240 message when
the value of the transaction is equal to or greater than BDT 100,000.
India only—The transaction was a Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card (MCP)
transaction occurring in India with a Mastercard MCP card issued in India. A Mastercard
MCP card transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MCP
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
(Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card) in the First Presentment/1240 message when the
value of the transaction is equal to or greater than INR 100,000.
Sri Lanka only—The transaction was a Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card (MCP)
transaction occurring in Sri Lanka with a Mastercard MCP card issued in Sri Lanka. A
Mastercard MCP card transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was
MCP (Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card) in the First Presentment/1240 message when
the value of the transaction is equal to or greater than LKR 200,000.
Supporting Documents. Supporting Documents must be in English or accompanied by an
English translation unless both the issuer and the acquirer share a common language.
Supporting Documents must provide sufficient detail to enable all parties to understand the
nature of the dispute or rebuttal. Mastercard will determine whether the Supporting
Documents contain sufficient detail.
Supporting Documents must be provided using the MasterCom application.
Although Supporting Documents can be entered into MasterCom at any time before the next
cycle is processed, Supporting Documents must be entered into the MasterCom system within
eight calendar days of generating a chargeback or second presentment requiring Supporting
Documents to avoid liability for the disputed transaction solely for failing to provide
Supporting Documents (codes 2002 or 4901).
The cardholder email, cardholder letter, and/or cardholder message (including through a
password-protected website) must come directly from the cardholder or, in the case of a
commercial card, the corporate entity. A completed Dispute Resolution Form must be the
direct result of a conversation with the cardholder.
First Chargeback
The tables in this section detail the conditions under which an issuer may process a first
chargeback under the Questionable Merchant Activity chargeback.
Global Merchant Audit Program (GMAP)
Chargeback Condition. All of the following:
The acquirer name, acquirer ID, merchant name, and merchant location are listed in a Mastercard
Announcement under the QMAP.
Each transaction charged back must have occurred during the published chargeback period.
The issuer must have properly reported the transaction to SAFE with one of the following fraud
type codes:
00 = Lost Fraud
01 = Stolen Fraud
04 = Counterfeit Card Fraud
06 = Card Not Present Fraud
07 = Multiple Imprint Fraud
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Time Frame. One of the following:
Within 120 calendar days after the Mastercard Announcement publication date that first listed the
merchant location.
The Mastercard Announcement publication date is counted as the first day of the 120-day
Within 120 calendar days of the Central Site Business Date of the transactions
In addition to the above, for eligible fraudulent transactions affected by a Mastercard Announcement
that retracts chargeback permission, the issuer may submit chargebacks until the publication date of
the Mastercard Announcement stating that the acquirer of the merchant no longer is required to
accept chargebacks under this message reason code.
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4849 (Questionable Merchant Activity) for Dual Message System transactions
49 (Questionable Merchant Activity) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single
Message System
Supporting Documents. None
Replace NNNN with the applicable Mastercard Announcement number.
A new first chargeback is allowed under this message reason code when a previous chargeback was
not successful and all requirements under this message reason code have been met.
Questionable Merchant Audit Program (QMAP)
Chargeback Condition. All of the following:
The acquirer name, acquirer ID, merchant name, and merchant location are listed in a Mastercard
Announcement under the GMAP.
Each transaction charged back must have occurred during the published chargeback period.
The issuer must have properly reported the transaction to SAFE. All fraud type codes are eligible.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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Time Frame. One of the following:
Within 120 calendar days after the Mastercard Announcement publication date that first listed the
merchant location.
The Mastercard Announcement publication date is counted as the first day of the 120-day
Within 120 calendar days of the Central Site Business Date of the transactions.
In addition to the above, for eligible fraudulent transactions affected by a Mastercard Announcement
that retracts chargeback permission, the issuer may submit chargebacks until the publication date of
the Mastercard Announcement stating that the acquirer of the merchant no longer is required to
accept chargebacks under this message reason code.
Supporting Documents. None
Replace NNNN with the applicable Mastercard Announcement number.
A new first chargeback is allowed under this message reason code when a previous chargeback was
not successful and all requirements under this message reason code have been met.
Mastercard Rule 3.7 Violation for Coercion Claim
Chargeback Condition. Both of the following:
Mastercard has confirmed that the merchant violated Rule 3.7 at least two times within the case
scope period cited in the noncompliance confirmation letter.
The issuer must have properly reported the transaction to SAFE with one of the following fraud
type codes:
00 = Lost Fraud
01 = Stolen Fraud
Time Frame Within 30 calendar days from the date of the noncompliance confirmation letter.
Supporting Documents. A copy of the noncompliance confirmation letter from Mastercard that the
acquirer’s merchant violated Rule 3.7 two or more times based on coercive transactions within the
case scope period.
DE 72 (Data Record). BRAM CASE NO. NNNNN
Replace NNNNN with the Business Risk Assessment and Mitigation (BRAM) program case number
stated in the noncompliance confirmation letter from Mastercard.
A new first chargeback is allowed under this message reason code when a previous chargeback was
not successful and all requirements under this message reason code have been met.
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Second Presentment
The tables in this section detail the conditions under which an acquirer may process a second
presentment in response to a Questionable Merchant Activity chargeback.
PAN Mismatch. The Primary Account Number (PAN) in chargeback supporting
documentation may differ from the PAN included by the acquirer in the clearing record. As a
result, a difference in PANs must not be the sole reason for an acquirer’s second presentment.
Not Considered in Violation of Mastercard Rule 3.7 for Coercion Claim
Second Presentment Condition. One of the following:
1. The merchant did not violate Mastercard Rule 3.7 due to coercion as determined by Mastercard.
2. The issuer did not include the noncompliance confirmation letter from Mastercard as Supporting
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2713 (Invalid Chargeback)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. One of the following corresponding to the Second Presentment Condition:
1. A copy of the letter from Mastercard that its investigation of the merchant was closed without a
finding of violation of Mastercard Rule 3.7.
2. None
DE 72 (Data Record). One of the following corresponding to the Second Presentment Condition:
Notes. None
Late First Chargeback Submission
Second Presentment Condition. The issuer submitted the first chargeback more than 30 days after
the date of the noncompliance confirmation letter from Mastercard for claims of coercion.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2713 (Invalid Chargeback)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). LATE SUBMISSION
Notes. None
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Improper SAFE Reporting
Second Presentment Condition. The transaction was not properly reported to SAFE on or before
the chargeback date. Mastercard allows three days from the reporting date for SAFE processing.
Mastercard considers the SAFE reporting within time when the transaction reporting date in SAFE is
within three days of the chargeback date.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2713 (Invalid Chargeback)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
Notes. None
Ineligible Fraud
Second Presentment Condition. The fraud type under which the transaction was reported in SAFE
is not eligible for chargeback.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2713 (Invalid Chargeback)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). FRAUD TYPE
Notes. None
Not Listed in Mastercard Announcement
Second Presentment Condition. One of the following:
1. The merchant in question was not listed in a Mastercard Announcement.
2. The transaction did not occur within the period specified.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2713 (Invalid Chargeback)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). One of the following corresponding to the Second Presentment Condition:
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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Notes. None
Credit Previously Issued
Second Presentment Condition. The merchant issued a credit to the cardholder’s account.
Time Frame Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2011 (Credit Previously Issued)
Supporting Documents. None
Notes. Replace MMDDYY with the date of the credit transaction. Optionally, replace
NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN with the Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) of the credit
Additional Second Presentment Options
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Codes And Second Presentment Conditions. One
of the following:
One of the following for Dual Message System transactions:
2001—Invalid Acquirer Reference Data; Documentation was Received or was Not Required
The combination of Primary Account Number and Acquirer Reference Data contained in the
chargeback record did not match the information contained in the first presentment record.
2004—Invalid Acquirer Reference Data on Chargeback; Documentation was Received
The combination of Primary Account Number and Acquirer Reference Data contained in the
chargeback record does not match the information contained in the first presentment record.
2701—Duplicate Chargeback
The issuer processed a first chargeback for the same transaction more than once.
Mastercard recommends that the acquirer provides the processing date and chargeback
reference number of the original chargeback with its second presentment.
2702—Past Chargeback Time Limit
The issuer’s first chargeback was processed past the time frame specified for the chargeback.
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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Arbitration Chargeback
The tables in this section detail the conditions under which an issuer may process an
arbitration chargeback in response to an acquirer’s second presentment.
Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) Does Not Match or is Invalid
Arbitration Chargeback Condition. One of the following:
1. When the issuer’s first chargeback didn’t include the ARD present in the first presentment, the
issuer must provide the correct ARD.
2. When the issuer’s first chargeback included the ARD present in the first chargeback, the issuer
must provide a copy of the first presentment as Supporting Documentation.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Code. One of the following corresponding to the
Arbitration Chargeback Condition:
1. When the second presentment used message reason code 2001: 4905—Invalid Acquirer
Reference Data; Documentation was Not Received or Not Required
2. When the second presentment used message reason code 2004: 4908—Invalid Acquirer
Reference Data; Documentation Received
Supporting Documents. One of the following corresponding to the Arbitration Chargeback
1. None
2. A copy of the first presentment showing the ARD
Notes. None
Cardholder Does Not Recognize
This section provides information for an issuer and acquirer in handling a dispute when the
cardholder claims he or she doesn’t recognize the non-face-to-face transaction appearing on
the cardholder’s account.
A non-face-to-face transaction occurs when the card, the cardholder, and/or the merchant
representative are not all present at the time of the transaction. Mail order, telephone order,
cardholder-activated terminal (CAT), electronic commerce (e-commerce), and recurring
payment transactions are examples of non–face-to-face transactions.
The issuer may use this chargeback when all of the following occurred:
The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming the cardholder doesn’t recognize the
transaction appearing on the cardholder’s account.
The issuer made a good-faith effort to identify the transaction for the cardholder.
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The transaction being questioned by the cardholder was a non-face-to-face transaction.
This includes when the authorization and clearing messages conflict on identifying the
transaction as non-face-to-face; meaning:
The authorization indicates non–face-to-face and the clearing indicates face-to-face; or
The authorization indicates face-to-face and the clearing indicates non–face-to-face
NOTE: By itself, a value of 01 (PAN manual entry) in DE 22 (Point-of-Service [POS] Entry Mode)
Subfield 1 (POS Terminal PAN Entry Mode) of the Authorization Request/0100 message does
not definitely identify a transaction as non-face-to-face. Data elements 61 (Point-of-Service
{POS} Data) of the Authorization Request/0100 and DE 22 (Point of Service [POS] Entry Mode)
of the First Presentment/1240 message should also be reviewed.
The issuer must not use this chargeback for any of the following:
The cardholder states the transaction is unauthorized. The issuer must use
chargeback reason code 4837-No Cardholder Authorization.
A face-to-face transaction. A face-to-face transaction is typically identified in an
Authorization Request/0100 message with:
Data Element Subfield Value
61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data) 1 (POS Terminal Attendance) 0 (Attended Terminal)
4 (POS Cardholder Presence) 0 (Cardholder present)
5 (POS Card Presence) 0 (Card present)
A face-to-face transaction is typically identified in a First Presentment/1240 messages
Data Element Subfield Value
22 (Point of Service [POS]
Entry Mode)
4 (Terminal Operating Environment)
One of the following:
1 (On card acceptor
premises; attended terminal)
3 (Off card acceptor
premises; attended)
5 (Cardholder Present Data) 0 (Cardholder present)
6 (Card Present Data) 1 (Card present)
The cardholder states the card used to perform the transaction was lost/stolen
An ATM transaction
A transaction that occurred at a properly identified cardholder-activated terminal
(CAT) 1, 2 or 3 device
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Fraud-related Chargebacks
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Authorization Approval after the FNS Date. The issuer approved the transaction after
submitting two or more chargebacks involving the same card account (for this purpose,
“account” means primary account number [PAN], or PAN and expiration date) for any of
the following message reason codes: 4837, 4840, 4870, or 4871. Message reason code
4863 first chargebacks will be included in the FNS count once the FNS fraud chargeback
count is two or greater.
FNS Counter Exceeds 15 Fraud-Related Chargebacks. The issuer submitted more than
15 chargebacks in aggregate involving the same account (as defined above) for message
reason codes 4837, 4840, 4870, or 4871. Message reason code 4863 first chargebacks will
be included in the FNS count once the FNS fraud chargeback count is two or greater.
Properly identified “no-show” lodging transactions.
Emergency cash disbursements or emergency travelers check refunds.
Properly identified Mastercard SecureCode, Masterpass by Mastercard, and Digital
Secure Remote Payment (DSRP) transactions (including any subsequent transaction
related to the original DSRP transaction, such as a partial shipment or recurring payment)
identified in authorization (DE 48, subelement 42 [Electronic Commerce Indicators],
subfield 1 (Electronic Commerce Security Level Indicator and UCAF Collection Indicator),
positions 1, 2, and 3) with the values of 211, 212, 215, 221, 222, 225, 241, 242, 245,
911, 912, or 915.
Addendum Disputes. An addendum dispute is the dispute of a separate transaction that
occurs after a valid transaction involving the same merchant and the same cardholder. The
issuer must process a chargeback for message reason code 4853—Cardholder Dispute
when the cardholder acknowledges participation in the original transaction.
The transaction was a Mastercard Commercial Payments Account transaction. A
Mastercard Commercial Payments Account transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS
Product Identifier) was MAP (Mastercard Commercial Payments Account) in the First
Presentment/1240 message.
Brazil only—The transaction was a Mastercard Agro Card transaction occurring in Brazil
with a Mastercard Agro Card issued in Brazil. A Mastercard Agro Card transaction occurs
when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MLF (Mastercard Agro Card) in the First
Presentment/1240 message.
Bangladesh only—The transaction was a Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card (MCP)
transaction occurring in Bangladesh with a Mastercard MCP card issued in Bangladesh. A
Mastercard MCP card transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was
MCP (Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card) in the First Presentment/1240 message when
the value of the transaction is equal to or greater than BDT 100,000.
India only—The transaction was a Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card (MCP)
transaction occurring in India with a Mastercard MCP card issued in India. A Mastercard
MCP card transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MCP
(Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card) in the First Presentment/1240 message when the
value of the transaction is equal to or greater than INR 100,000.
Sri Lanka only—The transaction was a Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card (MCP)
transaction occurring in Sri Lanka with a Mastercard MCP card issued in Sri Lanka. A
Mastercard MCP card transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Fraud-related Chargebacks
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
MCP (Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card) in the First Presentment/1240 message when
the value of the transaction is equal to or greater than LKR 200,000.
Corporate Purchasing Department Account Program transactions.
Mastercard Biometric Card—The transaction occurred with a Mastercard Biometric Card
and biometric Cardholder authentication was successful. Refer to Appendix F for
Mastercard Biometric Card Program transaction identification information.
Supporting Documents. Supporting Documents must be in English or accompanied by an
English translation unless both the issuer and the acquirer share a common language.
Supporting Documents must provide sufficient detail to enable all parties to understand the
nature of the dispute or rebuttal. Mastercard will determine whether the Supporting
Documents contain sufficient detail.
Supporting Documents must be provided using the MasterCom application.
Although Supporting Documents can be entered into MasterCom at any time before the next
cycle is processed, Supporting Documents must be entered into the MasterCom system within
eight calendar days of generating a chargeback or second presentment requiring Supporting
Documents to avoid liability for the disputed transaction solely for failing to provide
Supporting Documents (codes 2002 or 4901).
The cardholder email, cardholder letter, and/or cardholder message (including through a
password-protected website) must come directly from the cardholder or, in the case of a
commercial card, the corporate entity.
An Expedited Dispute Resolution Form is not allowed.
First Chargeback
The table in this section details the conditions under which an issuer may process a first
chargeback under the Cardholder Doesn’t Recognize chargeback.
Cardholder Does Not Recognize
Chargeback Condition. All of the following:
The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming the cardholder doesn’t recognize the transaction
appearing on the cardholder’s account.
The transaction being questioned by the cardholder was a non-face-to-face transaction.
The issuer made a good-faith effort to identify the transaction for the cardholder.
Time Frame. 120 calendar days
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4863 (Cardholder Does Not Recognize—Potential Fraud) for Dual Message System transactions
63 (Cardholder Does Not Recognize—Potential Fraud) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed
on the Single Message System
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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Supporting Documents. Cardholder letter, email, or message clearly stating that the cardholder does
not recognize the transaction and has made every effort to identify the transaction with the issuer
and/or the merchant.
An Expedited Dispute Resolution Form is not allowed.
In addition, for batched chargebacks: A list of the ARDs and the amount of each disputed transaction.
DE 72 (Data Record). For batched chargebacks: MULTIPLE TRANSACTIONS NNN
For all other chargebacks: None
Batching 4863 Chargebacks
Multiple disputed transactions may be combined into one chargeback message, this is called batching.
The batching option is only available when the PAN, merchant name and acquirer are the same for all
of the transactions being included in the batch.
Each individual transaction included in the batch must be within the chargeback time frame.
The chargeback must be processed using an ARD from one of the disputed transaction included the
The chargeback must be processed for the total amount of all the disputed transactions included in
the batch.
Replace NNN with the number of transactions being charged back.
Second Presentment
The tables in this section detail the conditions under which an acquirer may process a second
presentment in response to a Cardholder Does Not Recognize chargeback.
PAN Mismatch. The Primary Account Number (PAN) in chargeback supporting
documentation may differ from the PAN included by the acquirer in the clearing record. As a
result, a difference in PANs must not be the sole reason for an acquirer’s second presentment.
Two or More Previous Fraud-related Chargebacks
Second Presentment Condition. The issuer approved the transaction after submitting two or more
chargebacks involving the same Mastercard card account (for this purpose, “account” means primary
account number [PAN], or PAN and expiration date) for message reason codes 4837, 4840, 4870,
and/or 4871.
Message reason code 4863 first chargebacks will be included in the FNS count once the FNS fraud
chargeback count is two or greater.
This condition has been met when PDS 0200 (Fraud Counter), subfield 1 (Fraud NTF Date) of the First
Chargeback/1442 message is present and contains a date value that is earlier than the authorization
approval date of the disputed transaction.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2713 (Invalid Chargeback)
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Fraud-related Chargebacks
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Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). One of the following:
1. FNS
Notes. The following applies to the use of DE 72 (Data Record):
1. Use FNS when the authorization approval date of the disputed transaction is later than the date
value provided by the Fraud Notification Service in PDS 0200, subfield 1 of the First Chargeback/
1442 message.
2. Use NN MMDDYY for a previous chargeback by replacing NN with the last two digits of the
message reason code and replacing MMDDYY with the Central Site Business Date of the previous
chargeback. For AUTH MMDDYY, replace MMDDYY with the authorization approval date of
the disputed transaction.
Fraud-related Chargeback Counter Exceeds Threshold
Second Presentment Condition. The issuer submitted more than 15 chargebacks involving the same
account card account (for this purpose, “account” means primary account number [PAN], or PAN and
expiration date) for message reason codes 4837, 4840, 4870, and/or 4871.
Message reason code 4863 first chargebacks will be included in the FNS count once the FNS fraud
chargeback count is two or greater.
This condition has been met when PDS 0200 (Fraud Counter), subfield 2 (Fraud Notification Service
Chargeback Counter) of the First Chargeback/1442 message is present and contains a chargeback
counter value that exceeds 15 (a value of 16 or more).
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2713 (Invalid Chargeback)
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). FNS COUNT NN
Notes. Replace NN with the chargeback count value provided by the Fraud Notification Service in PDS
0200, subfield 2 of the First Chargeback/1442 message. The chargeback count value must be 16 or
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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New Information to Identify the Transaction
Second Presentment Condition. The acquirer can provide new information, not already contained
in the authorization or clearing messages, which would help to identify the transaction.
Additional information includes, but is not limited to, the following:
A description of the merchandise or services.
The original transaction amount when the disputed transaction represents partial shipment.
“Ship to” address (when applicable).
Time Frame Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/
Chargeback Remedied)
Supporting Documents. Documentation that would further identify the transaction.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Address Verification Service (AVS)
Second Presentment Condition. The acquirer can provide documentation that the acquirer received
a positive Address Verification Service (AVS) response of X (address match with nine-digit ZIP code) or
Y for the transaction and documentation showing that the address to which the merchandise was
sent is the same as the AVS confirmed address.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/
Chargeback Remedied)
Supporting Documents. All of the following:
Documentation of positive AVS response X or Y.
Documentation that shows the merchandise was sent to the AVS-confirmed billing address.
The acquirer must provide additional information, not contained in the authorization or clearing
message that would help to identify the transaction.
Additional information includes one or more of the following:
A description of the merchandise or services.
The original transaction amount when the disputed transaction represents partial shipment.
“Ship to” address (when applicable).
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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Face-to-Face Transaction
Second Presentment Condition. The transaction was properly and consistently identified as face-to-
face in both the authorization and clearing messages.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2713 (Invalid Chargeback)
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Conflicting Information in Authorization and Clearing Messages
Second Presentment Condition. Both of the following:
The authorization and clearing messages conflict on identifying the transaction as non-face-to-face
or face-to-face
The transaction was face-to-face
Time Frame Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2713 (Invalid chargeback)
Supporting Documents. Proof of card presence.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Mastercard SecureCode SL1 (Merchant-only Liability Shift)
Second Presentment Condition. All of the following:
All of the required e-commerce indicators were provided in the Authorization Request/0100
The Authorization Request Response/0110 message reflected the issuer’s approval of the
DE 48 (Additional Data—Private Use), subelement 42 (Electronic Commerce Indicators), subfield 1
(Electronic Commerce Security Level Indicator and UCAF Collection Indicator), positions 1, 2, and
3) contained any of the following values of 211, 212, 215, 221, 222, 225, 241, 242, 245, 911,
912, or 915.
For intraregional Europe transactions: The UCAF submitted by a Europe region merchant did
not contain the Mastercard-assigned static Accountholder Authentication Value (AAV).
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2008 (Issuer authorized transaction)
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). AUTH MMDDYY/NNNNNN SL 1
Replace MMDDYY with the date the authorization request message containing a value of 1 in DE 48,
subfield 42, position 3 was approved.
Replace NNNNNN with the authorization approval code.
Mastercard SecureCode SL2 (Global Liability Shift)
Second Presentment Condition. All of the following:
All of the required e-commerce indicators were provided in the Authorization Request/0100
message. The Authorization Request Response/0110 message reflected the issuer’s approval of the
DE 48 (Additional Data—Private Use), subelement 42 (Electronic Commerce Indicators), subfield 1
(Electronic Commerce Security Level Indicator and UCAF Collection Indicator), positions 1, 2, and
3) contained any of the following values of 211, 212, 215, 221, 222, 225, 241, 242, 245, 911,
912, or 915.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2008 (Issuer authorized transaction)
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). AUTH MMDDYY/NNNNNN SL 2
Replace MMDDYY with the date the transaction was authorized.
Replace NNNNNN with the authorization approval code.
This second presentment applies to Mobile Remote Payment transactions. For information about
Mobile Remote Payment transactions, see Chapter 18, Mastercard Mobile Rules of the Mastercard
Credit Previously Issued
Second Presentment Condition. The merchant issued a credit to the cardholder’s account.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2011 (Credit Previously Issued)
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Supporting Documents. None
Replace MMDDYY with the date of the credit transaction.
Optionally, replace NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN with the Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) of
the credit transaction.
Additional Second Presentment Options
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Codes And Second Presentment Conditions. One
of the following:
One of the following for Dual Message System transactions:
2001—Invalid Acquirer Reference Data; Documentation was Received or was Not Required
The combination of Primary Account Number and Acquirer Reference Data contained in the
chargeback record does not match the information contained in the first presentment record.
2004—Invalid Acquirer Reference Data on Chargeback; Documentation was Received
The combination of Primary Account Number and Acquirer Reference Data contained in the
chargeback record does not match the information contained in the first presentment record.
2701—Duplicate Chargeback
The issuer processed a first chargeback for the same transaction more than once.
Mastercard recommends that the acquirer provides the processing date and chargeback
reference number of the original chargeback with its second presentment.
2702—Past Chargeback Time Limit
The issuer’s first chargeback is processed past the time frame specified for the chargeback.
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Arbitration Chargeback
The tables in this section detail the conditions under which an issuer may process an
arbitration chargeback in response to an acquirer’s second presentment.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Fraud-related Chargebacks
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
New Information Not Provided
Arbitration Chargeback Condition. The issuer asserts that the information provided in the second
presentment to assist the cardholder in identifying the transaction was not new information.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date.
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Code. 4863 (Cardholder Does Not Recognize—
Potential Fraud)
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). RS 1
Notes. None
UCAF Value Discrepancy
Arbitration Chargeback Condition. The value contained in the UCAF within the Authorization
Request/0100 message is not identical to the value in the Authorization Response/0110 message.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date.
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Code. 4863 (Cardholder Does Not Recognize—
Potential Fraud)
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). RS 4
Notes. None
Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) Does Not Match or is Invalid
Arbitration Chargeback Condition. One of the following:
1. When the issuer’s first chargeback didn’t include the ARD present in the first presentment, the
issuer must provide the correct ARD.
2. When the issuer’s first chargeback included the ARD present in the first chargeback, the issuer
must provide a copy of the first presentment as Supporting Documentation.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Code. One of the following corresponding to the
Arbitration Chargeback Condition:
1. When the second presentment used message reason code 2001: 4905—Invalid Acquirer
Reference Data; Documentation was Not Received or Not Required
2. When the second presentment used message reason code 2004: 4908—Invalid Acquirer
Reference Data; Documentation Received
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Fraud-related Chargebacks
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Supporting Documents. One of the following corresponding to the Arbitration Chargeback
1. None
2. A copy of the first presentment showing the ARD
Notes. None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Additional Arbitration Chargeback Options
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Codes and Arbitration Chargeback Conditions.
One of the following:
48XX—New valid chargeback reason
When the merchant’s explanation remedied the original chargeback condition but that information
allowed the issuer to determine a new chargeback condition exists, then the issuer may continue
the chargeback by processing the arbitration chargeback using the requirements of the new
chargeback condition.
When new information was provided in the Second Presentment, the issuer must not continue
with an arbitration chargeback for Cardholder Does Not Recognize (4863). The new information
will either allow the cardholder to recognize the transaction (and then another chargeback may be
applicable) or the cardholder won’t recognize the transaction (and then another fraud chargeback
may be applicable).
When the first chargeback was processed as 4863-Cardholder Does Not Recognize, an issuer is
prohibited from processing an arbitration chargeback using 4870-Chip Liability Shift or 4871-Chip
Liability Shift—Lost/Stolen/Never Received Issue (NRI) Fraud.
4901—Required Documentation Not Received to Support Second Presentment
Required supporting documentation was not received.
An issuer must wait a minimum of eight calendar days from the second presentment before using
this message reason code.
An issuer can generate an arbitration chargeback with message reason code 4901 nine calendar
days from the second presentment and before the acquirer sends the supporting documentation.
Mastercard Dispute Resolution staff will find the acquirer responsible when the acquirer files an
arbitration case.
The issuer must accept supporting documentation as long as the issuer has not processed an
arbitration chargeback.
4902—Documentation Received was Illegible
Supporting documentation is illegible. The issuer’s arbitration chargeback will be considered invalid
should Mastercard Dispute Resolution staff determine that the supporting documentation is legible
during an arbitration case filing.
4903—Scanning error—Unrelated Documents or Partial Scan
Supporting documentation doesn’t correspond to the transaction being charged back (for
example, the documentation concerns a different transaction) or is incomplete.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Fraud-related Chargebacks
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Chip Liability Shift
This section provides information for an issuer and acquirer in handling a dispute when all of
the following:
The cardholder states that the cardholder did not authorize the transaction.
Both the issuer and the acquirer are located in a country or region participating in a
domestic, intraregional, or interregional chip liability shift as shown in the below table.
One of the following:
A fraudulent transaction resulted from the use of a counterfeit card at a non-hybrid
A fraudulent transaction occurred at a hybrid terminal but DE 55 was not present in the
Authorization Request/0100 or Financial Transaction Request/0200 message
The validly-issued card was an EMV chip card.
The transaction was reported to SAFE as counterfeit in accordance with the SAFE Products
User Guide prior to processing the chargeback. Mastercard allows three days from the
reporting date for SAFE processing. Mastercard considers the SAFE reporting within time
when the transaction reporting date in SAFE is within three days of the chargeback date.
Chip Liability Shift Participation
A chip liability shift in... Applicable to...
Has been in effect since or
will take effect on...
Asia/Pacific region Interregional transactions 15 April 2011
Intraregional transactions 1 January 2006
Domestic transactions 1 January 2006
Canada region Interregional transactions 15 April 2011
Intraregional/domestic transactions:
Excluding transactions at
automated fuel dispensers (MCC
31 March 2011
Including transactions at
automated fuel dispensers (MCC
31 December 2012
Europe region Interregional transactions 13 April 2007
Intraregional transactions 1 January 2005
Domestic transactions 1 January 2005
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
A chip liability shift in... Applicable to...
Has been in effect since or
will take effect on...
Latin America and the Caribbean
(LAC) region
Interregional transactions 12 October 2012
Intraregional transactions 1 January 2005
Domestic transactions:
16 October 2015
1 August 2015
1 October 2008
16 October 2015
1 July 2009
All other LAC countries
17 October 2014
Middle East/Africa (MEA) region Interregional transactions 15 April 2011
Intraregional transactions 1 January 2006
Domestic transactions:
South Africa
1 January 2005
All other MEA countries
1 January 2006
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
A chip liability shift in... Applicable to...
Has been in effect since or
will take effect on...
United States region
Interregional transactions:
Excluding transactions at
automated fuel dispensers (MCC
1 October 2015
Including transactions at
automated fuel dispensers (MCC
1 October 2017
Intraregional/domestic transactions:
Excluding transactions at
automated fuel dispensers (MCC
1 October 2015
Including transactions at
automated fuel dispensers (MCC
1 October 2020
The issuer may not use this message reason code when the following occur.
A Digital Secure Remote Payment (DSRP) transaction or any subsequent transaction
for a related partial shipment or recurring payment. Refer to Appendix F for Digital Secure
Remote Payment transaction identification requirements.
Authorization Approval after the FNS Date. The issuer approved the transaction after
submitting two or more chargebacks involving the same Mastercard card account (for this
purpose, “account” means primary account number [PAN], or PAN and expiration date) for
any of the following message reason codes: 4837, 4840, 4870, or 4871. Message reason
code 4863 first chargebacks will be included in the FNS count once the FNS fraud
chargeback count is two or greater.
FNS Counter Exceeds 15 Fraud-Related Chargebacks. The issuer submitted more than
15 chargebacks in aggregate involving the same account (as defined above) for message
reason codes 4837, 4840, 4870, or 4871. Message reason code 4863 first chargebacks will
be included in the FNS count once the FNS fraud chargeback count is two or greater.
A valid EMV chip transaction occurred and DE 55 and related data was provided in the
Authorization Request/0100 message or Financial Transaction Request/0200 message
(when online-authorized) and the First Presentment/1240 message.
A magnetic stripe-read or key-entered transaction occurred and was properly
identified as the result of technical fallback in the Authorization Request/0100
message and in the First Presentment/1240 message.
The Authorization Request/0100 message contained a service code value other
than 2xx or 6xx in DE 35 (Track 2 Data) or DE 45 (Track 1 Data), either because:
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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The card was not an EMV chip card (issuers approve such transactions at their own risk).
A counterfeit card transaction occurred in which the service code was altered from that
of the valid EMV chip card.
The transaction was a mail order, phone order, e-commerce, or recurring payment
Properly identified and authorized contactless transactions.
The transaction was a Mastercard Commercial Payments Account transaction. A
Mastercard Commercial Payments Account transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS
Product Identifier) was MAP (Mastercard Commercial Payments Account) in the First
Presentment/1240 message.
Brazil only—The transaction was a Mastercard Agro Card transaction occurring in Brazil
with a Mastercard Agro Card issued in Brazil. A Mastercard Agro Card transaction occurs
when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MLF (Mastercard Agro Card) in the First
Presentment/1240 message.
Bangladesh only—The transaction was a Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card (MCP)
transaction occurring in Bangladesh with a Mastercard MCP card issued in Bangladesh. A
Mastercard MCP card transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was
MCP (Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card) in the First Presentment/1240 message when
the value of the transaction is equal to or greater than BDT 100,000.
India only—The transaction was a Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card (MCP)
transaction occurring in India with a Mastercard MCP card issued in India. A Mastercard
MCP card transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MCP
(Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card) in the First Presentment/1240 message when the
value of the transaction is equal to or greater than INR 100,000.
Sri Lanka only—The transaction was a Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card (MCP)
transaction occurring in Sri Lanka with a Mastercard MCP card issued in Sri Lanka. A
Mastercard MCP card transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was
MCP (Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card) in the First Presentment/1240 message when
the value of the transaction is equal to or greater than LKR 200,000.
Mastercard Biometric Card—The transaction occurred with a Mastercard Biometric Card
and biometric Cardholder authentication was successful. Refer to Appendix F for
Mastercard Biometric Card Program transaction identification information.
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Term Definition
Technical Fallback Transaction
In a technical fallback transaction, either the chip or the merchant
device (CAD) failed, as shown by the presence of:
A value of 79 or 80 is present in DE 22 (Point-of-Service [POS] Entry
Mode), subfield 1 (POS Terminal PAN Entry Mode) of the
Authorization Request 0100 message or:
A value of 01 in DE 22, subfield 1 of the Authorization Request/
0100 message, when the authorization and clearing messages
indicate that the transaction occurred at a hybrid terminal.
For information about DE 22, Subfield 1 values, refer to the Customer
Interface Specification manual.
Hybrid POS Terminal
A POS Terminal that:
1. Is capable of processing both contact chip transactions and
magnetic stripe-based transactions;
2. Has the equivalent hardware, software, and configuration as a
hybrid POS terminal with full EMV Level 1 and Level 2 type approval
status with regard to the chip technical specifications; and
3. Has satisfactorily completed the Mastercard Terminal Integration
Process (TIP) in the appropriate environment of use.
A Hybrid POS Terminal is identified in transaction messages with the
following values:
A value of 3, 5, 8, or 9 in DE 61 (Point-of-Service Data), subfield 11
(POS Card Data Terminal Input Capability Indicator) in the
Authorization Request/0100 or Financial Transaction Request/0200
message, as described in the Customer Interface Specification and
Single Message System Specifications manuals; and
A value of 5, C, D, E, or M in DE 22 (Point of Service Data Code),
subfield 1 (Terminal Data: Card Data Input Capability) of the First
Presentment/1240 message, as described in the IPM Clearing
Formats manual.
Supporting Documents. Supporting Documents must be in English or accompanied by an
English translation unless both the issuer and the acquirer share a common language.
Supporting Documents must provide sufficient detail to enable all parties to understand the
nature of the dispute or rebuttal. Mastercard will determine whether the Supporting
Documents contain sufficient detail.
Supporting Documents must be provided using the MasterCom application.
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Although Supporting Documents can be entered into MasterCom at any time before the next
cycle is processed, Supporting Documents must be entered into the MasterCom system within
eight calendar days of generating a chargeback or second presentment requiring Supporting
Documents to avoid liability for the disputed transaction solely for failing to provide
Supporting Documents (codes 2002 or 4901).
The cardholder email, cardholder letter, and/or cardholder message (including through a
password-protected website) must come directly from the cardholder or, in the case of a
commercial card, the corporate entity. A completed Dispute Resolution Form must be the
direct result of a conversation with the cardholder.
The tables in this section detail the conditions under which a first chargeback under the Chip
Liability Shift chargeback may be processed.
The issuer may charge back a Mastercard ATM Network transaction using this message reason
code only when the transaction was conducted with an EMV chip card at a magnetic stripe-
reading-only ATM and both Customers are located in countries or regions participating in the
Chip Liability Shift for ATM transactions. Refer to the Single Message System Chargebacks
chapter, message reason code 70—Chip Liability Shift. Europe region Customers should refer
to Appendix A, Message Reason Code 4870—Chip Liability Shift for more details.
Chip Liability Shift
Chargeback Condition. All of the following:
The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder did not authorize the transaction.
Both the issuer and the acquirer are located in a country or region participating in a domestic,
intraregional, or interregional chip liability shift as shown in the Chip Liability Shift Participation
table (earlier in this section).
One of the following:
A fraudulent transaction resulted from the use of a counterfeit card at a non-hybrid terminal
A fraudulent transaction occurred at a hybrid terminal but DE 55 was not present in the
Authorization Request/0100 or Financial Transaction Request/0200 message
The validly-issued card was an EMV chip card.
The transaction was reported to SAFE as counterfeit in accordance with the SAFE Products User
Guide prior to processing the chargeback.
Time Frame. 120 calendar days
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4870 (Chip Liability Shift) for Dual Message System transactions
70 (Chip Liability Shift) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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Supporting Documents. One of the following:
Cardholder letter, email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 0412) stating
both of the following:
The cardholder did not authorize the transaction.
The cardholder was in possession and control of all valid cards issued to the account at the time
of the transaction.
Cardholder letter, email, or Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 0412) stating that the cardholder
did not authorize the transaction and an issuer certification letter verifying counterfeit.
For subsequent counterfeit transactions occurring after the account was closed, a copy of the
original cardholder letter and the issuer’s written certification that the account had been closed and
the date the account was closed.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
A Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 0412) provided as Supporting Documentation must be the
result of contact with the cardholder.
The Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 0412) may only be used when the card account is closed.
Before processing the chargeback using this form, the issuer must block the account on its host; list
the account number on the Mastercard Stand-in Account File with a “capture card” response until
card expiration, and report the transaction to SAFE.
Second Presentment
The tables in this section detail the conditions under which a second presentment in response
to a Chip Liability Shift chargeback may be processed.
PAN Mismatch. The Primary Account Number (PAN) in chargeback supporting
documentation may differ from the PAN included by the acquirer in the clearing record. As a
result, a difference in PANs must not be the sole reason for an acquirer’s second presentment.
Two or More Previous Fraud-related Chargebacks
Second Presentment Condition. The issuer approved the transaction after submitting two or more
chargebacks involving the same Mastercard card account (for this purpose, “account” means primary
account number [PAN], or PAN and expiration date) for message reason codes 4837, 4840, 4870,
and/or 4871.
Message reason code 4863 first chargebacks will be included in the FNS count once the FNS fraud
chargeback count is two or greater.
This condition has been met when PDS 0200 (Fraud Counter), subfield 1 (Fraud NTF Date) of the First
Chargeback/1442 message is present and contains a date value that is earlier than the authorization
approval date of the disputed transaction.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2713 (Invalid chargeback)
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Time frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). One of the following:
1. FNS
Notes. The following applies to the use of DE 72 (Data Record):
1. Use FNS when the authorization approval date of the disputed transaction is later than the date
value provided by the Fraud Notification Service in PDS 0200 (Fraud Counter), subfield 1 (Fraud
NTF Date) of the First Chargeback/1442 message.
2. Use NN MMDDYY for a previous chargeback by replacing NN with the last two digits of the
message reason code and MMDDYY with the Central Site Business Date of the previous
chargeback. For AUTH MMDDYY, replace MMDDYY with the authorization approval date of
the disputed transaction.
Fraud-related Chargeback Counter Exceeds Threshold
Second Presentment Condition. The issuer submitted more than 15 chargebacks involving the same
card account (for this purpose, “account” means primary account number [PAN], or PAN and
expiration date) for message reason codes 4837, 4840, 4870, and/or 4871.
Message reason code 4863 first chargebacks will be included in the FNS count once the FNS fraud
chargeback count is two or greater.
This condition has been met when PDS 0200 (Fraud Counter), subfield 2 (Fraud Notification Service
Chargeback Counter) of the First Chargeback/1442 message is present and contains a chargeback
counter value that exceeds 15 (a value of 16 or more).
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2713 (Invalid Chargeback)
Time frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). FNS COUNT NN
Notes. Replace NN with the chargeback count value provided by the Fraud Notification Service in PDS
0200, subfield 2 of the First Chargeback/1442 message.
Not Reported to SAFE
Second Presentment Condition. The transaction was not properly reported to SAFE on or before
the chargeback date. Mastercard allows three days from the reporting date for SAFE processing.
Mastercard considers the SAFE reporting within time when the transaction reporting date in SAFE is
within three days of the chargeback date.
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IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2713 (Invalid chargeback)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. Documentation that supports the second presentment from the Acquirer’s
Loss Data File, the Acquirer Loss Data Report (AF739010-BB), or the Acquirer Transaction Data Report
via Fraud Reporter.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Issuer Authorized Transaction
Second Presentment Condition. The transaction was authorized online and did not involve a valid
EMV chip card as evidenced by the service code in DE 35 (Track 2 Data) or DE 45 (Track 1 Data) of the
Authorization Request/0100 message.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2008 (Issuer authorized the transaction)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). INV SERVICE CODE X
Replace X with the value contained in position 1 of the three-digit service code transmitted by the
card to the terminal.
X must be a value other than 2 or 6.
Technical Fallback
Second Presentment Condition. The transaction was the result of technical fallback.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2008 (Issuer authorized the transaction)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
Replace MMDDYY with the date the issuer authorized the transaction.
Replace NNNNN with the authorization approval code.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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Chip Transaction— Offline Authorized
Second Presentment Condition. All of the following:
The transaction was completed by reading the chip.
The transaction did not require online authorization.
DE 55 was provided in the First Presentment/1240 message.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/
Chargeback Remedied)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
Notes. None
DE 55 Was Provided in the First Presentment/1240 Message
Second Presentment Condition. DE 55 was provided in the First Presentment/1240 message and
one of the following:
The transaction was completed with chip and PIN.
The transaction was completed with chip while the card was not PIN-preferring
The transaction was the result of CVM fallback
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2713 (Invalid chargeback)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
Supporting Documents. None
Notes. When the transaction was the result of CVM fallback, this second presentment is not available
when the transaction data in DE 55 indicates “PIN Entry Required and PIN Pad Not Present or Not
Invalid Chargeback
Second Presentment Condition. The transaction involved an issuer or acquirer located in a country
or region without an applicable domestic or intraregional chip liability shift or that does not participate
in the interregional Chip Liability Shift Program.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2713 (Invalid chargeback)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). CHIP LIABILITY NA
Notes. None
Credit Previously Issued
Second Presentment Condition. The merchant issued a credit to the cardholder’s account
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2011 (Credit Previously Issued)
Supporting Documents. None
Replace MMDDYY with the date of the credit transaction.
Optionally, replace NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN with the Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) of
the credit transaction.
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1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
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Additional Second Presentment Options
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Codes And Second Presentment Conditions. One
of the following:
One of the following for Dual Message System transactions:
2001—Invalid Acquirer Reference Data; Documentation was Received or was Not Required
The combination of Primary Account Number and Acquirer Reference Data contained in the
chargeback record does not match the information contained in the first presentment record.
2002—Non-receipt of Required Documentation to Support Chargeback Required supporting
documentation not received.
An acquirer must wait a minimum of eight calendar days from the first chargeback before using
this message reason code. Mastercard will block the Arbitration Chargeback when an acquirer
second presents with message reason code 2002 after eight calendar days from the first
chargeback and before the issuer sends the supporting documentation. The acquirer must
accept supporting documentation as long as the acquirer has not processed a second
2004—Invalid Acquirer Reference Data on Chargeback; Documentation was Received
The combination of Primary Account Number and Acquirer Reference Data contained in the
chargeback record does not match the information contained in the first presentment record.
2701—Duplicate Chargeback
The issuer processed a first chargeback for the same transaction more than once.
Mastercard recommends that the acquirer provides the processing date and chargeback
reference number of the original chargeback with its second presentment.
2702—Past Chargeback Time Limit
The issuer’s first chargeback is processed past the time frame specified for the chargeback.
2709—Documentation Received was Illegible Supporting documentation is illegible.
The acquirer’s second presentment will be considered invalid should Mastercard Dispute
Resolution Management staff determine that the supporting documentation is legible during
an arbitration case filing.
2710—Scanning Error—Unrelated Documents or Partial Scan
Supporting documentation does not correspond to the transaction being charged back (for
example, the documentation concerns a different transaction) or is incomplete.
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
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Arbitration Chargeback
This section details the conditions under which an issuer may process an arbitration
chargeback in response to an acquirer’s second presentment.
Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) Does Not Match or is Invalid
Arbitration Chargeback Condition. One of the following:
1. When the issuer’s first chargeback didn’t include the ARD present in the first presentment, the
issuer must provide the correct ARD.
2. When the issuer’s first chargeback included the ARD present in the first chargeback, the issuer
must provide a copy of the first presentment as Supporting Documentation.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Code. One of the following corresponding to the
Arbitration Chargeback Condition:
1. When the second presentment used message reason code 2001: 4905—Invalid Acquirer
Reference Data; Documentation was Not Received or Not Required
2. When the second presentment used message reason code 2004: 4908—Invalid Acquirer
Reference Data; Documentation Received
Supporting Documents. One of the following corresponding to the Arbitration Chargeback
1. None
2. A copy of the first presentment showing the ARD
Notes. None
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1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
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Arbitration Chargeback Options
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Codes and Arbitration Chargeback Conditions.
One of the following:
4901—Required Documentation Not Received to Support Second Presentment
Required supporting documentation was not received.
An issuer must wait a minimum of eight calendar days from the second presentment before using
this message reason code.
An issuer can generate an arbitration chargeback with message reason code 4901 nine calendar
days from the second presentment and before the acquirer sends the supporting documentation.
Mastercard Dispute Resolution Management staff will find the acquirer responsible when the
acquirer files an arbitration case.
The issuer must accept supporting documentation as long as the issuer has not processed an
arbitration chargeback.
4902—Documentation Received was Illegible Supporting documentation is illegible.
The issuer’s arbitration chargeback will be considered invalid should Mastercard Dispute Resolution
Management staff determine that the supporting documentation is legible during an arbitration
case filing.
4903—Scanning error—Unrelated Documents or Partial Scan
Supporting documentation does not correspond to the transaction being charged back (for
example, the documentation concerns a different transaction) or is incomplete.
Chip Liability Shift—Lost/Stolen/Never Received Issue (NRI) Fraud
This section provides information in handling a dispute when all of the following:
The cardholder states that:
The cardholder did not authorize the transaction.
The card is no longer, or has never been, in the possession of the cardholder.
Both the issuer and the acquirer are located in a country or region participating in a
domestic, intraregional, or interregional lost/stolen/NRI fraud chip liability shift as shown in
the below table.
A fraudulent transaction resulted from the use of a hybrid PIN-preferring card at one of the
A magnetic stripe-reading-only terminal (whether PIN-capable or not).
For domestic Malaysia transactions only, a hybrid terminal not equipped with a PIN pad
capable (at a minimum) of checking the PIN online.
For all other transactions, a hybrid terminal not equipped with a PIN pad capable (at a
minimum) of checking the PIN offline.
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1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
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For domestic Malaysia transactions only, a hybrid terminal equipped with a PIN pad
capable (at a minimum) of checking the PIN online, but DE 55 was not present in the
Authorization Request/0100 message or Financial Transaction Request/0200 message.
For all other transactions, a hybrid terminal equipped with a PIN pad capable (at a
minimum) of checking the PIN offline, but DE 55 was not present in the Authorization
Request/0100 message or Financial Transaction Request/0200 message.
A hybrid terminal where the PIN pad is not present or not working.
The validly issued card was a hybrid PIN-preferring card.
A fraudulent contactless transaction exceeding the applicable CVM limit resulted from the
use of a contactless-enabled hybrid PIN-preferring card or access device at a contactless-
enabled POS terminal not capable (at a minimum) of performing online PIN verification, or
where the PIN pad is not present or not working.
The transaction was reported to SAFE as lost/stolen/NRI in accordance with the SAFE Products
User Guide prior to processing the chargeback. Mastercard allows three days from the
reporting date for SAFE processing. Mastercard considers the SAFE reporting within time
when the transaction reporting date in SAFE is within three days of the chargeback date.
Lost/Stolen/NRI Fraud Chip Liability Shift Participation
A lost/stolen/NRI fraud
chip liability shift in... Applicable to...
Has been in effect since
or will take effect on...
Asia/Pacific region Domestic transactions
1 January 2017
Canada region Interregional transactions 19 April 2013
Intraregional/domestic transactions:
Excluding transactions at automated fuel
dispensers (MCC 5542)
31 March 2011
Including transactions at automated fuel
dispensers (MCC 5542)
31 December 2012
Europe region Interregional transactions May 2007
Intraregional transactions 1 January 2005
Domestic transactions 1 January 2005
Latin America and the
Caribbean (LAC) region
Domestic transactions
1 August 2015
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
A lost/stolen/NRI fraud
chip liability shift in... Applicable to...
Has been in effect since
or will take effect on...
Middle East/Africa region Domestic, intraregional, and interregional
1 July 2017
United States region
Interregional transactions
Excluding transactions at automated fuel
dispensers (MCC 5542)
1 October 2015
Including transactions at automated fuel
dispensers (MCC 5542)
1 October 2017
Intraregional/domestic transactions:
Excluding transactions at automated fuel
dispensers (MCC 5542)
1 October 2015
Including transactions at automated fuel
dispensers (MCC 5542)
1 October 2020
Term Definition
PIN-preferring chip card,
hybrid PIN-preferring card
Offline PIN means the PIN is verified “offline” by the chip prior to
authorization of the transaction by the issuer or the chip. Online PIN
means the PIN is passed in the authorization request message and verified
“online” by the issuer during authorization.
When issued in the Asia/Pacific, Canada, Europe, Latin America and the
Caribbean, or Middle East/Africa region—An EMV chip card that has
been personalized so that the offline PIN CVM option appears in the
card’s CVM list with higher priority than the signature option.
When issued in the United States region—An EMV chip card that has
been personalized so that a PIN CVM option (online PIN or offline PIN)
appears in the card’s CVM list with a higher priority than the signature
NOTE: This message reason code does not apply to U.S.-issued
cards until 1 October 2015 (1 October 2020 for automated fuel
dispenser [MCC 5542] transactions).
Contactless-enabled hybrid
PIN-preferring card
An EMV chip card with contactless payment functionality that has been
personalized so that the online PIN CVM option appears on the card’s
contactless CVM list with a higher priority than the signature option.
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Term Definition
Contactless-enabled secure
CVM-preferring access device
An access device, including any mobile payment device or contactless
payment device, with contactless payment functionality that:
Has been personalized so that the online PIN CVM option appears on
the CVM list with a higher priority than the signature option, and may
also support on-device cardholder verification; or
Always performs on-device cardholder verification.
PIN-capable hybrid POS
When located in the Asia/Pacific, Canada, Europe, Latin America and the
Caribbean, or Middle East/Africa region—A hybrid POS terminal that is
capable at a minimum of performing offline PIN verification when a PIN-
preferring chip card is presented. It also may be capable of online PIN
verification and, when attended, must support signature.
When located in the United States region—A hybrid POS terminal capable
of performing both online and offline PIN verification when a PIN-
preferring chip card is presented and which, when attended, also
supports signature.
A PIN-capable hybrid POS terminal is indicated when DE 22, subfield 2
(Terminal Data: Cardholder Authentication Capability), of the First
Presentment/1240 message contains a value of 1.
Hybrid POS Terminal
A POS Terminal that:
1. Is capable of processing both contact chip transactions and magnetic
stripe-based transactions;
2. Has the equivalent hardware, software, and configuration as a hybrid
POS terminal with full EMV Level 1 and Level 2 type approval status
with regard to the chip technical specifications; and
3. Has satisfactorily completed the Mastercard Terminal Integration
Process (TIP) in the appropriate environment of use.
A Hybrid POS Terminal is identified in transaction messages with the
following values:
A value of 3, 5, 8, or 9 in DE 61 (Point-of-Service Data), subfield 11
(POS Card Data Terminal Input Capability Indicator) in the
Authorization Request/0100 or Financial Transaction Request/0200
message, as described in Customer Interface Specification and Single
Message System Specifications; and
A value of 5, C, D, E, or M in DE 22 (Point of Service Data Code),
subfield 1 (Terminal Data: Card Data Input Capability) of the First
Presentment/1240 message, as described in IPM Clearing Formats.
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Term Definition
Technical fallback transaction
In a technical fallback transaction, either the chip or the merchant device
(CAD) failed, as shown by the presence of:
A value of 79 or 80 is present in DE 22 (Point-of-Service [POS] Entry
Mode), subfield 1 (POS Terminal PAN Entry Mode) of the Authorization
Request/0100 message or
A value of 01 in DE 22, subfield 1 of the Authorization Request/0100
message, when the authorization and clearing messages indicate that
the transaction occurred at a hybrid terminal.
For information on DE 22, subfield 1 values, refer to the Customer
Interface Specification manual.
Valid EMV chip cards When a transaction involves a valid EMV chip card, a value of 2 or 6 is
present in position 1 of the three-digit service code in DE 35 (Track 2
Data) or DE 45 (Track 1 Data) of the Authorization Request/0100
Contactless-enabled POS
A POS terminal enabled with contactless payment functionality, including
but not limited to a hybrid POS terminal or contactless-only POS terminal.
Chip/PIN transaction Either of the following:
A contact chip transaction effected with a valid EMV chip card at a
PIN-capable hybrid POS terminal using the chip and with offline or
online PIN as the CVM.
A contactless transaction effected with a contactless-enabled secure
CVM-preferring card or access device at a contactless-enabled POS
terminal using contactless payment functionality and with online PIN
or successful on-device cardholder verification as the CVM.
CVM fallback A chip transaction in which a lower priority Cardholder Verification
Method (CVM) is performed (for example, signature or none), because
the higher priority CVM (PIN) is temporarily unavailable. CVM fallback
from PIN to signature or no CVM is indicated in DE 55 (Integrated Circuit
Card [ICC] System-Related Data) of the First Presentment/1240 message
by data showing that in Byte 3 of the Terminal Verification Result (tag 95),
any or all of bits 4, 5, or 6 were set.
The issuer may not use this message reason code under the following conditions.
The transaction occurred with an online PIN-preferring card and PIN data was
provided in the Authorization Request/0100 or Financial Transaction Request/0200
The transaction occurred at a PIN-enabled hybrid POS terminal and was approved
although PIN was not present due to the use of PIN bypass functionality.
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A counterfeit card transaction occurred with an unaltered service code (reason code
4870 [Chip Liability Shift—Counterfeit Fraud] should be used).
A Digital Secure Remote Payment (DSRP) transaction or any subsequent transaction
for a related partial shipment or recurring payment occurred. Refer to Appendix F for
Digital Secure Remote Payment transaction identification requirements.
A contactless transaction occurred at a contactless-enabled POS terminal with a
successful Consumer Device Cardholder Verification Method (CDCVM), as indicated by the
data provided in “CVM Results” or the “Issuer Application Data” within DE 55
A properly identified contactless transaction occurred and one of the following:
The transaction amount was equal to or less than the CVM limit (found in Appendix C)
The transaction amount exceeded the CVM limit and was completed with online PIN or
successful on-device cardholder verification
The validly issued card or access device was issued with magstripe mode-only
contactless functionality and did not support on-device cardholder verification, the
transaction amount exceeded the CVM limit and signature was selected as the CVM.
Authorization Approval after the FNS Date. The issuer approved the transaction after
submitting two or more chargebacks involving the same Mastercard card account (for this
purpose, “account” means primary account number [PAN], or PAN and expiration date) for
any of the following message reason codes: 4837, 4840, 4870, or 4871. Message reason
code 4863 first chargebacks will be included in the FNS count once the FNS fraud
chargeback count is two or greater.
FNS Counter Exceeds 15 Fraud-Related Chargebacks. The issuer submitted more than
15 chargebacks in aggregate involving the same account (as defined above) for message
reason codes 4837, 4840, 4870, or 4871. Message reason code 4863 first chargebacks will
be included in the FNS count once the FNS fraud chargeback count is two or greater.
A valid EMV chip/PIN transaction occurred and DE 55 and related data were provided
in the Authorization Request/0100 message or Financial Transaction Request/0200 message
(when online-authorized) and the First Presentment/1240 message.
A magnetic stripe-read or key-entered transaction occurred and was properly identified as
the result of technical fallback in the Authorization Request/0100 message and in the
First Presentment/1240 message.
The Authorization Request/0100 message contained a service code value other
than 2xx or 6xx, because of one of the following:
The card was not an EMV chip card (issuers approve such transactions at their own risk).
A counterfeit card transaction occurred in which the service code was altered from that
of the valid EMV chip card.
The transaction was a mail order, phone order, e-commerce, or non–face-to-face
recurring payment transaction.
The transaction was a Mastercard Commercial Payments Account transaction. A
Mastercard Commercial Payments Account transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS
Product Identifier) was MAP (Mastercard Commercial Payments Account) in the First
Presentment/1240 message.
Brazil only—The transaction was a Mastercard Agro Card transaction occurring in Brazil
with a Mastercard Agro Card issued in Brazil. A Mastercard Agro Card transaction occurs
Dual Message System Chargebacks
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when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MLF (Mastercard Agro Card) in the First
Presentment/1240 message.
Bangladesh only—The transaction was a Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card (MCP)
transaction occurring in Bangladesh with a Mastercard MCP card issued in Bangladesh. A
Mastercard MCP card transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was
MCP (Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card) in the First Presentment/1240 message when
the value of the transaction is equal to or greater than BDT 100,000.
India only—The transaction was a Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card (MCP)
transaction occurring in India with a Mastercard MCP card issued in India. A Mastercard
MCP card transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MCP
(Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card) in the First Presentment/1240 message when the
value of the transaction is equal to or greater than INR 100,000.
Sri Lanka only—The transaction was a Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card (MCP)
transaction occurring in Sri Lanka with a Mastercard MCP card issued in Sri Lanka. A
Mastercard MCP card transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was
MCP (Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card) in the First Presentment/1240 message when
the value of the transaction is equal to or greater than LKR 200,000.
CAT 2 and CAT 3 Transactions—Chargebacks of CAT 2 and CAT 3 transactions are not
permitted under this reason code.
ATM Transactions—Chargebacks of Mastercard ATM Network transactions are not
permitted under this reason code.
Mastercard Biometric Card—The transaction occurred with a Mastercard Biometric Card
and biometric Cardholder authentication was successful. Refer to Appendix F for
Mastercard Biometric Card Program transaction identification information.
Supporting Documents. Supporting Documents must be in English or accompanied by an
English translation unless both the issuer and the acquirer share a common language.
Supporting Documents must provide sufficient detail to enable all parties to understand the
nature of the dispute or rebuttal. Mastercard will determine whether the Supporting
Documents contain sufficient detail.
Supporting Documents must be provided using the MasterCom application.
Although Supporting Documents can be entered into MasterCom at any time before the next
cycle is processed, Supporting Documents must be entered into the MasterCom system within
eight calendar days of generating a chargeback or second presentment requiring Supporting
Documents to avoid liability for the disputed transaction solely for failing to provide
Supporting Documents (codes 2002 or 4901).
The cardholder email, cardholder letter, and/or cardholder message (including through a
password-protected website) must come directly from the cardholder or, in the case of a
commercial card, the corporate entity. A completed Dispute Resolution Form must be the
direct result of a conversation with the cardholder.
The table in this section details the conditions under which a Lost/Stolen/NRI Fraud Chip
Liability Shift chargeback may be processed.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Fraud-related Chargebacks
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Lost/Stolen/NRI Fraud Chip Liability Shift
Chargeback Condition. All of the following:
The cardholder states that:
The cardholder did not authorize the transaction.
The card is no longer, or has never been, in the possession of the cardholder.
Both the issuer and the acquirer are located in a country or region participating in a domestic,
intraregional, or interregional chip/PIN liability shift as shown in the below table.
A fraudulent transaction resulted from the use of a hybrid PIN-preferring card at one of the
A magnetic stripe-reading-only terminal (whether PIN-capable or not)
A hybrid terminal not equipped with a PIN pad capable (at a minimum) of checking the PIN
A hybrid terminal equipped with a PIN pad capable (at a minimum) of checking the PIN offline,
but DE 55 was not present in the Authorization Request/0100 message or Financial Transaction
Request/0200 message
A hybrid terminal where the PIN pad is not present or not working
The validly issued card was a hybrid PIN-preferring card.
The transaction was reported to SAFE as lost/stolen/NRI in accordance with the SAFE Products User
Guide prior to processing the chargeback.
Time Frame. 120 calendar days
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4871 (Lost/Stolen/NRI Fraud Chip Liability Shift) for Dual Message System transactions
71 (Lost/Stolen/NRI Fraud Chip Liability Shift) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the
Single Message System
Supporting Documents. Both of the following:
1. Cardholder letter, email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 0412)
stating that the cardholder did not authorize the transaction and one of the following:
A statement in the cardholder letter, email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form-
Fraud (Form 0412) that the card was lost, stolen, or never received.
A written issuer certification of lost stolen or NRI fraud.
A law enforcement or police report made to the issuer regarding the loss, theft, or non-receipt
of the card.
2. Documentation that shows the priority sequence of cardholder verification methods (CVMs)
supported by the card or issuer for the disputed transaction, from highest to lowest priority (the
“CVM list”).
For subsequent fraudulent transactions occurring after the account was closed, a copy of the
original cardholder letter and the issuer’s written certification that the account had been closed
and the date the account was closed.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Fraud-related Chargebacks
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
A Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 0412) provided as Supporting Documentation must be the
result of contact with the cardholder.
The Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 0412) may only be used when the card account is closed.
Before processing the chargeback using this form, the issuer must block the account on its host; list
the account number on the Mastercard Stand in Account File with a “capture card” response until
card expiration, and report the transaction to SAFE.
Second Presentment
The tables in this section detail the conditions under which a second presentment in response
to a Chip/PIN Liability Shift chargeback may be processed.
PAN Mismatch. The Primary Account Number (PAN) in chargeback supporting
documentation may differ from the PAN included by the acquirer in the clearing record. As a
result, a difference in PANs must not be the sole reason for an acquirer’s second presentment.
Two or More Previous Fraud-related Chargebacks
Second Presentment Condition. The issuer approved the transaction after submitting two or more
chargebacks involving the same Mastercard card account (for this purpose, “account” means primary
account number [PAN], or PAN and expiration date) for message reason codes 4837, 4840, 4870,
and/or 4871.
Message reason code 4863 first chargebacks will be included in the FNS count once the FNS fraud
chargeback count is two or greater.
This condition has been met when PDS 0200 (Fraud Counter), subfield 1 (Fraud NTF Date) of the First
Chargeback/1442 message is present and contains a date value that is earlier than the authorization
approval date of the disputed transaction.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2713 (Invalid Chargeback)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). One of the following:
1. FNS
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Fraud-related Chargebacks
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Notes. The following applies to the use of DE 72 (Data Record):
1. Use FNS when the authorization approval date of the disputed transaction is later than the date
value provided by the Fraud Notification Service in PDS 0200, subfield 1 of the First Chargeback/
1442 message.
2. Use NN MMDDYY for a previous chargeback by replacing NN with the last two digits of the
message reason code and MMDDYY with the Central Site Business Date of the previous
chargeback. For AUTH MMDDYY, replace MMDDYY with the authorization approval date of
the disputed transaction.
Fraud-related Chargeback Counter Exceeds Threshold
Second Presentment Condition. The issuer submitted more than 15 chargebacks involving the same
card account (for this purpose, “account” means primary account number [PAN], or PAN and
expiration date) for message reason codes 4837, 4840, 4870, and/or 4871.
Message reason code 4863 first chargebacks will be included in the FNS count once the FNS fraud
chargeback count is two or greater.
This condition has been met when PDS 0200 (Fraud Counter), subfield 2 (Fraud Notification Service
Chargeback Counter) of the First Chargeback/1442 message is present and contains a chargeback
counter value that exceeds 15 (a value of 16 or more).
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2713 (Invalid Chargeback)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). FNS COUNT NN
Notes. Replace NN with the chargeback count value provided by the Fraud Notification Service in PDS
0200, subfield 2 of the First Chargeback/1442 message.
Not Reported to SAFE
Second Presentment Condition. The transaction was not properly reported to SAFE on or before
the chargeback date. Mastercard allows three days from the reporting date for SAFE processing.
Mastercard considers the SAFE reporting within time when the transaction reporting date in SAFE is
within three days of the chargeback date.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2713 (Invalid chargeback)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. Documentation that supports the second presentment from the Acquirer’s
Loss Data File, the Acquirer Loss Data Report (AF739010-BB), or the Acquirer Transaction Data Report
via Fraud Reporter.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Fraud-related Chargebacks
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Notes. None
Authorized Online Transaction
Second Presentment Condition. Both of the following:
The transaction was authorized online.
Did not involve a valid EMV chip card as evidenced by the service code in DE 35 (Track 2 Data) or
DE 45 (Track 1 Data) of the Authorization Request/0100 message.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2008 (Issuer authorized the transaction)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). INV SERVICE CODE X
Replace X with the value contained in position 1of the three-digit service code transmitted by the card
to the terminal.
X must be a value other than 2 or 6.
Technical Fallback
Second Presentment Condition The transaction was the result of technical fallback at a PIN-capable
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2008 (Issuer authorized the transaction)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
Notes. None
Chip Transaction—DE 55 Not Provided—Did Not Require Online Authorization
Second Presentment Condition. The transaction did not require online authorization and DE 55 was
not provided in the First Presentment/1240 message and one of the following:
The acquirer can prove that the transaction was completed with chip and PIN.
Completed with chip while the card was not PIN-preferring
The result of CVM fallback
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Fraud-related Chargebacks
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/
Chargeback Remedied)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
Supporting Documents. DE 55 and mandatory subelements
Notes. None
DE 55 Was Provided in the First Presentment/1240 Message
Second Presentment Condition. DE 55 was provided in the First Presentment/1240 message and
one of the following:
The transaction was completed with chip and PIN.
The transaction was completed with chip while the card was not PIN-preferring
The transaction was the result of CVM fallback
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2713 (Invalid chargeback)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
Supporting Documents. None
Notes. When the transaction was the result of CVM fallback, this second presentment is not available
when the transaction data in DE 55 indicates “PIN Entry Required and PIN Pad Not Present or Not
Invalid Chargeback
Second Presentment Condition The transaction involved an issuer or acquirer located in a country
or region without an applicable domestic, intraregional, or interregional chip/PIN liability shift.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2713 (Invalid chargeback)
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). CHIP LIABILITY NA
Notes. None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Fraud-related Chargebacks
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Credit Previously Issued
Second Presentment Condition. The merchant issued a credit to the cardholder’s account.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2011 (Credit Previously Issued)
Supporting Documents. None
Replace MMDDYY with the date of the credit transaction.
Optionally, replace NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN with the Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) of
the credit transaction.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Fraud-related Chargebacks
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Additional Second Presentment Options
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Codes And Second Presentment Conditions. One
of the following:
One of the following for Dual Message System transactions:
2001—Invalid Acquirer Reference Data; Documentation was Received or was Not Required
The combination of Primary Account Number and Acquirer Reference Data contained in the
chargeback record does not match the information contained in the first presentment record.
2002—Non-receipt of Required Documentation to Support Chargeback Required supporting
documentation not received.
An acquirer must wait a minimum of eight calendar days from the first chargeback before using
this message reason code. Mastercard will block the Arbitration Chargeback when an acquirer
second presents with message reason code 2002 after eight calendar days from the first
chargeback and before the issuer sends the supporting documentation. The acquirer must
accept supporting documentation as long as the acquirer has not processed a second
2004—Invalid Acquirer Reference Data on Chargeback; Documentation was Received
The combination of Primary Account Number and Acquirer Reference Data contained in the
chargeback record does not match the information contained in the first presentment record.
2701—Duplicate Chargeback
The issuer processed a first chargeback for the same transaction more than once.
Mastercard recommends that the acquirer provides the processing date and chargeback
reference number of the original chargeback with its second presentment.
2702—Past Chargeback Time Limit
The issuer’s first chargeback is processed past the time frame specified for the chargeback.
2709—Documentation Received was Illegible Supporting documentation is illegible.
The acquirer’s second presentment will be considered invalid should Mastercard Dispute
Resolution Management staff determine that the supporting documentation is legible during
an arbitration case filing.
2710—Scanning Error—Unrelated Documents or Partial Scan
Supporting documentation does not correspond to the transaction being charged back (for
example, the documentation concerns a different transaction) or is incomplete.
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Fraud-related Chargebacks
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Arbitration Chargeback
This section detail the conditions under which an arbitration chargeback in response to an
acquirer’s second presentment may be processed.
Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) Does Not Match or is Invalid
Arbitration Chargeback Condition. One of the following:
1. When the issuer’s first chargeback didn’t include the ARD present in the first presentment, the
issuer must provide the correct ARD.
2. When the issuer’s first chargeback included the ARD present in the first chargeback, the issuer
must provide a copy of the first presentment as Supporting Documentation.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Code. One of the following corresponding to the
Arbitration Chargeback Condition:
1. When the second presentment used message reason code 2001: 4905—Invalid Acquirer
Reference Data; Documentation was Not Received or Not Required
2. When the second presentment used message reason code 2004: 4908—Invalid Acquirer
Reference Data; Documentation Received
Supporting Documents. One of the following corresponding to the Arbitration Chargeback
1. None
2. A copy of the first presentment showing the ARD
Notes. None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Fraud-related Chargebacks
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Arbitration Chargeback Options
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Codes and Arbitration Chargeback Conditions.
One of the following:
4901—Required Documentation Not Received to Support Second Presentment
Required supporting documentation was not received.
An issuer must wait a minimum of eight calendar days from the second presentment before using
this message reason code.
An issuer can generate an arbitration chargeback with message reason code 4901 nine calendar
days from the second presentment and before the acquirer sends the supporting documentation.
Mastercard Dispute Resolution Management staff will find the acquirer responsible when the
acquirer files an arbitration case.
The issuer must accept supporting documentation as long as the issuer has not processed an
arbitration chargeback.
4902—Documentation Received was Illegible Supporting documentation is illegible.
The issuer’s arbitration chargeback will be considered invalid should Mastercard Dispute Resolution
Management staff determine that the supporting documentation is legible during an arbitration
case filing.
4903—Scanning error—Unrelated Documents or Partial Scan
Supporting documentation does not correspond to the transaction being charged back (for
example, the documentation concerns a different transaction) or is incomplete.
Point-of-Interaction Error
This section provides information for handling a point-of-interaction error chargeback.
A point-of-interaction error chargeback may be submitted when the cardholder contacted the
issuer alleging one of the following:
The cardholder paid twice for the same transaction using two different forms of payment
The cardholder’s account has been debited more than once for the same transaction using
the same form of payment
The cardholder was billed an incorrect amount
Cash was not properly dispensed by an ATM
The cardholder’s account has been debited more than once for the same ATM transaction
The cardholder was billed for loss, theft, or damage in the same transaction as the
underlying initial service
A dispute regarding POI Currency Conversion (Dynamic Currency Conversion)
The cardholder was billed an unreasonable amount (Intra-EEA Transactions only)
The cardholder paid an improper merchant surcharge (intra-European and inter-European
transactions only)
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Point-of-Interaction Error
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
The merchant processed a credit (instead of a reversal) to correct an error which resulted in
the cardholder experiencing a currency exchange loss.
In addition, the issuer may use message reason code 4834 when the acquirer presented a
transaction past the applicable time frame.
Supporting Documents. Supporting Documents must be in English or accompanied by an
English translation unless both the issuer and the acquirer share a common language.
Supporting Documents must provide sufficient detail to enable all parties to understand the
nature of the dispute or rebuttal. Mastercard will determine whether the Supporting
Documents contain sufficient detail.
Supporting Documents must be provided using the MasterCom application.
Although Supporting Documents can be entered into MasterCom at any time before the next
cycle is processed, Supporting Documents must be entered into the MasterCom system within
eight calendar days of generating a chargeback or second presentment requiring Supporting
Documents to avoid liability for the disputed transaction solely for failing to provide
Supporting Documents (codes 2002 or 4901).
The cardholder email, cardholder letter, and/or cardholder message (including through a
password-protected website) must come directly from the cardholder or, in the case of a
commercial card, the corporate entity. A completed Dispute Resolution Form must be the
direct result of a conversation with the cardholder.
The tables in this section detail the conditions under which a first chargeback under the point-
of-interaction error chargeback may be processed.
Cardholder Debited More than Once for the Same Goods or Services
Chargeback Condition. The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming one of the following:
The cardholder’s account has been debited more than once for the same transaction.
The cardholder paid for a transaction using one form of payment and was subsequently debited
for the same transaction using another form of payment.
Time Frame. 120 calendar days from the Central Site Business Date.
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4834 for Dual Message System transactions
34 for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, they will eventually be
4831 (Transaction Amount Differs) for Dual Message System transactions
31 (Transaction Amount Differs) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single
Message System
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Point-of-Interaction Error
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Supporting Documents.
A cardholder letter, email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form—Point-of-Interaction (POI)
Errors (Form 1240) describing the cardholder’s complaint in sufficient detail to enable all parties to
understand the dispute.
The cardholder letter, email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form—Point-of-Interaction
(POI) Errors (Form 1240) must specify the alternate means of payment providing sufficient transaction
details to allow the merchant to locate the alternate payment.
When a non-Mastercard method of payment was used, documentation detailing the payment by
other means. Examples include, but are not limited to:
A bank statement documenting payment to the merchant
A canceled check
A receipt showing cash as the payment method
DE 72 (Data Record). When both transactions were processed through the Mastercard network:
Notes. Replace NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN with the Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) of the
first valid transaction.
Travel Vouchers
When the merchant accepted the travel voucher, the Supporting Documentation must state that
the merchant accepted the voucher.
When the merchant did not accept the travel voucher, the issuer should consider using the Cardholder
Dispute chargeback against the entity that issued the travel voucher.
Transaction Amount Differs
Chargeback Condition. The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming the cardholder was billed an
incorrect amount.
Time Frame. 120 calendar days from the Central Site Business Date.
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4834 for Dual Message System transactions
34 for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, they will eventually be
4831 (Transaction Amount Differs) for Dual Message System transactions
31 (Transaction Amount Differs) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single
Message System
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Point-of-Interaction Error
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Supporting Documents. Both of the following:
A cardholder letter, email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form—Point-of-Interaction
(POI) Errors (Form 1240) describing the cardholder’s complaint in sufficient detail to enable all
parties to understand the dispute; including the transaction amount that should have been billed.
Documentation detailing the correct transaction amount. Examples include, but are not limited to:
A receipt or invoice including the correct transaction amount
The final hotel or car rental bill
Merchant email confirming price
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. This chargeback is not available for verbal price agreements.
ATM Disputes
Chargeback Condition. The cardholder contacted the issuer alleging one of the following:
Some or all of the funds debited from the cardholder’s account as the result of an ATM withdrawal
were not dispensed.
The cardholder’s account has been debited more than once for the same transaction.
Time Frame. Between 5 and 120 calendar days from the transaction settlement date
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4834 for Dual Message System transactions
34 for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, they will eventually be
4859 (Addendum, No-show, or ATM Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions
59 (RS3=ATM dispute) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Point-of-Interaction Error
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
This chargeback is not available for fraud.
This chargeback is not available when the transaction occurred with a Mastercard Commercial
Payments Account. A Mastercard Commercial Payments Account transaction occurs when PDS 0002
(GCMS Product Identifier) was MAP (Mastercard Commercial Payments Account) in the First
Presentment/1240 message.
The issuer may chargeback only the disputed amount.
When a chargeback is for the full amount of the original transaction, any ATM access fee may be
included in the chargeback amount.
Cardholder account debited more than once for the same ATM transaction
Mastercard recommends that an issuer charge back both ATM transactions individually under this
chargeback. This will allow for each second presentment to provide the information necessary to
remedy the dispute by showing each individual transaction that was completed.
Since ATM transactions are authorized using a PIN, Mastercard strongly recommends that before using
this chargeback, issuers verify their authorization records to ensure that they are not charging back
two separate transactions that were authorized individually using a PIN. The issuer would be correct in
using this chargeback when the authorization numbers are the same for both ATM transactions.
European Issuers and Acquirers
Refer to Appendix A, Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and
Cirrus) for more information about chargeback processing procedures for intra-European Mastercard
ATM transactions and interregional Mastercard ATM transactions.
Charges for Loss, Theft, or Damages
Chargeback Condition. The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming the cardholder was billed for
loss, theft, or damage in the same transaction as the underlying initial service.
Time Frame. 120 calendar days from the Central Site Business Date.
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4834 for Dual Message System transactions
34 for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, they will eventually be
4859 (Addendum, No-show, or ATM Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions
59 (Services Not Rendered) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Point-of-Interaction Error
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Supporting Documents. A cardholder letter, email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form
—Point-of-Interaction (POI) Errors (Form 1240) describing the cardholder’s complaint in sufficient
detail to enable all parties to understand the dispute.
Optionally, documentation detailing the charge for the initial service as well as for the loss, theft, or
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. The Cardholder Dispute chargeback (message reason code 4853) should be used to dispute a
charge for loss, theft, or damage processed as a separate (addendum) transaction.
This chargeback is not available when the transaction occurred with a Mastercard Commercial
Payments Account. A Mastercard Commercial Payments Account transaction occurs when PDS 0002
(GCMS Product Identifier) was MAP (Mastercard Commercial Payments Account) in the First
Presentment/1240 message.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Point-of-Interaction Error
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Late Presentment
Chargeback Condition. All of the following:
The account is permanently closed.
The issuer used good-faith efforts to collect the transaction amount from the cardholder.
The transaction was not presented within one of the following time frames.
When the transaction was completed with electronically recorded card information (whether
card-read or key-entered), the acquirer has a maximum of seven calendar days after the
transaction date to present the transaction to the issuer.
When the transaction was completed with manually recorded card information (whether
imprinted or handwritten), the acquirer has a maximum of 30 calendar days after the
transaction date to present the transaction to the issuer.
For transactions effected at a U.S. region merchant with a card issued in the U.S. region, when
the transaction was completed with manually recorded card information (whether imprinted or
handwritten), the acquirer has a maximum of 14 calendar days after the transaction date to
present the transaction to the issuer.
A Payment Transaction must be presented in clearing within one business day of the
authorization date.
A contactless transit aggregated transaction must be presented in clearing within 14 calendar
days of the authorization date.
These time frames are defined as the time between the transaction date and the Central Site Business
Date. When calculating the number of days, consider the transaction date as day zero. An issuer must
accept a transaction submitted beyond the applicable time frame when the account is in good
standing or the transaction can be honored.
Notwithstanding these time frames, the acquirer has a maximum of 30 calendar days (14 calendar
days for intra-United States transactions) after the transaction date to present a transaction when the
acquirer must delay presentment:
Because of the merchant’s delay in submitting the transaction, as permitted under Chapter 3,
Transaction Records of Transaction Processing Rules; or
A national bank holiday of at least four consecutive days occurred, which prevented the acquirer
from presenting a card-read or key-entered transaction within the applicable seven-calendar-day
time frame.
Time Frame. 120 calendar days from the Central Site Business Date
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Point-of-Interaction Error
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4834 for Dual Message System transactions
34 for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, they will eventually be
4842 (Late Presentment) for Dual Message System transactions
42 (Late Presentment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Supporting Documents. None
This chargeback is not available when the transaction occurred with a Mastercard Commercial
Payments Account. A Mastercard Commercial Payments Account transaction occurs when PDS 0002
(GCMS Product Identifier) was MAP (Mastercard Commercial Payments Account) in the First
Presentment/1240 message.
POI Currency Conversion (Dynamic Currency Conversion)
Chargeback Condition. One of the following:
1. The cardholder states that the cardholder was not given the opportunity to choose the desired
currency in which the transaction was completed or did not agree to the currency of the
2. POI currency conversion was performed incorrectly
Time Frame. 120 calendar days from the Central Site Business Date.
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4834 for Dual Message System transactions
34 for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, they will eventually be
4846 (Correct Transaction Currency Code Not Provided) for Dual Message System transactions
46 (Correct Transaction Currency Code Not Provided) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed
on the Single Message System
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Point-of-Interaction Error
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Supporting Documents. One of the following corresponding to the Chargeback Condition:
1. A cardholder letter, email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form—Point-of-Interaction
(POI) Errors (Form 1240) describing the cardholder’s complaint in sufficient detail to enable all
parties to understand the dispute.
2. None
DE 72 (Data Record). One of the following:
Notes. The full amount of the disputed transaction must be charged back.
When a currency is not specified on the transaction receipt, the currency which is legal tender in the
country where the transaction took place is deemed the original transaction currency.
This chargeback is not available to address verbal agreements of transaction currency between a
cardholder and a merchant.
Merchant Credit Correcting Error Resulting in Cardholder Currency Exchange Loss
Chargeback Condition. The merchant processed a credit (instead of a reversal) to correct an error
which resulted in the cardholder experiencing a currency exchange loss.
Time Frame. 120 calendar days from the Central Site Business Date.
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4834 for Dual Message System transactions
34 for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, they will eventually be
4831 (Incorrect Transaction Amount) for Dual Message System transactions
31 (Incorrect Transaction Amount) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single
Message System
Supporting Documents. Both of the following:
1. Cardholder letter, email, message, or Dispute Resolution Form—Point-of-Interaction (POI) Errors
(Form 1240) must include the date of the credit and must specifically address the original error
which caused the merchant to process the credit.
2. The ARD of the credit transaction.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Point-of-Interaction Error
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Notes. Only the currency exchange loss amount may be charged back.
Improper Merchant Surcharge (Intra-European and Inter-European transactions only)
Chargeback Condition. An improper merchant surcharge was applied to the total transaction
Time Frame. One of the following:
120 calendar days from the Central Site Business Date
120 calendar days from the delivery date of the goods or services
Message Reason Code. 4834 for Dual Message System transactions
Supporting Documents. One of the following:
A copy of the cardholder’s receipt or invoice showing the improper surcharge.
A cardholder letter, email message or completed Dispute Resolution Form—Point-of-Interaction
(POI) Errors (Form 1240) describing the cardholder’s complaint in sufficient detail to enable all
parties to understand the dispute.
DE 72 (Data Record). SURCHARGE
Only the amount reflecting the improper surcharge may be charged back. The total transaction
amount must not be charged back.
This chargeback is not available when the transaction occurred with a Mastercard Commercial
Payments Account. A Mastercard Commercial Payments Account transaction occurs when PDS 0002
(GCMS Product Identifier) was MAP (Mastercard Commercial Payments Account) in the First
Presentment/1240 message.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Point-of-Interaction Error
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Unreasonable Amount—Intra-European Economic Area (EEA) Transactions Only
Chargeback Condition. All of the following:
The card was issued within the EEA
The merchant was located within the EEA
The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming the transaction amount was unreasonable
The exact transaction amount was not specified at the time the cardholder engaged in the
PIN or CDCVM was not used
The transaction amount exceeded what the cardholder could reasonably have expected, taking
into account the cardholder’s previous spending pattern, the conditions of the cardholder
agreement and the relevant circumstances of the case
Time Frame. 120 calendar days from the Central Site Business Date
Message Reason Code. 4834 for Dual Message System transactions
Supporting Documents. A cardholder letter, email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form
—Point of Interaction (POI) Errors (Form 1240) describing the cardholder’s complaint in sufficient detail
to enable all parties to understand the dispute.
This chargeback is not available when the transaction occurred with a Mastercard Commercial
Payments Account. A Mastercard Commercial Payments Account transaction occurs when PDS 0002
(GCMS Product Identifier) was MAP (Mastercard Commercial Payments Account) in the First
Presentment/1240 message.
Second Presentment
The tables in this section detail the conditions under which a second presentment in response
to a point-of-interaction error chargeback may be processed.
PAN Mismatch. The Primary Account Number (PAN) in chargeback supporting
documentation may differ from the PAN included by the acquirer in the clearing record. As a
result, a difference in PANs must not be the sole reason for an acquirer’s second presentment.
Cardholder Debited More than Once for the Same Goods or Services
Second Presentment Condition. The acquirer can provide evidence of proper processing in response
to the cardholder’s claims.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Point-of-Interaction Error
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied) for Dual Message System
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Supporting Documents. TIDs documenting two separate transactions.
The documentation must clearly establish that the cardholder was not debited more than once for the
same goods or services. A merchant explanation must be included when the documentation does not
clearly establish the above.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Cardholder Debited More than Once for the Same Goods or Services—PIN Transaction
Second Presentment Condition. The acquirer can substantiate that a PIN was present in the
Authorization Request/0100 message for both transactions.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2008 (Issuer authorized transaction) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Supporting Documents.
TIDs documenting two separate transactions.
The documentation must clearly establish that the cardholder was not debited more than once for the
same goods or services. A merchant explanation must be included when the documentation does not
clearly establish the above.
Notes. This second presentment is not available for ATM transactions.
DE 72 (Data Record) is used to identify the transactions involved in the dispute. The transactions may
optionally be identified in chronological order.
In PIN MMDDYY NNNNNN: Replace MMDDYY with the date the transaction was authorized and
replace NNNNNN with the authorization approval code of one transaction.
In MMDDYY NNNNNN: Replace MMDDYY with the date the transaction was authorized and
replace NNNNNN with the authorization approval code of the other transaction.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Point-of-Interaction Error
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Transaction Amount Differs
Second Presentment Condition. The acquirer can provide evidence that the cardholder was billed
the correct amount.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied) for Dual Message System
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Supporting Documents. The merchant’s explanation and documentation.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
ATM Disputes
Second Presentment Condition. The acquirer can provide evidence that the funds were correctly
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied) for Dual Message System
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Supporting Documents. Refer to the Single Message System Chargebacks chapter, Message Reason
Code 17—Cash Dispute-ATM Only.
Europe Customers refer to Appendix A, Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions
(Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus).
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. No other IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code is available for ATM disputes.
Refer to the Single Message System Chargebacks chapter, Message Reason Code 17—Cash Dispute-
ATM Only.
Europe Customers refer to Appendix A, Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions
(Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus).
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Point-of-Interaction Error
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Charges for Loss, Theft, or Damages
Second Presentment Condition. The acquirer can provide evidence of both of the following:
The cardholder was notified of the charges for loss, theft, or damages.
The cardholder authorized the charge for loss, theft, or damages.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied) for Dual Message System
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Supporting Documents. The merchant’s explanation and documentation.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Point-of-Interaction Error
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Late Presentment
Second Presentment Condition. One of the following:
1. The account is open.
2. The transaction was presented within one of the following time frames.
When the transaction was completed with electronically recorded card information (whether
card-read or key-entered), the acquirer has a maximum of seven calendar days after the
transaction date to present the transaction to the issuer.
When the transaction was completed with manually recorded card information (whether
imprinted or handwritten), the acquirer has a maximum of 30 calendar days after the
transaction date to present the transaction to the issuer.
For transactions effected at a U.S. region merchant with a card issued in the U.S. region, when
the transaction was completed with manually recorded card information (whether imprinted or
handwritten), the acquirer has a maximum of 14 calendar days after the transaction date to
present the transaction to the issuer.
A Payment Transaction must be presented in clearing within one business day of the
authorization date.
A contactless transit aggregated transaction must be presented in clearing within 14 calendar
days of the authorization date.
These time frames are defined as the time between the transaction date and the Central Site
Business Date. When calculating the number of days, consider the transaction date as day zero.
An issuer must accept a transaction submitted beyond the applicable time frame when the
account is in good standing or the transaction can be honored.
Not withstanding these time frames, the acquirer has a maximum of 30 calendar days (14
calendar days for intra-United States transactions) after the transaction date to present a
transaction when the acquirer must delay presentment:
Because of the merchant’s delay in submitting the transaction, as permitted under Chapter 3,
Transaction Records of Transaction Processing Rules; or
A national bank holiday of at least four consecutive days occurred, which prevented the
acquirer from presenting a card-read or key-entered transaction within the applicable seven-
calendar-day time frame.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2713 (Invalid Chargeback) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Point-of-Interaction Error
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Supporting Documents. One of the following corresponding to the Second Presentment
1. None
2. The merchant and/or acquirer’s explanation and documentation.
DE 72 (Data Record). One of the following corresponding to the Second Presentment Condition:
Replace MMDDYY with the date the issuer authorized the transaction.
Account Open:
The acquirer can prove the account is open after the chargeback date by providing the date the issuer
authorized a transaction, with the same PAN, occurring after the chargeback date.
National Bank Holiday:
When a national bank holiday of at least four consecutive days occurred, which prevented the
acquirer from presenting a card-read or key-entered transaction within the applicable seven-calendar-
day time frame, official documentation from the banking regulator or other authority showing the
dates of the national bank holiday must be provided.
Determining the Transaction Date:
Traffic violations must be presented within 30 calendar days of receipt of the notification from the
local traffic authorities. To determine the Transaction Date for all other transactions refer to Appendix
F—Transaction Identification Requirements.
Late Presentment—Corrected Transaction Date
Second Presentment Condition. Both of the following:
The transaction date in the First Presentment/1240 message was incorrect.
The correct transaction date is within the applicable time frame for a First Presentment/1240
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2003 (Correct transaction date provided) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Supporting Documents. None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Point-of-Interaction Error
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Notes. Replace MMDDYY with the date the issuer authorized the transaction.
POI Currency Conversion (Dynamic Currency Conversion)
Second Presentment Condition. The acquirer can provide evidence of proper processing in response
to the cardholder’s claims.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied) for Dual Message System
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Supporting Documents. The merchant’s explanation and documentation.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. This second presentment is not available for POI currency conversion disputes regarding the
cardholder’s agreement to the conversion.
When the chargeback is valid, the acquirer should accept the chargeback and process a new First
Presentment/1240 message with the correct transaction currency. The new presentment must be
processed within 30 calendar days of the Central Site Business Date of the first chargeback in order
for the acquirer to be protected from a Late Presentment chargeback.
Unreasonable Amount (Intra-EEA Transactions Only)
Second Presentment Condition. The merchant can provide documentation showing the cardholder
agreed to an amount range as reasonable and the transaction amount did not exceed this amount
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied) for Dual Message System
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Point-of-Interaction Error
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Supporting Documents. Documentation supporting the merchant’s claim that the cardholder agreed
to a reasonable amount range. Examples include, but are not limited to:
An itemized price list signed by the cardholder and an itemized transaction receipt showing that
the transaction amount was calculated on the basis of this price list.
The cardholder’s written agreement to a recurring payment arrangement with the merchant in
which a maximum amount for each payment was specified.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Credit Previously Issued
Second Presentment Condition. The merchant issued a credit to the cardholder’s account.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. One of the following:
2011 (Credit Previously Issued) for Dual Message System transactions
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Supporting Documents. None
Notes. Replace MMDDYY with the date of the credit transaction.
Optionally, replace NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN with the Acquirer’s Reference Data (ARD) of
the credit transaction.
This second presentment is not available for ATM transactions.
Improper Merchant Surcharge (Intra-European and Inter-European transactions only)
Second Presentment Condition. The acquirer can provide specific evidence of proper processing in
response to the cardholder’s claims.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/
Chargeback Remedied)
Supporting Documents. The merchant’s explanation and documentation.
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Point-of-Interaction Error
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Notes. A merchant or acquirer statement merely asserting that the merchant surcharge is permitted
by Mastercard Standards or applicable law is not a valid second presentment. The documentation
must specifically cite the Standard or law relied on or explain in reasonable detail why the chargeback
is invalid.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Point-of-Interaction Error
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Additional Second Presentment Options
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Codes And Second Presentment Conditions. One
of the following:
One of the following for Dual Message System transactions:
2001—Invalid Acquirer Reference Data; Documentation was Received or was Not Required
The combination of Primary Account Number and Acquirer Reference Data contained in the
chargeback record does not match the information contained in the first presentment record.
2002—Non-receipt of Required Documentation to Support Chargeback
Required supporting documentation not received.
An acquirer must wait a minimum of eight calendar days from the first chargeback before using
this message reason code.
Mastercard will block the Arbitration Chargeback when an acquirer second presents with
message reason code 2002 after eight calendar days from the first chargeback and before the
issuer sends the supporting documentation.
The acquirer must accept supporting documentation as long as the acquirer has not processed
a second presentment.
2004—Invalid Acquirer Reference Data on Chargeback; Documentation was Received
The combination of Primary Account Number and Acquirer Reference Data contained in the
chargeback record does not match the information contained in the first presentment record.
2701—Duplicate Chargeback
The issuer processed a first chargeback for the same transaction more than once.
Mastercard recommends that the acquirer provides the processing date and chargeback
reference number of the original chargeback with its second presentment.
2702—Past Chargeback Time Limit
The issuer’s first chargeback is processed past the time frame specified for the chargeback.
2704—Invalid Data Record Text
Text required to appear in the first chargeback’s DE 72 (Data Record) is missing or incomplete.
2709—Documentation Received was Illegible
Supporting documentation is illegible. The acquirer’s second presentment will be considered
invalid should Mastercard Dispute Resolution Management staff determine that the supporting
documentation is legible during an arbitration case filing.
2710—Scanning Error—Unrelated Documents or Partial Scan
Supporting documentation does not correspond to the transaction being charged back (for
example, the documentation concerns a different transaction) or is incomplete.
2713—Invalid Chargeback
The first chargeback does not meet the prerequisites for the message reason code.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Point-of-Interaction Error
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
13 (Representment) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. Not available for ATM transactions.
Arbitration Chargeback
The tables in this section detail the conditions under which an issuer may process an
arbitration chargeback in response to an acquirer’s second presentment.
Arbitration chargebacks are not available for ATM disputes. When the cardholder
continues to dispute an ATM transaction the issuer may file an arbitration case, refer to the
Single Message System Chargebacks chapter, Message Reason Code 17, Arbitration Case
General Arbitration Chargeback
Arbitration Chargeback Condition. The cardholder continues to dispute the transaction.
When the merchant’s explanation remedied the original chargeback condition but that information
allowed the issuer to determine a new chargeback condition exists, then the issuer may continue the
chargeback by processing the arbitration chargeback using the requirements of the new chargeback
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Code. 4834 (Errors in Processing)
Supporting Documents. A cardholder letter, email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form
—Point-of-Interaction (POI) Errors (Form 1240) dated after the second presentment and specifically
addressing the merchant’s explanation.
For disputes involving Charges for Loss, Theft, or Damages: When not provided with the first
chargeback, documentation detailing the charge for the initial service as well as for the loss, theft, or
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Point-of-Interaction Error
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) Does Not Match or is Invalid
Arbitration Chargeback Condition. One of the following:
1. When the issuer’s first chargeback didn’t include the ARD present in the first presentment, the
issuer must provide the correct ARD.
2. When the issuer’s first chargeback included the ARD present in the first chargeback, the issuer
must provide a copy of the first presentment as Supporting Documentation.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Code. One of the following corresponding to the
Arbitration Chargeback Condition:
1. When the second presentment used message reason code 2001: 4905—Invalid Acquirer
Reference Data; Documentation was Not Received or Not Required
2. When the second presentment used message reason code 2004: 4908—Invalid Acquirer
Reference Data; Documentation Received
Supporting Documents. One of the following corresponding to the Arbitration Chargeback
1. None
2. A copy of the first presentment showing the ARD
Notes. None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Point-of-Interaction Error
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Additional Arbitration Chargeback Options
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message Reason Codes and Arbitration Chargeback Conditions.
One of the following:
1. 4901—Required Documentation Not Received to Support Second Presentment
Required supporting documentation was not received.
An issuer must wait a minimum of eight calendar days from the second presentment before using
this message reason code.
An issuer can generate an arbitration chargeback with message reason code 4901 nine calendar
days from the second presentment and before the acquirer sends the supporting documentation.
Mastercard Dispute Resolution staff will find the acquirer responsible when the acquirer files an
arbitration case.
The issuer must accept supporting documentation as long as the issuer has not processed an
arbitration chargeback.
2. 4902—Documentation Received was Illegible
Supporting documentation is illegible. The issuer’s arbitration chargeback will be considered
invalid should Mastercard Dispute Resolution staff determine that the supporting documentation
is legible during an arbitration case filing.
3. 4903—Scanning error—Unrelated Documents or Partial Scan
Supporting documentation does not correspond to the transaction being charged back (for
example, the documentation concerns a different transaction) or is incomplete.
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the second presentment settlement date.
Supporting Documents. None
DE 72 (Data Record). None
Notes. None
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Point-of-Interaction Error
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Cardholder Dispute—Not Elsewhere Classified (U.S. Region Only)
Chargeback rules on this subject appear in the “Domestic Chargeback” appendix.
Installment Billing Dispute (Participating Countries Only)
Chargeback rules on this subject appear in the “Domestic Chargeback” appendix.
Domestic Chargeback Dispute (Europe Region Only)
Issuers only may use message reason code 4999 in the case of a centrally acquired domestic
transaction, or a domestic transaction processed through the Mastercard Network, where a
chargeback is available according to the applicable domestic rule, but cannot be processed
under a different message reason code.
Requirements for Issuer’s First Chargeback, Acquirer’s Second Presentment, and
Issuer’s Arbitration Chargeback
Customers must follow the requirements for the applicable domestic chargeback rules. The
applicable domestic chargeback reason code must be provided.
Improper Use of Message Reason Code 4999
The issuer may not use this reason code when the transaction was a Mastercard Commercial
Payments Account transaction. A Mastercard Commercial Payments Account transaction
occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MAP (Mastercard Commercial
Payments Account) in the First Presentment/1240 message.
Arbitration Case Filing
Arbitration of these disputes will be handled domestically.
Additional Processing Notes
Some or all of message reason codes contain Additional Processing Notes. Additional
Processing Notes are not themselves chargeback requirements or conditions. Rather,
Additional Processing Notes are provided to guide or illustrate particular circumstances or
events and to address circumstances or events of frequent concern to Customers.
As set forth in section 2.1—Standards of the Mastercard Rules manual, Mastercard has the
sole right to interpret such Corporation Standards, including those in this guide.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Cardholder Dispute—Not Elsewhere Classified (U.S. Region Only)
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Progressive Handling Fees
The Progressive Handling Fee program applies only to non–face-to-face transactions excluding
Cardholder-activated Terminal (CAT) Level 2 transactions.
NOTE: Progressive handling fees do not apply to intra-European and inter-European
Progressive Handling Fee Overview
Customers may process a handling fee in conjunction with message reason codes 4807 or
4808 as follows solely for all non–face-to-face transactions except CAT Level 2 transactions.
The handling fee, identified with the correct message reason code, compensates the
Customer for the cost of processing one of the following, or for the cost of reversing an
invalid handling fee (using message reason code 7627):
First chargeback (message reason code 7622)
Second presentment (message reason code 7623)
Arbitration chargeback (message reason code 7624)
Issuer Use of Message Reason Code 7622
The issuer may collect a USD 25 handling fee when processing a chargeback by submitting an
IPM Fee Collection/1740-700 message with message reason code 7622. The issuer must
process its handling fee within five calendar days of the Central Site Business Date of the
Acquirer Use of Message Reason Code 7623
The acquirer may collect a handling fee when processing a second presentment by submitting
an IPM Fee Collection/1740-700 message with message reason code 7623, except when
either of the following occur.
The acquirer is collecting a handling fee for the same transaction using an IPM Fee
Collection/1740-700 message with message reason code 7627.
The second presentment contains corrected or previously omitted information that
remedies the chargeback. (Such information may include, but is not limited to, a
transaction date, merchant location, or authorization code.)
The amount of the handling fee is USD 50 plus the amount of the handling fee that the issuer
previously collected for the chargeback, if any. The acquirer must process its handling fee
within 15 calendar days of the Central Site Business Date of the second presentment.
Mastercard will determine responsibility for the progressive handling fee when the chargeback
is filed as an arbitration case.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Progressive Handling Fees
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Issuer Use of Message Reason Code 7624
The issuer may collect a handling fee when processing an arbitration chargeback that disputes
the validity of the information provided by the acquirer with the second presentment.
The issuer may collect the handling fee by submitting an IPM Fee Collection/1740-700
message with message reason code 7624. The amount of the handling fee is USD 50 plus the
amount of any handling fee that the acquirer previously collected, whether for the second
presentment, or to reverse the handling fee previously collected by the issuer for the
chargeback, or both. The amount of the fee is restricted to USD 50 when the acquirer did not
collect any handling fee associated with the second presentment. The issuer must process its
handling fee within 15 calendar days of the Central Site Business Date of the arbitration
chargeback. Mastercard will determine responsibility for the progressive handling fee when
the chargeback is filed as an arbitration case.
Acquirer Use of Message Reason Code 7627—No MAC Provided
When the issuer collected a handling fee using an IPM Fee Collection/1740-700 message with
message reason code 7622, but the transaction was a recurring payment transaction and the
issuer’s decline response did not include an associated Merchant Advice Code (MAC) as
described below, the acquirer may collect a handling fee of USD 25 plus the amount that the
issuer previously collected for the chargeback by submitting an IPM Fee Collection/1740-700
message with message reason code 7627.
The acquirer must process the handling fee within 15 calendar days of receiving the IPM Fee
Collection/1740-700 message with message reason code 7622. In the IPM Fee Collection/
1740-700 message with message reason code 7627, the acquirer must include in DE 72 (Data
Record) the information it received in DE 72 (Data Record) of the original message with
message reason code 7622 and the code “NO MAC.”
Message reason code 7627 applies because an issuer is not entitled to a handling fee when its
response to a recurring payment authorization request, other than an approval that was
properly identified, did not include a Merchant Advice Code.
The conditions below must be satisfied for an acquirer to collect the handling fee for “NO
MAC” as described above:
The authorization request was identified properly (DE 61, subfield 4 = 4 [Standing Order/
Recurring Transaction]).
The issuer’s decline response did not include an associated MAC (DE 48, subelement 84) of
01, 02, or 03. (This does not include X-Code or Stand-In declines).
The clearing message was identified as a recurring transaction (DE 22 [Cardholder Present
Data], subfield 5 value 4 [Cardholder not present; standing (recurring) transaction]).
Acquirer Use of Message Reason Code 7627—Face-to-Face or CAT Level 2 Transaction
When the acquirer receives a handling fee in an IPM Fee Collection/1740-700 message with
message reason code 7622, but the transaction was either a face-to-face transaction or a CAT
Level 2 transaction, the acquirer may collect a handling fee of USD 25 plus the amount that
the issuer collected by submitting an IPM Fee Collection/1740-700 message with message
reason code 7627.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Progressive Handling Fees
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
The acquirer must process the handling fee within 15 calendar days of receiving the IPM Fee
Collection/1740-700 message with message reason code 7622. In the IPM Fee Collection/
1740-700 message with message reason code 7627, the acquirer must include in DE 72 (Data
Record) the information it received in DE 72 of the original message with message reason
code 7622 and the code F2F for a face-to-face transaction or the code CT2 for a CAT Level 2
Message reason code 7627 applies because an issuer is not entitled to a handling fee for a
face-to-face transaction or CAT Level 2 transaction. The acquirer must provide the values listed
in the table below in the First Presentment/1240 message to collect the handling fee as
described above.
For this type of transaction... Provide these values in the First Presentment/1240 message...
A face-to-face transaction
In DE 22 (Point of Service Data Code):
Value of 1 (Attended Terminal) in subfield 4 (Terminal Operating
Value of 0 (Cardholder Present) in subfield 5 (Cardholder Present Data)
Value of 1 (Card Present) in subfield 6 (Card Present Data)
A CAT Level 2 transaction Value of CT2 in PDS 0023 (Terminal Type)
The F2F or CT2 handling fee compensates the acquirer for the issuer’s invalid handling fee
and the cost of processing its reversal.
The acquirer cannot submit an IPM Fee Collection/1740-700 message with message reason
code 7627 when the original presentment was not properly identified as a face-to-face
transaction or CAT Level 2 transaction. However, when the acquirer can remedy the
chargeback, then the acquirer can collect the progressive handling fee associated with the
second presentment using message reason code 7623.
Required Fields in Fee Collection Messages
Customers must include the following fields in every Fee Collection/1740-700 message in
which DE 25 (Message Reason Code) contains a value of 7622, 7623, 7624, or 7627.
DE 2 (Primary Account Number)
DE 31 (Acquirer Reference Data)
DE 72 (Data Record)
DE 73 (Date, Action)
When any of the data elements described above are missing, incomplete, or invalid, the
receiving Customer may return a Fee Collection/1740-700 message for the same amount
originally received using the following:
The original message reason code
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Progressive Handling Fees
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Applicable function code of 780 (Fee Collection Return), 781 (Fee Collection
Resubmission), or 782 (Fee Collection Arbitration Return)
Customers must retain the information provided in DE 72 (Data Record) from the original Fee
Collection/1740-700 message. Customers must use the remaining positions to describe the
reason they are returning the Fee Collection/1740-700 message.
Reasons for returning a Fee Collection/1740 message may include:
Primary Account Number (PAN) Missing
Acquirer Reference Data Missing
Data Record Missing
Data Record Not Formatted Correctly
Date Action Missing
Fee Collection Time Frame Exceeded
Incorrect Fee Amount
Intra-European and Inter-European Dispute Administration Fee
(Mastercard POS)
For intra-European and inter-European transactions, a Dispute Administration Fee (DAF) will be
automatically generated for each chargeback, second presentment and arbitration chargeback
by Mastercard via the Mastercard Consolidated Billing System.
The fees will be credited to the sender and debited from the receiver of the respective
chargeback cycle as follows:
First chargeback: The issuer is credited 15 EUR and the acquirer is debited 15 EUR.
Second presentment: The acquirer is credited 30 EUR (15 EUR net) and the issuer is debited
30 EUR (15 EUR net).
Arbitration chargeback: The issuer is credited 45 EUR (30 EUR net) and the acquirer is
debited 45 EUR (30 EUR net).
In the event that an arbitration (or pre-arbitration) case is filed at the end of the cycles, the
acquirer will be allowed to collect 60 EUR from the issuer (30 EUR net) when the acquirer is
favored, within 45 days of the ruling decision or acceptance by the issuer. This fee may be
collected by the favored acquirer using a miscellaneous fee collection message 1740-700
message with reason code 7606. DE 72 (Data Record) of the fee collection message must
contain the “6-digit case ID—collection of DAF.”
The DAF does not apply when the transaction is coded with MCC 5499, 5735, 5815, 5816,
7311, or 7399.
Should the fee be debited unduly, meaning the acquirer collects the DAF with a second
presentment after processing a credit to the cardholder, the fee can be collected by the
impacted party using the miscellaneous fee collection message 1740-700 with reason code
7606. This fee collection message should be sent within 45 days after the dispute message
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Intra-European and Inter-European Dispute Administration Fee (Mastercard POS)
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
was sent which unduly triggered the DAF. DE 72 (Data Record) of the fee collection message
must contain the “10-digit chargeback reference number—collection of DAF.”
Chargeback Message Reason Codes
The following sections present a summary of processing requirements.
First Chargeback: MTI 1442
Processing requirements for First Chargebacks can be found in each chargeback's section later
in this chapter.
Second Presentment: MTI 1240
This table presents processing requirements for Second Presentment.
Function Code 205 (Full)/282 (Partial)
Technical Return
2001 Invalid Acquirer Reference Data; documentation was neither required nor received.
2004 Invalid Acquirer Reference Data on chargeback; documentation was received.
Documentation Return
2002 Nonreceipt of required documentation to support chargeback
2709 Documentation received was illegible.
2710 Scanning error—unrelated documents or partial scan
Substance Return
2003 Correct transaction date provided
2005 Correct merchant location/description provided Issuer authorized transaction
2008 Issuer authorized transaction
2011 Credit previously issued
2700 See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied
2701 Duplicate Chargeback
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Message Reason Codes
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2702 Past Chargeback Time Limit
2703 Requested transaction document provided (requires hardship variance)
2704 Invalid Data Record Text
2705 Correct MCC provided
2706 Authorization advised suspicious
2707 No authorization request required or attempted
2708 Account was not listed on the applicable Electronic Warning Bulletin as of the transaction
2713 Invalid Chargeback
2870 Chip Liability Shift
2871 Chip/PIN Liability Shift
Arbitration Chargeback: MTI 1442
This table presents processing requirements for Arbitration Chargeback.
Function Code: 451 (Full); 454 (Partial)
Refer to Arbitration Chargeback/1442 IPM (Function Codes 451 or 454) Message Reason
Code Usage for additional message reason codes.
Technical Return
Invalid Acquirer Reference Data on Second Presentment/1240 (required documentation)
Must be used when Message 2001 is received from the acquirer
Invalid Acquirer Reference Data on Second Presentment/1240 (required documentation)
Must be used when Message 2004 is received from the acquirer
Documentation Return
4901 Required documentation not received to support previous Second Presentment/1240.
4902 Documentation received was illegible.
4903 Scanning error—Unrelated documents or partial scan.
4904 Reserved
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Message Reason Codes
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Second Presentment/1240 IPM (Function Codes 205 or 282) Message Reason Code
This section lists definitions for the Second Presentment/1240 IPM message reason codes.
Second Presentment/1240 IPM Message Reason Code Definitions
Message Reason Code Definition
2001—Invalid Acquirer
Reference Data;
Documentation was Received
or was Not Required
The acquirer must use this message reason code to notify the issuer that
the combination of Primary Account Number and Acquirer Reference
Data on the chargeback message does not match the information
contained in the first presentment, and that documentation sent by the
issuer was received or that no documentation was required to be sent.
2002—Non-receipt of Required
Documentation to Support
An acquirer must use this message reason code when documentation
that is required to support the chargeback is not received. Acquirers
must wait a minimum of eight calendar days from the first chargeback
before using this message reason code. The acquirer may use this
message reason code between days 9 and 45.
The successful processing of a second presentment for this message
reason code will block any attempt by the issuer to process an
arbitration chargeback if the message reason code used during the first
chargeback always requires documentation to support the chargeback.
The acquirer must accept documentation received more than eight
calendar days after processing the first chargeback as long as the
acquirer has not yet processed a second presentment for this message
reason code as of the time the documentation is received.
2003—Correct Transaction
Date Provided
Acquirers must use this message reason code in cases where the
chargeback may be remedied by providing the correct transaction date.
For example, a first chargeback for message reason code 4807 (Warning
Bulletin File) may be remedied if the transaction date for the first
presentment was incorrect, and the acquirer may provide the correct
transaction date and show that the account was not listed in the
applicable Electronic Warning Bulletin.
2004—Invalid Acquirer
Reference Data on
Chargeback; Documentation
was Received
The acquirer must use this message reason code to notify the issuer that
the combination of Acquirer Reference Data/Primary Account Number
on the chargeback message does not match the information contained
in the first presentment and that documentation that was received to
support the issuer’s first chargeback.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Message Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Second Presentment/1240 IPM Message Reason Code Definitions
Message Reason Code Definition
2005—Corrected Merchant
Location/Description Provided
The acquirer must use this message reason code when it can remedy the
first chargeback by providing new information in the form of a different
merchant name or location.
For example, to remedy a chargeback for message reason code 4808
(Authorization-related Chargeback), an acquirer provides information
confirming that the merchant’s location is different from the location
that appeared on the first presentment of the transaction. The new
location may reveal that a different floor limit applies to the transaction
and that authorization was not required, therefore remedying an issuer’s
initial chargeback.
2008—Issuer Authorized the
The acquirer must use this message reason code when it can remedy the
first chargeback by providing information showing that the transaction
was properly authorized by the issuer, its agent, or Mastercard. For
example, an acquirer may remedy a chargeback for message reason
code 4808 (Authorization-related Chargeback) if it can show that the
transaction was authorized when the card was presented to the
merchant for payment (for example, check-in for hotel stay).
2011—Credit Previously Issued
The acquirer must use this message reason code when it can remedy the
first chargeback by showing that the merchant issued a credit to the
cardholder’s account.
The Data Record must contain the date of the credit and, optionally, the
Acquirer’s Reference Data (ARD) of the credit.
2700—See Corresponding
An acquirer must use this message reason code when the remedy to the
chargeback is included within the documentation supporting the second
presentment, and no other message reason code is applicable to
describe the remedy.
For example, if the only remedy the acquirer has to a first chargeback
for message reason code 4837 is providing compelling evidence, the
acquirer must use this message reason code. If the second presentment
is better described using another message reason then the message
reason code that best describes the remedy must be used (for example,
2011 Credit Previously Issued). When using 2700, the documentation
indicator must be 1 (Documentation Provided).
2701—Duplicate Chargeback
The acquirer must use this message reason code to remedy situations
where the issuer has processed a first chargeback for the same
transaction more than once.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Message Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Second Presentment/1240 IPM Message Reason Code Definitions
Message Reason Code Definition
2702—Past Chargeback Time
The acquirer must use this message reason code when the issuer’s first
chargeback is processed past the time limit allowed for the chargeback.
2703—Requested Transaction
Documentation Provided
(Hardship Variance)
The acquirer must use this message reason code when processing a
second presentment within the guidelines of a Hardship Variance that
has been approved by Mastercard. A Hardship Variance may be granted
in case of a natural disaster, and must be applied for by the acquirer,
and approved by Mastercard.
2704—Invalid Data Record Text
The acquirer must use this message reason code when information that
is required to appear in the first chargeback’s Data Record as stated in
this guide, and the required message text (DE 72 [Data Record]) is
missing or incomplete and the lack of such information renders the
chargeback invalid.
For example, the issuer processes a first chargeback for message reason
code 4840 (Fraudulent Processing of Transactions) without including the
Acquirer’s Reference Data of the valid transaction in the chargeback’s
Data Record. Without that information, the acquirer is unable to
investigate the case properly, and therefore, the chargeback would
become invalid.
2705—Correct MCC Provided
The acquirer must use this message reason code when remedying a
chargeback by showing that the merchant business code (MCC)
assigned to the merchant is different from the MCC appearing on the
first presentment.
2706—Authorization Advised
The acquirer must use this message reason code as described in the
Suspicious Transaction table in section Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second
2707—No Authorization
Required or Attempted
The acquirer must use this message reason code when the transaction
amount was below the applicable floor limit, and the merchant did not
request an authorization.
2708—Account was Not Listed
on the Applicable Electronic
Warning Bulletin as of the
Transaction Date
The acquirer must use this message reason code to remedy chargebacks
for message reason code 4807 when the acquirer’s investigation reveals
that the issuer had not included the account number in the applicable
Electronic Warning Bulletin as of the date the card was first presented to
the merchant for payment.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Message Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Second Presentment/1240 IPM Message Reason Code Definitions
Message Reason Code Definition
Received was Illegible
The acquirer must use this message reason code only when information
that is relevant to the first chargeback is illegible to the point where it
cannot be established that the first chargeback is valid. Acquirers must
make every attempt to qualify the documentation before using this
message reason code. If an arbitration case is filed as the result of the
chargeback, and Mastercard Dispute Resolution Management staff can
validate that the documentation is legible, it will be determined that the
acquirer processed an invalid second presentment.
2710—Scanning Error—
Unrelated Documents or
Partial Scan
This message reason code deals solely with the quality of the
MasterCom scan of the documentation. Do not use this message
reason code if the substance of the documentation received
shows that the issuer processed an invalid first chargeback. The
acquirer must use this message reason code when the first chargeback
documentation does not correspond to the transaction being charged
back (for example, the documentation concerns a different transaction)
or when the documentation is incomplete because of a scanning error.
For example, the documentation provided is a partial scan with missing
information, or it relates to another card or to another transaction.
2713—Invalid Chargeback
The acquirer may use this message reason code when the first
chargeback does not meet the prerequisites for that message reason
code stated in this guide.
For example, an issuer processes a chargeback for message reason code
4837 (No Cardholder Authorization), with a cardholder letter alleging
nonreceipt of merchandise. Since message reason code 4837 does not
address issues related to nonreceipt of merchandise, the issuer’s first
chargeback was invalid, it does not meet the prerequisites of message
reason code 4837, which require the chargeback to include a cardholder
letter stating that the transaction was not authorized.
Acquirers must use care when using this message reason code; this
message reason code is technical in nature and does not always address
the true nature of the dispute.
2870—Chip Liability Shift
The acquirer must use this message reason code to invoke the chip
liability shift in response and as a final remedy to a first chargeback
submitted under message reason code 4837.
If the second presentment message reason code 2870 is valid, the issuer
is prohibited from pursuing the dispute with an arbitration chargeback.
Refer to Chip Liability Shifts in this guide for more information about the
Global Chip Liability Shift Program.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Message Reason Codes
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Second Presentment/1240 IPM Message Reason Code Definitions
Message Reason Code Definition
2871—Chip/PIN Liability Shift
The acquirer may use this message reason code to invoke the chip/PIN
liability shift in response and as a final remedy to a first chargeback
submitted under message reason code 4837.
If the second presentment message reason code 2871 is valid, the issuer
is prohibited from pursuing the dispute with an arbitration chargeback.
Refer to Chip Liability Shifts in this guide for more information about the
Global Chip Liability Shift Program.
Arbitration Chargeback/1442 IPM (Function Codes 451 or 454) Message Reason
Code Usage
This section lists definitions for the Arbitration Chargeback/1442 IPM message reason codes.
Arbitration Chargeback/1442 IPM Message Reason Codes
Message Reason Code Definition
48NN—Select Reason Codes
48NN is an abbreviation that applies to the arbitration chargeback (cycle
3) showing one of two conditions:
The issuer continues the arbitration chargeback for the same
message reason code as the original chargeback because the
acquirer either failed to remedy the first chargeback or the issuer is
providing progressive documentation (when appropriate) and the
same message reason code used with the first chargeback still
The second presentment documentation provides new information
that remedies the original chargeback, but based on the second
presentment, the issuer finds that a new and valid chargeback
reason is applicable to the case. In such case, the issuer must change
the message reason code to the new and valid chargeback reason
with the processing of the arbitration chargeback (cycle 3).
4807 Warning Bulletin File
4808 Authorization-related Chargeback
4812 Account number not on file
4831 Transaction amount differs
4834 Point of Interaction Error
4837 No cardholder authorization
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Message Reason Codes
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Arbitration Chargeback/1442 IPM Message Reason Codes
Message Reason Code Definition
4840 Fraudulent processing of transaction
4841 Canceled Recurring or Digital Goods Transactions
4842 Late presentment
4846 Correct transaction currency code was not provided
4849 Questionable merchant activity
4850 Installment Billing Dispute
4853 Cardholder Dispute—Defective/Not as described
4854 Cardholder dispute not elsewhere classified (U.S. only)
4855 Goods or Services Not Provided
4859 Addendum, No-show, or ATM Dispute
4860 Credit not processed
4863 Cardholder Does Not Recognize—Potential Fraud
4870 Chip Liability Shift
4871 Chip Liability Shift—Lost/Stolen/Never Received Issue (NRI) Fraud
Documentation Not Received
to Support Second
The issuer must use this message reason code when documentation that
is required to support the second presentment is not received within
eight calendar days of the second presentment. The issuer may use this
message reason code between days 9 and 45 after the second
presentment. The successful processing of an arbitration chargeback for
this message reason code will forfeit the acquirer’s right to send the case
to arbitration.
Documentation received more than eight calendar days after processing
the second presentment must be accepted by the issuer, as long as the
issuer has not yet processed an arbitration chargeback as of the time the
documentation is received.
Received was Illegible
The issuer must use this message reason code only when information
that is relevant to the second presentment is illegible to the point where
it cannot be established that the second presentment is valid. Issuers
must make every attempt to try to qualify the documentation before
using this message reason code. If Mastercard Dispute Resolution
Management staff can validate that the documentation is sufficiently
legible to remedy the chargeback, the issuer will have processed an
invalid arbitration chargeback.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Message Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Arbitration Chargeback/1442 IPM Message Reason Codes
Message Reason Code Definition
4903—Scanning error—
Unrelated Documents or
Partial Scan
This message reason code deals solely with the quality of the
MasterCom scan of the documentation. Do not use this message
reason code if the substance of the documentation received
shows that the acquirer processed an invalid second
The issuer must use this message reason code when the second
presentment documentation does not correspond to the transaction
being charged back (for example, the documentation concerns a totally
different transaction) or when the documentation is incomplete because
of a scanning error.
For example, a partial scan of a larger document or the documentation
relates to another card or to another transaction.
4905—Invalid Acquirer’s
Reference Data;
Documentation Not Received
or not Required
The issuer must use this message reason code in response to a second
presentment using message reason code 2001. Refer to Arbitration
Chargeback for more information about this message reason code.
4908—Invalid Acquirer’s
Reference Data;
Documentation Received
The issuer must use this message reason code in response to a second
presentment using message reason code 2004. Refer to Arbitration
Chargeback for more information about this message reason code.
Dual Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Message Reason Codes
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Chapter 3 Single Message System Chargebacks
This chapter contains information about chargeback processing for the Single Message System.
Overview.................................................................................................................................... 195
Exception Transaction Types........................................................................................................ 195
Supporting Documentation.........................................................................................................196
Acquirer Adjustment Reason Codes............................................................................................ 196
Message Reason Code 06—Correction of a Representment....................................................196
Acquirer Correction........................................................................................................... 196
Issuer Chargeback............................................................................................................. 197
Message Reason Code 10—Correct a Terminal Malfunction................................................... 197
Acquirer Correction........................................................................................................... 197
Issuer Chargeback............................................................................................................. 199
Message Reason Code 20—Returned Item (U.S. Shared Deposits Only).................................. 199
Message Reason Code 24—Empty Deposit Envelope (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)................... 199
Message Reason Code 25—Error in Addition (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)...............................199
Message Reason Code 26—Error in Settlement (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)........................... 199
Message Reason Code 28—Non-Cash Item Deposited (U.S. Shared Deposits Only).................199
Message Reason Code 29—Foreign/Counterfeit Currency Deposited (U.S. Shared Deposits
Only)...................................................................................................................................... 199
Message Reason Code 30—Cardholder Disputed Amount (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)...........199
Message Reason Code 85—Adjustment Reversal....................................................................199
Acquirer Adjustment..........................................................................................................199
Issuer Chargeback............................................................................................................. 200
Chargeback Reason Codes..........................................................................................................200
Correction of a Chargeback................................................................................................... 201
Issuer Correction................................................................................................................201
Acquirer Representment.................................................................................................... 201
Cash Dispute-ATM Only......................................................................................................... 201
Issuer Chargeback............................................................................................................. 201
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment).................................................................. 202
Mastercard Automated Reversal.........................................................................................203
Cardholder Disputed Amount (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)......................................................204
Defective/Not as Described—Intra-U.S. Region and U.S. Territories Only..................................204
Chip Liability Shift.................................................................................................................. 204
Issuer Chargeback............................................................................................................. 204
Improper Use for Issuer Chargeback.................................................................................. 211
Single Message System Chargebacks
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Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment).................................................................. 213
Transaction Amount Differs.................................................................................................... 214
Issuer Chargeback............................................................................................................. 214
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment).................................................................. 214
Mastercard Automated Reversal.........................................................................................215
Duplicate Transaction............................................................................................................. 215
Issuer Chargeback............................................................................................................. 215
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment).................................................................. 216
Mastercard Automated Reversal.........................................................................................216
No Cardholder Authorization................................................................................................. 217
Issuer Chargeback............................................................................................................. 217
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment).................................................................. 218
Mastercard Automated Reversal.........................................................................................219
Credit Not Received................................................................................................................219
Issuer Chargeback............................................................................................................. 219
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment).................................................................. 220
Mastercard Automated Reversal.........................................................................................221
Goods or Services Not Provided.............................................................................................. 221
Issuer Chargeback............................................................................................................. 221
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment).................................................................. 223
Mastercard Automated Reversal.........................................................................................223
Late Presentment................................................................................................................... 224
Issuer Chargeback............................................................................................................. 224
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment).................................................................. 224
Mastercard Automated Reversal.........................................................................................225
Invalid Adjustment—Account Closed......................................................................................225
Issuer Chargeback............................................................................................................. 225
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment).................................................................. 226
Invalid Adjustment—Insufficient Funds................................................................................... 226
Issuer Chargeback............................................................................................................. 226
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment).................................................................. 226
Single Message System Chargebacks
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The Single Message System (formerly known as the Mastercard
Debit Switch [MDS])
processes financial transactions. Authorization, clearing, and settlement occur in a single
This section contains information about exception processing of financial transactions
processed on the Single Message System. Exception processing occurs:
When an acquirer determines an error has been made, the acquirer can correct the error
through an adjustment. An issuer may have the option of a chargeback.
When the issuer determines a transaction may be invalid, the issuer may return the
transaction to the acquirer as a chargeback.
The Single Message System will process a reversal transaction for the amount of the exception
which will transfer the disputed funds between the two parties.
Issuers and acquirers that are connected to the Single Message System process exceptions
using the Single Message Transaction Manager. Refer to the Single Message Transaction
Manager User Guide for information.
Exception Transaction Types
Customers must support the following types of exceptions:
Adjustment performed by the acquirer
Chargeback and Correction of a Chargeback performed by the issuer
Representment (also known as “second presentment”) and Correction of Representment
performed by the acquirer
Arbitration chargebacks are not available in the Single Message System.
Single Message System Chargebacks
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Supporting Documentation
For procedures to process supporting documentation, refer to Mastercard Connect
Publications > MasterCom System.
Acquirer Adjustment Reason Codes
The following message reason codes are available for an acquirer to perform Single Message
System adjustments and corrections.
Reason Code Description
06 Correction of a Representment
10 Correction of a Terminal Malfunction
20 Returned Item (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)
24 Empty Deposit Envelope (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)
25 Error in Addition (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)
26 Error in Settlement (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)
27 Customer Keyed Wrong Amount (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)
28 Non-Cash Item Deposited (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)
29 Foreign/Counterfeit Currency Deposited (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)
85 Adjustment Reversal
Message Reason Code 06—Correction of a Representment
The acquirer may use this message reason code to correct a representment.
Acquirer Correction
The table shown below details the requirements for this adjustment message reason code.
Correction Condition The acquirer is reversing a representment, thereby canceling the
original representment.
Time Frame Between 1 and 10 calendar days after the representment settlement
Single Message System Chargebacks
Supporting Documentation
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Adjustment Message Reason
Supporting Documents None
Additional Information None
Notes The acquirer has the option of submitting a new representment.
However, the required representment documentation must be
provided within 10 calendar days of the original representment date.
The Single Message Transaction Manager only allows one correction
per representment. When the acquirer determines an error occurred
with the corrected representment, the acquirer must submit the MDS
Exception Item Processing Request (Form 500) with a Single Message
Transaction Manager screen print of the Adjustment History window
within 10 calendar days of the original representment settlement
Issuer Chargeback
An issuer chargeback is not available for this message reason code.
Message Reason Code 10—Correct a Terminal Malfunction
The acquirer may use this message reason code to correct a terminal malfunction.
Acquirer Correction
The table shown below details the requirements for this adjustment message reason code.
Correction Condition The acquirer is correcting a terminal malfunction.
Time Frame For debit adjustments, between 1 and 45 calendar days after the
transaction settlement date.
For credit adjustments, between 1 and 120 calendar days after the
transaction settlement date.
Adjustment Message Reason
Supporting Documents None
Additional Information None
Single Message System Chargebacks
Acquirer Adjustment Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Notes For ATM transactions: When an adjustment is for the full amount of
the original transaction, any ATM access fee must be included in the
adjustment amount.
An Issuer must accept a debit adjustment providing the adjustment
was processed within 10 calendar days of the settlement date of the
original transaction.
An Issuer must accept a credit adjustment, regardless of the time
Single Message Transaction Manager only allows one correction per
adjustment. When the acquirer determines an error occurred with the
corrected adjustment, the acquirer must submit the MDS Exception
Item Processing Request (Form 500) with a Single Message
Transaction Manager screen print of the Adjustment History window
within 10 calendar days of the original adjustment settlement date.
When the acquirer determines an error occurred with processing this message reason code
10, the acquirer may process a message reason code 85–Adjustment Reversal.
After performing a message reason code 85–Adjustment Reversal the acquirer has the option
of submitting a new adjustment message reason code 10.
Single Message System Chargebacks
Acquirer Adjustment Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Issuer Chargeback
Refer to the individual chargeback message reason codes later in this section for chargeback
Message Reason Code 20—Returned Item (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)
Chargeback rules on this subject appear in the “Domestic Chargeback” appendix.
Message Reason Code 24—Empty Deposit Envelope (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)
Chargeback rules on this subject appear in the “Domestic Chargeback” appendix.
Message Reason Code 25—Error in Addition (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)
Chargeback rules on this subject appear in the “Domestic Chargeback” appendix.
Message Reason Code 26—Error in Settlement (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)
Chargeback rules on this subject appear in the “Domestic Chargeback” appendix.
Message Reason Code 28—Non-Cash Item Deposited (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)
Chargeback rules on this subject appear in the “Domestic Chargeback” appendix.
Message Reason Code 29—Foreign/Counterfeit Currency Deposited (U.S. Shared
Deposits Only)
Chargeback rules on this subject appear in the “Domestic Chargeback” appendix.
Message Reason Code 30—Cardholder Disputed Amount (U.S. Shared Deposits
Chargeback rules on this subject appear in the “Domestic Chargeback” appendix.
Message Reason Code 85—Adjustment Reversal
The acquirer may use this message reason code to reverse an adjustment.
Acquirer Adjustment
The table shown below details the requirements for this adjustment message reason code.
Adjustment Condition
The acquirer is reversing an adjustment.
Time Frame
Between 1 and 10 calendar days after the original adjustment
settlement date.
Adjustment Message Reason
Supporting Documents
Additional Information
Single Message System Chargebacks
Acquirer Adjustment Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
The Single Message Transaction Manager only allows one correction
per adjustment. When the acquirer determines an error occurred with
the corrected adjustment, the acquirer must submit the MDS
Exception Item Processing Request (Form 500) with a Single Message
Transaction Manager screen print of the Adjustment History window
within 10 days of the original adjustment.
Issuer Chargeback
An issuer chargeback is not available for this message reason code.
Chargeback Reason Codes
The following message reason codes are available for an issuer to perform Single Message
System chargebacks and corrections.
Reason Code Description
03 Correction of a Chargeback
17 Cash Dispute-ATM Only
30 Cardholder Disputed Amount (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)
70 Chip Liability Shift
71 Transaction Amount Differs
73 Duplicate Transaction
74 No Cardholder Authorization
75 Credit Not Received
79 Goods or Services Not Provided
80 Late Presentment
95 Invalid Adjustment: Account Closed
96 Invalid Adjustment: Insufficient Funds
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Correction of a Chargeback
The issuer may use this message reason code to reverse a chargeback.
Issuer Correction
The table shown below details the requirements for this chargeback message reason code.
Correction Condition The issuer is reversing a chargeback.
Time Frame Between 1 and 10 calendar days after the chargeback settlement
Adjustment Message Reason
Supporting Documents None
Additional Information None
Notes The issuer has the option of submitting a new chargeback.
The Single Message Transaction Manager only allows one correction
per chargeback. When the issuer determines an error occurred with
the corrected chargeback, the issuer must submit the MDS Exception
Item Processing Request (Form 500) with a Single Message
Transaction Manager screen print of the Adjustment History window
within 10 calendar days of the original chargeback settlement date.
Acquirer Representment
An acquirer representment is not available for this message reason code.
Cash Dispute-ATM Only
The issuer may use message reason code 17 to dispute an ATM cash withdrawal.
Issuer Chargeback
The table shown below details the requirements for this message reason code.
Chargeback Condition
The cardholder contacted the issuer alleging that some or all of the
funds debited from the cardholder’s account as the result of an ATM
withdrawal were not dispensed.
Time Frame
Between 5 and 120 calendar days from the transaction settlement
Chargeback Message Reason
Supporting Documents None
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
The issuer may chargeback only the disputed amount.
This chargeback must not be used for fraud disputes.
When a chargeback is for the full amount of the original transaction,
any ATM access fee may be included in the chargeback amount.
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment)
The table shown below details the requirements of the second presentment for this message
reason code.
Second Presentment Condition
The acquirer can provide evidence that the funds were correctly
Time Frame
45 calendar days from the chargeback settlement date
Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Supporting Documents
Supporting documentation must be provided within 10 calendar days
of the representment settlement date.
The supporting documentation must come from the ATM or PIN-
based In-branch journal and, at minimum, must include:
Transaction amount
Transaction type
Transaction date and time
Account accessed
Primary account number read from Track 2 of the magnetic stripe
or from the chip
ATM or PIN-based In-branch Terminal number
Transaction trace
The ATM or PIN-based In-branch Terminal financial activity that
occurred immediately before and after the disputed transaction
occurred without any errors.
Notes Supporting documentation must be in English or accompanied by an
English translation.
In addition to the supporting documentation, the acquirer may
provide a transaction report. When provided, the transaction report
must be accompanied by an explanation describing each element of
the report and its definition in English.
When applicable, domestic rules must be provided with supporting
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Mastercard Automated Reversal
The table shown below details the automated reversal process.
Mastercard Automated Reversal
Both of the following:
Acquirer representment supporting documentation was not
provided via MasterCom within 10 calendar days of the
representment settlement date.
Both the issuer and the acquirer are not in Europe
Time Frame 11 calendar days from the representment settlement date
Mastercard Automated Reversal
Message Reason Code
Supporting Documents
Notes Mastercard will credit the issuer and debit the acquirer.
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Cardholder Disputed Amount (U.S. Shared Deposits Only)
Chargeback rules on this subject appear in the “Domestic Chargeback” appendix.
Defective/Not as Described—Intra-U.S. Region and U.S. Territories Only
Chargeback rules on this subject appear in the “Domestic Chargeback” appendix.
Chip Liability Shift
The issuer may use message reason code 70 when the cardholder disputed an unauthorized
transaction performed with an EMV chip card.
Issuer Chargeback
The table shown below details the requirements for this message reason code.
Counterfeit Fraud
Chargeback Condition All of the following:
The cardholder contacted the issuer alleging that the transaction was
Both the issuer and the acquirer are located in a country or region that has
adopted a domestic or intraregional chip liability shift, or that participates
in the Global Chip Liability Shift Program for interregional transactions as
shown in the below tables.
The transaction was conducted with a counterfeit card at a magnetic stripe
reading-only ATM or POS terminal.
The validly issued card was a hybrid card.
The fraudulent transaction must be reported to SAFE on or before the date
the chargeback is processed.
Time Frame For Maestro ATM transactions: Between 5 and 90 calendar days from the
transaction settlement date.
For all other transactions: Between 5 and 120 calendar days from the
transaction settlement date.
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Supporting Documents One of the following:
Cardholder letter, email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form-
Fraud (Form 412) stating both of the following: -
Neither the cardholder nor anyone authorized by the cardholder
engaged in the transaction.
The cardholder or another person authorized by the cardholder was in
possession and control of all valid cards issued to the account at the
time of the transaction.
Cardholder letter, email, message or Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form
412) stating that neither the cardholder nor anyone authorized by the
cardholder engaged in the transaction and an issuer certification letter
verifying counterfeit.
For subsequent counterfeit transactions occurring after the account was
closed, a copy of the original cardholder letter, email, message or completed
Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 412) and the issuer’s written certification
stating the date the account was closed.
Notes Supporting documentation must be in English or accompanied by an English
Supporting documentation must be provided within 10 calendar days of the
chargeback settlement date.
A completed Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 412) must be the result of
contact with the cardholder.
Lost, Stolen, or Never Received Fraud
Chargeback Condition All of the following:
The cardholder contacted the issuer alleging that the transaction was
Both the issuer and the acquirer are located in a country or region that has
adopted a domestic or intraregional chip liability shift, or that participates
in the Global Chip Liability Shift Program for interregional transactions as
shown in the below tables.
The transaction was conducted at a magnetic stripe reading-only POS
terminal without PIN as CVM.
The transaction was conducted with a hybrid card.
The fraudulent transaction must be reported to SAFE on or before the date
the chargeback is processed.
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Time Frame For Maestro ATM transactions: Between 5 and 90 calendar days from the
transaction settlement date.
For all other transactions: Between 5 and 120 calendar days from the
transaction settlement date.
Supporting Documents
Cardholder letter, email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form-
Fraud (Form 412) stating:
Neither the cardholder nor anyone authorized by the cardholder
engaged in the transaction.
The card was lost, stolen, or never received at the time of the
Cardholder letter, email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form-
Fraud (Form 412) stating that neither the cardholder nor anyone authorized
by the cardholder engaged in the transaction and an issuer certification
letter that the card was lost, stolen, or never received at the time of the
Notes Supporting documentation must be in English or accompanied by an English
Supporting documentation must be provided within 10 calendar days of the
chargeback settlement date.
A completed Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 412) must be the result of
contact with the cardholder.
Chip Liability Shift Program for Domestic and Intraregional Transactions
The following table identifies the effective dates for the Chip Liability Shift for domestic and
intraregional transactions.
Chip Liability Shift Program for Domestic and Intraregional Transactions
A chip liability shift in… Effective for transactions dated on or after…
Domestic Programs
American Samoa 12 April 2019 for ATM transactions
Australia 13 April 2012 for Mastercard ATM transactions
12 April 2019 for Maestro and Cirrus ATM transactions
Bangladesh 16 October 2015 for ATM transactions
Bhutan 16 October 2015 for ATM transactions
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Chip Liability Shift Program for Domestic and Intraregional Transactions
A chip liability shift in… Effective for transactions dated on or after…
Domestic Programs
Brunei Darussalam,
Cambodia, Christmas
Island, Cocos (Keeling)
Islands, Cook Islands,
Fiji, French Polynesia,
Guam, Heard and
McDonald Islands,
Hong Kong
12 April 2019 for ATM transactions
India 31 December 2018 for ATM transactions
Indonesia 1 January 2022 for ATM transactions
Kiribati, Lao People’s
Democratic Republic,
Macao, Malaysia
12 April 2019 for ATM transactions
Maldives 16 October 2015 for ATM transactions
Marshall Islands,
Micronesia, Federated
States of, Mongolia,
Myanmar, Nauru
12 April 2019 for ATM transactions
Nepal 18 April 2018 for ATM transactions
New Caledonia 12 April 2019 for ATM transactions
New Zealand 13 April 2012 for Mastercard ATM transactions
Niue, Norfolk Island,
Northern Marianna
Islands, Palau, Papua
New Guinea,
Philippines, Pitcairn,
Samoa, Singapore,
Solomon Islands
12 April 2019 for ATM transactions
Sri Lanka 16 October 2015 for ATM transactions
Thailand, Timor-Leste,
Tokelau, Tonga,
Tuvalu, U.S. Minor
Outlying Islands,
Vanuatu, Vietnam,
Wallis and Futuna
12 April 2019 for ATM transactions
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Chip Liability Shift Program for Domestic and Intraregional Transactions
A chip liability shift in… Effective for transactions dated on or after…
Domestic Programs
31 March 2011 for ATM transactions
31 December 2015 for Maestro POS transactions
Europe region (all countries in region) 1 January 2005 for all transactions
Latin America and the Caribbean
Argentina 16 October 2015 for all transactions
Brazil 1 March 2008 for all transactions
Colombia 1 October 2008 for all transactions
Uruguay 16 October 2015 for all transactions
Venezuela 1 July 2009 for all transactions
All other countries
and territories
17 October 2014 for all transactions
United States region (consisting of the United
1 October 2015 for all POS transactions except
automated fuel dispenser transactions (MCC 5542)
21 October 2016 for ATM transactions
1 October 2020 for automated fuel dispenser
transactions (MCC 5542)
Intraregional Programs
Asia Pacific region—For the following countries and territories only:
Australia, Christmas Island, Cocos
(Keeling) Islands, Cook Islands,
New Zealand, Niue, Norfolk Island,
and Tokelau
13 April 2012 for Mastercard ATM
12 April 2019 for Maestro and
Cirrus ATM transactions
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Intraregional Programs
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, and
Sri Lanka
16 October 2015
India 31 December 2018
Indonesia 1 January 2022 for ATM
Korea, Republic of 16 October 2020 for ATM
Nepal 18 April 2018
All other countries and territories 12 April 2019 for ATM
Europe region
1 January 2005 for all transactions
Latin America and the Caribbean
1 January 2005 for all transactions
Intercountry Programs
Germany and United States
Germany and Puerto Rico
Germany and U.S. Virgin Islands
1 January 2015 through 20 October 2016 for Debit
Mastercard ATM transactions
Chip Liability Shift Program for Interregional Transactions
The following table identifies the effective dates for the Chip Liability Shift for interregional
Chip Liability Shift Program for Interregional Transactions
In this region… The following countries
and territories
Effective for transactions dated on or
Asia/Pacific All Currently in effect for Maestro POS
Australia and New Zealand 31 December 2015 (Mastercard ATM
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Chip Liability Shift Program for Interregional Transactions
In this region… The following countries
and territories
Effective for transactions dated on or
Bangladesh, Bhutan,
Maldives, and Sri Lanka
16 October 2015 for ATM transactions
India 31 December 2018 for ATM transactions
Indonesia 1 January 2022 for ATM transactions
Nepal 18 April 2018 for ATM transactions
All other countries and
19 April 2013 (Maestro ATM transactions)
All other countries and
20 October 2017 (Mastercard and Cirrus
ATM transactions)
Canada All 31 December 2015 for Maestro POS
Currently in effect for ATM transactions
Europe All Currently in effect for all transactions
Latin America and the
All Currently in effect for Maestro POS
Mexico 1 September 2014 for all transactions
Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin
19 April 2013 for Maestro ATM
21 October 2016 for Mastercard and
Cirrus ATM transactions
All other countries and
18 October 2013 for Mastercard ATM
Currently in effect for Maestro and
Cirrus ATM transactions
Middle East/Africa All Currently in effect for all transactions
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Chip Liability Shift Program for Interregional Transactions
In this region… The following countries
and territories
Effective for transactions dated on or
United States All 19 April 2013 for Maestro ATM
1 October 2015 for all Maestro POS
transactions except automated fuel
dispenser transactions (MCC 5542)
21 October 2016 for Mastercard and
Cirrus ATM transactions
1 October 2017 for Maestro POS
automated fuel dispenser transactions
(MCC 5542)
Improper Use for Issuer Chargeback
The issuer must not initiate a chargeback using reason code 70 when one of the following:
Fraud Notification Service alert
The issuer approved the transaction after submitting two or more chargebacks involving
the same card account (for this purpose, “account” means Primary Account Number
(PAN), or PAN and expiration date) for reason code 70 or 74.
The issuer submitted more than 15 chargebacks involving the same account (as defined
above) for reason code 70 or 74.
The issuer is currently listed a Mastercard Announcement as limited to seven chargebacks
involving the same card account (for this purpose, ‘account” means PAN, or PAN and
expiration date) for reason code 70 or 74, and the issuer has already met or exceeded this
amount for the account in question.
The transaction was a properly identified contactless transaction.
A Digital Secure Remote Payment (DSRP) transaction or any subsequent transaction for
related partial shipment or recurring payment. Refer to Appendix F for Digital Secure
Remote Payment transaction identification requirements.
Effective 1 October 2015 (1 October 2020 for automated fuel dispenser [MCC 5542]
transactions), for United States issuers only—A U.S. issuer must not initiate a chargeback
for lost, stolen, or never received card fraud when a chip transaction occurred with
signature as the CVM outside of the U.S. region at a hybrid POS terminal supporting offline
PIN as the only PIN CVM, with a U.S.-issued chip card personalized with online PIN as the
only PIN CVM.
Technical fallback occurred.
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Term Definition
Technical Fallback
In a technical fallback transaction, either the chip or the Hybrid POS Terminal
failed, as shown by the presence of a value of 01, 79, or 80 in DE 22 (Point-
of-Service Entry Mode), subfield 1 (POS Terminal PAN Entry Mode) in the
Financial Transaction Request/0200 message and authorized online. Refer to
the Single Message System Specifications manual for Data Element values.
Hybrid POS Terminal A POS Terminal that:
1. Is capable of processing both contact chip transactions and magnetic
stripe-based transactions;
2. Has the equivalent hardware, software, and configuration as a hybrid
POS terminal with full EMV Level 1 and Level 2 type approval status with
regard to the chip technical specifications; and
3. Has satisfactorily completed the Mastercard Terminal Integration Process
(TIP) in the appropriate environment of use.
A Hybrid POS Terminal is identified with a value of 3, 5, 8, or 9 in DE 61
(Point-of-Service Data), subfield 11 (POS Card Data Terminal Input Capability
Indicator) in the Financial Transaction Request/0200 message, as described in
the Single Message System Specifications manual.
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment)
The table shown below details the requirements of the second presentment for this message
reason code.
Second Presentment Condition One of the following:
The card is not a hybrid card (meaning the service code is not 2xx
or 6xx)
The issuer previously charged back two or more transactions
involving the same card account prior to the authorization
approval date of the disputed transaction for reason code 70 or
The issuer previously charged back more than 15 transactions
involving the same card account for reason code 70 or 74
The transaction was not properly reported to SAFE on or before
the chargeback date. Mastercard allows three days from the
reporting date for SAFE processing. Mastercard considers the
SAFE reporting within time when the transaction reporting date in
SAFE is within three days of the chargeback date.
A hybrid card was used at a hybrid POS terminal and the
transaction was properly identified as fallback
The transaction involved an issuer or acquirer located in a country
or region without an applicable domestic or intraregional Chip
Liability Shift or that does not participate in the Global Chip
Liability Shift for interregional transactions
On the chargeback date, the issuer was listed a Mastercard
Announcement as limited to seven chargebacks involving the
same card account for reason code 70 or 74 and the FNS
chargeback counter value exceeds seven
The chargeback was invalid.
Time Frame 45 calendar days from the chargeback settlement date
Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Supporting Documents An explanation and documentation supporting the Second
Presentment Condition.
Notes Supporting documentation must be in English or accompanied by an
English translation.
Supporting documentation must be provided within 10 calendar days
of the chargeback settlement date.
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Transaction Amount Differs
The issuer may use message reason code 71 when the cardholder contacted the issuer
alleging that the cardholder was billed an incorrect amount.
Issuer Chargeback
The table shown below details the requirements for this message reason code.
Chargeback Condition The billing discrepancy could be for one of the following reasons:
The merchant’s addition error that resulted in an incorrect total on
the TID or other documentation.
The merchant increased the transaction amount without the
cardholder’s permission.
The imprinted amount or printed amount on the TID was
processed instead of the correct transaction amount as evidenced
by other information on the TID or documentation.
The cardholder paid for goods or services by other means. “Other
means” may include the same card.
Time Frame Between 5 and 120 calendar days from the transaction settlement
Chargeback Message Reason
Supporting Documents None
Notes The issuer may chargeback only the disputed amount.
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment)
The table shown below details the requirements of the second presentment for this message
reason code.
Second Presentment Condition
One of the following:
The acquirer can provide evidence that the amount debited from
the cardholder’s account was correct.
The chargeback was invalid.
Time Frame 45 calendar days from the chargeback settlement date
Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Supporting Documents The merchant’s explanation and documentation supporting the
Second Presentment Condition.
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Notes Supporting documentation must be in English or accompanied by an
English translation.
Mastercard Automated Reversal
The table shown below details the automated reversal process.
Mastercard Automated Reversal
Both of the following:
Acquirer representment supporting documentation was not
provided via MasterCom within 10 calendar days of the
representment settlement date.
Both the issuer and the acquirer are not in Europe
Time Frame 11 calendar days from the representment settlement date
Mastercard Automated Reversal
Message Reason Code
Supporting Documents
Notes Mastercard will credit the issuer and debit the acquirer.
Duplicate Transaction
The issuer may use reason code 73 when the cardholder contacted the issuer alleging that the
cardholder’s account has been debited more than once for the same transaction.
Issuer Chargeback
The table shown below details the requirements for this message reason code.
Chargeback Condition
An issuer can determine that the transaction is a duplicate when the
ATM or POS terminal number, transaction amount, transaction date,
and authorization response code are identical for the transactions
in question.
Time Frame Between 5 and 120 calendar days from the transaction settlement
Chargeback Message Reason
Supporting Documents None
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Notes Mastercard strongly recommends the issuer use message reason code
17–Cash Disputes–ATM Only for ATM transactions.
Mastercard strongly recommends the issuer use message reason code
71–Disputed Amount for Maestro POS transactions to charge back
the transaction as paid by other means. “Other means” may include
the same card.
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment)
The table shown below details the requirements of the second presentment for this message
reason code.
Second Presentment Condition
One of the following:
The acquirer can provide evidence to support two separate
transactions, or proof that a credit was issued.
The chargeback was invalid.
Time Frame
45 calendar days from the transaction settlement date
Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Supporting Documents
The merchant’s explanation and documentation supporting the
Second Presentment Condition.
Notes Supporting documentation must be in English or accompanied by an
English translation.
Mastercard Automated Reversal
The table shown below details the automated reversal process.
Mastercard Automated Reversal
Both of the following:
Acquirer representment supporting documentation was not
provided via MasterCom within 10 calendar days of the
representment settlement date.
Both the issuer and the acquirer are not in Europe
Time Frame 11 calendar days from the representment settlement date
Mastercard Automated Reversal
Message Reason Code
Supporting Documents
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Notes Mastercard will credit the issuer and debit the acquirer.
No Cardholder Authorization
The issuer may use reason code 74 when the cardholder contacted the issuer alleging that the
cardholder did not participate in or authorize the transaction.
Issuer Chargeback
The table shown below details the requirements for this message reason code.
Chargeback Condition
One of the following:
The transaction is a contactless transaction that exceeds the
applicable contactless CVM limit and was completed without
successful online PIN verification or on-device cardholder
The UCAF collection indicator in DE 48 (Additional Data),
subelement 42 (Electronic Commerce Indicators), Subfield 1
(Electronic Commerce Security Level Indicator and UCAF
Collection Indicator, position 3 (UCAF Collection Indicator)
contains a value of zero.
The UCAF data in DE 48 (Additional Data), subelement 43 (Static
AAV for Maestro or Mastercard Advance Registration Program),
position 1 contained a value of 3 (Transaction processed under the
Maestro Advance Registration Program).
The Remote Payments Program Type value in DE 48 (Additional
Data), subelement 48 (Mobile Program Indicators), subfield 1
(Remote Payments Program Type Identifier) contains a value of 2
(Acquirer domain).
The transaction is an intra-Brazil contactless magnetic stripe
transaction that exceeds BRL 50 and online PIN was not the CVM.
DE 22 (Point of Service Entry Mode), subfield 1 (POS Terminal PAN
Entry Mode) contained a value of 91 and DE 61 (Point of Service
[POS] Data), subfield 11 (POS Card Data Terminal Input Capability
Indicator) contained a value of 3 or 4.
Time Frame Between 5 and 120 calendar days from the transaction settlement
Chargeback Message Reason
Supporting Documents None
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment)
The table shown below details the requirements of the second presentment for this message
reason code.
Second Presentment
One of the following conditions is met:
The transaction was approved and PIN was the CVM
Fraud Notification Service (FNS): The issuer previously charged back
two or more transactions involving the same card account prior to the
authorization approval date of the disputed transaction for reason
code 70 or 74
FNS: The issuer previously charged back more than 15 transactions
involving the same card account for reason code 70 or 74
The issuer did not properly report the transaction to SAFE on or
before the chargeback date
On the chargeback date, the issuer was listed a Mastercard
Announcement as limited to seven chargebacks involving the same
card account for reason code 70 or 74 and the FNS chargeback
counter value exceeds seven.
The merchant was located in a signature waiver country as defined in
the Transaction Processing Rules manual, chapter 3—Acceptance
Procedures, section Merchant Acceptance Procedures, subsection
Maestro Cardholder Verification-PIN and Signature Requirements and
can provide a cardholder signed transaction receipt.
A Digital Secure Remote Payment (DSRP) transaction, DE 48,
subelement 42 (Electronic Commerce Indicators), subfield 1
(Electronic Commerce Security Level Indicator and UCAF Collection
Indicator), position 3 (UCAF Collection Indicator) is set to 2 in
authorization, or any subsequent transaction for related partial
shipment or recurring payment occurred. Refer to Appendix F for
Digital Secure Remote Payment transaction identification
The acquirer determines the chargeback is otherwise invalid.
Time Frame 45 calendar days from the chargeback settlement date
Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Supporting Documents The merchant’s explanation and documentation supporting the Second
Presentment Condition.
Notes Supporting documentation must be in English or accompanied by an
English translation.
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Mastercard Automated Reversal
The table shown below details the automated reversal process.
Mastercard Automated Reversal
Both of the following:
Acquirer representment supporting documentation was not
provided via MasterCom within 10 calendar days of the
representment settlement date.
Both the issuer and the acquirer are not in Europe
Time Frame 11 calendar days from the representment settlement date
Mastercard Automated Reversal
Message Reason Code
Supporting Documents
Notes Mastercard will credit the issuer and debit the acquirer.
Credit Not Received
The issuer may use reason code 75 to dispute one of the following:
An account was not credited.
An account was debited instead of credited.
Issuer Chargeback
The table shown below details the requirements for this message reason code.
Chargeback Condition
The cardholder contacted the issuer alleging that the cardholder’s
account was not credited for a refund from a merchant or was
inaccurately debited instead of credited.
Time Frame Between 5 and 120 calendar days from the transaction settlement
The 120 calendar days begin on one of the following:
The date the service was canceled or the goods were returned.
The date on the credit documentation.
The date on the cardholder letter when the credit documentation
was undated.
The date the issuer receives an undated cardholder letter.
The date the Timeshare was canceled.
Chargeback Message Reason
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Supporting Documents None
This chargeback should be for the amount of the refund, or when the
account is debited instead of credited, twice the amount of the
Staged Digital Wallet. A transaction to fund a Staged Digital Wallet
may be charged back if the funds did not appear in the Staged Digital
Wallet. Chargeback rights are not available for any subsequent
purchase of goods or service from a Staged Digital Wallet. Staged
Digital Wallet transactions are identified with a wallet identifier in DE
48 (Additional Data—Private Use), subelement 26 (Wallet Program
Data) Subfield 1—Wallet Identifier and in PDS 0207—Wallet Identifier
of the First Presentment/1240 Message.
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment)
The table shown below details the requirements of the second presentment for this message
reason code.
Second Presentment Condition
The acquirer can provide evidence to support one of the following:
The credit was processed to the cardholder’s account.
The timeshare cancellation occurred more than 14 calendar days
from the timeshare agreement date.
The transaction was correctly processed.
The chargeback was invalid.
Time Frame 45 calendar days from the chargeback settlement date
Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Supporting Documents The merchant’s explanation and documentation supporting the
Second Presentment Condition.
Notes Supporting documentation must be in English or accompanied by an
English translation.
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Mastercard Automated Reversal
The table shown below details the automated reversal process.
Mastercard Automated Reversal
Both of the following:
Acquirer representment supporting documentation was not
provided via MasterCom within 10 calendar days of the
representment settlement date.
Both the issuer and the acquirer are not in Europe
Time Frame 11 calendar days from the representment settlement date
Mastercard Automated Reversal
Message Reason Code
Supporting Documents
Notes Mastercard will credit the issuer and debit the acquirer.
Goods or Services Not Provided
The issuer may use reason code 79 when the cardholder claims goods or services were not
Issuer Chargeback
The table shown below details the requirements for this message reason code.
Chargeback Condition
The cardholder contacted the issuer alleging the cardholder’s account has been
debited for goods or services that were to be shipped, delivered or otherwise
provided and were not received by the expected delivery date.
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Time Frame Between 5 and 120 calendar days from the transaction settlement date or the
date the goods or services were to be provided. One of the following conditions
must be met before processing the chargeback:
When the date the goods or services were to be provided as agreed upon by
the merchant and the cardholder has passed.
When a specific delivery date is not provided, the issuer must wait 30
calendar days from the transaction settlement date.
When the determination has been made that the merchant will not provide
the goods or services because, for example, the merchant is no longer in
When the cardholder canceled the order for goods or services, the goods or
services were not provided, and the cardholder did not receive a credit.
After 120 calendar days from the transaction settlement date or the date the
goods or services were to be provided, the issuer may file a precompliance,
followed by a compliance case (when applicable), when a system limitation
prevents a valid chargeback.
Chargeback Message
Reason Code
Supporting Documents None
Notes The issuer may chargeback only the disputed amount.
This message reason code must not be used when the merchant was willing and
able to provide the goods or services and the cardholder refused to accept the
goods or services.
Staged Digital Wallet. A transaction to fund a Staged Digital Wallet may be
charged back if the funds did not appear in the Staged Digital Wallet.
Chargeback rights are not available for any subsequent purchase of goods or
service from a Staged Digital Wallet. Staged Digital Wallet transactions are
identified with a wallet identifier in DE 48 (Additional Data—Private Use),
subelement 26 (Wallet Program Data) Subfield 1—Wallet Identifier and in PDS
0207—Wallet Identifier of the First Presentment/1240 Message.
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment)
The table shown below details the requirements of the second presentment for this message
reason code.
Second Presentment Condition
The acquirer can provide evidence to support one of the following:
The goods or services were provided.
The merchant was willing and able to provide the goods or
services and the cardholder refused to accept the goods or
The merchant and the cardholder agreed to provide the goods or
services at a later date.
The chargeback was invalid.
Time Frame 45 calendar days from the chargeback settlement date
Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Supporting Documents The merchant’s explanation and documentation supporting the
Second Presentment Condition.
Notes Supporting documentation must be in English or accompanied by an
English translation.
Mastercard Automated Reversal
The table shown below details the automated reversal process.
Mastercard Automated Reversal
Both of the following:
Acquirer representment supporting documentation was not
provided via MasterCom within 10 calendar days of the
representment settlement date.
Both the issuer and the acquirer are not in Europe
Time Frame 11 calendar days from the representment settlement date
Mastercard Automated Reversal
Message Reason Code
Supporting Documents
Notes Mastercard will credit the issuer and debit the acquirer.
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Late Presentment
An issuer may use reason code 80 when the transaction was authorized offline by the chip
and submitted into clearing more than seven calendar days after the transaction date.
Issuer Chargeback
The table shown below details the requirements for this message reason code.
Chargeback Condition
The issuer must use good-faith efforts to collect the transaction amount from
the cardholder before the issuer exercises this chargeback.
The issuer may use reason code 80 when all of the following conditions are
The transaction was authorized offline by the chip.
The transaction was submitted into clearing more than seven calendar days
after the transaction date.
The cardholder’s account is closed or the cardholder’s account does not
contain sufficient funds to cover the transaction amount.
Time Frame Between 5 and 120 calendar days from the transaction settlement date
Chargeback Message
Reason Code
Supporting Documents None
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment)
The table shown below details the requirements of the second presentment for this message
reason code.
Second Presentment Condition
The acquirer can provide evidence to support one of the following:
The transaction date is within the seven-calendar-day time limit.
The cardholder’s account is open.
The chargeback was invalid.
Time Frame 45 calendar days from the chargeback settlement date
Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Supporting Documents The merchant’s explanation and documentation supporting the
Second Presentment Condition.
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Notes Supporting documentation must be in English or accompanied by an
English translation.
Mastercard Automated Reversal
The table shown below details the automated reversal process.
Mastercard Automated Reversal
Both of the following:
Acquirer representment supporting documentation was not
provided via MasterCom within 10 calendar days of the
representment settlement date.
Both the issuer and the acquirer are not in Europe
Time Frame 11 calendar days from the representment settlement date
Mastercard Automated Reversal
Message Reason Code
Supporting Documents
Notes Mastercard will credit the issuer and debit the acquirer.
Invalid Adjustment—Account Closed
An issuer may use message reason code 95 to chargeback an invalid adjustment when the
account is closed.
Issuer Chargeback
The table shown below details the requirements for this chargeback message reason code.
Chargeback Condition Both of the following:
The account is closed.
The acquirer’s adjustment must have been processed between 11
and 45 calendar days after the transaction settlement date.
Time Frame Between 1 and 20 calendar days after the adjustment settlement
Chargeback Message Reason
Supporting Documents None
Additional Information
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment)
Representment is not available for this message reason code.
Invalid Adjustment—Insufficient Funds
An issuer may use message reason code 96 to chargeback an invalid adjustment when the
account has insufficient funds.
Issuer Chargeback
The table shown below details the requirements for this chargeback message reason code.
Chargeback Condition Both of the following:
The account does not have sufficient funds.
The acquirer’s adjustment must have been processed between 11
and 45 calendar days after the transaction settlement date.
Time Frame Between 1 and 20 calendar days after the adjustment settlement
Chargeback Message Reason
Supporting Documents None
Additional Information
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment)
Representment is not available for this message reason code.
Single Message System Chargebacks
Chargeback Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Chapter 4 Arbitration Case Filing
This chapter provides the procedures that Customers must follow when filing and managing an
arbitration case.
Overview.................................................................................................................................... 228
How to File, and Respond to, an Arbitration Case....................................................................... 228
Time Frames and Requirements...................................................................................................229
Mastercard Review Process..........................................................................................................232
Fees............................................................................................................................................ 233
Intra-European and Inter-European Domestic Disputes................................................................ 234
Intra-EEA Third Party Processed Disputes..................................................................................... 235
Appeals...................................................................................................................................... 236
Time Frames...........................................................................................................................236
How to File an Appeal............................................................................................................ 236
Appeal Review Process........................................................................................................... 237
Arbitration Case Filing
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
After the chargeback cycles have been completed, a Customer may ask Mastercard to resolve
a chargeback dispute through an arbitration case.
A Customer may file an arbitration case when one of the following occurs:
The chargeback cycles have been completed and the Customer continues to believe the
dispute is invalid.
An issuer in Europe did not receive the required second presentment Supporting
Documentation (as described in the individual reason codes within the Single Message
System Chargebacks chapter) for an ATM dispute within 10 calendar days of the Central
Site Business Date of the second presentment.
The number of cycles in the chargeback will determine when the issuer or the acquirer is the
Customer filing the case, therefore this chapter uses the term “Filing Customer” to refer to
the Customer submitting the case against another Customer; the second Customer is referred
to as the “Filed-Against” Customer.
All arbitration cases must be submitted and managed through the Case Filing application
within MasterCom. Mastercard strongly recommends daily review of the Case Filing
application to manage cases within applicable timeframes.
For more information, refer to the MasterCom manuals available on Mastercard Connect >
Publications > MasterCom System.
How to File, and Respond to, an Arbitration Case
The Filing Customer must submit the arbitration case correctly, completely, and in compliance
with the Timeframes and Requirements section later in this chapter.
The Filing Customer is responsible for ensuring that legible copies of all relevant
documentation are linked to the case filing. This means entering the chargeback reference
number and confirming that all previously provided Supporting Documentation (as described
in the individual reason codes) links to the case. When a chargeback reference number does
not exist or does not link all previously provided Supporting Documentation, a thorough
description of the circumstances of the case in chronological order and all previously provided
Supporting Documentation must be manually attached into the MasterCom Case Filing
At any time prior to a Mastercard decision on the case, the Filing Customer may withdraw the
case for any reason.
The Filed-Against Customer, using the Case Filing application within MasterCom, may:
Arbitration Case Filing
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Reject the arbitration case with a rebuttal and any relevant documentation within 10
calendar days of the filing date.
Accept the case prior to a Mastercard decision on the case.
Mastercard will automatically move funds for an accepted case by either generating a
Global Clearing Management System (GCMS) “On-Behalf” Fee Collection/1740 message
using message reason code 7800 or a MCBS Billing Event.
Take no action. After 10 calendar days the MasterCom system will automatically change
the status to “Rejected”.
Mastercard will then review and determine responsibility for the case as described in the
Mastercard Review Process section later in this chapter.
Time Frames and Requirements
The following table describes the conditions, time frames and requirements to file an
arbitration case.
One of the following:
The chargeback cycles have been completed and the dispute is invalid.
An issuer in Europe did not receive the required second presentment Supporting
Documentation (as described in the individual reason codes within the Single
Message System Chargebacks chapter) for an ATM dispute within 10 calendar days
of the Central Site Business Date of the second presentment.
Time Frame 45 calendar days from the Central Site Business Date of the last applicable chargeback
Arbitration Case Filing
Time Frames and Requirements
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
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When the acquirer is the Filing Customer:
When all previously provided Supporting Documentation (as described in the
individual reason codes within the Dual Message System Chargebacks chapter) is
shown as being linked to the case: None
When all previously provided Supporting Documentation (as described in the
individual reason codes within the Dual Message System Chargebacks chapter) is
not shown as being linked to the case: A thorough description of the circumstances
of the case in chronological order and all previously provided Supporting
When Supporting Documentation (as described in the individual reason codes
within the Dual Message System Chargebacks chapter) has been provided for the
first time in the last chargeback cycle as allowed by the individual chargeback
reason code: The Filing Customer may address the new Supporting Documentation
and provide any new applicable Supporting Documentation.
When the issuer is the Filing Customer:
When a chargeback reference number does not exist or does not link all previously
provided Supporting Documentation, a thorough description of the circumstances
of the case in chronological order and all previously provided Supporting
When the SMS Case Filing box is checked in the MasterCom Case Filing
application: a completed Dispute Resolution Management Case Filing Form-SMS
Linked Case Filing (Form 682a)
In addition:
For cases involving 53-Defective/Not as Described—Intra-U.S. Region and
U.S. Territories Only, refer to the Domestic Chargeback appendix.
For cases involving 71-Transaction Amount Differs the following must also be
The cardholder letter, email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form
—Point-of-Interaction (POI) Errors (Form 1240) stating the cardholder’s
account has been debited for one of the following:
An amount that is different from the original purchase amount
An incorrect amount when the merchant accepted an alternative form of
payment to complete the transaction
Documentation supporting the cardholder’s claim
For cases involving 73-Duplicate Transaction the following must also be
A cardholder letter, email, message, or completed Dispute Resolution Form—
Point of Interaction (POI) Errors (Form 1240)
When applicable, documentation supporting the cardholder’s claim
For cases involving 74-No Cardholder Authorization the cardholder letter,
email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 412) stating
the cardholder did not participate in or authorize the transaction.
Arbitration Case Filing
Time Frames and Requirements
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
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For cases involving 75-Credit Not Received the following must also be
The cardholder letter, email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form
—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) stating one of the following:
The cardholder’s account has not been credited for a refund from a
The cardholder’s account has not been credited for a canceled timeshare
agreement and the cancellation occurred within the applicable time
The cardholder’s account has been inaccurately debited instead of
A cardholder letter, email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form—
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) is not required when the
cardholder’s documentation is one of the following:
A credit slip
Credit advice
TID voided by the merchant
Merchant letter advisement to obtain credit from the issuer via
Documentation supporting the cardholder’s claim
For cases involving 79-Goods or Services Not Provided the following must
also be included:
The cardholder letter, email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form
—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) stating all of the following:
The cardholder engaged in the transaction
The date the goods or services were to be provided as agreed upon by
the merchant and the cardholder.
A reasonably specific description of the goods or services purchased.
Mastercard will determine whether the documentation presented for the
chargeback cycle contains sufficient detail.
When applicable, the reason the cardholder believes the merchant will
not provide the goods or services.
When applicable, the cardholder canceled the order for goods or services,
the goods or services were not provided, and the cardholder did not
receive a credit.
Documentation supporting the cardholder’s claim
Arbitration Case Filing
Time Frames and Requirements
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
A completed Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 412) or Dispute Resolution Form—
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) must be the result of contact with the
An arbitration case filing may include multiple chargebacks, however, this option is
only available when the Acquirer, Issuer, PAN, merchant and chargeback message
reason code are the same.
Information relevant to the case must be in English or the original non-English
documentation must be accompanied by an English translation.
When applicable, domestic rules must be provided.
Mastercard Review Process
Mastercard will wait to rule on a case until one of the following occurs:
10 calendar days from the case filing submission date has passed
The Filed-Against Customer rejects the case filing within MasterCom
Mastercard will decline to rule on a case when the Filing Customer did not follow all filing
requirements. Examples of incorrect filing include but are not limited to:
The case has insufficient documentation to enable Mastercard to rule on the case and
assign responsibility for the disputed amount.
The case was filed beyond the appropriate filing period.
Documentation was not in English or accompanied by an English translation.
The Filing Customer may resubmit a case that has been declined for ruling when the Filing
Customer can correct the deficiency that caused the case to be declined within the applicable
filing time frames. A new filing fee will apply.
Mastercard will review the case, the applicable rules, and render a decision. Mastercard will
post the decision in the MasterCom Case Filing application and generate Global Clearing
Management System (GCMS) “On-Behalf” Fee Collection/1740 messages using message
reason code 7800 or an MCBS Billing Event to debit and credit the disputed amount to the
appropriate Customers.
During the review process, when Mastercard Dispute Resolution staff requests specific
documentation from a Customer that documentation must be provided.
Arbitration Case Filing
Mastercard Review Process
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Mastercard will process fees as billing events though the Mastercard Consolidated Billing
System (MCBS) at the end of the month. Refer to the applicable country or region Mastercard
Consolidated Billing System (MCBS) manual for more information.
A Customer withdrawing or accepting the case before Dispute Resolution Management issues
a ruling is responsible for the following fees.
Filing fee:
For intra-European and inter-European cases: EUR 150
For all other cases: USD 150
Withdrawal/Accept fee:
For intra-European and inter-European cases: EUR 150
For all other cases: USD 150
When Dispute Resolution Management declines to rule on a case, the Filing Customer is
responsible for the following Filing fees:
For intra-European and inter-European cases: EUR 150
For all other cases: USD 150
When Dispute Resolution Management rules on a case:
The Customer found responsible for the case is also responsible for the following fees:
Filing Fee:
For intra-European and inter-European cases: EUR 150
For all other cases: USD 150
Administrative Fee:
For intra-European and inter-European cases: EUR 250
For all other cases: USD 250
Technical Violation Fee per violation of the dispute processing rules:
For intra-European and inter-European cases: EUR 100
For all other cases: USD 100
The Customer not found responsible for the case may be responsible for a Technical
Violation Fee per violation of the dispute processing rules:
For intra-European and inter-European cases: EUR 100
For all other cases: USD 100
Mastercard will assess the Customer requesting an appeal the following fee:
For intra-European and inter-European cases: EUR 500
For all other cases: USD 500
Arbitration Case Filing
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Dispute Administration Fee (DAF)
For Intra-European and Inter-European ATM and Maestro transactions: The issuer may
collect 45 EUR from the acquirer (30 EUR net) within 45 calendar days of an acquirer
accepting a pre-arbitration or arbitration case or Mastercard ruling in favor of the issuer.
For Intra-European and Inter-European Mastercard POS transactions: The acquirer may
collect 60 EUR from the issuer (30 EUR net) within 45 calendar days of an issuer accepting
a pre-arbitration or arbitration case or Mastercard ruling in favor the acquirer.
The DAF does not apply when the transaction is coded with MCC 5499, 5735, 5815,
5816, 7311, or 7399.
The DAF may be collected using a miscellaneous fee collection message 1740-700 message
with reason code 7606. DE 72 (Data Record) of the fee collection message must contain
NNNNNN —COLLECTION OF DAF.” NNNNNN must be replaced with the 6 digit case
identification number.
When the fee was debited unduly, meaning the acquirer collects the DAF with a second
presentment after processing a credit to the cardholder, the fee can be collected by the
impacted party using the miscellaneous fee collection message 1740-700 with reason code
7606. This fee collection message must be sent within 45 days after the dispute message
was sent which unduly triggered the DAF. DE 72 (Data Record) of the fee collection
must be replaced with the 10 digit chargeback reference number.
Intra-European and Inter-European Domestic Disputes
The following sections provide information on intra-European and inter-European disputes.
A domestic dispute is a disagreement between two or more Customers concerning a
transaction effected under one of the brands within the country where they are established,
pertaining exclusively to intracountry matters, such as but not limited to clearing or settlement
of transactions made in local currency.
When two or more Customers are opposed in a domestic dispute (as defined above), they
have full recourse to the exclusive arbitration of Mastercard, in accordance with one of the
following conditions:
All Customers involved in the domestic dispute have expressly designated, Mastercard as
All Customers involved in a domestic dispute agreed to be bound by the Standards
concerning the matter of the dispute.
The Customers involved in a domestic dispute have no agreement to regulate their
relationship, did not stipulate either a procedure for resolution of disputes, or rules
applicable to the matter of the dispute, in the agreement or rules which regulate their
Arbitration Case Filing
Intra-European and Inter-European Domestic Disputes
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
relationship or there is no such agreement or rules and at least one Customer requests
Mastercard to arbitrate the dispute. A solution must be sought through bilateral discussion
between the Customers involved, before investigating such arbitration request.
Mastercard will arbitrate according to any agreement between the parties, but where there is
no such agreement or the agreement is silent or unclear in the opinion of Mastercard Europe,
Mastercard will arbitrate in accordance with the Standards. The decision of Mastercard is
binding on both parties.
Arbitration Procedure
The arbitration procedure defined for international disputes will apply for domestic disputes.
Intra-EEA Third Party Processed Disputes
The following sections provide information on arbitration of disputes relating to Intra-EEA
transactions not processed through Mastercard.
An intra-EEA third party processed dispute is a dispute between Customers concerning one or
more transactions that were processed using a registered third party processor.
The Customers involved in the dispute may have recourse to arbitration by Mastercard when
they have not agreed to any other dispute resolution procedure and at least one Customer
requests Mastercard to arbitrate the dispute. The Customers must provide all information
required by Mastercard to rule on the dispute. The case must be filed via MasterCom. The
other party may reject the case filing when it can provide evidence that another dispute
resolution procedure was agreed between the parties.
Mastercard will arbitrate in accordance with the Standards. The decision of Mastercard is
binding on both parties.
Arbitration Procedure
The arbitration procedure defined for international disputes will apply for Intra-EEA third party
processed disputes.
Arbitration Case Filing
Intra-EEA Third Party Processed Disputes
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
An appeal is a written request from a Customer to Mastercard asking Mastercard to
reconsider a ruling decision.
Time Frames
An appeal must be postmarked within 45 calendar days of the Mastercard ruling decision.
When the appeal is sent by:
Postal mail, the date included in the postmark must be within the 45 day time frame
Courier, the tracking information must show that the courier received the appeal within
the 45 day time frame
How to File an Appeal
An appeal:
May only be submitted by a Customer involved in the case.
Must include a detailed explanation of why the Customer believes the Mastercard decision
should be reconsidered. An appeal may include documentation supporting an overturn of
the original decision. However, no new facts will be considered in an appeal unless, and
then only to the extent, requested by the Chief Franchise Officer.
Must be a printed document signed by the Customer’s Principal contact as detailed in
Member Info—Mastercard or Member Information—Cirrus/Maestro on Mastercard
Must be sent at the same time by postal mail or courier (whichever delivery method best
provides prompt delivery) to Mastercard and the other Customer involved in the case as
described below:
Mastercard International, Incorporated
ATTN: Chief Franchise Officer
2000 Purchase Street
Purchase, NY 10577–2509
Mastercard International, Incorporated
Vice President, Dispute Resolution Management
2200 Mastercard Boulevard
O’Fallon, MO 63368-7263
Arbitration Case Filing
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
The Principal or Compliance contact of the other Customer involved in the case as detailed in
Member Info—Mastercard or Member Information—Cirrus/Maestro on Mastercard Connect
In addition, the both appeals provided to Mastercard must include all of the following
regarding the copy of the appeal sent to the other Customer:
Delivery method
Proof of the date the appeal was received by the post office or courier
Principal or Compliance contact name and address
Appeal Review Process
An appeal not compliant with these rules or otherwise submitted improperly will be rejected.
The Chief Franchise Officer of Mastercard will review each properly filed appeal.
The Chief Franchise Officer may take such action as he or she deems necessary or appropriate
or may elect not to act.
The Chief Franchise Officer may delegate authority to act or not to act with respect to any
particular appeal matter or type of appeal matter. If the Chief Franchise Officer or his or her
designee elects to conduct further inquiry into the matter, each Customer must cooperate
promptly and fully. If the Chief Franchise Officer or his or her designee makes a
recommendation of action to resolve the matter, such recommendation is final and not
subject to further appeal or other action.
Arbitration Case Filing
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Chapter 5 Compliance Case Filing
This chapter provides the procedures to file and manage a compliance case.
Overview.................................................................................................................................... 239
How to File, and Respond to, a Compliance Case........................................................................239
Time Frames and Requirements...................................................................................................241
Missing, Invalid, or Inaccurate Authorization Data.................................................................. 241
Inaccurate Clearing Data That Restricts Chargeback Cycles.....................................................242
Fee Collection/1740 Message................................................................................................. 243
Failure to Provide the TID........................................................................................................243
Merchant Not Listed or Improperly Listed on MATCH..............................................................244
Unjust Enrichment..................................................................................................................245
Acquirer Request for Cardholder Statement of Fraud..............................................................246
Issuer Listed in Mastercard Announcement.............................................................................247
MoneySend Payment Transactions..........................................................................................247
All Other Rules Violations....................................................................................................... 248
Mastercard Review Process..........................................................................................................248
Fees............................................................................................................................................ 249
Appeals...................................................................................................................................... 250
Time Frames...........................................................................................................................250
How to File an Appeal............................................................................................................ 250
Appeal Review Process........................................................................................................... 251
Compliance Case Filing
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
A Customer may ask Mastercard to resolve a rules violation causing financial loss through a
compliance case.
Depending on the case, the issuer or the acquirer may be the Customer filing the case,
therefore this chapter uses the term “Filing Customer” to refer to the Customer submitting
the case against another Customer; the second Customer is referred to as the “Filed-Against”
A compliance case must not be filed when a chargeback is available, a chargeback is
prohibited, or to circumvent the Fraud Notification Service (FNS).
A Customer may file a compliance case when all of the following conditions have been met.
Another Customer, whether directly or indirectly, has violated any of the Mastercard Rules
or Standards directly causing another Customer to experience a financial loss.
The Filing Customer must document a financial loss because of the violation and not simply
assert a violation as a basis for filing the case. In other words, the loss could have been
avoided had the Filed-Against Customer had followed the rules.
The Filing Customer submitted a pre-compliance case, with the exception of a Fee
Collection/1740 message case.
The Filed-Against Customer did not accept responsibility for the pre-compliance case (when
pre-compliance was required).
All compliance cases must be submitted and managed through the Case Filing application
within MasterCom. Mastercard strongly recommends daily review of the Case Filing
application to manage cases within applicable timeframes.
For more information, refer to the MasterCom manuals available on Mastercard Connect >
Publications > MasterCom System.
How to File, and Respond to, a Compliance Case
The Filing Customer must submit a pre-compliance case correctly, completely, and in
compliance with the Timeframes and Requirements section later in this chapter. Pre-
compliance is required, with the exception of a Fee Collection/1740 message case.
The Filing Customer is responsible for ensuring that legible copies of all relevant
documentation is linked to the case filing.
When the compliance case involves a chargeback, the Filing Customer can enter the
chargeback reference number and confirm that all previously provided documents link to
the case.
Compliance Case Filing
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
When relevant documentation is not showing as being linked to the case, a thorough
description of the circumstances of the case in chronological order and all relevant
chargeback cycle documentation must be manually attached to the MasterCom case.
When the compliance case does not involve a chargeback, all relevant documentation must
be manually attached to the MasterCom case.
At any time prior to the Filed-Against Customer rejecting or accepting the case, the Filing
Customer may withdraw the case for any reason.
The Filed-Against Customer, using the Case Filing application within MasterCom, may:
Reject the pre-compliance with a rebuttal and any relevant documentation within 30
calendar days of the date the pre-compliance case was submitted into MasterCom.
Accept the pre-compliance case within 30 calendar days of the date the pre-compliance
case was submitted into MasterCom.
Mastercard will automatically move funds for an accepted case by either generating a
Global Clearing Management System (GCMS) “On-Behalf” Fee Collection/1740 message
using message reason code 7800 or a MCBS Billing Event.
Take no action. After 30 calendar days the MasterCom system will automatically reject the
pre-compliance case.
The Filing Customer may escalate the pre-compliance case to a compliance case once the case
is rejected using the Case Filing application within MasterCom within the timeframes
described in the Timeframes and Requirements section later in this chapter.
At any time prior to a Mastercard decision on the case, the Filing Customer may withdraw the
compliance case for any reason.
The Filed-Against Customer, using the Case Filing application within MasterCom, may:
Reject the compliance case with a rebuttal and any relevant documentation within 10
calendar days of the escalation date.
Accept the compliance case prior to a Mastercard decision on the case.
Take no action.
Mastercard will then review and determine responsibility for the case as described in the
Mastercard Review Process section later in this chapter.
Compliance Case Filing
How to File, and Respond to, a Compliance Case
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Time Frames and Requirements
The following tables describe the conditions, time frames, and documentation necessary to
submit a compliance case.
Missing, Invalid, or Inaccurate Authorization Data
Pre-compliance Condition
An issuer may file a pre-compliance case against an acquirer when both
of the following:
Any of the mandatory or optional data elements supplied in the
authorization request message are missing, invalid or inaccurate.
The issuer suffered a financial loss directly due to the violation.
Pre-compliance Time Frame At least 30 calendar days prior to escalating the pre-compliance case to
a compliance case.
Pre-compliance Supporting
All the following:
The specific authorization data asserted to be missing, invalid, or
Documentation confirming that the authorization data, as received,
misrepresented the nature of the transaction
Documentation explaining why the missing, invalid, or inaccurate
authorization data resulted in the transaction being authorized.
Documentation explaining why the transaction would not have
been authorized if complete, valid, and accurate data had been
Documentation proving, to the satisfaction of Mastercard, that the
issuer would not have suffered the financial loss had the mandatory
authorization data been present, valid, and accurate and that the
filing was not based solely on the data being missing, invalid, or
For a transaction containing an Original Switch Serial Number: a
completed Dispute Resolution Management Case Filing Form-SMS
Linked Case Filing (Form 682a).
Compliance Condition An issuer may escalate the pre-compliance case to a compliance case
when the pre-compliance case is rejected.
Compliance Time Frame Within 120 calendar days of the Central Site Business Date of the
Notes Information relevant to the case must be in English or the original non-
English documentation must be accompanied by an English translation.
Compliance Case Filing
Time Frames and Requirements
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Inaccurate Clearing Data That Restricts Chargeback Cycles
Pre-compliance Condition
Both of the following:
An issuer or acquirer may file a pre-compliance case when the
clearing data presented in the First Presentment message or any
subsequent chargeback cycle was inaccurate, causing a valid
chargeback cycle (first chargeback, second presentment, or
arbitration chargeback) to be rejected or unprocessed.
As used herein, “inaccurate” means data that does not accurately
reflect the conditions that were present at the point of interaction
at the time a transaction occurred or that does not match data
provided in the original presentment.
The Filing Customer suffered a financial loss directly due to the
Pre-compliance Time Frame At least 30 calendar days prior to escalating the pre-compliance case to
a compliance case.
Pre-compliance Supporting
When the Filing Customer is the issuer:
Document the data elements causing, or that will cause, the
chargeback to be rejected.
Identity the values the issuer believes should have been provided in
the authorization or clearing messages.
Specify the chargeback reason and provide the supporting
documentation as set forth in the applicable message reason code.
When the Filing Customer is the acquirer:
Document the data elements causing the reject and provide the
valid values as submitted in the authorization or clearing message.
Provide a valid remedy to the chargeback as set forth in the
applicable message reason code.
For transactions assigned an Original Switch Serial Number: a
completed Dispute Resolution Management Case Filing Form-SMS
Linked Case Filing (Form 682a).
Compliance Condition
The Filing Customer may escalate the pre-compliance case to a
compliance case when the pre-compliance case is rejected.
Compliance Time Frame
When the Filing Customer is the issuer and the chargeback was, or will
be, rejected one of the following:
The first chargeback time frame
45 calendar days from the date that the chargeback was rejected
When the Filing Customer is the acquirer: 45 calendar days from the
date that the second presentment was rejected.
Compliance Case Filing
Time Frames and Requirements
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Information relevant to the case must be in English or the original non-
English documentation must be accompanied by an English translation.
This compliance case includes claims of Improper UCAF Data.
Fee Collection/1740 Message
Pre-compliance Condition
Pre-compliance is optional, Customer may direct file a compliance case.
A Customer choosing pre-compliance must meet all of the
Compliance Conditions.
Consider skipping the optional pre-compliance step, especially when
the pre-compliance timeframe will cause the compliance timeframe to
be exceeded.
Pre-compliance Time Frame 30 calendar days prior to escalating the pre-compliance case to a
compliance case
Pre-compliance Supporting
A Customer choosing pre-compliance must provide the Compliance
Supporting Documentation.
Compliance Condition An issuer or an acquirer may file a compliance case in response to an
invalid Arbitration Return Fee Collection/1740-782 message
Time Frame Within 45 calendar days of the invalid Arbitration Return Fee
Collection/1740-782 message
Supporting Documentation A thorough description of the circumstances of the case in
chronological order.
Refer to Chapter 15, Fee Collection, of the GCMS Reference manual
for more information.
Information relevant to the case must be in English or the original non-
English documentation must be accompanied by an English translation.
Failure to Provide the TID
Pre-compliance Condition
An issuer may file a pre-compliance case against an acquirer when both
of the following occurred:
The acquirer did not provide the transaction information document
(TID) in response to a Retrieval Request/1644 message in
accordance with 3.11.1 Retention of Transaction Records of the
Transaction Processing Rules.
The issuer suffered a financial loss directly due to the violation
Compliance Case Filing
Time Frames and Requirements
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Pre-compliance Time Frame At least 30 calendar days prior to escalating the pre-compliance case to
a compliance case
Pre-compliance Supporting
All of the following:
The information from the Retrieval Request/1644 message
Any other documentation the issuer believes to be relevant
Sufficient documentation to prove a financial loss occurred because
the acquirer failed to provide the TID. Examples include, but are not
limited to:
A judicial request for the TID to substantiate the collection of a
A copy of the national law (and an English translation when
needed) requiring the issuer to provide a copy of the transaction
receipt to the cardholder upon request, along with the
cardholder letter containing the request.
Compliance Condition An issuer may escalate the pre-compliance case to a compliance case
when the pre-compliance case was rejected.
Time Frame Within 120 calendar days of the Central Site Business Date of the
Retrieval Request/1644 message
Notes None
Merchant Not Listed or Improperly Listed on MATCH
Pre-compliance Condition
An acquirer may file a compliance case against an acquirer when all of the
following occurred:
An acquirer signed a merchant agreement with a merchant
That same merchant was previously terminated by a previous acquirer
That previous acquirer failed to list or properly list the merchant on MATCH
The acquirer experienced a financial loss directly caused by the failure of a
previous acquirer to list or properly list the merchant on MATCH
Pre-compliance Time
At least 30 calendar days prior to escalating the pre-compliance case to a
compliance case
All of the following:
Documentation to support the Pre-Compliance Condition.
For each chargeback included in the case filing: The chargeback reference
number, date of the first chargeback, amount being charged back, Acquirer
Reference Data, and merchant name.
For transactions assigned an Original Switch Serial Number: a completed
Dispute Resolution Management Case Filing Form-SMS Linked Case Filing
(Form 682a)
Compliance Case Filing
Time Frames and Requirements
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Compliance Condition An acquirer may escalate the pre-compliance case to a compliance case when
the pre-compliance case was rejected.
Compliance Time Frame
One of the following:
Within 120 calendar days of the acquirer terminating the merchant’s
merchant agreement
When beyond 120 calendar days, 45 calendar days from the date the
violation was, or should have been, detected
Refer to Chapter 11, MATCH System, of the Security Rules and Procedures
manual for more information on the MATCH
Information relevant to the case must be in English or the original non-English
documentation must be accompanied by an English translation.
Unjust Enrichment
Pre-compliance Condition
An issuer or acquirer may file a pre-compliance case to recover funds when the
Filed-Against Customer has been unjustly enriched, to the detriment of the
Filing Customer. Examples included but are not limited to:
An issuer may file a compliance case for unspent funds against an acquirer
whose merchant deactivated a gift or prepaid card purchased fraudulently
with a Mastercard card.
An acquirer may file a compliance case against an issuer when the acquirer
failed to second present and the merchant processed a refund for the same
The Filing Customer suffered a financial loss directly due to the violation.
Pre-compliance Time
At least 30 calendar days prior to escalating the pre-compliance case to a
compliance case
Pre-compliance Supporting
Both of the following:
For transactions assigned an Original Switch Serial Number: a completed
Dispute Resolution Management Case Filing Form-SMS Linked Case Filing
(Form 682a)
Documentation to support the Pre-Compliance Condition.
Compliance Condition An issuer may escalate the pre-compliance case to a compliance case when the
pre-compliance case was rejected.
Time Frame Within 120 calendar days of the Central Site Business Date of the transaction.
Compliance Case Filing
Time Frames and Requirements
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Notes Information relevant to the case must be in English or the original non-English
documentation must be accompanied by an English translation.
When a pre-compliance case is filed by an acquirer against an issuer because
the acquirer provided a credit/refund for the disputed transaction before the
issuer generated a chargeback for that same transaction, and the pre-
compliance case accepted by issuer, the MasterCom case fee of USD 20/EUR 20
is assessed to the issuer.
Acquirer Request for Cardholder Statement of Fraud
Pre-compliance Condition
An acquirer may file a pre-compliance case against an issuer to obtain a copy of
the cardholder’s letter, email, or message when all of the following occurred:
The issuer charged back a transaction for fraud
The Supporting Documentation provided for the fraud chargeback included
the Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 412), rather than a cardholder
letter, email, or message.
The acquirer’s request is the result of a judicial request, law enforcement
investigation, other legal action, or as required by applicable law or
The Filing Customer suffered a financial loss directly due to the violation.
Pre-compliance Time
At least 30 calendar days prior to escalating the pre-compliance case to a
compliance case
One of the following:
Evidence of legal reason requiring the cardholder letter, email, or message.
Examples included, but are not limited to, court order or subpoena.
The acquirer’s certification describing the legal reason for which the
cardholder letter, email or message of fraud is required.
Compliance Condition An acquirer may escalate the pre-compliance case to a compliance case when
the pre-compliance case was rejected.
Compliance Time Frame
One of the following:
Within 90 calendar days of the date on which the merchant notified the
Within 90 calendar days of the date on which the acquirer became aware
that the cardholder letter, email, or message is required for legal reasons.
Notes Information relevant to the case must be in English or the original non-English
documentation must be accompanied by an English translation.
Compliance Case Filing
Time Frames and Requirements
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Issuer Listed in Mastercard Announcement
Pre-compliance Condition The acquirer may file a pre-compliance case when the issuer was listed
in a Mastercard Announcement as one of the following:
Ineligible to participate in the Global Chip Liability Shift Program for
interregional Maestro ATM transactions
Limited to seven chargebacks for reason code 70 or 74 involving the
same Maestro card account, and the transaction charged back
contains an FNS counter value that is greater than seven (a value of
eight or more).
Pre-compliance Time Frame 30 calendar days prior to escalating the pre-compliance case to a
compliance case
Pre-compliance Supporting
The date of the Mastercard Announcement listing the issuer.
Compliance Condition The Filing Customer may escalate the pre-compliance case to a
compliance case when the pre-compliance case is rejected.
Compliance Time Frame Within 180 calendar days of the processing date of the invalid Maestro
Refer to the Security Rules and Procedures manual, Chapter 6, Fraud
Loss Control Standards.
Information relevant to the case must be in English or the original non-
English documentation must be accompanied by an English translation.
MoneySend Payment Transactions
Pre-compliance Condition The issuer (as the Receiving Institution) did not receive a clearing record
within one Central Site business day of the authorization approval date
of the MoneySend Payment Transaction authorization request.
Pre-compliance Time Frame 30 calendar days prior to escalating the pre-compliance case to a
compliance case
Pre-compliance Supporting
Both of the following:
The authorization request approval date; and
The transaction amount indicated in the authorization request
Compliance Condition The Filing Customer may escalate the pre-compliance case to a
compliance case when the pre-compliance case is rejected.
Compliance Time Frame Within 45 calendar days after approval of the MoneySend Payment
Transaction authorization request.
Compliance Case Filing
Time Frames and Requirements
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An amount of up to four percent of the transaction amount may also be
included, in common currency (USD, Euro, or Pound Sterling), to
compensate the issuer for the expense of advancing funds to the
Information relevant to the case must be in English or the original non-
English documentation must be accompanied by an English translation.
All Other Rules Violations
Pre-compliance Condition
Both of the following:
A rule was violated
The Filing Customer suffered a financial loss directly due to the violation
Pre-compliance Time Frame At least 30 calendar days prior to escalating the pre-compliance case to a
compliance case
Pre-compliance Supporting
Both of the following:
Documentation to support the Pre-Compliance Condition.
For transactions assigned an Original Switch Serial Number: a completed
Dispute Resolution Management Case Filing Form-SMS Linked Case Filing
(Form 682a)
Compliance Condition An issuer or acquirer may escalate the pre-compliance case to a compliance
case when the pre-compliance case was rejected.
Compliance Time Frame Within 120 calendar days of the violation
Notes Information relevant to the case must be in English or the original non-
English documentation must be accompanied by an English translation.
Mastercard Review Process
Mastercard will wait to rule on a case until one of the following occurs:
10 calendar days from the case filing submission date has passed
The Filed-Against Customer rejects the case filing within MasterCom
Mastercard will decline to rule on a case when the Filing Customer did not follow all filing
requirements. Examples of incorrect filing include but are not limited to:
The case has insufficient documentation to enable Mastercard to rule on the case and
assign responsibility for the disputed amount.
The Customer filed the case beyond the appropriate filing period.
Documentation was not in English or accompanied by an English translation.
Compliance Case Filing
Mastercard Review Process
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The Filing Customer may resubmit a case that has been declined for ruling when the Filing
Customer can correct the deficiency that caused the case to be declined within the applicable
filing time frames. A new filing fee will apply.
Mastercard will review the case, the applicable rules, and render a decision. Mastercard will
post the decision in the MasterCom Case Filing application and generate Global Clearing
Management System (GCMS) “On-Behalf” Fee Collection/1740 messages using message
reason code 7800 or an MCBS Billing Event to debit and credit the disputed amount to the
appropriate Customers.
During the review process, when Mastercard Dispute Resolution staff requests specific
documentation from a Customer that documentation must be provided.
Mastercard will process fees as billing events though the Mastercard Consolidated Billing
System (MCBS) at the end of the month. Refer to the applicable country or region Mastercard
Consolidated Billing System (MCBS) manual for more information.
A Customer withdrawing or accepting the case before Dispute Resolution Management issues
a ruling is responsible for the following fees.
Filing fee:
For intra-European and inter-European cases: EUR 150
For all other cases: USD 150
Withdrawal/Accept fee:
For intra-European and inter-European cases: EUR 150
For all other cases: USD 150
When Dispute Resolution Management declines to rule on a case, the filing Customer is
responsible for the Filing fees:
For intra-European and inter-European cases: EUR 150
For all other cases: USD 150
When Dispute Resolution Management rules on a case:
The Customer found responsible for the case is also responsible for the following fees:
Filing Fee:
For intra-European and inter-European cases: EUR 150
For all other cases: USD 150
Administrative Fee:
For intra-European and inter-European cases: EUR 250
For all other cases: USD 250
Technical Violation Fee per violation of the dispute processing rules:
Compliance Case Filing
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For intra-European and inter-European cases: EUR 100
For all other cases: USD 100
The Customer not found responsible for the case may be responsible for a Technical
Violation Fee per violation of the dispute processing rules:
For intra-European and inter-European cases: EUR 100
For all other cases: USD 100
Mastercard will assess the Customer requesting an appeal the following fee:
For intra-European and inter-European cases: EUR 500
For all other cases: USD 500
An appeal is a written request from a Customer to Mastercard asking Mastercard to
reconsider a ruling decision.
Ruling decisions for compliance cases citing either the Missing, Invalid, or Inaccurate
Authorization Data or the Inaccurate Clearing Data that Restricts Chargeback sections of this
chapter are final and binding and may not be appealed.
Time Frames
An appeal must be postmarked within 45 calendar days of the Mastercard ruling decision.
When the appeal is sent by:
Postal mail, the date included in the postmark must be within the 45 day time frame
Courier, the tracking information must show that the courier received the appeal within
the 45 day time frame
How to File an Appeal
An appeal:
May only be submitted by a Customer involved in the case.
Must include a detailed explanation of why the Customer believes the Mastercard decision
should be reconsidered. An appeal may include documentation supporting an overturn of
the original decision. No new facts will be considered in an appeal unless, and then only to
the extent, requested by the Chief Franchise Officer.
Must be a printed document signed by the Customer’s Principal contact as detailed in
Member Info—Mastercard or Member Information—Cirrus/Maestro on Mastercard
Must be sent at the same time by postal mail or courier (whichever method best provides
prompt delivery) to Mastercard and the other Customer involved in the case as described
Compliance Case Filing
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Mastercard International, Incorporated
ATTN: Chief Franchise Officer
2000 Purchase Street
Purchase, NY 10577–2509
Mastercard International, Incorporated
Vice President, Dispute Resolution Management
2200 Mastercard Boulevard
O’Fallon, MO 63368-7263
The Principal or Compliance contact of the other Customer involved in the case as detailed in
Member Info—Mastercard or Member Information—Cirrus/Maestro on Mastercard Connect
In addition, both sets of appeal documents provided to Mastercard must include all of the
following regarding the copy of the appeal sent to the other Customer:
Delivery method
Proof of the date the appeal was received by the post office or courier
Principal or Compliance contact name and address
Appeal Review Process
An appeal not compliant with these rules or otherwise submitted improperly will be rejected.
The Chief Franchise Officer of Mastercard will review each properly filed appeal.
The Chief Franchise Officer may take such action as he or she deems necessary or appropriate
or may elect not to act.
The Chief Franchise Officer may delegate authority to act or not to act with respect to any
particular appeal matter or type of appeal matter. If the Chief Franchise Officer or his or her
designee elects to conduct further inquiry into the matter, each Customer must cooperate
promptly and fully. If the Chief Franchise Officer or his or her designee makes a
recommendation of action to resolve the matter, such recommendation is final and not
subject to further appeal or other action.
Compliance Case Filing
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Chapter 6 Mastercard Merchant Presented QR
Overview of the Mastercard Merchant Presented QR Dispute Process.
Overview.................................................................................................................................... 253
How to File, and Respond to, Disputes through the Compliance Case Filing Process....................253
Dispute Reasons..........................................................................................................................255
Goods or Services were Either not as Described or Defective...................................................255
Pre-Compliance Case.........................................................................................................255
Compliance Case...............................................................................................................257
Goods or Services were not Provided......................................................................................259
Pre-Compliance Case.........................................................................................................259
Compliance Case...............................................................................................................263
Credit not Processed...............................................................................................................266
Pre-Compliance Case.........................................................................................................266
Compliance Case...............................................................................................................269
Paid by Other Means.............................................................................................................. 271
Pre-Compliance Case.........................................................................................................271
Compliance Case...............................................................................................................272
Billed an Incorrect Amount..................................................................................................... 274
Pre-Compliance Case.........................................................................................................274
Compliance Case...............................................................................................................275
Duplicate Transaction............................................................................................................. 277
Pre-Compliance Case.........................................................................................................277
Compliance Case...............................................................................................................278
Mastercard Merchant Presented QR
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An Originating Institution (OI) may dispute a Merchant Presented QR transaction through the
pre-compliance and compliance case filing process when the consumer contacted the OI
alleging one of the following dispute reasons:
1. Goods or Services Were Either Not as Described or Defective
2. Goods or Services Were Not Provided
3. Credit Not Processed
4. Paid by Other Means
5. Billed an Incorrect Amount
6. Duplicate Transaction
A dispute must not be submitted for failure to refund shipping or handling charges for buyer’s
remorse cancellations or returns.
Disputes are available to the OI for transactions in which any value is purchased for gambling,
investment or similar purposes. However, OIs have no dispute rights related to the use of
these chips or value, unspent chips, or withdrawal of such value, or on any winnings, gains or
losses resulting from the use of such chips or value.
How to File, and Respond to, Disputes through the Compliance Case
Filing Process
The Originating Institution (OI) must submit a pre-compliance case correctly, completely, and
in compliance with the requirements described later in this chapter and in the Case Filing
Procedures for Merchant Presented QR Pre-compliance.
The OI is responsible for ensuring that legible copies of all relevant documentation are
manually attached to the MasterCom pre-compliance case.
At any time prior to the Receiving Institution (RI) rejecting or accepting the case, the OI may
withdraw the case for any reason.
The RI, using the Case Filing application within MasterCom, may:
Reject the pre-compliance case with a rebuttal and any relevant documentation within 25
calendar days (5 business days for domestic Nigeria POS transactions) of the date the pre-
compliance case was submitted into MasterCom.
Accept the pre-compliance case within 25 calendar days (5 business days for domestic
Nigeria POS transactions) of the date the pre-compliance case was submitted into
Mastercard will automatically move funds for an accepted case by either generating a
Global Clearing Management System (GCMS) “On-Behalf” Fee Collection/1740 message
using message reason code 7800 or a MCBS Billing Event.
Mastercard Merchant Presented QR
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Take no action and thereby accept liability for the disputed transaction should the pre-
compliance case subsequently be escalated to a compliance case. After 30 calendar days
the MasterCom system will automatically reject the pre-compliance case.
The OI may escalate the pre-compliance case to a compliance case when:
The RI rejected the pre-compliance case within the 25 calendar day (5 business days for
domestic Nigeria POS transactions) timeframe. The case can be escalated immediately upon
rejection by the RI.
The MasterCom system rejected the pre-compliance case.
When escalating a pre-compliance case to a compliance case, the OI may, when applicable,
add a response to the RI's rebuttal.
An OI failing to escalate the pre-compliance to a compliance case within timeframe is
choosing to accept liability for the disputed transaction.
At any time prior to a Mastercard decision on the escalated compliance case, the OI may
withdraw the compliance case for any reason.
The RI, using the Case Filing application within MasterCom, may:
Accept the compliance case at any time prior to a Mastercard decision on the case. The RI
must not attach documentation or add a memo.
Mastercard will rule the case in favor of the OI when the RI attaches
documentation or adds a memo.
Within 10 calendar days of the case escalation date, take no action.
“Rejecting” a compliance case filing is prohibited even though the MasterCom button
may appear. Mastercard will rule the case in favor of the OI when the RI rejects the
Mastercard may begin review of the case fifteen days after a pre-compliance case is escalated
to compliance and determine responsibility according the dispute rules applicable to the
dispute reason.
Supporting Documents. Supporting Documents must be in English or accompanied by an
English translation unless both the Originating Institution (OI) and the Receiving Institution (RI)
share a common language. Supporting Documents must provide sufficient detail to enable all
parties to understand the nature of the dispute or rebuttal. Mastercard will determine whether
the Supporting Documents contain sufficient detail.
Supporting Documents must be provided using the MasterCom application.
The consumer email, consumer letter, and consumer message (including through a password-
protected website) must come directly from the consumer or, in the case of a commercial
card, the corporate entity. A completed Dispute Resolution Form must be the direct result of a
conversation with the consumer.
Mastercard Merchant Presented QR
How to File, and Respond to, Disputes through the Compliance Case Filing Process
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Dispute Reasons
The following sections provide information in handling Merchant Presented QR disputes.
Goods or Services were Either not as Described or Defective
This section provides information in handling a dispute when the consumer contacted the
Originating Institution alleging that the goods or services were either not as described or
defective, including shipped merchandise was received damaged or not suitable for its
intended purpose as well as the merchant didn’t honor the terms and conditions of a
Pre-Compliance Case
This table details the conditions under which an Originating Institution (OI) may initiate a pre-
compliance case filing.
Good or Services were either not as Described or Defective
Pre-Compliance Condition. The consumer contacted the Originating Institution (OI) claiming all of
the following:
The consumer engaged in the transaction.
The consumer contacted the merchant, or attempted to contact the merchant, to resolve the
The merchant refused to adjust the price, repair or replace the goods or other things of value, or
issue a refund.
For disputes involving goods: The consumer returned the goods or informed the merchant the
goods were available for pickup.
And one of the following:
When delivered from the merchant, the goods arrived broken or could not be used for the
intended purpose.
Goods and services did not conform to their description. Examples include, but are not limited to:
The consumer claims that the quality or workmanship of the product is not as described.
The consumer claims that the specified color, size, or quantity is not as described.
The merchant did not honor the terms and conditions of the contract with the consumer including,
but not limited to, 100 percent money back guarantee, written promises, or return policy.
Mastercard Merchant Presented QR
Dispute Reasons
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Time Frame. A pre-compliance case must be submitted a minimum of 30 calendar days prior to
escalation as a compliance case. The pre-compliance case must be submitted within one of the
following time frames:
Between 15 and 90 calendar dates from the transaction settlement date.
Between 15 and 90 calendar dates from the delivery date of the goods or services.
90 days from when the services ceased with a maximum of 540 calendar days from the transaction
settlement date for issues of interruption of ongoing services.
Supporting Documents. All of the following:
An OI statement within the Pre-compliance case filing stating that the dispute is for “GOODS AND
Consumer email, letter, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form—Cardholder Dispute
Chargeback (Form 1221) describing the consumer’s complaint in sufficient detail to enable all
parties to understand the dispute.
Documentation from an expert or professional that supports the consumer’s dispute about the
level of quality or misrepresentation. Other documentation as necessary to support the validity of
the dispute which may include, but is not limited to, the original receipt, invoice, work order,
brochure, contract, or appraisal.
Notes. This pre-compliance is not available when proper disclosure of the conditions of the goods is
made at the time of the sale, such as when goods are sold in “as is” condition.
Pre-Compliance Case Response
A Receiving Institution (RI) may respond to a pre-compliance case filing when:
1. Goods or services were as described or not defective.
2. The pre-compliance filing was invalid.
The following tables detail the conditions under which an RI may response to a pre-
compliance case filing.
Good or Services were as Described or not Defective
Pre-Compliance Response
The Receiving Institution (RI) can provide evidence in response to
the consumer’s claims.
Time Frame.
Within 25 calendar days of the pre-compliance Submitted Date as
shown in the MasterCom Case Filing application.
Supporting Documents.
The merchant’s explanation and documentation in response to the
cardholder’s claims.
Mastercard Merchant Presented QR
Dispute Reasons
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This dispute is not available when proper disclosure of the
conditions of the goods is made at the time of the sale, such as
when goods are sold in “as is” condition.
The OI’s Pre-Compliance was Invalid
Pre-Compliance Response
The Originating Institution (OI) pre-compliance filing was invalid.
For example, the pre-compliance case was filed after the applicable
Time Frame.
Within 25 calendar days of the pre-compliance Submitted Date as
shown in the MasterCom Case Filing application.
Supporting Documents.
The RI’s explanation of why they believe the pre-compliance filing
was invalid.
Compliance Case
The OI may escalate a pre-compliance case to a compliance case filing within the required
time frame when:
1. The consumer continues to dispute the transaction.
2. The RI did not respond to the pre-compliance case or the RI’s response to the pre-
compliance case was invalid.
The OI accepts responsibility for the transaction when the OI fails to escalate the pre-
compliance to a compliance case filing within the applicable time frame.
The Consumer Continues to Dispute the Transaction
Compliance Condition.
The consumer continues to dispute the transaction.
Time Frame.
Escalate within 120 calendar days of one of the following:
The delivery date of the goods or services.
The transaction settlement date.
For interrupted services, the date the services ceased.
Mastercard Merchant Presented QR
Dispute Reasons
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Supporting Documents.
A new consumer letter, email, message, or Dispute Resolution Form
—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) dated after the
merchant’s documentation and specifically addressing the
merchant’s explanation.
The supporting documentation must be attached upon escalation
or within 10 calendar days of escalation.
The new consumer letter, email, message or completed Dispute
Resolution Form—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221)
must be dated after the pre-compliance case response and must
specifically address the rebuttal provided with the pre-compliance
case response.
The RI’s Response to the Pre-Compliance Case was Invalid or not Provided
Compliance Condition.
The RI’s response to the pre-compliance case was invalid or not
Time Frame.
Escalate within 120 calendar days of one of the following:
The delivery date of the goods or services.
The transaction settlement date.
For interrupted services, the date the services ceased.
Supporting Documents. The OI’s explanation of why they believe the pre-compliance
response was invalid.
When applicable , the supporting documentation must be attached
upon escalation or within 10 calendar days of escalation.
Mastercard Merchant Presented QR
Dispute Reasons
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Goods or Services were not Provided
This section details the requirements for claims of goods or services were not provided.
Pre-Compliance Case
This table details the conditions under which an Originating Institution (OI) may initiate a
Good or Services were not Provided
Pre-Compliance Condition.
One of the following:
The consumer contacted the Originating Institution (OI) claiming
both of the following:
The consumer engaged in the transaction.
The purchased goods or services were not received.
Travel services arranged through an online travel agency or tour
operator were not received and the travel agency or tour
operator is no longer in business.
Mastercard Merchant Presented QR
Dispute Reasons
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Time Frame.
A pre-compliance case must be submitted a minimum of 30
calendar days prior to escalation as a compliance case. The pre-
compliance must be submitted within one of the following time
In cases involving delayed delivery of goods or services and the
delivery or performance date was not specified by the
merchant: the OI must wait 30 calendar days from the
transaction date before submitting a pre-compliance and not to
exceed 90 calendar days from the transaction settlement date.
However, the OI may file a pre-compliance case immediately
(and not wait the 30 calendar days) upon learning the merchant
will not provide the goods or services because, for example, for
the merchant is no longer in business.
In cases involving delayed delivery of goods or services and the
delivery or performance date was specified by the merchant
and the latest anticipated delivery or performance date was
specified by the merchant has passed: within 90 calendar days
of the latest anticipated delivery or performance date specified
by the merchant.
However, the OI may file a pre-compliance case immediately
(and not wait until the latest anticipated delivery or performance
date has passed) upon learning the merchant will not provide
the goods or services because, for example, for the merchant is
no longer in business.
In cases involving interruption of ongoing services, within 90
calendar days of the date the consumer becomes aware that the
service ceased. A pre-compliance case must not be processed
after 540 calendar days from the Central Site Business Date of
the first presentment.
In cases involving the purchase of a merchant-branded prepaid
gift card without an expiration date printed on the card and
that merchant subsequently goes out of business, 540 calendar
days from the Central Site Business Date of the first
In cases involving the purchase of a merchant-branded prepaid
gift card with an expiration date printed on the card and that
merchant subsequently goes out of business, 90 calendar days
from the expiration date printed on the card.
In all other cases: 90 calendar days from the transaction
settlement date.
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Supporting Documents.
An OI statement within the pre-compliance case filing stating that
the pre-compliance case is for “GOODS OR SERVICES WERE NOT
Additionally, one of the following:
Consumer email, letter, message or completed Dispute
Resolution Form—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221)
must include both of the following:
A description of the consumer’s complaint in sufficient detail
to enable all parties to understand the dispute.
A reasonably specific description of the goods/services
For disputes involving a transaction performed by an online
travel agency or tour operator that is no longer in business at
the time of the dispute: an email, letter, or completed Dispute
Resolution Form—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221)
provided by the individual or corporate entity requesting the
travel arrangements from the online travel agency or tour
operator that includes all of the following:
A description of the complaint in sufficient detail to enable
all parties to understand the dispute.
A reasonably specific description of the goods/services
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Notes. This dispute applies when the consumer receives an empty box or a
box containing worthless items, such as a brick or a stack of paper.
Interruption of Ongoing Services
The OI must only charge back an amount representing the services
not received by the consumer.
When an end date was not defined, then the OI must calculate the
prorated amount based upon 18 months.
For example, the consumer purchased a lifetime membership for
USD 1,000. The merchant goes out of business after three months.
The amount to be charged back is USD 833 (USD 1,000 divided by
18 months = USD 55 per month. 18 months minus 3 months = 15.
USD 55 * 15 = USD 833).
This dispute does not apply when:
The consumer has taken possession of the merchandise from
the merchant and subsequently makes arrangements to have
the merchandise shipped by a third party.
The goods are being held in customs for unpaid duty or customs
fees. The consumer is obligated to pay the appropriate fees.
The merchant delivered the merchandise and the consumer
refused to accept delivery.
The consumer signed a waiver absolving the merchant from
responsibility when the merchandise is not received.
For example: A consumer purchases vases and arranges with the
merchant to have the vases shipped to the United States. At the
time of purchase, the consumer signs a waiver form that states:
CONSUMER.” The vases never arrive, and the consumer
contacts the merchant. The merchant provides documentation
to show that the merchandise was shipped. By signing the
waiver, the consumer absolved the merchant of liability for
merchandise that the consumer did not receive.
The consumer declined insurance.
For example: The merchant provides the consumer with an
opportunity to purchase insurance on the merchandise to be
delivered. Normally, such insurance stipulates that the consumer
must initiate claims that limit the merchant responsibility to the
presenting documentation that verifies shipment or dispatch.
The merchant should provide a signed waiver of liability
obtained from the consumer when the consumer declined to
purchase insurance, along with documentation that shows that
the merchant shipped the merchandise.
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Pre-Compliance Response
A Receiving Institution (RI) may respond to a pre-compliance case filing when:
1. Goods or services were as described or not defective.
2. The pre-compliance filing was invalid.
The following tables detail the conditions under which an RI may respond to a pre-compliance
case filing.
Good or Services were Provided
Pre-Compliance Response
The Receiving Institution can provide evidence in response to the
consumer’s claims.
Time Frame.
Within 25 calendar days (5 business days for domestic Nigeria POS
transactions) of the pre-compliance Submitted Date as shown in
the MasterCom Case Filing application.
Supporting Documents. The merchant’s explanation and documentation showing the goods
or services were provided.
Notes. None.
The OI’s Pre-Compliance was Invalid
Pre-Compliance Condition.
The Originating Institution (OI) pre-compliance filing was invalid.
For example, the pre-compliance case was filed after the applicable
Time Frame.
Within 25 calendar days (5 business days for domestic Nigeria POS
transactions) of the pre-compliance Submitted Date as shown in
the MasterCom Case Filing application.
Supporting Documents.
The RI’s explanation of why they believe the pre-compliance filing
was invalid.
Compliance Case
The Originating Institution (OI) may escalate a pre-compliance case within the required time
frame to a compliance case filing when:
1. The consumer continues to dispute the transaction.
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2. The RI did not respond to the pre-compliance case or the RI’s response to the pre-
compliance case was invalid.
The OI accepts responsibility for the transaction when the OI fails to escalate the pre-
compliance to a compliance case filing within the required time frame.
The following tables detail the conditions under which an OI may escalate to a compliance
case filing.
The Consumer Continues to Dispute the Transaction
Compliance Condition.
The consumer continues to dispute the transaction.
Time Frame.
Escalate within 120 calendar days of one of the following:
The transaction settlement date.
The latest anticipated delivery or performance date specified by
the merchant.
For interrupted ongoing services, the date the consumer
became aware that the service ceased.
For merchant-branded prepaid gift cards where the merchant is
out of business, the case must be escalated within 120 calendar
days from the expiration date printed on the card or 540
calendar days from the transaction settlement of the first
presentment if there is no expiration date on the card.
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Supporting Documents.
A new consumer letter, email, message, or Dispute Resolution Form
—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) dated after the
merchant’s documentation and specifically addressing the
merchant’s explanation provided with the pre-compliance case
In addition:
When the pre-compliance case response documentation
includes a signed delivery receipt, the new consumer letter,
email, message, or completed Dispute Resolution Form—
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) must state the
signature on the delivery receipt is not the consumer’s signature
or the signature of any person authorized by the consumer.
When the pre-compliance case response documentation stated
that paper airline tickets were issued, the new consumer letter,
email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form—
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) must explain the
disposition of the paper airline tickets by clearly stating that the
airline tickets are no longer in the consumer’s possession and
how the airline tickets were disposed (for example, the airline
tickets were discarded, destroyed, returned to the Originating
Institution, returned to the travel agency, or disposed in some
other manner).
None, when all of the following:
The dispute was not for paper airline tickets.
The pre-compliance case response documentation included a
delivery receipt dated before the original consumer letter.
The delivery receipt was not signed by the consumer, or a
person authorized by the consumer.
Supporting documentation must be attached upon escalation or
within 10 calendar days of escalation.
The new consumer letter, email, message or completed Dispute
Resolution Form—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221)
must be dated after the pre-compliance case response and must
specifically address the rebuttal provided with the pre-compliance
case response.
The RI’s Response to the Pre-Compliance Case was Invalid or Not Provided
Compliance Condition.
The RI’s response to the pre-compliance case was invalid or not
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Time Frame.
Escalate within 120 calendar days of one of the following:
The transaction settlement date.
The latest anticipated delivery or performance date specified by
the merchant.
For interrupted services, the date the consumer became aware
that the service ceased.
For merchant-branded prepaid gift cards where the merchant is
out of business, the case must be escalated within 120 calendar
days from the expiration date printed on the card or 540
calendar days from the Central Site Business Date of the first
presentment if there is no expiration date on the card.
Supporting Documents.
The OI’s explanation of why they believe the pre-compliance
response was invalid.
When applicable , the supporting documentation must be attached
upon escalation or within 10 calendar days of escalation.
Credit not Processed
This section details the requirements for claims that a refunds was not processed.
Pre-Compliance Case
This table details the conditions under which an Originating Institution may initiate a dispute.
Credit not Processed
Pre-compliance Condition.
The consumer contacted the Originating Institution (OI) claiming
one of the following:
The merchant failed to disclose its refund policy at the time of
the transaction and is unwilling to accept a return or
cancellation of goods or services.
The merchant has not responded to the return or the
cancellation of goods or services.
The merchant posted a refund for a reduced amount without
proper disclosure.
The merchant failed to issue a Value Added Tax (VAT) refund.
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Time Frame.
A pre-compliance case must be submitted a minimum of 30
calendar days prior to escalation as a compliance case. The pre-
compliance case must be submitted within one of the following
time frames:
Between 15 and 90 calendar days from the date on the refund
documentation, or the date the service was canceled, or the
goods were returned.
When waiting the 15 calendar days would cause the OI to
exceed the 90 calendar day time frame, the OI may file a pre-
compliance case earlier than 15 calendar days.
When the refund documentation is dated, the 90-day pre-
compliance case time frame counts the date on the refund
documentation as day zero.
When the refund documentation is undated, the 90-day time
frame counts the date on the consumer letter, email, message,
or Dispute Resolution Form—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback
(Form 1221) as day zero.
When the consumer letter is undated, the pre-compliance case
time frame counts the receipt date of the documentation by the
OI as day zero.
90 calendar days from the transaction date for a VAT refund.
The OI can immediately charge back the transaction upon
receiving one of the following forms of refund documentation:
A letter from the merchant advising the OI to obtain a
refund using a dispute.
Proof of an improperly disclosed in-store credit.
A receipt voided by the merchant.
Supporting Documents. An OI statement within the Pre-compliance case filing stating that
the dispute reason is for “CREDIT NOT PROCESSED”.
Additionally, one of the following:
A consumer letter, email, message, or Dispute Resolution Form
—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) describing the
consumer’s complaint in sufficient detail to enable all parties to
understand the dispute.
Merchant documentation to support a refund is due to the
Proof of an improperly disclosed in-store credit and consumer
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Proper Disclosure
Merchants that are unwilling to accept buyer’s remorse returns and
cancellations or that want to have special terms including (but not
limited to) restocking fees or in-store credits, must disclose these
terms at the time of the transaction. The consumer must be
informed of the refund policy prior to completion of the transaction
at the point of interaction. Failure to disclose a refund policy will
result in the merchant’s requirement to accept the goods for return
and issue a refund.
When the merchant informed the consumer of its refund policy at
the time of purchase, the consumer must abide by that policy. For
example, the consumer’s sales slip clearly indicates that the refund
policy is “in-store credit only” or “no refunds.”
Pre-Compliance Case Response
A Receiving Institution (RI) may respond to a pre-compliance case filing when:
1. A refund was processed.
2. The pre-compliance filing was invalid.
The following tables detail the conditions under which an RI may respond to a pre-compliance
case filing.
Credit was Processed
Pre-Compliance Case
Response Condition.
The merchant issued a refund to the consumer’s account.
Time Frame.
Within 25 calendar days (5 business days for domestic Nigeria POS
transactions) of the pre-compliance Submitted Date as shown in
the MasterCom Case Filing application.
Supporting Documents.
Compelling evidence showing the means by which the refund was
processed. Examples include, but are not limited to: bank transfer,
store credit, check.
The Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) or transaction information of
the refund transaction.
This pre-compliance case response is not available for ATM
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The OI’s Pre-Compliance was Invalid
Pre-compliance Condition.
The Originating Institution (OI) pre-compliance filing was invalid.
For example, the pre-compliance case was filing after the applicable
time frame.
Time Frame.
Within 25 calendar days (5 business days for domestic Nigeria POS
transactions) of the pre-compliance Submitted Date as shown in
the MasterCom Case Filing application.
Supporting Documents.
The RI’s explanation of why they believe the pre-compliance filing
was invalid.
Compliance Case
The Originating Institution (OI) may escalate a pre-compliance case within the required time
frame to a compliance case filing when:
1. The consumer continues to dispute the transaction.
2. The RI did not respond to the pre-compliance case or the RI’s response to the pre-
compliance case was invalid.
The OI accepts responsibility for the transaction when the OI fails to escalate the pre-
compliance to a compliance case filing within the required time frame.
The following tables detail the conditions under which an OI may escalate to a compliance
case filing.
The Consumer Continues to Dispute the Transaction
Compliance Condition.
The consumer continues to dispute the transaction.
Time Frame.
Escalate within 120 calendar days of one of the following:
The date on the refund documentation.
The date the services were canceled or the goods were
The transaction date for a VAT refund.
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Supporting Documents.
A new consumer letter, email, message, or Dispute Resolution Form
—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) dated after the pre-
compliance case response and specifically addressing the
merchant’s explanation.
When the original consumer letter, email, message, or Dispute
Resolution Form—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221)
included in the pre-compliance case filing states that the consumer
returned the merchandise and the merchant denies receiving the
merchandise in the pre-compliance case response, the Originating
Institution must then obtain proof that the merchandise was
returned to and received by the merchant to accompany the pre-
compliance case.
Supporting documentation must be attached upon escalation or
within 10 calendar days of escalation.
The new consumer letter, email, message or completed Dispute
Resolution Form—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221)
must be dated after the pre-compliance case response and must
specifically address the rebuttal provided with the pre-compliance
case response.
The RI’s Response to the Pre-Compliance Case was Invalid or Not Provided
Compliance Condition.
The RI’s response to the pre-compliance case was invalid or not
Time Frame.
Escalate within 120 calendar days of one of the following:
The date on the refund documentation.
The date the services were canceled or the goods were
The transaction date for a VAT refund.
Supporting Documents.
The OI’s explanation of why they believe the pre-compliance
response was invalid. When applicable , the supporting
documentation must be attached upon escalation or within 10
calendar days of escalation.
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Paid by Other Means
This section details the requirements for claims the merchant was paid twice for the same
Pre-Compliance Case
This table details the conditions under which an Originating Institution may initiate a dispute.
Paid by Other Means
Pre-compliance Condition.
The consumer contacted the Originating Institution (OI) alleging
that the consumer paid for a transaction using one form of
payment and subsequently paid for the same transaction using
another form of payment. Either the original or subsequent
transaction must have been a Merchant Presented QR transaction.
In addition, both transactions may have been Merchant Presented
QR transactions.
Time Frame.
A pre-compliance case must be submitted a minimum of 30
calendar days prior to escalation as a compliance case. The pre-
compliance must be submitted between 5 and 60 calendar days
from the transaction settlement date.
Supporting Documents.
All of the following:
An OI statement within the pre-compliance case filing stating
that the dispute reason is for “PAID BY OTHER MEANS”.
A consumer letter, email, message or completed Dispute
Resolution Form—Point-of-Interaction (POI) Errors (Form 1240)
describing the consumer’s complaint in sufficient detail to
enable all parties to understand the dispute.
The consumer letter, email, message or completed Dispute
Resolution Form—Point-of-Interaction (POI) Errors (Form 1240)
must specify the alternate means of payment providing
sufficient transaction details to allow the merchant to locate the
alternate payment.
Documentation detailing the specific method of payment.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
A bank statement documenting payment to the merchant.
A canceled check.
A receipt showing cash as the payment method.
Notes. The OI may file a pre-compliance case for only the disputed
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Pre-Compliance Case Response
A Receiving Institution (RI) may respond to a pre-compliance case filing when:
1. Both transactions were valid.
2. The pre-compliance filing was invalid.
The following tables detail the conditions under which an RI may respond to a pre-compliance
case filing.
Both Transaction were Valid
Pre-Compliance Case
Response Condition.
The Receiving Institution can provide evidence that both
transactions were valid and that the cardholder was not debited
more than once for the same goods or services.
Time Frame. Within 25 calendar days (5 business days for domestic Nigeria POS
transactions) of the pre-compliance Submitted Date as shown in
the MasterCom Case Filing application.
Supporting Documents. The merchant’s explanation and documentation supporting that
both transactions were valid and the cardholder was not debited
more than once for the same goods or services.
Notes. None.
The OI’s Pre-Compliance was Invalid
Pre-compliance Condition. The Originating Institution (OI) pre-compliance filing was invalid.
For example, the pre-compliance case was filing after the applicable
time frame.
Time Frame. Within 25 calendar days (5 business days for domestic Nigeria POS
transactions) of the pre-compliance Submitted Date as shown in
the MasterCom Case Filing application.
Supporting Documents. The RI’s explanation of why they believe the pre-compliance filing
was invalid.
Notes. None.
Compliance Case
The Originating Institution (OI) may escalate a pre-compliance case within the required time
frame to a compliance case filing when:
1. The consumer continues to dispute the transaction.
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2. The RI did not respond to the pre-compliance case or the RI’s response to the pre-
compliance case was invalid.
The OI accepts responsibility for the transaction when the OI fails to escalate the pre-
compliance to a compliance case filing within the required time frame.
The following tables detail the conditions under which an OI may escalate to a compliance
case filing.
The Consumer Continues to Dispute the Transaction
Compliance Condition. The consumer continues to dispute the transaction.
Time Frame. Escalate within 90 calendar days of the transaction settlement date.
Supporting Documents.
A new consumer letter, email, message, or Dispute Resolution Form
—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) dated after the pre-
compliance case response and specifically addressing the
merchant’s explanation.
Supporting documentation must be attached upon escalation or
within 10 calendar days of escalation.
Notes. The new consumer letter, email, message or completed Dispute
Resolution Form—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221)
must be dated after the pre-compliance case response and must
specifically address the rebuttal provided with the pre-compliance
case response.
The RI’s Response to the Pre-Compliance Case was Invalid or Not Provided
Compliance Condition. The RI’s response to the pre-compliance case was invalid or not
Time Frame. Escalate within 90 calendar days of the transaction settlement date.
Supporting Documents.
The OI’s explanation of why they believe the pre-compliance
response was invalid.
When applicable, the supporting documentation must be attached
upon escalation or within 10 calendar days of escalation.
Notes. None.
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Billed an Incorrect Amount
This section details the requirements for claims that the consumer was billed an incorrect
Pre-Compliance Case
Billed an Incorrect Amount
Pre-compliance Condition.
The consumer contacted the Originating Institution (OI) claiming
the consumer was billed an incorrect amount. The billing
discrepancy could be due to the merchant’s addition error that
resulted in an incorrect total on the TID or other documentation.
Time Frame.
A pre-compliance case must be submitted a minimum of 30
calendar days prior to escalation as a compliance case. The pre-
compliance must be submitted within 60 calendar days from the
transaction settlement date.
Supporting Documents.
All of the following:
An OI statement within the pre-compliance case filing stating
that the dispute reason is for “BILLED AN INCORRECT
A consumer letter, email, message or completed Dispute
Resolution Form —Point-of-Interaction (POI) Errors (Form 1240)
describing the consumer’s complaint in sufficient detail to
enable all parties to understand the dispute. The consumer
letter, email, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form—
Point-of-Interaction (POI) Errors (Form 1240) must specify the
transaction amount that should have been billed.
Documentation detailing the correct transaction amount.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
A receipt including the correct transaction amount.
The final hotel or car rental bill.
Merchant email confirming price.
This dispute is not available for verbal price agreements.
This table details the conditions under which an Originating Institution may initiate a dispute.
Pre-Compliance Case Response
A Receiving Institution (RI) may respond to a pre-compliance case filing when:
1. The consumer was billed the correct amount.
2. The pre-compliance filing was invalid.
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The following tables detail the conditions under which an RI may respond to a pre-compliance
case filing.
Billed Correct Amount
Pre-Compliance Case
Response Condition.
The RI can provide evidence that the consumer was billed the
correct amount.
Time Frame. Within 25 calendar days (5 business days for domestic Nigeria POS
transactions) of the pre-compliance Submitted Date as shown in
the MasterCom Case Filing application.
Supporting Documents. The merchant’s explanation and documentation.
Notes. None.
The OI’s Pre-Compliance was Invalid
Pre-compliance Condition. The Originating Institution (OI) pre-compliance filing was invalid.
For example, the pre-compliance case was filing after the applicable
time frame.
Time Frame. Within 25 calendar days (5 business days for domestic Nigeria POS
transactions) of the pre-compliance Submitted Date as shown in
the MasterCom Case Filing application.
Supporting Documents.
The RI’s explanation of why they believe the pre-compliance filing
was invalid.
Compliance Case
The Originating Institution (OI) may escalate a pre-compliance case within the required time
frame to a compliance case filing when:
1. The consumer continues to dispute the transaction.
2. The RI did not respond to the pre-compliance case or the RI’s response to the pre-
compliance case was invalid.
The OI accepts responsibility for the disputed transaction when the OI fails to escalate the pre-
compliance to a compliance case filing within the required time frame.
The following tables detail the conditions under which an OI may escalate to a compliance
case filing.
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The Consumer Continues to Dispute the Transaction
Compliance Condition. The consumer continues to dispute the transaction.
Time Frame. Escalate within 90 calendar days of the transaction settlement date.
Supporting Documents. A new consumer letter, email, message, or Dispute Resolution Form
—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) dated after the pre-
compliance case response and specifically addressing the
merchant’s explanation.
Supporting documentation must be attached upon escalation or
within 10 calendar days of escalation.
Notes. The new consumer letter, email, message or completed Dispute
Resolution Form—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221)
must be dated after the pre-compliance case response and must
specifically address the rebuttal provided with the pre-compliance
case response.
The RI’s Response to the Pre-Compliance Case was Invalid or Not Provided
Compliance Condition. The RI’s response to the pre-compliance case was invalid or not
Time Frame. Escalate within 90 calendar days of the transaction settlement date.
Supporting Documents. The OI’s explanation of why they believe the pre-compliance
response was invalid.
When applicable, the supporting documentation must be attached
upon escalation or within 10 calendar days of escalation.
Notes. None.
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Duplicate Transaction
This section details the requirements for claims that a duplicate transaction was processed.
Pre-Compliance Case
This table details the conditions under which an Originating Institution may initiate a dispute.
Duplicate Transaction
Pre-compliance Condition. An Originating Institution (OI) can determine that the transaction is
a duplicate when the merchant PAN, transaction amount,
transaction date, and authorization response code are identical
for the transactions in question.
Time Frame. A pre-compliance case must be submitted a minimum of 30
calendar days prior to escalation as a compliance case. The pre-
compliance must be submitted between 5 and 60 calendar days
from the transaction settlement date.
Supporting Documents. Both of the following:
An OI statement within the Pre-compliance case filing stating
that the dispute reason is for “DUPLICATE TRANSACTION”.
A consumer letter, email, message or completed Dispute
Resolution Form—Point-of-Interaction (POI) Errors (Form 1240)
describing the consumer’s complaint in sufficient detail to
enable all parties to understand the dispute. Sufficient
transaction details to locate both transactions involved in the
duplication. For example: transaction settlement dates and
switch serial numbers, or acquirer reference data (ARDs).
Notes. The OI may file a pre-compliance case for only the disputed
Pre-Compliance Case Response
A Receiving Institution (RI) may respond to a pre-compliance case filing when:
1. Two separate transactions occurred.
2. The pre-compliance filing was invalid.
The following tables detail the conditions under which an RI may respond to a pre-compliance
case filing.
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Separate Transactions
Pre-Compliance Case
Response Condition.
The Receiving Institution can provide evidence to support two
separate transactions, or proof that a refund was issued.
Time Frame. Within 25 calendar days (5 business days for domestic Nigeria POS
transactions) of the pre-compliance Submitted Date as shown in
the MasterCom Case Filing application.
Supporting Documents. The merchant’s explanation and documentation supporting two
separate transactions or proof that a refund was issued.
Notes. When a credit was not processed to correct duplication, proof must
clearly support that a duplication has not occurred. For example,
different authorization codes or different TIDs.
The OI’s Pre-Compliance was Invalid
Pre-compliance Condition. The Originating Institution (OI) pre-compliance filing was invalid.
For example, the pre-compliance case was filing after the applicable
time frame.
Time Frame. Within 25 calendar days (5 business days for domestic Nigeria POS
transactions) of the pre-compliance Submitted Date as shown in
the MasterCom Case Filing application.
Supporting Documents. The RI’s explanation of why they believe the pre-compliance filing
was invalid.
Compliance Case
The Originating Institution (OI) may escalate a pre-compliance case within the required time
frame to a compliance case filing when:
1. The consumer continues to dispute the transaction.
2. The RI did not respond to the pre-compliance case or the RI’s response to the pre-
compliance case was invalid.
The OI accepts responsibility for the disputed transaction when the OI fails to escalate the pre-
compliance to a compliance case filing within the required time frame.
The following tables detail the conditions under which an OI may escalate to a compliance
case filing.
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The Consumer Continues to Dispute the Transaction
Compliance Condition. The consumer continues to dispute the transaction.
Time Frame. Escalate within 90 calendar days of the transaction settlement date.
Supporting Documents. A new consumer letter, email, message, or Dispute Resolution Form
—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) dated after the pre-
compliance case response and specifically addressing the
merchant’s explanation.
Supporting documentation must be attached upon escalation or
within 10 calendar days of escalation.
Notes. The new consumer letter, email, message or completed Dispute
Resolution Form—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221)
must be dated after the pre-compliance case response and must
specifically address the rebuttal provided with the pre-compliance
case response.
The RI’s Response to the Pre-Compliance Case was Invalid or Not Provided
Compliance Condition. The RI’s response to the pre-compliance case was invalid or not
Time Frame. Escalate within 90 calendar days of the transaction settlement date.
Supporting Documents. The OI’s explanation of why they believe the pre-compliance
response was invalid.
When applicable, the supporting documentation must be attached
upon escalation or within 10 calendar days of escalation.
Notes. None.
Mastercard Merchant Presented QR
Dispute Reasons
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Appendix A Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM
Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
This appendix contains the rules and procedures for processing interregional, inter-European, and
intra-European Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus and PIN-based in-branch terminal exception
transactions. The information contained in this appendix is only used by Europe region
issuers and acquirers.
Overview.................................................................................................................................... 282
Processing Cycles........................................................................................................................ 282
Processing Cycle for ATM Transactions....................................................................................282
Chargebacks and Second Presentments..................................................................................284
Second Presentment.......................................................................................................... 284
Intra-European and Inter-European Dispute Administration Fee (ATM)................................285
Chip Transactions................................................................................................................... 286
Message Reason Codes...............................................................................................................286
Message Reason Code 4804—Multiple Processing................................................................. 287
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4804........................................................................ 287
Improper Use of Second Presentment................................................................................ 287
Message Reason Code 4808—Transaction Not Authorized.....................................................287
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4808........................................................................ 287
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback............................................................................. 288
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................... 288
Message Reason Code 4809—Transaction Not Reconciled......................................................289
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4809........................................................................ 289
Improper Use of Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................ 290
Message Reason Code 4811—Stale Transaction..................................................................... 290
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4811........................................................................ 290
Improper Use of Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................ 290
Message Reason Code 4834—Duplicate Processing of Transaction......................................... 290
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4834........................................................................ 290
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback............................................................................. 290
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................... 291
Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
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Message Reason Code 4842—Late Presentment.................................................................... 292
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4842........................................................................ 292
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback............................................................................. 293
Improper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback......................................................................... 293
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................... 293
Message Reason Code 4846—Currency Errors....................................................................... 294
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4846........................................................................ 294
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback............................................................................. 294
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................... 295
Improper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment............................................................... 295
Proper Use for New Presentments...................................................................................... 296
Message Reason Code 4859—ATM Dispute........................................................................... 296
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4859........................................................................ 296
Improper Use of Message Reason Code 4859.................................................................... 296
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback............................................................................. 296
Proper Use For Acquirer’s Second Presentment...................................................................296
Message Reason Code 4870—Chip Liability Shift................................................................... 298
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4870........................................................................ 298
Improper Use of Message Reason Code 4870.................................................................... 299
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback............................................................................. 300
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................... 300
Message Reason Code 4880—Late Presentment.................................................................... 302
Proper Use of Intra-European or Inter-European Message Reason Code 4880.....................302
Improper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback......................................................................... 302
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................... 303
Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
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This appendix contains the rules and procedures for processing both interregional and intra-
European Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus ATM and PIN-based in-branch terminal exception
All Mastercard Europe Customers holding Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus licenses
(participants) must use and comply with the Integrated Product Message (IPM) format and
support the full clearing cycle.
Processing Cycles
The following sections contain information about the Processing Cycles.
Processing Cycle for ATM Transactions
This image presents the Exception processing cycle for ATM transactions.
Exception Processing Cycle for ATM Transactions
Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Processing Cycle Time Frame
Presentment The acquirer must send the presentment within seven calendar days of the
transaction date.
Chargeback A chargeback for reason code 4870 (Chip Liability Shift) for a Maestro ATM
transaction must be submitted within 90 calendar days from the settlement
date or central site processing date of the disputed transaction. All other
chargebacks must be submitted within 120 calendar days.
Second Presentment The acquirer must send the second presentment within 45 calendar days of
the Central Site Business Date of the chargeback.
A transaction taking place at the ATM or PIN-based in-branch terminal is presented to the
issuer electronically using Global Clearing Management System (GCMS).
Interregional transactions made outside Europe with European cards will be presented to
Europe issuers by the Mastercard Single Message System using GCMS in USD.
The clearing presentment should be created by the acquirer as soon as possible and sent
within seven calendar days of the transaction date. Transactions that are not presented within
this time frame may be subject to chargebacks under message reason code 4842 (Late
Presentment), 4880 (Late Presentment) for Maestro ATM transactions,or 4811 (Stale
For all transactions presented between 46 calendar days and one year from the transaction
date, the acquirer will be charged a fee that will be transferred in full to the issuer.
Whenever an acquirer identifies a partially completed transaction, or a not-completed
transaction or an error in the presentment of a transaction, it must process a reversal covered
by a Financial Message Reversal.
This can be a reversal for the transaction amount of the presentment (full reversal) or for a
partial amount (partial reversal). This procedure must be used when a full or partial reversal in
the authorization flow was received after presentment of the transaction. There is no time
limit for the acquirer to issue a reversal.
Presentment must be for the full amount of the original transaction, in the currency of the
original transaction, and may be altered only by a full or partial reversal:
A full reversal: If a previously authorized transaction is fully reversed (for example, valid
authorization request and response, and the corresponding reversal request and response
messages are received) within the same clearing cycle, the transaction shall not appear in
the clearing file.
A partial reversal: If a previously authorized transaction is partially reversed (for example,
valid authorization request and response, and the corresponding reversal request and
Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
Processing Cycles
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
response messages are received) within the same clearing cycle, the transaction shall
appear in the clearing file with the corrected transaction amount.
Chargebacks and Second Presentments
The following sections contain information about chargebacks and second presentments.
A chargeback may be initiated if the issuer determines that the transaction was presented in
violation of the Rules and that a specific reason is available.
Refer to Message Reason Codes. An acquirer must accept the resultant liability unless it can
satisfy the conditions for second presentment.
All chargebacks that are processed using GCMS must be processed electronically by the issuer
to the acquirer using the chargeback message as defined in the IPM Clearing Formats manual.
The issuer must send the chargeback within 90 or 120 calendar days of the Central Site
Business Date for intra-European and inter-European transactions and of the switch settlement
date for interregional transactions.
No provisions are made to settle any losses/gains resulting from exchange rate differences or
funding costs.
All message reason codes in this appendix are allowed for ATM and for PIN-based in-branch
terminal transactions completed with magnetic stripe or chip technology unless otherwise
Supporting Documentation for a Chargeback
No supporting documentation is required when submitting a chargeback, unless otherwise
stated under the specific message reason code. However, issuers should be able to justify any
chargeback initiated.
When a cardholder letter is required, the issuer must provide an electronic message or a
signed declaration by the authorized cardholder explaining the reason for the dispute.
Supporting documentation, completed in English, or accompanied by an English translation,
must be submitted within 10 days of the chargeback processing date via MasterCom. For
disputes between two Customers that share a common language, it is sufficient if the
documentation is translated into English at arbitration stage.
Second Presentment
A second presentment may be processed by the acquirer if either of the following apply.
Additional information can be provided to remedy the original defect that led to the
The chargeback is believed to be invalid.
The second presentment must be electronically processed by the acquirer to the issuer using
the second presentment message as defined in IPM Clearing Formats.
Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
Processing Cycles
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Second presentments must be submitted within 45 calendar days of the Central Site Business
Date of the chargeback for intra-European and inter-European transactions and of the
chargeback settlement date for interregional transactions.
The second presentment may not be for an amount in excess of the issuer’s chargeback but
may be for the same or a lesser amount.
No provisions are made to settle any losses/gains resulting from exchange rate differences or
funding costs.
The second presentment DE 72 (Data Record) must contain the contact name, phone, and fax
numbers for second presentments for all interregional ATM message reason codes.
The requirements that must be met before an acquirer can second present a transaction, and
the supporting documentation required are provided under each message reason code.
For intra-European and inter-European transactions other, general second presentment
message reason codes may apply, such as:
2713—Invalid Chargeback
2702—Past Chargeback Time Limit
2011—Credit Previously Issued
Refer to Second Presentment/1240 IPM (Function codes 205 or 282) Message Reason Code
Usage for more message reason codes.
Supporting documentation, completed in English or accompanied by an English translation,
must be submitted at the time the second presentment is processed.
All supporting documentation must be provided through MasterCom.
Intra-European and Inter-European Dispute Administration Fee (ATM)
For intra-European and inter-European transactions, a Dispute Administration Fee (DAF) will be
automatically generated for each chargeback and second presentment by Mastercard via the
Mastercard Consolidated Billing System.
The fees will be credited to the sender and debited from the receiver of the respective
chargeback cycle as follows:
First chargeback: The issuer is credited 15 EUR and the acquirer is debited 15 EUR.
Second presentment: The acquirer is credited 30 EUR (15 EUR net) and the issuer is debited
30 EUR (15 EUR net).
The DAF does not apply when the transaction is coded with MCC 5499, 5735, 5815, 5816,
7311, or 7399.
Should the fee be debited unduly, for example, the acquirer collects the DAF with a second
presentment after processing a credit to the cardholder, the full amount of the unduly debited
fee can be collected by the impacted party using the miscellaneous fee collection message
1740-700 with reason code 7606. This fee collection message should be sent within 45 days
after the dispute message was sent which unduly triggered the DAF. DE 72 (Data Record) of
the fee collection message must contain the “10-digit chargeback reference number—
collection of DAF.”
Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
Processing Cycles
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Chip Transactions
The production of a transaction cryptogram and related data elements for each chip
transaction introduces new information, which can help determine the actual circumstances
of a transaction and thus assist in determining issuer and acquirer liabilities.
Cryptograms must be provided to issuers in the original presentment or must be made
available to issuers if needed for subsequent inquiries.
However, the cryptogram in itself does not constitute a guarantee of payment to the acquirer.
The lack of a cryptogram or an invalid cryptogram does not provide an automatic right of
chargeback to the issuer.
DE 55 must be present in the First Presentment/1240 message. If the acquirer does not supply
correct data in DE 55 of the First Presentment/1240 message, the issuer may collect a
handling fee of EUR 25.
Message Reason Codes
The following message reason codes are allowed for ATM and for PIN-based in-branch
terminal transactions completed with magnetic stripe or chip technology unless otherwise
Reason Code Description Section
Transaction Not Authorized Message Reason Code 4808—Transaction Not
4834 Duplicate Processing of
Message Reason Code 4834—Duplicate Processing of
4842 Late Presentment
(Mastercard and Cirrus
Message Reason Code 4842—Late Presentment
4846 Currency Errors Message Reason Code 4846—Currency Errors
4859 ATM Dispute Message Reason Code 4859—ATM Dispute
4870 Chip Liability Shift Message Reason Code 4870—Chip Liability Shift
4880 Late Presentment (Maestro
Message Reason Code 4880—Late Presentment
In addition to the above chargeback reasons, the following message reason codes may be
used by Mastercard to automatically chargeback interregional transactions.
Not available for interregional ATM transactions.
Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
Message Reason Codes
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Reason Code Description Section
4804 Multiple Processing Message Reason Code 4804—Multiple Processing
4809 Transaction not reconciled Message Reason Code 4809—Transaction Not
4811 Stale Transaction Message Reason Code 4811—Stale Transaction
Message Reason Code 4804—Multiple Processing
The following sections describe the proper and improper use of message reason code 4804.
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4804
Mastercard uses this reason code to automatically charge back any interregional transaction
between a Europe acquirer and a non-Europe issuer if a previous presentment had already
been matched to the pending file.
Improper Use of Second Presentment
Second presentments are not permitted. The acquirer may rectify the transaction details and
submit a correct new first presentment.
Message Reason Code 4808—Transaction Not Authorized
The issuer must attempt to honor the transaction before exercising this chargeback right.
The following sections describe the proper and improper use of message reason code 4808.
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4808
The issuer receives a complaint from the cardholder or it has determined that an intra-
European transaction presented has not been properly authorized.
One of the following:
The issuer or his agent has never received an authorization request.
The issuer or his agent has declined the authorization request.
The amount processed is higher than the authorized amount.
This message reason code may be used for a chip transaction if it has not been authorized
online by the issuer.
Expired Payment Guarantee—The issuer may also use this message reason code if the
transaction was presented more than seven calendar days after the authorization approval
date and the issuer has permanently closed the account before filing the chargeback.
Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
Message Reason Codes
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Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback
The condition shown below represents a valid option that the issuer may choose to process a
first chargeback for message reason code 4808.
Time Frame 120 days
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes The full amount should be charged back, except when the processed
amount is higher than the authorized amount. In this case the
difference between both amounts may be charged back.
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The condition shown below represents a valid option that the acquirer may choose to process
a second presentment for message reason code 4808.
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment for more details.
Expired Payment Guarantee
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Invalid Chargeback
Second Presentment Condition
The transaction was presented within seven calendar days of the
pre-authorization or authorization approval date, and the pre-
authorization or authorization was not reversed, or
The issuer has not permanently closed the account.
Supporting Documents None
Notes If the transaction authorization was identified as a pre-authorization,
use PREAUTH. If the transaction authorization was not identified as
a pre-authorization, use AUTH. Replace MMDDYY with the
approval date of the disputed transaction.
Transaction Authorized
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Transaction Authorized
Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
Message Reason Codes
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Second Presentment Condition The acquirer can substantiate that the transaction was approved.
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Record) MMDDYY NNNNNN
Replace MMDDYY with the date the issuer authorized the
Replace NNNNNN with the authorization approval code.
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment for more details.
Message Reason Code 4809—Transaction Not Reconciled
The following sections describe the proper and improper use of message reason code 4809.
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4809
Mastercard uses this reason code to automatically charge back any interregional transaction
between a Europe acquirer and a non-Europe issuer in the following situation.
Mastercard was unable to reconcile the clearing presentment with the authorization details of
a transaction and has determined that there is a discrepancy between the reference of the
authorization request and the clearing presentment.
Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
Message Reason Codes
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Improper Use of Acquirer’s Second Presentment
Second presentments are not permitted. The acquirer may rectify the transaction details and
submit a correct new first presentment.
Message Reason Code 4811—Stale Transaction
The following sections describe the proper and improper use of message reason code 4811.
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4811
Mastercard uses this reason code to automatically charge back any interregional transaction
between a Europe acquirer and a non-Europe issuer presented more than 120 calendar days
after the transaction date.
Improper Use of Acquirer’s Second Presentment
Second presentments are not permitted under this reason code.
Message Reason Code 4834—Duplicate Processing of Transaction
The following sections describe the proper and improper use of message reason code 4834.
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4834
The issuer or the cardholder determines that a transaction has been submitted in duplicate. A
transaction is considered duplicate if the terminal ID, the transaction amount, the date and
the time of the transaction are the same.
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback
The conditions shown below represent valid options that the issuer may choose to process a
first chargeback for message reason code 4834.
Time Frame 120 days
Supporting Documents None
Notes Replace NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN with the Acquirer
Reference Data (ARD) of the first transaction.
Interregional Transactions
Time Frame 120 days
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes The issuer must charge back both transactions.
Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
Message Reason Codes
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The conditions shown below represent valid options that the acquirer may choose to process a
second presentment for message reason code 4834.
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment for more details.
Transaction Authorized (For Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions Only)
IPM Second
Presentment Message Reason
Transaction Authorized
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer can substantiate that both transactions are valid and
were authorized by PIN.
Supporting Documents None
Applies to intra-European and inter-European transactions
Replace MMDDYY with the date the issuer authorized the
Replace NNNNNN with the authorization approval code of both
Credit Previously Issued (For Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions Only)
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Credit Previously Issued
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer can substantiate that a credit was processed.
Supporting Documents None
Applies to intra-European and inter-European transactions
Replace MMDDYY with the date the issuer sent the credit or
reversal and optionally replace
Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
Message Reason Codes
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Chargeback Remedied
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer can substantiate that both transactions were valid.
Supporting Documents Documentation indicating two separate transactions.
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes For interregional transactions where no ARD was mentioned in the
Data Record of the chargeback, the acquirer must provide
documentation substantiating each transaction that was charged
Invalid Data Record
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Invalid Data Record Text
Second Presentment Condition The chargeback is invalid because the issuer failed to provide the
original ARD in DE 72.
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes Applies to intra-European and inter-European transactions
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment for more details.
Message Reason Code 4842—Late Presentment
The following sections describe the proper and improper use of message reason code 4842.
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4842
This message reason code is used when an intra-European and inter-European transaction was
presented more than seven calendar days after the transaction date and the account is
permanently closed.
Reason Code 4842 applies only to Cirrus and Mastercard transactions. For Maestro
transactions, refer to Message Reason Code 4880—Late Presentment (Maestro).
Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
Message Reason Codes
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback
The issuer must use good-faith efforts to collect the transaction amount from the cardholder
before exercising this chargeback right.
Improper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback
The issuer cannot submit a chargeback for message reason code 4842 if the account is in
good standing. This chargeback is not available when the transaction occurred with a
Mastercard Commercial Payments Account. A Mastercard Commercial Payments Account
transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MAP (Mastercard
Commercial Payments Account) in the First Presentment/1240 message.
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The conditions shown below represent valid options that the acquirer may choose to process a
second presentment for message reason code 4842.
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment for more details.
Correct Transaction Date Provided
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Correct Transaction Date Provided
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer can show that the chargeback was invalid or can
substantiate that the transaction date was not more than seven
calendar days prior to the central processing date of the
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Record) MMDDYY
Notes Replace MMDDYY with the correct transaction date
Account not Permanently Closed
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Invalid Chargeback
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer can show that the account is not permanently closed.
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Record) MMDDYY
Notes Replace MMDDYY with the authorization date and code obtained
after the chargeback date.
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Message Reason Codes
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Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment for more details.
Message Reason Code 4846—Currency Errors
The following sections describe the proper and improper use of message reason code 4846.
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4846
This reason code may be used only for intra-European and inter-European transactions when
Point-of-interaction (POI) currency conversion was applied in the following circumstances:
The cardholder states that he or she was not given the opportunity to choose the desired
currency in which the transaction was completed or did not agree to the currency of the
transaction, or
POI currency conversion took place into a currency that is not the cardholder’s billing
currency, or
POI currency conversion took place when the cash was dispensed in the cardholder’s billing
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback
The following conditions represent valid options that the issuer may choose to process a first
chargeback for message reason code 4846.
POI Currency Conversion
Time Frame 120 Calendar days
Retrieval Request No
Supporting Documents Cardholder dispute letter
Notes The chargeback must be for the full amount of the transaction
POI Currency Conversion—Incorrect Cardholder Currency
Time Frame 120 Calendar days
Retrieval Request No
Supporting Documents
To document the currency and amount billed to the cardholder supply
one of the following:
The cardholder’s billing statement or
The issuer’s internal transaction record
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Message Reason Codes
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
For the following types of disputes involving POI currency conversion:
The transaction was converted into a currency that is not the
cardholder’s billing currency, or
The cardholder billing currency is the same as the currency in which
the goods/services are priced, or
The cash was dispensed in the cardholder’s billing currency.
The chargeback may be for a partial amount representing the amount
resulting from the double conversion, excluding any amount related to
the issuer’s conversion of the transaction.
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The following condition represents a valid option that the acquirer may choose to process a
second presentment for message reason code 4846.
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied
Second Presentment Condition
The acquirer determines that the chargeback was invalid because
the correct transaction amount and currency code were provided.
In a dual currency environment, the merchant specified a currency
indicator on the TID.
Supporting Documents Documentation proving the correct currency was provided or
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes This remedy is not applicable for POI currency conversion disputes.
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment for more details.
Improper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The acquirer is prohibited from using the second presentment to argue the validity of the
cardholder’s claim regarding the selection of or non-agreement to the currency.
The contents of the transaction receipt are considered only in determining whether POI
currency conversion has occurred on a transaction. They neither prove nor disprove the
cardholder’s agreement to the conversion.
For POI currency conversion disputes where the full amount was charged back, the acquirer
should resubmit the transaction in the currency dispensed if the chargeback is valid.
Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
Message Reason Codes
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Proper Use for New Presentments
If the chargeback is valid and if the full amount was charged back, the acquirer should process
the transaction as a First Presentment/1240 message in the currency dispensed.
The new presentment must be processed within 30 days of the Central Site Business Date of
the first chargeback for the acquirer to be protected from a chargeback under message reason
code 4842—Late Presentment.
When converting the new transaction to the cardholder’s billing currency, the acquirer should
apply the conversion rate that was in effect on the date of the original transaction.
Message Reason Code 4859—ATM Dispute
The following sections describe the proper use of message reason code 4859.
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4859
The issuer receives a cardholder complaint advising that the cardholder did not receive, or
received only in part, funds charged to his or her account as a result of an automated cash
Improper Use of Message Reason Code 4859
This chargeback is not available when the transaction occurred with a Mastercard Commercial
Payments Account. A Mastercard Commercial Payments Account transaction occurs when
PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MAP (Mastercard Commercial Payments Account) in
the First Presentment/1240 message.
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback
The condition shown below represents a valid option that the issuer may choose to process a
first chargeback for message reason code 4859.
Time Frame 120 days
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Record) RS3
Notes None
Proper Use For Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The condition shown below represents a valid option that the acquirer may choose to process
a second presentment for message reason code 4859.
Disbursement of Funds to Cardholder
IPM Second
Presentment Message Reason
Chargeback Remedied
Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
Message Reason Codes
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Disbursement of Funds to Cardholder
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer can provide documentation verifying the disbursement
of funds to the cardholder.
Supporting Documents
A legible copy of either the ATM audit tape or an internal transaction
report from the acquirer. The ATM audit tape or the transaction
report must show any terminal financial activity that occurred
immediately before and after the disputed transaction.
The internal transaction report from the acquirer is to be used only
when the ATM did not produce an audit tape. Data on the
transaction report must come from the ATM journal and not from
the clearing system.
A transaction report must contain sufficient information to enable
the issuer to determine the amount of funds that were disbursed by
the ATM. If required for clarity, the transaction report must be
accompanied by a key that shows the different elements of the
report and their definitions.
At minimum, the audit tape or transaction report must include:
Primary Account Number read from track 2 of the magnetic stripe
or from the chip (DE 2)
Transaction type and account accessed (DE 3)
Transaction amount in local currency (DE 4)
Transaction trace or System Trace Audit Number (DE 11)
Transaction date and time (DE 12)
Terminal ID (DE 41)
Terminal status (only required in case of partial or no dispense)
Error report (only required in case of partial or no dispense). The
documentation may also show:
Terminal’s response to the last command received from the
Interchange System
Retract indicator
Bill counts for each canister
If bill counts are present in the documentation, the acquirer must
state the denomination of the bills that were dispensed from each
DE 72 (Data Record) RS3 and provide chargeback contact’s name, phone and fax number.
Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
Message Reason Codes
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Disbursement of Funds to Cardholder
Notes The Data Elements (DE) referred to above should contain the same
information that would be included in the 0100/Authorization
Request and 1240/First Presentment messages. If provided in a
different format from the Mastercard Network or IPM, a key would
be required to explain each field. Reasonable evidence of a successful
disbursement of funds must be provided in the documentation
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment for more details.
Message Reason Code 4870—Chip Liability Shift
The following sections describe the proper and improper use of message reason code 4870.
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4870
The Chip Liability Program allows participating Customers to charge back fraudulent magnetic
stripe transactions resulting from counterfeit fraud.
This message reason code applies to intra-European and inter-European ATM transactions and
to transactions in which one Customer is located in the Europe region and the other
Customer is located in a participating country or territory in another region.
The following countries and regions participate in the Global Chip Liability Shift Program for
interregional Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus ATM transactions.
Global Chip Liability Shift Program for Interregional ATM Transactions
In this region… The following countries and
territories participate…
Effective for ATM transactions
dated on or after…
Asia Pacific region Australia and New Zealand 31 December 2015 (Mastercard)
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, and
Sri Lanka
16 October 2015 (all brands)
India 31 December 2018 (all brands)
Indonesia 1 January 2022 (all brands)
Nepal 18 April 2018 (all brands)
All other countries and territories 19 April 2013 (Maestro only)
All other countries and territories 20 October 2017 (Mastercard and
Canada region All Currently in effect (all brands)
Europe region All Currently in effect (all brands)
Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
Message Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Global Chip Liability Shift Program for Interregional ATM Transactions
In this region… The following countries and
territories participate…
Effective for ATM transactions
dated on or after…
Latin America and the Caribbean
Mexico 1 September 2014 (all brands)
Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands
19 April 2013 (Maestro only)
21 October 2016 (Cirrus and
All other countries and territories 18 October 2013 (Mastercard)
Currently in effect (Maestro and
Middle East/Africa region All Currently in effect (all brands)
United States region All
19 April 2013 (Maestro only)
21 October 2016 (Cirrus and
The issuer may initiate a chargeback using message reason code 4870 for counterfeit fraud
The issuer receives a cardholder letter alleging that the transaction was fraudulent, and
that the cardholder was in possession of his or her card at the time of the transaction or
the issuer certifies by means of a different document accompanying the cardholder’s letter
that this is a case of counterfeit fraud. The issuer must provide this documentation.
The transaction was conducted with a hybrid counterfeit card at a magnetic stripe reading-
only ATM and the validly issued card (if any) was a hybrid card.
The transaction that occurred on the counterfeit card was reported to SAFE on or before
the date the chargeback was processed.
Improper Use of Message Reason Code 4870
The issuer must not initiate a chargeback using message reason code 4870 if:
A hybrid card is used at a hybrid terminal.
A fallback from chip to magnetic stripe technology occurs and the transaction is properly
identified in the authorization and clearing records with POS entry mode 80 (DE 22).
Authorization Approval after the FNS Date.The issuer approved the transaction after
submitting two or more chargebacks involving the same Mastercard, Maestro, or Cirrus
card account (for this purpose, “account” means primary account number [PAN], or PAN
and, if present, expiration date) for any of the following message reason codes: 4837,
4840, 4870, or 4871. Message reason code 4863 first chargebacks will be included in the
FNS count once the FNS fraud chargeback count is two or greater.
Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
Message Reason Codes
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
FNS Counter Exceeds 15 Fraud-Related Chargebacks. The issuer submitted more than
15 chargebacks in aggregate involving the same Mastercard, Maestro, or Cirrus account (as
defined above) for message reason codes 4837, 4840, 4870, or 4871. Message reason
code 4863 first chargebacks will be included in the FNS count once the FNS fraud
chargeback count is two or greater.
The issuer is currently listed in a Mastercard Announcement as ineligible to participate in
the Global Chip Liability Shift Program for interregional Maestro ATM transactions.
The issuer is currently listed in a Mastercard Announcement as limited to seven
chargebacks for reason code 4837 or 4870 involving the same Maestro card account (for
this purpose, “account” means PAN, or PAN and expiration date), and the issuer has
already met or exceeded this amount for the account in question.
This chargeback is not available when the transaction occurred with a Mastercard
Commercial Payments Account. A Mastercard Commercial Payments Account transaction
occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MAP (Mastercard Commercial
Payments Account) in the First Presentment/1240 message.
NOTE: Technical Fallback is not permitted for intra-European and inter-European ATM
transactions, and the issuer has a compliance right in cases of counterfeit fraud. Refer to
Chapter 7 of the Transaction Processing Rules.
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback
The condition shown below represents a valid option that the issuer may choose to process a
first chargeback for message reason code 4870.
Time Frame 120 days for Mastercard and Cirrus, 90 days for Maestro
Retrieval Request No
Supporting Documents Cardholder Documentation
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes None
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The condition shown below represents a valid option that the acquirer may choose to process
a second presentment for message reason code 4870.
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment for more details.
Chargeback Invalid
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Chargeback invalid
Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
Message Reason Codes
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Second Presentment Condition
The acquirer can show that the liability shift does not apply as:
1. The card involved was not a hybrid card according to the service
code (DE 35 or DE 45) in the authorization request (that is, the
value of the first position was not a 2 or 6).
2. The transaction was completed with chip.
3. The chargeback was otherwise invalid (for example, the terminal
was hybrid).
Supporting Documents
Intra-European and inter-European transactions—None
Interregional transactions—The acquirer must provide
documentation showing that the chargeback was invalid.
DE 72 (Data Record)
Applies to intra-European and inter-European transactions only:
1. TRX Chip Liability Shift NA
2. Chip Transaction
3. Reason for return
Notes None
Issuer Listed in a Mastercard Announcement
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Invalid Chargeback
Second Presentment Condition
The acquirer can show that on the chargeback date, the issuer was
listed in a Mastercard Announcement as:
1. Ineligible to participate in the Global Chip Liability Shift Program
for interregional Maestro ATM transactions; or
2. Limited to seven chargebacks for reason code 70 or 74 involving
the same Maestro card account, and the transaction charged
back contains an FNS counter value that is greater than seven (a
value of eight or more).
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Record)
Notes Replace NNNN with the applicable Mastercard Announcement
Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
Message Reason Codes
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Fraud-related Chargeback Counter Exceeds Threshold
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code
Invalid Chargeback
Second Presentment Condition The issuer previously charged back more than 15
transactions involving the same account for any of
the following message reason codes: 4837, 4840,
4863, 4870, or 4871.
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes The Fraud Notification Service (FNS) provides the
acquirer with the total number of fraud-related
chargebacks submitted by the issuer involving the
same account. FNS places the total chargeback count
in the Fraud Notification Service Chargeback Counter
subfield within the Fraud Notification Information
field of the chargeback message. The acquirer may
process a representment if this field is present and
the chargeback counter value exceeds 15 (a value of
16 or more).
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment for more details.
Message Reason Code 4880—Late Presentment
The following sections describe the proper and improper use of message reason code 4880.
Proper Use of Intra-European or Inter-European Message Reason Code 4880
An intra-European or inter-European ATM transaction is presented more than seven calendar
days after the transaction date and the account is permanently closed.
Improper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback
The issuer must use good-faith efforts to collect the transaction amount from the cardholder
before exercising this chargeback right.
The issuer cannot submit a chargeback for message reason code 4880 if the account is in
good standing.
This chargeback is not available when the transaction occurred with a Mastercard Commercial
Payments Account. A Mastercard Commercial Payments Account transaction occurs when
PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MAP (Mastercard Commercial Payments Account) in
the First Presentment/1240 message.
Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
Message Reason Codes
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The conditions shown below represent valid options that the acquirer may choose to process a
second presentment for message reason code 4880.
Correct Transaction Date Provided
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Correct transaction date provided
Second Presentment Condition
The acquirer can substantiate that the transaction date was not
more than seven calendar days before the Central Site processing
date of the presentment.
Supporting Documents
Transaction printout
DE 72 (Data Record)
Correct transaction date
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment for
more details.
Chargebacks—Mastercard Europe ATM Transactions (Mastercard, Maestro, and Cirrus)
Message Reason Codes
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Appendix B Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
This appendix describes the procedures for processing Maestro POS exception transactions. The
information contained in this appendix is for Europe region Customers only.
Overview.................................................................................................................................... 307
Exception Item Processing........................................................................................................... 308
Exception Transaction Types....................................................................................................308
Reversals................................................................................................................................ 308
Retrieval Requests.................................................................................................................. 308
Acquirer Requirements.......................................................................................................308
Chip Transactions................................................................................................................... 309
Chargebacks.......................................................................................................................... 309
Chargeback Procedures..................................................................................................... 309
Supporting Documentation for a Chargeback.................................................................... 309
Second Presentment Procedures.............................................................................................310
Supporting Documentation for a Second Presentment....................................................... 310
Message Reason Codes for Interregional Transactions................................................................. 311
Interregional Message Reason Code 4804—Transaction Multiple Processing...........................312
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4804....................................................312
Improper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment............................................................... 312
Interregional Message Reason Code 4809—Transaction Not Reconciled ................................ 312
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4809....................................................312
Improper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment............................................................... 312
Interregional Message Reason Code 4811—Stale Transaction.................................................312
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4811....................................................312
Improper Use of Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................ 312
Interregional Message Reason Code 4831—Disputed Amount............................................... 312
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4831....................................................312
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback............................................................................. 313
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................... 313
Interregional Message Reason Code 4834—Duplicate Transaction .........................................313
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4834....................................................313
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback............................................................................. 313
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................... 313
Interregional Message Reason Code 4837—No Cardholder Authorization.............................. 314
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4837....................................................314
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Improper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4837................................................314
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................... 315
Interregional Message Reason Code 4855—Goods or Services Not Delivered..........................316
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4855....................................................316
Improper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback......................................................................... 317
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................... 317
Interregional Message Reason Code 4860—Credit Not Received............................................ 318
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4860....................................................318
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback............................................................................. 318
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................... 318
Interregional Message Reason Code 4870—Chip Liability Shift...............................................318
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4870....................................................318
Improper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4870................................................320
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................... 320
Interregional Message Reason Code 4880—Late Presentment................................................ 322
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4880....................................................322
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................... 323
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions............................... 323
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4808—Transaction Not Authorized............................. 324
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4808................................................ 325
Improper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4808............................................ 325
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback............................................................................. 325
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................... 326
Improper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment............................................................... 327
Intra-European and Inter-European Message Reason Code 4831—Disputed Amount..............327
Proper Use of Intra-European and Inter-European Message Reason Code 4831.................. 327
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback............................................................................. 328
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................... 330
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4834—Duplicate Processing of Transaction................. 331
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4834................................................ 331
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback............................................................................. 331
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................... 331
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4837—No Cardholder Authorization...........................333
Masterpass Transactions.....................................................................................................333
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4837................................................ 334
Improper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4837............................................ 334
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback............................................................................. 335
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................... 335
Improper Use for Acquirer's Second Presentment...............................................................337
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
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Intra-European Message Reason Code 4841—Canceled Recurring or Digital Goods
Transactions........................................................................................................................... 338
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4841................................................ 338
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback............................................................................. 339
Proper Use for Acquirer's Second Presentment...................................................................342
Improper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment............................................................... 344
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4846—Currency Errors................................................344
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4846................................................ 344
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback............................................................................. 344
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................... 346
Improper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment............................................................... 346
Proper Use for New Presentments...................................................................................... 346
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4855—Goods or Services Not Provided....................... 347
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4855................................................ 347
Improper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback......................................................................... 350
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................... 350
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4860—Credit Not Received.........................................352
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4860................................................ 352
Improper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4860............................................ 353
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback............................................................................. 353
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................... 355
Reason Code 4860—Arbitration Case Filing.......................................................................357
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4870—Chip Liability Shift........................................... 358
Proper Use for Intra-European Message Reason Code 4870............................................... 358
Improper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4870............................................ 358
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback............................................................................. 358
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................... 359
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4880—Late Presentment.............................................362
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4880................................................ 362
Improper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback......................................................................... 362
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................... 362
Domestic Chargeback Rules........................................................................................................ 362
Additional Rules Applicable to Domestic Transactions in Ireland, Turkey, and France................363
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4837........................................................................ 363
Improper Use of Message Reason Code 4837.................................................................... 363
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment................................................................... 363
Arbitration Case Filing....................................................................................................... 363
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
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This graphic presents the chargeback processing cycle.
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
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Presentment The acquirer must send the presentment within seven (7) calendar days of
the transaction date. If an acquirer does not submit an interregional
transaction presentment within 120 days of the transaction date, GCMS will
automatically reject the transaction and process a credit adjustment for the
transaction amount to the issuer.
Chargeback The issuer must send the chargeback within 120 calendar days of the
transaction’s central processing date.
Second Presentment The acquirer must send the second presentment within 45 calendar days of
the central processing date of the chargeback.
Exception Item Processing
The following sections provide information on Exception Item Processing.
Exception Transaction Types
Each Customer must support the following point-of-sale (POS) exception transaction types.
Retrieval request/request for documentation
First chargeback
Second presentment
Europe uses a dual message system to process authorization messages and clearing messages
(using Global Clearing Management System [GCMS]).
Therefore, whenever an acquirer identifies an error in the presentment of a transaction, a
“reversal” (either full or partial) will be generated. There is no time limit for the acquirer to
issue a reversal.
Retrieval Requests
An issuer may initiate a retrieval request for an intra-European or inter-European transaction
after receiving a cardholder request or for fraud investigation.
Acquirer Requirements
The acquirer must fulfill a retrieval request within 30 calendar days of the retrieval request
processing date by providing the issuer with a legible copy of the requested documentation
through the MasterCom
electronic imaging system.
For e-commerce transactions, the acquirer must provide order information obtained from the
merchant and the merchant’s contact address and phone number.
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Exception Item Processing
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Chip Transactions
The production of a transaction cryptogram and related data elements for each chip
transaction introduces new information, which can help determine the actual circumstances
of a transaction and thus assist in determining issuer and acquirer liabilities.
Cryptograms must be provided to issuers in the original presentment or must be made
available to issuers via retrieval request fulfillments if needed for subsequent inquiries.
However, the cryptogram in itself does not constitute a guarantee of payment to the acquirer.
Nor does the lack of a cryptogram or an invalid cryptogram provide an automatic right of
chargeback to the issuer.
All message reason codes in this appendix are allowed for any type of Maestro POS
transaction unless otherwise stated under the message reason code. Such transactions include
the following.
Magnetic stripe or chip read transactions
Signature, PIN or non-PIN based transactions
Mail order/Telephone order (MO/TO) transactions (where permitted)
When using message reason codes 4855 and 4860 to submit a chargeback of a purchase with
cash back transaction, the issuer may charge back only the purchase amount or a portion
thereof, using Function Code of 453 (Partial Amount) in the First Chargeback/1442 message.
An issuer must not charge back the cash back amount or any portion thereof under any of
these message reason codes.
Chargeback Procedures
A chargeback may be initiated if the issuer determines that the transaction was presented in
violation of the rules and that a specific reason is available as detailed in the section called,
Message Reason Codes for Interregional Transactions, and in the section called, Message
Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions of this appendix.
A chargeback must be submitted within 120 calendar days from the Central Site Processing
date for the full transaction amount, unless otherwise specified in the appropriate message
reason codes. An acquirer must accept the resultant liability unless it can satisfy the conditions
for second presentment.
Supporting Documentation for a Chargeback
No supporting documentation is required when submitting a chargeback, unless otherwise
stated under the specific message reason code. However, issuers should be able to justify any
chargeback initiated.
When a cardholder letter is required, the issuer must provide a cardholder letter, electronic
message, completed Dispute Resolution Form or a signed declaration by the authorized
cardholder explaining the reason for the dispute.
Supporting documentation, completed in English, or accompanied by an English translation,
must be submitted within 10 days of the chargeback processing date using MasterCom.
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Exception Item Processing
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
For disputes between two Customers that share a common language, it is sufficient if the
documentation is translated into English at arbitration stage.
The issuer may use the Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 0412) only if the Maestro card
account is closed. Before processing the chargeback with the form, the issuer must block the
account on its host and report the transaction to SAFE. The issuer must supply the
cardholder’s affidavit of fraud when requested by the acquirer pursuant to a judicial request or
similar legal action.
Second Presentment Procedures
An acquirer must use its best efforts to investigate each chargeback received for validity and
either accept the charge or process a second presentment.
The second presentment may not be for an amount in excess of the issuer’s chargeback but
may be for the same or a lesser amount.
No provisions are made to settle any losses or gains resulting from exchange rate differences
or funding costs.
Second presentments must be submitted within 45 calendar days from the chargeback
processing date. The requirements that must be met before an acquirer can second present a
transaction, and the supporting documentation required, are provided under each message
reason code.
For intra-European transactions and inter-European other general second presentment
message reason codes may apply, such as:
2713—Invalid Chargeback
2702—Past Chargeback Time Limit Issued
2011—Credit Previously Issued
Refer to Second Presentment/1240 IPM (Function Codes 205 or 282) Message Reason Code
Usage for a complete list of second presentment message reason codes.
After the acquirer has processed the second presentment, the issuer has no more chargeback
rights; arbitration chargebacks are not permitted.
Supporting Documentation for a Second Presentment
When required under the reason code, supporting documentation, completed in English, or
accompanied by an English translation, must be submitted within 10 days of the second
presentment processing date using MasterCom.
For disputes between two Customers that share a common language, it is sufficient if the
documentation is translated into English at arbitration stage.
For interregional transactions, the acquirer must supply supporting documentation with
every second presentment, substantiating the reason for the second presentment.
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Exception Item Processing
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Message Reason Codes for Interregional Transactions
The following message reason codes are applicable to interregional POS, e-commerce, PIN-
based in-branch, and Maestro
contactless transactions unless otherwise indicated under the
message reason code.
Chargeback Reason
Europe Customers
Use Reason Code
Outside Europe
Use Reason
Code PIN-based? Signature?
Disputed Amount 4831 71 Yes Yes
Duplicate Transaction 4834 73 Yes Yes
No Cardholder Authorization 4837 74 N/A Yes
Goods or Services Not
4855 79 Yes N/A
Credit Not Received 4860 75 Yes Yes
Chip Liability Shift
4870 70 Yes Yes
Chip Transaction—Late
4880 80 Yes No
In addition to the above chargeback reasons, the following chargeback reason codes may be
used by Mastercard to automatically chargeback interregional transactions.
Chargeback Reason Reason Code PIN-based? Signature?
Multiple Processing 4804 Yes Yes
Transaction not reconciled 4809 Yes Yes
Stale Transaction 4811 Yes Yes
According to schedule of countries joining the Chip Liability Shift as published in the Global Operations Bulletins.
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Interregional Transactions
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Interregional Message Reason Code 4804—Transaction Multiple Processing
The following sections describe the proper and improper use of message reason code 4804.
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4804
Mastercard uses this reason code to automatically charge back any interregional transaction
between a Europe acquirer and a non-Europe issuer if a previous presentment had already
been matched to the pending file.
Improper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
Second presentments are not permitted. The acquirer may rectify the transaction details and
submit a correct new first presentment.
Interregional Message Reason Code 4809—Transaction Not Reconciled
The following sections describe the proper and improper use of message reason code 4809.
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4809
Mastercard uses this reason code to automatically charge back any interregional transaction
between a Europe acquirer and a non-Europe issuer in the following situation.
Mastercard was unable to reconcile the clearing presentment with the authorization details of
a transaction, because of a discrepancy between the authorization request and the clearing
Improper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
Second presentments are not permitted. The acquirer may rectify the transaction details and
submit a correct new first presentment.
Interregional Message Reason Code 4811—Stale Transaction
The following sections describe the proper and improper use of message reason code 4811.
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4811
Mastercard uses this reason code to automatically charge back any interregional transaction
between a Europe acquirer and a non-Europe issuer presented more than 120 calendar days
after the transaction date.
Improper Use of Acquirer’s Second Presentment
Second presentments are not permitted for message reason code 4811.
Interregional Message Reason Code 4831—Disputed Amount
The following sections describe the proper and improper use of message reason code 4831.
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4831
This message reason code is used only for the following transactions.
Maestro contactless
Point-of-Sale (POS)
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Interregional Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Issuer’s may use this message reason code when cardholder’s account has been debited for an
amount that is higher than the original purchase amount or debited for an incorrect amount
when the merchant accepted an alternative form of payment to complete the transaction.
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback
The issuer may chargeback only the amount of the disputed difference.
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The condition shown below represents a valid option that the acquirer may choose to process
a second presentment for message reason code 4831.
Chargeback Remedied
IPM Second Presentment
Message Reason Code
Chargeback remedied
Second Presentment Condition The transaction was correctly processed.
Supporting Documents Documentation proving that the transaction was correctly processed.
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes None
Interregional Message Reason Code 4834—Duplicate Transaction
The following sections describe the proper and improper use of message reason code 4834.
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4834
A cardholder’s account has been debited more than once for a single transaction.
To demonstrate that the transaction is a duplicate, the POS terminal transaction amount and
the date and time of the transaction must be the same for the transactions in question.
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback
For duplicated interregional transactions, the issuer must charge back both transactions.
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The condition shown below represents a valid option that the acquirer may choose to process
a second presentment for message reason code 4834.
Chargeback Remedied
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Chargeback remedied
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer can show that two separate transactions occurred.
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Interregional Transactions
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Chargeback Remedied
Supporting Documents Documentation supporting two separate transactions or proof that a
credit was issued.
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes None
Interregional Message Reason Code 4837—No Cardholder Authorization
The following sections describe the proper and improper use of message reason code 4837.
Neither the length of time between authorization approval and transaction presentment, nor
the partial or full reversal of an approved authorization, have any effect upon the protection
that an authentication occurring during authorization provides against fraud-related
chargebacks (for example, Mastercard SecureCode authentication, chip validation, and/or PIN
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4837
This message reason code is applicable as follows.
The transaction is a contactless transaction that exceeds the applicable contactless CVM
limit and was completed without successful online PIN verification or on-device cardholder
The UCAF collection indicator in DE 48 (Additional Data), subelement 42 (Electronic
Commerce Indicators), Subfield 1 (Electronic Commerce Security Level Indicator and UCAF
Collection Indicator, position 3 (UCAF Collection Indicator) contains a value of zero.
The UCAF data in DE 48 (Additional Data), subelement 43 (Static AAV for Maestro or
Mastercard Advance Registration Program), position 1 contained a value of 3 (Transaction
processed under the Maestro Advance Registration Program).
The Remote Payments Program Type value in DE 48 (Additional Data), subelement 48
(Mobile Program Indicators), subfield 1 (Remote Payments Program Type Identifier) contains
a value of 2 (Acquirer domain).
Improper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4837
This chargeback may not be used in the following situations.
A Digital Secure Remote Payment (DSRP) transaction identified in authorization with a
value of 2 in DE 48, subelement 42 (Electronic Commerce Indicators), subfield 1 (Electronic
Commerce Security Level Indicator and UCAF Collection Indicator), position 3 (UCAF
Collection Indicator).
NOTE: Refer to the last three digits of DE48.42 and not the first three.
Any subsequent transaction related to the original DSRP transaction (as defined in the
preceding paragraph), such as a partial shipment or recurring payment.
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Interregional Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Refer to Appendix F for Digital Secure Remote Payment transaction identification
When the transaction was completed at an EMV terminal which was properly identified in
the authorization and the clearing record, except for fraudulent parking garage and tollway
magnetic stripe transactions completed without CVM
For contactless transactions completed with successful PIN verification
The issuer approved the transaction after submitting two or more chargebacks involving
the same Maestro card account (for this purpose, “account” means primary account
number [PAN], or PAN and expiration date) for message reason code 4837 or 4870.
The issuer submitted more than 15 chargebacks involving the same account (as defined
above) for message reason code 4837 or 4870.
The issuer is currently listed in a Mastercard Announcement as limited to seven
chargebacks for reason code 4837 or 4870 involving the same Maestro card account (for
this purpose, “account” means PAN, or PAN and expiration date), and the issuer has
already met or exceeded this amount for the account in question.
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The conditions shown below represent valid options that the acquirer may choose to process a
second presentment for message reason code 4837.
Invalid Chargeback
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Invalid chargeback
Second Presentment Condition The chargeback did not meet the requirements as stipulated under
section Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4837.
Supporting Documents Copy of the authorization record
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes None
Two or More Previous Fraud-related Chargebacks
IPM Second Presentment
Message Reason Code
Invalid chargeback
Second Presentment Condition
The issuer previously charged back two or more transactions
involving the same Maestro card account before the authorization
approval date of the disputed transaction for message reason code
4837 or 4870.
Supporting Documents None
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Message Reason Codes for Interregional Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
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DE 72 (Data Record) None
The Fraud Notification Service (FNS) alerts the acquirer in the event
that the issuer has submitted two or more chargebacks involving the
same account for reason code 4837 or 4870. FNS places the date on
which the issuer submitted the second such fraud-related
chargeback in the Fraud Notification Service Date subfield within the
Fraud Notification Information field of the chargeback message. If
this field is present and contains a date value that is earlier than the
authorization approval date of the disputed transaction, the acquirer
may process a second presentment.
Fraud-related Chargeback Counter Exceeds Threshold
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Invalid chargeback
Second Presentment Condition The issuer previously charged back more than 15 transactions
involving the same account for message reason code 4837 or 4870.
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes The Fraud Notification Service (FNS) provides the acquirer with the
total number of fraud-related chargebacks submitted by the issuer
involving the same account. FNS places the total chargeback count
in the Fraud Notification Service Chargeback Counter subfield within
the Fraud Notification Information field of the chargeback message.
The acquirer may process a representment if this field is present and
the chargeback counter value exceeds 15 (a value of 16 or more).
Interregional Message Reason Code 4855—Goods or Services Not Delivered
The following sections describe the proper and improper use of message reason code 4855.
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4855
This message reason code applies only to the following transactions.
Point-of-Sale (POS)
The cardholder’s account has been debited for a transaction, but the goods or services that
were to be shipped, delivered, or otherwise provided by the expected delivery date were not
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Interregional Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
The issuer must wait until the specified delivery date has passed before charging back. If no
delivery date is specified, the issuer must wait 30 calendar days after the transaction date
before charging back. The 120-day chargeback time frame is calculated from the latest
anticipated date that the goods or services were to be provided. If no such date is provided,
the chargeback must be processed within 120 days of the Central Site Processing date.
The issuer may charge back the transaction before the specified delivery date if it is
established that the merchant will not provide the goods or services because, for example, it is
no longer in business.
Improper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback
This chargeback does not cover situations where the goods or services provided by the
merchant do not meet the cardholder’s expectations.
Staged Digital Wallet. A transaction to fund a Staged Digital Wallet may be charged back if
the funds did not appear in the Staged Digital Wallet. Chargeback rights are not available for
any subsequent purchase of goods or service from a Staged Digital Wallet. Staged Digital
Wallet transactions are identified with a wallet identifier in DE 48 (Additional Data—Private
Use), subelement 26 (Wallet Program Data) Subfield 1—Wallet Identifier and in PDS 0207—
Wallet Identifier of the First Presentment/1240 Message.
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The condition shown below represents a valid option that the acquirer may choose to process
a second presentment for message reason code 4855.
Chargeback Remedied
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code
Chargeback remedied
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer can show that goods or services were
received by the cardholder.
Supporting Documents Documentation showing that goods or services were
received by the cardholder.
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes None
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Interregional Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Interregional Message Reason Code 4860—Credit Not Received
The following sections describe the proper and improper use of message reason code 4860.
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4860
This message reason code applied only to POS and e-commerce transactions.
The issuer may use message reason code 4860 if a cardholder’s account is not credited for a
refund from a merchant or is inaccurately debited instead of credited because of an incorrect
transaction code.
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback
This chargeback should be for the full amount of the refund, or in the case of an inaccurate
debit, twice the original transaction amount to offset the error.
Staged Digital Wallet. A transaction to fund a Staged Digital Wallet may be charged back if
the funds did not appear in the Staged Digital Wallet. Chargeback rights are not available for
any subsequent purchase of goods or service from a Staged Digital Wallet. Staged Digital
Wallet transactions are identified with a wallet identifier in DE 48 (Additional Data—Private
Use), subelement 26 (Wallet Program Data) Subfield 1—Wallet Identifier and in PDS 0207—
Wallet Identifier of the First Presentment/1240 Message.
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The condition shown below represents a valid option that the acquirer may choose to process
a second presentment for message reason code 4860.
Credit Issued
IPM Second Presentment
Message Reason Code
Credit issued
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer can show that a credit was processed.
Supporting Documents Documentation showing the date the credit was processed to the
cardholder’s account, and the reference number of that transaction.
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes None
Interregional Message Reason Code 4870—Chip Liability Shift
The following section describes the proper use of message reason code 4870.
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4870
The issuer may initiate a chargeback using reason code 4870 if the following apply.
The issuer must receive a cardholder letter, electronic message, or complete a Dispute
Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 0412) alleging that the transaction was fraudulent, and the
issuer must provide this letter.
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Interregional Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
The fraudulent transaction must be reported to SAFE on or before the date the chargeback is
processed. When using the Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 0412), the Maestro card
account must be closed and the transaction must have been be reported to SAFE (System to
Avoid Fraud Effectively).
For counterfeit fraud, all of the following additional requirements must be met:
The transaction was conducted with a counterfeit card at a magnetic stripe reading-only
terminal or at a hybrid terminal but DE 55 was not present in the Authorization Request/
0100 message or Financial Transaction Request/0200 message, and the validly-issued card,
if any, was an EMV chip card.
The cardholder letter, electronic message, or completed Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud
(Form 0412) must indicate that he or she was in possession of the card at the time of the
transaction or the issuer certifies by means of a different document accompanying the
cardholder’s letter that this is a case of counterfeit.
For lost, stolen, or never received fraud all of the following additional requirements must
be met:
The transaction was conducted at a magnetic stripe reading-only POS terminal or at a
hybrid terminal but DE 55 was not present in the Authorization Request/0100 message or
Financial Transaction Request/0200 message, and the validly-issued card, if any, was an
EMV chip card.
The transaction was conducted without PIN as CVM.
The cardholder letter, electronic message, or completed Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud
(Form 0412) must indicate that the card was lost, stolen, or never received at the time of
the transaction, or the issuer can otherwise certify by means of a different document
accompanying the cardholder’s letter that the card was lost, stolen, or never received at the
time of the transaction.
NOTE: Technical Fallback—When a hybrid card is used at a hybrid terminal and fallback from
chip to magnetic stripe occurs, the transaction must be properly identified with POS entry
mode 80 (DE 22) and authorized online. The cardholder verification method (CVM) must be
PIN, except if the transaction is acquired in a waiver country in which case signature is also a
permitted CVM. If the transaction is not properly identified in the Authorization Request/0100
message and in the First Presentment/1240 message then the issuer may charge the item back
under message reason code 4870.
In this region...
The following countries
and territories
Effective for Maestro POS transactions
dated on or after...
Asia/Pacific region All Currently in effect
Canada region All 31 December 2015
Latin America and the
Caribbean region
All Currently in effect
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Interregional Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
In this region...
The following countries
and territories
Effective for Maestro POS transactions
dated on or after...
Middle East/Africa region All Currently in effect
United States region All 1 October 2015 for all except automated
fuel dispenser transactions (MCC 5542)
1 October 2017 for automated fuel
dispenser transactions (MCC 5542)
Improper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4870
This code may not be used for properly identified contactless transactions.
The issuer must not use message reason code 4870 if:
The issuer approved the transaction after submitting two or more chargebacks involving
the same Maestro card account (for this purpose, “account” means primary account
number [PAN], or PAN and expiration date) for reason codes 4837 or 4870.
The issuer submitted more than 15 chargebacks involving the same account (as defined
above) for message reason code 4837 or 4870.
Properly identified and authorized contactless transactions
The issuer is currently listed in a Mastercard Announcement as limited to seven
chargebacks for reason code 4837 or 4870 involving the same Maestro card account (for
this purpose, “account” means PAN, or PAN and expiration date), and the issuer has
already met or exceeded this amount for the account in question.
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The conditions shown below represent valid options that the acquirer may choose to process a
second presentment for message reason code 4870.
Invalid Chargeback
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Invalid Chargeback
Second Presentment Condition
The acquirer can show that the liability shift does not apply as:
The terminal was a hybrid terminal
The transaction was not reported to SAFE on or before the
Central Site Business Date of the chargeback, or
The transaction was authorized online and did not involve a
hybrid card; that is, the first value in the service code (DE 35 or
DE 45) was not 2 or 6 and therefore did not indicate a hybrid
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Interregional Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Supporting Documents Documentation showing how the chargeback was invalid.
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes The acquirer must always provide supporting documentation when
second presenting interregional transactions. It is not sufficient to
enter a message in DE 72.
Two or More Previous Fraud-related Chargebacks
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Invalid Chargeback
Second Presentment Condition
The issuer previously charged back two or more transactions
involving the same Maestro card account before the authorization
approval date of the disputed transaction for message reason code
4837 or 4870.
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Record) None
The Fraud Notification Service (FNS) alerts the acquirer in the event
that the issuer has submitted two or more chargebacks involving the
same account for reason code 4837 or 4870. FNS places the date on
which the issuer submitted the second such fraud-related
chargeback in the Fraud Notification Service Date subfield within the
Fraud Notification Information of the chargeback message. If this
field is present and contains a date value that is earlier than the
authorization approval date of the disputed transaction, the acquirer
may process a second presentment.
Fraud-related Chargeback Counter Exceeds Threshold
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Invalid Chargeback
Second Presentment Condition The issuer previously charged back more than 15 transactions
involving the same account for message reason code 4837 or 4870.
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Interregional Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Notes The Fraud Notification Service (FNS) provides the acquirer with the
total number of fraud-related chargebacks submitted by the issuer
involving the same account. FNS places the total chargeback count
in the Fraud Notification Service Chargeback Counter subfield within
the Fraud Notification Information field of the chargeback message.
The acquirer may process a representment if this field is present and
the chargeback counter value exceeds 15 (a value of 16 or more).
Issuer Listed in a Mastercard Announcement
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Invalid Chargeback
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer can show that on the chargeback date, the issuer was
listed in a Mastercard Announcement as:
Limited to seven chargebacks for reason code 4837 or 4870
involving the same Maestro card account and the transaction charge
back contains an FNS counter value that is greater than seven (a
value of eight or more).
Supporting Documents None
Notes Replace NNNN with the applicable Mastercard Announcement
Interregional Message Reason Code 4880—Late Presentment
The following sections describe the proper and improper use of message reason code 4880.
Proper Use of Interregional Message Reason Code 4880
This message reason code applies only to chip-read and PIN-based POS and Maestro
contactless transactions.
An issuer may use reason code 4880 if the transaction is submitted into clearing more than
seven calendar days after the transaction date and the cardholder’s account is either closed or
does not contain sufficient funds to cover the transaction amount.
In order to use message reason code 4880, an issuer must have used good-faith efforts to
collect the transaction amount from the cardholder’s account.
An issuer will not be able to submit a chargeback under message reason code 4880 if the
cardholder’s account is in good standing.
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Interregional Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The condition shown below represents a valid option that the acquirer may choose to process
a second presentment for message reason code 4880.
Correct Transaction Date Provided
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Correct transaction date provided
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer shows that the transaction was presented within the
proper time frame.
Supporting Documents Documentation proving that the transaction was presented within
the seven calendar day time limit.
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes None
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European
The following message reason codes are applicable to intra-European and inter-European POS,
e-commerce, PIN-based in-branch, and Maestro contactless transactions unless otherwise
indicated under the message reason code.
They apply to any type of Maestro transactions, such as Magnetic stripe or chip read
transactions and Signature, PIN, or non-PIN based transactions, unless otherwise indicated
under the message reason code.
For intra-European and inter-European transactions, a Dispute Administration Fee (DAF) will be
automatically generated for each chargeback and second presentment by Mastercard via the
Mastercard Consolidated Billing System.
The fees will be credited to the sender and debited from the receiver of the respective
chargeback cycle as follows:
First chargeback: The issuer is credited 15 EUR and the acquirer is debited 15 EUR.
Second presentment: The acquirer is credited 30 EUR (15 EUR net) and the issuer is debited
30 EUR (15 EUR net).
The Dispute Administration Fee does not apply when the transaction is coded with MCC
5499, 5735, 5815, 5816, 7311, or 7399.
Should the fee be debited unduly, for example, the acquirer collects the DAF with a second
presentment after processing a credit to the cardholder, the fee can be collected by the
impacted party using the miscellaneous fee collection message 1740-700 with reason code
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
7606. This fee collection message should be sent within 45 days after the dispute message
was sent which unduly triggered the DAF. DE 72 (Data Record) of the fee collection message
must contain the “10-digit chargeback reference number—collection of DAF.”
Chargeback Message Reason
Required Section Name
4808 Transaction Not
No No Intra-European Message Reason
Code 4808—Transaction Not
4831 Disputed Amount Yes No Intra-European Message Reason
Code 4831—Disputed Amount
4834 Duplicate Processing
of Transaction
No No Intra-European Message Reason
Code 4834—Duplicate Processing
of Transaction
4837 No Cardholder
Yes No Intra-European Message Reason
code 4837—No Cardholder
4841 Canceled Recurring or
Digital Goods
Yes No Intra-European Message Reason
code 4841—Canceled Recurring
or Digital Goods Transactions
4846 Currency Errors Sometimes No Intra-European Message Reason
Code 4846—Currency Errors
4855 Goods or Services not
Yes No Intra-European Message Reason
Code 4855—Goods or Services
Not Provided
4860 Credit not Received Yes No Intra-European Message Reason
Code 4860—Credit Not Received
4870 Chip Liability Shift No No Intra-European Message Reason
Code 4870—Chip Liability Shift
4880 Late Presentment No No Intra-European Message Reason
Code 4880—Late Presentment
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4808—Transaction Not Authorized
The issuer must attempt to honor the transaction before exercising this chargeback right.
The following sections describe the proper and improper use of message reason code 4808.
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4808
The issuer receives a complaint from the cardholder or otherwise determines a transaction
presented has not been properly authorized.
The issuer or his agent has:
Never received an authorization request, or
Declined the authorization request, or
The processed amount is higher than the authorized amount.
The issuer received and approved a full or partial reversal request relating to a previously
approved authorization request. However, the clearing file shows the transaction was
processed for the original authorized amount.
Expired Payment Guarantee—The issuer may also use this message reason code if the
transaction was presented more than seven calendar days after the preauthorization
approval date and the issuer has permanently closed the account before filing the
chargeback. The above time frame does not apply to properly identified Maestro
contactless aggregated transit transactions.
To extend the duration of the message reason code 4808 chargeback protection period
afforded by an approved preauthorization of a Maestro Transaction, a Merchant or Acquirer
may later submit an additional preauthorization request for the same Transaction.
If the preauthorization request is for a zero amount, it extends the duration of the message
reason code 4808 chargeback protection period with no change in the guaranteed
Transaction amount.
If the preauthorization request is for an amount higher than zero, it both extends the duration
of the message reason code 4808 chargeback protection period and incrementally increases,
by the amount of the new preauthorization request, the guaranteed Transaction amount to
which the message reason code 4808 chargeback protection period applies.
If the message reason code 4808 chargeback protection period has already expired, the new
preauthorization request must be for the full Transaction amount rather than an incremental
Please refer to Chapter 2 of the Transaction Processing Rules for coding and processing
requirements for incremental preauthorization requests.
Improper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4808
The issuer may not use this message reason code for POS chip transactions that were below
the applicable floor limit and authorized by the chip.
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback
The condition shown below represents a valid use for issuer’s first chargeback.
Time Frame 120 days
Retrieval Request No
Supporting Documents None
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes The full amount should be charged back, except when the processed
amount is higher than the authorized amount. In this case the difference
between both amounts may be charged back.
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The conditions shown below represent valid options that the acquirer may choose to process a
second presentment for message reason code 4808.
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment in this appendix for more
Transaction Authorized
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Transaction authorized
Second Presentment Condition
The acquirer can substantiate that the transaction was either
1. Online by the issuer
2. Offline by the chip
Supporting Documents
1. None
2. None
DE 72 (Data Record)
Notes None
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment in this appendix for more
Expired Payment Guarantee
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Invalid Chargeback
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Second Presentment Condition
The transaction was presented within seven calendar days of the
pre-authorization or authorization approval date, and the pre-
authorization or authorization was not reversed, or
The transaction was a properly identified Maestro contactless
aggregated transit transaction, or
The issuer has not permanently closed the account.
Supporting Documents None
Notes If the transaction authorization was identified as a pre-authorization,
use PREAUTH. If the transaction authorization was not identified as
a pre-authorization, use AUTH. Replace MMDDYY with the
approval date of the disputed transaction.
This remedy does not apply to Maestro contactless transit
aggregated transit transactions.
Improper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The acquirer is prohibited from using the second presentment when the PAN in the
Authorization Request Response/0110 message and in the First Presentment/1240 message
differs, but the acquirer should process a new first presentment.
Proper Use for New Presentments
If the chargeback is valid, the acquirer should process the transaction as a First Presentment/
1240 message with the correct PAN. The new presentment must be processed within thirty
days of the Central Site Business Date of the first chargeback for the acquirer to be protected
from a chargeback under message reason code 4880—Late Presentment.
Intra-European and Inter-European Message Reason Code 4831—Disputed Amount
The following sections describe the proper use of message reason code 4831.
Proper Use of Intra-European and Inter-European Message Reason Code 4831
This message reason code applies to the following transactions.
Point of Sale (POS)
MO/TO (where permitted)
The issuer may use this message reason code as follows:
The cardholder’s account has been debited for an amount that is higher than the original
purchase amount.
The cardholder paid an improper merchant surcharge (intra-European and inter-European
transactions only).
Unreasonable Amount (Intra-European Economic Area [EEA] transactions only). Issuers in
EEA countries may use this message reason code if the cardholder alleges that the amount
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
of an authorized transaction for the purchase of goods or services was unreasonable, and
all of the following conditions are met:
The exact transaction amount was not specified at the time the cardholder engaged in
the transaction, and
The transaction amount exceeded what the cardholder could reasonably have expected,
taking into account the cardholder’s previous spending pattern, the conditions of the
cardholder agreement and the relevant circumstances of the case.
The cardholder paid for goods or services by other means (for example, with a different
card or via bank transfer).
The chargeback must be accompanied by a cardholder letter, electronic message, or
completed Dispute Resolution Form identifying the disputed transaction and describing the
circumstances of the dispute.
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback
Billing Discrepancies. The issuer must provide a copy of the cardholder’s transaction receipt
or similar evidence and a copy of the cardholder’s written complaint.
Payment by Other Means. The issuer must provide documentation to establish alternate
payment to the merchant. Examples of such documentation include:
Proof of payment by check or bank transfer
For a payment in cash, a cash receipt
For a payment made using the same Maestro card, the transaction detail (for example,
transaction amount and either ARD or switch serial number)
For a payment made using a different Maestro card or another card, a card statement or
transaction details; a TID showing the card details is also acceptable.
For payment to a third party (such as a travel agent) to purchase a voucher or the like
representing payment to the merchant, the issuer must provide a cardholder letter, electronic
message, or completed Dispute Resolution Form stating that the voucher was accepted by the
merchant and documentation to prove that the same goods or services debited to the
cardholder’s account were covered by the voucher. Examples of such documentation include a
copy of the voucher, the itinerary prepared by the third party listing the goods and services
paid for, or a receipt of payment.
Alternate Payment via Travel Vouchers. A cardholder may claim that payment was made
using a travel voucher or similar instrument purchased from a travel agent. Upon accepting
the travel voucher, the merchant must not process a subsequent charge for the same goods or
services, even if the travel agent fails to pay the merchant.
The issuer may consider using message reason code 4855 against the acquirer of the travel
agent if the cardholder paid for the travel voucher using a Maestro card, and the travel agent
did not pay the merchant. The 120-day time frame is calculated from the date of the second
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Billing Discrepancies and Payment by Other Means
Time Frame 120 Calendar Days
Supporting Documents
Cardholder letter, electronic message, or completed Dispute Resolution
Form indicating that:
1. the amount billed was incorrect, and provide a copy of the TID or
other documentation to confirm the actual amount of the
transaction as agreed to by the cardholder
2. an unreasonable amount was charged.
3. the same goods or services debited to the cardholder’s account
were paid for in some other manner, and provide documentation
showing that payment was made by an alternate payment method.
DE 72 (Data Record)
1. None
3. None
For unreasonable amount disputes and Paid by Other Means, the
chargeback may be for the full amount. For billing discrepancies, only
the difference in amount may be charged back of the transaction.
Improper Merchant Surcharge (intra-European and inter-European transactions only)
Chargeback Condition An improper merchant surcharge was applied to the total transaction
Time Frame One of the following:
120 calendar days from the Central Site Business Date
120 calendar days from the delivery date of the goods or services
Message Reason Code SURCHARGE
Supporting Documents One of the following:
A copy of the cardholder’s receipt or invoice showing the improper
A cardholder letter, email message or completed Dispute Resolution
Form—Point-of-Interaction (POI) Errors (Form 1240) describing the
cardholder’s complaint in sufficient detail to enable all parties to
understand the dispute.
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
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Notes Only the amount reflecting the improper surcharge may be charged
back. The total transaction amount must not be charged back.
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The condition shown below represent valid options that the acquirer may choose to process a
second presentment for message reason code 4831.
Chargeback Remedied
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Chargeback Remedied
Second Presentment Condition
1. The acquirer can show that the transaction was correctly
2. For unreasonable amount disputes, the merchant can show that
the cardholder agreed to an amount range as reasonable, and
the transaction amount did not exceed this amount range.
3. For payment by other means disputes, the merchant provides
an explanation that substantiates the validity of the transaction
Supporting Documents
1. Evidence that the transaction was correctly processed.
2. For unreasonable amount disputes, documentation showing
that the cardholder agreed to an amount range as reasonable
and that the transaction did not exceed this amount range; for
An itemized price list signed by the cardholder, and an
itemized transaction receipt showing the transaction amount
was calculated on the basis of this price list; or
The cardholder’s written agreement to a recurring payment
arrangement with the merchant in which a maximum
amount for each payment was specified.
3. For payment by other means disputes, an appropriate
merchant explanation and documentation showing two
separate transactions.
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Improper Merchant Surcharge (Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions Only)
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer can provide specific evidence of proper processing in
response to the cardholder’s claims.
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Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
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Time Frame Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
IPM Second Presentment
Message Reason Code
2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied)
Supporting Documents The merchant’s explanation and documentation.
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes Only the amount reflecting the improper surcharge may be charged
back. The total transaction amount must not be charged back.
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment in this appendix for more
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4834—Duplicate Processing of Transaction
The following sections describe the proper use of message reason code 4834.
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4834
The issuer or the cardholder determines that a transaction has been submitted in duplicate.
A transaction is considered a duplication if the terminal ID, the transaction amount in the
original currency, the date, and the time of the transaction are the same.
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback
The condition shown below represents a valid option that the issuer may choose to process a
first chargeback for message reason code 4834.
Time Frame 120 days
Retrieval Request No
Supporting Documents None
Issuer must provide the Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) of the first
transaction in DE 72.
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The conditions shown below represent valid options that the acquirer may choose to process a
second presentment for message reason code 4834.
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment in this appendix for more
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Transaction Authorized
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Transaction authorized
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer can substantiate that both transactions are valid and
were authorized by PIN. The authorization date and code of both
transactions must be entered in DE 72 (Data Record).
Supporting Documents None
Notes None
Credit Previously Issued
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Credit previously issued
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer can show that a credit was issued. The central site
processing date of the credit or reversal must be provided.
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Record) Credit MMDDYY (and optionally the Acquirer Reference Data (ARD))
Notes None
Chargeback Remedied
IPM Second Presentment
Message Reason Code
Chargeback remedied
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer provides two separate TIDs indicating two valid
Supporting Documents Two separate TIDs indicating two valid transactions.
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes None
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Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
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Invalid Data Record
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Invalid Data Record Text
Second Presentment Condition The chargeback is invalid because the issuer failed to provide the
original ARD in DE 72 (Data Record).
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment in this appendix for more
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4837—No Cardholder Authorization
The following sections describe the proper use of message reason code 4837.
Neither the length of time between authorization approval and transaction presentment, nor
the partial or full reversal of an approved authorization, have any effect upon the protection
that an authentication occurring during authorization provides against fraud-related
chargebacks (for example, Mastercard SecureCode authentication, chip validation, and/or PIN
Masterpass Transactions
To support the growth of Masterpass-initiated payments in selected countries in Central and
Eastern Europe (European countries listed in the table Countries where the Masterpass Liability
Shift applies and their respective Static AAVs), Masterpass supports a liability shift that does
not require the use of SecureCode authentication.
This Masterpass liability shift may be optionally applied to transactions involving a Maestro
branded card account when the transaction is initiated by a Masterpass Wallet. This
Masterpass liability shift may only be applied when all conditions and all operational and
coding requirements listed in the Masterpass Transactions section in 3.4 Mastercard
SecureCode and Universal Cardholder Authentication Field (UCAF) Liability Shift Program are
adhered to.
Maestro issuers in the countries concerned must support the coding possibilities mentioned in
the operational and coding requirements listed in the section referred to above and must treat
such transactions—when correctly coded—as if they had been successfully authenticated
using SecureCode. More specifically, the issuer will be liable for fraudulent transactions and
will not be allowed to chargeback these transactions under chargeback messages reason code
4837—No Cardholder Authorization.
As an exception to the selective authorization rule in the Mastercard Rules, issuers may
systematically decline authorization requests containing one of the static AAVs listed in
Countries where the Masterpass Liability Shift applies and their respective Static AAVs in the
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
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section referred to above when such authorization requests do not contain a properly coded
Masterpass Wallet Identifier or when the Transaction does not meet other relevant conditions
for the proper use of such static AAV.
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4837
This message reason code applies only to Non–PIN-based transactions.
The issuer is informed of a cardholder dispute such as the cardholder states that he or she has
neither participated in nor authorized a transaction. The issuer receives a cardholder dispute
letter, stating that the cardholder has neither participated in nor authorized a transaction.
Issuers may charge back:
All intra-European and inter-European transactions completed using signature as the CVM
at magnetic stripe reading-only POS terminals
Chip POS transactions completed without CVM
Technical Fallback (chip to magnetic stripe) transactions performed without CVM
E-commerce transactions for which the UCAF field (DE 48, subelement 43) of the disputed
transaction contains the organization-assigned static AAV or the merchant site does not
support the passing of UCAF data (DE 48, subelement 42, subfield 3 equals zero or is
Mobile remote payment transactions for which the Remote Payments Program Type value
of 2 (Acquirer Domain) was present in Data Element 48, subelement 48, subfield 1 (Mobile
Program Indicators), and
Maestro contactless transactions that exceed the applicable contactless CVM limit without
successful online PIN verification or on-device cardholder verification
Parking garage and tollway transactions completed without CVM
Improper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4837
This chargeback may not be used in the following situations.
A Digital Secure Remote Payment (DSRP) transaction identified in authorization with a
value of 2 in DE 48, subelement 42 (Electronic Commerce Indicators), subfield 1 (Electronic
Commerce Security Level Indicator and UCAF Collection Indicator), position 3 (UCAF
Collection Indicator).
Any subsequent transaction related to the original DSRP transaction (as defined in the
preceding paragraph), such as a partial shipment or recurring payment.
Refer to Appendix F for Digital Secure Remote Payment transaction identification
When the transaction was completed at an EMV terminal which was properly identified in
the authorization and the clearing record, except for fraudulent parking garage and tollway
transactions completed without CVM.
For contactless transactions completed with successful PIN verification.
If the issuer approved the transaction after submitting two or more chargebacks involving
the same Maestro card account (for this purpose, “account” means primary account
number [PAN], or PAN and expiration date) for message reason code 4837 or 4870.
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The issuer submitted more than 15 chargebacks involving the same account (as defined
above) for message reason code 4837 or 4870.
The issuer is currently listed in a Mastercard Announcement as limited to seven
chargebacks for reason code 4837 or 4870 involving the same account (as defined above),
and the issuer has already met or exceeded this amount for the account in question.
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback
The issuer must supply the cardholder letter, electronic message, or completed Dispute
Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 0412) as supporting documentation. When using the Dispute
Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 0412), the Maestro card account must be closed and the
transaction must have been be reported to SAFE (System to Avoid Fraud Effectively).
All fraudulent transactions must be reported to SAFE.
Where a chargeback is being raised as a result of multiple fraudulent mobile phone
prepayment transactions performed with the same card, the issuer may combine the
transactions in question into a single First Chargeback/1442 message, providing supporting
documentation including a schedule showing dates and amounts of each transaction.
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The conditions shown below represent valid options that the acquirer may choose to process a
second presentment for message reason code 4837.
Previous Fraud-related Chargebacks on the Account. The Fraud Notification Service (FNS)
alerts the acquirer in the event that the issuer has submitted two or more chargebacks
involving the same account for reason code 4837 or 4870. FNS places the date on which the
issuer submitted the second such fraud-related chargeback in PDS 0200 (FNS—Fraud
Notification \ of the First Chargeback/1442 message. If PDS 0200 is present and contains a
date value that is earlier than the authorization approval date of the disputed transaction, the
acquirer may process a second presentment.
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment in this appendix for more
Issuer Listed in a Mastercard Announcement
IPM Second Presentment
Message Reason Code
Invalid Chargeback
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer can show that on the chargeback date, the issuer was
listed in a Mastercard Announcement as limited to seven
chargebacks for reason code 70 or 74 involving the same Maestro
card account, and the transaction charged back contains an FNS
counter value that is greater than seven (a value or eight or more).
Supporting Documents None
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Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Notes Replace NNNN with the applicable Mastercard Announcement
Transaction Authorized
IPM Second Presentment
Message Reason Code
Transaction authorized
Second Presentment Condition
The acquirer can substantiate that the transaction was verified by PIN
and approved either:
1. Online by the issuer
2. Offline by the chip
Supporting Documents
1. None
2. None
DE 72 (Data Record)
Notes None
Chargeback Remedied
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Chargeback remedied
Second Presentment Condition The authorization record and the clearing record identified the POS
terminal as being hybrid.
Supporting Documents None.
DE 72 (Data Record) Hybrid POI MMDDYY NNNNNN
Notes None
Invalid Chargeback
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Invalid Chargeback
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Second Presentment Condition The chargeback did not meet the requirements as stipulated under
section Intra-European Message Reason code 4837—No Cardholder
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Two or More Previous Fraud-related Chargebacks
IPM Second Presentment
Message Reason Code
Invalid Chargeback
Second Presentment Condition
The issuer previously charged back two or more transactions
involving the same Maestro card account before the authorization
approval date of the disputed transaction for message reason code
4837 or 4870.
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Record)
One of the following:
1. FNS
The following applies to the use of DE 72 (Data Record):
1. Use FNS when the authorization approval date of the disputed
transaction is later than the date value provided by the Fraud
Notification Service in PDS 0200 of the First Chargeback/1442
2. Use NN MMDDYY for a previous chargeback by replacing NN
with the last two digits of the message reason code and
MMDDYY with the Central Site Business Date. For AUTH
MMDDYY, replace MMDDYY with the authorization approval
date of the disputed transaction.
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment in this appendix for more
Improper Use for Acquirer's Second Presentment
Second presentments are not permitted for the following.
Fraudulent parking garage and tollway transactions completed without CVM
Fraudulent chip POS transactions completed without CVM or
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Non–PIN-based fraudulent transactions at terminals capable only of reading the magnetic
stripe. In this situation, the acquirer is held responsible even though a waiver may have
been granted.
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4841—Canceled Recurring or Digital Goods
The following sections describe the proper use of message reason code 4841.
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4841
This message reason code applies only to recurring payment transactions for which the UCAF
field (DE 48, subelement 43) of the disputed transaction contains the Organization-assigned
static AAV.
The issuer uses this message reason code if the merchant continued to bill a cardholder for a
recurring transaction after:
Receiving notification of cancellation from the cardholder or issuer, or
The issuer listed the cardholder’s account information on the Payment Cancellation Service
(PCS), or
The cardholder was unaware of entering into a recurring transaction.
Confirm that the Transaction is a Recurring Transaction. This chargeback may be used if
the issuer believes the transaction is a recurring transaction, although a value of 4 (Cardholder
not present [standing order/recurring transaction]) is not present in DE 22 (Point of Service
Data Code), subfield 5 (Cardholder Present Data).
A recurring transaction allows for continuous billing without a specified end date. The
disputed transaction must be a recurring transaction and not installment billing.
Installment transactions involve a finite number of periodic payments with a specified end
Examples of recurring and installment payments include the following.
A cardholder contracted to pay EUR 250 on a monthly basis for three years for an
automobile. This transaction is an installment transaction because an end date is specified.
A cardholder contracted to pay EUR 25 on a monthly basis for membership in a health
club. The contract specified that either the cardholder or the health club could cancel the
contract with 30 days’ notice. This transaction would qualify as a recurring transaction
because an end date is not specified.
A cardholder enrolls in automatic bill payment with his or her utility provider, whereby the
cardholder enters into an agreement specifying that payments for utility services will be
billed to his or her card on a monthly basis. The agreement states that the cardholder could
cancel the automatic bill payments with two weeks’ notice. This transaction would qualify
as a recurring transaction because an end date is not specified.
Issuer May Cancel Recurring Billing. The issuer can charge back a transaction under
message reason code 4841 if it notified the merchant or acquirer before the transaction date
to cancel the billing on the cardholder’s behalf.
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Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
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Digital Goods Purchases of EUR 25 or Less. Digital goods are goods that are stored,
delivered, and used in electronic format, such as, by way of example but not limitation, books,
newspapers, magazines, music, games, game pieces, and software (excludes gift cards). The
delivery of digital goods purchased in a transaction may occur on a one-time or subscription
basis. An issuer may use message reason code 4841 to charge back an e-commerce
transaction less than or equal to EUR 25 (or the local currency equivalent) for the purchase of
digital goods, provided the issuer determines that the merchant did not offer the cardholder
the following purchase controls:
The option, enabled as a default setting, for the cardholder to disable all digital goods
The time period during which a digital goods purchase can be made on the cardholder’s
account with the merchant (the “account open” period) must not exceed 15 minutes from
the time at which the cardholder enters account authentication credentials; and
Functionality that allows the cardholder to confirm or to cancel the clearly displayed total
transaction amount of each pending digital goods purchase before completion of the
Before initiating a chargeback, the issuer must educate the cardholder on the use of purchase
control settings and challenge the cardholder regarding the purchase control settings that the
cardholder selected, if made available by the merchant.
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback
The following conditions represent valid options that the issuer can use to process a first
chargeback for message reason code 4841.
Recurring Transaction Canceled Before Billing
Time Frame 120 calendar days
Retrieval Request No
Supporting Documents Cardholder letter, electronic message, or completed Dispute Resolution
Form stating that the merchant was notified of the cancellation before
the billing of the disputed transaction
DE 72 (Data Records)
Only for multiple transactions charged back using a single chargeback
If multiple transactions are being charged back, include a list of the
individual items in the batch (ARD and amounts). The batch option is
available only when the PAN, merchant name, and its acquirer are the
same within the batch. Replace NNN with the number of items being
charged back.
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Account Listed in Payment Cancellation Service (PCS)
Time Frame 120 calendar days
Retrieval Request No
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Records) RPCS MMDDYY
Note Replace MMDDYY with the date the account number was listed in the
Payment Cancellation Service (PCS).
Cardholder Dispute of a Recurring Transaction
A recurring transaction allows for continuous billing without a specified end date.
Chargeback Condition. The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming one of the following:
The cardholder notified the merchant to cancel the recurring transaction and the merchant
continued to bill the cardholder.
The cardholder was not aware that the cardholder was agreeing to a recurring transaction.
Time Frame. Within 120 calendar days of the transaction settlement date.
Message Reason Code. One of the following:
4853 (Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions
53 (Cardholder Dispute—Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed
on the Single Message System
The following message reason codes may continue to be used, however, they will eventually be
4841 (Canceled Recurring or Digital Goods Transactions) for Dual Message System transactions
41 (Canceled Recurring Transaction) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single
Message System
Supporting Documents. A cardholder letter, email, message, or completed Dispute Resolution Form
—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) describing the cardholder’s complaint in sufficient
detail to enable all parties to understand the dispute.
In addition for batched chargebacks, a list of the ARDs and the amount of each disputed transaction.
Required for batched chargebacks as described below in Notes. The issuer must replace NNN with the
number of items being charged back.
Data record optional for all other chargebacks.
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Proper Disclosure of Terms and Conditions
Terms and conditions for recurring transactions must be clearly detailed to the cardholder. Recurring
transaction terms and conditions must be separate and distinct from general terms and conditions of
Batching MCC 4816 or 5967 Transactions
Multiple disputed transactions may be combined into one chargeback message, this is called batching.
The batching option is only available when the PAN, merchant name and acquirer are the same for all
of the disputed transactions being included in the batch.
All of the disputed transactions must be encoded with either MCC 4816 or 5967
Each individual dispute transaction included in the batch must be within the chargeback time frame.
The chargeback must be processed using an ARD from one of the disputed transaction included the
The chargeback must be processed for the total amount of all the disputed transactions included in
the batch.
The issuer must include:
A list of the disputed transactions, including the Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) and amount of
each disputed transaction.
The following text in DE 72: MULTIPLE TRANSACTIONS NNN
The issuer must replace NNN with the number of items being charged back.
Digital Goods
Chargeback Condition All of the following:
Digital goods were purchased in an e-commerce transaction that was
less than or equal to EUR 25 (or local currency equivalent)
The merchant did not offer the cardholder purchase control settings.
The cardholder’s account is not closed and is in good standing with
no associated fraudulent transactions
Time Frame 120 calendar days
Retrieval Request No
Supporting Documents None
If multiple transactions are being charged back, include a list of the
individual items in the batch (ARDs and amounts). The batch option is
only available when the merchant name and its acquirer are the same
within the batch. The total amount of all items in the batch must not
exceed EUR 250.
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1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
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DE 72 (Data Record)
For multiple transactions charged back using a single chargeback record:
Replace NNN with the number of items being charged back.
Subsequent Message Reason Code 4841 Chargeback
Time Frame 120 calendar days
Retrieval Request No
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Records)
The issuer can process any subsequent chargeback for this message
reason code with the required DE 72 (Data Record) text.
Replace MMDDYY with the date of the chargeback 4841 containing
Replace Xs with the Acquirer Reference Data (ARD) of the previous
message reason code 4841 chargeback containing documentation.
Proper Use for Acquirer's Second Presentment
The conditions shown below represent valid options that the acquirer may choose to process a
second presentment for message reason code 4841.
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment in this appendix for more
Recurring Transactions
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
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Second Presentment Condition
The acquirer can substantiate one of the following:
The transaction was not a recurring transaction. For example, the
merchant bills the cardholder in installments.
The transaction was recurring and the cardholder failed to meet
the cancellation terms of the signed contract.
The merchant can document that services are being provided to
and used by the cardholder after the cancellation date.
The merchant can document that proper disclosure of entering
into the recurring transaction was provided to and accepted by
the cardholder.
Supporting Documents Documentation to support that the chargeback is remedied or
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes None
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment in this appendix for more
Digital Goods
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied
Second Presentment Condition
The acquirer can substantiate that the merchant offered purchase
controls at the time of the transaction or transactions (in the case of
multiple transactions charged back in a batch)
Supporting Documents Documentation to support that the chargeback is remedied or
invalid (for example, website screen images).
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes None
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Improper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The acquirer must not submit a second presentment if the chargeback indicates that the
cardholder canceled the recurring transaction and the merchant states that it was never
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4846—Currency Errors
The following sections describe the proper and improper use of message reason code 4846.
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4846
An incorrect amount is deducted from the cardholder’s account in the following
The acquirer did not provide the correct transaction currency code (DE 49) for the currency
in which the transaction was completed.
The transaction amount is provided in a different currency for information purposes, and
this currency is incorrectly processed as the transaction currency.
POI currency conversion disputes:
The cardholder states that he or she was not given the opportunity to choose the
desired currency in which the transaction was completed or did not agree to the
currency of the transaction; or
POI currency conversion took place into a currency that is not the cardholder’s billing
currency; or
POI currency conversion took place when the goods/services were priced in the
cardholder’s billing currency; or
POI currency conversion took place when the cash was dispensed in the cardholder’s
billing currency.
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback
The conditions below represent valid options that the issuer may choose to process a first
chargeback for message reason code 4846.
Incorrect Currency Transmitted
Time Frame 120 calendar days
Retrieval Request No
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes The acquirer transmitted the incorrect currency code. The chargeback
must be for the full amount of the transaction.
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POI Currency Conversion
Time Frame 120 calendar days
Retrieval Request No
Supporting Documents Cardholder letter, electronic message, or completed Dispute Resolution
Notes The cardholder was not given the opportunity to choose the currency or
did not agree to the currency. The chargeback must be for the full
amount of the transaction.
Currency Conversion—Incorrect Cardholder Currency
Time Frame 120 calendar days
Retrieval Request No
Supporting Documents
To document the currency and amount billed to the cardholder, supply
one of the following:
The cardholder’s billing statement, or
The issuer’s internal transaction record.
This chargeback option may be used for transactions for the following
types of disputes involving POI currency conversion:
The transaction was converted into a currency that is not the
cardholder’s billing currency, or
The cardholder billing currency is the same as the currency in which
the good/services are priced, or
The cash was dispensed in the cardholder’s billing currency
The chargeback may be for a partial amount representing the amount
resulting from the double conversion, excluding any amount related to
the issuer’s conversion of the transaction.
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Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The conditions shown below represent valid options that the acquirer may choose to process a
second presentment for message reason code 4846.
Chargeback Remedied
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback remedied
Second Presentment Condition
The acquirer determines that the correct transaction amount and
currency code were provided.
In a dual currency environment, the merchant specified a currency
indicator on the TID.
Supporting Documents Documentation proving the correct currency was provided or
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes This remedy is not applicable for POI currency conversion disputes.
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment in this appendix for more
Improper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The acquirer is prohibited from using the second presentment to argue the validity of the
cardholder’s claim regarding the selection of or non-agreement to the currency.
The contents of the transaction receipt are considered only in determining whether POI
currency conversion has occurred on a transaction. They neither prove nor disprove the
cardholder’s agreement to the conversion.
Proper Use for New Presentments
If the chargeback is valid and if the full amount was charged back, the acquirer should process
the transaction as a First Presentment/1240 message in the currency in which goods/services
were priced or in the currency that was dispensed.
The new presentment must be processed within thirty days of the Central Site Business Date
of the first chargeback for the acquirer to be protected from a chargeback under message
reason code 4880—Late Presentment.
When converting the new transaction to the cardholder’s billing currency, the issuer should
apply the conversion rate that was in effect on the date of the original transaction.
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Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
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Intra-European Message Reason Code 4855—Goods or Services Not Provided
The following sections describe the proper and improper use of message reason code 4855.
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4855
This message reason code applies only to the following transactions.
MO/TO (where permitted)
The cardholder’s account has been debited, but the goods or services that were to be shipped,
delivered, or otherwise provided by the expected delivery date were not received.
The cardholder letter, electronic message, or completed Dispute Resolution Form must detail
the goods/services that the cardholder expected to receive or that the merchant represented
to have given, and this letter must accompany the chargeback.
The issuer must wait until the specified delivery date has passed before charging back. If no
delivery date is specified, the issuer must wait 30 calendar days after the transaction date
before charging back. The 120-day chargeback time frame is calculated from the latest
anticipated date that the goods or services were to be provided. If no such date is provided,
the chargeback must be processed within 120 days of the Central Site Processing date.
The issuer may charge back the transaction before the specified delivery date if it is
established that the merchant will not provide the goods or services because, for example, it is
no longer in business.
The conditions shown below represent valid options to process a first chargeback for message
reason code 4855—Failed Travel Merchant (Intra-EEA and Domestic European Transactions
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Failed Travel Merchant—Intra-EEA and Domestic European Transactions Only
Chargeback Conditions. For Intra-EEA and domestic European Transactions, when the Cardholder
contacted the Issuer claiming a travel service has not, or will not, be provided, and when the merchant
is seeking protection from creditors, insolvent, bankrupt or in liquidation, at least one of the following
conditions must be met:
1. The travel service was covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local law,
and one of the following:
The Cardholder (or traveler) requested reimbursement from the bonding authority or similar
scheme and did not receive it, or the claim was declined.
For Swedish Domestic Transactions: no additional requirement. The Cardholder (or traveler) is
not obligated to request reimbursement from a bonding authority or similar scheme prior to
the Issuer raising a chargeback.
The Cardholder (or traveler) does not need to request reimbursement from the bonding authority
or similar scheme if the Merchant, bonding authority or similar scheme publicly states that the
bond is insufficient prior to the chargeback.
2. The travel service was not covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local
law, or neither the Issuer nor Cardholder after reasonable effort can determine whether the travel
service was covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local law.
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Failed Travel Merchant—Intra-EEA and Domestic European Transactions Only
Time Frame.
1. Maximum 150 calendar days from the latest expected service date, whether the bonding
authority or similar scheme responded or not. The Issuer must wait at least 30 calendar days from
the date the request was sent prior to processing a chargeback, unless a negative response was
received, in which case, the chargeback may be processed upon receipt of the negative reply.
The following exceptions apply:
For German Domestic Transactions: Maximum 240 calendar days from the latest expected service
date, whether the bonding authority or similar scheme responded or not. The Issuer must wait at
least 60 calendar days from the date the request was sent prior to processing a chargeback,
unless a negative response was received, in which case, the chargeback may be processed upon
receipt of the negative reply.
For Polish Domestic Transactions: Maximum 540 calendar days from the Central Site Business
Date, whether the bonding authority or similar scheme responded or not. The Issuer must wait at
least 60 calendar days from the date the request was sent prior to processing a chargeback,
unless a negative response was received, in which case, the chargeback may be processed upon
receipt of the negative reply.
For Swedish Domestic Transactions: Maximum 120 calendar days from the latest expected service
2. Maximum 120 calendar days from the latest expected service date.
In all cases, the Issuer does not have to wait for the latest expected service date before processing
the chargeback. A chargeback may be processed immediately upon learning the travel services
will not be provided to the Cardholder (or traveler). The Issuer is still obligated to meet all other
applicable chargeback requirements, such as making a request for reimbursement from the
bonding authority or similar scheme.
Message Reason Code.4855 (Goods or Services Not Provided) for Dual Message System
Supporting Documents.Cardholder email, letter, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form—
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) must include all of the following:
A description of the Cardholder’s complaint in sufficient detail to enable all parties to understand
the dispute.
A reasonably specific description of the travel services purchased. For example, for flights: relevant
airlines, flight numbers, origin/destination details, dates/times, passenger names, ticket/
confirmation numbers, and so on.
If Chargeback Condition 1 is applicable (except Swedish Domestic Transactions): evidence of the
bonding authority or similar scheme’s response to the Cardholder’s (or traveler’s) claim, or proof of
bond insufficiency. If the Cardholder (or traveler) requested reimbursement and did not receive a
response, then a copy of the request for reimbursement. A detailed Cardholder (or traveler)
explanation is permitted if such documentation is not available.
DE 72 (Data Record). None.
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Failed Travel Merchant—Intra-EEA and Domestic European Transactions Only
Notes.When the transaction is neither Intra-EEA nor domestic European, Customers should always
refer to the applicable scenario, namely Intra-European Message Reason Code 4855—Goods or
Services Not Provided or Interregional Message Reason Code 4855—Goods or Services Not Delivered.
Bonding authority requirements do not apply to such chargebacks.
If partial travel services have already been provided, the chargeback amount should be prorated to
reflect only the travel services not provided. If the Cardholder (or traveler) has received partial
reimbursement from a bonding authority or similar scheme, the chargeback should also be prorated
to reflect the reimbursement.
If the Acquirer provides specific evidence of bond coverage in a second presentment, the Issuer must
instruct the Cardholder (or traveler) to request reimbursement prior to arbitration case filing. The
arbitration case filing is permitted if the reimbursement claim is declined or there is no reimbursement
after 30 calendar days from the date the request was sent. The reimbursement claim does not extend
the arbitration case filing timeframe, so the Issuer should make a good-faith effort to determine bond
coverage prior to the initial chargeback.
For the avoidance of doubt, Mastercard does not consider the following the equivalent of a bonding
authority or similar scheme:
1. Reimbursement that an Issuer is legally required to provide to their Cardholder
2. A Cardholder’s (or traveler’s) personal or corporate travel insurance policy, and/or
3. Legally required compensation already paid or due to the Cardholder (or traveler) by the Merchant
that is separate from the purchase price.
This list is not exhaustive.
If the travel service was paid for by a travel agency or tour operator as the Cardholder, a Cardholder
(or traveler) request for reimbursement from a bonding authority or similar scheme is still required if a
bond exists.
Improper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback
This chargeback does not cover situations where the goods or services provided by the
merchant do not meet the cardholder’s expectations.
Staged Digital Wallet. A transaction to fund a Staged Digital Wallet may be charged back if
the funds did not appear in the Staged Digital Wallet. Chargeback rights are not available for
any subsequent purchase of goods or service from a Staged Digital Wallet. Staged Digital
Wallet transactions are identified with a wallet identifier in DE 48 (Additional Data—Private
Use), subelement 26 (Wallet Program Data) Subfield 1—Wallet Identifier and in PDS 0207—
Wallet Identifier of the First Presentment/1240 Message.
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The condition shown below represents a valid option that the acquirer may choose to process
a second presentment for message reason code 4855.
Possible Acquirer Remedies. The acquirer can refute the chargeback if it shows proof that:
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
The cardholder or a person that the cardholder authorized received the goods or services;
The merchant attempted to provide the goods or services but the cardholder refused them;
At the time of the transaction, or thereafter by agreement between the merchant and the
cardholder, the merchant agreed to provide the goods or services after the date the
cardholder alleges the goods or services were to be provided.
Chargeback Remedied
IPM Second Presentment
Message Reason Code
Chargeback remedied
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer can show that the goods or services were provided.
Supporting Documents Documentation showing that goods or services were received by the
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment in this appendix for more
Failed Travel Merchant Dispute—Intra-EEA and Domestic European Transactions Only
Second Presentment Condition. The Acquirer can provide evidence in response to the Cardholder’s
Time Frame. Within 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date.
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code. 2700 (See Corresponding Documentation/
Chargeback Remedied).
Supporting Documents. One of the following:
Proof that the Cardholder (or traveler) received reimbursement from the merchant, a bonding
authority or similar scheme according to local law.
The Merchant’s explanation and documentation showing that the travel services paid for will be
provided or were available to the Cardholder (or traveler).
The Merchant’s explanation and documentation, specifically evidence that the travel services paid
for are covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local law and that the
Cardholder (or traveler) has recourse to collect reimbursement. Instructions on how to request
reimbursement must be provided. An Acquirer statement that a bonding authority or similar
scheme exists is not sufficient by itself. This remedy is not applicable to Swedish Domestic
DE 72 (Data Record). None.
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Notes. A Merchant or Acquirer statement that the Cardholder never contacted the bonding authority
or similar scheme to request reimbursement is not a valid basis for a second presentment.
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4860—Credit Not Received
The following sections describe the proper use of message reason code 4860.
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4860
This message reason code applies to POS, e-commerce, and (where permitted) MO/TO
The issuer may use this message reason code when it receives a cardholder letter, electronic
message, or completes a Dispute Resolution Form stating one of the following:
A merchant has not posted a credit to his or her account or that the merchant posted a
credit and reduced the amount of the credit due without proper disclosure.
A merchant accepts a cancellation of merchandise that was to be picked up at a merchant
location and the cardholder did not take possession of the merchandise
A merchant failed to provide a full credit refund for a time-share transaction or any similar
provision of services after the cardholder canceled the agreement within 90 calendar days
of the transaction date.
A cardholder account has been inaccurately posted with a debit instead of a credit as a
result of an incorrect transaction code or keying error. For example, the merchant posted a
credit as a retail sale.
The issuer can submit a chargeback without a cardholder letter if the cardholder provides one
of the following:
A credit receipt, credit advice issued by the merchant or its agent, or a TID voided by the
merchant. The documents must show an account number, an amount to be credited, and
a date.
A merchant advisement (with or without an account number, date, or amount to be
credited) that instructs the issuer to charge back the transaction, if it is accompanied by
documentation showing the credit due.
If the credit receipt or merchant advisement is dated, the 120-day chargeback period begins
on the day the credit was issued or on the date that the goods were returned or the services
were canceled. If the merchant provided the cardholder with a dated receipt or credit advice
but did not post a credit to the cardholder’s account, the issuer must wait 15 calendar days
from the date of the credit receipt before charging back the transaction. If the cardholder did
not receive a credit receipt or credit from the merchant, the issuer must wait 30 calendar days
from the date of the merchandise return date or cancellation date before charging back the
For canceled timeshare transactions, the issuer must wait 15 days from the date of
cancellation before charging back the transaction.
If the credit receipt or merchant advisement is undated, the 30-day waiting period is waived,
and the 120-day time frame will be calculated from the date of the cardholder letter.
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
The cardholder letter, electronic message, or completed Dispute Resolution Form must include
one of the following statements:
The merchant accepted the returned merchandise or the cancellation of services, and it
failed to issue a credit, partial credit, or in-store credit.
The merchant issued a credit but withheld funds without proper disclosure.
The merchant issued an in-store credit that was not properly disclosed at the time of the
sale. A copy of the in-store credit must accompany the chargeback.
The issuer can immediately charge back the transaction if it receives one of the following:
A letter from the merchant advising the issuer to obtain credit using a chargeback
Proof of an improperly disclosed in-store credit
A TID voided by the merchant
Improper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4860
If the cardholder knows that the merchant refused to issue credit or accept merchandise for
return or the cancellation of services, this chargeback would not be applicable.
Staged Digital Wallet. A transaction to fund a Staged Digital Wallet may be charged back if
the funds did not appear in the Staged Digital Wallet. Chargeback rights are not available for
any subsequent purchase of goods or service from a Staged Digital Wallet. Staged Digital
Wallet transactions are identified with a wallet identifier in DE 48 (Additional Data—Private
Use), subelement 26 (Wallet Program Data) Subfield 1—Wallet Identifier and in PDS 0207—
Wallet Identifier of the First Presentment/1240 Message.
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback
The conditions shown below represent valid options to process a first chargeback for message
reason code 4860.
Credit Not Processed
Time Frame 120 calendar days
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Supporting Documents
A cardholder letter, electronic message, or completed Dispute Resolution
Form is required if any of the following:
The credit voucher, advisement, or advice is undated, or does not have
an account number or an amount to be credited.
The cardholder never received a credit, or a properly disclosed in-store
credit, and the merchant accepted returned merchandise or canceled
The merchant issued a partial or improper credit
A cardholder letter, electronic message, or completed Dispute Resolution
Form is not required if the documentation includes one of the following:
A credit slip
Credit advice
TID voided by the merchant
Merchant letter advisement to obtain credit from the issuer via
Copy of an improperly disclosed in-store credit
The issuer must supply the 23-digit ARD for the credit transaction in DE 72
(Data Record), if the merchant issued an improperly disclosed partial credit
to the cardholder.
DE 72 (Data Record)
For improper partial credit only:
Replace NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN with the Acquirer Reference
Data (ARD) for the credit transaction.
Merchants are not obliged to accept returned merchandise or the
cancellation of services based on a cardholder whim or for “buyer’s
remorse.” For example, the cardholder changed his or her mind and there
is nothing wrong with the merchandise.
If a merchant accepts the return of goods or the cancellation of services,
the merchant must issue a credit to the cardholder’s account, unless the
merchant properly disclosed at the time of the transaction that other
conditions would apply for a return or cancellation (such as an in-store
credit or exchange only).
Time Frame 120 calendar days
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Supporting Documents
A cardholder letter, electronic message, or completed Dispute Resolution
Form stating that he or she engaged in a transaction for a timeshare or any
similar provision of services and canceled the agreement within 90 calendar
days of the agreement date.
DE 72 (Data Record)
An acquirer in the Europe region must ensure that a time-share merchant
must provide a full credit refund when the conditions below are both met:
The transaction receipt was processed.
The cardholder canceled the transaction within 90 calendar days of the
transaction date.
Credit Posted as a Purchase
Time Frame 120 calendar days
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes The chargeback amount must be twice the original transaction amount to
offset the error.
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The condition shown below represents a valid option that the acquirer may choose to process
a second presentment for message reason code 4860.
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment in this appendix for more
Credit Issued
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Credit issued
Second Presentment Condition The issuer can show that a credit or a reversal was processed.
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Record) Credit MMDDYY (and, optionally, the Acquirer Reference Data
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Cancellation or Returns
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied
Second Presentment Condition
Any of the following:
The merchant did not give a credit slip or other advisement to
the cardholder.
The merchant denies accepting the cancellation of services or the
return of the merchandise.
The merchant states the merchandise was never returned.
The merchant substantiates that the credit or cancellation policy
was properly disclosed to the cardholder at the point of
Supporting Documents
Merchant rebuttal
For example, the merchant states that the merchandise was never
returned or that the cancellation was not accepted.
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes This condition is not applicable to Timeshare transactions where the
cardholder canceled the contract within 90 calendar days.
Purchase Properly Posted
IPM Second Presentment
Message Reason Code
See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer can substantiate that the merchant correctly processed
the transaction.
Supporting Documents A copy of the TID as proof that the transaction involved a retail sale
rather than a credit
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment in this appendix for more
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Credit Previously Issued—Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
IPM Second Presentment Message Reason Code
Credit previously issued.
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer provides the date that it processed the
Supporting Documents
One of the following:
1. When the credit was processed to the
cardholder’s Maestro account: None
2. When the credit was processed by other means:
compelling evidence showing the credit was
DE 72 (Data Record) One of the following corresponding to the
Supporting Documents:
One of the following corresponding to the
Supporting Documents:
1. Replace MMDDYY with the date the credit was
performed. Optionally, replace
Acquirer Reference Data (ARD).
2. Replace MMDDYY with the date the credit was
performed. Replace XXXXXXXXXXXX with how
the credit was processed. Examples include, but
are not limited to: bank transfer, store credit,
An Inter-European Transaction is defined as: A
Transaction completed using a Card issued in a
country or territory listed in Single European
Payments Area (SEPA) at a Terminal located in a
country or territory listed in Non-Single European
Payments Area. Non-SEPA) or Transaction completed
using a Card issued in a country or territory listed in
Non-Single European Payments Area (Non-SEPA) at a
Terminal located in a country or territory listed in
Single European Payments Area (SEPA).
Reason Code 4860—Arbitration Case Filing
When the credit was processed by other means than a credit to the card used for the original
purchase, the issuer will be allowed to pursue the dispute with an arbitration case filing with a
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
progressive cardholder letter if the cardholder maintains the credit was not processed and the
credit cannot be verified.
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4870—Chip Liability Shift
The following sections describe the proper use of message reason code 4870.
Proper Use for Intra-European Message Reason Code 4870
This message reason code applies only to POS, and PIN-based in-branch terminal transactions.
The issuer receives a cardholder letter, electronic message or completes a Dispute Resolution
Form-Fraud (Form 0412) alleging that the transaction was fraudulent, and the issuer must
provide this documentation. When using the Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 0412) the
Maestro card account must be closed and the transaction must have been be reported to
SAFE (System to Avoid Fraud Effectively).
The fraudulent transaction must be reported to SAFE on or before the date the chargeback is
NOTE: Technical Fallback—When a hybrid card is used at a hybrid terminal and fallback from
chip to magnetic stripe occurs, the transaction must be properly identified with POS entry
mode 80 (DE 22) and authorized online. The cardholder verification method (CVM) must be
PIN, except if the transaction is acquired in a waiver country in which case signature is also a
permitted CVM. If the transaction is not properly identified in the Authorization Request/0100
message and in the First Presentment/1240 message then the issuer may charge the item back
under message reason code 4870.
Improper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4870
The issuer may not use this message reason code when the following occur:
A Digital Secure Remote Payment (DSRP) transaction or any subsequent transaction for a
related partial shipment. Refer to Appendix F for Digital Secure Remote Payment
transaction identification requirements.
The issuer approved the transaction after submitting two or more chargebacks involving
the same Maestro card account (for this purpose, “account” means PAN, or PAN and
expiration date) for reason codes 4837 or 4870.
The issuer submitted more than 15 chargebacks involving the same Maestro card account
(as defined above) for message reason code 4837 or 4870.
The issuer is currently listed in a Mastercard Announcement as limited to seven
chargebacks for reason code 4837 or 4870 involving the same Maestro card account (as
defined above), and the issuer has already met or exceeded this amount for the account in
Properly identified and authorized contactless transactions
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback
For counterfeit fraud and lost, stolen, or never received fraud, the following additional
requirements must be met.
For counterfeit fraud, all of the following additional requirements must be met:
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
The transaction was conducted with a counterfeit card at a magnetic stripe reading-only
terminal, or at a hybrid terminal but DE 55 was not present in the Authorization Request/
0100 message or Financial Transaction Request/0200 message, and the validly-issued card,
if any, was an EMV chip card.
The cardholder letter, electronic message, or completed Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud
(Form 0412) must state that he or she was in possession of the card at the time of the
transaction or the issuer certifies by means of a different document accompanying the
cardholder’s letter that this is a case of counterfeit.
For lost, stolen, or never received fraud all of the following additional requirements must
be met:
The transaction was conducted at a magnetic stripe reading-only POS terminal, or at a
hybrid terminal but DE 55 was not present in the Authorization Request/0100 message or
Financial Transaction Request/0200 message, and the validly-issued card, if any, was an
EMV chip card.
The transaction was conducted without PIN as CVM.
The cardholder letter, electronic message, or completed Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud
(Form 0412) must state that the card was lost, stolen, or never received at the time of the
transaction, or the issuer can otherwise certify by means of a different document
accompanying the cardholder’s letter, electronic message, or completed Dispute Resolution
Form-Fraud (Form 0412) that the card was lost, stolen, or never received at the time of the
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The conditions shown below represent valid options that the acquirer may choose to process a
second presentment for message reason code 4870.
Previous Fraud-related Chargebacks on the Account. The Fraud Notification Service (FNS)
alerts the acquirer in the event that the issuer has submitted two or more chargebacks
involving the same account for reason code 4837 or 4870. FNS places the date on which the
issuer submitted the second such fraud-related chargeback in PDS 0200 (Fraud Notification
Date), subfield 1 (Fraud Notification Service Date) of the First Chargeback/1442 message. If
PDS 0200 is present and contains a date value that is earlier than the authorization approval
date of the disputed transaction, the acquirer may process a second presentment.
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment in this appendix for more
Issuer Listed in a Mastercard Announcement
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Invalid Chargeback
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
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Second Presentment Condition The acquirer can show that on the chargeback date, the issuer was
listed in a Mastercard Announcement as limited to seven
chargebacks for reason code 70 or 74 involving the same Maestro
card account, and the transaction charged back contains an FNS
counter value that is greater than seven (a value or eight or more).
Supporting Documents None
Notes Replace NNNN with the applicable Mastercard Announcement
Invalid Chargeback
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Invalid chargeback
Second Presentment Condition
1. The terminal was a hybrid terminal and the proper CVM was
2. The transaction was not reported to SAFE on or before the
chargeback date
Supporting Documents
1. Evidence that the terminal was properly identified in the
authorization and clearing records as a hybrid terminal and the
proper CVM was used.
2. None
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes None
Transaction Authorized
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Transaction authorized
Second Presentment Condition The transaction was authorized online and did not involve a hybrid
card. The first value in the service code (DE 35 or DE 45) was not 2
or 6 and therefore did not indicate a hybrid card.
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Record) INV SERVICE CODE
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
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Notes None
Two or More Previous Fraud-related Chargebacks
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Invalid chargeback
Second Presentment Condition
The issuer previously charged back two or more transactions
involving the same Maestro card account before the authorization
approval date of the disputed transaction for message reason code
4837 or 4870.
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Record)
One of the following:
1. FNS
The following applies to the use of DE 72 (Data Record):
1. Use FNS when the authorization approval date of the disputed
transaction is later than the date value provided by the Fraud
Notification Service in PDS 0200 of the First Chargeback/1442
2. Use NN MMDDYY for a previous chargeback by replacing NN
with the last two digits of the message reason code and
MMDDYY with the Central Site Business Date. For AUTH
MMDDYY, replace MMDDYY with the authorization approval
date of the disputed transaction.
Other message codes may apply; refer to section Second Presentment Procedures in this
appendix for more details.
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Message Reason Codes for Intra-European and Inter-European Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4880—Late Presentment
The following sections describe the proper use of message reason code 4880.
Proper Use of Intra-European Message Reason Code 4880
An intra-European transaction is presented more than seven calendar days after the
transaction date and the account is permanently closed.
Improper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback
The issuer must use good-faith efforts to collect the transaction amount from the cardholder
before exercising this chargeback right.
The issuer cannot submit a chargeback for message reason code 4880 if the account is in
good standing.
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The conditions shown below represent valid options that the acquirer may choose to process a
second presentment for message reason code 4880.
Correct Transaction Date Provided
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Correct Transaction date provided
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer can substantiate that the transaction date was not
more than seven calendar days before the Central Site processing
date of the presentment.
Supporting Documents
Transaction printout.
DE 72 (Data Record) Correct transaction date
Other message codes may apply; refer to Second Presentment in this appendix for more
Domestic Chargeback Rules
The following section describes specific rules that are applicable to domestic Maestro
transactions. In addition to the international rules set by Mastercard, domestic transactions are
subject to the intra-European and inter-European Maestro rules, except where there is a
specific domestic rule that varies the intra-European or inter-European rule.
For a chargeback rule applicable only to intracountry Acquirer Domain Mastercard Mobile
Remote Payment transactions in Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, and
Slovenia, refer to the Mastercard Mobile Intracountry Liability Shift: Guidelines and
Requirements (available upon request to
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Domestic Chargeback Rules
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Additional Rules Applicable to Domestic Transactions in Ireland, Turkey, and France
This section contains rules applicable to Domestic Transactions in Ireland, Turkey, and France.
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4837
This message reason code may be used for Mail Order/Telephone Order (MO/TO) Transactions.
Improper Use of Message Reason Code 4837
An Issuer may not raise a chargeback under this message reason code for a Mail Order/
Telephone Order (MO/TO) Transaction where it has been provided in an authorization request
with the CVC 2 on the card and the following.
The Issuer fails to perform a check on the CVC 2; or
The CVC 2 does not match the CVC 2 held by the Issuer.
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The acquirer may process a second presentment following the chargeback of a MO/TO
transaction by providing one of the following.
A cardholder authority or receipt that, in either case, bears the cardholder’s signature and
shows correct details of the transaction, including correct details of the cardholder’s card;
A cardholder authority that bears a copy of the cardholder’s signature (such as a facsimile
document); or
An invoice quoting the cardholder’s name; or
A delivery receipt signed by the cardholder and quoting a billing address; or
A document indicating a different merchant name than that shown in the clearing record;
For airline ticket purchases, a copy of the boarding pass showing the cardholder’s name; or
Details of a long-standing account/customer relationship between the merchant and the
cardholder (for example, account opening information); or
If proof of death or incapacitation on the day a transaction was performed is provided by
the issuer, evidence that the transaction took place earlier than death or incapacitation.
Arbitration Case Filing
The issuer may continue the dispute providing a progressive cardholder letter, electronic
message, or completed Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud (Form 0412) refuting the
documentation received from the merchant in the second presentment.
Before filing for arbitration the issuer must process a member mediation (pre-arbitration)
granting the filed-against Customer 30 days to respond. After the 30 days have elapsed or the
acquirer has rejected the pre-arbitration attempt, the issuer may escalate the case to
arbitration within 75 days of the second presentment. All cases, including member
mediations, must be filed in MasterCom Case Filing.
Chargebacks—Maestro POS Transactions
Domestic Chargeback Rules
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Appendix C CVM Limit Amounts
CVM Limit Amounts
This appendix specifies CVM limit amounts for Mastercard
Contactless, and the Quick Payment
Service (QPS) program and contactless ceiling limit amounts for Maestro Contactless.
Overview.................................................................................................................................... 365
CVM Limit Amounts................................................................................................................... 365
CVM Limit Amounts
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
The following sections present information on contactless POS transaction and Quick Payment
Service transaction cardholder verification method (CVM) limit amounts. See Chapters 3 and 4
of Transaction Processing Rules for more information.
Mastercard will populate PDS 0044 (Program Participation Indicator), subfield 2 (QPS/
Contactless Chargeback Eligibility Indicator) with the value of I (Ineligible for Chargeback) in
the First and Second Presentment/1240 messages for any properly identified QPS or
contactless transactions equal to or less than the applicable CVM limit amount. For QPS and
contactless transaction identification requirements, see Appendix F.
CVM Limit Amounts
Access the CVM limit amounts in Microsoft Excel
file format, which can be copied and
pasted as needed.
From the HTML edition of this document, you can access the CVM Limit Amounts
1. In the upper right corner, click the file download icon.
2. Click CVM_Limit_Amounts.xls.
3. When the file opens, save it to a location on your computer.
NOTE: The CVM Limit Amounts spreadsheet is very large. Before printing this document,
please be aware that, depending on your printer settings and paper selection, the printed
spreadsheet may exceed 250 pages.
Please note that all contactless amounts apply to both Mastercard and Maestro Contactless
Transactions unless otherwise indicated.
CVM Limit Amounts
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Appendix D Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case
Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
This appendix contains domestic chargeback, arbitration case filing, and arbitration case filing rules.
Participating Countries—Installment Billing Dispute (Reason Code 4850).................................... 369
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4850.............................................................................369
Improper Use of Message Reason Code 4850.........................................................................370
Proper Use of Issuer’s First Chargeback................................................................................... 370
Incorrect Number of Installments....................................................................................... 371
Incorrect Installment Amount.............................................................................................371
Premature Processing of Installment...................................................................................371
Not an Installment Transaction...........................................................................................372
Invalid Installment Acceleration..........................................................................................372
Subsequent Installments Charged Back After Chargeback of First Installment for
Message Reason Code 4837..............................................................................................372
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment........................................................................373
Correct Number of Installments......................................................................................... 373
Correct Installment Amount...............................................................................................373
Installment Not Premature................................................................................................. 374
Valid Installment Acceleration............................................................................................ 374
Additional Remedies.......................................................................................................... 375
Arbitration Chargeback.......................................................................................................... 375
Arbitration Case Filing............................................................................................................ 376
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, and Slovenia—Intracountry Acquirer
Domain Mobile Remote Payment Transactions............................................................................ 376
Select Countries in Central and Eastern Europe—Masterpass Transactions...................................376
India........................................................................................................................................... 379
South Africa................................................................................................................................379
U.S. Region—Cardholder Dispute—Not Elsewhere Classified (Reason Code 4854)...................... 379
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4854.............................................................................379
Improper Use of Message Reason Code 4854.........................................................................381
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback..................................................................................381
Disputed Surcharge........................................................................................................... 382
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment........................................................................382
Invalid Chargeback............................................................................................................ 383
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
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Disputed Surcharge........................................................................................................... 383
Disputed Surcharge—Incorrect Pro-rated Calculation......................................................... 383
Additional Remedies.......................................................................................................... 384
Arbitration Chargeback.......................................................................................................... 384
Arbitration Case Filing............................................................................................................ 385
Additional Processing Notes................................................................................................... 385
U.S. Region—U.S. Shared Deposits............................................................................................. 386
Returned Item (Reason Code 20)............................................................................................ 386
Acquirer Adjustment..........................................................................................................386
Issuer Chargeback............................................................................................................. 387
Empty Deposit Envelope (Reason Code 24).............................................................................387
Acquirer Adjustment..........................................................................................................387
Issuer Chargeback............................................................................................................. 387
Error in Addition (Reason Code 25)........................................................................................ 387
Acquirer Adjustment..........................................................................................................387
Issuer Chargeback............................................................................................................. 388
Error in Settlement (Reason Code 26)..................................................................................... 388
Acquirer Adjustment..........................................................................................................388
Issuer Chargeback............................................................................................................. 388
Customer Keyed Wrong Amount (Reason Code 27)............................................................... 388
Acquirer Adjustment..........................................................................................................388
Issuer Chargeback............................................................................................................. 389
Non-Cash Item Deposited (Reason Code 28).......................................................................... 389
Acquirer Adjustment..........................................................................................................389
Issuer Chargeback............................................................................................................. 390
Foreign/Counterfeit Currency Deposited (Reason Code 29).....................................................390
Acquirer Adjustment..........................................................................................................390
Issuer Chargeback............................................................................................................. 390
Cardholder Disputed Amount (Reason Code 30).................................................................... 390
Issuer Chargeback............................................................................................................. 390
Acquirer Respresentment................................................................................................... 391
Arbitration Case Filing....................................................................................................... 391
Intra-U.S. Region and U.S. Territories—Defective/Not as Described (Reason Code 53).................. 391
Issuer Chargeback.................................................................................................................. 391
General Use.......................................................................................................................391
Counterfeit Goods.............................................................................................................393
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment).......................................................................394
Arbitration Case Filing............................................................................................................ 394
General Use.......................................................................................................................394
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
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Counterfeit Goods.............................................................................................................395
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
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Participating Countries—Installment Billing Dispute (Reason Code
The following sections provide information on the proper and improper use of message
reason code 4850. Issuers may use this message reason code only for a dispute involving
domestic transactions occurring in participating countries when the cardholder has agreed to
either acquirer-financed or merchant-financed installment billing, as described in the
Transaction Processing Rules manual.
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4850
The issuer may can use message reason code 4850 under any of the following circumstances.
The cardholder claims that the total number of installments or the installment amounts
being billed is not in accordance with the installment billing arrangement agreed with the
An installment was billed prematurely.
The acquirer submitted a clearing record to obtain payment from the cardholder in
connection with an installment billing arrangement after the total transaction amount as
reflected in the original authorization request and on the TID.
The number of installments on the Financial Detail Addendum (Generic Detail)/1644
message differs from the number of installment authorized by the issuer on the
Authorization Response/0110 message.
The transaction is not an installment billing transaction.
The acquirer accelerated the processing of installments without the issuer’s consent.
To charge back subsequent installments processed after the issuer charged back the first
installment using message reason code 4837.
For disputes involving the full amount of the transaction, the issuer must charge back only the
total amount of installments received to date. The installments may be charged back
individually or batched in a single chargeback.
For disputes involving a partial amount, the issuer may individually charge back the
installments received to date that represent payment of the disputed amount, or may batch all
installments received to date in a single chargeback message. When the amount being
charged back is less than the amount of the associated clearing records, the issuer must use a
function code of 453 (Partial Amount) in the First Chargeback/1442 message.
When individual installments are being charged back, any required documentation must be
provided with the first installment being charged back. As long as the documentation
addresses the additional installments being charged back, the issuer does not need to provide
the same documentation with each installment chargeback.
When transactions are batched, the documentation is not required to detail the number of
installments batched into a single chargeback. However, any required documentation must be
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
Participating Countries—Installment Billing Dispute (Reason Code 4850)
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
The total amount charged back in connection with a transaction processed in installments can
exceed the total amount of installments received as of the date of the first chargeback. In
such case, the issuer must provide documentation to validate that a chargeback right exists for
the amount charged back.
Improper Use of Message Reason Code 4850
The issuer may not use this message reason code when the transaction was a Mastercard
Commercial Payments Account transaction. A Mastercard Commercial Payments Account
transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MAP (Mastercard
Commercial Payments Account) in the First Presentment/1240 message.
Mastercard Electronic Card. Refer to Mastercard Electronic for chargeback processing
procedures for a Mastercard Electronic card.
Brazil only—The transaction was a Mastercard Agro Card transaction occurring in Brazil
with a Mastercard Agro Card issued in Brazil. A Mastercard Agro Card transaction occurs
when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MLF (Mastercard Agro Card) in the First
Presentment/1240 message.
Bangladesh only—The transaction was a Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card (MCP)
transaction occurring in Bangladesh with a Mastercard MCP card issued in Bangladesh. A
Mastercard MCP card transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was
MCP (Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card) in the First Presentment/1240 message when
the value of the transaction is equal to or greater than BDT 100,000.
India only—The transaction was a Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card (MCP)
transaction occurring in India with a Mastercard MCP card issued in India. A Mastercard
MCP card transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MCP
(Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card) in the First Presentment/1240 message when the
value of the transaction is equal to or greater than INR 100,000.
Sri Lanka only—The transaction was a Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card (MCP)
transaction occurring in Sri Lanka with a Mastercard MCP card issued in Sri Lanka. A
Mastercard MCP card transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was
MCP (Mastercard Corporate Purchasing Card) in the First Presentment/1240 message when
the value of the transaction is equal to or greater than LKR 200,000.
Proper Use of Issuer’s First Chargeback
The following conditions represent valid options that the issuer can use to process a first
chargeback for message reason code 4850.
The issuer must use this message reason code for any subsequent installments that are
processed by the acquirer after the issuer charges back the first installment of the transaction
for message reason code 4837. The issuer must provide the original message reason code
4837 Chargeback Reference Number on the Data Record of each subsequent installment
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
Participating Countries—Installment Billing Dispute (Reason Code 4850)
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
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Incorrect Number of Installments
Incorrect Number of Installments
Time Frame 120 calendar days
Retrieval Request No
Supporting Documents Documentation from the cardholder substantiating the correct number
of installments
DE 72 (Data Record) CORRECT INST NN
Notes In DE 72 (Data Record), replace NN with the correct number of
Incorrect Installment Amount
Incorrect Installment Amount
Time Frame 120 calendar days
Retrieval Request No
Supporting Documents Documentation from the cardholder substantiating the correct
installment amount
DE 72 (Data Record) CORRECT AMT $$$$$$$
Notes Replace $$$$$$$ with the correct installment amount. The chargeback
may only be for the difference between the correct installment amount
and the actual amount billed to the cardholder.
Premature Processing of Installment
Premature Processing of Installment
Time Frame 120 calendar days
Retrieval Request No
Supporting Documents Documentation from the cardholder or the issuer substantiating the
correct installment frequency
DE 72 (Data Record) PREMATURE
Notes None
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
Participating Countries—Installment Billing Dispute (Reason Code 4850)
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Not an Installment Transaction
Not an Installment Transaction
Time Frame 120 calendar days
Retrieval Request No
Supporting Documents Documentation from the cardholder or the issuer to substantiate that
the transaction is not for installment payments
Notes None
Invalid Installment Acceleration
Invalid Installment Acceleration
Time Frame 120 calendar days
Retrieval Request No
Supporting Documents None
Notes None
Subsequent Installments Charged Back After Chargeback of First Installment for
Message Reason Code 4837
Subsequent Installments Charged Back After Chargeback of the First Installment for Message
Reason Code 4837
Time Frame 120 calendar days
Retrieval Request No
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Record) 4837 CB REF NNNNNNN
Notes Replace NNNNNNN with the first chargeback reference number.
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
Participating Countries—Installment Billing Dispute (Reason Code 4850)
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The following conditions represent valid remedies or options that the acquirer can use to
process a second presentment for message reason code 4850.
Correct Number of Installments
The following conditions represent valid remedies or options that the acquirer can use to
process a second presentment for message reason code 4850.
Correct Number of Installments
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied
Second Presentment Condition
The acquirer can substantiate that the number of installments in the
Financial Detail Addendum (Generic Detail)/1644 message is the
same as the number of installments agreed by the cardholder at the
Supporting Documents
One of the following:
A copy of the TID or other documentation showing that the
cardholder agreed to the number of installments processed, or
Proof that the acquirer corrected the discrepancy that led to the
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes None
Correct Installment Amount
Correct Installment Amount
IPM Second
Presentment Message Reason
See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied
Second Presentment Condition
The acquirer can substantiate that the installment amount indicated
in the Financial Detail Addendum (Generic Detail)/1644 message is
the same as the amount per installment agreed by the cardholder at
the POI.
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
Participating Countries—Installment Billing Dispute (Reason Code 4850)
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Correct Installment Amount
Supporting Documents
One of the following:
A copy of the TID or other documentation showing that the
cardholder agreed to the amount processed, or
Proof that the acquirer corrected the discrepancy that led to the
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes None
Installment Not Premature
Installment Not Premature
IPM Second
Presentment Message Reason
Invalid Chargeback
Second Presentment Condition
The acquirer can substantiate that the transaction is not an
installment billing and was not processed as such in the
authorization message or clearing record. For example, the
transaction represents a recurring payment rather than an installment
billing payment.
The issuer’s first chargeback claimed that the transaction was not for
an installment billing, and transaction was properly identified as an
Installment transaction in the Authorization Request/0100 message
and the issuer approve the sale.
Supporting Documents Documentation to support that the chargeback is invalid
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes None
Valid Installment Acceleration
Valid Installment Acceleration
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Invalid Chargeback
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
Participating Countries—Installment Billing Dispute (Reason Code 4850)
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Valid Installment Acceleration
Second Presentment Condition
The acquirer can provide documentation showing that the issuer
requested installment acceleration for the transaction.
Supporting Documents Documentation to support that the chargeback is invalid
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes None
Additional Remedies
Acquirers can use the following second presentment message reason codes to submit a
Second Presentment/1240 for chargeback message reason 4850.
2002—Non-receipt of required documentation to support chargeback
2004—Invalid Acquirer Reference Data on chargeback; documentation was received
2011—Credit Previously Issued
2701—Duplicate Chargeback
2702—Past Chargeback Time Limit
2710—Scanning error—unrelated documents or partial scan
Arbitration Chargeback
When the first chargeback was valid and the acquirer failed to remedy the dispute properly,
the issuer may continue the chargeback with the same message reason code originally
processed (4850).
The issuer will have chargeback rights when the first chargeback was valid, and examination
of the documentation reveals a new valid chargeback reason. When the situation requires the
use of a different message reason code, the issuer must process the arbitration chargeback
using the appropriate message reason code.
Progressive Documentation. A progressive cardholder letter may be required with the
arbitration chargeback in response to new information (regarding transaction date, merchant
name, or location) or rebutting any merchant explanation provided with the second
presentment. The progressive cardholder letter must be dated after the second presentment.
Installment Billing Dispute
IPM Arbitration Chargeback
Message Reason Code
Installment Billing Dispute
Arbitration Chargeback Details The cardholder continues to dispute the transaction.
Supporting Documents Progressive documentation from the cardholder disputing the new
information and rebutting any merchant explanation
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
Participating Countries—Installment Billing Dispute (Reason Code 4850)
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Installment Billing Dispute
DE 72 (Data Record) Reason for the return
Notes None
The issuer may use the following additional message reason codes to submit an arbitration
chargeback for message reason code 4850.
48xx—New valid chargeback reason
4901—Required documentation not received to support prior Second Presentment/1240
4902—Documentation received was illegible
4903—Scanning error—unrelated documents or partial scan
4908—Invalid Acquirer Reference Data on Second Presentment/1240 (2004);
documentation was received.
Arbitration Case Filing
Refer to the Arbitration Procedures chapter.
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, and Slovenia—
Intracountry Acquirer Domain Mobile Remote Payment Transactions
For a chargeback rule applicable only to intracountry Acquirer Domain Mastercard Mobile
Remote Payment transactions in Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, and
Slovenia, refer to the Mastercard Mobile Intracountry Liability Shift: Guidelines and
Requirements (available upon request to
Select Countries in Central and Eastern Europe—Masterpass
To support the growth of Masterpass-initiated payments in selected countries in Central and
Eastern Europe (European countries listed in the table below), Masterpass supports a liability
shift that does not require the use of SecureCode authentication.
This Masterpass liability shift may be optionally applied to transactions involving a Mastercard
branded card account when the transaction is initiated by a Masterpass Wallet. This
Masterpass liability shift may only be applied when all conditions and all operational and
coding requirements listed below are adhered to.
1. The card must be issued in one of the countries listed in the table below
2. The card acceptor must be in one of the countries listed in the table below.
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, and Slovenia—Intracountry Acquirer Domain Mobile
Remote Payment Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
3. The Masterpass wallet that initiates the transaction must be registered to operate in one
of the countries listed in the table below.
4. The transaction amount must not exceed the maximum transaction amount shown in the
table below for the country of the card Issuer.
5. The transaction must be initiated through the use of the Masterpass Advanced Check-out
6. The Masterpass Wallet that initiates the transaction must have successfully obtained
Masterpass certification for strong cardholder authentication and such certification must
remain valid at the time the transaction is initiated.
7. The transaction must be an e-commerce transaction.
Operational and Coding Requirements
1. The Masterpass Wallet that initiated the transaction must generate and provide the
Masterpass Switch (via the relevant APIs) with the correct value and AAV necessary to
enable the authorization to be coded by the Card Acceptor as follows (note that the
Masterpass Switch will pass-on the values provided by the Masterpass Wallet to the Card
a. Data Element 48 (Additional Data – Private Use) Sub-Element 42 (Electronic Commerce
Indicators), Position 1 to contain a value of “2”.
b. Data Element 48 (Additional Data – Private Use) Sub-Element 42 (Electronic Commerce
Indicators), Position 2 to contain a value of “2”.
c. Data Element 48 (Additional Data – Private Use) Sub-Element 42 (Electronic Commerce
Indicators), Position 3 to contain a value of “5”.
d. Data Element 48 (Additional Data – Private Use), Sub-Element 43 (Universal
Cardholder Authentication Field) must contain the static AAV corresponding to the
Issuer country in the table below.
2. The Acquirer must ensure that:
a. The data elements of the authorization request are coded as described above and that
their values correspond to the values provided by the Masterpass Switch to the Card
Acceptor as part of the Masterpass Check-out process.
b. Data Element 48 (Additional Data—Private Use), Sub-Element 26 (Wallet Program
Data), Subfield 1 (Wallet Identifier) of the authorization request contains the Wallet
Identifier that identifies the Masterpass Wallet used to initiate the transaction and that
this Wallet Identifier corresponds to the Wallet Identifier provided by the Masterpass
Switch to the Card Acceptor as part of the Masterpass Check-out process.
c. The authorization request must include a value of 5 (Electronic order) in Data Element
61 (Point-of-Service (POS) Data) Sub-Element 4 (POS Cardholder Presence) and a value
of 6 (Authorized Level 6 CAT: Electronic commerce) in Data Element 61 (Point-of-
Service (POS) Data) Sub-Element 10 (Cardholder-Activated Terminal Level).
d. The coding of the clearing presentment must correctly reflect the above authorization
Mastercard issuers in the countries where the Masterpass liability shift applies must support
the coding possibilities mentioned in the requirements above and must treat such transactions
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
Select Countries in Central and Eastern Europe—Masterpass Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
—when correctly coded—as if they had been successfully authenticated using SecureCode.
More specifically, the issuer will be liable for such transactions when they are fraudulent
transactions or potentially fraudulent transactions and will not be allowed to chargeback
these transactions under the following chargeback messages reason codes:
Reason Code 4837—No Cardholder Authorization
Reason Code 4863—Cardholder Does Not Recognize—Potential Fraud
As an exception to the Selective Authorization rule in the Mastercard Rules, Issuers may
systematically decline authorization requests containing one of the static AAVs listed in the
table below when such authorization requests do not contain a properly coded Masterpass
Wallet Identifier or when the Transaction does not meet other relevant conditions for the
proper use of such static AAV.
Countries where the Masterpass Liability Shift applies and their respective Static
Static AAV (for country of the
card Issuer)
Maximum transaction
amount for country of the
card Issuer) in EUR
Albania 9999ALBMASTERPASS 250
Austria 9999AUTMASTERPASS 250
Bosnia 9999BIHMASTERPASS 250
Bulgaria 9999BGRMASTERPASS 250
Croatia 9999HRVMASTERPASS 250
Czech Republic 9999CZEMASTERPASS 250
Hungary 9999HUNMASTERPASS 250
Israel 9999ISRMASTERPASS 250
Kosovo 9999QZZMASTERPASS 250
Macedonia 9999MKDMASTERPASS 250
Montenegro 9999MNEMASTERPASS 250
Poland 9999POLMASTERPASS 250
Romania 9999ROMMASTERPASS 250
Serbia 9999SRBMASTERPASS 250
Slovakia 9999SVKMASTERPASS 250
Slovenia 9999SVNMASTERPASS 250
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
Select Countries in Central and Eastern Europe—Masterpass Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
An issuer may file a compliance case for cardholder disputes related to the cash back portion
of an intracountry cash back with or without purchase transaction conducted in India.
Refer to the Mexico Domestic Switching Implementation Guide for dispute resolution
information on domestic Mexico transactions.
South Africa
An issuer may file a compliance case for cardholder disputes related to the cash back portion
of an intracountry cash back with or without purchase transaction conducted in South Africa.
U.S. Region—Cardholder Dispute—Not Elsewhere Classified (Reason
Code 4854)
The following sections describe the proper and improper use of message reason code 4854.
Proper Use of Message Reason Code 4854
Issuers can use message reason code 4854 when a cardholder has made an unsuccessful
good-faith effort to resolve a dispute with the merchant that involves goods or services, and
the dispute reflects a claim or defense authorized against issuers or creditors according to
federal, state, or local truth-in-lending laws.
NOTE: Issuers can use this message reason code only when no other message reason code
The issuer can process a chargeback within 60 calendar days after first learning of the dispute
from the cardholder or within 120 calendar days of the Central Site Business Date of the
transaction. When, however, the cardholder notified the issuer within the time frame of
another valid message reason code but the issuer did not charge back the transaction, the
issuer cannot use the time frame extension and charge back the transaction using message
reason code 4854.
The issuer can use message reason code 4854 when the following conditions are met:
The cardholder tried and failed to resolve the dispute with the merchant.
The issuer and acquirer are located in the U.S. region.
The transaction took place within the same state as the cardholder’s billing address or
within 100 miles of the cardholder’s billing address. The exception to this rule concerns
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
non–face-to-face transactions. The cardholder’s current designated address is considered
the location of the transaction.
The cardholder provides documentation to support the dispute with the merchant.
The original transaction amount exceeded USD 50.
The issuer may charge back only the disputed amount. Further, the issuer can charge back
only the portion of the disputed amount that is an unpaid balance at the time of merchant
or issuer notification. When the issuer charges back a partial amount, it must submit the
First Chargeback/1442 message with a Function Code of 453 (Partial Amount).
The cardholder letter, email, Dispute Resolution Form—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback
(Form 1221) documents the following:
The cardholder authorized the transaction
The cardholder returned or attempted to return the merchandise (when applicable)
The cardholder contacted the merchant to resolve the dispute, and the merchant
refused to:
1. Adjust the price
2. Repair or replace the goods or other items of value
3. Issue a credit
Documentation to Support Dispute. Although documentation to support or corroborate
the cardholder’s dispute is not required with the first chargeback, in the event the merchant
provides documentation to challenge the dispute, documentation supporting the cardholder’s
dispute may be required with the arbitration chargeback.
Merchant Contact. The cardholder must contact the merchant before initiating the dispute
and the cardholder’s documentation must explain the result of the conversation with the
When the cardholder cannot contact the merchant, the cardholder must state that an attempt
was made to contact the merchant and that the merchant failed to respond.
For a Debit Mastercard purchase with cash back transaction, an issuer can submit this
chargeback only for the purchase amount, or a portion thereof. The issuer must submit the
First Chargeback/1442 message with a Function Code of 453 (Partial Amount). An issuer must
not submit a chargeback for the cash back amount, or any portion thereof, using this reason
When the cardholder returned the merchandise, the issuer must wait 15 calendar days from
the date the merchandise was returned before it can charge back the transaction. This waiting
period gives the merchant an opportunity to process a credit. The only exception to this 15-
day waiting period rule would be when the period would exceed the 120-calendar day (or 60-
calendar day, when applicable) time frame.
When benefits under applicable local or state laws exceed Federal Reserve Regulation Z
benefits, the greater benefits apply. However, the issuer must provide a copy of the applicable
law with the chargeback.
Disputed Surcharge
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
U.S. Region—Cardholder Dispute—Not Elsewhere Classified (Reason Code 4854)
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
When processing a chargeback related to a Brand-level Surcharge or Product-level Surcharge
the previous requirements, except for the requirement that the issuer and acquirer are located
in the U.S. region, are not applicable. An issuer can use message reason code 4854 when the
Brand-level Surcharge or Product-level Surcharge amount was not properly calculated, not
permitted, not properly disclosed at the POI or on the TID, or not properly refunded.
NOTE: For information about the Brand-level Surcharge or Product-level Surcharge, refer to
the Mastercard Rules manual, Chapter 9, “Asia/Pacific Region Rules,” Rule 5.11.2, “Charges to
Cardholders”; Chapter 12, “Latin America and the Caribbean Region Rules,” Rule 5.11.2,
“Charges to Cardholders”; and Chapter 15, “Additional U.S. Region and U.S. Territory Rules,”
Rule 5.11.2, “Charges to Cardholders.”
Improper Use of Message Reason Code 4854
The issuer may not use this message reason code when the transaction was a Mastercard
Commercial Payments Account transaction. A Mastercard Commercial Payments Account
transaction occurs when PDS 0002 (GCMS Product Identifier) was MAP (Mastercard
Commercial Payments Account) in the First Presentment/1240 message.
Mastercard Electronic Card. Refer to Mastercard Electronic for chargeback processing
procedures for a Mastercard Electronic card.
Proper Use for Issuer’s First Chargeback
The following condition represents a valid option that the issuer can use to process a first
presentment for message reason code 4854.
Time Frame 60 calendar days after first learning about the dispute from the
cardholder or within 120 calendar days of the Central Site Business
Message Reason Code
One of the following:
4854 Dual Message System transactions
54 for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single
Message System
Retrieval Request No
Supporting Documents
All of the following:
Cardholder letter, email, Dispute Resolution Form—Cardholder
Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) fulfilling the prerequisites of the
chargeback and the details of the nature of the dispute.
Copy of applicable law (when applicable)
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
U.S. Region—Cardholder Dispute—Not Elsewhere Classified (Reason Code 4854)
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Notes None
Disputed Surcharge
Time Frame Within 120 calendar days of the Central Site Business Date
Message Reason Code
One of the following:
4854 Dual Message System transactions
54 for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single
Message System
Retrieval Request No
Supporting Documents Cardholder letter, email, Dispute Resolution Form—Cardholder
Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) describing the nature of the
disputed surcharge.
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes When the cardholder disputes only a part of the transaction
amount, the issuer must prorate the Surcharge amount.
Proper Use for Acquirer’s Second Presentment
The following conditions represent valid options that the acquirer can use to process a second
presentment for message reason code 4854.
Deficiency Corrected
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer can document it corrected the deficiency that led to the
Supporting Documents
One or both of the following:
Copy of the TID or invoice (when applicable)
Merchant’s written rebuttal (when applicable)
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes None
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
U.S. Region—Cardholder Dispute—Not Elsewhere Classified (Reason Code 4854)
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Invalid Chargeback
Invalid Chargeback
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
Invalid chargeback
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer substantiates that the chargeback was invalid. (For
example, the necessary supporting documentation failed to support
the chargeback.)
Supporting Documents None
DE 72 (Data Record)
The reason for the invalidity
Notes None
Disputed Surcharge
Disputed Surcharge
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer substantiates that the surcharge was correctly
Supporting Documents Documentation proving the surcharge was correctly processed.
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes None
Disputed Surcharge—Incorrect Pro-rated Calculation
Disputed Surcharge—Incorrect Pro-rated Calculation
IPM Second Presentment Message
Reason Code
See Corresponding Documentation/Chargeback Remedied
Second Presentment Condition The acquirer substantiates that the pro-rated surcharge was
incorrectly calculated by the issuer.
Supporting Documents Documentation proving the surcharge was incorrectly calculated.
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
U.S. Region—Cardholder Dispute—Not Elsewhere Classified (Reason Code 4854)
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Disputed Surcharge—Incorrect Pro-rated Calculation
DE 72 (Data Record) None
Notes None
Examples—Possible Chargeback Message Reason Code 4854 Remedies. The merchant’s
written rebuttal may include one of the following:
An assertion based on the documentation that the merchant corrected the deficiency that
led to the chargeback or otherwise resolved the complaint. For example, the merchant
repaired or replaced the merchandise.
Proof that the chargeback was invalid because the cardholder paid the disputed amount
before contacting the merchant or issuer about the dispute.
An assertion that the chargeback was invalid because the issuer’s supporting
documentation was not sufficient to substantiate a claim against the merchant.
Additional Remedies
Acquirers can use the following second presentment message reason codes to submit a
Second Presentment/1240 for message reason code 4854.
2002—Nonreceipt of required documentation to support chargeback
2004—Invalid Acquirer Reference Data on chargeback; documentation was received
2011—Credit previously issued
2700—Chargeback remedied. See corresponding documentation.
2701—Duplicate Chargeback
2702—Past Chargeback Time Limit
2709—Documentation received was illegible
Arbitration Chargeback
When the first chargeback was valid and the acquirer failed to remedy the dispute properly,
the issuer may continue the chargeback with the same message reason code originally
processed (4854).
The issuer will have chargeback rights when examination of the documentation reveals a new
valid chargeback reason. When the situation requires a different message reason, the issuer
must process the arbitration chargeback using the appropriate message reason code.
IPM Arbitration Chargeback Message
Reason Code
Cardholder dispute—not elsewhere classified (U.S. region
Arbitration Chargeback Details The cardholder continues to dispute the transaction.
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
U.S. Region—Cardholder Dispute—Not Elsewhere Classified (Reason Code 4854)
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Supporting Documents Progressive documentation from the cardholder disputing
the transaction and rebutting any merchant explanation.
See Additional Processing Notes below.
DE 72 (Data Record) Reason for the return
Notes None
Progressive Documentation. A progressive cardholder letter may be required with the
arbitration chargeback in response to new information or rebutting any merchant explanation
provided with the second presentment. The progressive cardholder letter must be dated after
the second presentment and specifically address the rebuttal provided with the second
presentment. Refer to 1.15.1 Documentation Types for additional information.
The issuer may use the following additional message reason codes to submit an arbitration
48xx—New valid message reason code
4901—Required documentation not received to support prior Second Presentment/1240
4902—Documentation received was illegible
4903—Scanning error—Unrelated documents or partial scan
4908—Invalid Acquirer Reference Data on Second Presentment/1240 (2004);
documentation was received
Arbitration Case Filing
Refer to the Arbitration Procedures chapter.
Additional Processing Notes
The following sections contain additional processing notes for the issuer, acquirer, or both.
Calculating Unpaid Balances. As stated previously, the issuer can charge back only the
unpaid balance at the time of merchant or issuer notification. The calculation is based on the
accounting method of “first in/first out.” In addition, when calculating the unpaid balance,
the issuer can consider credits from returned merchandise along with cardholder payments.
Examples of sufficient information to verify that the disputed amount is unpaid can include
cardholder statements or screen prints of payments, credits, and balances.
Documentation Corroborating the Dispute. Reason code 4854 requires documentation
corroborating the cardholder’s claim against the merchant with the arbitration chargeback
when challenged by the merchant with the second presentment. For example, when the
cardholder claims the merchant did not correctly repair his or her vehicle, the cardholder has
to provide written proof from a second vehicle repair shop documenting that the original
merchant provided incorrect or unnecessary repairs.
Tort Claims. Message reason code 4854 does not address torts, which are wrongful acts,
damages, or injuries done willfully or negligently, such as negligence or an incorrect medical
diagnosis. For example, a cardholder contracts with a painter to paint his or her living room
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
U.S. Region—Cardholder Dispute—Not Elsewhere Classified (Reason Code 4854)
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
for USD 500. The painter accidentally spills paint on the couch, causing USD 300 worth of
damage. The issuer cannot use message reason code 4854 to charge back for the USD 300.
U.S. Region—U.S. Shared Deposits
The following sections describe the U.S. shared deposits in the U.S. region.
Returned Item (Reason Code 20)
The acquirer may use this message reason code when the acquirer received a returned item or
notice of non-payment for a non-negotiable item.
Acquirer Adjustment
The table shown below details the requirements for this adjustment message reason code.
Adjustment Condition The acquirer has received a returned item or notice of non-payment
for a non-negotiable item.
Time Frame One business day following receipt of the returned item or notice of
non-payment for a non-negotiable item.
Adjustment Message Reason
Supporting Documents One of the following:
A copy of the front and back of the returned item
A copy of the notice of non-payment
Additional Information Optional
Notes The original returned or non-negotiable item must be sent to the
issuer (the proof of completing such act rests with the acquirer)
within three business days of the adjustment processing date, or, to
the extent permitted under the Check Clearing for the 21st Century
Act (“Check 21 Act”), 12 U.S.C. § 5001 et seq., a substitute check
meeting the requirements of the Check 21 Act must be transmitted
to the issuer within three business days of the adjustment processing
date. The copy of the returned or non-negotiable item that is
processed through the MasterCom system (the “MasterCom Copy”)
is not intended to qualify or meet the requirements of a substitute
check under the Check 21 Act, and under no circumstances shall the
acquirer or issuer treat such MasterCom Copy as a substitute check
under the Check 21 Act.
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
U.S. Region—U.S. Shared Deposits
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Issuer Chargeback
The issuer may process a chargeback using message reason code 30–Cardholder Disputed
Amount (U.S. Shared Deposits Only). Refer to the individual chargeback message reason code
later in this section for requirements.
Empty Deposit Envelope (Reason Code 24)
The acquirer may use this message reason code when an empty deposit envelope was
Acquirer Adjustment
The table shown below details the requirements for this adjustment message reason code.
Adjustment Condition The acquirer has received an empty deposit envelope.
Time Frame Between 1 and 5 calendar days from the settlement date.
Adjustment Message Reason
Supporting Documents
Additional Information Optional
Issuer Chargeback
The issuer may process a chargeback using message reason code 30–Cardholder Disputed
Amount (U.S. Shared Deposits Only). Refer to the individual chargeback message reason code
later in this section for requirements.
Error in Addition (Reason Code 25)
The acquirer may use this message reason code to correct an addition error with the
cardholder’s deposit.
Acquirer Adjustment
The table shown below details the requirements for this adjustment message reason code.
Adjustment Condition
The acquirer is correcting an addition error with the cardholder’s
Time Frame
Between 1 and 5 calendar days from the settlement date.
Adjustment Message Reason
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
U.S. Region—U.S. Shared Deposits
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Supporting Documents
Additional Information
Issuer Chargeback
The issuer may process a chargeback using message reason code 30–Cardholder Disputed
Amount (U.S. Shared Deposits Only). Refer to the individual chargeback message reason code
later in this section for requirements.
Error in Settlement (Reason Code 26)
The acquirer may use this message reason code to correct a settlement error.
Acquirer Adjustment
The table shown below details the requirements for this adjustment message reason code.
Adjustment Condition
The acquirer is correcting an error settlement.
Time Frame
Between 1 and 5 calendar days from the settlement date.
Adjustment Message Reason
Supporting Documents
Additional Information
Issuer Chargeback
The issuer may process a chargeback using message reason code 30–Cardholder Disputed
Amount (U.S. Shared Deposits Only). Refer to the individual chargeback message reason code
later in this section for requirements.
Customer Keyed Wrong Amount (Reason Code 27)
The acquirer may use this message reason code to correct a keying error with the cardholder’s
Acquirer Adjustment
The table shown below details the requirements for this adjustment message reason code.
Adjustment Condition
The acquirer is correcting a keying error with the cardholder’s deposit.
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
U.S. Region—U.S. Shared Deposits
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Time Frame
Between 1 and 5 calendar days from the settlement date.
Adjustment Message Reason
Supporting Documents
Additional Information
Issuer Chargeback
The issuer may process a chargeback using message reason code 30–Cardholder Disputed
Amount (U.S. Shared Deposits Only). Refer to the individual chargeback message reason code
later in this section for requirements.
Non-Cash Item Deposited (Reason Code 28)
The acquirer may use this message reason code when the acquirer received a non-cash item.
Acquirer Adjustment
The table shown below details the requirements for this adjustment message reason code.
Adjustment Condition
The acquirer has received a non-cash item.
Time Frame
One business day following receipt of the non-cash item.
Adjustment Message Reason
Supporting Documents
A copy of the front and back of the non-cash item
Additional Information
The original non-cash item must be sent to the issuer (the proof
of completing such act rests with the acquirer) within three
business days of the adjustment processing date.
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
U.S. Region—U.S. Shared Deposits
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Issuer Chargeback
The issuer may process a chargeback using message reason code 30–Cardholder Disputed
Amount (U.S. Shared Deposits Only). Refer to the individual chargeback message reason code
later in this section for requirements.
Foreign/Counterfeit Currency Deposited (Reason Code 29)
The acquirer may use this message reason code when foreign currency or counterfeit currency
was deposited into an ATM.
Acquirer Adjustment
The table shown below details the requirements for this adjustment message reason code.
Adjustment Condition
The acquirer is reversing a foreign or counterfeit currency deposit.
Time Frame
Between 1 and 5 calendar days from the settlement date.
Adjustment Message Reason
Supporting Documents
Additional Information
Issuer Chargeback
The issuer may process a chargeback using message reason code 30–Cardholder Disputed
Amount (U.S. Shared Deposits Only). Refer to the individual chargeback message reason code
later in this section for requirements.
Cardholder Disputed Amount (Reason Code 30)
The issuer may use this message reason code when the Shared Deposit adjustment is invalid.
Issuer Chargeback
The table shown below details the requirements for this adjustment message reason code.
Chargeback Condition
The issuer is disputing the acquirer’s adjustment of a Shared Deposit
as invalid. The acquirer must have submitted the adjustment six or
more calendar days after the original transaction settlement date.
Time Frame Between 1 and 20 calendar days after the adjustment settlement
Chargeback Message Reason
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
U.S. Region—U.S. Shared Deposits
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Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Supporting Documents None
Additional Information
Acquirer Respresentment
Representment is not available for this message reason code.
Arbitration Case Filing
An arbitration case filing is not available as a representment is not valid for this message
reason code.
Intra-U.S. Region and U.S. Territories—Defective/Not as Described
(Reason Code 53)
The issuer may use message reason code 53 when the cardholder contacted the issuer
alleging that the goods or services received were either defective or not as described.
Issuer Chargeback
The following table details the requirements for this message reason code.
General Use
Chargeback Condition
Both of the following:
Both the issuer and the acquirer are located in the United States,
American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and/or
the U.S. Virgin Islands.
One of the following:
When delivered from the merchant, the goods arrived broken or
could not be used for the intended purpose.
Goods and services did not conform to their description. Examples
include, but are not limited to:
The cardholder states that the quality or workmanship of the
product is not as described.
The cardholder states that the specified color, size, or quantity is
not as described.
Terms and conditions of a contract including, but not limited to,
100 percent money back guarantee, written promises, or return
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
Intra-U.S. Region and U.S. Territories—Defective/Not as Described (Reason Code 53)
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Time Frame One of the following:
Between 5 and 540 calendar days from the transaction settlement date
for issues of interrupted services.
Between 5 and 120 calendar days from the transaction settlement date
or the delivery date the goods or services.
In addition,
Returned Merchandise. The issuer must wait 30 calendar days from
the date the merchandise was returned before submitting a
chargeback. When waiting the 30 calendar days would cause the
issuer to exceed the 120 calendar day time frame, the issuer may
chargeback the transaction earlier than 30 calendar days.
Delayed Delivery. When the date the goods or services were to be
provided as agreed upon by the merchant and the cardholder has
Chargeback Message
Reason Code
Supporting Documents Cardholder email, letter, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form—
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) stating all of the following:
The cardholder engaged in the transaction
The cardholder’s description of the goods or services the cardholder
expected to receive
The cardholder’s description of the goods or services the cardholder
actually received
The cardholder returned the goods or informed the merchant the
goods were available for pickup.
The cardholder contacted the merchant to resolve the dispute, and the
merchant refused to adjust the price, repair or replace the goods or
other things of value, or to issue a credit.
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
Intra-U.S. Region and U.S. Territories—Defective/Not as Described (Reason Code 53)
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
The issuer may chargeback only the disputed amount.
Staged Digital Wallet. A transaction to fund a Staged Digital Wallet may
be charged back if the funds did not appear in the Staged Digital Wallet.
Chargeback rights are not available for any subsequent purchase of goods
or service from a Staged Digital Wallet. Staged Digital Wallet transactions
are identified with a wallet identifier in DE 48 (Additional Data—Private
Use), subelement 26 (Wallet Program Data) Subfield 1—Wallet Identifier
and in PDS 0207—Wallet Identifier of the First Presentment/1240
Supporting documentation must be in English or accompanied by an
English translation.
Supporting documentation must be provided within 10 calendar days of
the chargeback settlement date.
Counterfeit Goods
Chargeback Condition The cardholder states that the goods were purported to be genuine, but
were counterfeit. “Counterfeit” means that the goods were not produced
by an authorized manufacturer of the goods and therefore infringe on
intellectual property rights.
Time Frame 120 calendar days
Chargeback Message
Reason Code
Supporting Documents Cardholder email, letter, message or completed Dispute Resolution Form—
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) stating all of the following:
The reason the cardholder believes that the goods are counterfeit
Disposition of the goods; Examples include but are not limited to:
The goods are in the possession of a governmental agency, such as
The goods are in the possession of the cardholder
The cardholder discarded the goods
The cardholder returned the goods to the Merchant
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
Intra-U.S. Region and U.S. Territories—Defective/Not as Described (Reason Code 53)
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Staged Digital Wallet. A transaction to fund a Staged Digital Wallet may
be charged back if the funds did not appear in the Staged Digital Wallet.
Chargeback rights are not available for any subsequent purchase of goods
or service from a Staged Digital Wallet. Staged Digital Wallet transactions
are identified with a wallet identifier in DE 48 (Additional Data—Private
Use), subelement 26 (Wallet Program Data) Subfield 1—Wallet Identifier
and in PDS 0207—Wallet Identifier of the First Presentment/1240
Supporting documentation must be in English or accompanied by an
English translation.
Supporting documentation must be provided within 10 calendar days of
the chargeback settlement date.
Acquirer Representment (Second Presentment)
The following table details the requirements of the second presentment for this message
reason code.
Second Presentment
The acquirer can provide evidence of one of the following:
The dispute was corrected or resolved.
The goods were not counterfeit.
The chargeback was invalid.
Time Frame 45 calendar days of the chargeback settlement date
Second Presentment
Message Reason Code
Supporting Documents The merchant’s explanation and documentation supporting the Second
Presentment Condition.
Notes Supporting documentation must be in English or accompanied by an
English translation.
Supporting documentation must be provided within 10 calendar days of
the chargeback settlement date.
Arbitration Case Filing
General Use
Arbitration Case Filing Condition The acquirer failed to remedy the dispute.
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
Intra-U.S. Region and U.S. Territories—Defective/Not as Described (Reason Code 53)
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Time Frame 45 calendar days of the representment settlement
Documentation Requirements All of the following:
Dispute Resolution Management Case Filing
Form—SMS Linked Case Filing (682a)
Second presentment supporting
documentation as provided by the acquirer
A new cardholder email, letter, message or
completed Dispute Resolution Form—
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221)
rebutting the merchant’s explanation
Documentation supporting the new cardholder
letter which may include:
Documentation from an expert or
professional that supports the cardholder’s
dispute about the level of quality or
Other documentation necessary to support
the validity of the dispute which may
include, but is not limited to, the original
receipt, invoice, work order, brochure,
contract, or appraisal.
Notes Supporting documentation must be in English or
accompanied by an English translation.
A completed Dispute Resolution Form—
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) must
be the result of contact with the cardholder.
Counterfeit Goods
Arbitration Case Filing Condition The acquirer failed to remedy the dispute.
Time Frame 45 calendar days of the representment settlement
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
Intra-U.S. Region and U.S. Territories—Defective/Not as Described (Reason Code 53)
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Documentation Requirements All of the following:
Dispute Resolution Management Case Filing
Form—SMS Linked Case Filing (682a)
Second presentment supporting
documentation as provided by the acquirer
A new cardholder email, letter, message or
completed Dispute Resolution Form—
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221)
rebutting the merchant’s explanation.
One of the following:
Documentation provided by a person
purporting to be the owner or authorized
representative of the owner of intellectual
property rights for the goods purported to
be counterfeit (which documentation may
be available from a Web site) substantiating
that the goods purchased are counterfeit;
Documentation substantiating that the
merchant that sold the purported
counterfeit goods was closed by a
governmental agency for selling counterfeit
goods now purported by the cardholder to
be counterfeit; or
Documentation from a bona fide expert
substantiating that the disputed goods are
counterfeit, which documentation is on the
expert’s letterhead or validated by other
information demonstrating that the opinion
expressed is that of an expert.
Notes The issuer should send an email message to to report the
cardholder’s allegation of an intellectual property
rights infringement.
Supporting documentation must be in English or
accompanied by an English translation.
A completed Dispute Resolution Form—
Cardholder Dispute Chargeback (Form 1221) must
be the result of contact with the cardholder.
Domestic Chargebacks, Arbitration Case Filing, and Compliance Case Filing
Intra-U.S. Region and U.S. Territories—Defective/Not as Described (Reason Code 53)
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Appendix E Lodging Merchant Services
Lodging Merchant Services
This appendix provides Card acceptance requirements relating to the Guaranteed Reservations, and
Advance Resort Deposit services.
Guaranteed Reservations............................................................................................................ 398
Advance Resort Deposit.............................................................................................................. 399
Lodging Merchant Services
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Guaranteed Reservations
All Lodging merchants who accept Mastercard are automatically enrolled in the Guaranteed
Reservation Program. Lodging merchants are not required to process Guaranteed Reservation
transactions; however, each merchant has the ability to create Guaranteed Reservation (No-
Show) transactions.
When a cardholder guarantees their reservation with a Mastercard, the merchant is ensuring
that a room will be available for the cardholder when the cardholder arrives at the property.
Merchants have the following responsibilities when accepting a Guaranteed Reservation:
The merchant must keep a room available until check-out time on the day following the
When accepting the Mastercard as a guarantee, the merchant will provide the cardholder
with a confirmation number for the reservation.
The merchant must inform the cardholder of the cancellation time and conditions.
Merchants may set cancellation limits up to 72 hours prior to the stay. When the
cardholder makes a reservation within the merchant’s cancellation period (for example, the
cardholder makes a reservation 24 hours in advance when the merchant has a 48-hour
cancellation requirement) the merchant agrees the default time of cancellation for that
reservation will be 18:00 merchant local time.
Merchants must accept a cancellation from the cardholder when provided prior to the
agreed upon time frames. Upon acceptance of the cancellation, the merchant will provide
a cancellation number.
Cardholders who cancel beyond the cancellation policy may be billed for one night of room
and tax only.
No-Show transactions have a zero floor limit and must be authorized prior to billing.
In the event the merchant is unable to provide a room to a cardholder who guaranteed the
stay with a Mastercard, the merchant must do all of the following:
Not bill the cardholder a No-Show charge
Provide the cardholder with an option to take accommodations at a lodging establishment
rated equal to, or better than, the reserved property
Ensure the cardholder is not charged more than the rate of the guaranteed stay
Receive complimentary transportation to the new location, and
A complimentary call when necessary for the cardholder to inform others of the new
Merchants billing No-Show transactions are advised to keep notation that the transaction was
a No-Show in the event of a chargeback or retrieval request.
Should a cardholder dispute a No-Show charge for any reason other than as an unauthorized
transaction, the merchant may support their cancellation policy and No-Show billing only with
documentation verifying the cardholder received the cancellation policy and failed to adhere
to it.
Lodging Merchant Services
Guaranteed Reservations
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Advance Resort Deposit
A merchant participating in the Advance Resort Deposit service must follow these procedures:
1. Explain the terms of the advance resort deposit reservation to the cardholder, including the
cancellation and refunds policies. A "no refund" policy must be clearly disclosed to
the cardholder.
2. Request the card account and cardholder address information and confirm the room rate
and location.
3. Obtain authorization from the Issuer and include on the TID the reservation confirmation
number and the words “advance deposit” in place of the cardholder’s signature. The
merchant is recommended to note on the TID any special terms and conditions regarding
its cancellation and refund policy.
4. Provide confirmation, a copy of the TID (including the reservation confirmation number),
and information concerning its cancellation and refund policies (including a "no refund"
policy, when applicable) to the cardholder. This information must be provide by letter,
email, fax, or other message.
5. If a cardholder cancels his or her reservation in accordance with the agreed upon
procedures, the merchant must follow the cancellation and refund policy previously
disclosed to the cardholder.
Lodging Merchant Services
Advance Resort Deposit
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Appendix F Transaction Identification Requirements
Transaction Identification Requirements
This appendix contains requirements for transaction identification.
Transaction Date......................................................................................................................... 401
Contactless Transactions............................................................................................................. 401
Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions...........................................................................403
Contactless-only Transactions................................................................................................. 405
Quick Payment Service Transactions............................................................................................ 407
Payment Transactions..................................................................................................................408
Electronic Commerce Transactions.............................................................................................. 409
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions............................................................................... 410
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions Containing Chip Data........................................ 411
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions Containing UCAF Data...................................... 412
Partial Shipments or Recurring Payments Following Digital Secure Remote Payment
Transactions........................................................................................................................... 414
Mastercard Mobile Remote Payment Transactions....................................................................... 416
Mastercard Biometric Card Program Transactions........................................................................ 417
Transaction Identification Requirements
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Transaction Date
The Transaction date appearing in DE 12 (Date and Time, Local Transaction) is specified as
For the following transaction… The transaction date is the date on which…
Face-to-Face The products or services are exchanged.
Non–Face-to-Face The products are shipped or services performed.
Vehicle Rental The vehicle is returned, or, if applicable, the prepayment date.
Lodging Checkout occurred, or if applicable, the prepayment date.
No-show The Cardholder was expected to arrive at the lodging merchant
and failed to appear.
Airline/Railway The airline or railway ticket was issued.
Cruise Line The transportation documents were issued.
On-board Cruise Line The passenger disembarks.
Refund The Merchant grants a credit or price adjustment.
All In-Flight Commerce Transactions
except those involving mailed
The flight departs from the originating city. The Transaction date
for in-flight commerce mailed purchases is the shipment date
unless otherwise disclosed to the Cardholder.
Mastercard Contactless Transit
One or more contactless taps performed with one Mastercard
Account and occurring at one transit Merchant are aggregated
in a First Presentment/1240 message.
Maestro Contactless Transit
A Financial Transaction Request/0200 (or in the Europe Region,
an Authorization Request/0100) message is sent for an estimated
or maximum amount in connection with the use of one Maestro
Account at one transit Merchant.
Contactless Transactions
The Acquirer must identify each Contactless Transaction with the following values. A
Transaction must not be identified as a Contactless Transaction if the Card information is
contact chip-read, magnetic stripe-read, or key-entered. In addition, a Transaction must not be
identified as a Maestro Contactless Transaction if the Card information is contactless magnetic
stripe-read, except in Brazil with respect to Maestro Magnetic Stripe Mode Contactless
Transactions (referred to herein as “Maestro Magstripe”).
Transaction Identification Requirements
Transaction Date
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Contactless Transaction Values for Authorization Request/0100 or Financial
Transaction Request/0200 Messages
Data Element Subfield Value
22 (Point of
Service [POS] Entry
1 (POS Terminal PAN
Entry Mode)
One of the following:
07 (PAN auto-entry via contactless M/Chip)
91 (PAN auto-entry via contactless magnetic stripe
—the full track data had been read from the data
on the card and transmitted within the
authorization request in DE 35 [Track 2 Data] or DE
45 [Track 1 Data] without alteration or truncation)
61 (Point-of-
Service [POS] Data)
11 (POS Card Data
Terminal Input
One of the following:
3 (Contactless M/Chip)
4 (Contactless Magnetic Stripe)
Contactless Transaction Values for First Presentment/1240 Messages
Data Element Subfield
22 (Point of Service Data Code) 1 (Terminal Data: Card Data
One of the following:
A (PAN auto-entry via
contactless magnetic stripe)
M (PAN auto-entry via
contactless M/Chip)
7 (Card Data: Input Mode) One of the following:
A (PAN auto-entry via
contactless magnetic stripe)
M (PAN auto-entry via
contactless M/Chip)
Transaction Identification Requirements
Contactless Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Contactless Transit Aggregated Transactions
The Acquirer must identify each Contactless transit aggregated Transaction with the following
Contactless Transit Aggregated Transaction Values for Authorization Request/0100 or
Financial Transaction Request/0200 Messages
Data Element Subfield Value
18 (Merchant
One of the following:
4111 (Transportation—Suburban and Local
Commuter Passenger, including Ferries)
4131 (Bus Lines)
4784 (Bridge and Road Fees, Tolls)
22 (Point-of-
Service [POS] Entry
1 (POS Terminal PAN
Entry Mode)
Any of the values shown in “Contactless Transactions
Values for Authorization Request/0100 or Financial
Transaction Request/0200 Messages.” Please note that
additionally, the value of 82 appears in Contactless
debt repayment Transactions.
48 (Additional
Data—Private Use)
1 (Transaction Category
Code [TCC])
X (Airline and Other Transportation Services)
48 (Additional
Use), subelement
64 (Transit
1 (Transit Transaction
One of the following:
03 (Mastercard Contactless Transit Aggregated)
06 (Maestro Contactless Transit Aggregated)
61 (Point-of-
Service [POS] Data
1 (POS Terminal
1 (Unattended terminal)
3 (POS Terminal Location) 0 (On premises of merchant facility)
4 (POS Cardholder
0 (Cardholder present)
5 (POS Card Presence) 0 (Card present)
6 (POS Card Capture
0 (Terminal/Operator has no card capture capability)
7 (POS Transaction
One of the following:
0 (Normal request)
4 (Pre-authorized request) Note: This value is only
for Europe Region-acquired Transactions.
Transaction Identification Requirements
Contactless Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Data Element Subfield Value
10 (Cardholder-Activated
Terminal Level)
0 (Not a CAT transaction)
11 (POS Card Data
Terminal Input Capability)
One of the following:
3 (Contactless M/Chip)
4 (Contactless Magnetic Stripe)
Contactless Transit Aggregated Transaction Values for First Presentment/1240
Element/PDS Subfield Value
22 (Point of
Service Data Code)
1 (Terminal Data: Card
Data Capability)
One of the following:
A (PAN auto-entry via contactless magnetic stripe)
M (PAN auto-entry via contactless M/Chip)
3 (Terminal Data: Card
Capture Capability)
0 (No capture capability)
4 (Terminal Operating
2 (On merchant premises; unattended terminal)
5 (Card Present Data) 0 (Cardholder present)
6 (Card Present Data) 1 (Card present)
7 (Card Data: Input
One of the following:
A (PAN auto-entry via contactless magnetic stripe)
M (PAN auto-entry via contactless M/Chip)
26 (Merchant
Business Code
One of the following:
4111 (Transportation-Suburban and Local
Commuter Passenger, including Ferries)
4131 (Bus Lines)
4784 (Bridge and Road Fees, Tolls)
PDS 0210 (Transit
Transaction Type)
1 (Transit Transaction
One of the following:
03 (Mastercard Contactless Transit Aggregated)
06 (Maestro Contactless Transit Aggregated)
Transaction Identification Requirements
Contactless Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Contactless-only Transactions
The Acquirer must identify each Contactless-only Transaction with the following values.
Contactless-Only Transaction Values for Authorization Request/0100 or Financial
Transaction Request/0200 Messages
Data Element Subfield Value
18 (Merchant
An MCC approved to be Contactless-only as published
from time to time in the Global Operations Bulletin.
22 (Point-of-
Service [POS] Entry
1 (POS Terminal PAN
Entry Mode)
Any of the values shown in “Contactless Transaction
Values for Authorization Request/0100 or Financial
Transaction Request/0200 Messages.”
61 (Point-of-
Service [POS] Data
1 (POS Terminal
1 (Unattended terminal)
3 (POS Terminal Location) One of the following:
0 (On premises of merchant facility)
1 (Off premises of merchant facility [merchant
terminal—remote location])
4 (POS Cardholder
0 (Cardholder present)
5 (POS Card Presence) 0 (Card present)
7 (POS Transaction
0 (Normal request)
10 (Cardholder-Activated
Terminal Level)
One of the following:
1 (Authorized Level 1 CAT: Automated dispensing
machine with PIN)
2 (Authorized Level 2 CAT: Self-service terminal)
3 (Authorized Level 3 CAT: Limited-amount
11 (POS Card Data
Terminal Input Capability)
One of the following:
3 (Contactless M/Chip)
4 (Contactless Magnetic Stripe)
Transaction Identification Requirements
Contactless Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Contactless-Only Transaction Values for First Presentment/1240 Messages
Data Element Subfield Value
22 (Point of
Service Data Code)
1 (Terminal Data: Card
Data Capability)
One of the following:
A (PAN auto-entry via contactless magnetic stripe)
M (PAN auto-entry via contactless M/Chip)
4 (Terminal Operating
One of the following:
2 (On merchant premises; unattended terminal)
4 (Off merchant premises; unattended)
6 (Off cardholder premises; unattended)
5 (Card Present Data) 0 (Cardholder present)
6 (Card Present Data) 1 (Card present)
7 (Card Data: Input
One of the following:
A (PAN auto-entry via contactless magnetic stripe)
M (PAN auto-entry via contactless M/Chip)
26 (Merchant
Business Code
An MCC approved to be contactless-only as published
from time to time in the Global Operations Bulletin.
Transaction Identification Requirements
Contactless Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Quick Payment Service Transactions
The Acquirer must identify each Quick Payment Service (QPS) Transaction with the following
QPS Transaction Values for First Presentment/1240 Messages
Data Element Subfield Value
22 (Point of
Service Data Code)
1 (Terminal Data: Card
Data Capability)
One of the following:
2 (Magnetic stripe reader capability)
5 (Integrated circuit card [ICC] capability)
B (Magnetic stripe reader and key entry capability)
C (Magnetic stripe reader, ICC, and key entry
D (Magnetic stripe reader and ICC capability)
E (ICC and key entry capability)
4 (Terminal Operating
1 (On merchant premises; attended terminal)
3 (Off merchant premises; attended terminal)
5 (Cardholder Present
0 (Cardholder present)
6 (Card Present Data) 1 (Card present)
7 (Card Data: Input
One of the following:
2 (Magnetic stripe reader input)
B (Magnetic stripe reader input; track data captured
and passed unaltered)
C (Online Chip)
F (Offline Chip)
26 (Merchant
Business Code
An eligible Quick Payment Service (QPS) MCC.
PDS 0044
2 (QPS/Contactless
Chargeback Eligibility
I (Ineligible for chargeback)—Value added by
Transaction Identification Requirements
Quick Payment Service Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Payment Transactions
The Acquirer must identify each Payment Transaction, MoneySend Payment Transaction, and
Gaming Payment Transaction, as applicable, with the following values.
Payment Transaction Values for Authorization Request/0100 or Financial Transaction
Request/0200 Messages
Data Element Subfield Value
3 (Processing Code) 1 (Cardholder Transaction Type) 28
18 (Merchant Type)
One of the following:
6532—for a Payment
Transaction processed by a
Customer or its authorized
6533—for a Payment
Transaction processed by a
6536—for Intracountry
MoneySend Payment
6537—for Intercountry
MoneySend Payment
7800—for Gaming Payment
Transactions (Government-
owned Lottery, U.S. Region
7995—for Gaming Payment
Transactions (Gambling
Transactions, Europe and MEA
Regions only)
A value specified for Payment
Transactions in the applicable
intracountry, or intercountry
business service arrangement, if
one is in place.
48 (Additional Data—Private Use) TCC (Transaction Category Code) P
Transaction Identification Requirements
Payment Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Data Element Subfield Value
48 (Additional Data—Private Use) 77 (Payment Transaction Type
Payment Transaction program type
Payment Transaction Values for First Presentment/1240 Messages
Data Element Subfield Value
3 (Processing
1 (Cardholder
Transaction Type)
26 (Merchant
Business Code)
As described for DE 18 (Merchant Type) in the
Authorization Request/0100 message
48 (Additional
Data—Private Use)
PDS 0043 (Program
Registration ID)
Payment Transaction program type
The value used for the Payment Transaction program type must be that which best describes
the purpose of the Payment Transaction.
The Acquirer also should provide either the customer service phone number in PDS 0170
(Merchant Inquiry Information), subfield 1 (Customer Service Phone Number) or the URL
address in PDS 0175 (Merchant URL) in the clearing message.
A Payment Transaction Detail addendum may also be submitted with a Payment Transaction.
This addendum provides the Issuer and Cardholder with enhanced data about the Merchant,
the recipient of funds, and other Transaction details.
Electronic Commerce Transactions
The Acquirer must identify each electronic commerce Transaction with the following values.
Electronic Commerce Transaction Values for Authorization Request/0100 or Financial
Transaction Request/0200 Messages
Data Element Subfield Value
22 (Point-of-Service [POS] Entry
1 (POS Terminal PAN Entry
81 (PAN entry via e–commerce,
including chip)
Transaction Identification Requirements
Electronic Commerce Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Data Element Subfield Value
61 ((Point-of-Service [POS] Data) 4 (POS Cardholder Presence) One of the following:
4 (Standing order/recurring
transactions) [If the
Transaction is the first
payment in a recurring
payment arrangement]
5 (Electronic order)
61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data) 10 (CAT Level) 6 (Electronic commerce)
Electronic Commerce Transaction Values for First Presentment/1240 Messages
Data Element Subfield Value
22 (Point of Service Data Code) 5 (Cardholder Present Data) One of the following:
4 (Cardholder not present
(standing order/ recurring
transactions) [If the
Transaction is the first
payment in a recurring
payment arrangement]
5 (Cardholder not present
[electronic order])
22 (Point of Service Data Code) 7 (Card Data: Input Mode) S (Electronic commerce)
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions
A Digital Secure Remote Payment Transaction is an electronic commerce Transaction that
contains cryptographic information, in the form of either full EMV chip data passed in DE 55
or a cryptographic value derived from an M/Chip cryptogram passed in the Universal
Cardholder Authentication Field (UCAF). Subsequent to the initial Digital Secure Remote
Payment Transaction, a related Transaction for a partial shipment may occur, in which case
cryptographic information is not passed. When a Digital Secure Remote Payment Transaction
contains tokenized account information, the Mastercard Digital Enablement Service performs
token mapping and cryptographic validation services.
Transaction Identification Requirements
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions Containing Chip Data
Authorization Request/0100 and Financial Transaction Request/0200 Messages
Data Element Subfield/Subelement Value
22 (Point-of-Service [POS] Entry
1 (POS Terminal PAN Entry
09 (PAN entry via electronic
commerce, including remote
48 (Additional Data—Private
33 (PAN Mapping File
Present when the Mastercard
Digital Enablement Service
performs token mapping.
71 (On-behalf Services)
Present when the Mastercard
Digital Enablement Service
performs token mapping:
Subfield 1 (On-behalf [OB]
Service) = 50 (Mastercard Digital
Enablement Service PAN
Mapping); and
Subfield 2 (On-behalf [OB] Result
1) = C (Conversion of Token to
PAN completed successfully)
71 (On-behalf Services)
Present when the Mastercard
Digital Enablement Service
performs cryptographic
Subfield 1 = 51 (Mastercard
Digital Enablement Service
Chip Pre-Validation); and
Subfield 2 = V (Valid)
61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data) 3 (POS Terminal Location)
One of the following:
2 (Off premises of card
acceptor facility [cardholder
terminal including home PC,
mobile phone, PDA]); or
4 (On premises of card
acceptor facility [cardholder
terminal including home PC,
mobile phone, PDA])
Transaction Identification Requirements
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
4 (POS Cardholder Presence) 5 (Electronic order [home PC,
Internet, mobile phone, PDA])
10 (Cardholder-Activated
Terminal Level)
6 (Authorized Level 6 CAT:
Electronic commerce)
First Presentment/1240 Messages
Data Element Subfield/PDS Value
22 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data
4 (Terminal Operating
One of the following:
2 (On card acceptor premises;
unattended terminal); or
4 (Off card acceptor
premises; unattended)
5 (Cardholder Present Data) 5 (Cardholder not present
[electronic order (PC, Internet,
mobile phone, or PDA)])
7 (Card Data: Input Mode) R (PAN Entry via electronic
commerce, including remote
48 (Additional Data) PDS 0023 (Terminal Type) CT 6 (CAT level 6 [electronic
commerce transaction])
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions Containing UCAF Data
Authorization Request/0100 and Financial Transaction Request/0200 Messages
Data Element Subfield/ Subelement Value
22 (Point-of-Service [POS] Entry
1 (POS Terminal PAN Entry
81 (PAN entry via electronic
commerce, including chip)
48 (Additional Data—Private
33 (PAN Mapping File
Present when the Mastercard
Digital Enablement Service
performs token mapping.
Transaction Identification Requirements
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
42 (Electronic Commerce
Indicators), subfield 1 (Electronic
Commerce Security Level
Indicator and UCAF Collection
All of the following:
Position 1 = 2
Position 2 = 4
Position 3 = 2 or 6
71 (On-behalf Services)
Present when the Mastercard
Digital Enablement Service
performs token mapping:
Subfield 1 (On-behalf [OB] Result
1) = 50 (Mastercard Digital
Enablement Service PAN
Mapping); and
Subfield 2 (On-behalf [OB]
Service) = C (Conversion of
Token to PAN completed
71 (On-behalf Services)
Present when the Mastercard
Digital Enablement Service
performs cryptographic
Subfield 1 = 51 (Mastercard
Digital Enablement Service Chip
Pre-Validation); and
Subfield 2 = V (Valid)
61 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data) 3 (POS Terminal Location)
One of the following:
2 (off premises of card
acceptor facility [cardholder
terminal including home PC,
mobile phone, PDA]); or
4 (On premises of card
acceptor facility [cardholder
terminal including home PC,
mobile phone, PDA])
4 (POS Cardholder Presence) 5 (Electronic order [home PC,
Internet, mobile phone, PDA])
10 (Cardholder-Activated
Terminal Level)
6 (Authorized Level 6 CAT:
Electronic commerce)
Transaction Identification Requirements
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
First Presentment/1240 Messages
Data Element Subfield/PDS Value
22 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data
4 (Terminal Operating
One of the following:
2 (On card acceptor premises;
unattended terminal); or
4 (Off card acceptor
premises; unattended)
5 (Cardholder Present Data) 5 (Cardholder not present
[electronic order (PC, Internet,
mobile phone, or PDA)])
7 (Card Data: Input Mode) S (Electronic commerce)
48 (Additional Data) PDS 0023 (Terminal Type) CT 6 (CAT level 6 [electronic
commerce transaction])
PDS 0052 (Electronic Commerce
Security Level Indicator)
All of the following:
Position 1 = 2
Position 2 = 4
Position 3 = 2 or 6
Partial Shipments or Recurring Payments Following Digital Secure Remote
Payment Transactions
Authorization Request/0100 and Financial Transaction Request/0200 Messages
Data Element Subfield/ Subelement Value
22 (Point-of-Service [POS] Entry
1 (POS Terminal PAN Entry
81 (PAN entry via electronic
commerce, including chip)
48 (Additional Data—Private
33 (PAN Mapping File
Present when the Mastercard
Digital Enablement Service
performs token mapping.
Transaction Identification Requirements
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
42 (Electronic Commerce
Indicators), Subfield 1 (Electronic
Commerce Security Level
Indicator and UCAF Collection
All of the following:
Position 1 = 2
Position 2 = 4
Position 3 = 7
NOTE: DE 48, Subelement 43
is not required. Liability will
depend on the original UCAF
indicator value in the
matching initial DSRP
71 (On-behalf Services)
Present when the Mastercard
Digital Enablement Service
performs token mapping:
Subfield 1 (On-behalf [OB]
Service) = 50 (Mastercard Digital
Enablement Service PAN
Mapping); and
Subfield 2 (On-behalf [OB] Result
1) = C (Conversion of Token to
PAN completed successfully)
Note: Value 51 (Mastercard
Digital Enablement Service Chip
Pre-Validation) does not appear
in a partial shipment or recurring
First Presentment/1240 Messages
Data Element Subfield/PDS Value
22 (Point-of-Service [POS] Data
4 (Terminal Operating
One of the following:
2 (On card acceptor premises;
unattended terminal); or
4 (Off card acceptor
premises; unattended)
Transaction Identification Requirements
Digital Secure Remote Payment Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
5 (Cardholder Present Data) 5 (Cardholder not present
[electronic order (PC, Internet,
mobile phone, or PDA)])
7 (Card Data: Input Mode) S (Electronic commerce)
48 (Additional Data) PDS 0023 (Terminal Type) CT 6 (CAT level 6 [electronic
commerce transaction])
PDS 0052 (Electronic Commerce
Security Level Indicator
All of the following:
Position 1 = 2
Position 2 = 4
Position 3 = 7
Mastercard Mobile Remote Payment Transactions
The Acquirer must identify each Mastercard Mobile Remote Payment Transaction with the
following values.
Mastercard Mobile Remote Payment Transaction Values for Authorization Request/
0100 or Financial Transaction Request/0200 Messages
Data Element Subfield/Subelement Value
22 (Point-of-Service [POS] Entry
1 (POS Terminal PAN Entry
82 (PAN auto entry via server [issuer,
acquirer, or third party vendor system])
48 (Additional Data—Private
1 (Remote Payments Program
Type Identifier)
1 (Issuer domain) or 2 (Acquirer Domain)
Mastercard Mobile Remote Payment Transaction Values for First Presentment/1240
Data Element Subfield/Subelement Value
22 (Point of Service [POS]
Entry Mode)
7 (Card Data: Input Mode) T (PAN auto entry via server [issuer,
acquirer, or third party vendor system])
48 (Additional Data) 1 (Remote Payments Program
1 (Issuer domain) or 2 (Acquirer Domain)
Transaction Identification Requirements
Mastercard Mobile Remote Payment Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Mastercard Biometric Card Program Transactions
A biometric card transaction with successful biometric cardholder verification is identified as
Byte 1 bit 5 of Tag 82 (Application Interchange Profile) is set to “0”
The cardholder verification results (CVR) present in DE 55, specifically:
Byte 1, bit 1 will contain a value of 1 to reflect that biometric was successful.
Byte 2, bit 2 will contain a value of 1 to reflect that biometric was used.
Transaction Identification Requirements
Mastercard Biometric Card Program Transactions
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Appendix G Forms
This appendix contains instructions for accessing the forms that are referred to in this guide.
Accessing Mastercard Connect....................................................................................................419
Referenced Forms...................................................................................................................421
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Accessing Mastercard Connect
All forms associated with this Chargeback Guide can be located on Mastercard Connect
1. Follow these steps to log on to Mastercard Connect
1. Log on to Mastercard Connect using your RSA SecureID
The Mastercard Connect home screen appears. There are two possible access points to get
to forms; through the Support tab or through the Publications Application/Quick Link.
2. Select Support from the top menu to access the Forms tab.
3. Select Forms from the bottom right of the Mastercard Connect screen.
Accessing Mastercard Connect
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
4. Select Publications Application to access the Quick Link.
5. Select Forms from the Quick Links list.
Both above options provide access to the Forms selection screen.
6. Locate the desired form in the list. Forms may also be found by sorting under the category
of Clearing and Settlement.
Accessing Mastercard Connect
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Referenced Forms
The following forms have been referenced in this Chargeback Guide.
362 SAFE Optional Report Selection
412 Dispute Resolution Form-Fraud
500 MDS Exception Item Processing Request
682a Dispute Resolution Management Case Filing Form—SMS Linked Case Filing
1185 Expedited Billing Dispute Resolution Process Form—Pre-Compliance/Compliance
1221 Dispute Resolution Form—Cardholder Dispute Chargeback
1240 Dispute Resolution Form—Point-of-Interaction (POI) Errors
Accessing Mastercard Connect
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018
Following are policies pertaining to proprietary rights, trademarks, translations, and details
about the availability of additional information online.
Proprietary Rights
The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential to Mastercard International
Incorporated, one or more of its affiliated entities (collectively “Mastercard”), or both.
This material may not be duplicated, published, or disclosed, in whole or in part, without the prior written
permission of Mastercard.
Trademark notices and symbols used in this document reflect the registration status of Mastercard
trademarks in the United States. Please consult with the Global Customer Service team or the Mastercard
Law Department for the registration status of particular product, program, or service names outside the
United States.
All third-party product and service names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
Mastercard makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, with respect to the
contents of this document. Without limitation, Mastercard specifically disclaims all representations and
warranties with respect to this document and any intellectual property rights subsisting therein or any part
thereof, including but not limited to any and all implied warranties of title, non-infringement, or suitability
for any purpose (whether or not Mastercard has been advised, has reason to know, or is otherwise in fact
aware of any information) or achievement of any particular result. Without limitation, Mastercard specifically
disclaims all representations and warranties that any practice or implementation of this document will not
infringe any third party patents, copyrights, trade secrets or other rights.
A translation of any Mastercard manual, bulletin, release, or other Mastercard document into a language
other than English is intended solely as a convenience to Mastercard customers. Mastercard provides any
translated document to its customers “AS IS” and makes no representations or warranties of any kind with
respect to the translated document, including, but not limited to, its accuracy or reliability. In no event shall
Mastercard be liable for any damages resulting from reliance on any translated document. The English
version of any Mastercard document will take precedence over any translated version in any legal
Information Available Online
Mastercard provides details about the standards used for this document—including times expressed,
language use, and contact information—on the Publications Support page available on Mastercard
. Go to Publications Support for centralized information.
1988–2018 Mastercard. Proprietary. All rights reserved.
Chargeback Guide • 13 December 2018