445 S. Figueroa Street, Suite 1925, Los Angeles, CA 90071 | www.raftelis.com
November 16, 2023
Re: C/CAG Strategic Plan
Attn: Sean Charpentier, Executive Director
City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County
555 County Center, 5
Floor, Redwood City, CA 94063
Subject: Proposal for C/CAG Strategic Plan Development
Dear Mr. Charpentier:
We are pleased to submit this proposal to provide the City/County Association of Governments of San
Mateo County (C/CAG) with strategic planning services. Our focus has always been to help local
government and utility clients solve their financial, organizational, and technology challenges. We believe
our firm offers C/CAG some distinct advantages for this project:
A workable and insightful approach: Our team’s approach specifically addresses your needs and
will help develop a best practice-level strategic planning process and resultant plan. Our proven
methods of engagement and facilitation lead to a sustainable plan that will provide C/CAG with a
vision, mission, and measurable goals.
Use of unique and innovative tools and techniques: We are passionate about strategic planning,
which drives us to use innovation and creativity throughout the project, from engagement to the
preparation of the final plan. We encourage future-focused discussions and action-oriented
approaches to building C/CAG’s new plan. Our deliverables are useful and engaging, and unique
and creative graphics are used to keep documents concise with a focus on internal and external
communication. Our visual facilitator will transform conversations into graphic form live, before
participants leave the room.
Personal service from senior-level consultants: You appreciate it when deadlines are met, phone
calls are returned, and your challenges are given in-depth, out-of-the-box thinking. While some
firms may assign your business to junior-level people, we offer exceptional service from senior-level
We have had significant success working with community members, elected officials, department
leadership teams, and staff to identify priorities for an organization or a community and achieve
consensus. We are confident our approach will provide C/CAG with the direction it seeks for the future
of the San Mateo County community. We look forward to the opportunity to serve C/CAG. Please
contact me should you have any questions. We have the ability to complete the proposed tasks in the
references timeframes and to commence work immediately upon issuance of a Notice to Proceed. There
are no conflicts of interest, actual or apparent, that would limit Raftelis’ ability to provide the requested
services. No addenda were released or received during the preparation of this proposal. Our proposal is a
firm offer for a period of 120 days from the due date.
Julia Novak, Executive Vice President
445 South Figueroa Street, Suite 1925, Los Angeles, CA 90071 / 513.221.0500 / [email protected]
City/County Association of
Governments of San Mateo County
C/CAG Strategic Plan Development
Proposal / November 16, 2023
Firm Name: Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc.
Contact Person: Julia Novak, Executive Vice President
445 S. Figueroa Street, Suite 1925, Los Angeles, CA 90071
P: 513.221.0500 / E: [email protected]
Table of
Transmittal Letter .................................... 1
Executive Summary and Project
Approach .................................................. 4
Work Plan ................................................. 6
Schedule of Work .................................. 10
Cost Proposal ........................................ 11
Appendix A: Supplemental
Materials ................................................. 15
Appendix B: Additional Proposal
Requirements ........................................ 24
The Raftelis Charitable Gift
Fund allocates profits,
encourages employee
contributions, and recognizes
time to charitable
organizations that support:
Access to clean water
and conservation
Science, technology, and
Raftelis is investing in
improved telecommunication
technologies to reduce the
firm’s number one source of
carbon emissionstravel.
We are committed to doing
our part to fight prejudice,
racism, and discrimination by
becoming more informed,
disengaging with business
partners that do not share
this commitment, and
encouraging our employees
to use their skills to work
toward a more just society
that has no barriers to
Executive Summary
Local government and utility leaders partner with Raftelis to transform their organizations by enhancing
performance, planning for the future, identifying top talent, improving their financial condition, and
telling their story. We’ve helped more than 600 organizations in the last year alone. We provide trusted
advice, and our experts include former municipal and utility leaders with decades of hands-on experience
running successful organizations. People who lead local governments and utilities are innovators
constantly seeking ways to provide better service to the communities that rely on them. Raftelis provides
management consulting expertise and insights that help bring about the change that our clients seek.
TNCG is Now Raftelis
The Novak Consulting Group (TNCG) and Raftelis have always shared a focus on delivering lasting
solutions for local government agencies. In January 2020, TNCG joined Raftelis. Today, we provide our
clients with wide-ranging capabilities and resources in financial, management, technology, and
communications consulting for all areas of local government. Our clients now have the expertise of more
than 160 of the country’s leading local government and utility consultants, who have decades of
experience. We know that our combined capabilities and resources will provide added value to our clients,
and we’re excited about what we can accomplish together.
We believe that Raftelis is the right fit for this project. We provide several key factors
that will benefit C/CAG and help to make this project a success.
RESOURCES & EXPERTISE: Our project team is passionate about strategic planning and
organizational optimization. Each member of our team specializes in strategic planning and has devoted
their careers to assisting with local government strategic planning.
DECADES OF COLLECTIVE EXPERIENCE: Our associates and subject matter experts have decades
of experience in strengthening local municipalities and utilities. They’ve served in a wide range of
positions, from city manager to utility director, and they have led dozens of strategic planning initiatives
for utilities across the country.
NICHE EXPERTISE: Our expertise lies in strengthening public-sector organizations. We’re consulting
specialists rather than generalists, focusing our strengths to do a highly effective job for a specific group of
PROVEN PROCESS: We will implement a proven and unique facilitation process that engages internal
and external stakeholders, links strategy to performance, and sets the organization up for effective
implementation. We will use several techniques, some of which are innovative and others that are more
classic approaches.
Project Approach
We understand that C/CAG seeks to develop a new three to five-year strategic plan to guide
its membership and prioritize its broad activities. At its best, strategic planning engages
individuals and strengthens a sense of community that undergirds strong civic engagement.
At Raftelis, we understand the unique roles of each stakeholder. Each participant in this process comes
with a different perspective and, perhaps, conflicting priorities. Each of these viewpoints is important and
valuable. It is our responsibility to work in partnership with C/CAG to synthesize this information and
facilitate a process that does the following:
Honors and respects the diversity of opinions of participants
Promotes group communication and collaboration through inclusivity and community building
Provides useful information and direction for decision making and priority setting
Effective and efficient project management will be critical for
ensuring the successful completion of this engagement. Therefore,
our approach is to work collaboratively with C/CAG to ensure all
expectations are articulated from the start. We remain in close
contact with our clients throughout all phases of each engagement
to ensure these expectations are met. This also allows us to quickly
address any contingencies that may arise. Our experience with
similar work enables us to hit the ground running.
The process of developing a strategic plan explores three specific
What do we know to be true? Who are we?
What do we hope will be true in the future? Where are we
What must go well in order to make it so? How are we going to achieve it?
In this way, a strategic plan is a roadmap to move a community or organization toward its intended
Work Plan
Activity 1: Project Administration
A successful process will benefit from a collaborative relationship between the consulting team and
C/CAG from the very beginning of the process. This task is intended to begin building that relationship.
At the start of this engagement, we will conduct a project kick-off meeting with C/CAG’s project team to
review the expectations of this effort, steps, and to finalize the project timeline. In this discussion, we will
gain a clear picture of what C/CAG hopes to accomplish from this process. We will develop a project
charter with the team and discuss communication and engagement strategies for the project. We want to
ensure that we have a shared understanding of how to develop the strategic plan and successfully integrate
the learnings from C/CAG’s previous planning efforts.
Throughout the project, Raftelis will plan and facilitate weekly project management meetings to discuss
project status and upcoming action items. We will submit monthly invoices with accompanying progress
Project kick-off meeting agenda
Draft and final project timeline
Monthly invoices and progress reports
Activity 2: Background Review and Situation Analysis
In this activity, our team will conduct a comprehensive background review of C/CAG activities. We will
prepare and submit a formal document/data request to C/CAG and request and review all relevant
documents and demographic information. We will discuss relevant trends in the region which could
impact future initiatives.
Based upon our review of background information and prior discussions, Raftelis will prepare a
preliminary strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) summary for review with C/CAG.
We will work collaboratively with C/CAG to provide helpful background information about the current
state of C/CAG and potential future impacts. As part of this process, we will conduct individual
interviews with an executive committee of the C/CAG Board of Directors to hear their perspective about
the strategic plan and to develop an understanding of C/CAG’s processes, operations, and prior planning
efforts. We will ask all other members of the Board to respond to a questionnaire in order to learn their
perceptions and gain their input. Based upon feedback received, we will conduct any additional follow-up
research necessary and finalize the SWOT summary.
Data/document request
Draft and final SWOT summary
Activity 3: Draft Vision, Strategic Priorities, and Project List
Based on our conversations with C/CAG, we will plan and facilitate a Visioning Workshop with C/CAG
agency staff in order to develop a draft vision statement, values, goals, and potential priorities for the
strategic plan. During the Visioning Workshop, we will evaluate all priorities and prepare a preliminary
list of projects to achieve each priority goal area.
The session will include activities with the entire group as well as small group breakout sessions that will
allow everyone to actively participate and engage in the process. During the session, the primary role of
the facilitator is to ensure that the environment is respectful and conducive to open and constructive
dialogue so that the established objectives are ultimately met. While the agenda provides the structure to
accomplish the tasks, we also know how important it is to pay attention to the group and make sure that
conversations that need to happen actually happen, so we are flexible and in tune with the group during
the process.
We will provide a summary of the session.
Draft Vision Statement
Draft Strategic Priorities
A sample of the
work of our
visual facilitator
and an overview
of the strategic
Activity 4: Priority Setting Retreat
Our team will meet with agency staff to prepare for a Priority Setting Workshop with the Board Members.
We will develop and administer an online survey to gather Board Member input on all preliminary
strategic plan goals and priorities, and we will analyze and summarize the results.
Based on our conversations with C/CAG, we will prepare a draft agenda for the Priority Setting
Workshop to be reviewed by C/CAG. We will then facilitate the strategic planning session with C/CAG
Board Members and key staff to articulate a desired future for the community. The environmental scan
will be reviewed to provide context for the vision and goals. The organizational mission and values will
also be reviewed and affirmed, and priorities of goals will be determined.
Our team will summarize all Workshop outcomes.
Draft agenda for Priority Setting Workshop
Priority Setting Workshop outcomes summary
Activity 5: Develop Strategic Plan
Having gained consensus on C/CAG values, goals, and priorities for the strategic plan, Raftelis will
prepare a comprehensive strategic plan document and deliverable that includes our methodology and the
results of the process. This will be an attractive and easy-to-read graphic document to share the new plan
with the members and the public. We will include measurable goals and timetables for their achievement.
Once drafted, we will meet with C/CAG
staff to review the draft strategic plan
document and, based upon any feedback
received, finalize the plan.
Draft and final strategic plan
Activity 6: C/CAG Board of
Directors Work Session and
Upon request, Raftelis will support staff in
their presentation of C/CAG’s new
strategic plan to various standing committees and support its adoption by, and presentation to, the Board.
Up to two presentations to the C/CAG Board of Directors
The strategic plan that we will develop for C/CAG
won't be just another report to sit on your shelf. Our
team of strategic planning experts and graphic
designers develop plans that serve as tools to
graphically communicate the organization's vision to
both internal and external stakeholders.
Shown here are the front covers of several strategic plans
that Raftelis has recently developed and designed.
Activity 7: Optional Tasks
With the C/CAG’s project manager request and approval, Raftelis will be available and happy to assist
with implementation of Strategic Plan recommendations. We would discuss and review the scope with the
Project Manager before preparing a price proposal.
Schedule of Work
A draft timeline is provided below. We expect to refine and finalize this with C/CAG during Activity 1.
Activity 1 - Project
Activity 2 - Background
Review and Situation
Activity 3 - Draft Vision,
Strategic Priorities and
Project List
Activity 4 - Priority Setting
Activity 5 - Develop
Strategic Plan
Activity 6 - C/CAG Board of
Directors Worksession and
Cost Proposal
The total fixed fee to complete the scope of work outlined in this proposal is $124,500, which includes all
professional fees and expenses. Details on this cost proposal are provided on the following pages.
Hourly rates by team member classification are provided below. Rates will be held firm for the initial
contract term and any annual rate escalation shall not exceed 3%.
Executive Vice President
Vice President
Senior Consultant
Visual Facilitator
C/CAG will be billed monthly upon work completed.
Appendix A:
Supplemental Materials
Our project team is made up of senior-level consultants with direct local government experience. What
sets our project team apart is our ability to explore and relate to local community values while at the same
time, investigating realistic approaches for cost-effective solutions.
An organizational chart of our project team is as follows. On the following pages, we have included
resumes for each of our team members as well as a description of their role on the project.
Julia Novak
City/County Association
of Governments of
San Mateo County
Julie Gieseke
Ashley Garcia
Jan Perkins
Julia Novak
PROJECT DIRECTOR | Executive Vice President
ROLE: Julia will be responsible for overall project accountability
and will be available to provide quality assurance and control,
industry perspective, and insights into the project.
PROFILE: Julia’s reputation and experience as a consultant who
offers practical and implementable recommendations are grounded
in more than 15 years of active service to local governments,
including Fort Collins, Colorado; Lexington, Massachusetts;
Rockville, Maryland; and as the city manager of Rye, New York.
She is a practitioner first who has expanded her knowledge and
expertise as a consultant for hundreds of organizations across the
United States over the past twenty years. Julia has extensive
experience as a facilitator and trainer. She has worked with both
elected and appointed officials from jurisdictions throughout the
United States to conduct goal setting, develop strategic plans, and
prioritize service delivery. She has conducted training for elected
officials as an individual trainer and through the National League of
Julia is an established thought leader in the areas of governance and
administration. Public Management Magazine has published
multiple articles that she authored and co-authored, including
“Getting to Great: Defining the Roles of the Governing Body and
Local Government Manager," "Preparing Councils for Their Work,"
"Permission to Manage" which discusses the importance of using
data to manage local governments; "Dreams That Make a
Difference" on the value of community based strategic planning;
"Civility," "Using Data in Police Management,” and, most recently
“Getting to Great: Defining the Roles of the Governing Body and
Local Government Manager.”
Julia has been a speaker at national conferences for the ICMA,
National League of Cities, and American Society of Public
Administrators. She has been a featured speaker/trainer for many
state associations and local government affiliate organizations
throughout the United States. Julia earned a bachelor's degree in
government and politics from George Mason University and a
master's degree in public administration from the University of
Kansas. Julia was in the first class of individuals certified by ICMA
as Credentialed Local Government Managers and maintains that designation.
Professional History
Raftelis: Executive Vice
President (2020-present);
President, The Novak
Consultant Group (2009-
Vice President,
Management Partners (2003
to 2009)
City of Rye, New York:
City Manager (2000-2003)
City of Rockville, Maryland
Town of Lexington,
Massachusetts (1992-1995)
City of Fort Collins,
Colorado (1987- 1992)
Master of Public
Administration - University
of Kansas (1988)
Bachelor of Arts in
Government and Politics -
George Mason University
Certified Professional
Manager, International
City/County Management
Master Facilitator, The
Myers-Briggs Personality
Type Indicator
Professional Memberships
International City/County
Management Association
Engaging Local
Government Leaders
Jan Perkins ICMA CM
PROJECT MANAGER | Vice President
ROLE: Jan will manage the day-to-day aspects of the project
ensuring it is within budget, on schedule, and effectively meets
C/CAG’s objectives. She will also lead the consulting staff in
conducting analyses and preparing deliverables for the project. Jan
will serve as C/CAG’s main point of contact for the project.
PROFILE: Jan Perkins has over 30 years of management
experience in local government. She served in several California
and Michigan jurisdictions, including as City Manager in Fremont
and Morgan Hill, California. She also served the cities of Santa
Ana, California as Assistant City Manager; Grand Rapids,
Michigan in various analyst roles and Deputy City Manager; and
Adrian, Michigan as Community Development Director and
Assistant City Administrator.
Jan is an expert facilitator and organization development
consultant. She provides consulting assistance to government
leaders in organizational analysis, leadership development,
facilitation, strategic planning, teambuilding, executive performance
evaluation, and policy board/staff effectiveness. Jan has held
leadership positions in professional associations, is a frequent
speaker at professional conferences and has received awards from
professional and civic associations. In 2016, Jan was honored by
ICMA with its Distinguished Service Award, received the Lifetime
Achievement Award from Women Leading Government, and a
Lifetime Achievement Award from her MPA alumni association,
the KUCIMATs. She has authored a number of articles on
leadership, executive performance evaluation, ethics and successful
hiring strategies. Jan holds an undergraduate degree in sociology
and a Master’s of Public Administration from the University of
Kansas. She completed the Program for Senior Executives in State
and Local Government from Harvard University and is an ICMA
Credentialed Manager. She is a founding board member of Women
Leading Government, assisted in recruiting the women in public
administration conferences at the University of Kansas, served on
and chaired ICMA committees, was President of the Alameda
County City Managers Association, is a Past President and current
member of the California City Management Foundation, and is a
Fellow with the National Academy for Public Administration.
Professional History
Raftelis: Vice President
Management Partners: Vice
President, Senior Partner,
Partner (2005-2022);
Managing Director,
Baker Tilly, through
acquisition of Management
Partners (2022-2023).
City of Fremont, CA: City
Manager/Acting City
Manager (1993-2005)
City of Morgan Hill, CA:
City Manager (1990-1993)
City of Santa Ana, CA:
Assistant City Manager
City of Grand Rapids, MI:
Deputy City Manager (1981-
1984), Analyst (1975-1979)
City of Adrian, MI:
Community Development
Director/Assistant City
Administrator (1979-1981)
Master’s Degree in Public
Administration - University
of Kansas (1976)
Bachelor’s Degree in
Sociology - University of
Kansas (1974)
Certificate from Harvard
University’s Program for
Senior Executives in State
and Local Government
ICMA Credentialed
Professional Memberships
Women Leading
Government, founding
board member
California City Management
Foundation, Past President
Julie Gieseke
VISUAL FACILITATOR | Visual Facilitator
ROLE: Julie will use visual facilitation to capture participants’
dialogue, discussion, and ideation by drawing large visual maps in real
time, which helps connect ideas, track content, and synthesize their
PROFILE: Julie Gieseke is a visual facilitator, working in the realm
of group facilitation, strategic planning and strategic communications
for over fifteen years. She creates visuals that bring ideas and people
together through image and story.
Julie collaborates on projects utilizing the tools of group process and
design, such as visual facilitation, creative engagement, and
storytelling, to bring strategy and tactics into clear focus. She also
incorporates change methodologies such as Appreciative Inquiry,
Positive Psychology, StrengthsFinder, and Neurolinguistics.
Julie’s unique skill set combines facilitation, active listening, and visual
facilitation to bring sense-making, consensus, energy, and vibrancy to
each engagement. As a consultant with The Novak Consulting Group
and now Raftelis, Julie has worked on a variety of strategic planning
and facilitation projects.
Julie developed her group process design through a broad range of
experience. She received her master’s degree in Organizational
Development and Management from Fielding Graduate University, is
certified as a professional coach through The Coaches Training
Institute, and is a certified Master Practitioner of Neurolinguistics.
Julie also received professional training through The Grove
Consultants International and has been mentored by leaders in the
fields of visual facilitation, facilitation, organizational development,
coaching, storytelling, and performance. The result is a wide range of
exposure to various approaches that culminates in a unique style that is
customizable for each engagement.
Professional History
Raftelis: Visual
Facilitator (2020-
present); Visual
Facilitator, The Novak
Consulting Group (2011-
Map the Mind: Principal
(2008-present) Visual
Facilitation, Coaching,
Consulting, Teaching
Master of Arts in
Development and
Management - Fielding
Graduate University
Professional Coaching
Certification - Coaches
Training Institute (2008)
Bachelor of Arts in Film
and Video
Production/Theater Arts
- University of
California, Santa Cruz
Master Practitioner of
Certified Professional
Co-Active Coach
Professional Memberships
International Forum of
Visual Practitioners
Ashley Garcia
STAFF CONSULTANT | Senior Consultant
ROLE: Ashley will work at the direction of Jan in conducting
analyses and preparing deliverables for the project.
PROFILE: Ashley began consulting in 2020 after a decade of direct
service to local governments in Southern California. Prior to joining
Raftelis, Ashley spent nearly four years as a consultant conducting
dozens of organizational assessments and strategic plan
engagements. Through specifically tailored retreat planning and
facilitation, she seeks input and consensus from elected officials,
staff, and members of the community to help local governments
establish collective priorities. The combination of practitioner and
consulting experience enables her to effectively relate to client needs
and provide appropriate solutions, rooted in industry best practices.
Ashley has assessed a wide variety of local government operations
including development review, human resources, city clerk’s office,
fire department, library, public works, and municipal utilities. Her
work helps local government organizations increase effectiveness
and deploy resources efficiently to achieve community priorities.
This work includes analysis of staffing and organizational structure,
peer comparison analysis, creation of process maps, policy and
procedure updates, and process improvement workshop facilitation.
She has also used qualitative and quantitative methods to assess
both employee and customer experiences and identify actionable
recommendations for enhanced service delivery.
Ashley began her career in Orange County, California, where she
served the cities of Villa Park, Huntington Beach, Laguna Niguel,
and Costa Mesa in progressively responsible roles within the City
Manager’s Office. Ashley expanded her experience in organizational
development at the City of Santa Maria, where she led an effort to
align employee competencies and performance metrics to the city’s
mission and values.
Ashley earned a master’s degree in public administration from
University of Southern California and a bachelor’s in human and
organizational development with an emphasis in public policy from
Vanderbilt University.
Professional History
Raftelis: Senior Consultant
Baker Tilly x Management
Partners: Senior Manager,
Consulting (2020-2023)
City of Santa Maria,
HR Projects Administrator
City of Costa Mesa,
California: Management
Analyst (2015-2018)
City of Laguna Niguel,
Management Analyst (2012-
City of Huntington Beach,
California: Graduate
Management Fellowship
City of Villa Park,
California: Management
Intern (2009-2010)
Master of Public
Administration - University
of Southern California
Bachelor of Science in
Human and Organizational
Development - Vanderbilt
University (2009)
Professional Memberships
Municipal Management
Association of Southern
California (MMASC): Past
International City/County
Management Association
Women Leading
Government (WLG)
Work Samples
Below please find a few additional representative samples of strategic plans we have developed in cooperation with
other public agencies.
Strategic Plan Framework for The Steamship Authority, MA https://bit.ly/3FZHgep
2022 Strategic Plan for Gaithersburg, MD https://bit.ly/40LFtDu
2023 Strategic Plan for Long Beach Development Services, CA https://bit.ly/3SFfdbK
Our staff has assisted more than 1,500 local government organizations across the U.S., including some of
the largest and most complex agencies in the nation. In the past year alone, Raftelis worked on more than
1,200 strategic planning, financial, management, and/or technology consulting projects for over 600
public-sector agencies in 46 states, the District of Columbia, and Canada. Our team has extensive
experience with strategic planning throughout the country. Our clients tell us we are more than just
consultantswe are trusted advisors. We point to a strong repeat customer base as part of the evidence, as
well as the many clients who have hired us numerous times to do vital work for their organizations. Other
clients have told us that our contacts are “enthusiastic” when providing a reference to potential clients,
and they point to actionable and practical solutions.
The Steamship Authority MA
Reference: Bob Davis, General Manager
P: 508.548.5011 ext. 200 / E: [email protected]
The Steamship Authority (Authority) runs the largest ferry service to the islands of Martha’s Vineyard and
Nantucket from Cape Cod on the mainland of Massachusetts. In early 2023, the Authority engaged
Raftelis to prepare its strategic plan. Our team reviewed documents, interviewed Board and Port Council
members, held staff interviews and focus groups, surveyed all staff on mission and vision statements, and
interviewed key stakeholders across the islands served by the Authority. Raftelis prepared an
environmental scan and developed the draft framework in May 2023. Work is underway to solicit
community input on the framework. Raftelis will facilitate additional workshops with the Board and staff
to finalize the framework and will work with staff to identify specific implementation strategies by
City of Folsom CA
Reference: Elaine Andersen, City Manager
P: 916.461.6010 / E: [email protected]
Beginning in 2022, our Project Manager was the lead facilitator and project director for development of
the City of Folsom’s (City) first citywide Strategic Plan, adopted in April 2023. The process involved
gathering input from the City Council, community, and executive team. A survey of the business
community was designed and administered. A gap analysis questionnaire was completed by City
departments to provide key information about strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT)
along with major projects and initiatives. A workshop was held with the executive team to review
information gathered. A second workshop with the City Council and executive team obtained Council
guidance on the strategic plan.
City of Victorville CA
Reference: Keith Metzler, City Manager
P: 760.955.5029 / E: [email protected]
Beginning in 2020, our Project Manager was the lead facilitator and project director for development of
the City of Victorville’s (City) first citywide three-year strategic plan. The process involved gathering input
from the City Council, community, and staff. Two City Council workshops were held, one of which
focused on creating a set of Council norms. A staff leadership team session was also held. Each
department completed a gap analysis questionnaire to provide key information about strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) along with major projects and initiatives to be included in
the strategic plan. Both a community survey and employee survey were designed and administered to
gather input. City staff prepared an environmental scan which was presented at the Council workshop. In
2023, the City initiated a second three-year strategic planning process, which culminated in a City Council
workshop held in July 2023 to achieve consensus on the proposed plan. The newly updated Strategic Plan
was formally adopted by the City Council in August 2023.
City of Pleasanton CA
Reference: Gerry Beaudin, City Manager
P: 925.931.5002 / E: [email protected]
Beginning in 2015, our Project Manager has been the lead facilitator and project director for several
strategic plans. The City’s first comprehensive Citywide Strategic Plan is nearly completed, with a City
Council workshop to review the draft plan held in August 2023. The Citywide Strategic Plan process
began with interviews with members of the City Council; an employee survey; a gap analysis administered
to City departments; reviewing community survey information obtained through other sources; reviewing
various City plans; guiding City staff on community engagement outreach, including focus groups; and a
town hall event and pop ups at the Farmers’ Market. Two workshops were facilitated, the first of which
was with the executive team to review information gathered. The second workshop was with the City
Council and executive team to obtain Council direction on the strategic plan. A third workshop is
scheduled with staff following adoption to create an implementation action plan.
The prior strategic planning engagements began with the Alviso Adobe Community Park, which involved
a task force and multiple meetings. Other strategic plans included the Livermore-Pleasanton Fire
Department Strategic Plan, the Library and Recreation Strategic Plan, the Operations Services
Department Strategic Plan (first one in 2016 and second one in 2022), and the Community Development
Department Strategic Plan.
City of Union City CA
Reference: Joan Malloy, City Manager
P: 510.675.5344 / E: [email protected]
Since 2019, our Project Manager has been the lead facilitator and project director for strategic planning for
the City of Union City. A five-year citywide strategic plan was developed in 2019 containing a new
citywide vision and organizational vision, mission statement, and set of values. The strategic plan
included five broad multi-year goals, each of which had strategies for achieving the goals. An
implementation action plan was developed to accompany the strategic plan. Our associate then led the
Midpoint Update of the Strategic Plan in 2021. Most recently, the final update of the five-year plan was
completed in August 2023, to be formally adopted by the Council in September 2023.
Appendix B: Additional
Proposal Requirements
Raftelis has been joined as a third-party defendant in a lawsuit filed by local developers against the Town
of Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina. The subject of this currently pending litigation is development impact
fees assessed by the town and developed by Raftelis. This is the only legal case in which Raftelis has been
joined as a party in the history of our firm. Raftelis intends to vigorously defend the allegations and claim.
Contract Agreement
We request that C/CAG consider making the following modifications, shown in red below, to the Sample
Agreement Template. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about these modifications.
1. Services to be provided by Consultant. In consideration of the payments hereinafter set forth, Consultant
shall provide services described in Exhibit A, Scope of Work attached hereto (the “Services”).
In the performance of its services, Consultant represents that it has and will exercise the degree of
professional care, skill, efficiency, and judgment of consultants with special expertise in providing such
services, as of the time and at the location the services are provided, and Consultant represents that it carries
and will maintain all applicable licenses, certificates, and registrations needed for the work in current and
good standing. Consultant may rely on all data and information provided by or on behalf of C/CAG
without additional investigation.
5. Contract Materials. At the end of this Agreement, or in the event of termination, all finished or unfinished
documents, data, studies, maps, photographs, reports, and other written materials, in each case to the extent
intended as a deliverable hereunder and prepared by Consultant under this Agreement (collectively referred
to as “contract materials”) prepared by Consultant under this Agreement shall become the property of
C/CAG and shall be promptly delivered to C/CAG. Upon termination, Consultant may make and retain a
copy of such contract materials if permitted by law. Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything else in this
Agreement, nothing herein shall be deemed or construed as a waiver, release, divestiture, transfer or
assignment by Consultant of any of its intellectual property, know-how or trade secrets.
9. Hold Harmless/Indemnity.
a. General. Consultant shall indemnify and save harmless C/CAG and its officers, agents, employees, and
servants from all claims, suits, or actions of every name, kind, and description resulting from this
Agreement, the performance of any work or services required of Consultant under this Agreement, or
payments made pursuant to this Agreement brought, for, or on account of, any of the following: (A) injuries
to or death of any person, including Consultant or its employees/officers/agents; (B) damage to any
property of any kind whatsoever and to whomsoever belonging; (C) any sanctions, penalties, or claims of
damages resulting from Consultant’s failure to comply, if applicable, with the requirements set forth in the
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and all Federal regulations
promulgated thereunder, as amended; or (D) any other loss or cost, including but not limited to that caused
by the concurrent active or passive negligence of C/CAG and/or its officers, agents, employees, or
servants., in each case to the extent caused by the negligent acts or omissions of Consultant in the
performance of services hereunder. However, Consultant’s duty to indemnify and save harmless under this
Section shall not apply to injuries or damage for which C/CAG has been found in a court of competent
jurisdiction to be liable by reason of its own negligence or willful misconduct. The duty of Consultant to
indemnify and save harmless as set forth by this Section shall include the duty to defend as set forth in
Section 2778 of the California Civil Code.
This indemnification provision will survive termination or expiration of this Agreement. for 36 months.
Consultant shall have no obligation to indemnify C/CAG against liability for claims by a third party for
failure to comply with its obligations under Article XIII D of the California Constitution (Proposition 218).
b. Intellectual Property. Consultant hereby certifies that it owns, controls, and/or licenses and retains all right,
title, and/or interest in and to any intellectual property it uses in relation to this Agreement, including the
design, look, feel, features, source code, content, and/or other technology relating to any part of the services
it provides under this Agreement and including all related patents, inventions, trademarks, and copyrights,
all applications therefor, and all trade names, service marks, know how, and trade secrets (collectively
referred to as “IP Rights”) except as otherwise noted by this Agreement.
Consultant warrants that the services it provides under this Agreement do not infringe, violate, trespass, or
constitute the unauthorized use or misappropriation of any IP Rights of any third party. Consultant shall
defend, indemnify, and hold harmless C/CAG from and against all liabilities, costs, damages, losses, and
expenses (including reasonable attorney fees) arising out of or related to any claim by a third party that to
the extent the services provided under this Agreement infringe or violate any third- party’s IP Rights
provided any such right is enforceable in the United States.
14. Sole Property of C/CAG. Work products of Consultant which are delivered under this Agreement
or which are developed, produced and paid for under this Agreement, shall be and become the
property of C/CAG in accordance with and subject to the provisions of Section 5. Consultant shall
not be liable for C/CAG’s use, modification or re-use of products without Consultant’s
participation or for purpose other than those specifically intended pursuant to this Agreement.
Insurance Provisions
Raftelis agrees to provide the required certificates of insurance providing verification of the minimum
insurance requirements. On the following page, we have provided our current Certificate of Liability
Signature: Date: November 15, 2023