The Management Board of Atradius N.V.
Atradius Group
The Management Board
of Atradius N.V.
Isidoro Unda
(1952, Spanish nationality)
Isidoro Unda was appointed Chairman of the Management Board and Chief
Executive Ofcer (CEO) of Atradius N.V. with effect from 4 July 2007.
Isidoro Unda is responsible for the units Strategy and Corporate Development,
Human Resources and Facilities, Legal and Compliance, Internal Audit and
for the credit insurance operations in Spain, Portugal and Brazil. He is also
a board member of Atradius Credit Insurance N.V., Crédito y Caución and
Atradius Trade Credit Insurance, Inc. He has over 25 years’ experience in
the nancial and insurance sector. Before joining Atradius as CEO, he held
positions with the Spanish Ministry of Finance, Consorcio de Compensación
de Seguros and Crédito y Caución. Former positions include: member of the
Supervisory Board of Atradius N.V., Inverseguros S.A. and Mutua Madrileña
Automovilista. He has a degree in Law and Economics from Deusto University
in Bilbao.
Andreas Tesch
(1969, German nationality)
Andreas Tesch was appointed Chief Market Ofcer (CMO) with effect from
4 November 2011.
Andreas Tesch is responsible for the credit insurance operations (excluding
Spain, Portugal and Brazil) as well as the units Global and Oceania, Asia,
Dutch State Business, Special Products and Group Communication and
Commercial Development. He is also a board member of Atradius Credit
Insurance N.V., Atradius Dutch State Business N.V., Atradius Trade Credit
Insurance, Inc. and Atradius Participations Holding B.V. amongst others.
Furthermore, he is currently President of the International Credit Insurance
and Surety Association (ICISA). He has worked for Atradius and its
predecessor companies since 2001. From January 2007 to October 2011 he
was Director of the unit Global, Oceania and New Markets and before that he
was Director of the unit Risk Services for Central and Eastern Europe. Before
joining Atradius, he was a Director at Simon Kucher & Partners, where he
advised clients on strategy and mergers and acquisitions. He has a degree in
Business Administration from the University of Cologne.
Christian van Lint
(1960, Dutch nationality)
Christian van Lint was appointed Chief Risk Ofcer (CRO) with effect from
1 November 2012.
Christian van Lint is responsible for the units Group Risk Management, Group
Buyer Underwriting, Risk Services and Outward Reinsurance. He is also a
board member of Atradius Credit Insurance N.V. He has worked for Atradius
and its predecessor companies since 1983. From February 2006 to November
2012 he was Director of the unit Group Risk Management and before that
he was Director of the unit Risk Services for the Netherlands and Nordics
and held various positions in the areas of claims and recoveries, buyer
underwriting and special risk management. He graduated from the School for
Business Administration and Economics in Utrecht.
Dominique Charpentier
(1950, French nationality)
Dominique Charpentier was appointed Chief Insurance Operations Ofcer
(CIOO) with effect from 15 May 2013.
Dominique Charpentier is responsible for the units Project and Process, IT
Services, Bonding, Collections, Inward Reinsurance, and Instalment Credit
Protection. He is also a board member of Atradius Credit Insurance N.V.,
Atradius Reinsurance Ltd., Atradius Collections Holding B.V. and Atradius
Participations Holding B.V. amongst others. He joined the credit insurance and
factoring industry in 1995 and has worked for Atradius and its predecessor
companies since 2002. Before his appointment as CIOO, he served as Director
of the units Italy, Bonding and Instalment Credit Protection. Former positions
include: Managing Director of Atradius Factoring, CEO of Eurofactor and
Chairman of the Board of International Factors Group. He graduated from the
Institute of Political Studies in Paris.
Claus Gramlich-Eicher
(1965, German nationality)
Claus Gramlich-Eicher was appointed Chief Financial Ofcer (CFO) with effect
from 15 May 2013.
Claus Gramlich-Eicher is responsible for the units Group Finance, Group
Control and Corporate Finance. He is also a board member of Atradius Credit
Insurance N.V., Crédito y Caución and Atradius Finance B.V. He has more than
20 years’ experience in the nancial services sector. Before his appointment
as CFO, he worked for Allianz since 1993 in various senior nancial
management roles in Germany, Spain, Italy and the Czech Republic and held
board member positions in insurance, investment management and pension
fund management companies. He has a degree in Economics and Business
Administration from the University of St. Gallen and a CEMS Masters degree
in International Management.