OPR: 86 MSG Team Ramstein PCS Tips Current as of 5/28/15
Congratulations on your assignment to Germany! The move is unique and can be
a little overwhelming. This packet was created to help you understand what to
expect and ease your transition. For a comprehensive and detailed list of all things
Ramstein go to www.ramstein.af.mil. It is imperative that you are actively
engaged in your own PCS. Although your sponsor and unit will do what they can
to help you transition to Ramstein, your move is your responsibility. Learn as
much as you can from the website and this packet, stay in contact with your
sponsor, and keep your family informed.
The packet is divided into the following topics:
Topic Pages
Sponsorship 2-3
Communication 4-6
What to Bring 7-10
School and Fam
ily Services
Cars 15-17
Pets 18-20
Finance 21-24
Housing 25-27
PCS Tips Checklist 28
Layout of the Kaiserslautern Military Community (KMC):
Sponsorship PCS Tips
Before Arrival:
Members and dependents aged 17 and older who anticipate driving in
Germany will need to have a valid stateside license to apply for the USAREUR
Certificate of License. For dri
ving outsid
e of Germany, personnel should
maintain their valid stateside license as the foundation for an International
Driving Pe
rmit. If your stateside license
will expire prior to your anticipated
DEROS, you want to consider renewing before departing your current
t. The USAREUR Certificate of
License is not valid for use outside
of Germany.
Your Sponsor should:
o Contact you within a week of receiving your PCS Orders.
o If you have not been contacted, please contact your gaining squadron or t
786 FSS/FSPS Customer Service.
Contact email: 786fss/fspscustomerse[email protected]
il or DSN 312-478-
7419/Commercial +49-6371-405-7419
o Send you a Needs Assessment Form
. Please fill it out and return it ASAP.
o Member and dependents with a stateside driver’s lic
ense need to ensure the
expiration date will last through their DEROS.
o Provi
de contact information for sc
hools, medical care, childcare, pet
ents, and other resources.
o Provide unit Key Spouse information, if married.
o Your Sponsor can help you:
Make temporary lodging arrangem
Place your children on the CDC or School Age Program wait list once
you get your RIP.
Arrange a Post Office Box.
Upon Arrival:
Your Sponsor should:
o Personally m
eet you at the airport, make arrangements fo
r someone within
the unit to be there, or help schedule transportation to Ram
tein if you arrive
through Frankfurt.
o Introduce you to the Commander, Supervisor, key personnel, and fellow co-
o Orient you to Ramstein AB by showing the locations of the Commissary,
Fitness Centers, Chapel, AAFES, and M
edical Clinic.
o Provide a tour of the Kaiserslautern Comm
o Accom
pany you through Check-In procedures and schedule you for In-
Sponsorship PCS Tips
After Arrival:
Your Sponsor should:
o Escort you to the Ramstein In-Processing (RIP) Line and Base INTRO:
Ramstein In-Processing Line - All active duty military members are
REQUIRED to attend the first available 2-day Ramstein In-Processing
within 3 days of their arrival.
o RIP takes place every week – Tues/Wed and Thurs/Fri -- in building
2402 on Maxwell Avenue across the street from the Hercules Theater.
Limited parking is available, so you are encouraged to have your sponsor
drop you off. Members must report between 0700-0720 on the first day
of the RIP Line.
o If a Goal Day, holiday or Family Day falls on a Friday, the RIP Line
schedule will be Mon/Tues and Wed/Thurs.
o After completing RIP, you will have an e-mail account setup, ID card
registered into the Installation Access Control System (IACS), APO Box
assigned (if not done prior to arrival), TRICARE Enrollment & Medical
in-processing, MPF/Personnel in-processing, housing briefing (required
to sign a lease), PCS travel voucher filed, alcohol ration card issued
(optional), driver's license test completed and license issued (unless
already completed at previous base).
Base INTRO – This class takes place on Wednesdays, at the Enlisted Club
from 7:30 a.m. to approximately 11:45 a.m. The information presented at
Base Intro includes mandatory briefings that military/civilian employees
require when they PCS. (Example: SARC, EO, IG, security forces, etc.)
Spouses are welcome to attend, but usually they will find the Ramstein
Spouses Orientation (RSO) much more beneficial. (see below.)
o Escort you to the Housing Office and assist with house hunting.
o Offer assistance with Vehicle Registration.
o Offer assistance with transportation needs.
o Offer help with getting you settled into your home.
o Contact the USO about the KMC Tour.
The active duty member’s spouse is highly encouraged to attend Ramstein Spouse
Orientation (RSO).
o This class is held by A&FRC every Monday from 0830 to 1400. It covers
unique aspects of the military life in Germany, and can help reduce anxiety
adapting to a new country and culture. Children are welcome to attend with
parent or childcare is available through the FCC (Family Child Care) using a
“Childcare for PCS” voucher given by the A&FRC, DSN: 480-5900, or 06371-
Communication PCS Tips
Before Arrival:
o Cell Phones: In accordance with the Service Member Civil Relief Act, bring
a copy of your Military orders to your local phone carrier to cancel your
current contract before departing your duty station. If you would like to
utilize your same phone, then you will need the local carrier to unlock your
cell phone in order for it to work overseas. This can take time to accomplish
because of the company’s billing cycles.
o See “After Arrival” for German phone options.
o ramstein.af.mil: official Ramstein Air Base and KMC website. Go to this
website first for answers on PCSing, news, weather, local community
events, services, and more.
o 86fss.com: official website of the Ramstein 86th Force Support Squadron.
Go to this website for base information on family, fun, fitness, food, etc.
o militaryingermany.com, kaiserslauternamerican.com, and germanyja.com:
these are not official websites; they are not endorsed by the military.
Facebook: Suggested sites you can join prior to your arrival.
o Ramstein Air Base, Germany: official military page
o Ramstein AB Spouses: general group for spouses to connect
o Ramstein/KMC Spouses Group: general group for spouses to connect
o Ramstein Community Information: excellent up to date information on local
o KMC volunteer dog walkers and sitters: pet sitters and walkers
o Ramstein Runners: Women running group for all ages and paces
Apps: Suggested Apps you can download prior to arrival
o Whats App: free texting between parties who have this app
o Word Lens: translates German text to English while scanning an object with
the camera
o Find-It Guide: the main phone book; military and local business phone
o Viber: free phone calls and text messages between parties who have this app
o Units Plus: converts between different measurement units and currencies
o myMEapp: military activities in local community
Esso Map: distance to nearest Esso gas station for discounted gas in
Communication PCS Tips
After Arrival:
o Calling Cards: You are not able to call out of your TLF without a calling
card unless you are calling to offices on base, in this case you would use a
DSN number. You can buy calling cards at any AAFES register.
o If needed there are “pay as you go” phones you can use temporarily (or
permanently) that do not require a contract. These can be purchased at any
AAFES establishment.
o Monthly, no contract, plans can be purchased for your unlocked personal
o Contracts are also available through several companies.
It is not advisable to commit to this until you know where you live; all
services will not work in all villages. You can go to The Comm shop,
located off base at Ziegelhutte 2 66877, Ramstein and they can verify the
best service for your house location.
Be aware of cancellation and auto renewal polices.
o Calling to locations on base:
The Find-It Guide Book, Find It Guide Website, or Find-It Guide App…
this is the telephone directory for Central Germany. Use this guide to
look up almost any number you need.
DSN numbers are used if you are calling from a base phone to another
base phone. (478-xxxx, 479-xxxx, 480-xxxx, 489-xxxx)
If you are using a cell phone or house land line and you would like to call
a phone number with the 478, 479, 480 prefix, you need to convert the
prefixes as below:
o International Phone Calls:
From Germany to US: 001+city code w/o the 0+number
From US to Germany: 011+49+city code +number
Setting up your home phone:
o Typically, your phone line will run through your internet connection.
o It can take a month or more to get your home phone service working.
International Calling Plans:
Communication PCS Tips
o Vonage: a phone plan for domestic and international calling
o Magic Jack: you can travel with this and make unlimited local and long
distance calls back to the US and Canada.
o If you live on base, your only option is TKS.
o If you live off base, you have several options. Keep in mind not all villages
have good connectivity and different companies provide different services.
This will be discussed during in-processing briefings.
You can go to The Comm shop to verify internet speed of your house
address before you sign a lease. They do not require you to sign up with
them for service. The Comm shop is located at Ziegelhutte 2 66877,
o Sometimes you can “switch over” service from the previous owners.
o Be aware that internet, like the phone, can take a month or more to get set
Emergency Phone Numbers:
Dr. Hitzelberger Strasse, Landstuhl/Germany, 66849
ON BASE: Ramstein emergency services:
on Ramstein Air Base. The
nearest services are at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Call 06371-
86-8106. GPS coordinates are above.
o Ambulance, Police, and Fire: dial 112
o 86th Security Forces: 480-2050 or 06371-472050
o 86 Civil Engineer Squadron, Fire: 480-7683 or 06371-47-7683
o 86th Medical Group: 479-2600 or 06371-46-2600
: German emergency services:
o German Ambulance (dial 112)
o German Polizei (dial 110)
o German Fire Dept (dial 112)
o Medical: DRK (dial 112)
o 569th US Forces Police: 489-6060/7070 or 0631-5366060
o LRMC Emergency Room 486-8414 or 06371-86-8414
o No coins or phone cards required at pay phones for German
emergency numbers
Poison Control for Europe: 06371-86-7070 or 00800-444-88444
What to Bring PCS Tips
Before Arrival:
Contact your TMO office when you have your orders; schedule your 3 shipme
panied, Household Goods, and Storage
o Schedule these on different days to avoid conf
Unaccompanied Baggage: This shipm
ent usually ta
kes 35-60 days to
arrive from date of shipment. This is shipped via air freight and intended to
arrive bef
ore your household goods so you will want to inc
lude things you
use or nee
d frequently. A list of suggested items is at the end of
the “What
to Bring P
CS Tips.”
Household goods: This shipment usually takes 60-70 days to arrive from
date of shipment. On base and off base housing are typically not furnished
so you will want to ship your own f
Inventory: Review your inventory prior to signing when the movers pa
up your HHG. Ensure high valued items are listed on the high interest page.
Storage: You should not ship your washer, dryer, m
oven or
refrigerator--these items are available in government quarters. If you need
these items for your off-base home, the Furnishings Management Offi
(FMO) will loa
n these to you for the duration of your tour or as long as they
are needed. There is no cost for these loans; however, you mu
st have a
ied lease by the Housing Office prior to approval
. Local storage
acilities are limited and very expensive.
Packing your Househ
old Goods:
o Germ
any is on a different voltage tha
n the US, be sure to look at your
nces to see if they are dual volta
ge or not. Germany is 220V and US is
110V. If
they say 110-240V then just a small adapter plug is needed, but if
they are 110V only then a converter box (transformer) is need
ed. FMO will
issue two 1600W transf
ormers or you can buy them at the Ramste
in BX or on
o If
there is something you use less often like once a week
or so, it is
mended to bring it (example: rice cooker, waffle maker, griddle, m
nder). If it is something you use daily, then it is be
st to buy it over here
ple: coffee pot, toaster, hair dryer, alarm clock, etc.); using transforme
can be cum
and can wear down your appliances.
o There are ple
nty of stores over here that sell appliances ranging from
low- to
quality and prices. Many items can be bought at the Thrift Store on ba
or thr
ough Ramsteinyardsales.com at reduced or even free prices.
o Your lamps will work here with an adapter plug but you will need diffe
light bulbs; you ca
n buy the adapter plug and the light bulbs at Rams
tein BX.
o If
you are considering buying any major electronics soon (TV, com
o, etc) get them before you leave; make
sure that they are dual voltage or
What to Bring PCS Tips
you’ll have to use a converter box. The selection on base can be limited and it
can be challenging to get companies to mail electronics over here.
o American cordless phones and baby monitors use the same fr
equency as the
an emergency services, so you will need to purchase these items onc
e you
Packing your Carry On Suitcase (Accom
panied bagga
o Docum
ents: US Passports, Birth Certificates, Social Security cards, Visa (if
No Fee Passport
Tourist Passport
o Imm
unization records, school transcri
o Em
ployment records, diploma, resume
, pay stubs
o Pet veterinary recor
ds, shots, any paperwork needed for pet air travel (see pe
o Militar
y orders + copies, PCS binder
Valuable jewelry
o Recom
mend having your GPS and any medications in carry-on or checke
Mailing items to yourself:
o Have your sponsor set up an APO box fo
r you:
Mail or f
ax a copy of PCS orders or logistic
al support letter to your sponsor
so your sponsor ca
n set up a mailbox fo
r you. Once the sponsor sets up the
ailbox, you can use the address immediately. All packages will be he
ld at
the post of
fice until the member's arrival. The Post Office will hold ma
until 15 da
ys after your "Repor
t no Later than Date".
y companies of your new address prior to departing to avoid dela
ys in
receiving m
agazines, bills etc.
o If you choose to mail items to yourself, in order to get reim
bursed, you MUST
visit you
r origin TMO/CPC and obtain a DD Form 2278 befo
re mailing the
s. You may be reimbursed for the postage up to the governme
nt rate; use
ndard mail, not priority mail in order to get reimbursed. The weight of items
mailed will count against your total weight entitlem
o Mailing re
strictions: You are not allowed to mail alcoholic beverages, coff
and coffee products, cigarettes and other tobacco products, drugs, drug
nalia and prescription medication, supplements (containing pr
ingredients), f
irearms and explosives, meat, poultry, and milk by-produc
nography, pirated trademark items, and lithium batterie
s. Do not use your
APO address to run a business. Customs off
icials conduct random
at the post of
fice for prohibited items. For more guidance and informa
tion on
ailing restrictions, contact your local post office before sending items
After Arrival:
What to Bring PCS Tips
Contact TMO: DSN: 314-489-7727 or Commercial: 0631-536-7727
o It is important when you arrive in the KMC that your correct and updated
contact information is on file so the appropriate offices (TMO and vehicle
shipping) can contact you when your property arrives. More details will be
briefed at in-processing.
Contact FMO Office: DSN: 314-489-6001 or Commercial: 0631-536-6001
o Once you have found a house and signed a lease with the housing office,
government furniture is available for loan for up to 90 days pending the arrival
of household goods. Some items are kept for the duration of your tour and
include portable closets, microwave, washer, dryer, two 1600W transformers,
Get reimbursement for items mailed to yourself:
o In order to get reimbursed, provide the DD Form 2278 from your previous
base, three copies of your receipts which show the postage amount and weight
and three copies of your PCS orders to TMO in Bldg 2106 RM 212, Ramstein
AB upon arrival (DSN: 480-2163/5509).
Resources for obtaining things you may need:
o RESA Thrift Store (across the street from the gas station): has a wide variety
of things you may need at a discounted price (i.e. appliances, clothing, dishes,
etc.) Open Monday and Friday 0900-1400, Wednesday 1400-1900, and 3d
Saturday of the month 0900-1400. Call Commercial: 06371-47-5492.
o Pulaski Thrift Shop (Building 2923, Pulaski Barracks): Open Tuesday and
Friday 0930-1400, Thursday 1300-1800, and 1st and 3d Saturdays of the
month, 1030-1500. Call Commercial: 06313-507622.
o Landstuhl Thrift Shop (Building 3818, Landstuhl): Open Wednesday 1300-
1800, Thursday and Friday 0930-1400, 2d and 4th Saturdays of the month,
1030-1500. Call Commercial: 06371-867313.
o Airmens Attic (located by South side gym): It offers donated items to
members, E-5 and below, and their family. Depending on availability, items
can be borrowed by any PCSing family (regardless of rank) to include
cookware, dishes, utensils, and some small appliances which families can use
while they are waiting on their shipments to arrive. Open Tuesdays,
Wednesdays, Fridays and on the last Saturday of the month from 1000-1300.
Call Commercial: 06371-47-5980.
o Ramsteinyardsales.com
o Ramstein BX
What to Bring PCS Tips
Suggested Items for Unaccompanied Baggage (These are priority items that can help
you feel a little more setttled before your big shipment arrives.)
Linens Kids
bed sheets small bin of toys
blankets stroller
bath rugs pack and play
bath towels booster/car seats
beach towels blankets
pillows and pillow cases bouncer
sleeping bags/comforters swing
**curtains are not needed early because houses
come with rolladen that cover the entire window
**FMO bed sizes are double and twin
Clothing box cutter
business/semi-formal/formal clothes and shoes screwdriver
rain gear hammer
jackets extension cord
seasonal clothing tape measure
Kitchen items- drill
(ovens and dishwashers are pliers
smaller here, nothing larger than 9x13 fits.) markers
pots + pans baby proofing items
smaller cookie sheets
coffee mugs Electronics (check if dual voltage)
cups laptop
plates printer + paper + ink
bowls TV + DVD Player
variety of knives ipods and all chargers
coffee maker
can opener Misc
wine opener dog bed
colander laundry basket
mixing bowls shower curtain + rings
skillet hangers
sauce pan ironing board
casserole dish camping/folding chairs
bikes + helmets
Military Gear broom/mop/bucket/sponges/rags/dust pan
running shoes + PT uniforms *vacuum cleaner + bags—finding a good
uniforms vacuum cleaner can be difficult so if you
boots need a new one, get it before you arrive and
specialized gear make sure it is dual voltage.
School and Family Services PCS Tips
Before Arrival:
General school information:
o The DoDDS (Department of Defense Dependents Schools) in Europe provide
educational services to command-sponsored school age dependent children.
o The school your children will attend is based on the village you live in. You
can find the school zone listing here:
o Most people do not know which school district they will attend until their
housing arrangements are completed. It is better to wait until you have a
housing contract in hand to register. Students must be registered each year in
order to determine continued eligibility for school enrollment.
o Websites for school information:
o If you have a special needs child, make sure their Individualized Education
Program (IEP) is up to date. Ensure copies of school records are hand
School options in the KMC Area:
o American (DoDDS) Schools:
5 Elementary Schools:
Ramstein, Kaiserslautern, Vogelweh, Landstuhl,
4 Middle Schools (6th-8th grade): Ramstein, Kaiserslautern, Landstuhl,
2 High Schools: Ramstein and Kaiserslautern
o SureStart (4 years old by September 1st):
Priority is given to children whose sponsor is equivalent to E-1 to E-4 or
GS-1 to GS-4. Entry into these programs on Ramstein is highly
competitive. There are also programs on Vogelweh and Landstuhl
through Army CYS Services.
If you would like to apply for entry into these programs, you can do so
once you have your RIP. Your sponsor can assist with registration. Air
Force and Army have separate waitlists.
For more information, contact: Ramstein Elementary School 06371-47-
3812/3996, DSN: 480-3996; Kaiserslautern Elementary School 0631-
54589, DSN: 489-7075; Sembach Elementary School 06302-67-7003,
DSN: 496-7003
o Preschools are not available on base, unless your child qualifies for the
SureStart program mentioned above. See Private School options at the end
of this section if interested.
School and Family Services PCS Tips
o German School: Kindergarten (2-5 year olds) and Grundschule (elementary
If there is space available, some communities will accept American
children. Charges may apply.
The German school year typically runs from September through most of
July, with longer fall, winter and spring breaks than the standard
American school year. However, recommend you confirm this timeframe
with your school.
Once you have established housing arrangements, contact the village
school directly for specific information.
o Homeschoolers:
There are American homeschoolers in the KMC area. Facebook groups
and small support groups host social events.
Germany does not permit its citizens to homeschool, so it is considered
unusual by the local community.
The DoDDS schools provide homeschool support if requested according
to DoDDS Education Activity Policy Memorandum.
Childcare and Before and After School Care Options:
o Children Ages 0-4: The CDCs (Childcare Development Center) and FCC
(Family Child Care) providers are available for this age range. Make sure to
register with both the Air Force CDC, as well as Army CDC because the
waiting lists can be lengthy. These programs have limited resources, and
require a referral in advance of your arrival in order to have a spot. (See
*Note below.) Register your child with CDCs and FCC providers once you
have a RIP.
Army Child Development Center Enrollment, Pulaski Barracks, BLDG
2898 (Vogelweh), 0631-3406-4516/ 4122
Ramstein/Kaiserslautern Area Child Care Programs Resource & Referral
Office, Ramstein Office BLDG 832, 06371-47-8782
o Children Ages 5-13: Before and after care is available for school age
children. This has limited resources, and requires a referral in advance of
arrival. (See *Note below.)
o Children Ages 9-12: Youth programs are available for this age range at the
Youth Center. Registration for certain days and programs is required.
o Children Ages 13-18: The Teen Center is for kids ages 13 to 18.
o *Note: Please go to 86 FSS website (www.86fss.com Family tabChild
Development Centers tabCDC Forms & Publications link toward the
middle of the page) for forms to register for the waiting list for AF CDC and
School Age Programs (before and after school care).
School and Family Services PCS Tips
Sports and Recreation in the KMC area:
o If you have a student involved in school sports, many programs will allow
rolling tryouts throughout the year. A video or documentation of your child’s
skill level may facilitate entry into the program. Contact the appropriate
school in order to find out how to apply.
o The Swim Team is not through the schools. Please contact the Kingfish
Swim Team http://kingfishswimteam.com
o Most people will sign up for Air Force sports and instructional programs
after they arrive, but you do have the ability to do so before you get here.
See “After You Arrive” in Family and Youth Services.
After Arrival:
Parents may receive up to 20 hours of childcare free when PCSing into the
KMC area on a space available basis. Please contact A&FRC (DSN: 480-
5900, or Commercial: 06371-47-5900) to register and receive a current listing
of providers.
Register for school:
o To fully register a student, a visit to the school is required and you must
have a verified address (i.e., housing contract or utility bill).
o Ensure immunizations are current before registering.
o Children must be 5 years old as of September 1st to begin Kindergarten.
o After you register for school, they will direct you to register with the bus
service if needed. If you move to a different school district, you will have to
move your child to the new school. There are occasional exceptions, but bus
transportation will not be provided in most cases.
o School Meal Program - Student school meals can be purchased through the
Exchange School Meal Program by registering online or at the KMCC BX
Customer Service counter. For more info, see:
Air Force Recreational Sports and Instructional Programs:
o Sports: registration is done on a seasonal basis.
These programs include soccer, basketball, baseball/softball, flag football
and cheerleading.
Go to https://www.86fss.com/family-and-youth/airman-and-family-
services/youth-sports Sports Registration (will take you to the
Allplayers registration website).
o Instructional Programs: registration is open twice a year.
In August for the school year and May for the summer.
These programs include gymnastics, dance, martial arts and music.
School and Family Services PCS Tips
instructional-classes, click on Class Registration link (will take you to the
Allplayers registration).
Army CYSS (Child, Youth & School Services) programs:
o Offers similar recreational and instructional programs through the SKIES
o If you are already registered with an Army CYSS program, you can transfer
your registration before arrival. If you are not registered, you will need to
register in person with a CYS office before signing up for activities.
o Parent Central Services, Pulaski Barracks Bldg 2898, DSN: 493-4516/4122,
Mon-Fri 0900-1700
o http://kaiserslautern.armymwr.com/europe/kaiserslautern/programs/cys-
Additional Activities:
o Boy Scouts - DSN: 314-489-7447, Commercial: 0171-789-1507
o Girl Scouts - http://www.girlscouts.org/who_we_are/overseas/
o Local Soccer Teams off-base
o Privately owned local businesses teach dance and martial arts
o EFMP Coordinator (A&FRC) provides activities for qualified families
Additional References for Private Schools:
There are a number of English speaking private schools in the community.
Please contact the School Liaison Office for more information 06371479374,
DSN: 480-9374.
Car PCS Tips
Before Arrival:
The military will pay to ship one POV to Germany per military member. Any
other cars you wish to ship will be at your own expense.
If your vehicle is old, or has body damage, decide if it is worth shipping:
o Top 10 reasons vehicles fail inspections here: 1) wrong First Aid kit, 2)
front and driver door window tint, 3) chips and cracks in windshield, 4)
brake inspection, 5) incorrect turn signals, 6) worn tires, 7) engine,
transmission, power steering fluid leaks, 8) vehicle height, 9) headlight
alignment, and 10) exhaust leaks/noise level
o For all car shipping details go to ramstein.af.mil box 1 “Before
Arrival”POV shipping.
It will take at least 45 days for your car to arrive after shipment.
Rent a car stateside. It is advisable to ship your car early and rent a car for the
duration in the US before flying to Germany; this would be cheaper than renting
a car once you arrive in Germany. Please keep in mind that rental cars are only
reimbursable in specific circumstances outlined under the Finance section.
All drivers must obtain a US Forces Certificate of License to drive in Germany.
If you are a military member, you can go to the USAFE Driver’s License
website (https://app.usafe.af.mil/DLT_v3) to watch the video and take the CBT.
Access to the website requires a .mil workstation and CAC. (*Note: If a
military member is unable to take the test online before arrival, they can take
the test on any .mil workstation after arrival. Dependents and other non-CAC
holders must schedule an appointment to watch the video and take the test upon
arrival in Germany).
If you are a family member, study for your USAREUR Driver’s license at
Obtain an International Driver’s License in the United States if you plan on
driving across the German border. You can get one in Germany also, but the
process is simpler in the U.S. All you need to do is visit your local AAA office
(this will be valid for one year). If you are unable to obtain one prior to your
departure, you can visit the German licensing office off-base to obtain one that
will be valid for two years.
After Arrival:
Driver’s license:
o If the military member was unable to take the test online before arrival, they
will be required to take it during in-processing.
o Family members need to take the driving test after they arrive in Germany.
To study or take practice tests, you can either use the study book from the
office on base or find it online at www.usareurpracticetest.com.
Car PCS Tips
Testing is done every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 7:15 a.m. by
appointment only. Doors close at 7:30 a.m. If you are late for your
scheduled test time, you must reschedule. The testing office is located in
Building 2106, Room 201, DSN: 314-480-0116 or Commercial 06371-
On testing day, bring: a copy of orders, a command sponsorship package
or letter of employment, a valid stateside or country driver's license, a
military or dependent ID card, and a check/debit/credit card for $10.00.
Car rental:
o On-base rentals: Enterprise Rent-a-car (KMCC), Sixt Rent-a-car (KMCC),
Hertz (Bldg 305, next to customs).
Car Purchasing:
o Used Cars:
Ramstein has a lot located in the Northside Chapel parking lot with used
cars, sold as-is, in a wide range of prices. Keep in mind, if you buy from
a private seller, you will not have a warranty.
Other places to look for cars are on www.ramsteinyardsales.com or some
of the off base used car dealers.
Pre-owned cars purchased from an authorized dealership come with a 1-
year warranty.
o Larger Cars:
Having a larger car over here is doable, but be aware that parking spaces
are much smaller than in the States, as are most roads.
o New or Used Cars:
There are many car dealerships here that have experience working with
Americans. You can find a variety of new and used cars for purchase.
Picking up your vehicle/vehicle inspection and registration:
o Go to www.ramstein.af.mil box 3 “Getting Settled” “POV Inspection
and Registration” for details on the process, the documents, and items that
you will need in order to complete registration and inspection.
o Understand anyone who is listed on the car registration needs to be present.
o There are three mandatory items needed in your car or it will not be
inspected: First-Aid Kit DIN 13164, warning triangle, and an emergency
vest for each passenger occupying the vehicle. You can buy these at the BX
or Shoppette.
o Review Top 10 reasons vehicles fail inspection above, or at link below:
Car PCS Tips
o If you don’t already have a GPS:
You will want to buy one; it may be cheaper to wait until you get here to
buy one so the European map system is already loaded.
You may be able to buy online from www.ramsteinyardsales.com for a
reduced price.
A&FRC will loan one to you for 7 days if you have your German license.
How to Buy Gas with an ESSO Card:
o All cars, whether rental or POV, require their own ESSO fuel card to
purchase discounted fuel. When you rent a car, you will need to visit the
Customs office (Ramstein AB, Building 305, Room 14) with your
registration and orders to pick up a form that will allow you to get an ESSO
card at the nearest AAFES Card Issue and Activation Site located in AAFES
o You must show this card every time you fill up both on and off base at
ESSO stations.
o Each car will be authorized a certain number of liters per month at the
discounted price. (Don’t let this scare you, it is plenty.)
o You may fill up at any ESSO station in Germany off base as long as you
have at least $1 pre-paid on your ESSO fuel card (or else you pay the
maximum price). You must have this money loaded onto your account
before getting gas off base. You can load money instantly onto your ESSO
account at any AAFES register. You may also call the phone number on
your card to load more money, but it may take a few days to show up in your
account. Finally, you may log in to the AFFES ESSO website at
https://odin.aafes.com/esso/Default.aspx to load money on your card.
o Only people named on the ESSO card and registration are authorized to get
tax-free fuel with that specific vehicle.
Buying gas without an ESSO Card on the economy is very expensive.
ADAC - the AAA (American Automobile Association) German equivalent is
ADAC (Allgemeiner Deutcher Automobil Club). ADAC offers many services
for drivers; their help is usually nearby no matter where you run into trouble.
Check their website to sign up; their office location is in Kaiserslautern.
You will need to buy a Parking Pass (Parkschein). This “clock/timer” will need
to be placed on your dashboard when parking off base. This can be purchased
at the BX, Shoppette, Thrift Stores, and Airmen’s Attic for E-5 and below.
Pets PCS Tips
Before Arrival:
Pet Accommodations:
o Schedule pet-friendly billeting or make a kennel reservation. There are
many kennels listed in the Find-It guide and below. If you prefer a private
pet sitter, there are many that make their services available through KMC
Pet Sitters or the KMC Volunteer Dog Walkers and Sitters Facebook pages.
What do you need from your Vet?
o Your pet must have ISO 11784/11785 15-digit or compatible pet microchip
implant. If your pet already has a microchip implant and it is not ISO
compatible, you do have the option to bring your own microchip scanner. A
rabies vaccine is required following any new microchip implantation,
regardless if the pet is up to date or not. Rabies vaccines administered
before new microchip implantation will not be valid for Europe.
o Rabies vaccines must be up to date. If any vaccine is required, be sure that it
is administered at least 21 days in advance of travel. Intranasal Bordatella is
recommended as better protection for the strains of bacteria in Germany.
Some kennels will not board pets that have only had injectable Bordatella
o EU Health Certificate (Trilingual) is required no more than 10 days before
arriving in Germany. Make an appointment with a military veterinarian or
an USDA Veterinarian to certify the health certificate. Military
veterinarians are lower cost than a civilian veterinarian and can provide the
health certificate the same day. You will have to wait 2-3 days for a health
certificate from a civilian vet.
o Space Available Pet Program. This is on military aircraft. There are 10
spaces on every Patriot Express. This is on a first come, first served
availability. Fees are charged based on weight of pet and kennel, and are not
reimbursable. This is the least expensive and easiest option.
o Pet flying as extra baggage. Pets fly on same flight as the military member.
The military member must have PCS orders. Fees are charged based on
kennel and pet size and weight. Every airline has different requirements and
prices. These are both subject to change, so contacting the airline directly is
the best way to get the most current information.
(*Note: You need to get Euro in the United States to pay for the
veterinarian’s assessment when you land. There is an ATM in the PAX
terminal, but not one BEFORE customs, so transactions for pets and smart
carts need to be done with Euro carried from the U.S.)
o Pet flying as cargo. This is the most expensive and limiting option.
Temperature restrictions apply at all airports the pet will fly through, so the
Pets PCS Tips
timing of flights is important. Again, airlines have varying requirements, so
be sure to contact airlines directly for specific instructions.
For the flight:
o Do not sedate your pet. Airlines may require a signed statement that pet has
not been tranquilized.
o Ensure that kennel is large enough for pet to stand up fully and turn around.
See airline for specific requirements. Also, be sure that kennel has
absorbent material, such as puppy pads, and a bowl with water for pet.
o Be prepared to pay for your pet’s flight. You will have gotten the cost from
the airline beforehand, and will need to pay at the terminal. Sometimes the
combined weight of the kennel and dog can be more than expected,
especially with oversized pets.
After Arrival:
For the airport:
o Carry proof of rabies vaccination, health certificate, and copies of your pet’s
medical records.
o Import fees – There is a fee charged upon landing in Germany (for both
rotator and commercial flights), approximately a charge of 35 Euro per
accompanied pet, or 55 Euro per unaccompanied pet. This fee will be
collected only in Euro cash. This fee increases 50% for pets that arrive on a
weekend or holiday.
When you get to base:
o Register your pet with the Kaiserslautern Veterinary Treatment Facility,
which is located on Pulaski Barracks Building 2928, or in your village
(typically at your Rathaus). It is easier and free to register at the
Kaiserslautern VTF. All you need is your pet’s current medical records and
rabies vaccination certificate.
Emergencies can happen when you least expect it. Below is a list of local
veterinarians that provide emergency pet care.
Local veterinarians:
o Kaiserslautern:
Dr. Barth, 06301-5552, small animals and birds (pocket pets),
Drs. Kristen and Michael Haberle, 0631-39177, small animals and
horses by appointment, 0171-9303179
Dr. Rahimi, 0631-93451, small animals, exotics, and birds, emergency
o Landstuhl:
Drs. Delorme and Goldberg, 06371-914314, small animals and
exotics, 24hr emergency, 0171-9303179
Dr. Knapp-Schilling, 06371-3300, small animals, emergency
Pets PCS Tips
Drs. Kirsten and Siegfried Schulz, 06371-2223, all animals, emergency
o Ramstein-Miesenbach:
Drs. Michelberger and Korner, 06371-70040, small animals, emergency
Boarding Facilities:
o Rainbow Farm Kennel, Landstuhl, 06371-914619,
cats and dogs
o Berghof Kennel, Mittelbrun, 06371-468472, cats and dogs
o Hoffman Kennel, Kaiserslautern, 0631-45448, cats and dogs
o Heidi Mueller, Kaiserslautern, 0631-95680, home boarding for cats
o The Farm Kennel, Bruchmuehlbach-Miesau, 06372-8070
o Grandlyn Kennel, Frankfurt, 069-6971-2540, cats and dogs
o Hunde Haus Paque, Ramstein-Miesenbach, 06371-952584
Finance PCS Tips
Before Arrival:
Understand and Prepare for Upfront Expenses:
o Moving to Germany can be costly; try to save as much money as
possible. A general rule of thumb is to save two times your Overseas
Housing Allowance. OHA can be found at
http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/ohaCalc.cfm(locality code
o Keep all receipts and records of ALL expenses associated with the move,
including plane tickets. Average reimbursement for PCS travel can take 3-6
pay periods.
o See chart below to understand possible expenses and reimbursements; some
are expenses are reimbursable, some are not:
no-fee passport temporary lodging* = TLE (stateside) tourist passport
ship one car temporary lodging* = TLA (overseas) pet: import fee
move in housing
MIHA (in OHA) pet: fee for airlines and lodging
monthly utilities
= Utilities (in
pet: ISO or Compatible
monthly rent = OHA pet: vaccinations up to date
food in transit*
= per diem in
transit pet: IU Health Certificate
airfare to Germany* pet: travel kennel & materials
Visa/Passport Fees
car: rental car
Taxis to/from
car: buy a car
Excess baggage* car: registration fees
car: 3 mandatory items (see “Car
PCS Tips”)
car: ship more than one car
housing: security deposit
housing: realtor fee if used
housing: UTAP registration fee
*GTC can be used food after arrival
Finance PCS Tips
Understand Options to Pay for Move:
o Use government travel card for travel, airfare, lodging, food.
o Some people may need to get an advance. These must be paid back over
time. They can take 3-5 business days to process.
Advance Military Pay (DD Form 2560)
This can be taken up to 30 days before you leave, or 60 days after you
arrive. You may receive up to 3 months base pay minus deductions.
Housing Advance - Rent (AF Form 1039)
Housing Advance – Security Deposit (AF Form 1039)
Can be deferred until end of lease to protect against exchange rate
o Additional PCS information can be found on Virtual Finance:
https://fmkb-crm.csd.disa.mil/app/answers/detail/a_id/16203 or under
Ramstein Finance’s Finance FAQs at:
After Arrival:
Open a Bank Account
o You will need to link your stateside account with your new bank as soon as
possible. Most banks will apply trial credit(s) verifications that can take up
to 3 days before allowing any balance transfers. Contact your stateside bank
and let them know you live overseas. Specify the country and include any
countries that you plan to visit as to avoid a debit/credit card freeze. This
may be done online depending on your bank.
o There are 2 full service banks on base located in the KMCC shopping center.
They are both stateside banks that also have a German routing number. You
can pay bills in both the US and Germany. They provide service in both
dollar and euro.
Service Credit Union
DoD Community Bank
File your PCS travel voucher claim using the PiPS system at Ramstein In-
Transfer GTC (Government Travel Card) to gaining unit
Get reimbursement for mailing items to yourself. See “What to Bring PCS
Tips” for instructions (page 8).
Understand all your reimbursements and verify they show up on a travel
voucher or your paycheck; this may take a couple pay periods:
o Verify PCS voucher for correct reimbursements:
DLA: Dislocation Allowance is a flat amount based on your rank and
Finance PCS Tips
dependency status, payable if moving HHGs. For single members with
less than 3 years in service, you will need to provide a letter authorizing
off-base housing, from Ramstein’s Dorm Reception Center or unit
commander, to receive DLA. Rates are updated annually. Rates can be
found at: http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/otherratesDLA.cfm
TLE: Temporary Lodging Expense is a stateside entitlement. You can
receive up to 5 days TLE when you and your dependents occupy
temporary quarters stateside before moving overseas.
TLE Calculator: https://www.my.af.mil/gcss-
o Verify paycheck for correct reimbursements:
TLA: Temporary Lodging Allowance is authorized to partially cover the
additional lodging and per diem for meals incurred while occupying
temporary quarters. When you arrive in Germany you are authorized up
to 30 days of TLA while searching for housing, if government housing is
not readily available (except unaccompanied E-3s and below). You must
process TLA claims through housing every 10 days to receive payment.
TLA stops when TMO or FMO can deliver furniture to your residence,
or if a house on-base is offered and declined, whichever comes first.
COLA: Cost of Living Allowance helps cover additional expenses
associated with the higher costs of living in Germany. Authorized for the
member and all command sponsored dependents. If you or your
dependent departs the area for longer than 30 days you must inform the
Finance Office to stop your COLA.
COLA Calculator: http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/colaCalc.cfm
OHA: Overseas Housing Allowance is received off base housing while
stationed overseas. This will be listed as BAH on your LES. Unlike
BAH, however, you are only entitled to the amount you actually pay for
rent, not to exceed the allowance cap.
OHA Calculator: http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/ohaCalc.cfm
(locality code de700)
MIHA: Move-In Housing Allowance is a one-time allowance received
when first renting a house on the economy; this should be paid at the
same time as your first OHA payment. The amount can be found with
the OHA Calculator.
Monthly Utility Allowance: This will be rolled into your monthly OHA
to help pay your utility costs. The amount can be found with the OHA
Finance PCS Tips
o POV voucher:
The government pays for one car to be shipped. If your car arrives later
than the “due date,” finance will reimburse the first 7 days of rental
expense and then the shipper will be responsible for reimbursement.
Get VAT Forms (Value Added Tax):
o This document can be used when making purchases on the economy to
receive 19% tax relief on most items.
o The forms cost $5.00 and are good for any purchase under $2,500. A
customer can have 10 forms outstanding at any one time under the sponsors’
DOD ID number.
o For purchases over $2,500 a special form can be purchased from the VAT
o These are sold at the VAT office, Ramstein Bldg. 2118, Monday-Friday
Register for UTAP (Utility Tax Avoidance Plan):
o This will reduce utility costs by providing tax relief for 19% electricity, 19%
gas, and 7% water.
o A $77.00 administrative fee is charged upon registration.
o The sponsor must register or provide a power of attorney. You must bring a
copy of your contract and a copy of your orders.
o Call for an appointment. DSN: 480-5309 or Commercial: 06371-47-5309.
o Located in the VAT office located in Ramstein Bldg. 2118.
Understand debit cards in Germany:
o All ATMs on base allow you to make withdrawals in dollars and Euros.
o Customers that make Euro withdrawals buy them at the day’s going rate.
o USAA debit cards in Germany work in most cases, but not all.
o German debit cards will give you 100% accessibility for all ATMs, give you
a better exchange rate, and they will cost less money in ATM fees. These
cards have a gold chip on them. They can be obtained from the two banks
on base.
Consider online Bill Pay for American bills; you can transfer money for free
and it usually only takes 3-4 days.
Websites For Complete Finance Details:
o Go to www.ramstein.af.mil box 2 “Getting Here”
o www.ramstein.af.mil/ramsteinfinancecustomerservice.asp: check out
Frequently Asked Questions and Finance links
Military members can click on the Virtual Finance page
Housing PCS Tips
Before Arrival:
Temporary Lodging:
o Have your sponsor schedule your reservation through Ramstein Inns
(https://www.86fss.com/?Itemid=1306). If there is no availability on base
there are many great options in the area. Ramstein Inns can supply you with
a list of local hotel area listings (lodgi[email protected]). Make sure you
get a Non-Availability Slip from Ramstein Inns before you make outside
Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA):
o See “Finance PCS Tips” for explanation. Remember, TLA stops when
TMO or FMO can deliver furniture to your residence, or if a house on-
base is offered and declined, whichever comes first.
o Visit: http://defensetravel.dod.mil/site/perdiemCalc.cfm
Find out what kind of housing you qualify for:
o All unaccompanied Air Force E-3s and below with less than 3 years of
service and below will live in the dorms.
o All other members will have the choice of living in on-base housing (if
eligible and available), or off-base housing on the German economy.
o Information and pictures of housing on Vogelweh, Landstuhl, and Ramstein
can be found at: http://www.housing.af.mil/ramstein/.
Familiarize yourself with the rental market:
o Find out your Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) rate. Visit:
http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/ohaCalc.cfm. Keep in mind that
unlike BAH (CONUS Housing Allowance), you do not get to keep the
difference if you rent a house under your OHA limit. See Finance for details
on housing allowances.
o Start looking. Send an e-mail to the KMC Housing office orgbox
) and request their current list of
available housing approved rentals. You may also check out
www.homes.mil, Kaiserslautern American, Facebook, and Bookoo to orient
yourself to the type of houses available in Germany. (Note: None of these
resources are government sponsored. Many of these options may have
Finder’s Fees or may not be Housing Approved. It will, however, give you a
good idea of what the houses are like in the KMC area.)
Use stateside non-temporary storage options:
o The Kaiserslautern Military Community (KMC) is a full Joint Federal
Travel Regulation weight area for all personnel not living in the dormitory.
You are encouraged to take advantage of stateside non-temporary storage
options since local storage facilities are limited and very expensive. Non-
temporary storage is not authorized in government housing.
Housing PCS Tips
After Arrival:
Start your home search:
o You must attend the housing in-processing brief prior to signing a lease. For
Air Force contact the Housing Assistance Office at DSN: 489-6671/6672.
o If on-base housing is not available, you have a choice of using the Housing
Office listings, search yourself, or use a realtor.
Housing Office:
Pros: Proactive staff. All rentals inspected for safety, adequacy and fair
rental value. No realtor fees.
Cons: Contact landlord and view rentals yourself.
Pros: Realtors are usually a liaison between you and the homeowner, and
provide home management help, arrange appointments and view the
rentals with you.
Cons: Often, realtors list the same rental units as the Housing Office.
Others may not be housing approved and could be overpriced. You may
be required to pay a finder’s fee, which can range from a few hundred
Euro to typically 1 month’s rent. It can be more, though! These fees can
be negotiated.
House Hunting Process:
o Set up a local bank account. See “Finance PCS Tips” for bank options and
further details. It’s important to do this as soon as possible because the
money can take some time to wire over from an American bank.
o Contact housing to get a list of available approved homes. Large families
needing 4 bedrooms or more will be priority placed with a counselor. Check
websites such as Bookoo, www.ramsteinyardsales.com, www.homes.mil,
Facebook; look at the local paper, Kaiserslautern American; or seek out a
o Explore as many village options as possible! Every village is different and
special in its own right. There are over 11,000 rental units located
throughout 300 villages within a 20 mile radius of Ramstein AB and
After You Find a House:
o Contact the Housing Office to schedule an appointment at Commercial:
0631-536-6671/6672 or DSN: 489-6671/6672 or email
o Internet capabilities vary in Germany. Verify what kind of service your
house can get. See “Communication PCS Tips” for further details.
Housing PCS Tips
o Be sure to read the entire rental lease. Be familiar with your responsibilities
as a tenant. If you sign a minimum 1 year lease, be advised that you might
not be released by your landlord to move on base if a home becomes
o Schedule FMO delivery, call DSN: 314-489-6001 or Commercial: 0631-
536-6001 for temporary furniture to be delivered to your house if your
household goods have not arrived.
o Document all deficiencies with your house at the initial walk through.
German landlords can be very thorough when it is time to move out, so you
should be too on the initial inspection.
o Set up UTAP for tax free utilities. You may be required to visit your Utility
Companies. Many times these will be located in your town’s Rathaus (City
Hall). While you are there, pick up some Gelbe Saks (Recycling/Yellow
Bags) for trash.
See “Finance PCS Tips” for further UTAP details.
Team Ramstein PCS Tips Checklist
30 Plus Days Out, or as soon as you get your orders, whichever comes first:
o Contact your sponsor.
o Save as much money as you can! See p. 21 for anticipated costs.
o Make temporary lodging arrangements, pet-friendly TLF fills up fast. Make kennel arrangements
if pet-friendly TLFs are full.
o Schedule your movers: Unaccompanied baggage, Household Goods, Storage.
o Schedule your flight as soon as possible; military rotator flights fill up quickly. Pets, p.18
o Place children on CDC, Child Development Center, or School Age Program list with your RIP.
o Update or obtain personal documents: no fee and tourist passports, immunization and medical
records, update Individualized Education Program if child has special needs.
o Update state driver’s license and obtain an international license.
o Ship your car as soon as possible!
o Obtain a government travel card if you don’t have one, if it applies.
o Update pet vaccinations and microchip.
o Decide what appliances and household goods go into storage.
o Military member can take their USAREUR driver’s test online.
o Look for registration dates for instructional and recreational programs for children.
o Unlock your cell phone from your local carrier.
o Forward your mail and notify companies of your new address.
o Obtain DD Form 2278 for reimbursement of postage fees for mailed goods.
10 Days Out:
o Communicate travel plans to your sponsor.
o Double check documentation, including passports and ticket information for travel.
o Get health certificate for your pet.
o Withdraw approximately 100 Euro for potential expenses including pet fees.
o Mail any items you are not going to pack in your carry-on baggage. Keep receipts!
After You Arrive:
o Attend Ramstein In-Processing (RIP), Base Intro, and Ramstein Spouse Orientation (RSO)
o Go to A&FRC for a Find It Guide, GPS and cell phone loaners (if needed), childcare voucher, base
maps, and valuable newcomer class information.
o Recommended to borrow or buy an inexpensive “pay as you go” phone until you know which
phone plan works best for you. You can buy at Ramstein BX or Shoppette.
o Recommended to borrow or buy a European Map GPS.
o Open a bank account.
o Get a rental car if needed.
o Spouse can study, schedule, and take driver’s test.
o Research and obtain housing.
o Pick up your car. Make sure you bring First Aid Kit, Warning Triangle, and Safety Vest for pick
up and registration. You can buy at Ramstein BX or Shoppette.
o Take car registration to customs office to get form needed for ESSO card. See p. 17.
o Visit Finance for travel reimbursement and advances, if needed.
o Register pets at Kaiserslautern Veterinary Treatment Facility.
After You Find a House:
o Schedule FMO (Furnishings Management Office) furniture delivery.
o Schedule TMO (Traffic Management Office) shipment.
o Set up UTAP, Utility Tax Avoidance Plan, and pick up VAT forms (both in VAT office).
o Register for schools once you have a permanent address.
o Set up internet service and phone plans.