DoD Travel Allowance Guidance Appendix B
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DoD Travel Allowance Guidance
In accordance with the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR), the Department of Defense (DoD) may reimburse
a traveler for reasonable expenses incurred during necessary and authorized temporary duty (TDY) travel
for official business. The purpose of this document is to identify travel and transportation allowances
payable to Service members, civilian employees, and invitational travelers.
The traveler, Authorizing Official (AO), and Certifying Officer are responsible for controlling the costs of
travel. It is expected that good judgment will be exercised and costs will be kept at a minimum when first
authorizing the use of Government funds and using them. When travel is an inherent component to
conduct business activities, travelers are expected to travel only when necessary and in accordance with
this guidance and the JTR. Noncompliance with this guidance may result in delayed or denied
reimbursement and disciplinary action.
B0301. Arranging Travel
A. Policy. A travel authorization or order must be completed by the AO in advance of all trips
that require an overnight stay. (JTR, pars. 010206 and 030501)
B. Travel Management Company. The DoD travel system must be used to arrange commercial
travel reservations. (JTR, par. 010205) The travel system sends the requirements to the travel
management company. If the travel system is not available, then travelers must make commercial travel
arrangements directly with the DoD-contracted travel management company. (JTR, pars. 010201,
020203, and 020206)
C. Voucher. The approved travel authorization or order must be linked to the traveler’s
settlement voucher.
D. Foreign Travel. Travelers must check the Foreign Clearance Guide for site-specific foreign
travel requirements. (JTR, Table 2-24)
B0302. Selecting Air Transportation
A. Policy. Airfare must be arranged as early as possible and in a manner that results in the
lowest cost to the Government. The DoD travel system will display the recommended options available
to the traveler and suggest the lowest airfare considering mission parameters, whether the trip is likely to
be changed or canceled, the availability of a General Services Administration City Pair Program airfare,
whether or not the airline is a U.S. flag carrier, and if the airline is on the DoD-approved airline list.
(JTR, par. 020206)
B. Exceptions.
1. In accordance with the Fly America Act, the DoD is not authorized to pay for, or
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reimburse a traveler for, airfare on a foreign airline if a flight on a U.S. airline is available, even if the
foreign airline’s flight is less expensive. (JTR, par. 020206-I)
2. Only a General Officer or Senior Executive in JTR, Table 2-5 may authorize or approve
other than economy or coach class travel. (JTR, pars. 020206-J and K)
C. Non-Reimbursable Fees. Typically, a traveler is not authorized to be reimbursed for early
boarding, seat upgrades, or preferred seating fees. (JTR, Table 2-4 lines 5 and 6 and par. 020207-A)
D. Taking Leave with Official Travel. A traveler taking leave is not authorized to use City Pair
Program airfares to and from a leave location unless leave travel is Government-funded. (JTR, Tables 3-
20 and 4-1 and pars. 020206-L and 033301-A)
E. Canceling and Changing Reservations. The traveler must use the DoD travel system to cancel
or change an airline reservation. If the DoD travel system is not available, then the traveler must contact
the travel management company directly. The traveler should immediately change or cancel the
reservation as soon as travel plans change.
F. Canceling and Changing Tickets. If the airline has issued a ticket, then the traveler must use
the DoD travel system to cancel or change an airline ticket. If the DoD travel system is not available,
then the traveler must contact the travel management company directly. Depending on the type of ticket
that has been issued, residual values, change and cancellation fees, and non-refundable restrictions may
require additional oversight and management. If a trip is canceled after the reservation is ticketed, then
the traveler must advise the travel management company of the cancellation before the scheduled
departure. The traveler is responsible for all costs that are incurred for canceling or changing tickets for
personal reasons unless the change is for a mission-related reason or an emergency beyond the traveler’s
control. (JTR, par. 020206-A)
B0303. Selecting Ground Transportation
A. Policy. The most cost-effective means of transportation must be used. A traveler must first
check on the availability of a Government vehicle. (JTR, par. 020208)
B. Rental Vehicle. If a Government vehicle is not available, then a rental vehicle may be
authorized or approved. All reservations for a rental vehicle must be made using the DoD travel system.
If the DoD travel system is not available, then the traveler must contact the travel management company.
If a rental vehicle is reserved through a different booking channel or agency, then reimbursement is
limited to the negotiated rate that the DoD would have paid. Before requesting a rental vehicle, the
traveler should investigate the use of alternative transportation or shared rides, such as an airport shuttle,
public transportation, or a taxi. The traveler is responsible for ensuring that the proper rate is being
charged at the time of rental and does not include fees for insurance unless required by law in foreign
countries. (JTR, par. 020209)
1. A compact vehicle is the standard size for official travel, however the AO may authorize
or approve a larger vehicle for a valid reason, such as, to accommodate a traveler’s special needs,
oversized Government equipment, or multiple travelers sharing a car.
2. GPS system, parking, fuel, transponder, ferry, and toll expenses may be authorized or
approved. (JTR, par. 020209)
C. Privately Owned Vehicle. If a Government vehicle is not available and the AO determines
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that a rental car is not most advantageous to the Government, then a traveler is authorized to use their
privately owned vehicle. The TDY mileage rate is paid for the distance from the traveler’s home or office
to the destination as determined by the Defense Table of Official Distances or other approved commercial
mileage program. If a traveler chooses to use a privately owned vehicle after the AO determines that
another transportation mode is more advantageous, then mileage reimbursement is limited to what the
DoD would have paid for the authorized transportation mode. (JTR, par. 020210-F) If a Government
vehicle is authorized and available but not used, the other mileage rate is authorized to be paid. If a
Government vehicle is authorized and other travelers in the same party use the Government vehicle, then
the traveler that elected to drive a privately owned vehicle is not authorized to be paid for mileage. (JTR,
pars. 020208 and 020210, and Table 2-9)
1. Reimbursement for parking a privately owned vehicle at the terminal is limited to the cost
of two one-way taxi fares. Travel from the traveler’s home to work on the day of departure is not
reimbursable unless the temporary duty requires an overnight stay. (JTR, Table 2-13)
2. Parking, toll, and ferry expenses may be authorized or approved. (JTR, par. 020210-H)
B0304. Traveler Does Not Use Authorized Transportation
Policy. If a traveler does not use the authorized transportation mode for personal reasons, then the
traveler is reimbursed up to the cost of the authorized transportation ticket plus the travel management
company fee. The traveler is paid per diem based on what the DoD would have paid the traveler for using
the authorized transportation mode, regardless of the transportation mode actually used. (JTR, par.
B0305. Taking Leave in Conjunction with Official Travel
A. Policy. A traveler may combine personal travel with official travel if there is no additional
cost to the DoD. A Service member is not in a travel status while on an administrative absence or leave.
A civilian employee is not in a travel status while on an excused absence or administrative leave.
Personnel directives dictate when and how leave is charged. (JTR, Section 0333)
B. Cost Comparison. A traveler’s mileage payment is limited to the constructed round-trip cost
of the transportation ticket, plus the travel management company fee, and per diem en route between
official duty locations.
C. Per Diem for Partial Workday. A civilian employee may not receive per diem when on leave.
However, a civilian employee may be paid per diem if leave is taken for a partial workday. Per diem is
also not payable for non-workdays if a civilian employee takes leave for the whole workday before and
the workday following the non-workdays. (JTR, par. 033301)
B0306. Accommodating Medical or Special Needs
A. Policy. An AO may authorize a traveler with a disability or special need more costly travel
accommodations or other required miscellaneous reimbursement, such as baggage check-in fee at
curbside or baggage handling tips. A disability must be substantiated by a written certification from a
competent medical authority. An AO may authorize non-premium class travel accommodations for a
traveler with a special need without medical certification. All travel options, such as economy plus, coach
elite seating, bulkhead seating, or purchasing two coach seats should be considered before recommending
premium-class travel. (JTR, par. 020206-K)
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B. Attendant or Escort. A traveler may be authorized an attendant or escort if required.
C. Premium-Class Authority. Only the appropriate General Officer or Senior Executive listed in
Table 2-5 in the JTR may authorize or approve premium-class travel.
B0307. Allowable Time for Traveling
A. Policy. A traveler is paid per diem when traveling based on the allowable travel time, which
considers the authorized transportation, the transportation mode used, and the official distance. All time
that is not official travel time must be accounted for in accordance with the appropriate Service or Agency
regulations. (JTR, par. 020302)
1. If the authorized transportation is by air, a maximum of 1 day of travel time is
reimbursable for travel in the continental United States (CONUS) and within areas outside the CONUS
(OCONUS). For bus or train transportation, allowable travel time is the actual time needed to travel over
the direct route, including necessary delays.
2. If the authorized transportation is a Government automobile, rental vehicle, or privately
owned vehicle and is considered advantageous to the Government, 1 day of travel for every 400 official
miles is allowed.
B. Exception. If the traveler uses less time than the allowable travel time, per diem is paid for
the actual time used. Additional travel time may be authorized or approved if the actual time exceeds the
authorized time for reasons beyond a traveler’s control. (JTR, par. 020302)
B0308. Per Diem
A. Policy. A traveler may be paid a per diem allowance. Per diem is a daily allowance based on
the authorized stopover point or official duty location. (JTR, par. 020102)
B. Per Diem Components. A location’s per diem rate has three parts: lodging, meals, and
incidental expenses.
C. Crossing the International Date Line. If the traveler crosses the International Date Line while
traveling from west to east, the traveler gains 1 day of per diem. If the traveler crosses the International
Date Line while traveling from east to west, the traveler loses 1 day of per diem. (JTR, par. 020314)
B0309. Selecting Lodging
A. Policy. All lodging reservations must be made through the DoD travel system or the travel
management company. If required, and available Government quarters cannot be reserved through the
DoD travel system, the traveler must directly contact the facility. The traveler must use lodging that is
within the established per diem rate or they may request additional reimbursement if the costs exceed the
per diem rate.
B. Lodging Taxes. Lodging taxes are reimbursed differently depending on whether the TDY is
in a CONUS, nonforeign location OCONUS, or is in a foreign location OCONUS. (JTR, par. 020303,
Table 2-15)
1. If a traveler incurs lodging expenses in a CONUS or nonforeign location OCONUS, then
the daily room costs and lodging taxes are separately reimbursed. The daily room costs should not exceed
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the per diem rate. The lodging taxes are reimbursed as a miscellaneous reimbursable expense and are
calculated on the actual cost of the room or the lodging portion of the locality per diem rate, whichever is
2. If a traveler incurs lodging in a foreign location OCONUS, then the daily room costs
should be totaled with the lodging taxes. The daily room costs plus the lodging tax should not exceed the
locality per diem rate.
C. Actual Expense Allowance. If the traveler must exceed the lodging per diem rate, then an
actual expense allowance for lodging may be authorized up to 300% of the per diem rate, less meals and
incidentals. If only actual expense allowance for lodging is authorized, then the meal and incidental
portion of the per diem rate is paid without itemization. If a Service member is traveling OCONUS and
the lodging costs will exceed 300%, then the AO may request an exemption in advance of the travel by
contacting the PDTATAC, Chief at the address on the first page of the JTR. There is no authorization for
a civilian employee to exceed the 300% limitation. (JTR, par. 020307)
D. Integrated Lodging Program Pilot. A traveler must use the DoD’s preferred hotels and
privatized lodging if available. Other hotels may be considered if:
1. A DoD preferred hotel or privatized lodging is available and the traveler stays in another
hotel for personal reasons, then the traveler is responsible for paying all costs that exceed the Integrated
Lodging Program Pilot lodging rate and taxes. (JTR, par. 020303)
2. A DoD preferred hotel or privatized lodging is not available, then the traveler should stay
in a FEMA-certified hotel as mandated by the Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act of 1990.
3. The location of the DoD preferred hotel or privatized lodging will not allow for mission
4. The predesignated hotel is specified for a group of travelers.
E. Lodging at a U.S. Installation. A Service member ordered to a U.S. installation must use
adequate and available Government quarters. If a civilian employee is ordered to a U.S. installation that
is part of the Integrated Lodging Program Pilot, then the civilian employee must use available
Government quarters. If the traveler stays at another lodging facility for personal reasons, the traveler is
responsible for paying all costs that exceed the cost of Government quarters. (JTR, par. 020303)
1. A Service member or civilian employee ordered to an Integrated Lodging Program Pilot
site where adequate Government quarters are not available, must use other lodging available under the
Government Lodging Program.
2. If Government quarters are not available, then the traveler must provide a non-availability
confirmation number or statement of non-availability and the AO must authorize or approve
reimbursement for commercial lodging.
3. Exceptions to using the Government quarters are:
a. The AO determines the use of the Government quarters would adversely affect the
b. The traveler is an officer in a pay grade of O-7 through O-10 or is a Senior Executive
Service employee and personally determines the availability of Government quarters for themselves.
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F. Hotel Cancellations. Hotel cancellations must be made in accordance with the hotel’s
cancellation policy to avoid “No Show” charges. “No Show” charges and early departure fees incurred
due to a traveler’s negligence may not be reimbursed. (JTR, par. 020303)
B0310. Paying Meals and Incidental Expenses
A. Policy. The traveler is paid per diem for meals and incidental expenses.
1. Meals are paid at the per diem rates established by the following Agencies:
a. General Services Administration for locations in the CONUS.
b. DoD for non-foreign locations OCONUS.
c. Department of State for foreign locations.
2. Incidental expenses are a portion of a per diem rate. For travel in the CONUS, the
incidental expenses are $5, regardless of the location. “Incidental expenses” are not the same as
“miscellaneous reimbursable expenses.”
3. For travel OCONUS, the incidental expense rates vary according to the location, and are
included in the per diem rate. If a traveler is OCONUS at a U.S. installation, and is lodged on the
installation in Government quarters, then the incidental expense allowance is $3.50 per day. This does
not include en route travel days. If the AO determines that the $3.50 is inadequate, the locality incidental
expense rate may be authorized. If staying off of a U.S. installation, the AO may reduce the locality
incidental expense rate to $3.50 if the reduced rate is adequate. The locality rate or reduced rate must be
specified in the travel order. (JTR, par. 020304)
B. Not Paid. If travel is 12 hours or less, then the meal and incidental expense rate is not paid.
(JTR, par. 020309)
C. Reduced Rate.
1. If travel is over 12 but fewer than 24 hours and lodging is required, then 75% of the meal
and incidental rate is paid for the day of departure from and day of return to the permanent duty station.
If lodging is not required, then 75% of the highest meal and incidental rate is authorized for each calendar
day in a travel status. (JTR, par. 020309)
2. If travel is greater than 24 hours and lodging is required, then the meal and incidental rate
for the day of departure is based on the first TDY or overnight lodging location and 75% of the meal and
incidental rate is paid. On the day of return to the permanent duty station, the meal and incidental rate is
based on the last TDY or overnight lodging location and 75% of the meal and incidental rate is paid.
(JTR, par. 020310)
D. Exceptions.
1. If per diem is paid for travel fewer than 24 hours, it may be subject to income taxes for
civilian employees.
2. An actual expense allowance for meals and incidental expenses of up to 300% of the
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locality per diem rate may be authorized if the per diem rate is insufficient. There is no authority to pay
an actual expense allowance for only meals and incidental expenses; if an actual expense allowance for
meals and incidental expenses is authorized, then an actual expense allowance must be authorized for
lodging, meals, and incidentals and all expenses must be itemized. Reimbursement is limited to the actual
expenses incurred up to the actual expense allowance amount. (JTR, par. 020307-F)
3. The proportional meal rate is paid if directed on the travel authorization or order when one
or two deductible meals are provided at no cost to the traveler or available in a Government dining
facility. The traveler must be lodged in adequate Government quarters on a United States installation.
The proportional meal rate does not apply during en route travel. (JTR, Table 2-17)
4. The standard Government meal rate is paid when the Service member is on a TDY to a
U.S. installation where quarters are available, the Government meal rate is directed in the authorization or
order, and all three meals are available in a Government dining facility. The traveler must provide a non-
availability confirmation number or statement of non-availability if the Government dining facility is
unavailable. (JTR, Table 2-17)
5. Meals provided to the traveler and described in JTR, Table 2-18 are deductible. If one or
two meals are provided, then the proportional meal rate is paid. If all three meals are provided, then only
the incidental expenses portion of the locality per diem rate is paid. If a deductible meal cannot be
consumed, then the AO may authorize or approve the locality meal rate or proportional meal rate. (JTR,
par. 020304-C)
6. If essential unit messing has been established for an organizational unit, operational
element, operational deployment, or detachment, the Government provides the meals. Essential unit
messing cannot be applied to an individual traveler. Essential unit messing begins at 0001 on the first full
day after arrival and ends at 2400 on the last full essential unit messing day. (JTR, par. 020315-E)
a. A Service member on a TDY to a location where essential unit messing has been
established is only paid the incidental expense portion of the locality per diem rate.
b. A civilian employee in a training status, at a location where essential unit messing has
been established, may receive the discounted Government meal rate in addition to the incidental expense.
7. A Service member is not authorized per diem for field duty. If a civilian employee
provides noncombatant support or accompanies a military unit on field duty, then per diem is not
authorized. Field duty begins at 0001 on the day after arrival at the TDY location, and ends at 2400 on
the day before departure from the TDY location. (JTR, par. 020315)
a. If a civilian employee is charged the discounted Government meal rate for meals while
supporting field duty, then he or she is reimbursed the actual cost incurred.
b. If lodging is not available, the senior commander in charge (or designee) may
authorize lodging reimbursement. For an enlisted Service member, if meals are not available without
charge, then the same officials may authorize the applicable meal rate. That official may authorize
occasional meals or lodging when necessary.
8. If the mission requires personnel to travel together as a group, then the AO may direct
limited or no reimbursement on the travel order. In this situation, the Government provides transportation
at no cost to the traveler. If en route travel arrangements include lodging and meals at no cost to the
traveler, then the AO may direct that no per diem is authorized. This policy applies to the en route
portions of the TDY, and begins when the travelers depart from the permanent duty station and ends at
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2400 on the day that the travelers arrive at the TDY location. The prohibition on per diem begins again at
0001 on the day the travelers depart the TDY location and ends when the travelers return to the permanent
duty station. (JTR, par. 020315-C)
a. If necessary, the AO may authorize occasional meals and lodging while en route.
b. If a civilian employee pays the food cost and operating expenses (surcharge), then the
AO may authorize or approve reimbursement only for the food cost.
9. Occasional meals or occasional lodging may be authorized or approved if a traveler must
either purchase meals or obtain lodging when per diem is not authorized. (JTR, par. 020305)
a. The traveler is reimbursed for the actual meal and lodging costs that were incurred,
limited to the lodging portion of the locality per diem rate.
b. In special or unusual circumstances, the AO may authorize either an actual expense
allowance for lodging or a dual-lodging reimbursement. Incidental expenses are not authorized. If the
traveler is TDY to more than one location on a single day, the proportional meal rate limit is based on the
highest locality meal rate.
10. If a Service member is hospitalized, then per diem is not authorized. However, per diem
is authorized when he or she is in an outpatient status away from the permanent duty station and for travel
days to, from, and between hospitals. (JTR, par. 020315-A)
11. If a Service member is assigned to a rehabilitation center or activity for training or
treatment and both Government quarters and a dining facility are available, then per diem is not
authorized. (JTR, par. 033001)
B0311. Paying Per Diem When Traveling by Ship
A. Policy. Typically, lodging and meals are provided without charge when traveling by ship. If
lodging and meals are provided, then the traveler is not authorized to be paid the lodging, meal, or
incidental portions of per diem. A traveler is not authorized to be paid per diem beginning at 0001 on the
day after arrival through 2400 on the day before departure. (JTR, par. 020315)
B. Paying Per Diem While Traveling to or Departing from the Ship’s Port. A traveler is
authorized to be paid per diem on days of arrival and departure and the per diem rate is based on the
ship’s port. If the port’s location is the traveler’s permanent duty station, then per diem is not authorized
on the days of arrival or departure from the ship, and meals are provided with or without charge. (JTR,
par. 020315-F)
C. Paying Per Diem While Traveling on a Car Ferry. If lodging on the car ferry is not required,
the per diem for meals and incidentals while on the ferry is based on the traveler’s location at 2400 on the
day departing the ferry. If lodging on the ferry is required, meals and incidental expenses for the day of
arrival on the ferry through the day before departure is the highest CONUS per diem rate. Required
accommodations are reimbursed if not included in the ferry transportation costs. On the departure day
from the ferry, the per diem rate is based on the traveler’s location at 2400 on that day. (JTR, par.
D. Exceptions.
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1. A Service member TDY aboard a Government ship is provided meals with or without
charge and is ineligible for per diem.
2. If a civilian employee is charged for meals on a Government ship, then the Government
meal rate is paid for each meal, unless the AO authorizes a different special rate. (JTR, par. 020315-F)
3. If a traveler is TDY on a commercial ship and is charged for meals, then the actual costs of
the meals are reimbursed up to the meal portion of the per diem previously set by the AO. If the AO
establishes a per diem rate for travel of 24 hours or more, the per diem begins at 0001 the day after arrival
and ends at 2400 on the day before the status ends. A traveler is not authorized reimbursement for meals
if they are provided without charge or included as part of the accommodation. (JTR, par. 020315-H)
B0312. Returning to the Permanent Duty Station During Long-Term TDY
A. Policy. If a traveler is assigned on a long-term TDY for 31 or more continuous days, other
than for a deployment, then the traveler may return to the permanent duty station’s location on nonduty
days or during nonduty hours. No per diem is paid at the permanent duty station’s location. Returns are
either authorized or voluntary. (JTR, par. 020312)
B. Authorized Return. An authorized return must be specified in the travel authorization or
order. A traveler’s allowance is for the costs of round-trip transportation and per diem between the TDY
location and the permanent duty station’s location. If the AO authorizes or approves retained lodging, the
lodging costs are a reimbursable expense and limited to the lodging portion of the locality per diem rate.
(JTR, par. 020312)
C. Voluntary Return. A traveler may voluntarily return to the permanent duty station or
residence. Reimbursement is limited to the cost of what the Government would have paid had the traveler
remained at the TDY location. Lodging taxes are not included in the constructed cost if the lodging is in
the CONUS or a non-foreign location OCONUS. Exceptions apply if authorized to retain lodging at the
TDY location during voluntary returns. (JTR, par. 020312)
B0313. Invitational Travel
A. Policy. An invitational travel authorization is issued to an individual who is not a Service
member or Government employee. If an invitational travel authorization is issued, then an individual is
invited to travel at the Government’s expense and the AO must ensure prudent use of Government funds.
Travelers, including a spouse, may be issued an invitational travel authorization under 5 U.S.C. § 5703 if
an individual in JTR, Table 3-2.1 certifies that the traveler is “legitimately performing a direct service for
the Government.” (JTR, par. 030501-A)
B. Allowances. Most individuals traveling on an invitational travel authorization are authorized
standard travel and transportation allowances, as specified in the JTR, Chapter 2. An individual traveling
with their Service member spouse may only receive per diem if authorized or approved by an individual
in JTR, Table 3-2.1. (JTR, par. 030501-B) See JTR, Table 3-2.2 for a list of invitational travel scenarios
that may receive limited reimbursement.
B0314. Miscellaneous Reimbursable Expenses
A. Policy. See Table 2-24 in the JTR for miscellaneous expenses that may beauthorized.
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B. Medical. If a traveler is required to travel to a country where the Defense Health Agency
requires immunizations or other preventative treatments, then the DoD may reimburse for the amount not
covered by the traveler’s health insurance provider only if a Federal dispensary is not available. The DoD
may also reimburse the cost of disease testing which cannot be obtained through a Federal dispensary. If
a traveler on TDY experiences a medical emergency, then transportation to the nearest medical facility
where health care is available may be reimbursed. (JTR, Section 0334)
B0315. Government Travel Charge Card
Policy. All travelers issued a Government Travel Charge Card are required to use the card for all
official travel and transportation expenses. (JTR, par. 010204)
B0401. Establishing the Local Commuting Area
Policy. The DoD installation, base, or senior commanders must establish a local commuting area in
writing. Typically, per diem allowances are not authorized to be paid in the local commuting area. (JTR,
section 0206)
B0402. Traveling Within the Local Commuting Area
A. Policy. The AO may authorize or approve transportation reimbursement within the local
commuting area. Transportation reimbursement is only authorized or approved if local travel expenses
exceed the costs ordinarily incurred when the traveler commutes to the permanent duty station. (JTR, par.
B. Commercial Transportation Reimbursement. Taxi fares, public transit, GPS system, parking,
fuel, transponder, ferry, toll, and rental vehicle expenses may be authorized or approved if necessary
expenses exceed ordinary costs. (JTR, par. 020603-B)
C. Traveling By a Privately Owned Vehicle in the Local Area. If a privately owned vehicle is
authorized or approved, then a traveler may be reimbursed for the actual costs of parking, ferry, and toll
expenses. If a privately owned vehicle is authorized or approved, then a traveler is paid the TDY mileage
rate based on the vehicle’s odometer reading. (JTR, par. 020603-B)
1. If a traveler ordinarily travels by a privately owned vehicle to and from the residence and
the permanent duty station, and travel is authorized or approved between the residence or the permanent
duty station and one or more alternate work sites within the local area, then mileage is paid for the
distance that exceeds the normal commuting distance.
2. If a traveler does not ordinarily travel by a privately owned vehicle to and from the
residence and the permanent duty station and travel is authorized or approved between the residence or
the permanent duty station and one or more alternate work sites within the local area, then mileage is paid
for the distance driven, less the traveler’s ordinary transportation costs.
3. If a privately owned vehicle and public transportation are authorized or approved for travel
between the residence and one or more alternate work sites within the local area, then a traveler is paid
the TDY mileage rate for travel to and from the public transportation terminal that exceeds the
commuting distance to the permanent duty station and is reimbursed parking fees and the costs of using
public transit.
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D. Traveling By a Privately Owned Vehicle to a Transportation Terminal in the Local Area
When Starting and Ending a TDY. If a traveler drives a privately owned vehicle from the residence or
permanent duty station to a transportation terminal, then TDY mileage rate is paid based on the vehicle’s
odometer reading. Parking expenses at the terminal are limited to two one-way taxi fares. (JTR, Table 2-
13 and par. 020213)
E. Service Member Traveling in the Local Area for Medical Reasons. If a Service member is
ordered to travel on official business to a medical facility in the local area to obtain a physical
examination, medical diagnosis, or medical treatment, then the Service member must be reimbursed for
transportation or paid the TDY mileage rate for driving a privately owned vehicle. If a Service member
voluntarily travels to a medical facility to obtain a medical diagnosis or treatment, then the Service
member is not on official travel and is not authorized reimbursement or allowances for transportation.
(JTR, par. 020603-B)
F. Exceptions. In certain situations, per diem may be authorized within the local commuting
area. If overnight lodging is required and the travel period is more than 12 consecutive hours, then the
AO may authorize per diem at the locality per diem rate. (JTR, pars. 020601 and 020602, and Table 2-
1. If travel is outside the permanent duty station’s city, town, or county limits, but within the
local commuting area, then per diem may be authorized if overnight lodging is required.
2. During certain emergency situations, if travel is within the permanent duty station’s city,
town, or county limits, per diem may be authorized if overnight lodging is required.
B0501. Allowances for Government-Funded Leave
A. Policy. The circumstances of why travel is required and a traveler’s permanent duty station or
TDY location will determine if a traveler is eligible for leave travel that is funded by the Government. If
a traveler is eligible, and the AO authorizes or approves the leave, then round-trip transportation will be
provided or round-trip transportation and some expenses will be reimbursed. There are four types of
Government-funded leave:
1. Emergency Leave for Service members and dependents.
2. Emergency Visitation Travel for DoD civilian employees and dependents.
3. Funded Environmental and Morale Leave for Service members, DoD civilian employees,
and dependents.
4. Rest and Recuperation Leave for Service members and DoD civilian employees. (JTR,
Section 0401)
B. Transportation When Taking Leave. If available, travelers must use Government
transportation for Government-funded leave and if not used, reimbursement is not authorized. If
Government transportation is not available, then reimbursement for commercial transportation is
authorized. The AO determines the authorized transportation mode if Government transportation is not
available. If a traveler drives a privately owned vehicle, then the Other Mileage Rate is paid and is limited
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to the policy-constructed airfare. (JTR, par. 040101-A)
C. Reimbursable Expenses. If a traveler is authorized reimbursement for commercial air, rail, or
bus, then travel management company fees, charge, if any, for first checked baggage, arrival and
departure taxes, currency conversion expenses for authorized transportation costs, and ground
transportation expenses between interim airports are reimbursable. (JTR, par. 040101-B)
D. Non-reimbursable Expenses. Per diem or meal tickets, excess accompanied baggage,
unaccompanied baggage, and terminal parking fees are not reimbursable. Except for Funded
Environmental and Morale Leave, transportation is not authorized to be reimbursed from the permanent
duty station, residence, or TDY location to the airport and return. (JTR, par. 040101-B)
E. Exceptions.
1. For Government funded leave, an eligible traveler may use City Pair Program airfares
between authorized locations. If a traveler elects to travel to a more expensive alternate destination, then
the City Pair Program airfares cannot be used. (JTR, Table 4-1)
2. If Funded Environmental and Morale Leave is authorized, transportation from the
permanent duty station, residence, or TDY location to the airport and return is a reimbursable expense.
(JTR, Table 4-2)
B0601. Active Duty with Pay
A. Policy. A Reserve Component member on active duty with pay participating in annual
training, active duty for training, or active duty for other than training may be authorized the standard
travel and transportation allowances specified in Chapter 2 of JTR. TDY assignments are limited to 180
days at one location or 139 or fewer days for a course of instruction. (JTR, section 303, par. 032301)
B. Allowances.
1. If a Reserve Component member is participating in annual training and both lodging and
meals are provided at no cost, then per diem is not authorized. If either lodging or meals are not provided,
then the traveler is authorized standard travel and transportation allowances, as specified in
JTR Chapter 2.
2. If a Reserve Component member’s residence or “place entered active duty” is outside of
the local commuting area, and he or she does not commute daily to the TDY location, then the Reserve
Component member is authorized the standard travel and transportation allowances specified in Chapter 2
of the JTR. (JTR, par. 030302 and Table 3-7)
3. If a Reserve Component member’s residence or “place entered active duty” is within the
local commuting area, or he or she commutes daily, then the Reserve Component member is not
authorized the standard travel and transportation allowances specified in Chapter 2 of the JTR. The
Reserve Component member is authorized TDY mileage for one round-trip between his or her residence
and duty location. (JTR, Table 3-1 and Table 3-6)
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B0602. Paying Mileage for Qualifying Physical Examination During Active Duty
without Pay
A. Policy. If a Reserve Component member is performing active duty without pay and is ordered
to attend a qualifying physical examination, then the traveler may be authorized to be paid TDY mileage
for travel between the duty station and the examination. (JTR, par. 030303)
B. Exception. A Reserve Component member on active duty without pay is not authorized per
diem at the permanent duty station, but may be authorized or approved occasional meals or occasional
lodging (JTR, par. 020305)
B0603. Inactive Duty With or Without Pay
A. Policy. Typically, a Reserve Component member on inactive duty with or without pay is not
authorized the standard travel and transportation allowances specified in Chapter 2 of the JTR. (JTR, par.
B. Exceptions.
1. If a Reserve Component member is directed to travel in and around the duty area, drill
site, or city or town on official business, then the Reserve Component member may be authorized local
travel allowances.
2. If a Reserve Component member is directed to travel between the residence and an
alternate duty or work site in the local commuting area, then TDY mileage is authorized only for the
distance that exceeds the distance between the residence and the assigned location.
3. If a Reserve Component member is directed to travel from the residence to a TDY location
outside the local commuting area, then the Reserve Component member is authorized the standard travel
and transportation allowances, limited to the cost from the assigned unit to the TDY location specified in
Chapter 2 of the JTR. (JTR, Table 3-8)
4. If a Reserve Component member occupies transient Government housing while
performing inactive duty training with or without pay, then the Reserve Component member may be
reimbursed for lodging service charges or may be provided lodging in-kind.
B0604. Selected Reserves of the Ready Reserves
A. Policy. If a Reserve Component member in the Selected Reserves of the Individual Ready
Reserve is performing inactive duty training that is 150 or more miles outside of the local commuting
area, then the Secretary concerned may authorize allowances limited to a total of $500 for each round-
trip. The allowances are:
1. Transportation costs, including transportation between home and the terminal and between
the terminal and the training location are reimbursable. If a privately owned vehicle is used, then the
Other Mileage Rate is paid for the distance to and from the Inactive Duty Training location including
parking, tolls, and ferry expenses. (JTR, par. 032304-B)
2. Actual lodging and meal costs, up to the maximum locality per diem rate, may be
reimbursed. The actual costs of meals may include tips and taxes. Reimbursement of alcoholic beverages
is not authorized. (JTR, par. 032304-B)
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B. Higher Reimbursement Amount. The Secretary concerned may authorize a higher
reimbursement in any of the following:
1. The Reserve Component member must reside in the same state as the training location, but
outside of an urbanized area with a population of 50,000 or more as determined by the U.S. Census
2. The Reserve Component member must commute to a training location using an aircraft or
boat due to limited or nonexistent vehicular routes to the training location or other geographical
3. The Reserve Component member is required to commute from a permanent residence 75
miles or more from the training location. (JTR, par. 032304-B)
B0701. Death of a Traveler
A. Policy. If a Service member dies, then the designated casualty assistance office must be
immediately notified. If a DoD traveler dies while on TDY, then the commander, commander’s designee,
or supervisor must follow component regulations to inform the deceased traveler’s next of kin, or legal
representative of the allowances available. (JTR, Section 0320)
B. Component Responsibilities. The Component must render all reasonable assistance in
arranging for the preparation and transportation of the traveler’s remains, the return of any personal
property from the TDY location to the permanent duty station, the finalization of any expenses related to
the TDY, and assisting any beneficiary in completing and filing a final travel claim for the travel
C. Allowances. Per diem allowances accrue through the date of death. Reimbursement for
transportation, mileage, or a monetary allowance in lieu of transportation accrues from the permanent
duty station, old station, or last TDY location, as appropriate, to the place of death, limited to the official
distance specified in the Defense Table of Official Distances.
B0801. Retaining Receipts
A. Policy. Receipts are required when:
1. A lodging expense is incurred.
2. A reimbursable travel expense of $75 or more is incurred, even if the amount was charged
to a Government Travel Charge Card.
3. There is reasonable doubt about the validity of a claimed expense.
B. Requirement for Receipts. All receipts must be itemized and imprinted with the name of the
establishment and must show the date and amount of the expense.
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C. Lost or Missing Receipts. If a vendor does not provide a receipt or if a receipt is lost, then the
Certifying Officer may accept a missing receipt statement in accordance with the DoD Financial
Management Regulation, Volume 9.
B0901. Submitting Travel Vouchers
A. Policy.
1. All travel authorizations must have a travel voucher submitted through the DoD’s travel
system within 5 working days of return from travel.
2. The voucher must be approved for payment by a Certifying Officer.
3. Travel vouchers may not be used for reimbursing personal or mission-related expenses.
B. Requirements. The following items must be included with the travel voucher:
1. A copy of the associated travel authorization or order.
2. The complete itinerary invoice provided by the travel management company.
3. Original or electronic itemized receipts.
C. Payment Methods. All travel expenses charged to a Government Travel Charge Card must be
split-disbursed directly to the card vendor. Any additional funds due to the traveler must be paid using an
Electronic Funds Transfer.
Policy. For guidance on ethical conduct and conflicts of interest, refer to DoD 5500.07-R, “Joint Ethics