*Corresponding author.
eISSN: 2550-2166 / © 2024 The Authors.
Published by Rynnye Lyan Resources
Food Research 8 (3) : 106 - 112 (June 2024)
Journal homepage: https://www.myfoodresearch.com
Chemical and sensory properties evaluations in sea salt fortified with Moringa
oleifera leaf extract
1, *
Efendy, M.,
Triadjie, H.,
Kartika, A.G.D.,
Pratiwi, W.S.W. and
Jain, S.
Department of Marine Science, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan 69162, Indonesia
Department of Aquatic Resource Management, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan 69162,
Department of Food Science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, United States of America
Article history:
Received: 18 October 2022
Received in revised form: 25
November 2022
Accepted: 9 January 2024
Available Online: 15 May
Vitamin C,
Moisture contents
Preference values
As a natural ingredient containing many nutrients and beneficial to human health,
Moringa oleifera leaf extract can be used as a food-fortification ingredient. Fortifying
daily seasonings such as salt with M. oleifera leaf extract can help to fulfill human daily
nutrition requirements and deliver health benefits. This research aimed to study the
influence of fortifying sea salt with M. oleifera leaf extract on the product's chemical
characteristics and sensory properties. M. oleifera leaf extract was added into fine salt
with different concentrations of 20% and 40% (w/v) and heated at 55℃ for 10 mins. The
chemical properties were analysed to evaluate the nutritional properties of the product, for
instance, β-carotene, vitamin C, moisture and NaCl content. Subsequently, sensory
properties are presented to assess product preference from panellists. The result showed
that the β-carotene and vitamin C in 20% and 40% treatments were 12.641 to 27.922 μg/
kg and 5.06 to 7.392 mg/kg, respectively. The moisture content in control, 20%, and 40%
treatments were all below 5%. NaCl content, as the major compound in the product, was
affected by adding M. oleifera leaf extract into the product. Applying 40% M. oleifera leaf
extract to the salt significantly decreased the NaCl content of the product compared with
20% treatment and control. All sensory properties attributes have decreased as an increase
of M. oleifera leaf extract concentration. Compared with the 40% treatment, the 20%
treatment showed a higher value of sensory properties. A preference for salt fortification
was also shown at the 20% treatment in the neutral midpoint. Thus, an additional 20% of
M. oleifera leaf extract provided higher nutritional content than the control and was more
acceptable to consumers than the 40% treatment.
1. Introduction
Salt is one of the essential mineral components of a
healthy diet, used in food preparation and food
manufacturing processes which is added at the table or
during cooking. Physically, salt is a white crystal with the
largest chemical compound being sodium chloride (NaCl
>80%) (Durack et al., 2008; Sumada et al., 2018). The
elements of sodium and chloride include types of macro
minerals needed by the human body in large quantities (>
100 mg/day). Sodium is the main cation in extracellular
fluid in the body. With chlorine, sodium helps the
movement of nerve impulses, maintains body fluid
balance, and regulates heart rate (Grillo et al., 2019).
According to the World Health Organization's
recommendation (WHO, 2012), the limit of sodium
intake to less than 2,300 mg per day or equal to about 1
teaspoon of table salt.
Globally, salt has been fortified with iodine as the
preferred approach to addressing iodine deficiency in the
human population (Thoma et al., 2011). Double
fortification of salt with iodine and iron has been reported
(Shields and Ansari, 2021) to prevent iron anemia
deficiency. Modupe et al. (2019) reported on the triple
fortification of salt with folic acid, iron and iodine. The
fortified salt was formulated by spraying a solution and
adding encapsulated ferrous fumarate. Improvement in
the nutritional content of table salt and its economic value
is needed by adding extracts of natural ingredients that
are abundant in Indonesia. Also, salt is ideally suitable
for fortification to overcome many nutritional
deficiencies because it is consumed widely and regularly.
The main concern of the fortification process is effective,
107 Efendy et al. / Food Research 8 (3) (2024) 106 - 112
https://doi.org/10.26656/fr.2017.8(3).466 © 2024 The Authors. Published by Rynnye Lyan Resources
bio-available, acceptable and affordable fortificant. The
product should be easily accessible and should be
regularly consumed in the local diet. Furthermore,
detailed composition in the product must exist and be
enforced by law (Nantel, 2001).
Health is the main priority that affects fitness and
physical appearance and is a priceless treasure. Nutrients
required for the body to function and maintain overall
health consist of energy substances (carbohydrates,
starch), building blocks (protein), and regulatory
substances (vitamins, minerals, water) (Lukaski, 2004;
Cavill et al., 2006).
Several herbs of nature help in restoring the balance
of the body and maintaining good health. Based on
Fuglie (2001), M. oleifera leaves are an excellent source
of beta carotene (four times the amount in carrots),
vitamin C (seven times the amount in oranges), vitamin
B, calcium (four times the amount in milk), iron (twenty-
five times the amount in spinach), protein (twice the
amount in milk), potassium (three times the amount in
bananas) and more than 40 antioxidants and also various
other important minerals. Moringa oleifera leaves are
among the best of eternal tropical vegetables. Dhakar et
al. (2011) and Offor et al. (2014) reported that there are
about 300 diseases that can be cured by consuming or
using M. oleifera plant-based supplements. In addition,
the M. oleifera plant, which is easily found on Madura
Island - Indonesia, can grow quickly and is very tolerant
in extreme climates, has attracted researchers to crude
extract M. oleifera leaves using water extraction as
ingredients for the fortification of table salt. Crude
extract of M. oleifera leaves have high phytochemicals
contents, hypocholesterolemic agent, antioxidant and
anti-inflammatory activity such as alkaloids, phenols,
glycosides and terpenoids (Yong-Bing et al., 2019). In
this study, salt was fortified by using crude M. oleifera
leaf extract as an additive with different concentrations.
The objective of this research was to study the influence
of fortifying sea salt with M. oleifera leaf extract on the
chemical characteristics and sensory properties of the
2. Materials and methods
2.1 Chemicals and reagents
All the solvents and chemicals used in this study
were of analytical grade and were obtained from Merck.
2.2 Samples collection
Fresh leaves of M. oleifera were collected from
Bangkalan Regency, Madura Island, East Java Province,
Indonesia. The leaves were removed from branches,
spread on a plastic tray and air-dried at room temperature
for a week. The premium quality of coarse salt was
obtained from salt farmers in Madura Island. Coarse salt
(360 g) was diluted in 1 L of distilled water and
crystallized into fine salt.
2.3 Moringa oleifera leaf extraction
Dried M. oleifera leaves were ground to a fine
powder in a mechanical blender. The powders (200 g)
were mixed well with 1 L distilled water and stored at
4℃ for 3 days as suggested by Ali et al. (2015) with
slight modifications. The moringa extract was then
filtered through a 40-mesh screen (Whatman, Germany)
and stored at -20℃ until use.
2.4 Preparation of the product
Moringa oleifera extract was added to 100 g of fine
salt with different concentrations of 20%, and 40% (w/v)
at 55℃ for 10 mins. The control sample was fine salt
without moringa extract. Fortified salts were analyzed
for β-carotene, vitamin C, NaCl content, moisture
content and organoleptic tests. All treatments were
conducted in three replicates.
2.5 Physicochemical and sensory evaluation of products
2.5.1 Moisture content
Fortified salt (5 g) was put into a petri dish of known
weight and then put into an oven pre-set at 110℃ for 3
hrs. The sample was cooled in desiccators and
reweighted, then returned to an oven at 110℃ for 30
mins until a constant weight was obtained (Horwitz,
2.5.2 Sodium chloride content
Fortified salt (5 g) was put into a 250 mL
Erlenmeyer flask, and approximately 150 mL of distilled
water was added to it. The samples were then
homogenized and quantitatively transferred into a 100
mL beaker, 1 mL of chromate indicator was added to it
and the sample was titrated with 1 M silver nitrate
solution. The endpoint of the titration was identified as
the first appearance of a red-brown colour of silver
chromate (American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM), 2012).
where, V = volume of silver nitrate used for titration
(mL), M = Calculated molarity of silver nitrate solution,
MW = Molecular weight of sodium chloride, Df =
Dilution factor, SW = Sample weight (g) and 10 =
correction factor to give percentage value.
Efendy et al. / Food Research 8 (3) (2024) 106 - 112 108
https://doi.org/10.26656/fr.2017.8(3).466 © 2024 The Authors. Published by Rynnye Lyan Resources
2.5.3 Vitamin C content
Fortified salt (10 g) was dissolved in 100 mL of
distilled water and homogenized. The filtrate samples of
10 mL were taken out and put into an Erlenmeyer flask.
Then, the solution was added with 1 mL of starch and 10
mL of distilled water. The titration process used 0.01 N
iodine standard solution until a blue colour endpoint was
formed. Vitamin C content was calculated based on: 1
mL of 0.01 iodine = 0.88 mg of ascorbic acid
(Riscahyani et al., 2019).
2.5.4 β-Carotene content
Fortified salt was analyzed for β-carotene content
according to Biswass method (Biswas et al., 2011) with
slight modifications. Sample (1 g) was accurately
weighed in a glass test tube to which 3 mL of acetone
was added and vortexed at a high speed for 1 min. Then,
3 mL ether was added to the sample and vortexed for 10
min. The supernatant was collected into a separate test
tube and the compound was vortexed with 3 mL ether
once again as above. The absorbance of the sample was
determined at 450 nm wavelength in a UV-Vis
spectrophotometer (Shimadzu UV-VIS 2700
2.5.5 Sensory evaluation
Sensory evaluation of fortified salt was carried out
by employing 30 untrained panellists from university
staff using a numeric scoring system of a hedonic scale.
They were asked to score their preferences for sensory
attributes such as colour, texture, taste, flavour, and
appearance of sea salt fortified with Moringa extract.
The range of scores was from 1 (disliked extremely), 2
(dislike moderately), 3 (neither like nor dislike), 4 (liked
moderately) and 5 (liked extremely) using questionnaire
sheets as followed by Saeed et al. (2020).
2.6 Statistical analysis
The obtained data were analyzed using Analysis of
Variance (ANOVA) and performed by R programming
language version 4.1.1. Duncan's test was performed to
calculate multiple comparisons for the data. All
differences were considered significant at P<0.05.
3. Results and discussion
3.1 Chemical properties
Table 1 shows the chemical properties of the control
and treatment salts. These results indicate the addition of
leaf extract of M. oleifera has a significant effect on the
levels of β-carotene, vitamin C, moisture content and
NaCl in the salt. The results of β-carotene in control and
treatments showed significantly different results
(P<0.05). Control salt did not contain β-carotene, while β
-carotene was present in 40% treatment (27.922 μg/kg)
followed by 20% (12.641 μg/kg), respectively. The
content of β -carotene in the salt treatments is due to the
fortification process of the leaf extract of M. oleifera into
the salt. The results of previous studies proved that the
leaves of M. oleifera are rich in β–carotene (37800
µg/100 g) (Joshi and Mehta, 2010). It has been
previously reported that the addition of M. oleifera has a
significant effect on the β-carotene content in bread
(Sengev et al., 2013) and muffins (Srinivasamurthy et
al., 2017). β-carotene is a source of provitamin A which
is beneficial for free radical scavenging, normal growth,
immune function, and vision (Grune et al., 2010).
Salt fortified with M. oleifera leaf extract showed a
significantly higher yield (P<0.05) in vitamin C content.
The highest vitamin C content was indicated by the 40%
treatment of 5.060 mg/kg, then the 20 % and control
treatments with 7.392 mg/kg and 0 mg/kg, respectively.
The content of vitamin C in the treated salt occurs
because it has been fortified using M. oleifera extract.
This is in agreement with the results of Srinivasamurty's
research (2017), where the addition of M. oleifera leaf
powder to muffins has been shown to have a significant
effect (P<0.05) on the increase in vitamin C content.
Moringa oleifera leaves have been reported to be rich in
β-carotene, vitamin C, protein, calcium and potassium
which are good sources of antioxidants, fats and several
antioxidant compounds such as carotenoids, ascorbic
acid, flavonoids, and phenolics (Siddhuraju and Becker,
2003). The content of vitamin C in M. oleifera is seven
times greater than the content of vitamin C in oranges
(Fuglie, 2005). Joshi and Mehta (2010) reported that the
vitamin C content in the dehydrated M. oleifera leaf with
the sun-dried sample was 92 mg/100 g, shadow dried
sample was 140 mg/100 g, and the oven-dried sample
was 56 mg/100 g.
Treatment β-carotene (μg/kg) Vitamin C (mg/kg) Moisture Content (%) NaCl (%)
Control 0.000±0.000
20% 12.641±0.657
40% 27.922±0.560
Table 1. Composition of β-carotene, vitamin C, moisture content and NaCl of salt fortified with M. oleifera leaf extract.
Values are presented as mean±SD. Values with different superscripts within the same row are statistically significantly different
based on Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) results with α = 0.05.
109 Efendy et al. / Food Research 8 (3) (2024) 106 - 112
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According to Table 1, the moisture content of all
control and treatments was below 5%. The salt moisture
content in salt in this study was higher than the result of
Maflahah and Asfan (2020) who reported moisture
content in dragon fruit peel salts of 0.79%. The moisture
content in the control and treatments showed a
significant difference (P<0.05). In the treatments, the
moisture content was significantly lower than in the
control. This condition is because of the heating method
in fortification processing, causing water in raw material
to evaporate and triggering low moisture content in
treatments. According to Gao et al. (2014), heating could
cause salt moisture content to decrease. In their study,
the moisture content of solar salt (10.9%) was higher
than roasted salt (0.18%).
The moisture content of concentrations between the
20% and 40% treatments did not differ significantly
(P>0.05). This is due to the same temperature treatment
and heating time of 20% and 40% treatments. Therefore,
the water content contained between treatments did not
differ significantly.
Table 1 shows that the NaCl levels in the control salt
were the highest and the lowest in the 40% treatment
salt. The control NaCl levels were significantly different
to the 40% treatment and were not significantly different
from the 20 mL treatments. The value of NaCl levels in
the control, treatment of 20%, and 40% were 91.260%,
87.260%, and 84.823%, respectively. NaCl as the major
compound in the product were affected by the addition
of M. oleifera leaf extract. Applying 40% M. oleifera
leaf extract to the salt significantly decreased the NaCl
content of the product compared with 20% treatment and
control. NaCl content in natural sea salt ranges from 90-
98% (Kirchner and Fisher, 2009). NaCl is one of the
main compounds that act as a contributor to sodium in
salt. Health concerns promote to consume of low sodium
salt as high daily sodium intake can cause an increase in
blood pressure in the body (WHO, 2012).
3.2 Sensory analysis
The sensory properties of salt fortified with M.
oleifera have been shown in Table 2. All sensory
analysis properties including color, texture, taste, odor
and appearance showed a significant difference
(P<0.05). Overall, the preference for salt fortified with
M. oleifera was decreased when the concentration of M.
oleifera leaf extract was increased. This was found to be
in accordance with Sengev et al. (2013), where the
addition of M. oleifera leaf powder significantly
decreased preference in all evaluated attributes. In
addition, the best preference was given to control.
According to the DMRT result, the color score was
affected significantly by the concentration of M. oleifera
leaf extract (P<0.05). In addition, the color score of the
control was 5.000 (scale 1 to 5), which is higher than 20
and 40% treatments by 1,627 and 2,520, respectively.
The higher concentration of M. oleifera extracts reduced
the color score due to the color of the salt becoming dark
green and not being attractive to the panelists. Based on
Otunola et al. (2013), the lowest score of color was
performed by cookies with a high proportion of M.
oleifera powder. A similar result had been reported by
various researchers (Otunola et al., 2013; Sengev et al.,
2013; Kuikman et al., 2015), where they reported
diminished color scores in yogurt, muffin and bread
because of the increase of M. oleifera proportion in the
The results of the texture score in the control, 20%,
and 40% were found to be 4.00, 3.280 and 2.413,
respectively. The texture scores in all controls and
treatments were found to be significantly different
(P<0.05). Control salt had the highest acceptance
compared to the others, while the texture in the 20%
treatment had a higher acceptance than 40%. A similar
result was reported by Kuikman and OConnor (2015),
where the texture score of Moringa yogurt was the
lowest than other treatments such as Moringa-banana,
Moringa-sweet potato and Moringa-avocado yogurt.
Hekmat et al. (2015) elucidated that the addition of 1%
M. oleifera in yogurt had the lowest score than another
The taste score has the same pattern as the texture.
The control taste score was significantly higher than the
treatments, while the texture score in the 20% treatment
was significantly higher than the 40% treatment. The
taste score for the control salt was 3,778, while the 20%
and 40% treatments were 3,093 and 2,400, respectively.
The odor scores with 40% (2.893) treatment showed a
significantly lower value than the control (3,656) and
20% treatment (3,333). It is shown that based on the odor
Treatment Color Texture Taste Odour Appearance
Control 5.000±0.694
20% 3.373±0.460
40% 2.480±0.257
Table 2. Sensory properties of salt fortified with M. oleifera leaf extract.
Values are presented as mean±SD. Values with different superscripts within the same row are statistically significantly different
based on Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) results with α = 0.05.
Efendy et al. / Food Research 8 (3) (2024) 106 - 112 110
https://doi.org/10.26656/fr.2017.8(3).466 © 2024 The Authors. Published by Rynnye Lyan Resources
results, the control and 20% were more receptive
compared to the 40% treatment. In other words, the
gradual decrease of taste and odor scores was due to the
increase in the concentration of M. oleifera leaf extract in
salts. Hekmat et al. (2015) revealed that the addition of
1% M. oleifera has shown a reduction in the flavor score
of yogurts. The high proportion of M. oleifera in food
fortification caused the herbal smell and intense green
color in the product (Hekmat et al., 2015; Grosshagauer
et al., 2021; Soni and Kumar, 2021).
The appearance score of salts was affected
significantly by the addition of M. oleifera leaf extract.
As seen in Table 2, there was a steady decrease of salts
appearance scores caused by the increase in M. oleifera
leaf extract concentration. The appearance scores in
control, 20% and 40%, respectively, were 4.11, 3.480
and 2.227. Then, the appearance scores in control and
20% were significantly different (P<0.05) against 40%.
While the appearance in the control and 20% was not
significantly different (P>0.05). Generally, based on the
sensory properties results, the salt fortified with 20% M.
oleifera is acceptable to panelists compared with 40%
4. Conclusion
Applying M. oleifera leaf extract for salt fortification
influenced the chemical properties of the salt. The
addition of M. oleifera leaf extract concentration
significantly led to an increase in β-carotene and vitamin
C in the product. Moreover applying 40% M. oleifera
leaf extract to the salt significantly decreased the NaCl
content of the product. All attributes of sensory
properties were found to decrease with an increase in M.
oleifera leaf extract concentration. The 20% treatment
showed a higher value of sensory properties. An
additional 20% of M. oleifera leaf extract gives more
nutritional content than the control and a more
acceptable consumer attitude than 40% treatment.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Research and Community Service institutions of
University of Trunojoyo Madura (LPPM UTM) funded
this research through the Independent Research with
contract number 124 /UN46.4.1/PT.01.03/2020. The
authors would like to thank Siti Zulaikah and Retno Irma
Windianingrum for their assistance during the research.
Furthermore, the authors also thank anonymous
reviewers for their helpful comments for this paper.
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