1557 East Main Street
Brownsburg, Indiana 46112
Phone (317) 852-3323
Fax (317) 852-3360
Continuous Glucose Monitoring for Your Diabetic Pet
Using the FreeStyle Libre 14-Day CGM System
The FreeStyle Libre 14-Day
continuous glucose monitoring
(CGM) system is our clinic’s method
of choice for keeping blood glucose
levels tracked and under control to
improve and maintain your diabetic
pet’s health and quality of life.
The FreeStyle Libre 14-Day CGM
system has two components—a
sensor we attach to your pets skin
and a reader or phone app you use
at home to scan the sensor.
Sensors and readers are available
by prescription at the pharmacy of
your choice. The phone app can be
downloaded to your compatible
smartphone for free.
Please note—we do not stock
sensors and readers in our clinic.
We’ll call in a prescription to your
pharmacy before your pet’s sensor
application appointment so you can
pick up the sensor and bring it with
you to the appointment, along with
the reader, if you decide to buy one.
If you plan to use your smartphone
to read the sensor, download and
set up the FreeStyle LibreLink app,
using default settings, before the
sensor application appointment.
After you return home from the
application appointment, you can
begin scanning the sensor with your
reader or smartphone. The sensor
generates information every minute,
for a total of 1,440 readings per day,
and stores as many as 8 hours’ worth
of readings in 15-minute intervals
for as many as 14 days.
The reader and app will display and
report on data collected during
the past 8 hours. To monitor blood
glucose levels around the clock,
scan the sensor at least every 8
hours. Our veterinarians access your
account to review the reports every
5 days. We will contact you only if
changes in the insulin dose or other
concerns are indicated.
Once a newly-diagnosed patient’s
blood glucose is regulated—and
that initial process can take several
adjustments to the insulin dose
to stabilize blood glucose in an
acceptable range—we normally
recommend additional blood
glucose monitoring using a new
sensor every six months.
Applying the Sensor
The sensor is a round adhesive disc
about the size of a quarter with a
thin lament sticking out of the
center of the lower surface to read
the glucose in the uid just under
the skin.
We prepare a 2- to 3-inch-square
area where we will apply the sensor
by shaving and cleaning a patch
of skin on the upper part of your
pet’s back. To minimize scratching,
licking and biting at the sensor, we
choose a spot out of your pet’s reach
and may use tissue glue to help the
sensor stay in place—if possible
for the full 14 days.
Using the FreeStyle Libre CGM System
1. Before your next blood glucose check is due, have us call in
a prescription for the FreeStyle Libre 14-Day system sensors
and the optional reader. You may prefer to use your compatible
smartphone to scan the sensor.
2. Schedule a tech appointment to have the sensor you pick up at
the pharmacy applied in our oce.
3. If youre using your smartphone to scan the sensor, download
and set up the app before the application appointment. If youre
using a dedicated reader, bring it with you to the appointment.
4. After the sensor is in place, hold the reader or phone within an
inch or two of the sensor, ideally scanning it at least every 8 hours.
5. For as long as the sensor stays in place and keeps providing
data, keep scanning at least every 8 hours.
6. We will monitor results every 5 days and contact you if we think
any changes need to be made or if we see anything concerning. We
will not be able to provide more frequent feedback on your scans
except in cases of medical emergency.
7. During the 14 days after application, the sensor may detach
from your pets skin on its own, or you may remove it yourself
when it’s no longer providing scannable data. If you prefer, you
may schedule a tech appointment to have the sensor removed in
our oce.
Most patients can remain awake and
fully alert during the application
procedure and don’t feel the thin
lament as the sensor is being
placed. For some pets, mild sedation
may be helpful. Your veterinarian
will discuss it with you if your pet
will tolerate the procedure better
with a sedative.
As we place the sensor, the lament
goes under your pet’s skin, allowing
the sensor to measure glucose levels
around the clock for as long as the
sensor keeps working and stays
While the sensors can potentially
collect data continuously for as
long as 14 days, in 60 to 80% of
veterinary cases, the sensors do
not stay in place the full 2 weeks.
More typically, the sensor works for
veterinary patients for 5 to 10 days.
Fortunately, even a few days of
data gathering will often provide
the information we need to adjust
insulin doses successfully without
the immediate need for further
To protect the sensor and help keep
it in place longer, we recommend a
Suitical Recovery Suit® https://www.
suitical.com/products/ or similar
product, available online from
Amazon and Chewy.
Please understand, even
professionally-applied sensors can
fail to work properly for animals.
Your pet’s body condition, adhesive
failure, bleeding, contamination and
other factors may all aect sensor
performance. In one study, 10 to
25% of sensors placed by veterinary
professionals failed.
The company that manufactures
FreeStyle Libre for use by humans—
Abbott—does not oer customer
service or support for veterinary
use of its system. If you plan to price
shop on https://GoodRx.com, check
with the pharmacy to conrm they
accept the coupons for veterinary
To see if your smartphone is
compatible with the FreeStyle
LibreLink app, visit the app page
on the manufacturers website
and scroll down the page to the
Specications panel. https://www.
Activating and
Scanning the Sensor
Use a dedicated FreeStyle Libre
reader or the FreeStyle LibreLink app
on your compatible smartphone to
activate and connect with a newly-
placed sensor. The rst readings will
be available within about an hour.
To use a FreeStyle Libre reader,
turn the device on by pressing the
button on the bottom right corner.
To scan the sensor, hold the reader
about 1.5 inches away and wait for
the glucose level to be displayed on
the screen.
To set up the FreeStyle LibreLink app
on your phone, download the app
from the App Store for iOS devices
or Google Play for Android. Launch
the app and follow the prompts
to create an account. Make sure
near eld communication (NFC) is
enabled on your phone so it can
pick up the signal from the sensor.
1557 East Main Street
Brownsburg, Indiana 46112
Phone (317) 852-3323
Fax (317) 852-3360
Even if you see unusually
high or low readings from
your pet’s FreeStyle Libre
sensor, do not change your
pet’s insulin dose on your
own! Your veterinarian will
monitor the results of your
scans and let you know of
any dosage adjustments
that should be made.
Regardless of the readings,
please call us if your
pet shows any outward
signs of low blood sugar
(trembling, weakness,
panting, seizures and/or
collapse) or high blood
sugar (increased thirst,
increased urination,
depression or excessive
Use the default settings when you
set up your account and make sure
you share the account with us so we
can access your pet’s reports.
To scan the sensor using your
smartphone, open the app and
select the icon in the top right
corner of the main screen. Hold the
phone near the sensor and wait for
the glucose reading to appear on
The sensor can save a maximum of
8 hours’ worth of data. As long as
the sensor stays attached to your
pet’s skin and continues producing
scannable data, we encourage you
to scan it at least every 8 hours for
continuous monitoring.
Readers and the smartphone app
will work through fabric, such as a
sweater, bandage or garment used
to help keep the sensor in place.
A reader can track only one active
sensor at a time.
Only one smartphone should be
used to collect readings from a
Removing the Sensor
At any time during its maximum
14-day lifespan, the sensor may
detach from your pet’s skin and fall
o on its own. A used sensor cannot
be reattached. If more glucose
monitoring is needed, a new sensor
will be applied.
Even if it stays in place for the entire
2 weeks, for a variety of reasons
the sensor may stop generating
scannable data before the full 14
days have elapsed.
When the useful life of the sensor
is done, you may remove it yourself
or, if you prefer, schedule a tech
appointment to have it removed at
the clinic.
Thank You!
We appreciate the part you play in
using the FreeStyle Libre system to
monitor your pet’s blood glucose
Together, with successful treatment
and ongoing management, we can
help your diabetic pet enjoy a long,
happy and healthy life.