Curriculum Vitae
Mail: Department of Human Development and Family Sciences
111 Alison Hall West
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716
Telephone: (302) 831-2055
2002 Ph.D. Cornell University Developmental Psychology
1998 M.A. Cornell University Developmental Psychology
1995 B.S., summa cum laude College of Charleston Psychology
2024-present Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, College of
Education and Human Development, University of Delaware
2016-2024 Associate Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences
(previously Department of Human Development and Family Studies), College of
Education and Human Development, University of Delaware
2010-2016 Assistant Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Studies,
College of Education and Human Development, University of Delaware
2002-2010 Assistant Research Professor, National Institute for Early Education Research
(NIEER), Graduate School of Education, Rutgers University
2001-2002 Postdoctoral Fellow in Urban Education, Graduate School of Education,
University of Pennsylvania
2024-present Interim Chair, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences,
University of Delaware
2015-2018 Graduate Coordinator (directing M.A., M.S., and Ph.D. programs), Department of
Human Development and Family Sciences, University of Delaware
2011-present Research Director, Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood,
Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, University of
Jason T. Hustedt 2
2023-present Core Faculty Member, MS program in Interdisciplinary Evaluation Science,
Graduate College, University of Delaware
2022-present Core Faculty Member, interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in Education and Social
Policy, Graduate College, University of Delaware
2010-present Senior Research Fellow, National Institute for Early Education Research
(NIEER), Rutgers University
2010-2011 Research Coordinator, Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood,
Department of Human Development and Family Studies, University of Delaware
2024-present Supporting Researcher, The Delaware Early Literacy Research-Practice
Partnership – Catalyzing Educational Equality, Research funded by the W. T.
Grant Foundation, Spencer Foundation, and Bezos Family Foundation, $650,000.
PI: Gary Henry.
2023-present Co-Principal Investigator, Understanding the Implementation of Delaware’s Birth
to Five State Funded Early Care and Education Program, Research funded by the
Delaware Department of Education, $428,768. PI: Anamarie Whitaker. Co-PI:
Martha Buell.
2023-present Senior Advisor, Understanding the effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on
Delaware Children’s Classroom Composition and Early Academic and Social
Emotional Development, Research funded by the University of Delaware
Research Foundation, $55,000. PI: Anamarie Whitaker. Co-PI: Mellissa Gordon.
2022-present Principal Investigator, Understanding Child Diversity in Centers Accepting Child
Care Subsidies and Links with State CCDF Policies, Research funded by the
Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, $100,000. Co-PI: Gerilyn Slicker.
2022-present Co-Principal Investigator, Building Equity and Access by Including Family Child
Care in Universal Pre-Kindergarten Expansion: A Multi-State Study of Pre-
Kindergarten Family Child Care Initiatives, Research funded by the Foundation
for Child Development and Home Grown to the Erikson Institute, $590,000. PI:
Juliet Bromer. Co-PIs: Rena Hallam, Iheoma Iruka.
2020-2023 Principal Investigator, Examining Provider Participation in the Child Care
Subsidy System: A Mixed Methods Study, Research funded by the Administration
for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
$50,000. PI for Child Care Dissertation Grant for Gerilyn Slicker.
Jason T. Hustedt 3
2020-2023 Co-Principal Investigator, Preventing Expulsion and Suspension through Policy
Alignment and Cohesion (PEASPAC): Linkages between Federal Guidance, State
CCDF Plans, State Child Care Licensing, QRIS, and State Pre-K Policies,
Research funded by the Administration for Children and Families, U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, $98,461. PI: Martha Buell, Co-PI:
Rena Hallam.
2011-2018 Principal Investigator, Starting at Home: Incorporating a Parent-Child
Interaction Intervention into Early Head Start Home Visiting, Research funded by
the Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, $2,065,000. Co-PIs: Rena Hallam, Myae Han, Jennifer Vu.
2011-2013 Principal Investigator, Delaware Kindergarten Readiness Pilot Study,
Research funded by the Delaware Department of Education, $142,945. Co-PIs:
Rena Hallam, Martha Buell.
2010 Principal Investigator, Continuing the New Mexico Pre-K Evaluation,
Research funded by the Children Youth and Families Department, State of New
Mexico, via subcontract with Rutgers University, $40,912.
2009-2010 Principal Investigator, Continuing the New Mexico Pre-K Evaluation, Research
funded by the Children Youth and Families Department, State of New Mexico,
$500,000. Co-PI: W. Steven Barnett.
2006-2010 Principal Investigator, Research and Evaluation of Arkansas Better Chance for
School Success, Research funded by the Arkansas Department of Education and
Arkansas Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education, $1,145,505. Co-
PI: W. Steven Barnett.
2005-2009 Principal Investigator, An Outcomes-Based Approach to Evaluating Pre-K
Services, Costs, and Children's Learning in New Mexico, Research funded by the
Department of Finance and Administration, Public Education Department, and
Children Youth and Families Department, State of New Mexico, $930,746. Co-
PI: W. Steven Barnett.
1999-2001 Head Start Research Scholar Award, Relations Between Scaffolding in Low-
Income Mother-Child Dyads and Children's Tutoring of an Unfamiliar Adult,
Research funded by the Administration for Children and Families, U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, $30,000. PI: C. Cybele Raver.
* Author was a University of Delaware graduate student when manuscript was completed
Hustedt, J. T., Hooper, A., Hallam, R. A., Vu, J. A., Han, M., & Ziegler, M. (in press). Child
temperament as a moderator of Promoting First Relationships intervention effects among
families in Early Head Start. Prevention Science.
Jason T. Hustedt 4
Phu, T., Miles, E., Dominguez, A., Hustedt, J. T., Watamura, S. E., & Buffering Toxic Stress
Consortium Principal Investigators. (in press). Characterizing family contextual factors
and relationships with child behavior and sleep across the Buffering Toxic Stress
Consortium. Prevention Science.
Slicker, G., Faucheux, A., Hustedt, J. T., & Kelly, C. L. (in press). Access to early care and
education for the historically underserved: Characteristics of programs that enroll
children from prioritized populations. International Journal of Early Childhood
Slicker, G., Barbieri, C. A., & Hustedt, J. T. (2024). The role of state subsidy policies in early
education programs’ decisions to accept subsidies: Evidence from nationally
representative data. Early Education and Development, 35, 859-877.
*Kelly, C., Slicker G., & Hustedt, J. T. (2024). Family experiences, parenting behaviors, and
infants’ and toddlers’ social-emotional skills. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52,
Buell, M. J., *Kuntz, S., Whitaker, A. A., Hustedt, J. T., Slicker, G., & *Woelki, W. (2024).
Policies regarding suspension and expulsion in state early care and education subsystems:
A national census of policy integration and alignment. Early Childhood Research
Quarterly, 67, 191-207.
Han, M., Whiteside-Mansell, L., Hustedt, J. T., *Drain, D., Eubanks, R., *Joe, C., *Lawson, I.,
& *Pic, A. (2023). Relationships between play and learning practices among low-income
families. American Journal of Play, 15, 136-157.
Slicker, G., Hustedt, J. T., & *Stoffers, M. (2023). Participation of early care and education
centers in the child care subsidy system: A statewide mixed methods investigation. Early
Childhood Research Quarterly, 65, 317-331.
Hooper, A., Hustedt, J. T., *Slicker, G., Hallam, R. A., & Gaviria-Loaiza, J. (2023). Linking
Early Head Start children’s social-emotional functioning with profiles of family
functioning and stress. Journal of Family Psychology, 37, 153-160.
Buell, M. J., *Fidel, R., Hustedt, J. T., *Kuntz, S., & Slicker, G. (2022). From time-out to
expulsion: A national review of states’ center-based child care licensing policies.
Children and Youth Services Review, 141, 1-14.
Hooper, A., Hustedt, J. T., *Slicker, G., Hallam, R. A., Gaviria-Loaiza, J., Vu, J. A., & Han, M.
(2022). Area Deprivation Index as a predictor of economic risk and social and
neighborhood perceptions among families enrolled in Early Head Start. Children and
Youth Services Review, 137, 1-8.
Jason T. Hustedt 5
*Slicker, G., & Hustedt, J. T. (2022). Predicting participation in the child care subsidy system
from provider features, child care markets, and use of funding streams. Children and
Youth Services Review, 136, 1-10.
*Slicker, G., Barbieri, C. A., Collier, Z. K., & Hustedt, J. T. (2021). Parental involvement
during the kindergarten transition and children’s early reading and mathematics skills.
Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 55, 363-376.
Hustedt, J. T., Jung, K., Friedman-Krauss, A., Barnett, W. S., & *Slicker, G. (2021). Impacts of
the New Mexico PreK initiative by children’s race/ethnicity. Early Childhood Research
Quarterly, 54, 194-203.
*Slicker, G., & Hustedt, J. T. (2020). Children’s school readiness in socioeconomically diverse
pre-K classrooms. Early Child Development and Care, 190, 2366-2379.
Hurwich-Reiss, E., Watamura, S. E., Raver, C. C., & Buffering Toxic Stress Consortium
Principal Investigators.
(2019). Beyond income: Expanding our empirical toolkit to
better predict caregiver well-being. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28, 753-764.
Jason Hustedt is a Principal Investigator in the Buffering Toxic Stress Consortium
Barnett, W. S., Jung, K., Friedman-Krauss, A., Frede, E. C., Nores, M., Hustedt, J. T., Howes,
C., & Daniel-Echols, M. (2018). State prekindergarten effects on early learning at
kindergarten entry: An analysis of eight state programs. AERA Open, 4(2), 1-16.
Hustedt, J. T., Buell, M. J., Hallam, R. A., & Pinder, W. M. (2018). While kindergarten has
changed, some beliefs stay the same: Kindergarten teachers’ beliefs about readiness.
Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 32, 52-66.
Hustedt, J. T., Vu, J. A., Bargreen, K. N., Hallam, R. A., & Han, M. (2017). Early Head Start
families’ experiences with stress: Understanding variations within a high-risk, low-
income sample. Infant Mental Health Journal, 38, 602-616.
*Gaviria-Loaiza, J., Han, M., Vu, J. A., & Hustedt, J. T. (2017). Children’s responses to
different types of teacher involvement during free play. Journal of Childhood Studies,
42(3), 4-19.
Hallam, R. A., Han, M., Vu, J. A., & Hustedt, J. T. (2017). Meaningful family engagement in
early care and education programs: The role of home visits in promoting positive parent-
child interaction. Advances in Early Education and Day Care, 20, 51-66.
Hustedt, J. T., & Barnett, W. S. (2017). Head Start policy. (3rd ed.). In R. E. Tremblay, M.
Boivin, & R. DeV. Peters (Eds.), Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development.
Montreal, QC: Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development. Available online
experts/head-start-policy. [Also translated into French, Portuguese, and Spanish; previous
versions with same authorship published in 2005 and 2009]
Jason T. Hustedt 6
Han, M., Hallam, R. A., Hustedt, J. T., Vu, J. A., & *Gaviria-Loaiza, J. (2016). Lessons from
training Early Head Start staff to implement an evidence-based parenting intervention.
NHSA Dialog, 19(3), 42-59.
Han, M., Hallam, R. A., Hustedt, J. T., Vu, J. A., & *Gaviria-Loaiza, J. (2016). Studying
implementation process matters: Implementing an evidence-based intervention in Early
Head Start. NHSA Dialog, 19(3), 99-103.
Hustedt, J. T., Jung, K., Barnett, W. S., & Williams, T. (2015). Kindergarten readiness impacts
of the Arkansas Better Chance state prekindergarten initiative. The Elementary School
Journal, 116, 198-216.
Hustedt, J. T. (2015). The role of previous mother-child scaffolding in Head Start children’s
structuring of problem-solving tasks with a peer. Journal of Research in Childhood
Education, 29, 287-304.
Vu, J. A., Hustedt, J. T., Pinder, W. M., & Han, M. (2015). Building early relationships: A
review of caregiver-child interaction interventions for use in community-based early
childhood programs. Early Child Development and Care, 185, 138-154.
Buffering Toxic Stress Consortium Principal Investigators
, Meyer, A. L., & Fortunato, C.
(2013). Parenting interventions in Early Head Start: The Buffering Toxic Stress
Consortium. Zero to Three, 34(2), 73-86.
Jason Hustedt is a Principal Investigator in the Buffering Toxic Stress Consortium (BTS), and all BTS Principal
Investigators contributed jointly as first author of this publication.
Hustedt, J. T., Epstein, D. J., & Barnett, W. S. (2013). Early childhood education programs in
the public schools. In O. N. Saracho & B. Spodek (Eds.), Handbook of Research on the
Education of Young Children. (3
ed., pp. 403-413). Routledge.
Hustedt, J. T., Friedman, A. H., & Barnett, W. S. (2012). Investments in early education:
Resources at the federal and state levels. In R. C. Pianta, W. S. Barnett, L. M. Justice, &
S. M. Sheridan (Eds.), Handbook of Early Childhood Education (pp. 48-72). Guilford
Hustedt, J. T., & Barnett, W. S. (2011). Financing early childhood education programs: State,
federal, and local issues. Educational Policy, 25, 167-192.
Hustedt, J. T., & Barnett, W. S. (2011). Private providers in state pre-K: Vital partners. Young
Children, 66(6), 42-49.
Hustedt, J. T., & Barnett, W. S. (2010). Early childhood education and care provision: Issues of
access and program quality. In P. Peterson, E. Baker, & B. McGaw (Eds.) International
Encyclopedia of Education: Vol. 2 (3
ed., pp. 110-119). Elsevier.
Barnett, W. S., Friedman, A. H., Hustedt, J. T., & Stevenson Boyd, J. (2009). An overview of
prekindergarten policy in the United States: Program governance, eligibility, standards,
Jason T. Hustedt 7
and finance. In R. C. Pianta & C. Howes (Eds.), The Promise of Pre-K (pp. 3-30).
Brookes Publishing.
Barnett, W. S., & Hustedt, J. T. (2005). Head Start’s lasting benefits. Infants and Young
Children, 18, 16-24.
Barnett, W. S., & Hustedt, J. T. (2003). Preschool: The most important grade. Educational
Leadership, 60(7), 54-57.
Hustedt, J. T., & Raver, C. C. (2002). Scaffolding in low-income mother-child dyads: Relations
with joint attention and dyadic reciprocity. International Journal of Behavioral
Development, 26, 113-119.
* Author is a University of Delaware graduate student
Slicker, G., Hustedt, J. T., *Stoffers, M., & *Kelly, C. L. (revise/resubmit). Enrollment
practices in early education centers: Examining implementation in the Arkansas state pre-
K program.
Hustedt, J. T., Slicker, G., *Kelly, C. L., & Faucheux, A. (under review). Enrollment of priority
populations and child demographic diversity profiles.
Slicker, G., Hustedt, J. T., *Lewis, S., Hallam, R. A., *Kelly, C. L., & Buell, M. J. (under
review). Profiles of teacher support during the kindergarten transition.
Kelly, C. L., Whitaker, A. A., Burchinal, M., & Hustedt, J. T. (under review). Examining high
stakes accountability measures in Head Start: A mixed methods approach.
Kelly, C. L., & Hustedt, J. T. (under review). Teachers’ perceptions of quality in Head Start: A
mixed methods approach.
Slicker, G., & Hustedt, J. T. (in preparation). Predictors of subsidy density in early childhood
centers and links to peer demographic diversity.
Barnett, W. S., Epstein, D. J., Friedman, A. H., Sansanelli, R. A., & Hustedt, J. T. (2009). The
state of preschool 2009: State preschool yearbook. National Institute for Early Education
Research, Rutgers University.
Barnett, W. S., Epstein, D. J., Friedman, A. H., Stevenson Boyd, J., & Hustedt, J. T. (2008). The
state of preschool 2008: State preschool yearbook. National Institute for Early Education
Research, Rutgers University.
Jason T. Hustedt 8
Barnett, W. S., Hustedt, J. T., Friedman, A. H., Stevenson Boyd, J., & Ainsworth, P. (2007).
The state of preschool 2007: State preschool yearbook. National Institute for Early
Education Research, Rutgers University.
Barnett, W. S., Hustedt, J. T., Hawkinson, L. E., & Robin, K. B. (2006). The state of preschool
2006: State preschool yearbook. National Institute for Early Education Research, Rutgers
Barnett, W. S., Hustedt, J. T., Robin, K. B., & Schulman, K. L. (2005). The state of preschool:
2005 state preschool yearbook. National Institute for Early Education Research, Rutgers
Barnett, W. S., Hustedt, J. T., Robin, K. B., & Schulman, K. L. (2004). The state of preschool:
2004 state preschool yearbook. National Institute for Early Education Research, Rutgers
Barnett, W. S., Robin, K. B., Hustedt, J. T., & Schulman, K. L. (2003). The state of preschool:
2003 state preschool yearbook. National Institute for Early Education Research, Rutgers
Steuer, F. B., & Hustedt, J. T. (2002). TV or no TV? A primer on the psychology of television.
University Press of America.
Kelly, C. L., Hustedt, J. T., Slicker, G., & Faucheux, A. (2024). Demographic diversity and
enrollment of priority populations in early childhood centers. Delaware Institute for
Excellence in Early Childhood, University of Delaware.
Morgan, J. A., Bromer, J., Melvin, S. A., Lewis, S., Hustedt, J. T., Iruka, I. U., & Hallam, R. A.
(2024). Strategies toward the equitable implementation of PreK in family child care:
PreK funding procurement, child enrollment, and data tracking, Issue 4. The Family
Child Care in PreK Project Brief Series. Erikson Institute, University of Delaware, &
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Melvin, S. A., Reinoso, L., Bromer, J., Hallam, R. A., Hustedt, J. T., Morgan, J. A., & Iruka, I.
U. (2023). Strategies toward the equitable implementation of PreK in family child care:
Infrastructure and support, Issue 3. The Family Child Care in PreK Project Brief Series.
Erikson Institute, University of Delaware, & University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Francis, J., Hustedt, J. T., Sheffler, K., Reagan, D., & Joe, C. (2023). Implementing
motivational interviewing in the context of early childhood quality improvement systems.
Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood, University of Delaware.
Francis, J., Sheffler, K., Novikova, E., Hustedt, J. T., Schulte, M., Cheyney-Morgan, J., &
Jimenez, C. (2023). CDA Professional Portfolio Preparation Program: Model
Jason T. Hustedt 9
development and implementation. Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood,
University of Delaware.
Slicker, G., Stoffers, M., & Hustedt, J. T. (2023). Arkansas center-based provider participation
in the child care voucher system. Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood,
University of Delaware.
Lewis, S., Hallam, R. A., Hustedt, J. T., Bromer, J., Melvin, S. A., Iruka, I. U., & Morgan, J. A.
(2023). Strategies toward the equitable implementation of PreK in family child care:
Curriculum, assessment, developmental screening, and monitoring, Issue 2. The Family
Child Care in PreK Project Brief Series. Erikson Institute, University of Delaware, &
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Morgan, J. A., Iruka, I. U., Bromer, J., Melvin, S. A, Hallam, R. A., &. Hustedt, J. T. (2022).
Strategies toward the equitable implementation of PreK in family child care:
Qualifications & Compensation, Issue 1. The Family Child Care in PreK Project Brief
Series. Erikson Institute, University of Delaware, & University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill.
Pic, A. M., Hustedt, J. T., Hallam, R. A., Bromer, J., Melvin, S. A., Morgan, J. A., & Iruka, I.
U. (2022). Public PreK guidelines for family child care: A document review. [Brief].
Erikson Institute, University of Delaware, & University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Melvin, S. A., Bromer, J., Iruka, I. U., Hallam, R. A., & Hustedt, J. T. (2022). A transformative
vision for the authentic inclusion of family child care in mixed delivery pre-K systems.
Erikson Institute.
Francis, J., Hustedt, J. T., & Tang, J. (2021). How the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the
child care workforce in Delaware. Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood,
University of Delaware.
Stoffers, M., Kelly, C., Hustedt, J. T., & Francis, J. (2021). Demographic trends on access to
professional development during the COVID-19 pandemic. Delaware Institute for
Excellence in Early Childhood, University of Delaware.
Buell, M. J., Hallam, R. A., Hustedt, J. T., Lesko, J., & Sherretz, K. (2012). Kindergarten
readiness: An overview of components. Issue Brief, 1. Delaware Early Childhood
Barnett, W. S., & Hustedt, J. T. (2011). Improving public financing for early learning programs.
Preschool Policy Brief, 23. National Institute for Early Education Research, Rutgers
University. [Also the basis for a separate Preschool Policy Facts brief published in 2011]
Jason T. Hustedt 10
Slicker, G., Joe, C., & Hustedt, J. T. (2021). Increasing child care quality in Delaware:
Recommendations from the Cost of Quality Care Study. Delaware Institute for Excellence
in Early Childhood, University of Delaware.
Hustedt, J. T., Hallam, R. A., Han, M., Vu, J. A., Hooper, A., & Ziegler, M. (2018). Starting at
Home: Validation, intervention, and implementation findings from a home-visitor
parenting curriculum model in Early Head Start. Delaware Institute for Excellence in
Early Childhood, University of Delaware.
Hustedt, J. T., Hallam, R. A., Buell, M. J., & Pinder, W. (2013). Kindergarten readiness views
and practices in Delaware: Results from a statewide follow-up survey of kindergarten
teachers. Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood, University of Delaware.
Jung, K., Barnett, W. S., Hustedt, J. T., & Francis, J. (2013). Longitudinal effects of the
Arkansas Better Chance Program: Findings from first grade through fourth grade.
National Institute for Early Education Research, Rutgers University.
Hustedt, J. T., Pinder, W., Hallam, R. A., Buell, M. J., & Kaminski, L. (2013). Delaware
Kindergarten Readiness Pilot Study: An analysis of kindergarten report cards used by
districts and charter schools. Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood,
University of Delaware.
Hustedt, J. T., Hallam, R. A., Buell, M. J., Pinder, W., & Thomas, A. (2012). Delaware
Kindergarten Readiness Pilot Study: Data collected at enrollment. Delaware Institute for
Excellence in Early Childhood, University of Delaware.
Hustedt, J. T., Hallam, R. A., Buell, M. J., Pinder, W., & Perkins, K. (2012). Delaware
Kindergarten Readiness Pilot Study: Results from a statewide survey of kindergarten
teachers. Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood, University of Delaware.
Hustedt, J. T., Barnett, W. S., Jung, K., & Friedman, A. H. (2010). The New Mexico PreK
Evaluation: Impacts from the fourth year (2008-2009) of New Mexico’s state-funded pre-
K program. National Institute for Early Education Research, Rutgers University.
Hustedt, J. T., Barnett, W. S., Jung, K., & Goetze, L. D. (2009). The New Mexico PreK
Evaluation: Results from the initial four years of a new state preschool initiative. Final
report. National Institute for Early Education Research, Rutgers University.
Hustedt, J. T., Barnett, W. S., Jung, K., & Figueras-Daniel, A. (2009). Continued impacts of
New Mexico PreK on children’s readiness for kindergarten: Results from the third year
of implementation. National Institute for Early Education Research, Rutgers University.
Jason T. Hustedt 11
Hustedt, J. T., Barnett, W. S., Jung, K., & Figueras, A. (2008). Impacts of New Mexico PreK on
children’s school readiness at kindergarten entry: Results from the second year of a
growing initiative. National Institute for Early Education Research, Rutgers University.
Hustedt, J. T., Barnett, W. S., & Jung, K. (2008). Longitudinal effects of the Arkansas Better
Chance Program: Findings from kindergarten and first grade. National Institute for
Early Education Research, Rutgers University.
Goetze, L. D., Li, T., & Hustedt, J. T. (2007). The economics of investing in New Mexico’s
state-funded pre-K program. Final report. Early Intervention Research Institute, Utah
State University.
Hustedt, J. T., Barnett, W. S., & Jung, K. (2007). The effects of the New Mexico PreK initiative
on young children's school readiness. National Institute for Early Education Research,
Rutgers University.
Hustedt, J. T., Barnett, W. S., Jung, K., & Thomas, J. (2007). The effects of the Arkansas Better
Chance Program on young children's school readiness. National Institute for Early
Education Research, Rutgers University.
Hustedt, J. T. (2020). Ensuring benefits for all preschoolers. Preschool Matters.
Hustedt, J. T. (2010). Getting child care right. [Review of the book Child care today: Getting it
right for everyone]. Preschool Matters, 8(2), 10.
Hustedt, J. T. (2002). Head Start research grants for graduate students. Head Start Bulletin, 72,
Hustedt, J. T. (2002). Scaffolding and the transfer of problem-solving skills from low-income
mothers to their preschoolers. Unpublished doctoral dissertation (advisor: C. Cybele
Raver). Cornell University.
Slicker, G., Faucheux, A., Hustedt, J. T., & Kelly, C. L. (2024, June). Early care and education
centers’ enrollment of children from CCDF’s prioritized populations: Comparisons
across funding streams and community characteristics. In J. T. Hustedt (Chair),
Variations in state Child Care and Development Fund policies: Implications for child
access and provider participation. Symposium presented at the National Research
Conference on Early Childhood, Arlington, VA.
Jason T. Hustedt 12
Hustedt, J. T. (2024, June). Variations in state Child Care and Development Fund policies:
Implications for child access and provider participation. Chair for symposium presented
at the National Research Conference on Early Childhood, Arlington, VA.
Slicker, G., & Hustedt, J. T. (2024, June). A comprehensive, policy-focused exploration of
predictors of subsidy system participation amongst early care and education centers. In O.
Schochet (Chair), Comparing documented state child care subsidy policies with
providers’ subsidy-related experiences and on-the-ground practices of local subsidy staff.
Symposium presented at the National Research Conference on Early Childhood,
Arlington, VA.
Melvin, S. A., Bromer, J., Hustedt, J. T., Hallam, R. A., Morgan, J., & Iruka, I. U. (2024, June).
Equitable inclusion of family child care in public pre-K: Perspectives from administrators
and educators. In I. U. Iruka (Chair), Building equitable mixed-delivery pre-K systems by
including family child care: Perspectives from researchers, practitioners, and systems.
Symposium presented at the National Research Conference on Early Childhood,
Arlington, VA.
Hustedt, J. T., Slicker, G., Kelly, C. L., & Faucheux, A. (2024, April). Enrollment of priority
populations and child demographic diversity profiles: Links with state subsidy policies.
In B. Kennedy (Chair), Understanding the use and impact of public funding in early
childhood education. Symposium presented at the American Educational Research
Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Hustedt, J. T. (2024, April). Equitable inclusion of family child care in public preK: A
conceptual framework and state perspectives. In A. Patterson (Chair), Building equitable
mixed-delivery preK systems by including family child care: Perspectives from states,
researchers, and practitioners. Working Group Roundtable session presented at the
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Han, M., Whiteside-Mansell, L., Hustedt, J. T., Drain, D., Eubanks, R., Joe, C., Lawson, I., &
Pic, A. (2023, April). Relationships between play and learning practices among low-
income families. In Y. Kim (Chair), Values of play in interdisciplinary context.
Symposium presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual
Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Slicker, G., Kelly, C. L., & Hustedt, J. T. (2023, April). Comparing early education center
enrollment priorities based on participation in Arkansas’s state pre-K program. In R. M.
Capuozzo (Chair), Access, quality programming, and teacher training. Symposium
presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago,
Hustedt, J. T., Drain, D., Han, M., Whiteside-Mansell, L., Eubanks, R., Joe, C., & Lawson, I.
(2023, March). Linking literacy activities and family routines: A strengths-based
approach using the Family Map Inventories. In E. Fisk (Chair), Comprehensive family
services in early care and education programs serving infants and toddlers. Symposium
Jason T. Hustedt 13
presented at the biennial conference of the Society for Research in Child Development,
Salt Lake City, UT.
Slicker, G, & Hustedt, J. T. (2023, March). A nationwide examination of early education
centers accepting subsidies: Center characteristics and children enrolled. In J. T. Hustedt
(Moderator), Early childcare and schooling. Flash talk session presented at the biennial
conference of the Society for Research in Child Development, Salt Lake City, UT.
Hustedt, J. T., Slicker, G, Stoffers, M., & Kelly, C. L. (2023, March). Enrollment practices and
child diversity in state pre-K, Head Start, and other early childhood centers. Poster
session presented at the biennial conference of the Society for Research in Child
Development, Salt Lake City, UT.
Slicker, G, Hustedt, J. T., & Stoffers, M. (2022, June). A statewide mixed methods study of
provider system participation. Poster session presented at the National Research
Conference on Early Childhood, Arlington, VA.
Stoffers, M., Kelly, C. L., Hustedt, J. T., & Francis, J. (2022, June). Demographic trends on
access to professional development during the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster session
presented at the National Research Conference on Early Childhood, Arlington, VA.
Buell, M. J., Hustedt, J. T., Fidel, R., Hallam, R., & Kuntz, S. (2022, June). The expulsion
policy landscape in state ECE documents: Review of CCDF plans, childcare licensing,
pre-K, and QRIS. Poster session presented at the National Research Conference on Early
Childhood, Arlington, VA.
Hustedt, J. T., Slicker, G., Buell, M. J., Fidel, R., & Hallam, R. A. (2022, April). An overview
of state pre-K suspension and expulsion policies and their key provisions. In M. J. Buell
(Chair), Exclusionary policies and practices in early childhood education settings.
Symposium presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual
Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Buell, M. J., Hustedt, J. T., Hallam, R. A., Slicker, G., Fidel, R., & Newton, N. (2022, April).
Alignment of expulsion and suspension policies among state-level CCDF plans, childcare
licensing, QRIS, and pre-K. In M. J. Buell (Chair), Exclusionary policies and practices in
early childhood education settings. Symposium presented at the American Educational
Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Slicker, G, Hustedt, J. T., & Stoffers, M. (2022, April). A national portrait of ECE center and
community characteristics that predict subsidy density. In Z. Isik-Ercan (Chair), Issues in
childcare and early education in the U.S. Symposium presented at the American
Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Han, M., Whiteside-Mansell, L., Hustedt, J. T., Drain, D., Eubanks, R., Joe, C., & Lawson, I.
(2022, April). Play, learning, and resilience in low-income families. In S. Sandoval
(Chair), Play and imagination interventions for learning. Paper presented at Society for
Jason T. Hustedt 14
Research in Child Development Special Topic Meeting on Learning through Play and
Imagination: Expanding Perspectives, St. Louis, MO.
Buell, M. J., Hustedt, J. T., Hallam, R. A., Fidel, R., Slicker, G., Kuntz, S. & Newton, N. (2022,
February). Preventing expulsion and suspension through policy alignment and cohesion
(PEASPAC). Poster session presented at the biennial Conference on Research
Innovations in Early Intervention, San Diego, CA.
Kelly, C. L., Slicker, G., & Hustedt, J. T. (2021, November). Examining associations between
family characteristics, parenting behaviors, and infants' and toddlers' social-emotional
skills. Poster session presented at the 83
National Council on Family Relations Annual
Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Slicker, G, & Hustedt, J. T. (2021, April). Predictors of provider participation in the childcare
subsidy system: Insights from a nationally representative sample. In A. L. Brown (Chair),
Issues in childcare and early education in the United States. Symposium presented at the
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Hooper, A., Hustedt, J. T., & Slicker, G. (2021, April). Profiles of family functioning and stress
as a predictor of Early Head Start children’s social-emotional outcomes. In G. Slicker
(Chair), Meeting the mandate for delivering comprehensive services for families: Early
Head Start supports and outcomes. Symposium presented at the biennial conference of
the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MN.
Kelly, C. L., Slicker, G., & Hustedt, J. T. (2021, April). Contributions of mothers’ parenting
behaviors to infants’ and toddlers’ social-emotional development. Poster session
presented at the biennial conference of the Society for Research in Child Development,
Minneapolis, MN.
Slicker, G., Barbieri, C. A., Collier, Z. K., & Hustedt, J. T. (2021, April). Profiles of parent
involvement during the kindergarten transition and children’s school readiness. In L.
Lopez (Moderator), Examining proximal and distal factors that promote kindergarten
readiness among preschool children in the United States. Session presented at the
biennial conference of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MN.
Hooper, A., Hustedt, J. T., Slicker, G., Hallam, R. A., Gaviria-Loaiza, J., Han, M., & Vu, J. A.,
(2020, December). Neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage as a predictor of profiles
of family stress in Early Head Start families. Poster session presented at the National
Research Conference on Early Childhood, Arlington, VA.
Hooper, A., Hustedt, J. T., & Gaviria-Loaiza, J., Hallam, R. A., & Slicker, G (2020,
November). Perceptions of neighborhood safety and social status as predictors of Early
Head Start families’ parenting stress. In J. Arellanes (Facilitator), Community and place
as context. Symposium presented at the 82
National Council on Family Relations
Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Jason T. Hustedt 15
Hustedt, J. T., Hooper, A., Hallam, R. A., Vu, J. A., Han, M., & Ziegler, M. (2020, July). Child
temperament as a moderator of parent functioning among families participating in the
Promoting First Relationships Intervention. Poster session presented at the International
Congress on Infant Studies, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
Hooper, A., Hustedt, J. T., Gaviria-Loaiza, J., Slicker, G., & Hallam, R. A. (2020, July).
Neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage as a predictor of family stress in families of
at-risk infants and toddlers. Poster session presented at the International Congress on
Infant Studies, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
Slicker, G., Lewis, S., Hustedt, J. T., & Buell, M. J. (2020, April). Expectations and transition
supports for entering kindergarteners: Profiles of kindergarten teachers. Poster session
at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
(Conference canceled due to covid-19)
Gaviria-Loaiza, J., Han, M., & Hustedt, J. T. (2019, April). Maternal depression and child-
directed speech: Influences on toddlers’ communication abilities and socioemotional
competence. In K.-G. Martin-Kerr (Chair), Parenting influence on child development.
Symposium presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual
Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Hustedt, J. T., Jung, K., Friedman-Krauss, A., Barnett, W. S., & Slicker, G. (2019, March).
New Mexico PreK impacts: Regression-discontinuity results overall and by child
race/ethnicity and cohort. In C. Weiland (Chair), Evaluating publicly-funded preschool
programs: Understanding impacts, impact variation, and lasting effects. Symposium
presented at the biennial conference of the Society for Research in Child Development,
Baltimore, MD.
Gaviria-Loaiza, J., Han, M., & Hustedt, J. T. (2019, March). Maternal influences on toddlers’
communication and socioemotional competence. Poster session presented at the biennial
conference of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.
Friedman-Krauss, A., Hustedt, J. T., Jung, K., Barnett, W. S., & Slicker, G. (2019, March).
Does auspice matter? Impacts of New Mexico PreK in public and nonpublic settings. In
M. McCormick (Chair), Where do pre-K programs operate best? Exploring variation in
pre-K access and quality in mixed-delivery systems. Symposium presented at the annual
conference of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, Washington, DC.
Hustedt, J. T., Hallam, R. A., Hooper, A., Han, M., Vu, J. A., & Ziegler, M. (2018, November).
Examining effectiveness of the Promoting First Relationships intervention with parents
and young children in home and center-based Early Head Start models. Poster session
presented at the 80
National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, San
Diego, CA.
Jason T. Hustedt 16
Slicker, G., Han, M., Hustedt, J. T., & Hooper, A. (2018, November). Parent perspectives on
the PFR intervention as part of Early Head Start. Poster session presented at the 80
National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Han, M., Hallam, R. A., Hustedt, J. T., Vu, J. A., & Gaviria-Loaiza, J. (2017, April). Lessons
from implementing evidence-based parenting intervention in Early Head Start. Poster
session presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and
Exposition, San Antonio, TX.
Hustedt, J. T. (2017, April). New results from state-funded preschool in four states: How do
effects on children vary by family income and home language? Chair for symposium
conducted at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development,
Austin, TX.
Jung, K., Hustedt, J. T., Barnett, W. S., & Friedman-Krauss, A. H. (2017, April). Effects of the
Arkansas Better Chance preschool program by family income. In J. T. Hustedt (Chair),
New results from state-funded preschool in four states: How do effects on children vary
by family income and home language? Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of
the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX.
Hustedt, J. T., Raver, C. C., Blair, C., Hallam, R. A., Vu, J. A., Gaviria-Loaiza, J., & Han, M.
(2017, April). Enhancing Early Head Start with video-based parenting interventions
delivered by staff. In L. J. Berlin (Chair), Parenting interventions in Early Head Start:
Findings from new models. Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of the Society
for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX.
Vu, J. A., Hustedt, J. T., Hallam, R. A., Han, M., & Gordon, M. S. (2017, April). Relationships
between perceived family stress, children’s morning cortisol, and children’s social-
emotional behaviors. Poster session presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for
Research in Child Development, Austin, TX.
Rous, B., Hustedt, J. T., Nash, J., & Hallam, R. A. (2016, October). Applying an
implementation lens to early intervention research. Poster session presented at the
Division for Early Childhood’s 32
Annual International Conference on Young Children
with Special Needs and Their Families, Louisville, KY.
Vu, J. A., Hallam, R. A., Han, M., Hustedt, J. T., & Bargreen, K. N. (2016, July).
Understanding variations in stress perceived by Early Head Start families. Poster session
presented at the National Research Conference on Early Childhood, Washington, DC.
Vu, J. A., Hallam, R. A., Hustedt, J. T., & Han, M. (2016, June). The interaction of perceived
family stress and waking cortisol on children’s social-emotional behaviors. In C. Barata
(Chair), Educational partnership, impact of family and parenting on children's learning
and development. Symposium conducted at the European Association for Research on
Learning and Instruction Conference on Learning and Development in Early Childhood,
Porto, Portugal.
Jason T. Hustedt 17
Gaviria-Loaiza, J., Han, M., Vu, J. A., & Hustedt, J. T. (2016, April). Children’s responses
toward teachers’ roles during free play time in preschool classrooms. In M. Han (Chair),
Understanding and facilitating children’s play in early childhood classrooms.
Roundtable conducted at the American Educational Research Association Annual
Meeting and Exposition, Washington, DC.
Gaviria-Loaiza, J., Han, M., Vu, J. A., & Hustedt, J. T. (2016, April). Functions of teacher roles
and types of teacher language during play. In D. Bergen & M. M. Patte (Chairs), Play
research, practices, and policies: Building connections, empowering diverse
communities, and improving early childhood education. Symposium conducted at the
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting and Exposition,
Washington, DC.
Hustedt, J. T., Wasik, B. A., & Hindman, A. H. (2016, February). Applying an implementation
lens to early intervention research: Program and classroom implications. Poster session
presented at the 10
biennial Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention,
San Diego, CA.
Hustedt, J. T. (2015, May). Implementation and sustainability of supplemental parenting
interventions in Early Head Start. Chair for symposium conducted at the 23
meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, DC.
Han, M., Hustedt, J. T., Hallam, R. A., Vu, J. A., & Gaviria-Loaiza, J. (2015, May). Lessons
from implementing the Promoting First Relationships program with Early Head Start
home visiting staff. In J. T. Hustedt (Chair), Implementation and sustainability of
supplemental parenting interventions in Early Head Start. Symposium conducted at the
annual meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, DC.
Hustedt, J. T., Vu, J. A., Hallam, R. A., Han, M., & Bargreen, K. N. (2015, March). Families’
experiences with stress in a typical Early Head Start program. In C. C. Raver & S.
Watamura (Chairs), The face of toxic stress: Preliminary consortium findings on
concomitant risks and parent and child well-being. Symposium conducted at the biennial
meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Philadelphia, PA.
Jung, K., Barnett, W. S., Hustedt, J. T., & Francis, J. (2013, April). Longitudinal effects of the
Arkansas Better Chance program: Findings from first grade through fourth grade. Poster
session presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child
Development, Seattle, WA.
Hustedt, J. T., Barnett, W. S., Jung, K., & Friedman, A. H. (2012, June). School readiness
outcomes of a growing state prekindergarten initiative: New findings from the New
Mexico PreK Evaluation. Poster session presented at the 11
biennial Head Start
National Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Hustedt, J. T., Barnett, W. S., Jung, K., Figueras-Daniel, A., Frede, E., & Friedman, A. H.
(2011, April). The New Mexico PreK Evaluation: Initial child outcome and classroom
Jason T. Hustedt 18
quality results from a new state prekindergarten initiative. In L. A. McCabe (Chair),
Examining state prekindergarten impacts and outcomes through an ecological systems
lens. Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child
Development, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Hustedt, J. T., Barnett, W. S., Jung, K., & Figueras-Daniel, A. (2010, June). Impacts of New
Mexico’s state-funded pre-K system on children’s vocabulary, math, and early literacy
skills at kindergarten entry. Poster session presented at the 10
biennial Head Start
National Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Barnett, W. S., Jung, K., Frede, E., Hustedt, J. T., & Howes, C. (2010, March). Effects of eight
state prekindergarten programs on early learning. In G. Henry (Chair), The rapid
expansion of public early childhood education programs. Symposium conducted at the
annual conference of the American Education Finance Association, Richmond, VA.
Hustedt, J. T., & McCabe, L. A. (2009, April). Public pre-kindergarten in three states:
Individual- and systems-level outcomes and impacts. Chair for symposium conducted at
the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.
Hustedt, J. T., Barnett, W. S., & Jung, K. (2009, April). Child outcomes of the Arkansas Better
Chance prekindergarten program in kindergarten and first grade. In J. T. Hustedt & L. A.
McCabe (Chairs), Public pre-kindergarten in three states: Individual- and systems-level
outcomes and impacts. Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of the Society for
Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.
Hustedt, J. T., & Barnett, W. S. (2009, April). Worldwide access to early childhood programs:
Where do we go from here? In B. Blevins-Knabe (Chair), An international perspective
connecting early childhood policies and home environment. Symposium conducted at the
biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.
Epstein, D. J., Friedman, A. H., Stevenson Boyd, J., Hustedt, J. T., & Barnett, W. S. (2009,
April). Trends in quality in state-funded prekindergarten initiatives. In J. West (Chair),
Preschool and kindergarten issues. Symposium conducted at the American Educational
Research Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, CA.
Friedman, A. H., Stevenson Boyd, J., Hustedt, J. T., & Barnett, W. S. (2008, November). State
preschool initiatives: Trends in quality, access, and spending across the U.S. Poster
session presented at the National Association for the Education of Young Children
Annual Conference and Expo, Dallas, TX.
Stevenson Boyd, J., Barnett, W. S., Hustedt, J. T., Friedman, A. H., & Ainsworth, P. (2008,
July). State preschool initiatives: Trends in quality, access, and spending across the U.S.
Paper presented at the 1
National Research Conference on Child and Family Programs
and Policy, Bridgewater, MA.
Jason T. Hustedt 19
Hustedt, J. T., & Barnett, W. S. (2008, March). A national overview of state prekindergarten
policies: Access, quality, and spending. In L. R. Kroll (Chair), Professional practice in
early childhood. Symposium conducted at the American Educational Research
Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, New York, NY.
Hustedt, J. T., Barnett, W. S., Robin, K. B., & Buch, L. (2006, June). State-funded pre-K from
2001-2005: National trends in access, standards, and spending. Paper presented at the
annual National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development, San
Antonio, TX.
Hustedt, J. T., Barnett, W. S., Robin, K. B., & Schulman, K. L. (2005, December). State
preschool initiatives: A national overview of quality, access, and spending. Poster session
presented at the National Association for the Education of Young Children Annual
Conference and Expo, Washington, DC.
Hustedt, J. T., Robin, K. B., Barnett, W. S., & Schulman, K. L. (2005, April). Tracking state
prekindergarten policy. In W. S. Gilliam (Chair), State prekindergarten systems: Linking
policies, implementation, quality, and child outcomes. Symposium conducted at the
biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, GA.
Slaughter-Defoe, D. T., Hustedt, J. T., Zhang, D., & Andrews, A. (2003, April). Parental and
peer roles in public schools successfully educating Philadelphia’s primary grade African
American children. Poster session presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for
Research in Child Development, Tampa, FL.
Hustedt, J. T. (2002, June). Head Start children’s scaffolding of a novice adult’s problem-
solving behaviors. Poster session presented at the 6
biennial Head Start National
Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Hustedt, J. T. (2002, April). Maternal socialization of Head Start children’s collaborative
problem-solving skills. Paper presented at the 17
biennial meeting of the Conference on
Human Development, Charlotte, NC.
Hustedt, J. T. (2001, April). Four-year-olds as tutors: Relationships between mothers’ problem-
solving strategies and children’s later teaching behaviors. Poster session presented at the
biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MN.
Hustedt, J. T. (2000, June). Transfer of Head Start children’s scaffolding behaviors to tutoring
with an unfamiliar adult. Poster session presented at the 5
biennial Head Start National
Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Hustedt, J. T. (1999, April). Scaffolding and maternal sensitivity in low-income mother-toddler
dyads. Poster session presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in
Child Development, Albuquerque, NM.
Jason T. Hustedt 20
Hustedt, J. T., & Raver, C. C. (1998, April). Scaffolding in low-income mother-child dyads:
Relations with joint attention and reciprocity. Poster session presented at the 11
International Conference on Infant Studies, Atlanta, GA.
Steuer, F. B., Hustedt, J. T., Saint-Amand, M. W., & Moody, W. H., Jr. (1998, March). Four
families without television: Case studies. Poster session presented at the 15
meeting of the Conference on Human Development, Mobile, AL.
Hustedt, J. T. (2023, March). Early childcare and schooling. Moderator for flash talk session
conducted at the biennial conference of the Society for Research in Child Development,
Salt Lake City, UT.
Hustedt, J. T. (2022, August). What to think about when applying for dissertation grants: A
faculty perspective. Webinar presented as part of the Early Education and Child
Development Special Interest Group Graduate Student Dissertation Grant Funding
Session, American Educational Research Association.
Hustedt, J. T. (2018, June). Enhancing the impact of coaching: Lessons from the field. Chair
and Discussant for symposium conducted at the National Research Conference on Early
Childhood, Arlington, VA.
Hustedt, J. T. (2018, June). Using existing sources of data to understand child development.
Chair for master lecture (by Pamela Davis-Kean) conducted at the National Research
Conference on Early Childhood, Arlington, VA.
Hustedt, J. T., Hallam, R. A., Han, M., & Vu, J. A. (2018, June). Expanding Early Head Start
services to incorporate the Promoting First Relationships parenting curriculum. In L. J.
Berlin (Chair), Addressing “toxic stress” in the context of Early Head Start: New
findings from the Buffering Toxic Stress Research Consortium. Symposium conducted at
the National Research Conference on Early Childhood, Arlington, VA.
Hustedt, J. T. (2017, November). Models for professional development of early childhood
teachers. Lecture presented at the 2017 National Early Childhood Education Summit,
Tangshan, China.
Hustedt, J. T., Hallam, R. A., Han, M., Vu, J. A, Raver, C. C., & Blair, C. (2017, July). What to
expect when implementing parenting enhancements. Webinar presented as part of the
Getting Smarter About Implementing Parenting Enhancements in Early Head Start
Webinar Series. National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement,
Brazelton Touchpoints Center, Boston, MA.
Jones-Harden, B., Watamura, S., Kuhl, P., Berlin, L. J., Hustedt, J. T., & Sarche, M. (2016,
December). The Buffering Toxic Stress Consortium: Promoting positive parenting among
Jason T. Hustedt 21
Early Head Start families. Session conducted at the Zero to Three Annual Conference,
New Orleans, LA.
Hustedt, J. T., Raver, C. C., & Blair, C. (2016, July). Home visitor implementation approaches
to parenting intervention in Early Head Start: Lessons learned. In A. Meyer (Chair),
Consultation and home visitor implementation approaches to parenting interventions in
Early Head Start: Lessons learned and what’s next for the Buffering Toxic Stress
Consortium. Symposium conducted at the National Research Conference on Early
Childhood, Washington, DC.
Jones-Harden, B., Hustedt, J. T., Berlin, L. J., Gilpin, A., Pakulak, E., Leader, L., & Gomsrud,
M. (2016, July). Linking intervention components to Head Start Program Performance
Standards within Early Head Start/Head Start University Partnerships. In K. Dwyer & A.
Meyer (Chairs), Head Start/Early Head Start University Partnership model: Optimizing
the communication between research and practice to improve early childhood outcomes.
Poster symposium conducted at the National Research Conference on Early Childhood,
Washington, DC.
Berlin, L. J., Hustedt, J. T., Sarche, M., & Jones-Harden, B. (2016, July). Parenting
enhancements to Early Head Start: Implementation and sustainability in Early Head
Start-University Partnerships to buffer children from toxic stress. In K. Dwyer & A.
Meyer (Chairs), Head Start/Early Head Start University Partnership model: Optimizing
the communication between research and practice to improve early childhood outcomes.
Poster symposium conducted at the National Research Conference on Early Childhood,
Washington, DC.
Hustedt, J. T., Beck, H. L., & Leader, L. (2016, April). Implementing the Promoting First
Relationships intervention with home visitors. Lecture and webinar presented to the Early
Childhood Monthly Research and Program Meeting – Buffering Toxic Stress,
Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, Washington, DC.
Hustedt, J. T. (2012, November). Federal funding mechanisms in support of early childhood
education and care. Lecture presented at the 2
annual Maryland State Department of
Education Early Childhood Care and Education Research Forum, Towson, MD.
Hustedt, J. T., Vu, J. A., Hallam, R. A., & Han, M. (2012, June). Starting at home:
Incorporating the ABC parenting intervention into Early Head Start home visits. Poster
session presented at the 11
biennial Head Start National Research Conference,
Washington, DC.
Berlin, L. J., Blair, C., Boyd, M., Constantino, J., Fisher, P., Hallam, R. A., Han, M., Hustedt, J.
T., Jones Harden, B., Moreno, A., Raver, C. C., Sarche, M., Vu, J. A., Watamura, S.,
Denmark, N., & Raymond, M. (2012, June). Early Head Start-University Research
Consortium: Buffering children from toxic stress. Poster session presented at the 11
biennial Head Start National Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Jason T. Hustedt 22
Hustedt, J. T., Hallam, R. A., Han, M., & Vu, J. A. (2011, November). Adapting the Attachment
and Biobehavioral Catch-Up parenting intervention for delivery by Early Head Start
home visitors. Paper presented at the Early Head Start University Partnership: Buffering
Children from Toxic Stress Consortium Meeting, Washington, DC.
Hustedt, J. T. (2010, May). State pre-K: National policy context and ongoing research in New
Mexico. Colloquium presented to the Department of Human Development and Family
Studies, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
Hustedt, J. T., & Frede, E. C. (2009, November). The New Mexico PreK Evaluation: Results
from the first four years of PreK. Testimony presented to the Legislative Education
Study Committee, State of New Mexico, Santa Fe, NM.
Hustedt, J. T., & Barnett, W. S. (2008, November). The New Mexico PreK initiative: Impacts
on children’s school readiness and recent classroom quality results. Testimony presented
to the Legislative Education Study Committee, State of New Mexico, Santa Fe, NM.
Hustedt, J. T., & Barnett, W. S. (2007, August). Effects of the New Mexico PreK initiative on
children’s school readiness: Results from 2006-07. Testimony presented to the
Legislative Education Study Committee, State of New Mexico, Taos, NM.
Hustedt, J. T., & Barnett, W. S. (2006, December). Child and classroom findings from the first
year of the New Mexico PreK initiative. Testimony presented to the Legislative
Education Study Committee, State of New Mexico, Santa Fe, NM.
Hustedt, J. T., & Kelley, K. (2005, July). Universal preschool: Past, present, and future.
Workshop presented at American Federation of Teachers Quality Educational Standards
in Teaching Conference, Washington, DC.
Hustedt, J. T. (2005, April). Discussant. In C. Ebanks & J. A. Griffin (Chairs), Preliminary
results from the Preschool Curriculum Evaluation Research (PCER) program: National
and site specific data. Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of the Society for
Research in Child Development, Atlanta, GA.
Milfort, R., Hustedt, J. T., & McWayne, C. (2003, October). Critical steps along the career
path: Mentoring, preparation, and choices. Forum presented at the annual Head Start
Graduate Student Research Grantee Meeting, Washington, DC.
Hustedt, J. T. (2001, December). Scaffolding and problem-solving in low-income mother-child
dyads. Address presented at the Urban Education Research Seminar Series, Graduate
School of Education, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
Hustedt, J. T. (2000, October). Does previous scaffolding matter?: Strategies used by Head
Start children when tutoring a peer. Poster session presented at the annual Head Start
Research Grantee Meeting, Alexandria, VA.
Jason T. Hustedt 23
Hustedt, J. T. (2000, June). Success at teaching an unfamiliar peer: Influences of previous
mother-child interactions. Poster session presented at the 5
biennial Head Start National
Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Hustedt, J. T. (1999, November). Relations between parent-child scaffolding behaviors and
children’s scaffolding interactions with an unfamiliar adult. Paper presented at the annual
Head Start Research Grantee Meeting, Alexandria, VA.
Steuer, F. B., & Hustedt, J. T. (1995, April). Raising children in homes without television: Two
case studies. Poster session presented at the 7
annual Scientific Research Poster Session,
College of Charleston, Charleston, SC.
2011-2024 HDFS 402, Child and Family Policy, University of Delaware, eighteen semesters
2013-2024 HDFS 615/EVAL 615, Research Methods, University of Delaware, fourteen
2020-2022 HDFS 669, Supervised Field Experience and Study, University of Delaware, three
2020-2022 HDFS 640, Early Childhood Administration, Leadership, and Advocacy,
University of Delaware, three semesters
2016-2017 HDFS 667, Seminar – Introduction to the Field/Graduate School, University of
Delaware, two semesters (co-instructor with Bahira Trask)
2012 HDFS 667, Graduate Seminar in Child and Family Policy, University of
2010-2011 HDFS 328, Introduction to the Research Process, University of Delaware, three
2002 Interactional Processes with Young Children, Graduate School of Education,
Psychology in Education Division, University of Pennsylvania
2001-2002 Dissertation Practicum, Graduate School of Education, Educational Leadership
Division, University of Pennsylvania
Graduate Students at University of Delaware (year indicates completion date)
Current Chair, Imani Lawson, Ph.D. student in Human Development and Family Sciences
Jason T. Hustedt 24
Current Chair, Yeni Marlow, M.S. student in Human Development and Family Sciences
Current Dissertation Committee, Susan Lewis, Ph.D. student in Human Development and
Family Sciences
Current Dissertation Committee, Dara Hall, Ph.D. student in Nursing Science
Current Dissertation Committee, McKenna Halverson, Ph.D. student in Human
Development and Family Sciences
Current Dissertation Committee, Stephanie Kuntz, Ph.D. student in Human Development
and Family Sciences
Current Thesis Committee, Rosa Mykyta-Chomsky, Ph.D. student in Human
Development and Family Sciences
2024 Dissertation Committee, Deborah Fuller, Ph.D. Human Development and Family
2024 Chair, Cara Kelly, Ph.D., Human Development and Family Sciences
2023 Dissertation Committee, Annette Pic, Ph.D., Human Development and Family
2022 Master’s Committee, Yu Xia, M.S., Human Development and Family Sciences
2022 Chair, Dissertation Committee, Gerilyn Slicker, Ph.D., Human Development and
Family Sciences
2021 Dissertation Committee, Jing Tang, Ph.D., Human Development and Family
2021 Dissertation Committee, Danielle Riser, Ph.D., Human Development and Family
2020 Dissertation Committee, Laura Cutler, Ph.D., Human Development and Family
2020 Dissertation Committee, Caitlin Bailey, Ph.D., Human Development and Family
2018 Dissertation Committee, Pialee Roy, Ph.D., School of Public Policy and
2018 Dissertation Committee, Juana Gaviria-Loaiza, Ph.D., Human Development and
Family Sciences
Jason T. Hustedt 25
2016 Co-Chair (with Bahira Sherif Trask), Dissertation Committee, Megan Barolet-
Fogarty, Ph.D., Human Development and Family Studies
2016 Dissertation Committee, Kelley Perkins, Ph.D., Human Development and Family
2012 Dissertation Committee, Gregory Benjamin, Ph.D., School of Public Policy and
2012 Thesis Committee, Christine Anderson, M.S., Human Development and Family
Undergraduate Students at University of Delaware
2010-2016, Served as primary advisor each semester for as many as 14 undergraduate
2019-2023 students enrolled in B.S. program in Early Childhood Education, Department of
Human Development and Family Sciences
Undergraduate Research Mentoring
2012-present Independent Study (HDFS 366/466), Department of Human Development and
Family Sciences, University of Delaware. Served as instructor for students
pursuing credit in an upper-level undergraduate course. Their activities include
implementing research protocols and data entry.
2002-2010 Federal Work-Study Program, National Institute for Early Education Research,
Rutgers University. Supervised work by undergraduate and graduate students as
they conducted data entry, data cleaning, and data collection activities, and as
they assisted with policy-relevant technical assistance.
1996-2001 Empirical Research, Department of Human Development, Cornell University.
Supervised students as they pursued credit in an upper-level undergraduate
course. Trained students to follow research protocols and collect data, prepared
and evaluated weekly coding assignments, graded research papers, and assigned
final grades.
2023 Mentor at mentoring and networking breakfast for graduate students, National
Research Center on Hispanic Children and Families and the Child Care and Early
Education Policy Research Consortium, in partnership with the National African
American Child and Family Research Center, Washington, DC.
2012-2014 Mentor for graduate student mentoring luncheons at 11
and 12
biennial Head
Start National Research Conferences, Washington, DC.
Jason T. Hustedt 26
Media Training
2008 Public Communication for Early-Career Education Researchers – Learning the
Ropes, participated in a competitively selected two-day workshop for education
researchers sponsored by the American Educational Research Association and the
Hechinger Institute on Education and the Media
2004 Media Training, Media Works Resource Group
Media Citations
New York Times, Houston Chronicle, Bangor Daily News (ME), Beaver County Times (PA), The
Times-News (ID), The Daily Targum (NJ), Community News (DE), Hill Country Observer (NY),
New Mexico Business Weekly, New Mexico Free Press, New Mexico State University Research
& Resources magazine, College of Charleston Magazine (SC), KHNS radio (AK)
2018 Presidential Fellowship, Salzburg Global Seminar
2016 Outstanding Reviewer for 2015, American Educational Research Association
2011 International Travel Award, Institute for Global Studies, University of Delaware
2008-2009 Faculty Compensation Program merit awards, Rutgers University
2004-2006 Faculty Academic Service Increment Program awards, Rutgers University
1998-1999 College Grant for Dissertation Research, College of Human Ecology, Cornell
1998-2001 Graduate School Travel Awards, Cornell University
1998-1999 University Summer Fellowships, Cornell University
1997 College Grant for Master’s Thesis, College of Human Ecology, Cornell
1996-1997 Special assistantship funded by James B. and Martha K. Palmer Trust, Cornell
1991-1995 National Merit Scholarship, College of Charleston and Wofford College
1991-1992 Wofford Scholars Award, Wofford College
Jason T. Hustedt 27
2010-present Early Childhood Education Undergraduate Committee, Department of Human
Development and Family Sciences, University of Delaware
2011-2019, Graduate Committee, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences,
2022-2024 University of Delaware (Committee Chair and Graduate Coordinator, 2015-2018)
2017-2024 Council of Community Engagement and Public Service Centers, University of
2022-2024 Faculty Senate, University of Delaware
2022 Task Force for Marketing Graduate Programs, College of Education and Human
Development, University of Delaware
2012-2014, Promotion and Tenure Committee, Department of Human Development and
2019-2022 Family Sciences, University of Delaware
2015-2017, Graduate Curriculum Committee, College of Education and Human Development,
2020-2021 University of Delaware
2020-2021 Member, Ad-Hoc Committee to Develop a Ph.D. program in Education and
Social Policy, College of Education and Human Development, University of
2017-2018 Task Force for Early Childhood Programs, College of Education and Human
Development, University of Delaware
2019-2020 Chair, Search Committee for Assistant Professor in Early Care and Education
Policy, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, University of
2017-2018 Search Committee for Deputy Dean/Associate Dean for Research, College of
Education and Human Development, University of Delaware
2017 Search Committee for Continuing Track Faculty Member in Early Childhood
Education, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, University of
2016 Search Committee for Clinical Placement and Research Coordinator, Early
Learning Center, University of Delaware
2015-2016 Graduate Recruitment Task Force, College of Education and Human
Development, University of Delaware
Jason T. Hustedt 28
2013 Search Committee for Associate Director, Center for Research in Education and
Social Policy, College of Education and Human Development, University of
2012 Search Committee for Assistant/Associate Professor in Program Evaluation,
Department of Human Development and Family Studies and Delaware Education
Research and Development Center, University of Delaware
2011-2016 Early Learning Center Program Council, University of Delaware (also ELC
Council Research Subcommittee)
2011-2012 Search Committee for open-rank position in Quantitative Methods and
Experimental Design, College of Education and Human Development,
University of Delaware
2010-2011 Early Childhood Curriculum Committee (ad hoc), Department of Human
Development and Family Studies, University of Delaware
2024-present Delaware’s Future of Education Early Care and Education Working Group
2016 Early Childhood Education Research Alliance, Regional Educational Laboratory
Mid-Atlantic (RELMA)
2014-2015 Delaware Early Learning Alignment Committee, Delaware Office of Early
2012-2014 Delaware Early Learner Survey Committee (previously Kindergarten Entry
Assessment Advisory Committee), Delaware Office of Early Learning and
Delaware Department of Education
2011 Early Childhood Action Team, Delaware Race to the Top – Early Learning
Challenge Grant application
2022-present Technical Expert Panel, 2024 National Survey of Early Care and Education
(NSECE), sponsored by Administration for Children and Families, U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services
2017-2018 Program Committee, National Research Conference on Early Childhood,
Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human
Jason T. Hustedt 29
2014-2015 Guiding the Next Decade of Public Pre-K Evaluation, member of Georgetown
University working group
2010 Survey Advisory Committee, Early Childhood Data Collaborative (ECDC)
Journal Editorial Board Member
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology (2017-present)
Ad Hoc Journal Manuscript Reviewer
Applied Developmental Science
Developmental Psychology
Early Childhood Research Quarterly
Early Childhood Services
Early Education and Development
Educational Policy
Educational Researcher
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal
Family Relations
Infant and Child Development
Journal of Research in Childhood Education
Maternal and Child Health Journal
Prevention Science
National/International Conference Submission Reviewer
National Research Conference on Early Childhood
Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meetings
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting
Head Start’s 10
and 11
National Research Conferences
Federal Grant Application Reviewer
Head Start University Partnerships, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Head Start Graduate Student Research Grants, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Federal Research Evidence Evaluator
Early Interventions to Promote Cardiovascular Health of Mothers and Children; National Heart,
Lung, and Blood Institute; National Institutes of Health
American Educational Research Association