State of Maryland Financial Resources & Services
EAFC provides cash assistance to families who have at least one child under the age of 21
living with them, and need emergency paying rent, utilities, or other urgent bills. Apply online:
Go to https://mydhrbenets.dhr.state.md.us/ to le your application.
State of Maryland Financial Resources & Services
The Maryland Department of Human Services (DHS) is the state’s primary social service pro-
vider. Our mission is to aggressively pursue opportunities to assist people in economic need,
provide prevention services, and protect vulnerable children and adults.
DHS’s website, https://dhs.maryland.gov/, hosts a wealth of information about the agencys
many services and programs, as well as additional resources, for Maryland families and indi-
viduals in need of assistance:
DHS offers several nancial assistance options to support individuals and families experi-
encing trying times. If eligible, you can receive cash assistance for rent, utilities, and many
other emergency nancial burdens.
You do not have to weather the tough times alone. DHS services include, nancial, medical,
and more. Learn more at https://dhs.maryland.gov/weathering-tough-times/.
The Department of Human Services is providing updated information to Marylanders re-
garding our services, operations, and other important resources during the COVID-19 pan-
demic. Stay informed by visiting our Coronavirus Covid-19 Resources web page at https:/ /
Marylanders can get information, apply for DHS programs and services, and check the status
of applications online at mydhrbenets.dhr.state.md.us/dashboardClient/#/home
Consumer Portal
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps,
helps low-income households buy healthy food. Click here to download the Income Guide-
lines. Apply online: Go to https://mydhrbenets.dhr.state.md.us/. People who have little or
no money may qualify for SNAP benets right away.
Nutrition Assistance
Program (SNAP)
TCA provides temporary cash assistance to families with dependent children. TCA also pre-
pares participants for independence through work programs. Click here to download the
Income Guidelines. Apply online: Go to https://mydhrbenets.dhr.state.md.us/ to le your
Temporary Cash
Assistance (TCA)
OHEP offers help to Marylanders who are facing potential energy shut-offs or having difculty paying
their energy bills. You do not need a turn-off notice to qualify for assistance; eligibility for energy
assistance is based on your income. Please also contact your Local Home Energy Program Ofce at
ce/ to speak to a dedicated OHEP specialist who will guide you through all your options for energy
assistance. Learn more about energy assistance at https://dhs.maryland.gov/ofce-of-home-en-
Ofce of Home
Energy Assistance
Programs (OHEP)
Emergency Cash
Assistance to
Families with
Children (EAFC)
State of Maryland Financial Resources & Services
TEFAP is a collaborative effort between the Department of Human Services, the Maryland
Food Bank (MFB), and the Capital Area Food Bank (CAFB) to alleviate hunger among low-in-
come Maryland residents. TEFAP resources can be accessed in addition to receiving ongo-
ing SNAP benets. To nd a MFB location near you, visit https://mdfoodbank.org/about/
locations/. CAFB serves households in Prince George’s & Montgomery Counties. To nd
a CAFB location near you, click: https://www.capitalareafoodbank.org/what-we-do/di-
Through a network of partners across the state, DHS’s Transportation Assistance Program
provides reliable used vehicles to eligible low-income families for two years or 24,000 miles.
Click here to learn more about how to request a car from Vehicles for Change or go to https://
Pandemic EBT or P-EBT provides nancial assistance to households with children who no lon-
ger have access to free and reduced school meals due to COVID-19 related school closures.
Eligible households whose children are attending school virtually are also eligible for P-EBT.
You do not have to apply for P-EBT. School enrollment data is used to identify eligible students
and send P-EBT cards to their homes. Learn more about P-EBT at
PAA provides for the cost of care and a personal needs allowance for individuals who live in
assisted living facilities licensed by the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) or in Certied
Adult Residential Environmental homes (also known as Project Home). Recipients are also
eligible for Medical Assistance. Click here to download the Income Guidelines. Apply with
your local Department of Social Services: Click here to access contact information for
your local department. Click here to download the application.
Every child has a right to receive support from both parents. The Maryland Child Support Ad-
ministration (CSA) works with parents to ensure nancial and medical support are provided to
help children grow and thrive. Learn more or apply today at https://mydhrbenets.dhr.state.
CSA assists unemployed or underemployed noncustodial parents in establishing regular child
support payments by obtaining and maintaining unsubsidized, competitive employment. Learn
more at https://dhs.maryland.gov/child-support-services/paying-support/noncustodi-
You may request a review for a modication of your child support order if there is a change
in circumstances since the order was entered. Examples of a change include a signicant
change in income; a change in work-related daycare costs; a change in health care costs; a
change in custody; or, a change in the nancial needs of the child. Learn more at https://dhs.
TDAP provides nancial assistance for low-income, disabled Marylanders during periods of
short-term disability or while they are awaiting approval of federal disability support.
Click here to download the Income Guidelines. Apply online: Go to https://mydhrbenets.
dhr.state.md.us/ to le your application.
Temporary Disability
Assistance Program
Emergency Food
Assistance (TEFAP)
Public Assistance to
Adults (PAA)
Child Support
Services (CSA)
Child Support
(CSA) - Noncustodial
Parent Employment
Child Support -
Order Modication
State of Maryland Financial Resources & Services
Please note: if a link to a site doesn’t work, simply copy the website address and paste it into a Google search
Are you looking for a job or interested in getting training? Maryland has 30 American Job
Centers located across the state staffed with qualied professionals ready to provide job
seekers with a full range of assistance and programs to help them nd employment. Find
your local American Job Center by visiting labor.maryland.gov/county.
The Maryland Workforce Exchange is an online portal that helps connect businesses and
job seekers. Explore new careers, apply for jobs, create resumes, nd education and training
programs, and more by visiting mwejobs.maryland.gov.
The COVID-19 Financial Relief Guide summarizes some of the many nancial relief programs
and consumer protections that are available for Maryland residents and their families. Topics
include mortgage payments and foreclosure, rental evictions, student loan payments, and
more. Access the guide by visiting http://labor.maryland.gov/nance/consumers/frnan-
Job Centers
Maryland Workforce
Relief Guide for
Through the Homelessness Solutions Program, the Maryland Department of Housing and
Community Development (DHCD) provides federal and state funding to support the local Con-
tinuum of Care’s (CoC) crisis response for people who are homeless or at-risk of homeless-
ness. This includes housing stabilization services, such as rapid re-housing and homelessness
prevention; operating costs and client services at emergency shelters, and outreach services
for people who are unsheltered.
If you are experiencing homelessness or at risk of, please call 2-1-1 and contact your near-
est CoC for assistance . For a list of local Continuum of Care (COC) agencies by jurisdiction,
please visit https://dhcd.maryland.gov/HomelessServices/Documents/CoC-contact-in-
Solutions Program