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Seeing ghosts: parsing China’s “ghost city”
Max D. Woodworth & Jeremy L. Wallace
To cite this article: Max D. Woodworth & Jeremy L. Wallace (2017) Seeing ghosts:
parsing China’s “ghost city” controversy, Urban Geography, 38:8, 1270-1281, DOI:
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/02723638.2017.1288009
Published online: 14 Feb 2017.
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Seeing ghosts: parsing Chinas ghost city controversy
Max D. Woodworth
and Jeremy L. Wallace
Department of Geography, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA;
Department of Government,
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
Controversy has arisen in recent years over the creation of so-
called ghost cities across China. The ghost city term tends to
describe large-scale urban areas, sometimes planned as new
towns, featuring an abundance of new built space and appearing
to also have extremely low tenancy. This article examines key
questions related to the ghost city phenomenon, such as: what
is a ghost city? Are ghost cities driven by a tendency toward over-
supply in housing? How are local-level political incentives aligned
to foster the production of ghost cities? Are ghost cities temporary
anomalies or structural features of Chinas urban-led economic
growth model? We discuss recent scholarly research into ghost
cities and present original ndings to show how an excess of
urban space may plague certain Chinese cities.
Received 30 June 2016
Accepted 23 January 2017
China; ghost city; new town;
housing; land development
1. Introduction
In recent years, considerable controversy has arisen over the existence of so-called
ghost cities in China. Driving the controversy is a proliferation of monumentally
scaled urban developments, even entire new cities featuring skyscrapers and enormous
public spaces, all built at breakneck pace but with scant population (see Shepard, 2015;
Sorace Hurst, 2016). Widely circulating photographic exposés of these ghost cities have
generated troubling impressions of severely imbalanced and unsustainable urban
And yet, while evocative, the term ghost city is shrouded in ambiguity
over what counts under this appellation. More specically, questions linger over
whether ghost cities refer to specic places or types of places, or whether the term
merely describes an extreme expression of a more general trend toward a surfeit of built
urban space and especially over-supply in housing and other forms of real property in
The purpose of this entry in Urban Pulse is to assess conceptual issues and data-
collection challenges surrounding the ghost city controversy, review some of the emer-
ging research touching upon this phenomenon, and hopefully provide some clarity to
help guide research eorts in this area of Chinas urbanization. Our intent is not to lay
down a strict denition of ghost city, nor is it to dismiss the concept as merely a
journalistic cliché. Indeed, much excellent reporting on the topic has supplied impor-
tant and timely insights (see especially Shepard, 2015), and, moreover, sucient data
CONTACT Max D. Woodworth [email protected]
VOL. 38, NO. 8, 12701281
© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
exists to draw some reliable conclusions about trends in urban growth that support
concerns connected with the ghost city controversy. We also highlight some of the
theoretical challenges that this phenomenon presents for the study of Chinese urbani-
zation and for global urbanism more broadly. In this latter sense, the discussion here
responds to Parnell and Robinsons (2012) call in this journal for scholars to focus
theory-building eorts on experiences in the Global South, with particular emphasis on
better understanding the nature of the state and governance at the city scale, where
much of the action in development is occurring today around the world. Chinas ghost
city phenomenon points in particular toward the importance as well as the potential
pitfalls of entrepreneurial urban strategies engaged by empowered local-state autho-
rities. Moreover, as increasing numbers of urban projects around the world are being
labeled ghost cities, including most notably Masdar Eco City in the United Arab
Emirates and Songdo in South Korea, Chinas experience potentially holds wide
2. Background
It deserves mention at the outset that the current ghost city terminology is a media
invention. Its origins in China are traceable to two news reports, one by Al-Jazeera
Figure 1. Newly built-up land, 20002010. Source: World Banks East Asias changing urban land-
scape 2015 using MODIS and other satellite imagery. Source: World Bank, East Asias changing urban
landscape 2015.
the other by Time magazine (Powell, 2010). Both reports focused on the Kangbashi
New District, a new-town project undertaken by Ordos Municipality, a coal-mining
boomtown in Chinas Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The municipality initiated
the project in 2004 and by 2009 the towns basic infrastructure was completed along
with municipal agency buildings, landmark civic institutions, and a signicant amount
of commercial property. The rapid pace of construction, driven by speculative invest-
ment amid a massive regional mining boom, led to extremely low residential density in
the new town and produced jarring landscapes composed of huge new city spaces
seemingly devoid of people (Woodworth, 2015). While overheating and low tenancy in
the property market had been recurring features of Chinas urbanization since the
1990s, Kangbashis barren cityscapes suggested the ination of property bubbles on
an altogether new scale and seemed to lend credence to arguments that the country
faced potential crisis originating in the real estate sector. Kangbashis location on the
arid fringes of the Gobi desert also made for dramatic imagery that doubtless helped to
inspire the ghost city theme.
In the wake of reports about Kangbashi, Chinas leading domestic media outlets and
global news organizations led a continuous stream of reports on the topic of ghost
Quite suddenly, ghost cities were being found throughout the country. Projects
such as the Chenggong New District, Dongtan eco-city, Zhengdong New District, and
the former 2010 World Expo site in Shanghai, are just some of the projects that have
been reported under this heading.
The sudden currency of the ghost town terminology
Figure 2. Counties losing urban density, 20002010. Urban density calculated using 2000 and 2010
urban population census data. Source: World Bank, East Asias changing urban landscape 2015.
and its application to a diverse array of urban projects supplied a charged new
metaphor through which to report on Chinas property sector and to understand the
central function of urban land development in driving economic growth in the 2000s.
The cementing of the ghost town metaphor in popular discourse also coincided with
mounting concerns among the political leadership over urban housing policy in the
2000s. A widely read policy memo produced in 2012 by the research branch of the State
Council, for example, revealed high-level alarm over what the author called urban
sicknesses (Ch. chengshi bing) to refer to an interwoven set of structural problems
fueling irrational urban development (cited in Sorace & Hurst, 2016). In particular,
the paper underscored the perverse incentives short appointed terms in oce,
emphasis on GDP in assessing ocials performance, the constitutionally dened
state monopoly over the primary land market that lead urban ocials to promote
city growth without regard to functionality, cost, accessibility, or long-term sustain-
ability (Development Research Center of the State Council [DRCSC], 2012). Prominent
scholars and policymakers have voiced similar concerns with increasing urgency in
recent years, and the central state has responded by issuing prohibitions against the
construction of new city halls (2013), new towns without State Council approval (2014),
and weird architecture (2016) all in attempts to temper the enthusiasm of city
governments for monumental construction projects. The ghost city metaphor therefore
has been taken up within broader urban policy debates and has become an emerging
topic of scholarly research (see He, Mol, & Lu, 2016; Shih, Li, & Bo, 2014; Yu, 2014).
The central government has also assimilated the ghost city terminology. Since 2014, the
Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has instituted a measure by which
ghost cities are to be dened. Specically, any urban area with a population density
below 5,000 residents per square kilometer can be thusly categorized. Such a denition,
however, fails to dierentiate between low density attributable to urban shrinkage, as in
a city such as Yumen (Gansu Province), and cities where spatial growth outpaces
demographic growth, as with new towns. Most reporting on ghost cities and the
attendant controversies have focused on the latter type of city.
In the following sections, we approach the problem of Chinas ghost cities from three
key perspectives: property market dynamics, new-town projects, and land-use change.
Our discussion draws upon extant literatures in this eld and brings original data from
our own research.
3. Three views upon ghost cities
3.1. Property market dynamics
The ghost city phenomenon is closely tied to the rapid pace of growth in Chinas
sector. Chinas real estate market has been a prime driver of economic growth
in the 2000s. Averaging across Chinas provinces and municipalities, real estate devel-
opment has grown to nearly 15% of GDP by 2014 since the turn of the millennium,
when the country experienced a renewed phase of accelerating investment-driven
growth in the wake of the 1997/98 Asian nancial crisis.
The construction sectors
share of GDP has exceeded 5.4% every year since 2000 and was measured at a reform-
era high in 2013 at 6.9%.
Such levels are quite high whether one compares such data
with advanced economies or emerging ones and is higher than Japans during its bubble
years of the 1980s. The centrality of urban land and property development in the
Chinese urban economy is made dramatically visible by the vertical and horizontal
growth of cities in recent years. Indeed, the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban
Habitat noted that by 2016 half the worlds skyscrapers would be in China, while few
such buildings existed at the outset of economic reforms in 1978 (Wood, 2014).
Property sector growth on this scale raises important questions about the drivers of
expansions and whether and how it might contribute to an oversupply of housing and
other types of property.
It must be noted rst that growth in the real estate sector has been driven by robust
demand. By the end of the 1990s, the central government formally abandoned the
system of employer-provided housing, which was in fact already much reduced in scope
by that time. Households were encouraged to purchase their employer-provided homes,
often at deep discounts, or to purchase in the open market. Response was enthusiastic,
as evidenced by the rapid increase in urban homeownership rates; in Shanghai, for
example, homeownership rose from 36% in 1997 to 82% by 2005 (Arora, 2005). Rapid
urbanization of the population is also driving housing demand, as tens of millions of
households cement their status as new urban residents through home purchases. In the
context of such strong demand, home prices nationally have risen by an average of 10%
per annum since 2004. Crucially, the steady rise in prices was not fed by supply
pressure. In most cities, demand has been met through rapid increases in oor space
and units. A study by Jing, Gyourko, and Deng (2015), for example, found that total
completed oor space had increased by 50% within their study sample of major cities
since 2009.
The specic geography of property market dynamics is essential to understanding
the problem of oversupply and imbalances in the sector, as well as the emergence of
urban spaces with ghost-town traits. In major cities, such as Beijing and Shanghai, rapid
in-migration and rates of economic growth consistently above national averages have
supported high levels of demand and rapid increases in the stock of property. Quite
contrary to the ghost city trope, recent evidence points to a supply shortage in these
largest markets. Yet the so-called tier-one cities account for only about 10% of total
oor space sold across urban China. The rest is fairly evenly divided among the far
larger subset of lower-tier cities (Chivakul, Lam, Liu, Maliszewski, & Schipke, 2015: 4).
It is among these lower-tier cities where we nd weaker growth in home prices and land
price appreciation, despite central government support for the development of small
and medium-sized cities (Wallace, 2014). Driving this trend toward weaker property
markets in lower-tier cities have been comparatively rapid rates of growth in the
amounts of completed property as well as rates of increase in housing supply that
vastly outpace the growth in numbers of new households. In combination, these forces
raise the prospect of oversupply with potential to last for many years to come.
Recent studies have shown remarkable heterogeneity in the expansion of supply
and inventory among second-tier and lower cities since the implementation of a 4-
trillion RMB stimulus program rolled out in 2009, which concentrated investment
in real estate.
For example, exceptionally large additions of oor space have been
recorded in Xian, Chengdu, and Tianjin (Jing et al., 2015: 5). Using datasets from
the National Bureau of Statistics and local housing bureaus, Chivakul et al. (2015)
have found a substantial increase in developers inventory (the total of unsold
completed properties) of residential real estate across second-tier and third-tier
cities. Indee d, between 2010 a nd 2013, they calculate a nearly 200% increase in
oor space inventory in second-tier and third-tier cities and note distinct regional
patterns: regions they categorize as less developed and industrial northeast have
registered the most pronounced rises in inventory (Chivakul et al., 2015:8).The
expansion of inventory translates i nto signicant pressure on developers and, by
extension, local economies, as excess supply may take years to absorb. For example,
as of 2014, the calculated time required to clear existing supply was 6 years in Inner
Mongolia and 5 years in Shanxi, Liaoning, Jilin, and Ningxia. Inventory on this
scaleoften cluster ed in new d evelopments represents the presence of massive
amounts of unsold property, leaving visibly desolate landscapes readily chara cter-
ized as ghost cities.
Yet, even before the emergence of substantial inventory since 2009, the surge in real
estate demand over the past decade or more was also driven by households nancial
strategies, which were not necessarily connected to the use of purchased properties. As
numerous studies have noted, real estate serves as an essential nancial asset in an
environment with immature capital markets, benchmark bank interest rates near zero,
underdeveloped pension systems, and capital controls (Ong, 2014; Sorace & Hurst,
2016). Rapid price appreciation coupled with nearly as rapid increases in household
income have tended to justify property purchases as a household nancial strategy, even
in spite onerous price-to-income ratios at the time of purchase. Assuming that income
increases maintain recent trends, heavy nancial burdens at signing stand to be
signicantly lightened over the amortization period of mortgages. These factors help
to explain why even lower-income households have rushed to participate in the housing
market. They also point to the signicant risk posed by any sharp reduction in
economic growth, as households face the risk of heavy nancial burdens extending
over far longer periods than anticipated. However, down payments of 3040%, as well
as the use of purchased homes as collateral, eectively shield banks from risk exposure
and lower the likelihood of a nancial crisis originating in the mortgage market.
Robust demand for property as a nancial asset is a key factor in the under-
utilization in property. It is widely known, for example, that households commonly
own multiple homes as a reection of family growth outlooks and investment portfo-
lios. Units purchased for these purposes are often left empty since there is no property
tax in China and therefore no holding cost on property. And yet, the amount of
property sitting empty across China is unknown, as statistics on such indicators are
not currently collected. The National Bureau of Statistics has only recently begun to
produce regular statistical reports on the category of property labeled awaiting sale
(Ch. daishou) but has no capacity to reliably assess properties that are uninhabited or
unused. Additionally, using mortgage data to track second-home purchases likely
understates the amount of such homes given the tendency of higher-income households
to pay cash for properties (Koss, 2015 ). There exists, then, no ocial measure of actual
vacancy; sporadic eorts to gauge vacancy in major cities using proxy measures have
produced results ranging from nearly 20% to 7% (see Jing et al., 2015: 6). The current
lack of reliable data measuring vacancy across Chinese cities underscores the challenges
in assessing the scope of the ghost city phenomenon if it is tied to over-supply and
under-utilization of built space.
3.2. New-town
The ghost city controversy has also focused attention on the proliferation of new-town
being built throughout China under the labels of new districts (Ch. xinqu), eco-
cities (Ch. xingtai cheng), new towns (Ch. xincheng), and university towns (Ch. daxue
cheng) (see Chien, 2013; Li, Li, & Wang, 2014; Wu, 2015). The recent trend in new-
town development comes on the heels of Chinas zone fever of the 1980s and 1990s,
which entailed the establishment of thousands of industrial parks throughout the
country, many of which were commercial failures (Cartier, 2001). Like their industrial
park predecessors, todays new towns have similarly struggled, and many are featured in
reporting on ghost cities.
Though the planning themes of recent new-town projects dier from one another,
they share a number of important features that contribute to their characterization as
ghost cities. First, such projects are planned, city-scale mega-projects, with rst-phase
urban construction areas of 30 km
or more, and sometimes considerably larger. One of
Nanjings three planned university towns (Xianling), for example, has a planned area of
70 km
(Chien, 2013: 183). New district projects are often much larger still, reaching
461 km
in the case of Chenggong New District (Yunnan Province) and 806 km
Lanzhou New District (Gansu Province). To accommodate such massive area, new-
town projects are most often undertaken in peri-urban areas either adjoining the city or
at some distance from the originating city. Second, given ocials short terms in oce
(on average about 3 years) and the bureaucratic assessment system focused on meeting
various growth-oriented targets, city leaders are keen to commence construction on
large-scale developments as quickly as possible. The rapid pace of construction is
designed to maximize city leaders immediate benets from the economic growth
generated by construction and the additional scal income obtainable by putting
huge parcels of cheaply acquired peri-urban rural land onto primary urban land
markets. Given the rapid tempo of project initiation and construction, however, the
supply of built space tends to outpace in-migration, leaving much space under-utilized.
Third, Chinas new-town projects are notable for featuring an abundance of monu-
mental public infrastructures, such as museums, theaters, libraries, convention centers,
city halls, and gigantic public plazas and parks. These occupy prime central spaces but
see little day-to-day use. These three core features of new-town projects have meant that
they achieve immense scale and visual extravagance from the outset but often take years
to gain signicant population. In the interim, such spaces lack the vitality of the
downtown spaces in the adjacent old population centers. Jarring contrasts between
the crowded and bustling streets of Zhengzhou and its capacious and less-crowded
new-town project, Zhengdong, for example, make the latter town decidedly ghostly
(Xue, Wang, & Tsai, 2013).
Recent research exploring the politicaleconomic and territorial logics of Chinas
project-led urban growth strategies provides additional insight into the causal factors
driving new-town projects and suggests why many appear to struggle commercially and
become ghost cities. At one level, the establishment of new towns represents a territorial
dynamic driven by various state actors struggles for control over cities key scal
resource: land (for example, see Lin & Yi, 2011; Hsing, 2006; Chien, 2008; Hsing,
2010; Wu, 2015) Municipalities that successfully initiate mega-projects such as new
towns gain control over vast areas, often doubling the size of the original city and
greatly increasing the amount of developable land. As You-tien Hsing (2006) has
argued, acquiring land and building on it is essential to the territorial strategies of
municipal authorities, who rely on control of land for scal revenue and to cement their
political legitimacy through eective and visually striking construction projects.
At another level, large-scale land development supplies cash-strapped city adminis-
trations with vital scal resources through leases and rents. Incentives to expand land
development are strong, as income from land transactions is categorized as extra-
budgetary revenue and, therefore, is exempt from tax sharing with the central govern-
ment (see Song & Ding, 2007). Initiating land development is also a crucial mechanism
to mobilize development capital wherever capital is scarce, as acquired land parcels can
be used as collateral for bank loans applied toward various urban development projects
(Lin & Yi, 2011). In this sense, the forces of demographic and industrial expansion
propelling urban growth are given additional thrust by municipal-level politics, which
have a profound impact on the pace and scale of city growth.
The rapid growth of city-scale new-town projects has thus made for striking images
of barely inhabited cities. It is unclear, however, which of these will gradually gain
population and become more city-like, and which will earn reputations as white
elephants. As Shepard notes in Ghost Cities of China: Rome wasnt built in a day;
neither are new cities in China (2015: Chapter 9). It may still be too early to judge the
outcomes for these cities-in-waiting.
3.3. Land-use
Another way to investigate the ghost city phenomenon is to consider land uses in order
discern patterns that reveal a surge in built space relative to population. At the
national scale, the category of urban construction land, which refers to land that can be
used for the range of urban functions, has expanded at nearly double the rate of
demographic urbanization (Figures 1 & 2). In short, land is being urbanized at a faster
rate than the population. Ocial statistics show built-up land area more than doubling
from 22,439 km
in 2000 to 47,108 km
in 2013, while urban population increases only
at half that rate, from 459,060,000 in 2000 to 731,000,000 in 2013.
At this national
scale, the data points toward massive sprawl of urban built-up areas into adjacent land
and a remarkable increase in per-capita urban space.
Assessing this trend at more local scales reveals important dierences suggestive of
regional trends in the over-production of urban space since 2000. Using World Bank
data for county-level administrative units, for example, we nd considerable hetero-
geneity in changes in urban density (see World Bank, 2015). Urban areas in coastal
regions have seen more population growth in absolute terms and have expanded urban
construction land signicantly through lateral sprawl. By contrast, similarly large
physical expansions of urban construction land in the absence of comparable increases
in population more easily code as empty in our ndings. These results echo reporting
on ghost cities that locate such sites in interior regions, where rapid urbanization of
land has preceded the presence of populations and produced spaces of remarkably low
urban population density.
The lack of ocial data on urban tenancy and vacancy, however, makes it dicult to
develop a more granular analysis of density and ghost town development. Some recent
research eorts have attempted an end run around ocial data limitations, however, by
taking advantage of Internet and wireless communication-based big data in a GIS
environment. Using location data from cell phones accessing Baidu for internet
searches in combination with mapped locations of buildings, Chi, Liu, Zhengwei, and
Haishan (2015) identify locations consistent with ghostly emptiness. As their study
acknowledges, however, the employed data-generation process contains a number of
selection biases, most notably the equation of location-aware Baidu searches with
tenancy and the exclusion from the study of populations with alternative Internet use
patterns or lack of Internet access. Yet despite data shortcomings, their studys results
turn up a number of usual suspects in reporting on ghost cities, including Kangbashi
and Tianjins Binhai New District. Results such as these provide further evidence of
trends in city building that produce spaces widely referred to as ghost cities.
4. Prospects
There is currently no consensus on what constitutes a ghost city in China. At the heart
of this denitional and conceptual quandary is confusion over the signicance of
emptiness and tenancy in urban spaces, a confusion based in no small part on an
absence of data. But also, more conceptually, what level of tenancy qualies as proble-
matic? To what point is strong demand for real estate an eect of distortions caused by
a remarkable accumulation of capital with insucient productive outlets? These chal-
lenges make it dicult to assess where ghost cities exist, how large they me be, their
originating causes and for how long they may lack population.
Nonetheless, recent research into property oversupply and ghost cities has stimulated
useful debates about Chinas urbanization. This work has brought to light problems at
the heart of our empirical grasp of the countrys urban transformations as well as
shortcomings in our conceptual language used to understand this process. Is a city a
city if there are no people? What are the connections in Chinas peculiar setting
between industrialization, capital accumulation, and city growth? Given the strong
role played by local states in pushing urban expansion, to what degree are demographic
growth and industrialization the drivers of Chinas urbanization? Relatedly, how are use
and exchange values connected in Chinas drive to urbanize? How might the relation-
ships among these forces alter longstanding urban theory that has tended to see
urbanization as a capital-driven process linked to industrialization?
The China case clearly demonstrates the vital interplay among city-level political
forces, the urban land tenure regime, and national-level economic forces in shaping the
countrys dramatic urbanization. Strong economic growth alone does not account for
the production of urban spaces that have come to be referred to as ghost cities.
Neither does the decantation of the countryside fully explain the particular spatial
patterns of urban sprawl and housing over-supply. Indeed, a recent review by the
cabinet-level National Development and Reform Commission found 3,500 urban pro-
jects currently on the books in China with potential to house 3.4 billion people (Xinhua,
2016). Such ndings highlight anew the relevance of the ghost town terminology and
hold alarming implications for the economic and social viability of cities. In short, they
point to a gigantic absorption of capital in urban built space and reveal that a major
output of Chinas economy in the 2000s has simply been cities.
1. For exa mples of photographic e ssays, see http://content.time.com/time/photogallery/
0,29307,1975397,00.html (Time magazine), http://www.thebohemianblog.com/2014/02/wel
come-to-ordos-world-largest-ghost-city-china.html (Bohemian blog), http://www.raphaeloli
vier.com/china/architecture/photographer/ordos/failed-utopia/ (Rafael Olivier). All sites
accessed 25 June 2016.
2. See http://www.aljazeera.com/news/asia-pacic/2009/11/2009111061722672521.html
3. To illustrate the volume of reporting on Chinas
ghost cities, a search on Google news for
China ghost city’” returns 1,720 results as of June 2016.
4. We note that in the years since the emergence of Chinas
ghost city controversy, other sites
around the world, such as Masdar in Dubai and Songdo in South Korea, have also been
labeled ghost cities in various reports. See Shapiro (2015) and (Goldenberg, 2016).
5. National Bureau of Statistics. www.stats.gov.cn and
6. National Bureau of Statistics. www.stats.gov.cn
7. The four trillion RMB estimate comes from the scal
side, yet harder to measure but likely
even larger in size was nancial stimulus in the form of loans from state-owned policy and
commercial banks. See (Naughton, 2009).
8. Property-related debt on corporate balance sheets, on the other hand, are a major source of
concern. See, e.g. Kroeber (2016).
9. National Bureau of Statistics. www.stats.gov.cn
Disclosure statement
No potential conict of interest was reported by the authors.
Jeremy L. Wallace
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