Depar tm ent of HomeAffairs
Australian Go ver nment
Visitor visa (subclass 600)
Tourist stream application checklist - CHINA
You need to provide documents to support your application for this visa. We can make a decision solely on
the basis of the information you provide when you lodge your application. It is in your interest to provide as
much information as possible with your application.
We strongly encourage you to lodge your application online via ImmiAccount as you can create, submit, pay for and
manage your visa application online. Lodging online also helps us streamline visa processing arrangements.
If you are unable to lodge your application online, you can lodge your completed paper application at an Australian
Visa Application Centre (AVAC).
If you are applying online, use the checklist below as a guide to prepare your documents and follow the checklist at
the end of the online application form. Scan the original of each document in colour. If a document has multiple
pages, include all pages in one file instead of separate files. If you attach poor quality scanned documents this may
lead to delays or the refusal of your application.
If you are applying at an AVAC, use the checklist below as a guide to prepare your documents and attach it to your
paper application. Provide colour copies of original documents.
Do not include original documents unless we specifically ask for them.
Documents not in English must be accompanied by an English translation.
Please provide an email address on the application form as this is the easiest way to communicate with you.
Forms and Fees
Completed application form
Apply online at ImmiAccount
If you are unable to apply online, complete Form 1419 Application for a Visitor visaTourist stream and
lodge at your closest AVAC.
Visa Application Charge
Personal and identity documents
Provide a scan/copy of bio-data page of your current passport (this is the page with your photograph,
personal details and issue/expiry date). If applying at the AVAC provide two colour photocopies.
Provide a scan/copy of the back page of your passport (if signature page) and all pages containing a visa,
entry/exit stamp or signature.
National Identity card
Provide a scan/copy of both sides of your national ID card
Recent passport sized photograph (45mm x 35mm) of your head and shoulders against a plain
background. If applying at the AVAC, attach the photograph to the front of your application.
Visitor visa (subclass 600) - Tourist stream checklist CHINA June 2018 | 2
Family evidence
Provide evidence of your family composition, such as your family registration booklet (hukou) or a
completed Form 54: Family Composition in English and Chinese
Documents to show you are a genuine visitor
Financial evidence
Provide evidence of your personal financial status and capacity to support yourself in Australia. This may
include but is not limited to:
Bank deposit books or bank statement showing your savings history and/or salary over a period of time
Payslips from your employer
Retirement pension book
Evidence of other funds or significant assets
If a friend/relative in Australia is paying for your visit, provide a statement of their support and evidence of
their financial capacity to do so. Please note you should still provide evidence of your own financial status
even if your travel is being funded by a friend or a relative.
Evidence of your current employment/occupation
If you are employed, provide an employment letter showing your position and salary, length of employment,
leave approval and the name/contact details of the person providing the letter.
If you own a business, provide a copy of your business licence.
If you are a student, provide evidence of your enrolment at a school, college or university.
Purpose of visit
If you are visiting family or friends, provide an invitation from your inviter in Australia, evidence of your relationship
with the inviter and evidence of your inviter’s passport and status in Australia.
If you are visiting for tourism, provide your intended itinerary for your stay in Australia.
Residence status / right of return
Provide evidence of your visa or residence status in China and your right to return (only if you are residing in
China but are not a Chinese citizen).
Health and character requirements
All applicants must meet the health requirement
You may be required to complete health examinations, depending on your personal circumstances. This
may include but is not limited to applicants over 75 years of age, applicants intending to enter a health
care facility in Australia, and applicants requesting a stay period of 6 months or more. For more
information see: Meeting the Health Requirement
If you are required to complete health examinations, you must arrange the examinations with a panel
doctor. See: Immigration Panel Doctors
All applicants must meet the character requirement
If you have served in the armed forces of any country provide your military service record and/or
discharge papers
IF APPLICABLE: Receiving assistance
If someone gives you advice or lodges your application for you
Provide Form 956 Advice by a migration agent/exempt person of providing immigration assistance
If you want someone else to receive correspondence on your behalf,
Provide Form 956a Appointment or withdrawal of an authorised recipient
Visitor visa (subclass 600) - Tourist stream checklist CHINA June 2018 | 3
IF APPLICABLE: applicants under 18 years of age
Family groups travelling together should lodge all applications together where possible. If lodging online,
please select the relevant option for ‘Group Processingin ImmiAccount.
Evidence of your relationship to your parents or legal guardian(s)
Provide a scan/copy of your original birth certificate showing your name and both parents names.
Notary birth certificates are not acceptable.
Provide a scan/copy of both parents’ national identity cards.
If applicable, you should also provide a scan/copy of your parents’ marriage certificate.
If somebody other than your biological parents have legal guardianship over you (for example, adoptive
parents or court-appointed guardian), you must provide documentary evidence of your legal guardianship.
Evidence of consent to travel from your parents / legal guardians
If you are travelling without one or both parents / legal guardians, provide their written authorisation
permitting you to travel. See: Form 1229 Consent form to grant an Australian visa to a child under
the age of 18 years
Reminder: Please list each person you will be travelling, to Australia with, under the travel
companions section in your application form.
Welfare undertaking (only if applicable)
If you are staying in Australia with someone other than a parent, legal guardian or relative, provide a
declaration of support signed by the person responsible for that child in Australia. See: Form 1257
Undertaking declaration
IF APPLICABLE: applicants travelling as part of a group tour
Evidence of group tour
Provide a covering letter from the organiser, itinerary of the tour and a list of all participants.
Please note that organisers of group tours should lodge all applications for the group together where
possible. If lodging online, please select the relevant option for ‘Group Processing’ in IMMIAccount.
Additional study tour documents to be provided by organiser (if applicable)
List of all students and staff/parents/chaperones, including which school they are affiliated with.
Letter from the school in China confirming enrolment of each applicant and organiser’s contact details.
Invitation letter from the institution in Australia
Lodger’s details (AVAC lodgements only)
If you are lodging this application on behalf of another person, include this checklist and provide
the following details:
Full name: ………………………………………..………….. Date of Birth: ………………………………………….
Mobile number: ……………………………… PRC ID card or Passport number: ………………………..
Official use: PRC ID card or passport sighted by AVAC staff.