School of Business & Design
November/December 2021
School of Business & Design • Chowan University • One University Place • Murfreesboro NC 27855
I  ...
Honors Students Recognized
Cauthen Wins CU in Blues
Clues Scavenger Hunt
Fellows Students Recognized
Henke Recognized for
Dedication to Chowan
4+1 MOL Program
Annual Student Art &
Design Juried Exhibition
Business Hosts Guest
2021-2022 PICA
Mass Communication
Hosts Livestreaming for
Phi Beta Lambda Celebrates
Mass Communication
Professor Places in Skate
Business T-shirts for Sale
Mass Communication
Presents B-movie Night
Students of the Month
School of Business & Design
Honors Students Recognized
The Outstanding Honors College Awards are presented to members
of each class. The certicate reads: “The Outstanding Honors College
Award is presented in recognition of academic achievement, service
to the university, and contribution to the Honors College Program
and Honors College Student Association.”
The following School of Business & Design Students were recognized
for their service:
Ahmeika Jones
Shaine Olmstead
Michaela Worthington
Adasia Boone
Haleigh Reid
Destiny Vaughan
Patrick Sullivan
Sreshta Puducheri
continued on page 2
2 • November/December 2021 School of Business & Design Newsletter
School of Business & Design Honors Students
Recognized continued
Certicates of Appreciation were presented to
members of the 2021-2022 Honors College Student
Association Executive Committee. The Certicate
reads: “This certicate of appreciation is presented
with deep appreciation of devoted service and
faithful leadership.
Destiny Vaughan, The Brown Lady Editorial
Haleigh Reid, Social Activities Chair
Adasia Boone, Secretary
The Honors College Student Association recognized
graduating seniors during its annual awards dinner
on November 21. They are:
Tyler Bray
Ahmeika Jones
Harri Lovett
Shaine Olmstead
Lucas Pels
Brooke Woods-Pennell
Michaela Worthington
Kyra Cauthen wins CU
in Blue’s Clues Scavenger
Congratulations to Kyra Cauthen, Graphic Design
Senior, on winning the CU in Blue’s Clues scavenger
hunt. On November 4, Kyra found the keychain
in the library basement after following the clues
provided by Mr. Jason Fowler, who played “Steve”
in the Blues Clues spoof videos. The contest began
on October 21 and created a campus wide search
effort, to which Kyra ended when she was the rst
to nd the prize. She is pictured here receiving her
new iPad as a reward for winning the contest.
Thank you to all those who helped make this event
a success: Mr. Jason Fowler, Dr. Sam Miller, Mrs.
Kimberly Bailey, Mr. Andy Wilson, and Mrs. Ruth
November/December 2021 School of Business & Design Newsletter • 3
School of Business & Design Students Recognized at
Chowan Fellows Association Awards Program
The Chowan Fellows Association held its annual
awards program on Sunday, November 14.
The following students from the School of Business
& Design were recognized with Crystal Awards.
Darrell Cobb, Graphic Communications, was
presented the Sua Sponte Award. Sua Sponte
is the motto of the Chowan Fellows Association.
This award recognizes a Chowan Fellow who
has shown a determination to take into his or her
hands the responsibility for himself or herself and
of fellow members.
Diamond Martin, Graphic Communications,
was presented the Leadership Award. This
award recognizes a Chowan Fellow who has
demonstrated exceptional leadership in the
association and at the university.
Jayden Riley, Business Administration, was
presented the Fellows Award. This award is given
to a Chowan Fellow in recognition of exceptional
contribution to the success of the Chowan Fellows
The following students from the School of Business
& Design were recognized with Certicates of
Appreciation for their service on the 2021-2022
Chowan Fellows Association Executive Committee.
Darrell Cobb, Graphic Communications,
Cultural Literacy Activities Chair
Troy Dunkley, Business Administration,
Diamond Martin, Graphic Communications,
Jayden Riley, Business Administration,
The Outstanding Chowan Fellows Program
Awards are presented to members of each class. The
certicate reads: “The Outstanding Fellows Program
Award is presented in recognition of leadership,
service to the University, and contribution to the
Fellows Program and Chowan Fellows Association.
The 2021 Outstanding Fellows Program
Seniors from the School of Business & Design are:
MeShaun Kenney, Graphic Communications
Diamond Martin, Graphic Communications
Jayden Riley, Business Administration
The 2021 Outstanding Fellows Program
Juniors from the School of Business & Design are:
Anyae Bugg, Graphic Communications
Darrell Cobb, Graphic Communications
Troy Dunkley, Business Administration
D’Andra Flora, Business Administration
Crystal Washington, Graphic
The 2021 Outstanding Fellows Program
Sophomores from the School of Business & Design
Chrishyne Ward, Graphic Design
The 2021 Outstanding Fellows Program
Freshmen from the School of Business & Design
Trevon Abraham, Business Administration
Tylar Willams, Business Administration
4 • November/December 2021 School of Business & Design Newsletter
4+1 Equals Master of Arts in Organizational
The School of Business & Design and the School
of Graduate Studies will implement a pathway for
undergraduates who exhibit exceptional academic
performance to complete undergraduate and
graduate coursework concurrently, also known as
the 4+1 program.
Starting fall 2022, any student who has completed
at least 72 hours of undergraduate course work with
a minimum of a 3.25 GPA and is currently enrolled
full-time in one of the programs below will be eligible
to apply.
Eligible programs will include:
BA in Mass Communication
BS in Business Administration
BA in Business
BS in Criminal Justice
BS in Psychology
BS in Applied Psychology
BS in Sport Management
Henke Recognized for
Exceptional Dedication to the
Fellows Program
One of the annual awards presented at the Chowan Fellows
Association Leadership Awards Dinner is The Fellows
Chowan Award, which recognizes a faculty or staff
member for exceptional dedication to the Fellows Program
members through mentoring. This year’s award was presented
to Dr. Mitchell Henke, Professor of Graphic Communications.
Congratulations, Dr. Henke!
To learn more about this exciting opportunity, feel free to reach out to Dr. Dan Wilson, Program Director,
or Dr. Hunter Taylor, Dean of Business & Design.
Dr. Dan O. Wilson
Dr. Hunter Taylor
November/December 2021 School of Business & Design Newsletter • 5
Call for Entries – 52
Annual Student Art and
Design Juried Exhibition
It may seem far off, but the student art and design show is just around the corner. Chowan University
students are eligible to enter up to (3) original artworks to compete for cash prizes in the annual juried
exhibition that will open on Thursday, February 3, 2022. See the show prospectus (shared via email) or
email Professsor Rob Buller ( for all requirements and important details.
Fancy yourself as an artist? Share your masterpiece with the world, or, at the very least to your fellow
classmates and the Chowan University community.
Last years award winners for the
Annual Student Art and Design Juried Exhibition:
First place - Chris Whaley - Lighthouse in the Clouds
Second place - Charles Kearse - Delusional Fantasy
Third place - Mitch Bess - Untitled (Fountain)
Honorable mention - Mitch Bess - Untitled (Skull)
Honorable mention - Kyra Cauthen - Mother Nature
Lighthouse in the Clouds, Chris Whaley Delusional Fantasy, Charles Kearse
6 • November/December 2021 School of Business & Design Newsletter
Business Classes Host Guest Speakers
During November and early December, students in Mrs. Patsy Taylor’s classes hosted guest speakers. The
information they shared was valuable and insightful and reactions from students were very positive and
Mr. Tom Eisenmenger, Assistant Professor
of Information Systems, spoke to Mrs. Taylor’s
Foundations of Business (BUS 150) class on Friday,
November 19. He talked about the multiple ways
businesses use information systems.
Mrs. Shannon Williams, Associate Professor
of Accounting, spoke to students in Mrs. Taylor’s
Foundations of Business (BUS 150) class on Friday,
November 12. The information she shared about the
accounting eld was interesting and informative.
Dr. Alan Scott, Title IX Coordinator and Director
of Career Services, spoke to Mrs. Taylor’s Business
Colloquium (BUS 390) class on Thursday, November
9. He spoke about job interviews. He shared tips
about what types of questions to prepare for and
how to approach them as well as some of the “dos
and don’ts” of the process. Additionally, Dr. Scott
assisted Mrs. Taylor on November 30 and December
2 with a series of mock job interviews with students
enrolled in the BUS 390 class.
continued on page 8
November/December 2021 School of Business & Design Newsletter • 7
Mass Communication Hosts Livestreaming for
The Mass Communication Program is using video
games and live streaming as a tool for recruiting.
Now that Mass Communication is ofcially here
at Chowan University, it’s time to drum up some
excitement for the new program by demonstrating
some of the skills students can learn in the program.
happens. Every Monday at 4 PM, Dr. Samuel Miller
hosts a live stream on the program’s Facebook page
where interested students can hang out with a faculty
member and learn more about what the program
While students watch, Dr. Miller plays a video game
and answers any questions students might have
about the major or program faculty. The rst two
live streams showcased different genres of games
with Animal Crossing: New Horizons, followed by
Metroid Dread the following week. The conversations
during the stream range from the benets of earning
a degree in the program to hearing nostalgic tales of
him buying his rst video console at the age of ten.
We hope you’ll login and join the fun!
Anybody interested in following the stream can
nd it on the program’s Facebook page: Mass
Communication at Chowan University or by scanning
the QR code below.
2021-2022 PICA Scholarship
The Printing Industry of the Carolinas, Inc. (PICA) is
the regional trade association for print manufacturing
in North and South Carolina. The PICA Foundation
was formed as a charitable organization, the funds of
which are used to promote education in the printing
industry. Each year, PICA awards money to be used
for scholarships for students pursuing a degree in
Graphic Communications at Chowan University.
This year’s (2021-22) scholarship recipients are:
Caryn Bowe
Darrell Cobb
Diamond Martin
Emashara’e Seaberry
Mauquann Squire
Karensa Strieder
Shanelle Thompson
Crystal Washington
8 • November/December 2021 School of Business & Design Newsletter
Phi Beta Lambda Celebrates Christmas
Mrs. Taylor hosted a Christmas dinner on Monday evening for Phi Beta Lambda members. There was a lot
of food, fellowship, and fun. For more information on how you can join PBL, contact Patsy Taylor at taylop@
Merry Christmas from CU’s PBL chapter to you and yours.
Wishing you a safe and blessed holiday season!
Business Classes Host Guest Speakers continued
Dr. Dan Wilson, Program Coordinator for the
Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership
program, spoke to students in Mrs. Taylor’s Business
Colloquium (BUS 390) class on Tuesday, December 7.
He spoke about the Master of Arts in Organizational
Leadership program sharing information about the
curriculum as well as the application process.
November/December 2021 School of Business & Design Newsletter • 9
Mass Communication Professor Places in Skate
Proving that professors can do more than just lecture
classes and grade papers, Mass Communication
professor Samuel Miller took 3rd place at a local
skate contest in Norfolk, VA on November 21.
At the PJ Jam Session at Northside Skatepark in
Norfolk, VA, skaters competed in the grind box
challenge. Skaters from all over the Seven Cities
region tested their mettle by attempting a vast array
skate tricks on a series of obstacles to determine who
had the best grinds, cess slides, and transfers. The
competition was erce with participants attempting
to outdo each other by pulling off some of the most
technical tricks they could muster.
After the dust settled, Dr. Samuel Miller claimed 3rd
place in the face of steep odds. Surprised by the
results, Dr. Miller thanked his fellow competitors for
pushing him to try his hardest in the contest, even
though all he wanted to do was have some fun with
some fellow skaters. He hopes to compete again
next year so long as his body will allow him.
Dr. Miller, second from left, with other winners at the PJ Jam Session in Norfolk, VA.
10 • November/December 2021 School of Business & Design Newsletter
Department of Business T-shirts – Phi Beta Lambda
Phi Beta Lambda is taking orders for Department of Business t-shirts. Check your email and the Business
Majors Blackboard page for more information. For now, note the following information about the shirts:
Both short and long-sleeve options
Black shirts with white screen print
Range of sizes from Small to 5XL
Short sleeve option - $10.00
Long sleeve option - $15.00
Bundle option (short and long sleeve) - $22.00
Thank you to Professor Jason Fowler for his help in perfecting the design. Also, thank you to Michaela
Worthington, Phi Beta Lambda President, for her efforts in the design process.
Contact Patsy Taylor, Phi Beta Lambda Faculty Adviser,
at for more information.
Front Design
Back Design
Place an order for your shirt
(or shirts) TODAY and
prepare to show your
Department of Business pride.
November/December 2021 School of Business & Design Newsletter • 11
Mass Communication Presents B-Movie Night
Students and Faculty brought their popcorn and
curiosity as they attended Mass Communication’s
second B-Movie night of the semester with the holiday
cult classic: Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.
On Thursday, December 2nd, Horner Hall hosted the
1964 children’s movie about Martians learning the
meaning of Christmas and the magic of childhood.
The plot follows Martians concerned that their
children are too distracted by Earth entertainment
and will not nish their lessons. Their wise sage
recommends that the children must experience
childhood before it is too late. He suggests that they
bring Christmas to Mars. A team of Martians goes
on a mission to kidnap Santa Claus and, along the
way, must apprehend two small children, so they are
not discovered by the authorities.
The lm’s terrible acting, awkward-looking costumes,
and psychedelic atmosphere will leave the viewer in a
state of wonder. However, it’s the type of wondering
that has someone scratching their head about how
they received funding for this lm in the rst place.
Before the movie started, Dr. Miller presented some
background information about the production. Dr.
Miller is not a fan of holiday specials, but he is willing
to make exceptions when they look as bad as this
one. He plans on bringing B-Movie night back next
semester because there will always be a backlog of
bad movies to watch.
Event Promotional Flyer
12 • November/December 2021 School of Business & Design Newsletter
Business Student of the Month
M V
Megan Vincent is the November Business student of
the month. She is a management major with a minor
in accounting. Megan is from Boykins, Virginia,
and she came to Chowan University because of the
homelike atmosphere and small classes. She wanted
a college where she could get to know her professors
on a personal level. She also came to play college
Megan feels that coming to Chowan has been one
of her best decisions. She attended a junior college
before Chowan and wanted to go to a small school
afterwards. She felt that a smaller university would
best t her needs, and she chose Chowan as a place
where she could excel in her eld of study. She says
Chowan University has exceeded her expectations.
She explains that some of her best experiences at
Chowan are meeting lifelong friends, developing
relationships with her professors, and building a
network that will benet her throughout her life and
Megan stays very busy at Chowan. She excels
academically and is a member of Alpha Chi, Chi
Alpha Sigma, Pi Gamma Mu, and Sigma Beta Delta.
Her favorite class has been Finance. She likes the
class because it aligns with her interests and is a eld
that she would like to pursue once she graduates.
She also states that Dr. Taylor does a really good
job with working with students. In addition to this,
Megan is a pitcher on the Chowan University Softball
Megan’s best advice to freshman students would
be not to procrastinate. Instead, she says students
should be sure to understand their priorities and
work hard on their grades. She also advises her
fellow students to get to know their professors and
just be willing to make the effort to do well.
Megan will graduate in May 2022 and plans to
pursue a career in accounting. She has a winter
break internship with a local tax and accounting
rm, Jentry White, CPA. Megan is a joy to have as
a student and we wish her all the best. We know
she will succeed in any endeavor she chooses.
Congratulations, Megan!
November/December 2021 School of Business & Design Newsletter • 13
Communication Arts Student of the Month
D C
Dave Clark is November’s Communication Arts
Student of the Month. Dave is a Business & Design
major, who shows an aptitude and talent for both.
As a business major originally, Dave grew interested
in running a business and learning how a business
was created and run. As he continued in his studies,
he soon realized he also had a passion for art &
design, which made him a perfect candidate for the
newly-founded Bachelor’s in Business & Design at
Chowan. He says that the major “felt perfect for
[him].” As a graphic designer, Dave is constantly
experimenting and learning new techniques that take
his work in new and exciting directions. As a member
of the Chowan Graphic Design Club, he has created
t-shirt designs, sticker designs, poster designs, and
recently, coloring book page designs in his own
unique style and design voice. Along with being a
member of the Chowan Graphic Design Club, Dave
is also a member of Kappa Pi, the Chowan Men’s
Swim Team, and recently took 3rd place in the First
Annual Kappa Pi Video Game Tournament, as well
as 2nd place in a poker tournament held here at
Chowan University.
Dave is currently working on a body of work
focused on his original character, Pencil Man, and
his wild adventures with his friend, a ash drive and
his nemesis, a stapler. He is also considering a new
character, some type of sauce, in his future Pencil
man stories. Professor Fowler said of Dave, “Dave
has shown so much promise and talent since joining
my classroom as a graphic designer. I cannot wait
to see how far his dedication and creativity will take
Congratulations Dave, on your selection as the
November 2021 Communication Arts Student of the
14 • November/December 2021 School of Business & Design Newsletter
Business Student of the Month
H L
Please congratulate Harri Lovett, the Chowan
University Department of Business Student of the
Month for December 2021!
Harri is an extremely conscientious student, working
towards a Bachelor of Arts in Business (Chowan’s
business program with a strong global component)
with a Marketing Minor. Naturally, then, he cites
courses in marketing and those with a strong global
component as being his favorites so far. He is also
active in many campus scholastic organizations such
as Alpha Chi (where he is President), Alpha Lambda
Delta, Sigma Beta Delta, the Honors College, and
also serves as a Presidential Ambassador. Harri
also has recently become the rst student-athlete in
Chowan Athletics history to be named academic and
athletic All-American in the same season after also
receiving First Team Academic All-American honors.
Harri comes from Wrexham, Wales, a small city
about 35 miles south of Liverpool, England, and
not so far from Manchester. Naturally, then, soccer
(ahem, “football”) has played a signicant role in
his life. He is a defender on the Chowan Hawks
Men’s Soccer team and was chosen to be the team’s
captain. While the honor is certainly well-deserved,
he can be self-deprecating, proudly noting that his
younger sister has won more cups than he.
When asked what most surprised him about
Americans, Harri noted that he expected “relentless
partying” but, instead, found “relentless work.” A
strong work ethic is nothing new to him; he enjoyed
his work as a door-to-door sales rep/trainer for an
educational software company in the UK. His days
are long, usually beginning at 7:30 am working
in Chowan Admissions, then classes and soccer
practice, then nding time to coach soccer in a youth
league in Suffolk, VA (three nights a week)! He plans
to stay in the USA, to rst pursue a graduate degree
(possibly Chowan’s Master of Arts in Organizational
Leadership) and then, hopefully, to coach soccer at
the collegiate level!
Asked for his advice to other students, Harri offers,
“Go to class, put the phone in the backpack, know
when tests are and know the simple things!” He
also wishes to express his heartfelt gratitude to the
Chowan family for really caring for him during a
recent family tragedy.
Harri, it has been a pleasure having you as a student
and we all know you will continue your success,
both in the classroom and on the playing eld!
November/December 2021 School of Business & Design Newsletter • 15
Communication Arts Student of the Month
K C
Kyra Cauthen is December’s Communication Arts
Student of the Month. Kyra has always shown a air
for the creative and dramatic in her design work and
her studio artwork. As a graphic designer and student
in Chowan’s Communication Arts program, she is a
leader among her peers, while not only completing
her own work, but constantly stepping in to help her
fellow students complete their project goals as well.
As a member and acting President of the Chowan
Graphic Design Club, she leads the way in all of the
meetings and projects which the club undertakes. In
fact, her t-shirt design was selected anonymously by
her peers to be one of the two t-shirt designs that
the club offered to campus for the annual fundraiser.
Kyra is also a member and former Vice President
of Kappa Pi, while also being a member of the
Chowan Women’s Soccer Team. If all of that were
not enough, she also recently won the First Annual
Great Chowan Scavenger Hunt, (and a shiny new
iPad) by nding the hidden keychain, besting other
Chowan students in a campus-wide search effort.
Recently, Kyra and Graphic Design Professor Jason
Fowler collaborated on a design book project,
entitled Windows, that acts as a representation of the
ways that men and women often choose to share or
hide themselves from others. Kyra said, when asked
about her work for the book, “My goal was to reveal
different emotions through highlighting the eyes of
my subjects and show the value in revealing yourself
and being vulnerable to others. It is something I have
struggled with in my life, so in creating this body
of work, I am confronting my greatest challenge.”
In the future, Kyra hopes to become a Professor of
Graphic Design because she “never wants to stop
learning. If I am still at a school, I feel it will motivate
me to continue learning.She also says that “Every
single time I have been in school, I have always had
a design teacher that would push me when I needed
it and also lift me up when I needed it as well, and I
want to do that for other people, my future students.
Congratulations Kyra, on your selection as the
December 2021 Communication Arts Student of the
16 • November/December 2021 School of Business & Design Newsletter
Hunter S. Taylor, DBA
Dean of the School of Business & Design
Debbie Joyner
Secretary & Editor
Phone: 252-398-6529
Design and printing by
Wm. A. Krueger School
of Graphic Communications.
For more information about any of the degree
programs offered through the School of
Business & Design, please visit:
Murfreesboro, North Carolina
Mother Nature, Kyra Cauthen
A Breath Away, Karensa Strieder
Fallen Angel, Malik Cousins