2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 9, Chapter 3
*August 2011
All changes are denoted by blue font.
Substantive revisions are denoted by an * symbol preceding the section, paragraph,
table, or figure that includes the revision.
Unless otherwise noted, chapters referenced are contained in this volume.
Hyperlinks are denoted by bold, italic, blue and underlined font.
The previous version dated August 2010 is archived.
Added mailing address for Defense Travel
Management Office.
Corrected reference to read 10 U.S.C. 2784a.
Change reference from Public Law 107 to
10 U.S.C. 2784a.
Updated hyperlinks and format to comply with
current guidance.
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 9, Chapter 3
*August 2011
Table of Contents
CHARGE CARD (GTCC)” ............................................................................................................ 1
0301 POLICY AND PURPOSE ............................................................................................. 5
030101. Overview .............................................................................................................. 5
030102. GTCC Applicable ................................................................................................. 5
030103. Compliance........................................................................................................... 5
0302 RESPONSIBILITIES ..................................................................................................... 5
030201. General Services Administration (GSA) .............................................................. 5
*030202. Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness) (USD (P&R))............... 6
030203. The Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO) .............................................. 6
030204. Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) .............................................. 6
030205. Comptrollers ......................................................................................................... 6
030206. DoD Component Heads/Defense Agency Directors ............................................ 7
030207. CBA Managers ..................................................................................................... 7
030208. Travel Cardholders ............................................................................................... 7
0303 GENERAL GTCC INFORMATION ............................................................................ 8
030301. Individually Billed Accounts (IBAs) ................................................................... 8
030302. Centrally Billed Accounts (CBAs) ....................................................................... 8
030303. Disputes ................................................................................................................ 9
030304. Electronic Access System (EAS) ....................................................................... 10
030305. Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Use ............................................................. 10
030306. Merchant Category Codes (MCCs) .................................................................... 10
030307. Rebates ............................................................................................................... 10
GTCC ELIGIBILITY ................................................................................................... 11
030401. DoD Personnel ................................................................................................... 11
030402. Foreign Nationals ............................................................................................... 11
030403. Non-appropriated Fund Instrumentality (NAFI) Employees ............................. 11
030404. Recruiting Personnel .......................................................................................... 11
030405. DoD Contractors ................................................................................................ 11
0305 USE OF THE GTCC .................................................................................................... 11
030501. Requirement ....................................................................................................... 11
030502. Failure to Use GTCC.......................................................................................... 12
030503. Statement Notifying Traveler of the Requirements of TTRA............................ 12
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 9, Chapter 3
*August 2011
Table of Contents (Continued)
0306 EXEMPTIONS............................................................................................................. 12
030601. GSA Exemptions from the Mandatory Use of GTCC ....................................... 12
030602. DoD Exemptions from Mandatory Use of the GTCC........................................ 13
030603. Exemptions of Mandatory Use for Expenses ..................................................... 14
030604. Additional Exemptions ....................................................................................... 14
*030605. Notifications of Exemptions............................................................................... 14
030606. Payment Methods Authorized When Exempt .................................................... 14
0307 NON-MANDATORY USE OF THE GTCC ............................................................... 15
030701. Card Use ............................................................................................................. 15
030702. Local Travel ....................................................................................................... 15
0308 GTCC TRAINING ....................................................................................................... 15
030801. APC Training ..................................................................................................... 15
030802. Cardholder (IBA) Training................................................................................. 15
030803. Records Retention .............................................................................................. 16
0309 APPLYING FOR A GTCC .......................................................................................... 16
030901. IBA Applications................................................................................................ 16
030902. Issuance of Cards by Contractor (IBA) .............................................................. 17
030903. CBA Applications .............................................................................................. 17
PROGRAM MANAGEMENT CONTROL ................................................................ 18
031001. Requirement for Credit Checks .......................................................................... 18
031002. Non-Qualifying Applicants ................................................................................ 18
031003. Misuse ................................................................................................................ 18
031004. Split Disbursement ............................................................................................. 19
031005. Program Review ................................................................................................. 19
031006. Data Mining........................................................................................................ 19
0311 AGENCY PROGRAM COORDINATOR (APC) DUTIES ........................................ 19
031101. General ............................................................................................................... 19
031102. Maintain Records ............................................................................................... 20
031103. Hierarchy Structure ............................................................................................ 20
031104. Procedures in the GTCC Training Guides ......................................................... 20
031105. Closure of GTCC Cardholders ........................................................................... 20
031106. Monitor and Reporting Delinquencies ............................................................... 20
031107. Review Reports to Identify Accounts for Closure ............................................. 21
031108. GTCC Training .................................................................................................. 21
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 9, Chapter 3
*August 2011
Table of Contents (Continued)
031201. Timely Reimbursement of Travel Expenses ...................................................... 21
031202 Responsibilities of Travelers for Payments ........................................................... 22
0313 DELINQUENCY MANAGEMENT ........................................................................... 24
031301. Pre-suspension Notification for Accounts 45 Days Past Billing ....................... 24
031302. Suspension of Accounts 61 Days Past Billing ................................................... 24
031303. 90-Day Delinquency Notification to Supervisors .............................................. 24
031304. Cancellation of Accounts 120 Days Past Billing ............................................... 24
031305. Cancellation of IBAs Suspended Two Times .................................................... 25
031306. Mission-Critical Travel (IBA) ............................................................................ 25
031307. Exception Status (CBA) ..................................................................................... 25
031401. General ............................................................................................................... 25
031402. Aging Analysis Report ....................................................................................... 26
031403. Cardholder Account Listing Report ................................................................... 26
031404. Delinquency Report............................................................................................ 26
031405. Pre-Suspension Report ....................................................................................... 26
031406. Suspension/Pre-cancellation Report ................................................................... 26
031407. Account Renewal Report ................................................................................... 26
031408. Weekend/Holiday Activity Exceptions Report .................................................. 26
031409. Non-Travel Activity Exceptions Report ............................................................ 26
031410. Account Activity Report .................................................................................... 27
031411. Authorizations/Declines ..................................................................................... 27
031412. Exceptions/Returned Checks.............................................................................. 27
031413. Blocked MCCs ................................................................................................... 27
ANNEX 1: STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING ................................................................ 1
ANNEX 2: SAMPLE 61 DAY DELINQUENCY MEMORANDUM (IBA) ........................... 2
ANNEX 3: SAMPLE 91 DAY DELINQUENCY MEMORANDUM (IBA) ........................... 3
ANNEX 4: SAMPLE 121 DAY DELINQUENCY MEMORANDUM (IBA) ......................... 4
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 9, Chapter 3
*August 2011
030101. Overview
The Department of Defense (DoD) policy is that the Government Travel Charge Card
(GTCC) will be used by all DoD personnel to pay for all costs related to official Government
travel. Official government travel is defined as travel under competent orders while performing
duties pertaining to official government assignments such as temporary duty (TDY) and
permanent change of station (PCS) (where applicable). Refer to the Travel and Transportation
Reform Act of 1998 (TTRA), Public Law 105-264 (TTRA) for additional information regarding
mandatory use of the GTCC.
030102. GTCC Applicable
GTCC policies are applicable to all DoD employees and uniformed members.
030103. Compliance
It is the responsibility of commanders and supervisors at all levels to ensure compliance.
A. Military personnel who violate the specific prohibitions contained in this
Regulation can be prosecuted under Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)
(UCMJ) for failure to obey a lawful order or regulations, as well as any other applicable article
of the UCMJ based on the nature of the misconduct involved.
B. Civilian personnel who misuse or abuse the GTCC may be subject to
appropriate administrative or disciplinary action up to, and including, removal from Federal
C. Willful misuse of the GTCC by either military personnel or civilian
employees may constitute a crime punishable under Federal or State law.
030201. General Services Administration (GSA)
The GSA is responsible for issuing government-wide GTCC policies and procedures for
implementation of the TTRA, and awards and administers a master contract for the GTCC
program, which is part of the “GSA SmartPay® Program.” Through these contracts, agencies
can obtain several types of charge card products and services to support their mission needs. The
DoD tailored task order which further outlines DoD requirements for the GTCC is managed at
the DoD level.
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 9, Chapter 3
*August 2011
*030202. Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness) (USD (P&R))
The USD (P&R) will establish DoD wide policies for the DoD GTCC program through
the Defense Travel Management Office. Questions concerning travel policy, exceptions or
deviations should be addressed to:
Defense Travel Management Office
ATTN: Enterprise Operations Division
4800 Mark Center Drive
Suite 04J25-01
Alexandria, VA 22350-9000
NOTE: Questions related to travel and transportation allowances should be addressed to
ATTN: Enterprise Operations Division. For other travel questions, please contact
1-888-Help1Go (888-435-7146) to connect you with the Travel Assistance Center. From
overseas dial DSN 312-564-3950 or commercial 809-463-3376 (wait for the beep) then dial
1-888-Help1Go. Travelers may submit a help desk ticket through the tickets section of Travel
Explorer (TraX) http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/Sections/HD_Main.cfm.
030203. The Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO)
The DTMO is the Travel Card Program Manager for DoD Components and awards and
manages the GTCC DoD tailored task order. The DTMO provides guidance, policy, and overall
management of the DoD GTCC program. The DTMO acts as a liaison to GSA, the travel card
provider/contractor and DoD Component Heads/Component Program Managers (CPMs) on
GTCC related issues. The DTMO will meet regularly with the CPMs to discuss and make
critical decisions concerning travel card administration throughout the DoD. The DTMO will
also ensure that GTCC program training materials are made available throughout the
030204. Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)
The DFAS will facilitate traveler determination of any late payment fees or charges that
may be payable to a traveler under the TTRA as indicated in subparagraph 031201.C below.
030205. Comptrollers
The Military Department Assistant Secretaries (Financial Management and Comptroller)
and Defense Agency Comptrollers, or equivalents, will ensure program management
responsibilities are accomplished within their respective Component, and will designate a
Component Program Manager. The CPM will be designated in writing and identified both to the
DTMO and the GTCC contractor.
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 9, Chapter 3
*August 2011
030206. DoD Component Heads/Defense Agency Directors
The heads of the DoD Components are responsible for developing TTRA implementation
strategy for use in that Component. The Component Heads will also ensure all personnel, to
include Agency Program Coordinators (APCs), Centrally Billed Account (CBA) Managers, and
cardholders, are properly trained on travel card use and policy.
A. DoD Component Program Managers (CPMs). The CPMs are responsible
for establishing and managing their GTCC program in accordance with this regulation. Each
CPM is also responsible for establishing and maintaining the Component's organizational
structure ("hierarchy") and notifying the DTMO and the GTCC contractor of any changes in
organizational structure that affect the GTCC program. The CPMs will conduct periodic
hierarchy level reviews, to include validating hierarchy level structure and verifying point of
contact information. This process may be delegated down to lower hierarchy levels. The CPMs
will also ensure that Individually Billed Accounts (IBAs) and Centrally Billed Accounts (CBAs)
are properly approved; reasonable credit limits are established and maintained; and annual
reviews are performed to monitor credit limits and card utilization.
B. Agency Program Coordinators (APCs). An APC is an individual
(uniformed member, employee, contractor, or foreign national) designated in writing by a
commander or director as responsible for the management of the travel card program. APCs are
responsible to their respective DoD CPM’s for program execution and management for the day-
to-day operations of the DoD GTCC program. Detailed APC duties can be found in section
030207. CBA Managers
A CBA manager is an individual (uniformed member, employee, contractor, or foreign
national) designated in writing by a commander or director as responsible for the management of
CBAs. Account managers are responsible for day-to-day management and reconciliation of
CBAs. Account managers must be familiar with their designated payment office and designated
billing office points of contact. Contractors and foreign national employees may be CBA
managers but neither are authorized to certify CBAs for payment.
030208. Travel Cardholders
A cardholder is a government employee (civilian or military) who has been issued a
GTCC for use while performing official government travel. Cardholders must adhere to the
procedures set forth in this Regulation and applicable DoD Component guidance, to include the
GTCC contractor’s cardholder agreement and terms and conditions of use. Cardholders are
required to submit travel vouchers within 5 business days of completion of travel, use split
disbursement to pay the outstanding balance, and are responsible for payment in full of all
undisputed amounts due in the monthly billing statement from the GTCC contractor by the due
date, regardless of the status of their travel reimbursement. Cardholders are responsible for
providing a signed Statement of Understanding (SOU) (Annex 1) and certificate of training to
their APC. An electronic version of the SOU can be found at www.defensetravel.dod.mil under
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 9, Chapter 3
*August 2011
the travel card section. Cardholders whose accounts become delinquent may be subject to
disciplinary or administrative action.
030301. Individually Billed Accounts (IBAs)
An IBA is an account issued to an individual uniformed member or DoD civilian. The
cardholder receives the billing statement directly from the contractor at the address on file with
the GTCC contractor. It is the cardholder’s responsibility to notify the APC and the GTCC
contractor of changes in contact information such as a new address, name change, new employer,
or change in email address. The individual cardholder is liable for payment of the full
undisputed amount indicated on the billing statement by the due date, regardless of the status of
his/her travel reimbursement.
A. Standard GTCC. Standard cards are issued to individuals with a
qualifying credit score (FICO score of 660+). The credit, automatic teller machine (ATM), and
retail limits will be as prescribed by the Department. Standard accounts are activated upon
verification of receipt of the card. The APC, CPM, or DTMO have the authority to increase the
limits on a temporary basis, as needed/when requested, to meet mission requirements.
Commanders and supervisors must validate the requirement to increase the limit. Limits are
raised on a temporary basis not to exceed 12 months and can be accomplished within the GTCC
contractor’s electronic access system or by contacting the GTCC contractor. Approval
authority/limits within the Department are communicated to the GTCC contractor through the
B. Restricted GTCC. Restricted cards are issued to individuals with a non-
qualifying credit score (FICO score of 500-659), individuals with no credit history, or to selected
individuals as directed by their commander or supervisor. Individuals who do not consent to a
credit check will be issued a restricted card. Restricted GTCCs are the same in appearance as
standard cards; however, they may remain inactive after receipt verification of the card. When
the cardholder is scheduled for travel, he/she requests the APC to activate the card for the
specified travel event. The credit, ATM, and retail limits will be as prescribed by the
Department. In the same manner as standard cards, APCs, CPMs and the DTMO are authorized
to raise these limits temporarily in order to meet mission requirements. Limits are raised on a
temporary basis not to exceed six months and can be accomplished within the GTCC
contractor’s electronic access system.
030302. Centrally Billed Accounts (CBAs)
A CBA is a GTCC issued to a DoD activity. CBAs are issued to make travel
arrangements and must be used in lieu of issuing a Government Transportation Request (SF
1169) for payment purposes. Payments are subject to the “Prompt Payment Act of 1982,”
(Prompt Payment Act) as amended. These accounts contain a unique prefix that identifies the
account as a CBA for official federal government travel. This prefix also identifies the account
as eligible for government travel rates, including city pair rates, and tax exemption. The APC
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 9, Chapter 3
*August 2011
must forward any request to establish a CBA or increase a credit limit to the cognizant CPM for
approval. The CPMs will also ensure that annual reviews are performed to monitor credit limits
and card utilization. CBAs are issued for the following purposes:
A. Transportation Accounts. Transportation GTCC accounts (CBAs) are
issued to DoD activities for use in purchasing transportation, including airline tickets, bus tickets,
and rail tickets. Transportation accounts will be used when a traveler has not been issued an IBA
or is exempt from mandatory use of the GTCC. These purchases are made through a Commercial
Travel Office (CTO) directly with the travel service provider or their agent (e.g., charter bus or
air companies). The transportation office, or other designated DoD activity, receives and is
responsible for reconciling the transportation charges appearing on the invoice and for
verifying/certifying the invoices for payment. The transportation office, or other designated
DoD activity, will forward verified/certified invoices to the designated entitlement office (i.e.,
vendor pay) for computation and subsequent transmittal to designated disbursement office. This
will be completed in a manner that allows payment to be made within the 30-day limitation
prescribed in the “Prompt Payment Actthus avoiding any interest penalties.
B. Unit Travel Charge Cards. DoD Components may use unit travel charge
cards for group travel requirements only when it is cost effective, in the best interest of the
mission, and authorized by the CPM. Categories of travelers whose travel expenses may be
charged to unit travel charge cards include, but are not limited to, new recruits and employees
who do not yet have IBAs, prisoners, DoD group travelers, and foreign nationals participating in
support of official DoD sponsored programs or activities. Components will limit the issuance of
unit travel charge cards whenever possible and maximize the use of IBAs. ATM withdrawals
against unit cards will also be limited. The GTCC contractor must receive written approval from
the cognizant CPM before issuing a unit travel charge card. Upon receipt of each invoice, the
designated unit cardholder is responsible for reconciling the GTCC charges and promptly
providing the reconciled copy of the statement to the unit account coordinator. The unit account
coordinator is responsible for reconciling the charges appearing on the summary account
monthly statement which is a composite (rollup) of all charges from all cards assigned to that
organization. The unit account coordinator is also responsible for filing any disputes with the
GTCC contractor. Once the billing statement is reconciled, the unit account coordinator will
obtain fund certification from the cognizant resource management office before forwarding
certified billing statements, with any required supporting documentation, to the designated
entitlement office (i.e., vendor pay) for computation and subsequent transmittal to the designated
disbursement office.
030303. Disputes
In the event that the billing statement includes charges that the account holder considers
questionable, the cardholder will first contact the merchant to try to resolve the questionable
charge. If unsuccessful, he or she will obtain a dispute form from the APC (IBA), account
manager (CBA), or from the GTCC contractor’s website. The cardholder will complete and send
the form to the GTCC contractor. All disputes must be filed within 60 days of the date on the
billing statement which the erroneous charge first appeared. It is the responsibility of the
cardholder to ensure the dispute form has been received by the GTCC contractor. Once the
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 9, Chapter 3
*August 2011
dispute notification has been received by the GTCC contractor, the contractor will issue a
provisional credit for the amount of the dispute pending resolution. Formally disputed charges
will not age and the account will not suspend for lack of payment. Any disputed charge
identified in the reconciliation process will be resolved in the manner prescribed in the GSA
SmartPay® Master Contract.
030304. Electronic Access System (EAS)
The GTCC contractor provides an EAS for GTCC program management. The EAS is
accessed via the Internet and will be used by CPMs, APCs, cardholders, and other authorized
users to assist in the management of their GTCC accounts by displaying account and transaction
data and by providing reporting capability. Individuals with access to the EAS will use the
system to the maximum extent possible. The CPMs will inform the GTCC contractor of any
organizations (e.g., major commands, major subordinate commands, bases or installations) that
are unable to access the EAS. In cases where access to the GTCC contractor’s EAS is not
available, reports may be provided by the vendor with approval of the CPM or the DTMO.
030305. Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Use
Travelers should use the GTCC IBA at ATMs to obtain cash needed to pay for “out-of-
pocket” travel-related expenses. Valid “out-of-pocket” travel-related expenses are those that
cannot be charged on the GTCC (see 030602 for examples). The cardholder will contact the
GTCC contractor to establish a personal identification number to gain ATM access. ATM
advances will not be obtained more than three working days before the scheduled departure date
of any official travel. The GTCC contractor will charge the cardholder a transaction fee for
ATM use. This charge, which appears on the cardholder’s billing statement, is a reimbursable
expense and should be included on the traveler’s voucher. In addition, ATM owners may charge
a service fee for ATM access; this fee also is reimbursable and should be included on the
traveler’s voucher. A travel advance from DoD disbursing offices may not be authorized for
personnel who have been or are eligible to be issued an individual GTCC. Commanders and
supervisors may authorize, in writing, a travel advance from a DoD disbursing office in
situations where necessary to meet mission requirements.
030306. Merchant Category Codes (MCCs)
An MCC is a four-digit number assigned to a business by MasterCard® or VISA® when
the business first starts accepting one of these cards as a form of payment. The MCC is used to
classify a business by the type of goods or services provided. The Department blocks some
MCCs to prevent inappropriate card use. MCC Blocks may be modified for unit cards based on
mission needs during the initial setup of the account.
030307. Rebates
A rebate is a benefit the DoD receives for the use, and timely payment of, the GTCC.
Two types of rebates, sales and productivity, are available from the GTCC contractor. Sales
rebates are based on charge volume and productivity rebates are based on payment performance.
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 9, Chapter 3
*August 2011
The rebates are computed and distributed on a quarterly basis. The formula used to compute
these rebates varies depending on the type of rebate. Each Component will ensure the rebates
are properly recorded. The heads of DoD Components will determine the distribution of rebates
within their organizations.
030401. DoD Personnel
All DoD personnel (military and civilian), unless otherwise exempt, who perform travel
as part of their duties will obtain and use the individually billed GTCC. DoD personnel will be
issued only one GTCC. If a DoD employee is a member of a Reserve/Guard unit, the GTCC will
be issued through the individual’s civilian agency, not his/her Reserve/Guard unit. When a
Reserve/Guard member is required to perform training or active duty, a copy of his/her military
orders must be provided to his/her DoD agency. When an individual is not a DoD employee, but
is a member of a Reserve Component, a DoD issued GTCC is authorized and should be issued
by the Reserve Component.
030402. Foreign Nationals
Foreign nationals are not authorized to possess or use GTCCs. Travel expenses for
foreign nationals traveling in support of official DoD sponsored programs or activities may be
placed on a CBA or an alternative card product.
030403. Non-appropriated Fund Instrumentality (NAFI) Employees
NAFI employees of the DoD are authorized to use GTCCs.
030404. Recruiting Personnel
Military personnel assigned to recruiting duty are authorized to use GTCCs for official
reimbursable expenses in their local recruiting areas in addition to any official travel away from
their duty stations.
030405. DoD Contractors
DoD contractors are not authorized to use GTCCs, regardless of the type of contract they
are operating under.
030501. Requirement
Unless otherwise exempt (see paragraph 0306), all DoD personnel are required to use the
GTCC for all authorized expenses relating to official government travel. Official government
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 9, Chapter 3
*August 2011
travel is defined as travel under competent orders while performing duties pertaining to official
Government assignments such as TDY and PCS (where applicable).
030502. Failure to Use GTCC
Failure to use the GTCC will not be used as a basis for refusal to reimburse the traveler
for appropriate charges. However, failure to use the GTCC may subject the traveler to
appropriate administrative or disciplinary action.
030503. Statement Notifying Traveler of the Requirements of TTRA
All travel orders/authorizations will include the following statement notifying travelers of
the requirements of the TTRA: The TTRA stipulates that the GTCC will be used by all U.S.
Government personnel, civilian and military, to pay for costs incident to official Government
travel unless specifically exempt.” Travel orders/Authorizations will also include:
A. Whether the traveler does, or does not, have a GTCC.
B. If the traveler has a GTCC, indicate whether the traveler is exempt from
mandatory use under TTRA. This statement also authorizes alternative payment methods.
C. That individuals with a GTCC will obtain cash for those official expenses
that cannot be placed on the GTCC, as authorized, through automated teller machines (ATMs),
rather than obtaining cash advances from a DoD disbursing office.
D. Whether a CBA or an IBA will be used to purchase airline tickets in
accordance with paragraph U2015 of the Joint Federal Travel Regulation (JFTR)
and paragraph
C1100-B of the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR).
030601. GSA Exemptions from the Mandatory Use of GTCC
The General Services Administration (GSA) has exempted the following classes of
personnel from the mandatory use of the GTCC:
A. Employees who have an application pending for the GTCC.
B. Individuals traveling on an invitational travel order/authorization.
C. New appointees/recruits.
D. Infrequent Travelers Within the DoD, those who travel two times or less
in a 12-month period.
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*August 2011
030602. DoD Exemptions from Mandatory Use of the GTCC
In addition to the government-wide GSA exemptions, the DoD as further exempted the
following classes of personnel from mandatory use of the card:
A. Members of the Reserve Officers Training Corps and military personnel
undergoing initial entry or initial skill training prior to reporting to their first permanent duty
B. Individuals who are denied GTCCs or who’s GTCCs have been canceled
or suspended by the GTCC contractor or the cardholder’s agency/organization, for financial
irresponsibility or for other specific reasons. This exemption does not apply to military members
and DoD civilian personnel who are denied GTCCs because they do not accept the terms and
conditions of the cardholder agreement, such as refusing to: (1) complete (to include SSN and
residential mailing address) and sign the account application form, (2) permit a credit check, or
(3) certify to their creditworthiness. The exemption also does not apply when military members
and DoD civilian personnel cancel their cards, for whatever reason, to include disagreement with
existing or revised terms and conditions of the cardholder agreement.
C. Hospital patients.
D. Prisoners.
E. Military members or DoD civilian personnel as approved by the Head of a
DoD Component during: (1) a period of war, (2) a national emergency declared by the President
or the Congress, or (3) mobilization, deployment, or contingency operations.
F. Military members or DoD civilian personnel who use the card only for
travel en route to a point of departure for deployment and cannot file a voucher prior to their
G. Military members or DoD civilian personnel traveling to or in a foreign
country where the political, financial, or communications infrastructure does not support the use
of the GTCC.
H. Military members or DoD civilian personnel whose use of the GTCC, due
to operational, security, or other requirements of a mission, would pose a threat to national
security, endanger the life or physical safety of themselves or others, or would compromise a law
enforcement activity.
I. Individuals employed or appointed on a temporary or intermittent basis
upon a determination by the individual’s supervisor or other appropriate official that the duration
of the employment or appointment or other circumstances pertaining to such employment or
appointment does not justify issuance of a GTCC to such individual.
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*August 2011
030603. Exemptions of Mandatory Use for Expenses
The following expenses are exempt from the mandatory use of the individually billed
GTCC. However, cardholders are encouraged to use the GTCC to the greatest extent possible to
pay for these expenses, where practicable.
A. Expenses incurred at a vendor that does not accept the GTCC.
B. Meal charges when the use of the card is impractical.
C. All expenses covered by the “incidentals” portion of the per diem
D. All official local and long distance telephone calls.
E. Relocation allowances for DoD civilians, except en route travel and house
hunting trip expenses as prescribed in the GSA Federal Travel Regulation, Chapter 302 (FTR),
official local, and long distance telephone calls.
030604. Additional Exemptions
DoD Component Heads, or their designees, may exempt additional expenses from the
mandatory use requirement of the GTCC. Those exemptions covering classes of expenses or
personnel (vice exemptions for individuals) will be approved by the Director, DTMO prior to
*030605. Notifications of Exemptions
The TTRA permits the head of a DoD Component/Agency (or designee) to exempt
any payment, person, type or class of payments, or type or class of personnel from mandatory
use if it is determined the exemption is necessary in the interest of the Department. Not later
than 30 days after granting an exemption, the head of Component (or designee) will notify the
Administrator of the GSA in writing of such exemption stating the reasons for the exemption.
Notifications will be submitted directly to the Administrator of the General Services
Administration, Attention: MTT, 1800 F Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20405. A copy of each
notification will be provided to the Defense Travel Management Office, ATTN: Enterprise
Operations Division, 4800 Mark Center Drive, Suite 04J25-01, Alexandria, VA 22350-9000.
030606. Payment Methods Authorized When Exempt
When an exemption is granted from the mandatory use of the IBA, one, or a combination
of, the following may be authorized for payment of travel expenses:
A. Personal funds, including cash or a personal credit card.
B. Travel advances and CBAs.
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C. Alternative card products.
D. Government transportation requests (GTRs) (SF 1169). GTRs are used on
an “exception only” basis when no other payment method (above) is available.
City pair contractors (airlines that provide services under the GSA City-Pair Program), however,
are not required to accept the types of payments listed above with the exception of the CBA.
Charge cards issued under the GSA SmartPay® program contract contain a unique numeric
prefix that identifies the account as an official GTCC. This prefix identifies the account as being
eligible for government travel rates, including city pair rates, and tax exemption when permitted
under state law.
030701. Card Use
If an individual is exempt from mandatory use of the GTCC, he/she may elect to apply
for and use the GTCC on a voluntary basis. The Department’s policy on split disbursement of
travel reimbursement applies to any voluntary use of the GTCC.
030702. Local Travel
The GTCC (IBA) may be used for local travel expenses, but such use is not required
under the TTRA. Local travel is also considered official travel when the individual is
performing official duties in and around the area of the permanent duty station. Use of the
GTCC for local travel is at the discretion of the Component/Agency. Use of the GTCC to
purchase meals while in this status is not permitted.
030801. APC Training
When an individual is appointed as a new APC, it is mandatory that he/she complete the
APC training course that is available on the DTMO Travel Explorer (TraX) website
(www.defensetravel.dod.mil/passport). APCs will ensure a copy of the certification of
completion is retained or can be found in TraX. Refresher training is required every three years
and may be obtained from other sources, as approved by the CPM. A certificate of refresher
training will be retained by the APC, either electronically or in hard copy. APCs are encouraged
to attend training on the use of the EAS provided by the GTCC contractor, to include the annual
GSA SmartPay® Conference.
030802. Cardholder (IBA) Training
When an individual receives a GTCC for the first time, it is mandatory that he/she
completes the cardholder training course that is available on the TraX website
(www.defensetravel.dod.mil/passport). Cardholders will ensure a copy of the certificate of
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 9, Chapter 3
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completion is retained by the APC or can be found in TraX. Refresher training is required every
three years and may be completed using other sources as approved by the applicable CPM.
Refresher training will be documented and retained either electronically or in hard copy by the
030803. Records Retention
Copies of all training certificates must be maintained until “superseded or obsolete, or
upon separation or transfer of employee” pursuant to U.S. National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA) requirements, “General Records Schedule 1,” Item 10a (NARA).
030901. IBA Applications
Application forms (either electronic or hard copy) for an IBA are available via the GTCC
contractor’s EAS or from an APC. An APC will provide an applicant with a GTCC application
along with appropriate program information and the “DoD Statement of Understanding for
Travel Cardholders,” (See Annex 1) which an applicant must complete. An electronic version of
the Statement of Understanding can be found at www.defensetravel.dod.mil under the travel card
section. No card will be issued without both the application and the signed Statement of
A. Routine Applications. The APC will request that the GTCC contractor
establish a new IBA upon receipt of a properly completed application. The applicant, the
applicant’s supervisor, and the APC will sign the application. The APC will complete the billing
hierarchy information on the application before submitting to the GTCC contractor. Within 3
days of receipt, the APC will process the completed application and forward it to the GTCC
contractor. The APC will monitor the contractor’s EAS regarding application status.
B. Emergency/Expedited Applications
1. Use of the emergency application process will be determined by
the APC and will normally be processed and the card shipped within 24 hours.
2. Expedited applications will be used for personnel who are
scheduled to travel within 5 working days. Individuals should be reminded to plan ahead and
apply for a GTCC far enough in advance to avoid the need for an expedited application.
3. The GTCC contractor will include a fee, which will be on the
cardholder’s initial billing statement, for emergency/expedited delivery. This fee may be
reimbursable and should be claimed on the travel voucher. If, for any reason, the scheduled
travel does not occur, cardholders may claim reimbursement for the expedited delivery fee on a
SF 1164, “Claim for Reimbursement for Expenditures on Official Business,” (SF 1164
) or a
Defense Travel System (DTS) local voucher. The fee will not apply to expedited delivery for
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 9, Chapter 3
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emergency replacement of cards lost, stolen, or otherwise unusable by travelers who are in a
travel status.
4. Cards that are shipped within 24 hours will be delivered in an
active state and do not require the APC to phone the GTCC contractor to activate the card. The
cardholder is responsible for verifying receipt of the card.
C. Reapplying for IBA. If an individual is denied a GTCC, they may not
reapply for a card for 24 months.
030902. Issuance of Cards by Contractor (IBA)
Upon receipt of a properly completed and approved application, the GTCC contractor
will issue the GTCC and cardholder agreement within three business days. The contractor will
mail the card to the individual cardholder’s residential mailing address on file with the GTCC
contractor, temporary duty location, or otherwise as directed by the APC. The GTCC contractor
will allow the cardholder the option to establish his or her personal identification number. IBAs
may be issued in three different designs:
A. Standard Card Design. Standard cards will be embossed, at a minimum,
with the great seal of the United States, the words “United States of America” and “For Official
Government Use Only.”
B. Quasi-Generic Card Design. Quasi-Generic cards are used by
agencies/organizations to support travel requirements for which an association with the U.S.
Government should be protected. Quasi-Generic cards are issued with the contractor’s
commercial design, but do not contain any association with the DoD other than the account
number. The issue and use of Quasi-Generic cards must be approved by the APC and are subject
to the same terms and conditions as all GTCCs.
C. Generic Card Design. Generic cards may be used by
agencies/organizations to support travel requirements for which an association with the U.S.
Government may not be revealed. Generic cards are issued with the contractor’s commercial
design, showing no association with the Government. The account number is indistinguishable
from non-government personal cards. The issue and use of Generic cards must be approved by
the CPM and are subject to the same terms and conditions as all other GTCCs.
030903. CBA Applications
All requests for CBAs must be forwarded to the cognizant CPM for approval. Once
approval has been granted by the CPM for establishment of a CBA account, the hard copy
application form will be used. The requesting command must complete the application form and
submit it to the CPM for signature. The CPM will submit the application to the contractor for
processing and monitor the contractor's EAS regarding application status. The CPM is
responsible for providing the billing hierarchy information, the appropriate Bank Identification
Number (BIN) assignment and establishing and maintaining reasonable credit limits.
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031001. Requirement for Credit Checks
Title 10 U.S.C. 2784a requires the evaluation of creditworthiness before issuing a GTCC
(IBA only). To meet this requirement, the GTCC contractor performs a credit check on each
new card applicant who agrees to the credit check. Depending on the credit score, applicants are
eligible for a standard card, a restricted card, or may not be eligible for a card. At no time and in
no case will the GTCC contractor provide credit check results to the APC. If the applicant
agrees to a credit check, the fact that a credit check has been performed will appear on the credit
bureau’s record for the applicant and will be evident to subsequent credit grantors who request a
credit check. The issuance of a GTCC and the credit limit on the card are not reported to credit
bureaus. This process is similar to instances when the applicant personally applies for credit,
except the only information evident to subsequent credit grantors is that an inquiry was made.
There is little impact on an individual’s credit score unless the account remains
delinquent/unpaid for 210 days; after this time, the account may be charged off and the GTCC
contractor may report the delinquency to credit bureaus.
031002. Non-Qualifying Applicants
Personnel who are denied a GTCC (IBA) due to their credit score are exempt from
mandatory use of the card. However, personnel who refuse to authorize a credit check or who
cancel their own cards, for whatever reason, to include disagreement with existing or revised
terms and conditions of the cardholder agreement, may not be eligible for a travel advance and
may be subject to administrative/disciplinary action. Commanders/supervisors may authorize an
advance in situations where performance of the mission could be put at risk.
031003. Misuse
Misuse of the GTCC will not be tolerated. Commanders/supervisors will ensure GTCCs
are issued only for official travel related expenses. Examples of misuse include, but are not
limited to: (a) expenses related to personal, family or household purposes, (b) cash withdrawals
from ATMs or banks when not related to official Government travel requirements, (c) intentional
failure to pay undisputed charges in a timely manner, and (d) ATM cash withdrawals taken more
than three days prior to official Government travel. Cardholders who misuse their GTCC may be
subject to administrative or disciplinary action, as appropriate. Commanders and supervisors
will ensure that Component guidelines are followed in administering disciplinary actions, when
appropriate. Although the GTCC may generally be used only for expenses associated with
official Government travel, the following expenses (while not reimbursable) are considered to be
incidental to official travel. The traveler will pay for non-reimbursable expenses listed below as
part of the normal payment process. Therefore, the GTCC may be used for the following
Incidental Expenses. The cardholder, while in a travel status, may use the GTCC
for non-reimbursable incidental travel expenses such as in-room movie rentals, personal
telephone calls, exercise fees, and beverages, when these charges are part of a room billing and
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are reasonable. Additional expenses incurred for spousal occupancy (hotel room) and meals may
be included if inherent to the traveler’s billing statement even if the additional expense is not
reimbursable. Separate charges for airfare, hotel rooms, rental cars or meals for spouses or
family members are not authorized to be charged on the GTCC.
031004. Split Disbursement
All DoD personnel are required to split disburse all undisputed charges against the
GTCC. Payment for all GTCC (IBA) charges will be sent directly to the GTCC contractor. It is
the traveler’s responsibility to pay their GTCC contractor directly for any outstanding charges
not split disbursed. To support the split disbursement requirement, the DTS will automatically
split disburse airline, hotel, rental vehicle, and other miscellaneous expenses identified by the
traveler as charged to the GTCC (IBA) directly to the GTCC contractor. Approving officials are
responsible for ensuring that split disbursement amounts are properly annotated and should
return any travel vouchers that do not comply for correction and resubmission. For additional
information regarding split disbursement, refer to Title 10 U.S.C. 2784a.
031005. Program Review
Commanders and Agency Heads will ensure that periodic internal control reviews are
conducted for their GTCC programs. Reviews should include: (a) processing of travel claims as
it directly relates to delinquency issues associated with the GTCC, (b) ensuring credit limits are
appropriate to mission requirements, (c) ensuring unused accounts are closed, and (d) ensuring
that travelers file their vouchers in a timely manner. Findings of significant weaknesses should
be reported to the CPM in addition to the command or agency head.
031006. Data Mining
APCs should use the GTCC contractor provided data mining tool to gather and analyze
travel card data and to identify incidents of suspected misuse.
031101. General
An APC plays an important role in the proper management of the GTCC program.
Commanders/supervisors should consider the volume of workload associated with the APC
responsibilities in determining how many personnel may be needed to manage their GTCC
programs. The frequency of travel and the delinquency rate of the organization should also be
taken into account. Individuals appointed as APCs must have the skills necessary to properly
manage the travel card programs and access the EAS where reports are provided. APCs have
access to sensitive information and relay this information to the chain of command for
determination of appropriate action when necessary. Commanders/supervisors should consider
assignment of APC duties to civilian personnel where practical in order to avoid the loss of
knowledge of program responsibilities in high turnover military positions.
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031102. Maintain Records
APCs will maintain all pertinent records, such as the cardholder application and
Statement of Understanding, certificates of training, delinquency notices, etc., for cardholders
while they are assigned to their hierarchy. Due to the sensitivity of the data contained in these
files, the data must be maintained in a secure container or area that precludes unauthorized
access. Records will be retained until “superseded or obsolete, or upon separation or transfer of
employee” pursuant to the NARA requirements, “General Records Schedule 1,” Item 10a
(NARA). Each APC, in conjunction with the GTCC contractor, will maintain an up-to-date list
of current cardholders and accounts, to include information such as account names, account
numbers, addresses, and telephone numbers. APCs maintaining these records must ensure they
are marked and protected IAW the provisions of the Privacy Act.
031103. Hierarchy Structure
The APC is responsible for maintaining his/her organizational hierarchy structure. This
hierarchy is the link that identifies cardholder accounts to correct organizations within a
Component. The APC is responsible for tracking arriving and departing cardholders through the
check-in/out process to maintain the validity of the organizational hierarchy and the contractor
reporting information. The establishment of a new hierarchy requires the approval of the APC
who has administrative rights over that hierarchy.
031104. Procedures in the GTCC Training Guides
The APC will follow the procedures published in the GTCC contractor’s training guides
for using the electronic access system to transfer cardholders with open accounts, to include
accounts that are in a suspended status. Travelers attending formal training en route to their next
assignment will remain in the hierarchy of the losing organization until completion of training.
The receiving agency/component must accept the account regardless of account status. The
CPMs will ensure that personnel in-process and out-process through their unit level APCs.
031105. Closure of GTCC Cardholders
The APC will close a GTCC upon a cardholder’s retirement, separation, termination, or
death. Also, if applicable, the APC will terminate the cardholder’s access to the GTCC
contractor’s electronic access system.
031106. Monitor and Reporting Delinquencies
The APC will monitor and report all delinquencies to appropriate personnel and take
appropriate actions as described in the delinquency management section. APCs are also
responsible for monitoring all accounts for proper use of the GTCC and to report accounts with
unauthorized transactions to commanders and/or supervisors for action, as appropriate.
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031107. Review Reports to Identify Accounts for Closure
On a periodic basis, the APC will review any reports provided or made available by the
GTCC contractor to identify accounts for potential closure. Accounts not used in a 12-month
period may be closed with an option to reopen without a new application if the need for travel
031108. GTCC Training
APCs are encouraged to attend training provided by the GTCC contractor on the use of
the electronic access system available for account management. They are also highly
encouraged to attend the annual GSA SmartPay® Conference.
031201. Timely Reimbursement of Travel Expenses
A. Reimbursement Within 30 Days. Agencies will reimburse DoD personnel
for authorized travel expenses no later than 30 days after submission of an accurate and complete
travel claim to the office where the claim is to be approved. Therefore, a satisfactory
recordkeeping system will be maintained by the approving official to track submission and
receipt of travel claims. For example, travel claims submitted by mail could be annotated with
the date of receipt by the office where the claim is to be approved. Travel claims submitted
electronically to the approving official could be considered to have been received on the
submission date indicated on the email, or on the next business day if submitted after normal
working hours. For fully automated travel applications, such as the DTS, the Department tracks
DTS Voucher Payment Time (VPT) as a measure of customer satisfaction. VPT is the time from
when a traveler signs a properly completed travel claim to the time the traveler is paid. Consider
the travel claim to be received when the traveler signs the claim within the travel system.
B. Travel Claim Errors. A travel claim with an omission or an error will be
returned to the traveler within a 7 day period. The notification will include the reason(s) why the
travel claim is not correct. Receipt of a corrected travel claim by the paying office begins the
30-day payment period in which the government must make payment or pay a late fee.
C. Late Payment Fees and Charges. Should payment of the travel settlement
take longer than 30 days following receipt by the office where the claim is approved, that office
may be required to pay a late payment fee. This fee is payable, using the Prompt Payment Act
interest rate, beginning on the 31
day after the submission of a proper travel claim and ending
on the date that the payment is disbursed by the government. The only exception to the
requirement for this payment is that no payments are required for amounts less than $1.00.
Interest payment funding instructions can be found in Volume 10, Chapter 7. In addition, the
traveler will be paid an amount equal to any late payment charge that the card contractor would
have been able to charge had the traveler not paid the bill. The Internal Revenue Service has
determined that the late payment fee is reportable as interest and that the payment equal to the
late payment charge is to be reported as additional wages. In addition, travelers may be
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reimbursed for late fees imposed by the GTCC contractor if the non-payment that incurred the
late fee was a result of the government’s untimely processing of the travel voucher. Late fees do
not incur until 75 days following the billing statement.
D. Systems Modifications. As necessary, DoD Component travel systems
will be modified to capture the date of submission of a proper travel claim and compute
entitlement for late payment fees due as a result of untimely settlement.
E. Claims for Late Payment Fees. Payment of late fees should be calculated
and paid at the time the voucher is processed. Travelers who believe that late payment fees were
not included in the calculation of their travel vouchers may submit supplemental travel claims for
late payment fees. Each supplemental travel claim will be submitted through the office where
the claim is to be approved. That office will annotate the claim with the date that the original
travel claim was received.
031202 Responsibilities of Travelers for Payments
A. Monthly Statements. Cardholders are responsible for payment in full of
the undisputed amount stated on the monthly billing statement by the due date indicated on the
statement. Accounts are considered past due at 30 days past billing and delinquent if unpaid
60 days after the billing date. Cardholders are responsible for payment regardless of the status of
their travel reimbursements.
B. Long-term Travel. While in a long-term travel status, the traveler will file
interim vouchers every 30 days (for DTS travel, use scheduled partial payments procedures) in
order to receive partial payments and will use split disbursement as the means of settlement.
Long-term travel is defined as travel that lasts more than 45 days.
C Disputed Charges. In the event that the billing statement amount contains
charges that are disputed by the traveler, he/she will first contact the merchant to try and resolve
the incorrect charge. If unsuccessful, he/she will obtain a dispute form from the APC. The
cardholder will complete and send the form to the GTCC contractor using instructions provided
by the APC. All disputes must be filed within 60 days of the billing statement date on which the
disputed charge first appeared. It is the responsibility of the cardholder to ensure the dispute
form has been received by the bank. Once the dispute notification has been received by the
GTCC contractor, the contractor will issue a provisional credit for the amount of the dispute
pending resolution. Formally disputed charges will not age and the account will not suspend for
lack of payment.
D. Fees Chargeable by the Contractor. The following fees may be charged
by the GTCC contractor:
1. Non-Sufficient Funds (NSFs) Fee. The NSF fee is non-
reimbursable and is applied when the GTCC contractor receives a payment where sufficient
funds are not available. An account is subject to closure by the GTCC contractor if there are
more than three (3) NSFs during a 12-month period.
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2. Reinstatement Fee. The reinstatement fee is non-reimbursable.
Refer to paragraph 031202F.
3. Late Fees. Late fees may be reimbursable if the delinquency
resulted in an error or late reimbursement (more than 30 days per the Prompt Payment Act) by
the DoD. Late fees are applied at 75 days past billing and every cycle thereafter until payment in
full is received.
4. Salary Offset Fees. Salary offset fees are non-reimbursable. Refer
to paragraph 031202E.
5. Fixed Pay Plan Fee. The GTCC contractor may offer a fixed pay
plan on which a fee will be assessed. However, the fixed pay fee is non-reimbursable.
6. Cash Advance (ATM Withdrawal) Fee. The cash advance fee is
reimbursable. Additional ATM administrative and service fees that may be applied by the ATM
owner for each withdrawal are reimbursable.
7. Expedited Delivery Fee. The expedited delivery fee may be
reimbursable. This fee is applied when a card is delivered via overnight delivery.
E. Salary Offset. Upon written request of the GTCC contractor, the
Department will, on behalf of the GTCC contractor, begin the process of salary offset. Salary
offset is the collection (by deduction from the amount of pay owed to the cardholder) of any
amount the cardholder owes to the GTCC contractor as a result of undisputed delinquencies.
Specifics on the procedures of salary offset are contained in Volume 7A, Chapter 43 for military
members and Volume 8, Chapter 8 for civilian employees and retirees.
F. Reinstatement of Cancelled Accounts. Accounts that have been cancelled
due to delinquency may be eligible for reinstatement. In order to be approved for reinstatement,
cardholders must meet set criteria: A new application is required, the individual must consent to
a credit check, and a reinstatement fee is required. The account cannot have been charged off as
a bad debt; the balance must have been paid in full for a minimum of 60 days; there have been no
payments returned for nonsufficient funds (NSF) in the previous 12 months, and there were no
more than three NSF payments in the life of the account. If the reinstated account is
subsequently canceled, the cardholder will not be considered for reinstatement a second time.
G. Account Upgrade. An account upgrade is a process by which a cardholder
may request to “upgrade” a restricted account to a standard account. Applicants must agree to a
new credit check and must meet the credit score requirement for a standard account.
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 9, Chapter 3
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031301. Pre-suspension Notification for Accounts 45 Days Past Billing
At 45 days past billing, the contractor will make pre-suspension reports available. APCs
will notify the cardholder (or the CBA Manager for CBAs) and the cardholder’s supervisor that
the account will be suspended in 15 days if the contractor does not receive full payment of all
undisputed amounts. For IBAs, the APC will request that the supervisor notify the APC, within
15 days, of any reason why the account should not be suspended. The APC will keep a record of
the supervisor’s notification and related correspondence.
031302. Suspension of Accounts 61 Days Past Billing
At 61 days past billing, the APC will notify the cardholder (or the CBA Manager for
CBAs) and the cardholder’s supervisor (by email where possible) that the account has been
suspended due to nonpayment (see Annex 2 for a sample letter). The APC will keep a record of
each notification. The GTCC contractor will block charging privileges, to include ATM access,
until payment is received. Commanders/supervisors should determine whether the individual has
properly filed a claim for reimbursement of travel expenses and has been reimbursed; whether
DoD policy on split disbursement was adhered to; and whether further administrative or
disciplinary action is required.
031303. 90-Day Delinquency Notification to Supervisors
At 90 days past billing, the APC will notify the cardholder (or the CBA Manager for
CBAs), the cardholder’s supervisor, and the second level supervisor (by email where possible)
that the account is still delinquent (see Annex 3 for a sample letter). The APC will keep a record
of each notification. The individual cardholder will receive notice from the GTCC contractor
that his/her account will be cancelled and referred for salary offset within 30 days if the balance
is not paid in full.
031304. Cancellation of Accounts 120 Days Past Billing
At 120 days past billing, the GTCC contractor will make available cancellation reports.
The APC will notify the cardholder (or the CBA Manager for CBAs), the cardholder’s
supervisor, and the cardholder’s chain of command (by e-mail where possible) that the
cardholder’s account will be cancelled at 126 days past billing if the contractor does not receive
full payment of the undisputed amounts (see Annex 4 for a sample letter.) The APC will keep a
record of each notification. If no action is taken toward payment of the IBA debt, collection
action will be initiated by the GTCC contractor beginning on the 126
day past billing. Once
canceled, an account may be reinstated only when: (1) the account is paid in full and (2) the
commander or director requests the GTCC contractor in writing to reinstate the account. The
contractor reserves the right to deny the reinstatement request. Previously charged off accounts
will not be reinstated without DTMO approval. The Contractor reserves the right to deny the
reinstatement request.
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031305. Cancellation of IBAs Suspended Two Times
Cancellation of an IBA may also occur if the account has been suspended two times
during a 12-month period for nonpayment of undisputed amounts and again becomes past due.
Accounts that have been suspended twice during a 12-month period will be considered (for
cancellation purposes) past due for the third time at 45 days past billing.
031306. Mission-Critical Travel (IBA)
When an individual is in a travel situation that precludes filing of travel vouchers
(including interim vouchers) and prompt payment of GTCC bills, the APC is authorized (with
the approval of the cardholder’s supervisor) to place the account in a mission critical status.
Mission-critical travel is defined as travel performed by DoD personnel under competent orders
and performing duties that, through no fault of their own, prevent the traveler from filing travel
vouchers and paying the GTCC bills. Mission-critical status must be reflected on the travel
orders/authorizations in order for the traveler to be reimbursed for any late charges incurred
while in this status. An individual charge card account must be placed in mission critical status
before the account is suspended. Should there be outstanding balance at the time the cardholder
is removed from Mission Critical status, the balance must be paid within 45 days of removal
from this status. Expenses incurred prior to a deployment should be processed for payment
through split disbursement before the individual departs for his/her assignment. Mission-critical
status will not be authorized in cases where the individual is in a location where he/she is able to
file timely vouchers.
031307. Exception Status (CBA)
When a CBA is nearing suspension (approaching 61 days past billing), account managers
may request the account be placed in an exception status to avoid account suspension. A
payment against the account must have been initiated and expected to be made shortly. Repeated
requests for exception must be approved by the CPM or DTMO. The GTCC contractor reserves
the right to deny such requests. If approved, accounts are normally placed in exception status for
a period not to exceed 10 days.
031401. General
Reports are considered primary program management tools and are made available via
the GTCC contractor’s electronic access system. The GTCC contractor will make reports
available to the APC to help in identifying upcoming suspensions or cancellations of delinquent
accounts within specified timeframes. Due to the sensitive nature of all GTCC reports, the
reports and all information contained therein must be properly safeguarded at all times. APCs
will run the following mandatory reports at least monthly (2 days after cycle date).
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 9, Chapter 3
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031402. Aging Analysis Report
This report identifies summary-level delinquency information by Component hierarchy.
APCs will use this report to get a snapshot of their delinquencies.
031403. Cardholder Account Listing Report
This report identifies cardholder names, addresses, telephone numbers, and account numbers
assigned under the APC’s organization. APCs will use this report to ensure correct information
is on file with the GTCC contractor.
031404. Delinquency Report
This report identifies delinquent accounts and ages the delinquencies by time frame (i.e.,
30, 60, 90, 120, or more days). APCs will use this report to aggressively work all delinquencies.
031405. Pre-Suspension Report
This report lists accounts eligible for suspension and identifies account names, account
numbers, status, balances past due, and the number of days that each account is past due. APCs
will use this report to ensure accounts do not suspend.
031406. Suspension/Pre-cancellation Report
This report lists accounts that have been suspended and are nearing cancellation and
identifies account names, account numbers, status (suspended or canceled), date of status,
balances past due, and the number of days that each account is past due. APCs will use this
report to notify leadership of the potential cancellation of an account.
031407. Account Renewal Report
This report identifies those cardholders whose cards are coming due for renewal. APCs
will review the information on this report monthly and take appropriate action.
031408. Weekend/Holiday Activity Exceptions Report
This report identifies cardholders with transaction activity, such as lodging and car
rental, when checkout is on a Sunday, Monday, or a federal holiday. APCs will use this report to
flag potential misuse of the GTCC.
031409. Non-Travel Activity Exceptions Report
This report identifies cardholders with transaction activity (such as cash, fuel, or food)
occurring without other associated travel activity (such as airline, car rental, or lodging). APCs
will use this report to flag potential misuse of the GTCC.
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031410. Account Activity Report
This report displays all transaction activity for a specified billing cycle. APCs will use
the report to do a spot check of transactions to ensure there is no misuse.
031411. Authorizations/Declines
This report lists all transactions attempted against an account and details reasons for
decline and type of purchase (mail order, ATM, purchase, or cash). APCs will use this report to
determine where transactions failed and the reason for the decline.
031412. Exceptions/Returned Checks
This report provides a list of all cardholders that incur payment reversal transactions
within a specified hierarchy level and time frame. APCs will use this report to determine where
account holders have made payments with insufficient funds.
031413. Blocked MCCs
A list of all transactions made against MCCs that are blocked from charges against the GTCC.
APCs will use this report to see where charges were made against blocked MCCs.
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 9, Chapter 3
*August 2010
Statement of Understanding can be found at:
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 9, Chapter 3
*August 2010
SUBJECT: Delinquent Government Travel Charge Card Payment Notification - 61 Days
We have been informed by the Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) contractor that
___________________________ (cardholder's name) is 61 days delinquent in payment of
his/her account. The total amount due is $____________. The account is subject to a $29 late
fee at the point the account becomes 75 days delinquent and an additional $29 late fee for each
subsequent billing cycle until the delinquency is resolved.
(Provide the specific information regarding the delinquent charges.)
The GTCC contract requires that all outstanding, undisputed charges be paid by the due
date specified on the billing statement. The GTCC contractor has suspended card privileges for
this cardholder due to non-payment. The cardholder is required to be notified of this action and
counseled concerning the non-payment and use of the GTCC. Cardholders on temporary duty
more than 45 days are required to submit travel vouchers for payment every 30 days and maintain
their GTCC account in a current status. The Department’s policy requires mandatory use of split
disbursement for all outstanding charges on the travel charge card for military personnel and
civilian personnel where applicable.
Non-compliance, or failure to adhere to the guidelines for the GTCC, may result in
disciplinary action in accordance with applicable statutory, regulatory, or contractual provisions
and applicable Multi-Unit Master Agreement for bargaining unit employees.
The delinquent balance may be resolved by one of the following actions: (1) payment in
full; (2) a reasonable explanation documented and submitted to the contractor through the
Agency Program Coordinator (APC); or (3) an agreed upon repayment schedule with the GTCC
contractor. Billing questions may be directed to the GTCC contractor at the number printed on
the billing statement for that purpose. Questions concerning the GTCC program may be directed
to _________________________ (APC’s name) at ________________ (telephone number).
Please have the cardholder sign below to acknowledge receipt of this delinquent
notification and return it to me with your written response, outlining the actions taken, within 5
business days.
Agency Program Coordinator
cc: Cardholder
I acknowledge receipt of this memorandum.
(Name, Grade, Organization) (Date)
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 9, Chapter 3
*August 2010
SUBJECT: Delinquent Government Travel Charge Card Payment Notification - 91 Days
The 91-day delinquent notification list from the Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) contractor has
been received and ________________________ (cardholder’s name) is now 91 days delinquent in the payment of
his or her account. The total amount due is $_______. The attached 61-day notification memorandum informed
you that payment on the cardholder's GTCC account was delinquent. The GTCC contractor has sent a letter
notifying the cardholder of their due process and impending salary offset procedures. The account became subject
to a $29 late fee on the date the account became 75 days delinquent as well as additional $29 non- reimbursable late
fees for each subsequent billing cycle until the debt is resolved.
(Provide specific information regarding the delinquent charges.)
The GTCC contract requires that all outstanding, undisputed charges be paid by the due date specified on
the billing statement. If no action is taken to settle this debt, the Agency Program Coordinator (APC) or the GTCC
contractor will cancel the account. Meanwhile, GTCC privileges have been suspended as of ____________ (date).
These privileges may be restored upon complete payment of the amount owed. The cardholder must be notified and
counseled. Cardholders on temporary duty more than 45 days are required to submit travel vouchers for payment
every 30 days and maintain their travel charge card account in a current status. The Department’s policy requires
mandatory use of split disbursement for all outstanding charges on the travel charge card for military personnel and
civilian personnel where applicable.
Noncompliance, or failure to adhere to the guidelines for the GTCC, may result in disciplinary action in
accordance with applicable statutory, regulatory, or contractual provisions and applicable Multi-Unit Master
Agreement for bargaining unit employees.
The delinquent balance may be resolved by one of the following actions: (1) payment in full;
(2) a reasonable explanation documented and submitted to the contractor through the APC; or (3) an agreed upon
repayment schedule with the GTCC contractor. Billing questions may be directed to the GTCC contractor at the
number printed on the billing statement for that purpose. Questions concerning the GTCC program may be directed
to _________________________ (APC’s name) at _________________ (telephone number).
Please have the cardholder sign below to acknowledge receipt of this delinquent notification and return it to
me with your written response, outlining the actions taken, within 5 business days.
Agency Program Coordinator
cc: Cardholder
I acknowledge receipt of this memorandum.
(Name, Grade, Organization) (Date)
2BDoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation Volume 9, Chapter 3
*August 2010
SUBJECT: Cancellation of Government Travel Charge Card-121 Day Delinquent Payment
The 61 and 91 day delinquent notification memoranda, dated ________ and __________
respectively, notified the immediate supervisor and the department director (or equivalent
manager) of the past due account for cardholder __________________ (name). It has now been
brought to our attention that this cardholder has a delinquent GTCC balance of $___________
that is over 121 days past billing. To date, no arrangement has been made with the contractor to
resolve this debt. Therefore, the account has been canceled. The cardholder has received notice
of impending salary offset from the GTCC contractor. If the cardholder is not eligible for salary
offset, the GTCC contractor may begin official collection action. Collection action may include
credit bureau notification of the employee’s failure to pay and garnishment of the employee’s
pay. Additionally, delinquent cardholders are subject to a $29 non-reimbursable late fee per
billing cycle for each and every billing cycle following the point at which the account became
75 days delinquent and additional $29 late fees for every subsequent billing cycle until the debt
is resolved.
(Provide specific information regarding the delinquent account and any other information
known about the individual's response to the previous notices of delinquency.)
The cardholder may request reinstatement with the approval of the commander or
director. Reinstatement is conditioned on a new favorable credit score, no outstanding balance,
and payment of a $29.00 non reimbursable fee. Cardholders who do not properly liquidate their
GTCC debts, or use the card for personal purposes, may be subject to disciplinary action in
accordance with applicable statutory, regulatory, or contractual provisions and applicable Multi-
Unit Master Agreement for bargaining unit employees.
Please contact __________________ (Agency Program Coordinator) at telephone
number ________________, should further questions arise. Please have the cardholder sign to
acknowledge receipt of this notification and return it with your written response, outlining the
actions taken, within 5 business days.
Agency Program Coordinator
cc: Cardholder
I acknowledge receipt of this memorandum.
(Name, Grade, Organization) (Date)