Treasury and Trade Solutions
Site User Guide
Department of Defense
March 2023
CitiManager Site User Guide | Table of Contents
Table of Contents
User Guide Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Document Scope .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Your Access May Vary .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
A Note About Navigation ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
How Do I Activate My Card .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Getting Started in CitiManager.............................................................................................................................................................................................4
What is CitiManager? ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Basic Navigation ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................4
Choose Your Language ..................................................................................................................................................................................................6
Apply for New Card Using an Invitation Passcode ..................................................................................................................................................6
Register as a Cardholder ...............................................................................................................................................................................................8
Log In to the CitiManager Site .................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Log Out of the CitiManager Site ................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Retrieve Forgotten Username ......................................................................................................................................................................................11
Reset Forgotten Password ...........................................................................................................................................................................................12
My Profile Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................................................13
Update Contact Information ........................................................................................................................................................................................14
View User Roles and Hierarchy ...................................................................................................................................................................................14
View Entitlements .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Update User Preferences .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Change Password ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................16
Reset Challenge Questions ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16
Link a Card Account .......................................................................................................................................................................................................17
Unlink a Card Account ...................................................................................................................................................................................................18
Assign Alternate User ....................................................................................................................................................................................................18
Unassign Alternate User ..............................................................................................................................................................................................20
View Application History .............................................................................................................................................................................................20
View CitiManager Log In History ................................................................................................................................................................................21
CitiManager Site User Guide | Table of Contents
Cards Overview ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
View Card Details ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Reinstate Account .........................................................................................................................................................................................................24
Initiate an Account Upgrade .......................................................................................................................................................................................24
View and Attach Account Documents ......................................................................................................................................................................25
View PIN ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................27
Replace Lost/Stolen/Never Received/Damaged Card ......................................................................................................................................... 27
Statements Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
View and Download Statements ................................................................................................................................................................................32
Make a Payment .............................................................................................................................................................................................................33
View and Download Recent Transactions ...............................................................................................................................................................34
View Authorizations and Declined (Pending) Transactions ...............................................................................................................................36
View Scheduled and Past Payments (Payment History) .....................................................................................................................................36
Dispute a Transaction ...................................................................................................................................................................................................37
View Disputed Transactions ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Change Paperless/Paper Statement Settings .......................................................................................................................................................39
Resources ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................41
View Message Board ......................................................................................................................................................................................................41
Search for a Non-cardholder (Program Administrator) .......................................................................................................................................41
View Frequently Asked Questions .............................................................................................................................................................................42
Access Links & Help .......................................................................................................................................................................................................42
Alerts .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................43
Manage Alert Subscriptions ........................................................................................................................................................................................43
View Alert Audit Log .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Manage On-Demand Mobile Alerts .......................................................................................................................................................................... 45
CitiManager Site User Guide | User Guide Overview
User Guide Overview
Document Scope
This CitiManager
Site User Guide provides detailed step-by-step instructions for all CitiManager Site functions available to Cardholders.
Screen captures in this guide contain dummy data for personal information and it is used for illustrative purposes only.
For a consolidated user guide, refer to the CitiManager Quick Start Guide for Cardholders.
Your Access May Vary
The functions you have access to are based on your role and entitlements. You may not have entitlements for all the functions
described in this user guide. Some fields are defined at the agency/organization level so there may be variances in what is described
in this user guide based on your agency/organization’s setup.
A Note About Navigation
Most step-by-step instructions in this user guide assume you are already logged into the CitiManager Site. Refer to the Log In to
CitiManager Site topic for the steps required to log in.
Unless otherwise noted, the step-by-step instructions begin from the CitiManager Site Home screen.
How Do I Activate My Card
Please sign your card immediately and confirm receipt of your card by following the instructions below:
1. Navigate to the Card Activation website.
Alternately, you may call 1-800-200-7056. From outside the U.S. and Canada, call 757-852-9076.
2. Enter the required information and follow the instructions on the website.
To activate this card you are required enter your Verification ID, which is the last four digits of your Social Security Number,
Employee ID or other personal reference numbers as instructed by your employer for verification.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Getting Started in CitiManager
Getting Started in CitiManager
What is CitiManager?
The CitiManager Site is a powerful online tool that allows Cardholders to view and manage their account at any time. Based on your
agency/organization’s set up, some of the key self-service activities may include:
Retrieve a forgotten username or password
View recent activity and current and past statements
View credit limits, total balances and transaction level detail
Make a payment
Request a refund
Manage e-mail and mobile alerts
Dispute a transaction and view the dispute once it’s submitted
Manage preferences and update contact information
Basic Navigation
Key Concepts
After you log in to the CitiManager Site, the Home screen displays. The Home screen acts as a dashboard and displays a high level
metric summary of your account — including your credit limit, total balance and available credit. You can also view recent transactions
that have posted since your last statement. Use the navigation options from the header and the side navigation bar as well as quick
links to navigate to additional account information and preferences.
Home Screen
Screen Descriptions
1. Your agency/organization name displays at the
top of the screen. If you have access to more
than one agency/organization, you may select
another one using the drop-down list.
2. Click the My Profile link to access or modify
your profile details.
3. Click the Sign Out link to log out of the
CitiManager Site.
4. Click the Envelope icon to view the Message
Screen Components
5. The dashboard section allows you to view
high-level account metrics such as credit limit,
total balance and available credit. If applicable,
you can also click the Make a Payment link on
the right.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Getting Started in CitiManager
Screen Descriptions
6. The Account drop-down allows you to toggle
between card accounts, if you have more
than one.
7. Use the quick links displayed on the black bar to
navigate to the Request History, Statements,
View PIN and Alerts Subscription screens.
8. In the Recent Activity section, you can view
Recent Authorizations which are authorized or
declined transactions that have not yet posted
to the account and Unbilled Transactions which
have posted since your last statement and will
appear on the next one.
9. When transactions display, the search field on
the right is used to perform a basic transaction
search by the details, amount or date. Click the
Advanced Search link to narrow your search.
10. For each transaction row, a > Forward arrow
displays on the right side, which you can click
to navigate to the Statements screen.
Side Navigation Bar
11. Click the Home icon to return to the Home
12. Click the Cards icon to view an overview of your
card account, payment information, statements,
aging of balance, recent transactions and your
card contact information.
13. Click the Statements icon to select a monthly
statement to view and also view recent activity,
change your paperless settings and view
14. Click the Resources icon to view messages,
access FAQs and Links & Help.
15. Click the Alerts icon to manage your alert
subscriptions, view the audit log, and view
on-demand mobile alert information.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Getting Started in CitiManager
Choose Your Language
Key Concepts
The CitiManager Site is available in 28 languages. You can change the language in which the CitiManager Site displays by selecting it
from the Login screen before you log in to the site.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
Navigate to
The CitiManager Site Login screen displays.
2. From the language drop-down list that displays on the top right corner, select the desired language.
The CitiManager Site text displays in the selected language.
Apply for New Card Using an Invitation Passcode
Key Concepts
Before you can apply for a new card, an Invitation Passcode and the inviter’s e-mail address are required in the CitiManager Site and
access the online application. Both are obtained from your Agency Program Coordinator (APC).
When completing the online application you will be prompted to enter your Supervisor’s (Approver1) e-mail address. Be sure to enter
your Supervisor’s e-mail address. Do not enter your APC’s e-mail address.
Once you submit your application, you will receive automated confirmation e-mails when your Supervisor and APC approve your
You can view the status of your application in the CitiManager Site by using the username and password created during the
application process to log in and navigate to My Profile > Request History. Refer to the View Application and Maintenance Request
History topic in this user guide for additional information.
Once your card application is approved, the account will be linked to the CitiManager Site username and password that was created
during the application process. This will allow you to log in to the CitiManager Site to view balances, credit limits, statements and
perform other self-service tasks.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
Navigate to
The CitiManager Site Login screen displays.
2. From the CitiManager Site Login screen header, click the Apply for a Card Today link.
The User Registration screen displays.
3. Select the Invitation Passcode radio button.
4. Click the Continue button.
User Registration — Invitation Passcode/Inviter’s Emails screen displays.
5. In the Invitation Passcode field, type the Invitation Passcode sent to you by your APC.
Note: The Invitation Passcode field is case sensitive.
6. In the Inviters E-mail Address field, type the inviter’s e-mail address sent to you by your APC.
Note: This is typically the APC who sent you the invitation passcode. Usually, this is not your Supervisor (Approver1).
CitiManager Site User Guide | Getting Started in CitiManager
Step Action
7. Click the Continue button.
The User Registration — Sign-on Details screen displays.
Note: All new applicants are required to create a user profile for the CitiManager Site during the application process.
8. In the Username field, type a username that meets the username requirements.
Note: The username requirements display in a window as you type your username. A checkmark displays when the
requirements are fulfilled.
9. In the Password field, type a password that meets the password requirements.
Note: The password requirements display in a window as you type your password. A checkmark displays when the
requirements are fulfilled.
10. In the Confirm password field, re-type the password.
11. From the Helpdesk verification question drop-down list, select the verification question.
Note: You may be asked this question by Citi when you contact the Helpdesk for assistance.
12. In the Helpdesk verification answer field, type the answer to the verification question you selected.
13. In the Personal Information section, complete the required fields.
Note: An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
14. Click the Continue button.
A confirmation message displays.
Note: The CitiManager Site sends an e-mail confirming the registration and username created.
15. Click the OK button.
The User Registration Apply for Card — Card Application Details screen displays.
16. Complete the required fields on the application.
Note: An asterisk (*) indicates a required field. If you are unable to complete the required fields, you can save the
application as a draft and return to it later. Make sure to type your Supervisor’s e-mail in the Approver1 Email Address
field, not your APC’s e-mail. Your Supervisor is the Approver1. In the Credit Worthiness Declaration section, select the
authorize checkbox to allow Citi to pull a soft credit score. Your credit will not be negatively impacted by this. If you do
not authorize the soft credit pull, select the do not authorize option. If you do not consent to the soft pull credit score, DD
Form 2883 must be completed, signed by you, the Supervisor (Approver1), and the APC. This document must be retained
on file by the APC. This form should not be uploaded to the your Account Documents. Contact your APC for the most
current DD Form 2883.
1 7. Click the Submit button.
An application submission confirmation message displays.
18. Click the OK button.
The CitiManager Site Login screen displays.
Note: The approving Supervisor will receive an e-mail advising them that your application is awaiting their approval.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Getting Started in CitiManager
Register as a Cardholder
Key Concepts
As a Cardholder it is possible to register for the CitiManager Site so you can view your account information, view statements and
balances and perform other self-service tasks such as set your alerts or view your PIN.
To complete the registration process, you will need the following information:
Your credit card number
The CVV security code from the back of your credit card
The last four digits of your Employee ID/Social Security Number that were provided to you during the application process
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
Navigate to
Note: If you clicked the Click to register today! link from the Welcome to CitiManager e-mail sent to you, start the
registration process from Step 3.
The CitiManager Site Login screen displays.
2. From the CitiManager Site Login screen, click the Register as a Cardholder link.
The Register for Online Access screen displays.
3. In the Credit Card Number field, type your 16-digit credit card number.
4. In the Security Code (CVV) field, type the CVV security code that displays on the back of your credit card.
5. Click the Continue button.
The Verify Identity screen displays.
6. In the Last 4 of Social — OR — Employee ID field, type the number that was provided by your agency/organization during
the application process. This number is either the last four digits of your social security number (SSN) or the last four
digits of your Employee ID depending on your agency/organization set-up.
Note: In Canada, the Date of Birth field displays. Type you date of birth in mm/dd/yyyy
format or select it using the Calendar.
7. Click the Continue button.
The Verification Method screen displays.
8. Select the radio button for the phone number where you want to receive the one-time passcode.
Note: If you are not able to receive a one-time passcode using the available options, click the Register using temporary
credentials, we’ll send to the email we have on file link. The screen will refresh and a Registration ID and Passcode will
be sent to your e-mail address. Enter your Registration ID and Passcode and continue to Step 12.
9. Click the Continue button.
The One-Time Code field screen displays.
10. In the One-Time Identification Code field, type the one-time passcode code that was sent to the option selected.
Note: The one-time passcode expires after three minutes and you have six attempts to enter it correctly. The time
remaining displays at the top of the screen. If time expires before the one-time passcode is entered correctly, a message
window displays. Click the Try Again button and then click the Resend code link to have a code sent again.
11. Click the Continue button.
The Sign On Details screen displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Getting Started in CitiManager
Step Action
12. In the Username field, type a username that meets the requirements.
Note: If the username you entered already exists, you will be asked to enter a different one.
13. In the Password field, type a password that meets the requirements.
14. In the Confirm Password field, re-type the password.
15. In the Primary Email Address field, verify the e-mail address that is pre-populated based on the e-mail address provided
during the application process and update it if necessary.
Note: This is the e-mail address that will be used as your primary e-mail address in your CitiManager Site Profile.
16. In the Alternate Email Address (Optional) field, type an alternate e-mail address.
Note: This is an optional field. The alternate e-mail address can be used for alerts.
1 7. Click the Continue button.
The Client Services Verification screen displays.
18. From the Client Services Question drop-down list, select the question that will be used to verify your identity when you
call Customer Service.
19. In the Client Services Answer field, type the answer to the question you selected.
Note: This is a free-form field and it is not case sensitive.
20. In the Confirm Client Services Answer field, re-type the answer to the question you selected.
21. Click the Continue button.
The Review and Register screen displays.
22. Review the information displayed and when you are finished, click the Register Account button.
The Confirmation screen displays indicating you have successfully registered your account.
23. To continue to the CitiManager Site, click the Sign On button.
The Security Questions screen displays.
Note: When you log in for the first time, you will be asked to select and answer three challenge questions. For subsequent
logins, you may be asked to answer one of the challenge questions to complete the log in process.
24. Select, answer and confirm three challenge questions and click the Save button.
The CitiManager Site Home screen displays.
Note: You cannot select a challenge question more than once.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Getting Started in CitiManager
Log In to the CitiManager Site
Key Concepts
In order to access your account information in the CitiManager Site, you must use a valid username and password.
You will be prompted to enter a one-time passcode (OTP) during the log in processes. If prompted, you will select a receipt option
from the available options. Once you enter the OTP, the CitiManager Home screen displays and you will not need to answer a
challenge question.
You can only have one session of CitiManager open at a time. If you attempt to log in to a second session, either from a browser or
the CitiManager — Corporate Cards App, you will be logged out.
If you cannot remember your username or password, refer to the Retrieve Forgotten Username or Reset Forgotten Password topics
in this user guide.
If you need additional information about CitiManager Site self-registration, refer to the Register as a Cardholder topic in this user guide.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
Navigate to
The CitiManager Site Login screen displays.
2. In the User ID field, type your username.
3. In the Password field, type your password.
4. Click the Sign On button.
The One-time Passcode receipt options screen displays.
5. Select how you would like to receive your one-time passcode and click the Continue button. When the eight-digit code is
received, type it in the field displayed on the CitiManager Site One-time Passcode screen and click the Continue button.
The CitiManager Site Home screen displays.
Log Out of the CitiManager Site
Key Concepts
When logging out of the CitiManager Site, be sure to use the Sign Out link so the system closes all your current session information
Do not close the CitiManager Site by clicking the browser or tab Close [X] button. Even though the browser/tab closes, your session
remains open. You will either need to clear your cache or close your browser to end the session.
You will be automatically logged out of the CitiManager Site after 15 minutes of inactivity. If you receive an expiration warning
message, you can click the OK button to keep your session open.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the Sign Out link.
The screen refreshes and the CitiManager Site Login screen displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Getting Started in CitiManager
Retrieve Forgotten Username
Key Concepts
If you forget your username, you will need to retrieve it in order to log into the CitiManager Site. When you are finished submitting the
request, your username will be sent to your e-mail address.
To retrieve your username, the following information is required:
Your full account number
The embossed name as it appears on your card
Your Helpdesk verification answer
You can also contact your APC for help retrieving your username.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
Navigate to
The CitiManager Site Login screen displays.
2. Click the Forgot User ID link.
The Forgot Sign On — Username screen displays.
3. Select the Cardholder radio button and click the Continue button.
The Forgot Sign On — User Name — Select Role screen displays.
4. In the Embossed Name field, type the embossed name as it appears on your card.
5. In the Account Number (full number) field, type the full account number as it appears on the card.
6. In the Enter the code in image field, type the CAPTCHA displayed in the shaded image.
Note: To listen to the CAPTCHA code, select the Select Audio Challenge checkbox and click the Play Audio button.
7. Click the Continue button.
The Helpdesk Verification screen displays.
8. In the Helpdesk Verification Answer field, type the answer to the verification question and click the Continue button.
The OTP Details screen displays.
9. From the OTP Details screen, select the appropriate contact option and click the Continue button.
A passcode is sent via text message or phone call depending on the option you have selected.
10. In the One-Time Passcode field, type the passcode you were provided and click the Continue button.
A confirmation message displays.
11. Click the OK button.
The system sends your username to the e-mail address on file.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Getting Started in CitiManager
Reset Forgotten Password
Key Concepts
If you forget your password, you will need to reset it in order to login to the CitiManager Site.
To retrieve your password, the following information is required:
A valid username
The last six digits of your account number
Your Helpdesk verification answer
You can also contact your APC for help retrieving your password.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
Navigate to
The CitiManager Site Login screen displays.
2. Click the Forgot Password? link.
The Forgot Password — Select Role screen displays.
3. Select the Cardholder radio button and click the Continue button.
The Forgot Password — Enter Details screen displays.
4. In the Username field, type your username.
5. In the Card Number field, type the last six digits of your account number.
6. In the Enter the code in image field, type the CAPTCHA displayed in the shaded image.
Note: To listen to the CAPTCHA code, select the Select Audio Challenge checkbox and click the Play Audio button.
7. Click the Continue button.
The Helpdesk Verification screen displays.
8. In the Helpdesk Verification Answer field, type the answer to the verification question and click the Continue button.
The Forget Password — OTP Details screen displays.
9. From the OTP Details screen, select the appropriate contact option and click the Continue button.
A passcode is sent via text message or phone call depending on the option you have selected.
10. In the One-Time Passcode field, type the passcode you were provided and click the Continue button.
A confirmation message displays.
11. Click the OK button.
A message displays indicating a temporary password has been generated and sent to your e-mail address. Use this
password to login to the CitiManager Site. You will be prompted to create a new password.
CitiManager Site User Guide | My Profile Overview
My Profile Overview
The My Profile screen is used to access links that are used to view your user role, hierarchy and entitlements. Additionally, you may
update the following depending on your entitlements:
CitiManager Site contact details
User preferences such as language, date and time format and currency
Reset challenge questions
Assign/Unassign Alternate user
View application and maintenance request history
CitiManager Site log in history
My Profile Screen
Screen Descriptions
1. Click the My Profile link from the header to
access links used to view and maintain your
profile information.
2. From the My Profile screen, the links displayed
on the left side allow you to view and maintain
your profile information such as role, hierarchy,
entitlements and passwords.
CitiManager Site User Guide | My Profile Overview
Update Contact Information
Key Concepts
There are times when it may be necessary to update the contact information associated with your CitiManager Site user profile.
The following information associated with your CitiManager Site profile can be updated:
Mobile phone number
Phone number/contact number
Fax number
User profile e-mail address
To update the contact information and the address associated with your card/statement, refer to the Perform Card Maintenance
topic in this user guide.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Update the necessary contact details associated with your CitiManager Site profile.
Note: An asterisk (*) indicates a required field. The Mobile Phone Number field is a required field. If you choose not to
provide your mobile phone number, you must select the opt out checkbox. Otherwise, you will not be able to save your
3. When you are finished, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the Save Changes button.
A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen.
4. To view a log of changes that have been made to your contact information, click the Audit Log link.
The Audit Log screen displays the date/time of change, previous and current values and the status.
View User Roles and Hierarchy
Key Concepts
In some instances users are assigned more than one role in the CitiManager Site. For example, you may have Cardholder, APC or
Approver1 (Supervisor) access.
You can view the roles you’ve been assigned as well as your hierarchy.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the User Role and Hierarchy link.
The User Role and Hierarchy screen displays. The roles you have been assigned and your hierarchy display.
CitiManager Site User Guide | My Profile Overview
View Entitlements
Key Concepts
You can view the entitlements and tools assigned to you based on your role.
Entitlements that may be assigned to you include:
Make a payment
View statements
Request a refund
View authorizations
Manage alerts
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the Entitlements link.
The Entitlements screen displays. By default, all the entitlements you have been assigned display.
Update User Preferences
Key Concepts
It is possible to update the following CitiManager Site user preferences:
Help Desk verification question and answer
Hierarchy Sorting (Unit name or number)
Date Format
Time Format
Time Zone
Currency Format
The Help Desk verification question/answer is used to confirm your status with Citi when you call the Help Desk for assistance
(Corporate and Federal Government clients, except Department of Defense).
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the User Preferences link.
The User Preferences screen displays.
3. Make any necessary changes to your user preferences.
Note: An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
4. When you are finished, click the Save Changes button.
A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen.
CitiManager Site User Guide | My Profile Overview
Change Password
Key Concepts
While Cardholders are given the option to change their passwords every 100 days you can change it at any time if you feel it has been
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the Change Password link.
The Change Password screen displays.
3. In the Your Current Password field, type your current password.
4. In the Create New Password field, type your new password.
Note: The password requirements display in a window as you type. An X displays for each requirement until it has been
5. In the Confirm New Password field, re-type your new password.
6. Click the Change Password button.
A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen.
Reset Challenge Questions
Key Concepts
Because the CitiManager Site requires dual authentication you may need to answer an additional security question after you enter
your username and password during the log in process.
You must select and answer three challenge questions when initially registering for the CitiManager Site and when you reset your
existing challenge questions.
You may change your challenge questions and/or their answers at any time. Once you submit the request to reset your challenge
questions, you need to log in to the CitiManager Site and when prompted select and answer your new challenge questions.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the Reset Challenge Questions link.
The Reset Challenge Questions screen displays prompting you to answer one of your existing challenge questions.
Type the answer to the existing challenge question displayed.
Click the Confirm button.
A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen. The next time you log in to the CitiManager Site, you will be
prompted to select and answer three new challenge questions.
From the CitiManager Site Login screen, type your username and password and then click the Login button.
The set security challenge question screen displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | My Profile Overview
Step Action
Select your three challenge questions from the drop-down list and then type the answer for each.
Note: You must select three different questions and the answer for each must be unique and have at least three characters.
If you enter inaccurate information, click the Clear button before saving.
7. Click the Save button.
The CitiManager Home screen displays.
Link a Card Account
Key Concepts
If you have an existing CitiManager profile and you are issued a new card because your existing card account expired or was lost
stolen, you can link it to your existing CitiManager username without creating another login, username and password.
Once you have linked your card accounts you will be able to select which account you wish to view from the Home, Card Details or
Statements screens.
You will need the following card details for the account you wish to link:
Card Number
Account Name
The account name, address and zip code must match what appears on your billing statement exactly.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the Link/Unlink Card Account link.
The Card Details screen displays.
3. Click the Link Card Account button.
The Link Card Account screen displays.
4. In the Card Number field, type your card number exactly as it appears on your billing statement, no spaces or dashes.
5. In the Name On Card field, type the account name exactly as it appears on your billing statement.
6. In the Contact Details section, type the billing address for your card exactly as it appears on your billing statement.
Note: If your zip code is nine digits, then enter all nine digits. If you zip code is only five digits, then only enter five digits.
An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
7. Click the Continue button.
A confirmation message and the Card Account screen display. The card account you just linked is now listed.
CitiManager Site User Guide | My Profile Overview
Unlink a Card Account
Key Concepts
If you linked additional card accounts to your user profile, you can remove them when they have expired, or have been reported as
lost stolen and a new card has been issued.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the Link/Unlink Card Account link.
The Card Details screen displays.
3. Select the radio button for card number you wish to remove from your user profile.
4. Click the Unlink Card Account link.
The confirmation screen displays.
5. Verify you have selected the correct account and click the Confirm button.
A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen.
Assign Alternate User
Key Concepts
In accordance with your agency/organization policies, you can assign alternate users to your card account so others can access
your account information, make maintenance requests (if your program allows) or make payments to individually billed accounts on
your behalf.
You can assign an existing CitiManager Site user or assign a new one. Complete a search for an existing user first, and if they are not
currently registered as a CitiManager Site user they must be created first. Once they are created, registration details will be sent to
the new user. When user completes the registration process they will be assigned as your alternate user.
Regardless of how an alternate user is assigned (new or existing), the user will only have access to that card account as a Cardholder.
Step-by-Step Instructions
To Assign Existing User
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the Assign/Unassign Alternate User link.
The Alternate User screen displays.
Note: If there is already an alternate user assigned to your card account, their name will be listed. To unassign the user,
refer the Unassign Alternate User topic in this user guide.
3. Click the Assign link.
The Search/Create User screen displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | My Profile Overview
Step Action
4. Type your search criteria and click the Search button.
A list of users that meet your search criteria displays.
Note: If the user you searched for is not a current user, a message displays indicating there are no alternate users
available. You will need to create them before they can be assigned. Refer to the Assign a New User steps in this topic for
additional information.
5. Click the radio button for the user to be assigned and click the Add User button.
A confirmation displays and you are returned to the Alternate User screen and the assigned user name displays.
Step-by-Step Instructions
To Assign a New User
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the Assign/Unassign Alternate User link.
The Alternate User screen displays.
3. Click the Assign button.
The Search/Create User screen displays.
4. Click the Create User link displayed in the Search Users header.
The Create User screen displays.
5. Complete the required fields in the Personal Details, Contact Details, User Role(s) and Entitlements sections.
If necessary, click the + (expand) button to view the fields for each section.
Ensure you have reviewed and as necessary modified the selections in the Entitlements section. Statements and Unbilled
Transactions (Recent) are not considered default entitlements.
Note: An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
6. When you are finished with all sections, click the Continue button.
The Confirm User screen displays.
7. Review the details you entered for the new user. When you are finished, click the Save button.
A confirmation message displays indicating the user has been successfully created.
Note: Registration details will be sent to the new user so they can create a username and password for the CitiManager Site.
8. Click the OK button.
The Alternate User screen displays.
Note: The new user’s name displays with a status of Unregistered. Once the user completes the registration process the
status will change to Registered and they will have access to your account.
CitiManager Site User Guide | My Profile Overview
Unassign Alternate User
Key Concepts
If you have assigned an alternate user to your card account, you can unassign them if you no longer want them to have access to
your information.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the Assign/Unassign Alternate User link.
The Alternate User screen displays the name(s) of alternate users you have assigned to your card account.
Note: If no alternate users are assigned, a message displays indicating no alternate users are available. You can assign an
alternate user by clicking the Assign button.
3. Select the checkbox for the user you wish to unassign from your card account.
4. Click the Unassign button.
A confirmation screen displays.
5. Verify the name displayed is the user you wish to unassign and click the Confirm button.
A confirmation displays at the top of the screen.
View Application History
Key Concepts
You can view information about your account application and maintenance requests including the following information:
Request ID
Request Type
The date the request was last modified
Audit information such as which fields have changed, when they were updated and by whom
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the Request History link.
A list of application and maintenance requests display.
Note: If there are no requests, a message displays indicating there are no requests for this user.
You can sort the requests by clicking on header in which you’d like to sort the requests.
3. To view the hierarchy, click the ellipsis (…) link that displays on the right-side of the row you wish to expand.
CitiManager Site User Guide | My Profile Overview
Step Action
4. To view the details of a specific request, from the Request ID column, click the link for the desired request.
The application or maintenance request details display with the approval history.
Note: To view additional information from the Contact Information, Additional Information, Spending Controls sections or
to view the CitiManager Cardholder Account Agreement, click the + (expand) button from the section header as necessary.
To view the Audit Log, scroll to bottom of screen and click the View Audit Log button. When you are finished, click the
Back button.
To return to the list of maintenance requests, click the Cancel link at the bottom of the screen then click the OK button.
View CitiManager Log In History
Key Concepts
When you first log in to the CitiManager Site, a message at the top of the Home screen displays your login history. You can also view
this information from the CitiManager Log In History screen.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site header, click the My Profile link that displays under your name.
The Contact Information screen displays.
2. Click the CitiManager Log In History link.
The CitiManager Log In History screen displays your login history.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Cards Overview
Cards Overview
The Card Details screen provides a high-level summary of your card account information including the following:
Card Overview: Card name, number and status, hierarchy, employee ID, credit limit, total balance, cost center and default
accounting code
Payments: Last payment made, next payment due, view history (if entitled)
Statements: Recent transaction activity, previous statements
Aging of balance information (1 – 120+ Days)
Contact information associated with your card/statement
Depending on your program and agency’s/organization’s settings, you may also be entitled to update account contact information,
request a refund and view refund requests.
Card Details Screen
Screen Descriptions
1. The Card Information section displays the
Name on Card, Card Name, Account Status,
Hierarchy, Employee ID, Credit Limit, Total
Balance, Cost Center and Default Accounting
Code fields and payment information such as
Last Payment Made and Next Payment Due.
2. In the Statements section click the Recent or
statement date icons to view recent transactions
or current and previous statements.
3. The Aging of Balance section displays aging
balances from 1 to 120+ days.
4. The Card Contact Information section displays
the contact information associated with your
card or statement including name, address,
phone numbers and e-mail address.
5. On the right-side of screen, additional links
display based on your entitlements. Links to
perform account maintenance, request/view a
refund, initiate an account upgrade or account
reinstatement, view your PIN, or account
reinstatement will display, if entitled.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Cards Overview
View Card Details
Key Concepts
The Card Details screen provides a high-level summary of your card account information including the following:
Card Overview: Card name, number and status, hierarchy, employee ID, credit limit, total balance, cost center and default
accounting code
Payments: Last payment made, next payment due, view history (if entitled)
Statements: Recent transaction activity, previous statements
Aging of balance Information (1 – 120+ Days)
Contact information associated with your card/statement
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, click the Cards icon.
The Card Details screen displays.
Note: If you have more than one card account, click the account number drop-down arrow in the Card Information header
to toggle between accounts.
2. View the desired card account information in the Card Overview, Payments, Statements, Aging of Balance and Card
Contact Info sections.
3. If your agency/organization allows it you can view payment history. From the Payments section, click the View History link.
If you are not entitled, this link will not display.
The Scheduled & Last Payments screen displays showing pending payments and past payments.
Note: To search for a specific transaction amount, date or pay from account number, type the search criteria in search
field that displays in the upper-right corner and click the Search button. Click the Advanced Search link to access
additional search criteria.
4. To view recent transactions that have posted to your account but not yet billed to your statement, click the Recent icon
from the Statements section.
The Statements screen displays defaulting to recent activity. A summary of activity displays at the top of the screen and
transactions display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: Recent transactions will appear on your next statement. The recent activity summary is not a final statement.
To search recent activity by transaction details (merchant), an amount or date, type the search criteria in search field
that displays in the upper-right corner and click the Search button. Click the Advanced Search link to access additional
search criteria.
For additional information about viewing/downloading recent activity, refer to the View and Download Recent Activity
topic in this user guide.
5. To view previous statements, from the Statements section, click the icon for the statement date you wish to view.
The Statements screen for the selected date displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Cards Overview
Reinstate Account
Key Concepts
You can initiate an account reinstatement if your account has been closed due to delinquency by Citi. In order to complete the
process, you cannot have a balance on your account for 60 days and your account needs to meet certain criteria. You also have to
authorize a soft credit score pull which will not affect your credit score. If your credit score is high enough and your account meets all
of the criteria, then your account will be reinstated.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, click the Cards icon.
The Card Details screen displays.
Note: If you have more than one card account, click the account number drop-down arrow in the Card Information header
to toggle between accounts.
2. Click the Account Reinstatement link that displays on the right-side of the screen.
The Account Upgrade screen displays.
3. In the Enter Approver1 Email Address field, type the Approver1 email.
4. Update the necessary demographic and additional details.
Note: An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
5. Select the checkbox to acknowledge you have read the Citi Department of Defense Services Travel Card Agreement.
6. In the Individual Online Application section, select the checkbox for I agree to be bound by the terms and conditions as
set forth in the agreement.
7. Select the checkbox for I, as a Cardholder, Authorize the bank to obtain consumer reports on me.
8. Click the Submit button.
A confirmation window displays indicating the card has been submitted.
9. Click the OK button.
Initiate an Account Upgrade
Key Concepts
You can initiate an account upgrade to change your card from restricted to standard. You have to authorize a soft credit score pull
which will not affect your credit score. If your credit score is high enough, your card will be upgraded to a standard account with a
$7,500 credit limit.
An account upgrade is initiated by Cardholders and the link is only visible if your card is restricted and in good standing.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, click the Cards icon.
The Card Details screen displays.
Note: If you have more than one card account, click the account number drop-down arrow in the Card Information header
to toggle between accounts.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Cards Overview
Step Action
2. Click the Account Upgrade link that displays on the right-side of the screen.
The Account Upgrade screen displays.
3. In the Enter Approver1 Email Address field, type the Approver1 email.
4. Update the necessary demographic and additional details.
Note: An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
5. Select the checkbox to acknowledge you have read the Citi Department of Defense Services Travel Card Agreement.
6. In the Individual Online Application section, select the checkbox for I agree to be bound by the terms and conditions as
set forth in the agreement.
7. Select the checkbox for I, as a Cardholder, Authorize the bank to obtain consumer reports on me.
8. Click the Submit button.
A confirmation window displays indicating the card has been submitted.
9. Click the OK button.
View and Attach Account Documents
Key Concepts
You can view and attach documents (such as certificates of training or signed statements of understanding) to your account in the
CitiManager Site and they will stay with your account if you should move to another location. This will assist in the tracking of training
certificates and statements of understanding.
A maximum of five attachments may be added. Each file must be 5MB or less.
The following file types are supported:
You can view, attach and delete account documents.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, click the Cards icon.
The Card Details screen displays.
2. On the right side of the screen, click the View Account Documents link.
The View Account Documents screen displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Cards Overview
Step Action
3. To view an attached document:
a) From the Document Name column, click the link for the document you wish to view.
The document to be downloaded window displays.
b) Click the Download button.
A message displays indicating the document may be cached to your computer.
c) Click the OK button.
A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen and the browser open/save options window displays.
d) Click the Open button.
The document opens.
To attach a new document:
a) Click the Add Document button.
The upload window displays.
b) In the Document Name field, type the name of the document. The document name cannot contain any special
c) Click the Browse button and navigate to the document you want to attach then click the Open button.
The upload window displays and the name of the document to be attached displays in the Select File to Upload field.
d) Click the Upload button.
The document is attached and the name will display on the View Accounts Documents screen.
To delete an attachment:
a) Click the Delete link for the document you wish to delete.
A confirmation message displays.
b) Click the OK button.
The document is deleted.
To download an attachment:
a) Click the Download link that displays at the top of the screen.
The format window displays.
b) Select the desired format for the download and click the Download button.
A message displays indicating the document may be cached to your computer.
c) Click the OK button.
A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen and the browser open/save options window displays.
d) Click the Save button.
A message displays indicating the download is complete.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Cards Overview
View PIN
Key Concepts
During the card activation process, you were prompted to set up a four-digit PIN as an extra layer of security.
Some merchants require that you to enter your PIN to complete a transaction.
If you need to retrieve your PIN if it’s forgotten, you can look it up from the CitiManager Site website or the CitiManager — Corporate
Cards App.
If you need to reset your PIN, please contact Citi using the number on the back of your card.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site Home screen, click the View Pin link that displays on the black bar.
The View PIN screen displays.
Note: You can also click the Cards icon from the CitiManager Site side navigation bar and when the Card Details screen
displays, click the View PIN link that displays on the right-side of the screen.
2. In the One Time Passcode field, type the One Time Passcode you received and click the Continue button.
The View PIN screen displays the last four digits of your card number and your PIN.
Replace Lost/Stolen/Never Received/Damaged Card
Key Concepts
When a card has been lost, stolen, never received or damaged you are able to:
Initiate a card replacement in the CitiManager Site
Choose the shipping address (either current mailing address or an alternate)
Choose a delivery method (standard or express if available based on your agency/organizations options)
When there is fraud, the system places a temporary block on the account, and you are asked to call Customer Service to report the
fraudulent transaction(s) and arrange for a replacement card.
You are only allowed to initiate the replacement if last card issued date has elapsed 15 days.
The steps required for initiating a replacement card vary based on the reason for the request. Complete the appropriate procedure
based on one of the scenarios outlined below:
Initiate replacement for lost, stolen or never received card — fraudulent activity
Initiate replacement for lost, stolen or never received card — no fraudulent activity
Initiate replacement for damaged card
CitiManager Site User Guide | Cards Overview
Initiate Replacement For Lost, Stolen Or Never Received Card — Fraudulent Activity
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, click the Cards icon.
Note: You can also click the Replace Card link that displays on the black navigation bar in the center of the Home screen
and continue to Step 3.
The Cards Detail screen displays.
2. Click the Replace Lost/Stolen/Never Received/Damaged Card link that displays on the right-side of the screen.
The Replace Lost/Stolen/Never Received/Damaged Card screen displays.
Note: This link only displays if status of the card is Open.
3. Review the information displayed in the Card Information section to verify the correct card was selected and from the
Select Reason drop-down list, select either Lost, Stolen, or Never Received.
4. From the Have you noticed any fraudulent transactions on your card options, select the Yes radio button.
5. Click the Continue button.
A message displays indicating the card will be blocked immediately.
6. Click the OK button.
A confirmation window displays indicating the card has been temporarily blocked and to contact Customer Service.
Note: Please call Customer Service to report the fraudulent transaction(s) and arrange for a replacement card.
7. Click the OK button.
Initiate Replacement For Lost, Stolen Or Never Received Card — No Fraudulent Activity
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, click the Cards icon.
Note: You can also click the Replace Card link that displays on the black navigation bar in the center of the Home screen
and continue to Step 3.
The Cards Detail screen displays.
2. Click the Replace Lost/Stolen/Never Received/Damaged Card link that displays on the right-side of the screen.
The Replace Lost/Stolen/Never Received/Damaged Card screen displays.
Note: This link only displays if status of the card is Open.
3. Review the information displayed in the Card Information section to verify the correct card was selected and from the
Select Reason drop-down list, select either Lost, Stolen, or Never Received.
4. From the Have you noticed any fraudulent transactions on your card options, select the No radio button.
5. Click the Continue button.
Either the OTP Details or Card Delivery screen displays.
6. If a One-time Passcode is necessary, complete the following steps. Otherwise, continue to Step 9.
a) Select the radio button for the desired receipt option and click the Continue button.
b) Once received, type the One-time Passcode and click the Continue button. The Card Delivery screen displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Cards Overview
Step Action
7. From the Shipping Options section, select either the radio button for Current Mailing Address or Alternate Address.
If Alternate Address is selected, complete the Address Line 1, City, State and Postal Code fields.
Note: If the card has a Bulk/Site address associated with it, the Alternate Address field will not display. Only a Program
Administrator can request a card to be shipped to an alternate address.
8. From the Delivery Method section, select the radio button for desired delivery method.
9. Click the Submit button.
A confirmation message displays, and the card will be blocked effective immediately.
Note: If you are shipping the card to the default address and standard shipping is selected, a message displays that the
card will be delivered within 7-10 days.
If expedited shipping is selected, a message may display based on your agency/organization set-up indicating the account
will be charged a fee for expedited services.
If a replacement card was previously requested and a subsequent replacement card request is being made while the
first card could still be in the mail (within the expected delivery time), a message will display indicating a card has been
recently issued on a specified date. Please allow ten business for that card to arrive. If you still need to report the card
lost or stolen please contact Customer Service. If the expected delivery time for the replacement card has past and that
card is lost, a message displays indicating that the card has been temporarily blocked and to contact Customer Service.
10. Click the OK button.
Initiate Replacement For Damaged Card
Step-By-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, click the Cards icon.
Note: You can also click the Replace Card link that displays on the black navigation bar in the center of the Home screen
and continue to Step 3.
The Cards Detail screen displays.
2. Click the Replace Lost/Stolen/Never Received/Damaged Card link that displays on the right-side of the screen.
Note: This link only displays if status of the card is Open.
The Cards Detail screen displays.
3. Review the information displayed in the Card Information section to verify the correct card was selected and from the
Select Reason drop-down list, select either Damaged/Other.
Note: Selecting Damaged/Other initiates a card replacement and retains the existing account number.
4. Click the Continue button.
Either the OTP Details or Card Delivery screen displays.
5. If a One-time Passcode is necessary, complete the following steps. Otherwise, continue to Step 8.
a) Select the radio button for the desired receipt option and click the Continue button.
b) Once received, type the One-time Passcode and click the Continue button.
The Card Delivery screen displays.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Cards Overview
Step Action
6. From the Shipping Options section, select either the radio button for Current Mailing Address or Alternate Address.
If Alternate Address is selected, complete the Address Line 1, City, State and Postal Code fields.
Note: If the card has a Bulk/Site address associated with it, the Alternate Address field will not display. Only a Program
Administrator can request a card to be shipped to an alternate address.
7. From the Delivery Method section, select the radio button for desired delivery method.
8. Click the Submit button.
A confirmation message displays.
Note: If you are shipping the card to the default address and standard shipping is selected, a message displays that the
card will be delivered within 7-10 days. The existing card will remain active until you receive and activate your new card.
9. Click the OK button.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Statements Overview
Statements Overview
The Statements screen displays an overview of your recent transactions, your current statement or a statement from the previous
72 months.
You can also download your statement and dispute a transaction.
Statements Screen
Screen Descriptions
1. The Statements section displays an overview of
the selected statement. You can toggle between
statements by clicking the Recent or statement
date icons.
2. From the Statements section header use the
Account drop-down arrow that displays on the
right-hand side to toggle between accounts if
you have more than one.
3. The Overview section displays balance and
payment information for the statement date
4. The Billed Transactions section displays a
list of transactions and options to download
transactions, search for transaction or expand
the transaction details.
5. Use the search field to perform a basic
transaction search by the details, amount or
date. You may also click the Advanced Search
link to narrow your search.
6. Click the Download link in the Billed
Transactions section to download a statement.
7. The Billed Transactions section displays a
list of transactions and each row includes
information such as the transaction date,
posting date, transaction details and amount.
8. To view additional transaction details or to
dispute a transaction, click the ellipsis (…)
link that displays on the right-side of each
transaction row.
9. Click the Dispute button to dispute a transaction.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Statements Overview
View and Download Statements
Key Concepts
You can view either your current statement or a statement from the previous 72 months. You can also view recent transactions that
have not billed to your statement. Statements that are three years or older are archived and a request needs to be submitted to
download them.
The Statements screen displays the following information:
An account, balance and payment overview
A list of transactions that have billed to your account
Transaction details
From the Statements screen you can also download your statement and dispute a transaction. You can download transactions for
individually or centrally billed accounts.
If you wish to print your statement, its recommended you download it in PDF format. Once the PDF document is open, you can print it
by selecting Print from the File menu.
Step-by-Step Instructions
To View Statements and Transactions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Statements icon and then click the icon for
the statement date you wish to view. Use the Back and Forward (< >) arrows to navigate between years.
You can also navigate to your statements from the Home screen by clicking the Statements link displayed on the right
side of the screen or by clicking the icon for the statement date you wish to view from the Card Details screen.
The Statements screen displays for the month selected. Billed transactions display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: If you have more than one card account, click the account number drop-down arrow in the Statements header to
toggle between accounts.
To view transactions that have posted to your account but not yet to your statement, click the View Recent link.
A request needs to be submitted to download statements that are three years or older. When you click on the statement
date icon, a download request window displays. Click Yes, to confirm the request. After 24 hours, return to the Card
Accounts screen and click the statement date icon for the statement you downloaded to access the View Archived
Statements screen. Click the Download link to download the statement to your computer.
2. To search for a specific transaction amount, date or description, type the search criteria in search field that displays in
the upper-right corner of the Billed Transactions section and click the Search button. Click the Advanced Search link to
access additional search criteria.
The transactions are filtered by the search criteria entered.
3. To view additional transaction detail, click the ellipsis (…) link that displays on the right-side of the row you wish to expand.
The row expands and additional transaction details display.
Note: The More link displays when the row is expanded. For additional information about disputes refer to the Dispute
Transactions topic in this user guide.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Statements Overview
To Download Statements
Step Action
1. From the Statements screen, click the Download link that displays under the Billed Transaction header.
The download options display in a new window.
2. Select the radio button for the desired download format and click the Download button.
Note: Download options include Comma Separated Value (CSV), Portable Document Format (PDF) or Excel. PDF is the
default option.
If you intend to print your statement, PDF is the recommended format.
A download message displays stating that the file will be cached to your computer.
3. Click the OK button.
A message displays at the top of the screen indicating your document is ready for download and the browser document
option window displays. The location of the Save or Open options vary based on your browser settings.
4. From the browser document option window, click the Open button.
The document opens in the selected format.
Note: Once the document is open, you can print it by selecting Print from the File menu.
Make a Payment
Key Concepts
If your agency/organization allows it, you can make an online payment. If paying from a Savings account and/or Credit Union, ensure
your financial institution supports automated payments.
Before you can make a payment online you must enter your banking account information. The required information includes:
Your bank routing number
Your checking or savings account number
You may choose from the following payment amount options:
Total amount due
Minimum amount due
Specified amount
Payment requests received by 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) on a bank business day are posted to your Citibank Card account on the
same day.
Payment requests received after 4:00 p.m. ET on a bank business day will post the next business day.
Business days are Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays.
For additional information about viewing your payment history, refer to the View Scheduled and Past Payments (View Payment
History) topic in this user guide.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Statements Overview
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Statements icon and then click the
Payments link.
You can also click the Make a Payment link that displays on the Home screen (under Due in date) or on the Statements
screen (under the Payment Due Date).
The Payments screen displays.
2. Before you can make a payment online, your banking account information must be entered. If the desired pay from
account information already exists, go to Step 7.
To add a new pay from account, click the Add link from the Select Payment Account header.
The Account Information window displays.
3. From the Account Type drop-down list, select the appropriate pay from account type.
4. In the Bank Routing Number field, type the bank routing code for the account.
Note: The bank name will automatically populate after you type a valid routing number.
5. In the Bank Account Number field, type the account number.
6. Click the Save button.
The new bank account is added.
Note: To add another account, repeat Steps 2–6.
To delete an existing account, select the radio button for the account and then click the Delete link that displays on the
right side.
7. To select the desired pay from account, select the appropriate radio button.
8. In the Select Payment Amount section, select the radio button for the desired payment option. If you selected Other
amount, type the payment amount in the text entry field.
9. To schedule a payment in the future, type a date or select it from the calendar.
10. To submit your payment, click the Pay button.
The Confirm Payment screen displays.
11. Review your payment information and click the Confirm button.
The Success screen displays your payment information and a confirmation displays at the top of the screen.
12. Click the OK button.
The Scheduled & Past Payments screen displays.
View and Download Recent Transactions
Key Concepts
Recent unbilled transactions are transactions that have posted to your account but have not yet billed to a statement. The recent
unbilled transactions that display will appear on your next statement. The information displayed on the Recent screen is not
considered a final statement.
You can download transactions for individually or centrally billed accounts.
If you wish to print your recent transactions, it’s recommended you download the transactions in Excel format. Once the document is
open, you can print it by selecting Print from the File menu.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Statements Overview
Step-by-Step Instructions
To View Recent Transactions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Statements icon and then click the View Recent
link that displays at the top of the fly-out menu.
Recent transaction activity also displays on the Home screen. Click the > More arrow that displays on the right-side of
each transaction row to navigate to the Statements — Recent screen.
The Statements — Recent screen displays. An overview of the account displays at the top of the screen. Recent activity
displays at the bottom of the screen.
Note: If you have more than one card account, click the account number drop-down arrow from the Statements header
to toggle between accounts.
2. To search for a specific transaction amount, date or description, type the search criteria in search field that displays in
the upper-right corner of the Recent Activities section and click the Search button. Click the Advanced Search link to
access additional search criteria.
The transactions are filtered by the search criteria entered.
3. To view additional transaction detail, click the ellipsis (…) link that displays on the right-side of the row you wish to expand.
The row expands and additional transaction details display.
Note: The More link displays when the row is expanded. When you click the More link, the Statements Action window
displays and you can initiate a dispute. For additional information about disputes refer to the Dispute Transactions topic
in this user guide.
To Download Recent Transactions
Step Action
1. From the Statements — Recent screen, click the Download link that displays under the Recent Activities header.
The download options display in a new window.
Note: If you have more than one card account, click the account number drop-down arrow from the Statements header
to toggle between accounts.
2. Select the radio button for the desired download format and click the Download button.
Note: The download options are Comma Separated Value (CSV) or Excel (XLS). Excel is the default option. If you intend to
print your statement, Excel is the recommended format.
A download message displays.
3. Click the OK button.
A message displays at the top of the screen indicating your document is ready for download and the browser document
option window displays. The location of the Save or Open options vary based on your browser settings.
4. From the browser document option window, click the Open button.
The document opens in the selected format.
Note: Once the document is open, you can print it by selecting Print from the File menu.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Statements Overview
View Authorizations and Declined (Pending) Transactions
Key Concepts
Pending transactions are transactions that have been approved or declined by Citi but have not yet been posted to your account by
the merchant. It is possible to view both authorized and declined transactions. Additional information is provided when a transaction
is declined.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Statements icon and then click the View Recent
link that displays at the top of the fly-out menu.
Recent transaction activity also displays on the Home screen. Click the > More arrow that displays on the right-side of
each transaction row to navigate to the Statements — Recent screen.
The Statements — Recent screen displays. An overview of the account displays at the top of the screen. Recent activity
displays at the bottom of the screen.
Note: If you have more than one card account, click the account number drop-down arrow in the Statements header to
toggle between accounts.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the View Authorizations link.
A list of transactions that have been authorized or declined displays. A message displays if there are no outstanding
View Scheduled and Past Payments (Payment History)
Key Concepts
You can view both pending and previous payment details on the Scheduled & Past Payments screen including the following information:
Amount of payment
Date of payment
Bank routing code
Bank name
Pay from account
Account type
Status of payment
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over Statements icon and then click the Scheduled &
Last Payments link.
You can also access the Scheduled & Last Payments screen from the Card Details screen, by clicking the View History
link from the Statements section.
The Scheduled & Last Payments screen displays showing pending payments and past payments.
2. To search for a specific transaction amount, date or pay from account number, type the search criteria in search field
that displays in the upper-right corner and click the Search button. Click the Advanced Search link to access additional
search criteria.
The transactions are filtered by the search criteria entered.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Statements Overview
Dispute a Transaction
Key Concepts
You can dispute a transaction when:
The amount you were billed is incorrect
There are duplicate charges
Goods were never received
Merchandise was defective
The transaction was paid by other means, usually cash or another card
The transaction is not recognized
If there has been card misuse/fraud, transactions should not be entered as disputes. A fraud claim should be initiated instead. Examples
of misuse/fraud would include transactions that did not meet agency/organization policy or when a card was used without consent.
You can initiate disputes from a billed statement on the Statements screen or from the Statements — Recent Activities screen which
displays unbilled transactions.
In order to meet the processing window of the networks (MasterCard and Visa) and to ensure time for initiation of the dispute as
required in GSA SmartPay
disputes must be submitted within 90 calendar days from the transaction date, unless otherwise specified
by the Agency/Organization. However, to initiate a dispute online in the CitiManager Site, it has to be done within 60 days of the
statement date on which the transaction appears. After 60 days, the dispute needs to be called in to Citi if it is still within the 90 day
window. The CitiManager Site loads posted transactions daily and each transaction is available to review on the CitiManager Mobile
Application. Citibank recommends Cardholders enable transaction alerts and review the transactions that occur daily. Should a
transaction need to be disputed, please initiate the dispute as soon as possible.
You can dispute single or multiple transactions at a time. When disputing multiple transactions, the dispute reason must be the same
for all the transactions selected. If some of the transactions selected are not eligible to dispute, a message displays the ineligible
reference numbers and the eligible disputes will be processed. You can only select a maximum of ten disputes at a time.
You may be required to fax or mail additional information based on the dispute reason selected.
Note: The steps in the procedure describe how to dispute a transaction from the Statements screen. The procedure is the same from
the Statements — Recent Activities screen.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. To navigate to billed transactions, from the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Statements
icon and then click the icon for the statement month you wish to view. Use the Back and Forward (< >) arrows to navigate
between years.
To navigate to recent activities, from the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Statements
button and then click the View Recent link that displays at the top of the fly-out menu.
Recent activity also displays on the Home screen. Click the > More arrow to navigate to the Statements — Recent screen.
The Statements screen displays for the month selected. Billed transactions display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: If you have more than one card account, click the account number drop-down arrow in the Statements header to
toggle between accounts.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Statements Overview
Step Action
2. To dispute a singe transaction:
a) Click the ellipsis (...) link that displays on the right side of the transaction you wish to dispute.
The row expands.
b) Click the More link.
The Statement Actions window displays.
c) Select the Dispute radio button and click the Submit button.
The Statements: Transaction Dispute — Dispute Details screen displays. If the transaction selected does not fulfill the
dispute rules, a message displays indicating you should contact Customer Service for assistance.
To dispute multiple transactions with the same dispute reason:
a) From the Dispute column, click the checkbox for each of the transactions you wish to dispute.
Note: A maximum of ten transactions can be disputed at a time.
b) Click Dispute button.
The Statements: Transaction Dispute — Dispute Details screen displays. If any of the transactions selected do not fulfill
the dispute rules, a message displays listing the ineligible transactions. Click the OK button to process the remaining
3. From the Dispute Reason section, select the dispute reason from the drop-down list.
Note: You must select a dispute reason to continue. Only one reason can be selected. Depending on the dispute reason
selected, you may be required to provide additional information such as an amount.
4. Select the verification checkbox to certify the information provided is accurate.
5. Click the Continue button to validate your dispute.
If the validation is successful, the Dispute Transactions — Review screen displays.
Note: If the validation fails, the “Please fill out the required fields for the dispute reason selected. If unable to provide
detail required, please contact Customer Service to initiate a dispute.” message displays.
6. Review the dispute details, reason code and additional information and click the Submit button.
The Dispute Transactions — Confirmation screen displays indicating if the dispute was successfully initiated.
7. If the dispute reason you selected indicated a requirement to fax or mail additional dispute information, click the
Download Dispute form button and follow the instructions on the form.
Note: To return to the statement, click the Return to Statement/Unbilled Transaction link.
View Disputed Transactions
Key Concepts
Once a disputed transaction has been successfully submitted, you can view the following dispute information:
Transaction Date, Posting Date, Detail, Amount
Dispute Amount/Currency
Dispute Status
Dispute Initiation Date
Disputed by Name
Reference Number
Transactions Details, Disputed Amount, Dispute Initiation Date, Dispute Status
CitiManager Site User Guide | Statements Overview
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Statements icon and click the View
Disputes link.
The View Disputes screen displays a list of disputed transactions.
Note: For inquiries or to cancel a dispute, contact Customer Service for assistance.
2. To view additional transaction dispute detail, click the ellipsis (…) link that displays on the right-side of the row you wish
to expand.
Change Paperless/Paper Statement Settings
Key Concepts
You can view and download your statements online at your convenience, including details for any purchase. Federal Government
Cardholders are automatically opted out of paper statements, therefore the Go Paperless link will not display.
The CitiManager Site allows you to opt in to receive a paper statement or other paper notices through the mail. You will begin receiving
statements the next billing cycle. Paper statements are the default setting only when authorized by the agency/organization.
You must sign up to receive an e-mail alert that will notify you when a new statement is available. An e-mail is sent to the account
e-mail address when the statement is ready to be viewed in the CitiManager Site. You can set your alerts by positioning your mouse
over the Alerts button from the side navigation bar and clicking the Alerts link. Refer to the Set E-mail and Mobile Alerts topic in this
guide for additional information.
Step-by-Step Instructions
To Receive Online Statements
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Statements icon and click the Go
Paperless link.
The Go Paperless screen displays.
2. To stop receiving paper statements and other account notices, select the checkbox.
Note: If you want to receive paper statements and other account notices and your agency/organization allows it, ensure
the checkbox is not selected and then click the I Agree button. A confirmation message will display at the top of the screen.
3. Click the + Sign Click Here To Read Terms and Conditions link and review the terms and conditions associated with
opting out of paper statements and then click the I Agree button.
A message displays asking you confirm the e-mail address on the account.
4. Click the Ye s button to confirm your e-mail address.
If you wish to change the e-mail address, click the No button and follow the instructions for navigating to the Alerts
screen to update your e-mail address. Click the OK button to close the message.
The Online Payment Options message displays indicating you can continue to set up online payment options.
5. Click the Continue to Make Payment button to navigate to the Make a Payment screen and set up your payment options.
Refer to the Make a Payment topic in this user guide for additional information.
A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Statements Overview
Step-by-Step Instructions
To Receive Paper Statements
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Statements icon and click the Go
Paperless link.
The Go Paperless screen displays.
2. De-select the checkbox.
3. Click the I Agree button.
A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Resources
View Message Board
Key Concepts
Citi periodically posts system update and maintenance information. This information is posted to the Message Board.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Resources icon and then click the
Messages link.
The Messages screen displays who sent the message, the subject, when it was approved and type of message.
2. To view additional information about a message, click the link from the Subject column.
Any additional information displays.
3. To return to the list of messages, click the Back button.
Search for a Non-cardholder (Program Administrator)
Key Concepts
You can search for Non-cardholders (Program Administrator) and view the following information:
Hierarchy Name
Full Name
User Profile E-mail Address
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Resources icon and then click the Search link.
The Search Result screen displays.
2. To perform a basic search, type the name or username of the Non-cardholder and click the Search icon,
To perform an advanced search, click the Advanced Search link. To search by Role and Hierarchy Name, click the More
Options link. Enter your search criteria and click the Search button.
The search results display based on the search criteria entered.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Resources
View Frequently Asked Questions
Key Concepts
The CitiManager Site Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) documents contain answers to some of the most commonly asked questions.
It includes information about Cardholder registration, passwords, security questions, alerts and quick tips.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Resources icon and then click the FAQ s link.
The View FAQ screen displays.
2. Click the link for the document you wish to view.
A message displays indicating the downloaded file may be cached to your computer.
3. Click the OK button to close the message.
The browser document option window displays. The location of the Save or Open options vary based on your browser settings.
4. Click either the Save or Open option.
The selected document opens in Portable Document Format (PDF) or the Save options window opens.
Access Links & Help
Key Concepts
You can view additional reference material such as user guides and access program support sites from the Links/Help screen.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Resources icon and then click the Links &
Help link.
The Links/Help screen displays.
2. Click the link for the resource you wish to access.
A message displays indicating you will be opening an external link.
3. Click the OK button.
Depending on the type of resource selected, either the website will open or a message displays indicating the selected
document will be cached to your computer’s hard drive.
Note: When you click on a link for an external site, a new browser opens and you will be directed to the selected site. You
will still be logged into the CitiManager Site.
4. If a document was selected, click the OK button to close the message.
The browser document option window displays. The location of the Save or Open options vary based on your browser settings.
5. Click either the Save or Open option.
The selected document opens in Portable Document Format (PDF) or the Save options window opens.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Alerts
Manage Alert Subscriptions
Key Concepts
As a Cardholder, you can set alerts so notifications are automatically sent via e-mail and/or to your mobile device when certain
selected activity occurs on your account, for example, when statements are available and when payments are received.
There are two types of alerts to which you can subscribe:
Transactional Alerts — An alert is sent when a defined condition or threshold is met, for example an alert is triggered when a
payment is received or when a defined percentage of your credit limit is met.
Account Alerts — An alert is sent when there are status changes to your account, for example when your address is changed or
when your statement is available.
It is possible to enter up to five e-mail addresses and customize when you will receive your SMS alerts based on:
Time zone
Time of day
Days of week
Once you have subscribed to mobile alerts in the CitiManager Site, you will receive a confirmation text message on your mobile device
with a four-digit PIN. The four-digit PIN must be entered on the PIN confirmation number screen in the CitiManager Site. Once the
PIN has been entered, the CitiManager Site will send another text to your mobile device confirming activation. The confirmation text
message is sent any time you change or enter a new mobile phone number.
On-Demand Mobile Alerts
In addition, once you have registered your mobile device number in the CitiManager Site, you have full access to on-demand mobile
alerts. On-demand mobile alerts allow you to request and receive immediate information such as account balances, payment amounts
and due dates. Refer to the Manage On-demand Mobile Alerts topic in this user guide for additional information.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Alerts icon and then click the Alerts
Subscription link.
The Alerts Subscription screen displays.
2. To enter/edit the e-mail address(s) where you want alerts sent, click the Email Addresses — Edit link and complete the
following steps when the Email Address Preferences window opens:
a) Type and confirm up to five e-mail addresses.
b) Click the Save button.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Alerts
Step Action
3. To edit your mobile number, your mobile carrier, and your notification preferences, click the Mobile Phone Number — Edit
link and complete the following steps when the Mobile Number Preferences screen opens:
a) In the Country Code and Mobile Number field, type a valid mobile phone number where you wish alerts to be sent.
Note: Only numeric values are allowed in this field. The country code defaults based on the country associated with
your profile.
b) Click in the Supported Carriers field and select your mobile carrier.
Note: Canadian users will receive a confirmation text message to enable subscription due to regulations in Canada.
c) Click in the Preferred Time Zone field and select your preferred time zone.
d) Click in the From and To fields and select the time-frame in which you would like to receive alerts.
e) From the list of weekdays, select the days you would like to receive alerts.
f) Click the Save button.
4. To subscribe to alerts, select the Email Alerts and/or SMS (Mobile Alerts) checkbox(es) for each of the alerts you wish
to receive.
To unsubscribe to alerts, deselect the Email Alerts and/or SMS (Mobile Alerts) checkbox(es) for the alerts you no longer
wish to receive.
Note: Some alerts may be greyed out and unavailable. Available alerts are set by your APC Alerts that are selected and
greyed out are mandatory.
For more information about each alert, click the information icon next to the alert name.
Some alerts require you to type or select a threshold setting that will trigger the alert. For example, for the Available
Credit Remaining % alert, you must select the desired Available Credit Remaining %. When the selected percent of
remaining credit level is met, you will receive an alert.
5. When you are finished, review the terms and conditions at the bottom of the screen and if you agree, select the checkbox.
Note: If you do not agree to the terms and conditions, you will not be able to receive alerts.
6. Click the Save button.
The alerts settings are saved and a confirmation message displays at the top of the screen. The PIN confirmation number
screen displays if you elected to receive alerts on your mobile device for the first time or you changed your mobile phone
Note: If you elected to receive alerts on your mobile device, you will receive a text message with a PIN. On the
CitiManager Site PIN confirmation number screen, type the PIN number received on your mobile device in the PIN
confirmation number field and click the Confirm button.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Alerts
View Alert Audit Log
Key Concepts
Use the Alert Audit Log to view the following information about a change made to an alert:
Date/Time of Change
Changed By
Updated Alert
Previous Status
Current Status
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step Action
1. From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Alerts icon and then click the Audit Log link.
The Alerts Audit log screen displays.
2. View the information displayed on the audit log to determine which alerts were updated, when they were changed, by
whom and the current status of the alert.
Manage On-Demand Mobile Alerts
Key Concepts
In order to receive alerts on your mobile device, you must subscribe to the alerts in the CitiManager Site first. Refer to the Manage
Alert Subscriptions topic in this user guide for additional information.
Once you have registered your mobile device number in the CitiManager Site, you have full access to on-demand mobile alerts.
On-demand mobile alerts allow you to request and receive immediate information such as account balances, payment amounts and
due dates.
For additional information about on-demand mobile alerts, from the side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Alerts button
and then click the On-Demand Mobile Alerts link.
If you need to stop mobile alerts, reset your CitiManager Site password, or need additional support, choose one of the following options:
Action Command
To suspend mobile alerts from your mobile device Text STOP to GOCITI (462484).
To reset your CitiManager Site password Text RESETXXXX to GOCITI (462484), where XXXX represents the last four
digits of your account number (e.g., RESET1234).
Note: The reset password sent to you is valid for 48 hours. You are required
to change the reset password when you log into the CitiManager Site.
To receive mobile alert help on your mobile device Text HELP to GOCITI (462484).
To view the Citi Mobile Alerts Help website which
provides a list of alerts available by region
Navigate to:
Note: This link is case sensitive and SMSH is capitalized.
CitiManager Site User Guide | Alerts
To receive on-demand alerts from your registered mobile device, text the desired command (e.g., HIST) to GOCITI (462484). A list of
available commands is provided in the table below.
For some on-demand mobile alerts you are required to enter the last four digits of your account number after the command. For
example, to receive account balance information, text BAL1234 to GOCITI (462484) where 1234 represents the last four digits of the
account number.
Command Description Country Availability
BAL To receive current balance, last payment, payment amount due, and payment due date
Note: The last four digits of the account number are required. For example, text BALXXXX,
where XXXX represents the last four digits of the account number.
United States
United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates
COM To receive information regarding valid on demand commands Canada
United States
United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates
CUST To receive Citi Commercial Cards Customer Service numbers Canada
United States
United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates
HELP To receive alerts help Canada
United States
United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates
HIST To receive details on the three most recent posted transactions
Note: The last four digits of the account number are required. For example, text HISTXXXX,
where XXXX represents the last four digits of the account number.
United States
United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates
LIMIT To receive the available spend remaining on your account
Note: The last four digits of the account number are required. For example, text LIMITXXXX,
where XXXX represents the last four digits of the account number.
United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates
RESET To request password reset for the CitiManager site
Note: The last four digits of the account number are required. For example, text RESETXXXX,
where XXXX represents the last four digits of the account number.
United States
United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates
STOP To stop alerts from being sent to your registered mobile device Canada
United States
United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates
Treasury and Trade Solutions
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Although this material may contain publicly available information about Citi corporate bond research, fixed income
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Citi believes that sustainability is good business practice. We work closely with our clients, peer financial institutions,
NGOs and other partners to finance solutions to climate change, develop industry standards, reduce our own
environmental footprint, and engage with stakeholders to advance shared learning and solutions. Highlights of Citi’s
unique role in promoting sustainability include: (a) releasing in 2007 a Climate Change Position Statement, the first U.S.
financial institution to do so; (b) targeting $50 billion over 10 years to address global climate change: includes significant
increases in investment and financing of renewable energy, clean technology, and other carbon-emission reduction
activities; (c) committing to an absolute reduction in GHG emissions of all Citi owned and leased properties around the
world by 10% by 2011; (d) purchasing more than 234,000 MWh of carbon neutral power for our operations over the last
three years; (e) establishing in 2008 the Carbon Principles; a framework for banks and their U.S. power clients to evaluate
and address carbon risks in the financing of electric power projects; (f) producing equity research related to climate issues
that helps to inform investors on risks and opportunities associated with the issue; and (g) engaging with a broad range of
stakeholders on the issue of climate change to help advance understanding and solutions.
Citi works with its clients in greenhouse gas intensive industries to evaluate emerging risks from climate change and,
where appropriate, to mitigate those risks.
efficiency, renewable energy & mitigation