The Barnett and Jean Hollander Rich Summer
Mathematics Internship
Description: The Rich Scholarship program will support students in advanced study of
mathematics under faculty supervision during the Summer 2023. Students wishing to pursue
advanced study under CCNY Mathematics faculty supervision, should obtain a commitment
from a faculty mentor before submitting their application. The internship will start June 5
finish August 11
, 2023.
Award: $6,000 for ten weeks during the summer of 2023 and will be given in two
payments. At the conclusion of the internship, participants are expected to submit a written
report approved by their mentor describing the nature of their summer work and summarizing
their accomplishments. This report is due by August 18
, 2023.
Faculty mentors will receive an honorarium.
Online Component:
Students will be expected to work with their faculty mentor remotely via software determined
by the faculty mentor.
1. Minimum GPA of 3.0, but preferred Math GPA of 3.5 or higher in advanced courses
completed at CCNY.
2. Two letters of recommendation from CCNY Mathematics Department faculty.
3. A paragraph describing what you will be studying under the supervision of your faculty
mentor. The mentor should also submit a description of expectations of the student over
the summer internship
Application Deadline: April 14
, 2023
To Apply:
1. By the application deadline, complete and submit the attached Rich Summer Internship
Application Form to George Brathwaite at [email protected].
2. Give the attached Rich Summer Internship Recommendation Form to your faculty
Rich Summer Internship Application Information Form
Last Name:___________________________ First Name________________________
(print) (print)
EMPL ID: _______________________
Mailing Address: ________________________________
Phone: ________________________e-mail: ____________________________
References: Names of two City College Mathematics Department faculty who will write recommendations.
Proposed project goals: Please describe the project you are interested in pursuing along with the name of the
faculty that will be working with you throughout the summer.
Signature: __________________________________ Date: _______________
Return to George Brathwaite at [email protected]
Department of Mathematics
Rich Mathematics Summer Internship Recommendation Form
Recommendation for: (Name of Student) ___________________________________________
To the Student: I am aware of the rights afforded to me by the Federal Education Rights and privacy Act of 1974, as
amended. I hereby _____ do _____do not waive my right to examine the contents of this reference. I understand that by
waiving my right I do so under the condition that the reference is used solely for the purpose for which it is requested.
Date: _______________ Applicant's Signature: ___________________________
To the Evaluator: The Rich Summer Internship is a $6,000 award to either an advanced undergraduate mathematics
major or beginning graduate student to support the student in a summer activity that will enhance the student's
mathematical studies. The scholarship committee would appreciate your evaluation of the applicant's mathematical
abilities, commitment to a career requiring advanced study of mathematics, as well as other personal or intellectual
characteristics that might assist the committee in its selection. (Attach additional sheets if necessary.)
Please return this recommendation by April 14
, 2023 to George Brathwaite at
[email protected]. You may also email George Brathwaite directly instead of
submitting this form.
Name of Evaluator: ___________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _________________
Department of Mathematics
Rich Mathematics Summer Internship Recommendation Form
Recommendation for: (Name of Student) ___________________________________________
To the Student: I am aware of the rights afforded to me by the Federal Education Rights and privacy Act of 1974, as
amended. I hereby _____ do _____do not waive my right to examine the contents of this reference. I understand that by
waiving my right I do so under the condition that the reference is used solely for the purpose for which it is requested.
Date: _______________ Applicant's Signature: ___________________________
To the Evaluator: The Rich Summer Internship is a $6,000 award to either an advanced undergraduate mathematics
major or beginning graduate student to support the student in a summer activity that will enhance the student's
mathematical studies. The scholarship committee would appreciate your evaluation of the applicant's mathematical
abilities, commitment to a career requiring advanced study of mathematics, as well as other personal or intellectual
characteristics that might assist the committee in its selection. (Attach additional sheets if necessary.)
Please return this recommendation by April 14
, 2023 to George Brathwaite at
[email protected]. You may also email George Brathwaite directly instead of
submitting this form.
Name of Evaluator: ___________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _________________