The City College Honors Program
Application for Continuing and Transfer Students
For admission to the City College of New York Honors Program for
students currently enrolled at City College.
Most students admitted to the City College Honors Program are new freshmen, but
a small number of continuing students may be admitted to the City College Honors
Program at the discretion of the program staff.
Eligible applicants must have fewer than 60 credits and a cumulative GPA of 3.6 or
higher. Students will be required to take at least five (5) core courses in
Honors. (These courses are also known as ‘general education’ courses or
‘pathways’ courses.) Students with too many core courses may not be appropriate
for the program.
Candidates under consideration for acceptance may be interviewed in early
January. If you will not be available for interview in early January, please
contact us in December in case we need to make alternative arrangements.
The Honors Program is not able to offer scholarships to continuing or transfer
students applying for admission. The program is an academic program that offers
intensive advising, a supportive academic community and other benefits.
Please note that students in the Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education are
not eligible for the program.
Applications for the spring semester are due the first week of January.
Decisions about admission to the program for spring will be made by mid-
Applications for the fall semester are due the first week of June. Decisions
about admission to the program for fall will be made by late June.
Email Application to:
The City College Honors Program
Application for Continuing Students
The application should include the following:
1. Application form. Please print or type all information and sign the form. Your
recommenders should complete Part II of this form and return to you.
2. A letter of introduction, telling us your academic interests and goals as well as
what motivated you to apply to honors.
3. Two letters of recommendation. At least one must be from a faculty member. The
recommendations should include your name and the phrase “recommendation for
City College Honors Program.” Please request that your teacher return the
recommendation to you in a sealed envelope, signed across the flap. If the
recommendation is from someone outside of school, they may send it directly to the
Honors Center at the address above.
4. Writing sample: Please include a copy of a graded paper with your professor’s
comments. Please include a copy of the assignment as well. The paper need not be
long—250 words will suffice.
5. If you are a CUNY student, you do not need to submit a transcript. We will
review your transcript on CUNYFirst once final grades are posted (in early
January). If you are not currently a CUNY student please send an official copy of
your transcript after the semester grades are in.
Last Name_____________________ First
Emple ID: _______________________
City_________________________ State_________ Zip______________
City College E-Mail
Other E-Mail Address_____________________________________________________
Telephone Home # ( ) ______________________
Telephone Cell # ( ) ______________________
If selected as a candidate for the program, will you be available in early to mid-January
for an interview? Yes____ No____
Recommendation Form
To the Applicant:
Please complete this form and forward it to your recommenders. They can email the
recommendation to [email protected] with the subject Letter of Recommendation for
Continuing Student:
The Honors Center, the City College of New York
NAC Room 4/150
160 Convent Avenue
New York, N.Y. 10031
Applicant’s Name (print) _________________________ ________________________
I am aware of the rights afforded me by the Federal Educational Right to Privacy Act of 1974, as
amended. I hereby waive ¨/do not waive¨ my right to examine the contents of this
recommendation letter. I understand that by waiving my right I do so under the condition that the
reference is used solely for the purpose for which it is intended.
Applicant’s Signature_________________________________
To the Recommender:
This student is applying for the City College Honors Program at The City College of New York.
In your letter, please indicate how long and in what capacity you have known the applicant; be as
specific as possible about the applicant’s academic performance, leadership abilities, and
outstanding qualities. Keep in mind that the applicant cannot be considered for Honors until your
recommendation is on file. Please use letterhead and return the recommendation along with this
form in a sealed envelope, signed across the seal, to the student or send it directly to us.
Recommender’s Name (print)
___________________________________ _________________________________________
Please attach recommendation to this form. Thank you.