Mac Powell, President
Lori Gaskin, Chair
June 12, 2024
Dr. Ricky Shabazz
San Diego City College
1313 Park Blvd
San Diego, CA 92101
Dear Dr. Shabazz:
The Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, at its meeting June 5-6, 2024,
reviewed the Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER) and evidentiary materials submitted by
San Diego City College. The Commission also considered the Peer Review Team Report (Team
Report) prepared by the peer review team that conducted its site visit to the College February
28 - 29, 2024.
The purpose of this review was to determine whether the College continues to meet ACCJC’s
Eligibility Requirements, Commission Policies, and Accreditation Standards (hereinafter, the
Standards). Upon consideration of the written information noted above, the Commission acted
to Reaffirm Accreditation for seven years.
Compliance Requirements
Recommendations for Improving Institutional Effectiveness
The Peer Review Team Report noted College Recommendation 1 for improving institutional
effectiveness. Improvement recommendations do not identify current areas of deficiency in
institutional practice, but consistent with its mission to foster continuous improvement through
the peer review process, the Commission encourages institutions to give serious consideration
to these recommendations and the advice contained in the Peer Review Team Report. In the
Midterm Report, the College will include actions taken in response to the improvement
Tel: 415-506-0234
428 J Street, Suite 400
Sacramento, CA 95814
Next Steps
The Peer Review Team Report provides details of the peer review team’s findings, including
areas of noteworthy practice. The guidance and recommendations contained in the Peer
Review Team Report represent the best advice of the team at the time of the visit but may not
describe all that is necessary for the college to improve. A final copy of the Peer Review Team
Report is attached.
The Commission requires that you disseminate the ISER, the Peer Review Team Report, and this
letter to all campus constituencies and the public by placing copies on the College website
within seven business days of your receipt. Please note that in response to public interest in
accreditation, the Commission requires institutions to post current accreditation information
on a Web page no more than one click from the institution’s home page. In keeping with ACCJC
policy, the Commission action will also be posted on the ACCJC website within 30 days of the
date of the Commission’s action.
The next report from the College will be the Midterm Report
due on March 15, 2028. The
institution’s next comprehensive review will begin with Team ISER Review in the fall term of
2030 and conclude with a Focused Site Visit in the spring term of 2031.
On behalf of the Commission, we wish to express appreciation for the diligent work and
thoughtful reflection that San Diego City College undertook to prepare for this review. These
efforts confirm that peer review can serve the multiple constituencies of higher education by
both ensuring and encouraging institutional quality and effectiveness.
If you have any questions about this letter or the Commission’s action, please feel free to
contact Dr. Mac Powell or the vice president assigned as liaison to your institution.
Mac Powell, MBA, Ph.D. Lori Gaskin, Ph.D.
President Chair
Cc: Mr. Gregory Smith, Chancellor, San Diego Community College District
Dr. Susan Murray, Accreditation Liaison Officer
Institutions preparing and submitting Midterm Reports, Follow-up Reports, Special Reports, or Teach-out
Plans/Agreements to the Commission should review the Accreditation Handbook and applicable report template
available on the ACCJC website at