The City College of New York
Admissions Ambassador Program
Who are Admissions Ambassadors and what do they do?
Admissions Ambassadors are not only academic achievers, but are recognized leaders on the
City College campus. They generally serve as the first contact, and essential link, between
the City College of New York (CCNY) Admissions Office and all prospective students.
Our Admissions Ambassadors come from diverse backgrounds, and are individuals who
Skills and enthusiasm to present to groups
The ability to think on their feet
Knowledge of the CCNY Campus
What is the Office of Admissions looking for?
We are looking for team players who have the following characteristics:
Reliability and flexibility
Positivity and enthusiasm
Communication skills
What are the benefits?
Excellent public relations experience to build personal and professional skills
In-depth knowledge of CCNY
Leadership experience and the opportunity to shape the Admissions Ambassador
Recognition through certificates and letters of recommendation
CCNY apparel
Early registration
A scholarship of $500 per semester
What type of commitment does being an Admissions Ambassador involve?
CCNY Admissions Ambassadors should be able to commit at least 2 hours per week during
the regular semesters in various capacities. The Office of Admissions generally hosts several
on-campus events where Admissions Ambassadors will participate. They include: workshops
for high school counselors, City University of New York’s (CUNY) Counselor Conference,
Undergraduate Open House and many more similar events.
How can I apply to be an Admissions Ambassador?
You must submit the attached Admissions Ambassador application, one essay, a resume, and
2 recommendation letters in order to be considered for the program. In addition, you must
have a CCNY GPA of 2.8 or higher in order to apply. This is a self-managed application,
meaning that it is your responsibility to gather all the required documents. All completed
applications (2 recommendation letters, application form, essay, resume and any additional
sheets) must be submitted in one envelope. Your application will then be reviewed and you
will be contacted for an interview. Please visit\scholarships to download
the application. You can submit your application in person or by mail by November 7, 2012
Scholarship Office
Wille Administration Building A-101
160 Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031
What about the recommendation form?
Recommendations should be completed by someone affiliated with The City College of New
York (such as a staff or faculty member). You must forward the recommendation form to the
individual writing your recommendation. It is your responsibility to collect the completed
recommendation form (in a sealed envelope) and submit it along with your application in
order to be considered for the Admissions Ambassador program. You will need to submit at
least 2 letters of recommendation.
How can I get more information about the Admissions Ambassador program?
Gaslin Osias is the contact person for the CCNY Admissions Ambassador program. You can
contact him at (212) 650-7023, via e-mail at or stop by the Office of
Admissions to speak with him.
The City College of New York
Admissions Ambassador Program Application
To the applicant: Please carefully read the Admissions Ambassador Information Sheet before
completing this application. If you attach additional pages, please be sure that your name is on
every page.
(Please print clearly or type)
Gender: Male Female
Class Level: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
First Name: ______________________Middle Initial: ___ Last Name:__________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________ State: ______ Zip: ___________________
SSN: ________________________ Date of Birth: ___________________________________
Home Number: (____) _____________________ Cell Number: (____) _________________
E-mail Address: _______________________________________________________________
High School Attended: ____________________________ Date of Graduation: ___________
College(s) attended (transfer students): ____________________________________________
Intended Major: __________________________ Intended Minor: ____________________
CCNY cumulative GPA: ______________ Expected Date of CCNY Graduation:_________
Please note that responding to the next 2 questions are voluntary and the information will
be kept confidential. Refusal to provide this information will not affect your application.
Are you Hispanic/Latino? Yes No
Indicate your race by selecting one of more options:
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Using a separate sheet of paper, please answer one of the following essay questions. Please
write the essay question you chose on the top of the page.
1. Why did you choose City College? Please share any information related to your decision
to attend CCNY, including academic experience and interests, family history, financial
considerations, etc.
2. Why do you want to become a CCNY Admissions Ambassador and what will you bring
to the group?
3. Describe a specific activity or organization in which you were directly involved as an
activist or leader. What challenges did you face, how did you resolve them, and what did
you learn about yourself in the process?
Use the space below and/or additional sheet(s) of paper to list and extracurricular activities
that you are/have been involved in. This may include work experience, campus activities,
athletic teams, internships, study abroad and community service. First semester freshman
and transfer students may include activities from high school or previous college(s)
Dates of Involvement
Position(s) Held
Signature: _____________________________________ Date: __________________
Thank you for applying for the Admissions Ambassador Program. You will be contacted within
two weeks after the application deadline to arrange an interview.
Return your completed application along with your essay, resume and two letters of
recommendations by Nov. 7, 2012 to:
Scholarship Office
Wille Administration Building A-101
160 Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031
The City College of New York
Admissions Ambassador Program
Recommendation Form
To the Applicant: Complete the top portion of this form and forward it to the individual writing
the recommendation. The recommendation form must be returned to you in a sealed envelope.
Name (Print): ____________________________ ______________________________
First Last
I am aware of the rights afforded me by the Federal Educational Right to Privacy Act of 1974, as
amended. I hereby □ waive □ do not waive my right to examine the contents of this
recommendation letter. I understand that by waiving my right I do so under the condition that the
reference is used solely for the purpose for which it is intended.
To the Recommender: Thank you for agreeing to complete this recommendation form. The
above individual is an applicant for the Admissions Ambassador program. Ambassadors are
students who will assist the Office of Admissions with various recruitment activities by
conducting campus tours, participating in open houses, and attending on-campus events with
high school guidance counselors. They will play an essential role in the college’s recruitment
efforts so your comments are crucial to the selection process. Using your knowledge of this
individual, please type or print legibly your response to the following questions. Please return
this form and any additional sheet(s) in a sealed envelope, signed across the seal, to the student.
For how long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?
Please evaluate the applicant on each of the following characteristics:
Unable to Judge
Using the space below, or by attaching additional sheet(s), please provide additional
comments about this applicant’s potential for being a CCNY Admissions Ambassador.
Recommender’s Name: _________________________________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ________________
Title: _________________________________ Department: ________________________
Phone Number: (_____) ___________________ E-mail: _____________________________