Holiday Isle Improvement Association, INC.
PC&R and Rules Minimum Violation Fines
Section 2.2 Fine $50-100 per day per violation.
In all areas designated single family, No building, structure or premises shall be used,
arranged, designed or built except for the following:
(a) A detached residence consisting of one dwelling unit per each Lot otherwise
permissible under these Covenants and applicable zoning, to be used solely for
residential purposes.
(1) Accessory uses incident to the above permitted use are allowed, but
shall not include the conduct of a business or industry on property or on any driveway,
walkway or dock giving access thereto. “Business” shall have its ordinary, generally
accepted meaning, and shall include any activity undertaken on an ongoing basis which
involves producing goods or services and for which the producer receives consideration
of any type.
A residential building, structure or premises shall not be used more than four times per
year for special events, including but not limited to weddings, receptions, parties,
special family celebrations and family reunions, when the scope of such use involves a
large number of people on the premises, as measured by common practice for
residential usage. All such uses and special events must operate in compliance with all
rules and covenants, including but not limited to those addressing parking,
transportation, noise and nuisance.
Section 4.5 Fine $50-100 per day per violation.
Health, Sanitation, Cleanliness, and Unsightly Property
In order to keep Holiday Isle a desirable place to live for all owners, the following
Covenants are made a part of this Declaration:
(a) Lessees/owners shall be bound by and shall strictly observe all rules and
regulations established by the Association, City of Destin, the State Board of Health and
any other governmental authority or agency relating to health, sanitation, safety and
public welfare.
(b) No sewage, waste, trash, fish cleaning waste or remains, or debris shall be
emptied or discharged into any lagoon, lake, body of water, or canal or into the waters
of the Old Pass Lagoon or the Gulf of Mexico or any tributaries thereof. This includes
swimming pool overflow and emptying.
(c) Each lessee/owner shall keep improvements on his or her property in good
repair, properly painted, and clean and sanitary at all times; and shall also keep the
premises free from all trash, debris, household items, and construction items. No
construction materials shall be stored on any lot unless an active building permit is in
place. At such times as the premises are occupied, each lessee/owner shall be
responsible for obtaining frequent and regular trash and garbage removal. Each
lessee/owner shall keep all surrounding areas, including streets, beaches and
neighboring lots free from trash, debris and obstructions that may be due to the
lessee’s/owner’s use or occupancy of the premises. No landscape clippings or debris
may be placed on vacant lots without the consent of the owner of the vacant lot. All
garbage must be placed in receptacles approved by the waste collection agency.
Receptacles shall not be placed on the street prior to noon the day before pick up and
shall be removed from the street by midnight the day of pick up.
(d) There shall not be erected, constructed, suffered, permitted, committed,
maintained, used or operated on any part of Holiday Isle any noise, foul odors, or
nuisance of any kind or character, or any illegal, offensive, or obnoxious trade, business
or operations of any kind.“Nuisance” shall include but not be limited to any controllable
condition which puts any other Owner or property at risk of injury or damage or
unreasonably interferes with the right of any other Owner to enjoy his or her property.
(e) Undesirable growths, unsightly or obnoxious things (as determined by the
Board) and unlicensed, improperly licensed or non-operational vehicles, and similar
undesirable personal property left outside the enclosed confines of any approved
structure, shall be ordered removed by the Board. Except to the extent set forth below,
any and all recreational vehicles, boats when not in the water and personal water
vehicles when not in the water, including their trailers, and vehicles under repair, shall
be stored in an enclosed garage, but not an open carport.
(1) No more than one recreational vehicle or trailer may be kept on
Holiday Isle. Such vehicle or trailer may be kept outside of an enclosed garage for a
maximum of fifteen (15) days per calendar year. Recreational vehicles and boats shall
not be used as living quarters. Authorization to keep a recreational vehicle or trailer
outside of an enclosed garage for any period of time must be obtained in writing from
the Board. Permits issued by the Board must be attached to the recreational vehicle,
trailer, or boat and trailer.
(2) Use of towed trailers, houseboats, work barges or other vehicles and
temporary structures may be authorized temporarily by the Board in connection with on-
going construction. Such authorization must be obtained in writing from the Board.
(3) Towed house trailers, houseboats or temporary structures of any kind
are prohibited on Holiday Isle, except to the extent set forth herein. Tents and canopies
are permitted provided that their use is in compliance with state and local laws and
regulations. Set up of canopies can occur only after beach cleaning has been
completed and canopies shall not be left on the beach overnight. Any covering for boat
slips must be approved by the Board.
Section 4.6 Fine $50-100 per day per violation.
No signs of any kind shall be erected, pasted, posted, or displayed upon or about any
lot or parcel or anywhere on Holiday Isle with the following exceptions:
(a) For Rent, For Sale, or house number and/or street address signs which do
not exceed two (2) feet square in area may be placed on single family residential
property. The size limitation includes riders, mounts, and frames. No part of any sign
may exceed four feet above ground level. Signs shall be removed no later than fifteen
days after transfer of occupancy.
(b) Signs designating the name and street address of townhouses, apartment
houses, and condominiums may be displayed providing that the size and design have
been approved in advance by the Board.
(c) Sales promotion signs may be displayed on triplex and larger structures
during construction and initial sell out. Such signs must be removed no later than fifteen
(15) days after completion of the initial sell out or one year after completion of building.
(d) Home occupation signs not exceeding two (2) square feet in area, non-
illuminated, and mounted flat against the wall of the principal building.
(e) Waterfront owners shall display house number and/or street address on their
dock facing the water for access in the event of an emergency. Upon written approval
of the Board, Owners may post signs for “No Parking,” “No Trespassing,or security
(f) Boxes displaying permits for new construction, as required by the City of
Destin, may be installed. The permit box may have attached to it a sign indicating the
name of the builder or contractor, provided that the sign does not exceed two square
feet, including riders, mounts and frame.
(g) Signs in the right of way are prohibited.
Section 4.7 Fine $50-100 per day per violation.
(a) A minimum of two (2) parking spaces shall be provided for each residential
unit (9 feet by 19 feet per space).
(b) All vehicles shall be parked in a driveway or other designated parking area.
Vehicles shall not be parked on grassy areas, yards, landscaped areas, sidewalk
sections intended for pedestrian traffic, or on the right of way.
(c) Lessees/owners shall provide off-street parking for workers and delivery
vehicles. Parking on the right of way or on landscaped areas is not permitted.
(d) Appropriate stabilized off-street parking shall be provided in those cases
where docks or boat slips have been put into use prior to construction of the residential
(e) For all gatherings, the Owner shall provide adequate parking and/or a shuttle
service. No parking will be allowed on Gulf Shore Drive right of ways or off streets right
of ways. Vehicles will be towed at vehicle owner’s expense.
Section 4.9 Fine $50-100 per day per violation
Pets and Animals.
Pets may be kept by lessees/owners and their guests, but only if such pets do not
constitute a nuisance. No livestock, animals (other than dogs and cats), chickens or fowl
of any kind are permitted on Holiday Isle. Dogs and cats owned as personal pets are
not permitted on the beaches and are permitted elsewhere on Holiday Isle only when
securely fenced or leashed. All owners, lessees and their guests shall be held strictly
responsible to immediately collect and properly dispose of the waste and litter of their
pets. The Association reserves the right to demand that an owner permanently remove
any and all pets which create disturbances or annoyances that constitute nuisances.
Section 4.10 Fine $50-100 per day per violation
Mobile Homes.
No mobile homes or prefabricated modular single family homes are permitted on
Holiday Isle.
Section 4.11 Fine $50-100 per day per violation
All swimming pools must be constructed in ground. All plans for swimming pools and
associated enclosures and lighting must be approved in writing by the Board. Pools
shall not be constructed in the front of any residential dwelling unit.
Section 4.12 Fine $50-100 per day per violation
The Association has the irrevocable right of access to the exterior of each residential
parcel during reasonable hours when necessary for the maintenance, repair or
replacement of property to be maintained by the Association pursuant to this
Declaration and to prevent damage to such property to be maintained by the
Association. Except in a situation involving an imminent risk of harm to persons or
property, as determined by the Association in its reasonable discretion, the Association
shall provide the Owner reasonable written notice of at least 48 hours prior to any such
Section 4.13 Fine $50-100 per day per violation
Minimum Rental
No single or multi-family unit may be rented for less than (3) three days.
Section 4.14 Fine $50-100 per day per violation
Rental Units
(c) Owners shall provide rental tenants with the Association Rules and
Regulations and obey all City County and state laws covering their rental units.
(d) To facilitate a response to emergencies, if a Rental Unit is rented for a period
of six months or more, the Owner shall provide the Association with the contact
information for at least one occupant.
(e) If a Rental Unit is rented for a period of less than six months, upon the
request of the Association, the Owner shall provide the Association with a list of the
names of occupants.
(f) All Rental Units shall provide a copy of the rental registration provided to the
City of Destin, to the Association.
Section 4.15 Fine $50-100 per day per violation
No business of any kind shall be operated on Holiday Isle except for Home
Occupations. To qualify as a Home Occupation, compliance with the following
conditions is required:
(a) No person other than members of the family residing on the premises shall be
engaged in such occupation.
(b) The use of the dwelling unit for the home occupation shall be clearly
incidental and subordinate to its use for residential purposes by its occupants and not
more than 25% of the floor area of the dwelling unit shall be used in the conduct of the
home occupation.
(c) There shall be no change in the outside appearance of the building or
premises, or other visible evidence of the conduct of such home occupation other than
one sign not exceeding two (2) square feet in area, non-illuminated, and mounted flat
against the wall of the principal building.
(d) No home occupation shall be conducted outside a dwelling unit.
(e) No traffic shall be generated by such home occupation in greater volume than
would normally be expected in a residential neighborhood. All parking generated by the
conduct of such home occupation shall be off the street right-of-way and in designated
(f) No equipment or process shall be used in such home occupation which
creates a noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odors, or electrical interference detectable to
the normal senses outside the boundaries of the residential property. No equipment or
process shall be used which creates visual or audible interference in any radio or
television receivers off the premises, or causes fluctuations in the line voltage of the
Section 5.3 Fine $100 per day per violation
Beach Protection.
No sand or soil shall be disturbed beyond the seaside of the sand dunes crest facing
the Gulf of Mexico without the written consent of the Board as to the use and under no
circumstances shall they be altered or tampered with or built without the written consent
of the Board.
Section 5.4 Fine $100 per day per violation
Beach Access.
The Holiday Isle accesses to the beach shall remain clear and unobstructed at all time.
Section 4.17
Penalties and Remedies.
(a) If a leaseholder/owner of any property on Holiday Isle or their heirs or assigns
shall violate any of these Covenants set out herein, it shall be lawful for the Board, or
any person or corporation being a leaseholder/owner situated on Holiday Isle to
prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person, persons or
corporations violating any of such Covenants either to prevent them from so doing or to
recover damages for such violation or both; however the prevailing party shall be
entitled to reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs incurred.
(b) Fines may be levied as provided in the By-Laws of Holiday Isle Improvement
Association, Inc.
HIIA PC&R’s and Rules require you to comply with all city
ordinances including:
Sec. 13-103. Purpose.
The city council of the City of Destin recognizes that the unregulated rental of single-
family detached dwelling units by seasonal residents uniquely impacts certain
neighborhoods within the City of Destin. Therefore, it is necessary and in the interest of
the public health, safety, and welfare to monitor and provide reasonable means for
citizens of the City of Destin to mitigate impacts created by such rental of single-family
detached dwelling units within the City of Destin as set forth by this article.
Sec. 13-104. Definitions.
For the purpose of this article, the following terms, phrases, words, abbreviations and
their derivations shall have the meaning given herein. When not inconsistent with the
context, words used in the present tense include the future tense, words in the plural
number include the singular number and words in the singular number include the plural
number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory. Words not
defined shall be given their meaning as provided in section 1-2, Definitions and rules of
construction, of the City of Destin Code of Ordinances. Dwelling, single-family shall
mean for the purposes of this article a residential structure that may either be detached
from any other residential structure or be attached to a wall of another residential
structure such as townhomes, duplexes, and triplexes. Garbage shall mean every
accumulation of waste (animal, vegetable and/or other matter) that results from the
preparation, processing, consumption, dealing in, handling, packing, canning, storage,
transportation, decay or decomposition of meats, fish, fowl, birds, fruits, grains or other
animal or vegetable matter (including, but not by way of limitation, used tin cans and
other food containers); and all other putrescible or easily decomposed animal or
vegetable waste matter which is likely to attract flies or rodents. Owner shall mean the
person in whom is vested the ownership, dominion, or title of property.
Responsible party shall mean the owner or the person designated by the owner of the
property to be called upon to answer for the maintenance of the property and the
conduct and acts of seasonal residents of single-family dwelling units. Seasonal
resident shall mean guests, tourists, lessees, vacationers, or others who lease or rent a
single-family dwelling unit for valuable consideration for a period of time between one
1) day to no more than six (6) months. Short term rental shall mean any occupancy of a
single-family dwelling unit for a period of time between one (1) day to no more than six
(6) months.
Sec. 13-105. - Registration required. Fine $100 per day per violation
It shall be unlawful for any person to allow another person to occupy any single-
family detached dwelling unit as a seasonal resident within the City of Destin, or offer
such rental services within the City of Destin, unless the person has been registered
with the City of Destin in accordance with the provisions of this article.
Sec. 13-106. Formal application required.
Every person required to procure a registration under the provisions of this article shall
submit a formal application for such registration to the city manager or his designee.
Submission of an incomplete registration application form shall result in rejection of the
Sec. 13-107. Application for registration.
Applications for registration shall set forth and/or include at a minimum:
1. Address, lot, block and subdivision name of single-family dwelling unit offered for
2. Name, address, and phone number of owner of said single-family dwelling unit;
3. Name, address, and emergency contact phone number of responsible party for said
single-family dwelling unit, which shall be a twenty-four-hour, seven (7) days a week
contact number;
4. That the phone number for the responsible party will be answered twenty-four (24)
hours a day, seven (7) days a week by a party with authority to address or coordinate
problems associated with the single-family detached dwelling unit;
5. Acknowledgements by owner adherence to all applicable regulations attributed to
short term rentals;
6. Proof of owner's current ownership of the single-family detached dwelling unit.
7. Provide, at time of application or within 60 days of issuance of city registration, a valid
and current Florida Department of Revenue sales tax identification number under
Chapter 212, Florida Statutes, and a valid current license under Chapter 509, Florida
Sec. 13-108. General regulations/standards .
Sec. 13-108. General regulations/standards.
1. All vehicles shall only be parked in the improved access way/vehicle use area as
defined per Land Development Code, Section 3.00.01 and/or within the garage area of
the single-family dwelling unit. Garage area parking shall only be counted as provided
parking if the area is open and free from obstructions. Vehicles shall not be within the
right-of-way, including the grassy/unimproved areas and sidewalk sections for
pedestrian traffic pursuant to City of Destin Code of Ordinances, Section19.5, Traffic
and Motor Vehicles and Land Development Code, Section;
2. It shall be unlawful to allow or make any noise or sound which exceed the limits set
forth in Chapter 14, Article 2;
3. Signage will be posted and maintained on the single-family dwelling unit in
accordance with section 13-116, of this article;
4. No garbage container shall be located at the curb for pickup before 12:00 p.m. of the
day prior to pick up, and garbage container shall be removed before midnight of the day
of pickup. Additionally, by 5:00 p.m. the day after the last day of the contracted short-
term rental period, all garbage shall be removed. The owner shall be required to obtain
additional garbage containers and to acquire special valet garbage service from the
city’s solid waste removal provider in order to ensure all garbage is properly contained
and removed. The owner, in lieu of acquiring valet garbage service from the city’s solid
waste removal provided, may utilize a third party valet garbage service removal
provider, but such private service shall not excuse continuing to accept and pay for
regular services of the City solid waste service provider;
5. Whoever, without being authorized, licensed, or invited, willfully enters or remains in
any structure or conveyance of a single-family dwelling unit, or, having been authorized,
licensed, or invited is warned by the owner or lessee, to depart the single-family
dwelling unit and refuses to do so, commits the offense of trespass in a structure or
6. Recreational amenities, such as exercise facilities, hot tubs and swimming pools,
may not be jointly shared commodities and should not be considered available for use
unless the right to use such facilities is clearly stated in the rental agreement for the
dwelling unit;
7. Responsible Party: Whenever any property is required to be registered under this
article, the owner shall appoint a person to serve as the local responsible party for
service of notices as are specified herein, and notices given to the responsible party
shall be sufficient to satisfy any requirement of notice to the owner. The owner shall
notify the city manager or his designee in writing of the appointment within five days of
being required to make such appointment, and shall thereafter notify the city manager
or his designee of any change of responsible party within fifteen (15) days of such
change. Further, it is hereby made the affirmative duty of the responsible party to:
a. Inform all seasonal residents prior to occupancy of the single-family dwelling unit of
applicable City of Destin ordinances concerning noise, vehicle parking, garbage, and
common area usage;
b. See that the provisions of this article are complied with and promptly address any
violations of this article or any violations of law, which may come to the attention of the
responsible party;
c. Be available with authority to address or coordinate problems with the rental of the
single-family dwelling unit twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week;
d. Be situated close enough to the single-family dwelling unit as to be able to, and shall,
service emergency calls within one (1) hour of notification;
e. Keep available a register of all guests , which shall be open to inspection by officers
of the City of Destin at all times;
f. Maintain the entire property of the single-family dwelling unit free of garbage and litter.
Provided however, that this section shall not prohibit the storage of garbage and litter in
authorized private receptacles for collection.
Sec. 13-109. Fees for registration.
The City of Destin is authorized and shall charge reasonable fees for registration to
compensate for administrative expenses. The fees for registration shall be provided for,
from time to time, by resolution adopted by the city council of the City of Destin.
Sec. 13-110. Issuance or refusal of registration.
The city manager or his designee shall issue a registration certificate of compliance to
the applicant upon proof of the following:
1. The owner and/or responsible party completes and receives approval of the City of
Destin registration application form;
2. The registration fee has been paid to the City of Destin;
3. A business tax receipt from the City of Destin pursuance to Chapter 13 of the Code of
4. A business tax receipt from Okaloosa County;
5. An affidavit demonstrating maintaining initial and on-going compliance with short-term
rental regulations and standards contained herein, plus any other applicable local, state,
and federal laws, regulations and standards to include, but not be limited to Chapter
509, Florida Statues, and Rules, Chapter 61C and 69A, Florida Administrative Code;
6. A copy of the form of short term rental/lease agreement to be used when contracting
with seasonal residents.
Sec. 13-111. Registration not transferable.
No registration issued under this article shall be transferred or assigned or used by any
person other than the one to whom it is issued, or at any location other than the one for
which it is issued.
Sec. 13-112. Expiration of registration.
All registrations issued under the provisions of this article shall be valid for no more than
one (1) year, and all registrations shall expire on March 1 of each year. Registrations
that are not renewed by March 1 of each year may be renewed up to the last business
day in April of that year without paying a late renewal fee. Owners who do not renew
their registrations before the last business day in April shall pay the appropriate late
renewal fee as established, from time to time, by the city council of the City of Destin.
Sec. 13-113. - Responsible party required Fine $100 per day per violation
Whenever any property is required to be registered under this article, the owner
shall appoint a person to serve as the local responsible party for service of notices as
are specified herein, and notices given to the responsible party shall be sufficient to
satisfy any requirement of notice to the owner. The owner shall notify the city manager
or his designee in writing of the appointment within five days of being required to make
such appointment, and shall thereafter notify the city manager or his designee of any
change of responsible party within fifteen (15) days of such change. Further, it is hereby
made the affirmative duty of the responsible party to:
(1) Inform all seasonal residents prior to occupancy of the single-family detached
dwelling unit of applicable City of Destin ordinances concerning noise, vehicle
parking, garbage, and common area usage;
(2) Maintain all properties under their control in compliance with the occupancy
limits, as specified in the City of Destin Code of Ordinances;
(3) See that the provisions of this article are complied with and promptly address
any violations of this article or any violations of law, which may come to the
attention of the responsible party;
(4) Be available with authority to address or coordinate problems with the
rental of the single-family detached dwelling unit twenty-four (24) hours a
day, seven (7) days a week;
(5) Be situated close enough to the single-family detached dwelling unit as to be
able to, and shall, service emergency calls within one (1) hour of notification;
(6) Keep available a register of all guests, which shall be open to inspection by
officers of the City of Destin at all times; and
(7) Maintain the entire property of the single-family detached dwelling unit free of
garbage and litter. Provided however, that this section shall not prohibit the
storage of garbage and litter in authorized private receptacles for collection.
Sec. 13-114. False information.
It shall be unlawful for any person to give any false or misleading information in
connection with the application for registration required by this article.
Sec. 13-115. Territory embraced.
The provisions of this article shall apply within the City of Destin.
Sec. 13-116. - Posting of sign. Fine $100 per day per violation
1. Prior to the owner of the single-family dwelling unit allowing another person to occupy
the single-family dwelling unit as a seasonal resident, owner shall post a sign on the
property meeting the following requirements:
a. The sign must be prominently placed on the property of the single family dwelling unit
so that the required content of the sign shall be legible as viewed from the public right-
b. Such sign shall be not larger than eighteen (18) inches by twelve (12) inches and not
smaller than sixteen (16) inches by ten (10) inches in size;
c. The sign must clearly indicate the name, and twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7)
days a week emergency contact phone number of the responsible party for said single-
family dwelling unit. If the responsible party phone number and the rental contact phone
number are different, the sign shall clearly indicate both phone numbers;
d. The sign must be continuously on the property of the single-family dwelling unit
during any period an local business tax or registration has not expired; and
e. The sign must clearly indicate the expiration date of both the local business tax and
registration, if applicable.
2. Prior to the owner of the single-family dwelling unit allowing another person to occupy
the single-family dwelling unit as a seasonal resident, owner shall post signage within
the single family dwelling unit meeting the following requirements:
a. At least two signs must be prominently placed within the single family dwelling unit so
that the required content of the sign shall be legible as viewed by the occupants of the
b. Signage shall be eight and one half (8.5) inches by eleven (11);
c. Signage must clearly state the following:
“Be considerate of your neighbors. This house is located in a residential neighborhood,
therefore noise or sound is restricted per local ordinance. If breach of peace is violated
and/or conduct is disorderly, local law enforcement will respond. Thank you!”
d. The signs must be continuously posted within the single-family dwelling unit during
any period a local business tax or registration has not expired.
Sec. 13-117. Preemption of homeowner's association.
All regulations regarding the posting of a sign on the property of the single-family
detached dwelling unit shall preempt any homeowner's association restrictions on the
posting of signs. (Ord. No. 151.23, § 3, 6-3-02)
Sec. 13-118. Complaints.
Whenever a violation of this article occurs, or is alleged to have occurred, any person
may file a written complaint. Such complaint, stating fully the causes and basis thereof,
shall be filed with the city manager or his designee. The city manager or his designee
shall record properly such complaint, investigate, and take action thereon in accordance
with sections 14-71 through 14-85, City of Destin Code of Ordinances. (Ord. No.
151.23, § 3, 6-3-02)
Sec. 13-119. Enforcement.
The provisions of this Article shall be enforced as provided in Chapter 14 Offenses and
Miscellaneous Provisions, of the Code Ordinances of the City of Destin, and by such other
means as are specified herein below.
1. Code Enforcement: The Code Enforcement Division may enforce the terms of this article by
bringing a case to the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate or Code Enforcement Board,
whichever is applicable, as provided in Chapter 14 Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions,
Article III, Code Enforcement Board or Special Magistrate, of the Code Ordinances of the City of
Destin and Chapter 162, Part 1, Florida Statutes.
2. Civil Citation: The Code Enforcement Division, or other duly authorized officer or authority,
may enforce the terms of this article through issuance of civil citation as provided in Chapter 14
Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions, Article III, Code Enforcement Citation Program and
Procedures, of the Code Ordinances of the City of Destin and Chapter 162, Part 2, Florida
3. Denial/Suspension/Revocation: Any registration issued pursuant to this article may be
administratively denied, revoked, or suspended by the city for failure to satisfy the requirements
for registration or for violation by the owner of this article, any City of Destin Ordinance, or state
law. Such denial, revocation or suspension is in addition to any penalty provided herein. Any
appeal of administrative action taken pursuant to this subsection shall be as provided in City of
Destin Land Development Code Section 2.22.00, Appeals.
4. Criminal Penalties: A violation of this article shall be punishable as a misdemeanor by a fine
of up to five hundred (500) dollars per violation and a definite term of imprisonment of not more
than sixty (sixty) days as provided in Section 162.22, Florida Statutes. It is the legislative intent
of the City Council in enacting this Article to provide an additional or supplemental means of
obtaining compliance with the requirements stated herein. Nothing contained in this Article shall
be deemed to prohibit the City of Destin from seeking enforcement by any other means
provided by law, including, but not limited to, filing an action for declaratory and injunctive relief
in a Court of competent jurisdiction.
Land Development Code (LDC) Section 7.18.04. Standards.
All principal buildings, docks and piers in the city shall be assigned and have their assigned
numbers displayed, whether or not mail is delivered to such locations. Physical numbering shall
conform to the following minimum standards:
(1) Assigned numbers for principal buildings shall be displayed and clearly visible and legible,
preferably reflective, from the street or private way on which the building fronts, with Arabic
numerals not less than three inches in height and one-half inch in width.
(2) Numbers must be in a color contrasting to the building or other background.
(3) In the case of a principal building which has multiple entrances, the assigned number shall
be displayed on each separate front entrance.
(4) Any different numbers which might be mistaken for or confused with the number assigned in
accordance with the "numbering system" shall be removed.
(5) Assigned numbers for principal buildings which are not visible from the street or private way
shall additionally be displayed at the intersection of the driveway and servicing street, and
attached to a post, wall, fence or mailbox at a level to ensure visibility.