City of Fort Worth
Development Services Department
Mobile Vendor Certificate of Occupancy Requirements
Application Requirements
Any vendors of merchandise or food that occupies a specific location on a parcel or lot for more than
one hour must apply and obtain a Mobile Vendor Certificate of Occupancy. The following items are
required at the time of application or renewal. All names must match on all documents. There are no
exceptions for any of these documents. Items are in order to minimize processing time.
1. Assumed Business Name Certificate - This can be obtained at the Tarrant County Court House
located at 200 Taylor St Plaza Building 3
floor Fort Worth, TX 76102. Main office number: 817-
2. Current State Sales Tax & Use Tax Permit - This can be obtained at the State Comptroller of Public
Accounts Office located at 6320 Southwest Blvd #201, Benbrook, TX 76109
Main office number:
(817) 377-8855.
3. Current and valid State Vehicle Registration on the Mobile Vending Unit they are using for the sale
of their goods, if applicable. Please note, it must match the vehicle information located on the health
permit issued to them by either the Tarrant County Public Health Department or the Code
Compliance Consumer Health Division.
4. Current and valid Vehicle Insurance on the Mobile Vending Unit or vehicle pulling the unit that
will be used for the sale of their goods, if applicable.
5. Current and valid State Motor Vehicle Operators License (State Driver’s License) for the owner of
the Mobile Vending Unit or if an employee is driving the unit; their valid driver’s license and proof of
6. Property Owner Authorization Letter authorizing applicant the use of the property the Vending
Unit will be on and the use of the restroom from the property owner. This letter MUST be original
and correctly notarized (within the last 30 days) before we can accept them.
7. For Food Vendors, a valid health permit is required. This can be obtained either the Tarrant County
Public Health Department (if operating only in the Tarrant County portions of Fort Worth) or from
the City of Fort Worth Code Compliance Consumer Health Division located at Hazel Harvey Peace
Center for Neighborhoods, 818 Missouri Ave. Main office number: 817-392-7255.
8. Basic Site Plan Sketch – This must show the entire property and the location of the Vending Unit
relative to the property boundaries, accesses, parking, Fire lane(s) and any structures. This sketch
should be drawn to scale, have labeled “North Arrow”, and contain the property address and Legal
Description i.e. Lot, Bock, Legal Name/Subdivision or Addition. Note: No more than one Mobile
Vending Unit per individual tract, parcel or platted lot shall be allowed.
Required Applicants and Zoning
Any vendors of merchandise or food that occupies a specific location on a parcel or lot for more than
one hour must apply and obtain a Mobile Vendor Certificate of Occupancy. Vendors operating as
part of an approved flea market or city-sanctioned event are excluded. Mobile Vendor Certificates of
Occupancy are issued for each specific address to be occupied by a vendor. Vendors that require a CO
are defined below as per Ordinance 15249:
1. Food Vendor, Non-Potentially Hazardous – A food vendor that sells food products that are not
potentially hazardous, such as popcorn, pretzels, and nut, and as further defined in Chapter 16,
“Health and Sanitation” of the City Code of the City of Fort Worth, from an informal fixed location
out of a vehicle that is pulled or is portable under its own power. As per Chapter 4 Article 8 of
Ordinance 13896, as a use both temporary and transient, is allowed in “E” Neighborhood Commercial
District zoning and above.
2. Food Vendor, Potentially Hazardous – A food vendor that sells natural or synthetic food products
that require temperature control and as further defined in Chapter 16, “Health and Sanitation” of the
City Code of the City of Fort Worth, from an informal fixed location out of a vehicle that is pulled or
is portable under its own power. As per Chapter 4 Article 8 of Ordinance 13896, as a use both
temporary and transient, is allowed in “FR” Restricted Commercial District zoning and above.
3. Merchandise Vendor – A merchandise Vendor that sells merchandise products from an informal
fixed location. As per Chapter 4 Article 8 of Ordinance 13896, as a use both temporary and transient,
is allowed in “I” Light Industrial District zoning and above.
4. Door-to-Door Merchandise/Food/Services Vendor – A person who travels by foot or vehicle from
door-to-door, house-to-house, building to building, or place to place, within the city, for the purpose
of offering for sale, or soliciting orders for future delivery, of goods, services, or merchandise. As per
Chapter 4 Article 8 of Ordinance 13896, as a use both temporary and transient, is allowed in “ER”
Neighborhood Commercial Restricted District zoning and above. These applicants will need to apply
for this certificate with the Development Department Administration Secretary.
Non-Required Applicants
1. Transient Food Vendor – A food vendor that sells food products, from a pushcart or out of a
Mobile Vending Unit that is pulled or portable under its own power, for sale to the general public
from an informal location, other than a public street or thoroughfare, for a period not more than 60
consecutive minutes at any one location. Example: Transient Food Vendors may not stop for more
than 60 consecutive minutes at any one location to sell or serve food.
Basic Restrictions
1. No mobile vending unit shall operate at any time between the hours of 2:00 AM and 7:00 AM.
2. Transient Food Vendors may not stop for more than 60 consecutive minutes at any one location to
sell or serve food.
3. No more than one Mobile Vending Unit per individual tract, parcel or platted lot shall be allowed.
A maximum of three mobile vending units shall be allowed on an individual tract, parcel, or platted
lot in which a grocery store with a footprint exceeding 50,000 square feet, may be located with a
special exception by the Board of Adjustment, provided, however, that in granting any such special
exception, the Board shall consider the following:
a. The reason for the request;
b. The number of available parking spaces on the lot;
c. Whether an increase number of mobile vending units would be compatible with
the existing use and permitted development of adjacent properties; and
d. Any other issued the Board of Adjustment considers to be relevant.
4. Vending Units must park on improved surfaces and may not occupy required parking spaces,
obstruct traffic movement or impair visibility or safety to the site. Units must also observe standard
setback restrictions.
5. A food vendor selling food that is Potentially Hazardous (natural or synthetic food products that
require temperature control) shall remove the Mobile Vending Unit daily from the property.
6. No Mobile Vending Unit may operate within 50 feet from a Single Family or Multi-Family
residential use. Single-Family or Multi-Family residential use shall not include a residence that is part
of a business or a Mixed-Use structure.
7. All Mobile Vending Units between 50 and 100 feet from a Single-Family or Multi-Family
residential use must obtain the unanimous consent of all the owners of the of the Single-Family or
Multi-Family residential property within 100-foot radius around the Mobile Vending Unit.
a. Consent from the property owners must be original, signed, notarized, and dated within 30
days from the date the vendor applies for a Vendor Certificate of Occupancy.
b. If the Single-Family or Multi-Family residential property is not the primary residence of the
owner, the resident or tenant of the property must give his or her consent.
c. Measurement shall be determined in a straight line (ignoring intervening structures) from the
closest point of the Mobile Vending Unit to the closest point of the property line of the
Single-Family or Multi-Family residential use.
8. Food vendors must have access to a restroom and may not be open unless access to the restroom is
made available to the vendor.
9. The Mobile Vendor Certificate of Occupancy is good only for the location assigned to it. Each
different location will require a separate Vendor Certificate of Occupancy.
10. Mobile Vendor Certificate of Occupancies may be renewed no earlier than 24 hours prior to
expiration. Renewals after the expiration date are on a first come first served basis. There is not a grace
Application can be made at:
City of Fort Worth Development Services Department
200 Texas St Fort Worth, TX 76102
City of Fort Worth
Development Services Department
Certificate of Occupancy Application
Project Address: ______________________________________________________________________Bldg/Suite/Unit#:_________________
Legal Description: Addition ___________________________________________________________Block _______________ Lot ___________
(Apartments require a list of all addresses, number of units in each building, site plan, floor plan drawn to
scale of any non-residential spaces, and pre-code inspections.)
Name of Business: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Proposed Business Use: _____________________________________Previous Business Use:__________________________________
Electricity Release: ( Y / N )
Previous Certificate of Occupancy # (if known): ______________________________________________________________________
Zoning of Property: ___________ Legal Non-Conforming (LNC#): _____________________
Annexation: ( Y / N ) (If yes, copy of Annexation letter is required)
Mobile Vendor: ( Y / N ) License Plate Number For Mobile Vendor: ____________________________
Site Contact Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _________________________________ *E-Mail Address: _________________________________________________________
* Please fill out the information below if a Change of Use Required:
Change of Use with Remodel: Yes _______ (If yes, complete the items below)No _______(If no, skip to Applicant Name & Signature)
Total Cost of Construction with Materials & Labor: _______________________________________________________________________
Total Cost of Construction not including Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing: ___________________________________________
TABS # (if Cost of Construction is $50,000 or more ): ____________________________________________________________________
City of Fort Worth Contractor Registration #: _________________________________________________________________________
Contractor’s Business Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _________________________________ *E-Mail Address: _________________________________________________________
Plans Exam Contact Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _________________________________ *E-Mail Address: _________________________________________________________
Applicant Name (Printed): _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _________________________________ *E-Mail Address: ________________________________________________________
Applicant’s Signature: ___________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________
*Information used, to provide Plan Review status and holds. Revised: 05/12/22 DB
locateaMobileVendingUnitattheaboveaddress. (NameofMobileVendingUnit)
Iunderstandthatbygranti ngtheabovenamedMobileVendorpermission
TheCity’sZoningOrdinancedoesnotallow morethanoneMobileVendingUnitperindividualtract,parcel,
hoursof____________mto_____________m(timeatlocation) ondays oftheweek:
___________________________________ ________________________________________
___________________________________ ________________________________________