Information Collection and Exchange
Publication No. M0088
ii Peace Corps
Information Collection and Exchange
The Peace Corps Information Collection and Exchange (ICE), a
unit of the Oce of Overseas Programming and Training Support
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by Peace Corps Volunteers, their co-workers, and their counterparts
to development organizations and workers who might nd them
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to identify and develop information of all kinds to support
Volunteers and overseas sta. ICE also collects and disseminates
training guides, curricula, lesson plans, project reports, manuals,
and other Peace Corps-generated materials developed in the eld.
Some materials are reprinted “as is”; others provide a source of eld-
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Peace Corps
Oce of Overseas Programming and Training Support
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Abridged Dewey Decimal Classication (DDC) Number: 371.102
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your fellow development workers.
Peace Corps iii
Introduction .......................................................................... 1
1: Managing Classrooms to Maximize Student
Learning: An Overview .......................................................... 3
What Do You Think? .......................................................................... 3
Key Ideas in This Chapter ................................................................ 4
Positive Expectations of Student Success ................................... 4
Classroom Management Skills ....................................................... 6
What does a well-managed classroom look like? ..................... 7
How to support student learning ................................................... 7
Instruction Skills ............................................................................... 9
Eective teachers ................................................................................. 9
Lesson planning ..................................................................................12
Examples and Tools ........................................................................14
Sample Graphic Organizers ..........................................................14
Chapter 2: Teaching in a Cross-Cultural Context ................ 17
What Do You Think? ........................................................................17
Key Ideas in This Chapter ..............................................................18
Examine Your Own Culture ........................................................... 19
What is your cultural intelligence? ...............................................19
Cultural values .....................................................................................20
Cultural norms .....................................................................................23
Examine a New Culture .................................................................24
School culture as an iceberg ..........................................................24
Six activities to gain insight into the host school culture ....26
Introducing Change .......................................................................31
Change and cultural implications ................................................33
Planning to overcome resistance .................................................36
Examples and Tools ........................................................................39
Sample Overcoming Resistance to Change Chart .................39
Sample Force Field Analysis Chart ...............................................40
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iv Peace Corps
Chapter 3: Strategies for Classroom Management ............. 41
What Do You Think? ........................................................................41
Key Ideas in This Chapter ..............................................................42
Eight Strategies for Classroom Management ...........................42
Strategy 1: Create an eective learning environment ..........42
Strategy 2: Establish classroom procedures .............................47
Strategy 3: Create a motivational environment .....................49
Strategy 4: Make every minute count .........................................52
Strategy 5: Keep everyone engaged ...........................................53
Strategy 6: Teach life skills and good learning habits ...........56
Strategy 7: Be creative ......................................................................60
Strategy 8: Use project design and management
techniques ...........................................................................................61
Examples and Tools ........................................................................62
Sample Classroom Procedures Planning Guide ......................62
Sample Classroom Management Planning Guide .................63
Sample Classroom Report Card ....................................................66
Chapter 4: Managing Disruptive Behavior ......................... 67
What Do You Think? ........................................................................67
Key Ideas in This Chapter ..............................................................68
Teaching Expected Behaviors .....................................................68
Why Do Students Misbehave? ......................................................71
Student behavior often reects cultural norms ......................72
Implementing Discipline ..............................................................75
Consequences and/or Punishment ............................................76
Discipline ideas ..................................................................................78
Considerations for dierent types of punishments ...............81
Corporal Punishment ..................................................................... 84
What can Volunteers do to reduce corporal punishment
incidents? ............................................................................................85
Examples and Tools ........................................................................91
Sample Consequences Worksheet ..............................................91
Peace Corps v
Chapter 5: Assessment, Grading, and Cheating .................. 93
What Do You Think? ........................................................................93
Key Ideas in This Chapter ..............................................................94
Discover Your School’s Assessment Culture ..............................95
Formative Assessment ...................................................................96
Assessment tools and strategies ...................................................97
Using feedback from ongoing assessment............................ 101
Grading ...........................................................................................102
Student-friendly grading practices ........................................... 104
Time-saving grading tips .............................................................. 106
Cheating .........................................................................................106
Ideas to prevent cheating ............................................................ 110
Consequences for cheating ......................................................... 113
Examples and Tools ......................................................................115
Sample Rubrics ................................................................................. 115
Chapter 6: Checking Your Progress ...................................119
Appendices ........................................................................ 123
Culture and the Ideal Teacher/Classroom ...............................123
Don’t Hit and Don’t Shout ...........................................................126
Resources .......................................................................... 129
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Peace Corps 1
As a Peace Corps Volunteer teacher, you are in a unique situation.
Not only do you have the opportunity to learn and observe a new
culture and introduce your own culture to others, you will also
create—together with your students—a whole new classroom
culture. This is exciting and inspiring! Whether or not you have
previous teaching experience, teaching in a new culture requires
thoughtful planning and adjustment. This Idea Book will help
you approach your new classroom in a culturally sensitive and
appropriate manner.
This book was written in response to feedback from Volunteer
teachers. They report that managing a classroom in a new cultural
environment is a primary challenge. Many feel that the time spent
dealing with classroom management issues detracts from the
time spent actually teaching content. Sensitive and complicated
questions, such as how to teach in a school that condones corporal
punishment, surfaced frequently.
Volunteers and sta members from around the world were
asked to submit ideas and suggestions. Here you will nd
practical strategies for dealing with the most commonly reported
challenges. Suggestions range from how to develop useful
classroom routines to more complex topics, such as assessing
students fairly and eectively.
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2 Peace Corps
It would be helpful to read this book before you start teaching,
but it will be equally helpful once you are teaching. When you
run into situations that you did not expect, this book will give
you some strategies to begin to understand them. It will help you
think about the classroom, your students, and your colleagues
from new perspectives so you can adapt to a new teaching
environment. There are exercises that ask you to exchange
information with your host colleagues. Take the opportunity to
learn as much as you can from your teaching colleagues, your
students, and Peace Corps sta.
Finally, do not forget to assess your own learning! In Chapter 6,
you will nd a progress checklist so you can chart your growth as
a classroom manager as the year unfolds. Above all, enjoy your
teaching (and learning) experience and come back to this book
often. With each review, you will nd another idea that you can
read about today and implement tomorrow.
Peace Corps 3
C H A P T E R 1
Managing Classrooms to Maximize Student
Learning: An Overview
What Do You Think?
Reect back on all the classes and classrooms in which
you were a student, teacher, or observer—including
those in your host country. With these thoughts in mind,
complete the exercise below.
Imagine your ideal classroom. You are in your host country
classroom. Look around.
What does your room look like?
What is in it?
What are the students doing?
What are you doing?
Close your eyes and try to imagine the scene. Write about some of
your images in the space below.
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4 Peace Corps
You may have a vision of your perfect classroom, but what
do teachers actually do to make it a reality? This is a common
question; generations of teachers have looked for ways to ensure
an ideal learning environment. In this chapter, you will nd time-
tested ideas gathered from education research, host country
teachers, and Volunteer teachers. Keep in mind that not every idea
will work in all situations: teachers need to be exible and have a
variety of tools to suit the context in which they nd themselves.
Often, a strategy that works with one group of students in the
morning will not work with a similar but dierent group of
students in the afternoon!
Key Ideas in This Chapter
Three teacher characteristics are essential to support
student learning.
Eective teachers
• have positive expectations for student success;
• are good classroom managers; and
• know how to provide good instruction.
Positive Expectations of Student Success
Students tend to live up to the expectations teachers set for
them. Set your expectations realistically high and consistently
communicate positive expectations during instruction and your
students will rise to meet those expectations.
Be positive with your students! Let them know you believe
in them and that they can do it! Encourage and praise
student attempts (e.g., You got the rst part right, keep
trying! You’ll get it!”).
—Peace Corps/The Gambia
1 Adapted from Thomas L. Good and Jere E. Brophy. Looking in Classrooms, 9th ed.
Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2002.
Peace Corps 5
Look for opportunities to communicate positive expectations to
your students.
Meet them at the classroom door with a smile and greeting
that says, “I am glad you are here today to learn.
Set challenging but achievable learning objectives and allow
adequate time for students to accomplish the objectives.
Acknowledge past learning achievements and predict future
success. “Yesterday we learned adjectives to describe physical
characteristics. Now we are ready to brainstorm adjectives to
describe someone’s personality.
Provide students with an assist, hint, or prompt. For example:
“Remember the formula for the area of a rectangle? How
might that relate to the formula for the area of a triangle?”
Ask follow-up questions that make students think. For
example: That is an interesting position. What thought
process led you to it?”
Give lower-achieving and higher-achieving students (and
girls as well as boys) equal attention and structure learning
activities to ensure their success.
Prepare core activities for everyone and extension activities
for those who nish rst. One option: ask students who nish
quickly to assist peers who may have questions.
Follow up on work that you assign to students. When
teachers assign work and do not follow up on it, students
begin to lose motivation.
Reaction to Positive Expectations of Student Success
“I walk in my classroom. I’m a few minutes late. The teacher smiles
at me. I go to my desk and start working. I don’t quite nish when
the teacher asks for volunteers to check our work. I raise my hand
for the rst problem and the teacher calls on me. I say my answer,
and the teacher says, ‘Good try! Thanks for taking a chance!’ I
know my answer is wrong, but I feel good anyway. The teacher
tells us that it’s more important that we try than to always get the
answer right. The teacher calls us ‘risk takers.’ After I hear the right
answer and she explains it, I change mine so I’ll remember it.
—a student from the South Pacic
Managing Classrooms to Maximize Student Learning: An Overview
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6 Peace Corps
Demonstrating your positive expectations of student success
motivates students, helps ensure their cooperation, and builds
productive student-teacher relationships. Your expectations
become a self-fullling prophecy.
The Star Strategy
At the end of each class, I recognize at least one student
for something she or he did that day that deserves
recognition. On a star-shaped piece of paper that I will
pin to a bulletin board, I write the students name, the
date, and what he or she did. Once a student has three
stars, he or she can choose a prize from the treasure
chest. If I forget to give the star, my students frantically
call, ‘Miss! The star!’”
—Peace Corps/Kiribati primary teacher
Changing Negative Words to Positive Phrases
During a workshop, Bolivian teachers generated a list of negative
Spanish words or commands that might be used with students
and then developed more positive, encouraging terms to use
instead. For example, instead of saying “You are lazy,” say, “You
are capable of doing your homework”; instead of “Be quiet!” say,
“Keep calm, please.
Collect more ideas to communicate positive expectations of
student success that t the host countrys culture from your teacher
counterpart, other teachers, Peace Corps sta, and students.
Classroom Management Skills
Classroom management refers to teacher behaviors that facilitate
learning. A well-managed classroom increases learning because
students spend more time on task. Chapter 3: “Strategies for
Classroom Management” probes deeper into the topic and
includes many ideas. Following are a few thoughts to jumpstart
thinking about classroom management.
Peace Corps 7
What does a well-managed classroom look like?
Students are deeply involved with their work. The climate of the
classroom is work-oriented, but relaxed and pleasant.
Peace Corps Volunteers in Bulgaria recommend classroom
structure before instruction.
How to support student learning
Establish classroom rules and procedures during the rst days
of school and consistently and fairly enforce them throughout
the school year. Be consistent.
Establish a positive professional relationship with students—
the teacher is both in charge and cooperative. You will never
have enough techniques to get students to behave and learn if
you do not rst create positive relationships.
Give understandable instructions so students know exactly
what they are expected to do. (Cultural Hint: Do not ask,
“Does everyone understand?” In many cultures, students
would not dare say “No because that would indicate the
teacher did not do his or her job well.)
Use nonverbal signals rather than words. Silent cues are less
Delegate, delegate, delegate! Students learn skills and
responsibility, while saving the teacher time. But, teach
students how to accomplish the delegated task or this time
saver can turn into a time waster.
Move around the classroom. Move closer to problem
spots in the classroom. This tactic tends to prevent or stop
inappropriate behaviors.
Have a back-up plan if the lesson is not going well or runs short.
Managing Classrooms to Maximize Student Learning: An Overview
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8 Peace Corps
Discuss the classroom management teacher
behaviors described on the previous pages with
your counterpart teacher. Ask if they are culturally
appropriate and inquire about classroom
management norms at your host school.
Classroom management will not make your students hate
you. On the contrary, students will respect you more and
be more enthusiastic about learning when they see you are
serious about education.
—Peace Corps/Romania
Using sign language or nonverbal cues encourages a person
to look at the speaker. Some students who do not do as well
academically excel in reading sign language or nonverbal cues.
As much as I want my students to take the content knowledge
from my class, I also want to teach life skills, like manners. For
a student who has done something for me, such as turning o
the lights at the end of the day, I sign or cue, ‘Thank you.’ During
assemblies, I often catch the eye of a student whose mind is
wandering and sign or cue, ‘Pay attention, please.
There are some basic words that I use over and over. I created
signs or cues for these. In time, the students become involved and
create signs of their own. They even made up signs for ‘give me
ve.’ Many of my students are kinesthetic learners.
—Volunteer teacher in Latin America
Values are caught, not taught. Teachers who are courteous,
enthusiastic, in control, patient, and organized provide examples
for their students through their actions. For example, if the class
is getting too loud, don’t shout to be heard, speak at a normal
volume so the class has to be quiet to hear you.
Peace Corps 9
Instruction Skills
Instruction is what most people think of as teaching. In addition to
content knowledge, teachers need the skills to design and deliver
engaging lessons, and the skills to monitor learning progress.
Cultural note: Using a teaching method that produces
good results in one culture does not mean it will work in
a different culture. The method may need to be culturally
adapted or it may not be appropriate. For example, a
straightforward, fact-based, logical instructional approach
is effective in training some teachers, while others prefer
stories from which they can deduce information. There
is more about culture and how it influences education in
Chapter 2: “Teaching in a Cross-cultural Context.”
Both instruction and learning are easier in a well-managed classroom
where students are expected to succeed. But when instruction fails to
actively involve students in their learning, they become restless and
classroom management becomes increasingly dicult.
Eective teachers
Understand students’ level of knowledge and design lessons
to t students abilities.
Clearly state the learning objective for the lesson. When
students are told the objective, they know what they are
responsible for learning.
Break concepts and skills into small digestible learning
chunks—no more than two or three new ideas per lesson.
Structure lessons so students experience a variety of
instruction methods and to accommodate dierent learning
styles and maintain students’ interest. Change the type of
activity during the lesson to help students concentrate more
eectively on each task.
Pace instructions to allow students the time they need to
achieve learning objectives.
Managing Classrooms to Maximize Student Learning: An Overview
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10 Peace Corps
Incorporate students interests into lessons. Use examples from
students’ daily lives to make lessons relevant. (Community
Content-based Instruction (CCBI) Volunteer Workbook [ICE No.
M0073] is a great resource.)
Use visuals (graphic organizers, maps, word webs, drawings,
pictures). Students may understand visuals better than
words, especially when the teacher and student have
dierentrst languages. See sample graphic organizers at
the end of the chapter.
Use silent signals to give directions, such as a nger on the lips
to mean don’t speak, or a hand behind your ear to mean listen.
Engage students physically and mentally in lessons
(manipulatives, role-plays, drama, pantomime, games, or
Assess learning to determine if learning objectives were
achieved. If not, adjust instruction to enable students to learn
the concepts and/or skills.
Teach to dierent learning modalities—auditory, visual,
kinesthetic; right brained, left brained; multiple intelligences;
learning styles. (See chart on the next page and Nonformal
Education Manual [ICE No. M0042] Pages 48-49 for more
information on learning styles.)
Use common factors that all teenagers are interested in
to grab their immediate attention, such as music, sports,
television and lm. Incorporate these interests into your
lesson plans and real learning will occur.
—Peace Corps/Bulgaria
Managing Classrooms to Maximize Student Learning: An Overview
Peace Corps 11
Not an artist? Simple stick gures suce. Copy clip art
illustrations. Enlist students to provide the visuals—let
students with artistic talent shine.
—Peace Corps/Tonga
Learning from Feeling
(Concrete Experience)
• Learning from specic experiences
• Relating to people
• Sensitivity to feelings and people
by Doing
Ability to get
things done
Risk taking
Inuencing people and
events through action
Learning by Thinking
(Abstract Conceptualization)
• Logical Analysis of ideas
• Systematic planning
• Acting on an intellectual understanding of a situation
by Watching
and Listening
Careful observation
before making a
Viewing things from
dierent perspectives
Looking for the
meaning of things
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12 Peace Corps
Lesson planning
Well developed lesson plans help ensure eective instruction
techniques are incorporated into your lessons. As a rule of thumb,
it takes about twice as long to develop an eective lesson plan as
it does to teach the lesson in the classroom. Talk to your supervisor
or Peace Corps sta to learn about approved lesson plan formats
for your host school.
Regardless of teaching styles, traditions and cultures, all high-
quality teaching has a common goal—student learning.
Thoughts on Instruction from a Peace Corps/Nepal Volunteer Teacher
One reason Volunteers might feel that their classes are “falling apart”
may be because they are teaching to only one type of learner. For
example, lecturing day in and day out may leave many students in the
class lost or bored, which may result in acting out, chatting too much,
or even missing class.
Even with few teaching materials and obligations to teach specic
content, it is possible to be creative and appeal to visual, tactile, and
auditory learners. Also remember that some students learn well from each
other in a more social way; they will need to work in pairs and groups.
Managing Classrooms to Maximize Student Learning: An Overview
Peace Corps 13
This chapter has described three key skill sets teachers need to
develop in order to support student learning. When all three skills
sets are present, you provide a positive classroom environment for
student success.
As you read the rest of this book, you will have opportunities to
test ideas against host country cultural norms—including dierent
value systems. These norms may produce dierent expectations
of the roles and behaviors of students and teachers. Keep an open
mind and continually try and imagine what will work for you and
your students in your new teaching context. Discuss your ideas
with Peace Corps sta, counterpart teachers, and experienced
Volunteers to see if they will succeed in your school.
The way to get good ideas is to get lots of ideas and throw
the bad ones away.
—Dr. Linus Pauling
Additional instruction resources:
Community Content-based Instruction (CCBI) Volunteer Workbook. Washington, DC:
Peace Corps, 2005. [ICE No. M0073]
Nonformal Education Manual. Washington, DC: Peace Corps, 2004. [ICE No. M0046]
Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Large Multilevel Classes. Washington, DC:
Peace Corps, 1992. [ICE No. M0046]
Teacher has
has good
Teacher has
positive expectations
of student success
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14 Peace Corps
Examples and Tools
Sample Graphic Organizers
Word web
The word web (or cluster map) is used to describe a central idea: a
thing, a process, a concept, a proposition. The map can be used to
check students’ level of understanding before planning a lesson,
as a warm-up or transition, or as a quick assessment. The key
questions are: What is the central idea? What does this central idea
make you think about or remember?
Managing Classrooms to Maximize Student Learning: An Overview
Peace Corps 15
For example, before starting a unit on a particular period of
history, brainstorm what students know (or think they know)
about it. Refer to the web as you teach the unit to help students
make connections in their thinking, to reinforce what they know,
or to clarify misconceptions. Or, use the web as a warm-up in a
mathematics class. Put a number in the middle and ask students
to think of as many ways as they can to add or subtract to get that
number. (So, with “5” in the middle, you would get “4+1”, “7-2”,
“3+2”, etc., radiating from the middle.)
Compare/contrast chart
This chart can be used to compare and contrast two or more items,
characters in a story, proposals, etc. List each item to be compared
along the top, and list the characteristics of the items you want to
compare along the side.
Proposal A Proposal B
Time to completion
Skills/assets needed
Overall end result
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16 Peace Corps
Problem-solving organizer
Use this organizer to help students map out their problem-solving
thinking in any content area. The key questions are: What is the
problem? What are the possible solutions? Which solution is best?
How will you implement this solution?
The problem: ______________________________________________
What will happen
if this solution is
How important is
the consequence?
The best solution is: _________________________________________
Peace Corps 17
C H A P T E R 2
Teaching in a Cross-Cultural Context
What Do You Think?
Before reading this chapter, think back to an experience
you had with a foreign teacher or trainer. Perhaps you had
a college professor or a teaching assistant from another
country. You can also reect on host country teachers or
trainers you have had while in Peace Corps training.
Here are some questions to guide your thoughts.
1. How was their dress, body language, tone of voice, or level of
formality dierent from American teachers?
2. How did this teacher aect your learning, both positively and
3. Did this teacher bring new perspectives to the topic or present
material using techniques you had not encountered before?
4. Were you always able to understand what the teacher said?
5. Did the examples this teacher use seem relevant to your life?
6. Were this teachers expectations of student behavior and/
or academic standards similar to your previous classroom
7. Can you remember an instance when you had trouble talking
to or explaining something to the teacher? If so, why do you
think it was dicult?
8. If given the opportunity, would you choose to have this
teacher/trainer again? Why or why not?
Reecting on your experience of being taught by someone from a
dierent culture might provide insight into how your behavior might
be perceived by your students. Having a foreign teacher can be
enriching and frustrating. Much depends on cultural understanding
and how teaching is adapted to accommodate cultural dierences.
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This chapter explores the question of why cultural awareness is
important when planning and conducting day-to-day teaching
and learning activities.
Key Ideas in This Chapter
1. Culture matters—it inuences day-to-day
classroom activities.
2. To understand others, you must rst understand yourself.
3. To understand the cultural environment of your school
and classroom requires ongoing eort.
4. Introduce new ideas or changes in a culturally sensitive manner.
What can you do to ensure your students have a positive learning
experience with their foreign teacher? Start by seeing your
cultural self in the school setting. Then learn as much as you can
about the host countrys values and assumptions that inuence
how your school is run and how the students and teachers
behave. This will be an ongoing process your entire Volunteer
service! Every time something causes you to say, “I didn’t expect
that!” or What did he or she mean by that?” you are trying to
gure out another cross-cultural experience. If you determine
that introducing change would benet students, this chapter
oers some considerations for introducing new ideas or change.
Simple denitions of commonly used terms in this book
Culture: The way we do things around here.
Values: Principles a group believes are good or right.
Norms: Typical behaviors of group members.
Peace Corps 19
Examine Your Own Culture
The essence of cross-cultural understanding is knowing how
your own culture is both similar to and dierent from the
local or ‘target culture. For this reason, those who pursue
cross-cultural knowledge must, sooner or later, turn their
gaze on themselves.
—Culture Matters: The Peace Corps
Cross-Cultural Workbook, Page 37
What is your cultural intelligence?
“Cultural intelligence” is the sum of the knowledge, skills, and
attitudes that enable a Volunteer teacher to work successfully
with students, fellow teachers, administrators, and parents at a
host school. You are not born with cultural intelligence, nor is it
acquired overnight.
Remember the three aspects of cultural intelligence with three
questions: What? Why? How?
What? Knowledge about cultures
Why? Awareness of yourself and others
How? Specic skills
about Cultures
(facts and
cultural traits)
(of yourself
and others)
1 Peterson, Brooks. Cultural Intelligence: A Guide to Working with People from Other
Cultures. Yarmouth, ME: Intercultural Press, Inc., 2004. Page 13.
Teaching in a Cross-Cultural Context
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How do you gain cultural intelligence?
First: Increase your awareness of your own cultural values, beliefs,
traditions, and norms and how they aect your behavior.
Next: Appreciatively observe everyday school life and ask
nonjudgmental questions. Make tentative assumptions about
the culture and check your assumptions through additional
observations and/or discussions with individuals familiar with the
culture. Learn from your mistakes. Study and practice the language.
Finally: Adapt some behaviors that enable you to function in the
culture, while maintaining your own values and beliefs.
Volunteers who have developed cultural intelligence recognize
cultures have evolved to meet the needs of their people. There are
valid, but perhaps not obvious, reasons why a culture is how it is.
Having a reaction to or questions about another culture is natural,
but it is important to respect the host countrys cultural beliefs,
values, or traditions. It is their culture and it works for them.
In addition to working with your counterpart and colleagues, you
might want to nd your own personal “cultural coach.” Respectful and
successful expatriates who have lived in the country for many years may
be more attuned to the cultural dierences than host country nationals.
They may nd it easier to explain cultural dierences than your host
colleagues. Be sure, though, to check the information you get from an
expatriate with host country coaches, just to be sure it is accurate!
Cultural values
Because cultures are complex, we use models to help understand
them. The ve culture scales described by Brooks Peterson also
illustrates the dierences between low-context and high-context
Keeping these generalizations in mind may oer
insight into behavior patterns and relationships you observe
in your school and community. A simplied model of low
context (informal) and high context (formal) is shown below as a
continuum. The ends of the continuum are denitions. Peoples
styles and values may fall all along the continuum.
2 Peterson, Brooks. Cultural Intelligence: A Guide to Working with People from Other
Cultures. Yarmouth, ME: Intercultural Press, Inc., 2004. Page 61.
Peace Corps 21
Low Context (Informal) High Context (Formal)
Equality (low
power distance)
(high power
Individual is
Group is
Task focus ________________________________________
Risk taking ________________________________________ Cautious
Context refers to the circumstances in which a particular event or
action occurs. In reference to culture, context refers to the often
unwritten rules or norms that have evolved and become part of a
groups expected behavior in various situations.
A high-context, or formal, culture evolves when people live
together for many generations. Because there is so much general
understanding and shared knowledge, people do not need to
explain many things to each other; the context gives the clues. For
example, the form of communication may vary by age. A young
person speaking to someone older
may use specic verb forms (honoric
titles) and/or may look/not look at
the person, stand or stay seated,
bow slightly or deeply, etc. All of
these things are done automatically,
without much conscious thought.
Everything matters in high-context
cultures: how you dress, how you
greet each other, who you consider
your “family, and so on. Members of the culture understand
behavioral expectations from the context. Outsiders nd
behaviors puzzling because they cannot see the context. People in
high-context cultures are cautious of change because they often
have long traditions of how things are done.
U.S. Citizen
Most of the rest
of the world
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22 Peace Corps
Low-context, or informal, cultures are relatively young societies
and often include mixed ethnic groups. Because people do not
come from generations of living together and knowing everyone,
they have less shared context on which to base their interactions.
They tend to ask more direct questions to learn about each other,
and get to know people for what they do rather than from whom
they are related. Dress codes may be relaxed and people may
address each other in a casual manner even across age groups—
the use of rst names is common.
People focus more on doing things,
rather than spending time nurturing
relationships. Change is more readily
accepted as the norm, generally with
a belief that the future will be better.
Most Peace Corps Volunteers come
from the low-context U.S. culture,
unless their family belongs to one
of the high-context subcultures in
the U.S. In most of the rest of the world cultures are higher context.
It is important to remember, however, that this is a model. There is
diversity within every culture. Also, each individual may nd him/
herself in a dierent place on the continuum depending on the
situation or context, such as at work, at home with family, etc.
Based on the diagram and description about low- and high-
context cultures, what are ve specic dierences you would
expect if your school is in a high-context culture and you come
from a low-context culture?
1. __________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________
To learn more about American cultural values read Pages 37–57 and complete
the exercise “Fundamentals of Culture: Comparing American and Host Country
Views” on Pages 179–182 in Culture Matters: The Peace Corps Cross-Cultural
Workbook [ICE No. T0087].
Peace Corps 23
Cultural norms
Cultural norms are often so strongly ingrained in an individual’s
daily life that the individual is unaware of certain behaviors. Until
these behaviors are seen in the context of a dierent culture with
dierent values, the individual may have diculty recognizing and
changing or adapting them.
Think-Pair-Share Activity
When we look at a situation, we interpret what
is happening through the lter of what our
culture tells us is happening. Read the following
description of a classroom in a developing
country written by an American observer.
Teachers’ frequent use of corporal punishment discourages
students from actively participating in the classroom. Students
are expected to sit rigidly in their seats and speak only when
spoken to. Conditioned in that way, it is not surprising they don’t
feel free to speak out in the classroom; their shyness, however,
should not be mistaken for lack of interest.
Think about what you just read. What conclusions
(judgments) were made about learning conditions in this
classroom? How did cultural values and beliefs inuence the
writers conclusions?
Pair with a host country teacher who has also read and
thought about the classroom description by the American
Share your thoughts with each other and discuss how cultural
values and beliefs aect how teachers manage their classrooms.
—Activity adapted from a Peace Corps/Tonga pre-service training exercise.
Classroom description is from Culture Matters: The Peace Corps Cross-Cultural
Workbook, Page 8.
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Examine a New Culture
Schools are a microcosm of community culture. They reect the
communitys cultural values and take an active role in passing both
visible and hidden cultural elements to the next generation. Cross-
cultural experts use the analogy of an iceberg to help explain the
visible and hidden components at play in a culture. The iceberg
is used because culture, like an iceberg, is nearly 90 percent
underwater or invisible. The invisible or hidden parts to culture are
beliefs, values, and assumptions—the reasons people behave the
way they do. The visible aspects of culture are things you might
photograph or observe.
Let’s examine some of the cultural elements that are in, or
inuence, the formal educational setting.
School culture as an iceberg
What school stakeholders want students to become as adults (the
desired outcome of education)How the individual ts into societyBeliefs
about human natureBeliefs about the role of religion in educationBeliefs about
the value of the individualImportance of work or studyMotivations for academic
achievementTolerance for changeImportance of “saving face, i.e., maintaining appearances
and dignity Communications styles (direct or indirect)Attitudes about the roles of men and
womenAttitude toward authoritySense of what is fair in assigning grades and discipline
Attitude about ownership (individual ownership or group ownership)Attitude toward doing
your own work or getting help from othersAttitude toward oering money to school ocials to
gain entrance to the school or to assure a favorable gradeOthers?
beliefs, and
Behaviors of
students, teachers,
Materials on the walls Furniture
arrangementsTypes of books and materials
Discipline methodsClassroom activities
Student/teacher relationship
Tip of the iceberg/
observable culture
Peace Corps 25
Some examples of how the hidden culture may aect behaviors in
host schools.
Teachers and friends do what they can to help a strong math
student gain admission to higher education, even though he
or she cannot get a high enough score in a language class.
Child-rearing and religious values are reected in school
discipline practices.
Grades may be inuenced by the status of the student’s family
or a gift to a teacher or school ocial.
Students stand when a teacher enters the classroom.
Good students sit in front and bad students sit in the back of
the classroom.
An education leader from the Caucasus, during a speech on
university academic standards, noted that people had always
accepted bribery for university entrance. They thought it was just
part of their culture, and they had never even considered that other
countries had merit-based systems rmly in place.
An educational leader from the South Pacic said, “Our students
need a good education so they can go overseas to New Zealand,
Australia, or the United States and send money home to their
families.” In Tonga there is a strong cultural duty for young people
to maintain the nancial well-being of their families.
By observing visible culture (the tip of the iceberg), and
understanding low- and high-context culture generalizations, you
can make some reasonable guesses concerning the hidden values
of the host school’s culture.
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Six activities to gain insight into the host school culture
A host teacher shadowing activity
This activity allows you to observe the tip of the iceberg.
Find a teacher at the host school who will let you accompany
him or her for several hours a day.
Watch and listen to what is going on around you and record
what you observe. Note the dierences between what you see
here and what you would expect to see if you were following a
teacher in a U.S. school.
Keep this checklist and the points in mind during the rst
school semester. It will take time and knowledge of the host
language to understand some of these things. You may want
to revisit the checklist over the course of the year. As your
language skills improve and your cultural knowledge deepens,
you will notice more subtle nuances of the culture.
Adapted from Culture Matters: The Peace Corps Cross-Cultural Workbook
Pages 131-133.
Nonverbal Communication
How do people dress?
How do they greet each other?
Do people maintain eye contact when
they talk?
How far apart do people stand?
Power Distance Behaviors
How do teachers treat school administrators?
How do school administrators treat teachers?
How do teachers treat students?
How do students treat teachers?
Do you see evidence of administrators
delegating authority?
Do you see evidence of teachers
taking initiative?
With whom do people eat lunch or have tea?
Do they eat only with their peers, or is there
mixing of the ranks? Does everyone share food?
Communication Styles
How do people make suggestions,
propose ideas?
How are disagreements expressed?
Are people generally direct or indirect in
their conversation?
Does this appear to be a high- or low-
context workplace?
Other Workplace Norms
When people interact, do they get to the
task right away or talk more generally rst?
Are women treated dierently than men? If
so, in what way?
What does the prevailing attitude seem to
be about rules and procedures and the need
to follow them?
Do teachers come to work on time and do
meetings start on time?
What major dierences do you see between the host school and schools you are familiar with in the U.S.?
Peace Corps 27
A values and norms clarication exercise
Use this activity to identify similarities and dierences in your
education values and norms and those of your host school.
Instructions: This is a forced choice exercise where you must choose either answer a or answer b.
Sometimes it will be hard to decide. The purpose is to prepare for a discussion of these topics. There is
not necessarily one right answer.
Trainees/Volunteers answer the questions to clarify their own education values.
Invite as many host country education stakeholders (ministry of education ocials, school
administrators, teachers, parents, community members, and/or students) as possible to answer the
same questions.
Volunteer and host country stakeholder answers might vary. Insights into the cultural values behind
answers may be gained by discussing why each individual chose particular answers.
Answer each of the following, circling only one choice:
1. Students should
be spontaneous and
talk out when they
have something to say.
a. raise their hands
and participate in an
orderly way.
2. Homework should be given
sparingly and only
when needed.
a. every night.b.
3. The classroom should be
student-centered.a. teacher-centered.b.
4. Teachers should be
friendly and
a. reserved and formal.b.
5. Teachers should
create their own
curriculum based on
student needs.
a. follow a set
6. In group work
the process is
a. the product is
7. Class assignments are most
useful when they are
done in a group.a. done individually.b.
8. The classroom should be
open with students
free to move around.
a. closed and orderly.b.
9. Students are mostly motivated by
internal rewards.a. external rewards.b.
10. Male and female students
should be held to the
same standards.
a. should be held to
dierent standards.
11. Evaluation should be
informal.a. formal.b.
12. It is more important to
change values.a. change behavior.b.
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28 Peace Corps
13. The curriculum should be
directed toward
local community needs.a. national examinations.b.
14. Grades are
a deterrent to
developing self-
a. an eective
mechanism for
motivating students.
15. It is important to cover
certain content in depth.a. all pre-set curriculum.b.
16. Standards for discipline should
be determined by
the individual teacher.a. school policy and
17. Class time should
include nontopic-
related discussions.
a. be spent on task.b.
18. Students should be tracked by
ability.a. age.b.
19. In school, it is most important to
learn how to learn.a. learn facts.b.
20. Teachers
should have all the
a. are allowed to say, “I
don’t know.
21. Teachers and students should
suppress their
a. be free to show their
22. Students should expect
teachers to show them
the way.
a. to be taught how to
nd their own way.
—Adapted from Peace Corps/Mauritania
A cultural interview activity
Encourage students or teachers to think about school
culture and share their thoughts with the Volunteer teacher
with this activity.
Student Activity: Cultural Interviews
When teaching within a new cultural context, reaching students can be dicult at rst
because you lack an understanding of your students culture and how to relate to them. This
activity helps bridge that gap.
Note: Because it is often easier to say what others think, in this activity students are asked
about their friends’ opinions rather than their own. This would also be a valuable activity to
conduct with your teaching colleagues by changing “your friends” to “your fellow teachers.
As mentioned earlier in this chapter, cultural norms are often so strongly ingrained in an
individual’s daily life that the individual may be unaware of certain behaviors. It is usually
dicult for people to describe their own culture. By asking indirect questions, you allow
Peace Corps 29
people to describe in broad terms how they think their culture is perceived by more than just
one person. These indirect questions can be asked of students individually, in pairs, or in small
groups. After students have written their answers, they present them, and a class discussion
is held. This activity gives students an opportunity to reect on their school’s culture and the
teacher an opportunity to learn what students are thinking.
What would your friends tell a new student about this school?
What is the one thing your friends would most like to change about this school?
Who is a hero at this school? Why?
What is your friends’ favorite thing about this school?
What do your friends think a new teacher should know about this school?
Compare parents’ aspirations for their children to learn
about cultural values
This exercise requires a few host country nationals who have
children (they can be your trainers, teaching colleagues, or
community members) and a few Americans. You will need a
blackboard or chart paper.
1. Ask small groups to make a list of the characteristics/values/behaviors they hope
their children will develop. Items might include ‘successful,’ ‘good students,’ ‘parents,
independent,’ ‘loyal to family, etc.
2. Have groups share lists, explaining or clarifying what the items mean. For example,
what does “successful” mean? It might mean owning a farm or marrying and having
a family or getting a well-paying job. Once everyone understands both lists, you
probably will see some dierences. Perhaps there are some items on one chart that are
not reected on the other.
3. For each item on each chart, discuss what the parents would do to raise their
children to have those characteristics. For example, if the children are expected to be
independent as adults, they may be given opportunities to make some of their own
decisions (like getting an allowance and being able to spend it the way they want or
choosing what they want to eat in a restaurant). If children are expected to grow up to
be closely connected to the family, they may spend most of their free time with family
members and receive money they need for activities from their parents.
4. Generally what will emerge is that the children are raised to carry the values of the
culture; dierent values will lead to dierent child-raising activities. Learning more
about your host culture’s values in this way may help you understand why schools are
run the way they are and why students are expected to behave the way they do.
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30 Peace Corps
Use participatory analysis for community action (PACA)
activities to explore the host school’s culture
Participatory analysis for community action (PACA) tools are
useful in discovering more about your students, your fellow
teachers, and your community. Here are some examples of
how the dierent tools can be used to teach skills while they
provide you with important information about your students
and the community.
PACA Tool Students learn Volunteer teachers learn
Assign students to create
daily activity schedules
Sequencing and
writing skills
The time students have
available for studying,
homework, after school
activities such as clubs,
and tutoring sessions
Have small groups
of male and female
students separately draw
community maps
Group and
mapmaking skills
Dierent perceptions of
boys and girls
Boys’ and girls’ interests
and concerns; their
perceptions of the
Teach students priority
ranking techniques
and use them to select
classroom rules and/or
Ranking skills
How to participate in
group decision making
Critical thinking skills
Students expectations
for classroom behavior,
and students sense of fair
Have small groups of male
and female students make
and present seasonal
Group, organizational,
and presentation skills
Seasonal dierences
in terms of activities,
health, and out of school
obligations; opportune
periods to schedule
dierent lesson activities
during the school year
Also, consider inviting your counterpart or team teacher to
do a daily activity schedule to identify possible times for co-
planning and to gain a better understanding of their non-school
responsibilities. Consider ways the other tools might be useful at
the school, such as the seasonal calendar.
For more ideas, see PACA: Using Participatory Analysis for Community Action Idea
Book. Washington, DC: Peace Corps, 2005. [ICE No. M0086]
Peace Corps 31
Attend workshops or faculty meetings in the host country
Look for opportunities to hear experienced host country
teachers discuss teaching issues, techniques, and classroom
management. Ask your program manager if there are local or
regional meetings or workshops that you can attend.
Introducing Change
By now, you have developed some cultural awareness and have
adjusted some behaviors to accommodate living with people
from a dierent culture. You realize changes are necessary when
working in a new culture.
Are there changes you want to make in your
behavior as a professional teacher, your
teaching methods, and/or how you promote
educational change? Below are a few ideas to
help you t in with the host school’s culture.
Use culturally appropriate behaviors to establish
professional credibility.
Learn the language. Of course, learning the language
facilitates communication. It also shows respect for the culture
and a desire to understand the host school’s culture.
Dress and groom yourself for your role as a professional
teacher: use host country teachers as models.
Behave appropriately when meeting colleagues for the
rst time. (Find out: Do you introduce yourself or is it more
appropriate for someone else to introduce you? Do you shake
hands? What should you say—should you talk about your
family rst or your education and experience?)
Observe the correct protocol for meeting with the school
administrator. (Find out: Do you schedule the appointment
or does the administrator? How should the administrator be
addressed? Do you talk about generalities or get right down to
business? What questions are appropriate to ask? How do you
know when it is time to leave?)
Give respect to
get respect.
—Peace Corps/Mozambique
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32 Peace Corps
Behave appropriately when rst meeting your students. (Is it
better to do it alone or have the school head or a team teacher
introduce you? How should you ask students to address you?
What should you tell students about your background and
Learn how you are expected to interact with parents. (When
and where should you meet them? Do you visit their homes?
During regularly scheduled meetings? Only when there is
a problem with their son or daughter? How do you address
parents and how should they address you?)
Learn what community involvement is expected of a teacher.
(In what types of community activities do teachers participate?
Are there expectations about their dress and/or behaviors
even when not at school?)
Will some of these require you to change what you might do at
home in the U.S.?
Volunteer-Counterpart Activity
This activity could also be used with students or
community members.
Complete the drawing on the next page. Consider
that the adult in the drawing is you as a teacher.
Add to the drawing details of dress, statements, and thoughts that
would reect a respected teacher at a school in the U.S. Provide the
student gure with indications that the student respects YOU.
Invite your counterpart to complete a similar drawing.
Share your drawings and reections. Explore together what is
expected of teachers and students.
Adapted from Fulbright Teacher Exchange Orientation
3 Blohm, Judee and Sandra Fowler. Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program
Orientation. Washington, DC. August, 2000.
Peace Corps 33
How do teachers and students show respect?
See the appendix for a training session similar to this activity from Working with
Supervisors and Counterparts, Washington, DC: Peace Corps, 2002. Pages 70-71.
[ICE No. T0121]
Change and cultural implications
Before you decide to initiate change, consider your options.
A. You inquire about behaviors you don’t understand, determine
the beliefs and values behind them, and learn to accept their
cultural rules.
B. You weigh the benets of doing something their way” even
though you are slightly uncomfortable with it because it really
isn’t all that important.
C. You take time to analyze the things you are thinking about
changing, pick out one or two you believe are critical, and
work carefully to make changes in those things.
My own
A student’s
behavior, dress,
speech in
relation to me
he/she is
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34 Peace Corps
Think 1-2-3 when considering change in the classroom:
1. How would a change improve student learning? How will
you know?
2. Are you the one that needs to change? Look within yourself
before you look at others. It is often best for foreign teachers to
change the way they act or their attitude to t in with the host
school’s culture.
3. Do you have a strong feeling that if others change there would
be an overall improvement in student learning? If you do, then
nd ways to involve students, administrators, and parents from
the very beginning of the change process.
Read the stories of three foreign teachers below. Would the stories
be dierent if they had thought 1-2-3? Why or why not?
The rst month or two in class I was always saying, ‘Look at me
when I talk to you, and the kids simply wouldn’t do it. They would
always look at their hands, or the blackboard, or anywhere except
looking me in the face. And nally one of the other teachers told
me it was a cultural thing.
Tony Hillerman from Skinwalkers in Culture Matters:
The Peace Corps Cross-cultural Workbook, Page 109.
One teacher felt that talking in class was the number one problem
in dealing with classroom management. “Before you become too
frustrated and disheartened, keep in mind that in Bulgaria, it is not
unusual for a teacher to continue with a lesson while his or her
students chat in the meantime. The students are also accustomed
to this, so having a silent classroom is not very realistic.
—Peace Corps/Bulgaria
When I entered the classroom, all the students automatically stood
up until I gave them a signal to sit. I was uncomfortable with this
deferential behavior and told my students they need not stand
when I entered the room. Two weeks later, the headmaster asked
to speak with me. He informed me the other teachers had heard
my students were not standing when I entered the room and they
were upset. They regarded this behavior as a sign of disrespect,
which they feared might spread to their classrooms. They worried
Peace Corps 35
that I deliberately might be trying to blur the distinction between
teacher and student. If students put themselves on the same level
as teachers, chaos would result. It didn’t occur to me that this small
change in my classroom would cause problems.
—Adapted from “Upstanding Students” in Culture Matters:
The Peace Corps Cross-cultural Workbook, Page 124.
A Volunteer teacher in the Czech Republic had diculty
communicating with her supervisor. The following change
beneted both the supervisor and Volunteer: Each Friday the
Volunteer wrote a short English note to her supervisor, explaining
what she had done during the week and asking any questions
she had. When the Volunteer and supervisor met on Monday
the supervisor had translated the note into Czech to give to the
Volunteer and was prepared to discuss the Volunteers questions.
One area where Volunteer teachers will need to modify their
classroom behavior is when (and if) they speak English. Some
modications that help ensure understanding:
Speak slowly and clearly, but not loudly.
Keep it simple; use short sentences.
Avoid idiomatic expressions, such as “Am I in the ballpark?”
Use open-ended questions. Close-ended questions prompt
students to respond as they think you want.
Write key points on the board; students often understand
better when they see the words.
Use examples to which the students can relate.
Use clear, culturally appropriate gestures.
Give and seek feedback to check understanding.
Fostering change requires good communication skills. Proceed
respectfully and slowly.
While Americans usually view change as a positive and inevitable
force and are relatively quick to make changes, people in high-
context cultures often value traditions and may rarely contemplate
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36 Peace Corps
change. Risk-taking outside the cultural norms might be unheard of.
This high-context cultural tendency suggests it is best to go slowly,
do not rush through the change process, and be sure to involve
other teachers, school administrators, parents, and perhaps students.
A Volunteer advisor to an educational nongovernmental
organization in central Europe became exasperated with the long
discussions of what seemed to her to be rather trivial matters. A
young sta member responded to the Volunteers frustration by
pointing out a key dierence: “You Americans decide quickly and
if it doesn’t work you try something else. We know we can’t aord
to make mistakes.
If you decide to be a change agent, rst nd a committed local
partner and start with positive advice; move on to more cautionary
words later. Know that sustainable change will only occur if local
people adopt the change as their own and institutionalize it (make
it part of school norms).
Explain the rationale for change—communicate frequently
and clearly.
Provide a clear vision.
Seek opportunities to involve people.
Make sure people have the know-how.
Track behavior and measure results.
Beware of bureaucracy.
Expect resistance.
Get resistance out in the open. (See the useful tools
“Overcoming Resistance to Change” and “Force Field Analysis”
on the next pages.)
Planning to overcome resistance
When Volunteer teachers and counterparts or team teachers are
considering changes in instruction or classroom management
techniques, the table on the following page is a useful model to
identify proposed changes, reasons for resistance, and strategies
for overcoming resistance.
Peace Corps 37
Overcoming Resistance to Change
Peace Corps/South Africa
Areas of Resistance Reasons for Resistance Strategies for Overcoming Resistance
Using cooperative
learning strategies
Fear of losing control
of class
No previous experience
as a learner
Not sure how to organize
learner groups
Not sure how to give
individual grades for
group activities
Explain how using cooperative groups can
help the teacher manage the class
Observe others who can model
cooperative learning activities
Start with pair work activities
Use two grades: a group grade (all
members receive identical grades) and an
individual grade (based on an assessment
of a student’s learning)
There is a blank template of this chart at the end of this chapter.
Force Field Analysis is a useful tool in preparing for and working with
resistance to change. Do the force eld analysis with a representative
group of people who would be involved in the change.
1. Propose a change.
2. Brainstorm driving forces, as well as restraining forces in
its implementation.
3. Evaluate both forces in terms of strength. (This is a group
subjective judgment.)
4. Develop strategies to remove or decrease restraining forces,
starting with the easily changed ones.
5. Develop strategies to strengthen driving forces, striving for
win/win solutions.
6. Translate these strategies into action plans: Why? What? When?
Where? How?
7. Develop a plan to evaluate the eectiveness of your action
plan, once implemented.
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38 Peace Corps
Force Field Analysis Example
Proposed change: Incorporate student-centered learning into classroom instruction
Favoring (driving) forces Restraining (opposing) forces
Students learn to take responsibility
for their own learning and thus gain
the skills to become lifelong learners.
It is the teacher’s job to
make students learn.
Through experiential and discovery
learning students acquire
problem-solving skills as they learn.
Experiential and discovery lessons take students
longer; they will not be able to cover all the
required material during the school year.
Students are actively involved
in learning; consequently,
more learning takes place.
Only the bright students will learn. Slower
students will not be able to gure out what they
are supposed to learn and become frustrated.
Student-centered learning allows students
more exibility in adapting their learning
methods to t their individual learning styles
Playing games and group activities
seem like play; students will not take
schoolwork seriously.
When students enjoy the learning
process they are less likely to misbehave.
Teachers will lose face if they are
not the purveyors of knowledge.
Students acquire planning and
decision-making skills as they
participate in student-centered learning.
The national syllabus prescribes what
students must learn. Students might not
choose to learn what is listed in the syllabus.
Students tend to help each
other and learn to work together.
Our school does not have the materials needed
to implement student-centered activities.
Student-centered learning puts the
focus on the student and learning.
Teachers have not been taught how to
teach and use student-centered methods.
Student-centered learning better accommodates
students who are at dierent levels of understanding.
Assigning grades is more dicult when
all students are not doing the same thing.
There is a blank template of this chart at the end of this chapter.
Change is possible
Although change is sometime slow and dicult, it is possible. Some
Volunteers found that with the support of their host countries
ministry of education, change was welcomed and encouraged.
In the Dominican Republic and in Kiribati, ministries of education
are actively supporting new and innovative teaching techniques
in their schools. Volunteers in the Dominican Republic work with
teachers to implement Quantum Learning techniques—the use
Peace Corps 39
of neurocognitive strategies to maximize memory retention by
capturing students’ interest and attention, sharing a common
experience, and linking new learning with prior knowledge.
Volunteers in Kiribati model learner centered” activities. A student
(or learner)-centered approach empowers students (learners)
to take responsibility for their own learning. Teachers facilitate
learning by developing activities and materials relevant to the
students’ needs and interests. This kind of support is especially
important in cultures where authority is highly regarded.
Examples and Tools
Sample Overcoming Resistance to Change Chart
Use this template to reveal areas of resistance and determine
strategies for overcoming the resistance.
Overcoming Resistance to Change
Areas of Resistance Reasons for Resistance Strategies for Overcoming Resistance
Teaching in a Cross-Cultural Context
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40 Peace Corps
Sample Force Field Analysis Chart
Use this template to conduct a force eld analysis with host
country stakeholders. The length of the arrow should indicate how
strong a factor it is.
Force Field Analysis
Proposed change:
Favoring (driving) forces Restraining (opposing) forces
Peace Corps 41
C H A P T E R 3
Strategies for Classroom Management
What Do You Think?
Using your prior knowledge about classroom
management and what you have observed so far in
your host country, complete the activity below.
What strategies create a classroom that promotes student
learning? List them.
1. __________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________
Discuss the strategies you listed with your counterpart
or other host country colleagues. Are there alternative
strategies that your counterpart thinks might work
better? Together, select two or three strategies you
want to focus on during the term.
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42 Peace Corps
Key Ideas in This Chapter
Your proactive, appreciative classroom management
will aect your students’ performance. Implementing
the right strategies will make the dierence between a
learner-friendly classroom and a disorganized classroom.
• Set the tone the rst week of school
• Establish routines and rules
• Organize a learner-friendly classroom
• Make every minute count
• Engage students with proactive strategies
• Teach life skills of good learning habits and self-reliance
• Maximize use of scarce resources
• Use project design and management processes
The classroom management ideas in this chapter are grouped into
eight categories. Discipline strategies are covered later in Chapter 4
and grading strategies in Chapter 5. Consider how you might adapt
the ideas to your classroom as you read.
Eight Strategies for Classroom Management
Strategy 1: Create an eective learning environment
Benjamin Franklin said: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound
of cure. This is particularly true of a teachers actions during the
rst week of school. The eort and time you put into planning
for the year and thinking through potential pitfalls will help in
the long run. If you are one step ahead of your students and
their day-to-day needs, you will manage the unexpected more
smoothly when it comes along. Students will recognize and follow
the classroom routine earlier and more easily if you are prepared.
Students will also see that you are in charge of your classroom, you
have high expectations of them and you expect them to succeed.
Peace Corps 43
What to do the rst week of school
Arrange the room to facilitate your proximity to students and
your mobility.
Be prepared! You do not yet know your students abilities and
behaviors so have alternative and backup activities ready.
If you are team teaching, plan with your team teacher and
agree on individual responsibilities to make working together
in the same classroom more ecient.
Climate setting
Greet students at the classroom door and tell them what to
do when they enter the classroom. For example, on day one,
introduce yourself, ask their names, and assign their seats.
On day two, greet students by name whenever possible and
indicate they are to do the one-minute assignment you have
written on the board as soon as they get to their seats.
Learn every students name and something about each student
as quickly as you can. Use nametags, getting-acquainted
activities, and/or seating charts.
Tell students about yourself.
Teach subject content from day one.
Keep lessons focused and doable
for the length of the class. Clearly
communicate learning objective(s), give simple instructions, and
structure lessons to accommodate students knowledge and skills.
End class with a routine that summarizes the day’s
accomplishments, reminds students what they need to do to
prepare for the next day, ensures materials are put away, and
leaves the room clean.
Create community
Develop a set of written behavior expectations (rules
and procedures) with the class that you can live with and
consistently enforce.
Establish cooperative learning groups, give tips for working as
a group, and practice group work by accomplishing needed
tasks (e.g., organizing learning centers, decorating the room,
suggesting class rules and consequences, etc.).
It is easier to loosen than
it is to tighten.
—Peace Corps/Malawi
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Make parents your allies when you meet them. Describe your
positive student expectations, briey explain classroom rules,
and indicate your willingness to meet with parents.
Cultural note: As you plan for the first week of school, consider
cultural and school norms. Gather information from teaching
colleagues about local classroom rules and procedures. Try
to incorporate many of these familiar practices into your
classroom management plan to maximize students’ comfort
level with a foreign teacher.
Establishing classroom rules
Teachers are ultimately responsible for classroom rules. New
teachers or teachers in a new culture should consult experienced
teachers and follow their examples in establishing classroom rules.
Your rules should not contradict school rules. Try to limit your rules
to ve or six.
identify specic expectations for general behaviors;
have consequences; and
must make sense to both receiver and enforcer.
Post rules where students can see them and you can visually refer
to the chart. Teach how to behave according to the rules.
Set clear, enforceable rules with clear consequences—
do it early! Make sure students know the rules—
translate them and sign an agreement (the teacher
should sign one, too, and stick to it).
—Peace Corps/Tanzania
Peace Corps 45
Have Students Generate Rules
Teachers may choose to involve students in
determining the rules. Rules developed collaboratively
tend to promote student cooperation. However,
reserve the right to modify student-generated
classroom rules. Ask students in small groups to
come up with ve rules beginning with “always” and
ve rules beginning with “never.” Discuss the lists as a class to arrive
at ve or fewer rules that express the students’ main ideas positively.
Classroom Agreement from Peace Corps/Bolivia
In Bolivia, Volunteers and their co-teachers collaborate with
their students to write a classroom set of rules and expectations.
The activity concludes with teachers and students discussing
and agreeing to the nal list of rules, signing the document, and
posting it in the classroom to show their commitment to abide
by the agreement.
Rules About Rules from Peace Corps/Romania
Write simple rules with simple consequences.
Never create a rule that cannot be immediately enforced. If
a rule is broken, implement the consequence or you will lose
respect in the eyes of the pupils.
Eective classroom management requires everyone to
respect the rules.
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46 Peace Corps
Sample Classroom Rules
Primary level classroom rules
1. Raise your hand to speak.
2. Only one person speaks at a time.
3. Do not eat, spit, or litter in the classroom.
4. Do not ght.
5. Ask permission before you leave the classroom.
6. Respect other people’s belongings.
—Peace Corps/The Gambia
Secondary school classroom rules
1. Cooperate with your teacher and classmates.
2. Respect the rights and property of others.
3. Carry out your student responsibilities:
Keep track of your own supplies, books, and assignments.
Ask for help when you need it.
Do your own work.
Turn your work in on time.
Accept responsibility for grades or other consequences.
—Peace Corps/Tonga
Regaining control of your classroom
It will happen, you will lose control of your classroom. It happens
to both inexperienced and experienced teachers. Recognize the
problem and make a plan to re-establish order. If appropriate, you
may want to stop in and talk to a colleague, Peace Corps sta, or
school ocial who can help support your eorts to regain control
of your classroom.
If there are just one or two students who are disrupting the
classroom, you may want to focus on those students, rather
than the whole class. Talk to the students outside of class, call a
Peace Corps 47
conference with co-teachers, parents, or school administrators, or
whatever is appropriate in your community.
If you need to start over with the whole class, follow these steps.
Get a good night’s sleep.
Review the classroom rules and procedures again, on your
own. You might need to revise them with your students.
Put on your “business face” and go to school ready to be rm,
but positive.
Review the classroom rules and procedures with your
students. Make sure they understand what your expectations
are and how to follow the rules appropriately. Be assertive
and condent.
Once you have reviewed the rules, be consistent in
enforcing them. Initially, establish a zero-tolerance policy
toward any transgressors.
Taking back” your classroom can be implemented any time during
the year. It is challenging, but keep in mind that the time you take
to re-establish order and calmness in your classroom will translate
into greater productivity and learning achievement later in the year.
Strategy 2: Establish classroom procedures
Classroom procedures communicate how to do daily activities.
Teach and model procedures until they are routine.
Suggestions from Peace Corps/Nepal
• Write step-by-step instructions for the activity.
• Say the steps or read them aloud.
• Show the steps visually in writing or through illustrations.
• Demonstrate each step or have a student demonstrate.
• Have the whole class practice until each student masters the
procedure and it becomes a routine.
• If necessary, reteach procedures.
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Visual Reminders
Here is a useful activity to teach procedures and
help reinforce them throughout the term. Divide
your class into small groups. Each group is assigned the
task of making a visual reminder (perhaps a poster) to
show the steps in a classroom procedure. These visual
reminders are displayed in the classroom. When
a student fails to follow a procedure, you don’t need to say a
word—get his or her attention and point to the step missed.
Teach procedures for routines in the classroom so that
the environment is predictable and well structured.
Procedure + Practice = Routine
—Peace Corps/South Africa
Use a procedure to begin student work
For example
Have students sit at their desks or in their groups.
Have everyone get out the materials needed.
Make sure all eyes are on you—use nonverbal cues.
Point to posted assignment and state instructions.
Test understanding by asking students, What is the rst step?”
or What are you supposed to do now?”
Work the rst few questions or problems as a class and have
students record the answer(s).
Walk around the classroom until you are sure all students are
on task.
There is a sample classroom procedures planning guide at the end
of this chapter.
Peace Corps 49
Strategy 3: Create a motivational environment
The following classroom conditions and strategies will help create
a classroom climate that encourages learning.
Create an attractive, enriched environment. Get students
involved by asking them to decorate their own classroom. Use
student work to decorate when possible, to validate the work
and to show examples of good work.
Develop lessons at a level that challenges students but is not
too dicult or confusing.
Give clear directions. Ask student to repeat the directions.
Engage all students actively. For example, while one student
makes a presentation, other students take notes or use a rubric
to assess the presentation.
Demonstrate consistently that you believe all students will
learn. For example, use short positive words to praise good
work and behavior (e.g., great idea, fantastic, good job,
sensational, super). Better yet, if you teach in a local language,
brainstorm with students words of praise in their language
and use them.
Teach to dierent learning styles. For example, write key words
on the board or use a diagram or visual, and so on.
Make learning intrinsically interesting by relating lesson
content to the students’ life and local environment. For
example, make connections between the lesson and local
current events or common life experiences in that region.
Use vivid, novel, or dierent attention getters at the beginning of
the lesson. Use objects or pictures, have students read a poem or
quotes, have a diagram on the board, or play some music.
Vary lesson presentations to keep teaching from going stale.
Limit lectures or presentations to 15 minutes before directing
a student activity. Break the class period into two or three
dierent activities (e.g., lecture, group work, report out). Be
sure each activity segues smoothly into the next.
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Structure learning experiences so students feel successful.
Develop activities at an appropriate level of diculty and
consider ways they can participate at two or three levels so all
students can succeed.
Set clear behavior expectations and consistently reinforce
More than 2,000 years ago, the Chinese philosopher Confucius
(551-479 BC) said, “You hear and you forget, you see and you
remember, you do and you understand.” Research has conrmed his
words. Help your students learn better by always having them do
something with content you are teaching.
Research conducted by Edgar Dale in the 1960s showed that what we
recall from learning depends greatly on how the learner interacted
with the learning material. Typically, we remember 10 percent of what
we learned in a passive manner (e.g., lecture, reading, observing) but
we remember 90 percent of what we learn by actively engaging with
the material (e.g., simulations, active experiments, performing). Dales
Cone of Learning illustrates how much we remember of what we
learned by the various methods listed below.
1 Dale, E. Audio-Visual Methods in Teaching, (3
ed). Austin, TX: Holt, Rinehart, and
Winston. 1969.
Read (10%)
Hear (20%)
See (30%)
Hear and See (50%)
Say (70%)
Say and Do (90%)
Peace Corps 51
This learning pyramid shows retention rates for various teaching
lecture (5%)
reading (10%)
audio-visual (20%)
demonstration (30%)
discussion group (50%)
practice by doing (75%)
teach others/immediate use (90%)
Student Reection Activity
The following activity will help reveal past educational
experiences that students remember positively. It also
helps students focus on their positive school experiences.
Instructions: Read and respond to the following questions.
Do not use names of past teachers. Be specic and honest
in your responses.
1. What school event will you remember for many years to
come? What happened that you remember so clearly?
2. List the special qualities of your BEST teacher.
3. List the special qualities of your FAVORITE teacher.
4. You wake up tomorrow morning and YOU are the teacher.
What good ideas would you bring to your classroom?
Follow-up ideas
• Ask the students to consider their list of good ideas for the
classroom from question 4. Ask them to suggest ways in which
you could incorporate some of the good ideas they have into
your classroom.
• Share the results of the activity with your fellow teachers and
headmaster. Clarify any information from the activity that you
might not understand.
• Reect on your teaching. Are there any qualities the students
like that you could incorporate in your style?
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Strategy 4: Make every minute count
Begin on time. End on time. A few minutes of class time saved
every day could add up to hours of additional academic instruction
by the end of the school year.
To maximize learning and teaching time
Plan each lesson in advance. Well-designed lesson plans have
clear learning objectives and provide meaningful activities for
students to reach the objective.
Write learning objectives, examples, problems, etc., on the
board, ip-chart paper, or recycled cardboard before class.
Divide your board into three sections: (1) the left side
for organizational points (date, objectives, instructions,
homework); (2) the central and largest section
for ongoing work that can be erased as the
lesson progresses; and (3) the right section
for reference points which students need
throughout the lesson.
Begin class with “bell work, which students begin as soon
as they enter the room. Tasks may be related to the previous
lesson or related to the lesson of the day. For example,
students can copy the learning objectives for today’s lesson,
copy a diagram or a list of words into their notebook, or write
the most important thing learned during yesterday’s lesson.
Save time by taking roll while students are working, using
a seating chart or delegating the task to a team teacher or
student aide.
Make the student aide of the week responsible for handing out
and picking up papers and supplies.
Be prepared with an emergency lesson or activity. Have an
organized plan if your planned lesson for the day runs short or
you need to ll time. Time will not be wasted and students will
not get bored and act out.
Have activities ready for students who nish their work early—
books for preferred reading, fun worksheets, learning games,
or art materials.
Use homework folders. Students place their completed
homework in their folder and remove their checked work.
When distributing worksheets, place copies in folders of
absent students; work is ready for the students’ return.
Class time is the
most valuable
classroom resource.
Peace Corps 53
Alternative Attendance Taking
Prepare a tack board with students’ names on the
left. Each day, post a short answer question. As students
enter, they can write their answers on a strip of paper and
tack their strips next to their names. Questions can be fun
or can review the previous lesson.
Plan, but be exible! Some Volunteers nd that no matter how
hard they to try to be informed and in the communication loop
with other faculty members, they are surprised by interruptions
to regular class time. An unknown holiday, school eld trip, school
childrens presence required to welcome a dignitary to town, a
school workday, or other events may disrupt your plans. Advice:
plan some exibility into your schedule!
Strategy 5: Keep everyone engaged
Challenging students to think actively involves them in learning
and develops critical skills. Expect both low and high achievers to
participate in classroom discussions and answer questions.
Ideas to encourage all pupils to think
Ask a question, wait three to ve seconds (wait time), then call
on a student. Wait time encourages more thoughtful responses
and allows slower, as well as quicker, students to respond.
Use the echo technique: one student gives an answer and you call
on another student to repeat it. John, tell us what Sara said. “Mia,
rephrase Michael’s answer for us. This process reinforces correct
answers, involves more students, and improves listening skills.
Encourage a student to try and answer the question. Take a risk.
I think you know it. Communicates it is OK to make a mistake.
Praise correct answers. “Great thinking!” “Outstanding!” Well
done!” Shows teacher believes student is a successful learner.
Prompt students’ thinking. “Based on what we learned [read,
heard], what do you think will happen next?” Encourages
students to think ahead and links past learning to future learning.
Make sure procedures are understood. We are going to create
dialogues in groups. Who can remind us how we are going
to do this?” One student gives information, another repeats.
Requires students to recall directions for certain types of activities.
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Create a question box. Place all students’ names in a box and
draw a name to answer the question. Once all names have
been called and the box is empty, place all names back in the
box and start over. Makes sure all students are asked questions
and keeps students in suspense as to who will be called on next.
Pose a question and move your gaze to several dierent
students during the wait time before selecting a student to
answer. Adds drama to questioning.
Use total group choral response. Ask a question and then
twirl your index nger in a circle to signal to the class that you
want a total group response. This practice helps keep the class
involved and adds variety to question sessions. (Make sure this
gesture is not culturally oensive.)
Create a student-to-student chain.
Call on a student to answer the
question. That student then poses
a dierent question to another
student, and so on. This method
stretches the responder’s thinking
by having him or her ask another
student a relevant question.
Pass a beanbag (or other object,
such as a “talking stick”). Ask the class a question, pause (wait
time), and then pass the object to a student. The student answers
the question (or not) and returns the stick to you or to another
student. Use creative variations, such as student to student. This
is fun and physically involves students.
Have the class indicate if the answer is correct or incorrect. After
a student or group answers, ask, “Do you agree, class? Students
show agreement or disagreement by using previously agreed
upon gestures, such as one hand up if the answer was correct,
looking down if it was wrong. Be careful of the gestures you
choose; showing thumbs up, thumbs down, for example, may
be inappropriate gestures in some cultures. This technique keeps
all students involved and has the added advantage of giving the
teacher an instant check on the students’ understanding.
Correct students incorrect answers in ways to encourage their
continued participation in the learning process. Try some of the
following techniques.
Peace Corps 55
– Sandwich technique: Negative information is sandwiched
between two positive statements. Example:
The rst row of problems is correct.
“Number 12 needs work.
The rest looks great.
– Respond with a question: Are you sure the Earth is the
largest planet?”
– Ask: What leads you to that conclusion?”
– Validate their thought process: “I see how you might think
that, but did you consider … ?”
– Praise the students willingness to try an answer: You were
brave to try, but it was not the right answer.
– Give clues to help the student discover the answer.
– Once the student has discovered the right answer, repeat
the question, have the student repeat the right answer, and
provide praise.
Fun for Younger Students
Save wooden sticks or cut sticks out of cardboard or cereal
boxes. Write each student’s name on a stick. (You might
have the students do this themselves and decorate the
sticks.) Put sticks in a jar on your desk. As you teach lessons
throughout the day, draw sticks to call on individuals until
every student has had a chance to participate. When your
container is empty, replace the sticks and begin again. This
is quick and students see it as fair—it keeps them on their toes.
—Peace Corps/Kiribati
What about large and multilevel classrooms?
There is a complete ICE publication on this subject: Teaching English
as a Foreign Language to Large, Multilevel Classes [ICE No. M0046].
The techniques oered in this book are helpful to all teachers, not
just those who are teaching English. Suggestions include full class
activities, pair work, group work, and independent study.
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Strategy 6: Teach life skills and good learning habits
As you work to create an organized learner-centered classroom
you can teach students many important skills. Sometimes called
character skills or life skills*, these are the skills that enable
students to become mature, condent, and successful adults who
contribute positively to their communities and society as a whole.
(*Note that the Peace Corps has a publication called the Life Skills Manual [ICE
No. M0063], which is often used in schools to teach students communication
skills, assertiveness, how to deal with peer pressure, etc. It was developed to help
students avoid exposure to HIV/AIDS but can be used in any setting.)
UNICEF and numerous ministries of education recognize the
importance of life skills training. The relative value of a life skill
and how the skill is expressed in daily behavior are culturally
dependent. For example, most Americans highly value initiative,
eort, and curiosity, while other cultures may be more likely to
place a high value on respect, patience, and cooperation.
Discuss with your colleagues and community
members their perception of the merits of
each of the following life skills and modify the
list below to t the local culture.
Representative life skills
Caring Feel concern for others
Common sense Use good judgment
Cooperation Work together toward a common goal or purpose
Courage Act according to one’s beliefs
Curiosity Want to learn or know about one’s world
Eort Try your hardest
Flexibility Be able to change plans when necessary
Friendship Make and keep a friend, so that you care for and trust each other
Initiative Do something because it needs to be done
Integrity Do the right thing
Organization Plan ahead to keep things in order
Patience Wait calmly for someone or something
Perseverance Keep trying, no matter what
Problem-solving Solve problems, even when they are very dicult
Respect Value the worth of another person
Responsibility Do what you are supposed to do, when you are supposed to do it
Sense of humor Laugh and be playful without hurting others
Peace Corps 57
You can teach many of these skills daily as you manage the
classroom—teach students how to take responsibility for class
tasks and praise them when they do well; expect students to treat
each other respectfully during group learning activities; and model
the life skills you want your students to acquire.
Schoolwide Project
Teachers at one elementary school defined life skills
as “character traits” (responsibility, respect, caring,
trustworthiness and citizenship*) and made teaching
these character traits a schoolwide project. Classes
made up songs, planned an art show, presented
plays at school assemblies, and honored students for
exhibiting character traits.
*Citizenship was described as acting in ways to make our schools,
community, and world better.
Here are some ideas for making a special eort to teach life skills.
1. Take advantage of “teaching moments” to reinforce life skills.
For example, remind students, “If everyone helps to clean the
classroom, we can go to lunch early. Or, We have ve books
and 10 students. How can we share them fairly?”
2. Highlight a dierent skill each week throughout the school
year. For example, “Class, this week’s life skill is respect. What is
respect? How do you show someone respect?”
For younger students you may want to select only three to ve
life skills to emphasize during the term.
3. Have students write stories or do role plays where characters
exhibit one or more of the life skill traits. Present those to other
classes or during school assemblies.
4. Have students draw/paint pictures or posters illustrating life
skills and create a life skill art show.
5. Use journals. Students write about people they have observed
demonstrating a life skill or write how they plan to use a
behavior in their own lives. For example, saying “no to peers
who pressure them to drink alcohol.
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58 Peace Corps
6. Create life skills tickets. When you see a student demonstrating
a skill, circle the trait and write the student’s name on the ticket.
At the end of the month the student with the most tickets is
named student of the month. Come up with a suitable reward.
Life Skills Ticket
I Saw Respect Integrity
Initiative Flexibility Perseverance
Organization Sense of Humor Eort
Common Sense Problem-solving Responsibility
Patience Friendship Curiosity
Cooperation Caring Courage
Student’s Name ____________________________________
Date _____________________________________________
Good learning habits depend on a number of life skills:
responsibility, initiative, organization, eort, perseverance,
curiosity, common sense, patience, and, at times, cooperation.
Individuals who know how to learn will do better at all levels of
their education and will become lifetime learners.
Classroom management facilitates teaching and learning.
Good study habits make learning easier.
As you teach, model good learning habits
Structure assignments to encourage an organized approach
Outline the lesson on the board.
Highlight important vocabulary words, dates, people, or tasks.
Break large tasks into doable smaller pieces. For example, for a
research paper, set progressive goals for students:
research cards due in two days (you return the cards the
following day with feedback)
essay outline in four days (you return outline the following
day with feedback)
the completed essay in six days
Peace Corps 59
Use time-management techniques like making study
schedules, daily goals, to-do lists.
Teach an individual lesson or unit on study skills.
Incorporate study skills and learning strategies in your lessons.
Use graphic organizers to take notes on a days lesson.
Demonstrate memory techniques:
Flash cards to use for repetition
Acronyms and acrostics
In addition to posting assignments and explaining them
orally, it is useful to have students copy the assignment into
their notebooks.
—Peace Corps/Tonga Volunteer
Use cooperative learning groups to reinforce life skills in
the classroom
Research shows that students who participate in cooperative
learning experiences tend to earn better grades and display more
enthusiasm. Cooperative learning is an instructional technique
where students work in small learning groups. For each activity
assigned, each student has a role: note taker, timekeeper, speaker,
supply organizer, etc. Students are responsible not only for the
material being taught, but also for helping their group learn.
Cooperative learning can be used:
in class for homework
after-school study groups test review groups
Construct a Class Good Learning Habits Book
Have groups of students take a topic (positive learning
attitude, listening, note taking, memorization, time
management, test taking skills, etc.) and create a chapter
for a class book called Good Learning Habits.
Strategies for Classroom Management
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Strategy 7: Be creative
You may think your teaching methods are limited by scarce
resources. But Volunteers and creative colleagues are famous for
coming up with innovative solutions to better utilize, take care of,
acquire, and/or create teaching/learning resources.
Here are a few ideas and resources to get you started.
Use Peace Corps and local resources
Order or download materials listed in the ICE catalog.
Search the Internet to nd resources such as pictures,
maps, activity ideas, arts and crafts instructions, and free,
downloadable materials.
Find out what local or national professional organizations or
agencies might have materials, including the U.S. Embassys
American Corners program.
Create writing surfaces
Blackboard paint can be used on walls, planks, and even small
blocks of wood for children to write on.
Chalkboard cloth can be written on, rolled up, carried to
class, hung on the wall, erased, and reused. Check the
Internet for sources.
Some articial leather upholstery fabric makes a substitute
writing surface.
Rolls of butcher paper/commercial wrapping paper can be cut
to create charts and visual aids. In Eastern Europe, Volunteers
get donations of old wallpaper and use the back side.
Use limited written materials
Adapting Environmental Education Materials [ICE No. M0059]
provides several ideas for using one copy of written material
with a class.
Doing without the Photocopier for A to Z: 26 Creative Ideas for
Reuseable Language Games and Activities [ICE No. ED197].
Magazines are great teaching aids.
The World Map Project Handbook [ICE No. R0088] shows how to
enlarge maps, which works for diagrams as well. These projects
are great for cooperative learning.
Peace Corps 61
Sources of Donated Books [ICE No. RE003] and Sources of Free
Periodicals and Databases [ICE No. RE007] may help you locate
materials for your school.
Make or nd other teaching materials
Nonformal Education Manual [ICE No. M0042] describes how to
use local materials.
What is discarded by businesses in your community?
What are you throwing out that might be reused?
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
Theodore Roosevelt
Strategy 8: Use project design and management techniques
Think of classroom management as a project design and
management challenge. Here are the steps you and your
colleagues (and maybe students) would take to create and manage
a project—applied to classroom management.
Step one Identify the strengths and needs that currently exist
to facilitate teaching and learning.
Step two Formulate a vision of “what the ideal classroom
would look like.
Step three Collaborate with others to explore alternative ways
to achieve the vision.
(This idea book, local educators, ICE resources, and
the Internet oer multiple classroom management
tips, techniques and methods.)
Step four Prepare a classroom management plan. There is
a blank format of a planning guide used in Peace
Corps/China and Peace Corps/Jordan at the end of
this chapter.
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Step ve Monitor the classroom management plan to
determine if it is being consistently followed and
make adjustments as needed.
(You may want to take time each week to reect
individually and with colleagues about what worked
and what did not. Also, invite teaching colleagues to
observe your class and oer feedback.)
Step six Evaluate to determine if the plan is achieving the
desired vision. There is a sample classroom report
card at the end of this chapter that is a useful
evaluation tool. Consider adapting it and using it
near the middle and end of the school term.
Step seven Celebrate successes with your students.
Be patient with yourself and with your students! Know when
to ask for help from your counterpart teacher, headmaster, or
Peace Corps sta.
Examples and Tools
Sample Classroom Procedures Planning Guide
Classroom procedures usually involve the following themes
How will you handle
Talk? Calling on students
When can students talk and to whom?
Movement? When can students get out of their seats?
Leaving the room during class and at the end
of class
Seating arrangements
Answer questions sitting or standing
Time? Tardiness and absences
What is being prepared for class?
Students who nish early
Peace Corps 63
How will you start the year?
What will be your routines?
How do students speak to the teacher and when?
Can students work while the teacher speaks?
What are your rewards and consequences and
for what?
Will you make an agreement with your students
about classroom rules?
How will you present/teach your students
your policies?
How will you give instructions?
Do you expect your students to take
notes? How?
How are students expected to behave toward
each other?
What kinds of group work will you use?
Can students help each other?
—Adapted from Peace Corps/Nepal
Sample Classroom Management Planning Guide
Create three to ve positive, clear classroom rules.
1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________
How will you teach these rules?
List the ways in which you plan to follow up your rules.
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Classroom procedures
Include your ideas on addressing student behaviors on these topics
and any other relevant procedures you would like to implement.
1) starting class
2) sharpening pencils
3) lack of preparation
4) bathroom/water breaks
Peace Corps 65
5) checking homework
6) working in pairs and groups
7) ____________________________________________________
8) ____________________________________________________
9) ____________________________________________________
10) ___________________________________________________
How will you teach these procedures in the classroom?
—Adapted from Peace Corps/Jordan and Peace Corps/China
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Sample Classroom Report Card
Date _______________ School ____________ Class _____________
Subject ____________Teacher ___________ (Student Gender M/F)
Please read the statements below. On each line, check the box
that is closest to matching your opinion about the statement.
Usually Seldom Never
1 I am involved in learning during class.
2 I understand what it is I am expected to learn.
3 I am treated with respect in the classroom.
4 I have enough time to complete my work.
5 Students are encouraged to ask
thoughtful questions.
6 Students get right to work when the bell rings.
7 We always get a lot of work done in class.
8 Class rules are clear.
9 Students are well behaved during class.
10 The teacher seems to enjoy teaching our class.
11 The teacher and the class work well together.
12 This classroom is a place where I am
comfortable and can do my best.
Younger students might complete the report card using a show
of hands.
Peace Corps 67
C H A P T E R 4
Managing Disruptive Behavior
What Do You Think?
Based on what you have observed so far in your
host country and what you know to be true in the U.S.,
complete this exercise.
Imagine a successful day of teaching. Describe what your
classroom looks like when everyone is behaving appropriately
and working productively. What appropriate behavior would you
expect? List below.
Appropriate student
behavior in U.S. classrooms
appropriate in both
host country and U.S. schools
Appropriate student behavior
in your host country
Discuss your perceptions of acceptable student
behavior with your counterpart teacher to check
the accuracy of your observations and to better
understand the reasons behind behavioral norms.
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Key Ideas in This Chapter
1. It is easier to teach expected behavior than to
correct inappropriate behavior.
2. Student misbehavior must be explored in a
cultural context.
3. Discipline attempts to correct inappropriate
behavior through consequences and/or punishment.
4. Successful behavior management in the classroom requires
fairness and consistency.
5. Eective behavior management must be culturally
acceptable and treat students with respect.
Any classroom has the potential to become a well-managed,
smoothly running classroom. A good class can become a great class
if the teacher has solid, consistent classroom management skills.
No one is born with management skills; they are learned. In this
chapter Volunteer teachers from several countries share their ideas
to help you along the path to becoming a great classroom manager.
Teaching Expected Behaviors
Teachers usually have a clear vision of how students are expected
to behave, but many teachers forget to share that vision with
their students at the beginning of the year. They assume students
already know what behavior is expected or that they will pick it up
along the way. Its best not to assume anything! You must spend
some time at the beginning of the year teaching these behaviors
and coming to some common agreement about what appropriate
classroom behavior is in your class. After all, each teacher will create
a unique classroom culture with his or her students. Be clear with
your students from the start about your expectations. The result
will be more time spent on teaching and learning and less time on
disruptions and discipline. Everyone wins. (See Chapter 3 for ideas
on creating and teaching classroom rules and procedures.)
Peace Corps 69
Before you start an activity, make sure students understand
the instructions.
In small groups I want you to create two questions about _______.
I will give you 10 minutes to work. This is how you will do it:
1. After I give the instructions, form groups of four.
2. Discuss what we learned about _______.
3. Decide on two questions you can ask about _______. One
person must write down the questions.
4. When I raise my hand, stop talking and listen to what we will
do next.
Let’s make sure everyone understands. Please tell me:
How many students are in a group?
What is the topic?
What are you to do?
What are you to write?
When will you know you have to stop talking and listen to me?
Preventing Student Misbehavior
• Establish a working system with rules and consequences for
the classroom.
• Establish a relationship with students based on respect.
• Allow students to participate in the creation of consequences.
• Give praise to students for appropriate behavior.
• Encourage students to work together in positive and
supportive ways.
• Involve parents, the parent-teacher association and
administration in classroom issues.
• Create a committee for students’ welfare or students’ rights.
—Adapted from Peace Corps/Tanzania
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Reinforce appropriate classroom behavior
Catch students doing something right to reinforce good
behavior. Here are some suggestions from Volunteers in Bolivia,
Jordan, Kiribati, and Mozambique.
Letter Game
Volunteers in Bolivia introduced a motivating game as a
strategy for classroom management. When the students
are working well and the Volunteer teacher wants to
commend them for staying on task, she posts a letter
on the wall or board. As the good behavior continues, it
is rewarded periodically with another letter, which gets
the students excited and motivated to stay focused and positive.
These letters spell out a simple reward like “cookies” or “games,
which the students earn with their collective good behavior. This
process can be drawn out over several classes, and letters can also
be taken away if the disruptive behavior merits.
Punch Cards
Determine six to eight behaviors that you wish to reinforce and
reward. List them in the classroom and discuss them with the
students. Reward students for these behaviors to reinforce them.
To earn rewards, give each child a 3-by-4-inch card. When a
student is “caught being good” (doing one of the listed behaviors),
punch the edge of his or her card. Students collect punches and
use their cards to exchange for things they would like to do. For
example, 15 punches might entitle a student to choose a new seat
in the classroom, 10 punches might allow a student to wear his/
her hat in school one day, and 20 punches might allow a student
to select a game to play in class. The reward items are all free. Kids
love it when we have a “Punch Exchange.
Cultural note: Make sure these positive reinforcements are
appropriate in your school.
—Adapted from Peace Corps/Kiribati, primary school Volunteer teacher
Peace Corps 71
Reinforce positive student behavior outside of the classroom
Share the student’s accomplishment with his or her parents. Take
advantage of casual interactions, such as when you see parents
and students in the community. Or make an eort to discuss
positive behavior with parents when they come to school for
conferences or programs.
Why Do Students Misbehave?
There are several reasons a student may behave inappropriately.
Does the reason make a dierence? It should if you expect to try to
change the behavior.
Stretch your mind a bit by trying to imagine a variety of reasons
students might exhibit the behaviors below. Try and come up
with at least three explanations for each, including circumstances
beyond their control.
Arrive at school late
Don’t have their books
Speak while others are speaking
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Talk to a neighbor when they should be working alone
Add a few of your own—especially behaviors that particularly
bother you. Do the same exercise of trying to gure out at least
three dierent explanations for each.
Compare your reasons with your counterpart
or other colleagues. Can they suggest additional
reasons? Does the reason make a dierence as to
whether students should be punished or not?
Student behavior often reects cultural norms
Observation activity
Think about behavior (and inappropriate behavior) in a context
broader than just the classroom. Make a point of observing and
noting what you see in a variety of locations: in the community
in general (on roads, in the market, where people gather); in the
family setting; and in informal and formal meetings of adults.
Peace Corps 73
Note what you observe about the following
What seem to be the behavioral norms around participating,
taking turns, listening to others, being alone or with others, adult/
child interactions?
What seem to be inappropriate behaviors and how do
others respond?
Do you see any patterns?
Do you observe any behaviors that seem acceptable here that
would not be in the U.S.?
Conversely, do you observe any behaviors unacceptable here
that would be ne in the U.S.?
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Think-Pair-Share Activity
Discuss your observations with your counterpart
or others in your community. You can have some
interesting conversations with young people, too.
Some concepts to explore:
Guilt vs. shame
When you do something inappropriate, do you feel guilty because
you know better and are responsible for yourself, or do you feel
ashamed because you have let other people down? These are
dierent orientations and are related to low- and high-context
cultures. (See Chapter 2, Teaching in a Cross-cultural Context.”)
Were you isolated—“time out” for kids, “grounded” for youth—
as consequences for inappropriate behavior? Separating one
from friends and family for a period is a disciplinary technique
commonly used in some cultures. In others it may be considered
cruel as it may damage relationships which are considered of
primary importance.
Public humiliation
Do you recall being disciplined in front of others, or were you more
likely told: “See me after class/after dinner”? Public humiliation
may be considered damaging for ones self-esteem or causing loss
of face or shaming ones family.
Choice of consequences/punishments
Were you ever given a choice, such as “Do you want to miss going
to the movies tonight or miss your game on Saturday to write the
paper you did not complete on time?” Giving the person a choice
of consequences for their inappropriate behavior may be ne in
some cultures and unacceptable in others. Oering a choice may
be seen as diminishing the authority of the adult.
These are examples of value-related issues that may aect what
are considered appropriate disciplinary actions. See what you can
discover about these types of issues in your host country.
Peace Corps 75
Implementing Discipline
Despite your best eorts to engage students in interesting
lessons and to provide positive reinforcement of appropriate
behavior, some students will misbehave in your classroom and
disrupt instruction and learning. What is considered inappropriate
behavior and how should you manage it?
The answer to this question depends on: the teachers tolerance for
certain student behaviors; the instructional situation (e.g., talking
is ne during group work, but not during a written test); and the
school’s cultural norms.
The table below will help you explore classroom behaviors from your
perspective. Read the behavioral descriptions in the rst column and
use the Volunteer column to check “yes if you consider the behavior
listed to be inappropriate or “?” if you are not sure or it depends on
the circumstances. Add other possible misbehaviors.
Is this misbehavior in the classroom?
Volunteer Host teacher
What might be a
useful response?Yes ? Yes ?
Arriving to class late
Coming to class without books, supplies
Coming without homework
Speaking out loud without raising hand
Speaking while teacher is speaking
Speaking while another student is speaking
Talking with another student when expected
to be doing work on own (e.g., math problem,
reading silently)
Looking at someone else’s paper during a test
Leaving class without permission
Falling asleep in class
Not participating
Not standing when the teacher enters the room
Text messaging during class
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Think-Pair-Share Activity
When you have an opportunity, ask a host country
teacher to read and rate the same items. Compare
your answers.
• Where you don’t agree, talk to each other about
your reasons.
• Ask your host teacher to add other items he or she would dene
as inappropriate. Do you agree? If not, ask about it to nd out
why the teacher sees it as inappropriate behavior.
• See if you can learn about circumstances you might not be
aware of or issues that you had not considered. For example,
Why do students arrive late?” or “Why don’t they have books?”
• Together discuss the nal column.
Follow-up Activity
It might be informative to have students individually or in small
groups ll in a table similar to the one above. You will gain insight
as to what they consider appropriate responses from their teachers.
Consequences and/or Punishment
For the purpose of our discussion, we dene punishment and
consequence as
A penalty imposed for wrongdoing
An act or instance of following something as an eect, result,
or outcome
Consequences will have their greatest impact when they are
immediate, consistent, respectful, and seen by the student as
being reasonable. Consequences will be more eective if a
Peace Corps 77
given to
student feels as though he or she has a chance for a fresh start
once the consequence has been delivered by the teacher and
carried out by the student.
Student Action Consequence
consequences bear a
direct relationship to the
inappropriate behavior. This
should be the rst choice.
Throwing trash on theoor Pick up trash or clean
the classroom
Late to class Stay after school to
make up work
Name calling Apologize to the person
Unnatural consequences
do not logically relate
to the behavior, nor do
they promote the desired
behavior. They may cause
emotional or physical pain.
Throwing something at
another student
Leave the room
Talking at the same time
the teacher or another
student is talking
Slap student
Not doing homework Write 100 times, “I will
always do my homework.
Learners who build chairs are not apt to break them. Learners
who wash walls are not apt to make them dirty on purpose. If
learners are reinforced for keeping their schoolyard neat and
clean, they are less likely to throw trash on it.
—Namibian Ministry of Education
Behavior Tickets
Every time a student is disruptive, write him or her a
“ticket.” Consequences? Three tickets might require
the student to prepare and give a class presentation
on a lesson related to the weekly topic.
—Adapted from Peace Corps/Bulgaria
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Eective consequences for misbehavior
Consequences should … Rationale Options or Examples
be gradual, progressing
from less severe to more
severe as misbehavior is
This sends the message that
students need to understand
and follow the expectations.
When they repeat the
inappropriate behavior, they
choose the more severe
1. Warning
2. Short detention after
class or school
3. Written plan for
4. Guardian contact
5. Severe case: Send to
principal/ headmaster
maintain the dignity of
the students.
Consequences should be
consistent from student
to student, and delivery of
consequences should always
address the particular
behavior in question, not
the student and his or her
behavioral history.
If three students
interrupt the teacher
during a class period,
they all receive a
—Adapted from Peace Corps/Tanzania
Discipline ideas
Competent teachers use a variety of discipline tools.
Because students have dierent learning styles and learn at
dierent paces, most teachers realize they need to teach the same
material using several methods to ensure learning. It is the same
with discipline—one approach does not work for all students
or in all situations. The solution is to have a variety of discipline
tools from which to choose. Below is a list of promising ideas. See
if some of these can be adapted to work for you. There is also a
consequences worksheet sample at the end of this chapter.
Peace Corps 79
Discipline Ideas That Usually Work
Put on your business face, stand still for at least 10 seconds (unless
there is eminent danger of physical harm to the student or others)
and look at the misbehaving student. This gives time for you to think
and to get the student’s attention. Then speak softly and slowly.
Check in to make certain the student knows the behavior you
are displeased with. “What are you doing?” If the student says
“Nothing,” or starts blaming someone else, ask a follow-up
question, “What are you supposed to be doing?”
Ask “what” not “why.” Reserve “why” questions for when you and
the student have a lot of time to explore the issue.
When a student protests about the consequences of breaking a
rule, reply, “You chose to break the rule.
To prevent escalation when a student is angry or disrespectful,
reply with a neutral comment, “That is your choice” or “I’ll
remember that.
Cut o the student if he/she continues behavior or argues.
“Discussion time is over” or, “We can talk about this (name time and
place), but right now, (tell student exactly what they are to do)”.
Use “I” messages. “When you _____, I feel disrespected.
—Adapted from Peace Corps/Bulgaria, Classroom Management Manual
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A Primary School Idea
The 1-2-3 discipline plan
Give a one-nger warning, two-nger warning, then a
three-nger warning. After three, the student receives an
appropriate consequence/punishment.
To provide a visual for this technique and to help students take more
responsibility, make a cardboard cutout of a large stoplight and
clothespins with student names written on them. When a student
receives a “one” warning he clips his clothespin on the green light, a
“two” on the yellow light, and a “three” on the red light and moves
to the time-out spot. When he has nished his punishment, he
removes the clothespin and returns to his regular seat.
Many times all that is required in order to nip undesirable
behavior in the bud is a simple word or action. A stern look
(I call this my ‘teacher face’), a word directed at a particular
student, group, or the whole class, or even a soft touch on
the shoulder will tell students that you do indeed notice
what they are doing.
—Peace Corps/Jordan
Volunteer-Counterpart Activity
How do I handle…?
Read the discipline situations and write your suggested
actions. Discuss with your counterpart which actions
might work best given the schools physical facilities,
age of students, teacher’s personality, local culture,
and remembering to treat students with respect. If the sample situations
arent problems for you, write some examples of student behaviors that
you struggle with and do the same exercise.
Peace Corps 81
Discipline situation or
critical incident
suggested actions
Volunteer teachers
suggested actions
Two students are sitting together and
exchanging notes during the lesson.
They do not distract the attention of
other students, but at the same time
they are not listening to the teacher.
—Peace Corps/Ukraine
While you are writing at the board, a
student throws a piece of chalk at you
and hits you on the head. From the
corner of your eye you saw who it was.
When you turn around, it is obvious
to you that all the other students saw
what happened and know who did it.
—Peace Corps/The Gambia
Several students are not writing in
their copybooks like you asked.
—Peace Corps/Mauritania
Add a situation from your school.
Adapted from Peace Corps/Mauritania
Considerations for dierent types of punishments
The charts on the following pages contains typical school
punishments from dierent cultures. Some may not be used where
you are teaching for important cultural reasons. And you may nd
some of these acceptable in your school, although they are things
you cannot or would not want to do. Read the rst two punishments,
why teachers may use them, and why they are unnatural or
ineective. Add some of your own observations. Then, continue
with the rest of the chart, lling in the information on uses and
eectiveness. You may see some of these used and not understand
the rationale. Talk with colleagues to understand their perspectives.
—Adapted from Peace Corps/Tanzania
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Punishments Considerations
Expel student from class Why teachers may have used this
a. Ends disturbance in class
Why it is unnatural and may be ineective
a. Student could actually want this
b. Student misses lesson
Stand in a corner/
Why teachers may have used this
a. Embarrasses student
Why it is unnatural and may be ineective
a. Student misses lesson
b. May be culturally unacceptable to isolate students
Writing lines (copying
lines over and over)
Why teachers may have used this
Why it is unnatural and may be ineective
No entry—bar student
from coming to class
Why teachers may have used this
Why it is unnatural and may be ineective
Peace Corps 83
Punishments Considerations
Detention after school Why teachers may have used this
Why it is unnatural and may be ineective
Manual labor Why teachers may have used this
Why it is unnatural and may be ineective
Physical punishments:
raise hands over head
stand at attention
run laps
caning or beating
Why teachers may have used this
Why it is unnatural and may be ineective
Academic punishments:
prevent from
taking test
lower grade
extra schoolwork/
write essay on
how behavior
aects school
Why teachers may have used this
Why it is unnatural and may be ineective
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84 Peace Corps
Corporal Punishment
Corporal punishment is a discipline approach currently unacceptable to
most Americans and is noted as Volunteer teachers’ most problematic
discipline issue. Unfortunately, there is no quick and easy solution to
this complicated issue but there are actions Volunteers can take that
may help eradicate corporal punishment over time.
Remember: Anger is one letter away from danger!
—Peace Corps/Malawi
Volunteers are not the only ones troubled by corporal punishment.
Hundreds of studies have identied the negative eects of
corporal punishment. The United Nations has clearly expressed
its view in UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Governments
and ministries of education in numerous nations have launched
programs to reduce or eliminate corporal punishment. Yet the
widespread practice of corporal punishment continues; the voices
of those most aected (students) are not being heard.
Tanzanian Children Report How They Feel About
Corporal Punishment
Children reported hating to be hit, resented the teachers who did
it, and loathed being punished for something they had not done
or for something over which they had no control. When they
received corporal punishment, children reported losing trust and
respect for their teachers and feeling bitter toward them.
Children complained that they were often not given a chance to
explain themselves—adults often hit them before listening to them.
While children agreed that they should be reprimanded for
misbehaving, they strongly felt that they should be given a
warning and explanation rst.
Children feared schools and their teachers. Often the fear was
so great that they felt unable to concentrate on their studies.
Children felt they had little recourse when punished unfairly.
Beatings in school made some children want to avoid school.
Some girls reported being sexually harassed or forced to have
sex with teachers under threat of corporal punishment.
—From Peace Corps/Tanzania
Peace Corps 85
Although the negative eects of corporal punishment are
numerous and well documented, the practice continues because it
is considered traditional, it often has parental support, and
teachers may lack eective alternative discipline skills.
Negative eects of corporal punishment
Provides a model of solving problems through violence
Dissolves the relationship between teacher and student
Aects a child’s physical, mental and emotional well-being
Damages a student’s self-esteem
Causes student to feel shame and humiliation
Causes students injuries
Encourages passive learning and discourages involvement
Creates feelings of fear and hatred toward the teacher
and learning
Adapted from Peace Corps/Tanzania
What can Volunteers do to reduce corporal punishment incidents?
The corporal punishment situation is dierent in each country, so
consult Peace Corps sta about this sensitive issue. They can advise
you concerning corporal punishment laws, cultural norms, and
organizations that are working in-country to address this problem.
The country director and Peace Corps sta may also be able to share
techniques other Volunteers have found to be eective and/or a set
of guidelines for responding to corporal punishment incidents.
If corporal punishment guidelines do not currently exist, Peace
Corps sta, host country partners, and Volunteer teachers may
want to consider formulating a set of guidelines to inform trainees/
Volunteers of appropriate actions.
Isn’t it the problem (behavior) we need
to attack? Not the child!
Namibian Ministry of Education and Culture
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Caning of children is a fact of life in Ugandan families and
schools. It is not something that most Americans condone or
agree with. To encourage behavior change, you must show how
the teachers and/or head teachers will personally benet from
alternate discipline measures, in addition to showing them how
to use them. It will not be enough to say it is wrong.
—Peace Corps/Uganda
Generally, the strategy Volunteer teachers have found to be most
benecial in addressing the issue of corporal punishment is to
build local teachers’ and administrators capacity to use other
discipline approaches. This capacity building can be achieved
through one-on-one discussions with educators, modeling
alternative eective discipline approaches in the classroom, mini-
workshops, and working with the community to change attitudes.
Peace Corps 87
Guidelines for Volunteer Teachers Regarding
Corporal Punishment
Three things you can discuss
Your own reactions to corporal punishment and what you
hope to do instead.
Alternatives with your counterpart teacher and others who
are receptive.
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Four things you can do
Set a positive role model in the school by illustrating alternative
discipline procedures.
Work with head teachers on how they set the tone for discipline,
respect, and educational standards for their school.
Request and conduct refresher courses on alternatives to
corporal punishment in all of your schools. You must be
prepared to provide alternatives which will be eective in
Ugandan schools. Recognize that many alternatives used in
the U.S. will require additional work for teachers; therefore they
may not accept them.
Invite host country national professionals, such as
psychologists, lawyers, and human rights advocates, to
facilitate a workshop on this sensitive subject.
Two things you should not do
Do not be condescending to the teachers/head teachers
regarding corporal punishment. It has been a part of their
norms and culture for many generations. Change will be slow
and take time. Spanking (or paddling) was a common practice
in American schools until the 1950s and 1960s. We now feel it is
wrong. Many Ugandan teachers truly believe that it is the only
way to maintain discipline.
Do not threaten the teacher and/or head teacher with reporting
them to the ministry or local ocials. If you want them to change
their behavior, you need to convert them to another form of
discipline. Threats create enemies and accomplish little.
—Adapted from Peace Corps/Uganda
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The corporal punishment ideas presented here are intended
to create awareness of possibilities and suggest a few options.
Volunteer teachers will individually have to make decisions on how to
deal with each incidence of corporal punishment, taking into account
their personal values, cultural norms at the school where they teach,
and the quality of their professional relationships with host country
teachers and administrators.
Thoughts on Corporal Punishment
• Find out why corporal punishment is prevalent in Nepal (social
and cultural factors).
• Talk to someone about it—a Volunteer, program ocer,
medical ocer, host teacher, or host family.
• Share with the school sta how you feel when you see corporal
punishment in action.
• Have a direct talk with the head sir/miss later. Share your concerns
professionally in one-on-one situations. Suggest alternatives.
• Work toward creating schoolwide rules with the entire sta,
and then implement the policy in every classroom.
• Conduct a training to demonstrate alternatives with host
country national experts.
• Don’t set your students up for failure. Let them feel successful as
much as possible.
• Find an ally to work with—your counterpart, another teacher,
a local nongovernmental organization, a parent, a school
management committee member, an elder in the community, etc.
• Work with local nongovernmental organizations if they can help.
Adapted from Peace Corps/Nepal
Peace Corps 89
Activity to Promote a Noncorporal Punishment
Alternative Discipline Strategy
You will need credibility and a good professional relationship
with your school administrator to do this activity. It may be
more appropriate for your second year of service.
Convince your principal, director, headmaster, headmistress, or
head teacher to try the following for one month: oer the student a
choice. The student can take his or her customary “licks” or develop an
action plan that specically says how he/she will stay out of trouble.
Check back with them in a month. What happened?
Note: Experience has shown that when given the option, most
students chose corporal punishment over planning. From the
students’ point of view, “licks” were easier than real change through
thought. Instructional consequences can be “tough” discipline!
Peace Corps/Kiribati worked with UNICEF to publish a booklet, Don’t
Hit & Don’t Shout, in the I-Kiribati language. Volunteers gave copies
to parents and teachers in their host communities. The English
language version of the booklet is included in the appendix.
Establish a Student Welfare Committee
A student welfare committee deals with issues such as conict
resolution, the rights and welfare of students, and the expectations
of teachers. Each school should establish a committee.
—Peace Corps/The Gambia
Appreciate that people in all societies love their children and
want the best for them. Be realistic—cultural norms change slowly.
Model eective noncorporal punishment discipline approaches so
teachers and school administrators can observe valid alternatives.
Find individuals at your school or in your community who are
interested in improving students education and work cooperatively
with them—these are the people who will create sustainable change.
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Use poetry to introduce new ideas to a
community or in your classroom.
A Child Learns What He Lives
If a child lives with criticism
He learns to condemn
If a child lives with hostility
He learns to ght
If a child lives with ridicule
He learns to be shy
If a child lives with shame
He learns to feel guilty
If a child lives with tolerance
He learns to be patient
If a child lives with encouragement
He learns to try his best
If a child lives with praise
He learns to appreciate
If a child lives with fairness
He learns justice
If a child lives with security
He learns to have faith
If a child lives with approval
He learns to like himself
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship
He learns to nd love in the world.
—Dorothy Law Nolte
Poem used by Peace Corps/Bulgaria in Classroom Management Manual and Peace
Corps/The Gambia in A Guide for Teachers in The Gambia, 2001.
A Volunteer in Guyana used poetry with her class of students to
capture their interest in learning, to promote self-esteem, and
to improve classroom behavior. The class worked on the same
poem for a short period of time several times a week, learning the
meaning of the verses, what the dicult words meant, and how the
message of the poem related to them.
Here is an example of a poem used.
I Can Make a Dierence
I can make a dierence
Little steps at a time
Kindness here; smiles there
Joviality everywhere
Exemplify good nature
Fueled by sincerity
Harmony promoted
Bright moments created
Exuberance contagious
A ball of chain reaction
Goodwill spreads
The world a better place
I can make a dierence
By developing potentials
Productive, fullled, joyful
One more able to shoulder the weight
I am but a tiny seed
Within a multitude
But like a purple heart
I can make a dierence
Peace Corps 91
Examples and Tools
Sample Consequences Worksheet
This worksheet can be done at school or as homework. Unless it is
used in an English class, it will need to be translated into the local
language. Modify the worksheet to t your classroom situation. It is
appropriate for middle or secondary students.
Student Reections on Inappropriate Behavior
Please think carefully about your answers. An administrator and/or
your parents could read them in the near future.
1. Why are you in trouble? What did you do?
2. What will you do dierently next time?
3. What help do you need to stay out of trouble?
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Peace Corps 93
C H A P T E R 5
Assessment, Grading, and Cheating
What Do You Think?
Before reading this chapter, think back to your own
experience of being “graded” and other forms of assessment.
1. Did you ever have classes where there was just one test at the
end that counted for everything? If yes, how did that system
work for you in terms of learning?
2. What other types of test-taking schedules did you experience?
How did each help or hinder you in learning the subject?
3. In addition to tests, you probably experienced other types of
assessment: homework, projects, oral reports, papers, quizzes,
and so on. List the dierent types of assessments you have
experienced and note how each helped or hindered your
learning in that class.
4. Were you ever graded on group projects? If so, how did you
like the group learning and grading process? Why?
5. In your educational experience, did you ever have to pass a
particular test to move to a new level of education or into a
type of program you wanted to pursue? If so, how did the need
to do well on that test aect how you viewed what you learned
in classes and what and how you studied on your own?
6. What has been your experience with cheating: Has cheating
always been dened the same? What is cheating? What have
been the consequences of cheating in various circumstances?
Do you think there are circumstances when cheating is
justied? Why or why not?
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Key Ideas in This Chapter
1. Ongoing assessment of learning provides
students and teachers valuable feedback
during the learning process.
2. Grades are intended to measure academic
accomplishment; therefore, teachers have an
obligation to grade as fairly as possible.
3. Cheating behaviors are better addressed through
understanding and prevention, rather than punishment.
4. Cultural norms and traditions shape fair grading practices
and attitudes about cheating.
Assessment and grading are essential tasks for all educators,
including Peace Corps Volunteers. Whether you share assessment
and grading tasks with a team teacher or have sole responsibility,
you are likely to encounter cultural dierences that are
challenging. Throughout this chapter, Volunteers oer ideas for
resolving assessment, grading, and cheating concerns and share
time-saving tips.
As a rule of thumb, make daily learning objectives clear and use
a variety of assessment tools to ensure that all students have an
opportunity to demonstrate mastery of the material. Students will
learn more and produce better results and teachers will have an
easier time managing the daily life of the classroom.
Try to observe other classes and watch how teachers and students
behave. Ask local teachers for their best grading tips, how they
assess students, and their cheating prevention techniques. Invite
other teachers into your class and request their feedback. Select
and adapt ideas to t your teaching situation and host culture
based on your reading, interviews, and observations.
Remember, when planning and implementing your assessment
and grading procedures, one size does not t all. What is natural
for teachers and students in one context may appear confusing or
unfair to others.
Peace Corps 95
Discover Your School’s Assessment Culture
Schools often have a unique assessment and grading culture
based on ministry of education requirements, tradition, as well as
the educational philosophies of administrators and teachers. As a
new teacher, your assessment and grading policies need to reect
the culture of your host school. A
valuable rst step is discovering how
the grading culture aects student
assessment practices.
Review the following questions
and select questions to ask a few
administrators, teachers, students,
and parents. Add additional
questions you think are relevant.
How are students assessed?
How frequently is student learning evaluated: daily, with a few
tests, or with an end-of-the-term examination, etc.?
Are points awarded for class participation, group work,
homework, etc.?
Does attendance count in assessment and determining grades?
Are points deducted for late work? If so, how many? Are
students allowed to make up missed work?
Are opportunities provided for extra credit?
Are students allowed to “toss out” a low test, quiz, or assignment?
Are students allowed to retake exams if they do poorly?
How and when are grades communicated to students, parents,
and administrators?
What percentage of students is usually promoted to a
higher class?
Are there any current assessment and grading policies you
would like to see changed?
After completing this activity, work with your counterpart(s) to
develop an assessment and grading plan. Review it with your
supervisor. Once you have a policy for your class, post it and
provide students copies of the policy, or have students write the
policy in their notebooks. Make sure the assessment and grading
policies and practices are clear to your students, as well as to other
teachers, parents, and school administrators.
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Formative Assessment
Formative assessment is the process of collecting information
about students’ performance for the purpose of making
instructional decisions. Timely assessment helps students
and teachers identify where students excel and where they
need additional help. Quizzes, tests, and assignments provide
assessment information, as does informal teacher observation.
Ongoing assessment identies small learning gaps before they
grow into large ones.
Successful assessment begins with learning objectives that
clearly describe what students are expected to learn. Once these
learning objectives are established, you can decide how to assess
student performance.
Eective teachers build formative assessment into their lesson
plans. Ongoing, classroom-based assessment helps teachers
identify how well students are learning and then make
instructional adjustments. Experienced teachers use a variety of
assessment practices throughout
a term so students have multiple
opportunities to demonstrate their
knowledge and skills and teachers
have multiple opportunities to help
students who may need extra help.
After all, a teacher’s main objective
is to teach the prescribed learning
objectives as eectively as possible
to all students. If a teacher is
assessing student progress on an
ongoing basis with a variety of
strategies, students will do better
on whatever nationally prescribed tests are required, and teachers
will know with a greater degree of condence whether or not the
courses goals and objectives have been met.
Keep in mind that assessment that leads to a grade may motivate
students positively or negatively. Grades seen as unfair can
damage student-teacher relationships. The anxiety surrounding
Peace Corps 97
examination grades may cause students to cheat, and there are
many reasons students engage in behavior that we might consider
cheating. By assessing student learning on an ongoing basis,
you and your students will be more condent about the level
of mastery of the material and it may deter cheating. Strategies
to avoid cheating will also be discussed later in this chapter. By
setting clear goals and expectations and assessing progress along
the way, you and your students will have a better idea of what
your students have really learned if cheating is unavoidable, for
whatever reason.
Teachers who assess continuously rather than periodically
reduce the risk of students dropping behind, not having the
knowledge or skills to tackle new material, becoming discipline
problems, or resorting to cheating.
In Kiribati, Volunteer teachers are encouraged to include the
assessment techniques they will use to measure learning objective
attainment in their lesson plans. Assessment techniques can be as
straightforward as asking the class one or two questions at the end
of the period or spot-checking a couple of math problems.
Assessment tools and strategies
There are many ways to gauge student progress quickly. The
following assessment ideas can be adapted to t a variety of age
groups and subjects.
Assessment tools can be used for
pre-assessment (gather baseline data);
monitoring progress (formative assessment); or
post-assessment (evaluation).
Tools to assess and measure learning (or gather evidence)
Tests (national, local, teacher made)
Performances (skits, role plays, etc.)
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Projects and presentations (including models and experiments)
Portfolios with sample work and checklists
Journal entries, writing samples, reports
Interviews (which can also be taped as pre/post
documentation of language or reading prociency)
Strategies to nd out if students feel as if they understand
the content
Which face am I?
Hang three posters in the classroom: one with a smiling face, one
with a neutral face, one with a frowning face. Give each student
a sticky note to stick on the poster that best represents his or her
present understanding of the material.
Classroom opinion polls
Have students line up in the classroom to indicate their present
understanding of a topic from condent” to “needing more time”
to “understand. Variations might include
designating the rooms corners to represent dierent levels of
using physical signals, if culturally appropriate. For example,
ask students to use their thumbs to indicate their level of
condence in their mastery of the material. Thumbs up means
condence is high; thumbs sideways means condence is
so-so; thumbs down means they feel they need more time
to understand. (Adapt as necessary with appropriate hand
signals, or simply use a show of hands for each category.)
Minute paper
Several minutes before the end of class, stop and ask students to
write a minute paper.
Provide variations of the two questions
below for students to address in a couple of minutes. Ask students
to hand in their minute papers before leaving.
What is the most important thing you learned in class today?”
“What questions do you have about the material we covered today?”
1 Angelo, T.A., and K.P. Cross. (1993). Classroom assessment techniques: A handbook
for college teachers. San Francisco: Jossey–Bass.
Peace Corps 99
You can also do this orally. Taking a few minutes to hear how
students respond orally to similar questions can be just as eective
as writing minute papers. This might be a better strategy for
younger students or for students with lower writing prociency.
As you review completed minute papers, compare students
answers to the question What is the most important thing
you learned in class today?” against what you think is the most
important idea of the class. If the
students’ answers match yours, you
have delivered the curriculum with
appropriate balance. If a number
of students mention ideas that you
consider relatively trivial, you have
a clue that you may not be getting
your main points across eectively.
Next, look at students’ responses to
“What questions do you have about
the material we covered today?” If
students’ responses are all over the map, you might conclude that
your class had no major sticking point. But if a number of students
raise questions about a particular point, you know that you may need
to modify your instruction to make that idea more understandable.
Muddiest point
At the end of a class or a lecture, ask students to write for one
or two minutes about the “muddiest point” of the lesson (the
part of the lesson that is still not understood clearly).
papers before students leave, and use the feedback to adjust your
teaching, if necessary.
One sentence summary
Ask students to summarize what they learned in one sentence.
Bell work
Use a bell work question or problem to estimate students
understanding of yesterday’s lesson.
2 Mosteller, Dr. Frederick. The Muddiest Point in the Lecture. The Journal of the
Harvard-Danford Center, Vol. 3, April 1989, Pages 10-21.
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Assessment strategies to nd out if students have learned
the content
Classroom games
Jeopardy, BINGO, or relays where students have to run to get the
right answer, are a few examples. Volunteers who teach English as
a foreign language might also check out Grammar Games [ICE No.
ED102], which has some classic games that could be adapted for
other content subjects, too.
Skits and performances
Invite groups of students to make up and perform a skit depicting
an historical event, environmental concern, parent/youth
discussion, etc., to show their knowledge about the topic or life skill.
Teachers can determine if students are grasping key points correctly
by reading brief summaries of lessons or other things students write
in their journals. Reecting on what they have learned and writing
it in their journal encourages students to develop synthesis and
metacognitive skills.
Journals can be very time-consuming to read and evaluate. If you
do not have time to read and comment on every journal entry, ask
students to put a mark (such as a star or a sticky note) on one or
two entries they would like you to read and evaluate. Comment on
those; skim others if you have time.
K-W-L Chart
Ask students to divide a piece of paper into three columns. Title
the rst column what I know, the second column “what I want to
know and the third column “what I learned.
What I WANT to Know
Figure from Ogle, D.M. (1986). “K-W-L: A teaching model that develops active
reading of expository text. The Reading Teacher, 39, 564.570. http://dx.doi.org/
10.1598/RT.39.6.1. Copyright
International Reading Association. All rights reserved.
Peace Corps 101
Before you start the lesson, activate students’ prior knowledge and
ask them to ll in the “K” column and write all they KNOW about the
topic you are about to teach. Give them a few more minutes to set
learning goals (either collaboratively or individually) and write in the
“W column what they WANT to know
about this subject. Collect the K-W-L
charts and go on with your lesson.
After the lesson (or the unit), return
the papers and ask students to write
in the “L column about what they
have LEARNED about the subject.
After a few minutes of writing, have
students share what they have
written. As students share, invite
the class to add to their own third
column. Give students a few minutes
to think about the subject and add
to their W” column by writing what
else they would like to know. This
could be collected and used to develop further lessons on the topic
or students could be encouraged to do some independent research.
You could also ask students to look back at what they have written in
the rst column and clear up misconceptions or misinformation that
they had before the lesson.
An additional resource is Tools for Teaching Content Literacy [ICE
No. ED226].
For more ideas on grading and assessment, read Chapter 11 of
Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Large Multilevel Classes
[ICE No. M0046].
Using feedback from ongoing assessment
A clear benet to assessing student progress along the way is to be
able to catch students who have not mastered material before moving
on to new material. Once learning gaps are identied, you can modify
new lessons or perhaps use some of these ideas to ll in those gaps.
Pair students who have mastered the material with students
who need additional help and oer some peer-teaching time
in class or after class.
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If team teaching, have one teacher take aside a group of
students who need additional time on a subject and work
with those students.
Consider re-teaching a topic using a dierent instruction method.
Arrange more practice by preparing an additional homework
assignment or an additional brief review in class.
Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, there are no hard-and-
fast rules about the best way to grade. Grading is an evaluation
process—judgments are made about the value of a student’s work
and points or grades are assigned.
Grades are used to
inform the teacher about what students have or have not learned.
stimulate and encourage good work by students.
improve students’ capacity to reect and evaluate their learning.
select individuals for continued education or recognition.
For some students, grades are also a sign of approval or
disapproval—students take them very personally. Because grades
aect students’ lives, teachers have a responsibility to develop
and communicate a clear, rational grading policy—a policy that
students, parents, and school administrators consider fair.
When assigning grades, apply the mantra:
Be clear! Be fair! Be consistent!
A clear, fair, culturally appropriate evaluation policy makes grading
easier. And, if you grade carefully and consistently, you can reduce
the number of students and parents who ask you to defend a grade.
Use the activity completed at the beginning of this chapter to
identify culturally appropriate grading practices at your host school.
Peace Corps 103
How Do I Handle Grading?
Grading can often be a source of stress at school, especially at the
end of a semester or term. Students who did not do so well in the
beginning of the term suddenly feel pressure from their parents or
classmates. They may feel pressure to make up for lost time.
The following tips will help you avoid discrepancies in grading:
Know the rules. Generally, American teachers use more
assessments and provide more grades per term than host teachers.
Be aware of this as you grade your students, and make sure you
understand the grading terms set by the Ministry of Education.
Negotiate with your teaching partner(s) how you will assess and
grade students.
Make your grading criteria clear. When you give an assignment,
let students know what is expected before beginning the
assignment. Tell students what you are looking for in an
assignment before they begin working and make sure they
understand your expectations and how it will be graded.
Explain your grading system. Whether you grade on a point
system or with a rubric, be sure your students know how your
system works from the very beginning of the term. If you explain
to them how you calculate their grades, it may help promote
self-discipline in terms of staying on top of their grades. In some
countries, the students keep a journal or special book to keep track
of their grades.
Post your grading policy. Your grading policy should be posted
and available for students, parents, and administrators.
Have parents sign tests. After you have returned an assignment
or test with the grade written on it, have your students get their
parents’ signature and return it to you. Keep the assignment and
test on record in the event of any future dispute about the grade.
(Tip: Find out if this would be culturally acceptable in your school.)
—Adapted from Peace Corps/Bulgaria
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Student-friendly grading practices
Oer alternative assignments to demonstrate the
understanding of a concept or mastery of a skill. Student
portfolios are one way to implement this idea.
Assure consistency by using a scoring guide or rubric.
Familiarize yourself with the question format of national
examinations. Use similar formats with classroom assessments
to help students gain prociency in taking the exams.
Ask your counterpart or another teacher to review some
papers you have scored or graded to determine if your
scoring/grading is consistent with the norms in your school.
Highlight what a student did well in addition to items that
were wrong or need improvement.
Rubrics help remove some of the subjectivity of grading. A
well-developed rubric helps the teacher and student see
areas of strength and weakness and allows students to focus
on areas that need improvement. Rubrics help teachers
monitor individual and class progress on learning objectives
so teachers can adjust instruction accordingly. (See samples
at end of chapter.)
Retest on the same material a week or so later, after
providing additional assistance, when most of the class does
poorly on a test.
If students complain, have them write out the specics of their
complaint or justication for a grade change before you begin
discussing a complaint.
Peace Corps 105
Cultural note: Final grades are not always a teacher’s
prerogative. In some countries where Volunteers teach, final
grades are based on national examinations which favor
students with good reading and test-taking skills. National
exams may be given in a country’s second official language—
so proficiency in the test language sometimes becomes more
important than knowledge of the subject.
Students may be beaten by parents if they do not achieve an
expected grade.
Because resources are limited, only a few students may be allowed
to pass national examinations, even though others have the skills
and ability to succeed at the next level of education.
Gender inequity may affect grades. In certain societies, girls
are at a disadvantage when they miss school or have little
study time due to heavy household responsibilities or when
a family feels a son’s education is more important than a
daughter’s. In other societies (South Pacific societies are
examples), boys’ grades tend to be lower than girls’ because
families grant boys more freedom. Absenteeism and lack
of attention to homework are reflected in lower grades and
reduce the boys’ opportunities for higher education.
In many countries where Volunteers serve, grades play a big
role in denying or permitting students’ access to the next level
of education. The pressure to succeed can cause great anxiety
among teachers, students, parents, and administrators. This
may lead to cheating on the students’ part, or bending and/or
manipulating rules and policies by teachers, administrators,
and parents.
Volunteers often cringe when students’ grades are publicly
announced, from highest to lowest in the class, at end-of-school
assemblies or published in the paper. This practice may be a
longstanding tradition in the community.
Some Volunteers have reported that teachers accept payment
for higher grades or that grades are given based on the
standing of a student’s family in the community.
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Culturally based grading practices viewed as unfair may cause
Volunteers a considerable amount of stress. Railing about these
inequities rarely results in change. A better approach is to model
more eective assessment practices and to keep reminding
yourself: A mountain is climbed one step at a time.
Time-saving grading tips
Have students exchange papers and score or correct each
others quizzes and homework as you review them. This
practice also reinforces correct answers.
Establish and teach a standard procedure for the placement
of names and dates on student papers. Assign each student
a number that corresponds to his or her name in your grade
book, and have students place their numbers, as well as their
names, on all papers. This facilitates sorting and recording
and enables classroom assistants to do these tasks with
greater accuracy.
Lay ve or so papers side by side and grade all of one question
or problem before moving to the next. This technique saves
time and increases grading consistency.
Most Volunteers will have to deal with cheating within their
classrooms and will nd that the issue has cultural implications
that may be new and foreign to them. However, it is a student
behavior that is better addressed through understanding and
prevention, rather than punishment.
How does cheating aect individual and group learning?
Students do not remember as well when they copy from
others as when they do their own work.
Students are aware when cheating is allowed to occur—the
teacher’s credibility is diminished, honest students are
disadvantaged, and they may feel compelled to cheat just to
keep up.
Unchecked cheating can become an individual and/or group
habit that erodes students motivation to learn.
Peace Corps 107
Cultural note: Motivation for behaviors perceived as cheating
probably differ in individualistic and cooperative cultures.
Also, cultural norms play a major role in determining what
behaviors are labeled “cheating.”
In a discussion with students, David Callahan, author of
“The Cheating Culture: Why More Americans Are Doing Wrong
to Get Ahead,” identified three forces driving widespread
cheating in the individualistic U.S. culture:
1. a focus on money and winning;
2. fear and insecurity (employment is less secure; students are
afraid they cannot get into or pay for good schools); and
3. sleeping watchdogs (those who should enforce a level
playing field in society are not doing their jobs).
Loss of face and cooperative values are two of the forces that
drive cheating in other societies. For example, in many countries
students must excel on national tests in order to get into good
schools and universities. In other countries, education is the one
area where individuals can excel above others.
First try to understand WHY students cheat, WHAT is considered
cheating, and HOW cheating takes place before planning how you
will prevent cheating in your classroom.
Brainstorm with your teaching counterparts about
what is considered cheating in your own respective
cultures and why students cheat.
3 Callahan, David. “On Campus: Author Discusses the Cheating Culture with
College Students. Plagiary, Vol. 1, No. 4 (2006), Pages 4-5.
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108 Peace Corps
Through your discussion with your counterparts, you are likely
to nd that students cheat” for several reasons, although the
behavior might not be considered cheating in the same way that
we think of it in the United States.
Understanding Cheating
Conduct this activity in your classroom at the beginning
of the term to help you and your students develop a better
understanding of the concept of cheating. Note: Consider having
your teacher counterpart conduct this activity if it is culturally
more appropriate or if language barriers make discussion dicult.
Instructions: Give small groups time to discuss the three
questions below. Ask each small group to present its list to the
whole group.
Discuss the lists’ similarities and dierences and what might be
done to reduce or eliminate the reasons for cheating.
What actions
are considered
What are the top
ve reasons
students cheat?
How does
cheating aect
student learning?
From your discussion with counterparts and students you may
discover that:
In highly collaborative cultures students are expected to help
one another. They want to support their friends or siblings to
succeed (which is often focused on test scores/grades rather
than focused on the learning process).
Students often take entrance exams to be in a good school
and those who get in to the good schools are considered
especially smart and clever within their communities. Teachers,
Peace Corps 109
administrators, parents, and other students expect them to
always get good grades. If one of these students is struggling,
others may feel obliged to help them. In such a case, changing
grades or promoting a student is not considered cheating.
In many countries students are placed in classes geared
toward one academic prole, such as mathematics, science,
social studies, humanities, etc. These students typically will
do well within their prole, but they may struggle in other
subjects. For example, a gifted physics student may perform
poorly on English exams. These students feel compelled to
get high grades in all subjects so they can continue to higher
levels, so teachers, students, and parents might go to great
lengths to make sure the science whiz also gets top grades in
English, even if his/her work is not strong in that area.
Keep in mind that in the end, cheaters only cheat themselves,
and as dicult as it might be, in some cases it may simply be
easiest to let it go.
—Peace Corps/Bulgaria Volunteer
Be slow to make judgments. Remember, school administrators,
teachers, and students in other cultures do things in certain ways
because it works for them. Your methods may be better for you,
but maybe not for them. By all means, share your ideas, but don’t
be surprised if they are not enthusiastically received.
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110 Peace Corps
Counterpart-Volunteer Teacher Activity
Along with your counterpart(s), read the following
critical incidents from Peace Corps/Ukraine and
Peace Corps/Mauritania. Write down what you
would do, and discuss your answers together. Try
to agree on teacher actions that support student
learning and are culturally appropriate.
You teach more than one section of the same class. After you have
given a few quizzes, you begin to notice that the students in the class
at the end of the day consistently perform better than the students in
the earlier class. You realize that students who have taken your quiz
are revealing the quiz questions to students who have not yet taken
it. (What do you do?)
During the class you noticed that the student answering your
question was actually reading the whole answer from an open
notebook on her neighbors desk. (What will you do?)
It is the beginning of the school year and you are administering
your rst quiz. You notice that many of the students are cheating
by looking at each others papers. The class consists of 50 students
sitting very close to each other on benches. There is neither space nor
extra benches to separate students. (What will you do?)
You collect a homework assignment and notice that nearly every one is
identical, down to the incorrect answers. You realize that many students
have copied their homework from one student. (What do you do?)
Ideas to prevent cheating
Volunteer teachers in many countries have faced the problem
of cheating and have developed numerous creative cheating-
prevention tactics and some suggested consequences. Adapt the
ideas you feel comfortable with and that have merit in the cultural
context of your host country.
Peace Corps 111
Before you administer your rst exam
Make sure that your test accurately represents what you
have taught and that it isn’t too dicult. Utilize spot-check
assessment strategies prior to big exams to make sure your
students are prepared.
Discuss policies concerning cheating with your director
and/or other teachers in your school before implementing
innovative ideas.
Dene and, if necessary, demonstrate what cheating is before
the rst quiz or examination. Discuss what you consider
cheating, what is unacceptable, and what you expect from
your students. Be sure the consequences for cheating are clear.
Discuss personal responsibility and accountability as
important life skills.
Provide a grading rubric so students will know the factors on
which they will be evaluated.
Post rules about cheating and review them briey before
each test.
Establish your exam-taking policies prior to exam time. For
example, if you will not allow visits to the restroom during the
exam, let your students know in advance.
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112 Peace Corps
Make adjustments as you go
Give a “practice test to assess the cheating situation. Modify
future tests accordingly.
Give questions that require short answers rather than ll-in-
the-blank or multiple-choice tests so it isn’t easy to copy.
Ask students to keep their exam papers covered with a piece
of extra paper to keep neighbors from easily seeing their
exam papers.
Make multiple versions of the test.
Use positive reinforcement (or incentives) to encourage
students not to cheat (e.g., if no one is caught cheating during
a test, the class will get to see a movie/DVD the next afternoon).
Evaluate creatively
Use alternatives to tests. A review game is often as eective as
a quiz.
Capitalize on students willingness to help each other succeed.
Give a test to be completed as a group eort. You will learn a
lot about your students as you monitor the group work.
Allow students to come into the test with cheat sheets”—
notes that they are allowed to use during the test. For
example, students may bring in two 3-by-5 cards with notes
written on them, or give an open-note test” where they may
use all of their notes from class. This may allay some of the
anxiety that test taking provokes. And, the process of making
the note cards supports review and learning!
When possible, give exams that include short essay questions
or require personal-experience answers so that students must
give original ideas.
Use a rubric that is distributed before an exam or project. After
the exam, have students exchange papers and evaluate based
on the rubric.
Change things up, move things around
Ask another teacher to come in and help you administer and
observe during an exam, particularly if you have a large class.
Have students place their book bags between themselves and
their neighbors to provide a bit of a physical barrier.
Peace Corps 113
Change the seating assignment on exam days—perhaps
alternate boys and girls in a row (or alternate boy bench, girl
bench). Separate friends.
On exam days, move to a larger space and spread out, or build
more benches to give students more room.
Move repeat oenders—preferably closer to you.
Monitor students closely, and if you see wandering eyes, take
out your red pen. Sometimes this silent caution is enough to
keep eyes where they should be.
Rearrange seating so students are not seated near each other.
For example: facing outward in a circle so they cannot see the
person next to them; seat students in rows far apart, etc.
Move around during the test so you have many dierent views
of students.
Consequences for cheating
It is easier and more pleasant in the classroom if negative behavior,
including cheating, is prevented, but this is not always possible.
You must be ready, willing, and able to assign appropriate
consequences when cheating is observed. Remember to be fair
and consistent in your approach to all students.
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114 Peace Corps
Suggested consequences
Discuss the problem with the student outside of class. Give the
student a chance to explain the behavior and tell the student
what will happen in the future if this behavior occurs again.
Take away privileges, give detention, void the test for
everyone, or don’t let the student participate in a special
event, etc.
For widespread cheating, give a new assignment or exam, or
fail everyone, if culturally acceptable in your school.
Cheating on homework assignments or class assignments
Give a failing grade (or do not give a grade) on the original
assignment and have the student complete the same or
equivalent task after school, under supervision. Determine if
you will give full credit or partial credit for the eort.
Cheating on exams
Warn your students prior to the exam that anyone caught
cheating will automatically receive a failing grade on the
exam—stick to this policy if you catch someone cheating.
Peace Corps 115
If you see someone cheating, quietly remind the whole class
during the exam that cheating is not acceptable. If the student
persists, consider taking his or her paper away, if it would be
culturally acceptable.
Take test paper away, but give a new one and allow the
student to start over using only the remaining time.
Write a red question mark on the top of the students test
as a warning. Allow one or two red question marks before
revoking the examination at the third instance of cheating.
—Adapted from Peace Corps posts in Bulgaria, Mauritania, Mozambique, and Nepal
It is not realistic to expect that you will be able to stop all cheating.
But you can model professional assessment and grading practices
that facilitate learning and increase awareness of how cheating
diminishes a student’s ability to learn.
Examples and Tools
Sample Rubrics
Rubrics are useful tools to use when trying to communicate your
expectations to students about their work. Develop a rubric before
you teach a particular topic and before you assign a project. Review
the rubric with students prior to starting the unit or project and
describe what kind of work product will result in a particular rubric
score. When possible, review with your students examples of papers
or projects that received certain rubric scores. For example, what
would a paper need to look like in order to score a “4” or “advanced”
on any of the rubrics below? If the answer is clear in your mind and
in your students’ minds, you will grade more consistently and your
students will have a better idea of what is expected of their work.
Students will also have a clearer understanding of why their paper
was scored the way it was, and areas in which they need to improve
to receive a higher rubric score.
Rubrics can be simple or detailed depending on the assignment.
Here are two math rubrics, one detailed and one simple. Adapt
the language in the rubrics to better describe an assignment in
your classroom.
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116 Peace Corps
Math (Detailed)
Holistic Scale
Score Description of Score
4 Uses mathematical language (terms, symbols, signs, and/or representations)
that is highly eective, accurate, and thorough, to describe operations,
concepts, and processes.
3 Uses mathematical language (terms, symbols, signs, and/or representations)
that is partially eective, accurate, and thorough to describe operations,
concepts and processes.
2 Uses mathematical language (terms, symbols, signs and/or representations)
that is minimally eective and accurate, to describe operations, concepts,
and processes.
1 An incorrect response—attempt is made.
0 O task, o topic, illegible, blank or insucient to score.
Source: Maryland State Department of Education, Sample activities, student
responses and Maryland teachers’ comments on a sample task: Mathematics Grade 8,
February 1991.
Math (Simple)
Holistic Scale
Score Description of Score
3 Response is exemplary, detailed, and clear
2 Response is generally correct
1 Response is partially correct, but lacks clarity
0 No response or response is incorrect
Source: Temple Independent School District, Temple, Texas.
You can score assignments using more than one scale with a
rubric. The previous math rubrics scored assignments using only
one scale. The technical writing rubric below scores papers on ve
dierent scales (or characteristics). You can adapt the language of
each of the characteristics to suit the assignment you are giving to
your students, alter the characteristics you will be grading, or adapt
the language to better suit the grade level you are teaching.
Peace Corps 117
Rubric for Technical Writing
Format Content
Research and
Interpret Data/
in a clear,
appropriate, and
precise manner.
Material content
is clear, relevant,
accurate, and
Enhance the
readability of the
of data or
Analysis and
are based on
vocabulary and
terms associated
with the subject
material in an
manner, but may
lack some clarity
or consistency.
Presents basic
but may have
Material is
appropriate, but
may lack a clear
connection to
the purpose.
Minor errors
are present,
but they do not
detract from the
readability of the
interprets data
or information,
but analysis or
conclusion may
not be supported
by research.
present, or
limited use of
Little evidence
of a cohesive
plan. Little or no
description or
Ideas seem
jumbled, or
Little evidence
of appropriate
Little or no
evidence of
correct writing.
Poor conventions
seriously limit
the paper’s
interprets data
or information
with little or
no analysis or
conclusion. Little
or no evidence
of research
vocabulary and
use occurs.
Source: Independent School District 196, Rosemount, Minnesota.
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Create your own rubric
Again, rubrics can be simple or detailed, depending on the
assignment given. Typically, the rubric should be similar in complexity
to the task assigned—a simple rubric for a minor assignment; a more
detailed rubric for a lengthier, more complex project. As always,
make sure that the use of a rubric is culturally accepted and
appropriate before implementing it in your classroom.
Score Description of Score
Above and beyond
Solid understanding
Almost there
Try again
Score Description of Score
Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic
Advanced (or 4)
Adept (or 3)
Beginning (or 2)
Remedial (or 1)
Use rubrics creatively
Rubrics can be used creatively, and in every subject area. For
example, you can develop a classroom behavior rubric and use
it with your whole class. Determine with your class what kind of
behavior would merit a score of “4 (and “3”, etc.) and develop a rubric
together. At the end of each day, or each week, have the students
grade their classroom behavior according to the rubric and ask them
to tell you why they assigned themselves that grade. They will need
to think of specic examples to support their grade and in doing
so will become more conscious of their behavior. Set up a reward
system for consistently high rubric scores to motivate students.
Peace Corps 119
C H A P T E R 6
Checking Your Progress
Pause periodically to monitor your classroom management skills
and encourage your counterparts or team teachers to do the same.
Adapted below is a tool that Peace Corps/China developed
for Volunteers to monitor their progress throughout the year.
Complete the exercise by considering each element below and
marking your score on the graph. Repeat several times during the
rst year to see how you are doing. The list may help you isolate
classroom management issues on which you could improve.
Managing My Classroom
Analyze your use of classroom management practices by placing a check in the appropriate column
after each item. Then add your checks in each column (score four points for each usually, two
points for each “sometimes, and zero points for each never”). Enter the date you did the analysis
and your score on the chart above.
Usually Sometimes Never
1. I get students’ attention before
giving instructions. ______ ______ ______
2. I wait for students to pay attention rather
than talk over chatter. ______ ______ ______
3. I quickly get students on task. ______ ______ ______
4. I give clear and specic directions. ______ ______ ______
5. I set explicit time limits for task completion. ______ ______ ______
6. I circulate among students at work. ______ ______ ______
7. I hold private conversations/conferences
before or after class. ______ ______ ______
8. I model courtesy and politeness. ______ ______ ______
9. I use a quiet voice in the classroom. ______ ______ ______
10. I use a variety of cues to remind students
of expected behavior. ______ ______ ______
11. I teach students my cues. ______ ______ ______
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120 Peace Corps
Usually Sometimes Never
12. I enrich my classroom (with posters, visual
aids, etc.) to improve students’ motivation. ______ ______ ______
13. I remove distractions from my classroom to
improve attention. ______ ______ ______
14. I am aware of the eects of my dress, voice,
and movements on student behavior. ______ ______ ______
15. I use students’ names as a subtle way to
correct for inattention. ______ ______ ______
16. I use the proximity of my body to improve
classroom control. ______ ______ ______
17. I communicate positive expectations of
good behavior in my class. ______ ______ ______
18. I have clear and specic rules that I teach
my students. ______ ______ ______
19. I refuse to threaten or plead with my students. ______ ______ ______
20. I consistently follow through with
consequences to enforce rules. ______ ______ ______
21. I express my expectations in rst-person
terms (“I want you to use only English
during this exercise”) to tell students what
I want them to do. ______ ______ ______
22. I use rst-person terms (“I need you to listen
to each other”) to communicate my feelings. ______ ______ ______
23. I respond to behavior I like with specic
personal praise. ______ ______ ______
24. I use nonverbal and social actions to
reinforce behavior of which I approve. ______ ______ ______
25. I use this specic technique that works well:
_________________________ ______ ______ ______
Total checks per column ______ ______ ______
Total points per column x4= x2= x0=
Total score (enter on progress chart) ______ ______ ______
+ + =
Peace Corps 121
Use of Classroom Management Techniques
high 90-100
low 49 or less
Checking Your Progress
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Peace Corps 123
Culture and the Ideal Teacher/Classroom is a session that trainees
and their supervisors/counterparts have done as a part of the end-
of-pre-service training supervisor/counterpart workshop. Perhaps
you can adapt it to use with your counterpart(s).
Culture and the Ideal Teacher/Classroom
Adapted from Peace Corps/Ethiopia
This session explores the cultural dierences related to education
and schools. It allows trainees and supervisors to recognize the
gaps that may exist between their educational ideals.
1 hour and 30 minutes
Participants will be able to:
Draw a picture representing their ideal teacher and
ideal classroom.
Make observations about their drawings, deducing basic
cultural and value-based dierences between the host country
and American classrooms.
Briey review the potential results of such dierences.
Share personal experiences in which they came into conict
with a Volunteer because of dierent educational ideals.
Discuss strategies for minimizing conict between supervisors
and Volunteers.
Flip chart paper, markers
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124 Peace Corps
1. Divide participants into small groups according to
nationality. Distribute a piece of ip chart paper and crayons
to each group. Ask participants to draw a picture of their
ideal teacher and/or ideal classroom. Encourage participants
to be imaginative and include anything that they think
represents the ideal teacher/classroom. Allow approximately
15 minutes for this.
2. At the end of the given time, ask each group to hang its
drawing on the wall. Divide and label the wall: one for the
host country supervisors’ drawings and one for the American
trainees’ drawings.
3. Invite all participants to come to the front of the class and look
at the artistic exhibition of the ideal teacher/classroom. Allow
enough time so everyone can look at and analyze all drawings.
4. Discuss the following questions:
Are there any dierences between the host country and
American drawings? If so, what are they?
How did the supervisors represent the classroom/teacher/
students? The trainees?
What objects are present in one group that are not as
prevalent in the other?
Why might these dierences exist?
What cultural beliefs or values may be responsible for
these dierences?
5. Using the answers provided by participants to the above
questions, explain that our ideals—everything we believe
to be the best—are based on our culture. In this country,
there may be a strong value placed on a teacher-centered
classroom, while in the U.S. more value may be placed on a
student-centered classroom. One is not necessarily better than
the other; they are just dierent.
Peace Corps 125
6. Briey review the session on direct/indirect communication,
asking participants what could potentially happen when two
dierent cultural values come into contact. [Conict.] Ask why
this conict occurs. [People believe that their value is best.]
7. Ask supervisors to share any value-based experiences of conict
that occurred in their schools with Peace Corps teachers. In
addition, ask any participating Volunteers to share conicts
that they experienced because of this dierence in ideals.
8. Conclude by stating that cultural beliefs and values are deeply
rooted. It is not realistic to expect Volunteers to transform
their classrooms into their ideal. Similarly, supervisors should
not expect Volunteers to teach exactly like their host country
colleagues. Peace Corps Volunteers have something dierent
to oer their students, and they need to do this within the
context of the host country school. The challenge is for Peace
Corps Volunteers and supervisors to work together to create
a shared ideal, a fusion or hybrid of both American and host
country ideals.
Excerpted from Working with Supervisors and Counterparts, Washington, DC: Peace
Corps, 2002. Pages 70-71. [ICE No. T0121]
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126 Peace Corps
Dont Hit and Dont Shout
Peace Corps/Kiribati
This pamphlet is for parents, teachers, head teachers, and principals.
Young children often misbehave because they are bored, sick, tired,
or want your attention. Teachers and parents may feel annoyed if
they misbehave when you are trying to teach a class or are busy
cooking, working in the garden, shing, talking with other adults, or
during a school assembly, church service or community meeting.
This pamphlet talks about
Why you shouldn’t hit or shout at children
What to do if you nd yourself about to hit a child
Disciplining children without hitting and shouting
What to do if you nd yourself about to hit a child
Children learn by copying your behavior, so the best form of
discipline is to teach them by setting a good example.
This means encouraging good behavior by showing and telling
children what is expected and then praising them for doing it.
So, what can you do if you find yourself about to hit or shout
at a child?
Move away from the child
Take time to calm down and think about how you can
best respond
Go back to the child and talk calmly and clearly about why you
didn’t like his or her behavior
Ask the child why he/she behaved that way
Tell the child that you know he or she can show better behavior
Tell the child the behavior made you upset and worried
Ask the child what you can do to help him or her behave properly
Peace Corps 127
Make sure the punishment you choose is fair (see next page
for ideas)
Get help—talk to another adult if you can
Disciplining children without hitting and shouting
Set simple rules and limits and make sure the child knows them
Give children the opportunity to discuss issues and make
decisions together
Praise and encourage good behavior
Address misbehavior by
Withdrawing privileges
Having the child spend time away from the class or family area
in a safe place
Criticizing the behavior, not the child (Say: That behavior is
not OK!” not You are hopeless!”)
Here are some things children in the Pacic had to say about
what adults could do to help them behave.
“Show me what you want.
“Don’t expect me to do things I can’t do.
“Don’t scream at me—just tell me.
“Don’t put me down, tease me or insult me.
“Be sure I understand why I am being punished.
“Keep your promises.
“Say you are sorry when you get things wrong.
“Don’t overreact to my mistakes.
“Have a sense of humor.
“Be rm when you need to, but don’t be nasty.
Why you should not hit or shout at children
Everyone has the right to feel safe from harm. Hitting and shouting
at people causes harm. Children are people too; they are also the
smallest and most fragile in your community. Hitting children of
any age is never OK.
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128 Peace Corps
Hitting and shouting at children
is scary for children and makes them feel insecure, unloved
and sad;
sets a bad example of how to handle strong emotions;
encourages children to shout, hit, and bully others in the
school yard or in the family; and
encourages children to tell lies and hide their feelings to avoid
further hitting and shouting.
If you hit and shout at children, they learn that
violence is acceptable;
the strong and big may hit or shout at the weak and small; and
adults can win through violence.
Information from UNICEF
Translated by Peace Corps/Kiribati, November 2005
Peace Corps 129
Materials Available Through Information
Collection and Exchange
Adapting Environmental Education Materials. Peace Corps, 1999. [ICE No. M0059]
This publication walks Volunteers through the steps of evaluating the appropriateness of existing
materials to their school setting, determining how useful materials can be adapted, and making
those adaptations. It also includes training sessions for skill development and worldwide examples
of adaptations to simpler and fewer materials, to local realities, to traditional classroom subjects,
and to nonformal youth programs. This is an excellent resource for anyone who teaches. It is
a companion to Environmental Education in the Schools, [ICE No. M0044] and Environmental
Education in the Community [ICE No. M0075].
Classroom Management that Works: Research-based Strategies for Every Teacher. Robert
J. Marzano, Jana S. Marzano, Debra J. Pickering. ASCD. 2003. [ICE No. ED218]
Available to Information Resource Centers only.
This book draws from more than 100 studies of classroom management to explain the four most
important general components of eective classroom management and their impact on student
engagement and achievement. It describes the action steps teachers need to take to establish
rules and procedures, use eective disciplinary interventions, build positive student-teacher
relationships, and develop a sound mental set to get through the most dicult situations.
Real classroom stories illustrate how to get every class o to a good start, involve students in
classroom management and develop eective schoolwide management policies.
Community Content-based Instruction (CCBI) Manual. Peace Corps, 2004. [ICE No. T0112]
These materials are based on the CCBI approach of using local indigenous knowledge and
easily accessible resources to make classroom subject matter more relevant to students while
engaging community members in ongoing learning experiences. This can be the best of “place-
based” learning for youth or adults, along with community outreach in any sector. See also the
participants guide: Working with CCBI: Volunteer Workbook [ICE No. M0073].
Culture Matters: The Peace Corps Cross-Cultural Workbook. Peace Corps, 1997. [ICE No. T0087]
This illustrated, practical, interactive workbook for Volunteers in all projects guides the reader
through the cross-cultural experience, the major concepts in the intercultural eld, and presents
exercises, stories, quotations and descriptive text designed to aid the Volunteer in successfully
adapting to a new culture. The workbook helps Volunteers examine the behaviors and values of
people in other countries and oers ways to compare their behavior to that of Americans. The
workbook is an excellent resource for trainers and Volunteers. Also available in Spanish, La Cultura
Si Importa [ICE No. T0120].
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130 Peace Corps
Doing without the Photocopier for A to Z: 26 Creative Ideas for Reuseable Language
Games and Activities. Elaine Kirn. Authors and Editors. 1995. [ICE No. ED197]
This publication provides the reader with ways to save time, money, and energy by creating
materials without photocopying them. It also gives reasons why photocopying in many instances
is illegal, and gives readers steps to produce materials using their own methods.
Nonformal Education Manual. Peace Corps, 2004. [ICE No. M0042]
The content of the Nonformal Education Manual is grounded in the theory and practice of some
of the great educational thinkers of our time, including Paolo Freire, Howard Gardner, David
Kolb, Malcolm Knowles, and Bernice McCarthy. This new manual includes information from
previous Peace Corps publications, as well as current research from the eld of education. There
are eld-tested ideas, activities, and tips drawn from the experiences of Peace Corps Volunteers
and sta around the world. Not only for education Volunteers, this manual will help any
Volunteer who has to teach, train or facilitate in the eld. See also Audio Visual Communication
Handbook [ICE No. M0020] and Community Content Based Instruction (CCBI) Instruction Manual
[ICE No. T0112].
Idea Book Series: PACA Idea Book: Using Participatory Analysis for Community Action.
Peace Corps. 2005. [ICE No. M0086]
Since PACA has now been used in the agency for many years, this idea book was designed to
give a focused history and description of PACA, while sharing excellent examples from the eld
that illustrate how Volunteers and their communities, host country organizations, and Peace
Corps projects have used these tools successfully. This book is intended for use by Volunteers to
complement pre-service training they received from trainers using the Participatory Analysis for
Community Action (PACA) Training Manual [ICE No. M0053]. It is also intended to supplement
exercises in the core pre-service training manual Roles of the Volunteer in Development: Toolkits
for Building Capacity [ICE No. T0005]; or reinforce foundational skills during or prior to in-service
training—complementing The New Project Design and Management Workshop Training Manual
[ICE No. T0107].
Sources of Donated Books. Peace Corps, 2008. [ICE No. RE003]
This publication helps Volunteers identify organizations that can provide books and other educational
resources to their communities. It provides contact information and guidance on how Volunteers and
their community partners can submit requests and receive donations from the organizations listed,
and it emphasizes the importance of sustainability in library development activities.
Sources of Free Periodicals and Databases. Peace Corps, 2007. [ICE No. RE007]
This guide is compiled by Peace Corps ICE to provide Volunteers with information on accessing
free periodicals, databases, and CD-ROMs that can oer helpful information for primary and
secondary projects. Both print and digital titles are included. Volunteers involved with library or
resource center development will nd this manual of particular value, together with Sources of
Donated Books [ICE No. RE003].
Peace Corps 131
Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Large Multilevel Classes.
Peace Corps, 1992. [ICE No. M0046]
This publication draws on suggestions from Volunteers working under dicult conditions with
limited resources. In particular, it oers ideas and activities to help teachers facing classes of up
to 150 students, most without textbooks. Content addresses issues such as student interests and
needs, classroom management, theme-based lesson planning, the national curricula, emphasis
on rote memorization, and resistance to group work. It aids Volunteers in creating classrooms
where students are given opportunities to think critically, work cooperatively, and enjoy the
experience of learning.
Teaching Multilevel Classes in ESL. Jill Sinclair Bell. Pippin Publishing. 2004. [ICE No. ED223]
This is an updated resource book for teachers working with adults in ESL. It provides concrete
suggestions for dierentiating instruction for adult learners and uses relevant examples for
adults learning a second language.
The First Days of School. Harry K. Wong and Rosemary T. Wong. Harry K. Wong
Publications. 2004. [ICE No. ED222]
This is considered by many to be the pre-eminent book on classroom management and lesson
mastery. The book walks a teacher, either novice or veteran, through the most eective ways to
begin a school year and continue to become an eective teacher. This is a basic book on how to
teach. The book includes units on: characteristics of an eective teacher; motivating and inspiring
students; managing uncontrollable classrooms; getting assignments done and passing exams;
and teacher as professional educator.
The World Map Project Handbook. Peace Corps, 1994. [ICE No. R0088]
This handbook is based on The World Map Project Manual by Returned Volunteer Barbara Jo
White and began as a World Wise Schools study guide. It describes procedures for using a grid to
construct a world map, along with complementary activities for teaching geography. Users need
few materials and can adapt the project to their community, country or region. Drawings, maps
and grids are included.
Tools for Teaching Content Literacy. Janet Allen. Stenhouse Publishers. 2004. [ICE No. ED226]
The author calls this thin publication a ip chart. It presents eective instructional strategies to help
students overcome challenges they face in content reading and writing. Each strategy is covered in
one page, which includes a description, when and why you might use it, an example of its use in a
classroom, and reference to the research related to its use. Many of the strategies include the use of
a form to organize information. Forms are in the appendix and may be copied. This is an excellent
resource for anyone who teaches.
Working with CCBI Volunteer Workbook. Peace Corps, 2004. [ICE No. M0073]
These materials are based on the Community Content-Based Instruction (CCBI) approach of using
local indigenous knowledge and easily accessible resources to make classroom subject matter
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132 Peace Corps
more relevant to students while engaging community members in ongoing learning experiences.
This can be the best of “place-based” learning for youth or adults, along with community
outreach in any sector. Also see the trainer’s guide: Community Content-Based Instruction (CCBI)
Manual [ICE No. T0112].
Working with Supervisors and Counterparts. Peace Corps, 2002. [ICE No. T0121]
Working with Supervisors and Counterparts is organized into three parts. Part I addresses the
importance of working with supervisors and counterparts in capacity-building partnerships;
provides various ways in which the partner relationships may be dened; and indicates how these
local partners can be included in the two-year programming and training cycle of a Volunteer.
Part II provides a sample one-day workshop for supervisors and counterparts, as well as additional
training ideas and sessions. Part III is a sample handbook for supervisors and counterparts, which
provides a template, standard information, and suggested post-specic information.