Example – Your Most
Fertile Days May Vary
From Cycle to Cycle
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Your 2 most
fertile days
Day of cycle
LH surge
Start daily tests
on Day 9
LH level
o LH Sur
e LH Sur
When you’ve made up your mind that it is time to have a
baby, you can use the Clearblue® Easy Ovulation Test to
identify the most fertile days in your cycle. This is the time
when you are most likely to become pregnant. The Clearblue®
Easy Ovulation Test is quick and simple to use:
• requires only one easy step
• 99% accurate in detecting the LH surge
• gives you a clear result in just 3 minutes
• allows you to test any time of day
The test works by detecting an increase (surge) in the amount
of luteinizing hormone (LH) in your urine. LH is always there
in your urine, but the level increases suddenly about
24 – 36 hours before the release of an egg from your ovaries.
The release of an egg is known as ovulation.
When you are ready to begin testing, open the foil
wrapper. Remove the test stick and take o the cap.
With the tip pointing downwards, hold the absorbent tip in
your urine stream for 5 seconds only. (Alternatively you may
wish to collect a sample of your urine in a clean dry container
and immerse just the absorbent tip in the urine for
20 seconds).
Still keeping the tip pointing downwards, remove the
absorbent tip from the urine. You may now replace the cap,
while holding the test stick with the tip pointing down. (Note
that replacing the cap is not necessary for the test to work
correctly). Place the test stick down on a flat surface until the
test is complete.
The results can be read at any time between 3 and 10 minutes
after performing the test.
Discard the test after 10 minutes.
Look at the Result Window and compare the Surge Line to the
Reference Line.
The line next to the arrow is the ‘Surge Line’ which indicates
the level of LH in your urine.
The line furthest away from the arrow is the ‘Reference Line’.
You should compare the ‘Reference Line’ with the ‘Surge Line’.
The ‘Reference Line’ also indicates that you have conducted
the test correctly.
Here are examples of the results that you can expect to see.
If the Surge Line is a lighter shade than the
Reference Line or there is no Surge Line
present, then you have not begun your LH
surge and you should continue with daily
If the Surge Line is similar to, or darker than
the Reference Line, then you have detected
your LH surge. You should ovulate within the
next 24 to 36 hours.
Your 2 most fertile days begin once you detect your LH surge.
If you have sex at any time during the next 48 hours, you will
maximize your chances of becoming pregnant. There is no
need to continue testing this cycle.
Can I collect a urine sample and test it later?
Yes. If your urine sample has to be stored for more than one
hour, it should be kept in the refrigerator (do not freeze) and
then allowed to reach room temperature again for about half
an hour before doing the test.
How accurate is the Clearblue® Easy Ovulation Test?
The Clearblue® Easy Ovulation Test has been shown in
extensive laboratory trials to be 99% accurate in detecting the
LH surge prior to ovulation.
Do I need to compare my daily readings?
No. Each day’s reading is a straightforward ‘LH Surge/No LH
surge’ answer.
Do I need to use all 5 tests?
No. You can stop testing when you detect your LH surge and
save any remaining tests to use in your next cycle if necessary.
I’ve done all 5 tests as instructed, but have not yet detected
my surge. What should I do?
Cycle length varies from woman to woman and cycle to cycle,
and it is possible that you may need more than one pack to
detect your LH surge.
Data from a study conducted in the UK with 109 women
showed that 47% would detect their LH surge using 5 test
sticks. If you do not detect your LH surge using 5 test sticks
you should continue testing with test sticks from a new pack.
The same study showed that 91% of women would detect
their LH surge using 10 test sticks.
Some women do not ovulate each cycle. This is not unusual
but we recommend you see your physician if you do not see
your LH surge for 3 consecutive cycles.
I have used a Clearblue® Easy Ovulation Test but no
Reference Line has appeared. What should I do?
This may be because too much or too little urine has been
used, or the absorbent tip was not kept pointing downwards
or the test stick was not laid flat after urine was applied. You
should test again, using a new test. You may wish to collect a
sample of your urine. It is important that you have not
urinated for at least 4 hours before testing. Take care to
follow the instructions.
Can any medication or medical condition aect the result?
• Always read the manufacturers’ instructions for any
medication that you are taking before conducting a test.
• Certain medical conditions and medications can adversely
aect the performance of the test: for example if you are
actually pregnant, have recently been pregnant, have
reached menopause or have polycystic ovarian syndrome
you may get a misleading result. This may also be true if you
are taking fertility drugs containing Luteinizing Hormone or
human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (such as Pregnyl® and
Profasi®)* Please check with your doctor.
• Clomid®** does not aect the tests.
I’ve recently stopped using hormonal contraception (e.g. the
pill). Will this aect the results?
No, it will not aect your results.
For the egg to be fertilized, sperm must be present in your
body around the time you release an egg. Although this may
sound easy to achieve, the egg only lives for a maximum of
24 hours after it is released, and your partner’s sperm can only
survive for a few days. Therefore, having sex at your most
fertile time is vital if you want to become pregnant.
The Clearblue® Easy Ovulation Test detects the LH surge which
happens just before ovulation and is therefore able to tell you
when your 2 most fertile days are. If you have sex on these
days, you maximize your chances of becoming pregnant.
You are provided with 5 test sticks and therefore have
5 days to pinpoint your LH surge.
Start testing on Day 9 of your cycle. To work out when
Day 9 is you should count the day your period starts as
Day 1 and continue counting through to Day 9. This is the
day you should start testing. You can test at any time of
the day, but you should test at around the same time
each day. It is important that you should not have
urinated for at least 4 hours before testing, and you
should avoid excessive fluid intake before testing. Many
women find it easiest to test first thing in the morning.
Each test stick can only be used once. Discard with
normal household waste.
I’ve been using the Basal Body Temperature (BBT) method
to find my best days to get pregnant. Can the Clearblue®
Easy Ovulation Test take its place?
Yes. In fact the BBT method can only tell if you have already
ovulated - and this may be too late for you to make the most
of your best days to get pregnant. The Clearblue® Easy
Ovulation Test can tell you 24 - 36 hours in advance of when
you should ovulate.
If I think I’ve become pregnant, what should I do?
You can find out if you are pregnant up to 5 days sooner than
your expected period using a Clearblue® pregnancy test. In
laboratory testing Clearblue® pregnancy tests are more than
99% accurate*** in detecting whether or not you are pregnant
when used from the day your period is due. If you are
pregnant you should see your doctor who can advise what
steps to take next. The earlier you see your doctor, the better
it is for your own health.
I’ve used the Clearblue® Easy Ovulation Test and haven’t
become pregnant. Can I be sure of getting pregnant?
It can take normal healthy couples many months to achieve a
pregnancy. We recommend you see your physician if you are
under 35 years and haven’t become pregnant after trying for
12 months. If you are over 35 years you should see your
physician after trying for 6 months, and if you are over 40
years see your physician straight away.
Certain medical conditions and medications may or may not
aect the reliability of this test for predicting ovulation. These
can include pregnancy, post-partum, menopausal symptoms,
birth control pills, some fertility medications and polycystic
ovarian syndrome (PCOS).
Women with medically diagnosed fertility problems should
ask their physicians if the product is suitable for them.
Not for contraceptive use.
Clearblue® Helpline
Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
Toll-free. 1-800-321-3279
Please have the lot numbers from both the outer and
inner packaging. Calls are recorded for training and quality
For next steps, information and general advice relating to
issues of pregnancy, visit our website at:
Home ovulation test. For in vitro diagnostic use only. Store at
36°-86°F (2°-30°C). Do not freeze. Keep out of the reach of
children. Do not use if the foil wrapper containing the test
stick is damaged. Do not use a test stick that is past its
expiration date. Since prenatal care is very important for a
baby's health, we recommend that you consult your doctor
before you conceive.
Distributed by Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati, OH 45202.
Clearblue® is a registered trademark of SPD Swiss Precision
Diagnostics GmbH.
© 2018 SPD, Swiss Precision Diagnostics GmbH.
All rights reserved.
Pat. – see www.swissprecisiondiagnostics.com/patents
*Pregnyl® is a registered trademark of Organon USA, Inc.
Profasi® is a registered trademark of Ares Trading S.A.
**Clomid® is a registered trademark of Merrell Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
***99% accurate at detecting typical pregnancy hormone levels.
However, some pregnant women may not have detectable amounts
of the pregnancy hormone in their urine on the first day of the missed
period or may have miscalculated the first day of their period.
The US Surgeon General advises pregnant women to abstain from
alcohol consumption as this may lead to harmful eects on the baby
such as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorders (FASD). More information
is available at www.surgeongeneral.gov.
P/N 505126-11 06-2018
Ovulation Test EASY
Surge line
Absorbent tip
Reference line