Example - your most
fertile days may vary
from cycle to cycle
14 15131098765
Your 2 most
fertile days
Day of cycle
LH surge
Start daily tests
LH level
No LH surge
LH surge
When you are ready to test…
Remove the test stick from the foil
wrapper. Use the test stick straight
Before applying urine to the test stick it
must be inserted into the test holder.
Follow the steps below.
Eject button
Test holder
Assemble the test
Find the pink arrow on the test holder.
Line up both pink arrows.
Insert the test stick into the test holder until it clicks into
place and the test ready symbol appears.
Do not use until the test ready symbol appears.
When the test ready symbol appears, do the test straight away.
If the test ready symbol does not appear, OR if the symbol has
disappeared, eject the test stick and re-insert it carefully.
If the symbol still does not appear refer to Q17 overleaf.
Do the test
With the test ready symbol showing
on the display
Either test directly in your urine
Place just the absorbent tip,
pointing downward in your urine
stream for 5-7 seconds.
Take care not to get the test holder
Or test a sample of your
urine collected in a
clean, dry container.
Dip just the absorbent
tip in your collected
urine sample for
15 seconds.
Remove the cap
Find the pink arrow on the
test stick.
Keep the absorbent tip pointing downwards or lay the test flat. Throughout
testing never hold the test with the absorbent tip pointing upwards.
The test ready symbol will start flashing after 20-40 seconds to show the
test is working.
Replace the cap then wipe o any excess urine.
If the test ready symbol does not start flashing, refer to Q5 overleaf.
Read your result
Within 3 minutes the
display will show
your result.
If your result is you have detected your
LH surge and have reached your most fertile
time. Make love at any time during the next
48 hours to maximise your chance of
becoming pregnant. There is no need to
carry on testing during this cycle.
Test holder
Test stick
Absorbent tip
If your result is you
have not detected your
LH surge. Test again
tomorrow at the same
time using a new test
Test stick
Pink arrow
Test stick
Test stick
Test holder
When to start testing
The day the LH surge occurs varies from woman to woman and from one cycle to another. To have the best chance of
detecting your LH surge, you need to know your usual cycle length. The day your period starts (first day of full bleeding) is
Day 1. Your cycle length is the total number of days from Day 1 up to and including the day before your next period starts.
If you do not know your usual cycle length or your cycle length varies, refer to Q1 overleaf.
Use the table below to work out the day you should start testing. You can test any time of the day, but it should be at about
the same time each day (many women find it most convenient first thing in the morning). It’s important to drink normally
and not to urinate for 4 hours before testing.
How Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test works with you
Clearblue Digital works by detecting the increase (surge) in a hormone
called luteinising hormone (LH) in your urine. The LH surge occurs
approximately 24-36 hours prior to the release of an egg from your
ovaries – a process known as ovulation. You are at your most fertile on
the day your LH surge is detected and the day after.
Your 2 most fertile days begin from the time that Clearblue Digital
detects your LH surge. Make love at any time during the following
48 hours to maximise your chance of becoming pregnant.
Before applying urine to the test stick it must be inserted into the test holder.
Please read this leaflet carefully before doing a test.
Error A
You have ejected the test stick too soon.
Re-insert the test stick into the test holder
immediately. Refer to Q14 overleaf.
Error A
You have ejected the test stick too soon.
Re-insert the test stick into the test holder
immediately. Refer to Q14 overleaf.
Error B
Refer to Q15
Error B
Refer to Q15
Error C
Refer to Q16
Error C
• Refer to Q16
Error symbols
Error symbols
Length of your cycle (days) 04 93 83 73 63 53 43 33 23 13 03 92 82 72 62 52 42 32 22
5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Count the first day of your period as day 1, start
testing on the day shown under your cycle length
Refer to
Q2 overleaf
Once you have read your result you MUST press the eject button and remove
the test stick.
The result of your test can only be read on the test holder display.
You cannot read your result from any lines that you see on the test stick.
Your result will remain on the display for 8 minutes.
If your test stick is still inserted and the
display is now blank, eject the test stick and
your result will re-appear for 2 minutes.
Do not re-insert a used test stick.
Ovulation Test
41 or more
21 or less
Advisors available 07:00 – 15:00hrs Mon-Fri, excluding Bank Holidays.
UK 0800 917 2710 • IE 1800 812 607
Free from landlines, mobiles may be charged. All calls are recorded
and may be monitored for quality purposes. Please be ready to quote
the LOT number.
I think I have become pregnant,
what should I do?
Try using our range of Clearblue
Pregnancy Tests, which are over 99%
accurate at detecting pregnancy from
the day of the expected period. If you
are pregnant you should see your doctor
who can advise what steps to take next.
The earlier you see your doctor, the
better it is for your own health.
I’ve used Clearblue Digital for several
months and haven’t become pregnant.
Why is this?
It can take normal healthy couples many
months to achieve a pregnancy.
We recommend you see your doctor if
you are under 35 years and haven’t
become pregnant after trying for
12 months. If you are over 35 years you
should see your doctor after trying for
6 months, and if you are over 40 years
see your doctor straight away.
Error messages
A flashing symbol (Error A)
has appeared on the display
What does this mean?
The test stick has been ejected too soon.
If it is not re-inserted quickly enough
then a further error symbol will appear
on the display. Refer to Q15.
This symbol (Error B) has
appeared on the display.
What does it mean?
An error has occurred during testing.
It may be that
• Urine has been applied to the
absorbent tip before the test stick was
inserted into the test holder.
• The absorbent tip was not kept
pointing downward, or the test was not
laid flat, after urine was applied.
• Too much or too little urine was
• The test stick was ejected too soon.
This symbol will be displayed for
8 minutes.
You should test again using a new test
stick taking care to follow the
instructions. Refer to ‘Using the test
holder again’.
This symbol (Error C) has
appeared on the display.
What does this mean?
The test has not performed as expected.
This may be because the instructions for
use were not followed. If you have
unused test sticks in the pack, do not
use them with this holder. You will need
to perform another test from a new
pack. Please follow the instructions for
use carefully.
The display has remained
blank. What does this mean?
The test has not performed
as expected. This may be because the
instructions for use were not followed.
If you have not applied urine to the test
stick eject it and start again. If the
holder remains blank it will need to
be replaced.
Further information
Disposing of your digital test
• Once your result has been displayed,
dispose of the test stick with your
normal household waste. To do this,
press the eject button on the test
holder. The test stick will automatically
be released. When you eject the test
stick you may notice one or two blue
lines on the test stick. These must be
ignored; only refer to the display on
the test holder to read your results.
The test stick is not reusable.
• Once you have finished using the test
holder, remove all batteries by
separating the upper and lower halves
starting at the end nearest the display.
Remove all batteries from under the
central metal cover. Dispose of the
batteries according to the appropriate
recycling scheme. Caution: Do not
disassemble, recharge, or dispose of
the batteries in fire. Do not swallow.
Keep away from children. Dispose of
the rest of the holder according to the
appropriate recycling scheme for
electrical equipment. Do not dispose
of electrical equipment in fire.
Using the test holder again
• Whilst doing a test the test holder may
have been splashed with some urine.
Ensure that you wipe it clean. A further
test is not possible whilst your result or
any error symbols are on the display.
These will be displayed for 8 minutes
(or 2 minutes if your display was blank
and you have just ejected the test
stick). It’s important not to urinate for
at least 4 hours before doing a test.
If you have collected urine you can use
the test holder again as soon as the
display is blank. When you are ready to
use the test holder again, repeat the
instructions from step 1 using a new
test stick.
Questions & Answers
I do not know my usual cycle length or
my cycle length varies. How do I know
when to start testing?
If you don’t know your usual cycle length
you are advised to wait for at least one
menstrual cycle, and note the length of
this cycle, before using Clearblue Digital.
Once you have determined your cycle
length you can use the instructions
overleaf to work out when to
start testing.
If your cycle length varies by more than
3 days then choose the shortest cycle
you have had over the last 6 months to
work out when to start testing.
It is possible you may need to start a
new pack and use the new test holder
and test sticks to detect your LH surge.
Alternatively, if you wish to start testing
without knowing your cycle length, we
recommend you start testing on day 10.
(However, in this case it is possible you
may miss your LH surge because you
have started testing too late or you may
need to start a new pack to continue
testing.) (Refer to Q9).
My cycle length is outside of the range
shown in the table. How will I know
when to start testing?
If your cycle is 21 days or less, start
testing on day 5. If your cycle is longer
than 40 days, start testing 17 days
before you expect your next period.
What time of the day should I carry
out the test?
You may test any time of day, but you
should test at approximately the same
time each day. It’s important not to
urinate for at least 4 hours before
Do I need to use all the tests?
No. You can stop testing when you
detect your LH surge, and save the
remaining test sticks and test holder to
use next cycle if necessary.
I have done a test, but the test ready
symbol has not started flashing.
What does this mean?
The test has not been done correctly.
An error symbol will appear on the
display within 10 minutes of testing.
You should re-test with a new test stick.
For information on re-testing refer to
Q15 and ‘Using the test holder again’.
What if the test holder gets wet?
If the test holder gets wet you should
wipe it clean. Some splashing will not
damage the test holder, but if it
becomes very wet it may be damaged.
If so, the display will either remain blank
or an error symbol will be displayed.
I have done a test, but no result has
appeared on the display. What does
this mean?
Your result should appear on the display
within 3 minutes of doing a test.
If no result appears an error symbol will
appear on the display within 10 minutes.
Refer to Q15.
How accurate is Clearblue Digital?
Clearblue Digital has been shown in
extensive laboratory trials to be over
99% accurate in detecting the LH surge
prior to ovulation. The sensitivity of the
Clearblue Digital is 40mIU/ml.
I’ve not detected my LH Surge.
Why is this?
Your LH surge may be too low to be
detected, or you may not have ovulated
this cycle. This is not unusual but we
recommend you see your doctor if you
do not detect your LH surge for
3 consecutive cycles. If you miss a test
you may not see your LH surge so
remember to test as advised.
Can any medication or medical
conditions aect the result?
• Always read the manufacturer’s
instructions for any medication that
you are taking before conducting
a test.
Certain medical conditions and
medications can adversely aect the
performance of the test: for example if
you are actually pregnant, have
recently been pregnant, have reached
the menopause or have polycystic
ovarian syndrome you may get a
misleading result. This may also be
true if you are taking fertility drugs
containing luteinising hormone or
human Chorionic Gonadotrophin.
Please check with your doctor.
If you have a medically diagnosed
fertility problem you should ask your
doctor if Clearblue Digital is suitable
for you.
Clomiphene citrate does not aect the
tests, but may aect the length of your
cycle and, therefore, when you should
be testing. You may need to start a
new pack and use the new test holder
and test sticks to continue testing.
If you do get unexpected results you
should discuss them with your doctor.
I’ve recently stopped using hormonal
contraception (e.g. the contraceptive
pill). Will this aect the results?
No, it will not aect your results.
However your natural hormone pattern
is disrupted by hormonal contraception
and if you have recently stopped using it
your cycles can be irregular and may
take some time to stabilise. You may
wish to wait until you have had two
natural menstrual cycles, and note the
length of these cycles, before using
Clearblue Digital.
As prenatal care is very important for a baby’s
health, we recommend that you consult your
doctor before trying to get pregnant.
For self-testing at home.
For in vitro diagnostic use only.
Not for internal use. Do not reuse test sticks.
Keep out of reach of children.
Store between 2° – 30°C.
Bring to room temperature for 30 minutes
if refrigerated.
Do not use if the foil wrapper containing the test
stick is damaged.
Do not use a test stick after the ‘use by’ date.
Only use test sticks for Clearblue Digital Ovulation
Test with the holder.
Not for contraceptive use.
This IVD digital device meets the emissions and immunity requirements of
EN 61326-2-6:2006. The EMC countermeasures employed within the electronic
instrument will provide reasonable protection against electromagnetic
interference eects likely to be encountered in the home environment.
The following preventive warnings apply to EN 61326-2-6:2006 compliant
a) Use of this instrument in a dry environment, especially if synthetic materials
are present (synthetic clothing, carpets etc) may cause damaging static
discharges that may cause erroneous results.
b) Do not use this instrument in close proximity to sources of strong
electromagnetic radiation (e.g. mobile phones), as these may interfere with the
proper operation.
SPD Swiss Precision Diagnostics GmbH (SPD),
Route de St Georges 47, 1213 Petit-Lancy, Geneva, Switzerland.
Clearblue is a trademark of SPD. © 2019 SPD. All rights reserved.
Distributed by P&G South African Trading (Pty) Ltd, 15 Alice Lane,
Standton 2196 Gauteng, South Africa.
RSA Consumer Careline 0800 555 454 (free from landlines).
In vitro diagnostic
medical device
Temperature limit
Use-by date
Batch code
AW-2300450.03 07-2019