Coordination of Benefits
Name of facility/provider
Patient name
1. Do you or another family member have other health coverage that may cover this claim?
If no, please provide the information within section one, sign and date. If yes, please complete all fields, sign and
Name of Aetna subscriber
Date of birth Aetna member ID Patient relationship to subscriber
Name of employer group Effective date of coverage
1a. Type of other coverage
Other Aetna Health Plan Other insurance Student Health Medicaid
Other health plan name Effective date of coverage
Other health plan address
Other health plan phone number Other health plan member ID number Is the subscriber:
Active Retired On COBRA
Patient relationship to subscriber Date retired
2. If the patient is your child, please provide the following:
Patient’s name
Patient’s date of birth Patient’s ID number (if not the subscriber)
Father’s name and date of birth Mother’s name and date of birth
3. If separated or divorced, please provide the following:
Is there a court order establishing which parent is financially responsible for the dependent child(ren)’s medical, dental or other health care expenses?
Yes No If yes, specify who:
Who has custody of the dependent child(ren)? Who do the child(ren) live with? How many months of the year?
4. Do you and/or another family member have Medicare?
If yes, provide the following for each family member with Medicare.
Name of Medicare beneficiary
Medicare A Medicare B Both
Medicare member ID Entitlement reason
Age Disability End stage renal disease
Effective date
If entitled due to end stage renal disease, please provide:
The date of first dialysis
Home dialysis
Dialysis in facility/dialysis
Date of transplant, if applicable
You can return this form to us by fax or mail:
PO Box 981106
El Paso, TX 79998-1106
Fax: (866) 474-4040
NOTE: Please don’t return this form without a valid signature and date.
Print Name of the person completing the form
Signature Date
GR-68954 (4-18)