RISE Placement Test Practice Test
English Tiers 1 and 2
There are two RISE English placement tests. Students must earn a 70% on each test to advance to the
next. That is, if students earn a 70% or higher on Test 1, then they can take Test 2. If students do not
earn a 70% or higher on Test 1, then they cannot take Test 2.
Each test takes approximately 60 minutes to complete.
See the lists below of the content areas for each of the tests.
Tier 1/Test 1
Introduction to College Reading and Writing
Identifying Main Ideas
Discovering Implied Meaning
Interpreting Bias
Analysis through Definition
Learning Across Disciplines
Tier 2/Test 2
Exploring Comparative Elements
Informed Opinions through Causal Chains
Applied Critical Analysis
Using Sources in Critical Reading and Writing
The following pages contain sample test questions and an answer key organized by tier. During the
practice test and real test experiences, students should use the RISE English Placement Test Tip Sheet
Tier 1 Practice Test Questions
1. Identify the subject in the following sentence.
During the storm, many of the trees in our yard fell over or experienced damage.
a. Trees
b. Storm
c. Many
d. Yard
2. Which of the following sentences uses the correct punctuation by using a comma correctly with the
introductory phrase?
a. Along the path and beyond the stream, several hikers enjoyed their picnic lunch.
b. Along the path, and beyond the stream, several hikers enjoyed, their picnic lunch.
c. Along, the path and beyond the stream several hikers enjoyed their picnic lunch.
d. Along the path and beyond, the stream several hikers enjoyed their picnic lunch.
3. Which of the following is an example of a comma splice?
a. The moon was situated behind some clouds, but every star was visible and shining with
b. The moon was situated behind some clouds; every star was visible and shining with brilliance.
c. The moon was situated behind some clouds but every star was visible and shining with
d. The moon was situated behind some clouds, every star was visible and shining with brilliance.
4. Which of the following shows a correct revision of the run-on below?
The wedding photographer lined up the shot the groom kissed his bride.
a. The wedding photographer lined up the shot and the groom kissed his bride.
b. The wedding photographer lined up the shot. And the groom kissed his bride.
c. The wedding photographer lined up the shot; the groom kissed his bride.
d. The wedding photographer lined up the shot, the groom kissed his bride.
5. Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs.
The mother robin __________ on the nest and __________ the eggs until they hatched.
a. sat, warmed
b. sits, warming
c. sitting, warmed
d. will sit, warmed
6. Which of the following verbs uses the future tense?
a. Puppies bark constantly until they are fed.
b. Puppies will bark loudly for their mother.
c. The puppies barked at the children on the playground.
d. A puppy barks for attention, and owners respond.
7. Which of the following uses parallel structure?
a. The setting for the engagement was perfect with flickering candles, playing the soft music, and
the sparkling ring.
b. The setting for the engagement was perfect with lighting the candles, playing soft music, and
the sparkling ring.
c. The setting for the engagement was perfect with flickering candles, soft music, and the
sparkling ring.
d. The setting for the engagement was perfect with flickering candles, soft music to play, and the
sparkling ring.
8. Which of the following uses an adverb for extra detail in the sentence?
a. The neat stacks of textbooks were arranged across the desk.
b. The stacks of textbooks were arranged neatly across the desk.
c. The stacks of textbooks were across the floor and under the desk.
d. The neat stacks of textbooks were on the floor.
9. Which of the following is an appropriate use for the second person pronoun you?
a. A news article about a football game
b. An essay for a Psychology class about memory
c. A personal story about a family vacation
d. An advice email from an academic adviser to a student
10. Which of the following correctly uses a pronoun in agreement with its antecedent?
a. The mechanic examined the engine and decided that it needed major repairs.
b. The mechanic examined the engine and decided that they needed major repairs.
c. The mechanic examined the engine and decided that I needed major repairs.
d. The mechanic examined the engine and decided that he needed major repairs.
11. Which of the following uses apostrophes correctly?
a. The computers keyboard was frozen, so the lab partners decided to move they’re experiment
to another station.
b. The computer’s keyboard was frozen, so the lab partner’s decided to move their experiment to
another station.
c. The computer’s keyboard was frozen, so the lab partners’ decided to move they’re experiment
to another station.
d. The computer’s keyboard was frozen, so the lab partners decided to move their experiment to
another station.
12. Which of the following statements below would best be characterized as subjective?
a. This restaurant is open for dine-in or take-out between the hours of 11:00am and 9:00pm.
b. The manager of this restaurant responded to our concerns after we told our server the chicken
was undercooked.
c. There was a chair in front of one of the fire exits in the restaurant, so the fire inspector noted it
in his report.
d. The music was too loud, and the bartender was not very friendly, so I don’t think this restaurant
deserves a good review.
13. If you are looking for an objective statement, what should be avoided?
a. Factual information
b. Something that can be measured
c. Information that is historically accurate
d. Personal feelings and judgments
14. What does the author mean by the word case in the following sentence?
The doctor was shocked and told the mother the baby had one of the worst cases of chicken
pox he had ever seen.
a. A container for carrying files or important papers
b. An instance of disease requiring medical attention
c. A specific event requiring investigation by law enforcement
d. An argument or viewpoint
15. Which of the following best replaces the word killing in the following sentence?
Scott invited all of his friends to join him for a celebration on Friday night because he had made
a killing in the stock market, and he wanted everyone to share in the excitement.
a. Murder
b. Large profit
c. Game from hunting
d. Very funny joke
16. Use the following information to determine the meaning of the underlined word.
Voc Latin root meaning voice or to call
Children in the foster care system need an advocate to help them find a family.
a. A person who can speak up for another.
b. A person who protects another.
c. A person who provides love and care.
d. A person who does research for another.
17. Use the following information to determine the meaning of the underlined word.
Pseudo Greek root meaning fake
Due to the actor’s fame, he checked into the hotel using a pseudonym, but the tabloids figured
out he was there anyway.
a. Credit card with unlimited funds
b. A type of security guard
c. A name used in place of a real name
d. A travel agent
18-19. Read the following passage. Answer the questions below.
As I know that it will afford you pleasure that I have brought my undertaking to a successful result, I
have determined to write you this letter to inform you of everything that has been done and discovered
in this voyage of mine.
On the thirty-third day after leaving Cadiz I came into the Indian Sea, where I discovered many islands
inhabited by numerous people. I took possession of all of them for our fortunate King by making public
proclamation and unfurling his standard, no one making any resistance. To the first of them I have
given the name of our blessed Saviour, trusting in whose aid I had reached this and all the rest; but the
Indians call it Guanahani. To each of the others also I gave a new name, ordering one to be called
Sancta Maria de Concepcion, another Fernandina, another Huysabella, another Johana; and so with all
the rest. As soon as we reached the island which I have just said was called Johana, I sailed along its
coast some considerable distance towards the West, and found it to be so large, without any apparent
end, that I believed it was not an island, but a continent, a province of Cathay. But I saw neither towns
nor cities lying on the seaboard, only some villages and country farms, with whose inhabitants I could
not get speech, because they fled as soon as they beheld us. I continued on, supposing I should come
upon some city, or country-houses.
“Letter of Discovery”
Christopher Columbus
Becoming America: An Exploration of American Literature from Precolonial to Post-Revolution
This passage was reproduced here under the CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
18. Which of the following best describes the cultural context of the passage?
a. The author is writing during modern times sharing research about the voyages of Columbus to
the east coast of the United States.
b. The author is writing during modern times and reflecting on the marine environments that
Columbus experienced as he sailed across the Atlantic Ocean.
c. The author is writing during pre-colonial times (when Columbus was actually alive) and sharing
observations and experiences of discovering islands and the people living there.
d. The author is writing during pre-colonial times (when Columbus was actually alive) from a ship
during a battle in a war between Spain and France.
19. What specific feature found in the passage indicates it is written in First-Person Point of View?
a. It is a letter from the author to another person
b. He uses the word “I”
c. He shares his personal experiences and observations
d. All of the above
20. Read the following passage. Answer the question below.
The relationship between the performers and audience members is highly dependent on the social
setting in which a particular musical event takes place. The rules that govern proper performance will
vary from setting to setting, and from culture to culture. In the western concert tradition, for example,
the performers sit on a raised presidium stage which provides a spatial separation between them
and their audience. Audience members are expected to sit in silent contemplation during the
performance (cell phones off please!), clapping only when the conductor walks on stage at the end of a
piece and at the end of the concert (not in-between movements or after solos, except at the opera
where applause and shouts of bravo, brava, and bravi are customary expressions of approval). At an
African American gospel service, in contrast, the singers may leave the stage and walk/run/dance out
among audience members who are expected to clap, stamp, and shout encouragement to the
performers throughout a song. At a jazz club quiet talk is usually permissible, and audience members
are expected to clap not only at the end of a piece but also after a particularly moving solo is played by
one of the performers.
Music: Its Language, History and Culture
Ray Allen, et al
This passage was reproduced under the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-
Which of the following best describes the highlighted sentence?
a. It is the main idea of the paragraph.
b. It is a major detail.
c. It is a minor detail.
d. It is a purpose sentence.
21. Read the following passage. Answer the question below.
The relationship between the performers and audience members is highly dependent on the social
setting in which a particular musical event takes place. The rules that govern proper performance will
vary from setting to setting, and from culture to culture. In the western concert tradition, for example,
the performers sit on a raised presidium stage which provides a spatial separation between them and
their audience. Audience members are expected to sit in silent contemplation during the
performance (cell phones off please!), clapping only when the conductor walks on stage at the end of
a piece and at the end of the concert (not in-between movements or after solos, except at the opera
where applause and shouts of bravo, brava, and bravi are customary expressions of approval). At an
African American gospel service, in contrast, the singers may leave the stage and walk/run/dance out
among audience members who are expected to clap, stamp, and shout encouragement to the
performers throughout a song. At a jazz club quiet talk is usually permissible, and audience members
are expected to clap not only at the end of a piece but also after a particularly moving solo is played by
one of the performers.
Music: Its Language, History and Culture
Ray Allen, et al
This passage was reproduced under the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-
Which of the following best describes the highlighted sentence?
a. It is the main idea of the paragraph.
b. It is a major detail.
c. It is a minor detail.
d. It is a purpose sentence.
22. Read the following passage. Answer the question below.
The relationship between the performers and audience members is highly dependent on the social
setting in which a particular musical event takes place. The rules that govern proper performance will
vary from setting to setting, and from culture to culture. In the western concert tradition, for example,
the performers sit on a raised presidium stage which provides a spatial separation between them and
their audience. Audience members are expected to sit in silent contemplation during the performance
(cell phones off please!), clapping only when the conductor walks on stage at the end of a piece and at
the end of the concert (not in-between movements or after solos, except at the opera where applause
and shouts of bravo, brava, and bravi are customary expressions of approval). At an African American
gospel service, in contrast, the singers may leave the stage and walk/run/dance out among audience
members who are expected to clap, stamp, and shout encouragement to the performers throughout a
song. At a jazz club quiet talk is usually permissible, and audience members are expected to clap not
only at the end of a piece but also after a particularly moving solo is played by one of the performers.
Music: Its Language, History and Culture
Ray Allen, et al
This passage was reproduced under the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-
Which of the following best describes the intended audience?
a. A student in a Music Appreciation class
b. A violinist in a symphony orchestra
c. A conductor of a symphony orchestra
d. A person who is planning to go to a jazz club on Friday night
23. Read the following passage. Answer the question below.
The White House controls whether, when, how, and where While House officials will meet reporters and
what information to release. Pictures and video of the president are packaged along with slogans that
make a visual case regardless of the angle the reporter advances. Clinton’s aids affixed captions to the
presidential podium during ceremonies to underscore the theme they wished to communicate. George
W. Bush’s assistants went one better, crafting twenty different canvasses that could be placed behind
him, each emblazoned with a motto of the day, such as “Protecting the Homeland” or “Corporate
Responsibility.” Dan Bartlett, then Bush’s director of communication, defended such branding: “The
message should be seen and read and understood on TV. It’s a good reinforcement” (Kornblut, 2002).
American Government and Politics in the Information Age
David L. Paletz, Diana Owen, Timothy E. Cook
This passage was reproduced under CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
Which of the following below best states the main idea for this paragraph?
a. White House officials create slogans to make the President look good.
b. White House officials manage the means by which officials meet with the press and the
information or message that will be released.
c. White House officials are trained to use branding.
d. White House officials believe captions on posters and slogans are the best way to communicate
a message to the people.
24. Read the following passage. Answer the question below.
From Homer Simpson to Phil Dunphy, sitcom dads have long been known for being bumbling and
inept. But it wasn’t always this way. Back in the 1950s and 1960s, sitcom dads tended to be serious,
calm and wise, if a bit detached. In a shift that media scholars have documented, only in later decades
did fathers start to become foolish and incompetent. And yet the real-world roles and expectations of
fathers have changed in recent years. Today’s dads are putting more time into caring for their children
and see that role as more central to their identity. Have today’s sitcoms kept up? I study gender and
the media, and I specialize in depictions of masculinity. In a new study, my coauthors and I
systematically look at the ways in which portrayals of sitcom fathers have and haven’t changed.
“Why are sitcom dads still so inept?”
Erica Sharrer
Which of the following is the function of the marked sentences?
a. They state the main idea.
b. They summarize the paragraph.
c. They hook the reader.
d. They interpret the purpose.
25. Read the following passage. Answer the question below.
From Homer Simpson to Phil Dunphy, sitcom dads have long been known for being bumbling and inept.
But it wasn’t always this way. Back in the 1950s and 1960s, sitcom dads tended to be serious, calm and
wise, if a bit detached. In a shift that media scholars have documented, only in later decades did
fathers start to become foolish and incompetent. And yet the real-world roles and expectations of
fathers have changed in recent years. Today’s dads are putting more time into caring for their children
and see that role as more central to their identity. Have today’s sitcoms kept up? I study gender and
the media, and I specialize in depictions of masculinity. In a new study, my coauthors and I
systematically look at the ways in which portrayals of sitcom fathers have and haven’t changed.
“Why are sitcom dads still so inept?”
Erica Sharrer
Which of the following methods is used by the author to hook the reader?
a. A relevant quote
b. An anecdote
c. A thought-provoking definition
d. A pop culture reference
26. Read the following passage. Answer the questions that follows.
I study gender and the media, and I specialize in depictions of masculinity. In a new study, my
coauthors and I systematically look at the ways in which portrayals of sitcom fathers have and haven’t
changed. Fictional entertainment can shape our views of ourselves and others. To appeal to broad
audiences, sitcoms often rely on the shorthand assumptions that form the basis of stereotypes.
Whether it’s the way they portray gay masculinity in “Will and Grace” or the working class in
“Roseanne,” sitcoms often mine humor from certain norms and expectations associated with gender,
sexual identity and class. When sitcoms stereotype fathers, they seem to suggest that men are
somehow inherently ill-suited for parenting. That sells actual fathers short and, in heterosexual, two-
parent contexts, it reinforces the idea that mothers should take on the lion’s share of parenting
“Why are sitcom dads still so inept?”
Erica Sharrer
Which of the following best describes the author’s purpose for writing?
a. To entertain the reader with funny examples of sitcom fathers
b. To persuade the reader that sitcom fathers are good examples of real fathers
c. To explain to the reader the different ways fathers are presented on sitcoms now and in the
d. To convince the reader that sitcoms need to focus more on fathers compared to mothers
27. Which transition words best fill in the blanks below to help provide organization and clarity to the
In many social settings audience members do more than sit and listen. At a wedding or at a dance club,
_________________, audience members dance in a designated space in front of the ensemble, and the
musicians are expected to play an appropriate repertoire for the event and the intended audience. One
expects a certain type of music and dancing at a rock or blues club, another at a salsa club, and
______________ at a Jewish, Italian, or Greek wedding.
Music: Its Language, History and Culture
Ray Allen, et al
This passage was reproduced under the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-
a. For example, another
b. Secondly, also
c. Then, next
d. Consequently, for example
28. Which of the following choices is the best way to revise the sentence fragment below?
Because the star player was injured and unable to finish the game
a. Because the star player was injured and unable to finish the game.
b. Because the star player was injured, and unable to finish the game.
c. Because the star player was injured and unable to finish the game, the team played harder.
d. The star player, injured and unable to finish the game, played harder.
29. Which of the following is the best example of a fact?
a. Chef Romano demonstrated the cooking technique for the cooking class using a whisk and a
stainless steel bowl.
b. Chef Romano is the best in town, so anyone wanting to learn about Italian cooking should
attend his class.
c. Chef Romano’s fresh pasta was so tender it melted in my mouth.
d. Chef Romano’s excitement was evident as he presented the lasagna to the Mayor, but it didn’t
look like the Mayor enjoyed his meal very much.
30. Which of the following is a preposition in the sentence below?
Monica gathered her rod and casting net quickly and left her prime fishing location beside the
a. Gathered
b. Quickly
c. Beside
d. Prime
Tier 1 Answers and Explanations
During the storm, many of the trees in our yard fell over or experienced
A subject tells what the sentence is about.
Don’t rush to choose just any noun as the subject.
Nouns can also be objects in prepositional phrases.
In this sentence, storm, trees, and yard are all part of prepositional
Extra Practice:
o https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/grammar/parts-of-
o https://arts.uottawa.ca/writingcentre/en/hypergrammar/the-
Along the path and beyond the stream, several hikers enjoyed their picnic
Introductory phrases are little extra pieces of information.
Commas should separate introductory pieces and a complete sentence.
Read the sentence without the introductory phrase, and it should be
Don’t assume every “and” needs a comma.
More information:
The moon was situated behind some clouds, every star was visible and shining
with brilliance.
A comma splice is a mistake with 2 complete sentences put together
incorrectly. A comma will be in the middle, and the FANBOY will be
Look for 2 complete sentences with subjects and verbs. Look at how
the sentences are put together.
There shouldn’t be a semicolon or period in the middle if it is a comma
splice. Sentences joined with a semicolon are correct. Sentences
broken into two smaller sentences with a period are correct.
Extra Practice: https://chompchomp.com/csfs01/
The wedding photographer lined up the shot; the groom kissed his bride.
Run-ons or fused sentences can be fixed with a semicolon.
Run-ons or fused sentences can be fixed with a period.
Run-ons or fused sentences can be fixed with a comma and FANBOY
(cannot use one without the other).
Extra Practice:
o https://chompchomp.com/csfs04/csfs04.htm
o https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/grammar/syntax-
The mother robin sat on the nest and warmed the eggs until they hatched
Both verbs should be in same tense or voice (past tense and past
Sat and warmed both mean happened “yesterday or before”.
Other choices in this question don’t match each other in tense.
Extra Practice:
o https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/grammar/parts-of-
o https://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/verbs29practicetest.htm
Future tense means hasn’t happened yet.
Future tense usually uses “will” as part of the verb.
Past tense means happened before (might use -ed).
Present tense means happening today (might use -s).
More information:
o https://www.helpingwithverbs.com/lessons/VerbTense.htm
The setting for the engagement was perfect with flickering candles, soft music,
and the sparkling ring.
Parallel structure means using the same pattern in a list.
Each of the items in this list is adjective with noun.
More information:
o https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/mechanics/parall
The stacks of textbooks were arranged neatly across the desk.
Adverbs go with verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.
Some adverbs end with -ly.
Some adverbs tell “how” about verb.
Details in sentences come from adjectives (go with nouns), adverbs (go
with verbs primarily), and prepositional phrases.
Extra Practice:
o https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/grammar/parts-of-
Pronouns can be first person (I), second person (you, your), and third
person (he, she, it, they).
Third person is the most formal, and it us used for academic writing or
professional tasks.
First person is for personal things or telling about self.
Second person is for giving advice and directions.
Pronouns have to match with the word it refers to (antecedent).
The pronoun and antecedent have to match in number (singular or
Engine and it go together. Both are singular, and an engine is a thing.
More information:
o https://webapps.towson.edu/ows/pro_antagree.htm
Use apostrophes to show ownership.
Don’t use apostrophes to show plural (more than one).
Don’t try to figure out apostrophe use by “how it sounds”. Plural and
ownership words “sound” the same (ex. cats vs. cat’s) but have very
different meanings.
Objects can “own” things (ex. car’s engine, table’s legs).
Extra Practice:
o https://chompchomp.com/hotpotatoes/apostrophes02.htm
Subjective means the statement contains a personal opinion or
Look for things that are debatable (ex. one person likes loud music but
another person does not).
Statements that contain straightforward information without personal
perspective are not subjective (ex. hours of a restaurant are the hours,
nothing to debate about).
A statement that is objective is not influenced by personal opinions and only
contains facts.
Some words have multiple definitions. On a multiple-choice test, it is
important to not rush and choose a definition from the list after just
looking at the word. Make sure the answer choice/definition actually
matches the sentence.
This sentence refers to a medical situation and sickness. There is
nothing in the sentence that fits with files, an investigation, or an
Extra Practice:
o https://www.mdc.edu/kendall/collegeprep/documents2/conte
o http://www.tv411.org/reading/understanding-what-you-
Some words have multiple-definitions. On a multiple-choice test, it is
important to not rush and choose a definition from the list after just
looking at the word. Make sure the answer choice/definition actually
matches the sentence.
This sentence refers to profits and celebrating. There is nothing in the
sentences that fits with murder, hunting, or joking.
Note the additional information about part of the word voc means
voice or to call. This piece of information has to connect somehow to
the answer choice/definition.
The answer choice/definition should also fit with how the word is used
in the sentence.
Extra Practice:
o https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/58a2e6dbf0b089151010d2f2/r
Note the additional information about part of the word pseudo
means fake. This piece of information has to connect somehow to the
answer choice/definition.
The answer choice/definition should also fit with how the word is used
in the sentence.
Cultural context means considering when the passage was written; also
this involves thinking about the ideas and trends that would have
influenced the writer.
The use of “I” throughout the passage indicates this was written by
Columbus himself, so this also provides the time period. Additionally,
the older more formal word choices (ex. “afford you”, “for our most
fortunate King”, “seaboard”) point to the time period as well.
The passage clearly references the discovery and naming of islands as
well as brief encounters with the island inhabitants.
Passages in first-person use “I”.
Passages in first-person tell us directly what someone saw,
experienced, or thought about.
A main idea expresses the one focused point for the entire paragraph.
A major detail directly explains or names something about the main
A minor detail is a very specific piece of information about one of the
major details.
This sentence names a culture and setting (Western concert) as the
first detail of the paragraph.
A main idea expresses the one focused point for the entire paragraph.
A major detail directly explains or names something about the main
A minor detail is a very specific piece of information about one of the
major details.
This sentence gives more specific information or further explains the
major detail that comes directly before it.
An intended audience is who the author expects to read the passage or
who the author is writing for (even though a passage can be read by
anyone who chooses to read it). An author will make deliberate
choices throughout the writing process to attempt to connect with
their audience. Also, an intended audience tends to be the group who
will most likely learn from, benefit from, or be most interested in a
A student in a Music Appreciate Class is the only answer choice that fits
the above definition. The other answer choices are specific musicians
or people who enjoy music, but they wouldn’t necessarily benefit or
learn from everything in the passage.
More Information:
o https://literarydevices.net/audience/
A main idea expresses the one focused point for the entire paragraph.
A major detail directly explains or names something about the main
A minor detail is a very specific piece of information about one of the
major details.
This sentence gives more specific information or further explains the
major detail that comes directly before it.
Note how the other sentences in the paragraph explain this one idea.
You might also see main idea referred to as a topic sentence.
A hook is something specific an author does in an introduction to
attract the reader or make them want to read the entire passage.
There are a number of strategies for hooking the reader: telling a story
(anecdote), sharing a quote, asking a rhetorical question, sharing a
surprising fact, or using an example from pop culture.
The reference to sitcoms is a pop culture reference. The other example
in bold is a rhetorical question (question that makes you think or
A summary is a shortened retelling of something.
More Information:
o https://www.academicwritingsuccess.com/7-sensational-essay-
A hook is something specific an author does in an introduction to
attract the reader or make them want to read the entire passage.
There are a number of strategies for hooking the reader: telling a story
(anecdote), sharing a quote, asking a rhetorical question, sharing a
surprising fact, or using an example from pop culture.
More Information:
o https://www.academicwritingsuccess.com/7-sensational-essay-
The purpose for writing is the author’s goal or reason for writing.
The basic purposes for writing include to inform, to persuade, and to
Writing to inform means giving information or explaining something.
Writing to persuade means making an argument and supporting the
argument with evidence.
Writing to entertain means providing a passage that tells a story or
maybe even uses humor. A passage that entertains generally is
something people read for fun (just because they want to read it not
because they have to read it).
Based on the author’s wording, the passage will be explaining (or
providing information) about what the authors learned or discovered
rather than taking a position or making an argument.
Transition words are used to organize a paragraph or a passage. This
organization helps the reader follow the author’s ideas and shows how
ideas connect to each other. Some transition words help the reader
navigate from idea to another.
For example indicates the author wants to show the reader a specific
way that audience members might do more than sit and listen. The
word another shows the reader the author is providing a list.
More information
o https://www.smart-words.org/linking-words/transition-
Extra Practice
o https://www.englishhints.com/transition-words.html
A fragment is an incomplete sentence. Something is missing (ex. the
subject or verb). Sometimes the thought is just incomplete.
Certain words can easily produce a fragment. Use of these words
produces what is called a dependent clause (not a complete sentence).
When this happens, the dependent clause has to be attached to a
complete sentence, or the dependent word has to be deleted.
Because the star player was injured and unable to finish the game…is
an example of this kind of situation. In order to fix this fragment
correctly it was attached to a complete sentence. The other alternative
would be to drop the word because.
More Information
o https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/punctuation/inde
A fact is a statement that can be proved. They can be proved through
observation, measurement, scholarly research, or scientific research.
Facts do not contain personal judgments, ideas, or perspectives.
Choice B used the word should (what someone thinks you should do),
Choice C described a personal perspective, and Choice C described a
personal judgment.
Extra Practice
o https://www.mdc.edu/kendall/collegeprep/documents2/FACT
A preposition begins a prepositional phrase (preposition + noun).
These phrases usually add detail to a sentence about time or
space/location (ex. under the bed, after the concert).
Sentences can contain any number of prepositional phrases. Some
sentences will have two or three prepositional phrases in a row.
beside the pier (location information)
More information
o https://www.englishclub.com/grammar/prepositions-list.htm
Tier 2 Practice Test Questions
1. Which of the following words best fits in the sentence?
The _______________ for the new office building was too small, so the company decided to ask
the realtor to find another location.
a. Sight
b. Cite
c. Site
d. Cight
2. Which of the following words best fits in the sentence?
The mother gently explained to the children that _____________ dreams would not hurt them,
so they could all go back to bed.
a. Their
b. They’re
c. There
d. None of the above
3. What does the author mean by malady in the following sentence?
No one wanted the dog in the last pen because she had a visible malady that made owners fear
the medical bills would be extensive.
a. Unwelcoming behavior
b. Warm and friendly disposition
c. Loud bark
d. Chronic disease or disorder
4. In the following sentence, which word signifies a cause and effect relationship?
Previously the number of students on Franklin Street in Chapel Hill on Halloween night has
been immense; consequently, local law enforcement has increased its presence to monitor the
a. Immense
b. Increased
c. Consequently
d. Previously
5. Which of the following sentences is written in a passive voice?
a. The cookies were eaten by the toddler while her mother was busy.
b. The toddler ate the cookies while her mother was busy.
c. The mother bought the cookies at the bakery and took them home.
d. The mother put the cookies in the pantry, so the toddler could not reach them.
6. Which of the following sentences is written in an active voice?
a. The victim was taken to the hospital by the paramedics.
b. The paramedics were escorted to the hospital by the police officer.
c. The nurse was called to the Emergency Room by the doctor.
d. The doctor called the technicians for X-Rays.
7. Which of the following quotes correctly demonstrates the use of an attributive phrase?
a. “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” – John Lennon
b. The reporter asked Lennon about life and making plans.
c. John Lennon specified, “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.”
d. “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.”
8. Which of the following correctly shows proper format for an in-text citation if the quote came from
page 45 of a source written by John Lennon?
a. Lennon characterized life as “happening when you’re busy making other plans.” (45)
b. “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” – John Lennon
c. According to John Lennon, “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.”
(Lennon, 45)
d. “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” (JL 45)
9. Which of the following is actually an opinion disguised as a fact?
a. The President replied with, “The situation is uncertain at this time” when the reporter asked
him for a comment.
b. The President sarcastically replied with, “The situation is uncertain at this time” when the
reporter asked him for a comment.
c. “The situation is uncertain at this time,” said the President.
d. The reporter asked, “What do you think Mr. President?”, and the President replied, “The
situation is uncertain at this time.”
10. Which of the following describes or names a credible source?
a. an article from aspca.org (website for organization known as American Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)
b. an article called “A Study of Student Responses to Online Learning” from the Journal of Distance
Learning and Education
c. an article that researched undiagnosed cases of posttraumatic stress disorder in veterans of
World War II that listed 10 cited sources
d. All of the above
11. Which of the following is a reason to use a direct quote instead of paraphrasing?
a. Because the source is listed on the Works Cited page
b. Because the quote will better show the meaningful language of the quote’s author
c. Because the author requires that only direct quotes be used
d. Because a professor doesn’t like paraphrasing
12. Which of the following examples below is the best paraphrase of the original sentence?
Deon shared highlights from his trip to Europe by passing around pictures, telling stories, and
displaying souvenirs.
a. Deon’s anecdotes, photographs, and trinkets told us about his European trip.
b. Deon told us he went to Europe.
c. It is important to take pictures and buy souvenirs when you take a trip to Europe.
d. Deon wanted all of us to listen while he talked about his trip to Europe, and he was upset when
we didn’t look at all of his pictures.
13. Which sentence uses capitalization correctly?
a. Erin’s assignment for interior design 101 required that she go to the ikea store just south of
Main Street and pick out office furniture for the local Red Cross office.
b. Erin’s assignment for interior design 101 required that She go to the Ikea store just south of
Main Street and pick out Office furniture for the local Red Cross office.
c. Erin’s Assignment for Interior Design 101 required that She go to the Ikea store just South of
main Street and pick out office furniture for the local red cross office.
d. Erin’s assignment for Interior Design 101 required that she go to the Ikea store just South of
Main Street and pick out office furniture for the local Red Cross office.
14. Which sentence punctuates the titles correctly?
a. I found good material for my “Psychology Paper” in Voices from Inside: A Study of International
Feminism; I plan to use excerpts from Shelia Cook’s essay Mighty Woman that I found in
Chapter 14 (Women Speak Out) of that book.
b. I found good material for my psychology paper in Voices from Inside: A Study of International
Feminism; I plan to use excerpts from Shelia Cook’s essay “Mighty Woman” that I found in
Chapter 14 “Women Speak Out” - of that book.
c. I found good material for my psychology paper in “Voices from Inside: A Study of International
Feminism”; I plan to use excerpts from Shelia Cook’s essay “Mighty Woman” that I found in
Chapter 14 (Women Speak Out) of that book.
d. I found good material for my psychology paper in Voices from Inside: A Study of International
Feminism; I plan to use excerpts from Shelia cook’s essay Mighty Woman that I found in
Chapter 14 - Women Speak Out - of that book.
15. Which of the following is the best example of an explanatory thesis statement?
a. While both formula and breast milk both offer nutritional benefits to infants, breast milk is
safer for babies.
b. While the use of formula and breast milk both present challenges when feeding infants, both
options provide nutritional benefits to babies.
c. New mothers should only use formula from reputable companies when feeding their infants.
d. Breast feeding an infant is a very natural process with lasting benefits, and mothers should not
consider formula for several reasons.
16. Which of the following is the best example of an evaluative thesis statement?
a. Although ice cream and frozen custard are both enjoyable treats, ice cream pairs better with
other desserts such as cakes, pies, and cookies.
b. Ice cream and frozen custard are enjoyable treats and easily used with other desserts such as
cakes, pies, and cookies.
c. While ice cream and frozen custard are both enjoyable treats, both have a sugar content
unfavorable for healthy eating.
d. Desserts are more pleasing to the eye when paired with ice cream for several reasons.
17. Alecia is writing a paper for her Human Development class detailing the similarities and differences
in Infant Care and Elder Care. She is trying to decide how she should organize her paper. Presently
her outline is as follows:
I. Introduction
II. Feelings of caregiver
A. Caring for infant
B. Caring for elder
III. Caring for physical needs
A. Caring for infant
B. Caring for elder
IV. Supplemental care outside the home
A. Caring for infant
B. Caring for elder
V. Conclusion
Based on this outline, what kind of organizational method has Alecia chosen?
a. Analytical
b. Summarizing
c. Subject-by-Subject
d. Point-by-Point
18. Alecia is writing a paper for her Human Development class detailing the similarities and differences
in Infant Care and Elder Care. She is trying to decide how she should organize her paper. She has
written a rough body paragraph about caring for an infant. In the paragraph she discusses how
caring for an infant makes a person feel, the physical needs infants typically have, and the types of
supplemental care available outside of the home. She is fairly happy with the paragraph. She
decides to write another body paragraph about caring for elders covering the same subtopics.
Based on this information, what kind of organizational method has Alecia chosen?
a. Analytical
b. Summarizing
c. Subject-by-Subject
d. Point-by-Point
19. Which of the following sentences uses a parenthetical expression?
a. The students and professors used their break from classes to volunteer in the community, and
many lives were changed.
b. The students from Durham and professors from Greenville used their break from classes to
volunteer in the community, and many lives were changed.
c. The students, not the professors, used their break from classes to volunteer in the community,
and many lives were changed.
d. Students and professors should use their breaks from classes to volunteer in the community.
20. Read the passages below. Answer the question that follows.
#1: Because insects are small and readily available and can easily be kept in the classroom or at home,
as insect researchers we believe they are ideal for teaching children about nature which can in turn
get them excited about science…..Although many people are afraid of insects, they are a great teaching
tool for many reasons. For example, insects are useful for an extraordinary range of lessons, from
metamorphosis to diversity. They also tend to be inexpensive and easy to care for. One reason we
encourage teachers to use insects in their classrooms is that we’ve observed that interacting with
insects can help children appreciate nature. Rearing butterflies and moths in classrooms, or simply
observing these insects outside, gives students the opportunity for a hands-on learning experience.
More often than not, observing these insects leads to further inquiry and curiosity about the natural
environment in which they’re found. We believe that by keeping insects in the classroom, young
children have a chance to learn more about these animals. Insects are often feared or dismissed
because of stigma in popular culture and general disgust. As entomologists, we believe that
introducing insects in the classroom, paired with teaching students about insect behavior and
environmental roles, will give students a safe place to observe and appreciate these organisms.
“Want to teach kids about nature? Insects can help”
Akito Y. Kawahara and Megan Ennes
#2 Many educators, caregivers and students have been struggling with remote learning during the
pandemic, especially the lack of hand-on learning experiences. We developed and are trying out a
hybrid approach with on-screen and off-screen time that helps children learn about engineering
design practices at home. Engineering design practices are the steps engineers take to design a
solution to a problem. Our program encourages families to work on the activities together using
household items like recyclables. For example, one family created a dog food dispenser using
cardboard boxes and plastic bottles. We developed and tested the new program with five families with
children in grades 3-6. The activities relied on basic tools and materials like cereal boxes and water
bottles that families already had in their homes…..there’s a deficit of engineering content within
elementary school STEM curriculum. Content at this level tends to focus on mastering math and science
concepts. When engineering content is included, it is often part of an after-school program, a family
night that happens once a year at school or a fun Friday activity.
“Getting kids – and their caregivers to practice STEM at home”
Amber M. Simpson and Peter Knox
Which of the following best describes the common theme in these two readings?
a. It is difficult to teach science or STEM to children.
b. Teachers and caregivers can make use of insects and household items to teach children science
or STEM concepts.
c. Children are generally not very interested in science or STEM concepts, so teachers or
caregivers might have to look for newer programs that are creative.
d. Children need a lot more exposure to science or STEM content, and schools should increase the
amount of instruction currently provided.
Tier 2 Answers and Explanations
A homophone is two words that sound very similar but have very
different meanings.
Sight has to do with vision or the eyes.
Cite involves giving credit to a source when writing (another person’s
Site is the location for building something, or it can also be a website.
Cight is not a word.
Focusing on the context of the sentence is always important for
choosing the correct word.
More information:
o https://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-
o http://writing2.richmond.edu/writing/wweb/conford.html
A homophone is two words that sound very similar but have very
different meanings.
Their refers to ownership.
They’re is a contraction for they are.
There refers to location.
Focusing on the context of the sentence is always important for
choosing the correct word.
More information:
o https://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-
o http://writing2.richmond.edu/writing/wweb/conford.html
Some words have multiple definitions. On a multiple-choice test, it is
important to not rush and choose a definition from the list after just
looking at the word. Make sure the answer choice/definition actually
matches the sentence.
Medical bills were referred to in this sentence, so this connects to the
correct answer of “chronic disease or disorder”.
A cause and effect relationship describes one thing leading to another.
“X” happens, and this leads to “Y”.
Words that signal a cause and effect relationship include:
consequently, because, as a result, thus, and therefore.
Passive voice means the subject is acted upon in the sentence (the
toddler acted upon the cookies and ate them).
In the other choices, the subject is directly taking an action, and this is
considered active voice.
More information:
o https://www.grammarly.com/blog/active-vs-passive-voice/
Active voice means the subject is taking direct action in the sentence
(versus being acted upon).
In the other choices, the subject is being acted upon, and this is
considered passive voice.
More information:
o https://www.grammarly.com/blog/active-vs-passive-voice/
An attributive phrase is used to signal or give credit to the speaker or
original author.
“Specified” gives credit to the speaker, Lennon, with an active verb.
The other answer choices don’t have a phrase that gives credit to an
author using an active verb.
More Information:
o https://pressbooks.ulib.csuohio.edu/csu-fyw-
An in-text citation is the brief information inside a paper that gives
credit to the original source on the Works Cited page.
The in-text citation should include the name of the author and a page
number in parentheses. If the author’s name is used as part of an
attributive phrase, only the page number needs to be listed.
Choice C duplicates the author’s name, so it is not correct.
More information:
o https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/
An opinion disguised as a fact feels or seems like a fact. Careful reading
will reveal the statement is an opinion.
In this case the adverb sarcastically describes how the President
answered. This shows a personal perspective and characterizes the
manner in which the answer was presented.
The other answer choices are straightforward without further
characterization or perspective.
When using sources for academic tasks, it is important to choose things
that are credible or worthy of trust.
A source is considered credible or believable by academic standards
based on where it was published, the sources cited, its scholarly
purpose, or the website domain (.org, .edu, .gov).
Paraphrasing means to express something with different words or your
own words. The original intent and message of the author are
A writer might choose to paraphrase versus quoting directly to make
something shorter, to demonstrate the researcher’s authority, or to
use and keep the original language.
More Information:
o https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/evidence/p
Paraphrasing means to express something with different words or your
own words. The original intent and message of the author are
The other choices don’t fully capture the author’s original content, or
they change the author’s original message.
More Information:
The Rules of English require capitalization for proper nouns (ex. names,
titles) and specific instances including: the name of a building, the
name of an organization, directional positions, the name of a company,
a brand name, an academic course, and a religion.
Extra Practice:
o https://virtualwritingtutor.com/practice/capitalization_correct.
More Information:
o https://webapps.towson.edu/ows/capitalization_rules.htm
Some titles are punctuated with italics. These include the title of a
magazine, a play, and a newspaper.
Some titles are punctuated with quotation marks. These include the
title of an essay, a chapter, an article, and a song.
An explanatory thesis compares two things focusing on their
similarities and differences without expressing an opinion. This kind of
thesis is generally used in expository writing (essay that gives
information or explains).
Choices A, C, and D all take a side or express an opinion
An evaluative thesis takes a side or makes a judgment that one thing is
better than another. An evaluative thesis requires some comparing but
also a claim of which thing is better than the other.
Choice A is the only choice that makes a choice or states one thing is
better than another.
A point-by-point comparison is one way to compare and contrast two
things. Point-by-point allows a writer to discuss aspects about the two
things one at a time. Each aspect is discussed for each subject, and it is
explained what is similar or different between the two subjects about
that particular aspect.
In the outline example the two things or subjects are infant care and
elder care. These two things are compared and contrasted using
different points or aspects (ex. feelings of caregiver, caring for physical
needs, and supplemental care outside the home)
A subject-by-subject comparison is one way to compare and contrast
two things. Subject-by-subject means a writer has chosen to focus on
one subject at a time per paragraph or section of the paper. In one
section the first subject will be discussed thoroughly covering and
explaining each aspect or point that will also be discussed in the next
paragraph or section about the second subject.
In the rough draft example described the writer talks about one subject
(infant care) by covering all of the aspects or points that will also be
discussed in the next paragraph on elder care.
A parenthetical expression is a word or phrase that adds a little
something extra to a sentence. The sentence can exist without the
expression, and sometimes the expression will even “interrupt” the
Choice C is the only sentence that has an element that “interrupts”,
and the piece of information isn’t essential for the sentence.
More information:
o https://www.englishclub.com/grammar/sentence/parenthetica
The theme of a text is the overall basic meaning behind the text. When
reading multiple passages for a research project, it is important to be
able to find the common themes, so sources can be used together as
part of the overall research project.
When looking for common themes, look for what the different texts
have in common. Look for common language.
Each answer choice here says something about teaching science or
STEM, but only choice B captures both passages accurately.
Choice A is too broad. Choices C and D make claims that aren’t
covered by the two passages.